FBI ANALYSTS COMMENT: FBI Pro-filers said you are not scared of me Ann. Strange, you never with me in bed and you never are scared when I am around; why break the rule about not arguing with me and not allowed to? I am not the only one asking you to retire safely; walk away before they get more violent and self destruct. So they ran you off Fox and the right wing; the conservative side and they are all flawed and ignorant; communist spies. What do you want to do; bake them? So what is they are traitors and spy on us 24 hours or come in our homes and act like they are God; do you really want to spend time with an ass of this kind or such a lower species? So what if they run you off the job and job site; it is time to demand they blow their brains out or turn themselves in; the FBI and authorities are waiting patiently. So what if they get a boner the moment a human species looks at them. So what if they own banks. So what if they own 75% of the urban real estate; is God on their side and will they survive? They got a blockade and it makes you penniless and poor; but in the end who got hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis, tornadoes, and a whole lot of clear concise logic? We are dealing with a lower species Ann; who not only stalks us and wants to breed with us; they do not even know who they are talking to or what the problem is; a jackass. They think we are the problem; communist psychos and terrorists pointing the finger again. This is not about religion or terrorism; it is about them.

GUILTY AS SIN AND DAMNED: If I was on the other end of this, then there is only two outcomes and two outcomes only. 1. Blow your brains out. 2. Turn yourself in (FBI or local law enforcement) so we can solve this case. Until or unless those two outcomes are presented; there is no end to this. Be aware that God himself is unleashing a wrath and that wrath can impact the life of those innocent or guilty. That and this is the price they pay for choosing evil as their leader and using crime as their guide in life. It is to their benefit to end this as quickly and as soon as possible because divine intervention is more powerful than any human force on this earth. Also, these are not regular bodyguards; they are royal bodyguards and elite security. They play by different rules and they handle anything in the way; anything. Our strategy is to use and I planned 20 years ago a powerful way to use silence against this enemy; do not test it. Silence is your worst nightmare and this is no game or trick. The score right now is 10-0; it will remain so and this way until 1. Dead or alive order is in place (blow your brains out or turn yourself in); these security forces will not let up or let go because you are an ape or bully. If their methods are accustomed or met with tolerance; then other ostensible methods are available; and they are beyond the scope of insane because this is no game or fantasy. That is only my advice and how I would meet the Wrath of God or device intervention; it is strictly voluntary and up to those who will not benefit or loose, not for me to live out or eat as my energy. This is poisonous, so whoever has to eat it will die; of self poisoning; do not even try to trick others or an unsuspecting victim. One last piece of advice; call a psychiatrist and get some help; do not call me or us. That is the problem and has been for over 20 years now.

Ann, about your new book. I have been there and done that; bye. You are full of tricks and lies; worse, we do not get along well and clearly you can figure it out. You screwed your life up and think dinners or having a blast will fix it. Take a look at your private life and your career; you women are worse than who we caught red handed; just full of lies, nothing, and got to have your way. Even I have been through too much with you Ann; even I and you keep saying how you did not intentionally do this and are not hiding anything. I warned you Ann; as usual your work stinks and is a lemon. You people are damned and retarded.

2. I am owed back pay for the services and worked performed; also pay was denied or blocked while back pay was owed. I am owed damages as well, stop trying to make it look like we are lying, robbing the military and government, or up to no damn good. I was even denied medical services and then over-billed using baseless or false allegations; some payoff. One visit to clear my name was $5000.
3. My record was slandered and horrible if not gross lies were written and used against me in a character assimilation involving both state and federal personnel.
4. It is all in plain view; also the scare tactics which collided with the wrath of God. They keep saying how we are out to get them, blame them, and we do not care or want them. Now it is all a bygone and they refuse to end it.
5. Financially I am owed by both private and government sectors; then criminally they need to get this piece of shit off the streets and out of our life. More damage and disaster will be in their future until they are thrown out for good. That should teach them to mess with us in our home or 24 hours and stop their war on our existence.
6. Knock off the stupid tricks and total lies; a theft is underway and in progress; and it is not us. This country will be smashed and destroyed before they unplug and thrown this low life out for good. They keep saying I am crazy and need medication. I do not like squirrels and am paranoid of a low life; that is all. My work in satellite warfare has impacted my ability to function or paralyzed my life; I had to learn how to life life on a different reality. I am also in constant danger and am slowly dying because I am a pioneer in the field. So F them and F them all; they can die in this lifetime and my rule.
Obviously, they have not had enough, want more, want to wage war, still on attack, and do not have a case. Clearly, they want more and until there is nobody left standing or any chance of ever recovering; only war can fix this nation or country. Obviously, they are obnoxiously and painfully; created a line and que of females while they give out medical care so they can infest and breed more crime; ObamaCare. That is the drug wars and this is how they breed communism and more attacks. They have not learned a damn thing and this nasty SOB; deserves the wrath of God and any war he dispenses; rot and die in hell where they belong. Do they have us or do we have them?

I cannot believe you would allow your enemies to watch you or know about your private life; even sex life. You do not tell them, so they invited themselves in my life and spy on me; now they face the war and Wrath of God; death becomes them and their pushy, cranky, and nosy ways. If they did it for the blacks and to save their religion and politics; it went south and took a nose dive long ago; FEMA disaster levels. I told you to get rid of them and because of you; they spy on me while I have to listen to you and them talking about our sex life. Then I have to watch stuff of you and other men; while you lie or are so phony like a typical female; more tricks and stupidity from the most incompetent creature in the human race. Your sex and drama is beyond annoying; so let them understand that God is imposing a wrath on their war and most likely; their fate cannot be repeated in public. Tell them to go pray to their God, not me. Go bother and pray to your F'in God... maybe your time on earth will be much shorter and less expensive. Did you hear me, this is a theft; dinners, socials, bars, and stupid asses will not fix your life.

All of your behavior is one thing; your behavior towards royals is a whole other matter. For a scum bag; you compare yourself and exceed the value of royals; while being thrown out like trash from politics and reality. What next, how you struggle every day, how you act out of frustration, how you only want to be friends, how self destructive you are, how paranoid and scared; and how nobody cares or likes you? It is true, you are so hated; a conspiracy to get rid of your ape like existence and escape your awful behavior has involved God, hurricanes, earthquakes, and much more. Regardless, that turd ball still does not know their place or has had enough; nobody does care about them and people are out to get them because they are so stupid and an imbecile; you females also. I have blocked all of this out Ann, you do not exist; now deliver or go away. Stop coming to me with all kinds of stupid excuses or lies. Let me repeat this, I never knew I was a pest. They keep saying we are up to know good and I am lying or trying to milk the system. I am owed back pay, wages earned, medals, rewards, damages, and a whole lot more. Show me where I demanded this or asked for it; up to now? Again, that SOB who needs to be shot and duct taped quiet.
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