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You can prove what you want by surrounding yourself with people who are no damn good. You can also take a higher step by actually surrounding yourself with people who are educated and have class. If you have the gusto and balls to really prove yourself; you can embrace the truth. All of you are criminals and you must be on praole or some form of probation. However, you are not proving anything to anyone; we are still here and nothing has been solved, nothing. I have people emulating you Ann; the same people who did this or was behind it. It is some game to emulate everybody; they emulate you, they emulate me, the facts get twisted and we drift farther from the truth. What are you trying to prove and who are you surrounding yourself with? Why are they circling me? I am a tri-athlete. I am a beach bum. I am college educated. I do not like liars. I have morals and am aggressive. I don't care and it takes a lot to set me off. What are they trying to prove or should I say; what are you trying to prove? Give them what they want; or give me what I want Ann? How about these boyfriends and dates? One man, one woman; pretty simple right? You even sound and look like Bill Clinton and everybody thinks you are in love with a fat ass man who will squash you or eat you. I cannot have these people in my life and worse 24 hours a day. I cannot have these people become part of my biography, marriage, or even career. Nothing has been solved.
Gross Negligence, Attempted Murder, and not the first time bizarre reports were made of improper use of anesthesia. Didn't I report blacks, car chases, and anesthesia before? All the sudden we have a case of a doctor, a black man, a superstar, and the improper use of anesthesia. Unlike John Lennon and deranged stalkers or fans, the good doctor is guilty of fraud and feeding patients lies while bilking them of their life savings. Whoever this SOB is they took advantage of a vulnerable person and created the conditions which allowed the furthering of this vulnerability and plot. We know it has to do with blacks; not killing black superstars but saving them. We know it is about pain clinics and the improper use of powerful drugs. There is more than enough evidence to suggest impropriety, malice, and gross negligence; deranged stalker and assassin like secret activity. This case also entailed sex with kids, rape, and bizarre sexual habits or behavior. Are they selling babies or trying to pretend a marriage existed? Is this the child abductors and kidnappers in the California and Nevada area which erupted with other cold cases? Who is taking adult prisoners, breeding or mating, and then selling the kids to superstars or adopted homes because they have superior qualities? Is it you Ann or is this them, it has to be one or the other only! Who the hell is playing with genetics and evolution in the name of communism and terror plots; even cloning our life? A doctor was behind this and trying to kill both of us Ann? They wanted to deliver our baby first and then steal her before we died? Isn't this exactly what I had described and isn't this why they said this was a death sentence if it got out? Effective? Is this a joke or some cruel hoax? Most people spend their entire life looking for love and some people never even get to experience the deep emotional feelings and sacred institution of marriage. These people treat it like a shelf product or some raft they use to cross a river. Why do we keep referring to a criminal spy ring and a terror plot? Why? Why do we keep mentioning how this began as a blockade and blacks were the responsible? Now it has turned into Arabs and Jews blowing each other up? Do we have strong feelings for them or any feelings whatsoever? Why then is marriage a recurring theme and these false "boyfriends" or "girlfriends?" Why do you keep dating or having dinner with George Washington posers? Are you a total and complete loser or just a derranged F'in idiot? Well, are all of you?
Who the hell got every gay man on earth fighting over Ann Coulter? Ann, why are the gays fighting over you like a fag? I am insulted and not happy with you. First it was a singles club; now it is the glee club and ballerina who are going to disprove your boyfriend and dinner dates? Who is the fat guy women fall over for? That is the President? Yeah okay Ann, keep it up you dumbass stingy wench; you could murder them. I know I would not even waste my time or give them a second of my life; just murder the F'er. One of you will kill the other; I was hoping and wishing both of you dead Ann. I want to see you murder them for ratings and a good victory. Effective? Ann, even though I love you to death, need you, and spent over twenty waking minutes of life with; you have to understand what kind of an ignorant stingy bitch or dumbass you are. I can give you an example. Michael Jackson was an addict and had mental problems, obviously. He hired a doctor or a professional certified by a Hippocratic oath, a safety net. Most wealthy addicts have a safety net when they want to get high. In your case, you have no safety net and I end up as the only person who can revive you or the waking dead. I think you did this on purpose. I think you intentionally lied in a deliberate manner; only to disprove the attacks against you. However, when I attack you, you lay on your back and tell me how horny you are. You are being stalked by rapists and bone insane lunatics. If they got this information about how they can stress you or attack you; they will use this to exploit or force you to capitulate if you want to escape a difficult situation. Even if the ghost of Bill Clinton came back and jizzed all over this case, the DNA evidence also implicates your deliberate attempt to lie. He was guilty. Are you telling me you are not the same and you are not guilty? If so, don't expect a safety net or fact checking. They are biased and sharks; you are feeding the sharks, that is all you are doing. You did this in Los Angeles. You did this in New York. You even did this in Florida. Even when they denied me any means to talk to you or write; you kept doing this and spending time with them in order to have them tell the truth. One man, one woman, one marriage, one intimate partner; how do you get this so screwed up and so crazy; and then how do you escape criminal and civil arrest? This is what the FBI and the public needs to worry about before shutting them down for good. How do they twist the facts and screw up our nation so badly and expect not to get the guillotine? They get lazier, the work quality gets worse, and the cost spiral out of control. Are they good for anything Ann, besides being your drunk parrot horny 24 hours?
Ann, are you trying to tell me the left wing and the communists have teamed up with Team USA to dress up like the British and defy the Constitution? Is this the goofy clone who keeps stalking us and repeating our words in the most defiant and embarrassing way to say, "Gook?" Effective? The best man won? A complete waste of time? All the sudden they are Team USA and we are fighting the British who also hate their dumbass guts? No sane or living creature on earth would even consider enjoying their company or opening the doors for them; but they keep on demanding and trucking. Where is my earthquake? Where in hell is my hurricane? Where are my alien allies? Where in hell are my backup forces to finish this fight and to eradicate all of them with not only impunity but the fury of my bloodshot eyes? Where are they dumbass; you stingy ass ignorant bitch; get on the phone and start dialing. Maybe someone will pick up and maybe someone will get my message and finish this job once and for all; what in hell do I have to do? I do all the work and you just kick back and tell me how I do not like your single life while they run amuck with this idea you are not married? Dial 1800 kill them Katrina for me. Even better 1800 Earthquake flatten this SOB damn good. I do not enjoy how defiant and cunning this jackass is either; beyond stupid and retarded; but one hell of a thief. The SOB can't swim worth crap but they can steal unlike any other living creature. Where in hell are my 1000 hurricanes and 300 earthquake day on earth? This is what they get when they mess with us; and more. Luckily, we have not given up our morals; but you never know when the edge is there in front of us and they are following us like a stalker. Forget Hiroshima, lets kick their ass again and again. There comes a threshold where they cannot resist arrest, nonviolent or not. How do we murder this enemy because I like them better bald, fat, sneaking around in our life, a total loser, and incognito. Ann, so tell me what the dumbass crystal ball and the itinerary of the stingy ignorant bitch has in store for me; won't you Ann? I need more and more of this. Is this what you want or was this what they want? Who is telling the truth and who won? Okay, now what? Where are my 1000 hurricanes and 300 earthquakes; who wanted that? Intern them? Shut them down? I did not want this outcome; who did? Step up and claim your ending; the deadline is 2012. Keep hacking into my laptop and keep messing with my career and jobs. Are they gun-shy now or missing that hair trigger? How many no thank you does it take? Being polite does not work and never has with this SOB. They keep saying we forget where we are and who we are talking to; lynch them or murder them is what this takes? This is what this terror plot and mess has become. Ann, call everybody you can and tell them we have to lynch them and murder them; chop-chop dumbass.
Tell me, can you see them now or are you a bigger dumbass than I am? It was very embarrassing writing to the FBI every single day and telling them what happened and exactly what my complaint is. It was just humiliating and it did not have to play out so long and with no safety net or precautions. You cannot claim self defense or suicide when you are charged with murder and attempted murder. Effective? Yeah I would say it is really effective if used back on them; wouldn't they? Anesthesia and pill doctors keep coming up along with the use of murder to suggest violence or a threat is present. When 911 is dialed, the facts are so twisted and the truth is so far away; mental illness is how slander is perpetrated and used legally to conduct character assassination or an illegal detainment. Doing it once, twice, and even three or more times clearly indicates the presence of a conspiracy or criminal spy ring. Is this what you want or is this what they want? Who is speaking for us and who did all of this? Why are they still telling me it is what you want when they now cannot say if this is what they want either; dumbass stingy ass bitch. Why do you have to be so difficult, stupid, and so open faced horrible? Who is the addict here? Who is the doctor? If you nail them; the emails and phone number pick ups, dinners, and even dates will go away and be exonerated. I don't think you will make it Ann; hence, I wish you dead bitch for dragging me through all of this. One man and one woman; one marriage, is not that complicated and that perplexing to myself or others. Sex with a man or woman should not be so confusing or so damaging. This has gotten so insane and love is not a crime; neither is marriage or friendship. If it is done back on them; they will convict themselves; was it wrong and is it effective? Would you do it again or would you put a stop to it? When? The modern Jack Ruby has to take out the Irish; then Ruby has to take out Oswald in order to become a national hero and get away with murder. Can we emulate them and bring them to justice? Lets ask. Who can emulate this spy and terror group who cannot hold on to the king of the hill or the smuggler's dream? They are trying to be us and implement our life; we hate their guts. What do we have to do to establish this and stop them? Tell me Ann, what the hell do I do? One man, one woman, and one marriage; is that so difficult?
Now you did this to where you call home. Keep in mind you have a Hippocratic oath called marriage and you are expected to act and be a certain way; to comfort your marriage through thick and thin. You cannot go out drinking and date men. You cannot travel around the US and chat with men online. You cannot email sexy texts to potential clients so they send you pornographic pictures or market you. Now I wish you dead and call you a dumbass or place "die bitch" cartoons all over your locker. I am not happy. That safety net is no longer there and it is gross and inconceivable negligence. These people are pathological liars and they twist the facts until death or lethal force is imposed. This is why it is also a death penalty case and both the FBI and Pentagon really need to catch up or get on board to murder this enemy; they are incompatible to our lives, obviously; and we need a safety net or guarantees. I need the truth to restore my life, maybe not you Ann, but I need the truth to exonerate and make me healthy so I can seek closure. What we have is inadequate and far from the life we expect or deserve. If living like animals is how they came to America or stayed competitive in America; then it is time to remove the America from their wallets and their existence. It is time to take this SOB to town and make them history; it is our history to do so and only our war to win it. Where in hell did they learn this from? Did they go to the school of jackass or communist spies to learn all of this terror plot and assassination plots? One other dumbass comment, Rush Limbaugh is heavier than Chris Christie and Christie knows Limbaugh is a complete lunatic and totally nuts. Stop saying how he is your love or true love; it is so ridiculous they will make both you and me eat it. Limbaugh is a complete fat ass and has to feel more of the sting and the pain for doing this to both of us; still hiding and refusing to come out for trial. I compare him to Jack Ruby; a revisit of the JFB murder trial. He needs someone who can pass as a spy or military mole. That dumbass kidnapped me and tried to turn me into a deranged robot hit-man or political sniper. How do I dress this god damn parrot up like a chicken if they are so hungry and savages Ann? Each time you steal an arrow out of my quiver or make my hand shake; that parrot does not look delicious anymore. I sure as hell do not want a parrot and I know I can find some use for this intrusive SOB wanderer in our life. The quality of work drops or goes to hell. The cost is jacked or adds up more. We get stuck with this SOB and his slutty wife who needs a job or a new husband. There is something very wrong with you all Ann; even you. Someone let this threat and enemy in our life; and someone locked that door. Team USA is the biggest hoax and poser I have ever laid eyes on or is racked with homeless drunks or stupid ass hammer swinging drug addicts. This parrot and this traitor keeps telling me they are Team USA; my lifeline? Look at you Ann; whose side are you on? Do you think I want or like fat losers who are lazy; but so in love with you? Exactly. Who wanted this ending, you? Has anything changed between you and I Ann? Has it and whose fault is it? Did you lie and twist the facts? Who is resisting arrest?

All they can say or do is repeat, "we are at war" over and over to explain the thin ice they walk on. Effective? Suicide? Ends justify the means? Problem with morale? Ethics cannot feed you or keep you warm? How do you claim self defense when others know you are a psychopathic lunatic, serial killer, stalker, and a complete dumbass if caught and exposed? Must we witness and watch this jackass emaciate and then try to weaken us further because they are coolio and have strong opinions about us? We have no feelings for them, none. Effective? Only the people who did this can tell us if it was effective; against us and against themselves. Their defense so far has been very weak, very. The ability to twist facts and hide any culpability is extreme risk taking. The effort to silence or intimidate us show exactly how much trouble they are in and what is at stake; life and death. The media and certain channels are guilty of failure to report the truth and twisting other facts to manipulate an outcome nobody wants; is it effective? Lies are told but only one is guilty; which side is it? Violence is not how we got here; violence is what it takes to stop this enemy. Did they call 911? Did they take the steps the Michael Jackson wrongful death trial implicated? Who would hire them and who would pay them? They opened a door that allows others to do this back on them; no regrets and no repentance of this gross violation or extreme humiliation. They have to shut that door and must decide if they will take the stand and fight. We know it is about money and power. They were not fooled with the Chris Christie stunt or trick Ann; knock it off dumbass; they know. They know you are not gay or a man will balls. The gay act is straight up dumbass; like always. I want and need a hot chick with brains to get this into history; I do not need a swinger, slut, or some porn star; understand? I had to throw them off; don't throw me off before you die; wench. You are dying soon and they are following through with your murder now; aren't they? You are "damaged property" now after I am through with you; so they won't rape or brutalize you sexually anymore. They might talk about your boyfriend or who you love; on Fox News. They stopped twisting the facts and so did Doctor Conrad Murray; he didn't do anything. He is just a liar and was at war. He didn't want to get hurt and had to feed his family; may the best man win.
In a god damn world of iPhones, laptops, international sales, internet business, and huge economic difficulties; you ass wipe SOBs want a sales tax? Are you completely nuts or just acting normal? 2% sales tax is the most you will exclude in a market of home, auto, and banking intensive structures. All of you want to tell me you expect a sales tax to work? Go back to the shed and get ready for what is coming Ann; let me point out several more of your god damn stupid dumbass buffoonary. A sales tax in this time and age is pure insanity. This is what I think of your monkey politics and your giggly speeches that get nowhere; get your head out of your big ass dumbass. Who the F do you think you are talking to and who the F do you think will earthquake and hurricane your wet ass? This is a circus and all of you clowns think it is just a game to repeat what you hear; MF'in dumbasses. What do you have to keep you warm now Ann, tell me? I am trying to change the rules of the game and the odds are heavily weighed against me; now you Ann? Maybe you are a slow poke and enjoy dating men more than I do? Then again, maybe they enjoy your single life more than both you and I can tolerate? Which is it Ann?

Ann, look I am getting really annoyed by some of the stuff that is going on and your ability to coexist with whom is behind it. Furthermore, I question with serious authority whether or not you know who they are or have the power to foresee their insideous life. Let's talk business and straight up core economic principles. All of you tend to be slightly confused and uncoordinated in your pursuit of money or power. Trust me, I am not fooled and nothing gets by; only pain and hell has its way. Channel it back at them, for them, and on them with a mega kick in the gut. Why won't any of you die but play this game with me and us? Tell me Ann, why? I want to F you up now because no traitor is going to implement satellite warfare or get by it, sleep tight. Nobody is off the hook here; not even your boyfriend. Do you want Fox News to talk about your boyfriend if you do not shut up? Answer me Ann, do you? What the hell is wrong with you all? What exactly did you all do to me and are you happy with your work now?
1. There are two types of people in the world. One type is the kind you do not have to order around or tell them what to do. The term for it is self-actuated. Then there is the rest of the pack.
2. When it comes to business and politics, there is only two types of human beings. One is put on earth to only occuppy oxygen. The other actually has life goals, aspirations, and a drive we call commitments. Those commitments are usually God, family, career, and then friends. However, there is another haranguing menace in the grass. This type is lazy. They only suck down valuable oxygen from those who need it. They drive up the labor wages while driving down the quality of work or standard of procedures. We grow acquainted with them and accustom to them due to their daily foraging.

Your attackers and the people I confronted embody a combination of all those. They assimilate well when held up to a light. They are emboldened by merit and entail all of these high quality traits; except one problem, the end result or the outcome. We always get an undesireable outcome with them or by them because they are the enemy and always on the wrong side. Surely you can see them now and insofar as their ability to hide or see you; they pay no justice to the value of trust or the truth because they twist the facts until this outcome or goal is lost. If you don't know this or cannot see them by now; then you are a slut and a stingy ignorant bitch, the dumbass I describe you ass. It all comes down to the 9th inning with this crazed enemy and mole; all other innings are irrelevant. And where is the Pentagon and the FBI? We need these people dead and this enemy in the ground; where are the good guys on this? Huh Ann, where are those faithful and loyal Americans you speak-tard about? Why aren't they matching an eye-for-eye with brutal rapes or murder this bitch to avenge your leadership? Ah ha, exactly; you have no followers and you have no support whatsoever. Don't give me more stupid examples or assinine lies. You people fight like girls or Fred Flintstone.
This is how Obama and the Republicans play the game. He does the same with Israel, Arabs, and crime. The facts are so twisted and their fantasy is so strong; the truth is completely lost and we get attacked or this state of total chaos. When it came down to the wire with Israel and Palestine; they wait until the 9th inning and so did the Republicans. They dropped the ball intentionally and made a gigantic mess at the last and final moment. This is also why this dragged on and why they twisted the facts even more; claiming the best man won or this was still up for grabs. It is not. It never was. They know they got set up. They based it all on golf. I am supposed to deliver them this golf marriage or country club tennis life. I don't think golf can do business the way I do business or expect it to; but they drive the price up while they drive the quality of work down because they are playing golf. This is what you get when you put Stalin and Hitler on the same cart and allow them to put their way to fame. I hope you lived and I hope you learned; is it so difficult to understand why I wish you dead and tell you to drop dead even if you were naked and were dying for a hug? You ain't got it honey and even worse is how you keep trying to get it back; how far will you drive and what will you do for a morsel of my throbbing ownership of you Ann; tell me okay because so far I am not the least bit happy with you or this. Don't tread on me bitch and I won't have to smack any of you around! Why don't you just die sinful and horny as a fox, boo-hoo cougar single's club member with the pictures to prove it. Why won't you all die or drop dead? As everybody can see and hear; changing the rules of their game requires moving earth and heaven; the odds are completely against us and we are surrounded; they are everywhere and resisting harshly and deadly.
You people are doomed. To elect another LBJ clown to the Republican side and let them run loose is a death thrall and suicide pact with the devil. Deal with the cancer and solve the core problems before throwing dirt or compost over it. To side and agree to the Democratic Party is suicide. How to escape them in America? Where is that toolbox we need and who has it; to make healthy people healthy again? How do we escape crime or a traitor, tell me? Vote one in? Let one in our life? Let them be the boss and eat cake? You people are dumber than I originally thought; you also Ann. Of course it will grow but the roots are really deep and really problematic. I do not like preaching. I do not like giving lectures. I do not like babysitting. I do not even like Ann Coulter and her dumbass plan to get married or live a "neutral" single life without me. Is there anything I like or can be proud of? Is there Ann? You tell me, do I like or am I proud of anything I see? Have you restored my faith and energy levels? Is my morale as good as you say it is? Why do you think my morale is so low now? You must be a military genius and so much more. Why in hell would I take advice from Rove, Limbaugh, Hannity, or Fox News? Why? You must be totally nuts Ann, die. Who in hell would work with people who twist the facts and get busted sticking a knife in your back, who? For you to sit there is far worse than for them to sit there; at least be a decent girlfriend and understand one marriage is all you need now. Why is one sacred relationship so difficult? Because you are so well behaved? Are you retarded, a dumbass, or just chickenshit?
Wait, I got more issues. Don't play that Christian or Conservative "jump through oops" smack with me; do you understand or not? I have a problem with twisting facts and this solidarity movement lacking truth. I was baptized Christian and have stayed true to myself. I was raised by decent elders and those who were true to their judgment, even slightly paranoid about Christ. Look what that got me. Look at the god damn crap I have to deal with; and now I have to explain myself? Is this a F'in joke or am I in a nightmare I cannot wake up from? I am sorry but there is a time and place for everything; here and now is what is most important now. I am back to doing anything to escape and be free again. Ann, you are exactly like a daughter who runs with the wrong crowd or a drug cartel; kick you out of the house and leave you for dead; don't come back ever unless in a body bag. You have exhausted my patience and drained me of all love; it is time the wolves eat you alive. I am just another one of your dumbass stunts; it is time you become mine; see if you can enjoy this. You use me as one of your deliberate cruel stunts Ann; take a bow tough lady or eat what you sow? A traitor and enemy cannot escape the truth; but we also cannot escape crime; why are they angry or in our life? Stop coming to America and stop making our home unbearable; you cannot escape the truth in this war. In a stalemate, we have the ability to break the weakest link and destroy this menace to society. We are no longer in a stalemate; need it proven 1000 more times?

Free market or not; I think marriage or having a boyfriend is far too complex for you Ann. One man and one partner is impossible with you. This campaign to school and teach the left wing not to hold us prisoner, hold us down, and what can or will happen if they do; is a complete failure and torture chamber. Lives are being destroyed by the second due to indecision or twisting facts. Kids in Haiti and Mexico are missing out on what America has to offer them; if anything. Why is marriage so complex and difficult for you dumbasses? Why? You want to be happy and experience bliss; you fail miserably and dig deeper. Free market? Learning disability? Antagonizing opposition foes? Let's cut through the chase before the chase cuts through me. Obviously, you are guilty. Your problem Ann is you cannot say no. If your attackers and so called, "friends", were to buy you dinner, stage an event, or buy you drinks; you would not say no and claim it was a business event. Worse is how you lie or claim it is strictly business. So what do you do? Your dumbass stages a business event the next morning in order to keep it hanging on a threat. Now the idea you cannot say no is followed up by you coming on Fox News early in the morning or to suggest you did not stay out all night. There is a lot I do not like or want; but you were so well behaved? Am I losing my mind or are you? Buying me a house will make me better? At least you can understand and acknowledge why I wish you dead and why I hate your guts; can you at least do that right? Even worse is my problem with these people; you are trying to annoy me and behave; they are making me hate your guts; dead or alive.

One man, one woman, one marriage. Okay then, how about one boyfriend and one marriage? Being a good girlfriend? How about stop being a drunk, stop picking up men, and stop doing things which you regret, will regret, or have to hide and be a dumbass about? Can you do this or not? How about being there and actually helping out. You are guilty of selling me junk I do not want while telling me it is untrue or how you are right. As a leader, I hate to be blunt but you suck. As a military leader; you become a joke. This is your cup of tea only because of me and the me is missing now because of your blatant actions and private life secrets. You feel this will clear up before you die; how about just die? Strangers help me more than you do Ann; strangers. And because of you Ann, I have to listen to these buffoons or listen to them implement everything I say and do; what value do I have for that, tell me Ann and how badly you have messed up. Meanwhile, you are acting like their best friend or even their boyfriend; buffoonery or my imagination? As a woman you need to cry because that is all you have; and I keep repeating it and so do you. Eventually, you will stop crying or repeating yourself. Shut the F up about blacks; we cannot escape blacks in America Ann; do you want to tell me or the public how difficult it is to escape blacks in America before it coincides with racism? You are the one dating blacks; not me and not other white babes I dream about. I understand how impossible it is to escape; even in my marriage and one woman. One man and one woman Ann; is it this difficult or hard to get right? I am Asian and you are white; and you want to teach me about blacks? All of you have lost your minds; even you. The blacks and Irish kidnap me to educate me about "whites?" Why are we at war now?

This is how you are defending your name; however, you even admit you never turn down any events, never. I can name one event you did turn down and several events in my life. Even at CPAC you did this by coming on early in the morning with the face of someone who was trashed the night before or was up late drinking hard. Why you did this, I do not know. This is why you are a dumbass and your appeals do not work right. Take that and try to tell the man in your life you and him have a special relationship nobody can impede or come between and see how far your miles last. Eventually, the lies will be exposed and your dumbass will stand there looking like an idiot. I might be wrong but so far; you have nothing except what I believe and a bunch of secrets or hidden information. You need to respect authority because I do not like or want to repeat myself; but I am and I recognize the big problem. You go and you tell your jackasses the same; repeating myself or twisting facts even more is a guarantee of suicide. Keep on reading, you might learn something and you might actually improve my life; that is your duty not your mission to destroy or ignore. Keep twisting the facts and see where that road will get you and I. You dumbasses and jackasses are all alike; you twist the facts and then you think you are sitting at the highest table or the table of power when one wind or one gesture can blow your massive menace to hell. This is not how you play the numbers or win a war Ann; best friends have a special relationship; not a scrapbook of crappy pictures and gossip.

The problem is they are everywhere; too many of them and too little of us. Don't ever forget where you are sitting and who you tried this crap on; you will never sit down at the table of power ever again. Ever. You will school us and you will tell us what to do? We are scared of you and what you can do to us? Nothing will ever change with you and the pictures just prove how away you truly are. If you want to be a dumbass and screw up your life; get a new flavor of the month or keep attending this singles party you have been so honest and kindly about; see where that will lead and when that will end. All the dumbass in your frail body will not make my life or yours better; it is up to you to find out what will and what will give you more permanence; drinking, partying, dinners, brunches, and prostitution pictures obviously didn't do very much for my life. It is my life isn't it? You still insidiously tell me and the world it is some magic potion you swear by; and I gave up a long time ago or want a new start. You cannot even grant me that bit of peace either. Now you just sit there like a dumbass and tell me you are going to hell because you did not intentionally piss me off? Are you this stupid or just a stingy ignorant bitch who should die? Are you getting better yet or is my life with you getting horrible also dumbass? Look at what your largess has done to me Ann; it is not an antidote and it did not have to be this way. If you want to declare yourself my Jesus and die for my sins; do it without me and without my knowledge dumbass. I am back at doing anything I can to escape or find peace again; anything, even loving you Ann. That did not get me anywhere or any better.

Ann, I wish you dead now. Welcome to reality. You are doing it again with me in your life and asking; what is the difference and did I have to be there to imply guilt or not? These people are a menace to our life and society; you do not do business with them or waste your life trying to prove them wrong, stop them, or tell them to leave us alone. You ignore them and if they disobey it; you hurricane and earthquake them on the blink of an eye. If they come back; you double and triple the strategy and locate their achilles healed. The bottom line is you do not hire or do business with a menace to society and then try to escape them. As white people and other minorities are finding out; it is impossible to escape a traitor, crime, and this "non-violent" dumbass. This is not how you win a war nor is it how you conduct business. Even if you go to them and tell them it is in their best interest to ignore us; they are free-tards who do not know what is happening or the danger they are in. This is how they got in this position and how we got here; this is why we are on the brink of total destruction; ignore us and leave us alone unless they can put the demons back and segregate the outcomes. We can and we will. How far they push it or push this; how long they can twist the facts; how much more of this jackass we have to put up with; will determine their future and ours. The reason why they are trying to take you out with murder or a brutal rape; is because there is malice and deliberate intent. They were aware and conscious each step of the way and continue to tossle or twist the facts until the truth is lost or dead. This is also why you are in serious trouble. The sooner you end this; the better. The longer they keep trying; the worse it gets. How in hell do we fix this?

So what if they twisted the facts and the truth was so lost; the most important mission in the world feel victim to a something and someone we hate with fury. Now it is time to unravel it. Who has the truth and why doesn't the media offer it or use it to clean their ranks? Why don't the US government stop them or stand for the truth and the winning side? The decision and outcomes are predetermined; it is up to them now. It all depends on who they pick a fight with and battle; it all depends. Blind, they will attack and they are rotten to the core; but also a traitor and communist mole. I warned them about trying to turn my life upside down, running me over, or the day and night scare tactics; it is time to seek and destroy. I am not going to issue anymore warnings or give up anymore ground; not a measly hurricane or earthquake. Ann, you are no retard and as deliberate as a human can be; I am torn and broken now because of you also. I need a good wife, not another woman to antagonize me; one man and one woman who is actually there; stop antagonizing me. We are at war for a damn good reason and over a damn bigger outcome; understand dumbass? Burn you dumbass bitch and feel my wrath before you sleep in my bed unwanted; may the curse be with you; may my power ignite your pain. When the cards are on the table, it is only you who can mess up; the cards are on the table Ann, what are we waiting for? You? More rambling? That pimple to burst? Blame Israel and the Jews for this; not yourself or me; they started this and refused to finish it or fix it. I do not need to know about "corporate America" until corporate America knows what good or high quality work is worth. I also do not need to know about skid row until skid row can do what I do or match my challenge.

Eventually, you will have to admit you cannot handle a normal healthy relationship no less love and marriage. This is why all of you lunatics and dumbasses feel warm and so important when you are raped, prostituting yourself, and bumping into the next flavor of the month. None of you can handle normal everyday life or a simple marriage. All of you are psychopathic, dumbasses, and disgusting; but you hide all of this and play this ridiculous dumbass game with the entire world regarding your desires, wishes, and needs. Even I cannot stand it and hate your guts. Now we get a better idea of who you "conservatives" and "ultra conservatives" truly are; a total mess and flawed dumbass. You are so cruel, so benign in stupidity, such a pest, and in such need of a job; coming to America did not brainwash the world on who you are and how we should love you or protect you. Even the drug wars exposed you as violent and a common thief. Your religion must have been created by a dumbass for a dumbass because all of you cling and grab on to anything we say, have, or do. Just admit it, none of you can handle marriage and you have more fun, enjoyment, and peace sleeping around or being part of this silly singles club; a club of rapist and murder plots. I think we begin to see you better and know who you are. Look how you dumbasses mess up a special relationship and intimate relationship; total jackass TV. What if you are right; does it mean you are a decent wife when you are hardly ever home and don't even want to shack me up or help me with my housing problem? Worse you claim you are horny all the time and are madly in love; strangers help me more than you do. Your attackers help you more and do things typical people do not get to do with married folks. Yes, you grant more access and do ten times more than what I do with you before noon.

Admit you would rather be raped, brutalized, ran over, and beaten down like a dog; it is all you have to brag about. Exactly like 911, it is all you have and you want to be the police so you do not have to take orders from anyone or live out this fantasy; none of you are God fearing and you need to be medicated or interned. They have won their battles with the Japanese, Nazis, and others; but they failed miserably with us. Why? Due to the constant twisting of facts and the terror plot by the communists; we get this ending. The Jews and the left wing are behind all of this. Job loss severely threatens their special existence and brainwashing efforts. Twisting the facts means we will never get the truth; this is the truth and we got them dead on between the eyes. I would love to hear more about college and all the Grateful Dead concerts. I would love to see more pictures and more men come into this gigantic mess. I would love to hear about your dates and engagements; even emails and phone numbers given to men while drinking buddies. Men call you and you live with other men; what bragging rights you must have. Is one man and one marriage too difficult or is this just more exercises talking to a dumbass whore who lived life to the fullest and should be dead now? Do you dumbasses understand this now or do you still wish to be my master? I am not taking prisoners; stop acting as if you are my prisoner and antagonizing me. Stop telling this traitor I am your master using our life as a stunt; F them or F them up. We are in a stalemate and in a stalemate, the weakest link will break; that link is you. We will defeat that weak link or destroy it; then claim victory; do you hear me dumbass stingy bitch who twisted the facts until the truth was lost? Tell me how in hell we fix this now?

Would you stop getting off or picking up men like an aimless or promiscuous whore? I hope you learned a lesson about your attackers and spending so much time with them; your own marriage failed and went to crap. I also hope you learned a lesson about how they are. Most if not all of them acted as if they are justified in their behavior or only being a friend with benefit while making fun of or condemning self gratification, sex toys, and non-partnership. If you review the tapes, they justify their crazed behavior and repeated attacks by condemning women who have sex toys, people who masturbate, or embarassing private information they acquire by spying or stalking a target. This is just part of their scam and pressure tactics; also the use of marriage or lack of one. What they want is to be rewarded and the control where they have no business or control of; a complete psychopathic traitor. Have you also noticed how cool they are and how socially adept they have become by attacking, stalking, and trying to implement all of our work; most of which is mine. If they kill you or finally win; I am not going to miss you and this will be punishment for spending so much time with them or trying to stop them instead of wiping them out and destroying every single one of them. They don't even dare discuss you in conversation or mention your name now; why? It was as if you disappeared and were erased.

Thanks for nothing and all of the crazed heartache. Your attackers continue to condemn and seek control while they act cool or pure. My attackers continue to portray themselves as friends in need or showing me the ropes; which never gets anywhere except welfare or some SSI disability insurance granted by their street crew and the governor. I hope you learned you lesson and hope this boyfriend thing has got you down or put you in hell for good; they said you had a boyfriend and it is really getting me down. This is why I don't care to have you around; but ask me if I believe it or feel it is some cruel hoax. This is no game or joke. Based on what they said and tried to prove; I don't want you to stay with me; I wish I never seen your face. I am going to be back in school soon and I get the feeling your life is from a Billy Joel album but it is no school I want to be pushed around by. You drive by in your limosine and you just want to be a big shot; always opening your mouth and having the last word. Well, you are very wrong because tonight I am not going to waste this beautiful life and I feel so alive. I am going to scream this from the rooftop and I want you to tell everybody how we got here until this is over. How do you expect me to pretend everything is alright when fear is making me feel sublime, grow up and stop bringing me to this home I keep complaining about. Are all of you like this, for real? Why does it have to be about phone calls, emails, hard nipples, and orgasms? Why does your life have to be so secret? Why is your sex life so secretive we cannot get to the truth? There should be one guy and one partner; why in hell is there a complete mess and all of these secrets? Why? How about one secret and special relationship only?

Okay look, from what I know, your campaign to school or teach them a lesson about why we have a special or private intimate relationship did not work. They are attacking you and the more you try to teach them this lesson, the more they impede and get more obnoxious. It is almost embarassing because they are so disgusting and they leave others completely disgusted. None of them want to leave and they circle each other with this solidarity and spy ring or terrorist plot. This idea you are going to teach them a lesson and compel them to never impede or intervene in your or our marriage; has backfired. They want you to rack up more and more negatives. They have and are full of negatives; 1000 or more violations, plus we are seeking the death penalty on them for all of this trial and error. I do not think your well behaved or campaign is or will work; it racks up negatives and got me to hate your guts or honestly think all of you are scumbags and full of infidelity. Whatever the case, I am now disgusted and you have too much to erase or too many people to get rid of or fight. They have to be shut down and the employers who allowed them or encouraged them to violate 1000s of violations must be held accountable. The consequences of not doing so is so devastating, the government must intervene eventually and must fight on the right side. If the government does not uphold the truth; the outcome will be more than devastating and terminal. Did the government get taken over by traitors who only want to hide the truth and hijack the rewards so they can expand or grow in power? If so we are facing an inside job and an internal civil war; a hostile takeover of terrorists who we had to stop in their tracks and defend our life from. You better figure out how to convey this lesson to a dumbass who truly thinks they are bullies before reaching that point of death or destruction; some bully we have and have to deal with in our life. I have a lot of ideas what we can do and how to school them. Do you really want to know some of them and how I propose to? Do you? Of course you messed up and are unfaithful; does it look like we have a special relationship or one that will last? Does it look like you have ownership to one or have one to brag about Ann, dumbass. I seen stupid but this is just too much to bear.

Take a hard look at the Justice System and the state of America. How in hell do people survive in this climate of straight up dumbass? We are still waiting for repayment or damages to be returned; but they face even worse. This idea we have a special marriage and cannot be separated, did not stop them from attacking you, impeding, keeping us as a war prisoner, and much more. You can see with your own eyes; how it declined and just went downhill since 2008; like a roller coaster; so do not feed me more lies about how you are training them and going to stop them. I don't even see it that way anymore and do not believe a word you say; just die or get raped; you might enjoy it more. They will use this in court and against you; just remember this. They will be prepared with the facts but they will not have the truth, never. All of it is total lies, untrue, and a terrorist plot to seize control or take prisoners. It is up to you to make sure they never ever come between us or dare cross us Ann, you failed at this and this is why I wish you dead. All of them bully each other and then call it victimhood or racism; we love them don't we? You could not even keep the peace in our own marriage and let them come between us; utter failure. Now they publicly announce it and record they were doing this and it was successful. Imagine that, you failed so miserably, they announce it in raw dialogue via broadcasts; how embarassing. What now, twist the facts and make them completely untrue or a slander case? How does a traitor and corrupt officials twist the facts and then lack any truth? How? Are you telling me the government had no idea and just stood there or let this happen? You better get some results and you better re-evaluate how to repel or school them about our love relationship, special circumstances, and failed marriage; you have no other choice in this matter, none. When you figure out how to or what you need to do, call me and let me know how you expect to change this prisoner status or slander case where the facts are so twisted, the truth is lost forever.

Ann, why are you always siding with the Mormons and the Black Muslims? Muslim and American Muslim are two different things. Muslims do not disassociate from their country. Even the Jews disassociate from America or their country; unless it is Israel. However, they are the only religion who has only one religion. In America, only the black Muslims created their own nation besides the Mormons. The difference between the Mormons and the Christians tend to be the compromises between the elites and the business world; traditionally white Anglo and Protestant. Another problem I have is the isolation or disassociation where they do not want to be bothered or do not want the police around; Constitutional merits. All of them, the Jews, the Mormons, the Black Muslims, and the Catholics; need to abide by the laws of America; not form a new nation or constantly get raided. That is the problem here, separation of state and religion. All of these groups do not abide by the Constitution because they formed a separate movement or nation; then bad blood formulated through the years. I am sure they are into smaller government and even keeping the government off their backs; but there is something else going on here that is being hidden; twisted facts and a lack of truth. I am not sure who is behind it or if all of them are involved; but we can narrow it down and cross off those on the suspect list; who are they and why have they adopted or grasped communism while unable to keep others down or away?
Keep F'in with me. Everybody knows these people are disgusting. Keep the pressure up or keep up the stupid attacks and I will hurricane you. Keep F'in with us and I will earthquake you. Keep up the stupid tricks and I will coup you. I will make you beg 1000 times worse. I will make sure the world never does business with you ever again. I will make sure you die in hell. I will have sure you never recover and we put you in prison for the rest of your life and history. I will do all that and even more. I said don't even look at me; not do business with me and change my mind. Keep F'in with me and see where it leads again and again.
We are disgusted with them; they are disgusting people; make sure nobody does business with them ever again and keeps them down or will pay dearly for all of this. They are repugnant people and guilty as sin. Nobody is going to take their crap or their attacks without a overwhelming response; non-violent or not. There are 1000s of illegal violations and we are seeking the death penalty; don't even look at who or what is coming at you and has destroyed you time and again. Of course you do not understand; you never will; but we know and understand you and this is enough to hang your sorry ass for good. Good riddens. Hack or F with my system one more time and you will sleep with Katrina for life; married and miserable bitch. The radicals did this and they also left us for dead, emaciated. When we found each other; things improved overnight but went back to this emaciated condition because they scammed and lied. Eventually, they will be shut down and the public will turn on them; extreme hate. Eventually, they will go belly up and the debts will come crashing. Eventually, this spending spree and this idea they are money over matter will come to a horrible end; if not, then let's test it over and over until it comes true. As I said, they are scrambling for cover and know the truth has spoken. They know we are disgusted and they are repugnant; but they refuse to stay down or go away; they refuse to admit what we caught them for so we must seek the death penalty and it must be imposed. If that earthquake does not knock some sense into them; then it will reduce the spending spree and debts they currently hold on for comfort and utter failure. We will school you and have; don't even comment, look at those who did this, and don't push it unless you want more and 1000 times worse. The problem is they don't and they know they will get it each and every time; don't lie. They are scared to the point of giving up or surrender; not many options remain and only a coup will change anything. Don't lie and for God sakes; don't think we are as stupid or this dumb. You live on the bed you sow; and so do we.
Poor quality work? Need a job? Up for grabs? A waste of time? My secretary got attacked? If you fail, keep trying. May the bet man win? Hold them down. A total mess? Stupidass who needs to know? Dumbass who has to know? Mind our own business? Needs a job and has to eat? This jackass wants to be a leader? Dumbass wants to be trained or implement all of our work? Don't have enough information to make good decisions? A total idiot? So flawed the truth does not matter nor do good decisions? Communist invasion by dumbass and traitor who needs to be fired or destroyed? Arrest them or help them dilemma? Above their pay grade? Hunky and full of love? No jobs because schools were no good, towns were a waste of time, roads led nowhere, buildings were misused, and jails took over? Such a dumbass and such poor work we cannot see who did it or who this jackass is? Wants to be us or with us? Mad rush and shoving match with this desperate SOB? Playing along while they throw themselves at us? Still playing games with the matter and our private life? Wasting more valuable time, money, and causing a lot of heartache? Trick them back? Try what they do to us back on them; insanity? Who is the idiot now? Money over matters or brainless? A land made for a jackass and dumbass looking for a job? They keep reproducing and doing this? No jobs and war on poverty? A conspiracy? A game to hold them down? A game to get rid of them and their stupid religion? Same as us or smarter than us yet? Wants control? Problems between the two sides? Why do we have dumbass on our side and on our team? Why are they employing or implementing all of our work? Who let them in and who let them do any of this? Who do we wage war on and why did they scam the public to silence or reverse all of it? More messed up now than before? Further from the goal now than ever? Loosing grip with reality? Ready to die yet? Force of God and the power of the universe not strong enough to do in ignoramus and dumbass? Freedom? Liberty? Words and feelings reserved for only real people? Wants love from us? Wants money from us? Wants to be part of our life? Angry with the world and angry with the conditions? Who is the threat and who is the dumbass that needs to go before necessary action is required? Stay silent, play along, and try to assimilate with others while not addressing any of this or fixing any of it? Negligence? Total lies? Psychopath? Trying to win or be winners? Chaos in our life? Attacked or extreme combat? Wants more and as much as we got? Doesn't scare easily and tries to be the authority or boss? A complete and total communist mole? Did a switcheroo on them also? This enemy and mole has got my secretary fighting for her life.

Look, they do the same stupid shit to me. They declare themselves my admirer, stalker, and even my wife or spouse. I have wrote and filed charges; several times. They do the same singles club or match-maker game and it is a criminal organization. They will be shut down but this game continues. They do not want to leave; keep trying to say they are helping; and we get this stupid voter cover-up or terror plot. I never spend time with them, never. I never act nice to them and record it, never. They are never nice or polite to me, never. You are playing them by recording it; they are playing me by recording you. We are back to this problem with both males and females. The same thing happens to me; my fiancee and totally insane kidnapping. Now the abduction is how it is about the best man wins; up for grabs; and the public sees how crazy dangerous this communist traitor group is; they are behind the attacks and terrorism but refuse to tell the truth or evade capture. They did this to me; forced to be trained how to be their loyal lover or spouse. I hate their guts and wish them dead; get them and make sure they are destroyed. So this game underway or has been underway; is exactly what they did to me; how I got all of this data and their secrets. They tried to train me and I just waited for that day to arrive or be delivered; as written and described. They also said I was their husband or some marriage was underway. This same crap and stupid game is why I wish Ann dead; stop making it worse. They are not there to make sure we are matched up; they are playing match-maker and our helpers, confidante, and surround us to impede or prevent victory. This is a traitor and a tree climbing terrorist; do not trust them. Now they are in full swing with Ann and even I think she is a dumbass and such a vile swinger; it is not only believable but she is a slutbag and total whore. She remains silent. They blame her. It is just too much and not the person I have waited for or want. Why hide any of it and keep playing along? Ann is guilty, let her fend for herself and let her honor keep her warm. You destroy or let them destroy what you have and then ask why you are so upset and angry? Very bright for a dumbass and rodent who has transformed into some other creature. Good job Ann, you made the biggest mess of all. Your mess is even bigger and more crazy than their insanity; it holds no logic but you are so well behaved. You will never be married and will never be there; just go and just die as expected. You are a bad slut who misses her pimp; ruined your own lifeline.

By the way, someone had contacted me about the college roomate. I read an article a long time ago (2009) which identified your college roomate, a female. She became a high tech lawyer and works in California. I had not known you two were also hanging out and she did not print or make any statements about your insane and stupid games. I am sure she is covering up for you and you went to her to fix or prevent further damage. As always, it is worse than what or how you describe it; but you always say how well behaved and how good you have been; you do not deserve this. Nobody put a gun to your head and had the police and the government arrested them or stopped them; none of this would have happened. They did not even place safety measures or put in place anything which would limit the damage or prevent a traitor or idiot from wreaking havoc in our life. It is up to the government to remove panic from the public sector and provide the God honest truth or defend it. Look at how they all just play this game; lacking any truth and now letting a hysteria go dog wild and deeper into hell. What do they think we are doing and not getting paid for? We do not get paid and do not get any public funds. Who is hired to conduct public safety and uphold the truth? Whose job is it to prevent the communist from causing panic? This is a lot of panic. Refuse to uphold the truth? Such a dumbass and jackass; they just sit there and are blind? America is upside down and deteriorated beyond the point of recovery or redemption? Hysteria? Panic? Still up for grabs? Gladiator ring and who was behind it? Safety issues with this elite doctor? Drug them up for a paycheck? Belligerent or violent? Apathetic, moronic, and loosing all industrial might due to this intelligence level? Total facade and total lies in our culture and society? Not a suspect or untouchable? Elections and only elections can shut them down? Anything goes with a vote? Push them to the point of total destruction? I am a little confused; why don't someone educate and help me? How accurate is the information or help? This help hurts and it is a criminal kidnapping? Why is the truth and the real story getting further and further or the goals not met? Why? Why are we losing our mission and war with the enemy and this traitor? Why? 2012 is the deadline; meet it or not? If not, then eat it and enjoy it. This is what we got and what they handed to us; back at you, all of you! We told you what to do and how to fix this; all of it was ignored like a robbery and home invasion. I don't like excuses and I do not like stupid games to waste my time when it comes down to the wire and crucial life and death. Who am I? Who are you? Here we go again and again. Do we need another or another war? Do we?

Did you have fun drinking and partying in order to sell books Ann? Are you done asking who wants to have sex with you and then pissing me off? Do you still want to attend events and pick up losers who can insult those who criticize you? It is impossible to be happy with you and so far; nobody can be happy with you, not even me. Who wants to have sex with Ann Coulter? Who is lying about it? What is this game all about and why is Ann Coulter in so much trouble? Anybody who dies or does not want to claim their honor; is guilty of something. If you die under these terms; it is clear you are exactly as described. You just did not want to be blamed for it or all of it. The reason I moved on is because you took too long; again. There is a saying out there, "Keep it simple stupid (KISS)." Hey, clean it up dumbass. If they kill you, then you know you were wrong and I partied afterwards; I hated your guts in the end and was not your friend at all. This is the same game you played; so what comes around goes around. Who wants to have sex with her when she is dead? They are disgusting.

Why don't you move in with a man or move to Los Angeles and start a new life? You know any insurance company would drop you; yet you got me using all these twisted facts against you also. The motive is obvious; you are a dumbass and a total bitch who is in love. That is the motive, you are in love. I am not sure if I am in love, so I do not have a real motive. Now it is big concerts or huge concert bars. Now it is living with men and Los Angeles. It is visiting Arizona and the offer you got from these politicians. I am totally disgusted and you want me to love you? Most people would say you are not a very good steward of marriage or a very good leaders; who in their right mind would be this ambitious? Do you think you can eliminate or defeat this many enemies? Do you? You are insane and screwing up your marriage or dreams you worked so hard for is a clear example of how bad of a leader you are. I now have to deal with such an annoying dumb bitch who is in love; again and again. It does not end and you do it on purpose, stop lying. Your leadership against the leadership who has not done a damn thing. If you saw a disaster or if you were forced to fight with this enemy; do you think they will come to your aid or assistance? Exactly. Why didn't you just tell the truth instead of attacking or wasting your life with them demanding the truth? Now you are also guilty of this. This is why we are disgusted.

What does it matter if sex or no sex was in your swinger life? It keeps you warm. You are a swinger. I asked you if you could turn on gays who kept on bothering me or hitting on me. You gave them fantasies that took them off me or created the diversion I asked for so I could make an escape. I never complained about this and it may have worked. Clearly, they know we had intercourse or some form of sexual relation; a lot of it after twenty-two years. Even they are taking up this new platform where sex has nothing to do with their bonds, fantasy, or why they are in our life. Therefore, they are changing the rules of the game but so are you. Each and every time I get mad at you; "don't worry" or "there is no sex." You have proven how to wreck a marriage absent of sex or any credible government; they want to implement everything we have but we have this problem with servants or job seekers who are of no help or merely get a paycheck for nothing. The police will say the same thing; why didn't you just tell the truth? Instead, they watch us and pass threatening messages and letters, clandestinely, while inside our homes and residence. Why didn't they just tell the truth instead of playing this game they were the best and were going to implement all of our life work and steal everything in our life? Just tell the truth and understand no means no. Let me ask you something Ann; how can they turn a total defeat and humiliation into a victory? How? Now you tell me right now why I am so mad or upset at you about? Can you figure this out yet? Can you Ann? You have one life to live and you don't even know or can strategize during extreme combat? How does this traitor and mole turn this into a victory and why didn't they just tell the truth to begin with? Now you are saying not to worry? Dumbass stupid stingy bitch; make some more and drag me further in this. I am ready to start over and retire very wealthy; not stay on skidrow or be almost homeless. Which one of us is emaciated?

Of course, it never occurs to Ann Coulter how she must really like Bill Maher or some of these other "swingers"; part of her singles club to waste so much time on them or jeopardize so much in life. Each and every day is a struggle. Who in their right mind would put themself through such an ordeal? She must really like them. Sex has nothing to do with it? Is Ann Coulter stupid, crazy, or just a dumbass who feels she is very smart? What intelligent person would say it is worth it or she did not mess up badly in life? Who would side with her on this? Nobody. In her mind, she is forgiven and she did mess up. The trilogy of a dumbass continues and the rumors were true; we still are nowhere and got nowhere. Where is the government? Where is the media? Where the hell is leadership and your people? How the hell does something like this happen to me; and then ends with this happening to you Ann? How? Like some California workplace nutcase; the police have to sit there and talk it out with some lunatic and psychopathic terrorist who refuses to come out or surrender; even if surrounded and busted. Just tell the truth or tell the truth why you waited so long to tell the truth; this could have been over a long time ago. Instead, the facts were twisted more and more while one plot, conspiracy. was used to determine if they were dead or if this was over (ie: Casey Anthony, Amanda Knox, Anne Pressley, and a host of cold war cases involving crime or mafia hit men.) If they can buy some time; they can try new things to win. How can they win or what options would make this a victory. Right on cue, look what they did! Hell you even look like Michael Jackson's doctor and they look like or act like Michael's family seeking answers. Nobody wants to hear the truth or hear from the real characters in this book; nobody. It feels like a bubbling dumbass is writing our biography and we are pretend figures or puppets. You are not off the hook for clubbing or calling up men while Michael was dying Ann; listen to the truth dumbass. Is this your compass now Ann? Are you their compass? Whose crystal ball is this?

There is a part of me that keeps on telling myself you are lying. When I asked you, "is there anything else you would like to tell me," of course she had to come back immediately with, "yes but I have to tell you in person because it looks really bad." Then I asked if "Do you think you were faithful... do you think this is what a normal girl would do if she was you?" I could hear the desperation in your voice, how you messed up, how you had or were hiding stuff, and then you told me I forgave you already, etc... worse than I had imagined. I got the feeling or a suspicion there was someone in Los Angeles who let her stay with him or her. The dumbass Ann Coulter could not put two and two together and with the insanity of a mess on her hands; didn't think it would be so difficult to fix or clean up. Then she starts telling me about living with married couples, living with other poeple or staying with them, etc... sure enough you could not or would not come out and just say it. If you are the best and not a mole or traitor; why didn't you just tell the truth? Instead, you jeopardized your dreams, your career, and all relationships which hide your phony or traitor life. Is that the behavior and actions of the best or some sleezy, bigot, trashy junk full of dumbass, and media whores who just do not get it yet? Get it yet? It is too late now. Why didn't you just tell the truth and not say, "Let's stop them or die trying." Mentally ill? Schizophrenic? Grandiose delusion? Is this a joke or a very well thought out cruel hoax? It is easier to just piss me off and kill you Ann. It is victory if they can rape you, get you a man, knock you up, provide an email or love letter, or nail you for something such as lying and dishonesty. The fact you are a dumbass stingy bitch or an internet slut is not punishable by law; it is punishable but just not using the laws. Going to be shut down eventually, test it.

Then when it was no big deal and I had thought it was a false alarm or one of your lies; you tell me during a conversation with another one of your men, "whenever 'he' is in New York we would get together and go out to dinner." Then after this you begin to go to CPAC and on the very first night, stay out late and go out to dinner. Can you be more suspicious or wishing to be unfaithful? This excuse, it was Bill Mahers fault is a far stretch and leaves me wondering if you actually like Bill Maher so much to do such a ridiculous and vile act? So that was another lie and part of this swinger life; it was Bill Maher's fault and to fight with Bill Maher. Most people would say you wasted more time because it is so bad and even your own husband would hate your guts. True? Is it fair to say this? Is it fair to say you are a swinger? Can you prove you are a faithful and worthy of marriage, beyond a reasonable doubt? Here is the problem with the Pentagon and the personnel problems which racks and wreaks government. Again, why lie and conceal a terror plot when the truth would have been the best answer to all these questions? Claiming to be the best is just not good enough and more of this scumbag cruel hoax. Acting like a slut and dating every man on earth does not make your marriage stronger or last forever; can you explain this or write your own biography? Can you tell a crowd and convey this convincingly instead of parading a swinger life and a secret lover? Now look what you have done and it all comes back to why you didn't just tell the truth to begin with? Why? Why involve all these men, spend all this time with them, and sacrifice so much for so little? All of this was for nothing but some kicks or a few hours of boredom? You are a fool and in the song "The Angel Song" by Great White. Why am I almost homeless Ann; chasing you or listening to you? Why? Why are you never there and live a swinger life? Why? How can they make this a victory and why are you incapable of victory or making this a full blown victory? Why Ann? Is it retardation? Greed? I bet I can tell you or scream it at you; you want me to smack you around. You know you are a sinner and want to stay; you want to be smacked or me to do anything to you; anything. What repugnant people we hate; who is disgusting and who is disgusted?

The bottom line is there are men you do get together with whenever they are in New York and there are people you go to live with in other states. Sometimes it is for a week and other times it is for an entire month. I am glad you are taking your damn sweet time while everything goes to hell and you are not able to change history. You must be forgiven? There was no sex. You were in so much pain. Why don't you get a female to help you? Why don't you go and ask them to save your ass when you most need them? Even your closest dirt bag let you drown in all this and you come to me and I was tricked and here we are now. At no time did I think you were faithful but you kept telling me there was no sex and throwing yourself at me as if you were a nymphomaniac. Do I think you did this with any man or took the relationship into the completely insane levels? No. Did you go totally insane in bed with these relationships? No. How about a normal female who can make much better life decisions and has a much more stable life? How do you demand the truth or force others into difficult situations when you are the culprit and the person who did it? How? If that is not the wolf watching over the chickens; then what is? Now all of you want to implement things you have no business or authority to. Ann, you are doing these dinners and still drinking or dating; simply because you screwed up and mistakes were made. You admit you are a dumbass and a swinger; but not guilty. Define guilty? Is it how you see it or how I see it? Is it what you want or what I want? How do you claim to be innocent or hold all these secrets which obviously keep you warm and satisfied? How about the truth? Why did you wait so long to tell me or give me the truth? Why? The disgusting people versus the disgusted people?

Who in the world would say it is Maher's fault or the result of Bill Maher? Yes he did have something to do with it; but isn't this Ann Coulter's fault? The results were catstrophe and proof of poor judgment and leadership. Those reports of someone staying with you; using my work and my money; was true. Can I have what is mine back? Of course not, I have to fight like hell for it while I have to listen to this shit. You females are one dumbass act and you make the worse decisions imaginable. In your case it is not to minimize it but to maximize it. Minimum or maximum? Like it or not? Who the hell makes decisions so badly and is still repeating more and more of those bad decisions; a curse of a jackass or dumbass ignorant stingy bitch? A lot of this is going around and a lot of you are totally guilty. Why have these people in your life if you went insane or it made you insane? You look like a slut and you ruined everything you have dreamed about or worked for; sounds familiar? It sounds like the triumphs of a TV envangelical preacher. Worse, it feels like it also. If you too are friends and even lovers; why not tell the truth? This is almost like torture and stupid is as stupid does. Tell the truth and you are cleared; home free and no worries. How many years has it been? Why did you wait so long and make the outcome almost impossible; fire all of them or destroy all of them; before you-yourself-and I had the truth? Why? Look at how many there are and what the task at hand is; are you nuts or just pitifully insane? Then you expect Obama and the Democrats to clean this up; they are the leaders, why clean it up when all roads lead to them? Who the hell will clean this up and provide the God honest truth, who? The FBI? The Pentagon? How in hell do we eviscerate or get rid of this mess? Who will pay for it? Who can they be authority or the police, they are disgusting and repugnant.

Obviously, Fox, Hannity, and others are using the Freedom Concert and sharing the stage with you as ammunition or a basis of their self-defense. Obviously, you now have to use these new events as self-defense to prove they are lying or have been. Obviously, they are busted and the killer; the spy ring and traitor network of moles. They twisted facts beyond repair and then refused to end it or untwist those facts by using new ones. These are your new ones which they now cannot twist. This means they committed the same crime twice or more; a repeat offender. Everybody who twisted those facts and screwed this up so badly now has to untwist it or deal with the new facts; meanwhile, your marriage has ended and you just sit there and add more problems to an already insane situation. You blame them. They blame you. Hannity got busted badly for lying and this psychotic killer or assasin you said was a murder case but had been a brutal rape case. I was hoping they do kill you; maybe you will learn a lesson and maybe I will have peace delivered finally. Worried yet Ann? I wish you death but I do not have a motive; you are a dumbass and a waste of time. If you pay me instead of profiting off my secret life; I would and could move on. Why don't you want me to move on; what the F is your problem? We know you are guilty and we know marriage is not your cup of tea; but why would you do this to another human being? Why Ann? Are you evil or some stingy dumbass bitch who always gets in trouble or make a mess and then cries or walks away? Is that it or something else? You look like them. You act like them. You are as guilty as them. Why would you let them rejoice or get a victory out of this, why Ann, you dumbass stingy ignorant bitch. You are not a good General and not the person to head up a war; why in hell do none of you realize this and feel you are the best? You act like Cold Warriors and the police; have mercy on us will you. You want to be that way, I hope they kill you and I will devote my life to erasing you from my memory or all of earth. They are a dumbass piece of trash who can never win either. All of you are total failures; need some evidence or facts to twist in all directions? F'in retards who are out of control; no soul and worse, no conscience. How do digusting people invent such a fantasy where we are emaciated and nearly homeless, how?

Even you won't tell the truth or do the exact same thing; twisting the facts and concealing what kind of a dumbass or stingy bitch you have become. This is how insane you all are. Ann, you cannot make this a victory but have them beat. You are so guilty or so dumb; you have to engage in so much damage control while your own personal life is tanking or nearly gone. They recognize you are hurt or bleeding; the sharks move in and try to trip you up or turn it into a victory. Here we are now; no victory and dumbass Ann Coulter is to blame on both sides. This is why I said they should kill you and I would rejoice if the ghost of Tim McVeigh came back and finished you sleezy life off. Marriage is not your cup of tea and you are not a good choice to marry; worst mistake in my god forsaken life. You buy friends and you buy your husband; meanwhile you prostitute lies and this raffle for dinner, drinks, and maybe more. If they furnish a love letter or can prove you used this to obtain phone numbers or emails; you will have to let them go before they blackmail you or tie your hands. I see you as a liar and a complete mess; you could have told the truth to begin with. Now I wait for them to kill you and in my opinion, you deserve it from my perspective, not theirs, mine. All you did when hell and purgatory arrived was get drunk, pretend you got knocked up, acted like you are an adulterer, and then removed all sense of being God fearing. You pull the curtain, they all go running, and what do you do? Go drinking or chase after them so they do not forget you or have your number, call me okay! All that toxic or lies killed Michael but all involve want a paycheck. Who are the stars and who said they are implementing any of this? This is their compass. They want to implement all of this and all they had to do was tell the truth; not face an army who is seeking the death penalty.
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