ROYAL WEDDING: I may not be rich but all the money in the world will never buy the royalty I was born in or the recognition I am known for. Also, my name can never be taken away or sold like a cheap slave or some counterfeit wannabe. So those rats in the sewer do not even know who they are; no less right from wrong. My advice is to stay in the sweat little sewer you were born from or in. At least I do not need money to claim what is mine! I mean what is mine cannot be bought for all the money in the world; or do I own it already? Give me a try, I might change this measly attitude and worse; pull their mask off and make them a credible human being. We expect this from the blacks; but the whites; please! In war, your mouth will drown your dreams. In life, your dreams will drown the truth of our karma. Go away street kid; you are ticking off the royals with your slut parade; have you no shame? Your females are even more pathetic and shameless. Stop knocking on the doors of royals or those who determine fate in this world; ask iRush about the shrine. I know now why you beat each other over the head. I am here or awkward due to the actions of this low life constantly knocking on heaven's doors; or kicking it down. There is something about you people that is very undesirable; and I am not sure what it is yet. Perhaps it is your money, or for that matter, how you languish without it. The way you wage war is also absurd and nearly primitive. You F with your own mind and stand on nothing but confidence.
NO RESPECT FOR AUTHORITY: Ann, these spies and enemies are so demonic and evil; they do not even have the courtesy to unplug the propaganda channel. Limbaugh spews out lies and fraud daily; worse, Hannity is still pulling a fast one while still trying to hit on Ann or claims she really wants him. The two are beyond insane and beyond delusional; after all they have been through; they feel safe and comfortable? After being caught for what they did and tried; they still insist on being insiders? Worse, their bosses are demonic and won't even unplug them or offer a public apology. It is their politics; do not and screw everything up; stay and fight to the death. Hannity even said to Ann, "you really want him don't you." This shows the public the state of disrepair the police is in and how crime is rampant or unstoppable in America; it is the demand not the supply stupid. If you throw coal in a fire; what do you expect? Even we are fighting the police and under constant attack by rogue ones. It is almost like hiring people who do not have a college degree to do things only a college graduate can do. Then trashing those who actually have a college degree; take a close look at both Ann and my record; now explain it. Some nasty SOB and demonic human figure did it; either that or Casper the ghost who is reading our material. The odd part is how you have to beat them over the head just to get them to leave or stop hitting on us; F'in retard. Remember Ann, the only person you are hurting now is yourself; and this has been ongoing for a few years. They are the devil and have reach a human form as I was afraid of. They are now one of us; "orgasmic rage", WTF? It is time they stop firing me for no reason and get fired for the right and worst behavior known to mankind.
THE CONSTITUTION AND THE BIRTHER MOVEMENT: If this was 1775, none of the founding fathers or members of Congress could pass the Trump test, the Arizona test, or the Birther Movement Test. However, this is not the American Revolution or the 18th Century; nor is it Colonial America. However, it is an interesting subject when we examine both slavery and citizenry in the 1800s. If this was, than George Washington would not be our 1st President and neither would our 3rd President. Thomas Jefferson was a young man and was born in Virginia; so the facts are flawed. Regardless, the importance of George Washington supersedes his citizenry. They are aiming this at me; but Ann has caught them red handed and confronted them already.

MASTER PLAN: The Democrats will say how service and benefits are taken away and each day is a struggle because everybody is after them; so they are after us, waging war. The bottom line is to get rid of them and quickly; before they shut all the doors and lock them as they are and have been doing. They know what we did to them and we know what we did to ourselves; but will they ever tell the truth or do we beat it out of them? They want a civil war and they want more confrontations and conflict; it is in their genetics. The speed train cuts down on cost and opens up a new frontier of low cost travel. The window Medicaid recipients have to seek a good provider compels them to be more careful and wiser how they seek service. Also, their state does not box them in and pretends to be acting in our best interest; what this 1.4 billion lawsuits and retaliation have led to. Let them fight it out with the office of hurricane and earthquakes; God is angry with them and he will deal with them how he wishes. We can only advise them to step down and go away; before there is more trouble and even worse outcomes. People are catching on and they are in the wide open; we have their master plan and they do not have ours or know any of it yet. Let them wage war with the highest office in the world or with God and aliens; hand to hand and we will wait for a judgment or victory.

Ann, these people live in their own little work and have their own circle of friends to hide or conceal the personality problems or their rampage. The problem is they are always struggling and contribute to their own demise. When others pick up on this and do not want to buy it; they loose it and are out of control. When you struggle daily and have to lie, cheat, and steal; a little world outside of reality is where they call home. So that is who they are and where they are now. Instead of living on the truth or reality; they make up lies and call everybody annoying; constantly trying to hold them down or make them go away. There is some truth to this; but there is a good reason as well. People who are this desperate and struggle daily to get their political message across have no business in America or in politics. It is time they are shut down and made to suffer for the pain and suffering they have caused; the list is long and the constant annoyances are permanent. This enemy seek to blame anybody while claiming it is their home or how they are leaders; that is not the story or the truth; nor is it reality. So you are right, they are a 501.C scam and we are surrounded by drug dealers, junkies, and this daily struggle of theirs. So what do they want and why are they so dangerous or aggressive? They struggle everyday and are liars and thieves; what do they want? The level of welfare, the level of debt, and the level of spending puts this labor movement and radicalism in the top consumer class. Those factors make it impossible to win elections unless steep cuts are made and restrictions imposed.

Now we have problems with banks. We have some police impersonator pretending to garnish or shut down bank accounts. We have illegal or requests for fees that total $250 some months. We know they are corrupt and mafia related; but how come they make it a drug war instead of a war on terrorism? Everything is done to create the perfect storm; so a person can enter or succeed in the drug business; and they sit and wait patiently, still. They also claim to be the police and they want a payment or to do business; and this is how it ended in 2008. So far, we do not have a name, department, or badge number to report to anybody; only 911 terrorists. So the question is why there are so many problems and a history of problems with these banks? Are they laundering money or asking if their clients need their services; to launder money? The mess is profound and the slander is tremendously blatant; now in the wide open. None of it stuck to Alex or Ann; and all the doors got shut simultaneously, so they are trapped.
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