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Saturday, October 22, 2011


Ann, your life just gets crazier and crazier. Your Vietnam trilogy needs to stop and stop immediately. You are talking to the father of sustainable development. I wrote the book and the next tier on what the Agency for International Development produced of the cold war. Both you and them (Fox News, Fox LA, and others) are living for the moment or today. This is why you are angering me and driving me crazy; dragging me deeper into a quagmire. I know you have a guilty and gutless conscience; but this is too much. I also know you are up to no good in Los Angeles and Cali. You keep trying to pull me deeper and deeper in this mess. I keep kicking and screaming. You keep telling me one story. They keep trying to make me leave or move you. I keep having to change residence. You avoid conflict with me at all cost. You have nothing else in this world. I have nothing else in this world. One of us refuses to leave and will not stop. The police are well aware of this; but they are a little too late, as always. They don't have skin in this game because this is a war and they are legal eagles. Now you are going on TV and holding hands (finger intertwined deep kind) and it just gets worse. You are a chickens hit and I have the video to show what kind of a loser and dumbass you are; no fight and weak. You say in one year you will check up on them. In one year I might be gone or with another woman; you might be dead; and your legacy is a loser and a chickens hit. I wish your mom was here to see your performance or what you did with your life. It is god forsaken how you have managed or become the leader of your own fate Ann; horrendous soul you possess. Now Fox News is hand holding and the Good Morning LA crew looks like Noel Gallagher’s music video where the cocktail waitress is put in the truck of the Mustang convertible. It was really creepy watching you and all this; must you? Again, all for books and to sell books; god forsaken crazy shit. I get caught in this quagmire and drawn in deeper; just like Vietnam and the 1960s. It has been three years and almost four; what has changed in one year? Your life is a snail and totally crazy. You are so inferior it is disgusting; chickens hit. Somebody does not belong, someone will get arrested, and someone refuses to leave and is dead.

Fox News (Meagan) said, "They refuse to leave." Then Fox and Megs said, "We are dead." First it was "we are at war" and now it is "they refuse to leave." What next, "why won't they step down?" Or "Don't let them get back on their feet." Or "keep an eye on them and make sure they never come back to bother us." How about "do everything they do back on them." I like the sexual harassment one, "make them obey" or "are they willing to do anything we say." One of us is on parole. One of us has a capture "dead or alive" submission to the FBI and Interpol. One of us is on the wrong side. One of us cannot be doing this or saying this because they are on the wrong side and was either captured or exposed. This enemy will sit next to you and do whatever they can, as a predator, to either rape or murder you; this is dependent on whether or not you want to be their friends, employee, a new recruit, or pay them some form of extortion. That is how this rape and murder plot got the way it did; looks do not say it all. Hacking does not mean they win or are superior. Telling people to leave or stay off your show does not mean they are your sex toy or wish to be your prostitute. The rape and murder plot on Ann Coulter has something to do with her walking on her own and her refusing to leave. The core of this plot is Fox News and her staff. We traced this to drugs, crime organizations, and political power. Ann, the problem is much worse than you. It is not the existence of evil or evil itself. It is your response to it and moreover, these people's response to it or their ability to live so comfortably while it festers and breeds. All of this is happening right before our eyes. It is not evil; it is your response to it; you are the worst culprit.

Did I imagine this Ann? Am I untrue? Do I try to make the best out of you or the worst? Is there a bed backstage for this mean ménage a trio’s love fest? All this for a stupid book signing that wrecked your life and marriage; a little suspicious. I honestly think you are a piece of junk; absurd does not even describe how pathetic you are Ann. For a book? Listen to them maul your ass dumbass. Either you are chickens hit Ann or a total slut, call it how you see it; just die. You look so frail and unhealthy; like an old lady about to buckle or run into a wall; it is gross and the way you act is almost Amy Wine-me. Now I know why you travel with your bodyguard, to hold you up and to make sure you do not blow away. Really ugly stuff Ann, really. Keep the insanity up and the mad woman parade:

I know I took too long and had a lot of education. I know you don't mind waiting. I know it has been hard. You are 65 now and have more talk about a boyfriend then 20 something kids who are dating. Ann, I am not sure if you are the woman I want to meet or not. All this commotion about stalkers, boyfriends, murder plots, etc... is already too much. Now it is the fact you missed so many opportunities in the past and how you still insist you could marry anytime and get with anybody you want; don't worry. I cannot seem to see it your way and feel you are full of crazy ideas and need to keep it to yourself. Love is hard to find and even harder to hang onto. Your effort and how you brag is nearly a fantasy and a complete charade. Are you on a mission to figure out how far you can push this before it all collapses and you need to apologize and do the right thing? Of course you will insist you are right; it was only in good fun and no worries. Your stalkers are still there and people laugh at you now. You tell me Ann and are as honest to yourself, are you the woman I wanted to meet or are you trying to make it look like you are? You have a lot I do not like or want; change is irrelevant to you; forgiveness has become a central theme to our life; and you want to be right all the time. You won't give up and create more issues or stunts. It is over; sweep the past away. Stop hanging on to childhood or college memories of drinking and parties. It is no harm and for fun; but now it is not, it is a major problem. Mothers against drunk drivers (MADD) do not even know what to say or do about your "individualism." You are talking to them aren't you?

We are not in the roaring twenties and you are not twenty something. These are very bad times. People are suffering. All you want to do is get out there and do stuff; be a go getter. You are waking up the dead with Prohibition again, aren't you? Yes this lifestyle will destroy marriages and all love relations. Yes it is risky and invites problems. I am willing to work with you to solve the stalker, murder, and constant attacks; but this is too much. You said you were quitting; know when enough is enough okay. I truly thought you had more brains and more common sense than this; but you always tell me how you messed up and I know it. Similar to the Republicans, you are not very helpful and you bring along that baggage of socializing and mixers; a life of privilege. Maybe if I did not get abducted, I could attend? Maybe if things did not happen this way, I might not be as disagreeable and might enjoy it with you Ann. Maybe my life of privilege was stripped and yours is more than I can handle; living for the two of us. Maybe this is what they want and expect; to make us poor and stupid so we cannot climb socially. Did it backfire on them or not?

The problem is I just thought you were more helpful than this Ann but now it is constantly about how you messed up and how opportunity was lost. Are you the girl I want to meet or not? You went through hell to say yes and made sure everybody knows what you are willing to do and how long you will wait. You are the buzz around town. Bill Maher says he knows what you look like in the morning. Maher has something on you; much like Hannity who is constantly confident and claims he is your boyfriend. At least Maher is single and does not have kids. Why you would carry this on and on is unbelievable. I really do not understand the relation between the two of you; but it is pretty established. There are a lot of men who have established themselves in your life; freebies. Do you let them come over and raid your fridge also? You made drinking and bars evil and hated. Girls who do this are not trusted or compared to you Ann. It reminds me of the 1980s and disco. More city talk and buzz. I was told you are synonymous with a "reach around." You even write about going to bars and ones all over the USA. Even when in foreign countries, you are known to be drinking. There is a pattern here. These complaints match your lifestyle Ann. They show a troubled marriage. They show a conflict between two camps; two sides. You keep insisting on saving yourself or how long you have waited for marriage. Are you for real or is this just a game to you? You spent your life in a bar and somehow kept this going until age 50 or 60. Show me a female who does this. You don't even ask why we are fighting about this or how dumb it is. They have the pictures to prove it. FReeP says you are wet over Perry and Romney. The alcohol, partying, and culture you live in are not healthy for me. I just think you are inviting trouble and most married people do not go looking for this.

You are bordering on a swinger's life and have the scars to prove it. So far, only I know how you are in bed and it is no comforts to hear about your social life or constantly listen to the men you keep around you or in your life. You must be powerless and they must be getting freebies from you. As part of your freebies, you carry this on and on; gifts for men to enjoy. You are about attending events; not throwing them. Hence, you offer these freebies. It was hellacious when you told me you got 100s of men asking you out each month. You said you chose a few to send out a message, or warning. It is all very disconcerting Ann, really. It is way out of control and has become a major problem, honest. I am getting wetter Ann; you got something special going on here. I think you should have gotten a job in a bar considering how many times you have been in one. Oddly, you skipped out on so many invites and meetings with me when I bar hopped and was miserable. From how I understand it, you give out freebies for friendship and it ends up trashing your life; but you let it carry on until it nearly ruins you. There is no hard evidence; all of you lied about your personal life. I know how you are in bed; I am the only judge here and the only one who should or should not worry. I am sure you would care or feel the same if I did this. I am not sure why you would let it get this out of control or let your personal life nearly take you down or drive me away; do you care or are you helpless? Do you write books to drink or drink to write books? Had you not been a lawyer or writer; can you see yourself working at a bar and dating more often? You have one heck of a trashy life; way too much to clean up. No wonder you do not make any effort or can do anything about it. How about fake your death and get a new life or identity? This is about privilege; mine was taken or stolen; your overdosed on it, way too much and way too strong. There is a lot of buzz around you, some good and some bad.

Most females do not know if you were faithful based on your travel adventures and your penchant for partying or socials. Even you do not know and seek forgiveness. You claim to be on the best behavior and you claim to be 100% faithful. In the back of my mind; I doubt this. I know you sexually and how you are in bed. It scares me to death. You cannot keep this hush-hush and make me bring this up; all of you. It is constant and endless shoving matches. I just do not like it and know you are either very guilty or very innocent; but you should get a job in a bar. Alcohol is integral to your life and you enjoy drunks. You find pleasure drinking with or interacting with rapists. You claim to be helpful but run with the people who are never helpful and the most unloving or dysfunctional when it comes to having a family. You have lost your soul due to money or fame in my opinion; winning ground and not wanting to give it up ever. I wish you hurry up with your famous career and begin the down slide; where movie stars become a nobody and are forgotten. I hope all that drinking and bar work actually pays off; I know it has not helped your life or helped your reputation. You missed so many chances to meet up with me or ignored me; now you want me to ignore you while you try to have me chase you bar hopping. Is this the slander you are speaking of or do you have something really wet and hard going on which I want to be part of and am dying to know? If so, it begins with a mixer or book signing; drinks and then maybe phone numbers and emails. If you want to skip this, we can go directly to the radio shows or TV shows. How about it, sound good and are you up for it? I don't care for bragging rights; you forget this and keep messing up. I am not insecure or fighting with time and age Ann. If anything, then it is you who needs to go and will be replaced by a young new candidate. Should I describe her or do you want to?

Ann, the God honest truth is you make a second rate wife and are not marriage material. You spent your life watching me have sex with other girls; convincing yourself of some heroism. You are the most highly sought mistress on the market; millions invested in this. So you are a second rate wife and a first rate mistress who is too accustomed with her predicament right now. That is the dilemma you are willing to live with and keep secret. Just admit it. God is the only person you need to make your peace with now because I am mad as hell with you and your guilty conscience. You make a great mistress and enjoy watching; so much you know exactly what to do and will share or be sloppy. Only God will forgive you and judge you; not me. I could go and hook up with 10 women right now; you know the program well and enjoy being sloppy seconds; but I don't. That is the dilemma and the life story of Ann Coulter. Listen to you being interviewed by Politico about your wild life and partying. Only if your mom and dad were here to judge you or your secrets.

Ann, this is what it comes down to. I know you are confused and having a lot of indecision; but you have to be 100 per cent sure. Everybody is looking at you and asking why you refuse to finalize your decision. It comes down to whether or not you want a drinking buddy or a husband. You do realize it is still up for grabs; decide you wench, would you rather be in the arms of a husband or a drinking buddy? I will even help you make up your mind. Do you want it hot or do you want it easy? These people are retarded, they won't survive a day in Nam, they are a mental case, they are ignorant and irritating, they are weak and criminals, they have no place in our life, we do not like or know momma's boy, we avoid and ignore this little bitch, we do not need this or them, and we will never get anywhere with this or them. Have we gotten anywhere yet? They are still saying we are trying to pick a fight or use anything we can to pick a fight with them? Urinate and defecate Ann; otherwise go home empty bitch. Crack that mental case and make sure they enjoy old age in my world; not their world any longer. So they think I am mentally ill, paranoid, and delusional huh? You looked like a fake honky and a total slut on Good Morning LA, via Fox News Ann. You are not like that in bed and not so fake! Get over it Ann, you were a slut in this lifetime; better luck next time.

Ann, you are giving the Republican and Democrat false or misleading information and it is being passed all around the public domain. The strategy in Afghanistan, Iraq, and now Libya is asinine. Get in there, nuke them or shut them down, and get out before they suffer and start begging. When they start begging and apologizing; that is when it gets more insane and more crazy. Level their ass, make them swim, and leave them for dead; if you stay and rub their faces in it; they will get more and more delusional. Do not drop your earring or jewelry in their lap either; get in and get out. Now the enemy will utilize the information and the begging and apologizing to make it look as if they are fat, happy, and well fed. Starve them and make them swim; that is all there is to it. When they had enough, they will move on or be thrown out. Look at how much you have empowered them by defending the Republicans who are not even near the second coming of Christ and guilty as sin. What is the rule of thumb and what did I teach you? Who do you trust and who do you refuse all access to in times of war? Dumbass. Like always, you never listen to me and you spend your life with this enemy and then come rolling in half past 3am drunk and hurt. Then the boyfriends call me in the middle of the night and I ask myself how stupid and dumb can I be or look; it is so embarrassing. All you had to do was chase them off and leave them for dead; and look at you now. Listen to the total lies and the propaganda being circulated. This is so embarrassing. I have so many bad people in my life; all of them poor or retarded. The government is broken and guilty for letting them in, bringing them here, and using them as slave labor. Now they feel they are in charge or the authority; we are picking a fight with this nasty SOB who will not die. Will you fight them you little F'er. Stop adding more names to the list when it is too many to begin with. This is not some peace rally or a 1960s concert. You are nice to them so they think you are their mom and friend. This is how this parent crap got into this sorry ass circumstance; they are so nice. Act nice to this moron and you will be daddy or mommy. I have no idea how they survive prison; they go to the smallest guy and try this. Me, I look for the biggest guy and make sure I destroy that piece of living human crap.

As I said Ann, you are a certified idiot and moron. You gave the term penetration and new meaning. You also changed our classic understanding of marriage. You messed up our friendship and partnership so badly I wish you death. You cannot even get that right or just die. Now I have to sit here and listen to your boyfriends, you talking about how you were in a restaurant but did not eat, how they were drinking and you were using the facility, etc... Oh you were not there and the pictures are how they framed you. What next, you on the crapper or with another man naked? It is just too much and even I do not believe you now. All you had to do is chase them off and convey my message to them; while I bought time and scrambled to trap them; that was all. I never said go to dinner or have drinks with them. All you do is show up at dinners or go out drinking; then it is emails and taxing or giving out your phone number. Why can't you die? I won't miss you. They definitely won't miss you. Now instead of a list of 100 or 1000; we have a list of 2 million and growing; Your fine work just sucks and you cannot get the most basic task ready, right, and perfect. Do you have anything to say for yourself besides how you will give me a house, you worked so hard, you did nothing wrong, it is all untrue, you need my help, you want to stop them, or just more belly-aching? I honestly think you are clueless and have no personality or soul, none. I think you also have a death wish and are a piece of trash; disappointing? What did I say about your wild lifestyle or constantly tripping me up? Oh, now you want to buy me a house? Your hero shit is almost as bad as their phony honky problem. Where do you people get this crap? Why are there so many bad people in my life and why is my life so messed up? We never get any choices; they do not give a crap; we get labeled violent; we get labeled weak or mentally ill; and we get arrested. I think it is time to destroy them, don't you? Now they nearly stole and wrecked the most important mission on earth; the last line of defense and the only means to save planet earth; war.

Ann, do you deny this is getting more obnoxious? You are just another phony honky with this minority friendly life that is incredulously boring and obnoxious. Your friends are fake. Your favorite marriage is fake. Your career is fake. Your sex is fake. Your virginity is fake. Your entire outlook on life is halfway beyond insane. I keep on asking you to address this and you just get more and more obnoxious. Therefore, my opinion of you has changed to this phony honky snot syndrome that is going around dog wild. Even you hate your life. I keep on saying the best feature of what you are trying to do is your ears. You know I hate phony honkies and no matter how badly you try; you get more fake and hate yourself more. Since you posted "bed bugs" while I was in New York; my entire life has been swamped with bed bugs, fleas, mites, mosquitoes, etc... my legs got torn up and my attitude is now cranky. Yes I blame you. Yes you are a dumbass and do not even know if you are faithful. I did not set out to marry a nun or a phony honky; now I have so many of them in my life. Listen Ann, I have a lot of bad people in my life, a lot. I have asked the FBI to murder them; I doubt they will. I am not wasting my life taking this trash out. Don't you make this mistake either. A lot of them have died. They lie and cheat the investigation. Do not F with my belongings or make my life harder; the repercussions is immense. They keep saying how they do not care and now I have to confront them and pick fights. This has and is so absurd and obnoxious; why can't they die? How do we get rid of them, there are so many bad people in my life and yours. I am trying very hard; I wish you would try harder Ann. Soon you and I will be no more; 22 years will be lost between us because you are a dumbass and another fake honky. It is embarrassing and I have so many dumbass and scumbags in my life trying to do me in. If I call them a fake honky, the blacks start clapping. The liberals claim it drives Asians wild when you all do this. Do you really think the cops are trying to rip off their stash, take their land, and listen in on them acting like monkeys? It just comes down to what you want at age 60; a husband or a drinking buddy Ann. Most women know the answer by age 16. No more fake honky TV series or interviews okay.

How do I get rid of you fake honkies Ann? They have the death penalty for what they did and all of the crime spree. You are even more obnoxious. I have a few of them on parole right now messing with my belongings. They are passing messages and claim they are passing money now to me; imagine that. They claim I am trying to use anything to pick a fight with them. I have asked the FBI to murder them or at least use Katrina to drown them; but the FBI refuses to waste their life or time on a piece of shit. I am stuck. Let me make this crystal clear; I have so many bad people in my life and you are no help; you add more and more. I feel you are just obnoxious now; a complete and phony honky and I cannot tell you how much I hate their guts. Even you admit you are a fake phony ass honky; why you hate your life and were suicidal. You skirting around as if you found liberation or heaven; makes me sick and want to puke. All of you are like this and it has to change; but all of you are ignorant, stupid, and just no help. It comes down to money and debt is how all of you buy your friends; even I have a problem with you Ann, and all of you. Do I look like a scumbag or a phony ass honky? Maybe all of you are; but if it comes down to fighting you all; I choose war. To hell with all of you and if God was on earth; he will test your swimming ability or flatten you like a pancake. You tell me how to get rid of all the bad people and the SOBs, the phony ass honkies I had problems with and now have massive problems with? What is holding them back is their inability to swim and my fury just grows and grows like a monster. All of them feel the government is trying to shut down their baby or drug factory, take their homes, steal their stash, repossess and sell their confiscated goods. I wish you were a real person Ann and not another fake honky; I cannot stand you all. This enemy and these goofy females; some with doctorates and medical professionals, swear to it and moonlight as a massage therapist. It drives Asians crazy, trust me. Ann, you fake honkies would not survive a day in Nam; it is really annoying. How do we urinate and defecate on their face? Will that convince them they are so annoying and irritating? Ann, will urinating or defecating on them convince them to stop?

Shut them down by going in and getting the job done; then leave them for dead or arrest. Let me also make it clear when I asked you if you were faithful or not; you said you did not even know. Well who knows Ann; find them and let them talk for you. Are you faithful or have you been, yes or no? I keep saying what kind of a dumbass or moron you must be; but the extent of it is not really known or even understood. All I get is silly bellyaching, more dinners, more drinking; and you saying how you were there, got filmed, only used the facility, etc... The list grows and grows and you will never accomplish anything as they protest more and tell you to your face; nobody cares and die or get dressed you slut. You don't think you are a slut? Positive? Do you want my opinion or how I see it? You and they are just dumb; but you look good and smart for a good reason, the cameras. Do you think they care about you or I; honestly? Do you think they care about who you marry and why? They told you to and to stop bellyaching about your failed marriage or mispent life Ann. You are now some lackey kid nobody wants or can deal with. All of you keep talking to me like a F'er on the loose. I have to tell them to take the ring off my finger to their face and I get this momma's asshole who is a complete retard. That is who we are at war with. I don't enjoy going to war with any of you but getting rid of you all is such an impossible and difficult task. Have you noticed this also Ann? Have you noticed what the problem is or exactly who is guilty? Even you trip me up and are smug. Christian? God fearing? Helpful? What pisses me off the most is when someone goes through my belongings or is so narcissistic; they actually help themselves to my life or tries anything. One day they will meet a champion who will do all that and much more. I don't know about you but I don't care about their stash or taxing their land; all of ou are either greedy or plain stupid. It is a good excuse to be doing what all of you are doing; screwing up and around.

Ann, you have to understand they are on to me and on top of me. What is keeping them sedated and back right now is not my ability to rip their head off or my expert marksmanship; what is keeping them down and back is their inability to swim. Apparently, they keep on and continue to tell me they do not give a damn, "I don't give a shit about anything." Therefore, they have no respect for anyone or the rights of others, "it is their problem now." When and if I go to slam them, they accuse me of trying to use anything I can to start a fight. They don't give a damn and the world is trying to start a fight with them? This one I have close to me is on parole, has a job, is going through my belongings, is making me nervous with bedbugs or itching while asleep, claims to be passing me money, claims to be corrupt, claims to be secure or gainfully employed, and doesn't give a shit about anyone or anything. So now the story is I am using anything possible to start a fight with these sex offenders on parole and they are defending their home, street corner, or some tie to the land or what they call home, America. You need to understand this and what is really getting obnoxious and worse. It is some watch list or list to drive us crazy or attack our life; a prisoner or hostage concern. We are the ones who are actually nit-picking and trying everything to pick a fight; they are not and don't care. I have had to file more complaints and more charges on them; take them out and stop drawing more and more of them in. They are now coming to me regarding your career and kickback. This is your fault, not mine. I told you to knock it off and shut them down; so you added more complaints and more problems. We never get any choices; they do not give a crap; we get labeled violent; we get labeled weak or mentally ill; and we get arrested. I think it is time to destroy them, don't you? Now they nearly stole and wrecked the most important mission on earth; the last line of defense and the only means to save planet earth; war.

People love and enjoy stomping on your ass Ann. They love to expose the slut you truly are. They love to do things to you while you hide the sadistic or masochist personality you have underneath. Yes it is very disappointing. A simple, basic, and normal chick would be nice dumbass. You are identical to the wonder wall people can get anything from or get away with, anything. I got word of your crazy drinking, up all night, nude pictures, XXX rated pictures on your phone, and your boy-toy bodyguard travel buddy; more of the same Ann Coulter trilogy. I told you repeatedly I was fed up; just plain sick of you now. You do not even know if you are faithful; explain that to me. Do I need more embarrassment or suspicions Ann? Where does this end Ann? You messed up? You do not know if you are faithful or not? Read this blog and Ann's version of wild night and drinking:

Ann, do you remember three years ago when you came to me? You needed my help and I was anxious to work with you and anxious to help. Every single year you say the same thing; "it is not true... you are in pain... you worked so hard... you will make it up to me." Then you are off on a date, dinner, or out drinking. I told you to stop and stop adding more drama into this or trying to drive me to suicide. No matter what I did, you were a deranged bitch and a stingy wench about how it was untrue and you were innocent. Well, I wish you death now and ask if you are dead yet? Do you beg and cry like a little girl or a dumbass who does not know if she is faithful or not? Exactly. Do you sit there and tell me who you are, "I am Ann Coulter... 6 time NY Times Best Selling Author." Even I am fed up with your antics, dumbass stunts, or your drama. Now when you elaborate how untrue it all is; I say what your enemies say, "nobody cares... not even you Ann." It is that simple and that easy. Do I hear you begging, pleading, lying, or trying to drive me to suicide to explain your stupid story and life? Am I any longer your sounding board or whom you can discharge all of your problems on; so you will not be embarrassed? It is impossible to go to war or win a war with any of you; Team America is a lemon and sucks. You in particular Ann. All of you are deranged or crazed opportunists. Should we join forces Ann? You can build America and now cannot even stop yourself or fix it. Do not put your hands on me and whatever you do; do not mess with my belongings. I will retaliate and in the most uncanny way possible. They will learn this the hard way and the school of hard knocks way. It is game time Ann, you dumbass loser; Most women have made this decision by age 20 Ann; do you want and need a drinking buddy or a husband. Things need to change Ann and quick before you die.

If I can figure out how to shut this other moron and this F'er we caught; I would be much happier while you skirt around and party with them. As you can see, it is now rather simple, easy, and much less distracting. It will be a much better world when and if you are dead; I will miss you. When you are ready to stop your dumbass or stingy ignorant wench drama; let me know and call me. I hope you are dead or crippled by then; maybe you will not work so hard, party so eagerly, or wine and dine like Hollywood. Oh, they are even worse than you; trust me. All this crime and phony shit has to end Ann. They I will kill with my own hands if it came down to war; you I will let them do as they want; you live and you learn. I need something and someone deeper in life; not a total F'up who steals or drains all of my happiness. Worse is how you think you are doing it for me; making women look bad and men powerful and competent. You just take away any desire I have for women completely and that is a marvel no human being could ever do; Ann Coulter managed it and did. I swear to God you all are a total F'up and a complete moron; and I mean this from the bottom of my heart. I have a F'er in my life right now, who is F'in with my things and even taking a ring off my finger while I sleep. When you are done and want to destroy, go to war, and do some real damage to this SOB and scumbag; then call me. Until then die or die trying; I really don't care either and it must be all untrue; all of it. We never get any choices; they do not give a crap; we get labeled violent; we get labeled weak or mentally ill; and we get arrested. I think it is time to destroy them, don't you? Now they nearly stole and wrecked the most important mission on earth; the last line of defense and the only means to save planet earth; war. All of you have shown very poor work, crack that mental case for saying I am schizo, paranoid, delusional, mentally ill, a criminal, have bad credit, have a criminal conviction, and bury them. When they admit I am not and they are; this will end. They will apologize and to the public for everything they do; or die trying to swim in a bed with Katrina. Now they are in Nam and now they are animals. Consider this prison; if you are nice to them so they think you are their mom and friend. This is how this parent crap got into this sorry ass circumstance; they are so nice. Act nice to this moron and you will be daddy or mommy. I have no idea how they survive prison; they go to the smallest guy and try this. Me, I look for the biggest guy and make sure I destroy that piece of living human crap.

Some smart ass took a ring off my finger. I told this smart ass that if a ring is on someone's hand, it belongs to someone; come and take it while they can. Like usual, all the sudden they care and are on their best behavior. So I told them, one day you will meet a champion. That champion will do whatever he wants; and to you it may not sound much but to him, you cannot do anything about it. The question is whether or not they have met that champion or why? Make sure it rains and pours all over them; then make sure they swim for their freedom. The Republicans are not even helpful and have polluted the waters more so than anybody else Ann. Meanwhile, you are sitting there declaring them the second coming of Christ and fighting the Democrats who are even worse. Then you drag me through your dumbass life and political career; as always, and I really do not like anything I see. Nothing. Then you want me to sit there and watch quietly as you nearly get raped, get killed, and expect me to come running when and if you are ready to get married and have a nice happy life. This puts the nuclear button in the opposite side and so be it; tell them to nuke their government in 24 hours or show massive retaliation. All of you are weak and total wet asses about nothing. I want to see them call aliens and hurricane and earthquake this in 24 hours; or face the pressure of the gun. I don't want to hear it, understand? There is a deadline on all this and all this retraining is going down a gigantic ditch of guilty traitors who we do not like or even want on the winning side. Do it? This is a species you have to beat down; an animal must be treated as an animal; not as a hero or a victim. You gave the term penetration and new meaning. You also changed our classic understanding of marriage. Can you tell the fake honky massage therapist is where it is at Ann? Can you tell how it just makes me go bonkers and crazy? Your job in this is to deal with these women; not me. My job is to rip them apart, split them in two, or tear them up. No more forgiveness and chances Ann, it is game time dumbass. I cannot afford to be a nice guy in a war and while being attacked. Ann, has your life decisions gotten clearer yet? Do you want a drinking buddy or a husband at age 60? Stop acting dumb and understand this is up for grabs; it can change overnight and come crashing down.

There is no way to clean up the police force or get the right personnel; it is a lost war Ann. You added too many names to the list and got way too ambitious. I keep saying how delusional and stupid all of you are; but even you refuse my advice and never listen. As I see it; you all feel you are pioneers and you are nothing more than a jackass who is dumb and aimlessly blind. I never said you could not win elections. I got a ring to throw down as a challenge; take it and give me a reason to level them again. Do they wish to test this again? Let me make this clear, the Republicans are not the second coming of Christ and they better get their act together and quick; expel these moles and traitors before the end of this gets the seal of approval and closure. Do not push this any further than where it is; that is the warning and the message; sometimes it pays to keep your mouth shut and other times it means life and death. If we cannot trust the Republicans; we sure as hell cannot trust the Democrats; understand? The police are merely fence sitters and caught in this evil game; a game of life and death. I recommend they purchase a firearm and stop arresting us for nothing or total lies; every citizen in America is under the same gun and the same enemy. One day a champion will come along and nothing you do will ever matter; nothing. We will rejoice when that day arrives. You will find it difficult and hell. We know they do not care; we no less give a god damn crap either; test it. They are not at war, they are engaged in a secret war and are a domestic terrorist. Do you want to know the most ridiculous and obnoxious crap of all? I am the one getting arrested; how many times did I get arrested? Who the F are they following and who the F is going to take them down? We need 1000 hurricanes and 10,000 earthquakes; how I see this. You never know and a lot of them have died trying. I compare it to a bald fat man getting a Shiatsu, it is delicious. They won't survive a day in Nam Ann, decide. Do you want to bury them or just be a fake honky? The FBI and police are not in this game; this enemy does not play by the rules and has no respect for anybody.

I have a mission to complete and satellite warfare to introduce to the world. You were only supposed to chase them off, not get yourself killed or brutally raped. Now you are gambling our partnership and marriage over cheesy embarassing people who will never play fair or clean up after themselves. Let me inform you what your duties are to me and what your duties are as a wife; chase them off and do not give them a bone to chew on. Do not get raped or killed. Do not date them or even egg them on by flirting. Understand? Getting kidnapped, abducted, and now terror plots; is the worst thing that can possibly happen. However, I did get satellite warfare introduced, got married, and had a blast out of it; now I need money and something deeper. All you are doing is wasting more time and wasting your life away; they do not clean up after themselves and already got a promotion or career advancement; jackass. All of you are of no help and this is so embarrassing, really. Chase them off and if needed; let me clobber them; I have a very important mission that is near death or near gone. Do you know what you are doing or your duties?

Ann, it is very embarrassing to have these people in my life. It is also very painful for both you and I. We are suffering and it keeps coming; waves and waves of blacks, jews, labor, dumbasses, horny men, Fox News, etc... Your job was to chase them off and convey to them our displeasure or embarrassment, this was all. I never said spend your life with them or embarrass me. Chase them off and be done with it. Do not get bogged down fighting. Now we are arguing and bickering 24 hours about who is in charge, if it is only business, whether sex is involved, or some crazy single club of boyfriends. Having these people invade our life or in our life is both painful, annoying, and extreme embarrassment. They convinced themselves they are my father or taken over this spirit. They actually think they are God and our brethren. I am upset at you now and for very good reason; you disobeyed me and refused to chase them off; instead you embarassed me and kept me there while I hated both your guts and theirs. They are going to you and arguing you are the problem and will not leave because they are better and will get the promotion or advancement. This is so embarassing; really. It is so painful, at least we can chit-chat between us without anyone to take this away. These people enjoy playing with their feces or emphasize this; medication and toilet odors for some odd reason. The men are total fags and gay as heck.

This was about career advancement. This is what we stopped or tried to. For them to do this in front of the public and also pass judgment on us at this time is just facetious and plain evil. We cannot address this jobs and spreading drugs or crime issue. We cannot address the problem of leeching off our life and seeking these promotions using our own kidnapping and demise. Furthermore, we suffer more and more every single day they pause, wait, or try another trick. The only objective they have is to win at any cost; any. This is evil and it is unlike any enemy we have seen or been up against; traitors and domestic terrorists. This is how far they will go and how determined they truly have become. They have no shame and are pure evil; a determined enemy even after getting caught.

Ann, you have to understand they are no longer telling me how they are going to make money, how they expect to win, and all the dirty tricks they hold in order to scam or steal any victory. I have disclosed all they were looking for. All they banks and money the left wing had; all the support they had waiting to smash anybody or rivals; all the spying and theft they were willing to undergo; did not in the end deny us opportunity, force us to sign up, or enabled their business plan or military portfoilio; furthermore, they know terror plots did not and will not get them a promotion. This is about who deserves the accolade of the public and who should win; blacks and jews. You can piss away your life with them as others have found out the hard way, I refuse and I won't. Fox News did not end up prettier, more superior, dressed better, more articulate, more fancy, funnier, etc... Nor were they able to lay down any hard facts about being better or superior to us. As you can see, they are a joke and they are near death. A manhunt is out for them and the Pentagon has a shoot to kill order if they try anymore fancy plots or keep begging for brownie points for that promotion. I still do not think being a retard, lackey child, awful, and the dumbest in the world is a reason for opportunity or advancement. However, the Fox News staff and a few others have not ended this charade and circus with you that has gone terribly wrong. They know they are on the verge of being shut down and even a terror plot and a war did not score any brownie points or get them this promotion; total nuts and aggressive as a zoo animal. We ended up in the winners circle and with everything won; they are trapped and sinking fast. If they can pull this off, they can either share our life again, share our new victory, or even get a new promotion when all of this is done and has passed.

These terror plots are for recruitment but what is more, they are for career advancement and to become superior. This plot and what I describe was to advance their life and career; this is how far they would have gotten and what the jackpot was holding. They almost stole all of it and hit the jackpot, almost. You are with and wooing the wrong side Ann. It is two sides; good and bad. One is behind a terror plot and the other is trying to catch them or stop them. They feel superior and confident. They actually think they are smarter and ahead of the curve. They want to share life and compel us to join. They use attacks in order for us to file legitimate complaints; to suit their political objectives. They are communists, traitors, and much more; you have no idea who you are dealing with and how much they want to win, steal, or commit crimes; no idea. What you saw and what I describe was a long drawn out chase. They chased us. We saw what they did along the way. Then in 2008 everything changed. We were changing them. Soon they will be back at it and chasing us. They got the advancement and loans already; they are in power and position; they refuse to pull out and withdraw. We have to take them out and arrest them or destroy them. To get there, they had to manipulate the justice system until there was reasonable doubt or overwhelming with cold cases and inferiority.

They control Fox News, it has to be shut down. They beat you in the media also and you do not have the looks and brains that score a perfect 10; you are not bad. Here is 911 and the bombing plots, cold cases, and all of this jobs and growth in order to increase the drug wars, increase crime, and most of all restore real estate; where their life savings and business plans reside. Everything is as we describe; however, in 1998 I could not describe the attackers and what they wanted. I only said something weird is going on and I think it is espionage or a violent form of it. This is what I went to the FBI for and tried to convey; then I went off and tried to smash them or take them down; but it was a hard and difficult fight; very. What you are watching and seeing is a calculated and very orchestrated kidnapping, abduction, brain washing, and how criminal elements and foreign spies operate. Their penchant for crime and murder is unbelievable. They are behind enemy lines and what they do to win or get a promotion is just unbelievable. Try these tests, it will determine if you are a psychopath or are they?

Am I a psychopath Quiz:
A Person with No Conscience:

Fox News has to be shut down. They are bringing Israelis and the Jews on there to inform us they are done with us. Apparently, they are making a public statement about how they have completed their research and studies; so this has ended and the blockade is no longer in effect. Well, we have a problem now and nothing has been solved or ever will be. Who said we are done or done with them? We actually got it right and everything is perfect; how about their study or research? This is what I am talking about Ann; all of you are silent and on the winning side. All of you claim how you are done with your research or have completed your objectives. What are we talking about? Are we talking about a spy, psychopath, communist penetration, and domestic enemy; or some foreign nut? They are done with us and they have completed their human research by kidnapping or taking us hostage? I have a big problem with these people and an even larger problem on how to retaliate or punish them for what they have done, "we are at war." They will not get away with these terror plots or this "research" they are conducting on Team America and American soil; there is retaliation and punishment. Fox is a staging area where all of this is taking place and they are fully knowledgeable and conscious; just quiet and wanting to be on the winning side. Terror plots and bomb plots are not what I call "studies" and "research." Attacking us or holding us hostage for over a decade is not what I call "research." Labeling someone "mentally ill" or a complete idiot and criminal is not what we call "studies"; it is a violation and an agitation method; brain washing.

We are begining to shut all of them down; shut them down for good and finish this research and study. I hope they call 911 when your heart stops beating also; or you overdose on their tricks and work. Where is the hair trigger false arrest record we keep describing; research done or finished studying us? Sound like the good guys or the bad guys who ended up scared or under the gun? Do they feel they have a father in law or brother in law also? Given the amount of money you all make; given the amount of drugs and narcotics involved in this case; given the outcome and the charges if proven guilty; given the extreme dating, drinking, traveling, high society, and socialites you all claim to be; given how many enemies you have or the level of hatred you have in the public arena; you would think someone has an accurate account or record. What little there is is completely false or so sloppy; it is slanderous. Given how important our life is and the work we have spent our entire life working on also; you would think these violators and traitors would begin to keep some form of records or invest in an eye witness. They instead say we have nothing and cannot prove anything. Worse they feed on the crumbs they drop and the smut they wrote themselves; all complete lies and a larger criminal plot. Using crime to influence the Justice system or political system is why we call them serial killers and terrorists. Maybe if their parents beat them up or smash them; they would shut up and not be such a traitor in our life? Maybe. Once you go black, there is no record and you never come back. This was a close call.

Ann, you have to listen to me and understand they only seek to win and only want control. They use jobs and money to implement this control or control measure much the same as Congress. I will put you through more pain and suffering than they will ever do. I did not get where I am by making bad decisions but you have made some very poor decisions; insurmountable. Don't waste your time rubbing their face in this or telling them how they will never have you or how miserable they made your life; let it go. Worry about your happiness and good decisions; I did not get in this position because of this retard. Taking this to them, studying them, writing about them, making speeches, and having all the fun in the world at their expense is getting increasingly dangerous. They are numb-nuts and laugh at your face. They really dig the smashing world introduction of the Turkey bacon or new stocks in Turkey farms. They will capitalize on your life and mine; I promise. All this is not improtant. What are important are the repair and the rebuking of you and me. Work on your happiness. Work on important things. I need you to build that home and that foundation; not take it away. You are a poor choice as a warrior and I did not get where I am by making bad decisions; even about you. The Republicans are of no help and can only make this worse; therefore, it must be done another way or with some other political backup. I am trying to get the right help and the proper backup, reinforcements; but this is nearly impossible. Furthermore, I am at your throat because you are only holding them off and do not have a clue what you are doing. Fox News is coming to you in order to win this or get you to testify against me. Do you honestly think I am penniless and homeless because I made bad decisions in life or have a mental illness? Or do you think something else more sinister is going on and I have no security or way to fight back?

I have no problem hurricane or earth quaking them, none. What I do have a problem with is how these women tried to pull off some scam or bully me about how I had no money and I was lost without them when they were both fat and disgusting. Then to prove me wrong; these high priced hookers would further belittle or bully me about how I had no money and they were willing to do anything; if I had; anything. It was horrible and it felt like a rape by an old crusty fag man. What did I do to send a good warning or message? I dragged them through bars, strip joints, dirty or hardcore porn, and all kinds of antagonizing ways to shut them up or make them worse. They would call me a homo or gay for shunning them; so I made them watch hardcore and anal sex all day long until they wondered if they were gay. What do they hate and are allergic to? Sexy talk? Hate? Ridicule? Weight problems? This is how information was compiled on them and used back on the masterminds; male subjects. This is why there are so many dead females or this trash can fantasy marriage.

The joke was on them and I would bear it so long as they could. If they said I was ugly or a loser, I go into bars and pick up girls. Ann you know this and got upset with the entire matter; but you refused to show up knowing that sex and marriage would be used against you or I would get caught. You kept saying how this was not finished and all messed up; then would go on a tirade, never at me for using these gorgeous decoys. To get me back, they fed me porn that had them in it or a message they wanted to convey; black men who like blondes, body doubles, very young teenagers, etc... It was back and forth; insult after insult and it was happening blatantly online or on websites. This is how gays and anal sex got so entangled in this; also strippers and horrible teachers. They were fat, ugly, repugnant, psychopaths, and stupid. This is why we have to take this maniac out and shut them down. If they were as important as they claim, had so much money as they want us to believe, and are only liars; they would have some record and some honesty; instead they hide the truth. I did watch porn and did study sex offenders by studying patterns or similarities of human deviance. I can tell by witness accounts the race, age, motive, or passion level; almost telekinetic. Now the joke was on me and they got even.

This is how gays and anal sex got so entangled in this; also strippers and horrible teachers. They were fat, ugly, repugnant, psychopaths, and stupid. This is why we have to take this maniac out and shut them down. If they were as important as they claim, had so much money as they want us to believe, and are only liars; they would have some record and some honesty; instead they hide the truth. I did watch porn and did study sex offenders by studying patterns or similarities of human deviance. I can tell by witness accounts the race, age, motive, or passion level; almost telekinetic. The objective is to make them feel like an oddball and reveal more information. When they conceal their identity and go to great lengths to pursue us; we need to know what they want and who they are. By taking these measures, they will increase the pursuit, become more risky, and try to fit in or go to great lengths when a complete oddball. Did it work and did we catch them red handed? What did they say when confronted and told it was over; a trap was in place? They use looks and sex to sell this control and this marriage; hence, strippers. This was how they fit in and got flushed out; and then they mistook the NSA as the parent company. The NSA had nothing to do with this and neither did these schools. The only school is what they read and waited so long for; the introduction written by Ann Coulter.

Based on what you told me Ann; what they did or said to you; my conclusion was it was a black male. However, all the suspects we caught were white males who were gainfully employed or accomplished. Additionally, my years of studying male and female sexuality; or my years of interviewing strippers or prostitutes; conclusively indicate a hardened or experienced mastermind. This is no street walker or corner trick; this is a highly organized and well thought out seduction by a demented sex offender who is very violent and sadistic when you do not reciprocate or show any affection. There is a separation anxiety which builds the more you have contact with them and their fantasy grows to the point where affection is impossible and violence is the only solution. As I put it plainly; studies of porn and human sexual behavior indicate a black male suspect and a white or similar male who does the initiation or surveillance. It is to protect the group or the gang; the group mindset is privy to advancement of the group; not the individual. When there is no jobs and when they are on the lamb and must survive; surveillance and burglary is the only way to survive. Watching a tourist or a passer-by similar to a sex offender or stalker is how you steal or collect intelligence. If they can score big; they will be safe for the rest of their life.

Therefore, the lack of evidence does not rule out how they got into this position. When you are operating behind enemy lines; this kind of survival skills is superior. Satellite warfare or some expensive military secret is a good score. The trade, welfare, SSI benefits, disability, jobs, etc... does not compare and is not a fair trade. What is? A wife? A secretary? A overt lover? A mission? A war or logistical funding? What is a fair trade here? The first step is to study a subject and determine what they love and cherish, sentimental value. The next step is to enforce or put force a blockade. Do this long enough and you will have anything they have or access to all their secrets. These secrets do not entail one or two individuals; they are desperate for money and are willing to do anything to get it; even raid the treasury or jack the debt up so high; the Republicans are of no help and the Democrats cannot stop spending. As a mastermind, the footprint looks like a serial killer or rapist; it is not. They are manipulating and influencing the Justice system by using suspicion to strengthen their story while weakening ours; do so by cloning or copy cat crimes. If intentions and malice is what this case is based on; these secrets indicate silent guilt and clandestine methods of brainwashing. My objective is to get rid of any problems and right now Ann; you are a gigantic problem. You may not think you are; but you are a tremendous one.

Let's talk Presidential politics. Here is where I will double your efforts. Keep in mind they only seek control and winning; so what or who they hang on or ride to the victory circle is the threat. Right now it is us; both you and me. They claim their research has ended and their studies of us are done. They are convinced we are not retarded and normal. However, these military traitors and these communist doctors labeled me mentally ill and violent. I wonder why? It was all because of them. That is slander. I do have some mental issues that need to be compensated. We need to get this done quickly and you need not worry about how unhappy, miserable, or rub their face in it by making them feel twice as bad and awkward; they will laugh at you and pounce on you. This was never about money. This is about who they are and why they will not shut up; retards. Jobs are used to increase crime. Jobs are used to control and become the police. They won politically and the communist have attacked; now we need to build that counter or reverse everything they have done. Forget the Republicans; they are of no help and can only make this worse. I did not become broken and penniless because of bad decision making; obviously. Something else or an under current I describe is behind all of this pulling others down and drowning them. Does anybody think I was arrested for a good reason, violence, or a mental illness; how about a lack of security? The problem with this case is the Pentagon and the FBI has their fingerprint on it. Who to believe and are they only liars and full of tricks? The core of this are blacks and Jews; the Catholics are Nazis. This is very serious and has to be forwarded to the FBI HQ for counter-measures or war. I have a right to know what they did to me and what they tried to do to me. Had this been suicide, it would be one thing; it is not. Without a record, it is impossible to fix or repair the patients; the cancer has to be cut out.

The police are out of control much like the military. They have penetrated and taken it over. They cannot invest in America any longer so they look for any win or way to control; imports or schooling. It is still about jobs; but the speeches go on and on while they keep silent. This is no way to end a criminal investigation or terror plot manhunt. We are not conscientious about why they concluded and stopped studying us; nor the endless lying. Charges have been filed and damages are set in the billions. There are cold cases and serial killer like warnings; a cat and mouse game with the investigators who probe. The danger is immense. They are not backing down or changed anything; full speed and rutter ahead to ram us. They use the poor to win; politically and to suggest they are innocent or helping. The poor is where I am stuck in; financially. They used this to suggest I was retarded or imagined my own downfall. How? Did I slander myself? Did you forget to rescue me Ann? How? The poor is the voice of evil and where this is coming from. The poor is the breeding factory and incubator of all this crime. This is the retard we are hunting down and destroyed with our mission or life. They know they are not getting a job or will there be one waiting; so they tried to and try now to destroy us or hold us captive; oppressive poverty. They are maniacs and I have no problem shutting them down or attacking them with backup forces or certified lawmen. This was an abuse of power and the difficulty of taking the trash out piled up until it was far beyond a problem. A maniac has no place in our lives.

The Presidential debates are about control. Jobs are used to spread crime; to pay for and grow more crime. Real estate is the key factor when breeding crime; no question. It is a lazy endeavor while the work is done by slaves or labour. The problem is there is only one winning side and only one side; yet two or more rivals are out there and created. One side is the only side. These lies impact our belongings. These attacks have a big impact on our careers. This party and circus devastates our private life and marriage. This was never about money; it was about how they cannot shut up, are retarded, are psychopathic, are terrorists, and very quiet about the entire matter. If it was about money; then we are money; however, stop rubbing their face in it and telling them how they will never get you or beat you; this is about our happiness, not your happiness. This is no longer about you and only you Ann; never was. They will use this against you and the problems between us will be used against you; if not already. It could have ended long before and three years ago; but you and they refused. Actually, they refused and tried to put the nail in the coffin or shut us both up; we were suspects and they did not finish their investigation or study of us. I need you to read on and begin the planning of the Presidential debates; the Republicans are of no help and have been penetrated or taken over; they are lurking everywhere. Winning and money is how to seek ultimate control; but we have this mole, traitor, spy, and terrorists where we want them; we need a little more dirt.

Relay this to my lawyers and legal team. This involved the US Army Medical Staff and traitors who penetrated the Pentagon; psychologists and drug doctors. Everyday it is more depression or PTSD. We are dealing with people who do not belong, are in our faces, and our continuous efforts to shut them down or get rid of them. How did they steal this, own it, gain access, or get put in charge of our career and life? How insane and deranged is Team America? All of them face a wrongful death lawsuit and criminal charges for gross negligence. The Republicans have polluted the waters so much; they keep this secret and try to feed this toxic water to their followers. Meanwhile, females and kids have no idea how polluted and toxic the water is so they play along and make it worse and worse. None of them have any conscience and this proves culpability and malice. Meanwhile, Ann continues to insist they are Hitler, she is a Christian mentoring from the Jews, she is not a racist; and all of them are so insecure they cannot say no. No. Stop. Do not precede danger. All they do is rack up more invites, open more doors, shake more hands, and try to feed this polluted water to everybody; even those not suspecting it. Clearly Ann made it worse but they have criminal charges. If they die inadvertently; they still face criminal charges and refused to end this chase while being arrested or captured. Ann also polluted the water. All of them drink it. This is almost identical to the life and times of James Jesus Angleton whose work at the CIA not only consumed him but drove him mad until he committed suicide. We are extremely enthusiastic about their kids and taking care of them; can't they tell? Say what they want, we will record them.

The water is toxic and they know it is suicide. Ann, you face a wrongful death suit on this end; if something happens to me. I refuse to drink the water or rack up any safety violation, by the book. That is the water they swim in and how polluted it is; but they all play along and sign up more events in order to cover up or open more doors. This charade and circus proves they have no conscience and cannot say no or stop; powerless and guilty as sin. Did the Republicans pollute America or make this Kool-Aid dangerous? Yes. The question is why nobody shut them or this enemy down; nobody would and we had to use our own money, resources, and time to capture or stop the most dangerous enemies on earth while they took over more government, more personnel, and held more hostages. These people are incapable of telling the truth and have no integrity whatsoever, none. They expect a miracle and the water to clean itself. Again, they stack it up and make it worse by polluting and playing along; the truth is it will consume and lead to suicide. Go and do a stingy wench act in their life; do not clobber me with no rampant slut or wench-ass dumbass; in their life only Ann, not mine. I cannot tell if you are trying to get raped, married, divorced, or killed any longer. If and when they encroach, we have to push them off the hill and into hell; it is paralyzing. These people do not understand or realize how dangerous the world has become.

The retard who has snuck into and gone berserk on Team America continues to drum up business and vandalize home and property in and effort to signal the world of their superior craftsmanship or quality to detail. The question is whether or not we can orchestrate a counter-offensive to smash their forces, push them further to the edge, or lead them out of town and out of our life? Can we lead the charge to ultimate victory over Team America and this embedded retard that needs no education, rules, college degree, and a chance to prove them? The machines are taking over where they left off; and the funny part is we built those machines to defeat this retard and force them to get an education, obey the rules, obey authority, and not be so scatterbrained. It is a helpless and unforgiving process to remove this retard and put an end to their political career; however, we know how simplistic and quick all of this can change overnight. They are screaming now louder than ever before while we scream the opposite of what they wanted or intended; so everything they did is used back at them, which makes it 100 times worse for them. As careless and reckless as this uneducated and trapped retard is; they ponder on an effective way out. The jaws of death have given them a chance and a tasty bite; now they struggle on wounded and incapable of achievement. These kids they keep having are going to kill us; now is the time to act. These kids have no business and we are not their overlord; nor enjoy their company.

The retard of Team America is not able to talk or communicate any of this effectively; they are full of tricks and their existence surrounds being a thief and a petty prowler. The truth hurts but we can think of much more painful ways to convey this situation. We have become an overlord or a gentry class to a whimsical jackass and a dumbass insult. They are not the bit embarrassed and we hate their guts; wish them for dead. They are not hated, they are hate. They are the enemy. They enjoy hell on earth. They are everything and anything, evil. Let them sleep with Katrina and let them swim for their freedom for all of this mess. They learned how to do business in prison or the streets; sneaky quiet. We are not the laughing stock; retard on Team America is. Nobody is happy with them and we are not their overlords. We do not want to see them employed or get a job where they can do more and more damage. What we want is a good workforce and this stupid stump to go away. If they are innocent; I suggest they start talking and getting on the right side of this war. They are guilty by association, always on the wrong side. Being quiet does not imply they are innocent; it is backwards and wrong. They want to swim for their freedom when in hell; so be it. They cannot tell we hate their guts and do not want them around either? They do not realize how dangerous the world has become; even as an enemy. Do we need to shut down CIA and the military if they penetrated and have taken it over?

They fear war and they fear power; thus, we trained them to fear us. They want to keep that charade and lie burning as long as they can walk away or run across the victory line; it is the evolution of the labor movement and the communism in America; now on Team America pestering her deliveries. The people playing this game and using us as a hostage to yell for them; need to understand the enormous pressure, liability, and closure we are placing on not only their employers but their leaders. The enormous pressure on their leaders and employers is nothing spoken; however, everybody knows they are moles and communist spies. This game to avoid and skirt telling the truth is going nowhere and has been futile if not a complete waste of time. Our reputation is on the line and so is theirs. Two no answer to a retard sounds like yes a dozen times. Therefore, they do not understand the pressure, the disaster, and the impact on their leaders and most especially their employers. It is nothing more than suicide; then again, when up against Mother Nature and the force of the universe, the only self defense is to run and take cover. We know they are a total retard and everybody knows they are complete SOBs and a F'in tart. This is very depressing. Everyday it is about people who do not belong and other people who are trying to get rid of them. Each and everyday it is why or how guilty they are or have been. It is nothing the average person wishes or wants in their life; a contagion that spreads daily and is debilitating; hence, my disability with the US Army. They are in charge of our careers?

Pressure tactics? How much pressure and how much power we will need to end this charade and ridiculous hoax is not known yet; won't they tell us or give us a clue? We love to give them a reply and an effective answer. If you do not want to be leveled; do not go there and open your mouth either; who asks the questions or does the interrogations? Exactly. Who has bragging rights and who needs to fear and worry inordinately? This stupid drunk act and dumbass is getting really tiring; really inexcusable. All of them are criminals and this is how criminals do business; never upfront and personal, and always in the way. They will enjoy hell. Who is laughing? Take a close look what this retard and obnoxious dumbass has done. It does not take a genius to figure this out; but when Team America is occupied by a retard; it does. I will repeat myself again and again. They will keep saying how they are innocent and had nothing to do with it. Their leaders will continue to piss us off and use their power as a spring board to launch more and more attacks; on who they feel is their overlord. We are not overlords to a dumbass, retard, or this evil piece of trash. They are not innocent and there to help or observe. Stay the hell out of the way and stop abusing the authority and power of the state; using our powers back on us. This is no game and the end result does not suggest they are innocent. It is going to be very difficult to erase or change our biography, very hard. Those who did and failed are in a heaping spoonful of danger. They face tremendous repercussions and reprisals.

Ann, I saw you on Hannity and Fox News talking in code and trying to betray me or retaliate; you swine. After all I have done for you and how I let you into my life; you are a gutter bitch and everything they describe. I am glad the truth is now coming out. I am glad they kept the pressure on you until the end. You are Dr. Conrad Murray and you kept no records of this, none. This is why you keep coming on Fox News and that blast-off show RedEye; you are talking in code and betraying me because I slept with a few of these repugnant chicks who were high priced hookers. They called me gay, had fag priests mentoring me, and I made them eat every single crumb they dribble. The truth is you never showed up and refused to come when and if I asked and called; even when I moved to Florida you wasted more time. We are back at the scene of the crime; your involvement. How did it get this way and who is keeping accurate records or lying? I got a maniac in my home and you were out drinking, testing, and having dinner with their henchmen. I deserve to have the truth and deserve accurate record keeping; not more lies and games. How dare you add more insult into this, how dare you Ann. Where are the records Ms. Secretary? I should have known you were also a monkey and love to swing on men. Those pictures are Facebook and Myspace Hall of Fame levels; enjoy them, I stopped emailing or texting these fine young cannibals. Where are the records Ann? All that dating, rich clients, oral jobs, passing emails and phone numbers, dinners and drunken festivaties, and this elusive secret single club you keep bragging about and no record keeping? Guilty. Get used to Katrina and let those secret affairs or testing keep you warm; it is tsunami time. You are a liar and a fraud. I am not mentally ill and have been fooled; tricked repeatedly by traitors.

You obviously know your attacker and this killer who claims to be your boyfriend. Additionally, you are prolonging the pain and suffering by meeting with them more and more; meanwhile, there is nobody taking notes or paying attention at these dinners, parties, galas, or socializing events; none. Not even your boy-toys and bodyguards are trusted; and this is painful as you tell who you claim to love and cherish. Even I have a tough time swallowing all of this. Why egg them on when you know I cannot even shoot the SOB when they do home invasions or make up more false police reports, why? I have a huge list and a long paper trail; even prison time and it is no top secret anymore. As important as this has become; there still is a lapse in accuracy and facts; no record keeping. All the wrongful death is now on your lap and mine. This is what I do not understand; important people do not have these problems but we do. Why is security not there and where is the media? This is the most important mission on earth; where are the personnel we so desperately need? They must be out to lunch with Ann Coulter; my trustworthy secretary who is now inundated by boyfriends. This is what you get Ann for going black; don't come back. They were very upset at how this ended. What I put them through; what Ann put them through; all of it was not going to be over soon; and the degree of image problems when they put so much into improving their image or using our life to take them to a new level. This could be one of the motives why no records were kept but far from the only motive. They had no business being with me or talking to either Ann nor I to begin with; but no repeated daily was not enough. Stop does not even register with them.

Were you out late with CPAC or drunk from dinner? Were you stuck at an airport or did not have time to do anything about this Ann? Did you sleep through it or all of my dictations? What a sorry secretary and lover you turned out to be; I feel dirty now and you are a stingy awful ignorant wench. Go drive another man to suicide and make him jealous with your goofy sex life, dumbass. Do you have the accurate records to prove it? How about your drinking buddies and boyfriends? I am sure the FCC is busy and hard at work on this. I can also see where and what our tax dollars are going to; a singles club and these phony events where drinking and dates is on the minds of everybody. So I have to ask, why do you think our life and our country is so screwed up or upside down Ann? Any idea yet? I think you need a Katrina or earthquake also; even better 1000 of them giggly stingy ignorant wench. You cannot even tell me the truth or show me secretary records; and you invite men into my office and refuse to kick them out? Whose god damn office and mission is this Ann? You are guilty. Now how are the investigators ever going to get the accurate and backup records, your eyewitness account, if you are guilty of infidelity and partying? What kind of wife and partner are you Ann? I look like a deranged stalker and psychopath; even violent for wanting justice and this lazy dumbass to go away. I guess it is time for more hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, meteors, etc... you earthlings will be sorry for this. Who is absurd and ridiculous now?

Ann, we just overcame tremendous odds. Keep your mouth shut and get on the right side of the fight. We just filled our life with trust and a future plan. Now you are so ignorant and stingy; you have to pull stunt after stunt to prove you are wrong and continue this parade. F them and stop worrying about what they think or whether or not you are right. You are ditzy and a fool; always have been and always will. I have killer instinct and rarely walk into a blind outcome. Now you have really messed up both your wife and mine; this is why I am so angry with you; nothing has changed with your bitchy good for nothing attitude or your piss away political life of suicidal stunts. Yes they are worse and not as good. Yes this is about a parade in my life. Why in hell would you piss your life away on other people's kids now? Redemption? Peace? Your soul? Why? Ambition? More dumbass stunts? How about the fact all of you are nuts and dumbasses? Who needs education for any of this? Look at you and then look at how you mimic and do as they do; instead of do as you are told or should be doing. Nobody agrees with you except the most hardcore and crazed; but you claim they are your rapist and attackers; what is it? Now we have wrongful death in a full circle; the good guys and then the bad guys. No stingy wench in my life Ann; keep it all in theirs, clobber them with it. Each time they get out of line, we have to push them down and off the hill; yes it is paralyzing and very difficult. These people are so narcissistic; they will never clean up after themselves. If they are rich, their servants do the heavy lifting. If they are poor, the government has to intervene and clean up everything; they are totally out of control and a maniac has no part or role in our lives.

You are doomed and worse; your game with me is wearing off. You ruined a perfectly good marriage trying to tell the world you were right and you lived some honorable life when you are one big F up; all of you, and silent about it. With crime and total chaos all around you; I would think you had more care and consideration for your family; especially when you have no safety net or loyal support; jackass. Stop worrying about or loving your enemies so much Ann; end your ridiculous life and career. Stay in your useless opportunist bed and make a full recovery energizer moron. Instead we get more white people stunts and black people copy cat of the absolute insanity. Let me guess, America is your home and these are chores you cannot ignore? You people are slaves and if not; we need to find a reason to keep you all alive. I am sure they love you back and will always cherish you Ann. They will never forget you, ever. I have all kinds of problems, with you in my life and without. Understand? I will ask you this again and again. Did you drive your parents to suicide also or did I? Who did this and why? Take a hard look at you and Fox News Ann. Now take a look at me and the Pentagon. Do I look like American Indians or do you? Who keeps saying "walking off the reservation" or why? Can any of you produce good work or not? Do any of you have a conscience or is it full of malice and backstabbing; the drug wars and gang violence? They are quiet and silent; but this is how they get close and on Team America.

Now I have to listen to you fight back with dumbass statements such as, "I did not leave you stranded, and I am going to give you my house." Where the hell do you all get this crap and who needs schooling for it? Did I ask you for a house and is this what I wanted from you Ann, is it fool? Your conduct is unbecoming and horrendous. Decide who you want to die for. Decide what your life is devoted to. Stop becoming more unrepentant and careless. In my mind, none of you are capable of doing good work; none of you. All of you are retarded or make decisions that only tie the hands of others or your own side. All of this heartache was not about a paycheck. Ann, did you forget what went down wasting your life on Bill Maher or Sean Annuity really brought joy to my life; even hearing. Now trying to break your habit of worrying about other people's kids or people you swear to hate; is more ridiculous but didactic Coulter. Go and get some mental counseling and stay out of my life; now they do this back and say "stay out" or "stay away." They are correct; you are of no help but they are neither; they just want the same rights or opportunity. What have you done? Stop parading before them like a strip tease. Do you think they have a conscience and would be in this position? Do you think they care or have any respect for either you or I? Honestly? Do you Ann? Are you this stupid or just like me yelling at you? You are weak and you fight in the most ridiculous manners. Well, we know who all of you are now. We know all about you and why you refuse to stop or shut them down. These parents and normal people must hate your guts; all of you. Who is smearing who or why? Who the hell wanted this sorry ass ending or human beings to be this homicidal angry? The world has become ten times more dangerous with their crappy kids and them leading us to hell.

Drive them to suicide; they are incapable and do not have a conscience. We are here now because they have no respect for anyone and have no conscience; a death sentence. Stop egging them on or making this worse and worse. Do not come to me about how much you are in love or what you are willing to do; you are a deranged wife and a horrible mistake; the worst a man can make. You cannot even make peace with God or your own family Ann; now you want it all and what life has to offer? Look what all of you have done in my life or to it; capable of good work? Capable of telling the truth now? We are all prisoners to your life and theirs; a prisoner of war. Every time I ask why you all refuse to shut them down or do more, I get "we are at war." Yes I know what the terror plot is all about and how the PR media works. I keep saying this and get nowhere. My work and my career were simple and easy; then get out and do security. Why am I always and constantly pissed about things not related to anything important? Take them out and shut them down immediately; stop making excuses or wasting more time Ann. Stop telling me it is only work and not to worry jackass. Keep the slut with the sluts; do not let that toxic bag-lady wander in mine, got it Ann? No excuses. All of you have problems and do not communicate effectively. All of you are at each others' throat and suck. All of you are making demands and the problem is all of you lie and get people mixed up or tangled up more and more. We love hell don't we? All of us love hell and those who create or live in it by making more babies. They are incapable of being professional or doing a good job.

How do we get rid of this enemy and pest? Their interest in us and your interest in them are far beyond comprehension. Stop. None of you can even make a recovery and are possessed. This is an enemy we have to stingy bitch or NY wench; and in the most ferocious manner possible; stop. You F'ers, especially the Republicans; have me pissed off constantly about how you do not care or how you need training because you are either rich or powerful leaders. You fools are so weak and obnoxious; you terrorize people. Good work is out of the scope of your abilities. Ask why I am pissed off constantly Ann; then ask this enemy. Even worse is how you pretend to be their teacher or grade school fantasy; just obnoxious and ridiculous. This is how weak and how shitty all of you are; not your home here and now neither ours. Are you so called Christians this troubled and this bad? I also love how they try to paint me mentally ill; weak; in need of forced medication; and the reports or slander they had tried but now were stopped in their tracks. You people will stoop to anything, even treason and lawlessness. Now you claim to be Patriots who care too much; no mole we caught and exposed. We are getting better and better at pushing them back and placing them in their own hell. Meanwhile, our hell is not ended and also gets worse. This jackass has no idea how dangerous the world is or will become; no idea. Ann, will you please keep your mouth shut and get on the right side of this fight; they have not been shut down and we have major league problems; shut them down. They are all over the place claiming violence or victim-hood.

The American people have no idea who we are up against, no idea whatsoever. They are dead meat. When they find out, they will be terrified and very angry. I guess what comes around goes around. The American people are not aware and do not realize these Republican candidates will destroy America. If it is not by their direct actions; then it will be by indirect actions, do not be fooled by the looks of Gingrich or Perry. They will destroy America and they are nothing than a pest and nuisance. Stay on the other side next time instead of clinging on to us to the victory circle. Do they really think the tough politician charade will hide the long history of bad blood and wars with this domestic idiot? Please, this is an insult to both my intelligence and so do others. Let these people in or allow them the door to Team USA and we will have violence delivered to our doors. They will destroy their state if not the nation; I promise. Nobody guilty has ever led this country or the world to victory or a higher plane. Are you wild or going wild about any man yet Ann? The most dangerous and evil are those who actually think they are doing well. Right Ann? All of you work so hard and you are so patriotic; this proves it. God is now happy. What did I just say about honest and effective communications; now everybody is tangled up and at each others' throat. If you all want or need help; at least understand the problem and how you are a total pest while your duties are ignored or washes away.

This Presidential debate and hogwash is getting old. The flat tax is proving who the good guys and who the bad guys truly are. Understand crack dealers and criminals do not pay taxes; neither does smugglers nor black-market goods. The people, who do pay taxes and brag about more of them, are Democrats. Therefore, it is abhorrent why anybody would jack the sales tax when everybody knows this will benefit the underworld and criminal elements while the good people suffer because of illegal activity or pressures to tax more and more. Using a tax cap cannot be imposed on local governments; nor is compelling them to tax the underworld fairly and justly. I just thought you "Ultra Conservative" and "Businessmen" might pick up on this on the right wing and the conservative movement. I am fed up with this charade and chick show Ann. Without 911 or some cause; all of you are nothing. In normal life, you all are a total mess and a total disaster. You do have nice clothes and give great speeches. If and when the unthinkable occurs; at least you know who to read and where to look. No explanation needed. I have all kinds of problems in life Ann; with you there or married and without. Would you like to address them or are you too busy? Just shut your mouth and get on the right side; this is how they are doing it. You keep this up we will never shut them down, ever. Overlord? The question is who the servant is and who is doing this research or study of us? This is not Vietnam and we are not the voice of the poor or retards; don't ever forget this or how badly this enemy lost. We are probing them to determine if they are willing to attack again if a reprisal and retaliation is needed? So far so good; but you never know when and if morals have to be discarded when close to the edge.

So bombastic Ann, where is the rare home videos and footage? Are there any of you drunk as a skunk testing or picking up men home videos out there? Imagine how much that rare home video footage is worth! The MRC 2011 Gala was not rare home footage; it was staged. Ann Coulter is still looking to date any man who will put her on their show and who can give her the lifestyle she loves and chooses; this is why I am angry and stuck in it. Right Ann, just no sex and being unsure if it is being unfaithful or not; testing the waters and window shopping. Typical of dynamite! You missed your marriage because you were busy or stayed late at the cocktail party. You went out drinking with your friends instead. Now that you seem to be leading the blind and emailing, texting, and plane hopping your way to divorce instead of drinking your way or dating your way to divorce and slut dining; let go over exactly what you have accomplished and how the official records are scored. Why I am always pissed Ann and why do I have so many problems in life; even if you did not create them and are a safety net only. As I said, I cannot tell if you are trying to get laid, killed, raped, or married. I have some doubts about you now Ann. Everyday it is more depression or PTSD. We are dealing with people who do not belong, are in our faces, and our continuous efforts to shut them down or get rid of them. The US Army knows I have a disability; but who misdiagnosed this as a mental illness? All of it is debilitating and has been; add satellite warfare and this circus. These people are guilty why do they keep pushing their kids on us or making us their overlord; we are not the enemy.

Patriotic yet? Is there enough facts and evidence now? Are you going to let this carry on another decade; it has been 22 years and already 3 long cold seasons engaged to your dumbass life. Who is keeping you warm; you definitely are not keeping me warm. You are more ridiculous married then single Ann. How many people welcome you or only the flavor of the week? All booked up and missed your life or everything you have worked so hard for? Booked up and selling tickets; you forgot your own marriage and fight? Jackass? Powerless? Slave to the machine? Norm MacDonald got you to cry on the air and sound evil; have you heard yourself yet? Oily hair? Bad wardrobe? Too many men? Drinking problems? Bigger crowds? Those who are evil are also those who feel they are doing a good job or God's work. You need to be more involved and more helpful in my life Ann; you are of no help and not even welcomed any longer. I see you for who you truly are. You are of no help and you doing not have a care in the work; not even your own life. You rack up more and more safety violations, hundreds of them; then ask why nobody shuts it down? Who? Shut what down? What exactly are you trying to shut down? Who the hell wanted this ending; round up the crazed wenches and all the ignorant stingy bitches and let them clobber each other; to no end; no stingy ignorant wenches please! All of you are a bunch of assholes and you better figure out how to survive before the bad guys kill you or the good guys forced to hurt you even more.

Oh yes Ann, your life and your work habits just make the sparks fly uncontrollably. Now I just say "what is it now... or it could be worse than a bitch." The crazy ass white and black stunts pile up while the violent Asian stunts come to a crash and end. I am fed up with the charade, egregious safety and bombastic continuation of this dumbass problem, and the compounding of error after error in a gigantic deviation of duty, decency, and power. Why do we do all the fighting and have all the injuries when lazy ass fool collects all the free checks? Who the F slandered us and tried to make us look so bad we could not recover or had to join forces with the bad guys? Don't play by the rules, they will never. Do not listen to the leaders; they are moles. They know the bad guys never abide by the rules and never ask. If you sleep with them or dine with them; you can die with them also. This is just more of the same from Team USA; oozing with opportunity and initiative to control their home. You never turn your back on an opportunist. However, you do not want this to end; they do not want this to end, and the party goes deep into the night until all of you pass out. You are an opportunist with them; they are an opportunist with me; it is a deadly full circle. One of them on our side and we look bad and everything is wrong; everything. That is their objective, to make us look horrible unless we pay them or obey. Maybe they will drag you off the tarmac in New Orleans and do a Rodney King on your ass? No Rodney King in my life, understand? No police beat downs and no false arrests; keep all of that in their ghetto and jackass life.

I don't tolerate anything and know what the fight is about; even the mission. At least you can kill them with a dumbass wench or make their life hell with a dumbass stingy ignorant sex voodoo doll. If you cannot shut them down and if you do not have any other ground to stand on; defeat them and remove them from our life so our battles are easier. All of you are useless and a bunch of god damns enemies; I am fed up with this authority or obey problem when I am clearly not the problem and would love to smack the hell out of a few of these bombastic attitudes. Who said they can? Let's cover the score against you Ann, not the score in your favor; what have you accomplished so far if anything? All of you make my mission on earth worse and worse; already full of errors and dead jackass ignorant nothing. This is the most important mission in the world; not a circus or comic relief where everybody smiles at nothing. If the bad guys do not kill all of you; then the good guys will; and bill you. Don't pull your con man act on me ever. I love it, increase the sales tax, wipe out all business, and place the ball in the Democrat lap why you use debt to buy more friends and political votes. I don't take any crap from any of you, but I guess that is why I am in so much trouble now and have to fight so hard to finish this and eliminate them? All of you could have helped and could have been on better behavior. All you are is their entertainment you ditzy buffoon. They are not going to commit suicide and do not care; trust me.

Ann, do you really think you did the right thing and really did save my life? Honestly? Look at our companies and business. Look at our life and justice system. No wonder there is so many false arrests and legal problems. No wonder there is so much corruption. The narcissism and the degree of awful human beings who have the credentials far exceed the work that has to be done or is needed. Slander? Misjudged? Police? Power? Greed? Again, more crazy ass white and black people from Team USA. Stop making me look bad; all of you. All of you make our nation and our careers look horrible, and we are not. Did we miss one detail? How many did they miss or did they get all of them wrong, a deliberate and intentional attack. Are you in the wrong business or the wrong career? I suspected you were evil but not this scatter brained Ann; this phony. The only thing all of you have established: Nobody is going to shut them down and you are going to shut down both my life and your life. Did you drive your parents to suicide also or would you do this for your parents; before they died? Go ahead and drive your family to suicide but keep me out of your mess. The world will become more dangerous with this enemy in our life. Don't say anything until it gets better or when the coast is clear?

1. You have some kind of relation; good or bad. All of you are rotten, guilty, and phonies. You have a relation with these people and it is a disaster. You have a relation with me and it is a total disaster. You are the disaster. You want other people to suffer. You want people to look bad; except you. Deserving? All your dreams can come true? God's gift?
2. Ann, you are a good security decoy for the satellite warfare program launch. This is all you have to offer; a failure and expendable. Who the hell misses their baby shower, anniversary, important family events, emergencies, important launches or pilot programs, etc... And who stays out late with men and does not even God fear about any of this? Who?
3. They mess up on you. You messed up on me. You betrayed or disappointed me. They do not have it and you do not have it either. What finally did you in was your addiction to cameras, wine, dinners, crowds, TV shows, men with TV shows, dates, testing, emails, and so called friends. Giggle some more and get more sexually harassed it feels like rape now. How do we measure evil? By the good they claim to be.
4. They are worse. They want to stay. Are you truly inn the same bed and doing it to each other. Like college, you miss important dates, your own marriage, and lots of family events because you would rather be on a plane, drinking, or dating men. Sure as hell did not improve my life or ours. Too little too late and too much too soon Ann. Don't have fun at their expense and do not rub their face in it; they will clobber you or laugh at your face as Fox News did daily.
5. You are always on a plane, drinking, or at dinner when your love life is suffering or dwindling. Doing an excellent job Ann; very classy. This is what grace and what Christians are all about. Trust me Ann, even if you collapsed or your heart stopped, they will not call 911. If they do, they have to lie and explain how you died; let me give them an alibi. They claim they have a "hair trigger" early response where they arrest anybody; really?
6. You spend more time chatting, emailing, and testing on your iPhone than a married woman would with lovers or while having an affair. You do things with men blatantly and married women would use caution because it would wreck their marriage. They are sneaking on board and penetrating. Do not be silent or help them. Keep your mouth shut and get on the winning team.
7. On the surface, you are the principle offender; however, this is what you are fighting or trying to convey; a plot or conspiracy. You are my security, protection, safety net, and life partner? You are admired by the police, right wing, and Justice Department? Superior and rich? Obey? The laws protect you and this is your own home?
8. They love you, you love me, and round and round we go; where she stops nobody knows. How do you all get the doors open for this to happen? How? Ann, stay away from them; they are doing research and studies on human subjects. They are also brainwashing people and you are on the wrong side or with the bad guys; very evil and very bad.
9. By compounding and missing that window of opportunity; by not doing things or chores you are expected on the farm; the dilapidation and decline was your own doing. You jump at plane rides, car rides, Fox TV, interviews, parties, dates, etc... You do not jump or display exuberance or robust confidence in private matters or love. You are a failure and money is how you are trying to fix your terror and lack of humanity. You are also a drunk; malnourished but drunk. There are a lot of emails, letters, Twitter evidence, etc... To suggest distraction or lack of care to your life and happiness is not rewarding. Your own loyalties are being tested and being judged. If you are in a marriage, why is your loyalty in question? If you are in love, why is your lack of care or loyalty in question? Even you look back with a blank stare or with a retarded look; a mental block suggesting you are a loon or psycho chick.
10. How do you make sense of your life; nobody else can either. All of you have aimless greed and ridiculous ambition. Here you are marketing your love life and some relation you have no evidence or ownership of? How insane and nuts are you all? How ignorant and wrong are you? You spend more time testing, emailing, flying on planes, etc... And then cry like a baby girl or a snot about nothing. You did a lot of things wrong but expect everything to be perfect or right; your standards and ghetto existence. You date black men and claim you are not a slut, a nun or faithful wife? Nothing makes any sense about any of you; total phonies and failures. Do you expect us to survive or work to be done, honestly?

This began after the Vietnam War as a direct attack on my father and his family; who were extremely weathy and ran South Vietnam. Now it is about how the Jews are my father and they are in control of my family and biological father; stole his life and our family. This theft resulted in them trying to break up each of us and pitting brother against brother, sister against brother, etc... that is what they did and also tried before getting caught. They began by doing this to my father and his family after the Vietnam War. Then they were convinced the coast was clear and nobody was looking; hence, the Clintons entered first and tried before the Justice Department clubbed them. They did not know where it came from and neither did we; it appeared to be Reagan forces at the FBI and Pentagon. We find out the Republicans are of no help and was penetrated or overran.

Who is the boss and who is in power? Who are the police and why is our country so threatened? Who slandered my military career and top secret mission? Who slandered and took hostage my life? Why are there so many lies? Am I really this mentally ill or is this a con man and psychopath? All of you are New York lawyers? This is who we are sleeping with and who is spying on us? This is who wants a job or do business with us? Are any of you capable of doing good work or being honest? America belongs to you? You are in charge? Do not doubt any of you? All of you are rich? Why are the police and the US so screwed up? Your actions are legal and bounded by the laws? All of them seek leniency? You are my lawyer and security? Who the hell are these people and what the hell is their problem? You also Ann? What have any of you proven? Do you know how many eyes are on this case and behind me; any idea how many armies or forces? My judgment and character is in question? I am not penniless and in complete disrepair, begging and complaining; because I made bad decisions in life. Want the proof and your face shoved into all of this? None of this ever took place or can be proven? They honestly think I am mentally ill and should be medicated? We are violent? One drop of the hand and all of this can be over; military or not. I am fed up with the legal mafia and this legal extortion case; fed up. What do we have to do to break their ignorance or stop them? Tell me what you want Ann; then tell me where we are going with this if not death and suicide? Here is the problem Ann, I have a nasty wench and a dumbass stingy bitch in my life; what do you want me to say or do? These bitches don’t roll! No chickens hits in my life either; chickens hit stays on their side, not my life. You have not taught them a lesson Ann; they do not fear you. They are not in pain and laugh at your smile.

Ann, you need to seek closure and move on. I am trying to be as cordial and polite as I can about this but you compound the problems in addition to the attacks, the rape plots, and the murder plots. Even I find you difficult, ignorant, nasty, sluttish, cruel, stingy, and just a total bitch. There are aspects here where it is your own actions and your extremely negative personality or lack of grace and correctness. You suck when strategy and winning is the objective. You compound the problems due to your nasty stingy bitch syndrome. You exploit your looks and soften it with your sexy or raffle which has turned out to be a flirt only and an attempt to shore up or reinforce your marriage; to win my trust and keep your job. Naturally, they are not going to help you no matter what your work ethic or how aimless your work schedule is. Therefore, your aimless career and work ethics compounded the problems because it is aimless and very negative to your private life. Your business life has spilled over to your private life and there is nothing to prove you have a private life beyond your determination or mine. Nothing. You also claim it is all business but you have no evidence; none. The compounding of more and more problems does indicate several problems; but at the core or heart of this is your greedy ambition and relentless or deliberate attempts to wreck your own life and our marriage. The problems are compounded; many times over and you are sticking with your story. Clearly, everybody can place your conduct and aimless ambition with the worst and most out of control people as a leash you cannot control or a monster you refuse to cut loose. Whose side do you want to be on Ann; the winning side or the right side? Why am I talking on your behalf always? Why? Look how many we caught and how many the government has to shut down? Will you keep the numbers down so we can get something or some proof; I need results you jackass.

What is the truth? Stop telling me it is untrue. It must be much worse if you and they keep saying it is untrue or how you are getting fed up of being criticized. You cannot show a plan. You cannot show me a blueprint to your own private life. You are a very ditzy and dim person; iffy. You are one of the worst lawyers I have ever seen and take it too far. As a female, I rank you as one of the biggest sluts; just no sex. More men flow in and out of your life than three porn stars put together. You think it proves you are loyal and are so in love; it is ridiculous. Everybody warns me about you; except you; odd. You are always on a plane, with men, drinking, or out doing things with other people. You have no evidence of a love life, marriage, or any interest in men; except those you continue to complain about or play this gotcha game with. To prove a thriving love life; you have to show a thriving lover or romance. This is how stupid and insane you truly are; truly. Look how much and how long you have wasted my time; a lot. Addicted to cameras, attention, TV shows, and crowds? Obviously, the truth is much worse and more incriminating then all of us imagined. If you do not want to speak the truth; then you can die by your own sword. You need to be smacked around until you get your sorry ass home and be the wife you are expected to be and the friend you are not allowed to become Ann; dumbass. All of you act gay and privileged; you are not. All of you are hanging on a thread like a sorry little bitch. Don't say anything, it will get better and pass; yeah, that is it. I enjoy being an overlord to all of this and doing a good job for nothing. Who said I like giving them more ammo and to listen to more of the same only because I am mentally ill?

It is always the same story. When asked you claim to be on a plane or working hard on TV; traveling and these men are just stepping stones; no impropriety. Either you are a liar or you are a thief. Let's go to the person who has the most affection about you and ask someone who is intimate with you; what kind of a person you truly are and want to be. If you were a better person or had a more stable life, less suspicion, maybe this would not be happening to you. You are always out drinking, out to dinner, hundreds of people have drinks or dinner with you, you have a robust email and pickup life, you have more smutty pictures than Hustler pinups, and every single man in your life claims to have a relationship or had intimate secrets with you. They could be lying and it all could be lies. It could be an attack and total lies. However, there is something else which is your own doing and your own conduct. Who exactly wrecked your marriage? Did you exhaust your options or put every effort in the world forward to make sure nothing bad would or could happen? Sure about this? How about your aimless and reckless ambition and greed? You claim it is to make me happy and for me to appreciate you; I hate your rotten guts and think you are an adulterer or constantly think of other men romantically. You want to spend time with other men while seeking this aimless ambition which goes nowhere. Maybe you want it all; raped, married, adultery, love letters, singles club, etc... And eat your cake? What is most important and why? I hope these parents never have a child like you and are forced to watch it. What did I say about how sneaky and quiet you rodents can be; nobody wants to do business with you or hire you; but all of you are full of tricks and lies.

Your IQ is not as high as I would like and even I have trouble relaying this and trying to communicate; I just give up. In short, you are a piece of shit and you really should seek closure, find someone compatible, and have some care in the world for those you love and cherish; none Ann, none. I see you as an awful person who got a good break. This is how dim and lifeless you are; boring and stupid also but constantly challenged by love and a dream you cannot hold on to due to your own flaws and bad behavior. It is impossible to plan financial, life, and other plans with you in it Ann; a complete moron or Fear. Planning a marriage or your love life with you will cause the man to call you a Fear and hate your guts. Do you really think you are helpful or right? There are a lot of your stingy ignorant bitch existence on the good guy side; way too much. What exactly are you trying to achieve here? What is your goal and do they fit with mine or run the opposite Ann? You are retarded and one stupid SOB also, understands? Even I do not care if you are dead. Do you honestly think people have this much power or control over your or our life, do you? Now what you jackass moron of and idiot; are you done with the ignorant stupid stingy bitch life yet? Drag me behind you a bit more? Your leadership gets results and your thinking won the game? Asinine, truly. You are a nutcase and a loon Ann; a total loser. No wonder you dine, drink, and go out with so many men; insecurity and failure. Do not tell me I wanted this ending; you are the one who wanted this ending.

Listen to your boyfriends and your fans Ann. Observe how you all peck each others eyes out. What does it feel like to be with an unrepentant SOB who laughs at God Fearing criticism? "The Downfall of Ann Coulter: through the eyes of her fans":

Ann, none of the Republicans are helpful or has this right? Do you want to follow them or maybe offer me a gift I can appreciate? As I see it, for a 60 year old lady; you have had many nights drinking and maybe more dinners than you can even explain. Do you want to be helpful or on the right side here? A simple yes or no is fine; that is all I am saying. I would think you had enough of the problems and are fed up with me criticizing you or having to explain; this is what all of this is about right? How great of a wife you are or have been? Perhaps marriage is not your cup of tea and you are not as helpful as you can be? You continue to insist how you did not kill your dreams or how you did not intentionally try to piss me off; still. If you have not figured out the Republicans are not the least helpful or getting this right; then you are selfish and you deserve to die, good riddens. You and they cannot ride the fence and claim it is the media's fault or how it is all untrue. Do you want to be a good or decent wife, yes or no? Do you believe in marriage and can you succeed at marriage, yes or no? You will not have your cake and eat it; understand? You are too guilty at this point to be forgiven and have had a life privileged of a prostitute or a total slut; not my cup of tea or ever was. Can you handle the truth and accept reality? If so I would like to finish this up and move on; you paying me a fair labor wage or not. This goes on your record and when the time comes; I would like to see you fired for all of this animosity between us. All you had to do was say no or keep it G rated; that was all. Instead you pick up men, run around with them all night, and drive me to the point of suicide when acting smug or helpless. I am so sorry to hear about your demise or your failure in life; truly. What can I do to help or support you? Get drunk? Fly around the US? Roll over and act like a complete bitch? Give myself an X rated name or reputation? How about rub their face in all of this; and yours? The Republicans are not helpful and you have never been either; just barely making it or getting buy. I never want to see their faces again; whomever is behind all of this crap. You as well Ann. Can you dig it? Also, is Alex Theater supposed to impress me or Alex? No drinking or partying there either? Maybe if you were G rated and not such a party girl; my opinion would be better? We know why you are suicidal and all about your party career. I would not mind a new cup of tea; honestly.

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.