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Palm Beach Resident? Ann, if you have some time; you could help me find a place or even offer to let me stay at your unused home in Florida. This might be too much to ask but I could use a parking spot to store my convertible while you are out dining, brunching, and traveling all over. How about it; can you help or lend a hand? The local police are totally corrupt and protecting Limbaugh; their language is money; understand? This is why you are avoiding them. Why in hell did you drag me there; for them to draw their guns at me and for some loon to spit on me? That was my reception; I say earthquake, you say duh. They were even hoping for a hurricane for construction jobs; trying to make money off their predicament. It was your New York and Jewish stalkers; the same problem we keep describing. They are taking over the most pristine and gorgeous beaches.

Q: Ann, I know you like socializing more than you enjoy being sexually harassed or almost raped. Do you think the two go hand in hand and I am unable to wake up and smell the coffee? Can you or the public tell when you are socializing and when you are being raped? I honestly think you enjoy socializing, Fox repeatedly tells says, "you can leave anytime you want" and it is a cruel hoax to ask why you are staying and do not leave them. I hate their guts but are you addicted to them and live in their world? This is really nuts because they do the same crap to me; and they will not stop doing it either. If I want to marry you, do I have to get a show or email you? How about Twitter and live shows? So if a man has a show and sends for a limo; does he get a date or only dinner? How about brunch? If he has a show and emails you; will he get a telephone number? Do you enjoy working or are you really lazy after this? They did not get lazy but doubled down and went "Energizer Bunny." I think you enjoy working. I think you enjoy socializing. I do not think you enjoy dating. I do not think you enjoy the company of people; only if it is business or increases your ratings. Their cops and their antics are similar to a circus and a scam. These cops are chicken to push the button; learn and gain experience how to wipe them out and push that button anytime, anywhere, anyhow; play on our terms, not theirs; never let them call the shots in our world. They might screw it up and make a total mess or disaster; but never let them get strong or impact our life. If they do, then God help them.
If they refuse to release me, I might as well use them to teach my Generals around the globe and on the allied forces. Nobody can stand them and their work is well below standard or very disappointing. Why are they in our life and why is it nobody deserves a bailout? We have to acknowledge the problem don't we? We have to admit a turdball and a foul enemy did this to us and to America. Find them; destroy them; trap them; and ask questions later. They are no longer Israeli spies, communist spies, are still interested, and want to share life with us; still offering Ann. Will you consider? What do I tell them on this end? The more the Pentagon and FBI delays; the more they want to marry us and share life with us; they will not stop offering and we have to kill this F'in pest. Begin to learn how to push the button on them; get experience. The more delays or the more time passes; the harder it gets and the more they offer. Learn from this experience and learn why you do not hesitate to push the button on this enemy. Also, never blink or let them take a blind shot; never. Stand your ground and push them to the edge; then let them make the mistakes. I never asked or wanted a guinea pig; but I managed to get stuck with one or be kidnapped by this guinea pig. Let's make the best of it, shall we? By the way Ann, has anybody ever told you how bizarre and crazy your search for a man or a husband has been or gotten?
Want my honest and best view of you? You are much different with me or around me. You are less talkative when with me; hardly disagreeing. Romantically, I have no complaints, up until boyfriends, rape plots, kidnapping, murder plots, Fox News, drinking buddies, and some of the most crazy shit I have ever seen; even during a war. I think you lived a very reserved life; no vacations, no fancy dresses, no fancy jewelry, and are waiting for a man to come along to save you. I think you know he will wow the world and kick some ass. I think he kicked some ass, even a little of yours. You put in a good fight; not bad for a stingy horny ignorant wench. You act as if you are inundated with worry and have overwhelming problems; playing their game. Ha, they got you now Ann, run for your life. I love it... I can even get a better girl than you or use you like a cheap handbag. Man talk about disappointing; when it comes to money and ratings; I don't care and I come with my game face. I need you and my new Generals to learn; learn how we fight this enemy and defeat them.

How about you Ann; how do you see this? I find this really annoying and pushing everybody's patience. I think you want to be a gangster rap in my life. My turn now, I believe in shoot first ask questions later. I believe the path to stopping and enemy is also the path to destroy them; so the more you destroy them the better the arrest or ending. They may not see it that way but then; we did not give the weakest or who is on the other end of our criticism the button or right to attack. Antagonizing us utilizing the worst or the most criticized was the biggest mistake in their life. If they live by the sword, they also die by it; we will give whom they attack the button; and it gets crazier and crazier. All they had to do was tell the truth and all you had to do Ann; was say no. Obviously, they are from the wrong side of the tracks and if they were rich and elite; their behavior would be explainable or coherent. What we have is a total phony representing the poverty kingdom or movement. They are not right wing or fit in; they represent labor and this turdball. If you can help me instruct this class and teach my Generals Ann; it would be helpful. I want to use everything I have against them; everything. I want to show how easy and what delay and hesitation will do; do not be scared to take that step or push that button. They cannot afford to make mistakes or heavy damage; it is desperation which drives them to this behavior. Even the right wing traitors and felons are total phony; labor leaders.
I see what their strategy is and how they play this game of attack. The more time passes; the more they will offer, use this control, try to share life, and do this recruitment. Do not hesitate to push the button on them; begin to learn and get experience at this. I need all my Generals in this world fighting this enemy to learn and learn how I defeat them; do not hesitate to push the button on them or destroy them; do not make a false move until they are trapped. I will use everything I can against them; everything. Until they fix this or release us; I will instruct and teach my future predecessors what sustainable development and satellite warfare is all about. How to win and how to drive this enemy to hell until they cannot take it any longer. Until they learn what their role, if any, is in our life; we will school them properly and decisively. Play that bad cop on us and it will backfire or blow up in their face; a public humiliation. As I said, they have no idea what I am doing or how I am utilizing ever mistake of theirs to capitalize on it; every single breath, step, and moment. This is no game and it will have a severe impact on their future. There is a deadline on all of this; yes a deadline similar to a statute of limitation. As I said, I never asked for a guinea pig nor did I exploit one; I made the best of it and what I had; the best.

Ann, as you can see, America has turned into a dumping ground; but so has our life. A life that was denied and is still prisoner to serious and gross violations. The problem is we are dealing with a lesser breed who enjoys playing games, drama, or toying with our minds. They are making the government and government employment evil; even the cops. It is all a game to them and how they scramble our minds; a question mark. Who is the problem? Who is telling the truth? Who is holding a grudge? Who cannot forgive and move on? Who imagines or makes all of this up? You have to read our biography and you will understand your life with me; you have been tricked and forced to jump through hoops; this is why you look so evil and are the problem. Imagine if you looked at your own crotch on Twitter; most people who see you looking at your own crotch may not feel you have the best of intention. What they see is your crotch on Twitter; do you agree or understand? This is how they can enjoy it with you; a photo means it was live. It was real and it was well intended. Naturally, you will disagree with me, try to take my head off, and go into your normal hissy fit. You admit it was well intended and you shared the experience; why you would invoke it many times and share it again. They will babble and repeat the mistakes day in and day out; until we go crazy. They will keep offering and coming to us to express interest or make offers. It is a hit and run; but you have to figure out how to trap them and compel them to come back so we can finish them off. If they tell the truth; we would not take them to the brink of insanity or destruction.

Since moving to New York in 2006; it has been a constant and ongoing crisis with sex offenders, ex-felons, drug dealers, and your run of the mill down and out vagrant. If it is not a medical problem, then it is a problem with them spying, demanding money, or some sex offender attitude where they play and toy with our head. Even worse is their attempt to capture or destroy the best beaches in America using construction labor and real estate. After moving to Florida in 2011; things cleared up for a short time. Then it was back to the ex-felons, crack dealers, homeless people, and worse of all the sex offender who hid all of the above. It was bug central; bed bugs, fleas, dangerous red ants, and loads of money on bug repellent. You had to ask if it was someone who was doing this or penetrating your defenses? They claim they want to work with us to learn our ingenuity or tackle problems. They are using real estate and cheap labor to take over or destroy paradise; the best beaches in America. It is all a get rich quick scam; now all debts and buying political friends. We suggest they turn themselves in while they can. If we quieted them and turned them into a shut up frog; the chances of keeping them down, pushing them back, and even taking them down; are real. One of us will retire and one of us won't; this is real. Make it as painful as humanly possible; this is not their world; do this quickly and make sure they understand this before proceeding. This back and forth to determine who is leading or the chit-chat is really annoying.
With all these problems it comes down to paying good money and having to live with sex offenders, thieves, or sneaky little junkies and crack addicts who are not only missing teeth; but carrying all kinds of diseases. What do they want? What else, free medical care, more benefits, access to our life, and for us to log more complaints about them in our life. All they can say is "we are at war." All we can say is "who the hell dumped sex offenders or dumb Christians all over America?" They deserve a hurricane and an earthquake. America is now a rent free dumping ground for sex offenders and drug gangs; and they want medical care. Who did this? Let's ask the people we caught; who did this and if any of them are willing to tell the truth? So much for the Jews and the Catholics. They are scared of being raided but want more welfare and benefits. This is the game going on right now. If we complain or try to get in a fight with them, they spit on us. The police are the ones giving them access; for what god forsaken reason is beyond our scope of evil. Perhaps this is about 911. They claim it is about their money, so let's get this finalized. Take their money and stick it up their ass where their head is. This was never about their money; it is about being unscrupulous and evil. Burn it into their chest like the Scarlet Letter; remind them daily of how evil or unscrupulous they truly are and what lays ahead. Force them to tell the truth and stop abusing authority or money. They are felons and sex offenders; the law does not and will not protect them.
I don't like this idea we have to pay good money to sit at the table with STD infested hookers, sex offenders, serial rapist, and your run of the mill Team America. This is what this case surrounds; living with sex offenders. Naturally, we are not interested and naturally, they are. Furthermore, the degree of protection or political corruption, the false arrests, the blatant smears of mental illness, and the gross errors. We have to pay good money to live with people who violate us. Then they claim we are violent; so we have to go through barrages of tests, Baker Acts, and all kinds of mental exams. Then they turn the tables and switch all the pieces so nobody can put it together. The stalker on team one stalks and targets target two while the stalker on team two switches to target one. It has nothing to do with violence or keeping grudges. It has nothing to do with nit-picking or violating their rights. We have to remind them who the sex offender is and how this case got the way it did; trying to kidnap us and then claiming how they only want to give us money, welfare, assistance, confidence, training, or some payment because they are loyal customers. How hard is it to scare off a sex offender or get them to leave us alone; even in our own room? How long will they or can they live in shame or in hiding?
The bottom line is we do not pay good money to live with sex offenders and stand by idly while they destroy our life, career, or marriage. All the facts and all the reports indicate this crystal clear. However, they have so much protection; they claim their civil rights are being violated. Thus, we are not only dealing with a sex offender in our life, we have a sex offender who has an attitude and likes to toy with our mind. It is very simple; they could have told the truth and not stack up more errors while trying to attenuate or work some kind of way so we can get along or will not take them down. If anything it is they who needs to be interned and put in some kind of captivity where expansion and containment is addressed. Now we have to deal with this thief wrecking our marriage, turning the tables, F'in with our minds more, and putting bugs in our bed while telling us to move or how we will never catch any of them. This thief steals everything; even our life and nation. Life can't be better living with a sex offender and a lunatic liar, read our biography. Worse, we are retiring and none of it has been cleaned up or fixed; not one error. The danger will increase when we retire because they are chasing ghosts and a losing battle. Test their IQ until they know what control is about; burn it into them. Do not hesitate to push the button on them ever; nobody. The communist forces will not back down and they know the laws do not protect them or will stand for this; push them to the edge of this world and wait for them to fall off. I promise there is a reward there; as we have proven and showed decisively.

Certain state leaders are nothing more than bosses or leaders of gang members and drug cartels. America has turned into a dumping ground for sex offenders and psychopathic spies. If you pick through my diary and our biography Ann; you see the evolution of this and how this case began. You will understand your life with me. The public must know this story and who we caught. They feel some type of bond to us; so strong we have to kill them. All that is waiting for them is arrest; however, I do not think they are going down without a fight or some fight to the death. They claim it is about money and corruption; that is all. We do not have either; but they say we need it in order to survive this. This insistence on a secret war and how they do not want to get hurt or only help; made this worse. We were owed a full refund and a cease and desist order was ignored. Instead, the state decided to slander our name even further; claiming liability issues. It was not about personal grudges; we did not pay good money to live with or have sex offenders in our life; and we did everything possible to ensure this did not happen or get rid of them. This is what the evidence indicates. As you can see Ann, America has turned into a dumping ground; but so has our life. A life that was denied and is still prisoner to serious and gross violations. This is a training ground and what sustainable development and satellite warfare is about; a course is underway. Burn this into them and let their IQ know once and for all how we feel and what we are willing to do. They are not dumb, they just do not want to loose. Make sure they loose it all.
Warning to the sex offender, felon, and dumbass trying to sneak up on us: keep placing bed bugs, fleas, sand fleas, red ants, etc... inside my tent. I sleep in a sealed tent now and spray Off or Cutter daily; someone is placing them in my bed. Keep nosing around or going in my bed; it will help you float. I sleep in a tent, I know you are doing it dumbass; we always retaliate, always. You are the dumbass, you are the felon, you are the sex offender, you are on parole, and you have not learned anything yet. Shut up with the move or putting bugs in my bed so I get eaten up or bit. America knows all blame is on you and you get the hurricanes and earthquakes; it was your dumb stupid stunts which got us here; traitor. You move, don't tell me; I am not the felon or sex offender. America should hunt you down and kill your sorry ass. Oh I see, you want to give me money... yeah and I earthquake you for kicks.

Ann, I have seen some of the stupidest stunts by you and your cohorts. Your latest one is about as delusional as the previous ones; and dignify the nearly delusional state of politics in this country. First, you defend sex offenders after dining with them and telling me about your own rape. After you cry and spill your guts about how you are not a slut and what they did or how they tried to destroy you; you make up and spend more time with them and go on TV to defend them against liberal attacks and the Democratic machinery. If that is not the most delusional crap I have ever laid eyes on; I do not know what is. I use the word chickenship liberally to describe all of you; all of you are sex offenders. We can run this test over and over; we will get the same result over and over. Why you defend them and your own rape is just where my mind has been or is at. It is so crazy and on TV sounds even crazier. You should have packed up, left town, and never gone on their show, event, dinner, invite, email, or anything. If you want to feel the real sting of this fallopian turdball and piece of shit; welcome to my life. They feel some special bond to minorities and try to live through me or share my life.

For you to defend sex offenders after what you or I have gone through; is a testament of your crazy life, destructive personality, and more of the same delusional appeals. I would hurricane and earthquake them immediately; get this over with. But you keep acting like their mom or their best friend and letting them suck on it a tad more until you are all stiff and hard also. Open your god damn eyes and realize these attacks are orchestrated to win elections; the communists and labor are everywhere. They are homeless, poor, wretched, nasty, demanding, felons, and your run of the mill every goddamn where; do not hesitate or twitch when under pressure. I should put you back in training or a remedial course so you can sharpen your spears and hone your accuracy; I am very frustrated with this entire matter. We cannot win; with them or at elections. That is the truth and reality; get over it. Watching you work is like dying. They will be on the wrong side or the losing side however you twist the puzzle or at any angle; are you blind or just stupid? Teaching humans how to be human beings is a failed experience and experiment; why are you coddling them? Bitch I am not their pimp or their master; do not associate me with "our blacks are so much better than their blacks." There is no earthquake on my end about dating "our blacks" or "their blacks."

All of them, including you; are guilty by association. The single thread to this case is you and me. I got a mission, end of story and a story to tell; they don't. Guilty was all about single moms; now you are so out there and defending black conservative men? You date them, you do not defend them on TV; did you forget? Their story is how they do not care, made a horrible mistake, are dead, are at war with us, are our bitch, do not know what to do, place their hope in us, want to pay us money, etc... You continue to establish a special bond and defend certified lunatics and rapists; this was your typical stunt and it is delusional. How do you compare LA blacks to Georgia blacks, can you tell me that? "Our blacks" are so much better than theirs? Do they run faster Ann? Are they taller? Do they have jobs and a family? Where do you get this "our blacks are so much better than their blacks?" You are the one who dates them, not me. I got the problem running from and being chased by a turdball trying to become royalty or some cash cow. I am the one kidnapped for this School principle position; not you. You are not helping; stop defending them or allow them to stay longer. For the lord of God will you get rid of them?

Stop attacking me Ann. Don't sit there and rub my nose in all of it by saying our blacks are better than theirs; then defend sex offenders, child molesters, and crazed Catholic losers who are angry with America and most especially us. You date them, they are your blacks; not my blacks. I get 100s of offers by these chicks; do you see me dating any of them? I have gays, sex offenders, felons, and all kinds of vagrants reporting me for nit-picking, holding a grudge, causing trouble, etc... when they forget they are all sex offenders. Your breed and your people are whacked; this is why they came to America, to escape and to seek freedom. Well it is not here and they want jobs; but that is not there either. Now what? Elect blacks and let them cozy or woo all of these sex offenders in the Catholic and Jewish religion? Tell me what you or they want. Watching your life feels like a horror story or dying. It is limp with you all; and we look evil. The more I say earthquake and hurricane; the more they will attack in our name; that is how to call it off or get the police to stop the military forces from cooping them. They do not want to leave or shut up and go back to jail. All of them are felons and have some form of sex offense behind them. The chicks are mediocre and justify the males; as you rescued me from their sexy attacks and character ass-fascination. You act like one of those wives who is bent out of shape over a mistress and murder plot.

Why don't you come out and say it; what comes so easy to me? You sound delusional and with pent up nincompoop arguments; say it, Catholic Church and Jews. There now that is off your chest and all of America; they do not want to leave, no matter the pain they want to stay; it is the same Ann Coulter stunt. I do not dine with them, rub elbows, or defend them; you do. You also fall on the sword for them and die by their hands; a repetitive theme in your life but not mine. Don't ever forget this when you compare your life to mine; ever. I don't share life with a turdball or let people invent stories about "boyfriends." I do not defend rapists after being raped or running for dear life. You have both false loyalties and are a walking ball of confusion; go see a doctor will you. I cannot make any kind of decision and have been at an impasse and stalemate due to your life and all of these violations, safety violations, false arrests, lies, attacks, and turdball crap. It is time they die; end of story. I cannot even walk down the street or go shopping without the Gestapo sniping or pulling some sex offender act on me; and it is from a fallopian turdball.

Is the story correct yet Ann? Is my story correct yet? Can you get that story correct or tell it like it is? It is time they die, let them die; do not save them or defend them; against liberals or foreign enemies. Can you at least do this jackass? Can all of you do this before you get lynched for being such a dumbass? This stunt defending the conservatives against the liberals is as whacked as I have ever seen you. Boyfriend is being thrown around like meat. Now there is hand holding and special VIP nights with you; does it get crazier? Every time I am not looking, you are sneaking off on a plane to LA; an event with some guy, and Fox News rubs it in my face. Somebody has been recently calling or sending women my way; the usual meat market and flirtations. The chicks are half ass, nothing special; kind of annoying. Do you fit that boat also? They will be on the wrong side and the losing side however you twist, turn, and view this; do you hear me? They are doing 911 and these violent attacks so that US military forces do not attack them, hurricane them, or earthquake them for being gay sex offenders. We look like the problem and evil; not them. I think the FBI and Pentagon is brainwashed and has been taken over by the communists; now what? They are everywhere and more doped up now than ever.

Pay attention, you may learn a thing or two about yourself, communism, and the world of a thief. In a thieves world, they have no value for education. Money works and works best. A thief is unable to convey or communicate what makes them powerful or skilled. They no less can tell anybody how communist or how powerful they truly are; not because of education or knowledge; but instead a problem with communication and insecurity. A child molester and a sex offender world is very similar; an overlap. In death, victory is accomplished; in rape or brutalization, a form of insult is deprived. A thieves world values money and cannot communicate. They take on a new character; one of habit and repetition. Call it fake or phony, they do this day in and day out by invention of character or duplication; habit.
When Limbaugh said it was up for grabs or was so sure of himself; he is describing control, power, domination, and what is valuable in the thieves world. He saw all of this in us; in the end only. He could not figure out how to destroy us or win; broken by effort and being trapped. Limbaugh, Hannity, and Fox News kept on hinting the game was rigged and already won; why? What do they know we do not? Why were they so sure they won this already and had both sides already beat and victory was closer? In the world of the thief, people exist out of habit, money works, and control, power, domination, lying, cheating, and stealing is how you convey or communicate. In order to exist or speak on their level; you must understand their language as they study and understand ours. Take notes Ann, it gets better and so bad. I am going to put a light right on them and let me know if you can see any of it or them okay? I know war and I know danger; they do not.

Herman Cain is one crazy MF and one crazy cat for going on the No Spin Zone, with no spin whatsoever; and telling the world he is an "unconventional" person and will be at the brunt of many criticisms. Don't listen to them and may the best man win! As far as listening in on us and trying to figure out what our bending, breaking, and tolerance level is; that failed miserably. We in fact have found theirs and it is a gigantic valley; a huge gap. So listen in and keep spying on us; come to our homes; do not let the word no impact the way they think as politicians, religious indoctrination, or long record of being a sex offender. No means really no under the guns; do not loose faith. Look, we know what all of this is about; elections. It is about a property rights revolution that has gone sour and belly up. This is why I keep saying it is a losing battle, they cannot attenuate or make this up, there is nothing between us, they refuse to leave or tell the truth, it is up for grabs, and to look at what you did. You are worse than the cops and you know it; but after 22 years; it is now about money and fans.

This property revolution is total failure. We live in a thieves world and all lies; nothing is true. It is about false mortgages and ads for false power; which is now mere mortgage debts charged to the US government. It is about a drug war and the politics of their church; what we know as elections and influencing the public. It is about twisting the facts under the gun and until it is so warped; even the FBI does not even know what is going on. All of these terror plots and bombing plots is focused on the right wing; to win elections. This is about nationalism, where is it headed? Do as they say, not as they do. Let me remind them how prisoners treat sex offenders and what their fate has in their future. The greatest mystery is why they spy on us and where it is leading; why do it? Rewards? Trickery? Power? Strategy? Precision? Stalker? When you are hated and destroyed; what do you have left? Hope? What is their motive besides greed, criminal insanity or conviction, and lunatic dementia?
It is obvious we are not a creature of habit and would never get ourselves into this mess. A creature of habit puts no thoughts into their actions. It centers on the Catholic Church who hold most if not all of the electoral cards; all communists. Using Ann Coulter as a way to win the hearts and votes of the liberals, left wing, labor unions, and communists; blew up and made their minds explode. Treating her like a Queen also got them nowhere and lots of hot water with Alex; the only person the Queen answers to. Using all these attacks on Alex to win the hearts and minds of the right wing; is how we caught them. Using the attacks on Ann Coulter to win the votes of the left wing; is how we caught them. All of them are sex offenders; so when it comes to no and what no actually sounds like in their mind; we now know their breaking point, their weak spot, and their tolerance level. We found it first and beat them to the victory. How short is their memory? Bring it on and I am sure there is much more where that came from. Why do we have to remind them they are sex offenders hourly or daily?
With all these lies and complete traitors; the only source of information left on planet earth; is now dwindling. Do not trust them; it is about no and lying on a pathological level and claiming it as nationalism. Nationalism is both Nazism and communism; this is who we have and caught. If you think used car dealers are bad; you should learn more and get to the secrets of Fox News and these people we caught or exposed. They use the attacks on us to win elections; that is almost comparable to attacks on the nation to win elections. Don't say no, say yes; but if Ann says yes, than don't say no. Why spy on us? Why invade our privacy? They learn more otherwise. They read and do not get the wrath. There is no reason for them to be doing any of this, so why are they? Warfare is no longer a barbarian sex act; it is now a thinking man's existence; hence, we beat them so badly and have won across the board. All they have to hang on to is felonies and nothing else; not even bad mortgages or the US government debt.
Ann, after 22 years do you really think I am prepared to walk away from this penniless? This is not about family time and bonding; so knock it off; you hear me! You are wrong and Fox News is not as stupid as you think bitch. They know this is about money and about fans; and right now I am leading up the fan category. But I guess you do not care or ever did ignorant stingy wench; so do not sit there and tell me I am not going to get any money until or unless I marry you; Fox News is not a dumbass and know this is only about money and fans. Don't pull that shit on me and in the middle of this war sex pot, get your damn mind in it and some skin in my bed; may the best cat win; double down and winner takes all! Stop taking this out on me Ann; they are the traitors chickenshit. Pay attention Ann, do you realize you have problems communicating and it is not because of your education? Do you realize you are a creature of habit and are living in a thieves world of nationalism? Do you? Who is in charge here? Tell me Ann, you?
Ann, I heard you got divorced and left for Australia; for a new show, dinner and VIP event, and loads of air time. Is this true? I heard your marriage was a hoax and a complete gimmick, true? You need to go on the No Spin Zone live; not fake but live! Fox says "this is a blood sport, you have to be prepared for this... we feel threatened... if they stand up and say 'I did it" it will destroy them." I had no idea they were forgiven and I had no idea this was attenuation; at least not yet. Should we keep trying or is this attenuated? The rule of thumb is they get crazier and worse if they listen in and invade our life. It is easier to surrender and turn themselves into the authorities; we would not and could not stop them. Once we find that tolerance level or weakness; God knows how bad they can get and how much crazier they will become. On a scale of 1 to 10; this is no exaggeration. They are heinous beyond 10; try 15 or higher. Ask someone on the street they will say they are a perfect 10 and the most scrupled people in the room; how reality gets more warped and warped. They are nationalist and go where the wind takes them; this is why we can get them on communism or Nazism; where is their heart attenuated? It is a big jackpot and a lot of people will do crazy things for a huge jackpot.

NEW YORK (AP) — The federal government sued one of the nation's largest privately held mortgage brokers on Tuesday, saying its decade-long fraudulent lending practices cost the government hundreds of millions of dollars and forced thousands of American homeowners to lose their homes. “The losers here were American taxpayers and the thousands of families who faced foreclosure because they were could not ultimately fulfill their obligations on mortgages that were doomed to fail,’ he said. The prosecutor said the investigation continues and ‘if and when we have sufficient evidence for a criminal case, we'll bring it.” …"Allied operated with impunity for many years due a culture of corruption created by Hodge, who eliminated the position of chief financial officer and other senior management positions, intimidated employees by spontaneous terminations and aggressive email monitoring, and silenced former employees by actual and threatened litigation against them," the lawsuit said. "As a result, Allied was able to conceal its dysfunctional operations and maintain its profitable position in the mortgage industry." …"Allied thus operated its branches like franchises, collecting revenue while the branches were profitable, then closing them without notice when they were not, leaving the branch managers liable for the branch's financial obligations," the lawsuit said. The government said Allied failed to implement its internal quality control plan, "effectively allowing its shadow branches to operate independently of any scrutiny whatsoever," the lawsuit said. "Allied utterly failed to conduct audits of its branches or review its early payment defaults as it was required to do by HUD. More:
Ann, you and Hannity are addicted to fist bumping. You really call him a bitch? A brat? I think the fist bumps are so hot and it shows the team spirit and the working relationship you two have; no means no. Did you see him get turned down and what his look when you said it to his face? Fist bump! So hot. If you and Hannity are not the most retarded shit I have ever slayed eyes on; then it must be Red Eye. But hey, I am not the one getting raped nor am I the most sexually harassed woman in America. You are Ann, why the hell do I care? Hannity is pulling what he calls his "weasel" act; where he slips and slides exactly like an escaped felon. Come on Ann, let him go and let bygones be bygones; fist bump! Fox News is classic; and it is all on tape for anybody to review or watch over and over.

Ever since I moved to Niagara Falls, NY; which was intended as a relocation to Canada, to get as far away from this fallopian turdball and sex offender as possible; there has been a tantamount surge of them living in the same apartment or building. I would say extreme surveillance and invasion of privacy is a better way to describe how they combated this insult to their turdball existence. One pronounced characteristic which stands out and has to be logged and acknowledged. This turdball and piece of shit has to be reminded they are a sex offender every hour and every day. They have to be told to shut up and their opinion or snipes do not carry any weight or have any meaning. There are a lot of other things wrong with them considering nothing is right about an idiot and loser; but this sex offender aspect is probably the most annoying. They will get close, sit next to you, and try anything to pull you in or share life with you. They will even invent a fantasy about being parents or your parents. The problem is they watch and case you; if you do not know, then it won't hurt or impact you. They sought to torture and impact us. They wanted to fight and make us suffer at their hands. This is what they feel now; like a magic world where we cannot lose. Everybody should know or understand you were in love. On a scale of 1 to 10, after 22 years, it was a perfect 10. What they did and now lie to the FBI and police about, is how it got to 0 and what they did or why. How do you remove a perfect 10 and did nothing wrong? What do you tell people when arrested?

We and the public are watching sex offenders forget who they are; then reminded what they did and why. They were caught lying badly; very badly. Everything reported was true; a death sentence. Both Hannity and Limbaugh invented one where they were married or servicing Ann Coulter; true and real life sex offenders running loose in our life. Did I mention how they watch you 24 hours, bathing, studying, living life, doing your thing, and now every door is shut on them and they try to open everyone back open. What use do we have for a bastard and sex offender and why in hell would we share life or let them watch us? Money? Friendship? Power? Control? What reason or why would anyone include them or let them in our life? So they hide it all and pretend as if it never happened or they are not sex offenders. What a pedophile we have and a complete bigot turdball. They have a death sentence if this ever got out? Really? Let's celebrate the death and the torture of this pedophile; who wants to talk to a sex offender? Who the F would share life or let them into our life? Let's ask the Republicans first before we ask the Democrats. A terror plot and a bomb plot does not even come close to the lunatic we have and the turdball who has to be reminded every single hour they are out of control and a sex offender; yet they act like your best friend or lover.

This is what the public is watching on Fox News. We have defined the problem and why they are trying to shut up Ann Coulter and get rid of her. Ann foiled the brutal rape and murder plot they had and we can see this over exuberant friendship which is defined by sexual offenses and a long list of felonies. They do not know who they are and live life through us; a lunatic and an aimless sex offender. Fox News is trying to get rid of Ann and has been trying very desperately and in the most vindictive way; to get rid of me. Considering we busted them and exposed them; they now conceal everything and act as if we made up and are best friends again. We see this on TV every single day; how they act and why they must be reminded of who they are or this struggle they seek to find freedom or exoneration. It is not on Ann's side either; it is 100 times worse on my end. They watch us like prisoners or some hostage; blindfolded, scare tactics, methods to suggest we cannot run or hide, etc... it is ridiculous to say the most but to describe Hannibal Elector is a difficult task. In less than 10 minutes, they forget they are a serial killer, a demented lunatic, a sex offender, a sadist, a tyrant, and an enemy. In a snap of a finger, they act surprised or even offended; as if we are mentally ill or need to shut up and die. Was it just an act or were they for real; this evil? Let's ask the communist; are they for real and this evil or is it only a way to smash the opponent and win?

After the end of communism, they were expected to go away and shut up, not so. We have to remind them of this hourly. How insidious do they get? How repugnant have they been? What kind of human being do we have and are the public looking at? Here is the real problem. What part about them is not true? The part about Ann or the part about Alex? Two wrongs do not make this right; why are we watching this on TV and reminding a sex offender and a serial killer how stupid and how much of a turdball they truly are? Why? Why are they living with us, watching us, invading our privacy, acting like friends, and sharing life with us? Who let them? Who wants them dead? Is it really a mental illness and do we really need to be medicated or imprisoned to obey? How would they handle an enemy such as they are? Murder? Violence? Oh torture? Humiliate them in public? Tell them who they are talking to? Film them or record them? Get the police on them? Win at any cost? We can even make a list of their character trait and and school this dubious traitor. Do they still love or admire us? Do they still wish to unite? How do you tell this sex offender we hate their guts and to die? How? Earthquakes? Tornadoes? Floods? Tsunamis? What will it take and when will this end, if ever? At least we get to study how much of a turdball they are and know we are not murderers. Who is the demented Nazi or bigot tyrant?

Ann, before you begin arguing with me, trying to take my head off, or go chickenshit "help me rape" on my ass; you need to listen to this fallopian turdball and this insidious Neanderthal dumbass. It does not matter if they are felons, homeless, poor, stupid, jobless, or dead; their opinion precedes all others. Furthermore, they are very opinionated and told to shut up and go away constantly. For someone hanging on a threat or one second to doom; they got a lot of opinions and demands. This SOB is still in my life with this opinionated and sniping. That is who you have in your life and why your life is so full of lies and false or untrue rumors. Even if you tortured them or stuck a gun to their head; they would run their mouth off, F with my belongings, F with my bed or love life, F with my marriage and friends, etc... Their opinion does not matter or ever did; but they have overstayed and lived well past their welcome. Both you and I were prisoners and now we have that annoying voice and that jackass with the head up his ass; sniping and making demands. So it does not matter if they are in prison, hunted, tornado, earthquakes, tortured, got shot by US military forces, are on parole, homeless, jobless, or some crazy loon stuff; their opinion and views of us does not and need not apply. That is the bottom line. You are making me worse. Do not make them worse or more delusional. Did you hear Hannity or LImbaugh tell me how they take care of your needs? They are always between you and I; a dick hound. Do not make the mistake of talking to them or letting them talk to us; they will never shut up or go away. It is one congruent excuse after the next until our world is full of total lies; a complete disaster. We know this is about needing money.

I know I am not sleeping, dining, or drinking with some fallopian turdball. I do not know what they have said about me; only what they claim with you. This is why they are between us and we argue constantly Ann. True or not they have to plead out of this and guilty to attempted murder and rape charges. Unless they show a panty, an email, romantic dinner, hand holding, watch or earring, etc... expect attempted rape and murder charges on top of the terror plot conspiracy charges. When all is said and done; you can point the finger at them and they can point the finger at me or even you; it needs not apply. Now you go and tell that fallopian turdball this and to their face; don't come back until I hear them bubbling like a backed up sewer. Let them languish in death. Their terror plot opinions and felony demands just do not exist and are not even there. Go and make sure this pussy knows this and gets it straight in their measly head. I am tired of the hurricane and earthquake crisis; I need a new thrill before theirs explodes on us again. Even the Republicans refuse to leave and are guilty of this crap. They did it to both of us didn't they? Let them feed each other crack, let them loose their teeth, let them brag about the missing toenails; they are not very special and their opinion really need not apply. Why are they in our life and so dumb? This stupid SOB actually thinks a business relation or friendship is holding them close to us; we are their daddy and spank them. I cannot stand this dubious turdball and would murder them; why would I sleep with them or let them in our life Ann, tell me why? We know this is about money; but we do not need or want to hear the end of the universe repeated in context of an insane asylum or dumbass.

Ann do you have a guilty conscience? Any? Why then am I mad at you? It starts with this guy; then this guy; then this guy; then this guy; and you tell me you had all the fun a girl can have. Conversely, you brag about how lunch turns into dinner; a night with you; hand holding; and you getting pummeled or being chickenshit. Don't you think I am fed up and a little sick of this? Be honest. Do you think I am sick of you or them? Who has to watch this and why are you pissing me off to disprove what you can just come out and say clearly? Have you stopped them yet? Have they been arrested yet? Did they brutalize or rape you yet? Are you done and dead yet? Why are you so slow and so messy; are you capable of doing good work or are you pounding me with your Vietnam lessons about America? We know it is a quagmire; yes we know. Are you sleeping with them or doing something to make them get between us or act this way? Are you sure or are they this insane?

Ann, if you and others have not noticed; there is not much between you and I. You can sit there and point the finger or play this game with them; I refuse to. The bottom line is malice, intent, debilitating attacks, and deliberate attacks. They hide and conceal all of it. They claim their lawyers told them to come to us and work it out or try to talk to us. They still refuse to tell the truth and should have told the truth to begin with. There is not much between you and I now and we can make up or recover when and if the truth comes out. They cannot and will not; we are not in a relation with them or married; so this has been tested and proven. They claim some fantasy or imaginary marriage; this is how insane and crazy they are or this has gotten. They just refuse to tell the truth and claim it is still up for grabs; meanwhile, they claim we are at war and they should leave. Stop the fake honky and minority act Ann, really. Look at where our life is headed and how there is nothing left between us. If anybody held my hand, I would Judo or Hapkido their ass; no joke and viewer discretion is advised. Who is crazy now? Screw all of you haters and chickenshit. I have nothing right now and I have to watch this? Ann, you don't think I want a big house, a nice car, and drooling each time they drive by? This is not only torture; it is a tease and I am fed up with it. You are doing it, they are doing it; it is hell on earth.

Someone created a horrendous mess in our life and out of America. Who is it? Who is the foe and enemy of the satellite warfare program; banned and sworn enemies? If there were no laws; it is fair to say we would use satellite warfare and kill them; honorably and quickly. I have no idea why we do not, none. You need to decide if you want a drinking buddy or a husband Ann, this is what it comes down to. Furthermore, all of us are fighting a losing battle. Obviously, I am fighting a losing battle with you that has now turned inside me. You should try the only thing left; surrender and the truth. If all else fails or failed; try the truth and surrender okay. I am not sure what is wrong with you but everybody agrees; you need to surrender and tell the truth. I have that sunken feeling someone hit me in the gut every single day; no escape. Proving it has become almost a nightmare and a total loss of everything in life. This is not about a lady killer or some promise of a good time. It is a promise of a ferocious fight and a war to match any Armageddon on this earth. I have been ticked pink about Fox News in my life and your relationship with them; just ecstatic. Living in LA and having this relationship with this enemy; has made them almost Gods Ann. My god are you this blind and this stupid? They go on TV and brag about how they live among us; as if we do not have alien sunglasses, have not joined a church, or are ready to blow up in jealousy. This is how crazy it has gotten over the past few years. What happened to a good time or this singles club; do I get what I want or not?

Ann, I too have that sunken feeling as if someone hit me in the gut. What makes it so terrible is you hit me in the gut, repeatedly. This has gone on far too long and has become so crazy and so insane, the public is gagging. Your stunts are getting more and more crazy as time goes by and I feel helpless. I am fighting a losing battle with you now and it has to end. Even if this is all I have, I have to let go Ann. Something and someone has to give. If there is not much between us; we are now at a second impasse. The second impasse is how did it get this way? We know how it got here and the book is already written; what did they do to cause Alex and Ann to hate each other or conceal the malice behind this murder plot and kidnapping or rape case? How in the world can any of them let alone the police ignore or snub the investigation any longer? They continue to play this charade or bungle the investigation; which the British are on and have confirmed. This game and cruel hoax with the public, with us, with everybody; we are the problem, we are the threat, we are picking a fight, we do anything to ruin them, we refuse to obey, we resort to dirty tricks, we steal their property, we are the suspects, etc... when they are 100 per cent guilty. You can even try torture; it won't work. I could hurricane or earthquake them; it is pointless.

I am trying to pinpoint the source or the origin of all these bad people so that FBI and Pentagon forces can wage war on them or drown them. Right now they are still in my life and I am not sure how to get rid of bad people from my life before they either wreck it or destroy it. This is what everybody has slept through and what our ordeal surrounds; how do we get rid of so many bad people when they refuse to leave or leave us alone? Do we hurricane them? Do we earthquake them? Do we have some other way to dispose them quickly, efficiently, and in a manner to improve our life? I still do not know why you refuse or cannot fight them; get these bad people out of our life before they wreck it. The federal forces tell me it traces to Chicago, Libya, Iraq, San Francisco, and the source of all this high technology. We are some kind of teacher or source of special powers, survivors who have special political pull they want and need. It all sounds like a radio show broadcasting through the corridors of Pelican Bay Prison; Che and Mao in the same cell. Don't forget how we got here and why these bad people are in our life Ann. It takes so much to get rid of them and chase them off; nearly an entire life. So not only are they bad people, they like to toy with or tamper with bother's belongings. They like to mess with their marriage and family. They like to create health problems. Their goal is to invent a financial disaster and sneak in closer. I have all kinds of health, marriage, financial, legal, career, and other problems. Bad people they are and the impact is far worse.

The public deserves the truth. Life will be suicide if they do not rid this leadership and enemy. Crime and drugs will be the new impetus of the rebirth of America; a shelter for stupid, lazy, and ugly people who like to steal or bother us. We are 10% guilty at most for fighting back and retaliating; that is all we are guilty of. You whites and blacks are totally fake and pathetic; chickenshit and gay as hell. Do you expect business or people to welcome you, honestly? Even in death your behavior is abhorrent; really. As I said and repeat, I have no idea why we do not finish them off using satellite warfare or alien allies. Is there a problem? Do they have a fight or plea? Do they have an appeal? Do they have any skin in this game or any conscience; even alive? Prove it. When all else fails, you can try surrender and telling the truth if you want to stay, agree? You look like a maniac, psychopath, a liar, a thief, a troublemaker, suicidal, an adulterer, crazy as a bat, and my worst nightmare. Keep in mind who we are fighting and the language they speak. They do not come out and say what is on their mind or exactly what they want. If so, this cat and mouse game would not still be going on for decades and years. When someone is being tortured; they do not remain silent or play games. They scream, yell, and make a fuss about anything bitch. Why are they giggling?

Decide who you want to blame Ann. You can point the finger at them. You can point the finger at us. Does it even matter? You have to decide now whose fault this is and they should also. In court, it was not what they did; it was whose fault also. If they had a death sentence or the death penalty; now they got a second tier and a second degree of malice; double down guilty verdict. This is how insane and how crazy they truly are; but they just refuse to tell the truth and always claim they only want to help while we try to fight them or the filth of this animal and scumbag. Who can make this up, you? Who has nothing between us anymore? Who refuses to tell the truth? Who has to leave? Who are the cops going to arrest? Decide Ann, do you want a drinking buddy or a husband; dumbass. The problem is so obvious but all of you are such morons and dumbness; it is really hard to tell whose fault it is or was. Someone has to leave and someone is not coming back; ever. They are not showing up for a good time; they are showing up for a ferocious fight. The good times have gone out the window a long time ago and has passed; try to beat that dead horse. Limbaugh is gaining weight again and Hannity looks crazier than ever with this boyfriend plight. I have nothing left Ann; what do you expect me to say or do? I cannot compete against their money or their lies. Can you?

I am not sure what is wrong with you all Ann; but I have a lawsuit to prove it. Do you expect business or jobs, really? Do you expect an Army or military to save you, honestly? The gap between the cops and the criminals is not very far at all. The gap between us and them; is huge. What do you imagine the problem really is or why? Who is the problem and who is no damn good or this guilty in death? There are slaves and there are men in this world; be more excited and confident. Clearly they are guilty and fighting a losing battle. Clearly the options dwindle and they have not tried the truth or surrender. The police are not off the hook and the police are waiting for something solid to develop. Even if they fight a losing battle and tried everything short of a terror plot; the truth and surrender will set them free. It is time to surrender and tell the truth Ann; you are all I have and I am all you have in this world; this cannot be happening but it did. These people are gambling with their future and anything less is suicide. To live under this cloud of corruption and this extravagant chase we have ongoing, is not only throwing their life away; it is giving away their profits and earnings. It is not in birth we judge human beings; it is in death we judge them. Ann, do I look like a good time or writing about a good time? Do I? Have they ejaculated or rounding the bend yet; or are they high on Niagara and missed it all? Is the public fed up with swallowing all of these lies and scams? Let me hear them scream "Kill." Let me see the FBI with their guns in the air. This is how crazy it has gotten and will get. Nobody cares about VIP parties, dinners, or a night on the town.

If they are about to be shut down and are making it worse and worse for themselves; getting rehired or getting a job afterward is really annoying. Then again, we cannot get them off our side and they refuse to fix the other side as well. We cannot win when this enemy is here or living in our life; absolutely impossible. They claim they are America and they claim this is their home or in power. They claim they only want to help and are not in the way; only misled. Unfortunately, that is not good enough and not enough to keep them alive or well in America; make sure they understand this. It is not good enough or ever was. It might be good enough for them. It might be good enough for hell. Until they right it down or until they convey this vividly; it is just not good enough ever. We also do not need them to fight our wars in the future either; regardless of how tough, superior, sneaky, helpful, etc... we have entered a new age and a new plane of reality. I told you to stick them, not hold their hand like a chickenshit media whore. Rip every follicle off their bald head. Your marriage depends on it; do you understand or are you retarded also? We are drifting without a safety line and I have major career problems. Let me see those guns in the air. Let me see every satellite on earth behind me. I want to hear them scream "Kill that bitch" from every corner on this earth; as if Armageddon has arrived or a flood was coming.

I am not happy Ann. It is just not good enough to keep them alive or in our life; ever. They should have told the truth and ended this charade a long time ago; oh well. Who to blame now? It can change overnight and for the worse; never forget this. All of them could wake up one night neck deep in their own excrement; we are just preparing for that night. I am not going to sit here and debate it or deny it. We are done with this and will seal it; terminate and execute. We thank them for their inspirational effort and continuous effort that did not pan out far. Ann, you need to realize there is not much between us anymore and understand why; you can argue with them for the rest of your life. This will not get anywhere and it is a gigantic hole. That is why you are still in this hole and dirt is being thrown on top of all of you; whose fault is it? Your biography indicates all of you were liars, cheaters, and swines. You are living in a lie, I am living in a lie, the police are living in a lie, we all are living in a lie and we cannot see anything or do anything about it. We are not the masters of our reality or the masters of our life. How do we survive or succeed? At least we know who is behind it and what they did; regardless, this still is not good enough for the same people who are behind it. Get out of your chair and stop watching or talking Ann; you are all I have in this world. God dammit I am hot. Nobody cares about your VIP parties or your night out on the town. They want to see action, real crap, and blood Ann. They will love you when and if you bring them blood; not be brutally raped, drunken, drugged up, or killed on TV.

A sex offender and lunatic is not going to do as they please or say as they do. The hell if I let the communist and a sex offender have their way with me. The hell if I let a terrorist or a spy demolish and steal my life; to hell with them. They speak another language than we do. They do not go up to someone and say "where is your mommy and daddy" or "I want to rape and kill you"; sex offenders have a swagger that is much more secretive and highly refined. Like all criminals, they are courageous and take chances. However, when it comes to the truth, their penchant for the truth runs contradictory and even absurd with reality. Fox News and their pedophilia fascination is really strange and suspicious. When I was 16, 17, and 18; I was chasing girls night and day. Nobody including Bill O'reilly or Fox News is going to come along and change my mind unless they were a predator and needed access to my life. If they want to protect anyone; let it be from the Catholic Church and the left wing. As sex offenders themselves; they take a stand which is so far overboard it makes no sense or is of any help. Keep in mind who is the worst offender and who feels uncomfortable or caught in the middle of crazy people. This is our life and our biography; it is blood in and blood out; nothing less is acceptable.

If this country was getting raped and pillaged; all of them would pretend they were going to be hired tomorrow or would sit there and watch TV. If other nations were getting raped, savaged, and pillaged; they would probably sleep through the entire matter. This is not because they are innocent, it is because they are guilty. If we catch them, it is another matter entirely. We could torture them or smash them every single morning; they would sleep through it and forage for a seat next to us. I think they are too comfortable with themselves and are sex offenders and child molesters. Whatever the case, this retard wants jobs so that their show can keep going on and on. Even with only the shirt on their back they try to market what they can offer or how much they have to woo someone. That is how stupid this pest is with the thumb up their butt; a dumbass trying to acquire more power for the people. Why don't we just gift wrap it and give it to them? They want jobs because their crime rates and revenue is slipping and it makes them feel inadequate; imagine that, this sex offender is inadequate and slept through it all. Anything else is unacceptable. This leash and this relationship with you is crazy Ann; do they know this? Do you know this? Do the god damn police know this or did they sleep through all of it too? I am a prisoner. Remember, I have nothing left Ann; what do you expect me to say or do? Blame you? Blame them? I cannot compete against their money or their lies. Can you? Then why am I trying to stop the murder plot and their brutal rape case? Why would I help a chickenshit ignorant stingy wench like you? For a house? For a good time? For my soul? Because I like you? Because you are white? Why? You need some skin in this bed little lady; and stop dining with gays.

We have been exposed to their cause and nothing in it is either real or worth keeping alive, nothing. Don't forget this Ann, we were exposed to their so called Just Cause and now they are exposed to ours. Obviously, this is not their street corner and they do not belong. They just do not pay attention and build a home on what is not theirs. They have no regard for life or the respect of anyone; but they constantly look for prey and we refuse to be their victim or let them sit next to us. They have no power in this game, never had and never will. This is how they got caught and got crushed. The way of the Catholic is not far from the way of the Jew. They have one rule and one rule only; occupy and drive others off. It was never a promise of a good time which got them in so much trouble; it was a promise of a war and a ferocious fight. They got it and can't even swim for a life raft. I call it a trap Ann; I wish you were on the right side and not such a god damn slut about this. I have to yell at you constantly about being a chickenshit and letting them do this while I watch; crazy stingy ignorant wench. Wake up, did you sleep through the war or your own rape and murder plot? Tell them to get their head out of their ass and wake the hell up. If they do not get arrested, they got a lawsuit on their hands; and a tour de force on their fat lazy ass. I have nothing else in this world Ann; what do you have besides me? Tell me and then tell everybody; what are you hiding and going to hell about? I am so annoyed by all of this; even you Ann. Get some skin in my bed and stop having a relation with them; it does not get anywhere. They took over the right wing and the Republican Party.

The Catholic and Jews got caught and tried to do a recruitment. They used a terror plot for career advancement or ammunition. When they were caught or exposed; instead of stopping or backing off, they used their political power to penetrate both the police and the right wing; both the Democrat and Republican sides. When that failed, they figured how easy it would be to defeat two people, a man and woman. How wrong they were because it grew ten and even one hundred times worse. This is how and why the police were entangled in this; revenge and retaliation. They felt we were dipping into their coffers or were behind their demise; ruling out their own actions, stupidity, insanity, and nincompoop demeanor. After misusing the police to trap and recruit; they spread this to the political arena to show their longevity and strength. That failed miserably along with the media take-over. The problem was simple, they are evil and bad people with nothing to offer but homeless offerings. Bad people do not improve life or are ever welcomed. Bad people are disposed with fury and similar to trash. They continue to use small scale attacks such as underage girls who were ignored; married women who were not; and years of dragging them through the sewers in an effort to draw them out or pinpoint their operation. They were struck with terror and nothing they could do would end it or make it better. They actually were kind enough to wait until age 18 to kidnap or invoke a hostage situation; a prisoner status. Now they end up as the prisoner and the loser.

I am trying to get rid of all these bad people who stuck into our life Ann. It has been costly and painful to have them in my life. There are problems with the police, authority, false arrest, nit-picking, traffic tickets, etc... there is a disaster financially and violations so long the FBI cannot log them quick enough or are overwhelmed by this enemy and this case. Keep this in mind, the bad people have not left our life and we will have to fight them to the death in order to have this outcome. I have no idea what exactly you are up to or why you keep braining them back or making them more crazy; they are bad people, let's not live in a circus or hell. They are bad people who take prisoner a marriage, a career, a healthy human being, a healthy financial plan, a military mission, a healthy person's health, and every aspect of their life. No wonder they have the death penalty and keep pleading about how they are dead or how we are at war. If this ever gets out, the retaliation and consequences will be swift punishment. They still have no reason to be here or in our life; none. These bad people are hurt and feel we are trying to pick a fight with them at any cost; it is never their fault. The impact if caught will severely impact their welcome and political power; so they play ball and use business to invent all of these total lies while attacking and keeping prisoners. Their dilemma is not what they did; it is getting caught. All of them are sex offenders; mostly female. They do not know how to act normal around others. This was their game online and with me for a really long time.