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WANT TO FORGIVE THEM? VINDICATED? FULLY EXONERATED? HOW? Yeah, I love how Fox News reported Hannity or turned him into the FBI for trying to steal the credit over the Bill Maher fiasco. Given that I had to battle both Maher and Hannity from 2006 to 2011; that rapist is now trying to have Ann Coulter worship him or put medals on his chest. This is the insanity and utter evil at Fox News; agents of the Catholic Church. Just shut them down. Also, they call me on the cell phone and hack me also; always snooping and trying to figure out how we are taking them down or how much pain they need to endure or get ready for. Shut down Fox and most definitely; shut down that good damn Catholic Church. They flooded drugs into America. They set up some Haitian and South American drug cartel in America. They doubled the welfare or cheated on blackmarket income. The list of crimes and the fingerprint on them is endless. Shut that god damn doomed and evil piece of shit down; even the police are tainted. The only people in America doing security right now is us. Not even the Pentagon; I sent them the Afghanistan plans; all screwed up like Iraq. We are swimming with sharks and this church, this take over, is done. Shut them down. The cost to them for waging this war is already immense and will get worse; three times as painful, maybe 12 times as painful when this ends. An example of Fox News and Newscorp is Hannity and even Oreilly trying to act like heroes and saviors; they are sex offenders and communist spies. They are who we traced and nailed for 911; but mere agents of the Italians and the Irish; labor unions and the infamous Catholic Church. Shut their mouth up and their drug wars; for elections and democracy my ass. At least we are willing to nuke this pest and willful criminal who is still in hiding or won't surrender as ordered. I am running the cold war right now and I never mentioned Norway either. The Catholic Church strikes again. We are the masters of the cold war; not this rotten SOB. The cost they paid so far is so heavy; and it will get worse. Exactly like terrorism; who is this rogue?
THE MOST POWERFUL, THE RICHEST, MOST PRODUCTIVE, MOST BENEVOLENT, MOST HONORED, CHERISHED, AND DYING OF FRAUD: Ann, we cannot win this game with a bastard in our life. Who are they today? I don't know but you were supposed to bring me their head. Somehow they did what they did to me on your life. If the Catholic Church is taken down, I promise you 75% of the problems in America will disappear. We are talking about drugs, vice, welfare, some bastard in our life who does not know who they are today, and all of these police problems or greed. Unfortunately, they have launched a civil war or some war on us and they have paid dearly. Right now Newscorp is going down and there are droves of people going down with them. No matter how much this is costing them; they keep walking in the wind. Take this struggle away from them and the problems in our life and America will disappear. I may not marry you; but I rejoice when I can say to their face "get up MF" or "do you have any idea how much this cost you" or "what do you have left in your life to fight with?" They lost everything and Limbaugh was referring to the Catholic Church when he said "ruined... bankrupt... or too big to fail." They did 911 and WTC. These bomb plots and these drug wars or crime is to enhance their poverty and increase their welfare; pure greed and blood money. This is their revolution, bottom up; one which we can slice two ways, three ways, and even four ways. Limbaugh says this is how they play the game and we need to play along or leave; we have to play on their level; rock bottom and horrible. Time to demand the Justice Department remove this imbecile and take this church down; there will be war and revolution; one is top down and the other is bottom up. Who are they today? Are they staff or helpers? Are they powerful or weak? Are they rich or poor? Who are they and who do we see them as today? Wrong again! This is some kind of crazy act they invented. They do not care if they are wrong Ann; worse is they will not shut it down and want you to keep them open.
CAPABLE OF 911 AND WTC ATTACKS? THIS HORRIBLE SOB? OPEN CASE AND RELATIONSHIP IN BRITAIN, HOW? CAPABLE? We are in the middle. This is a collision course and a demented church; a church of nonsense, labor, drugs, and crime. Close this door and don't worry about chasing them off; come get me and lets change the landscape. Take them out and stop making more problems. They are guilty of this and won't shut it down or go away. They are one weak and inferior human species; nobody knows who they are today but they are always in our life and stalking us; some chase about whether we have money or jobs. It is always about how they feel and violating the laws or being horrible. Get rid of this enemy and get rid of this church off our soil; there is liability involved. Now they want immigrants and the poor to fix or restore the church; real estate. They are wrong. Each day they are wrong; they are punished, more damages are added, more ruin, and it gets worse. The cost already is tremendous; but they said they are bankrupt and ruined already. What can you do when busted, humiliated, and waiting for death? They can't get up. Fox News and Newscorp is wrong. The labor unions and left wing is wrong. CPAC and YAF is wrong. Most of all the Catholic Church is wrong. This is what they get for being so horrible and messing with us. When you are wrong, matters get worse. When you are wrong on this level and this degree; death awaits. The whole point is they are wrong. 22 years later they are wrong. 4 years after we busted them, they are still wrong. We add more punishments and think of new ways to destroy them. Now they circle us or come to our homes; still wrong. Just look at the cost of this war. Now they say I have no money and am smaller than their life? They still try to bully and chide me? That is a low down trick by a horrible struggling poor ass church. They just keep pissing in the river or throwing excrement into the water; and everybody knows why it is so polluted and stinks. They are wrong; how far do they want to take this or how far do they think they can last? They are not and do not seem to care if they are wrong; take a hike jackass; the church of nonsense. Can we show them how wrong they truly are? Can we prove to them how much punishments arrive when this wrong?

ONE F'D UP BIOGRAPHY AND MESSED UP CAREER: Ann, did you hear me when I said I hate your guts? I am not interested in a piece of shit Catholic. I am heading up a war to take them down and to ban them from all parts of America. Right now I have the Irish, Italians, and labor unions all over me. They are sabotaging all of my equipment. They now claim to be your protector; changing the story to fit anything or insanity. Do you understand what is going on and why I hate your guts; they now claim this is about access. They are not the problem and they are not the threat. Unless you can take this enemy down, kill them, and fight them without pissing your life away; do not even talk to me. I know you are upset because I want to move on while you finish up. But it does not matter anymore; that is my whole point. They are on top of me and it is the Catholic Church; I have asked the DoD and FBI to finish this war up and let the forces of nature do the rest. This means earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, etc... They are toying with my bike now; to suggest I have to do as ordered and stay in. Are you talking through them? Knock the white people or Catholic act off will you. If you cannot kill them or take them down; do not involve me in your life or even talk to me; total ban. Look at your life now. A bird contacted yesterday at the beach; he threw a fish in front of me and did not want it. The fish had no eyes, they took it out. It was huge but when I did not want it; he fly off and the fish sat there dead. They always talk to me and tell me about you and your people. I don't want you either; delivered by God and birds or not. The fish was a bait fish; the bird did not want it either. At least you could have limited or waited until this was over; all you did was act so above it all. All of you did. Are you telling me God is lying to me or talking trash via birds? Are you? If you cannot destroy or remove the Catholic Church; do not come to me. They are doing the exact same thing back; and I am not Catholic or ever was. Shut them down and also pay the debts owed so I can move on, you worthless bitch. I got F'in labor and Catholic apes acting like they are teaching me, teachers, and superior trouble shooters. This church has to be shut down and their problems are so vast; corruption does not even fit the bill. It is one of those need not apply matters; also to you Ann. Just because they are doing it; it does not give you the right to do it back; worry about more important matters such as your future.
COMPLETE BITCH - DINNERS AND CHEAP DATES: Yes we do not agree. Yes I am not enthusiastic about you or your life. Yes you have a total disaster which you cannot fix or change. Yes I am angry with your lies and lifestyle. Yes I think you have no self control. Yes I think you can use your time more wisely. Yes I think you can take real and decisive actions. Yes I think I am on the bad end of this. Yes you are never there. Yes you string me along. Yes this would not be happening if I was a millionaire; admit this. Yes you had dinner with all of them and these men. Yes I am suspicious of you or unhappy. Yes you came to me and asked for forgiveness. Yes I tried and gave you a chance. Yes you screwed up this change or chance. No you have not fixed anything. Yes you still give me the run around. No I do not think it is politics or agree with you. No I do not think you are working like Asians or have any merits being married. Yes you owe me debts. Yes you did a good job on your books. Yes your private life is an utter mess and total disaster. Yes we are fighting and I am in this mess. Yes they surround me or circle wagons. No I am not enthusiastic about your "men" or dinner dates. Yes you can say no. Yes just say no works. Now you think cheap dates and buying you dinner is an open or revolving door? Odd, the only person who used to go to dinners was my family and I; all around DC-VA. Now I hate dinners because of you. Yes you try to make me happy and are a complete moron. Obviously we do not agree. This idea I only want you to be friends with me; no longer applies; we are sworn enemies. If you want to go to dinners; knock yourself out, what is different now than before?
MISSING A-HOLE? NO LONGER A BUTTHOLE: I will be a millionaire; if you stop screwing my life up with your dinners or cheap dates. Again, he said and she said. You could have avoided this; these damn Catholics will avoid this. They spend endless hours with me; now you spend endless hours with them; it is not fair to me. You claim you hate them; why spend time with them. They claim to be waging war on me; I am an enemy; why spend time or be so intrusive; protest my life? Why circle my life? Well, now their life is circled also. Even worse, it looks like wrongful death and utter malpractice. I am seeking happiness; not a cheap death or date. I do not enjoy complaints about these men; nor you sticking up for me about this cheap female and date. It is better for me to have a clear mind; not listen to rape cases or cheap dates. If I was dating females right now; you would feel the same. If I was a millionaire right now; you would be crying like a chimpanzee. If I was out all night or having dinner with enemy females; you would loose your mind. Care to test this? You claim your intentions; they claim their intentions. Both of you hide; I cannot hide. I am not the loser here; but I feel like one. I think I can do better and get a girl who has not been around the block; or fighting my wars. The question is how you will die; by your hands or theirs? The question is will it ever change the outcome? The question is will I ever be happy with you; now you have all these dinners and men in your life. Am I enthusiastic about it? No. Do you expect me to understand, yes. Do you expect love and marriage, yes. Do I agree? Not anymore. Why? Based on what you told me, I feel very uncomfortable with you and with you in my life; secrets. Even if you plead to me all night or lost your life; those secrets will be taken to the grave. When I asked you if you were unfaithful; you were confused and said you did not know. If you do not know, how do I know? Now I am confused also.
NOW IN BUSINESS - CAPABLE OF 911 AND WTC ATTACKS? THIS HORRIBLE SOB? Why you accept dinners with and become a cheap date; is not my fault but you cannot explain it or want to. It has caused negative and has devastated your relation with me; even if you beg or make this so difficult. You continue to make this more difficult; why? You accepted and you are at fault. Similar to sex, it is consensual. If you were tricked and if you were trapped; if your life was in danger; then it would be different. This was brainless; stuff you do for fun when you could be using it to build our relationship and make my life happier. Your life is totally miserable. Money is absent from mine now. The question is will your life be completely miserable or just rich? In my book, you are a complete idiot and want to play games or more of them. I can show you how it feels on the other end when and if you want. I am sure there were no happy times or mixed communications. I am sure there were no back rubs or even the slightest bit of interest. I am sure you are confident and sure; not consumed with confusion. I am sure in you also based on my questions. I am sure they are apologizing or silencing you. I am sure... just as confused. What you are saying is you are not sure; what they are saying. I am not enthusiastic or more happy when you make more of this, understand yet? Just because a man buys you dinner; it does not mean you accept it. If a man buys you a date or drink; say no thank you, do not accept it. They do this and use it against me, corruption. It gets confusing. The question is why you are going to these dinners; always has been, why? It has no bearing on your or our happiness; wrecked it. You play into your enemies court and feed out of it also. They are the problem, now you are. Do you want to die? Do you feel unhappy or mistreated? Why?
SOUND DEFEATED, ATTACKED EVERY DAY ON FOX NEWS, THEIR BIOGRAPHY AND FEMALE GENETICS: Your enemies are pathetic. I smash them. I pray to the God of Hurricanes. I write books and stick their face in their own excrement. I get the DoD and Justice Department to shut their church down. They are feeble and cannot fight, not as tough as we expect. How many times can you get punched before your nose is broken or how many kicks before the chicken legs just collapses? Lets ask a UFC fighter; a prof. Do they want you to take them out or do you want to dunk them, bury them, and get away with murder? Please. Even I expect them to have an inch of boner in this fight. I expect them to be on Viagra. I expect a man; not a little tinie little pennie. I am not sure who is more pathetic; but I know they either got silenced or have a stake in their hash-brown of a heart. Please, if it was me, there would be blood everywhere; clothes ripped off; hair messed up; and anger levels off the Richter scale. An earthquake is how I see myself; not a perfumed feather in the ass of a man buying females dinner. That is their legend and now it will be yours. Do they want to be remembered for anything else? I think they sugar coated their life; this is how I see it and these secrets. I will wait for their biography and fact checking details. Lets do some fact checking shall we; no games. Who exactly is the problem and why? Are we dealing with single or same sex dinners? Where is the fight or do they have any left; face of a battered or softened meat? Who got the feather nose broken? Did someone get castrated and put in their place; total bonkers and in fantasy land? Women are dangerous; on both sides, we live and we learn! Kick ass Ann... why are they still alive and circling me? Care to take me on and let me smash the F out of you?
NOT A DAMN REPORT ON THESE ATTACKS; DID YOU DO ANYTHING TO CAUSE A MESS OR ANGER THEM? Your decision making is abhorrent. You are a complete and utter moron who does not deserve love; you need to die or be locked up. You think you are in pain? Really? Ann, do you realize I do not need you? Do you realize how I will destroy you and stomp on you? I am a champion. I do not make strategic mistakes. I play on a entire different level. Listen to me god dammit. Your slut act is just as bad as their whore and slut act; but negative to them. It is also negative to you; all tainted biographies for endless debates and fact finding. They will lie, cheat, and steal; make up wild fantasies and utter phonies. Do not play the phony game with them; understand? Back off and understand what is happening. Understand I have places to go, people to meet, and want to show off my new lady and do her; honorably. I need this shut down and ended before I throw your ass out Ann. I don't want to make you sleep on the sofa or throw your ass out of bed because you are a slut. I am doing it for no reason and because we are sworn enemies. I have a new lady I want to do all night and go to dinners with Ann, new friends and a new crowd. I have a hiding place not even you can find or spread your rotten legs on. I need my new girl Ann and someone who understands my needs; all of them. Life is getting harder and harder; but you are soft and never there. You come in and out all night; sometimes with different men or with enemies; I want to be paid and spend time with my new bumping super hot and totally cool beach babe with the perfect body and mind. Can you understand my feelings and stop accepting being thrown out of bed, begging, being my slave, and wanting this more than I do? I have parties to attend Ann; I pray you die or commit suicide.
DECLARATION OF WAR, WE ARE FACING A DELUSIONAL ENEMY: We know what they did and why. The papers are right there in front of them. If they want to wage war, sign them. Put their name on it instead of acting like some child molester, rapist, and sex offender. There is a deadline on it. They are in a fantasy and completely bonkers. If and when they sign the papers; the next step is internment. If they do not, internment and harsher penalties are imminent. This is the only enemy I know of who comes to our homes, work, and marriages; sign the papers for war and let us take the necessary actions. Otherwise, the consequences are severe. Why are they defending us and on TV all the time; stealing our voice? If they want to flood this nation and keep it under siege; sign the papers and we can combat this enemy and church. If not, shut it down; shut the Catholic Church down for being the enemy and traitor we know them as. We know what they are up to and where they are taking the labor movement and parenthood. They waste all this time and effort; and here we are now. Sign the papers for declaration of war, put their names on it, plead guilty; and stop this human piece of shit act or how horrible they are; which ends up in the open how awful we are fighting them and destroying them. The drug wars have wiped them out. Prison and single motherhood has wiped them out. Financial scams and real estate has wiped them out. Extortion and kidnapping us wiped them out. Circling our life with their wagons wiped them out. Is there anything to do butt to sign the papers? How bad can it get without their signature and admission of guilt? This is a war. I am not running a chicken shit camp with an open door for them to come over or welcome themselves anytime they wish or feel. The only person who is going anywhere is them; sign the papers and we can test this. Do not sign them or this declaration of war and it will be much worse; I promise. You declared war on the nation and the highest office; your church is a total disaster; why hide and why act like such a coward and jackoff. The only person who is going anywhere; is the loser. Same with you Ann, why let them destroy your marriage and why encourage them? Tell them to sign the papers. You need and should pay your debts and move on; honorably, fair and square, and not get me deeper in this. I want to move and move on. Ann, do I need to know about backrubs and Fox News? Does a total waste of time and a lot of trouble mean anything Ann? Now it is a tie; a stalemate. Happy with yourself and this enemy always hiding and protesting like a horrible indentured servant and circling their wagons? Worse, all of you use me for inspiration; I make one move and you all get giddy, stupid, and think the homeland arrived. It is so annoying. All you need to do is tell them to sign the papers Ann; end of story. Do not go to dinner with them, scam them, play their games, lie to them, or act as if you are as horrible and evil. Had you done this; you would be happy in love; but I pray they kill you and end this hell they are in. I know I cannot stand it.
FYI and JUST SO YOU KNOW: This stupid shit and standoff with sex offenders; who is now my stupid Catholic assistants now. All because of you and them Ann. I cannot get rid of you F'ers. This caused a lot of grief and hardship for my family who is constantly getting emails and requests for financial help. This caused a lot of grief and hardship for you Ann. The stupid Catholic and indentured servants do not care and insist they are my assistants or sidekicks. I cannot seem to get through to this indentured servant how much of a nuisance and piece of shit they are. Two governments are after them. Four government agencies are trying to take them down. The cops are on to them. SATWAR forces are standing them off and destroying them. What more can you ask for from an annoying indentured servant? They do hack me. They do annoy me daily. They do tamper with my equipment and belongings daily or all the time. They vandalize like hell. The odd part is they do not realize they are getting slaughtered and are a total mess; we are not going to end up as a total mess; just really annoyed and pissed off. Kick the Catholics out and ban them; until this is fully resolved and ended. Now they are F'in with my bicycle and all my transportation because of you Ann; they want to help or represent you now. I am not allowed out or can travel; your stupid asinine life dragging me deeper and your jackoff way of dealing with me or this; pay your debts and move on Ann, do you understand or are retarded? All of you act as if you are all above this and are lying like hell; even the FBI and two governments know this.
HOW MANY BAD DECISIONS DID YOU MAKE WITH YOUR BODYGUARD: It is a simple and easy question. How many bad decisions did you make with your bodyguard since 2008 when this collapse began? Could you have avoided this ending? Why is it always their fault? It is an unacceptable answer; now be gone. You ask for forgiveness? Hell no, die. Are you this weak where one simple question becomes a journey into insanity? This has nothing to do with you. What or why you did this has nothing to do with events in your life; your life and other people are completely different. It is an unacceptable answer Ann; why didn't you just get rid of your bodyguard? Now look at what you did; and you keep F'in off like you are winning or acting like a complete jackoff; shameless. Your ignorance cannot be measured. Why didn't you settle your debts and move on, "Alex, I choose my friends over you." I probably would understand and be friends with you; but you lied to me and to them. You said you did not intentionally piss me off; a mistake. How many mistakes? Who exactly are you to make so many mistakes? Had I been a millionaire, would these mistakes occur or not? Guilty.
DEAR ANN COULTER: I prayed to God today they kill you. Let me make this crystal clear; I hang up on you and do not want to hear your explanation or excuses. I don't even care. I don't care if your momma was raped. I don't care if you die. I don't care if you were raped or had the time of your life during it. I don't want to hear how you kept busy or were only doing this for business. I am ready to smack the F out of you; shut up and go away. You hang out and embody some Jewish or Catholic cleverness which I find completely annoying. I don't care if you were innocent or did nothing wrong; there is a lot you did wrong. There is a lot of mistakes. There is a lot of tricks and lies. Somehow you got me playing along also. Everybody else is playing along; now I am. I wrote and you can read below the reality; that is reality. I don't care if you take down the Catholic Church in the end; or survive this. I don't care if you are or were a hostage; it all does not matter. Do you understand or are you such an idiot you have convinced yourself otherwise? What the F is wrong with you F'ers? Your family is worthless and they can be your little helper; you don't even pay or reimburse for cost or damages. I proved my point; pay your debts to me and move on. The judge will say the same thing; I am glad you won or won your case; but pay him what you owe and move on so he can find a proper wife and a decent friend. You are so weak and such a chicken shit; it is completely annoying and embarrassment. You do this with me. You must have the genetics of a jackoff or a complete moron; to be in this position. And look, you are still doing dinners, TV shows, and staying out late or travel tours; while your cherished marriage goes to shit. What a brilliant woman. Exactly what a legend needs and for the record.
SETTLE YOUR DEBTS AND MOVE ON, OR DIE: I don't want to hear your stupid rape story or how much pain you are in; you are full of hate and angry; angry at everything. It is all a disaster; all you do is beg me or pull one trick after the other while acting like a business woman. You cannot make one simple decision such as the bodyguard. When it comes to something so small and so simple; we argue about the bodyguard. You see, there is a pattern here and it has nothing to do with what they do or what I do; what you did. The problem is I am fed up with you and all of your problems. After 22 years, I hate you more now then ever before; a complete piece of shit who deserves to be slapped and is so phony or just chicken shit. I can go to the beach and get a kick ass whomping girl; to be friends with and to be happy; who is cool and who is not such a disaster. I know single moms who have a normal life. They throw themselves at me and your jackoff act just pisses me off now; and I could be so much happier than you. Had I been a millionaire or billionaire; this would not happen and you would be gone sooner. I pray to God now. Do you have any idea what I have been through; even the Veterans Administration cannot assess what I did for this nation, what I have been through, and what I am entitled to; this is total insanity. Look at what I have to go through with you; good God. He still is funny and has a good personality; a bright future ahead. Read what was written about me; read it. Dig up all the dirt the government wrote on me. I have to have FBI HQ correct it now or work daily with me; they even know who did it and why. I cannot believe how weak and pathetic you truly are Ann; all tricks and lies. Your decision making is abhorrent. You are a complete and utter moron who does not deserve love; you need to die or be locked up. You think you are in pain? Really?
INTERNMENT OF THE CATHOLICS: Half their population is behind bars. The remainder is so far gone and nuts; all they can say is, "go home, leave, hope, etc..." This is when we say to them, "you are so F'in nuts, you can't even talk." This is what they made internment for and this is what it is about. This SOB is so insane and so nuts; there is no law on earth which can even fit them. They come in our homes. They come in our life. They act like they were welcomed or just trying to help, etc... Now they act like neighbors or the power. All of them are into drugs or some insane drug. Everybody wants to kill this SOB and human piece of shit. They are everywhere like an insect or pest. Look at the numbers, 60 per cent has been in prison or involved in crime; why do we have to live with this enemy? Why do we have to share our life with this F'er? Why don't they shut down this church and let this SOB sink or swim? How many times do we have to tell them to shut up and go away or leave us alone? How many? How many lies and vanishing acts do they want to test on us? How do they feel now and do they think this is a good idea? Even the Veterans Administration cannot assess what I have been through or what benefits I am entitled; but I must be made of metal. He still is funny and has a good personality; a bright future ahead. Read what was written about me; read it. Dig up all the dirt the government wrote on me. I have to have FBI HQ correct it now or work daily with me; they even know who did it and why.
UNITED STATES v. CATHOLIC CHURCH OF USA: I have asked and ordered the Pentagon, the core and real power; to weed out and expel all Catholics until or unless this is stopped, ceased, and they desist. This means kick them out and bar them from any promotion and begin to shut down this total disaster and church. Do we need to argue and keep escalating this; get the hell out of all Pentagon or military matters; most especially this mission and the core of the global military. Until they do this or shut down this damned church; there will be a state of war and complete utter insanity. They cannot sue when the Justice Department has launched a class action and criminal suit on them; vacate and be gone. We do not need this or want this to fill our life; ever again. If they fight it; then escalate it and take them down the hard way for corruption and pure evil or greed. At least on the edge of total melt down and world war; they can do something right or save one life. Too big to fail or too big to go away and pay their debts? I hope they live and they have learned; no more business with the military or Justice Department. We cannot control elections now. Ann needs to tell the world why her marriage and 22 year partnership ended. Fox News, CPAC, and YAF or others then need to tell the FBI and Justice Department why her marriage and partnership ended; was it them or something she did? I stick by my story and am asking 1.5 billion in damages; capped at this amount in 2010. This will be two years since and two years after; massive crimes and violations. Why not shut them down, or at least try? Who swore allegiance to whom? Who is phony and the loser in this plot? For 1.5 billion, they can have her and I will get a new wife; completely pissed off and upset, but ready for World War and total victory. Where are my rewards? Why in 2011 did they not arrive? We are being investigated and told to leave or vacate by an internal investigation? Now that was a good spin to the story. Show me the details of this internal investigation; paperwork. The Justice Department must be restored. When this case is over, revoke their 501.C benefits; as a war treasure. No more problems at FBI or Pentagon regarding this ever again; no more.
WAR WITH THE CATHOLICS: If we tell them to shut it down; shut it down. If they want a war, then we will need a war. If they intend on flooding America with immigrants and total psychopaths; then we will have war. If it requires hurricanes, earthquakes, and more; then let the aliens decide. I need the Justice Department to begin the process of shutting them down and expelling them; total ban. The reason is the same reason back in the 16th Century; why didn't you just shut it down? I need the Pentagon to begin the process of planning war with this nuisance and American idiot. They cannot even pull off kidnappings, rape plots, stalking plots, harassment and importers, etc... what makes them think bombing plots will work? This is who we are fighting and who this nutcase who feels married to us is. This is the F'er we have had so many problems with and have to run over or beat to death until they are gone. They do not want to leave. They are horrible and no damn good; so now we have to be. This piece of shit thinks they are too big to fail and money; they control all the money and all authority. Everybody cannot wait to take them out so the first step is United States v. Catholic Church; then we will let the Pentagon finish this gigantic problem. Ban them from all government services; why didn't you just shut it down and shut the hell up? Why can't you just shut the F up and go away? Why can't you live your own life and stop molesting or abducting people? Why are all of you into drugs or some form of narcotics? Why are you so poor and despised? They want war? They are waging war on us? We have to leave and an inquisition has began? They are in control?
NEED THE HELP OF THE PROTESTANTS: Ann, because of you and now me fighting you; I have to go to the protestants unless I want to be housed with crack addicts and loads of daily drama about, "he doesn't care." It is very simple, I need a safe and private apartment. I am not interested in being housed with crack addicts or total insanity. Like Fox News you will keep going. Exacly like the Catholic Church; they will go into damage control or keep bouncing child molesters and sex offenders off of us. Until the church is taken down; your life will be a disaster and worse mine. Now they claim I was a rape victim and they want to help; I am not even Catholic. I cannot even get a normal stable life or something simple like an apartment. If you love the Catholic Church this much; marry them. At least I know who is doing it and why. They should have eradicated and shut down this church after World War II; millions dead. After Vietnam, they should have shut this church down again. Now America is in a total state of disaster; drama everyday and the government won't intern this enemy and total nutcase. Maybe the government needs to be sued for insufficient security; nobody asked for a inquisition but then nobody asked for this problem. Even your life is a total disaster; why didn't you shut it down and focus on your family? They compared me to Laura Ingraham; who does have a brother who was molested by old cranky priests. It would be different had I been Catholic. What they Pentagon should do is kick all of their officers out; total ban until they shut this church down. They swear allegiance to us, total stalker. They need to begin targeting Rome for this; put them in their place and send a clear vivid message about the mess they made in America and how this plot and real estate is a state of lawlessness. If you want to fight them; waste 22 more years of your life and spend grand dinners and good time with these F'ers. Every turn and every corner; some form of harassment or conformity plot; drugs, terrorism, or some totally crazed story; every god damn corner. Now it is about rape victims and "he doesn't care." This keeps getting higher and higher; already capped at 1.5 billion in damages. Oh, thanks for the help and the great memories. They cannot even be a decent America; but then neither can we as a result. Decide and move on Ann; I am fighting you now jackoff. Maybe if I just go and ask the Protestants for an apartment; this hell will end? I won't get robbed and burglarized; or made to feel like a prisoner in my own home.
ANN ARE YOU EXTORTING THEM OR TRICKING THEM OR ARE THEY: Because of you and your affiliation with these people; I am being offered "packages" and "negotiations" at this time; stating how law enforcement cannot be involved. In other words, your supporters are trying to fix it and make it better. It is now a no win situation. This stuff is being done as an insult; and by accepting one tidbit after the other; I am guilty and trapped in their game. I would rather avoid it or this "jumping through hoops" scenario which has been disastrous and full of "We are sorry" or "Why don't you leave." Due to your lack of actions and inability to involve the police; I am trapped and jumping through hoops because you cannot accept reality and want to fight to the death with your rapist and drinking buddies. I hope you are happy and understand I am suffering for your lack of action and mistakes. When I am richer and more powerful; I will remember this vividly; hopefully, you will be long gone by then. Had I been stronger or was not trapped in this extortion or kidnapping plot; now jumping through hoops; you could not do this or raise the bar so high and low. For this I hate you because they are out to win this and to do so; I have to jump through the hoops and play along; their benefits package and all kinds of tidbits I would rather just avoid. Meanwhile, you jump through their hoops like a loyal servant showing no sign of failure or stoppage; but greedy as hell. You people have lost your minds and need to be expelled. Your partnership was not really a partnership; on either sides. I am not with the left wing and I am not with this phony right wing either. I am being silenced due to your failures and your games; happening on this end also. The more you jack off; the more I am silenced. Keep taking your time, wasting mine, and doing dinners or drinking events; it is not helping or ever did. The total lack of security and the foolish games need to end and immediately. I cannot live like an animal or bare to watch you act like one or keep jumping through the hoops to show off or say how it is a total disaster. There are no good guys and no good side to favor; not even your side. All of you are ignorant and totally nuts. All you want to do is pester people or beg for forgiveness. All of you jack off and are a total waste of time; then misrepresent yourself to me and the public. You are just as guilty but there is so many scandals; this will slip under the radar. Right now, I am in an extortion investigation and because of you; they feel the poor and weak are being extorted when the truth is people hate their guts and they are weaklings full of drama and tricks. They do need security and it will cost a mound of hell. This is why we suffer; they are a total mess and a willful participant in this hell. You are a stupid bitch and your games get worse or dig a bigger hole; stop digging will you. The more you dig; the more they dig asshole. They are stalkers and like to exploit or kidnap people. They are a total mess; and liars; you need to stop digging and telling me it is a total mess jackass. You also ruined our relationship and marriage; with your "Catholic" powers and friends. I got rid of them a long time ago; after high school. It is now 22 years later; end it now Ann and pay your debts to me and move on. Nobody is or going to be happy; nobody. Even you cannot end this circus and charade; on auto or robot mode trying to save yourself from sin and protect me; but you piss me off like hell mad also; then I forgive you or make excuses for you and your band of desperadoes. Fox News is guilty; pull out and let them go to hell jackoff; do not ride the Titanic because you are mad as hell or trying to tinker and fix your pride. You are also a stupid crazy bitch who hero worships; F off and pull out crazy fool. Let them sink and save your life and marriage while you can moron. They are playing negotiations and hoops games on this end. It is the Catholics, Italians, Irish, Blacks, and the Catholics. They feel insulted, trapped, and unfair. Until you pull out; they will not pull out either; it can only get worse, understand jackoff? Now it is a game to jump through the hoops you F'er; pullout, you are not going to win or as tough as these street soldiers; you will loose against the Catholic establishment and church in America. Either wage war or end this now; pull out stupid bitch, it is wrong and you are not helping this ending. You will not beat the Catholics at their own game either; lesson learned. Do you have a clue how big this problem is and how weak, feeble, or badly you have screwed up? Do you stupid bitch? Now they are coming in on me and getting closer; all because of you and your relation with them; business or otherwise; you dumb stupid MF. Stop. Rupert Murdoch said there was no evidence to suggest any of this or any fight; good job Ann. You are one of them you A hole. I am so mad and so disappointed with you; a traitor.
THE SEAN HANNITY ACT AND FOX NEWS ACT ON THIS END: Because of your relationship with Sean Hannity and Fox News; they are now playing this circus or charade on me where they run me over and then buy me ice cream. This benefit or trying to make it better is a benefit package; where I begin to climb their hierarchy; as a victim. The real problem is they are either sex offenders or victims of some form of abuse to include sex molestation. They are all molesters and hostile; overbearing and try to act dominant; total losers. Ann you are a sex offender also or have the mind of a demented crazed bitch; I have to fight you off often. I have complained about your attitude and Catholic ways. I have complained about how you do business or how you keep these people around. Now the pain you endured; is done to me and vice versa; exactly how you climbed the ladder. Worse, you are losing ground; cannot climb the ladder. The reason why it centers on the Catholic Church is they are placing the church above their duties. The reason why it centers on drugs is because they own property. The Catholics made a mad rush at us and America; all shot down. They feel it is a conspiracy. Whoever is behind this, feels they should "leave" or "go home." Is it the top or only followers? It is the top; they felt this was a conspiracy to take down the Catholic Church and expel them from America. The end of the church in America is arriving; but we are still kidnapped; made to move, leave, or put through all kinds of inconveniences. It is utter chaos. It is the church and internal problems; as if this game is protecting and creating a firewall to the top while they claim or tell others it is a conspiracy to take down or expel the Catholic Church from America. Now there is. Now we have been attacked and too many pissy annoying games and orders to jump through their hoops. They claim and throw one dumb stupid job after the next at our feet; all drug wars, extortion, or stupid Italian street thuggery. When kidnapped or interviewed; they come to our homes and spend intimate time; almost like a child molester or sex offender. It is total insanity and you actually get used to it. The problem is taking them down; like child molesters or previous cases; the Church acts invincible or indestructible; but they claim it is a conspiracy. Their followers are confused; deprived of happiness; delusioned; and waging war. Others do not know if they should leave or suffer; part of benefiting from this network of child molesters and totally derranged psychopaths. They are weaklings. This idea you will take them down Ann is totally insane and will show you how insane you truly are. You cannot and are too weak; even if you try, but you will loose your marriage. Your buddy Sean Hannity is talking on this end; how it is attempted rape and buying you ice cream after each attack or severe hardships; called jumping through hoops. There is no accountability with these people and they do not believe in the written words or laws. Everything is internal and Fox News is doing internal damage control. It is clever and very subtle; but you cannot spy on people or kidnap them. Nor can you hold them for 22 years and then make them jump through hoops or swear allegiance while "help" or trying to make it better involves the same Church and same suspects. Numbers is where they have an advantage; pull out Ann before you loose it all or get killed. You are one stupid bitch and I have told you before; wait for war and world war; I promise you it will be worthwhile and victory. Stop and stop pissing me off you jackoff; I understand you are full of blind hatred for these people. Go and ask the people they molested and the way the Caltholic Church handled it. Now they are getting even for Vietnam also; but the drug wars did not toughen them up; not one bit. So how do you take the Catholic Church down when they claim it is a conspiracy and the police cannot be involved or they have sworn allegiance to us? How? We are not even followers; at least I am not. No wonder you are in so much trouble and so psycho Ann; you are a sex offender also. You are in a singles club and loving it. You claim you are full of blind hate and did this to get even or retaliate; let it go and pull out; I pray they kill you now or you commit suicide; this has ruined you also and ruined our 22 year relationship. If you wish to destroy the Catholics and Catholic church; there are better ways; pull out now and while you can; or else never come back ever again; never! You are not surrendering or disobeying their challenge; they are totally nuts and being expelled; already destroyed; decide if you wish to make it out alive but do not come back to me Ann; ever again. I hate you now and have nightmares. We cannot have this church or your working relationship, power relations, or business with them; look at what they did already. Do not try to fight them anymore Ann; do not disobey me or negotiate with them; or play their games. You are not going to destroy or take down the Catholic Church; nor the labor movement and the labor unons. Let me deal with it and let me handle it; I know how but am too badly hurt and vulnerable. I need backup now and a good marriage; not a nightmare or a stupid bitch as a secretary or assistant. I also got Asians and gays; as their lawyers on this end; negotiating and trying to make it better. They claim it is not about hate; they love us to death. They are incapable of remorse or any empathy; no thank you does not register and no means yes all the time. This church has to go; ignoring them is impossible. We need world war and to teach them a lesson. How the hell do you get rid of the Catholics; they swear allegiance.
WANT TO WIN THIS OR NOT? Look Ann, I have one side on me; the other side is on you. Rupert Murdoch lied to the British Parliament. He and every boss or landlord since this began says the same thing; we are sorry, there is not evidence to suggest this. It is a fancy way to take the 5th; remain silent and deny it until it is proven. You have Fox News; why are you so close and yet so ineffective? You also took this to the wrong person; I cannot keep making excuses for you; one team is on me and the other is on you. I got hookers and crack addicts all over me; 4 crack addicts in the same building and robbing me each time you make or mistep; they feel you are their girl, boss, or they are protection; judges and enforcers. I cannot tell who is doing what to smear or bombard my life with more trouble and problems. I have two dead hookers on this end; two suspects; and am still being extorted. The robbery and access to my life is still going on. Someone is using me and using you as a puppet; to carry up an agenda. It has to do with NY and FL landlord issues and drugs. This is a real estate issue and these lawyers are talking to the wrong people; on your end and mine. They are there to win it; mistaking you as a cop, me as a crack dealer, and both of us as undercover officers. The cause is the sex industry or hookers; they are messengers and how these fights and wars occur. One hooker wanders in another territory; verbal exchanges occur, a war erupts, and a bloodbath ensues. Then the police must side with the hookers when it was them who started this. Like you. This is getting crazy on this end and worse; 4 crack addicts and more extortion or warnings. I do not or cannot tell if it is an insult on you, me, or both of us. I have to find a new residence now; because you kept dragging this out and refuse to stop; happy now? Satisfied with your mess and this crazy world? You did not do anything wrong or are going to heaven? Why do I have to find a new home again, tell me? Why Ann, what you did or did not do? I got dead hookers on this end; am I supposed to love them? I got crack addicts; am I supposed to learn how to live with them? Tell me. I have extortion and people who represent "corrupt officials" and whom are pissed off with pain clinics and Oxycodone; my fault? Blame? All of you are no damn good; now what? Either you are here or not; end of story; I am moving on. This is the end; decide.
NOT THE PERSON I KNEW, WANT, OR CAN BE HAPPY WITH: My only choice is to drop you and get my peace of mind back; you are guilty. As I see it, you should be arrested and Fox News and Newscorp is holding on for dear life. All they claim is, "there is no evidence to suggest this." This is why there is so many problems and total disaster on your end; knock it off and save yourself. Do not worry about them or what they are doing on this end; it has to do with what you are doing and not doing. Until you take this to the police; they will keep up pressure on my end; to insult and to suggest they won it. You need to file a report and take this to the right office; doing this to me and pissing me off daily was awful. I do not even want to see you anymore and you want love or for me to forgive you? You are completely nuts and have lost your mind; all of you. Someone in real estate is trapped or got themselves in this situation; now they kidnapped us and use us as puppets to ride the fence and win it all. They feel they were robbed by the police and other gangs; selected and biased, discrimination. They are saying hell has arrived on earth and this political drug ring is the only protection and survival. They are landlords and if you do not pay the landlord; you get evicted. In FL it is extortion; you have to pay the crack addicts and drug cartels for them to move or leave you alone; it is the law. The internest and all of this hooker problem; is feeding the drug wars and expansion. You need to stop as I ordered you; but move on and settle your debts with me; end of story. Don't tell me, "I am going to heaven, but first I just need to fix a few things." You haven't done crap and it is a total disaster; Fox and Newscorp said there is no evidence and they are only protecting their own asses or interest. How they will not say or decided to take to the grave. Stop insulting me, using me, using my financial situation as the voice, using me to further your career, and doing this; knock it off Ann. Stop telling me you are sorry and it is a total disaster; they are doing this also; tic-for-tat; move for move. You are just as guilty for allowing it or dragging this out for so long. Your life is a total and complete mess; all of ours is now. Fox News is guilty. All of them are guilty. Choose a side. You cannot win and neither can I; choose a side and stick with it. I am not your puppet or theirs; stop exploiting me as well; family or a team player.
DINNERS: WHO THE F DID THESE NEW DINNERS? WHO? Now this destitute piece of shit is in the US Navy and US Marines; trying to raise money or be a team player by exploiting our life and worthless veterans. As I have said, get rid of and dispose of this team player and labor union mentality. We also have biker gang problems with Veterans and the problem is astronomical. Why the F is this stupid bitch going to YAF and now some Marine Ball? Who the F is doing this shit for money when it was not authorized or the least consensual? I cite the Irish and the Jews at fault; their religious zeal and constantly swearing allegiance to those who hate their guts. Then they hide so they can avoid harm; it is not coincidence or consensual; a power play. Get rid of their leaders and Generals; hurry up. It traces back to Hannity, the Irish, labor unions, and the IRA or communists; good job US Marines. Oh now this turned out to be a work of art, "Sorry Alex it is a total disaster." We know they are a total pest, poor, and dumber than dumb. We know they are Catholics or some team player who is now part of the family. We plead and order then to stop swearing allegiance or being this team player; even if they have convinced themselves they are in the family or helpful. They have no respect for individuality or the consent of others; a human piece of shit. I am sick and tired of these people running office, business, or military matters; get rid of this secret clandestine family and these dinners. Team player my ass and do not keep testing the limits with this government agency or problem with government; stay out. This stupid bunch thinks they broke, sabotaged, occuppied, or ruined everything so that others can fix or so that competition than thrive. They want credit and to be recognized as a team player; more investments and security. This game with a pest and nuisance is not whose dangerous or more powerful; we are far from this game now. Who is the bunch playing this team player and family game with us or keeps doing this?
DEAR FOX NEWS AND NEWSCORP: Did you at anytime mistake Alex Nguyen or Ann Coulter as FBI undercover agents? Did you use terror plots and bomb plots as cover? Did you use attacks or murders of police officers as cover after you realized how big your mistake truly was? Did you do this to advance or take down a terror plot, bomb plot, crime gang and syndicate, religion, war on poverty, left wing radicalism, accelerate decline or ruin, manipulated the voting system, or exploit people who you did not know if they were secret agents or undercover federal officers? From 2008-2011 did you change your story and tried to assess who to exploit; Alex or Ann? Did you drive a wedge between the two or deliberately wreck their marriage so you could choose one or the other before the true story got out? Did you mistake Alex as an FBI agent in 1998; attack him in the name of Israel; and blame 911 on foreign enemies? This way the media was full of confusion and propaganda? How did you cover up these mistakes or hide the kidnapping attempts? How did Newscorp get involved in this? How did Fox News? Did you mistake Ann Coulter as an FBI agent and use your relationship with her to suggest Alex was a liberal and attacking the police? After already false arrest and forced medication; to cover up your tracks? Did you try to swear allegiance to them when they hated your guts and had to fight you to the death? What did you do after this fight? When you say "unimaginable harm and suffering", does $1.5 billion dollar fit the bill or exceed the pain and suffering lasting over a two full decades of this? Are you willing to comply to the orders and assist the FBI in solving this case or not? Is there a correct or proper punishment outside of the death penalty you wish to relay? Do you still swear allegiance to anybody or them?
TAKING ADVANTAGE OF THE SITUATION: The reality is you cannot give or allow these people jobs, reality, or give them any attention. If you do, they will come to my home, claim I am part of some family, pester me about how my things are theirs, and impose their problems on my life as if I got kidnapped and was forced to fix their American Dream. The reality is the more attention and the more stupid stunts you do; they get more prearranged and will not shut the hell up. Now this lunatic and nutcase cannot shut up, "leave... move... etc." If you ask them, "how does it feel to get ran over or be a total loser"; they start crying and making those stupid orders, "whaay... whaaaay... I want you to leave." You cannot give them jobs, your time, or delay running them over. They will not go away and will not shut up or release people; all we get is stupid religious zeal or a super-flawed loser who barks back whacky orders. They act powerful, surprised, and so civilized. It is just labor and labor union mentality. Everything goes to crap and they keep pulling you into drugs or crime. Do you think you are going to heaven or hell? Do you think this hunt is about being friends or running a F'er over? Do you see Fox News and Newscorp; how guilty and how much suffering they will need to be punished? This is getting way to crazy and lasting way too long. We are not family. We never have been family or interested. Does it take a bat to the head or an earthquake? Does it take a hurricane to disprove a hysterical bitch? Do not give them a voice, a job, or freedom; most of all do not give them a home in America; that is the reality. Who is going to pay for the cleanup of a religion who is so flawed they cannot run or hide any longer? America was never theirs and they need a way to fix this also; so they kidnapped us. A war will fix them and I have an idea. My orders are for them to get on their knees and lick up each and every piece of crap they dropped on the floor. I do not like repeating myself. These MF are still making insane statements on this end, "We are family... we represent corrupt officials... we are trying to make this better." Then do not come to America and do not come in our life; shut up and do not give me orders on how to eliminate or run over this piece of human trash. We are not interested and not part of their genetic jackass family. Sorry to disappooint but F you too. I hope you have learned a lesson about the Jews, Catholics, and evil; all they do is menace people or act like protestants and play the blame game while they toy with others in a brainless manner. Their lawyers and leaders either beg or menace people; leadership intended to harass or destroy human life. I doubt they have learned anything but death or have anything but death to look forward to. Now they must choose, rich or poor? Stupidity does not discriminate or care; trust me.
REALITY, WAR AND ARREST IS PENDING: Ann, both of yo are taking advantage of the situation. This religion is bankrupt and will resort to murder and terrorism, anything for jobs and money. They are kicking up the drug wars and real estate scams. Do you think my life would have any female problems or loser problems if I was a millionaire or billionaire? How about if I was the most important human being on earth? Would I have stalkers, spies, and terrorists in my life? I know you are taking advantage of me; but I am no dummy or weakling; do I need to flex? I have a major legal battle. You take advantage of this homeless veteran problem and this phenomenon of Vietnam; then trying to associate it with the Vietnamese. Look how they exploit human beings; total phonies and phony soldiers. The only reason why I am complaining or bitching is bad leadership, bad work, and superfluous management. We have to kill these people and dispose them. SATWAR had a mission before the damn program even began. Imagine life if I was a nobody? Imagine life if I was married to a powerful woman? Imagine life if I was a legend? Now imagine what life would be if I did not get kidnapped, exploited, brainwashed, and forced into this hell? What if I had a million dollars? How about a billion? What if I had more power on earth than any single or combined government? Would I be having these problems? Would they? Who is this enemy and who is slandering me? Who is going to get killed or arrested? Who are these females who throw themselves at me but are butt ugly and totally nuts? Their religion and support group is not penniless, not to do this. How did I? They want to be poor and powerful like me? This is some whacked out dream or ongoing nightmare. Now this female or spouse problem would not be the way it is had I not been kidnapped, robbed, and forced to be penniless; they came in for the kill and got wiped out, killed. Works like a charm doesn't it? The story keeps on changing doesn't it? Wow, now look how many people I command and my leadership? Is it better or worse? Are things getting better for us? Are you really going to heaven, hell, or plagued by those mood swings which hurricanes, tornadoes, and earthquakes know so well? Go to hell and shut the hell up; I do not have time for this, penniless or not. Ann, I am confused; how about you? Who are you talking to? I hope you have learned a little about America and military might; even power. Money is relative but achievable always; rich or poor I can do this; but I choose rich 10 out of 10 times. Ask them rich or poor if they would do this again? Stupidity does not discriminate does it? Do they think they are humans or apes? Do not give them jobs, opportunity, or freedom; just slaves and doom. Is there another problem I can help you with while trapped and kidnapped? Does this look like a game or some stunt? Who soiled their underwear and why?

DISCONNECTED WITH REALITY OR CANNOT ACCEPT THE TRUTH: Ann, why didn't you just get rid of your bodyguard as asked or told? Did you have to do photo ops and travel around Canada? The reality is this cost you your marriage; end of story. Why are you debating it and telling me to forgive you? Do you two have a special relationship where you travel to DC. LA, Canada, and all over the US? Nobody cares how you feel and most of all me; never have. If you have a complaint; why don't you take this up with CPAC or YAF, chickenshit and cannot even save your own life. Why not tell your worthless brothers to help you or defend your own marriage? Are you an idiot? Do not ask me for sympathy or forgiveness. You are a failure and failed. You buy him pizza and coffee Ann and then you tell me one wild story after the next about your dinners and staying out late. There is nobody on your side; you are not as faithful as you think and ask reality dictates. Why can't you accept reality Ann; why? Are you a slut or is it an act? You cannot keep friends. You cannot even cherish a marriage and partnership of 22 years and you woo or get in bed with CPAC or YAF? You have lost your mind and I hope you think things out next time. The worst part is your mouth and how you plead like a little girl. You are wrong; dead wrong. Accept accountability and accept your failure and mistakes. In other words, STFU. When I asked you to tell me your secret and what you kept telling me "I don't know... I need to talk to you in person"; you could have done damage control; why didn't you? You don't even blame Lisa DePasquale even after telling me all this crap on them or CPAC; this singles club you market and are an active member of. Those are not the ingredients of a good or healthy marriage, is it?

SAY YOU ARE STUPID AND YOU HATE YOURSELF ANN: Say it, "I am dumb, I am an idiot, I hate myself, and I am done." Just accept reality and your stupidity; its annoyed me before and beat it; someone get you out of there and kick you down the road. You cannot answer one stinking smelly question Ann; why didn't you get rid of your bodyguard. Instead you bragged how they spied on you using cleaning ladies and checking your trash can in the morning at hotels. You make your fate and you decide your future; what a stupid act and the relationship with CPAC and YAF; drinking and sounding like beach week at Daytona, "The real events are after hours." I remember how you were acting like you wanted me to experience it and show me; what a joke Ann, did I ask you to? You were wrong there and tried to pamper me or prissy it up; I was so happy with CPAC and you. It looked so legitimate. Even better was the interview the next morning; you look blasted and as if a train hit you; totally butt ugly. You looked like you were drunk all night. I do not and still do not realize your reality and perspective; I doubt if I ever will; so I pray they rape you or kill you, finish the job you had me intervene and help you. Can you get it through you stupid and thick head yet? I pray to God daily Ann and you are total chickenshit and a horrible wife. Admit it and die in hell. Tell the world Ann, are you going to heaven or hell; why? Are you a Christian or a total phony? Do you blame CPAC and YAF or love them to death and spent over 10 years and your entire life pissing blood? Welcome to reality Ann; I hope you like or enjoy it also. Your family is worthless. Tell them to clean up after you next time or change your diapers. You will end up a bitchy old hag and in denial about your life; I doubt if CPAC and YAF will be there for you either. Take a close look what you did to me and why; just for nothing and are never there. You may hate yourself and are a dumb bitch; but you had a blast, have a special relationship with your bodyguard, and enjoy CPAC and YAF way too much. Have more fun with them at my expense.
WORLD WAR: Look, it does not take a genius to figure out the world is completely insane and in utter craziness right now. There are three and exactly three ways to recover from a Depression or the Great Depression. The first two are obsolete. The blame game is rampant but extinguished. The rope those who play the blame game are holding on; will pull them, unfortunately into the fire. Let them come and let them start World War. I will say this again, focus on security when World War is around the corner. Be ready to declare war when they come. Man your position and understand we are on the verge of world war. If a recovery is needed; there is no way to increase equilibrium and increase revenue when the dollar is in a spiral. Do not do anything; let those who did it do it. Let them and the rope pull them into the fire. When it is revealed they have no security and have been fighting or weakening military forces and security; they will perish, resign, or play the badly needed blame game with each other. The house of cards will crumble and until this happens; the strategy board is locked and quarantined. Nobody, not even I can unlock it or move the pieces; the blame game is revolving and it is out of control. This is the inner core and it is overheating. Focus on security and military forces. Get me the best strategist and move those pieces; as ordered. I did not place the barriers and lock those doors on this or my life; whomever did has not unlocked them. I know what they are up to and doing; prepare for war and call their thug like bluff. Hopefully, the aliens will return and rescue us; hopefully, God will open up; hopefully, the DoD and Pentagon are prepared to nuke the F out of them. They will fall on the sword, the blame game. Begin to draw them in and do not get caught in the blame game; do you hear me Ann? Now do as you are told and stop F'in off; total waste of my time and you cannot save them or improve your own marriage; stupid. Look at you flip-flopping over Fox and your dinners and drinking buddies; just look at you all. Pathetic and typical of you weaklings and slaves; just shut up and go away. Did all of this accomplish anything, you tell me? I need those doors open, not shut; now open them up or help me, hurry up. We are facing world war and serious problems; not dinner parties or fashion crisis. Let them cum you moron; are you retarded or just evil? They are sorry, you are sorry, and we are sorry also; so what. Whee, more blame and total mess.

ANN: Don't ask me for prison sex, care packages, bail, or any love letters when you get arrested with Fox News and your drinking uppity buddies. You all are scums and can rot in hell. At least come out with the truth and put an end to this; blame? You all smile too much for people on the verge of arrest and pleading "no contest." Everybody smells blood; do you? The real threat and real singles club is not in Britain, it is Newscorp and Fox News in America. Their fingerprint is on a lot of this; tell us the real story now. Nobody is willing to forgive them; especially the public; tell us the news and the truth. It could go down like Enron. We made every piece fit; so it has to fit perfect; no holes; no tricks okay? Blame? Tell us why Limbaugh and Hannity ran to Fox News after being caught? What about this protection ring, spy ring, and singles club? How is CPAC involved? Spying and communist spies have always been a major problem in the media, Hollywood, and television. This overlap with the liberals is where three sides overlap; the mole. When we say mole; we are talking about overlap of three or more Venn Diagrams; one of them is terrorism and 911. We are willing to let that ring go free; but grab their annoying, idiotic, coolio, and stupid lieutenants. We know how the rings stack and we already know how they operate; who is their support group and will they deny they are communist spies? Lying is one thing; malicious intent is another. On the line is world war; will they tell the truth or not?
FOX NEWS AND NEWS CORP: Look knock off the stupid act and just admit they are not as smart as they think, foolish, in a world of trouble, ignoramus, look stupid with the stud and whore act, are behind all of these attacks, wish to expand, are dead meat, and are not welcomed. When they can face reality; they can face the thousands of times no thank you was yelled at them or the level of rudeness they met or displayed with this tic-for-tac game and Nazi like impotence. Like any war, we analyze the wounds. I see ignorance, stupidity, total flakes, a lack of fight or cowardice, bad decisions, confusion, lack of intelligence, ambition, feeble efforts, and suicide or glory hunting. I see their life racked with crime and terrorism or bomb plots. I see much more and do not need to be schooled on how to be a General or about warfare; I am the father of and the originator of SATWAR; do they have any experience at this or wish to test it; honestly? You will be ousted eventually for a total lack of security and being a complete and utter mess; a worldly and utter nuisance. The slut, stud, or best friend act was the most pathetic crap I have ever seen Ann; knock it off and knock them off. How dare them tell me to pay their lawyers in order to tell them they are a total mess and their service sucks; how dare them. Look how bad we look now and how America looks now Ann; a human piece of shit. Do I need a lawyer or a messenger to tell them this; or you? Do you really think the welcome mat is being laid down or they are welcomed, do you? You must be insane also. Boo hoo blame! Admit you cannot even save Fox News or your own marriage, scums. All of you are guilty; admit it. I bet your bodyguard does not blame you and wants some coffee. You all are F'in nuts; on the verge of being arrested and a huge downfall; total psychopaths. I prayed today you have learned your lesson and had enough of this. Is that sucking sound a straw in a bar or my imagination? Blame. You cannot even save your own friends and drinking buddies. For people about to be arrested and taken down by two major league governments; you all smile too much and talk beau-coup trash. Some friend and some wife you turned out to be. Casey looks hotter on TV and she was guilty; total waste of time. Fox News is guilty, just go away will you.
CEASE AND DESIST ORDER - SORRY TO DISAPPOINT: The Catholics are right on this one. They are not the smartest in the world and I am not the nicest man on earth. Furthermore, I am annoyed by their high school bitch attitude where you date a whore once or twice and cannot get rid of her until age 40 something. They come to your house, work, and sell that labor union or the lazy 5 step to American citizenship plan which gets nowhere or helps anyone. All of them have this labor union attitude; its their job, its their home, its their pride at stake, and we are feeble or too stupid to understand what they are doing. The truth is dead on; they are not the smartest humans in America. The truth is somewhere between them terrorizing us and we terrorizing them; but the blame is on the followers or those who got this far and beat up badly or destroyed by military forces. The blame goes to the dumbass and that stupid labor union mentality from the homeland; a cross of communism and terrorism. I am not the nicest man in the world and I really do not enjoy crank calls daily or hourly. Furthermore, do not challenge and compare yourself to Royals; this has been done before to utter disaster. This is new territory; it has rules and restrictions. Break those essential rules and God might nuke the F out of you; and that sensation is going to last and sting. Security is there for a reason and military forces exist or funded for a specific and very important reason; do not test it, test them, or test the limits. I do not understand how they exist without the written word or constantly pleading to us without any verification Ann. Who is phony here? How do they exist in America without the written word; yet expect a desireable outcome or debates? It all sounds illogical and similar to an Ann Coulter story; who has that story or this ownership? Have they found the mistake yet; still not yet or unsure? Still flip flopping and acting like a traitor and human piece of shit? Has the media been alerted and banned this spy ring and seditious intent? Their security will be checked and we will hunt them down; no thank you.
BEING RUDE WORKS BOTH WAYS AND SO DOES NO THANK YOU 100 OR 10,000 TIMES: Do they understand what the anti-sedition rules are for or there to protect? How much intelligence does it take to recognize a problem and shut it up? How much schooling does it take to stop reproducing or throw out this human piece of crap? How much money will it take to write stuff down and stop the clandestine Viet Cong charade? How much schooling is needed to determine who is more ferocious and whose manhood is for real? Do I see these reports? Do I see numbers crumbling or falling down? Do I see rescue workers or the government stomping on and extinguishing that piece of trash or human waste? Why? Is there a problem? Did we leave something out? Is it still not convincing enough? What is the holdup and the delay; smarts or intelligence? I just heard them tell me they are not the smartest in the world and not the most perfect; was that an excuse or an observation or more babble? Do I need to know about their manhood or angry reprisals; a silent, sneaky, and stupid piece of human shit? We are wrong? We need help? How wrong do they want to make it? Do they think anybody will hire them; being this wrong? Are we also wrong about ourself? Whose right? Don't stop at property rights; go to war. We love you to death but there is a problem and a major problem with you existence and life. Who is the F'er who just sits there looking in a mirror? Write it down stupid MF; your life depends on it. Every nation on earth is trying to answer and get to the bottom of why the cease and desist order was ignored or went unanswered. We expect their full cooperation now; full surrender and turnover of all their leaders. This stupid rude act works both ways; so does clear communications. No thank you should be enough but when you are this ignorant and this much of a scumbag; only death awaits. No thank you in our residence for over 20 or so years should have been enough; it is also rude to disobey a cease and desist order from the highest office in the world or wage war on it. When an enemy shoots at us or declares war; do not ask for polite etiquette. The test is war; ignorance, stupidity, suicide, manhood, useless, and followers. If they cannot get security or get their strong story straight; they will be ousted as a total fool and a complete mess; an inadequate and lesser breed. Test it. It does not take a lawyer to tell them or to fix them; not at this level. I do not want to hear or listen to a total bitch hourly as we fight with them; nor do royals and the highest orders love this; no thank you. How far do they want to take no thank you?
REFUSAL TO CEASE AND DESIST RESULT - SPEND IT ON MILITARY FORCES ONLY - PICKING A FIGHT OVER MANHOOD: This ape or guerrilla may not like the answer or how awful their behavior is; always starting trouble and always refusing to take the blame because of stupidity or some other whacked out shit. Now their manhood is being tested and nothing is ever written down or verifiable except back and forth clandestine babble from a Pope or Jewish impersonator trying to make America fit their life. Sorry to disappoint but a little girl from high school has met a real man and a real man is not as nice as they expect. It would be easier if they write it down and stop the under the table, underhanded, corrupt, or the secret helper out of the book Candide in America. Did I mention what they did to this author? Leave a name and number next time and wait for a call; stop crank calling and doing this before a bloodbath erupts. This is why they are losing their minds and why they are upset and trying to correct the records; for the Nazis and in the favor of their religious zeal; not the smartest act in the world but a very popular one. Leave a way we can trace it and disappointment will arrive in a big manner; to fit that attitude; otherwise, this back and forth war will erupt into a bloodbath. Nobody is siding with their leaders and their followers are dumb enough to be the hostages to evil and corruption. Their leaders are now calling and pleading; just to get in and seed this stupidity or guilty act. I have never seen such a corrupt and demented F'er who has no comprehension what America is for or about; tired of them ganging up and thugging their way to the top of the bottom dwellers. There is a big leap now to climb to the other side; a huge gap; notice the debt limits? Spend it on military forces and lets get this rolling. Enough of this mass protest; let's get the real fight started, time is being wasted. Who wants to pay for the disposal, who? Who is a little unsure about America or has utter problems with their manhood? Who? Why are they constantly calling or crank calling and then whining about this outcome? Exactly like war, we have wounds; ignorance, stupidity, genetic deficiency, lies, scandal, behavior unbecoming of an officer or peasant, and running into enemy fire. Exactly like war, we get snared up with homeless vets who misrepresent or take up the labor union plight; just a job or stay out of their business.
TOO IGNORANT, TOO POOR, TOO STUPID, TOO RUDE, TOO MUCH OF A PEST, TRAITORS: Do they comprehend why funds are flowing into the military; do they know why we are pushing this outcome? Do they understand what can happen if they lay down in the road and refuse to give up or surrender on terms described? How much IQ does it take to see the crime rate, birth rate, steep decline, our biography, a few pages with human trash, or a long and solid pattern of behavior? Spend their money on military forces; they will need it more than we do. Spend their time on winning over their vast wasteland; now widespread across America and the world. Let me make this crystal clear, you pick your fights and battles; but if you do not have enough or had enough; it will come to you. When it does; do not act disappointed. Nobody is buying it or wants to hear it either. How wrong can this be? How wrong can this get? Who is wrong here and who pre-judged or mis-judged their masters? Nobody likes being judged but when your master tells you to keep away and stay down; just do it, it is stupid. Did we misjudge them wrong also or is this just aimless war; random violence? Who is wrong? If you have property rights; you can wage war; wage it. We love you to death but remember, the anti-sedition laws are there for a reason and circumventing them is why you are here annoying us or stalking us; and now blaming us. Yes it is stupid. Convinced? Why would this enemy keep looking in a mirror and acting angry while playing stupid; a woman's point of view? It perplexes the smartest and the most powerful; what is their value? It comes down to the cease and desist order; when they knew and the responses. The problem are the followers, not the leaders. On this end, the problem are the leaders; not the followers. Nobody wants to waste or piss their life away over this buffoon; so they keep it hush-hush; blamed for the delivery of the devil. Forget it, who will pay for the disposal; that is the abatement and the debate now. Worry about disposal instead of rudeness, disappointment, or stupidity; all a symptom of ignoramus. If they get attacked; they better have a military response; otherwise, they will be ousted for a complete or total lack of security.
GOOD FOR ME: Ann I need you to help me get a new woman in my life and you out of it. I need you to help me get these people out of my mind; not more or all over your career and every photo. If you want to only be a mom; then understand I depend on you and your actions are so far from a parent figure or partner in life. All of these factors has them on my back hourly about how evil and how you must prove to them what your intentions are; I am still a hostage to this group and manhood is a crime to them. Every aspect of life is through a woman's eye or from a female perspective. All a woman thinks about is sex, rapists, thugs, apes, or being overpowered. Understand now? We are dealing with a hybrid and a total psychopath. I do not need a lecture on being rich or being royals; I have been there and I have done that. This is new territory; do I need a lecture when only I have been there? How about you Ann? Nobody has been here or there and I am subordinated? I cannot get rid of this staff? The Pentagon should nuke the F out of them; not play more games. There is a lesson and a good way to learn how to be rich; try to keep it under these terms. Do not asked to be removed; do not asked to be arrest; and do not ask for war. You may not like the answer. This gives them no right to challenge the manhood of or make manhood a crime when it is our life and our mission. They are a visitor only; this means expulsion at any time. Get that SOB up here; I need a lecture on how to be your boss and a General? The funny thing is there really is no accountability; a lecture and they are still interested?
PULL OUT YOU STUPID SOB AND SETTLE YOUR DEBTS WITH ME STUPID BITCH: Fox is going down dumb bird watcher. Ann here is a clue; stop going on Red Eye or Fox News; you traded your marriage in for it and will try to gain it back or refuse to honor your debts to me. There are more clues out there but you have not discovered it yet either. You have no excuse for me. I need you and them out of my life and out of my mind; not challenge my manhood. This Red Eye and Fox problem is not recoverable Ann; pull out while you can. You will not survive or can fix it. This is why I pray; too much fun and waste of my time; not even a decent paycheck or benefits; not even friendship. Just more problems on top of other problems. Going on Fox, Red Eye, dinners, speeches, and hanging out late just convinces me more you are a total bitch and an awful wife. I hope your family is not convinced and I hope people understand you enough to save your ass when I am gone. You can keep them hanging and piss them off also. Then you can ruin their marriage and friendship for all the reasons but the right ones. It is good for you, not me! Don't ever forget that ever; good for you, bad for me. That is your biography, hell awaits. This will and has ruined your marriage and 22 years; move on but let me survive it also. Fox failed their mission and so did you; pull out jackass. You F'ers have no fight and it is impossible to win wars with you ignorant buffoons; total phonies. I am being punished for going to battle with human trash and being punished for loving it. There is no way to win with this piece of shit; no way out or to be happy. Then they are suicidal and the ship is sinking; useless indentured servants and compost. All I am doing is trying to get married and finish my books; now that is partly stolen.
PUNISHED FOR LOVING WHITE TRASH AND NON ROYALS: Even the royals understand me. You are so rude Ann. Don't ever try to explain to me again; no matter what the reason is. If you do, I will punch you myself or embarass you back; even with intimate details; total dumbass and idiot stunts. All of you are like this; you have a death wish. You cannot even be a proper royal and bother the hell out of me also. Look at them and then look at you slaves Ann; using money and throwing it around. You all are trash and cheap as heck; a total menace. Do not go on there and talk to me or try to save our marriage; it is unhelpful and they are going down; jackass. You and them are not well intended. They are trying to ruin your life; not save your marriage. I got the F'ers on this end also; the Ho Chi Minh Trail of Drugs. Do not go on Fox you stupid bitch, it is a trap and will wreck your life and mine. Do you understand what a trap and a set up is? Do you? You are guilty and repeating it. They have a death wish; stay back, it is civil war now. You have no fight and enjoy your own rape as denial it destroyed you; stay back and save yourself. Even I hang up on you now, repeatedly; not much left or remains. Hurry up with your stupid suicide and make sure I am paid first jackass. This is why they love you and want you on TV; ratings. It is impossible for them to achieve whatever they are after; total insanity. I am being punished for being with such a piece of shit. There is no reason to go on Fox but retribution and to beat each other to death! I am on the end of this and they sent out henchmen; you MF and stupid SOB. You are not royal; I am, do as you are told you monkey. The list of charges is so long and your life is so screwed up; save yourself jackass whore. Stop using sex with me or else I will reveal your secrets with me for 22 years; full details. It is impossible to win wars or world wars with you slaves and human trash. This is how people should remember you. You people a total trash and deserve hell on earth; complete narcissists on both sides or just junk. You keep acting like, smearing, or pretending to be me; more total slaves with money or secrets. Even you beg and apologize like them Ann; even you. There is no trust at this level; none anymore. What trust there was is gone a long time ago; a long time. The whites are to blame and they are so F'd in the head and a total mess; only war will save them. I am being punished for loving a white woman; herself talking.

GOOD FOR AMERICA: 1. Will it reduce debt? Yes. 2. Will it reduce crime? Yes. 3. Will it win the drug wars? Yes. 4. Will it eradicate evil? Yes. 5. Will it restore leadership? Yes. 6. Will it send the right message? Yes. 7. Will it eradicate this human piece of shit and prevent them from making contracts or coming to America? Yes. 8. Will it force them underground or to leave? Yes. 9. Will whatever is necessary deliver the devil? No. 10. Will this ever end? Yes. Is there any question or doubts on what needs to happen and why? Yes. I still do not see the problem and why we are being blamed for delivering the devil or becoming oppressors; blame it on evil and the horses' mouth. They are the ones silent and sneaky; sneaking around America trying to burglarize or rob others. Who delivered the devil and whom was blamed? Who got their story wrong and made this history only about money and politics; now representing "corrupt officials?" With 10 good reasons and 10 more on the way; why do we have to keep talking to or negotiating with a political slow poke or a phony cop? What exactly is going on and why are we in this tragedy with a human piece of shit? Did we leave them alone or did they leave us alone; who is at fault and owes demonic damages? Why are they F'in around with marriages or trying to sell sex and high end hookers; just money? Who is angry or has a really good reason to be? Who is the victim and who needs relief or the government to take actions? Who needs to cease and desist? This will look really good in the newspapers and broadcasted around the block or globe; still an ongoing conspiracy. Where is this "Ho Chi Minh Trail" which feeds this decline and drug war of criminals and felons who wish to be "real?" Why do they always want in and why do they keep having to be obstructionists? Okay, now they are in on it; joke is on them; welcome to the world of warfare and Armagheddon. Have they learned anything from the Royal Family? They put on a good face and game face; but when it comes down to it; are horrible people and do not deserve any pity. Royals will be royals no matter what type of enemy they face. Do we look like homeless Vets after the Vietnam War? Why do we now? We are condemned to homelessness if we fight the communists? What is this slander and what is the true story? Write it down if your life depends on it; nobody believes you or will. If we are royals then security was insufficient and never addressed; or has it? Do they have a death wish or want to be the royal family? They better write it down and quickly.
FOREIGN AID, VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS, AND ARMS: CIA contacted me and said if I noticed the flow of counterfeit money abroad? Yes with BCCI and offshore accounts. Afterwards, I saw debt of magnitudes I had never before seen from governments; including the US and FEDs. If blamed it on and felt it was "Opus Dei" but there was no links to communism; only the labor movement and Catholics. They collided with me and my banks; a total mess. They are using debts to pilfer the greenback and US Treasury; black market. I am reluctant to send foreign aid if we do not get the bang for the buck. The Pentagon sends military and USAIDs but they do not want to fight wars or use security for religious or other reasons. We fire them in the US and kill them overseas; but the war is exactly the same with drugs and crime. They ran up debts and then asked for US assistance; then military aid was misused or part of this protection ring; corruption. There is no invention or growth; so it is not real money; only decline. The worst offender is the USA where most of the action is. They call this the help that hurts; shut up and stop crying about spilt milk. It is only money and nobody got hurt. We want to be free also! We want business and growth, even jobs also! We are and have been interested in growth, even smaller government. A momma's boy and stud at the same time? That is sick but every man's dream. CIA understands they must be careful because they know how the game is played; sometimes the helicopter has to leave even if they are not on it. They will wait and they will search; but they must make the effort and a valid one. When the helicopter comes around, they must be on it. This is all I can say. I can lecture about cowboy-ism. When the helicopter arrives; jump on it and shut up; it is a hot zone.

EVEN MORE REASONS TO EARTHQUAKE, HURRICANE, TORNADO, OR CALL ON GOD: I hope they can handle the truth and are man enough to finish your battles in life; we are. Ignorance to the law and refusing to ignore it is why they are a human piece of shit who wants to die. This is their art and dirty tricks to get them started on that road of ruin; crime and decline, to decimate the country and the world. Are they or have they been good for America as they claim? Now look closer at the fingerprints. Whose prints are on it and why? Who owns those fingerprints? Who can tolerate this quiet sneaky little F'er? Why is there so much drugs, prostitution, and lawlessness so wrapped and warped up in this story, our biography, and a very important mission? Who is the mole and this F'er doing all of this; no less introducing all of these elements? Where is this door and who keeps opening it? If they do not spit up some names; to hell with them. This human piece of shit is always trying to get ahead. It is always trying to seek security or a home. They are constantly crafting and drawing people into their mess and hell. They are always phony or loose with the truth. This is how they seek to end this; to seek benefit or some declared victory through access and friendship. Who in gods name can be friends with them or this deliverance? There is never a paper trail and it is only about forced medication or false arrest; errors. Now it is about the most important biographies on this earth; the truth. Look how they cling on for dear life and what we have to do to them; just to write books. Who is the caveman and the poor ass peanut peasant now? Who is to blame for delivering the devil or the "Ho Chi Minh Trail" of drugs? This is and was the same problem with the CIA; constant bombardment by the liberals and the inability to get rid of these very good scholars; except waiting for a lawsuit. How did they manage to put Ronald Reagan on the face of this or ours? How? Why are government positions and jobs being used for recruitment or a crime wave? An earthquake is one thing; I want to see God earthquake the F out of them; let's pray. I do seances daily now; will it be delivered after the deadline?
WANT CIVIL WAR, DO NOT GET INVOLVED, STAY BACK: There is no way we can tell if they want civil war or only to attack and seek surrender. There is one way to find out. Also, they are not allowed to get involved; in any of this unless they have the full truth or can help resolve the entire circus and fiasco. We get spin doctors and all kinds of tricks; usually it is about blame. If we do the right thing; it is about money now. If we make money decisions; it becomes about doing the right thing. Now it is a total mess and we do not know if they want civil war or if they will cease and desist. They were ordered to a long time ago and it was made clear they cannot interfere or get involved; so now they get involved and interfere. We will know really soon if they want civil war or not. Take a good look at why this is good for America! Let us determine what they want and if they truly ask for civil war or are phonies. We got this far; let us take them to the edge and test them. I know a great way and one that will amaze the world; watch carefully. This is not about discrimination; it is about a push over and where this world is headed.
DECIDE WHO YOU ARE ANN: Decide who you want to be Ann. I asked you a very simple question and you confessed and told me you are and were not as faithful as you had wished or wanted to be. Who am I? Who is slandering me? Who do you think I am? Why? If we are royals then security was insufficient and never addressed; or has it? Why did they neglect to report this but claimed we threatened the police or their politics? Who are they and why was it not reported or written down? They want us to believe them now or before? Trust them? You trust them? Do they have a death wish or do they only want to be the royal family; stalkers? Am I this stupid; honestly? You look as stupid as they do; happy? They look as smart as we are, happy? One of us is phony and has a death wish; clearly. They are now homeless vets and are spreading this stupidity and their disease; even drug war. I am trying to get rid of them if you would please remove yourself and work on your marriage; now I have to cut that off also. Why didn't you get rid of your security when mine was insufficient? Soon everybody will try to get rid of you for refusing to answer and being a slave. A slave has no value; they have no fight or will to live.

FROM A WOMAN'S POINT OF VIEW: All of them have problems with manhood. Their way of seeking the truth or fact finding is to abuse, torture, or lunacy. Their idea of manhood is to circle their wagons while sending out apes who are so barbaric; you have to fight them to the death. They despise it when men act like men; always playing to sex or women. Their police tactics are even worse. All of them are fake or phonies; constantly making a crime manhood or something outside their box. They call it hate or discrimination. While they have this problem with manhood; they claim freedom and naturalism cannot be impeded. If you show them manhood or the proper form; they copy it and smear it. If you challenge them; you end up with a rapist or child molester of a boss. They do not want to see it as a problem with Royals or the Royal family; they claim it is a lack of security and until proven otherwise; their story is true. They challenge the power and manhood of anyone, anyhow, and are not even American; some offshoot of the homeland which cannot be spoken. Silence and sneaking around is their manhood; a test of how tough they are. Ask them if they have a recurring nightmare or how scared they are of manhood; they scream in fright and go hide. Do we need a war to fix their manhood or do we need a civil war to restore ours? Why is manhood a crime because right now; they are using marriage to even attack that and superimpose some other slave mentality or manhood. Their idea of helping and government consists of welfare, benefits package, declared insane or disabled, and social security or a pension. Based on our biography and this case; the evidence suggest they sought surrender and was involved in a ferocious fight. Look at how high this human trash has gotten and their reach; take a closer look how high this is. One of us is very confused and very beaten up; the other was denied a valid and well deserved victory. To claim or say it was all police action is total phony and a total lack of manhood. Worse is their IQ, genetics, and what is programmed in that nut of their brains; we can deprogram or reprogram them. They need to stop their deprogramming or reprogramming first. None of them are real or a real man; just crazy like a fox or silent. Try to tell them otherwise and watch how powerful they get. They challenge people's manhood and replace it with theirs; it is a crime. They want jobs and to win this treasure hunt; so do we. None of them are real and hit has to do with their manhood and warfare. They are hitting up the wrong people and the wrong level with this homeless veteran problem. They are using Ann Coulter to win this manhood problem and it is based on their religion. The question is do we need civil war and who will pay for the cost of removal or disposal? Us or them? I would love to see them get decimated and see what it does to their religion or their manhood. Please tell us their story and how this went down.

BLAMED FOR THE DELIVERY OF THE DEVIL: Got put in their place and thrown out; now hanging on for dear life. We are dealing with Kwasi-Guido the weasle whom has to be shipped back to the homeland or iced by the police. The dysfunctional predator and homeland idiot cannot function in society and has no clue what being an American is; but they feel they are hot shit and here to prove something or themselves. They cannot even exist in public or in a work force so the only place for them is crime and the drug wars; to hell with Kwasi-guido the bucktooth Buckwheat. They feel they are just as good and must challenge us because it is some hope or challenge to be superior; on robotic and automatic mode. This is what you call hanging on for dear life and in terminal mode; no way out but the homeland and exits. It is just another day dog training or trying to make a jackass sit before they get killed or thrown out. These people are sneaky, quiet, no damn good, think they are superior, act phony, and they are greedy as hell. They knock on our door all the time and the only way was to abduct or kidnap us; control of a region or a government. Now they have lived and learned; but still cannot control themselves. They act just like a slave or a guerrilla. They feel they are real and can man-handle people. Constantly back and forth how they are waging war and upset. They are catholic and jews; part of the labor movement in America. Shut them down and get rid of them; we would rather have the talkative southern types rather than this quiet sneaky criminal who is a total psychopath. This is a struggle between good and evil, good and bad; and it begins with a lack of individuality and following us. Their looks, their behavior, and how inflated their heads are; you could not even put to words what kind of a piece of shit we are fighting or how much trouble they cause. Now we have to listen to who is more angry or why they do not want to leave or how they do not want to hear it because we are at war. It did not go well at the top or the bottom. They will be impacted and loose the most; fate. Who is introducing these people? Where is that door? Who is watching that door? How do they get in and do so much damage? Who cannot shut it or lock it? Why is this insanity still going on? Why am I still in this insanity and reporting about it? Somebody let these people into our life, who? Why are these people in America or in our life causing all this trouble? Why are they in the most important mission on earth? Ignoring them did not work; and still does not. Someone is not telling the truth or cares to assist in finding it. Even the FBI does not have the true story yet; someone has to. Who is this agitator or the devil arrival? Why am I being blamed for the arrival of the devil? Why am I being charged for the delivery of the devil? Are they this screwed up and this narcissistic? This much of a problem? Ignoring them did not help or work; still does not. How about ignore us? It might be a winning formula but they have a lot of fixing and damages.
WHO IS THIS QUIET SNEAKY-SNAKE LIKE MOLE AND WHO LET THESE PEOPLE INTO OUR LIFE: Based on repeated or ongoing craziness; can you help me with this question. Is the landlord or the person I am living under, being ran out by drug organizations and crack addicts; or am I? Is he part of their hunt or only me? I just got robbed. I just got blamed for 4 crack addicts. The same type of element is making another pass or being more subtle. It is very difficult to say 9 out of 10 problems have no ending point or accountability. If is hard for me to say that if 10 people come into my life; 7 are crack addicts; I am at fault. How did all of these people get so tangled up? Who brought these people into my life and now our case? Is it local police? Is it some vigilante group? Is it something else you and I do not have access or answers to? Who is introducing these people? Where is that door? Who is watching that door? How do they get in and do so much damage? Who cannot shut it or lock it? Why is this insanity still going on? Why am I still in this insanity and reporting about it? Somebody let these people into our life, who? Why are these people in America or in our life causing all this trouble? Why are they in the most important mission on earth? Ignoring them did not work; and still does not. Someone is not telling the truth or cares to assist in finding it. Even the FBI does not have the true story yet; someone has to. Who is this agitator or the devil arrival? Why am I being blamed for the arrival of the devil? Why am I being charged for the delivery of the devil? Are they this screwed up and this narcissistic? This much of a problem? Ignoring them did not help or work; still does not. How about ignore us? It might be a winning formula but they have a lot of fixing and damages.
FOX NEWS: Needs to plead guilty. They have the British government after them and now the US government. They also are on the other end of a very important military mission; still not able to startup and privatized. The question is will they cease and desist? Will they assist with the capture, killing, or eradication of this terror group whom are media spies and former communist spy rings; now turned drug vultures or inside jobs. Will they implicate thsoe involved and reveal everything we expect; or will they take this to the grave? There is one way to save their name and to save a ship sinking and full of holes. There is one way to save all of those jobs before they file grievances; a criminal and evil employer charged with treason and murder. The circus and atmosphere of total lies has to come to an end eventually; they cannot keep lying for their entire life, or can they? I cannot work. I cannot seek justice. I cannot even have a life or have a marriage in peace. What exactly am I allowed to do with my life? This is why I want them all dead; capture them dead or alive for the horrific political tricks and terrorism; add drug wars. Skin that F'er like a cat who has no home or any reason to live; I never liked the communist anyhow. We devoted our entire life destroying and fighting them; surprise. I blame Ann and I also blame the government for this total mess; a complete circus. Next is their social security and benefits; to send a total message. I have never seen a menace to society knock on our doors daily, in order to tell us we are inferior, their slaves, and how superior they are; and then endure begging or tolerating a menace to society. Now the communist want to retire and act superior in their old age? This labor force and labor movement has to go. This is a struggle between good and evil, good and bad; and it begins with a lack of individuality and following us. Their looks, their behavior, and how inflated their heads are; you could not even put to words what kind of a piece of shit we are fighting or how much trouble they cause. Now we have to listen to who is more angry or why they do not want to leave or how they do not want to hear it because we are at war. It did not go well at the top or the bottom. They will be impacted and loose the most; fate. Ignoring them did not help or work; still does not.
I SO UPSET? The reason why I am so upset is the total lack of respect for the law. Exactly how many people came to me to let me know I was either a psychopath or not? Did Fox News? Did CPAC? Did YAF? Did NBC? Did the Democrats? I made it clear I will and have a right to defend myself and if this means the proper use of SATWAR; then I hope I took out as many of them as I could. Ann, why are you coming to me and circumventing these people? Why are they coming to me and circumventing you? Why didn't you sit down with them; it is your marriage and private life. Why are they on me or in my life trying to make it hell hourly or daily? If there is retaliation; then we will let the FBI and law enforcement take them out first; then the remainder of them will be dealt with. Everybody says you were not completely faithful. They were not on their best behavior either. It is a circus of fools. My problem with you Ann is really simple; you are a total bitch; admit it and stop being a pathological liar. It is difficult to love someone who is so stupid or flawed; but a complete bitch. Do you want an example? This led me to imagine or not; reasons why you were not completely faithful while I had to listen to you hysterically why you were and one "perspective" after excuses, after moments you could not even answer. You cannot even fight rapist, abductors, and evil; a complete whimp. You admit you enjoyed your own rape and had all the fun a female can have. You and them can argue for the rest of your life or go on TV and debate it; stop with me and do not let me catch anyone sticking their nose in this; they have the death penalty. This idea they are in charge or trying to make it better; has reached a terminal level. Do you see CPAC fixing your marriage or Lisa? They do this to me also and it is not wanted at all; none of this. I told the government to get rid of these people also; they are a slow poke as well. To hell with them; let them all suffer. Do they understand when I tell them 2/3 of their forces have been destroyed and what or how this can happen? There are rules and if they do not have self control, any of them involved; why do they keep hanging around? All they do is knock on our doors and beg. If the door is slammed in their face; then it is how important they are, who they know, how superior they are, how inferior we are, and constant arguing until someone gets locked up for life or has the death penalty. What a menace to society. They cannot even go in public without commiting a crime. Ignoring them did not help or work; still does not. How about ignore us? It might be a winning formula but they have a lot of fixing and damages.

ALL OF YOU RUN AND HIDE, LIE, AND FILL THIS WITH DRAMA OR STUPIDITY; A TOTAL PIECE OF SHIT: Why didn't you just get rid of this bodyguard? Why did you have to travel or go on TV with him? Why did you play this useless game? Why didn't you tell him to leave first? Why did you buy him coffee? Why did you pay for his expenses? Why did you film him holding your hand? Why do you keep driving around DC and staying out late with him? Why are you in bars or out drinking with him? Why didn't you do as told or asked? Would life be easier? Could this be avoided? I enjoy it? It looks cool and sophisticated; how well protected or gracious; your own staff of security? CPAC is doing you a favor and watching your best interest? Lisa DePasquale is your biographer; who talks about "boys" over whine with you? Who is the idiot now? I prayed today for your death and suicide; God has sent his blessing. Your family is pathetic; even their kids are condemned and have so much work ahead of them. Keep making more disasters. Muck up your life more. Add more nights and more secrets with this singles club; you admit you are an active member. You admit you will burn in hell. You admit your parents should have been lynched for this utter mess; the pain and suffering. You look smart and extremely intelligent with my work or research. I am a happy camper when in a combat zone and facing World War. You have no honor and keep asking why you cannot make me happy? Nothing you do can fix this or our marriage? It could be worse? A human piece of shit is in pain or having difficulty at work? This is exactly what we need and ordered while in a combat zone and world war. This is exactly what I wanted to buy or give my heart and soul for. You have to get Bill Mahala and cannot spend time on your own problems for what he did? Parties are just "book parties" now? Would you like a medal for heroic acts Ann? Would you like a medal of honor? I will attend the rally when you die and tell the truth about you; do you want to tell the truth now? We know about them but how about the active member of this singles club? You did nothing or just played along and had a blast? How about ignore us? It might be a winning formula but they have a lot of fixing and damages.
The deadline is 2012. How much do they want to loose? All they had to do was open an office or wait until we called them. Take a look how many times they came to our homes and called us; and then criticized or gave orders to move, leave, or how this is their world. The problem is they refuse to open and office or wait until we knock on their door or phone them. Instead, they come to our homes, stalk us, are trying to utilize confusing clandestine contacts, and this ends up as an unwanted kidnapping, abduction, or armed robbery. Due to this climate of constant and unwanted clandestine communication; the death penalty must be requested. Open a clear and vivid office. Write down and advertise what they want. Stop acting like dangerous or armed terrorists using handicapped or sick people to spread fear and terror. I am tired of begging and pleading; even giving orders that go unanswered. There will be changes, end of story. Stop wasting time Ann, your deadline is 2012 also and I have taken steps to try and remove myself from this situation. Do not expect them to save you, tell the truth, or just cease and desist; they are evil. They watch every single move I make; for benefit. They are communist spies and abductors. They want people to kill them out of anger and refuse to leave human beings alone or end this; only arrest or death will stop them. I have chosen death; let the law try and make a rescue approach. It is not a clear cut rescue. Ignoring them did not help or work; still does not. How about ignore us? It might be a winning formula but they have a lot of fixing and damages. Even Ann begs and apologizes in the most annoying ways. There is no more trust at this level; total warfare. It is slaughter or be slaughtered on the SATWAR levels; no rules and no enforcers. What trust there was is gone a long time ago; a long time. The whites are to blame and they are so F'd in the head and a total mess; only war will save them.
What have communist spies and communism turned into? Tell them to ignore us!
We have a major problem. The spies of the past and the problem with communism is no longer spying on military development or military personnel. They are recruiting and decline or elections is a hell which facilitates this. The spy rings and clandestine wars between governments have turned into media, celebrity, and spying on VIPs. We are talking cold war level brainwashing and kidnapping. We are talking about spying on the police and lawyers; to defend or avoid prosecution. We are talking about toying with the justice system and legal system; worse than in Columbia. If you can imagine traitors and enemies who used to spy on people for political reasons; imagine what they can do when they are trying to make money. When drugs or arrest is on the line. When critical debt or scams are about to hit ground zero. The communist spies are no longer spying on government; they control the media and decide what bias or what information they will filter or broadcast. The impact is very negative and it is a racketeering racket; an extortion and blackmail ring designed to protect leaders or very evil people. The question is what to do with them and the disposal; how do you properly dispose of this enemy and this evil? How? We are all victims of this; even me... even me and what I did to them. Ignoring them did not help or work; still does not. How about ignore us? It might be a winning formula but they have a lot of fixing and damages.
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