ANN: Tell your stinking, fat, lazy, and deranged fans to keep their chubby fingers to themselves; most especially the black, foreigner, and Irish. These followers are lazy and all they want to do is get off, tell others how irresistible they are, and have more stupid rotten kids to feed the social mess and welfare system. So you tell them how fat and lazy they are and to keep their hands to themselves before bones need to be twisted, tortured, or broken. Nobody is trying to start a family with them and they are in no way sending out any kind of invitation that is welcomed or a perfect fit. What a rotten, stinking, lazy, and stupid creature and these women need to serious re-evaluate how important they think they are or how vital to society they have become. I am very offended and frustrated with their IQ and how they behave; constant idiotism or drama. As a certified idiot; this dirty SOB needs to just leave and leave others alone so they can enjoy the sun of being superior, courageous, boastful, and enjoy life. What a stupid communist and a unstoppable psycho who keeps plugging away... and keeps up the reputation or pressure. Someone needs to shoot these bastards and the drama queens need to understand what kind of a background they are from before they spread this disease of feeling sorry for themselves.

DRAKE AND THE NSA: Drake is guilty. He and government employees do not own property or patents on technology or their fate. Therefore, they act beyond their authority, get caught, get accused of espionage, and wreak havoc. Their story is their intentions and whistle blowing; a clear cut lie. Drake is guilty and government employees and servants, similar to the labor unions and Democrats; must understand they do not own the legal right or patent rights to make these decisions or hound those who do.
PHILI MOB AND FBI: FBI won that one.
RYAN AND GINGRICH: The two key elements of MEDICAID and MEDICARE reform are: 1. Lower cost 2. Eliminate waste and mismanagement. Where they got social engineering or radicalism is beyond my logic circuits.
ECONOMIC RECOVERY: There is a lot of bad debts and opportunism; someone must eat the loss and declare bankruptcy; forfeiture of their management. However, a certified idiot will surround themselves with others who hold them down and then tell others to leave or how it is their home and their world. We know this. So read below for more on how to get rid of a certified idiot...
EDWARDS AND NC: Guilty of misappropriation of public funds or clear and present impropriety; then conspiracy to cover it up.

1. Everybody hates you and you are a certified idiot. An idiot needs to be put in their place. An idiot needs to shut up and go away. An idiot needs to stop mocking us with Down syndrome kids. A certified idiot who will not go away or keeps fighting to prove they are in control or better is also a communist.
2. An idiot needs to stop using business, politics, attacks, or blood money to cover up their dirty tricks, demise, leadership, or utter nightmare. Just make this simple and go away or die; who the hell wants to be friends with an idiot or meet one daily? Even worse, they keep saying to leave and how they are not trying to hold anybody down; not a threat!
3. They are communist and need to leave; end of story. The other alternative is to just die or OD on some narcotic.
4. Using psychiatry, slander, mental disorders, constant pressure, and stupid dirty tricks including 911-terrorism; these attacks mock witnesses and rivals.

6. This enemy does not care. As a lawyer they do not care. As a politician they do not care. As doctors they do not care. As 911 or essential personnel, they do not care; why then are they employed in vital or crucial areas? All of them are certified idiots; who wants to meet an idiot or a stubby hubby with Down syndrome? The reason they are being sued is they refuse to leave, leave us alone, or stop and end these attacks; all they do is remain quiet and deny it all. Then they play on the idea we are more panicked or in more trouble; fear factors.
7. The degree of errors and mistakes; is certification of an idiot and a complete moron; who has to now leave but still will not.
8. What is most offensive is how they did everything in their power to get rid of us or a free ride. First they stalk us secretly so they could coax us into their camp or agreement. When this failed, they did everything in their power to get rid of us; even murder plots or physical harm failed. To cover it up, they used money and metaphors; abstract power models to suggest insubordination or weaker forces. They still have not let up on this idea they can get rid of us first; even after they were caught and were busted. Thus, all of this could have been avoided; however, part of the cover up and the ongoing attacks is to paint victims as schizophrenic and are either making a threat or attacking them. The truth is they are behind all of these attacks and it gets worse because they do not want to leave, go away, or tell the truth. The truth is they are a nightmare and a certified idiot. It is them who are the enemy, vulnerable, weak, stupid, and whom got themselves into this predicament where the only relief is death or suicide. This is why they are doomed, damned, and soon without a future. To suggest they are victims or capable of powerful complaints is hogwash and a dirty trick; another scam.

SCHIZOPHRENIC: This certified idiot wants the world and everybody to believe their lies. This scam to paint others as mentally ill; then attack them or seize their life in order to control all aspects of life and liberty; failed. It caused tremendous hardships and severe injuries. The mentally ill person is the one who does not care and is living in hell. It is them who does not want others to know they are phony, fake, poor, weak, or vulnerable. Their IQ is useless considering they are certified idiots now in serious trouble but the effort to try and get rid of us or anybody who is on to them; has not let up. To carry this forward and to its end; they need an alibi and a cover story; one nobody can figure out or one so clever; it will be difficult to unravel or discover. They are so selfish and ignorant, they chose to take this to the grave. With malice and spite, they refuse to help the investigators unravel or solve the tremendous circular scams and those behind all of these attacks. It is beyond the scope of lying or tricks; we are dealing with a demented psychopath with a malice level of 10 and above. The problem is they failed and now the truth is unraveling on them.

MIDDLE EAST-ISRAEL-PALESTINE: The bottom line is these people do not care. The Israelis are obstructionist with America, Christians, Freedom, and even Arabs. It has always been this way and always will be.
THE IRISH AND THE LABOR UNIONS: The bottom line is these people do not care. The IRA and the labor unions is obstructionist with America. They are hostile to all employers. They thrive on blood money or crime. They think they are clever and can beat others, beat them down, or run them off by all sorts of bullying tactics.

DEFIANT AND INSULTING: Says both sides; however, one is a certified idiot and psychopathic stalker. This communist threat is in mass suicide mode and must show they are compliant to the laws of this nation or else the laws of this nation will be revoking and they will be removed; dead or alive. The laws of the land do not allow or give them any permission to seek victory; do not keep trying. The refusals to fix, exonerate, and cover up the capture; is more proof of how guilty they are and were. Ridiculous and absurd does not even come close to how demented, stupid, and ignorant this lesser species is to the human race; an aberration of some challenge and competition to become the biggest idiot of them all. A contest to be the King of Hell or nothing; is Judgment Day. If they were as clever and as smart as they originally fantasized about their life; they would not be in this poor position now. Furthermore, if we are as weak and as defeated as they wish; we would not be the boss and also heading the charge straight through their front lines and flanking them momentarily.

WHAT TRAP: This was the test and still is; so powerful it is backed up and cosigned by the Wrath of God and the might of this universe. To play or toy with it is further proof of this idiot and ridiculous moron. So ask them who wants to meet a certified idiot and moron who feels at home or welcomed? Why are they so hostile or keep trying all day long? Will they ever get it right or is this just a 1.4 billion "no big deal." The people who opened the door and kept it open for this enemy is guilty as sin and doomed.

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