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WON'T LET US DO OUR WORK OR MARRIAGE, BUT VERY CAREFUL NOT TO GET CAUGHT: I agree, they are preventing or have not allowed us to do our work; to include a very well planned marriage. Then they were very careful not to get caught and totally insane. They kept changing the story until they were so insane and confused; it just was a total disaster and war, internment, or the death penalty had to be discussed. They just refused to end this even if we were right time after time. Plus, they felt they had some special power over us which was so strong; we could not even decide or live our own life; decisions had to be made for us and awful ones. This is why so many crimes had been violated and so much damage. This is why 1.5 billion had to be capped two years ago; just endless and nonstop, not even a week of good behavior.
DO YOU HAVE SOME TYPE OF POWER OVER SUB-HUMANS, ITALIANS, IRISH, AND CATHOLICS ANN, DO YOU? They claim their is a delivery problem; I did not deliver, you did not deliver, and they did not and want to only help or do business. Tell everybody to slam them on their head until they cannot get up or cause anymore problems; kick it up, they still want more and cannot be on good behavior. All they want to do is piss people off, insult them, tamper or tinker, pitch us, or try some crazy challenge; then run into each others arms and full blown kisses. This is also why they are totally gay. They have the nerves to keep barking back orders or attack until their demand to leave or go home is fulfilled. We are dealing with a traitor and a god damn criminal; why won't they just shut up and go? Do they not understand treason or a traitor? No? They do not understand yet? They are too rich and powerful for rules or thinking? Why do you waste your time on them Ann; now they say you do not deliver and keep me in this jam and ruin my life even more. Can I kill them or do I have to? Why is this happening? What is the problem? Why can't I hurricane or earthquake them? Is it bad judgment or just losing and getting slammed on their head constantly? Because of them Ann, I think I am going to catch something from you; do you agree? Are you fighting this? I stopped fighting this or them; should have gone with my plan; I hate to say it but I told you so. Again, I have proved you have bad leadership and skills; but you were trapped and in serious harm. You are dealing with a traitor and spy; debate is completely insufficient; understand yet? Your mind is incapable of strategy or decisions of this level Ann; got it? This is why we are in a jam and paralyzed now. Worse, you place trust in the US government. We can sit here for 500 years; it will be the same problem. White people are total idiots Ann, agree?
STOP THEM: Ann you told me you were going to stop them and I was very upset with this. They now claim you are the problem or refuse to help me, no delivery. I am still battling the Italians and Irish on this end; Catholics. Kick it up and tell everybody to slam them on their heads; anyhow, anyway, and teach them a lesson until they are dead, gone, deported, or interned. Do you understand, it is about delivery now. They only think short term, nothing else. This is why I am charging them with 1.5 billion in damages; shut up and go away. This is about their horrible life and behavior; nothing else. They need to hurry up and clean this up; not argue about delivery. They are dead. Ann, I am worried I am going to catch something from you; understand?
SHUT DOWN THEIR CHURCH AND STOP MAKING DEALS WITH THEIR LEADERS: Why don't they come out and say it or stop hiding so we can end this cat and mouse or war. The truth is nobody likes them, nobody wants to join their forces, nobody wants to be recruited or listen to them, nobody wants to protect them, nobody wants to hire them, nobody wants them in America, all nations know they are a problem, they need our support or business, we hate their guts, they make so many mistakes, and they are facing total destruction. Now we can discuss why they seduce people or spy on them; why they adopted communist tactics and ideology; they are the enemy and they do not want to leave or leave us alone. They are still recruiting and using satellites; asking if we or anybody can defeat them; kill this enemy force. No matter how unwanted and decrepit they are, they use government to pay their bills.
GOOD JOB ANN: You can't take them out and they play a game with my mail and life. Now they are asking me why you keep refusing to deliver my package or deliver? Like the mail system; I am waiting for the package. Every order or pkg in the mail is always late, missed, or kept waiting. Then it is days and even shoving matches with UPS or some labor union. Delivery problems? This is just how the Democrats are, understand? They are very polite about it also. Obama 2012; its time to end this little game. All these problems came from one company, UPS. Let them fight for their life instead of playing with our business or life. Then the FEDEX guy comes over and acts like we are buddies or brothers. Who the F keeps on tinkering with the mail and business? This must be how that broken Kerosene heater a web page in Israel was selling me; it almost burnt the entire house down. It ruined over 10 of my computers and all my belongings. Israel did that hit and sabotage, not the Catholics.
CAT AND MOUSE GAME: This is why we rejoice each time they are earthquaked, hurricaned, and slammed on their heads. They spy on us. They watch our every move. They invade our privacy. It feels like a peeping tom and a molester. They insist we are friends. They want our business. They rob everybody blind. Who the hell wants this enemy and F'er in their life or watching them? An American they are not; we wish them death and destruction. Keep playing this cat and mouse game. This is why I called it Obama 2012; do they expect to survive? Honestly?
STRIKE A DEAL WITH THE DEMOCRATS? Show me a black country with a thriving economy, show me. Show me a black state with a thriving economy or an education system the Chinese, Japanese, or even British would send their kids to. Show me a city in America where this statistic is contradictory. Now you ask the Catholics and the Democrats what they expect when they put blacks in charge of every city in America? Now they want to complain about the President? A little too late for the Catholics and Democrats don't they think? Show me a nation on this earth ran by these apes where corruption, violence, and bad behavior does not flourish? Why are they in our life bothering us for the past 22 years, acting as if they are Irishmen in Klan uniforms? Why are these human pieces of shit acting like our parents, leaders, and even friends? Why? Why are they even in America? Why can't they be on good behavior for just one week or at least 30 days; how long do they expect to stalk us with the white and black trash? This is where they are at and a raid is in order; step over the line in the sand again and again. Let me make this crystal clear; show me a black nation or a nation with blacks as their leader and tell me how long they expect to live or the outcome? Defy it? Do not understand it? Deny it? Please... take a hard look at America and these Americans. Save us from the Americans, not the Arabs. We can bomb them or do much with foreign problems. How about that single mother religion?
DEBT CEILING EXTENSION - I DO NOT THINK THEY UNDERSTAND WE ARE AT WAR: I think 6 months of good behavior watch is far too big of a deal for this debt ceiling. All I have to say is there are a lot of Republicans we need to destroy and a lot of Democrats, nearly all of them, who cannot meet a 6 month good behavior watch. So this deal they struck has nothing to do with the fact we are at war and we need to know exactly who to destroy and where. I suggest if the government is shut down and they drag this out beyond 6 months; they understand a deadline is set and must be met. They are on good behavior watch; not trying to act like legislature or Congress. This Jackie act and goof ball needs to stop contacting us in the name of bootleggers and Chicago. We are intent on destroying them; not being friends or working with them. The line is drawn in the sand. Step over it and there is no coming back. Since they raided my wallet; I am going to shut down their drugs, gangs, church, and any wallet they have. I hope they realize a raid is in progress and we are intent on taking them down and destroying them; not striking deals on the budget. No deal, only six months of good behavior watch until this is over and surrender is in order. They even said they want war and to die. They even said they will not take no for an answer. It is way too late for, "he doesn't even like us." Ann you better get your shit straight too; and your so called Republicans.
FAIR WAGES AND COMPENSATION: Ann, this is my work and I have the power. However, you are a very good researcher and used to be a worthwhile partner. You are entitled to 50% of the earnings for various reasons. If you buy a bracelet, diamond ring, or clothing; you are not responsible for submitting a receipt or deducting it from your share. Also, it is a business expense and does qualify as an improvement. I am not exactly sure why you are accepting gifts from married people or going to dinners; but YAF and CPAC will have to answer this; along with all these guilty and corrupt businessmen. You are allowed to treat yourself, without deduction or penalty, from our business accounts. You are not allowed to buy things or pay wages, understand? You are not allowed to keep these men on my account or in our accounts, understand? If you are guilty of corruption, kick backs, etc... this is between you and the FBI, not me. I wrote to them and told them what to look for; you can buy jewelry but must show them a receipt from our or your account if you wish reimbursements. You F up everything and make me really pissed off; what you get for playing along with these apes and this Catholic Church. You cannot take care of yourself and need men in your life for some reason Ann. Your women are totally nuts and F'd in the head, so many problems. I have serious and real problems if you want to help.
MAKE A LIST AND PUT YES OR NO NEXT TO IT: Dear FBI and Justice Department. I am fed up with this, yes or no? 1. Did Ann Coulter have lunch with Donald Trump and did he give her a very expensive bracelet? Who gave her jewelry and kickback? CPAC or YAF? 2. Did Ann Coulter have dinner with Bill Maher and did Sean Hannity rescue Ann or is he a hero? 3. Is Fox News only following the leader and showing their support by stalking us or spying on us? Did they hack into our life and watch us exactly like a peeping tom? Who else? 4. Make a list, who did you have dinner with and did they pass any gifts or kickback? Who bought dinner and who took her to lunch? 5. Why did they report this? Why did they conceal the truth? Why would she put herself around these apes? This church? Will they talk or not or will we still be a prisoner to their forces and this gutless Viet Cong phony enemy in our life? Lastly, did they write down the same thing when Ann tried to intervene? Alex was the first target by this Catholic Church and labor union; who did this hit and wrote it down; then distributed to his family, employers, and anybody who would listen?
CAN THEY FIGHT FOR THEMSELVES, FIGHT FOR THEIR LIFE, FIGHT FOR THEIR CAREER, AND END THIS HONORABLY, CAN THEY? Ann, I still do not know why you would waste your life and spend your life with this gutless enemy. It is exactly like Diane Fossil. She spent her life with apes and studying some wild silversmith that loved her; then got killed or ripped to pieces for some ape clan. They cannot even fight for their career and life. They keep playing this gutless game. Let's see if they battle the FBI and Justice Department. We can solve this case in less than one month; not the next 22 years. Did they try or give you any kickback, benefits, soft money, or break the law Ann? Yes or no next to the names on the list. Put on there, "Did you F Alex or not"; and write yes or no Ann. Do you have a relation with Alex? Yes or no? Was there sex involved or not? How long? On a scale of 1 to 10; what level or romance or commitment.
TRUE OR FALSE: Lunch with Donald, bracelet, and a guest on Red Eye; balls in your court Fox News. Next is battle with the FBI and Justice Department; die and rot in hell! Odd, I was with a married female this Wednesday; one on one intro; can't say how we met but it was very flirtatious; no sex!
POWERFUL ENOUGH TO DESTROY THIS MENACE: Oh wonderful, now you are doing lunches on the behest of making you feel better and bragging about it. Exactly what I have always wanted or asked of you. And you can't even pay your debts to me or even the score so I can move on and have a nicer life. I am not allowed by any of you all. Wonderful chick you turned out to be; and still dating with merry; even in the jaws of death. You are too comfortable with yourself Ann, way too comfortable. The more I know, the less I like. Will lunch vindicate you from past dates or the Grateful Dead Ann? Your friends with benefits offer to me was absolutely insane Ann, really. They are looking for the power; and they know the kid has the power, but where and how? Do you have a clue or have any idea what they are doing? Why is your life so screwed up? Bracelets and jewelry from married men and at business lunches? Dinner with Maher and Hannity a hero? Fox problems are just among friends? Okay, this is so insane, someone has to tell the truth; and quickly. It is coming out way too slowly and my predicament escalates. Did you set them up or ruin your life again? Make up your minds will you, I am fed up with all of you. Intimate dinners? Jewelry and stalker plots or repellent? Your career is on the line do they know this? Do they realize how insane this has gotten? Now they want to battle the FBI?
EVEN WHILE SPYING ON US THEY ARE SO SURE OF THEMSELVES - OVER CONFIDENT: They want to win not loose. Are you stupid? Knock it off... I am in a no win situation and you have the advantage temporarily. You made and are making so many mistakes; everywhere and then crying or begging. Your strategy is toothless. One mistake after the next; then telling me how they still cannot get you. You make so many mistakes and your life is so full of personal problems Ann (dinners, men, dates, drinking, fashion, friends, etc...) They know I have the power and they need it or have to steal it. I am in a no win position and you have temporary advantage; it cost a lot to take them down and catch them. Each time they come in on me or attempt a take down; they get slammed on their head but do not know who or how; devastating mistakes. You are weakening us, badly Ann. Especially me. This is all you are doing with your gutless private or male problems; weakening me. Nothing you have done, including apologies or fixes has brought back my power. I have taken evasive actions and cut the safety line; you are infected or rotting. Are you a dumb bitch or just so messed up you cannot help it anymore? The more I know, the less I like or want. You trudge on and make more friends or expand. They have been burned so many times; they know they will get slammed and attacked badly. Get your god damn head together and life Ann; you idiot woman. You have so many male or stalker problems and so many stupid dates and dinners; even a useless security team. You females must hate your life and are so dumb in missions. You have so many problems and keep telling me how you hate yourself; and they know I have the power and keep coming in on me; jackass. I cannot even be proud of you and if I am; bam your stupid female problem again.
POWERFUL ENOUGH TO DO THIS? Lunch with married men... let me try this one when a millionaire. Dates with butt ugly women who are a total joke to make me feel important or loved; let me jot that down. You are too comfortable with yourself, all of you; way too comfortable. You coming to me is still a joke and obviously has been; the more I know, the less I like. Is there anything else you wish to add or subtract about how comfortable I am now with you or how comfortable you feel? Why can't you just settle your debts and move on so I can go and do a babe on the beach? Now your enemies are spying on me and watching me cut their throats; while you prance around saying, "you haven't got me yet" and bragging how comfortable you are and how uncomfortable others are or have been. They judge you on how you treat me; but you do not? You are totally and 100% comfortable with yourself? Do you think I would move on right now? Do you think I would stay and listen or watch you end this charade? You need my help? I have to stay here until this ends? I have to battle with the Catholics for you and vice versa? First it was Grateful Dead concerts and now presents or kickback from married men? You are one screwed up person who is also keeping me here; selfishly. All of you are fighting over me; does this vindicate you or your past; and a new bracelet? The problem is why I cannot dump all of you or get this completed and over with? You also expect sympathy or a hug? You will accept being a mistress or a love slave because you do not trust others? This has repeated over and over before Ann; you have to pay your debts with me and move on. Delivering their head may not be good enough. If you do deliver their heads, I said I might F your brains out. It depends on what I catch or what I know about you. I am not sure if Trump is at fault or you; I know you are walking a tight rope and have been. It just never ends with you Ann; the dinners, problems, suspicion, swimming with sharks, presents, secret life, etc... I still do not have a book or biography; will I ever? I need to move on okay and live my own life. I have to make a decision; not keep waiting for your single life to end when you please. Is this what you are doing? All of you are F'd in the head and must be miserable. I am sure it was innocent and he feels embarrassed; but can't you just avoid all of this? Really... I have to do this just to catch and destroy these people; which takes a very long time. You have the advantage right now if this is what they want to know; but I can do better and have always. You are so close to the edge, it is hard to tell if you will make it. This should have been over a long time ago; but it drags on. Is Trump stupid, right now you have the advantage. I am in a no win situation and rely on you or a better person; deliver their heads. I am tired of waiting, do you get it? The more you wait and date men; the more I suffer; hurry up or settle your debts with me. You have a temporary advantage only and a totally screwed up life. Has your best friends forbidden you or me? I am not sure who is in charge here.
THE AMERICAN VIET CONG AND DRUG GANGS HAVE A MESSAGE TO THE WORLD: Ping, Ralph, and the Florida chapter of the Democratic Viet Cong guerrillas want the world to know they are using us to talk or communicate. However, they are very scared. They are defeated. They have so many wounded now. They do not know what to do. They want us to leave or get expelled from the state. They feel this is their home. They want us to understand their feelings. They are labor unions and must hold their lines; terrorize anyone trapped. They are getting more scared. They know a coup is coming. They cannot lie their way out. They are not as good as we are. They do not want to get hurt. They want to terrorize or torture us into understanding their feelings, empathy. They do not care about our feelings or wishes. They want to hire us; but must create a demand. They know they have been defeated and are hanging on for dear life. Their focus is their wounded; so many. They are confident in helping their wounded. They want us to help them eliminate some of their wounded because they are facing total defeat. Morale among their forces is low. They are walking on egg shells. They know they are dead; this is over. They know if they bother a female and not a male; they will get caught and arrested. They refuse to stop or end this. They are bound by a bunker mentality; total defeat and derangement. They are stingy and selfish; only liars. They are the police and in charge. They are very scared and want us to know this; hence, these attacks and this clandestine Viet Cong force made of Catholics, Jews, Democrats, and terrorists. They want to follow the leader and stalk them; but did not expect this or how this ended. They know they are thin skinned and have no backbone; they accept this. They accept our case but want us to know how they feel and ask why we are so mean? Why do we treat them like a subhuman or enemy when they are just a human being? They do not want us to abandon or be fed up with them; retaliate or coup them. This is the greatest and strongest force their church has ever gone up against and they did not expect this; tragedy.
POWERFUL ENOUGH TO CATCH THIS ENEMY AND WIN WORLD WAR: They want us to be more quiet and understand how they feel and what crisis awaits. This is how the labor unions hold the line and prevent escape. They want us to be as weak, feeble, defeated, terrorized, and the same as they feel; a messenger. They have given up on playing follow the leader and are ashamed of admitting they are Nazis first and communists second; afraid of public retribution and stigma. They are closet enemies, too afraid but must take care of the wounded; so they devise these plots and attacks to shift the blame on the right wing or "follow the leaders." They refuse to accept us as their leaders and want to be recognized as our heroes. They admit to being Nazis and communists spies now; unable to deny or admit it. They want us to know how angry they are with how this ended and how they are trying to be quiet and walk on eggs. Their search for this leader for their church has now ended and it rests on Obama; nobody else. They feel that racism and hate will assist with how many wounded they have to care for; once their foot soldiers and now unemployed or have a dead end life. They know their church is dead and this is the end; they are too ashamed to admit or face the truth; so they claim ownership to anything or anyone. Winning is impossible and they did not expect this much resistance or damage to their already wounded forces. They no longer welcome us in their house or life; due to our reaction to them and fight. They are not sure about the 1.5 billion settlement; ask Ann to help. They do not know what they are doing wrong and need us as a guidedog; exploit our powers.
THE USUAL SUSPECTS AND REPEAT OF THE 16TH CENTURY: This gay ass and Catholic faggot needs to go and bother women instead of men. They also need to molest women with their child molester and peasant class life so we can arrest them and torture them; not hide behind blacks or minorities. We are not fond of peasants, molesters, rapist, or this criminal intent; go and die. Stop acting cool and welcomed; hang on for dear life and hide.
BULLIES AND BULLYING: Now they think they are superior and bullies. All this spying and all this ferocious fighting is only about bullying? Who won this? Who is the bully? Who kept saying "we do not know what to do... we are only trying to make this better... nobody is happy about this... this is our home... leave." Who is being shut down and got recorded like a jackass, not a bully? Who is the biggest joke on this earth right now? Bully? Ape? Buffoon? Bully pissoff? Please... pay the 1.5 billion and face your fate and maker moron. This is torture and it makes great entertainment. You are dead and face one hell of a life now; bully? Admit you are a loser and a pathetic spy, now a pathological liar with a criminal intent of a bomb plot. They can't even lie correctly or trick people; an idiot. They are so cool, above it all, can explain it all, and so easy to get along with; bosses. So dominant and never burnt crisp black; a poor dirtbag. They do not care? Sounds like they are hanging on for dear life and facing people who hate their guts! Who cares? Who is hanging on? Who is a peasant serf so poor they have to resort to communism and cheating? Now they are really in fantasy land; pay up and face your torture.
NO DEAL, SHUT IT DOWN AND SHUT THIS CHURCH DOWN: If there will be a deal; the same 6 month and vast spending cuts will be imposed or reiterated. We need to emphasize and make this clear; we are intent on winning this and they are not. Additionally, they should have shut this down and this enemy a long time ago. Until we get on the right road and get the right people; I encourage the delivery of their head and ban them from any public service. When the public has figured this out; maybe we do not have to ask for pray for hurricanes and earthquakes. Let them rot and let them enjoy their pain. Also, remove the moles from our side and do not force me to make a list of them which was overlooked or missed; there is a deadline on this. Do it right or roll the dice again. The only deal is 5 months and vast cuts until surrender and full details of this plot and these attacks. Spare me the lip service and spare me the tears; boo hoo. Wait until the hurricanes arrive and tell me about the goodies they really lost; lets pray harder and hope the aliens deliver. Destroy them and maybe they will be better people or stronger in their IQ. The more we destroy them, the cheaper and easier it will be.
I SAID NO MORE WACO DEBT OR THIS WACO MENTALITY, DEADLINE: Look, people will be surprised how I set out to do things and get it done. They need to know we are in a war now; an undeclared one with a very nasty and evil enemy. I intend on winning that war. I don't care if they die. I don't care if they wish to order me around. If I decide, don't question it okay; they learned a big lesson already. Let me tell them how pathetic and how they are the worst enemy I have ever seen on this earth; don't think ordering me around or trying to torture and terrorize me will get anywhere. We are in a war and I intend on winning it; they do not intend on winning this at all. Moreover, I set out to do what I say I will; they have no desire to achieve or set any goals. To keep this simple, we are in a fire of hell battle and war with a nincompoop and I intend on winning it. My power and strength will defeat and accelerate beyond how they excel. They have no intention of winning; none. They don't even have a goal. They can keep hanging on for dear life and waging war on us; sooner or later, I will shut them down and humiliate them before the public and before the world. Do not doubt me or my powers, never. When I tell them not to open their mouth, make sure I do not repeat it. If they intend on winning this; they better get started and get a life.
WHO DID THEY CONTACT AND WHO DID THEY TRY TO PERSUADE? I have evidence they influenced or tried to persuade Ann Coulter in a manner to negatively impact our relationship. I have written proof of what they wrote and said; all lies. I have proof and letters from my own family; some spy or mole compromised our security and was feeding my own family false or misleading information. I have evidence to prove they not only wrecked but tried to wreck my own marriage and personal life. I also have a mission and program that is in serious disrepair and tremendous business loss due to this "inquisitor" and Catholic inquisition. All of these efforts have fallen apart and we get more and more of the same by the communists. Do not even tell the investigators you made a mistake or do not know what to do; it has been written down, it was recorded, it is documented clearly as a gigantic attack and some form of abduction and brainwashing effort; but failed. The criminal intent is equal to a terror and bomb plot. All they had to do was shut down this church of nonsense and labor. All they had to do was follow precautions and exercise a bit more care or consideration; even during the arrest and final moments. Regardless, they blocked out all facts and truth. Regardless, the feelings and wishes of others were obsolete and disregarded; and here we are facing total and utter disaster. Do they think constant apologies, trying to terrorize us more, demands for human rights, and more lies or fraud will help or fix this? Do they? Why didn't they surrender or allow us to utilize the law to shut down the Catholic Church and Democratic Party? Who are these grand inquisitors sent to cleanse the right wing and the Republican Party? Did they make an effort to repair the damage or tell my family the truth, or just silence and more lies or attacks? Can they prove this? Exactly, shut this church and labor party down. Expel them from the police and public service. Ban them from any military or high level jobs. Shut down the labor unions and most of all the government workers union. One word out of their mouth should be answered with a hurricane or earthquake. This is the best they could do or get from us? How many evictions did this cause or were they responsible for? Why weren't they expelled and precautions in place? Do they know what evil is or what a lunatic can do? It sounds like a hidden Viet Cong force Americanized by this church.

WAS NEVER UP FOR GRABS AND TOTALLY RIGGED, A TRAP: This enemy and this political nuisance is playing a game of chicken. They have nothing to offer. They feel they can take more pain and inflict maximum pain or torture us into submission; why kidnapping or abduction. Even a hurricane cannot teach them manners. Even if we destroyed them or put them in a suicide pact in utter loss and failure; they keep trying to torture us, inflict pain, and play this chicken game. Now it is about hiring us and how we agree. Not the case. Ann, I do not need to know more about them okay. I think they know enough about us. I think they know deep down; what is ahead and what we have planned for them. Everybody can read it. Unfortunately, they play the same game where we are blind or kept guessing. So I do not care if they are Tea Partners, Republicans who disagree, or how rich and powerful they are. All of this is irrelevant; shut them down and compel them to surrender. I have asked the FBI and DoD to launch a full scale war on them; do not hire them. We also do not need to know how they feel or why they think this way; or got in this position. We know already. All of this is irrelevant and entertainment. No-body cares who they are anymore Ann, understand? Get this done and deliver their head; you are wasting valuable time and have a diastole which needs attention. Do not tangle your life with them; they will lie, cheat, and spy like communists or terrorists; we know this already. They want to torture you or me; until the pain level is above them; a game of chicken they have and will loose. Keep away from them and do not try to debate them; they are lunatics. These people are in full retreat and suffering. They are trying to act graceful and still in power or in total control. Yeah, right. What do you care what they do for me or how they will come to your events and feel unwelcome or like criminal psychopaths? What the hell is wrong with you F'ers; are you all flakes and importers? They know who we are; do we need to know who they are, for real? Do we need to know what they can do for you or me, honestly? Why is Oreilly following you to LA and giving advice? Don't they think I have already made calculations with you Ann or kept you informed? Why are they issuing warnings? Are they the cops or some superlative force to recon? I do not think Laura can get Bush out of this; even on good behavior.

ANN, YOU CANNOT FOOL FOX NEWS ON THIS SHUT DOWN: Ann, are you stupid or do you realize that Hannity, Oreilly, and Fox News is in a no win situation; they are intent on dying. They are on a suicide run; why bother? Why waste or piss your life away and then come running to me? Nothing will teach them manners. Nobody can make them honest. They are pathological liars and the criminal intent is off the charts. Why are you know supporting them or playing a game with them? This is how a moron plays politics and spread their filthy semen and stink. How much torture can Hannity take? How much torture can Roger Ailes and Newscorp take? How much more asinine stunts can you throw at them? This is the question, how much? Regardless, they still refuse to pay the damages and move on; now the FBI and Pentagon; along with other governments are after them. What a church and what a class act; still do not understand or know what manners are and bitching to us. Let me make this crystal clear to all of you; you are in a no win situation; no chance at all. Unless you have a space ship to transport you back to the planet Zeon; America will be unsuitable and so will her laws. Do we need this to prove it more and more? Shut them down, debt ceiling or not. They are going to rot or be tortured anyways; do not waste your time. We have very little time here. They think they are our bosses and we were hired guns now. Listen to me Ann, they have nothing to offer; are you nuts! Keep them away and torture them into submission or the truth; they are trapped and trying to get away. Why the hell would you allow them access or utilize their protection scams? Why? They are communist and labor union spies; agents of the Catholic Church and enemy moles. Now we are spies and horrible. This is a police matter and a false story; a coverup and conspiracy from a terror plot. They have intensified their spying efforts on us; ten times. Trust me, they will stand their even if high pressure cold water is shot at them and poop flying out their ears; they will not go away. All they will do is be an imposer and say, "the ball is in your court now." The Republicans better understand this game of chicken has a deadline; six months is all they got. Listen to Oreilly and Laura Ingraham on Fox now.

STOP TRYING TO TRICK FOX NEWS - WHAT CONSPIRACY AND WHAT WAR: Serbian masseur. Mumbai massacre. Fort Hood Massacre. Columbine Massacre. North Hollywood Massacre. Virginia Tech massacre. Oklahoma massacre. Embassy massacres. Iraq and Afghanistan massacres. Middle East massacres. More warnings and clandestine communications. More of this slander, abuse of authority, and inspector act. A few duds in between each massacre. A few foiled bomb plots. A few cold cases. Authors who are now a novel peace prize? Who is this enemy demanding justice or for us to sympathize with them because they are hated, not welcomed, and always looking for a home? They obey no rules. Nobody and nothing can teach em manners. They are trapped inside a scrawny, tooth-pick or obese body, they are all thieves and pathological liars, they refuse to keep away and want to be exactly like us so badly. They want others to understand or give them recognition. No laws are suitable for them and they have no chance here. They run up the debt, add more welfare, spend their mouths and lies away; nothing can keep them away. Torture makes them giggly and depressed. Who and what can match and destroy this enemy; even shut down their worthless church? Did I mention the church of sexual offenders and molesters? They are not even guilt ridden and do not understand manners or rules; too ignorant, stupid, and selfish to stay in America. They have really done it now. This is not about the Tea Party, hiring us, or how they feel; do they understand this? This is about shutting down their church and their politics; all debt scandals. You are dead wrong, shut them down and end this tragedy. This is the biggest trick and scandal I have ever seen in my life; the most rotten human beings on this earth; shut their church down and we will know their chips. A hurricane would not teach them manners or change this thief. Obviously, it hasn't worked or will. Obviously, they are play a game of chicken and manners is not in them. Obviously, much more is needed and a deadline. Fox News and your clandesting jackoffs are so smart, why didn't I think about this?

DON'T EVEN HAVE A CHANCE AND KNOWS HOW TO FIND US: Note: DeSouza was the first one caught and he fled to California. Laura Ingraham tried to determine how he was compromised or assess who who knew; this is how they ended up as "fiancees"; a hoax and a total scam. DeSouza has since clammed up and Laura Ingraham got jolted badly when she was busted in 2008 on her show; the first person Ann confronted on Fox News. After Laura was chased off, Ann asked me to chase off a host of spies and moles. DeSouza is uglier than dynamite or black powder. Was it Laura or was it Catherine? In sequence, DeSouza was busted second in 1989 while at Georgetown. Ann tailed him. He fled in panic to California and ended his political career, a retirement. Laura Ingraham tailed Ann and then battled her; using her partner Sean Hannity as a counter measure on Ann Coulter. Hannity got busted finally after Laura during the same month, July 2008. From here, the chips fall and they never had a chance. Laura retired and disappeared after this summer; barely returning. DeSouza has chosen the 5th. Bill Maher then steps in; and they start fighting. Even while spying on us and being busted; they never had a chance and was too overconfident! They are still overconfident and confused; but badly beaten. This is how Bill Maher got in this story; Dinesh DeSouza!
REPUBLICAN DEBT CEILING - 6 MONTHS AND NO MORE OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE, SURRENDER: My signature is on a six month extension and widespread spending controls. No more Lady Gaga policies or budgets. No more of this run, hide, and lyrical gaga. Let's enlarge and extend their life for another six months with the idea the Justice Department will go full force on this enemy and problem. It is our nation, our future, and our livelihood on the line. No more about legalization of drugs or how drugs is winning elections for the left wing. It is time this enemy hightails back on the Mayflower and find a cave to dump their stupidity on. At least paint a cave picture for the police to find you and throw your ass out; even better shoot them. Let me write to the Justice Department or Pentagon to ask, nice trick and scam Nobel Peace Winner. You dead now frog farce; those UFC kicks to your legs are working; crawl.
MORE LADY GAGA VERSES AND BABBLE: Enough of this frog face lies or Lady Gaga babble. Do we need to know about their poker face or how they were born this way? Cut the god damn spending and stop the A train from wrecking. As I said, the bear trap is designed to crush them; not blow hot air in their ear or mouth. This is no game and has never been. Obviously, there is and has been fierce rivalry, ferocious battle, and it will intensify now. At least the Christians (some of them), know we live in an evil world and understands that the only way to make a better Christian is to begin with one. Save it. I can't say I agree with the Christians but I will say they understand it is an evil world.
POWERFUL ENOUGH TO FIGHT FOR THEIR LIFE? It sounds like a crazed lunatic and a complete nutbag has invented a fantasy or scam using our life. This fantasy comprised of a marriage and compromised every aspect of our life and career. Not knowing how this would end or confused by events; they got deeper into a trap which was then filmed and portrayed on the news media; a similar scandal and total lies. When they were caught and recorded, they tried various methods to escape this trap. First, they needed to spearhead a counter-measure. Second, they had to isolate the two people who were the problem or compromised them. Third, they used their career and hidden motives to suggest we were the problem or so insane; we invented the fantasy. Fourth, they utilized secret or clandestine measures to reinforce, continue, or keep pressure on us; in order to hide and flee; to obstruct justice and throw off investigators. This utter lie and fantasy kept on forcing us to love them or commit unusual bizarre sexual habits incompatible to our life. They pushed the limits of the envelope and made it appear as if we had a normal, healthy, thriving, and beautiful human on the other end; usually an moron and repugnant "mate" or "spouse" who was on a treasure and gold rush. This marriage and the behavior of this individual was a dream and a fantasy; and it continued until no laws could equal their insanity and lunacy; now terror, bomb, and murder plots. The speed and the laziness we observed from 2008-2012 indicates the degree of criminal intent and the utter total disaster which was enlarging or spreading on quantitative levels. When this so called marriage ended or special relationship; they denied and even blamed Ann and Alex for having a real relationship and being upfront about it. They claim they only lied about this and nothing else; nothing. They compromised our life with this fantasy; they tried to get the most miles or exploit this fantasy; they were filmed trying the same scam on Ann Coulter; and they all got caught covering it up or trying to get the maximum miles. We have our robber, thief, terrorist, serial killer, psychopathic lunatic, and communist spy ring. We also have the Democratic Party and the Catholic Church. The cops were shutting them down. The banks did not trust them. Their politics is off the scale criminal intent or lunacy. Nothing was true or had any benefit to our life. Yet they kept making these clandestine contacts to say, "move... leave... you are the problem... shut up... go away... we are trying to make it better... he doesn't even care" and some of the most insane babble ever heard. The question is why they hid this or their faces? Why did it take so long to get to the bottom of this? After we caught them, they tried this marriage scam on Ann Coulter and got filmed and now have a bare trap on their leg and cannot get it off or get off any longer. Even FBI HQ saw them in action and confirmed our reports as accurate and true; yet they press onwards.

DEBT CEILING FOR DEMOCRATS, CATHOLICS, LABOR, AND ENEMIES? Ann, they keep saying how "everybody" is sorry about this. Imagine if I had kids and the hell they would be put through because of the actions of the labor unions, landlords, Catholics, and this starving rotten human SOB. Their lines are broken, their supplies have diminished, their nerves are frail, and their ability to attack is greatly reduced. What makes their mouth keep running or their feet keep walking in our homes and life? Now all I have to listen to all day or mumbles, "Everybody is sorry about this... leave... move... we are trying to make it better." These people love to rob people. They love to spy on people or invade their life and privacy. They love to strip or deny liberty, to make others paranoid. They love to impose themselves on superior people. They act as if they are so above it all. Then they go and pretend it is over when and if they say it is over; until it is total and utter grotesque or disaster. When they are surrounded and their lines are broken; its time to sharpen our spears and clean our feet. This debt problems is just something they are trying to get so they can keep hanging on for dear life or holding on to us and this. They will be taught a lesson and they will know how stupid they truly are when this is done. What enemy? Who is the enemy? Where is this enemy? Show them where or what the problem is? Oh, they are so above it all, aren't they? These Italians are such good leaders, aren't they? These Irish people work so hard and contribute so much to America don't they? Oh, why are the blacks still victims? By the way, why use us to parade their total destruction? Why are we being used to market this and their destruction? They are lucky I do not have kids and only a girlfriend.
POWERFUL ENOUGH TO SHUT THEM DOWN - A GREAT FIT AND NO WORRIES: This trick and gimmick, racketeering and extortion; to put the face of the Democratic Party (Italians, Blacks, Irish, immigrants) on the face of Vietnam or future wars is a complete disaster. However, it demonstrates how high this problem or corruption has gotten. Vietnam was not about the Democrats, Mafia, Drugs, or Catholics; end of story. It is not about them at this time; ever. To keep trying or telling us to stop; a refusal and ignorance to admit this is a disaster or the end of the line; is why they are trying to launch one racketeering and extortion plot after the other. What next, obstruction of justice? In order to complete this, they must take over the nation and the government. In order to put their face on our foreign wars, they have to seize the Pentagon or kill the future leaders; hence, these wars. Don't sit there and act as if this is not the end of the line or they were winning this; nor try effortlessly or continuously to suggest it is not total disaster. Their church of nonsense and political party is being shut down; an inevitability. Therefore, keep up the good Samaritan act or the "people whose only crime is to turn and look the other way, in silence." Look how high this spy and enemy has reached or gotten up the Democratic Party; Republican Party, and even worse, The damned Catholic Church. Look at the degree and number of immigrants they flood here; all offered jobs and positions in drug cartels or gangs. Vietnam or the Pentagon was not about the mafia leadership, the Democratic Party leadership, Republican rogues and moles, nor was it about the church of nonsense, The Catholic Church. These people love to rob people. They love to spy on people or invade their life and privacy. They love to strip or deny liberty, to make others paranoid. They love to impose themselves on superior people. They act as if they are so above it all. Then they go and pretend it is over when and if they say it is over; until it is total and utter grotesque or disaster.

HOW THIS HAPPENED - GRIEF STRICKEN AND BROKEN: Shut down Fox and Newscorp. They are horrible people and either we become horrible or must get really horrible now. Everybody is waiting for this enemy to be put in their place and destroyed; everybody. This is how they play the game of communism and spying. This is how the drugs play the game or wage war. This is how the Catholic Church and the labor unions play the game; use us as a guide dog. This is why we were abducted or kidnapped. This is why the Democrats have to be destroyed and sent home. They truly feel we are their guide dogs because they are blind. We have to deal with and work with a SOB in our life; who thinks they are as strong, as powerful, as worthy, etc... and they feel we are their guide dogs. There is a reason why 1.5 billion in damages had to be capped and why this Church has to be shut down and made to pay the ultimate price. We are the masters of the world war and the cold war; we are not their guide dog or enjoying any of this; not even consented or allowed this access. They are very negative and horrible to the right wing and the cold war. The Catholic Church is not along for the ride or benefits; get rid of them and this guide dog scandal for the blind. How did Fox and Newscorp get away with this for so long?

SOUND DEFEATED - NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS : If I understand your biography Ann; you are teaching your kids and fans how to wreck your life, marriage, and act like a human piece of shit? Right now I hate your guts; all I want is for you to pay me and move on. Later in life, I will say; you took advantage of our friendship and took advantage when I was not a millionaire; now I am a millionaire and can do so much better. You cannot even lie or cheat your way out. All you do is cry like the chicken shit I know you as. You have lost your F'in mind also. I never said you could do this or that; don't come to me and make excuses. All this is on you and you better start erasing. Everybody hopes you commit suicide; even me. All I want is to get paid; you are a despot and an ignoramus. All the sudden, you act surprised or are just figuring out I hate your guts? These people are busted and their Church is going to hell; everybody is on to them, everybody. Again, this is how communism plays the game in America. Now it is about welfare, guide dogs, extortion, drugs and legalization, crime, etc... They are and have been very negative to this mission and to this nation; but they flood here and in droves. Throw this church out and shut it down; for good. Let them know how we play the game and let them know they are not on our level and will not be coming along. We are fed up with them and their scandals. Knock down the Catholics and the Democrats, left wing, and labor unions will crumble. Peace on earth will be restored again.

WHAT FIGHT AND WHERE - MISSING A-HOLE: Half their population is behind bars. The remainder is so far gone and nuts; all they can say is, "go home, leave, hope, etc..." This is when we say to them, "you are so F'in nuts, you can't even talk." This is what they made internment for and this is what it is about. This SOB is so insane and so nuts; there is no law on earth which can even fit them. They come in our homes. They come in our life. They act like they were welcomed or just trying to help, etc... Now they act like neighbors or the power. All of them are into drugs or some insane drug. Everybody wants to kill this SOB and human piece of shit. They are everywhere like an insect or pest. Look at the numbers, 60 per cent has been in prison or involved in crime; why do we have to live with this enemy? Why do we have to share our life with this F'er? Why don't they shut down this church and let this SOB sink or swim? How many times do we have to tell them to shut up and go away or leave us alone? How many? How many lies and vanishing acts do they want to test on us? How do they feel now and do they think this is a good idea? Even the Veterans Administration cannot assess what I have been through or what benefits I am entitled; but I must be made of metal. He still is funny and has a good personality; a bright future ahead. Read what was written about me; read it. Dig up all the dirt the government wrote on me. I have to have FBI HQ correct it now or work daily with me; they even know who did it and why.

A GUIDE DOG FOR BLIND PEOPLE, IS THIS SOME KIND OF JOKE OR JUST A BAD NIGHTMARE? If we tell them to shut it down; shut it down. If they want a war, then we will need a war. If they intend on flooding America with immigrants and total psychopaths; then we will have war. If it requires hurricanes, earthquakes, and more; then let the aliens decide. I need the Justice Department to begin the process of shutting them down and expelling them; total ban. The reason is the same reason back in the 16th Century; why didn't you just shut it down? I need the Pentagon to begin the process of planning war with this nuisance and American idiot. They cannot even pull off kidnappings, rape plots, stalking plots, harassment and impostures, etc... what makes them think bombing plots will work? This is who we are fighting and who this nutcase who feels married to us is. This is the F'er we have had so many problems with and have to run over or beat to death until they are gone. They do not want to leave. They are horrible and no damn good; so now we have to be. This piece of shit thinks they are too big to fail and money; they control all the money and all authority. Everybody cannot wait to take them out so the first step is United States v. Catholic Church; then we will let the Pentagon finish this gigantic problem. Ban them from all government services; why didn't you just shut it down and shut the hell up? Why can't you just shut the F up and go away? Why can't you live your own life and stop molesting or abducting people? Why are all of you into drugs or some form of narcotics? Why are you so poor and despised? They want war? They are waging war on us? We have to leave and an inquisition has began? They are in control? Keep in mind there are two events, two people, and two fights or combat zones. They are circling both. They will throw bait and some cheese out; but watch where it leads. Just because they are hookers and sluts, think they are hot, and want you to match them; do not take their challenge or ruin your life. They are drowning and quickly; they will loose it all. I need to be paid, understand now. Just pay me and let me get a kick ass and bumping lady.
WHAT EXACTLY IS THE ISSUE OR THE PROBLEM? The problem is we are dealing with a policeman who never comes to work. Why didn't you catch this before it happened? Why wasn't this addressed before disaster or complete and utter shutdown? The policeman replies, "I didn't come into work. Don't blame me, I was not there." This is a very simple and easy inside job; a trick used by the communists and this terrorist plot. Well, how do you catch the criminals when all of them are on a labor union and Catholic strike? "Hey, don't blame us and harass us, we never showed up for work or got paid." You cannot catch criminals and stop massive waves of crime and scandal; when the guards did not show up for work or those who showed up are sick. Lying about it or attacking us is even worse and explains what they are up to. Well, we are now past this point. How do we get rid of this debt and all of this financial collapse? Easy, get rid of the police officer who stopped us on the way to work and those who impersonated or showed up for work; but was not even there. Like an armoured car; a hijacking took place and an accident and siezure occurred. Now all the walls are collapsing and they hide instead of trying to fix it. In the end, Ann has the best position, I have the most complaints, and it is paralyzed; but so are they. So long as she delivers their head; it is us against them. I don't have to marry her and if I was a millionaire; this would not be happening; but it did, how? Again, the policeman and the department that does not show up for work, ever. They don't show up before the robbery. They called in sick after the robbery. None of the work gets down and private lawyers intervene and broadcast it around the globe. Do you see that mission and who in hell you picked a war with? Explain it now won't you? Who is his wife or assistant? You F'in jackass, explain it and talk or else some pain and suffering is what you will be known for; the rest of your life. How is it Ann and Alex are the only victims or complaining? How did these so called conservatives get by unscathed or have a so normal life? We get it 24-7; they? Stop scamming the public. Surrender you F'er. We have the Catholic Church in our net, the entire labor movement. This is how we play the game; come up to our level!
WE ARE FACING A DELUSIONAL ENEMY: Ann, I was never your enemy. Due to the actions of CPAC, YAF, other sponsors, and mostly Fox News; I grew disgruntled and became your enemy. It was some brainwashing method. I started this with the intent on marrying you. I just felt I lost you to them. Every chance to bad mouth you and persuade me was coming from all media channels. They had private dectectives and labor union drug goons on me. Even landlords and the police were in this blockade. They were right and knew we were about to bust them. Meanwhile you were waiting until you had them or had something against them. They did this to both you and I and I hope they pay in hell or with their life. I can file charges for extortion right now; charge specific people. However, the scapegoats they are using is a crack gang who have a list of felonies and are in their 50s and 60s. The chances they fork up 1.5 billion in damages or rat out the Catholic Church is slim to none. The charade and scare tactics are to extort and the Church is guilty of racketeering. They are poor, now ruined and near bankrupt. Only drugs and debt keep them alive; government subsidies. This is why the eruption of wars in the Middle East and why they are so skewed or messed up.
WHO LOST IT ALL - LOST IT YET? Additionally, the act and this 22 year struggle while they act helpful and tough; has collapsed. This is a lie and ruse. They are neither helpful, tough, valuable, or even near this; frail and bothersome is how I describe them. All they do is stalk us, protest, and tell us how they feel while using scare tactics and demanding money or some benefit. To do this or keep up the 22 year case; they trick people into thinking they are helpful or tough; on our side or swearing allegiance. Now they have been betrayed and their church is on the chopping block. Who will deliver it or is there anybody we can trust; before we take the actions to destroy this problem? You want the badge and the expert marks; earn it. They need to play the game on our level; still not budging or willing to play the game how it is supposed to and it is communism. Are we this fierce or are they this weak? They know how frail they are and why it perished. They know we know everything and who we are dealing with.
BUY THEM DINNER AND TRY THANKING THEM: One hell of a messed up biography; blown up in their face, who will make the first strike and how long do they have; hang on for dear life? What pride do they have left or wish to scare us with? Helpful? Tough? More extortion and criminal intent. Again, the trick on my end is to blame crack addicts or some foul labor union goon. An easy trick and way to end this; but will not work; too late and too many nets out there. After 22 years of this; nobody is fooled. This is how communism plays our game; it is our game, come to our levels; not their rotten lies and sewer. Trying to cover this up and hide will not save their church; not now. There are too many mistakes and when you make this many mistakes; punishments are immense. Too little, too late, and way too evil and silent. This was their trick of circling me or using the police in NY to cover this up for the Catholic Church. They still ignore and refuse to see the big picture; but play a micro-game. I don't want to hear their crap and do not preach to me, ever. This has not improved their situation at all; made it even worse. Magically, things change in 60 minutes; they just drop off the radar and disappear. It is anyway but the right way with this communist church and spies. It is total confusion and utter lies; total disaster. They will pay dearly for what they did; but their church will pay the most of all. After their church, their political party and politics will pay; and disappear. When they are ready we are; but we will take the first strike when and if we are ready.
SHUTUP OR SHUTDOWN: They keep telling me to stay down. They use the situation to bad mouth you or block me; a standstill where life is shut down. They keep chiding me about how I have no money or how I have nothing on them. They keep saying I am full of it and cukoo. This is how my work became free and broadcasted around the globe. This is why I could not get my work published or completed on time. It was more and more, "so what... what are you going to do about it." They reversed the tables and it was a trick; so I had to shut down and wait until you had them. But you had them on another level I did not expect; and they did much more than on my end; understand? Every chance to bad mouth you and persuade me was coming from all media channels. They had private dectectives and labor union drug goons on me. Even landlords and the police were in this blockade. They were right and knew we were about to bust them. They said I had to prove to them I had sex with you or bring in some proof of our relationship; as if it matters to them or they were writing our biography and life. Who the hell are they? This was the sex tape you told me about and why my home was rigged; too much is on the line here. Take a hard look who we got and what we got them for. Take a harder look who they got and what we are working on. Who are they to make demands for proof of consensual proof or our private life? Who are they to be in this position now?
OVERCOME WITH WORRY: This is what Fox News and those behind them wanted; proof. They felt they were about to get busted or someone knew; a dream on both ends and criminal intentions. They egg us on to make this disappear in 60 minutes or less, a challenge. This scapegoat plot to save their church; did not improve their ending or situation, not at all. The whole idea is not to pay and to save their church; exactly how the Catholics handle rape or child molester cases. Now it is a kidnapping, extortion, terrorism, and conspiracy case; how do you handle it? Let's ask Fox News and Newscorp. Remember, I am not your enemy. Due to the actions of CPAC, YAF, other sponsors, and mostly Fox News; I grew disgruntled and became your enemy. It was some brainwashing method. I started this with the intent on marrying you. I just felt I lost you to them. Meanwhile you were waiting until you had them or had something against them. Imagine they raped a kid and then tried to buy them ice cream or shut them up; anyhow they could. Then they claimed to be parents who did not care and said, "shut up and go away, nobody cares." They got what they deserved. Their investors also lost it all, every penny rotted in hell due to their endless corruption and evil. I don't even like them or ever did; never.
SO MANY PROBLEMS AND THE BEST ENDING: The best ending is when the victims are happy. The good guys are happy. This church and enemy is gone. There is no "need not apply" neccessary. Life and liberty is restored. The leaders of this plot and problem become beggars, their homes wrecked, their church unable to repay or rebuild because the FEMA money was spent on the worst and most stupid. They say the leaders suffer the most, the winners end up with the most, and everything in between is just relative. This means that based on their behavior, failure to do the right thing, failure to end or cease-desist this war, failure to end the attacks, and failure to make things right, fix it, or restore any sense of normal life; they ran out of FEMA money; and the leaders of it are the worst off. Now we can ask them if they have any regrets. We are not near or close to the ending yet; it really depends on their behavior and actions from here to them. Now that is called a knee-jerk reaction when they are in total collapse and facing total disaster. Let's see how long it takes them to rebuild and fight back. The Catholics make people horrible. They make their kids horrible. They make each other horrible. They are so insane; we are now horrible. The horrible part is we are not even Catholic. Lock them up with internment, shut them down, or get them to sign a declaration of war so we can take proper action on horrible enemy spies and communists. We need to kill them, not listen to how they feel. There is no laws able to fit their violations; none. They are too chicken and too narcissist to sign the declaration of war papers and admit guilt; total cowards. Again, this is how communism plays the game in America. Now it is about welfare, guide dogs, extortion, drugs and legalization, crime, etc... They are and have been very negative to this mission and to this nation; but they flood here and in droves. Throw this church out and shut it down; for good. Let them know how we play the game and let them know they are not on our level and will not be coming along. We are fed up with them and their scandals. Knock down the Catholics and the Democrats, left wing, and labor unions will crumble. Peace on earth will be restored again.
REPRESENT AMERICA - NO VOICE AND NOW NO HOME: Lets see if Rush Limbaugh or Fox News or any of these spies can put a new layer above us. If they keep claiming to be superior or the obnoxious boss they want to be; they must put a layer on top of this. All efforts in the past has led to failure and total disaster. Just shut down the Catholic Church and lets not beat around the bush anymore. We know what they are up to and the net is going to take them down and make their life very difficult. I have asked the Justice Department to shut down this religious problem and get these plots cleaned up by destroying and banning those behind it. What remains is the problem of the DoD. Stop hiring them and stop expanding this completely criminal group; they need to be interned for their religious nonsense. These people need to be interned, either as a drugged out enemy or for endless crimes. They are always heartbroken and rejected, telling people how they feel. They cannot live their own worthless life and cannot shut up about how they feel. We are trying to get them to sign a declaration of war, they just want to tell people how they feel and spy on them or keep them as hostages. Lock up and intern the Catholic Church so this never happens again or this problem with molesters and sex offenders keep repeating. They are stupid but the best criminals; utterly horrible. The statistics prove this and their war now prove this. All they want is a happy ending and some romance story; serial killer level sex romance all in one. Its always about showcasing their family and some delusion about marriage or relation with lunatics. Knowing all this, the government is liable and negligent of insufficient security and duties. We have proven this also. Where are the paychecks going and who is doing the work? Maybe they are not who we think and not mission oriented? What kind of backbone does this SOB have? We know this one and can tell the world what this piece of shit is up to or how we destroyed them. Backbone? Tough? Bastard?

PROFOUNDLY MISSED AND RESPECTED - CAUSE A MESS OR ANGER THEM? Ann, you mean to tell me it is not clockwork? Every time you are off on a top secret flight; speech, or trip; your carry on baggage is with you. You admitted or told me you buy him dinner, coffee, and it looks like there is a special relationship. Then you turn around and tell me it looks bad on you; while you complain to me. Sound logical yet? Who is the only man you went out of the country with? Besides me, who else spends this much time with you or is scene with you constantly? Had enough yet or still not a sell? Every time you are in DC; there is only one man in your life. Ask people on the street. Ask security people at the airport. Even better, ask me. Still not convinced yet? This went on for 10 whole years Ann. You even tell me you are not as faithful as you wish. So one of you is lying and one of you is playing a trick on me; the question is whom? If they doctored your biography and plotted against you after your death; then I can see the need for a prison guard. If they felt you were sneaking behind their back and did not trust you; assigning a spy or a overseer would aid in taking over your life. If they were match-making; then he can scare off or force matters against your wishes; defenses go up while they rush you off. As I see it, it is like clockwork; a gear moves as each hand moves hand in hand. Now you tell me your buddy Lisa DePasquale is playing tricks on you and using your bodyguard to spy on you or write your rotten biography or make up stuff? Please. At most you are a prisoner and he is the responsible prison guard who lets you pee, eat, or shower. How about in the Frat house at CPAC every year? Partying? The question is whether or not a special relationship exist. If so, then it was consensual on your part; because you told me everything. We may never know, ever. You would never run away, right?
DEAR SINGLE MOM BASTARD, FOX NEWS, YAF, CPAC, AND WHOM IS INVADING OUR LIFE: Have you figured it out yet? Jesus was a adopted. There is a reason why we are trying to take the Catholic Church down now; any clue yet? There is a reason why Newscorp and Fox News is about to go down. Any clue yet? Had you had a daddy and a proper spanking; I would not have to write so much and sue for so many damages or constantly telling the world what you are up to. Any clue why you stalk us like a serial killer or bother us like a lackey child on crack? Any clue why there is so many violations of the law or the personality disorder off the charts? Do you bastard?
Ann, I find it absurd and even obnoxious you are 50 years old and competing against girls who have not even gotten their period, wear braces, have flaming red hair and are overwhelming, biggie sized, and the onslaught of undesirables. I find it even more absurd and obnoxious our new teammate and helper is in Oslo, Norway. This is all they have to offer; all their women are fat, ugly, and total slutbags; they have to resort to 16 and under ages. If this is too young, then they want to help with some 200lb. Clinton like staff member or a psychopathic Middle Eastern looking beauty. What the hell has happened to our life and why are these people occupying it? Who wants a 16 and under girl who hasn't even gotten her period yet? Oh, this is the help we get and what they have to offer; no worry and no remorse ever. Did you see their recent Oregon seduction ploy on 911 victims? (Trace Oregon addresses and my high school, mass migration). These females are losing their virginity at age 14 and under; but they want to help and make an SSI disability benefits offer. Did I mention the strippers, crack addicts, porn stars, drug addicts, etc... This church sucks and is as evil as the labour party retreat in Norway. Meet your competition Ann; also who is copying us and mimicking us. How seductive, even for 911 victims and suspects. I get a fat redhead reject or a 14 year older Ann; beat that! You are dead meat now... they got you good! Check out the Oslo, Norway seduction. Beat that! Also, they watch me pick my nose, do hygiene, etc... and call it a single sex match; what a pervert and jerkoff reject! More Oslo seductions by this sexy beast. Hey, you don't like me picking my nose; don't watch or spy on me! I don't like changing your tampon or wiping your fudge-cracker mind.

AFTER 22 YEARS OF THIS - PLAY ON MY LEVEL, NOT YOURS: They claim we are not getting anywhere with this. We claim they are not getting anywhere with this. We stuck the flag down. They pull it up or take the credit. They bark orders everyday and demand we worship them. We laugh in their hot and red faces. It just goes on and on. After 22 years; they may loose their entire church, tenacious political stunts, and incur real strikes by the empire. The FBI and the DoD has been contacted and asked to take them down; end this ridiculous debt and war on us before they loose everything in life and their debt ridden church. Do not come to America and rack up more debts, then claim it is jobs or hate; don't even question or debate our management of the cold war; we already know and we are moving to end this war on us, this invasion of America, and this war on the American people or her history. I think we are getting somewhere with this. I love the Oslo, Norway deprogramming and programming the idiots of this world. We don't like on our side either!
CATHOLIC VS. PROTESTANT - NO REMORSE AND NO REGRETS: Going after crack addicts or a chinese guy on SSI is not going to do anything to this total disaster. What they will do is send wave after wave and act injured; a diversion. To stop them, you have to find the horses mouth and target the horses ass. Fox News is a big collapse; they face lawsuits from investors for mismanagement. So do the American public, look at the housing crisis and banking system; total debts. This is how they protect their interest or circle their wagons. They use the hookers to do business so they are not harmed or caught. Then they eliminate the threat. They always elminiate the threats; and we are a major threat. They are brainwashing people and it is very widespread.
MOVING THE GOAL - SHUT THEM DOWN YET OR TRYING? WANT HELP NOW? Pay your debts to us and move on. Surrender your forces to DoD and the FBI and end this crime wave, revolution bottom up, war on poverty, this total mess, eradicate the debt, end the housing crisis, end the scams on celebrities and rich people, end this government protest or shut down, end this spying, and come out of hiding before you loose everything and the lien on your dreams. Your future is at risk and severely a total disaster. You will get hammered more and more. Do not tell us we are not getting past you, your gate keepers, labor unions, Catholic Church, and these agents of communism. Do not sit there everyday and tell us we are not getting anywhere and going nowhere with this; we are getting very where with this. This entire world knows we are getting somewhere with this and much more. The only person who is not getting anywhere is those behind this total disaster and standoff. I really admire how they program this idiots and weaklings; sounds exactly like Oklahoma, WTC, and much more. We don't like em either! Now try to convince them otherwise. Getting anywhere with this yet? This is who we are dealing with; a serial killer and lunatic. We are the problem and the threat, right?
UNITED STATES v. CATHOLIC CHURCH OF USA - NOT A DAMN REPORT ON THESE ATTACKS - GONE UP AGAINST THE TOUGHEST? I have asked and ordered the Pentagon, the core and real power; to weed out and expel all Catholics until or unless this is stopped, ceased, and they desist. This means kick them out and bar them from any promotion and begin to shut down this total disaster and church. Do we need to argue and keep escalating this; get the hell out of all Pentagon or military matters; most especially this mission and the core of the global military. Until they do this or shut down this damned church; there will be a state of war and complete utter insanity. They cannot sue when the Justice Department has launched a class action and criminal suit on them; vacate and be gone. We do not need this or want this to fill our life; ever again. If they fight it; then escalate it and take them down the hard way for corruption and pure evil or greed. At least on the edge of total melt down and world war; they can do something right or save one life. Too big to fail or too big to go away and pay their debts? I hope they live and they have learned; no more business with the military or Justice Department. We cannot control elections now. Ann needs to tell the world why her marriage and 22 year partnership ended. Backbone? The best in the world are not getting anywhere or going anywhere with this? I love how they program these SOBs, shoot them or bomb them with guerrillas or impostures. The jury has not agreed? There is more evidence to present? Look at their history or struggles? Unbelievable jackoff and idiot. We are the problem and the threat?

HOW THE GAME IS PLAYED - A GUIDE DOG FOR THE BLIND, COMMUNIST SPIES: Fox News, CPAC, and YAF or others then need to tell the FBI and Justice Department why her marriage and partnership ended; was it them or something she did? I stick by my story and am asking 1.5 billion in damages; capped at this amount in 2010. This will be two years since and two years after; massive crimes and violations. Why not shut them down, or at least try? Who swore allegiance to whom? Who is phony and the loser in this plot? For 1.5 billion, they can have her and I will get a new wife; completely pissed off and upset, but ready for World War and total victory. Where are my rewards? Why in 2011 did they not arrive? We are being investigated and told to leave or vacate by an internal investigation? Now that was a good spin to the story. Show me the details of this internal investigation; paperwork. The Justice Department must be restored. When this case is over, revoke their 501.C benefits; as a war treasure. No more problems at FBI or Pentagon regarding this ever again; no more. Horrible people will and can win if they can make you as horrible or worse. Again, this is how communism plays the game in America. Now it is about welfare, guide dogs, extortion, drugs and legalization, crime, etc... They are and have been very negative to this mission and to this nation; but they flood here and in droves. Throw this church out and shut it down; for good. Let them know how we play the game and let them know they are not on our level and will not be coming along. We are fed up with them and their scandals. Knock down the Catholics and the Democrats, left wing, and labor unions will crumble. Peace on earth will be restored again. Who got somewhere with this and who lost it all? Who is ready to die? Who copies us daily? Who is too embarrassed to come out of hiding? Who cannot go any further with this? Very funny joke, agreed?
DEAR NBC NEWS TODAY - THE CHURCH OF NONSENSE: I watch your show for the news and weather. You dominate the airwaves. I do not watch your show to have a dream fantasy about your slutbags or an interaction with your church and your slutbags. Keep it real and professional will you? I have a complaint about how you spy on people, trap them, and then have an interaction with them. Then you claim you got mind-F'd. You Catholics are obnoxious and it is you whom has no money and embargoed. It is you who is the problem. It is you on the end of this lawsuit; when and if you can accept where this is now. The debts is keeping your lifestyle afloat. The debts and scams is keeping your church alive. Drugs and crime is keeping your poor people faithful; total corruption. Don't tell me how tough, fun, or how strong your forces are; I already know. This fantasy you wish to implant via TV is obnoxious and so is the interaction via the TV or our household. You are confused and troubled people. Your war on us is a utter and total disaster. You cannot even answer one question rationally or logically. The degree of lunacy is so off the charts; we know you are poor and living on debts; total phonies. Do we look like guide dogs for blind or stupid people, or do you? You use the TV so we worship your leaders and church of nonsense? Get a life! This war on us and this 22 years trying to embarrass or make us poor is a total and utter failure. Why is your embargo still ongoing? You look like Fox News and those slutbags. We have to worship you, are you serious?

ESCAPE AND EVASION - WHO EXACTLY ARE WE LOOKING FOR; OR LOOKING FOR US? I find it very hard to believe that after 22 years; neither Ann or Alex can deploy escape and evasion tactics on this SOB. I find it difficult for these people unscathed to answer why their life is intact and this idiotic moron won't stalk them, come in their house, and disrupt their life. We are talking every waking moment with a MF. We are talking about on sick lunatic. We are talking about leveling them and fighting them on a combat zone to the point they are shell shocked and frail. Maybe those on Fox News, YAF, and CPAC may know? Maybe Andrew Breitbart might know what about him is a repellent to this communist, labor union, and Catholic human piece of shit. I think it is fair to say they are in on it and they are spies. I think it is fair to say they lack a fight and are benevolent. I think it is fair to say they obey this SOB. We have the strongest and the best escape and evasion; nobody on earth can match it. We silenced this gigantic mess. It is hard to imagine they were unscathed; very hard. Can we say mole and spy? Even FBI agents are targeted and taken out; but not these political agents.
LAWSUIT AND CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY CHARGES: I think after 22 years, it is fair to say we have established a pattern of behavior here. The problem is they are wrong and those mistakes led to larger and larger mistakes until life was at a standstill or paralyzed. Also, the grotesque behavior resonates with criminal behavior, coverup, or even high crimes and misdemeanors. The question is why the government allowed them to keep their jobs or stay in their positions for so long; especially while this was ending and the Catholic Church was busted. Agents of theirs, including blacks, labor union agents, liberals, Democrats, etc... just kept adding more mistakes and more punishments on top of an already 1.5 billion dollar lawsuit. Regardless, they kept on stating how we were a threat or how mental illness had something to do with their decisions. The truth is they are horrible and to combat this enemy and communist plot; we had to hold ourselves back for a long time while they hung themselves or let their plot have evolution. Here we are at evolution. There is a pattern of behavior and part of this behavior is from the US Government. The other half is private or civilians. The evidence led to the Catholic Church and its destruction. There are criminal plots also involved and these small incidents were merely scapegoats or coverup diversions. We have asked the US Justice Department and FBI, to include the Pentagon; to finish this enemy off. Clearly they are guilty and clearly we are dealing with a lunatic who took over our life and is trying to take over the nation. Oddly, we sounded the alarms on this rotten church of nonsense; who turn out to be communist spies and utterly evil. How culpable is the US government in this?
ANDREW BREITBART: F you. Do you think I or Ann is this stupid? You are guilty and a spy. Want some accolade and balls; go after Fox News and the Catholic Church you moron. Take a look at the statistics you Catholic and labor union spy; look at the statistics of the Catholic Church or the personality disorders. You are always wrong and we are not your blind guide dog. Stop playing this game with me, Ann, and the public; we already know who you are. Here is your mission jackoff. Take it or leave it. Sorry, but this is war and our life was invaded. Out of curiosity, how is it Ann and I are the only victims of the Catholic Church while you all are unscathed? Please. Stop scamming us will you; we already know. How is it you managed to be unscathed? Intelligence or superior missions?
FEMALE WHO KEEPS ORDERING ME TO "LEAVE" 24-7 A DAY: 1. I am not shell shocked. 2. I am not a human experiment. 3. I am not guilty. 4. A woman named Ann did not rip my hair or clothes to shred. 5. I am not frail and going to die miserable or defeated. 6. I am not losing badly. 7. I am not in pain or being tested for stupidity or pain tolerance. 8. I do not owe damages and being hunted by the FBI and Pentagon. Those are eight reason why they and this she-btich should and beware of what can or will happen very quickly. Retrace how she and they got here and why necrosis is setting in or why they are shell shocked; frail. Those are a lot of reasons why the she-bitch and the Catholic Church should listen instead of talk out of turn; shut up and go away. Leave us alone before you loose everything in life moron. Get a life, we do not have your best interest in mind either. Stop using sonic devices or crack houses to make it look as if we are hearing voices or imagining this war; loose the bullhorn you clunt. How much can you take?

GIGANTIC A-HOLE AND GROUCHY BUTTHOLE - DEAR ANN COULTER: I might not marry you and hate your lifestyle. But I might F your brains out if you bring me their head. I might be your friend if you pay me the debt you owe me, several million. I am valued at several million and my life work; my trophies are big (Limbaugh, Hannity, Maher, Fox, Newscorp, Democrats, and more); destined to be a legend. My business plan is strong still not on its feet. My books still not published; still waiting for you to end this. Bring me their head and I might be your friend and F your brains out. Odd twist to your life and mine; but it is not my idea or what I dreamed of, ever. It is a grotesque ending to horrible behavior; we are now as horrible as this human piece of shit. Being nice now is impossible. Dreary eyed endings is not possible; blood and guts. Bring me their head and pay your debts and we will go from there; business first. I need more big trophies to my already war chest, a no brainier but I will take it. That is a big and huge trophy. I really hate their guts. This is all I can bring to the bargain table and your biography at this time Ann; no friends with benefits or an open relationship, got it? This is about survival and the question is will they survive it? Politics is way too poisonous now and they have a hash brown heart; stick a stake in it. Lets see if they take this bait or not? Imagination or weak flakes stomped on?

THIS IS ABOUT THEIR FEELINGS - ATTACKED EVERY DAY ON FOX NEWS: The tide has turned. We still want nothing to do with them. They still want us or needs us. They are on defense. Their nerves are frail. They know from here on, they have very little to work with. They want to steal and use our power in order to instill fear. They have to trick us. Nothing works. The way they trick us has changed; frail nerves. They are doing it now and have not given up. They are caught in a collapse. All the walls are closing in. If they can steal or use our power; they can silence their followers and attack their enemies. They are bold and think they can do this; a flake. When I had Limbaugh, he squirmed and ran like a bear trap was on his ankle. He did anything possible while hyperventilating; knowing the end was near. He knew we knew and worse, his nerves were frail; no fight. Hannity was more calm; like a deer in the lights. Hannity was blank and empty; a dunce or idiot. Both were as weak and as evil as a human can get; but Limbaugh put up a fight to get away. Now they have to figure out how to tie the two ends; somehow penetrate our system or learn how we do it. If they cannot steal our powers; they are dead. They are already frail. They are already a flake. Lies and cheating does not work. They know more is happening than we tell them. They also know we are targeting their church and they are guilty. They are troubled and guilty of a profound lack of judgment, on a scale of 1 to 10; they rank 19 or even 25. We are talking off the charts insanity or stupidity, but it is their home and their hope. They will keep on making demands for money and extort it; a criminal intent. Why are they acting like they won or can win now? We do not want to trade with any of their foreign churches either; importers and drug cartels. More drugs means more crime and welfare. The lesson learned is not to get messed up or mixed up with these people, never. However, avoiding them is more difficult than avoiding war with the communists. They are so F'in crazy, we cannot avoid them on the right wing or manage the cold war. This church of labor and bastard flakes; is full of corruption and tricks. Who is Oslo, Norway and why is their a labour youth camp? How pathetic. How about shut them down or throw them out? Who the hell is this Catholic boy Timothy McVeigh? Why is he on our side or stalking us? Who is this DC Sniper also; why is he "total US Army?" This is the only way this flake can win, total lunacy and psychopath.

COMPLETE BITCH NOW IN BUSINESS: Now they are busted. They want to know if we will throw them out if they mimic or impersonate us; a clown act. They want to do if they steal our life; will anybody know or stop them? The answer is yes. This is what they are extorting and what they are trying now; to be us and ask if we will throw them out or can win this legally. They use fear and extortion on everybody; and we do not want anything to do with them. They are horrible and to fight this enemy; we have to be as horrible or as strong; why it turned out this way. I was on the verge of filing extortion charges; but was silenced. Now I want to know if they intend on fighting or stopping the inevitable. I would rather have the Pentagon nuke them; so long the 1.5 billion in damages are paid for this mess and their horrible behavior. In the end, they are a little more cautious, suicidal, and scared out of their wits. They know what can happen and how quickly it can happen. The case against them is very strong and significant. The case against their CEOs for mismanagement of funds is certain, guilty. You cannot be horrible, piss away money, invade our lives, and then act as business is usual. We have not given an inch, they have plundered and given away yards if not miles. They still insist it is good, they need it, and are followers; how wrong they are. These are frail and weak people who are a problem and lack security. Their struggle is bothersome and so is their church of nonsense; we all can agree to this. They are not as tough, not as unshakable, not as thug or bully, and not as feared as they think. They have no backbone and are full of criminal intent; a lack of honesty and a traitorous motive; speak traitor. Why keep hiding? Avoiding this menace is impossible, their church is a complete disaster and pest. Without jobs, this church and their followers will fail and wither. They keep stating we are wishing to employ them or want their help; disaster. We hate their guts now more than before; total lies. If you even look at them; they will keep making up more lies. We are charging them with abduction, kidnapping, and a host of other death penalty charges. Stop lying and stop hiding.
"VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. (AP) — The secretary of the Navy has censured the former commander of a fighter squadron at Oceana Naval Air Station. Navy Secretary Ray Mabus said Cmdr. Liam Bruen permitted a hostile work environment, allowed subordinates to sexually harass a junior officer and gave the officer a bad performance evaluation as reprisal for filing a formal complaint. The Virginian-Pilot reported Saturday that Cmdr. Liam Bruen was head of Strike Fighter Squadron 186 in August 2009 when an informal meeting was held to choose call signs for new officers. Ensign Steve Crowston was given one of three signals that were proposed, all of which had anti-gay overtones. Mabus said in a letter Wednesday that Bruen "demonstrated a profound lack of judgment" in not promptly stopping the harassment."

EITHER COME TO OUR LEVEL OR STAY DOWN IN HELL: This is what Fox News is doing and what this Newscorp mess is about. This is what the Catholic Church is trying to accomplish, but failed. This is why the evidence leads to the Democrats and the communists, there is no single actor here. Their politics and church of nonsense has no accountability; only poverty and horrible behavior. There is a profound problem with sex offenders, judgment, IQ, and behavior in this system, their politics, their plight, and their struggle. There is profound problems in their participation; and it has nothing to do with bigotry or homophobia. There is profound criminal intent in their bias and lack of honesty. There is profound bias or lack of judgment in their decisions or leadership. There is profound evidence to suggest a political survival mode or incapable of truth telling; but the environment of sexual offenders or problems persist, on and on. There is a profound climate of frailty and jealousy; to compensate for this. These are weak and feeble people, worse their leadership is identical to the labor unions which has the same goals as communism. Why we tolerate it in our defenses or military is a political nuisance. We will miss them and their bulldog act; now with frail nerves and flake like efforts. Until you can get rid of the Catholic Church, destroy them, or eradicate the Democratic political goals; there will be an onslaught and waves of demand for money. The degree of extortion and the use of the political system will push this world into World War; they are this horrible and ignorant. Get rid of them and shut them down; for good. We have broken them and their lines. They are not invincible and nowhere near the bulldog they think they are. They are already dead and feel calm or collective. They will keep on making demands for money and extort it; a criminal intent. Why are they acting like they won or can win now? We do not want to trade with any of their foreign churches either; importers and drug cartels. More drugs means more crime and welfare. The lesson learned is not to get messed up or mixed up with these people, never. However, avoiding them is more difficult than avoiding war with the communists.
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