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Sunday, October 16, 2011


Hey Ann, maybe there is private home video of you drinking, partying, and bragging about the flavor of the month? Or maybe there is private home video, rare stuff, of Christmas morning, CPAC day after party, or some of heavy drinking and you being crunked. You never know because someone took those pictures of you at a party in LA in 2006. Someone else took a picture of you being groped and giggling while I was yelling at you. Or how about TV Land rare footage the day after or shopping and mingling with the stars? Where are all the private home videos and the rare footage of you and these very close friends of yours and how you spend quality time together? Is it on DVD or are you walking around in shorts or sitting in a car with them? Did they go in your apartment and film you trying on jewelry? Just asking and based on how I am always and perpetually upset with you; I wouldn't doubt some bootleg or very rare private home videos.

Why doesn't this thief and communist spy just admit they were caught trying to not only steal, deny, destroy, blow up, and copy the satellite warfare program; they kidnapped the founder and owner of it. The reason why they did all of this is they wanted to build their own for their own protection and to extort or make money illegally. They do not care who they kill, murder, or the destruction they cause in anyone's life; not even ours. This thief and copycat stalker, our little helper and life advisor, is trying to build their own and is having a lot of second thoughts at this time; a lot. In order to survive on earth, they must begin to add more protection but the problem with this thief and mole is constant, ongoing, persistent, debilitating, and very difficult. Do they need a heart transplant? Yes. Do they understand the properties of electro-magnetic forces or the manipulation of such? No. They claim to be the professor, expert, and boss simply so they can utilize slave labor or hostages to greet their new demented and diabolical plans for planet earth; we destroyed it. We are not done with them yet and neither are they with us. Everybody knows women make stories about how they were raped in order to enhance their sex life or advertise they date. A stripper does not mind being groped so long as you pay for the groping. Here is the problem; who is going to verify or explain all of your behavior; both good and bad? Are they sure or just making it up to look like they are in the loop and close to you; a confidant or companion? What a phony and what a total fraud. Look how loyal they are to you; gag me with the puke chunks.

Ann, this is no episode on building motorcycles; nor is it counseling about Junior versus Senior. We are spending all of our time and money on other people's babies, having unwanted babies, troubled babies, criminal babies, and jobs that produce more and more problems. Why you keep wasting your time and our time on kids that you neither care about nor want; is beyond my realm of understanding. Then you go and market yourself as a peace, hugging, love, and happiness baby looking for friends. You are not mature and ready for this; nor are you ready for something deep and important in your life, such as marriage. As far as being engaged several times or you’re dating life; they will use it against you and there must be a degree of sustainable evidence. Insofar as being honest and truthful; I have not yet been presented any evidence other than annoyances or stunts. I need good, hard, sustainable evidence; not more of the same. We were engaged exactly 3 times and I broke it off because you refused to show up and on the fourth one; I let go and got a new fiancĂ©e. Then you came back in 2006 and took two years to rebuild our relationship before you asked me to marry you or asked me to propose. You said yes several times to marriage from 2008 to 2011; but managed to screw it up again. Now you claim how they will use sharing the stage, self-defense stunts, deterrence methods, repellent, blue balling a spy, terrorist, or psychopath; and ways to protect your engagement as some exoneration or house arrest; a bride arrest or form of babysitting. Do you claim ownership to this ending also? Who is going to claim ownership and who wanted this ending; you, me, or the accused? I am confused and sick of this cat and mouse chase going on with you and I.

I cannot tell when you are telling the truth, using sarcasm, scaring people, or being facetious. If I cannot tell, then how can these so called "Ann Coulter experts" or "Close friends?" Twenty years and intimacy and I cannot even tell if you are serious or not; but they can? Your gay ass marketing tactics of peace, love, and happiness cloaked in Woodstock wheels is just pure stupid. Who is adjusting to whose life Ann? What is this case about; slandering my military and political career or slandering yours? It used to be slandering ours; this means your life and mine, no longer. We no longer have one case; we have two spearheading separate cases. Good job Ann and thank your "boyfriends"; won't you talk or tell us about your boyfriend? Who is the flavor of the month now? Who is the lucky single club recipient this month and the dinner guest? Whose house will you be living in or staying at now? Won't you talk about your boyfriend? Who is screaming with pleasure now? They should use this against you because nobody likes you now; not even me. Do you have any guilt or do you just want to keep having fun and being forgiven? Crying is not going to be good enough and begging is getting old as a wench. Try this crap on someone else will you sexy ass semen Hitler; all of you are an ass hound looking for a semen party or singles meet; people are getting really fed up and sick. Did I let them in or did you? Exactly. I want to get married, be with the same person, have a special relationship, one man and one woman, and grow old. Why is it so difficult and complicated with you Ann? It seems like a new man replaces me monthly; where it used to be weekly. What happened to giving a man what every man desires or strives for in a woman? I have to deal with rape, murder plots, stalkers, rumors and sexual impropriety, boyfriends, online testing, email dates, letters back and forth, etc...

I am incompatible to all of this and now you. There is a cancer in our life and a debilitating illness here which needs serious medical professionals. However, we get the Conrad Murray's of this world and a huge bottle of Prophetical of complaints. Stop wasting all of our time, money, and energy on other people, unwanted kids, people you hate, people who are dead and babies that came out of rodents or subhuman species. Are you stupid and do you understand dumb stingy ignorant wench like bitch? Get a life and get a real life mission; instead of impressing this on me or forcing me to write your god damn forsaken biography. Forgiven? Go and die. This is a joke and humor we all can be part of and enjoy? F off and bleed yourself to death you chickenshit wench missing a real man in her life now. You have done the ultimate insult and have invented a cancer in our family and our pride Ann. There is only one thing left for you to do. Do not tell me this is about money or religion, it is not. This is much or far beyond money, power, or greed. Only a dumb slut or a really stupid dumbass could have created this disaster; who else? The question is who is going to own this ending, who? Who the hell do you think you are buying your husband, buying your friends, and buying your way into power or history, who? I hope the hoes and sluts in this world have learned from you and recognized who their parents, their spouse, and their friends truly are; don't buy trust and do not buy your friends; no less waste your life on idiotic baby reptiles who end up as rapists, murderers, effigies, terrorists, stalkers, homeless, or crack addicts. I hope you cry before you die of a broken heart or alcohol withdrawal.

This has not ended yet, has it? What a performance and what a constant nuisance or annoyance to my life; get it right will you. Don't ever be my secretary and write my biography in such a grotesque and slanderous manner, never. The boss is always right, not your stalkers, not your friends, not your entourage, not your bodyguard, not your rapists, not your deranged fans, not your network of testing buddies, not your Twitter followers, not your family, and not you; understand? You want to win or not? If not then do it in your own life and not mine. It is in mine right now and I am beyond angry or adjusting to this. Thank you so much for making me scream twice as loud as they are Ann; intimate life partner with benefits. It is time you scream louder than all of us; how the hell does it feel now? Are you still stoked and trying to fit in with the surfers and beach bums? They say you have a rare disease similar to Alzheimer; this is why you do not recognize your husband or sex partner. Hannity will use this against you and so with Fox News and RedEye. All of these men will say you have this disease Ann; and me? What is my problem? I can't seem to find a decent wife and complete my military mission or career before retirement age? Really? Is it a crime or so obvious I find all of you repugnant and a stingy ass bitch, a total mess? You F'ers control everybody and won't die like the monkey you truly are. Ann, you are the one who is famous for the reach-around pictures and who they tell to get dressed, not me. You are the one who intentionally puts herself in the most humiliating and damning positions; then tells me how you do not know if you are faithful. Do you like being felt up or is it a fake giggle? How many men felt you up or did you let do this? Then you play it off like it is now a really big deal when it had never been or "just for old times sake." If you got felt up and knew it; you are guilty dumbass stingy wench. You probably enjoyed it more than they did and you have the pictures to prove it.

There is ongoing, constant, deliberate, debilitating, persistent, secretive, and murderous suggestions of impropriety, sexual harassment, bullying, extortion, unwanted solicitation, and much more stretching into a full year, several years, and even a decade of bad or illegal behavior. There is ongoing, persistent, debilitating, secretive, and murderous attempts to cover up or use this as a proxy for more illegal activity and conspiracy. Furthermore, there is ongoing, persistent, debilitating, secretive, and murderous attempts to suggest it is friendship, sexual impropriety, promiscuous sexual affairs, intimate relations, etc... when there is not even a shred of evidence or existence of such; which stretches beyond a year, several years, and even a decade of false or bad behavior. The suggestion of this and the suggestion of a proxy to cover up a secret war or terror plot; in addition to further crimes or death penalty violations; is hard evidence of some really bad behavior. The suspicion on innocent people; the vindication of the wrong people; the persistent sexual harassment, bullying, extortion, threats, and total fabrications and bias; the conspiracy in broad daylight or while being recorded; the bad behavior and pulling more people into this disaster or sinking ship; the failed and ineffective efforts to invent suspicion when it does not exist and hide suspicion when it does; the constant and debilitating ongoing efforts to smash investigations, deny communications, deny verification, deny personal letters, deny internet service or hacking, etc... is just part of the problem in a much bigger and troubling attempt to circle the core of the transmission. This scares not only the public but the world. Would you shut them down because doing so would not solve anything. We may end up in life similar but how we get there is always in question; money, greed, and power?

Alcohol, bad behavior, poverty, failure, an inability to succeed or get a job, etc... did not have anything to do with this case; it is an abduction and kidnapping case also. It is not sexual impropriety or bullying; it is not marketing or ratings; it is not using or inventing false facts or bad behavior to increase the likelihood of success; it is far beyond criminal behavior. To suggest there is no hard evidence and to circumvent the laws even further; is just a small degree of the people, the lack of professional standards, the grotesque and horrible characters involved in a charade to suggest otherwise. Slander is just the tip of the iceberg and a blockade to deny professional credibility. Trying to suggest alcohol, chasing women, friendship, family ties, violent or anger management, or nit-picky vices common to most normal citizens was the last straw. Using or staging more and more accident sights to sway the case or outcome, influencing the justice system, is pure diabolical and terror plot level bad behavior. Alcohol did not have anything to do with this slander. Tiny traffic infractions did have something to do with this persistent and ongoing attempt, stalking and misuse of authority. The use of mental illness and false or gross negligence to suggest all of this is a sophisticated invention or blatant invention is just more of the constant, ongoing, persistent, and horrible involvement of people who are banned, caught, and exposed before the public. How and why they still hold their jobs or their abuse of power is not shut down; is the core of the case and these terror plot attacks. There is a safety net which has to be removed before any of this can move forward. The degree and the amount of charges are damning if not suicide yet a total lack of respect for others and teh safety violations are repugnant and hellacious. There is no hard evidence of this? This is about money, ratings, and civil lawsuits? It is almost similar to parking in a reserved parking spot, "Reserved for the President, General, or Satellite Warfare Founder," and then getting towed, impounded, and acting smug about what went down or why.

We have nothing and there is no hard evidence? The hard evidence is your attitude and the blatant insult to our intelligence. The hard evidence is trust.
1. Did you slander Alex or Ann in a deliberate, malicious, and demonstrous manner? Did you fail? Who bungled the investigation or got on the winning side?
2. How many times did you come to Alex or Ann, clandestinely, and how many times illegally?
3. Did you have a murder plot on either of them or a rape case? How did you get on the winning side?
4. When you failed to slander their careers; did you stop or make matters worse? How? It ended perfect or not?
5. Do you think slander carries a death sentence or is this painful? Slander only entails 1. false statements 2. business loss. Nowhere does it say death sentence or death penalty.
6. Do we care about your ethnic background or what impact Team USA had on your home country? Do we care about your power, influence, or traitor like control in the USA? Did we shut it down eventually or not? Do you have hard evidence of this? Is there any evidence we shut you down?
7. Why didn't you just tell the truth; why hide all of it and tell the world you have no hard evidence, nothing is true, we are guilty, you are in charge, it is your money, we do not have skills to socialize or get along with you, we love you, you bungled the investigation or appointed yourself the lead investigator, you are not going anywhere, it is still up for grabs, plead Ann change her story and lie deliberately, take or beg for any morsel you can steal, etc...
8. Who wanted this ending and who got recorded on TV? Do you have any hard evidence? Do you trust us to be in power or not? Do you need hard evidence or not?
9. Do you have any letters or sustainable evidence to do any of this or impede on our life; love, hate, or infidelity or not? Anything to suggest it was not a fantasy, derranged plot, and some psychopath?
10. It can get a lot worse or more false arrests can occur. Do you have any hard evidence to prove it will not or has been shut down; a process of closure? How do you seek closure, do you have any hard evidence? This can get 100 or 1000 times worse; is this what you want or is the "hair trigger" still there? One attack or one false move and it all can come crashing down overnight. Do you have any hard evidence? Do you need more than 10 "hard evidence" on our side?

It is very simple and very easy to figure out. First, did you slander either Alex or Ann, career or in their private life? Second, how many times did you come to them or go to them in an illegal capacity? God knows what you did or tried when you did; but this is not a civil matter. Third, why didn't you just tell the truth or end this earlier; it did not have to be a criminal manhunt (hint: terror plot, murder plot, brutal rape case, drug wars, communism, spy ring, attack Pentagon, secret war, criminal syndicates, pure greed and money, etc...) Who will accept ownership of this, us? We are the owners of this? We wanted this outcome? We got a fair trial? Who tried to bungle this investigation and cover up all of this? We share this life and are in this together or to the bitter end? Really? Do you trust us in power and if we are; are you willing to seek justice and get a fair trial; not us but you. All we have to do now is coup you; that is all the Pentagon and FBI has to do so this ends. End your blockade and take over and you must accept failure and criminal charges; the process of fact checking and truth telling is restored. Do you have any hard evidence to suggest you can hang on any longer? Any hard evidence of this? Ann said she will shoot you if you invade her home. I said I will earthquake and hurricane you if you even look at me or try another diabolical attack. The public wants to know who wanted this ending and who is the psychopathic demented SOB traitor and mole who wanted this ending? Who is the owner of this total disaster and nightmare?

There is so much anger and lost ground between us Ann; I am hoping a female will get my SOS and understand that men also need a knight and shining armor occasionally and maybe she can help me with the life I should have had. This idea I need a loving female and not a cruel, suspicious, self defeating, and controversial female who spends most of her life with other men or picking up men at dinners and supposedly cocktail events; is what I am waiting for. The chances of getting Ms. Perfect or Ms. Right; is not good and the odds are against me. I had asked you to stop and begin the process of recovery; instead you ran everything into the ground and told me to come near you so I can help you even more; then left me stranded, left me nearly homeless, and ran off to Los Angeles for dinners, luncheons, and dates. Nothing changed and it was just the usual one-two tickle my shoe Ann Coulter is here or not crap we are both accustomed to. So yes, I do dream of a female to be that same knight and shining armor they dream of also and I hope a female does get my SOS and letters and will understand. Even I am suspicious and convinced; even daily pleading by you was so phony when all was said and done. When it comes to marriage; you do not give it 100 per cent or use your full IQ to nourish it. You were always like this; a wanderer and distracted. Since I have known you or since we began; you always expect me to live like this; admit it. To get away with all your flaws and screw ups Ann, you let me do anything with anyone I wanted; but this was not what I even wanted; I just had a simple life plan, unlike you. One man, one woman, one marriage; and a happy life together. My life with you got totally insane and miserable; meanwhile you keep saying it is okay and not to worry? It is easy to be friends with you; crazy and miserable when love is mentioned. Even I do not like you being a chapstick or lipstick slut. It may take you more years to figure any of this out. You want to be with awful people and need me for something; but you do not want to be a better person and I get angry or frustrated Ann. It is because all of you are unprofessional.

God help you if one does come along and understands or is perfect. This is what you get for wasting so much time and wasting your life away so badly being a Grateful Dead poser. One of these days I might get a present I can respect and cherish. Enjoy your pictures, enjoy your comic relief, enjoy the dinners, enjoy the dates, enjoy the cocktails, and enjoy yourself a little more. As I said, what makes it a tragedy is you had a hard life and have not lived; not yet. You almost died miserably and came very close to it. When you had everything won; you threw it away because you messed up, they used this against you, and you had to disprove or reverse every dumbass thing you did; finally considering fighting back or a future. At the expense of losing me; you pressed down harder on the gas as they sped off and went faster to test your chickenshit and dumbass IQ. I am telling you now Ann; you are a horrible military leader and you do not have the fight or qualities we expect in warriors. This is not the first time it has come between you and me; and it will not be the last either. If that opportunity comes along; I am taking it. I learned this from you of course. Do you feel you are guilty and going to hell with me or without me? Exactly. It is the best outcome for you if heaven is what you are striving for. Even I do not think you put forth the effort needed or the honesty expected. I am surprised a woman who is 50 is so distracted when the opportunity for true love, kids, and marriage arrives. I am surprised you lack the commitment and the real proof at our age; very disappointed. You have made wild statements, crazy outbursts, and are very loose with any of this. This has always been how you expect me to live and to accept you Ann. I keep saying there is a big problem with you; I told you I would rather die than keep hearing from you or dealing with how you are chickenshit and nuts. What made me stay was how you let me do anything I wanted while you just waited and did all this; one day, and then it never was perfect. You have a personality disorder and are too involved or get carried away easily. Even with psychopaths and those who brutalize you; you are way too carried away and forget all of it.

How can I forgive you for all of this? I pick through everything and I wait for a really good reason; but I never get the delivery from you Ann, never. I have settled my peace with you and given you my honest feelings in case you leave this earth soon; wishing this also if you really must know. If you die, I will be left with the idea you left unfaithful and a stingy ignorant bitch who even I could not stand or forgive ever. You died with every soul on earth hating your guts while you were so careless you said you died for my sins and compared yourself to Jesus; it does not say this in your biography nor did you make any effort to correct it. There is something not right with you and I do not like it one bit. Maybe all these men you spend time with can explain why you are so bad when it comes to marriage, sex, and love? It is only your life to F up; nobody else. So far you have F up really good but are very happy. You screwed us so badly you spend all our time with gay men now or in Los Angeles. I was your biggest fan and hoped this was not true; but I watched every video trying to convince myself I was wrong about you; and then I waited so long; and then I kept saying things would be different now. It never was or ever was. I look for reasons to love you and forgive you; trust me. It is extremely difficult and you remind me daily how hard it is. You had the best package anyone offered me; so that tells you the junk I was bombarded with or fed. The level of trash and SOB disgusting people thrown at me was indescribable. Why did I stay and put myself thru all of this? You promised me you were quitting over and over when I was upset. Then watched closely when I was not and went nuts again. Eventually, I outfoxed you and got fed up with the lies and the worry. If that woman comes along; the odds of me staying and bitching more is so over. The sex is good. It is senseless to stay.

The criminal world and these lousy immigrants are taking over Team USA while they buy allies abroad and at home in order to build an army and to impose their sick sadistic plot. We stopped them and now we have to destroy them for trying and getting caught. The more the Democrats and Republicans are in power, the more the debt will increase and the more rotten criminal allies will be bought using American land and the US Treasury. This is the piece of trash and SOB who have to buy their friends and are losing everything; everything. I am glad they finally decided to fix their life, and most of all our life. They better have a letter and continuous fact checking if they want to survive. Every single day was recorded and they are on tape; we need hard solid evidence. Why waste our time and why try to sink more people? Stick around longer or try a little harder? Convince us otherwise? The crowd grows and gets bigger. They tried to buy me and when rejected or ordered to show ID; they cut off all funds and began this blockade. When they suspected Ann Coulter, they began to buy her but I was feeding her intelligence and notes already compiled. It was easy once we knew what they were demanding and needed. This is what they should be telling the FBI; not "we are at war." They tried to buy their friends and allies; when they figured out it was impossible; they tried to backstabber us repeatedly; so we just let them have it and left it alone until our day came. Our day is here. They are the problem but their message and task is to say "this is your problem." I remind them how a fair trial works. I remind them about "their land" or "their home" is at risk. I remind them of the jeopardy and a fair trial first. I remind them how they can loose it all and everything in one swift draw. If they want to get it right and if they wish to keep the land they have taken over; do so at their own risk but never in history feed us this clown suit or this idea they never got a fair trial when it came to Armageddon. The reason why it turned out this way is their fault. The outcome was their signature. Nobody wanted this outcome, not even them. They get a trial and a fair one first; the rest is up for grabs.

The reason why this case makes no sense is because we are dealing with a pathological liar, a total jackass, and a psychopathic lunatic who refuses to understand when you hurt someone; the pain is real and it can be proved. It is visible, real, and present everyday. If hurting someone means they will hurt you back; that is your fault and nobody else. The facts are so twisted and so ridiculous, but this is their colours. I was a straight A student until 11th grade, I got a B for the first time. My SAT scores prove it. I have a college degree and credentials. We have those behind it and document everything; they conduct human experiments. They feel others are the problem or the threat; violent and will wage war on them. They are ignorant and pathological liars; a thieves world. They got couped and face horrendous outcomes. They are chasing or erased the life of not only an honor student, varsity athlete, and legend; they are accused of stealing this identity and even trying to become it; until it came to a quick end. Then there are the false police reports, nit-picking, and abuse of power or authority; they face horrendous retaliation. The problem is their refusal to testify against themselves. Their exuberance to testify or implicate others is psychopathic and deliberate malice; attempted murder. It would have been different if they were an honor student, a varsity athlete, or a legend of military victories; but they are not. They go down in history as the loser and getting busted in the worst way possible; a sorry ass clown in a clown suit. How did an honor student and varsity athlete end up homeless or with so many legal complaints? Is or was it all mental illness or a cumulative effort? Did a series of attacks and plots compound to invent a new life and two stories; one a murder plot and the other the life and times of Jesus himself? How long is the justice system and the Justice Department going to put up with a hostile takeover or penetration where the bad guys run the show? How long before justice kicks them out and throws them on the street? In order to prove intent, they must claim the outcome; who wanted this outcome? Who did not and who tried to block it or deny it; who did this slander and waged war because they were a mole and a traitor? Hide? Lie? Steal? It is getting harder and more difficult to lie. How good are they at terror plots? How good or able can they attack America or take over government?

This attempt to launch a plot to block a military legend failed miserably. Using mental illness to slander his military career, has blown up in their face like a suicide bomber. That is the truth. Any deviation and report otherwise implicates them in a plot and criminal conspiracy. Had Jesus been alive, this would be his story; they were busted for this and then destroyed in the worst way as part of the arrest, self defense, retaliation, and seeking a desirable conclusion. There is a lot of pain and a lot of hurt waiting for the rest of their life; they have chosen this path and no other. Clearly they are a criminal and live in a thieves world; but their leaders are psychopathic and lunatics who have no use in this world, none. They chose this life, we did not impose it on them; nobody imposed this on them. What they did was impose this on us and this is how it got this way and how they ended up losing their mind and life in the end. It is hard for us to do all that when they do not have a single shred of evidence, fact, or story to tell. They have wounds and injuries. They face horrendous outcomes. They do not implicate or testify on each other. This mental illness they feel others are weakened by is made up by their confidence and fantasy life; a life of a bank robber, mugger, or armed robber; a serial killer and lunatic psychopath. This is why a defense is impossible and nearly suicide. To defend this is death and is the murder case. Similar to a boxing match, they did come out swinging and in the late innings; they are cut badly, bleeding, and about to be knocked out. Why take the punches and the pain when the other opponent is schooling you and going to end your career? All of them are negligent and died trying. The quality of work gets worse, the cost goes up, and we get two stories or two sides. No genius, no honor student, and no human being would do such a thing and try to carry it on further. The problem with Ann and Alex is they are perfect and won this; hands down. The secret is death awaits and no matter what they do or have tried, death awaits. To go into court and say anything else; to tell investigation units otherwise, is a death sentence. Why waste our time and why try to sink more people? Stick around longer or try a little harder?

Dear Hacker: I hope you know I used to be a straight A student. I also hope you know I do have a computer science degree. You are the problem and you do not have the wherewithal to win this fight. I hope you realize that for less than a computer security or internet security suite; I do run Linux Live and Windows Live; but you are such a dumbass and such a bothersome moron; you waste everybody's time with this hacker or stupid tricks on my Windows operation. Just so you know; $30 would get rid of your sorry ass. Turning off my volume or sound is not a real control measure or threat. Turning off the switch to my wireless is not really effective. You are a petty nuisance and for less than a lap dance or hooker; you would have been more happy in life and actually used your time more wisely teaching me your idiotic talents. Thanks for the $30 lesson in how to be a jackass or global nuisance. I just wanted to see how far you would go and what you can actually do; not very much. I think we used you to the ultimate hilt before you drowned or got flattened. If you were an actual genius; you would have a degree or a reputable college to actually prove it. I talk to hookers to learn their story. I talk to strippers to know what they are up to. I talk to drug addicts to discover their fantasy or desperation. Now I talk to an idiot to understand how much of a nuisance you are. A hacker is only worth $30 on the street; a piece of moron who impresses other morons. The secret is death awaits.

I honestly do not think you are very good at hacking; just so you know. I concluded $30 and you will be one of the roadkill we keep mentioning. Your ass lost a lot over only $30; IT idiot. Keep trying to increase your value or cover up what you lost for missing the targets. Don't forget I have the grades to prove it. I have the SAT scores to prove it. I have a college degree to prove it. I have everything and you do not; prove it? Don't ever forget who got thrown out and who got 911 unplugged on them. This is all you have and the reason why you are eating every last bit; is because you made it. Well, now we made it and you did not. We also have that to prove to your ass also; dumbass SOB idiot. This is why you still hide and why your ass got all quiet or slammed; try this in the open or lie pathologically as if you were a psychopath and serial killer. Your math scores says it all when it comes to computers. As far as mental health; I am a straight A student until 11th grade. I got a B in 11th grade for the first time. There was never any problem; maybe it was those around me and a conspiracy or this lunatic psychopathic idiot traitor problem. None of them have any IQ, grades, or college; none. How can they say I am being bullied or are mentally ill? What is the benchmark or who are they using to prove and slander their way for? Doesn't it depend on who is in the room or who you use to conduct this kidnapping and attacks? We have our communist spy ring now and the footprints of their work. The problem is this is a degree and schooling they want and need. They totally screwed up and it is hard to come back in the final hours; stick around longer?

Ann, the inside joke here is between you and Hannity. You had a lot of problems explaining to me the relationship. He had no problems whatsoever and you did not deny what he said was false or untrue. Now he is chiding you about how you are as close to him as a boyfriend; claims you are stalking him; and he keeps shoving your face into it. What do you think I am doing? Why do you think I suspect you are guilty? At least defend yourself; I gave up because I am not your butler or servant. I want you to get murdered or raped. Watch how you take it; chickenshit. Listen carefully why I hate your guts and need a real woman. This is why you are the most sexually harassed woman and feel like a used piece of trash; you are. Listen to how you ask him to back off and let you "recover" from your wounds or losing your own marriage. As smart as you are and chickenshit; one man, one woman, and one marriage is too complex for you to understand or get right. Your hair looks cheesy. Your attitude is chickenshit. You have no fight and are a rape victim; "I think we are on air Sean." All indicators indicate you are comfortable with your rape or rapist; but you keep backing down. Now you and he admit it emboldens them. Fox News is going to have a really difficult task of explaining themselves; all on video tape. When did they know and when did this all start? But here is the problem you stingy ignorant bitch. If you act like a man and dress like a man; you will be treated like a man. What is Gossip? Hearsay is inadmissible in court; do you understand this? In my view, you are not a very intelligent female Ann. I have tried to let you impress me; really. Again, Hannity is identified as your attacker and Fox News are conspirators; a criminal conspiracy and coverup is at play. "Boyfriend" has been tossed around for over three full months now; still nothing. He is silent. You are silent. He is egging you to promote him or save his ass; you say he is a gossip whore. Then he chides you about stalking Chris Christie. Do they have a letter or something to keep their job?

Let see if Fox News or the FBI can tell something is very wrong and very out of place; is this a he said or she said? Look at all of you, who cares? Nobody cares? Nobody is telling the truth? How many layers of lies and trickery do we have here? Ann, you are not doing good for any side so far; dumbass. Do you realize this and do you understand? Is there anything you can give me or anything you have; which will restore or forgive your cerulean cruelties and chickenshit life? How many years has it been? Do any of you have any real hard facts or are all of you pathological liars? About RedEye. It is the same each time around; sex, dresses, legs, humiliation, fanatic lying or bias, gross lying, narcissism; it is not even worth watching or even commenting anymore Ann; you dumb stingy wench, die will you. At least accept some responsibility for your actions. Who do you want to watch and see you do this? Me? Drinking buddies? Maher? Hannity? Who and why? Is it this important to you, really? Why is it so important and why didn't you let your mom and dad watch? Why me? RedEye says your bodyguard was there all the time, is this true? If this is an act of war; consider the war won. Even better, consider it smashing a flea with megaton kick in the face. This ability to make their own rules in life has led them to painful discoveries and sacrifices, but then they are aimless and have no goals or aspirations. Their leaders are as diabolical as they get and the actual culprit who implements these rules of life. Even if they lost their entire family, they feel it is worth the hassles they created in our life and society; all for a few clown moments. To do all of this is one thing; to carry it out to the end is another. We have hard solid evidence; but do they? Write it down and stop asking questions.

Nothing Hannity claimed has been disputed; what you dispute is sharing the stage with him. I am asking the same thing; even I think there is impropriety and I know the truth. "Did you ever give Chris Chrity his inhaler back?" That is so cheesy and dumb. "Just back off..." Even you do not know who to support Ann, you dumbass. When I dump you, you stand upright again. If I let you off the hook; you turn into dumbass again. It goes back and forth; back and forth like a pendulum clock. "You are obsessed... you are a Chris Christie stalker... and I did not even ask you about your boyfriend." Hannity is referring to himself Ann; and you would not and could not even tell me. I am not in the joke and you made no effort to tell me; you claim it is damning or too difficult. The boyfriend is Hannity; but it is some inside joke between you. He has to provide an email or some evidence; written. He has to provide a relationship beyond him; parents, kids, intimacy, etc... A love letter would get him off the hook; but according to you, your attacker is someone you know. Awesome, I want to see someone get murdered; hurry up this is stupid. Hannity will kick your ass and brutalize you; you are chickenshit. You always have been; I keep saying this over and over; a female would kick your ass. This is my problem with you also. It is really embarrassing and you do not take advantage of value opportunity; stupidity and jackass. I think you F up everything; a F up. At least fight. Your ambition and goals are so high; it is hard to see how dumbass and incompetent you are. It is hard to pin you for something. One man, one woman, one marriage; simple Ann. Hannity wants to talk about "boyfriend" because you won't or refuse to. Why? I am glad they finally decided to fix their life, and most of all our life. They better have a letter and continuous fact checking if they want to survive. Every single day was recorded and they are on tape; we need hard solid evidence. Why waste our time and why try to sink more people? Stick around longer or try a little harder? Convince us otherwise? The crowd grows and gets bigger.

You keep saying he is gossip or full of crap; full of himself and psychotic; duh. You are 50 years old and he is the same age; think about it. All he has to do is have a letter or build his case on real things; is he a total phony and psychopath who will take down all of Fox News? Hannity and Red Eye took down Fox News but Happy Hour, O'reilly, and these after hours playground did also. You chose the worst people to prove yourself with; but so do they. Your performance was horrible as well. The problem is another woman could be in your shoes right now and in my bed while you get drunk and are out running around with other men Ann. That is the truth, not gossip. All of you need to change your approach on sneaking up or backstabbing friends. You too Ann. You are backstabbing me or have, aren't you? No, you would never do that or let them; not you. Not what they said or warned me about. Does Hannity have anything to save him or Fox News besides brazen attacks and psychopathic rapist lies? It has been three years; he has to furnish something; not a slew of lies or gossip that is untrue. It is back and forth but nothing is accomplished and nothing is ever solved. There is a pattern here, Fox News and total disaster. Can we trust any of your stalwarts and who is on SATWAR duty as an early warning system, who Ann? Who are they and why are they on our six or have access? Like all women, you have the ability to make others, men in particular, feel very special and important. They are not. The life and times of Jesus himself is now known. It was a communist plot and conspiracy on earth to build a home using slave labor. God sent Jesus because the threat is extra-terrestrial or being delivered. It is in their genetics and it is in ours also.

There is probable cause to begin a murder and terror plot investigation. There is deceit, concealment, blatant lying, and harmful attacks to indicate a criminal conspiracy. It is up to them to tell the truth or not; I have made this clear what we caught them for and how we got all of this; what we stopped and killed. About this boyfriend and Hannity's threats. They will use anything on you or I and you need to be prepared for another attack. If any of these hints or a letter shows up Ann; you are guilty for being a dumbass and being a stingy ignorant wench. I have given you one warning after the next; informed you what this is doing to me; and requested to be transferred or work under different conditions.

Ann, please read this about flirting and privacy; this is why I cannot help you any longer:

About this boyfriend Ann; how to tell if your boyfriend is cheating on us:

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.