Let me make this crystal clear:
1. We are in a combat zone. Do not try to apply the law in the middle of or while an attack, defensive position, or raid is underway. We count on a desirable outcome for only one side; there is no two way street or mic for a hysterical bitch.
2. Stop acting like a hysterical bitch.
3. You cannot use civilians as a shield; no less use them to make money or profit off their death.
4. In a shootout or pursuit; the fault can fully rest on the victim or the person who died; a form of reckless behavior.
5. I am not trying to get arrested on behave of Osama Bin Laden or any Husseins.
6. Money is not talking or ever was.
7. If in a combat zone, the rules of engagement applies. If enemy combatants fire on troops, even friendly fire; they have the authority to suppress or capture dead or alive those behind it. If this ends up as a mistake; then those whom made the mistake took their sweet damn time before noticing how big those guns and who they are firing at.
8. The reason why the death penalty has to be imposed and this idea others need to be arrested on behave of Osama Bin Laden; is Treason and HIgh Crimes and Misdemeanors. I am sure they will have a really good career explaining that one.
9. Spare me the drama, lies, and lectures. We are at SATWAR levels and I have escalated this. Why does the death penalty have to be imposed or used to round up this guerrilla drug cartel?
10. Let me take a wild guess, they are waiting for hell to freeze over? There are rumors about abductions, draftees, kidnappings, and other scandals or misrepresentations. Odd, I was retired in 1995 honorably. Now the truth behind why I was retired is out in print and indisputable; slander. Go ahead and muck it up more. Add a few assault or violent acts in there; or try forced medication. Now who is the belligerent one or misrepresenting themselves? This is about respect now? This is about winning? Correct if I am wrong or ever was with more lectures. Even funnier is how this is all clandestine and in the open; a human shield.

BUCKWHEAT THE BUCK-TOOTH BITCH: Ann, it serves me no joy on this end chasing off Buckwheat the buck-tooth bitch who thinks we or I am special daily. It brings me less and worse joy finding her Buckwheat jewelry on my bed or an invite to her church. Worse is you dating or close friends with Buckwheat or whom I have to chase off. Now Buckwheat claims we are special; if not you; then I have problems with white females and she wants to hear about it or seek vengeance for me. Wonderful situation and outcome don't you agree? What the hell do you do with Buckwheat who thinks you are special? Buckwheat and the fat-ass are messengers. They kept and keep saying to "mind our own business... stay away... it is only business... he needs money... its our home... leave... go home... leave them alone... stay out of their business... etc." Buckwheat is only a messenger. She claims someone is chasing her or trying to threaten her. Buckwheat is a spy and a lunatic psycho. She got me arrested and forced medicated. She claims she gave up on us; but has not given up; now ready to die. Buckwheat is not lying about being chased or in a pursuit. Buckwheat is a drug lord and linked to Tim or the media. Buckwheat has major problems with white people, perfect people, or others with integrity. Buckwheat feels she is being chased or a weapon is being pointed at her while in hiding; but has bad news all the sudden; a life ending error. Each time Buckwheat is threatened; she attacks and uses the word, "presupposes" or "causation." I think law enforcement and the FBI knows how to treat and deal with Buckwheat the buck-tooth loser who has powerful links and politicians underneath her. Look at what they did and then look at what she did. These are only messengers.
SOME CRAZY BITCH AT THE BEACH: Ann you sound and look like some crazy bitch on South Beach, FL who pissed off her boyfriend and is trying to keep him or hold on while calling, emailing, and testing men online; whom you call fans and admirers. Then you sound like that same insane chick who then says to her boyfriend the dinners, free drinks, and male attention; was for him or to boost his career. This is a complete and total lie. You did what you did and said, "it could be much worse." The fact is you went to a crazy beach where predators and insane chicks reside; then you joined this singles club and it did benefit you; and now you have issues or a lot of suspicions while you cannot erase or clean up the events of a few days and nights kept secret or under court seal. Meanwhile, the rumors got to your boyfriend and the people who spread them; were responsible for the cover-up or misrepresentations. A crime was committed and it was enforced or is being enforced with the death penalty. You claim you are or were in danger; but this does not explain why you are arguing with your boyfriend at the beach. It did humble you and other gorgeous women have intervened. The truth is if you go to the beach with a guy and leave without one; we know what took place. You can spin it. They can spin it. It is really unhelpful to this mission and the outcome. Luckily, no kids are involved and painting me negatively did not increase or boost your judgment or financial benefits.
SPOKEN TO BIASED DOCTORS: Ann, I have doctors telling me you cannot handle the truth or keep delaying because you are avoiding the inevitable. Even if you had a terminal disease, you want your memory or are propagating a scam which can impact your life, those you love, and the general public. This idea you look good has nothing to do with my annoyances with a slow poke or some jackass; using Vietnam for God forsaken power or how SATWAR is now being used for other God forsaken power. After high school; I was not a mess; I had people in my life who were a mess. So I got rid of them and they ruined your life and mine; but this has to end. Now they are saying my life is messed up or a total mess and this is not true; the same slander case. It is some drug gang or culture; a complete and total moron. The last time I got high was in high school and freshman year at college; but this was under peer pressure and bad terms. I got away and escaped all of this. I went from honor student to a idiot and knew they were doing this crap. When I removed these people; they must have come back and mucked up my life again; trying to get me high, score drugs, or become a street cartel. I am still not interested, not even with their hookers. My value is immense; so are the damages. This idea nobody wants me, has been broken; so has the brainwashing or programming. Surprise! They use drugs to program or create monsters; to win elections and invoke fear. Your problem is this slow poke alter ego I hate and despise. I hate a slow poke and this idiot. This idea they are not messed up, I am; is slander by a certified idiot. They use drugs and crime for this. Decide slow poke; I am done with this. I hate slow pokes Ann; and your life is a total mess; not up for negotiations; decide. I am not here to teach you how to be a proper person in your old age. If you love and want the singles life; enjoy and be gone. The slow poke has to go and so does this didactic idiot I have to cope with.
SLOWPOKE, KNOCK IT OFF: I asked you to decide if you want to stay together or have a future. I did not ask you to have crack-heads throw themselves at me or invade my residence. Already there has been 4, one committed burglary and stole $37 (Ralph Dalleave). I did not ask you to talk to followers or men who you claim are deranged fans online. I never once asked you if you did anything wrong or not; I said is this going to end ever? You have a serious problem communicating and ever since I have known you; I have been annoyed by this slow poke attitude that things will last forever and you never have to worry. Ann, you are 50 and even I call you a slow poke. It is annoying. Now I have to shut you up, tell you - you are wrong, you try to present yourself in a way that suggest you are not replaceable, and I get more slow poke and stupid messes. If you have it in for this communist master spy and some brood of slaves that SOB has on this end; then this is between you and the SOB. I am trying to draft raid and attack plans, not you. You have only been unhelpful to fighting forces ever since you were stripped of any honors. You cannot do good work or clean your life up. You want to talk to people online and you carry your phone around and email people all day. Either you are a liar or just a nuisance. I had no idea you are the voice of crack-heads, communists, and communist masters. I never knew I was. Soon you will be as useless and worthless as they are. Make up your mind and stop dragging this out past the third year Ann; you are guilty of being a slow-poke and it is so messed up; you think you are irreplaceable. I do have women waiting. I do have a life to live. You do need to settle your debts. You are far too messed up than you admit or can fix. You have no safety line and do not want to be viewed as a loser or failure. You do have a lot to offer but it is questionable how you got there or if you truly have all the talent and rewards needed to hold power. I am looking at a financial mess and you are capitalizing on this. Other than this; we have nothing to say. Decide. If you want to go on their side; stay with them and over there so we can make adjustments. You are unhelpful and just a nuisance or research assistant.
Your crack-heads are under the gun and I have forwarded the attack plans to the FBI. I told them to take them down, kick them out, and get rid of them; once and for all. You are welcome to go with them and stay in your hell. I have never seen a woman enjoy her own rape, constantly enjoying stalkers and crack-heads; and then running to the man she claims to love and dumping all of this on him. What now, what the hell do I want with slaves and indentured servants strung out and stupid as heck? Worse, you almost got raped and murdered; but had a blast during it. I am ready to move on, decide if you can live life as expected Ann; if not, then say so; but end your reign of terror also. You female slaves are wandering around as if you are wanted, cherished, and have something to offer. This is why I am being attacked or put under the gun. They are still trying to fix you up and get you high; stop talking to them so they can be raided and attacked by federal forces. They have nothing to offer anybody anymore. You are using Vietnam and this mission to exonerate yourself. I am bogged and have no cover anymore. Your security team is a circus. They are attacking you and my positions. They must be thrown out and banned from any military service. Law enforcement is a circus of lies and betrayals. It is a cycle which personifies how messy and stupid you slaves and indentured servants truly are; unable to perform or do good work. I have to adjust calculations for all these mistakes, (i.e. is 80% collateral damage acceptable and why; how about 70%). There is nobody in charge and if so; it is a total mess and a buffoon. Did you tell me you are not a buffoon Ann? I will make this clear; given the amount of problems, the attacks, and the life long resuscitation or the gross negligence; you have been unhelpful and helpful to this mission and this ending. At most you are just a slow poke and some forgettable nightmare; still unable to settle your debts or live life appropriately. Yet you seek or ask forgiveness and use our enemies as a vehicle to redemption; great setting for a military mission or personnel. Makes a fine story and even worse; a nightmare. Stop mucking my life up and decide; then settle your debts so I do not have to file a complaint. I am in this mess because you are a slow poke and a total mess; a liar. Your military sucks and so does this circus. All you and they seek is redemption or a second chance; a total F up.

ANN STOP: Stop acting like a hysterical bitch I need to smack around because you cannot handle combat and over-react. Listen to me. I know they are programming in my mind who they see as the enemy; you, America, whites, perfection, progress, work, etc. I know they are trying to relive Vietnam and are military or have a communist background; thus, they try to antagonize this mission. Listen to me and listen to your commander and a well seasoned combat veteran; I know they tried to program "friend" into you but are now betrayed and confused. What you are doing is counter-productive and in the eyes of many people, insubordination and ignorance. You will be trumped by this psychopathic enemy and mole. They want to relive and win an old lawsuit involving Vietnam, so they used me as a proxy. What you interrupted and this trap I set up broke the chains of this programming or brain washing. The communist suck up on your career and wooed you; to the point of rape and murder. They are not getting the inheritance or funds they thought was so close. All you are doing now is acting like a hysterical bitch in front of the world and it is so annoying; the ignorance and the agitation of your own side or the forces of good is unbearable. You are not and have not thought this out clearly; you rely on patches or the hope of me to fill in what you cannot do perfectly. Now this runt of a fat honky is taking advantage of your mistakes and this lunatic black master female thinks a door in my heart has been opened because of your race or other whites so flawed. Do you understand what is going on and why? You are not thinking clearly and have a major problem with your commander now. I have kicked you out numerous times for fulfilling their dreams or giving them life; a mole in my book but you claim it could be much worse. Well, make up your god damn mind how badly and how much you wish to F up will you. Do you want it all messed up or just my end? I cannot shake them and am still trying; do not make a move unless I can synchronize my charts and calculations you klutz and unscientific nuisance. I am tired and sick of your miscalculations and lack of professional logic; you call it abstract or reverse thinking; stupid honky. Knock it off Ann and the ignorance you are parading is not wanted and easy to trump. It is evil; you are evil but on the right side and hanging by a moment. This is a communist master enemy and they have met their match; can you at least keep me in the fight and not so insane or crazy about your stupid female tricks? Can you at least present yourself as helpful; I have a clandestine idiot already who is not but acts helpful.
ANN: Stop telling me how these females did this. This is about you and me now and I need to know or find out if you want to stay together or not. Stop telling me what these girls did or why; we don't care. It is a yes or no. These women I keep describing; continue and keep doing this; now you are. If you do not want to stay together and owe some debt; then pay it. If I do, then I will. This has to end. Why are you injecting drama and the same stupid tricks or games I just got out of and just recovered from? I have a lunatic and a total psychopathic communist enemy on this end; a female. The MF is so annoying, you would not believe how insulting and how stupid they are. It makes you want to lynch them or get extremely violent; but this is what they want. Why in hell are you messing this up; I was looking at your Twitter and you go nuts on it which will piss me off and I have had enough of this Ann. Are you a lunatic and madwoman also? Are you a psychopathic stalker who is intentionally trying to piss or tick me off? I just stopped giving you attention and you calmed your life down; yet I know you are up to the same stupid stuff. Why are you saying you are mad at me for blaming you or making the calls? You are the one who is the slow poke and we are in this mess because of you; don't ever forget this. Do not ever forget for the remainder of your life why or how we got in this mess, okay. I will not write it out or spell it out; but had you not argued with me and had you put the brakes on this a long time ago; this would not happen. Now you wrecked our life or marriage and you keep playing this game with me; then saying how a mystery communist or SOB enemy is doing it and you are smacking them. Enough is enough from the both of you; we have to survive this and you are not helping now; they are. Did you hear me; you just gave them redemption idiot. You are the mole Ann. You refused to fight or destroy them; you are the weak link and the mole pretending I am the gatekeeper. In the end, there are several problems here but I am the gatekeeper; not you. Stop this "looking like them" and "do as they do" onto me Ann. It is very painful and extremely annoying. Nobody needs this piece of trash or wants them; do you wish this fate? This is why I called you a bad indentured servant; shameless also. There are several problems here and nobody is happy with anybody; too many flaws and too many errors. The entire world is watching but they do not have the full story; neither do I Ann; and I am very suspicious of you now. You can hang yourself and die by my hands; are you nuts or just another idiot on the lamb? How insane are you F'ers? It is just talk. It is just a lie. There was no harm and you did nothing wrong. When does this stop? I am not a wife-beater or a killer; nor do I need a prison cell or more of this fat phony race shit. I cannot be happy with you because of this honky or white trash problem. You cannot be happy with me because of this black or slave problem. Who wins Ann; who?
ANN: Look, something is happening on my end and it is not positive. I just had to deal with your phony Vietnam Vets and phony soldiers in FL. I had to report them to the Veterans' Administration and state investigators. I have no family and I am trying to ask the Veterans' Administration to help me find a job so I can at least stay here and do as you asked of me. However, I just had to deal with 4 crack-heads; all older than 50 years old stealing or trying to get me in their life. A girl just got murdered a block away named Boehner; and one of the crack-heads admitted taking $37 from my wallet while I was in the shower. I am not sure what is going on but I know these people are trying to fix you up, get you high, and corrupt our entire top secret mission. Mine is already proven and done. Your life being fixed up is how I got here and how this indentured servant got everybody in this predicament. All of it is a cycle of zombies; seeing what they like and then trying to fix us up or get a high. They got a secret life and are dealers or bosses. Listen to me, I have no family here and am vulnerable until this is fixed or solved. I have asked the state for help and the VA; also the FBI. What more do you want me to do? I am trying my best to remove these people and keep them away or back; but you are doing something on your end which is having an impact on mine. I suspect it is a drug ring or some larger organization with heavy political power or financial motives. The worst part is nobody cares. Nobody cares about you. Even I am sick of you now Ann. Your slow poke services and slow poke attitude is a total disaster. Do you know who is suffering for it? Me. Do you know or realize who the POW is or who got kidnapped? Me. Do you see lady justice or the efficient criminal justice system at work? Really? Whose fault is that? At least I get results. Everybody in this world is witness and knows I am not a slow poke and when the cards hit the table; there was only one winner and one winning side. Odd, where is my reward? Why is it denied? Why if all this value is assessed; where is the rewards? Who then did this? Can you tell me without sounding delusional or like a lunatic bad lady? I am not motivated or looking for a psychotic bag lady or a slow poke. You slaves make so many errors Ann; and you are very ignorant about it because America has given you life, liberty, and rewards; all undeserved. Now you are F'in with the most powerful forces this earth has ever laid eyes on; and even I am fed up and sick of it. When you make me angry; I turn into the incredible Hulk and a super soldier; stop it. They keep saying I started this or you started this Ann. We started nothing; we finished it; nobody gets by this. I have escalated this and provided attack plans. Tell them to stop mucking up my life or yours; get on one side and we will see once and for all; who won and who survived this legally. The problem is not only ignorance, flaws, abuse, money, etc... it is an SOB and inhuman beast. Ann, you need to decide if you want to stay together or not; not ask me or put the burden of your antics and slow poke clumsiness in my court. Even this goes back and forth, back and forth; endlessly.
Ann, nobody cares about me. Nobody cares about this SOB and MF; but we all know why, they stick their hands in anything and taint or pollute the drinking water. Who the hell wants to drink out of the stream now? You? Me? Even your stupid shit pisses me off now; and you are my lifeline and rescuer. It leaves me wondering if any of you can do a decent job or are you stupid or klutzy? What do you want me to do? You ask me to help and the question is whether or not the help I need is truly helpful? Was the help I gave you helpful based on what you told me? You asked me to destroy them while you interrogated or tried to stop them; I did and proved my case against them. The law and their employers; this includes all governess agencies; gave the order to report any crime committed; not be selective or biased because of friendship or some crazy marriage. It is all just a cycle of SOBs and worthless usual suspects. People are telling me your life is so grotesque and horrific; I need to change the channel and get a new partner. Is this true? You claim you have a calm and quiet life; never did anything wrong; and still my loyal or trusted partner. How come it does not feel this way anymore and how come I am still upset with you Ann? Something has to give and either you do a better job or they need to be more careful who they put around me and around you. Do I need another fix or a new dealer? Do you? How many more hit and misses do we have to put up with or tolerate; let's see it is 1 billion served at last count. Who is creating all of these flawed and stupid people? What is the source of all this and why weren't they shut down? Shut them down, now! There is a war now; still a secret one; and at last count it was 10 to 1; decide which side you wish to entertain or upset; stop inviting those who want to "fix us up." They claim you are at fault and your life is horrible. Now I have to listen to how I beat you; oppress you; won't let you have fun; etc... all part of your singles club and screwed up life. The last time I checked; they were part of my unit or my best student; a psychotic lunatic and butcher. Now, nobody cares and people are more reluctant to help me now than ever before; thanks to your slaves and indentured servants. How the hell do you miserable slaves stay so happy or have such temperance? I will say this once and for all, they must match or beat me and so far; after a billion tries; the score is the same. I know every move and each piece on the chessboard; also who is moving them or why. As the master of this; I can send a probe or test each move; then trace it. Am I wrong or being questioned by an authority on SATWAR? I need someone who has the balls to match or beat it. I know the battle and the positions; of my forces and theirs; am I ever wrong? Your mission Ann was not and is not to drive me insane or wreck our life; why are you telling me it is not your fault and you did not intentionally do this; they did? Choose a side; we need to fight this out once and for all. Their secret ingredient was written by Jean Jacques Rousseau; it is the term "presupposes." I can trap them, stop them, and destroy them. It is being tested right now; and in living color. Will I win my case and restore my life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness? Who did this and why? What do you do when nobody cares and can fix anything? Exactly what I would do also because you read my mind Ann. Shut down the baby factory and with extreme prejudice.
BTW: Those are not malnourished Somalis who the Navy can kick or hang off their ships; those are real Pirates with balls and guns. Don't think just because they are hungry; they have more courage or power. They run the streets and can get away with anything. You see it every day and all across the world. They have low rent. They are not accountable. They come to us and have the real deal. They want to work with us, get closer, be friends, and fix us up with their slaves.
WRONGFUL DEATH AND GROSS NEGLIGENCE CASE: http://rivals.yahoo.com/ncaa/football/blog/dr_saturday/post/Wrongful-death-verdict-leaves-UCF-with-10-milli?urn=ncaaf-wp3218
Ann, you slaves have lost your mind and gone bonkers. What does the government do when grasshoppers or insects invade crops? Yes. Kill the farmer who did it. What you all think or your slave mentality; is when insects invade; you blame it on extra-terrestrials or God himself. It is a simple solution to an easy outcome; kill em and kill em all! Now I want you to pick up the pieces and make yourself presentable. I do not want to here more about your antics or how you studies Gorillas or how Guerrillas are in the midst studying me. You are not a researcher in the Bushes with patriots or human beings; they are not humans and if they are, inhuman. I do not want one more incident regarding a recurring rape dream of Diane Fossil and her plight with G'rillos or understanding them.
Ann, this is not a story about Diane Fossil. It is not a game or a casual relationship you can phony up. It has pain and suffering on it; not an intentional or deliberate runaway story with characters named "Colton" on it. That is real crack they smoke, not dippy moth balls in a zip-lock. They do not care and will pull you down or target elementary or high school kids. They stalk people and want to get them high or give them money, "to get high or score big." Those women do not act sexy, they are the real deal and slutty. They inhale. They are ready to die. They fo real. That is not a gimpy pencil neck; it is real slave blood. Open your eyes, that is real; not fake animal blood being thrown at others. Bernie Maddoff really did rip off his people and this world; not an FDIC BCCI scam in the Caribbean. Real slave blood Ann, not fake or some drama queen; it is real and this is stupid. I do not know who you all are or think you are; but we now know who and what won this. Some of you think you are above the law; while the rest of you think there is no accountability or fling mud on others all day long. Even worse is how it is day to day; spying and watching one side or the other and waiting for any opportunity to come in for the attack or criticize. Let me make this clear Ann; I hope you and your people have learned a lesson. I hope America has taught you all a very important lesson about who you are and whom can smash you like a cheap piece of gutless nonchalant tyrants and imbeciles. Your study of these tree climbers is annoying but it is identical to my work and an offshoot of research missing from my work. Nobody can dispute it at the Doctorate levels now; my research assistant has done her job well. Let me say this again, this is no game and that is real slave blood; not fake or some drama. It is getting more stupid and annoying. They are not selling high quality moth balls; those are real balls and that is real drugs; the real deal man! Do you understand, this is no poser game or a flaming retard trying to score big but can't anymore. It is big, it is deep, and it is for real.
Ann, even at this level; I have to reiterate what the monster is and how you have created a monster. You don't want to stop. They don't want to stop. Debt is running loose while these people get more poor and their future is more in leopardskin. Look at the monster of crime; the drug wars compel the police to fly helicopters or give chase to rid the streets of a common crack punk and then pay $50,000 a year to house them and feed them. Crime is challenging every community and so are drugs. The people who did this and those who created a monster; will probably get away; so I have escalated it. They can fight us or not. This is who contacted computer security or National Security experts while they were in college to determine what they knew, how they knew, who is more powerful or better, who is tougher, and who will die first. They got the surprise of their life and you see it with your own eyes; so insane now they cannot even figure out how to explain it. They can attack the rest of our life. They can chase or feel powerful; they will not get away. If I want to pit their arch enemies against ours; I will. This monster and all of this crime is starting to really get to me; but I hope you all learned a valuable lesson about America. Your money and your property will not last or keep you alive; trust me. How you handle this will. In the end, you have only yourself to blame and you must live with yourself; amongst Gods and much more. Unfortunately, the only way to win this war is to eradicate welfare and social programs that spread poverty and create a more boisterous outcome; the monster we are in pitched battle with. Nobody wants to pay for it and it seems like everybody wants to blow up the accountability or the only fighting forces left. You too Ann? You pissed our life away on this crap; I hope you have something to show for it. Ann, you go to them and tell them to their face; they better learn how to be Americans because their life depends on it. Knock off the stupid drama, asinine attacks, and the chickenshit excuses; we are playing for keeps and stay out of my top secret mission.
This is how it was supposed to end Ann; you and I were supposed to be partners and on good terms; forever or until we die. Now look at what you did and how you keep wasting more of our priceless time and this gold I keep telling you about. I hope when a war starts; you have enough money stashed in your mattress to move away and retire. You are wasting valuable time. You are creating a bigger or worse monster; all of you. You are burning and destroying what is the lifeline of this world and the future of mankind; I hope you all burn in hell and get what you deserve. I am sure we will dine very comfortably when their throats are cut and this war ends. It is very difficult to tell who the good guys are anymore or who the enemy is; all of it is just a simple mistake and no big deal. With all this debt and crime; who needs to worry?
Military: they are damaging and doing the same thing in the military; saboteurs. They will deny it and cover it up; almost KGB spying levels. They want to increase the payments and privileges to the weakest and dumbest. Expect the Irish and the blacks to reward bad behavior, increase security, scrutinize the government, and claim a lack of protection and rights; fomenting revolution. These wars help the lawyers and politicians destroy what we value and rely on for security.
Politics: I have them on tape repeatedly telling me it was done for outcomes of elections. My college material and research, an offshoot of the Agency for International Development, is about influencing and determining elections outcomes in foreign nations; part of the Cold War and battles with the communist forces around the globe.
Drugs, Drug Wars, Social Needs, Welfare: is the propaganda they need and agitation. By worsening and producing real evidence of victims or suffering; they have the political ammunition to make it all pay off or win politically. It becomes the breeding grounds for the DC Sniper, Unabomber, McVeigh's, Discovery Bomber, Major Hassan's, and more attacks. It is a challenge to determine who is tougher, who is the better fighter, and a UFC real combat challenge; a fight to the death.
Terrorism: we know and analyzed this thoroughly already. It is about their kids, debt, spending useless dollars on their female or parent trap, and most of all terrorism, public outrage, and the law. In 1999 Tim Russert had Stuart Taylor sitting next to him and Stuart Taylor was selling or parading "Constitutional Watch" as him post or duties. To set me up they fabricated a story exactly like the home invasion in June 10, 2006 in Niagara Falls. This added another layer. Now we have to strip the layers off and analyze the source or how this began.
How they got caught: this is how they got caught. Both Ann and I have revealed what they were up against and why they got themselves into a precarious situation. They filled in the blanks but were vague. I told them I had already known they were communist spies and both Limbaugh and Hannity; under questioning, said they were ready to die and would not come out and admit it openly; a mole, stalker, saboteur, kidnapper, and deadly enemy or assassins.
Who are they and what are they up to? Ann, about the people around you trying to get us high, trying to be our close friends or spies, trying to do anything we ask, trying to get us involved in drugs, trying to legalize drugs, trying to make the police and government look bad, trying to put us in a bad position where there are no allies or friends, trying to say they love us and want to talk to us, trying to peddle our life and anything they can get their hands or sell; and trying to pull us deeper in their drug culture, violence, and insane world.
I describe them almost like a child molester or sexual predator. They want to take your picture or get you involved in some crazy sex industry. Before they do, they break down your inhibitions or bring you to a point of suicide or desperation. Then they talk to you as a best friend, guardian angel, or parent. The idea is to establish trust; thus, the use of a female voice and females who claim they are interested in hetero-sexual relations. They ask you questions about odd homosexual things to determine if it gets you excited. The problem is they do not take no for an answer. Furthermore, if 1000 tries fails; then 1000 more tries boost their chances. Due to being surrounded or isolated; they want to make sure you have no friends; cornered. Then they make you feel unwelcome or cannot get along; a mental illness, paranoia, lack of trust, lack of cohabitation, lack of socialization, hate, or conformity problems. This will continue for the remainder of your life; you cannot get along with them and must leave or go away. The bottom line is you do not want to get high or be introduced to the sex industry by a child molester. This voice and the warm conversations; also the "drinks on us" or "lets get high together" bond; is beyond annoying and stalker levels. That is how they got busted. They are looking for a partner to share life with and we have their political leaders who are rogues, moles, and former communist enemies. Odd how this turned out. This is why I describe them as a serial rapist and pedophile; they warm you up and invite you over constantly; then whack or kidnap you and take all your clothes off. Supposedly, it is to help you and make sure you can get along with others or "toughen" you up.
1. They are leaders of the Drug Wars.
2. They are communists and internal spies; a criminal gang of liberals. They do not want to be the problem and are.
3. They want to do anything or help; anything.
4. They expect to be paid or extort; hence, the attacks.
5. They are trying to get us arrested or slander our name.
6. Hookers, drugs, and anything we want; even murder and violence.
7. They claim to be staff. We cannot survive without them or we need some super protection from their legal staff.
8. Anything goes and sex and rape is widespread; as a trade to get high.
9. They throw parties and invite exclusive people; all totally nuts and street thugs or gangs.
10. They are good killers; even better at murder than the US military.
This is why it is impossible and so difficult to crack this case. They claim they love us and want to cut us in on deals or set up buys with the real deal; major leagues. They are in love with themselves and doing nobody a favor. This help is intended to get us arrested or commit suicide. It is intended to pit us against our family or most trusted. This is what I got on my end; the street enforcers, their lawyers, and clandestine spy ring. They want drugs legalized and not be the problem. They want the police and federal government to be the enemy or totally insane; they must be eradicated and coupled.
I suspect the problems with Fox and crazy stalkers; the use of gays or men to further insult this case and give them no ammunition. Now this guy X is coming to me and telling me how great Ann looks with them and expects me to embrace them warmly when we have been combating and fighting these people for over 22 years; ongoing still. But now they are on their best behavior and still has it wrong. Yet they keep knocking on the doors; the gates; and keep this goal we must leave or move as their right and privilege. It is the same people spinning the same story so the outcome is different. It is the mafia and how street gangs or thugs operate to sell drugs or commit crime; almost a spy game or terrorism plot. All you have to do is ride a bike around; they are everywhere and it is a war. They are trying to mate me with a black girl because they think I am Delta Force or a US Navy SEAL; very rare for a black genetic code. They did the same with Ann; to claim new ground; it was the Irish and they have the looks; the Jews have the brains. However, it is a front and they push you into the ground until you mate with the true recipient; blacks. That is the ground they need; the gays and these contacts are diplomats. It is almost like an embassy or game between nation states.
I was in a graduate course; not voluntarily, after graduating from GMU in 1998. The teacher was NBC, Tim Russert, New York, liberals, and the mafia. They denied it and did not let me off the hook; a foiled recruitment and disastrous recruitment attempt. They felt I had learned my lesson and would not take this to the police or FBI; look where it is now. The home invasion put a new layer and new face to it all. I am their student and a spy, psychopath, serial killer, maniacal rapist, and terrorist is the professor; Limbaugh. There was nobody who outranked him and I tested this; using escalation techniques; so this is their HQ and retirement home. I need you and the FEDs to invade or raid it; take them down and teach them a lesson about America or very important people. Never lay your hands on important people or those who do care about their life.
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