Sunday, October 2, 2011
Dear Johnny: you are dead meat. I did read a few of your comments. Ann is ridiculous so I am going to use her to get you in trouble. Don't make this worse; but I guess you will be gone or will be tested also. Ann says you picked her up and drove her to this big debate; almost like a big date. She is in big trouble also; really big trouble. Maybe if she pisses off people or makes them more unhappy; so many men and so many unhappy problems; it will all land on your lap and hers! Good riddens... Trust me, it is a worse nightmare now then ever before jackass. If she ever pays me; I will tell her to run you over or else I will dump her ass; ha ha. You should consider discarding her in the ocean also; the only way out of this trap. You all should have checked your facts before talking; serious. Ann has to beat your ass up and get rid of you now; with extreme prejudice and Fox knows all about it or how it will go down. She has little time and very little window of opportunity now then ever before. Time for extreme risk taking Ann; time to be a swinger or die; time to go into maximum overdrive. You have a total mess on that end and on this end. You F'd up boy; watch how I use Ann and the power I have in her life. I keep saying it over and over; sex slave, slave, whipped, it is pathetic sometimes and ridiculous; she owes me her life and a lot of money. Hopefully she will pay her debt and die; miserable and broken.
I do not know if anybody noticed it but Ann, you are a dumbass. You are being very quiet because you are so embarrassed at the mess you made of your own life. For three years I have been wondering what in the world you were or are doing; one safety violation after the other. Right now you are trying to walk on eggs and it looks so stupid. All those years being a swinger has finally come back to haunt you and curse you. All those mistakes and this "dating liberals" or spontaneous "run around Central Park naked" is your way of inventing a safety violation and playing it off as "no big deal." Clearly, you are a flake. Obviously, you are not God fearing. I kept on wondering what in hell those dinners and pictures of you were about. I kept asking myself why a female who is in so much pain, full of regrets, done so much stupid stuff while playing off this swinger life she refuses to disclose; would do it again and again? It is almost like saying, "I did it but I am innocent" or "Look at it again, it was no big deal." Yet there are so many mistakes and you are such a dumbass you keep telling me, "I want to give you a house" or "I messed up but I am going to make it up when I give you all this money." My god you are insane. You lack leadership. You lack a backbone but you want to fix your mistakes as "non life ending" or "suspicious behavior" that led nowhere. For a woman of your caliber and such an ignoramus; the word jackass fits the humiliation and the extend you are going through to finally clean up the years of being this swinger who claims she does not put out. Well, why try? Why wreck more relationships or is this image you are not God fearing? Why even force yourself through so much pain? It has taken three full years of nonstop work and very little if zero gain has been achieved; a complete waste of time. Telling me or telling others to shut up did not get anywhere; it made people see you even worse. Clearly, you have an image problem and you are holding on to several images you feel keeps you warm. Are they all lies or do you have an actual roadmap and brain cells to get you somewhere better than where you are? I cannot believe you. The stupidity and the extent you will go through just for a laugh or one night of kicks, Obviously, it has and will haunt you; it made your life feel endless or unachievable. It has threatened everything you have and put you in so much pain; so much suffering for so little gain. This is why you are out to dinner three times a week against my blessings and constantly arguing or defending how you blow past all warning signs. Life according to your rules is the stupidity and you saying shut up or it was no big deal. You will keep on doing this for three more years or ten more years until I say, are you satisfied and do you believe me now? It gained you very little and you put out so much work or effort with strangers; a swinger. Do you understand I am in hell now because of you? It is always my fault or you all "winning."
Clearly, you are wrong and do not want to admit this; so you lost your mind defending things indefensible. You want to stay. You want to be loved. You want it on your terms. Honesty does not help you. There is so much you have to clean up. Obviously you dated and are hiding all of this. You are hoping it is forgotten or the pictures taken (dinners, events, traveling, etc...) will not be used as ammunition against you but to reinforce this happy ending which will not occur. You got me all worked up and angry. You filled my life full of anger and misery for three full years, daily trying to cope with your insanity or screwed up life. I wish you would just die and I feel some justice or peace would be delivered. Obviously, you are not going to be missed. Obviously, you are hiding a lot of secrets and letting them out slowly. Delivering the god honest truth would be so much easier but you want to do a parade and utilize the insanity to your benefit or grief. It is your life to screw up or to be happy; nobody tells you what you can or cannot do. But now you find out the laws of the universe according to Coulter does not work; they are full of misjudgments and retardation. The universe operates by other or different rules you find difficult to fit into. Maybe you do have good intentions and maybe you are the dumbass you profess to be. Maybe you are such a chickenshit you must turn the cheek and play off that devout Christian sundown where all sunlight is toxic. I know this, you are an utter mess; if you did sleep around you would be full of hygiene problems or sexually transmitted diseases. There is no bounds or no limits to what you are willing to do. The price tag is so high and the cost is so elite; it makes me look stupid and retarded. Every single day it is back to New York or back to Los Angeles hoping things would be better; back to the dinners, back to the bars, and back to the swinger life. Still very little gain and very little progress. Did it make you believable? Did it give you credibility? Considering the level of bar fights; the constant injuries and the blow after blow to the head; considering the time you have left on earth; considering all those factors such as trying to make your life happier; 10 out of 10 people would say no. Of course there are worse people and females who live life on a riskier level. You are just proving that sex has nothing to do with it. You have proven a cultural or atmosphere which is tremendously negative and will suck you into years of depression and scrambling to escape. Everybody tells you the same, get on a plane and just get out of town. Ignoramus proves she is not God fearing. Wasting so much time for so little is retarded. Now Ann Coulter decides to pull the curtain back and she cannot go on anymore living life this way; all of these people come out running. Hannity has kids so there is no bond or link to his fantasy you are his slave or already owned. All of these dates and dinner dates you decided to invent; merely an hour or two of talking; obliterated all sense of peace.
Even I do not think you are this stupid and were faithful. In the back of my mind, I cannot rationalize it. I am convinced you are a swinger. I am convinced you were unfaithful. You claim you only want to start a bar fight or cannot behave; hence, all of these bar fights. Still trying to be the honorable social butterfly with a drink in every hand; you actually avoid or learned your lesson. It is not a lesson you wanted to come out and say, "what is wrong with this" or "show me the harm in this behavior." Somehow your sick twist world has taken a very bad turn and is not so humorous. It was New York and the bars. Now it is Los Angeles and the restaurants. Los Angeles did not surround bars. There is so much damage and so little gain; after three years of nonstop parades; the quicksand could not hold up your bony existence. The only thing you have to keep you warm or worth parading; is me or your so called marriage. How do I see it? What is all of this drama for? Why are you using all these men to work up a storm or surround yourself with Shakespeare plots? It does have that Hamlet or Shakespeare touch which makes it a good read. It is not worth it Ann; never was and never will be. People are abandoning you. It is harder to sell your books. You are losing everything in life while the twisted demented canvas of using your own life to prove yourself; is why your image suffers. You are losing me each day. I am convinced more now than ever you are not God fearing and a phony. Nothing you say now to me is believable, nothing. You argue back without words or sunshine; unable to grasp reality or communicate with others, not even me. Even I hang up on you constantly. Why aren't you mad and why aren't you full of hate? You tell me. I have done a lot to you. I am willing to go and make a sex tape so you understand how much I hate your guts or wish to hurt you. You take it in stride and know you are guilty. You accept your fate. You cannot become a normal person or live a normal life; even flying to Los Angeles weekly, cleaning up all the secrets and swinger life, and using me to tell your story or spray some perfume on the stink. It made them even more rowdy. Even I could not bear it. You keep on telling me how I do not have to do anything or work hard; you will do all the work. So much for so little and you still do not have your peace of mind; I have lost my faith in your leadership and all my trust as you argue with me more. I am terrified you are a loose cannon and will plot against me; so I plot against you. I see the pain I put you in and who you are; but are you a ticking time bomb set to explode in my life or not? I have injuries and do run. I am God fearing. You keep telling me you can be trusted and you won't set it off near me. You keep your distance and a safe approach. I am writing your biography, you don't even bother to make it better or the best in the world. Here we go with the "winning" or the authority problem; a bunch of jackasses or traitors.
Why then do I think you are a swinger and even more unfaithful now than ever? Why? Why would I be willing to stick your face in it and humiliate you beyond redemption? Do I hate your guts and know you are the biggest mistake in my life? Is that it? You are trying to buy my love and think I am a hooker or prostitute when you are the culprit? I do not think you are intelligent enough to be the lawyer you expect to be and you know I will destroy you in the end Ann. I have and will eventually; but you know this and know how far you can push it. You deserve to be punched and much more. You did catch them and you did improve my life; up to a point but you rolled the dice even more. I am certain you are in pain and in fear, certain. You are not marriage material and you are not easy to love; full of tricks and stupidity. Do I need to smack you around to prove this? Was it all in vain Ann? Did all of this lead to you dying a lonely and depressed life? Did it? Did I smash you face in and tear your heart out or did you do this to me; unintentionally? Who did it Ann and why? Was it all you or just me? Ready to go there or not yet? We can waste some more time and try to live life as single or as a swinger some more if you are not satisfied yet. Do you feel I am disappointed or nothing you do can make me happy? The more money you make, the less worries and the more happy you will become? You have lost your mind and I will say this over and over; I have known this and hated your guts before; this was just your last dumbass stunt before dying. At least it was not a brutal rape and murdered at the hands of your enemies or attackers. However, it does not mean they are off the hook nor are you. If they had any ammo; they would go after your lifeline and energy; your inspiration and pot of Gold. Even you are denied this pot of Gold Ann, even you. I do not call it disappointment, I call you a jackass and a dumbass MF. You continue to claim it is untrue. What do you think caused these bar fights or your marriage to end? Was it a swinger life? Was it Fox News? Was it our attackers? Was it a phantom or some mysterious force? Was it because all of this was untrue? Sit there and keep hiding the answer Ann; that is your gimmick and parade. Do you see how they let Amanda Knox or Casey Anthony loose because of your flaws and stupid mistakes? You are a F up and a total mess. Your work truly sucks and your IQ is not marketable. Hence, all of this is based on my work and life; all of it. I have to smack the hell out of you and it still gets nowhere, total hell. Do you realize I am in hell now and who put me in there?
Based on what you will admit to or volunteer to answer; you admit to dating liberals. You refuse to report it and continue to play this game; similar to sending the police on a wild goose chase or false leads. The conditions which you expect marriage and love to occur are completely unacceptable. You refuse to answer basic yes or no questions; love you for who you are. The worst part is you are manipulative and conniving. You are not God fearing and not conservative; a nut job. Ann, you are a total nut and I have complained about this before. You expect followers. You tend to keep prisoners and do not speak the truth; full of lies. It is difficult to take you serious. I am not sure what they hell is wrong with you but you know how I feel; you are a bigot and a dictator. You have nothing to offer but sex and this insane life you call home. Nothing is acceptable and you refuse to present it properly. I am upset with God for letting you live so long and impose this on those you truly care for; at least that is your story. I doubt if you care about anyone but yourself; a stingy ignorant bitch. Again, what if kids were involved? What would they say and how would people judge you? We know about how you frequent bars, have men on your mind constantly, get a new guy monthly; and it ends up as this bar fight or bedlam. You are ridiculous and I really hope someone sees you for who you are a whacks you. You tell so many men you love them and make me watch you pick them up like a swinger; then I have to listen to one excuse after the next while you protect individual liberties or women's rights. As I said, you are not God fearing and going to hell. In bed you are out of control also. I do not trust you and will never for the rest of my life; too much bad blood. You play hard to get; act easy; and am not something special. You said you want to be loved and married if you are going to stop them and die in combat. I have no faith in your fighting skills; none. They know you are reckless. They rather fight you. They know you are the weak link and prone to mistakes. I wrote your biography and life, truly. I am this capable and you are ruining it all; all of it. Regardless, you claim you love fighting my wars or stopping my attackers. Really?
You want to stop them and die in battle. I just wish you would die Ann so the truth does not come up and keep repeating. You think you are tough and can handle the truth; you are quiet and smug as you turn the cheek and act like a piece of shit also. You love it. Enjoy hell. I know you are dead already; not even willing to avert disaster or take precautions. It is insane safety violations and maximum promiscuity. I have never known I could hate a human being so much and would fall for this misery. All you had to do was prove you are God fearing and repentant. You refused to cancel the bars, dinners, or nonchalant nothings; claiming your fans were why. You had them beat in every single category; victory was not suitable for a retard or dumbass. Honesty was not good enough for you. You even took more stupid pictures. I have never seen you work so hard downwards; sinking but blind as a bat. Still insisting you can do it all and are superwoman; you F up more and more; just subtle and in your private life. This is the problem, it is our private life. These people have no idea who you are and what you are all about. I am the villain here and I am the hostage; the one who has all the odds against me. I am the one who was repeatedly arrested, repeatedly Baker Acted, and right now want them shut down and damages paid in the billions. You are merely out to dinner or on a date. There is a big page and gap between you and I. You and I are incompatible; only intercourse or sex held us together; too good or too exclusive to give up. This is how you got me to stay or held us together through all those years, thick and thin. When this is taken away, you expect to die of old age or be dead then; get it while you can or before the cancer sets in. It is just more of your gimmicks and intended on making others stay or care for you. If your Gold fell in the Ocean, you would jump in after it and die; who you are. If your stocks collapsed, you would jump out of the building. If you were ruined, you would kill yourself for honor. What are you trying to get paid, love? Happiness? You want the one whom created you to take a bow and to brag? You want me to show my true colors and why you love me? You want to brag or screw this up? You want him to be President or commit suicide? Why do you think I am under the table and asking you to leave my office? You people are very dumb and very stupid Ann; bumbling dumbass. ____________________________________________
For the record and in case you die of a sudden death for being a total internet slut and swinger; if I were you, I would cancel all my Los Angeles events before disaster hits. There is no way you will survive or fix this; no possible way. If you are God fearing and if you have any sense of reality inside you stingy ignorant bitch; avert disaster. I will wager you 1000 dollars on the obvious and what you will do; a stingy ignorant bitch, a hooker, a swinger, an internet slut, a female who constantly has men and booze on her mind, and the worst wife or female this world has laid eyes on; worse than Madame Bovary or Lizzy Borden. This is the woman I wish death upon and whom has brought me so much misery and unhappiness daily. You are a failure and it shows. Hannity even caught on to your Christie flop. Here comes more and more flops and I am serious; I am moving very fast to knock up my new girlfriend; as fast as I can. Have fun in hell and try not to live more than 12 months okay; at least buy yourself some friends. Good riddens you drunk ass slut; I never liked your pictures or stupid laugh; no less the big ass ears. As far as sex, I always felt you were used or second hand; just too scared to admit it. It is hard to see you sexually anymore; all the men and all the booze; a worn out dinner napkin. I honestly and truly think you are a slut Ann and a complete liar; enjoy hell and the after life; write me a good bye letter so I can prove to my kids you are the person I said you were. Look how much you screwed up and F'd up. Dinner and booze; is about all you can offer men. You have nothing I want or desire; nothing; honestly, who the hell could love you, the pictures, the parties, the gossip, the men, the 24 hour flirting, the secret life, the double talk, etc... who? Obviously, I am ready to move on and this is how I truly feel; and it is true. Good luck fixing your disaster now. Enjoy hell and death you insane slutty wench. Marriage is not your cup of tea and neither is love or a love story; stick to the booze and men each month. You screw up there also. You are the biggest pain in the ass I have ever seen and the worst mistake I have ever made; just die. As I said, if you are God fearing; cancel the dates, dinners, booze fest, Johnny, the stupid good for nothing lunches, and understand you have nobody and nothing left. You are stranded and homeless now; just wait it out and die. You will prove what I am so upset about. The Christie, Fox, and recent media shit was the most annoying BS I have ever heard in my life. Cancel Ann, at least you will be known as God fearing and a slut bag. Recognize danger and make your peace with God. If you want to die on these terms do so; you never listen to me and here we are now. Your life is a horror movie and when they go back and watch this horror movie; maybe those big ass ears were put on your head for a really good reason; shut up and use those drunk sleezy flirtatious ears you associate with lube and anal sex. I had to live with a total slut for two decades and listen to her double her work; now it is your turn to live with hell. Prove you are God fearing and deserve mercy; not death with impunity and nothing but utter lies and failure. You are absurd and ridiculous; watch yourself on video; you made my life so much of a hell and took your damn time stealing everything like a arrogant dictator. At least show the world you deserve mercy and are God fearing. Some whacko will take you out; they know who you are also and what kind of a boozing party whore you turned out to be or wanted to become. F you Ann; I always felt you were a cheater and unfaithful; serous. Nobody likes death or wants to see you be a slut; cancel or prove you are already dead.
"Mom accused of showing sons racy pictures of herself The two boys also say she punched them. She has denied the allegations." By Austin L. Miller, Staff writer
You are also pretending nothing is going on. You are acting as if life is normal and nothing is going on. You are just as guilty. You have misled others also. You have been untruthful as well. Even I do not trust you or even want to work with you Ann. You seem to pretend nothing is going wrong there either. All of you feel nothing is going on and it is normal business. Nobody has a conscience and all of you are totally nuts. Ann, be fortunate you do not have kids and have to listen to them or deal with custody; you are unfit and are impossible. All you have on your mind for the past decade is men, booze, partying, and salacious pictures. You admit you are going to hell and cannot answer yes or no when being faithful is the topic. Since I have met you and been with you in 1989, rarely was I truly happy. Since you squirmed back in my life; I have not been happy for one day. My life was full of lies because you walked in. My misery jumped ten fold when you arrived. Even if I had given you my heart and soul; you destroy and smash everything we had. This idea you will give me money, pay me wages or for work, and going to give me a house and security; is the biggest joke of all. I just stare back with a blank. I have to live with your stupid life, the stupid pictures, and your constant gimmicks. Had we had kids, you cannot dispute you would never even have a chance. You would push them to the point of insanity or homelessness. Essentially you wasted my life and your own life on nothing but misery and mistakes you cannot change or make better. To think you will clean this up or bring them to justice is how ambitious and ridiculous you have become. The only person who has to go is you. After seeing you and knowing how you are; being with you is the worst mistake and conducting a war or mission with you is utter insanity. You will lead us to failure and worse; total disaster. There is nothing I like about you or nothing I enjoy; I cannot understand why you are trying to stay together while messing up our relationship or reducing it to nothing? You even took pictures of celebrations, dinners, and wild excursions. You had men and booze on your mind; just admit it. If things go my way, I will have a girlfriend and new life, starting over. Hopefully you will die soon and pretend nothing is going on or take these secrets to the grave. Give me a chance to say thank you before you die Ann; I am trying very hard to have a child with another woman okay. Please wait and be patient before you die, I want to know what your reaction is when I get a real girl and have a child with her. You did not have to make it this bad. That will prove who you are and how you decided to live life; to no end and with nothing to be happy about. Hopefully you will die miserable and understand for once who you truly are. You left nothing for anyone to remember you by except lies and gimmicks. How did you ruin your marriage Ann? Did you put enough effort in it or want it bad enough? Why didn't you just stay at home or take time off in times of crisis? Regrets? Your IQ is astounding! This is a woman who can link events, actions, and consequences in a clear and vivid thought.
Then you will leave or keep those who rescue you stranded; trapped. I know you best and how you have changed through the years; there is nothing about you worth remembering and I have to say I truly hate your guts. Even you hate yourself and there is a lot of reason why. The only thing you have now is your men and booze; so expect more stupid stunts, misery, and these insane pictures in your scrapbook. I understand why you did this and why nothing works now; the problem is you. You ruined your entire case; I did not hate you or wish you death due to their actions; it was you. You are the stingy ignorant bitch who refuses to leave and full of gimmicks; it is you who is guilty. You did not deserve the treatment and abuse up until 2008; after that it was all you and downhill without brakes. You cannot drive or fly and crashed or burned. You took it too far and were so hated; you could not do anything right. A loving marriage and friendship is proof you neglect and destroy everything you touch. You still do not realize how difficult it is to regain or get back Ann; still. All your life was about or what kept you warm and happy, on your mind 24 hours a day; was men and booze which opened doors for you to give out your email, phone number, dinners, meet and greets, and of course these insane pictures you love so much. In the end, you had nothing to show for two decades of insane behavior and stalling. You could not stop yourself or know when to stop; how in hell could you stop an enemy? Makes a lot of sense and you have a lot against you; yes it is unfair but you are obsessed and crazed. You did have a chance to save your own marriage and you decided to make it worse for everybody; full of flaws and misjudgments. In your eyes, you made no misjudgments but they are accountable for what they did; you just made it ten times worse. Open your eyes Ann, I wish you death and we argue all the time. I have never seen a human being like you Ann and never wish to again. Stop involving me in your stunts or stupid gimmicks Ann; this is why I am upset. I hate your guts and you are going to burn in hell; without my help or trying to prove yourself. You have involved me way too much with your booze, men, and stupid life; not worth remembering or wasting more time on. At no time have you proved you did not enjoy your ordeal or prove no phone numbers or emails were passed. I am trying to have a kid with another woman as quickly as I can so you stop and open your eyes; do you need an ass kicking to wake up? I am going to get the first female I sleep with pregnant Ann, to prove to you I hate your guts. I want to see you do the nothing is going on act or die miserable for filling my life with gimmicks or refusing to pay me hourly wages. I want these men to know what kind of a person you really are and how they were a tool of a witch. Your way of dealing with problems is to set the cruise control and turn the music up until the car falls apart. Didn't even offer me a place to stay or a parking space to store my car after dragging me to Florida and your stupid life; just quit and die a quiet life. Maybe wrecking your life will keep you sober and you will die quiet and full of regrets. I loved the part where she gives relationship advice or advice on marriage; a TV preacher moment. ____________________________________________
Ann, you are a cold, heartless, cruel, and stingy bitch. When you are attacked or upset, you become vengeful and very cruel. I have slept wth other women and sent you on your merry way for being a dumbass before. When attacked, you do stupid if not insane things. I have destroyed you and made you cry over the years; don't lie to me about men and how faithful you are. I don't even believe you. You want me to believe you. The truth is, you do cruel things to people when they criticize or attack you. Nobody is dumb and everybody knows you well Ann; this is why you do not want to make a stupid or false statement. I have destroyed you before and now; I don't even believe you would sit there and give me everything I have ever wanted; if anything teach me a lesson. You listen to this and you tell me if there is subliminal secrets or pick ups I described as you on stage? Imagine if that was me. Now imagine if that was a female. Does it matter to you if it is true or false? Does it? Would it matter if it was true or false? Would it really? You still insist there is or was never any sex and how you and I are based on sex and not these phone sex scams. Does it matter? Do those pictures capture your life or memories? Do they? Can you live with them? Well, I cannot. You have one life to live and you have lived and learned; it blew up and even I did not believe you or even like you in the end. Don't even lie or cover it up; as if nobody understood. I have hurt you much worse before and been with women who made you very insecure; I can tell you got me back or wanted me to feel your pain. Good job Ms. Perfect. This is how you fight and how you defend yourself when you cannot win Ann; we been here and done that already. You are going to hell and do not have a marriage to save you; admit this. I just complained about you picking up Klavan; now you say it is all untrue? You must be going to heaven and are a true conservative or Christian? Want to test this? Here is your chance and last resort; your lifeline. You enjoy and find gratification circulating lies about yourself? Logical or believable? What do I say and hate every single year about time to drink and go to parties at CPAC? Secrets? Believable? You must be innocent! You must be honest because you are so mad and having so much fun. Ann, booze and men are all you think about; name something in your life which you struggled so much with me about? Were you ever there? What was on your mind when you were not there? Proof? Let me ask, 90 per cent innocent? How about 60 per cent innocent? It is your life and your marriage; only you can save it or ruin it. Leadership? Ann, you don't even drive home and brag about booze and men; at least say it has not been a problem or you did not mess up. You were always a blank screen I painted on; how in hell did you mess up so badly? All of you are out of control; always partying, boozing, or have men on your mind or life. Listen to the reports and the videos of you Ann. I lost all faith in you; all of it. I puke looking at your ears but I can like you still; you are far worse than your ears, feet, or hands.
This is just an example Ann; a mere clip of your life and you telling me how it is full of lies and untrue. Tomorrow it will be the same thing. Ten years from now you will appeal and plead your case. Understand? Only you can screw up this badly and you have done it many times in the past; I even sleep with other women and dump you. Stop coming back with zingers or more powerful; you are disgusting and a repugnant person; for real. You try to have sex with a stingy ignorant bitch who only has men and booze on her mind. You listen to this and look at your pictures and tell me if you can live with bombardment of this each and every time. I even have the film of you picking up Klavan; the same shit went down; the usual fantasy and swingers club Ann. What is untrue? When you do it for real or when you fake it? When you are really having intercourse or when people think you are or a swinger? You enjoy it so much; this is how you lived for decades. Even under my scrutiny and threats; you enjoyed it and made a mockery of it. Fixing it will take you how long? I will be long gone by then; but if God hears my prayers, we all will not miss you; trust me. I am not sure who will or who ever enjoyed your company; I got lied to repeatedly over the years and knew you were cruel; but I thought you changed. At least you said you did. Next you will claim you used me to gain your own salvation and to expose their gimmicks; yeah okay. That must be it also. Nobody cares. It is your scrapbook to either cherish or cry over. You are the one hurt; nobody wants to stay with you; listen to the tape over and over; it is the same you see on myspace, texting, or dating sites. It is the same you see before or when a male and female do pick ups; don't even lie about it or play it off as a game. You are a swinger and you want me to be one and I am now allergic to you and your life of swinging with 100s of men. Some were bad and some were just there. Even if you were telling the truth; do you expect me to review this and find fulfillment or gratification with you after all I have been through? Reduced to tears you say it is a litmus test or untrue; odd, you have no conscience. They have no conscience. All of you are empty inside and are quiet for a reason. It must be torture, I am sure Ann. I am sure you are suffering and are in so much pain as you said. You hated every second and can back this up or proof how much you have hated being a swinger; the lies add up. I did not mess up; you are never there and if you are; it is only for sex and this game with your love life or swinger life. You did not drink heavily at CPAC or were ever a swinger? I never dumped you and you let it go? I hated you in the end and knew you were not a my friend; that simple and easy? Where is the genius or the perfectionism? I thought I partied in high school and was having too much fun; good God. Why do I hate your guts Ann? All those years I never said a thing. Now you have driven me to this point where I would not care if you died; there is nothing left Ann; take a bow and at least take responsibility. You get yelled at constantly and it has always been this way; then you make it up. Now it is a long string: Maher, Hannity, JJ Walker, Fox or RedEye, Johnny, and a few in thrown in. Why in hell would I even want anything with you or marry you? You made it an issue to prevent me from marrying; took advantage of your sexuality. You stole what someone else deserved or owned. You then drove me miserable day after day. ____________________________________________
Ann, you are completely out of touch with reality. Even I wish you death. I am plotting to have an affair. Even I call you a slut. I am the least of your fears but have given you my heart and soul. Listen to me, it does not matter what you do; nobody can find true love with you or be with you. I have shut those doors and turned the lights out; expect the worst. I have told you, if I die or if you die; this is how it will end. I will be at that rally to tell the world how you left it and how you did not have a conscience; cruelty was in your blood and so was men and booze; up until the bitter end. Nobody believes you not even me. Nobody. Nobody cared if you died; but you wrote good books; too bad it was based on my original work. To find peace, you covered up a lot and proved you had no conscience or was not human. Even if you were in danger, I plotted against you and you left me with pictures of you so disgusting; I did not want to look back or remember you. The truth hurts and you accept it because it is true. Your secrets will go to the grave but I honestly do not even trust you or feel you are worthy; the biggest mistake and I had to somehow try to survive you also. You said you are going to hell; need proof? The question is do you have a conscience or are you full of lies? What do you expect Ann; I am just so fed up and sick of you also. I wish you death. I am allergic to you. You never had anything to offer and never will; only misery, lies, and stupid tricks; this is how we grew old together and why I plotted against you; an affair and another woman. I am not telling who is my dream girl or who I truly love; I hope she can restore what you took or damaged. There is a reason why you ended up the most hated and most sexually harassed hooker out there; can you tell me or be honest with me? No you cannot and you are a lost cause. I have better things to do and regret missing a lot of things in life better spent; at least you caught them and tried to stop them for my survival. I survived. It did not change how I felt about you or the heroics of chickenshit. I don't even respect you anymore, how can I be your friend or how can you even call me your ally? How? Want to test it? Pay me or die. I am not going to miss you very much and am convinced you spent life on earth with the goal of tormenting me and wasting my days. This is why I am allergic to you also and this is why you are so afraid of me or keep the long distance. You have a scrapbook; just no memories or explanations worthy of my respect. I hope you live and learn; stop thinking about men and booze and clean your life up will you; die with some dignity. You are exactly like a hooker they find dead in an alley; unknown and lost in time. You have gotten to the point where you are so ugly; sex is difficult and not even enjoyable anymore; admit this okay. ____________________________________________
Who in their right mind would be faithful to a woman like this? Who in their right mind would do this? Who in their right mind would keep it quiet or push this to such a complete disaster? Who in the world would not dump or stay loyal to a woman who thinks about men and booze obsessively? Let's ask 10 reasonable people and then ask Ann why she turned to Alex when she is the most sexually harassed "clothed" porn star in history? No wonder she does not have kids; we could interview them also. The question is does she know I am allergic to her, hate her guts, and does she understand how difficult it is to reverse time or change history? Does she? How do you live with a woman like this or make a life with someone such as Ann Coulter, how? One day she will have the courage to tell the truth or have kids. Then again, she won't admit she is a swinger; just no sex. She did not rule out the swinging or why she is the most sexually harassed female on earth and there is nothing she can do but admit the truth. How do you win a case when you have nobody on your side? Nobody cares about her and she does this to who she expects to cherish and love her? Is she nuts or just stone cold? Is she even human or have a conscience? They make good bedfellows and those pictures says it all. Let's see if she is good enough of a leader to save her ass or save her own marriage? It is her scrapbook and her memories; in living pictures. Thank you Ann, it was everything I always wanted and more. The workaholic ignorant stingy bitch was the best part of all. Ann would never flirt or act like a total slut; she is a good wife and a really good best friend. I trust her 100 per cent and would never loose confidence in a woman of her caliber. I only said they were boring and needed to desire women more; not prostitute yourself. I never said be with every man or become a swinger; never said for you to use your life and screw it up jackass. I hate your guts and you must be the biggest mistake on earth; admit this. I am so upset with you Ann, I want to go and sleep with a lot of women; good luck being a hooker and proving it. You let them win.
All of you are guilty of false advertisement; don't even try to pull that crap on me Ann. You tell me one thing, they tell me another; you do one thing, they do another. I cannot even track or keep up with all of your lies. I know this much, all of you are guilty of false advertisement and all of you are guilty of safety violations. You had a good excuse and you ruined it with pure stupidity and your sloppy seconds game where you choose a new flavor of the week (just no sex). If you want me to give you an example of this false advertisement, I will: 1. If you love Sarah Palin, then you will love Herman Cain twice as much. I never said I did or did not, listen carefully. 2. Taxing is a voluntary act. Taxing is a voluntary action. If you take this voluntary or "dutiful" aspect of taxing away; you will pay dearly and like a darling of a nut who authority got authority to fix. Given all these violations and safety concerns; voluntary acts seem to disappear in the sea of nut jobs and losers. These losers are guilty of false advertisment; and it is really difficult to figure out what they are selling when you are debating or arguing with only one side. If you only fight one side and one enemy; do not expect a rescue or a good outcome. Grow up will you jackass. If you keep on having babies and bitching about it; you take away the voluntary process. If you need me to explain to you what this voluntary process entails and how a baby is created; then you are an idiot and who we are fighting. Again, it is this problem with safety violations and secrets that require torture or extreme combat to combat authority; real authority used on a clutz. They do not own the government. They do not own the roads. They are not America. Crime is rampant. They are not under attack. They are out of control and completely rotten. All they want is to tax or seek ownership when they are the problem. They need to understand the limits before authority is used to challenge their authority; at times to devastating outcomes. They need to segregate the outcomes and stop making up new inventions about who is under attack and why. If they can seek real courage to tell the truth; we can accept them and allow them the rights and privileges they seek; otherwise, they will be harsh punishments and retaliations; this is a safety hazard and it has to go; unacceptable outcomes. Taxes are voluntary; living is voluntary; ruling is voluntary; waging war is voluntary; this is for real and not some cruel hoax of a lunatic or greedy indentured servant on a guilt trip or vacation.
I am so fed up with all of you; all of you. All of you praise and throw yourself at others; but the truth is all of you are guilty of false advertisement; blind jackass syndrome; and constantly telling the world they are attacking America but they are not. They are attacking you and you only; not anyone else or what they are about. Look how you want to be on the winning side and when the ticket or the pass is asked for; nobody has it but everybody is occuppying a chair not designed for them or intended for their usage. If they want to play by these rules and drain the voluntary process or soisant d'etre from extremely complex process of science and logic; do so at your own demise. This idea "we" control the roads or must pay a fee is really annoying. Paying taxes is a voluntary process where trade must be regulated and taxed; is counter productive. Nobody owes them or owns the road; never ever place a first person into a sentence written for omniscient viewers. This is like them being stupid and flawed; it is not an attack on America and no threat to us or the nation. It is an attack on someone who does not have a right to place omniscient character into an individual jackass. They are accountable for their demise or actions; safety violations and other violations. Take this voluntary process out of taxes and we will have total chaos and we face war. Get rid of this pest, enemy, and traitor; we will have a normal and functioning life; so long as they do not expand, have more babies, or claim to own the roads or are America itself. I am tired of this game and this pest where insanity and jackass blabber has to be put back in the genie bottle or cooked well done so they can eat what they made. Communism existed on the same blabber and genie we have yet to destroy. You immigrants come here and you make all these inventions that are not sustainable or comes from the source of hell and evil; without any mercy or creeping death. You sit there and talk like a know it all; but cannot even get it right and teach this religion or cruel hoax so you can take over or invent new lies. F off and go to hell; stop it. This is no game and you all are liable; stop avoiding the verification process or circumventing the laws with your insane games or phony scams. Most robbers just ask for money or use a weapon; stick to the basics. Do not turn the US government into a robber or a robber baron. The punishment is with extreme prejudice and according to the laws; abysmal where this has led. Why in hell would I marry you or waste my time if I want any money? I can make my own money; but I guess the financial records prove this insane stingy bitch did the same thing and tried to get away with it. Worse they labeled me mentally ill so I could not complain or expose their lies and violations. How do you stop this insane stingy bitch short of nuclear war or world war? What else do they feel is theirs; our marriage? How about our work and how we wage world war with? What else? If they were smart or alive; they would notice the torture is getting worse and the punishment is arriving with maximum ferocity. What a stingy sloppy dumbass bitch this turned out to be; not what I had in mind or signed up for, never.
Do we need a speech about how demise is a voluntary process also? Do we? How did they get here and why were they destroyed? You mean decent people woke up one morning and decided to impose the death penalty on them or wage war on a level which they do not understand? It sounds like not only a traitor but a serious psychopathic liar. You touch or target the wrong people; they will dispense justice and the God level force needed to break your false conscience or judgment. You do it again and repeat it for decades and they will kill you. If they do not kill you and do have the authority to kill you; then you will die a miserable and insufferable death. If they want to be quiet about this; then there are ways and means to extract it from them. If they want to play this absurd game of authority and how they got here; it is their choice and also voluntary action; but never ever place this upon others or utilize that ridiculous false advertisement on anyone but yourself. You step on that line or over it at this level and the force of authority will be despised and conjured with extreme prejudice; this is no playground and I am no kid to be toyed with by some bag lady or her sidekick hooker who is scum bag stupid. Take that voluntary process away also and we will have Armagheddon and delivery of the worst kind; believe it because it is here now and someone did it. The question is not who but when; when will they get the full force and the authority needed to fix their problem. This problem with the blind leading us to the watering hole is really threatening and annoying; shut them down and take them out of the game. What the hell is the delay or problem? Do not let them taint or poison the watering hole; this is why they kidnapped and abducted us. This is why they did what they did and got busted. They are the enemy and a traitor; the only way out is to become us. This psychopath has become us and is still trying; shut them down with extreme prejudice and with the full force of the law while they refuse to be brought to justice. Do not let them succeed or attack the empire anymore; we have stopped them with extreme combat or extreme warfare. They want to watch and copy but they have no idea the fire is burning inside or how the waves have crashed on to their shores. They lit that fire and they created that wave; one they cannot ride. They run like a whore but do not realize nobody is following them. This is who they were and how we got here. They want to implement everything we have and tried to coax, steal, kidnap, or abduct everything we had so they could implement it. To do this, they stripped both of us of our identity and who we are; human beings. Now they expect to implement sustainability or satellite warfare but they just need us a little longer so we can either teach them or guide them to this waterhole. Are they nuts or such a traitor they have to violate every single god damn law? This bitch don't lie?
It is their problem not our problem anymore; that is voluntary. The bottom line is F you all and harder or faster than your fat head and bony existence. I am glad someone is spanking the hell out of you and doing what your monkey like parents neglected to do or refuse to say. How high must I escalate this before I get a fair trial and wage war on the right people? How high can they too do the same? Let's test it and find out? Again? How about one more time? It's too late now, again? Again, it is a voluntary process; so is sex, so is friendship, so is employment, and so is this war with a lunatic who keeps swinging while their ass is up their head or while they are blind to all the error. Even Rush Limbaugh thinks sustainability is about being in the way of growth; did he sleep through all of this? Sustainability is not about being in the way, sorry to disappoint his lack of honesty and credibility. Sustainability goes hand in hand with satellite warfare; a new level not even explored or understood yet. Their sustainability is shrinking and can be gone tomorrow by my definition; not theirs. Do not bring this abysmal outcome to our ending and segregate their lies from our life if they want to be included or have any say in this; there are no warnings or safety nets in this endeavor. I do not like to repeat myself or cover the same topic over and over to a jackass and flunkie; don't push it or me. I don't like how they play this game or how they got here and now; still suffering from a lot of terror plots and scams. There is only one way out now; right here and right now. Why am I still waiting? Why am I put through this crap over and over; just like a nightmare of seeing myself in the mirror; it is not me and it is not right.
Limbaugh did not even have a foot left on his body to stick in the door when sustainable development and satellite warfare was schooled to him. Notwithstanding and abysmal, he expects to implement all we have and expects us to just fork it over to him or this union of two minds they keep getting destroyed over. It is a trap are they this stupid? They walked right into it. We are leading them to the wrong doors; we know what they are up to and why. Taking it over by force or murder did not work so well; peacefully will be a bigger disaster. It is mine and not theirs to say differently. Do not test this again. Do not even think about implementing all we have or even think about unlocking that door; it is there for a reason and a very important reason. This is why they have no limbs to stick in the door anymore or reach in and grab us with. Trying to implement it illegally or steal it was complete and total disaster; a Titanic level destruction. This is our enemy and imposter; stop them before it is too late; I have them pushed back and trapped. Do not be scared and come in for the kill; we have them where we want and they are going nowhere but to hell. The only way out is to lie, cheat, or become us. Do not be fooled and understand what is before us and why. They did not win and they want to be the winners anyway or anyhow. Again and again, they want to call others out and attest to the hardships they cannot get right or messed up; it is right there in black and white. What part did they sleep through or miss? It is ours to choose; our blessing; it is not in their scope of powers to call anybody out or demand we prove anything. It is over because they picked a fight with giants and was repeatedly trampled on by forces they did not understand or could defeat. We caught them and exposed them; did they sleep through everything or feel it is still up for grabs or copacetic? Did I miss something or make an error? Did something slip by? Is this a cruel hoax or a complete nightmare? ____________________________________________
This is so absurd it sounds like a little girl who is playing with giants or about to be squashed because she is messing with legends. No means no; yes means yes. You people are so narcissistic and comfortable; bigotry is an understatement. How do we get rid of them or make them pay for this? They are being threatened but not the threat? I have a problem with a stingy ignorant bitch who wants to be an internet slut. If you got her number or email via a meet and greet, drinking event, bar, or raffle; please report it and catch her in her own stupid web of deception. If she does not care for her own life; if she violates every safety violation or safety net out there; if she wants to do herself in and impose this crap on others; why not impose it on her and make her eat every rotten egg being thrown. Eat it you typical New York hooker or high priced wannabe. This idea you are marriage material, a dream girl, and a good wife is the biggest joke I have ever heard. This is what the religion of real estate is all about and they even think they are special or welcome! The nerve of this narcissistic and repugnant super creature who is either destroying our world or too stupid to realize they need to go and they need to stay down. The question is how they got in this position and how they will get out of it. Stop infesting the world and our life with this crap; then shoving it down our throats and making it look like we are a threat or attacking America. We are not in the mood for more communism or moles trying to become us and stealing our souls. I want them to tell me how they expect on implementing sustainability when I have tied it to and made it integral to satellite warfare? Are they going to lie, cheat, and steal as they have done? Do they expect to implement everything we have or did; when they do not even have a foot left to stick in the door? This is the absurdity and how screwed up this is; but they were convinced Ann Coulter would lead them to the waterhole; they bet everything on it and found out she is merely a researcher and assistant; a god damn distraught lover or wife.
Stop hiding and lying like the hooker and trash you truly are; more safety violations and lies. It just gets worse and worse as they expand more and we have to segregate this idiot and loser from the outcomes; good and bad. Who is the old drunk and scab? Who is the difficult old bag lady? Who is this cheap ass imitation and nuisance? Who is this worn out and ran over old hag and phony? Who just does not get it and is trying to fit in with royals? It must be the usual suspects or the least obvious. Who is going to be an old hag hiding and getting drunk; trying to always beat up people? Who spends more time in a bar than a whore does in her entire life? It gets more and more suspicious while more and more tricks are used to cover it up. Who led the police on some crazy chase? Who is such a jackass she gets yelled at constantly? I had no idea I was the problem and doing this. Who screws up all the time and is never there? Who is going to hell and is in denial? Why am I slandered and labeled mentally ill by these phonies? They are not allergic to any of this? I am not allergic to their disease or life? Excuse me but you are guilty and a dirt bag traitor who wants lethal force to expel you or throw you in the street. Who is allergic to this and the problem? It must be a slut parade in hell for you all; glad you made it here in one piece; ready for the answers or is the truth too courageous for those on the wrong side? Look at the mess they made and look at how we got here; how destroyed and cheap they truly are. Do not challenge authority or else it will be imposed with a screaming hell nobody wants. You F'ers are something else Ann; but look at what you report and how; all is quiet and calm? All of you look and act so sophisticated, educated, and civilized while crashing and burning. All of you are like a little girl fighting in the land of giants; the winning side. Don't be such a stingy bitch and understand how hated and worthless you truly are; be honest. This malicious bias and total lies has spread to the media, Justice Department, and the highest offices; who is going to exterminate this pest and fix all of this, who? Them? Us? Nobody? Who? God himself and aliens? They just leave a mess and want everybody off their backs; but look at where we are at now. ____________________________________________
Ann, I am fed up and sick of introducing your flavor of the month or this idea you got raped, brutalized, and are the most sexually harassed woman in the world (just no sex). In my eyes, you are a slut and a stingy no good bitch (just no sex); meanwhile, you actually expect me to have sex with you but do not put out any effort or even time, none. You want it all. You want to eat your cake. It is so embarassing to be with such a stingy ignorant bitch who is constantly disruptive or rebellious. You expect to be best friends and screw them over. You think this is a porn movie and how you prove the ultimate love. Bands are picking up on how ridiculous you are and singing about your psychopathic lies or life. Worse is how you travel around and the Justice Department has to form a special task force just to do error corrections or catch you while they neglect or cannot catch the bad guys. How much of my time, valuable resources, and energy is spent on stupid shit? How much Ann? Who is going to compensate me, you or them? Do you MF have any reason to live? Why are you so tangled up in satellite warfare? Do I get a choice here and if you are a hooker; don't I get a chance to judge you or a choice in life? A hooker and a scum bag is the boss? These are the leaders of the world? Does "much to be desired" or "utter failure" have any meaning to you all; I think you all are a subspecies who listens too much to others or care too much about people who hate your guts. Worse, you claim they do this and they say you do this; here we go with the error correction and lies again. Here we go with abuse of authority, lies, deceit, and backstabbing. Under the terms presented; it is going to be fixed and appropriately or else imposed in the worst way, justice. It will either be on their terms or ours; but it has to be acceptable a truthful, nothing less is acceptable. If they cannot then do not make it worse; it will be 1000 times worse and with the full force of God himself. If war is uncivilized then I can school them on how civilized we are and can get when it comes to war. The results are in our favor and not worth finding out; do not take any of this there and all the indicators and warnings have been given. Kick them out and get rid of them; never will this happen again or this degree of total disaster; 1000s of safety violations and violations of the law. How do uncivilized people do this and how do civilized people let them do it? They will be schooled in the most civilized way to wage war while the most uncivilized ways are destroyed before our eyes; dare it and push this more; bring this world there or this point of complete destruction and the results will repeat and be the same again. This means there is only one option, only one; take it or leave it. Allergic to them yet?
On the September 03, 2007 show of Politically Incorrect, Bill Maher discusses Bill Clinton saying, "I did not have sexual relations with that woman." Later in the show this loser and wannabe Maher keeps on referring to Ann Coulter as he says, "You should hear what she yells out in bed." Odd, what I heard was he was taken for all he got and he gave up when he could not lie anymore and his friends abandoned him. Unfortunately, Ann is just too stupid to do anything about this. Whatever the case, Maher has to be upset or embarassed for lying on public TV; much like TV envangelists but he won't step down or get shut down. Now a days, even he does not even want to think about Ann Coulter or hear her name; a lot of this is going around. Right now the only thing Ann has said is, "we know there is some kind of relation between them" to describe her relation with me and her relation with them. For a woman who is 50 to be doing this and gambling with her own happiness and marriage; borders on insanity and total recklessness. That is the truth but Bill, both Maher and Clinton, were beaten at their own game and literally destroyed for being less than zero on the dirt bag scale. Clinton has no place in history and none of his cronies and followers will recover from this; hence, they keep quiet and try to circumvent it and the laws. That is their legacy and the question is why they waited so long to tell the truth, be shut down, or scam the public? The safety violations and violations stack up more and more. All of them were schooled in politics, will not survive this, and need to be put in their place; for good. Yet they persist and the abysmal situation grows in perseverance. Maher was lying and never even had dinner with Ann Coulter in New York or Los Angeles. Only Rush Limbaugh and Clinton had dinner; but dinners is a major problem with Ann Coulter; high resolution pictures. I say school them under and until they are gone. Get me sick or injure me again; and they will pay 1000 times what history can deliver. What I am sick of is making these F'ers eat everything they pooped out; that is why I am mad. This is why we are sick and getting weaker. A law has to be invented to deal with this threat or destroy them; otherwise, we will have to undertake and do it with extreme prejudice; with our money, our time, and our sweat and blood. It is up to them; on our terms or not? Do they need to be schooled yet once again, or again? They are using terrorism to suggest any threat against them is an attack on America and Americans; look at the degree and level of violations and safety hazards; an earthquake or tsunami is what they are. Allergic to them yet?
Now we get to see Ann and Johnny; her boy toy Maher must have pissed her off. Wait, drinks and dinner! I am going to smack the hell out of you Ann. I hope you break your hip one day and realize what or who you truly are ignorant stingy bitch. Like I said, you offer rides or ask people to move in; then leave them hanging. I wonder who is her next love and flavor of the month; to make a swinger's life fulfilled? Swinger's need love also and a lot of forgiveness. They lie incessantly. They have a double life. They are always in bars or social events. Looks really suspicious ignorant stingy bitch. Try that when you are wrinkly, old, and destitute; who will come running or throw themselves at you like a bag lady. At least you realize I am allergic to you and hate your guts bag lady with a fashion problem. Who the hell wants and old 60 something looking old lady who is still trying to be a swinger? Now that is truly ridiculous and absurd. Do you pay these people to attend these events or buy you dinner and drinks; because that would explain it all. Go get your own mission and own work bag lady; stay out of mine when you decide to get another flavor of the month or decide you have needs. What you need is a good ass kicking and to be smacked; admit it. Tell me you are not the biggest mistake ever to hit my life or the big screen? Tell me you are not a complete disaster and an idiot? Tell me the biggest mistake I have ever made and how long I got tricked into this mistake; who did it? Tell me one damn thing you have ever done for me stingy ignorant bitch, one thing you have done, more lies to make you look better or smart? You are not going to go away or be in the way? They are in the way and going away? It sounds like two sides of the same coin; a jackass and fraud, a con man and phony. Coulter gets results but still cannot get the story correct; all forgeries and lies. It gets more and more suspicious while more and more tricks are used to cover it up. Who led the police on some crazy chase? Who is such a jackass she gets yelled at constantly? I had no idea I was the problem and doing this. Who screws up all the time and is never there? Who is going to hell and is in denial? Why am I slandered and labeled mentally ill by these phonies? They are not allergic to any of this? I am not allergic to their disease or life? Excuse me but you are guilty and a dirt bag traitor who wants lethal force to expel you or throw you in the street. Who is allergic to this and the problem?
My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING.
Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.
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