A TICKING TIME BOMB: All of the suspects are either labor union, Irish, or blacks; does the term "ticking time bomb" mean anything to the US Government and why in hell would we even want to talk to or see a total nincompoop and idiot who adores us daily? They mean no harm and we are the threat? They only want to help? They are not trying to hold anyone down? This is a ticking time bomb and they are stalking or waging war with the Gods of this universe; destroy them and check in periodically!

I have had to listen to all you F'ers playing games with each other and contradicting anything in life. I ask you to hide when danger is around and you jump up and storm into a blazing fire; then get burned. When I tell you to fight; you act like a complete coward. My faith in all of you is about 90% missing. I feel neglected. You feel loved and adored to the point of being stalked, raped, and killed. You keep using one excuse after the other to justify or keep me waiting; ie: trying to stop them, messed up, forgiven, in so much pain, did not do anything wrong, cannot live without me, etc... Remember when I asked you if you are going to hell? Now answer those two questions about other men and myself. Then ask why I am still here and what if you were I? You even confessed and told me you were going to hell. So if you tried to scramble my mind and cause the Irish mafia to stick to me like glue or vultures; then you did it. I hate their guts and cannot stand them; soon I will hate your guts and cannot even bear to look at you, hear your stupid contradictions, and

In summary, we have two idiots and two very stupid sides here. You do nothing; never do and will ever; a toothpaste missing the tube. All of you ruin others and have perfected it; sometimes you accidentally ruin yourself with your own ignorance and demands. Strange how God would view you all and what kind of punishment he would dish out. So if you are in pain; then understand who delivered it and why. It is getting harder and harder to side with you Ann; soon I will not and cannot bear to even mention your name; so if this was your goal; then you have completed your life and are ready to die as you profess. All you F'ers have is money and if it were not for this; this world would gut you, scalp you, and string you on a bait line so others can survive. Ask why I have not and why I come to you with so much sympathy or understanding Ann, why? All of you should be strung on a bait line; and when something big comes along; it will pull me with it to a better place. You F'ers are damned and all of you are in hell; God has spoken. At least you are aware of it and have some care in this world; look how rotten they are and how much they suck. I say stuff a tornado and stuff a hurricane down their throat and if they survive; tsunami and earthquake them; God can sort them out later. So when was the last time you were with a man and why aren't you with me?

1. Was I doing top secret or research for the government? Yes. They should leave my record the way it is; stop tinkering or dig up idiot trash.
2. Did anybody know? No. Now it must be fixed and those behind it are guilty of tinkering or waging war.
3. Was I getting danger pay? Yes. They claim they are fake and we are taking their benefits and pensions; a certified idiot would never do this! WE are not fakes or phonies; we uphold the truth no matter what the circumstances may be. The truth hurts and in this case; the truth will kill; it is lethal. How do they want it? A little at a time or all at once?
4. Was it listed as "danger pay" or "an unplayable debt"? No. It was listed as "disabled veteran."
5. Was I angry with or worked with the confusion? No. It was a workable solution; retirement. When people screw up or inadvertently was not told; things can work out. In this case, the piece fit perfect and I am getting paid a decent wage (although for life) and there were no complaints. This retirement made the piece fit perfect; until someone messed up my record, refused to fix it, and retaliated each and every time they were ordered to cease or give right of way.
6. Did anybody know about this ultra top secret research and two steps above nuclear research or nuclear war? No. Only a handful did and of the handful; two remain living or are alive today. Does this warrant danger pay or some debt by the US government? Yes. Does it warrant benefits and retirement? Yes.
7. Was this stolen or an effort made? Yes. It fails miserably and hell was unleashed on this certified idiot and moron of an enemy.
8. Was it the Democrats and liberals in the system that ruined my record, biography, and career? Yes. To this day they remain vigilante; not letting up on the attacks, stalking, theft, or warnings. They claim WE are at war. They said WE are not trying to hold anybody down. This certified idiot will come out and say hi to us; declare themselves our buddy; claim they are not holding anybody down; demand our stuff; stalk us until disaster strikes; and stalk us in life until they are ready to die. Hence, they remain vigilante and want suicide or death; but by the hands of others so their life has some worth or meaning. It is an insult we have to kill them, destroy them, or waste our time and effort on some lesser species, a scum bag, or this piece of shit enemy.
9. Was there a problem with my military record prior to 1993? No.
10. Was there a problem with my civilian record after 1995? Yes.
11. Was there a problem with my academic or genius level thinking after 1989? Yes.
12. Was there a character assassination or obstruction from 1989 to 2011? Yes.
13. Are they (certified idiot and moronic stalker) behind 911 and OK City? Yes.
14. Are WE at war with them? Yes. Keep them locked up, away, or interned; now someone has to clean this up and the damages are capped at 1.4 billion. The worst part is how it is in ink already.
15. Do minorities love them? No. We hate their guts and wish them for dead. Do they love minorities? So they say until we get this disaster and 1.4 billion in damages by a certified lunatic and idiot. Ultimately, the US government must intervene and fix this; remove the problem and cancer; to uphold the truth and seek justice.

Vetsville has made contact again. They want us to know they are not scared. This is their home. They only want to say hi to us. They are not following us to cause trouble. They are homeless and desperate. Also, we are at war and they are not holding us down. Vetsville is nothing more than a front for the labor unions, the Irish, and certified idiots or morons who want minorities to know they have nothing against them, are not holding anybody down, and they are in total control or their parents. WE are at war and in war; you lower your casualty rate while you increase your kill ratio. They refused and also disobeyed orders to keep away; therefore, the order to destroy them or unleash hell has been okay'd. Any accomplice who obstructs justice will in the line of fire voluntarily and deserves it.

If their is any attempt to obstruct justice or prevent closure; a workable end to this; hell will be unleashed and the Gods of war or this planet will seek out those accomplices. Treat this enemy and certified idiot as a pariah; do not aid or abed them or the shift in punishment will occur. They are guilty as sin. They are not a respectable religion. They will fail in this scam. Minorities do not give a crap about them. Stop claiming to be parents or leaders. Shut up with the stalking us and declaring us their booty, tribute, slaves, or prisoner. If they refuse to correct the records and hand over the people behind this; that death penalty we sought from federal prosecutors and the Pentagon will be shifted to whoever obstructed justice or aided in their flight. This can result in 1 guilty verdict or 1 million guilty verdicts; we are not responsible for spreading lies or spreading the disease. We gave clear warnings to keep away, stop stalking, stop trying to declare us POWs or booty, and stop coming out to see us and acting like a certifiable MF we hate and despise with all of our guts. This stupid idiot of an enemy increases the stalking, tries to break our will, causes more trouble, ruins our record and career, infests government and public service, and then says stupid things like "you are a minority" and "we do not have a problem with you" or "you are the threat" or "we are not trying to keep anybody down." The order is clear and vivid; hand over the people responsible for this, 911, these attacks, and end this standoff; they have the death penalty and those volunteering to assist in their flight are guilty as sin. Treat them as a pariah and keep them locked up or away.
911 and all of this was about winning elections; exactly how those behind it confessed (Limbaugh and Hannity). They used it to hold others down while they said they love minorities and were not holding anybody down; the Irish mafia or 911 personnel are behind all of these bombings and assination murders. They are also heavily involved in the drug wars and crime; the management of it and the use of it as a political tool. What they read and what is missing to this day is "The Price of Freedom" written at Virginia Tech in 1989; an essay on freedom and what it means.

RETALIATION: The Irish mafia and Boston have spoken. Not only did they retaliate; they said the double dare is on us. Furthermore, they said to let them in and stop playing games; otherwise they will lock us out and ruin our reputation or careers. They said they do not have a problem with anybody; we are the problem and the threat. We are the ones or the system is the culprit for holding them down and they must wage war. So as a threat; they expect others to move or leave; stay out of their way. This is their home and this is their reality; we are mere guests or their slaves. They expect us to get along with them and will not clean up anything; the threat is the ones who are holding them down or in their way. Therefore, the double dare was answered and the retaliation was accepted again; as usual it is in your face, offensive, and the voice of a scum bag who has no respect for anybody but themselves and their own freedom; a gutless fugitive in hiding. Who is the threat if they cannot be real and come out of hiding? They have the reach into our life; we have no reach into theirs or ever. This is why the Middle East is so messed up; hold them down. This is why they are thugs, bullies, and we are their prisoners; captured and in their system of oppression. We have no say in this and must accept them and their words; no hate and do not push them away. They are not fake and do not hold themselves down.

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