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WHAT DID I SAY... MORE DINNERS... MORE FOX NEWS: Do not tell me anymore how they set you up or why you are innocent and want to see this through. That is the problem and it is long overdue. This is how I remember you after 22 years. "People assume I do not eat and one of these book tours... one of my ex boyfriends emails me... "; Ann Coulter gets another round of applause and is still doing the dinners tour; change the way you do business Ann and stop trying to be forgiven. Once again, the source of her pain is Fox News but is Los Angeles. "One of my ex boyfriends emailed me?" That was something I have never been told or you have hidden for a very long time. I do not have an answer either; just settle your debts with me and allow me to move on; you are an unfaithful wife and a rotten lawyer who takes her time and is a slow poke; only want to date or be showered with attention. In combat and important missions; you hide stuff and are constantly arguing or trying to win without any respect for the truth or those you impact most; those you claim to love and cherish. These dinners will not fix your love life or erase the past; understand? Dating will not improve your current status or future status; understand? If you cannot stop, then begin the process to end; if this means suicide then god dammit hurry up bitch. Even your family refuses to get on their knees and clean up your stupid mess and life. These dinners are between you and them; and looks like you lost it all. You made very bad decisions under critical circumstances because all you want is to... you did not have to go to dinner or any social events; even with Fox News. You are still silent and hiding stuff; to perilous ends. I have to go to jail; be in a coma; risk attack hourly for your stupid life and glorious fun; and now you still refuse to settle your debts with me and the terms you came to me 22 years ago or 22 years currently. Still unable to settle your debts or just resolve this honorably. Are you stupid or just a whore? Resolve it and move on. I am glad to know you have multiple and numerous boyfriends; resolve this and move on. All of this was my work and you were a complete and utter nuisance; still trying to have your way or have more fun. Inside you are empty and are inhuman; a shell. You also lied about intimacy and being a virgin at age 50; what more have you lied about? After 22 years, I know you and know I cannot trust you; you aim to disappoint and aim to do a horrible job. This is your purpose in life. I am so glad you are not my mother and you did not have any children; ask your family and brothers. Tell your family to smell your stink and to read how your life turned out; my 22 years with you and ask them face-to-face Ann. You are a human piece of shit and you do well swimming with sharks being one of them. Somehow, you misled me and kept me in this for over 22 years; and refuse to end this honorably. Both you and this enemy are making sure I do not survive this; without them. That is the problem and this is your problem. I am not sure how they will remember you, Fox, or any of these people; nor do I want to anymore.
NOBODY LEADS AND NOBODY WANTS TO FOLLOW: It is the same problem and the same people. The government cannot and still refuses to find the right people or fix these problems on a meritorious level; so they abuse power and get into a no win situation. The same with the military mess in every single nation; we have to let the wrong people in, they turn out to be the enemies; and now the driving force is an aimless electoral system full of holes and a lot of missing ingredients. All of this led to demise and downfall. All of this led to debts and spiraling legal accountability. All of this centers on the wrong people for missions that are essential or adversarial relationships because of a hostile workforce. When you surround yourself with evil and slaves; expect no better. The government is guilty. It lacks leadership and has to be rebuilt or reinvented in its own image. The military cannot tell right from wrong and has personnel problems; only willing to take orders from politicians who provide cover or prevent attacks; a racketeering and protection ring consisting of drug cartels and communist spy rings. The media is helpful but never honest; slaves never fight unless it is for their freedom and to make a quick buck. In the end, we get this mission to destroy the Democrats and left wing; but not on the basis of constructing a horrible right wing or filling it with the same piece of human trash we keep expecting from both sides. The government and the police have grown too big, too helpful, and totally dishonest; corruption rules the streets and local politics. These are premeditated attacks by moles and scam artists to damn or pull people into this scam. They want ownership. They made sure recovery was not possible and have the death penalty. They made sure those who won or were victorious; paid with the ultimate sacrifice. They were so badly mistaken; they tried to prevent legal representation and even tried to replace it with fools and idiots; an army of morons. This is why it took so long and there were so many attacks; still ongoing. Now the attacks on Ann are finally working and she is weakened; out. How she fights here on will be her legacy. I need a happy life and a new woman who does not deliver hell weekly or via TV. The problem is I need a real wife and a real lawyer; not a phony one who refuses to pay or cannot settle her debts with me because she is damned or innocent. They are going to get attacked; I promise and they keep pulling more people in; even Ann.

TELL THEM TO FIX IT AND PUT IT BACK TOGETHER UNTIL THEY DIE: Look Ann, you have what every woman wants out of life. You have accomplished what every woman has yearned for and desired. Now you tell these people to put it back and get on their monkey hands and knees until each and every piece is back in place. They are the ones who like to tinker. They are the rotten immigrant who has surrounded us; with evil. They are the ones who jeopardize their family and risk retaliation for their actions. Yet they sit there and watch us very carefully and tinker every day, every hour, etc... I have vandalism or stupid tricks almost hourly. I have bed bugs and all kinds of insect problems; to chase me off. If they feel they are in charge; if they have any fight; if they want to live or have any survival skills whatsoever; they will fix this and with utter satisfactory merits. 2/3 of their feckless forces have been destroyed and they know this is no game. Why do they insist they are my leader? Why am I subordinated? Why are they tinkering and trying to take over your life? Why in the hell would a monkey and some bambino baboon put themselves in this position? Now they have to fix it or face an incredible wrath. The worst part is they still have not learned a lesson or can control themselves; as if some force of nature is telling them to do this or mess with our life. No matter what you do or what I do; they stick on us like a fly. They watch us because they have no money and are crack addicts or the leaders of drug infested hookers. Now we know who they are and what they are up to; they still tinker and toy with our life as if some force of evil has taken over their soul. The worst part is they have no self control; you could blow their brains out; they would not stop. They are so whacked out; we could nuke their country; they would still sit there and watch us or keep trying to attack because they feel superior, need help, need us as followers, or for hell and all its worth. The most damaging part of this is you look like you did it and are silent about this. For this stupid act, I have told you I will be married in one year with or without you; and to move on by settling your debts with me. You owe me for coming to me 22 years ago and making empty promises. There is a flip side to you all that is not being told; your disposal and removal. We are surrounded by evil and dependent apes who want to be leaders, fighters, or staff; soldiers of fortune. That fortune is only found in crime and drug wars; business is good and they are hiring. Make a god damn decision and stick with it; I will remarry and find a real lawyer in one year or less once recovered and with my life business plans. They value their jobs and career more than their life, family, and nation. Strip and ban them from any of this. They are poor and dependent; overwhelm them. They feel they are our leaders and we are living their life or welcomed them; punish them forever; take away their business and industry, what they value the most.
ALWAYS HELPFUL BUT NEVER HONEST: You have tried your best to fix this through the years and to roll with the punches I had to take for helping you; at times sitting in a prison cell or in a coma. That is worth something and I have served you faithfully. However, you are such a piece of shit you cannot return the favor or even be good to your best friend and life partner. For this you will go to hell and are damned; as you have told me over and over. Of course you can end this and this can be over; however, none of you care to and just want to go to dinners, do speeches, or go out drinking; to say the least. Now I am all entangled in this and you either want me to swim with the sharks, sit and wait for a slow poke, or piss my life away even more. I am so fed up with you and this problem; I do seances daily and expect them dead by the deadline of 2012. After this deadline, we will never mention this ever again. Their leaders need to understand it is time to fly the white flag, surrender, and like all enemies and wars, honorably submit to the powers of the victorious side. They have a choice and do not have to suffer more and more. You have a choice; do you want me to suffer more and more? Even this enemy is taking my side. This is how stupid and ridiculous they are. They like to act as if they are in charge and our leaders or bosses; now they have been destroyed and ruined for this measly ape act; a symptom of white or black trash with a twist of serfdom or peasants. Do they wish to die or end this war under those terms and have no nation left when world war arrives? No more debts and fight; this is what we want and are looking for; the best fighters and the most excellent survivors; the rest can fend for themselves or stay out of the way. But this maniacal barnacle of a buffoon thinks they are helpful and superior; always helpful and never honest. I will take a negotiated settlement with you Ann and let you know how difficult it is to recover or have true romance in this lifetime. You take this up with your friends and close allies the next time you go to dinner or drinking with them; and when you are in a car with them; tell them to their face and show some fight will you coward. You and them created a hostile climate and work area; but only one is honest and only one is helpful. You tried to be honest but did not want to ruin our relationship; and did in the end. Settle your debts and understand I am going to find a real woman and a real fighting force; not unwanted and pathetic slaves I fight hourly and daily who want to be my staff or friends. They are not worth saving and should have never came to America; never. Look at the disposal underway; just look at the degree of disposal needed and how much this costs.
WOMEN LIKE LEARN A THING OR TWO FROM THE GARDEN GROVE, CA FEMALE: If you get raped and have any fight in your bones; I suggest you learn from the Garden Grove, California lady to decided to drug this man, tie him up, castrate him, and then use the garbage disposal to grind up his castrated genitals. You cannot say she is a victim and you cannot say a rapist would ever think of repeating their crack like or gang like mentality where a street corner is theirs and they have to act bigger by getting a piece of the action. We are in a gang and drug war and each of them think it is their home, their corner, their world, and they have some ownership others must leave or puts them above the law. Therefore, getting castrated is exactly what they need. The females who bother us are just a herd of monkeys nobody wants or likes; even if they are willing to give sex or act tres sexy. Ha, at least that lady had some fight and taught those liberals and little elves. This is exactly what a crack head would do; claim it is their home, their corner, their life; and then run off any rivals or act exactly as described; nothing is real and they sit there all day high or penniless watching others who have a life.
ARGUING AND AT WAR FOR OVER THREE YEARS: Since this war began and was in the open; we have been arguing and fighting ferociously for three full years. Most people have some clue. It is fair to say we do not get along or anyhow tied together or bonded. Even worse, this enemy and Viet Cong crack addict continues to make verbal snipes about how it is their home and how they are so aloof or not leaving. Everything they are expected and supposed to do; is exploited through your life and mine. To top it off they think we and I am their maid or housekeeper; there to take care of them or clean up afterwords. Ann, you and I do not get along and we argue incessantly. Staying out late, going on Red-Eye, and pissing your life away with people who are no damn good for you or I; is the worst decision in your life and prooves you have absolutely no leadership skills. Now all of you jackasses cling to me while you just muck up and have a blast together. The ridiculous part is you all are slaves or indentured servants; your head is not screwed on right and the only thing keeping you alive is debt or drugs. We do not get along and it is very difficult to get through to you slaves; you are so oppressive and destructive. I am proud and glad to give you a piece of my mind; to tell you we destroyed 2/3 of your forces and then inform you how you are the problem and need to be arrested or killed. Hence, I will be punishing you at a future time for each and every incident from 2008 at CPAC, YAF, Fox, etc... I do not want to see these people ever again; ban them and take those bastards down. Nobody wants to join the right wing and the left wing and liberals are now bombarding us for jobs or to fill the empty void. Decide if you want to arrest them or go to war with them and stop wasting my time and my life; after three years I hate your guts Ann. This is what you all get for surrounding yourself with some Viet Cong devil or evil; you can die with them or spend your life in some jail while tormented about how you will be punished and dealt with. You all are a sitting duck and need to leave or stop exploiting or using human shields. This idea you run the government or in charge of hiring managers for the government is enough reason for civil war. The government needs to destroy you and restore life and liberty. You are guilty. Next time and in the next lifetime, choose better people to share life and America with. They have the death sentence and being dealt with, guilty; increase the vicious levels. I hope the public and government learns a valuable lesson, stay away from predators who use you as food. You are not as smart as you think and not as important as you feel.
QUESTION: Why not move to LA and create new friend or make more problems and worry? No more Red-Eye problems or attacks, ingenious! Then beg and plead or utilize the best excuse of all, "It could be much worse." It took two entire years to determine if Bill Maher was your boyfriend or if you two had dated; two years. Now it is no longer your boyfriend, but how you two started a rumor he is your first husband and marriage. Keep going to Time events. Keep going to CPAC or YAF. Keep going on Fox News or other TV shows. When you are done and when you destroy your entire life; let me know. I will feel sorry for all of you and sit there and ask whose fault this is. Did I mention how you keep emailing them and calling them your friends? Did I mention you work on projects with them or call them on the telephone? Did I mention you actually think you are a decent wife and partner? Did I mention none of this work is truly yours; I have the college notes to prove it. Did I mention you cannot lead, run wars, seek a master and never follow orders, and the god forsaken IQ decision making skills you exhibit? Even your enemies praise you and feel sorry because you both make the same mistakes and then debate it. No wonder I have shut you down and said to never pull me into your mess or ask for help again; 22 years ago was enough and your behavior during those 22 years is enough for you to consider suicide. Your family are loony to sit there and watch or let you do this. How many years will it take now? How many years since this began did it take to accomplish the most simple and basic elements? How many times did I tell you to stop and not contact me anymore? I can find a real woman to accomplish these basic things in less than a month instead of 22 years. Like always; you get stomped on and never fight back. I stomp on you and you do fight back, occasionally. All of you are too emotional; throw them in jail or get rid of them; do you understand English? None of you know if you hit each other or have a problem; you blame it on aliens or think someone made all of this up. None of you understand you have crisis and cannot get each other; everybody imagined it. It was just "play" brainwashing and "low grade" kidnapping or harassment; it never happened. Nobody did anything. The impact and damage is tremendous. The pain and suffering is tremendous and the mess gets worse. They will destroy you or kill you first; trust me. You come to me for help, screw up your life, and now want credit or some recognition for doing a horrible job or such a messy operation? We are in combat with them and you act this way; and then they come to me to apologize or "trying to make this better." Either I have lost my mind or close to it. Do you expect combat veterans or warriors to admire you? Do you actually think or does your circus of enemies actually think you have fight or can handle SATWAR?
YOU ARE NOT WINNING THIS AND NOT GOING TO: Ann, you have no idea what you are doing and what impact it has on others. You can hide out for a month and hope it gets better. You can beg and plead or remain silent for a week or more until the danger passes. You can sit there and convince yourself and me; you are winning and going to. The truth is you have not taken any viable or long lasting actions. Those you expect to clean this up; those guilty; are very unlikely to help or save you. The prospect of you taking action runs concurrent with how you get stomped on, are a slow poke, pick fights you cannot finish, create more and more work or total disasters, and expect people to help you with no pay, benefits, or insurance; is how ridiculous this has gotten. I am trying to move on and wasted a lot of time on you. Somehow your private life is entangled with your professional and my life. The likelihood of you fixing or taking any action, during this lifetime or my lifetime; is a joke. It is a complete circus and you are the ring leader. On TV and while Bill Maher sticks it to you about how you were his first wife; all you did was remain silent and agree; you cannot defend yourself, turn your cheek, and then pass me the total mess and your insanity. Worse is how the money flows to you and none to me. I need a real and good wife. I need a real and good lawyer. I need a real and good income. I cannot spend my entire life babysitting you or criticizing all the mistakes you have made and now impose on me or keep me in hell because you are a madwoman. This madwoman killed her own child or infant; still not even born. You blame evil or evil people; and I agree. Beyond this, do not talk or talk back. Did you save me? Yes. Did you catch and expose who did this to me and the most important mission in this world? Yes. Did it end there? No. You just could not stop and it went downhill like a ton of bricks. This caused more problems in my life. You cannot get results, perfect results, or the right results; what the F'in hell is wrong with you? Are you retarded or just a complete idiot? You cannot even clean up, pick yourself up, or fix yourself; I had to tell you and let you know what was wrong. I just went through this and hell; now I face an even bigger hell with you Ann. Do you think playing games with a prosecutor is helpful or picking fights with military legends? They will destroy you after they nuke your ass. Are you a moron or just want to act like a foolish idiot? Let me take a wild guess about this fight and determination we all need to know about; a bunch of god damned slaves who are ridiculous and apathetic. None of you will just shut the fuck up and just go away; save your life while you can. This has been escalated and nobody is accepting apologies or excuses; this door is closed for good. There is nothing to talk about. Your life is a total wreck because of predators and very evil people who will not shut up or leave; get it yet? They will be dealt with viciously; above 10 and off the charts level. You need to understand you have to settle your debts with me and move on; stop arguing with me like usual. Your work is very poor and low quality; your leadership is hellacious.
HOW DID THIS END OR ENDED? It was not the rescue that mattered; it was what you did afterwords and how you expected people to worship you, bragged, or just was inhuman. You felt it was a parade or some side show. Even under captivity by enemies; your behavior was grotesque and you impacted your family, your partner, your husband, and much more. Still convinced you will win or have some fight; both you and this idiotic enemy go on and on like a complete moron. You claim they cannot afford anymore trouble; they claim you cannot stand anymore crimes or abuse. You and your circus; which consists of friends, allies, TV shows, Fox, CPAC, YAF and total serial rapist and killers. This game between more trouble and more abuse or crimes; is the same thing I describe and they are all over me; crack addicts, junkies, total losers, and a human piece of shit. What do you expect me to do? I expect you to do what will improve your life and mine; not ruin it. You also think you are doing good work, get results, and can escape anything. You actually think you have 9 lives. You are so clueless, you base your strategy and actions based on what they do to you or me; not what you want or plan to do to them. Take an offensive position; not a defensive one jackass. Now you ruined everything and even I am sick of you and tired of telling you the same thing; you are totally nuts and need help. It is unfair and life with you is the most unfair thing I have ever experience; but to you it is love or commitment. You are inhuman and do not understand jackass. Do as you are told. Pay your debts and move on. If you cannot tell the truth or the story about your life; go away and stop wasting more time. You are apathetic and people stomp or trample on you; even I do. I am so disappointed in who you are and how you negotiate life; I cannot stand being with you. Do not expect this to end or a solution; walk away while you can and while you have your health and happiness. The police and FBI are not here to help you or fight alongside you; trust me. Do not expect government to save you or for things to work out; we are near civil and world war. I have hell all over; my side, your side, and world war all over me. None of you are helpful and none of the help I got was useful or helpful. It is just a revolving door; in and out, in and out. You better have a clear and concise answer because if your life and career depends on it; lawyers and investigators are easily angered. If you want to be used and thrown away; all you had to do is ask and I can show you what it feels like. I am ready to move on and end this nightmare. The US government is apathetic and a complete circus; place them on the chopping block for overwhelming us with problems or obstructions; freedom my ass; freedom after doing a good job!
ANN: Thank you for respecting my feelings and shutting up for once. You need to get with your staff and this swarm of enemies you surround yourself with and get to the bottom of it; in the open. I am tired of their games and sick of your problems. They blame me for the mess they are in and tell me to leave or how angry they are. On my end, they are still toying and tinkering, that fighting spirit to pull me in deeper into their mess and drug war. They are so dysfunctional and psychotic spies or moles; they feel I am phony; a phony soldier, a phony veteran, a phony human being, a phony street enforcer, etc... nothing is real and even worse a phony husband to some smelly embryonic jackass who died or does not even exist. This is how these smears came up and this public trial; phony to their cause and not the real dead; because they do bomb plots, terrorism, 911, and rip the hell out of others or sell them drugs and narcotic until they die together. These hookers think they are wives or married; thus, call the cops for wife beating or insane lawsuits when they are hookers and crack addicts who want to get others high or test out their mouths. On your end, you need to tell them to their face and failed. You failed to get rid of them. You failed to prove your case and trap them; they trapped you. Even worse, the enemy went to your home and your family; specifically, had you not had a boyfriend; none of this would ever happen. Now you claim you had no boyfriend besides me; they claim you dated or had boyfriends; and this stupid circus just gets worse and worse. I get pulled deeper into this web of deception and total fantasy or circus. I am not a junky, deal, wish to, or have anything to do with these people. They came to me; invaded my life and home; just to chide me how real they are or how fake and phony I am; not a bully but a serial killer and a blood thirsty terrorist. You failed to get rid of them and kept them around so they could and did do more damage; against my orders and against my wishes. They still claim to be my lawyers, staff, or close friends; that is how insane and crazy this has gotten. I have ran them over and destroyed them; but they hide, are homicidal mad, and still trying to pull me in deeper. The first needed action is your life; you failed. Pay your debts to me and move on; you are not a good wife and not a good fit for this mission right now; maybe in the future if you live that long. Call your family or nieces and tell them to hurry up. If you are so powerful, famous, and know so many people; call them, not me. Lastly, take this up with the police; if you did not have a boyfriend; why then are you in so much trouble and have so many enemies on your staff and around you? Married and need a lawsuit to end this? Yeah okay, right on. Nobody knows how to shut up and everybody wants to debate about nothing; only fantasy marriage or friendship. Now there is a bright one; STFU. Do you still want to do business or do they? Stop getting me deeper in this mess.
The second is my mission; they cannot stop it or win this; never. I have destroyed 2/3 of their forces and they must decide if they will field them, go on attack, or face the wrath coming. If they loose that last remainder; that is it, pack it up and get ready for more to come. If you did not have a boyfriend, none of this would have happened. Had they not kept bothering me with friendship or pulling me into their messed up life; my top secret mission would be a medal on my chest and we both would be millionaires living it large. Right now, something is very wrong, everything is so crazy, messed up, and nobody has any answers; not even the government who is trying to negotiate and act helpful. I do not want to see your staff ever again; I cannot see this staff or swarm of enemies on me; but we have their leaders and those behind it all; let them die in vain and stop trying to debate them. This is where we are at and I have finally shut you up with this madness in your life; innocent or not, it does not matter and you must divorce them with a lawsuit. I have even worse problems on my end; not even married and still trying to fight, arrest, or kill them in battle. I have asked for warrants and arrests; to end this standoff and restore both of our life. I am sick and fed up with the photo ops and the TV shows Ann; I do not want to even see YAF or CPAC ever again; am I clear? Do I have to spell this out to you? Fox is sinking and your ship has been taken over; your fight was awful and too weak to even discuss. They love you though and feel you are the same; in their hell and web of deception. At least the British are not indentured servants, living, and can take action; look how many of them are up on the national level or in the media; count them and tell me how in the world I am going to get rid of this pest and enemy; tell me. You tell me how to get rid of the blacks and the Irish; 60 per cent of them have been in jail; 45% of them did not graduate high school; over 55% are single moms or grew up in a single family household. How do you recover or make this work? I F'in hate their guts for pulling me or trapping me in their mess and telling me to save them or rescue some pathological F'er and idiot. We will celebrate when they are dead; so do not come to me or bother me again until they are all dead, please! Thank you. The ball is in your court and theirs. None of you can get your story straight and I am being interrogated or bothered hourly; even tortured to prove my case against them clandestinely.

STILL IN HIDING AND WANT TO BE FRIENDS - STOP PULLING US IN: First it was riding our coattails or using our life to climb the ladder of power, military families, top secret missions, and constant stalking. Unfortunately, they were kept out of the loop but insisted we were kept out of the loop. Then it was marriage problems or insane endings to this including false arrest or constant suspicions and bomb plots. Now it is crack dealers, debt problems, real estate problems, labor problems, discrimination, serf or peasant culture problems, immigration problems, etc... What do they not get? Stop trapping us and trying to get us into their mess or dysfunctional life. Stop getting us or trying to pull us in the drug wars or black civil rights plight; now centered on gay rights and single sex marriage. Stop bombarding me or us with this legalization of drugs and secret life or clandestine contacts. Then stop playing this smear game where the only suspects and the only person at risk and arrested; are the innocent and normal people. The problems they have in life and political leadership; are of their own making and invention; die by it and stop dragging, kidnapping, or pulling people in more. I want them gone and do not want to even see them. It is between you and them why you did not sit down and clarify this or go over the details or negotiations. I do not want to see them at all; ever again! You and them can fight this out now.
BOYFRIEND PROBLEMS AND WARRANT FOR THEIR ARREST NEEDED: The left wing and this identified and verifiable enemy is guilty of 1. causing panic, alarm, intimidation, scare tactics, and bullying. 2. Dirty tricks, intimidation, false imprisonment, and endless scare tactics; obstruction of justice. 3. Lying to the public or misrepresentations. 4. Using us to cause panic, alarm, and propaganda; to win elections or legal battles. 5. Treason. 6. Theft or robbery. 7. Stalking, kidnapping, or hostage taking; holding people against their will to pitch, persuade, harass, or annoy them into making mistakes. 8. Vandalism, assault, or sexual offenses. 9. Bomb plots and terrorism; to strike fear and to cause panic and alarm. 10. Using terrorism and bomb plots to alloy their leaders a voice and to abuse authority or misrepresent desperately needed help; more and more abuse of power and public offices.

GET RID OF THEM: The problem is we have a human piece of shit who is bothering others with their flaws and their unwanted life. Get rid of them. That is the problem; they are decline and there is more jackasses in this world than perfect people. The reason their life has taken this turn is because they do not want to get rid of these people and insist they are in, helpful, and with us all the way; if not their hostage, victim, harassed incessantly, spied on, hacked on, etc... then it is waging war. The problems stack up and the root of it is get rid of them; they are unfit and wrong. In a court of law, they must say they could not get rid of us; and we must say, they surrounded us with people who refused to get rid of them. They lied, are pathological liars, need to be killed or have the death penalty imposed, and cannot get rid of us; get rid of them or we will have to impose harsh punishments; already. This is what happens when you put human piece of shit in power or bring them to America. This is what happens when you give them free reign and allow them to get close to students, business people, authors, or global leaders. They are not a hostage; they are unwanted. We document why. They don't get it and will keep going back and forth or ramming into us. I need to seek the right people. I need to find the right office to meet my basic needs and market my perfectionist, excellence, and hard work. I have worked hard to get here and I do not want to ruin my chances or have my basic needs stripped away by errors or false assumptions. All they do is try to scare you, run you off, or make you feel like a hostage. They use government and public offices for this mission. The Democrats and spies on the Republican side are very destructive. Get rid of them. They will take over the ship, take the captain hostage, make demands, and fight to the death until the ship sinks or until someone throws them overboard. They are doing this to me, Ann, and our mission. Now they got Ann in serious and major trouble; stating she has a mental illness or refuses to leave. They are taking over our ship and so far, failed. Only 1/3 of their staff remains; after ferocious fighting. The damage to our ship is there is clear and present danger; cannot go into stealth mode anymore. Someone got set up. Someone got caught. Someone is telling the truth. Someone is trying to hold on or keep this going. The impact to their life and this conspiracy is the death penalty; will they be caught or does the public know? We have given them a choice. We are not the aggressor. They face Civil War and this world is close to World War also. They choose the wrong choices and make bad decisions. We can win civil war easily; we do not have to wait 10 or 20 years before this clears up. We can win easily. Get Obama up there so we can win civil war; he killed OBL and is the leader in this fight; he is the only protection we have in an evil world; a perfect fit.
REAL HUMAN BEINGS WHO CARE: I need real human beings. I need people who are not scumbags or liars. I need fair and unbiased justice. I cannot sit here and play games day after day or be intimidated into silence or made to go away. I cannot have my entire life turned upside down to show I am wrong or have no case against the state or corrupt officials. I am the victim already; how many times and how many days do I have to become a victim again? Now they target my personal and private life; Ann Coulter. They act as if they have her best interest in mind or my best interest in mind; then squash us. I need good lawyers and leaders. I feel like a hostage of scumbags or drug cartels. I am told to leave or go home all day; sometimes by random people. This is no discrimination or civil rights case; this is Treason, Terrorism, and a murder or rape investigation. They are after pretty, perfect, and smart people; people who take good care of themselves. They are repugnant and grotesque; the devil and serial killers. They are at war and killing our forces; highly capable and clandestine. Our enemies created the conditions for war and feed the monster to win elections. The system is broke and about to collapse; but they got a big surprise already.
This forced medication and arrest was so I did not go public. More agitation and layers to overwhelm lawyers before we could crack it or capture them. I was arrested in the name of Osama Bin Laden and this is how I caught them in the end. I set up the most elaborate trap ever displayed before the public and filmed them in action and how clever their scandal or fraud was; nearly impossible to detect. I show how difficult it is to fight them; how long it took; the damages; and how much damage they caused. I show how corrupt they are and what means they are willing to use to accomplish their goals; even murder and crime. I show using my own life; the most important mission on earth; what exactly and type of mistake they made. In the end, silence was all they had as a defense and it was difficult to even reach this point. Communism, these spies, crime gangs, and total decline is difficult to fight or combat; but when they attack, it is a do or die situation. We do and did; in the end won. There is nothing on my resume; history; biography; four books totaling over 2000 books; honor student; varsity athlete; US Army expert certification; and perfection to indicate I made this up or imagined any of it. I also captured those behind it and interrogated them but had severe family and personal problems; they attacked and destroyed this as well. Restoring my civil rights and exonerating these people for lying or making a mistake; goes beyond a simple "sorry."
I removed those causing the problems in 1989; 1993; 1995; 1999 (asked for FBI assistance); 2003; 2006; 2008; 2011 and here we are in a new state and with the entire plot or ending. Someone has to show me one piece or something which suggests I am cuckoo or need medication. Did all of this pay off or did it lead to a dead end? Can I prove sustainability or critical reasons why they did this and why I had to do this to achieve this ending? Why does the death penalty need to be applied? Why can't I take the steps needed to combat or remove these people causing all of these people? This is the question and how did they wreck a super secret mission or my personal life? Is 1.4 billion enough to send a message, "enough is enough... stop." Is the death penalty? How high must we escalate this or does it have to go before restoration and fixtures are in place and this matter is resolved? How long do we have to wait or how patient must we be asked? What are they after and can I communicate this to the FBI HQ? Can I help them catch this enemy or not? Am I thinking clearly or can see the farthest of any human being? How did people who read my reports think and see so clearly? The enemy is very close and we are very close to world war and a state of emergency. They are fighting over blacks and the Irish; as usual and using Jews to finish the job and take the credits. All the sudden they cannot match or beat us. All the sudden, the world knows who the leader of the free world is or why; what they are looking for and need. All the sudden, it is all over and the reports or incidents drop off. The battles were so ferocious; they remain unreported. The paper trail is there but will they talk or help investigators after being kicked out of public service and authority?
A HUMAN PIECE OF SHIT: I gave you one hour to decide if you wish to save your marriage or not. In 1999 I gave you this choice. In 2003 I gave you this choice again and said never to contact me ever again. You disobeyed me and contacted me repeatedly; this time with millions of dollars and bragging how things were okay. If you want to save our 22 year relation and marriage; then take meaningful steps to prevent any problems or this disaster in front of me. You are still marketing CPAC, YAF, Fox News and this singles club. You are still drinking and staying out late; driving around with the same crowd and the bad people who got you in this predicament. Do what I did and start a new life in 1989; I went to night school and worked full time daytime. Then I enlisted in the US Army. Remove the people around you and start a new life. Stop the cycle of back and forth; or take this to your family and the police. Pay your debts with me so I do not sue you. Let me move on and recover from the aggravation and the day and night of worry. Let your stupid brother make excuses or get on his knees to scrub your footprints; be your janitor. Go get an HIV test and get help for your drinking problem or drinking buddy problems. After three full years you are still a total bitch, a tyrant, and living a secret life. There will not be three more years. I pray every day you are killed or commit suicide; pick your ass up you bony jackass. You are considered a retard. Everybody thinks you are a stupid bitch who has no clue. You expect serial killers or serial rapist to turn themselves in or save you. You debate me about your dysfunctional life. You have severe brain damage from too rough or too much fighting. Even media people are so wounded; I am worse but am a combat veteran; I will kick in more for the war. I have been here and been tested; stop. Like martial arts; I am trained to divert your energy and use it back; to uproot and break something. This is my style and I am a master. You cannot be a good wife or good lawyer and I badly need a good wife and lawyer. You are not priceless anymore; too damaged. I am the fighter not the sexpot. You still claim there is no sex but you do not know if you are faithful. Get a clue woman. They only want a photo op and to destroy you; banned. They will give you all the rope needed; and do an event, invite, photo op, and this is how it ends. They will not leave or leave you alone; trying to act helpful now. The hell if I want them in my hell or a photo op. Worry about your life and your happiness; not theirs. Worry about your own marriage; not theirs. Nobody wants to work with, be seen with, or know a human piece of shit.
LET THEM KILL YOU: The best outcome is to let them kill you and let me inherit the amount you owe me or pay your debts and commit suicide or whatever you want from life. You can even lead or head up the singles club; be a serial adulterer; date and go to dinner everyday; or even marry your bodybuddy. This is irrelevant to my life; stop involving me and letting me absorb the damage; it is critical on my end. You are the chain and ball on this mission and everything is on delay or slow poke mentality. It has been and still is total insanity; those on the other end are mentally ill and completely nuts. They have the death penalty; do not expect them to save you or help. Get them on one side so we can begin the civil war process or capture; they must fly the white flag or else the order to take them dead will be given. We have tried to take them alive. Do you want to go with them or not, decide? Make meaningful changes to your life and stop going down with them in a sexual way. All you have now to show for 22 years and this mission; is gone. Everything you did from college to age 50; is gone. It can be heaven or hell? I told you to get rid of CPAC, Fox, YAF, drinking buddies, the singles club, dinners, and start a new life. You instead played a game with me and the public and then said you want to stop them; you cannot, only I can. They will kill you; spare me the anger and resentments. Let me escape your total insanity and total madness Ann. I desperately need a real woman, a real lawyer, and a real wife; the rest is irrelevant. You and these people are not leaders; you are slaves and a nuisance who will not die! If you keep playing this game with me and others; it will backfire and the only people who can or will save you is your family. Do you want them to spend the rest of their life doing what I did; I think you are the biggest human piece of shit on earth right now. You have not fought well or been a good person on earth; not even to your husband and partner. You feel money will make this up or make your life whole again; it will not. It allows life and for me to move on; to go beyond and past your insanity and communism. This is the best outcome; they have the death penalty already. I will wait for the earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, terrestrial events, and the Wrath of God. I am excited and always in high mode; I pray every hour now and do seances weekly. Stop fighting me and leave me alone. If you can think of more destruction to nuke them; forward it and write me. Who got nuked and who is in charge? Who got the death penalty? Who is using human shields?
QUESTION: Why didn't you just get rid of this bodyguard? Why did you have to travel or go on TV with him? Why did you play this useless game? Why didn't you tell him to leave first? Why did you buy him coffee? Why did you pay for his expenses? Why did you film him holding your hand? Why do you keep driving around DC and staying out late with him? Why are you in bars or out drinking with him? Why didn't you do as told or asked? Would life be easier? Could this be avoided? I enjoy it? It looks cool and sophisticated; how well protected or gracious; your own staff of security? CPAC is doing you a favor and watching your best interest? Lisa DePasquale is your biographer; who talks about "boys" over whine with you? Who is the idiot now? I prayed today for your death and suicide; God has sent his blessing. Your family is pathetic; even their kids are condemned and have so much work ahead of them. Keep making more disasters. Muck up your life more. Add more nights and more secrets with this singles club; you admit you are an active member. You admit you will burn in hell. You admit your parents should have been lynched for this utter mess; the pain and suffering. You look smart and extremely intelligent with my work or research. I am a happy camper when in a combat zone and facing World War. You have no honor and keep asking why you cannot make me happy? Nothing you do can fix this or our marriage? It could be worse? A human piece of shit is in pain or having difficulty at work? This is exactly what we need and ordered while in a combat zone and world war. This is exactly what I wanted to buy or give my heart and soul for. You have to get Bill Mahala and cannot spend time on your own problems for what he did? Parties are just "book parties" now? Would you like a medal for heroic acts Ann? Would you like a medal of honor? I will attend the rally when you die and tell the truth about you; do you want to tell the truth now? We know about them but how about the active member of this singles club? You did nothing or just played along and had a blast?
SCOUNDREL AND A TOTAL BITCH: You are the Bernie Maddoff of marriage and flings? Be more ironic or calm about this. Look at all the miles you put into this or how many speeches you made? Who wants to join? You are a slave and slaves do not change this world; they buy it with blood money. You are looking for a human piece of shit; not me retard. Once again Ann, you proven yourself to be a dumb bitch and a scoundrel; worse than Bernie Maddoff. I told you to get in your room and start writing so you can present it to me and did you? Did you do as I asked so I did not have to scrounge and search for ditzy bits here and there; oh I need this. Where is the report and all the stuff you promised; or are you even worried? Do you even care about your own marriage or not? Why are you going to hell and are you ever going to tell the world? Write it down and stop hiding stupid secret shit; your marriage and 22 years of hard work divides heaven and hell. Pay your damn debts so I can move on and stop helping you and help myself. You are a god damn tyrant also; just a total and complete bitch about everything. Don't ever let me see CPAC or YAF at any conservative or right wing events ever again; no less this critical mission. They are all banned. I do not want to see them ever again or a resume with any of them on it. It is three years too late and more work for her; 22 years is a long time and a lot of work to screw up. Tell your F'in phony brothers to get on their knees and start researching and writing; hurry up you human piece of shit. Stop researching my priceless and honorable research or mission you F'in piece of shit; the Bernie Maddoff of marriage. Tell them to get on their knees and start scrubbing; I will give them more work after you get raped, die, or commit suicide. After 22 years look at the mess and where she is now; ruined everything after people put their heart and soul into it. Maybe she or her family should scrub the floors or clean the toilets before telling others to; wait for the after Coulter death rallies! What a creep and a useless family.

GUILTY: Ann, you piece of shit do you remember when Guilty came out. I was terrified you would do something stupid or another retarded suicide act. Someone sent me reports of you and your bodyguard and it terrified me even more because you had already told me, in secret and while crying like a dumb crazy bitch who got raped because she is looking for trouble, "I am going to hell." While asking you questions, you went blank and refused to talk. Then you start crying and telling me how you have to explain in private and face to face. Three years later you still have not learned a lesson. Afterwords, you get filmed holding your bodyguards hands at CPAC and then again buying him coffee in DC for an interview with ABC. There is a very close relationship and I know this. Even after three years, you still refuse to get rid of Richard Gere who has ruined your reputation, career, and your relationship with me. As a bum, slow poke, crazy bitch, and a human piece of shit who cannot be a descent wife or lawyer; you muck it up more. You now travel around Canada with the idea your marriage is getting stronger and your career is infallible. You kept telling me you did nothing wrong and it could be worse; meanwhile, you kept saying you were going to hell. Then like the madwoman you are; you began telling me you were on the verge of suicide and had to take sedatives. I told you to get help and said if you did not I would punch or break your nose. Like the hysterical and insane bitch you are; after three full years; you actually expect love and happiness. You refused to tell me and what you did; was only when the media took a snapshot of you. I cannot stand and am so angry with your lifestyle. As a madwoman, you put me in a position where I had to put all of this aside and help you; then wave after wave of attacks while feeling so used and with an adulterous human piece of shit who cannot do anything right. Never an apology. All you said was, "I am in so much pain... I am going to hell." There is something wrong with you and if I was there I would have broken your nose or smacked you around; only because it does not stop. We are working on a case and all you do is debate by making things worse and worse; try to get fired. Nobody wants to stick up for you and if they do; it is the wrong crowd. Nobody will ever know why you are going to hell and I do not think the memory of your mom and dad is the proper propaganda to suggest you are a good wife and a descent lawyer. All of it was lies. Worse, you use tricks and lies to keep me in this relation. I want to move on and it is three years. You think you are doing me a favor. Your enemies exploit this in order to tell me to leave or get me in trouble. The bullying on this end was much worse than that end; so they used this human piece of shit also to make my life worse or not survivable. They are in hell. The death penalty has to be imposed. They want to fight. They want to attack. We get psycho and serial killer day after day. Nothing they do can change the truth and remove the death penalty. How do they tell the public what they did? How do they tell the public what we did to them; to fight them and destroy them? How do they explain false arrests or this same behavior when terrorism was the attacks? I am asking the same thing, why didn't they just shut down Ruppert Murdoch or CPAC to send a clear message? Why do we have to embrace the liberals and Democrats? Who is the quaterback and who is the wide receiver?

YOUR BIOGRAPHY: Maybe you did have all the fun a girl can have, had no sex, did nothing wrong; but the truth is it does not matter and you admit you are going to hell. You are an active member and marketing a singles club. Good behavior is completely out of your vocabulary or life; even in marriage or a relation. So what do you do? In 2010-2011 when I cut you off and moved; you start pulling another trick on me about "friends with benefits." Now I am allowed to do anything I want and can step on you or treat you like the human piece of shit you are. You are there bending backwards, "I want you to have an affair" if it is going to make things better. What a human piece of shit. I hope and pray you end up with OJ Simpson; I wished and prayed a real woman punch and broke your nose. In your mind and you think it is everybody's fault. Nobody will ever know why you did not get rid of your bodydummy in 2009 when asked. Instead you bought him dinner, coffee, etc... traveled around the country and then would feed me secrets about how he is spying on you, making advances, etc... If you committed suicide because of a broken heart or overwhelming grief; even was in an accident; nobody would care and they will attack you. That is your memory; a human piece of shit. You are no Jesus. You are a disgrace who does not know when to stop. You are a human piece of shit who cannot be a descent wife or lawyer and the pain and grief you have infested this world with is the reason why you will burn in hell or commit suicide; but nobody will ever know your story or the details because it does not matter. Even I feel you are a human piece of shit, it does not matter because you cannot be a descent wife or a lawyer and still negotiate how to stay in this fight, friends with benefits or a mistress when I said I want to move on and if you were done. Your mom and dad burned in hell and for a very good reason; look at what they created and how screwed up you are. You cannot get along with me and pay for the damage or the massive attacks I got when I had to help you. All you had to do is settle the debt and move on so I can survive and get a descent wife and lawyer. I will say this again, I want to move on and have a lot of damages; I am charging you interest and constantly forcing me to help you without the freedom or liberties I need to survive. Again, the attacks on this end was ten times worse. These people have the death penalty; why waste time or buy them things? Why waste your life with them? I would love to see Ann fix her life and know why she acts the way she does; more and more delays until suicide or the death penalty. They have the death penalty, what is this human piece of shit waiting for? Ruppert Murdoch should go to jail and the people at Fox News should be banned for life; expelled from any future media work. There is no way they would or could even begin to tell the true story. How do you confess all of this? How do you tell the public "we arrested him for Osama Bin Laden and forced medicated him in the name of treason?" Who or how do you go before the public and explain this? How do you confess you are a bad wife and a cruel lawyer? Go find a human piece of shit and stop F'in with people who are legends, not a human piece of shit, so angry and upset, and imposing the death penalty. There should be a lot of dead people over this; a lot of dead ones. Unplug them and stop playing games. This is the highest mission on earth. It will last a very long time. To get in it; you have to earn it; blood and guts style; they are trapped. Tell them to fly the white flag immediately; it is three years too late.
Who the hell debates their rapists? Who the hell tells their life partner or husband, "I am going to hell and I know it?" Then who is asked if they were faithful and they answer, "I don't know?" Who the hell tells their husband, "Do you have anything to hide or wish to tell me" and then replies they have to wait and explain? Are you a human piece of shit or not. Why didn't you get rid of your bodyguard while you had a chance and was happy or not a insane crazy bitch? Why do you not worry about where your life is headed? Why do you enjoy your own rape and think you won? Why do you keep trying to control the matter when it is total insanity? Why don't you ask your damned family to exonerate you or defend your name and see if they enjoy it as much as I did. Who the hell has the time to fix all the problems and work like this for free or play games with you at your age; you cannot even have a baby or have kids? In 2008, all you had to say was, "I was wrong and I will stop." Why do you have to act everything out; in three years I have waited for a slow poke and have grown very upset. Get rid of them you stupid F'er. Fire them and make sure they never ever have a career in politics again. We will see if you have any honor and if this enemy has had enough; chicken shit and flying the white flag. I pray they kill you Ann. As for them, they were always a coward and such a F'in loser in my book; I call them Toby. Tell the SEALs to hang them off their ships and kick them hard because they are so malnourished; it is pathetic. Talking to them, living with them, and working with them feels like being a hostage or a prisoner; very scary. Watch, this human piece of shit will ride around with her bodyguard, go drinking, go to dinners, get groped, attend these private parties or hotel parties, and come home stinking like male cologne. But she did nothing wrong and there was no sex. I pray they punch her or kill her; even better she commits suicide. It never stops and this never ends. She expects them to save her now and expects them to do the right thing; even join CPAC and YAF. This human piece of shit cannot even defend herself or get off the floor where she belongs. It is so pathetic, "I don't know if I cheated... I am going to hell for this, I know it... I did nothing wrong... I am so sorry (boo-hoo)." Just keep giving her more rope. These people need to be banned for life. They cannot even report the truth or GTF out of Dodge. Ever heard the expression, "GTF out of Dodge?" She hides stuff and there are private stuff still not willing to say or tell. Who the hell expects a happy marriage or a happy life? Now every event after 2008 needs full disclosure; I am a sworn enemy; let her family dig deeper. Let them pick through this shit and deal with it. What a role model.

LET'S PRAY: "Dear God, I have always tried to be true to you and be the best person I can possibly be. I have been angry with this world and very disappointed with the people. I have never betrayed you and I hope you cherish this more than the humans of this world. I pray to you about a serious problem in my life, Ann Coulter. I hope and pray her enemies kill her, her rapists enjoys her rape more than she did; and she dies by committing suicide or drinking herself to death. She is guilty. I have never hated human beings then I have in the past three years; most of this was because of Ann. The pain and suffering she has caused to this world and the total lack of leadership she has ingested into her mind; warrants her mom and dad be placed into damnation until this grip and lock on pain and suffering is returned to her. I pray you talk to her and let her know how I feel and my true wish she leaves this earth by her own volition. Perhaps she will understand how I hate her toxic life, hate her lifestyle, am going insane and broke trying to help her, and I feel so trapped and so broken. I have hated humans much worse; but these F'ers are so weird and their lifestyle is so bizarre they expect others to love them or love their cruelty. The singles club was the most ridiculous crap I have ever heard of and it is in full swing. I have never gotten to know such human trash and such a piece of shit. Please bring joy to my life, peace on earth, and let me breathe the rewards I have waited for and worked so hard to accomplish. Let this crazy bitch die or understand how much I hate her and how much I will forever live as her sworn enemy. I truly wish she dies but she feels her money and inheritance is all hers and can be mine. My life and property was destroyed helping this asshole bitch and I am still waiting for a decent wife and a decent lawyer. One that understands your wrath and how fragile life has gotten on earth. I have grown worse and more sick due to Ann. I have never met such a cruel and such a bitch; never wanting to do a good job or make people happy. How do you make her understand loving her is impossible? I am so frustrated, how? How do you tell them they are white and black trash but more scary then they let you know? Amen. Thank you for the gift and the blessing of the SATWAR program; I will not disappoint and use it wisely; I will not let you down or be this human piece of shit Ann has become. I need your help and your blessings. I have become so sick and so angry with this world and I wish the damnation she has imposed be imposed on her and these traitors. If they have a God, I hope they start praying and bring peace to this matter."
More and more bad decisions from insane people. It is hard to love this type of work. It is hard to survive it. It is hard to be in the field by yourself or to be surrounded by animals and savages. It is difficult to love or work with a human pice of shit. It is difficult to marry a human piece of shit. It is impossible to work with or love this idiot who apologizes all day. It is difficult to explain why they were born or what their politics is about. We will be at war and civil war with this enemy soon. Who and why would anybody join the conservatives; look at this circus and folly of criminal gangs. I will accept 80 per cent collateral damage. This is no longer on good terms or ever was. I am very pissed off to find out I was jailed and forced medicated in the name of or for Osama Bin Laden; who did it or why? The evidence collecting will stop; there will be only a civil suit; I will accept the collateral damage. They will apologize and change their story yet again. They will come closer and try to divide us or subordinate us. It is time to turn off the cameras and TV; let the military decide this one. Stop bothering people who are not a human piece of shit. Stop studying us. Stop attacking us. Stop apologizing. Stop trying to act as if we are lab rats or under a microscope. Stop investigating and tell the truth. Your virginity and your stupidity will not save you or make us healthy you human piece of shit. We need you to marry OJ Simpson. Fox News and CPAC should be arrested; serve time in jail for this total disaster and coverup. You need to pay the damages on this end and understand I did the work on this in college. There are more damage after 2008 from constant attacks; then move on because I pray you are killed daily. I did all that and you are still a human piece of shit; near penniless now. You said it was life and death while you were at dinner or out drinking late at night. You made me think it was urgent and you were on the verge of suicide and then had the time of your life. You could not even be a good wife, partner, or tell the truth. Now you impose yourself on me and the rest of the world when your parents are burning in damnation and God himself kicked them or lynched them for the pain and suffering of this world. I have to cope with this sex Euro-trash and the total mess you slaves made in America; trash made in the USA. Still no regrets or end to this; life is just a dinner party or staying out late drinking. Yet you do look good and sophisticated.

IT IS TIME TO CALL IT QUITS ANN, STOP! Suicide is in your blood and so is this revolving door and mucking up your life with total insanity or confusion. Do you see any accurate records? We know who they are and they will change the story yet again; and then say leave or go home. Your lifestyle is so ridiculous and insane; you are an active member of a singles club, claim to be a virgin, claim to be happily married or have a loving partner; and every aspect of your life is total insanity. I have messengers daily heckling me or pressuring me; smears about you. I hear every rumor imaginable and even you confess you are not sure if you are unfaithful or not. You are an active member of a singles club whom you claim tried to rape and murder you because you acted against them or threatened to expose them. Due to your active participation and active member status; you lost your marriage which you argued and debated for three full years; until you became a human piece of shit on TV and before millions of spectators. You used your active membership in this singles club to gain dinners, business, and aimless career motivations until nobody wanted to join or hear about your story. You were cruel and you tortured people into talking on your behalf; even your own family members. Then when they needed desperate help or were homeless; you denied any funds or help. Hell is an appropriation place for this type of person or someone who has no care for anyone. Your own family is condemned and tortured while you go drinking, go to dinner, or travel around the country with men in this singles club. Then you tried to hide how you seduced these men and your secret life. You tried to torture them into confession; which came out as "engagement" or "marriage" to serial killers, stalkers, and rapists. Do not expect them to offer you a pension. Do not expect them to rescue or tell the truth. Do not expect them to sit by while you expose or destroy them. You can play along. You can keep it going. You can keep lying to yourself and others. The only people out there willing to save your skin or defend your name; is your family. They have one heck of a hill to climb and a lot of expenses; legal and physical risk. They feed you the drugs. They feed you the attention. They feed you the fans. They feed you the danger. They hype your intelligence. They feel powerful and you made them this way. They now feed you the noose. This is a noose you refuse to climb down from and one you wish to share with another man. The term is gross negligence and a self destructive personality. As a victim of severe abuse, only death with free you. I pray daily this rings and resonates in your mind.
How does a woman or a piece of human shit go from having it all, having a best friend, having a perfect marriage, and total bliss or happiness; to utter hell? How the F did I end up with this piece of shit in my mission or life and how did this SOB impress this lifestyle on me or pound me into the ground to show love and happiness? Who enjoys their own rape, goes out with their rapist or killer repeatedly, and enjoys their own rape while an active member of a singles club? Common sense would suggest you fight for your life and when you get a chance; call backup or ask for help especially if you life is in danger. Why did this piece of shit impress or force this on me and not the police? Someone ask her how she wrecked her marriage and destroyed her life and lets see if she has any fight or a genetic code which will keep her alive or make her a survival. This is the highest and most important mission in her life and I pray everyday for her death. Why is her brother or family not defending her name and why is all the property damage on my end or lack of rewards? Who stole all my work and rewards? Why am I denied any resources to recover or be happy? Why can't I move on or find a decent wife and lawyer? Why is the father of SATWAR bogged down and so angry or frustrated; he is sick now and cannot command his forces? Who the F is this piece of shit and traitor? Who the hell markets a singles club and then expects to be loved or married; and even drinks with them while engaged? Who? You think you have a career in politesse and so do they. They actually think they are leaders and have a future in this; but nobody is happy at the outcome.
Ann, you know where we are at with this. I have written to the FBI and informed them of events. Your life has gotten so insane; your family is condemned and your parents must have been expelled from heaven and kept in hell. You have condemned your family and your parents. They are in damnation because of your actions and failure to put the brakes on; recklessness. The pain and suffering, trying to torture those behind this, your mockery of them, your pencil mouth always erasing, and much more. This is the official record of our life and where it led. At least the Pentagon, FBI, and others offered me a retirement; one which kept me as a slave or in poverty. They did keep this on good terms. I pray your rapists, attackers, and enemies killed you again today. Maybe this will teach you how to be a decent person and what dangerous people or evil can do to a piece of shit. I prayed you OD on drugs or committed suicide so God does not punish your family or parents for your actions; pain and suffering. I would not join and nobody will. You will never fire or get rid of these men; enjoy your rape and murder. Even better, text them and seduce them more; travel with them and go on their shows. There should be a total ban on all of you. Also, it is very difficult to impose the death penalty under these circumstances.
There are a lot of reasons why I call you and put you in the official record as a piece of shit. I am tired of the excuses; protecting a mean and cruel person. I am tired of lying for you; tricked myself into thinking you can love or be a decent person. I was shocked to learn about your secret life; how deliberate you were or had been. Had you been in the military; a court martial is about all there is to your career. You failed to close this door. You failed to stop the attacks. You cannot even put the brakes on any of this; a runaway train. Now your family is fully suffering at your hands or because of your expensive tastes. They have the burden of taking care of your aimless or reckless career. They must exonerate you and free themselves of your web of deceptions; I quit. The problem is you are an active member of this dating club and you hid this or refused to tell me. Why didn't you just get rid of your body-buddy and ask CPAC or YAF for a cleared and certified security staff? Why did you travel around the US and spend weeks on the road with them; then go Canada? Why do you keep sticking your nose in this mission? Why do you keep acting like you are helping or in charge? I pray your enemies kill you after I had to fight them or you commit hari-kari to save your honor. You are a lazy fat-ass also; trying to use or look for people who are not a human piece of shit. Nobody wants to join CPAC or YAF now; another human piece of trash get together. You did not do anything? You did nothing wrong? You are going to hell but are a good wife and a good life partner? All of you sit there like a slow poke or a hysterical bitch. If I was your dad, I would break your nose or smack you around; maybe bring a big fat black girl to rough it up with you. I would give you money so someone robbed and shot you. I cut you loose a long time ago, 2003 and you keep coming back with more danger or dangerous people. Now they wrecked the house and you live in a mansion or go out every night trying to teach bad people or about bad people. Classic. Even you feel you are a jackass and a buffoon.
You are insane. I have to escape and get away from this total insanity. I have a arranged female on this end who apologizes on your behalf and this singles club of crack addicts or drug culture. I need to better myself while you are a piece of shit; always denying the resources while demanding I do your security or help you. Then you take this meony and give it to your staff; good story there. I have my own life mission; yours is full of pitfalls and utter madness. I am still looking for a respectable wife and lawyer; you obviously are not. I tried my hardest to keep you on as a lawyer; it got insane and was total insanity. Even friends with benefits could not fit you; utter madness and constant arguing or studiousness. You asked me to have an affair to lessen your guilt or damnation. Had you been a better person or sought to better your life; we would not be here. You are not made of this world to do well in marriage or a stable life. Good luck, you are and will be a piece of shit in my life and I hated it more now than ever before. Every single day and every week it is more work and more struggles. I get excuses and am surrounded by crack addicts or Irish labor unions, even blacks who feel connected to you. Even worse is I have to file a lawsuit to recoup or claim the damages of helping you. I need to be compensated. I hate your guts for this; still a slow poke at age 50. You are beyond cruel; you starve your own kids; never there and inhuman by never being a provider. Had we had kids; this would be utter hell in our life with you.
Ann, love and marriage is not suited for you or your lifestyle. If you had kids, they would hate your guts; trust me. You are a very bad mom; you admit being an active member of a singles club and debate and brag about it. But if it came down to it; you say, "it could be much worse." Your own blood relations are damned due to the pain and suffering you caused; white trash lies. They have a big hill ahead of them. They will love it when you are feeble and cranky; arguing with them daily. They will give up on you also. I hope you live and learned. In three years, everybody is convinced you are a human piece of shit who thinks and feels powerful. You think you are a battlefield commander and you suck so badly it pains me so deeply. You females should be shot for this travesty and fraud. Your leadership will kill mankind and scare off normal people. They will learn eventually. You told me they are trying to kill you; I hope they succeed. After three years and trying to break up with you and order you to never contact me ever again for getting me into this mess; this piece of shit goes to dinner, has parties, is never there, hordes all the money and resources, starves her own lifeline, sells a lifestyle so abhorrent, expects followers or new candidates, thinks she is an expert, and is so insane it is a complete madhouse. I pray everyday now and will attend the rally after her death. I will give one example after the next why she was a bad wife and a bad lawyer. Ann can sue me for slander but I want to be paid and I am in serious dire straits because of her. F the bullying shit; I need to be paid for the damages and my life mission. I want to know how a piece of shit got to this level or in this mission.
You are doing fine and doing well; used to be so happy creating inordinate amounts of misery. Honor is not part of your genetic doing or code. It is very difficult to love someone inhuman or whom is a tyrant but does not know this. Because of you and what you do not know; I have more and more life difficulties during the most vulnerable part of my life, recovery. I have hardships with your enemies who hide the drugs or the mission they are on; constantly being robbed and regularized. I had to spend 2 years in federal jail and insure forced medication for Osama Bin Laden; can you accept that? Were you even worried or concerned? They said no and showed pictures of you partying with crack dealers or drug cartels. I had to serve time for OBL and then kidnapped to be his voice or movement. I am not their hope or change. F you all and I hope you enjoy each others company; and then rot in hell. Look at you all destroying each other daily and surrounding or trapping one another. I am trapped by you also. The worst part is you cannot even fight and have been scolded for penniless words. You cannot follow orders and feel superior or have your own life. All you want to do is be fired or be hated.
There are a lot of safety concerns. Do you think anybody would join you in hell? Only the devil would look for the devil. My problems are so tremendous I am still fighting the courts who jailed me in the name of OBL, treason. Now they hide and come out in the dark only. Just like you they hide; unable or unsure where life is taking them. This nation is headed towards Civil War. All of you claim a job or keep apologizing. Jobs? The problem is none of you can fight; none of you can. Instead you want to muck up your life or debate until you die; argue your way out of hell. I know why the singles club is so close and why Ann keeps them around; benefits. The death penalty has to be imposed on this singles club and she keeps it close to her or enjoys herself more? This is total insanity and life has become total insanity. We are headed towards civil war. This nation is in total wreck and totally damaged. Apologies are useless. Jobs are useless. The problem is you cannot fight, have no fight, and are the problem. But the problem does not want to go away. Even when pushed to the point; all we get is a loser, psycho, or totally nuts slave mentality. It is pathetic and the genetic code they were made of, hell.
All you want to do is bitch Ann; like a crazy bitch who lost her boyfriend at the beach because she is taking her bodyguard out, going out drinking, getting worse and worse, and just never there. The sophisticated act is totally phony. Debating them makes it total disaster. I need to see survival skills and not an idiot. When you are damned and condemned to hell; death is all that awaits. The truth is you women F'd up our 1. world 2. life 3. nation 4.we are headed towards civil war soon. 5. marriage 6.know no end. 7. know why 8. are hiding and being hunted; IQ problems or life decisions.
Ann, in 22 years it has been a total and complete struggle. It is worse now than ever before; I hate your lifestyle and call you a human piece of shit every single day. I pray you are killed or commit suicide. You refuse to quit, pay your debts, and move on. The reason I am suffering or feel this way is very easy to figure out. You are looking for a fellow human piece of shit; not me. You need me to be a hero or rescue you. You do not want to be blamed for horrible decisions and keep saying how badly you messed up or why. Who and what you need is a human piece of shit; you need white or black trash to comfort you. You need a slave and cannot even commit hari-kari to show your honor or how you understand you are a human piece of shit; your slave genetics and piece of trash life. Look at all of you savage each other and how you parade your virginity; what about your honor? Look how insane you are and why; greed, money, and sophistication. Then you attack royals or those known to have special powers or connections to God himself or aliens. Look at what you have done trying to double up or act like a hysterical insane bitch. Look at the debts. Look at the state of affairs and oppressive insanity. Look at the wars and all the dead people. Now your people think you are superior or leaders? How about we impose the death penalty right now because it is a bombastic combat zone? Wait, it is about money and America, their home.
HOW MANY GOOD AND DECENT WIVES ARE THERE IN THIS WORLD? Ask why women with lower or normal intelligence; can be and do have a happy marriage. They know how to be a good wife. For some reason you got me praying to God daily for your death. As strange as your life is and as bizarre as this world has become; this circus has me pray to the almighty God himself you are murdered or die of suicide; overcome with a sudden realization. It is so bad your pain and suffering has spread to your brothers, their kids, nobody wants to be a conservative, nobody wants to defend you, your fantasy about me taking care of you (a lesson you should have learned from Senator Clifford about crisis and caregivers) has blown up in your face in less than three years of total lies and the most rotten shit I have ever seen. You are in a combat zone and you are a complete failure or pest. This world is not at peace now. It is suffering. Those monks who burned themselves for their people or for sacrifice; did not have to say a word or use drama. I doubt you are as faithful as you claim. I doubt you took any steps to save yourself or resolve any of this. Read the records; I pray your parents burn in hell now for your actions in this lifetime. Your crime against humanity and society is immense; the most important mission in our life. I am constantly ashamed of you. I feel victimized. The pictures of you are so disgusting; how do you look at your family? You have the ultimate curse; no kids and unable to give a son. Look where this has been and where it has gone Ann. Do you think happiness will ever return? Do you know why I pray you commit suicide or just die; some enemy or rapist of yours you drink with goes haywire and kills you? So I do not have to keep defending you and I can at least be at peace with myself or find closure. You want to see some really strong stuff or extra-terrestrial stuff fromme me? I am so tired of this Annie; I just want to move on. You even took freebies from me and then stonewalled me. You wasted all that money on useless or worthless causes; when you should have been a caregiver. For this, you will rot in hell and until then I hope your parents suffer in hell for the pain and suffering they have given birth to. You can't be a decent wife and as a lawyer; you are so mean, cruel, and such a piece of shit. If this is winning; I don't want to win. If this is marriage; I don't want marriage. Maybe God will listen to me or care enough to help me end this horrific mess you have created.
From the FBI: You have a "God Complex" Ann. I am a victim of your abuse also or promotional torture. You utilize work to cover up abuse or some pain; this pain has caused others to view you as a piece of shit and caused you severe pain. Yes it is true; they could have fired Fox, the CEO, and taken out CPAC and helped you organize your life or cherish your memories. They failed and when they did; you failed. You are a certifiable failure because you are too dependent on others opinions, work, and you enjoy scamming people. You desire love and a marriage to beat any other. You are not a good fit. You want to be fired. You feel your work is your love or will keep you safe and warm. You cannot follow orders and worse, you cannot fight; it is just drama and play acting cat fights. There is so much more they saw in this such as how you cannot give a straight answer. You denied everything. They believe there was impropriety and infidelity; but you changed the story. They said all you want is to be right; fight or screw up your life until you are right. Had you just walked away, life would be perfect and you would have won this case. Your legacy now is awful and if you are murdered or commit suicide; Alex your one true love and partner attends rallies about how evil Coulter was or vigils about what kind of a piece of shit she was. Even with me you could not be a decent wife. You could not be honest about anything; even a victim or rape and murder plots. In your world, it is still a game. The game has filled you with pain and a horrific ending; a consensual participant. How do you escape this? How do you end this and fix your life Ann? How do you live with yourself? Even you cannot take care of yourself and now you want me to take care of a human piece of shit even when you are old, cranky, more cruel, and in your old age. I look out there and see people happy; I see women who are ten times what you are and will ever accept.
There were moments of genius in your lawyer career; but the truth is you do not care about anything or anybody. Even your close associates had some kind of side effect or blacked out from too much abuse or endless frustration. They also want to improve their life; but refuse to improve who they are. All of you are inhuman. You presented to the world how you hurt those you love and refused to get rid of those you hate; for monetary reasons. You failed to respect, support, or give your own best friend and partner; whom suffering at your hands while you denied any resources or materials for him to rescue you. But you kept so much pressure on him while he kept so much of this inside; just to protect and save you; many people saw the devil in you. You were so selfish in captivity; this enemy and pure evil mistook you as their prize or the degree of fun and enjoyment you had at their expense. You enjoyed your own rape before you ended it or sought law enforcement or federal intervention. In combat, your failure to obey orders; the risky and buffoonery stunts; the idea you had a private life; was sacrificed for repeated heroic act walking into bullets. Then you checked to see if anybody saw you as a better person. Everybody eventually got tired and sick of this; all had the same symptoms or observed the same. A few acts or pieces were missing; such as who they were and who you are. In the end, you were and are a failure. You clung onto the singles club or these drinking buddies you were so mad at or repeatedly used to foment public distrust and anger. Your actions in combat or with true warriors are so abhorrent; you cannot tell the truth or end this total circus. Under pressure your intelligence dwindles into risky or totally insane acts made to appear professional; you have no care in the world. You keep and kept on saying how you cannot please your husband and whom you spent 22 years with; when this was untrue. In the end, you could not stop you; everybody tried, even me. In combat, you enjoyed running into bullets more so than avoiding them; a delusion of 9 lives. You have one life to live; to find happiness and peace in this world; but at each turn you had to get fired, refused to stop, there was no end to this. Than you forced others into awful predicaments because they did this to you. You forced the only soul on earth whom believed you or cared enough to listen or take valid action; nobody would and nobody would reveal the truth. You could not even give me a child; the most awful curse of a devil worship. They think you want sex, like them or are married. You made me search deep down; to cope with a world I already hated. I lost faith because of you Ann. You took the biggest piece out of this and more than any enemy would or could. I hope you understand how "I did nothing wrong" or "this could have been much worse." For all the nightmares in this world I had comforts in you or told you; in the end, you took it and deliberately. For this I cannot forgive you. I had to beg and plead; even for monetary or financial help. You forced an enemy who was either reluctant or refused the proper help; to show your love and power. Always bragging about how many people you know or whom you had in your life. It was very hard to deal with this considering it took 22 years and the most important mission in my life to get here; only to get stonewalled and bogged by whom I put faith in and trusted. I acted out of the kindness of my heart while you acted in random and aimless ways to win something you know is not winnable. Ask you now you still think you are winning or won. The lies and the empty promises flowed like a river or Bernie Maddoff. The best one was, "I am going to quit, I promise." Three years later life has gone downhill so much people pray you die or commit suicide; for peace on earth. People want and need to better themselves; to be better people and you somehow screwed up everything or everybody. I have and had noticed odd or very strange behavior from you; not knowing exactly what was occurring. Now you claim to be in love or need my help; after 22 years of friendship and constant bragging. I have never heard you complain. I have never heard you say one negative word to me. You accept anything or everything I do; and this is part of why I call you a piece of shit. I am the one who created this monster; I fed it; I communicated to it daily; and in the end it drove me crazy or miserable. Women do drive men crazy; for love and then for evil. You turned out evil. Always grandstanding, life was a joke and always a search for the ultimate joke; to pull on others or act obnoxious. I tolerated it in the memory of how tolerant and accepting your ways were to me. In the end, you asked yourself why you can't please me or had frustrations; but even I could not shut you up and prayed for your death. You went from looney to bone insane or totally nuts; a blend of every negative and evil trait imaginable. You redemption was church and virginity. Part of you is Catholic and part of you is Protestant. They claim to be talking to us. You claim to be talking to them. There are things we can survive in this world and things we cannot. This enemy cherishes the end now. You let them. You won and beat them; but you also beat yourself only because you only wanted to beat them up and not yourself. Then you would try to beat me up if I asked you to stop or if you were done. Your excuse fitting with your anything goes mentality; "I did this for you." Let the world have you and let them clap; you did this for them Ann, not me. They are looking at you and attending your funeral; not me, I refuse to attend that horrific memory and experience. You had white people up in arms for the wrong reasons. You had black people up in arms for the right ones. You spent more time with your enemies than your own kids; pissed away and rotten until you could not stand the smell. The pictures of you and your dating habits bring nightmares; to everybody except you. I sat there and demanded an answer and you stared back with a blank stare. Worse, I had to feel your pain. This pain was the same pain I had felt many times daily from 1998-2004. You doubled it. You put gridlock and stalemate in my life; between heaven and hell. You felt heaven and hell colliding on earth and in my life; would fortify your happiness and make it impossible for me to move on; on good or bad terms. Basically, you misrepresented yourself for 22 years and you will come to me and talk nonsense or pretend how open your mind is or how mine needs to be. There was a way out of this. There was a way to avoid death. Pain at this level is difficult to forget. I despise you. Even I think you are a scam artist. The only person who does not feel this is a fantasy, is you. No matter what you do; this idea you cannot please your man or exercised caution personifies lifelong uncontrollable muscle movement and constant repeating thoughts of suicide. They exonerated themselves; you vilified them and yourself. You took this one step further. Rape victims who do not tell the truth or cannot; have issues that are vague. You revisit them weekly. You act them out yearly; obsessionally, professionally, and occupationally monthly.
Going on TV: is useless and no longer a working nightmare Ann. I told you I pray to God they kill you or you finally commit suicide. I am trying to improve my life. You refuse to become a better person or claim to be doing God's work. In the past three years since this standoff and horrific nightmare began; you failed to improve yourself as a person. You are dealing with very evil people. You are stupid or not as smart as you want others to believe. You play a game with your own husband and he was forced to conclude you are a piece of shit. You failed to let him improve his life; always denying the resources so that he can escape severe abuse and tremendous combat situations. There is a God complex. You are a piece of shit. All the apologies just make you more phony or makes it crazier.
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