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Sunday, August 19, 2012


It is time we rejoice and recognize we are blessed. We deserve to be happy and much more in life. We should be happy because we have good people in our life, reliable people; who will deliver as expected and promised. For those who do not, hell awaits.

Clinton and Bush is linked to the mafia and Condalezza was calling us a "butcher" and what she wanted or tried to achieve. Similarly, I write in my blog his links to the Cubans and how the New York mafia has always sought this state and this type of hierarchy. Do not think organized crime or organized terrorism or even organized communism; is on only one side.

The Question is why they are on the police force or investigating? Why are they in public service when they cannot do the right thing, do not care, and are on a suicide mission?

They used the hiring of my sister and Ann Coulter; both nearly identical to suggest they were friendly to women and minorities. But why is it a death penalty case? We did not scam anybody; they tried to inject one scam after the next; worker's compensation fraud or pilfering the government. How did it begin or start? After 2008 they went into hiding and stopped; they fled the scene of the crime while Limbaugh-Hannity tried to resolve it and win.

All of this started when they began stacking the military or government jobs, which was life and death matters or required a rescue. Then they were doling out executive or six figure positions in a reckless manner to infiltrate and penetrate government. If they were caught or exposed; their political cover or employees union retired them with a hefty pension. In our case, we were on a mission and introducing ideas and research that required a very long time to complete. We were already in the line of fire during the 1960s and would be in more danger or the line of fire as the anti-war and peace activist came out of hiding. That is how this began or how they ran us off; by putting blocks everywhere. It was very hard to do the right thing everyday and they made sure to butcher us up when we did or opposed them. It took a nuclear bomb to stop them. Then when it showed up they had infiltrated and the criminal elements or down and out were doing this; they created a cloud of suspicion or this inquisitor that lacked any merit or facts. They wanted us to be weakened by the prospect or fear of being investigated. As we will later find out, we end up trapping them and catching them in the act. It was all a scam, an infiltration, and a communist plot; we stopped it and ripped them to pieces. They used a cloud of suspicion, which they were near serial killers and 911 terrorists; to suggest investigations or fact finding missions were heavily underway and going to steamroll us.

It starts with them knowing we are destined. Not only are we not "white"; how long are they prepared to wait in line or wait until they achieve our status? It starts with Ann Coulter's dream in a man; what she dreams of. It starts with last place and having nothing they are good at; except crime and robbery, communism.

Up until 2008, it was very hard to wake up and do the right thing. It was extremely difficult to walk into society or work and get attacked all day for trying to do the right thing. They circled us and just attacked relentlessly. When there was no evidence; they made sure to place a cement wall or an obstacle we could not scale or would stop us; some chain or legal judgment. Doing the right thing, day in and day out; was very difficult at the workplace or when they called, wanted to talk, wanted to thoroughly debate this, or just protest. It took nuking them before we could even tell our story and here we are today; the way it is.

However, they used this initial military link to suggest worker's compensation or fraud had taken place and the fear of being caught or getting a judgment was real. We had to pay them extortion or some tribute. We had to surrender and do as they say or want. We find out the inquisitor was nothing more than a scam. They had no merit and do not even respect the truth. All they wanted to do was call us a butcher (Condalezza) and expect freedom or jobs. It was the 1960s crowd on suicide mode; lawless. Well we nipped that in the butt and it takes a nuclear bomb to stop them, shut them up, or force them to be honest or do the right thing. So here we are now and it is all a mess. They hide and keep quiet while we have to tell their story or what they did; and they just sweep it all under the rug or try to tell us to leave or call us butchers. It was them who waged war or used this harassment campaign to outnumber or circle us and look how it turns out. It was the Democrats and the Catholic Church in total decline and debt. Worse, they stacked homeless or total losers in the military so their work with charities or homeless veterans would carry on or gain more momentum. The more they snuck in the military; the more failure and 501.c they could obtain. The way they investigated and the secrecy of lawless surveillance, this grand inquisitor or big brother; was disgusting and similar to child molestation or rape. This was merely a murder plot, to brutally attack to leave us for dead so nobody would come or any rescue to arrive; nothing more. Hence the secrecy and all of this under the table information now.

So this begs the question. Why are they in public service? Why are they the police? Why are they investigating when the truth does not even matter or they do not even care about doing the right thing? Is it spite as the communist are known for? Is it radicalization? Is it a secret war they now cannot win or ever achieve? If they want a niche in our world; the only option is to steal our life and attack; yes attack. When you are in last place across the board and facing total failure; you must find something you are good at; if not crime and corruption. They have now found it. So why are they the police or even investigating when they do not even respect the truth or wish to do the right thing?

You have to love the Bush Family and the history of the mafia. You have to love his CIA femme fatale; who calls us "butchers", who does not respect the truth, and who has no comprehension of civil war or endless civil war. All of them are peace activists but under the table; they are extremely violent, dangerous, butchers (total number of dead people under their reign), lawless, and completely delusional. It sounds like they want to internationalize the drug trade or the mafia; freedom for everybody no matter what. They are all full of love and peace; we are the butchers. They sound like the brains of the NY mafia; who court the Florida people or drug trade. Bush and his people failed to speak the truth about what was going on.

There is something very wrong with the Bush Administration or family; even worse is the Clintons. Look at their choices and how delusional they all are; no respect for the truth. The problem is also how we "do the right thing" and they end up butchered or injured; slaughtered by their own death wish. They want freedom. They want money. They want expansion and international growth. They do not care who you are so long as you stand for freedom and peace. Does CIA know the peace movement and the mafia penetrated their ranks or have taken CIA over? Do they even have a clue? All of them refuse to admit to civil war; only how we are the problem or butchers while they stand for freedom and democracy. At least we respect the truth and do the right thing; without any thought or words. In wrestling they say the bad guys are the conductor who leads the symphony. We are interested in reliable people; not unreliable ones who need jobs. There are a lot of people who want to be the solution.

Vice President Paul Ryan will have to stand before the American people and tell them if there is a right wing conspiracy on the Catholic Church or some diabolical plot by the Protestants to destroy that church. He must explain why the truth has to be respected and our rights must not be violated or else hell will be delivered. This question is what the Catholic Church is seeking or why all of these attacks and under the table reports. Was the 1960s a mistake or was it a conspiracy to hold all of them down for being poor or immigrants to the New World? Are they exploited and used, then disposed of or are they just not very deserving and unreliable? We got radicalized already; don't bring out the worst in us again. Don't try to justify the 1960s or communists. Ryan's job is to speak the truth about why this church was decimated and who deserves what. We are not here to be against anybody; at most we ignore them. If we cannot ignore them; then we have to destroy them and in the worst possible ways. We are not the enemy; we are the solution. Ryan can tell people to rejoice and be happy that good people are in their life, try to be good and try to be happy even if the world is upside down or evil is everywhere.

We are not against Paul Ryan, we are for Mit Romney. Note how we say our world is very unreliable and we need to find the right people who will fight and stand for the truth. Reliability. Their demise and their eradication will need to have answers; and we have tried to answer some of them. It is good against evil; not evil against good. Do the bad guys write the script or the good guys? Who has control? Let me say again, we are very upset with the problem with unreliable people or this lack of respect for the truth. We are only interested in reliable people and not the unreliable who need jobs or cannot find them. They are a waste of our time and effort. Job creation is not our number one priority; taking care of the reliable people and most trusted is. Romney better recognize the problem with Ryan and let him speak the truth only. Nobody runs the Presidency or legislates from the Vice chair; nobody. He is there to speak the truth to the troops. We respect the truth and do the right thing; but in war or civil war, there are no guarantees with unreliable people. The message is to try to respect and rejoice the good people in our life and the reliable people who go unheard or unoticed.

I find it very difficult that Ann Coulter was not in Tampa to support her men or share this moment in time with them. Usually, she is in the bleachers or a cheerleader for her men; yet when the test is given; even she cannot get her story right. I would be very surprised if she was not at a VIP event with her men or some late night party. Unreliable people? Unreliable staff? Unreliable wife and partner? She blames them for being unreliable? Money complicated this story or ending? Hows her boyfriend? I heard a reporter went to dinner with him. Her boyfriend was in the studio last week with her. He is a really good guy and Hannity really likes him. He says I have to forget this and move on; accept the apologies. It is a yes or no; do they want to get nuked or is this not required, they are reliable? Honest too? Perfect match and quality?

Why did Ann Coulter get fired or expelled from this mission? Why is she yapping about nonsense? Does it even matter? So how is her boyfriend? Is he reliable and there for her? Is she reliable and there for him? The bottom line is I am very surprised if Ann did not show up to support her men or spearhead some VIP for them. If I was Ann Romney I would give her a piece of my mind about "her man." Yes very reliable people we have here, very. Ann is a good judge of character and made all the right decisions. I am glad I am not old and in a wheel chair; very reliable partner and care-giver. Explain that one Ann Coulter. Yes Ann Coulter a care-giver and someone who makes crucial decisions of life and death. Why not hire her boyfriend or one of her men; invite them to dinner! Perfect. She and they are a perfect fit; we love her men and they might be looking for an important mission!

All of them are playing a game with each other or pointing the finger. All of them are compounding the suffering or trying to avoid a bad outcome. None of them have come forward and come clean. Had they left a number or a way to trace who was behind these attacks and these calls; it would not end this way. It was the Catholics and the families that are at the core of their leadership. They are not the concience of the United States nor the world and they will wreck wars such as Vietnam or satellite warfare.

Similar to the police and the government; all Ann is doing is compounding the suffering. When and if there is any end to this; we can sue the hell out of the people who allowed it to happen. But until then nobody is reporting any truth, all of them are in a conspiracy, they refuse to report it or accept our case, and use control or corruption to weaken our case while blocking all opportunities to be millionaires. Then they will go on TV and give a public speech about why they should ever give a millionaire a break?

If you see Ann as guilty; then you have to understand the US and the police are also guilty. Ann is not on my side or their side; she is just compounding the problems or compounding the suffering. Now ask what the Catholic Church doing or have did? They have money? We have money? They have a future? We have a future? Who exactly is compounding the suffering by failing to act or do the right thing? Who? Me? Them? This could have been solved and ended a long time ago; why is the suffering being compounded and added week after week? How guilty is that?

Sponsoring the VIP Parties:

Dear Republicans and Fellow Earth Inhabitants who fight communism and part of the empire;

Who surrounded us with so many unreliable people and then introduced money to explore or exploit every single relationship, including marriage, family, and friendship? Who did this? Look at what they did and where it got them or what was delivered as a response. Why is Ann Coulter in every single detail of it? Who is this corrupt and unreliable?

Ann feels I got her in this or she was pulled into this by whomever; therefore, she will enjoy every moment or make sure she has the last word. However, this got her in a lot of trouble and it ruined her reputation for coddling them or having some relationship. Whether or not she has any likes or relationship with them is now insecure, insincere, and irrelevant. Drag me into this mess and I will also have the last word and make sure they do not enjoy any second of it. They think we are trying to pay into it or wish to be like blacks and white males. We are not. We are trying hard to fit in and get along; but we are born rich and have nothing in common with them. We are also on a very important mission and are very educated; nearly perfect because of this mess and mission. They are a disgusting bunch of human beings, also very unreliable.

We have a lot of unreliable people in our "iffy" life and it complicates the prosecution. Our life and mission was stolen. We know who did it and why. We are not allowed to ignore them. They wage relentless war on us. They feel they are the same or superior, more powerful. Nobody wants to be them or live their existence; but they steal ours or trade. They make demands and want this on their terms. They circle us with unreliable people and test this true friendship; for rich or poor. They feel we must give them jobs, opportunity, and freedom; not prosecute or arrest them. Because they are poor, it is an excuse to run us off or order us to leave. Because they are failures, poor, evil, and suffering massive decline; war has been waged on us relentlessly and in a secret manner. A rescue arrived and they were trapped. It is now pure corruption and a death penalty sentence. This is not about money, jobs, or true friendship-marriage. This is about war. We have been forbidden to prosecute them or bill them any damages; no matter how lawless or violent they truly are. We are ordered to accept their apology and move on, or face hell and payback. It is the church of white and blacks known for the 1960s; a teachers union we are stuck with or cannot rid while they radicalize us or make us dirt poor and homeless. They left us for dead and wait for us to knock on their door or call them; we have no intention of failing. They are afraid we will end or cut off their funding; their life work with the poor and criminal.

We do not sit here and take this. We go out and take it back or wage war unlike this enemy has ever seen or experienced. All this talk is nonsense. We change the world and we make sure this enemy feels that change deep inside them. Flirting with men; talking nonsense; a false sense of priorities; twisting arms; bothering other couples; etc... everything we have seen got nowhere but the gates of hell. My forces are preparing to head to the gates of hell and they have a new uniform, they mentally prepared, they have no fear and no regrets. Like myself, they are eager for a fight now and are fed up with all of this. We will see if this enemy meets us at the gates of hell or just wants to play this game and toy with us 24-7; it is a waste of my time and everybody's. I expect our females to show some fight and I know our men have much more fight now that I have brought this to their door. This is or will be a hard and difficult fight; we expect such. We expect the good will prevail over evil and have mapped it. The problem is we must do the right thing but are attacked constantly; we cannot ignore them and must attack. How? Expose them? Beat them up or more? Prosecute them? Expel them? We have to live like animals? We have to share our life with animals? Oh how the sting of embarrassment and how humiliating this frustration truly has become.

You can say what you want; it is written. The gates of hell have been unleashed on us and I have made sure we unleash hell back or will be victorious; I am out to rid any problem or nuisance with this. Even if we ignore it; that hell is always a surprise delivered. In it true, the military recognizes I am a national treasure and have vowed or contributed to my care. They will intervene and rescue me if anything happens; send out a search party; that has been or is documented already. I have also indicated I have a similar mission and am in the line of fire or have been; a very precarious matter. The military must intervene is something tragic or dangerous goes down; a threat so big to endanger both; this seek and destroy mission, and search and rescue. This is where the real action is or the real changes. I should get a medal for this or some reward; but it is a very unrewarding society now. The convoy to the gates of hell is now protected, mapped, and many changes are underway. We are finally safe but this is far from over. Should we kill them or do they have a death wish and will kill themselves? Do us the favor now. In Vietnam we were in the line of fire and attacked. In America we were always in the line of fire and kidnapped. We know all about this war and who is doing it.

RNC Convention: I am not sure if this convention was intended to go against me or steamroll what or whom attacked us. However, I keep hearing "Bush" and all of these other people who are Republicans and have die-hard followers. They are guilty; are all of them guilty? Then I hear the wrong message. Immigrants. The people's rules. This is America and nobody can be turned away or denied. All of this leads to the same suspects, the same church, the same problem, and why we keep getting attacked. It is playing with wolves and parading the sole survivors. I don't like it or the people who did this parade. I am not sure who did it; if the Bush family and the Catholic Church was; but I am very nervous and suspicious with the Republicans. Sure they will fix it and these people will never give up or give up on us. We do live in a nation of immigrants and are immigrants; but we are bombarded and overwhelmed by lousy ones; 75% are lousy. 25% of our population is not guilty and must fight 75% of those who are and their leaders who are totally evil. Who is the survivor? I hope the 75% have a conscience and yield to the 25%; before it is too late and we go ballistic on them. They side with the guilty and communist; what are we supposed to do? Ignore them? We have to shut them down while repelling relentless attacks.

I heard "Let's take our country back." Let's take it back and enjoy life and be happy with being blessed with good people around us and in our life; while we figured out how to rid the bad ones. Let's be happy together and help each other as much as we can to ensure we survive this and those who did it, do not. Let's be happy for once and let's enjoy. We got the stuff to make them much worse. I did not start life with the intent of being here and saying these things; no less meeting this disgusting human being. We got the pride to make them dead as a door knob. They run now when they see that pride; yet they come back relentlessly.

Let me make clear to everybody, these people and this enemy has brought hell to both America and this mission. Their noose is running out and so are the excuses. No matter what they say, there is no excuse for what they have done to our country, our future, and our mission in life. It is long overdue but we have to take it back and get rid of them; but as everybody clearly sees; it requires violence and they are disgusting human beings who want to die for their cause; crime, evil, and communist decline.

How do we do the right thing? What are we to do? We have a deadly enemy who attacks us and plays every single one of our cards; yet we hold the deck. Is the public stupid or are we? Keep in mind how jealous this domestic enemy is or this church. They will claim to be Jesus Christ and demand we walk in their shoes. This is where they step over the line and must be shut down; where things really get lawless and crazy. This is where it gets violent because they are so adamant or crazed. We have no intention of stealing their life; but they are very jealous and have all the malice or intent on stealing or blocking ours. How do we ignore them when robbery and murder is in their genetics; so is this jealousy?

Does anybody know who is guilty and scamming them? They are not survivors. America is generous to them but they are not generous to America; they create more problems and trouble than any other group. They lack the grades and the story we truly need or gotta have. They lack things which across the board, indicates last place. Yet the wolf story is to parade the sole survivors; meanwhile, we are supposed to be paraded for the opposite message of America. To hate it. To call it racist. To be radicalized by the whites and the blacks. To be molested or raped by the Catholic Church; at least that is their story not us clobbering them. We are not allowed to ignore them; we have to leave or move; it is impossible to ignore them and we have to attack. These sole survivors paraded do not speak of the wolves we do or know about; but we have to attack and shut them down. We always get that blue collar or dirt poor story in the Republican side; always, rags to riches. But today rags to riches is... because... and our story is... and they are guilty not survivors. I side with the 25% who must fight the 75%; those are the real survivors, not the guilty. I hope the 75% yields and realizes the 25% will do what they have to and have. Yield or suffer at the hands of the 25% or worse. Yet they side with the guilty and the communist forces; what do we say or do? If we ignore them, they attack; we have to attack them and shut them down.

Ignoring them is one thing. Doing everything humanly possible to avoid them is another. However, it is time to attack and it is time to stamp on this enemy; we are fed up. We are sick and tired of a lawless SOB in our homes, residence, private life, marriage, etc... Everybody is watching in horror and reading this stuff; worse we are forced to go on attack and do whatever is necessary. Ignoring them is not possible and it is time to both attack and shut them down; hopefully they will eventually die and go away. How do we do the right thing? What are we to do? We have a deadly enemy who attacks us and plays every single one of our cards; yet we hold the deck. Is the public stupid or are we? They are full of jealousy and attack relentless. They want our life and their life disgust us. They want us to rip their weapons from their dead hands. How do we do the right thing when we have an enemy who wants to be us and does not honor the unwritten rules? We have to attack if we want to survive.

So is there a weapon we can use to combat the white and black decline? Is there any weapons in the arsenal of the Pentagon to combat communism, crime, corruption, and evil? Why are they calling me and how did they know this was my life mission? How did they know this was my college thesis? How do we combat them when we cannot even enjoy our own victory and the last war on earth? They know this because they read our material; early on in college, they spied on me and were casing us. They know we do not have any weapons to combat this or stop them; they knew this because we were working on this 23 years ago and printed the same words. Their church will be found guilty and destroyed as it should be; if not by us, then by some supernatural force.

All of them are playing a game with each other or pointing the finger. All of them are compounding the suffering or trying to avoid a bad outcome. None of them have come forward and come clean. Had they left a number or a way to trace who was behind these attacks and these calls; it would not end this way. It was the Catholics and the families that are at the core of their leadership. They are not the convenience of the United States nor the world and they will wreck wars such as Vietnam or satellite warfare.

Similar to the police and the government; all Ann is doing is compounding the suffering. When and if there is any end to this; we can sue the hell out of the people who allowed it to happen. But until then nobody is reporting any truth, all of them are in a conspiracy, they refuse to report it or accept our case, and use control or corruption to weaken our case while blocking all opportunities to be millionaires. Then they will go on TV and give a public speech about why they should ever give a millionaire a break?

If you see Ann as guilty; then you have to understand the US and the police are also guilty. Ann is not on my side or their side; she is just compounding the problems or compounding the suffering. Now ask what the Catholic Church doing or have did? They have money? We have money? They have a future? We have a future? Who exactly is compounding the suffering by failing to act or do the right thing? Who? Me? Them? This could have been solved and ended a long time ago; why is the suffering being compounded and added week after week? How guilty is that?

Again, Ann feels I got her in this or she was pulled into this by whomever; therefore, she will enjoy every moment or make sure she has the last word. However, this got her in a lot of trouble and it ruined her reputation for coddling them or having some relationship. Whether or not she has any likes or relationship with them is now insecure, insincere, and irrelevant. Drag me into this mess and I will also have the last word and make sure they do not enjoy any second of it. They think we are trying to pay into it or wish to be like blacks and white males. We are not. We are trying hard to fit in and get along; but we are born rich and have nothing in common with them. We are also on a very important mission and are very educated; nearly perfect because of this mess and mission. They are a disgusting bunch of human beings, also very unreliable.

I assume they are trying to contact us and attack so ferociously because if we influence the Republicans or if we take a strong stance on them by exposing them; their 501.c will go away or their work with the down and will perish. This means their benefits will be cancelled and their safety net or retirement will collapse. That is a very good reason and enough motive to explain why they did this or attacked us so ferociously like a crazed terrorist or psychopath. Their work is tied into the disaster in America and the debt levels. Cut the debt and the house of cards will surely collapse and go away. Similar to a company they must find a buyer or someone to take-over; hence, our kidnapping and trying to show us the ropes to the underworld and the world of the communists.

If you read my reports, they want to create the conditions that allow us to accept their bid or all they have; which is not much and a whole lot more of poor down and out people to bother you day and night. By ruining our life and leaving us for dead; they figured we will knock on their door or enjoy the meal they have for free or got free. A lot of them have felony records or are involved in drugs; thus their life is completely missing and they are totally dependent. We have to love felons or those who spent their life terrorizing society? They have very little to offer and have to make us as hungry for it as possible for this to work.

People describe them as crazed attack dogs for the left wing or liberals. We describe them as communists and terrorists; evil and lawless, they attack and attack relentlessly. If we expose the Republicans who block the problem of the debt and remove their spies; we can in one shot get rid of or retaliate on all of them. All we have to do is curb the debt or expose their decline; the malice and intentional ruin, which is an deliberate attack, intended to leave us for dead unless we knock on their door and surrender. The right wing and the Republicans must be aware of this and begin to fight it; on our shores before they take over and fulfill the goals the communist need.

They want to put an Asian face on all of this and are very insecure. However, the more decline and disaster sets in; the more these malicious attacks will be able to "leave people for dead" unless they knock on their doors. So they actually become powerful the more crazy, stupid, and repugnant; they become more important and decline embraces them more and more. That is communism and that is the tax-spend Democrat this church of thieves and robbers have imposed on our world. This is who we live with currently and what they are up to.

Maybe if Ann gets some results or ended this on time; maybe it would not have such a disastrous ending. Also if they all want something to talk about or be angry about; then cutting them off this mission and hand selecting new people or random people sounds like a really good idea to avoid anymore of this. There are more important things in life than TV or radio.

We will know and Ann Coulter will know if I am happier with or without her; for richer or for poorer. We will know if she is welcomed in this mission or totally screwed up this war. It will become very violent and as the record shows; this communist spy and terrorist is not budging one inch. They wage war back and shoot down or merits. Meanwhile, Ann is disconnected from reality and has no fight; nearly an idiot. That is how insane this entire matter is or has become. If they left a number or evidence so we can end this quickly; then things would be different; it is a clear conspiracy. This is how lawless they are or this sense of total lawlessness. I suggest this end immediately and the truth immediately; I should be a millionaire, married, and with a happy normal life by now. Instead we are heading right into disintegration, hurricane and earthquake war, and more evasion or resisting arrest. This can be simple and easy. It does not have to be so complex or difficult. We can enjoy this ending and a happy story.

An effort is underway to remove all of them. This includes Ann. Ann has been expelled from this mission. If they all need a life or someone to toy with; then let them play with their own life and not use or live through anybody else. Ann claims she is not guilty, they are; but she no longer has anybody to use or a life to toy with. If she is having that much fun and is enjoying it so much; then stay with them the remainder of her life and spend the rest of her life with them. Let them all clean up their own mess.

My plan is to try and get a job where they will not be. Find a profession where they are not welcomed or can possibly hang on. My author career was perfect. My mission was perfect. My satellite warfare mission was perfect; and look at it now. In shambles. My plan is to find the spaces where they are not and also declare victory over crime, evil, communism, and the left wing. This is about for richer or poor.

Can their future be assured or are they helpless? They put all of this faith on people who are predators, bullies, corrupt, organized labor, organized crime, and rotten to the core traitors? Are they nuts? All that terrorizing, heartache, harassment, kidnapping, total insanity, and endless all out combat; but to what end and conclusion? I declare the empire victorious over this threat and enemy; let the ending begin. They must and will surrender to the legitimate forces of good. I hope they prepared and trained their people to fight and fight our forces; it is here and now. This attempt to prove their true friendship by trumping up a conviction or dragging us through the criminal courts; even replacing our born-rich life with one near homeless and fit for a labor union goon; is an outrage. They are not going to control our life no less be in it. A fight for this will make it worse. This is where it gets violent and dangerous.

We are nearly homeless and this dialogue is ongoing? We are at the point of war and they want to sweep it under the rug? They want others to know they care and this is from their heart? How about all the attacks and the false arrests? Should we sweep that under the rug also? This effort to convert us into a communist or prove some true friendship with false charges, false facts, or dragging our life through the gutter and overwhelming it with so many problems or attacks; causes us to wish them dead and to go away. They are not going to control our life no less be in it. A fight for this will make it worse. This is where it gets violent and dangerous. If they want to be friends, leave a number and we will call them if we need to live through another nightmare; but they left none, and this is how it got like this or so totally insane. We had to track them down and confront them in the worst way possible.

I know I am not Catholic and I know I am not black. Why do I keep having problems with a white, black, or female trying to radicalize me in the name of the blacks and the white failures in America who we know are in last place in every single category? Do we care for or wish to have lousy immigrants in our life or be heckled to death in our own house? Yes I ignore it and turn my back on them; but isn't this lawlessness a bit illegal? They wage war on us with no merit, no truth, and made this victory unemployable or not enjoyable? We are forced to accept their apology and move on because their pants or zipper is still down and they did not have their fun yet? Who do we have or caught? Who are we trying to eradicate and shut down?

The problem is we call them; they do not call us. The damage of 2 billion is based on we refusing to call them or wish them to go away; not them calling us endlessly and tagging along in our life 24 hours like a child or some psychopath at our throats. They could be a better loser or go by the book and put their hands up; not resist arrest so much or make life so much harder. This ridiculous effort to establish a friendship with the communist forces and to make us down and out; has resulted or produced our work. It had our head spinning to what was going on or who was doing it; however, those who did it are now in serious trouble and they want to die before that trouble arrives. They are not going to control our life no less be in it. A fight for this will make it worse. This is where it gets violent and dangerous.

Do we really need a down and out white guy or black guy in our life trying to heckle us 24-7 or radicalize us so we pay into the Catholic /Church or the Democratic Party? Well, that is in front of us right now along with a lot more.

This effort to radicalize us is very annoying. The problem is I really hate to be terrorized by terrorists or a dangerous serial killer and felon in my own life or residence; and this sorry ass white boy or black boy just refuses to go or F off. They are a total loser and the numbers show they get fired or laid off more than any other group; but look at the academic grades. They even compare us to Jews or treat us as Jews. These people are notorious for being laid off, homeless, fired from jobs, locked up in jail, flunking out of school, not taking baths, feeble and angry, and trying to overshoot what life has in store for them, etc…

Terrorizing or attacking us to radicalize our life is going to make them look better or more confident? It will make me pay (Limbaugh) “you owe me 15% of all your business earnings?” They want to match the communist phone up against a hurricane and earthquake office? White boy and black boy must really think they are special; especially when their people are starving and trying to wait in line and pay into their scams. We do not wait in line; understand? Now they want to use this mental illness scam to suggest I am the problem? How dare them. Taking out my equipment and paralyzing me in my work or business; how dare them. Do I look like a Jew?

They want to use a mental illness web of lies and scam to imply they are not the problem or some total loser; and deny it so they do not have to pay 2 billion in cash damages? Everybody knows they are failures and everybody knows the Catholic Church is behind this or sweeping it under the rug; they imploded. Everything got shut down and these lousy immigrants were exposed. Who leads the nation in being evicted, crime, broken families, stupid lies, academic failure, homeless smells, welfare, stupid politics, drugs and crime, getting laid off, getting fired, and utter failure? Who? Me? Does F off or go away register? Why am I reporting this at my own residence and a deluge of it 24-7? Is it that hard to stop this captivity or stop this enemy?

Just what we need in our life, more unreliable and 35% failures; we need down and out blacks or their sidekick the whites; set us up with black women. We need them heckling us and telling us to leave when they have a breakdown or another stupid moment. Am I being radicalized yet? Did it ever work? We need a loser and a teacher of this nonsense in our life? Again, white boy and black boy radicalizing us is plain annoying. These people are notorious for failure; even being laid off, evicted, kicked out, locked up, and flunking everything. Control?

So they do not want to look too desperate and pay the damages; capped at 2 billion. This is how they fight and how awful or undeserving they truly are? They do not want to look desperate or show their faces? They use mental illness as a weapon back on those who can see them? They don’t want to pay any damages but cannot stop talking about mental illness or being arrested? Look at what the Catholic Church ass become. Look at the debt. Look at the layoffs. Look at their labor record. Decimated and shut down; we have to be terrorized by this loser. Yes we need a total mess and a total human pest around to order us around and terrorize us.

So look at the Catholics go now! We do not need the leaders of or the black and white race to radicalize us or tell us what they want. We also do not need them at our throat trying to evict us. What they have to teach and what they want to teach us; has been documented. The church is trying very hard to evict us and say leave. This is what they have to offer or is teaching; it has gotten Ann Coulter in a lot of trouble also, a lot for coddling them. We really do not need a black guy or a white guy, US Army or not; F’in with our minds incessantly or 24-7. Look at the black guy and the white guy now.

Just look at them go and demand payment or a percent of our life for radicalizing us or trying to be a useless teacher pissing us off 24-7. How much is that worth? Look at them go now! They expect us to sit there quietly while they radicalize us and demand some payment or gesture of thanks? They want tuition or some payment for all of this? How about all out combat and war? How about the worst pains and misery they have ever felt in their life? How about they describe what they are doing when it is done back on them?

What did Ann get in so much trouble for? Well her staff is in my life and heckling me. Did she ever grab them by the hair and bruise her knuckles? Exactly. F off and take a hike.

Annie's people are very troubled. America has been very generous to them and they have not been generous or even good to America. Similarly, they do not want to pay for labor and their loyalties are always being questioned. Add on this total insanity and their life a total mess. Again, it is not about being Christians, being our staff, sharing a mission, or even sharing the future with them; we cannot be happy with them and they are very glamorous and very flawed. They feel we are some subordinate or adore them; with no evidence or prerequisite; so they use money as a weapon and leave us for dead. They are not close to perfection; they are very troubled and America has been very generous to them and so have we. But they refuse to pay any labor fees and just want a free meal or a free ticket each and every time. They are always waving goodbye to us. If not, they are pulling our pants down and always asking if they can kiss it pretend like this is what they really want. These are the people we must live life with and experience total hell about. This enemy is telling us we are enjoying this a little too much or enjoy life a little too much; and they? Why worry about us or give attention when we were attacked and left for dead by them; and we demand or need the truth? They must think this victory is also theirs? We are enjoying this too much? This is why the fury of the office of hurricane and earthquake has been requested or needed.

I have very limited resources and income. I have no staff at this time, none. Look at the damage and look at the accomplishment I have achieved; it is legendary if not overwhelming but I am bleeding and was left for dead. I have to do what I must and complete what I began, with or without an enemy at my throat or with no support whatsoever. Of course they will want to share and have their life enhanced; but this is why I love money so much more than they do. They are not only liars; they are all phonies. We don't really give much attention to the problem or this threat; why talk to us or leave us for dead; we will retaliate and earthquake them. Now they want to hang out and are feeble; unable to get what they want in life. It is a tragedy and a very bad ending to this story. Life has cheated us badly and it is the fault of this pest and enemy. I am enjoying this too much and do not respect the truth? I see how it is now or has been; attack and leave us for dead again? This is why extermination orders have been produced and why they are facing hurricane and earthquake retaliation.

These people are not important or even relevant. But we blame America, these lies, evil, and a very poor government system who has taken us down a road where misery, violence, and corruption fills or fulfills our world. They are beyond expendable and now they expect us to make them more powerful or line their pockets? We will hurricane them. Show up for the RNC or Tampa; that is their guilt and expulsion. When I say they are expelled and will be taken down; take it serious and do not leave us for dead. Bring their bodyguards and phony security also. When 911 terrorists attend the RNC convention and make it a circus; the Republicans will have hell to pay and a lot of ground to make up; the door will be shut in their faces. The Democrats already got it slammed on them and their faces; endlessly. Do the Republicans need to experience or learn that same lesson? Does Ann Coulter?

Whether police, lawyers, or some watch group; their mistakes led to tremendous suffering as they broke every law on the books in order to make it to retirement. Meanwhile, they take us out early or our mission and go totally insane in our world. The mistakes pile up and they seem impervious and selfish to the truth or justice; but they fight vigilante to save their own skin and shut everybody up while their world falls apart and tremendous suffering ends their life. This is who we have on the radar and it is very unpleasant when this becomes a financial matter also. Regardless, they keep waving "good-bye" to us. These tricks are to Shepard their people to safety; but it is counter-productive and taken them into outpaces levels. They have no respect for the truth or the rights of others. They just want to be left alone while violating every law ever written.

Imagine if you had run into Limbaugh or Hannity in the basement of WTC I and II right before it was bombed. Imagine how long it would take before you could report them or recover from your injuries. Imagine how it would sound or feel when you confronted them about that day or what they did. Imagine what they would say back or in response. What you are reading is them leaving us for dead or injuring us and trying to win at any cost. If you ID and run into them; they will kill you or take you out; then demand you accept their apology and move on; I demand 2 billion in cash.

Now imagine if you are a hostage rescuer and by no fault of your own; got caught in a dangerous mission. You meet this enemy on the battlefield and they attack you brutally and leave you for dead. Your female partner finds you or ends up doing something which aids your plight. Would they leave her for dead? Why would she coddle them spend her life with them? Why would she do all that knowing they left you for dead and are a real serial killer? She must be a traitor or totally insane herself. They stalked us. They targeted us. They felt they would get away with this and did not. They left us for dead. Now they demand we move on and accept their apologies; or else there will be hell. For that I have turned this mission over to the office of hurricane and earthquakes and given them concise, specific, and immediate orders. In God we all trust.

I am not sure who is more crazy; the whites or the blacks. I am not sure after all of this who is a bigger curse; a white female or a black one. What is for sure is the path we are on is complicated and made more difficult; almost impossible due to the stunts and the ill behavior of these two. The book Madame Bovary was written for a reason and like it or not; Flaubert was right. Similar to a battlefield, meet these people on it and you will be left with a life full of regrets and unhappiness. Look where their people has taken them and the total insanity which fills or makes their life so unreal. All of them are totally flawed and they will leave you for dead.

This has been under my skin for some time now and Ann may or may not be aware of it or the reality. I hang up on her now. I vow not to talk to her ever again. I have kicked her off this mission. Her people and her complicated life is so full of insanity and mixed messages; it is no blessing. At most they are blessed with this mission and America; but it is they who are also the problem. There is a lot to be desired, whether they like it or not; a lot to be desired about them. Look at how crazy their people are or her people. Her people have left her for dead and do not even report mistakes or the truth. They do not even value the truth; only money. Yet they are there to suggest they love money more than we do? Oh really.

So Ann, if you are reading this; look at your people and where they have taken you. Look at the regrets that fill your life and how I just hang up on you now. You still unzip it and want to kiss it or copy this enemy when they say their zipper is down and they did not have their fun yet. I chase you off when and if you try this trick all of you are known for. I am not even sure if you all are human, no less respect others or the truth. Even you do not value the truth and live on the precarious secrets which has destroyed both your life and mine. On a battlefield you would leave me for dead and you have been grilled repeatedly for your stupid life. We share nothing and I am sick of this and you calling me for everything while I get nothing out of this or having you in my life. Partners or not, they will leave you for dead and keep wanting you to drop your pants or kiss it; until you chase them off.

You are almost like the enemy; just a slight bit kinder. Your people use up our resources and make war closer or a reality. Your life is totally insane. None of you respect the truth; vile sneaky little bastards here for something we are not even sure of. I just hang up the phone and recognize all of you are totally insane and a pest now. Maybe that is your gift but that gift is not appreciated or ever will be. Maybe one day you will learn a valuable lesson about life and combat. When the enemy attacks and by no fault of your own; you are left for dead. It leaves you bitter. It is a bitter pill to swallow. You and your people have a lot to learn about leadership and even life. All of you have brought madness to this world and America; embrace it and use it until it is no more. America will hang up on you or have nothing left when all is said and done.

The verification process is underway and they are guilty. The office of hurricane and earthquakes will demand the truth and force them to respect it at any cost; even if billions die and they want us to accept their apologies or continuous tricks and stunts. When they are gone and when they are eradicated; the truth will finally arrive. They will respect it. We need the truth or else billions will die. We do not need their bribes or money; but we were attacked viciously and kidnapped so we did not have a chance, a choice, or was able to repel their attacks until survival was almost extinguished. Will they leave justice and this case for dead also? Will they squash it or sweep it under the rug; demand we move on and accept their apologies? Really? We saw them in the basement and we said it was them behind 911 and a lot more. They are communists and are lying; 150% guilty.

Let's not beat around the bush anymore and let's come clean. It is all out combat and all out war. It has been. If they want to keep this terror plot or think we will accept their apologies and move on; then take the first shot or take a punch. Everybody loves a good fight and we all know it has been all out combat or totally insane. So Tampa will tell us if they been castrated and got their balls kicked in or if they are still a sexual predator and their zipper is still down. Step over that line and show up; we are daring them. Also, take the first punt and let's see if we can knock them out with one shot. Unsure? Do it. Use their killer instinct and tell the public you all love a good fight also and are not down and out. Tampa will be like Gettysburg; where the tide turns. The 2012 will also be like Gettysburg; as far North as the South will ever get. Yes we will move on and we will be forced to accept their apologies, "we are ready to die... we are sorry... we do not know what to do... we love you... he is trying to act rich... he is lying... we are at war... etc." Who looks stupid or like trash now? Who looks like the loser or unable to win? Leave them for dead?

On ‎Wednesday, ‎August ‎22, ‎2012 Hannity says he has a few criticism also. First he says how liberal organizations and spies are monitoring his radio show all day for the slightest bit they can use. He is referring to me and what we are doing to him. So let me clarify and reply to his ridiculous scam and web of lies. What exactly is Hannity talking about or is he talking about this female spy we know all too well about?

We did not know who was doing this in the beginning. It looked like CIA or some support agency such as the VA; to help veterans. It turns out to be the communist pretending to be all kinds of things. So we set a trap. Guess who walked into it; a communist spy. Hannity looked both ways. He dressed up as this or that. He waited and waited; did one test after the other; just to make sure nobody was watching and it was not a trap. Then he walked into the core of the building; not one door or even five; he blew past at least 200 access points designed to verify and keep him out. Those 200 access points he blew by; is designed to weed out and keep out a communist or enemy spy; he blows past more than 200 of them. Now he has a bear trap on his leg and he wants to complain? About what?

Next he says he feels an argument coming. So he begins to twist the facts and twist arms. He says what our options are. We will suffer and it is not logical to keep this ongoing. He says our only option is to accept his apology and his octopus communist spy ring; the forces sent to block, sabotage, and kidnap us so they can steal or gain access. After his conviction and full combat with us; he says our only option is to move on and accept his apology. I did not know he was so close to; he must think we are stupid or gullible. Okay let's forget about 2 billion in damage or charges for terror plots, murder, racketeering, kidnapping, one killing after the other to warn us, one serial killer or suicide mission after the other to smear or paint us. Yes our only option here is to move on and forgive his; to accept his apology or else there will be hell. It is not going to work. All thine tricks and lies will not make anything better.

All out combat on us and we should walk away; happy or content? It was just a mistake? Well there is a line in the sand and if they cross or step over it as I said repeatedly; retaliation and war will be waged back. You got the office of hurricane and earthquakes hunting you and you feel their only option is to move on and accept your apology? Sure, yeah okay. I want to see you all die and suffer; tortured and before the public; ripped to shreds like a pack of wolves would do. I want to document everything and all your lies; your guilty and total predator lifestyle of violence; up until you blow your head off and your family must accept the truth and the real story. The shame must be the same and the truth must be our problem or condemnation. We want to see you suffer and burn in hell; before our eyes and suffer before you die. All of you must suffer before you die and we will expose you and explain what you did, why, and how evil you truly are. It is not going to work and all these lies and tricks by a serial killer, terrorist, or a psychopath; will not help anybody. It won't work.

Buy Japanese, do not buy ignoramus or psychopath with suicide plots, sluts, and an utter mess. This is a stalker, do not buy anything but Japanese until they clean up everything and my hurricane and earthquake forces wipe them out or shut them down. Pay up the 2 billion in damages and F off! They are dirt poor, ignorant, savages, and enemies for a reason. That reason now is to get rid of them and stop this stupid communist phone or heckling. If they kidnap you, slaughter them; they get slaughtered at everything so what does it matter or will? We don't like child molesters or felons either! Don't throw their gay ass church at our feet or make it part of our life; ever.

Beat it honky! Stop throwing your hate and utter mess on me or twisting reality in all kinds of kinks. Also, know when to shut up, go away, or when you are beaten; even in a lot of trouble. Just shut up and take a F'in hike. We will hurt you badly and much more.

Limbaugh's reasoning for trying to hang out or get close to us, zipper down and everything on ‎Wednesday, ‎August ‎22, ‎2012; is absurd and does not justify the arrest warrant or complaint on him. Two billion in adamant damages and he claims to respect us; or we are making a mistake about them? Unjustified and defies logic? Zip it.

If the American public has war waged on them; they know who to sue and who to demand the truth from or against. In a court of law you must do the right thing and tell the truth; that is not war and far from it. Using property or real estate is not going to work; neither is dropping any of their pants, zip it. Their show is so ridiculous, most people say they got and are constantly slaughtered. Yet they damage our life and property and always show up, why? Best interest and logical?

Limbaugh on ‎Wednesday, ‎August ‎22, ‎2012 made it clear he is scared of not going to Tampa for the Convention and scared of going also. The RNC is best if he does not or any of them; if they show up; then it is on. If they show up and do one of their stunts or parades; when the cameras turn on they get animated and go into this psychopathic mindset; it is on. Let them roll the dice and determine if they are the boss and leader. Get it wrong and it is on. Show up or not to show up? In the interest of the RNC or not? Can't live without them or we really must live without them? They are innocent and there is no risk; none. Worry about the warrant for them and what the arrest is all about; a massive shut down and retaliation for waging war. What war?

Limbaugh is going into Todd Aiken. Aiken is 150% guilty and so is Limbaugh. It is time to turn them off; buy.

Why did we go to so much trouble and document this? It is not stupidity either; they are fully conscious and fully aware. All of them are like this. This is our communist rival and enemies. They are cold, manipulative, angry, predators, and utter felons. They also do not feel violent or cause any trouble; we do. Hurricane? Earthquake? Satellite Warfare? Economic sustainability? Written or unspoken laws? Evict us or that? Try to evict us or that? Impeach that? Keep dreaming. Castrated yet? Well then zip it and F off. Who is the boss and leader of this mission? Did they evict us or did we evict them? Get this right. There comes a point where resisting arrest or fleeing a scene of a crime is almost blatant. We want them hurricaned immediately and expelled; no questions asked or up for debate. But they are staff, they pay into it, they are the police and want to help minorities or the poor? So what, let them get slaughtered and sue the office of hurricane and earthquakes. Is that clear and concise enough for this ignoramus and predator? They are not finished with their fun and their zipper is still down? Not castrated yet? Not in serious trouble and part of the future?

If the conservative spy ring we caught and trapped (Limbaugh and Hannity the core along with the Kennedy Family and New York Mafia); are really the Octopus of fable and legends, then look how fond and confident they are. If they are mere moral support and embolden enemies; then they are really coaches and motivational speakers. They make the left wing powerful. They make us look stupid. No wonder Obama is so happy with this. Are they the coaches and advisers of America or saboteurs and terrorists? We knew they were terrorists in the 1990s; after 911 we were certain they were terrorists. All of them are 150% certifiable communists; we have a positive ID and a match. Now they have a real case against the government who ignored all of this and got thrown out!

Conservative or Republican, what does it matter? What does it matter how much taxes they make or how much money they make? It is even on the record they tried to evict us and we sued them for all kinds of stuff and they blocked it. It is written they did evict us and tried so hard. Now we have to sweep it all under the rug because they claim they love us and did not want to but we got too difficult for them to handle or control us? Really? Coaches and leaders? We want them hurricaned immediately and expelled; no questions asked or up for debate. But they are staff, they pay into it, they are the police and want to help minorities or the poor? So what, let them get slaughtered and sue the office of hurricane and earthquakes. Is that clear and concise enough for this ignoramus and predator? They are not finished with their fun and their zipper is still down? Not castrated yet? Not in serious trouble and part of the future?

RNC 2012 Convention Security Alert: Expect the violence and crime to spike against the core of the Democratic base, the usual suspects and radical groups. Expect them to be robbed, burglarized, beaten down, and a rally vowing to get even or come back. The truth is more important than any of them living or billions dying; respect the truth. We will not find an end or stop any enemy until they respect the truth or those numbers bloody up the world. It is not stupidity either; they are fully conscious and fully aware.

RNC 2012 Convention Security Alert: Limbaugh has put out some coded security alert only him and this female black agent knows. Be there when they act and stop them when they move; move on them. Do not tip them off and stay down as you are trained or have been taught. Then try to capture them alive so we can trace and begin to shut down the nerve centers. There is no protection orders or any protection; any cloud of dust or smoke and mirrors he is implicating. Get on their dead trail and make is more dead. We are not as diligent as all of them are; yes you heard it, we are not as powerful or diligent; a weak voice compared to all of them or this symphony of protest and waging war back on us. They can speculate and create one theory after the next; that must be it! Yes, that is right.

Keep in mind, Limbaugh says his police and his sheriff does not prosecute child molesters, old perverts, predators, the octopus, or anybody under their wing and protection. It is the umbrella of the Catholic Church and they sweep everything under the rug in the name of nationalism or who we are as people and a human race; united and one. His comment about Gaultieri and how his zipper is down and they have not had all their fun; is about chasing predators or war on them. Some of us are blind and some of us are just more diligent and persistent than others. Respect the truth or else billions will die. Do the right thing or else billions will be at war. There comes a point where resisting arrest or fleeing a scene of a crime is almost blatant. You cannot go into court and say you refuse to do the right thing or tell the truth.

Hannity followed up and was right on cue. Says he believes in freedom of speech and he is a devote Republic-clan. He is off this mission and so are all of them; expelled. We have to shut everything down now until further notice or a head count. Also Hannity wants to stress this is about the soul of America and the identity of America; not about us, our rights, or this mission or what we know to be the truth. As guilty as they are, this is about America and her future? How stupid can this be or get? It is not stupidity. All of them are cold, manipulative, angry, predators, and utter felons. Evil.

We made it very clear what to do, why, and to put it in written form. We also said why they need to surrender and what to surrender over as part of their defeat. They are not the leaders and not the bosses. If it came down to all out combat and war; it will show they are not the leaders and will be stomped on badly. All of this can be resolved easily, quickly, and without any loss of life but we have a very dangerous psychopath and enemy on our shores and they will stop at nothing; nothing.

Why give millionaires a break? Man I am sick and tired of this. I should be a millionaire by now, even a billionaire. My life has been stolen and if you want to know what or how it feels to be cheated and nearly killed; this is it. Don't try to sit there and pretend they love money more than we do. We love money and will wage war on them over it. So if they want to test this; all out war over money and millionaires will arrive soon or is inevitable. They think they love money more than we do? Let's fight over it and let's see who really loves money; us or them! This must be about America and who Americans are also; yeah sure. We must believe anything they say and do; even the right to remain silent? Yeah sure. We love money so much more; we will hurricane them over this or about it! They love money huh? They think they love money, really? Maybe a F'in earthquake will prove them wrong or teach them a F'in lesson? Will it?

We do not need to debate their rights our ours. This is about their problems and the truth. This is about keeping it to themselves and not shoving our face in it or making it part of our life or our reality. We do not need to discuss or debate about their rights and their freedom; it is and has been revoked until further notice. Maybe their ego is unable to understand or is unwilling to make this really simple and very easy. There are clear, concise, and written instructions. If they wake up and the clock has run out; then we know why and they will spin it in anyway or talk in circles or chase their own tail until they look calm, collective, and innocent. 150% guilty is not deserving of freedom or life. The truth is more important than any of them living or billions dying; respect the truth. We will not find an end or stop any enemy until they respect the truth or those numbers bloody up the world. It is not stupidity either; they are fully conscious and fully aware.

The fact is they are always in the way and sin or not, they get slaughtered. They are total failures. They get slaughtered trying to kidnap us. They get slaughtered trying to brainwash us. They get slaughtered trying to rape or pretending their zipper is down. They get slaughtered as government employees. They get slaughtered when on the police force. They are always in the way. They are always an obstacle or challenging us. They walk around with blinders. They see us as the problem and focus all their anger on us. They do not see the big picture or the real problem; ignoramus and bias. They walk around ignoring problems, just as a typical Democrat does; and is a pain in the ass 24-7. They think they are tough or the police. They feel no guilt or shame; a cartoon cast of imbeciles. They get slaughtered at everything and focus on policing us or keeping us as their prisoner of war and we have drawn a line and waged war on this pest and traitor. Hurricane them? They get slaughtered at everything they try or do. Do they also ignore the truth and are a pathological liar or scam artist? Predator? Lunatic? A human piece of shit? Spy on us and stalk us in our own home?

There is not an overwhelming problem or a serious clear and present threat? They are undaunted by any of this? So the government is not liable for malpractice or is guilty? Then how do pro-filers know serial killers and lunatics are fascinated with both the police and control? They do not exercise this everyday and panic people? They act calm and normal performing their duties and are not up to any impropriety? Really? Did they also ignore the truth and the facts completely? Yes blame the Republicans for loving money but not the Democrats; it is all about greed but we cannot be biased to the poor or needy? We want them hurricaned immediately and expelled; no questions asked or up for debate. But they are staff, they pay into it, they are the police and want to help minorities or the poor? So what, let them get slaughtered and sue the office of hurricane and earthquakes. Is that clear and concise enough for this ignoramus and predator? They are not finished with their fun and their zipper is still down? Not castrated yet? Not in serious trouble and part of the future? Now they have a real case against the government who ignored all of this and got thrown out!

About the police, government employees, and bad military personnel we are stuck with or bombarded with: Clearly they are intentionally trying to break the security lines and sneak past the security warnings. Clearly it is a warning that is going by ignored. Clearly they know we do not want them for this mission and made it clear repeatedly we do not want them and why. Clearly, they are trying to force their junk down our throat or sell us their junk; the usual scams. Clearly, we will get 35% when we should be getting 110% from a government or public official. Clearly, they are not helping and it is a critical circus they wish to sneak by or break the security lines. Clearly, they know the problem and they just ignore it repeatedly; a repeat offender and a predator. There is no other way to describe this pest and enemy; a repeat offender and a predator. We must be ignoring or sanctioning the entire matter? Is there a line in the sand? Does it sound like their zipper is still down and they refuse to put their junk back? Does this sound like a very lousy immigrant and their usual tricks? Their personality disorder has to be eradicated and so does their crazy stunts.

And it will be or become a bigger and bigger mess as their web of lies keep trying to fight it. You can tell when you call the police or talk to one of them; you cannot have a calm conversation with them and they steal your power or throw a wrench into everything. They will fight tooth and nail; as described, and will even agree to leave but will never. It just gets to the point where this scumbag becomes pure evil and a vile enemy traitor. We need people who are in this mission 110% everyday and 24 hours; not at our throat or helping 35%. Does anybody want to work with anybody like this? We want war with them and they just keep calling us in our own homes or violating our rights. Dispose them? Wage war back on them? How? How much punishment is in the wait? They do not want to hear it? We do not want to hear it? We have to eradicate their personality disorder, not their politics or web of deception. This is why we must be or become biased and not political; to recognize the dangers and what that danger entails. Is this war on them or war on us? Now they have a real case against the government who ignored all of this and got thrown out!

If they did not do anything wrong; then what in hell did they get right or do right? Explain to the office of hurricane and earthquakes and you will be heard. It must be in writing, not under the radar or via some communist phone. Why in hell are you using a communist phone for your trial or supeona? Why? Maybe you have a death wish or a death sentence; do not want to get caught or eat the accountability; and only want to be left alone or be a bigger predator than you are now? Maybe you see me and want me to make you a bigger predator or take you off the plane powerful? Is that it or why you are spying and have kidnapped me or did this? You want to be a bigger predator and get more powerful? You need us or need me? How does two billion in cash sound? My lawyers are working on it diligently. What have you got right or ever had right? Put it in writing. They know exactly what they did or what they are doing. Resisting arrest or just ignorant? A higher cause?

How many people did you kill or destroy with this little game or communist phone? How many veterans? Are they still alive or a captive? Inquiry minds want and need to know. What kind of punishment do you feel is appropriate or must be dispensed for this? How do you want the office of hurricane and earthquakes to punish your forces and octopus? Do any of you wish to survive this or just destroy and kill more and more people with this little game? Do you think you are diligent or more diligent than we are? Do you think your lies and scams can take you over the top when we measure how diligent and how worthy you are, have become, and will ever be? Is that your problem and why your back is against the wall? Is that why you beg and plead now on the communist phone? Ready to zip up their pants or put it all back in their pants now that everybody is looking?

Why is a communist phone in this story or why is it an issue? It is odd how all of this got past us and all of this information is being passed back and forth; even debated or "just want to talk." Why is all this information here and why is a communist phone in this story? I am mentally ill and crazy or they are? This spy, psycho lunatic bastard is so blind; they have the nerve to call an Asian guy racist when they know exactly how screwed up this world is or how diligent we are? How dare them! We are the problem and are also racist? I think it is time to stomp on them a little bit more. If we stomp on them hard enough and stomp them into pieces; maybe they will put it back in their pants and finally zip up their pants. This is for the people and their pants is down for the people with a finger up their head and their head up their ass? Classic.

It is even more odd how a communist phone is being described as the backbone of these attacks, terror plots, bomb plots, casing and stalking, and massive penetration. Is that phone also control or centralized evil central? How about communist central? How far does that phone go; abroad? Do you think that phone will panic us or make us surrender? Do you think that phone and all of this information will kill you and your future? Do you have any idea what or how powerful the army and military forces gathering up storm is going to punish and seek retaliation on you? Do you? Do you have any value for the truth; or is this all about nationalism and patriotism? Choose between the truth or this patriotism and nationalism? You do not think the communist phone will be hunted down and destroyed; each patch, each cell, each terror pot, each stronghold, each little pocket you have or are hiding? Is that what you want or need as the final ending, a real conclusion? They know exactly what they did and know exactly what they are doing; it is documented. It is not stupidity either; they are fully conscious and fully aware.

You come into our life and our homes; say how your zipper is still down; and how racist we are? Lt me tell you how easily and how well we will stomp on your ass. Let me tell you how screwed up our society, life, and world is because of you. Let me make how clear how each of us is not equal and some of us is more diligent than others. So you can put on the blinders, have this "tough act", and try to put us in the bunker mentality or make us hysterical. We will stomp on you and talk to you in a calm, cool, and very confident manner. You think you are the police and in control? You think you are on the staff or force? You think we are racist and you are not? Do you see two billion dollars in damage or not yet? Blind? Deaf? Acting tough and like a little bitch or punkass? You come in my house, zip your pants off, or try to talk to me or debate me and I will stomp on your ass to no end. Keep spying on us and keep this going as long as you can; the F'in wheels are falling off and you are far worse off now than ever. Everybody knows you are dumb, blind, ignorant, stupid, violent, a pest, a phony, and the enemy or the communists. Now what? You need freedom and voting rights? How about medical care or socialized welfare? It is that eastern liberal and that New York attitude again.

This clown named Todd Aiken from Missouri got on the Hannity show at the 1.5 hour to the 2.5 hour and the switchboard lit up like a clown suit. I am talking about one call after the other on the communist phone; also play by play about why their zipper is down and how we need to make sacrifices for the nation. Aiken is 150% guilty and one of these clowns. He is also making these political calls while Hannity says he is about freedom of speech. Odd, he is on a communist phone and in our homes literally; freedom of speech or no respect for anybody's rights? How about our rights? How about what we want or need? How about the truth and accountability? How can you be such a decent person and owe 2 billion in damages or be so humiliated and broken? I don't get it and never will; can they write all of this down for the record? Aiken is a total traitor, 150% guilty. How can someone that guilty answer to a higher cause? They might be instead resisting arrest.

Hannity at the 2 hour 11th minute says, "I do not tell people what to do... I believe in freedom of speech... etc." Odd, explain why he is on a communist phone and making calls back and forth to us, with us, and why we would demand his death or 2 billion dollars in legal damages for one crime after the other? Now the two of them (Hannity and Aiken) claim this is about who we are as Americans and the human race. Really? Before and after they got caught! How about who they are or what they did? Is that not important or relevant? Another one of them must fall on the sword; they are everywhere like cockroaches.

Why did we go to so much trouble and document this? It is not stupidity either; they are fully conscious and fully aware. All of them are like this. This is our communist rival and enemies. They are cold, manipulative, angry, predators, and utter felons. They also do not feel violent or cause any trouble; we do. Hurricane? Earthquake? Satellite Warfare? Economic sustainability? Written or unspoken laws? Evict us or that? Try to evict us or that? Impeach that? Keep dreaming. Castrated yet? Well then zip it and F off. Who is the boss and leader of this mission? Did they evict us or did we evict them? Get this right. We want them hurricaned immediately and expelled; no questions asked or up for debate. But they are staff, they pay into it, they are the police and want to help minorities or the poor? So what, let them get slaughtered and sue the office of hurricane and earthquakes. Is that clear and concise enough for this ignoramus and predator? They are not finished with their fun and their zipper is still down? Not castrated yet? Not in serious trouble and part of the future?

Conservative or Republican, what does it matter? What does it matter how much taxes they make or how much money they make? It is even on the record they tried to evict us and we sued them for all kinds of stuff and they blocked it. It is written they did evict us and tried so hard. Now we have to sweep it all under the rug because they claim they love us and did not want to but we got too difficult for them to handle or control us? Really?

The fact is they are always in the way and sin or not, they get slaughtered. They are total failures. They get slaughtered trying to kidnap us. They get slaughtered trying to brainwash us. They get slaughtered trying to rape or pretending their zipper is down. They get slaughtered as government employees. They get slaughtered when on the police force. They are always in the way. They are always an obstacle or challenging us. They walk around with blinders. They see us as the problem and focus all their anger on us. They do not see the big picture or the real problem; ignoramus and bias. They walk around ignoring problems, just as a typical Democrat does; and is a pain in the ass 24-7. They think they are tough or the police. They feel no guilt or shame; a cartoon cast of imbeciles. They get slaughtered at everything and focus on policing us or keeping us as their prisoner of war and we have drawn a line and waged war on this pest and traitor. Hurricane them? They get slaughtered at everything they try or do. Do they also ignore the truth and are a pathological liar or scam artist? Predator? Lunatic? A human piece of shit? Spy on us and stalk us in our own home? Now they have a real case against the government who ignored all of this and got thrown out!

So the government is not liable for malpractice or is guilty? Then how do pro-filers know serial killers and lunatics are fascinated with both the police and control? They do not exercise this everyday and panic people? They act calm and normal performing their duties and are not up to any impropriety? Really? Did they also ignore the truth and the facts completely? Yes blame the Republicans for loving money but not the Democrats; it is all about greed but we cannot be biased to the poor or needy? We want them hurried immediately and expelled; no questions asked or up for debate. But they are staff, they pay into it, they are the police and want to help minorities or the poor? So what, let them get slaughtered and sue the office of hurricane and earthquakes. Is that clear and concise enough for this ignoramus and predator? They are not finished with their fun and their zipper is still down? Not castrated yet? Not in serious trouble and part of the future?

So what is going through the minds of Limbaugh and Hannity now? Who do we have? What do they want? When do they plan on ending this? What do we expect? The police know that won. They know when a suspect is surrounded, trapped, and orders are being given; what needs to happen. They know when a hostage rescuer or expert has been sent in and how hairy it can or will get. They know who has the right of way and what is being demanded or needs to go down; whether or not we get it is unknown but the tide has turned in our favor; way our favor.

So they are telling us to zip up our pants? Really? This SOB and MF thinks we are married for life or they are in; married to America and the future for life. They are not. We are furious and ready to go to war with the real problem, those not diligent and not cracking down. Their first hero, Ann; will be removed and expelled. We have no intention of keeping them in our life or having competition with them. Furthermore, their final fantasy about being married and married to the future; needs to be ripped to shreds or bombed by a stealth bomber; official sanction of the military. I am sick and fed up with this and the Republican jackasses always in the way or in our mission. I am sick of them stalking us, spying on us, stealing everything, sticking their foot in the door, always trying to rip us off or take our money, or having to share the room or life with them; all illegal. Totally illegal. We are spending way too much time on nothing and a dead enemy. They will leave when they are done and had their fun? Shut down anybody who gave them aid or has them in their system or company; anybody. This is a vile sexual predator in our life; shut them down and anybody who has aided them or keeps them around. Anybody. Look for them on the staff and eradicate them. I want to see tsunamis and hurricanes; it is time they zip up their pants and understand nobody is having any fun or has been.

I don't care if they have to be hurricane or earthquake; shut them down and throw them out; no questions asked. Let them know this and let them know the final decree on them. They have violated every law in the book and doing so for over twenty years; to no end and they seek rewards, promotion, and jobs. I don't care and I am sick of this; if it takes a hurricane then it is to be delivered immediately. This problem with not being diligent will not survive this mess; will not. If the authorities can deport them and send them back to the gutters they belong. They will learn a lesson and it will be way too late. Limbaugh and Hannity are going on TV and radio pretending they are zipping up their pants and no big deal; they are not done and will leave immediately. We are wasting way too much time on this enemy, rival, and problematic chatter, way too much time. Take all of their heads off and turn them into a serf or a frog; that should make them more diligent and shut them down. So they will leave and stop when they are done or had their fun with us? Shut down anybody who gave them aid or has them in their system or company; anybody. That should teach all of them a lesson. Break out the chains and everything we have, everything. Tell them to use protection and zip it up; very confident. We will starve them; zip it up? Really.

‎Tuesday, ‎August ‎21, ‎2012 Limbaugh and Hannity is a 120% positive ID and match; we verify and confirm with absolute certainty. Who do we punish? Limbaugh also knows who this mysterious lady is who claims to be married or our girlfriend. He is hiding her name and continues to drop hints. She is "sorry... does not know what to do... wants to die... is at war... etc" and is our real 911 mastermind. It has to do with a female in Boy-ton Beach linked to the mafia; a copy cat case. It was supposed to be a gift from Limbaugh and the Octopus; so we can have lots of kids and be safe or happy. Yeah, sure.

Everybody knows these people are guilty of the same thing. They have not been diligent in getting rid of and disposing of this lousy immigrant who has literally invaded our homes, life, finances, and nation. Not only have they NOT BEEN DILIGENT they force us to feed them or care for them. Furthermore, they are always in the way; just an obstacle when they are rich or poor; to challenge and push or pull in the opposite direction. That is why everything is a mess and that is why I am not a millionaire right now. Even Ann and all of her excuses; about how much she works or how she is making money for me; none of that can clearly solve the real problem and now they want a welcome mat or the grace of God and his kingdom. It is not coming and not going to be delivered; so they are more of an obstacle and jump in the way of the tanks and planes. That is why my satellites are not flying or why I am not a millionaire today; everything they did was intended to be an obstacle and everything we did was stolen. But when is this going to be fixed and who is going to get their head ripped off or punished for all of this? Diligent are they? Want to be certified and tested? Want the verification and certification methods we have developed and have? I had to shut down Ann for this also, now do it. Look at their people starve while we call them names; classic.

Wait until God contacts them and the entire ocean opens up; to see who and what kind of power we are talking about. Then wait until birds talk to them and begin to F with their mind; see if they can tell if they lost their minds yet. Don't lecture me about losing my mind or who and what I am dealing with, really.

They still say we are the Octopus and Ann is the octopus and we are out of line or insubordinate. Who is insubordinate and prove we are the Octopus. We caught them. One of these days, my lawyers will ask Limbaugh, Hannity, and all of these people behind this; why this guy is not a billionaire yet. Then my lawyer will illustrate all the false information and all of the stunts over the years to include charges for kidnapping, racketeering, harassment, slander, and all kinds of stuff. The level of attacks and the level of false information; made official records, were so crippling they kept calling and harassing up until 2012. Meanwhile they refused to end this, refused to pay any damages, tinkered or toyed with every aspect of our life, used one excuse after the other to swept it all under the rug (such as Obama or the state of the nation); and they would actually call us with the utmost secrecy or anonymity just to avoid a suit for two billion in damages. They were not only guilty as sin; they caused so much damage and pain and suffering. Who is this big ghost and octopus we have so full of hate and corruption? The octopus is nothing more than the financial collection plate for the Catholic Church and Democratic Party. They will brutalize you if you do not pay or give them charity; which can be everything you own. So who is above the mafia or their boss? Is it the communist or a religion? We will see if the FBI or the Justice Department RICO experts are powerful enough to take them down.

Both Limbaugh and Hannity would make degrading comments. Some emphasized how they were not worried, eating Kobe steak, tipped $100 when they go out to dinner, or sat warmly by their fireplaces with their "too good to be true" wife and household. Meanwhile, they would suggest we live in squalor, they were labor leaders and we were labor, we need to get a job, should just give up or walk away from each other (Ann and myself which eventually blew up), and all kinds of verbal accosting to including a threat of being evicted, attacks in our homes, escalating bills and problems, legal fees, etc... All along they owed 2 billion dollars and had the death penalty for what they were caught for. Then the prospect of them committing suicide or vowing to not be captured alive; got so real everybody knows they will do something crazier like blow their head off and end the pain finally. Look at the punishment they face and the pain they have yet received and are avoiding. They doubled and tripled the risk or the punishments; a death wish and a state of total insanity. Again, because of Ann; all of them feel we are the Octopus and they can either brutalize it or steal it. The nerve of the octopus if Florida, Palm Beach, New York, Minnesota, Wisconsin, California, Colorado, Ohio, Texas, Louisiana, Missouri, and traditional Octopus areas. We decapitated the global octopus or the foreign nerve centers. The body is dying now. That is who the mafia takes their orders from and who is their boss; total clandestine. This is why it is linked to terrorism and drugs; also justice and legal corruption.

The ignorance and bigotry to avoid any accountability got them the death penalty. If it was not in the way or ruining our life; then it was getting behind us for the victory parade. Before they were caught; they were enemies, rivals, communist leaders, and a tour dead force attacking us and trying to kill us. After they got caught, they were our staff and our best friend who called when and if they needed to. So if they blow their brains out or have to answer real hard questions; we will know the long gap of time which has elapsed and how it got that way. He should be a millionaire now. He should be married and with kids. His police and military satellites should be showcased all around the globe. Why all the problems and delays? Why is there illegal communication and so much under the table secrets not even reported? All of that was to hide the failure of the Catholics and the Jews; all Democrats and 1960s enemies. They cannot get anything right, anything. The octopus is nothing more than the financial collection plate for the Catholic Church and Democratic Party. They will brutalize you if you do not pay or give them charity; which can be everything you own. We are not the Octopus. We are not insubordinate. Ann has been expelled and fired. We are the voice of the office of hurricane and earthquakes; satellite warfare, not the Octopus. We are Presbyterian and protestants; also Buddhists. Do not brutalize and go beyond 2 billion dollars of damage or a legal claim. All of them have been expelled and face severe reprisals. We will know soon enough who is stronger; the communist and mafia or the Justice Department.

The question is whether or not they deny contacting me from the time they were caught in 2008 to the time they had to pay two billion dollars? Do they also deny contacting me in 2012 and this gap in time before they had to pay? Can Fox News explain why their host committed on-air-suicide or committed suicide? Can the EIB explain how and why their host committed suicide when the truth was finally revealed and why the evidence against them ruined their life? How could they live with themselves given the charges or the complaints levied against them? If true how could they show their face in public? They were eager to testify but the guilty were not eager to tell the truth or explain, why? So there is contact and a campaign to sweep all of this under the rug before two billion had to be shelled out by several guilty parties. Did any of this change the ending or the final story? How about their biography, did it change anything now that everybody knew who did it and why? Do we have much better or more important things to do in life than worry? Yes pull more people into their mess or in the same boat.

Given they owe over two billion in damages, I guess the question is how much longer are they going to spy on us, contact us, verbally accost us, tell us their feelings, tell us they want to die, tell us they do not know what to do, and call us in our homes? How much more and how long will they continue to illegally contact, call, harass, intimidate, accost, and conceal it was happening or deny it? They really need to explain the extent of the stalking and the extent of the invasion of privacy down to the extent our right were violated, brutalized, and repeatedly violated. Just plead guilty to pure lawlessness and lacking any empathy for the rights of others even in their own residence or on the highest mission. Why did they continue this and refuse to pay two billion in damages while pulling off an RNC plot or swept all of this under the rug? Is this a repeat of the Catholic Church in the 1600s and does war have to eradicate this corruption problem or endless attacks by the communists? Why did they refuse to pay two billion in damages and tried to get their money's worth; cheapen the final damage amount? Is this the real child molester, rapist, and lawless predator we describe and know so well? We are exposing and documenting them; anything they say and do can be used against them in a court of law. Stalking us like a predator or to seek retaliation is a major violation. I am not going to say nothing but eventually they will realize they are being filmed and recorded.

At least it did not keep going on and on until he voluntarily gave up out of fear or otherwise out of frustration, failure, and pain or suffering. We can be thankful they nipped this in the bud and immediately. They are damaged goods now. They actually think we are the octopus. I am satellite warfare and I speak for the office of hurricane and earthquakes; the wrath of God.

This other scam or lie about trying to make money for me, trying to give me the best future possible, working as hard as she can for me, and what appears to be excuses geared towards economic growth, healthy work habits, or no sex or impropriety; was expelled. Why am I working full time, I am retired from the military. Why are my satellites on a draft board and I have so many problems in my life; my survival is a coin toss? I need a female and a woman to toss and turn me about how she is providing for me and trying to give me a future? That was a total lie and has been expelled; I never asked for this or anybody to make money for me, never. This vile human species and their endless tricks; justification methods and how they operate; has to go and new people need to understand the problem and never ever repeat it. Never. They squirm in our life and our hands are completely tied due to their personality disorders. Where is my wife and kids? Why am I missing a life and all my dreams? Where is my pride now that this woman is here? Where is my happiness? This is what the cleaning lady will do to your life when they dress up as a CEO or executive.

What in hell am I doing working or trying to pay rent? Look at what this stupid woman did with my finances and how she refused to pay me for all the problems she created and wanted me to fix or the anger and resentment levels. Fire her? How many times? Fire all of them? Really? What about my needs and what I want? Exactly. That is the single missing element in all of this and the entire mess; what I want, what I need, and what makes me happy. How stupid are they and how do we certify how much of an imbecile we have before them? Yes pull more people into their mess and into the boat; so it can sink and all of those people can be more upset. Yes make all the excuses possible and reveal all of these mistakes and utter hell right at the last minute or ruin the ending. Right wing nuts or cheapskates? Totally insane and cannot do anything right? Is this all about them or firing all of them? Who are they? They are not the right wing and there is a lot to be desired; a lot. The mistakes are endless. They are to be shut down in the worst manner possible. This is what happens when you let the cleaning lady or janitor become an officer or a gentleman.

Surprisingly, all of these women look like Clarence Thomas' wife; however, a few have a slight hint of Down Syndrome and the haircut that goes with it. Most if not all of them are really interested in the waste disposal or janitor types; but they cling to us or annoy us on a level where we have to literally use brutality and much more. Who to blame for this and how much retaliation and punishment can they take? Then you have Ann who chides them and likes to F with their minds; which makes this twice as bad and brings her court martial nearer. Wonderful, a debate between retard and retard on BFI but they think it says FBI. Look at the men that imbecile dates also and you tell me if all of them are disgusting and dumpster dives. Tell me if smells emanate from them or whether you can picture what a hot sewage stew they always have cooking. Yes and they go well with triathletes and world class athletes; really bright and a real indicator of their mental problems. They call it the bag lady syndrome but this one is full of anger, resentments, jealousy, and demands love from perfect creatures.

As the record and the documents show clearly, these people have severe life problems and are F'd in the head. You do not want to get in a standoff or provoke them unless you can conjure up the forces of hurricane and earthquakes. They are inadequate and unsure of themselves. They are confused and dig for love where there is none or seek it when there is nothing. Look for the austere haircut and the slight of Down Syndrome. Do not underestimate their blank stare or how they stick a tongue out at you. They will follow you home and try to kidnap you. They will talk to you in your home or crank call you in a manner you cannot relay to the police. They will call the mafia to probe or poke you; to brutalize you into lying or loving them. They will use weapons against you only the communist have. They will use brainwashing equipment on you or try to re-educate your love of the truth. They will call the mafia and the labor unions to invade your home and brutalize you; even molest you 24 hours a day with verbal accosting. Once that door is open, it is virtually impossible to shut. Then you will see their PR team or the damage control; the real police go on TV or radio and pull off a Limbaugh or Hannity to warp your reality and piss off the authorities. Remember, what they steal will make them stronger and have more power over everybody; so make sure it is loaded and can be used against them eventually.

Their sexual powers is funny but will bring out a certain feeling you cannot forget. The smells emanating from them must be handled with care. Yes they are crazy and yes they are looking to push, poke, prod, and molest you into something or nothing. Do not underestimate teach bowl cut or the similarities to each other. They are powerful and will never give up until you are a confessed murderer or killer. That is their objective, to call you an asshole and a wife beater. Their love for BFI, not to be confused with FBI, is why they do what they do. Get in a challenge or some deadly standoff with sexy-bitch and you will get what you are reading now. If so report it immediately and seek medical care; the office of hurricane and earthquakes must intervene and soon or else you will die at the hands of a dangerous communist. Keep in mind they are expert liars and thieves. They have a slew of weapons only Israel or the Jews could ever invent. They will pay you a house visit and you will be very shocked by what they bring or why. This can also last upwards of 20 or 30 years; a life long marriage or caricaturization; long term brainwashing. What they steal from you will make them stronger and have more power over the masses; so be very careful to give them only what will weaken or implode on them. Make sure the crumbles you give them will lead them into the bushes or quicksand. What they steal and take has to have the reverse effect.

We have put them through a slew of tests and written thoroughly on this topic. The monster and the hair is not even human. They assimilate and can act normal and very sweet; do not believe it. Look at Hannity and Limbaugh; all of them are this phony. That is what a serial killer, terrorist, psychopath, and a lying cheat looks like when caught or trapped. You are their prisoner because they know you have something which will or can make them extremely powerful. If they steal it or the gold along with it; they know it will give them more power, make them invincible, and even make them masters of the masses. This is why they prepare for murder and an ultimate showdown. This is why they call life-lines such as the labor unions, mafia, drug gangs, radicals, communists, espionage or traitors, deadly assasins, serial killers, bomb plotters, terrorists, Democrats, moles, and every evil enemy out there. Be prepared to fight or take on each one as we did or had to. That is a lot of combat and all out combat for a very long period of time; but it proves our point. What they steal or want is gold but intended to make them powerful or invincible. What they steal or take is intended to seek power over America, infiltrate the ultimate levels, or fool the masses and security forces. You are just a piece on the chess board or an obstacle in the way and there are many ways to remove that piece quickly.

The only effective weapon known to mankind to combat this enemy is the office of satellite warfare and the office of hurricane and earthquakes. You can drop ten atomic bombs the size of Little Boy on them; their nerves would not be shaken. However, their nerves have been shattered into little pieces already, shell shocked. We did this over the years through fierce combat and all out combat with them. We even flaunt it now in front of their faces and in interrogation sessions. The warning is they are eager to panic people and attack them. They are eager for a standoff and to terrorize people. They are eager to use corruption and public officials in suicidal plots. Don't fall for it and do not provoke them or embolden them; they are easily agitated and easily animated. Unless you are prepared to kill them or face legal consequences; there is really no way to fight this sexy-bitch. You are just a tool in their box and a puppet in their world, for them to love and take care of. It is this love for BFI and not FBI that fools the senses and tricks the heart. The cute blank stare and the sexy whispers in the ear is actually a fat slob on the other end. Looking at them and throwing up will not help you. Knowing who they are and throwing up will not make you feel better. When a foe throws feces at you; it awakens the soul and brings an awakening. Harness that awakening and use the force for the empire.

They will abuse the laws and their police powers. They are a huge and gigantic army; and I mean gigantic. They have at least 4 espionage agencies behind the communist forces and all the weapons the US cannot even match. Yes we had to fight them and each weapon; all of them in wave after wave. That is no exacerbation. It has it's toll on the body and the mind. Do not be fooled by their tricks or how far they will go. Typically, it is a homosexual pretending to be a female; so you must wade into the waters of female sexuality if you want to know for sure who is doing this and why. They will sound like your best friend but will throw a clue out there to challenge you or stir your attention. The problem is getting rid of them and expelling them. Remember that, once you let them in; it is virtually impossible to get rid of them and they will kill you. You do not divorce a dumbass; the dumbass has to divorce you. They will trump up charges and try to arrest you or seek a judgment on you; if for anything, being a threat or some mental illness. It is all a web of lies and a ruse; nothing but a scam by a dangerous and deadly foe. That is how powerful and how corrupt they are; how high they have penetrated and climbed the ladder. I would not doubt if they took over the government already and want to be killed.

All of them feel they are superior to others who have 4, 6, or 8 year degrees. Even my academic prowess or levels; they feel they are superior. They also feel this super-natural power came from America, a blessing from God where "exceptional-ism" became some superior state the earth revolved around and they could steal anything they wanted or needed. This is why grades, college, and so many problems in schools or colleges. There is a slew of attacks by total maniacs and losers. They despise the thinking man even if they aspire to be one. A total bigot who thinks the red carpet is always being thrown out for them. They call this state being rich and in front of lights, cameras, or an audience; they are rich. This state of derangement and animation is where they derive power and this supernatural scoundrel origin. A state of a child and the feeble ways which has them lying, cheating, and stealing incessantly.

If you claim they are trying to kill you, exterminate you, murder you, rape you, or do so much evil acts that it drives you to the point of suicide or insanity; then do not spend so much time or give them any attention. Why mix up your words and try to throw prosecutors and the FBI off your trail or in every direction? If they are trying to brainwash you or kidnap you; no less nuke your ass or exterminate your people; then make sure your message is clear and concise. Make sure your facts are dead accurate. Make sure the world knows how you feel and what your true motives are. Do you see how they deny all of this? Do you see how they fight you and have just turned your reality back on you? Do you see how they have exposed you for who you are and your weaknesses? Yes you have a problem. Yes you have problems in life. Yes there is hate and evil everywhere. Yes you are going to die or may be a victim of violence and brutality; but you cannot be twisting, toying, lying, and screwing everything up; especially this ending which is a blessing from God himself. If they are trying to exterminate you and murder your ass; then stop playing games and skirting the problem. Stop acting tough or making people throw up or homo-cider. We need the truth and not a web of lies or a circus of tricks to make us think this way or that way. What the F is wrong with you people? Do you want to do the right thing or just die a total loser and a enemy pest? This red carpet event is not for you or ever was, understand? Just keep your monkey paws to yourself and do the right thing.

Yes you are almost their mommy and you gave them life. You must be the eternal tit the USA has been searching for. They are eternally grateful and your sacrifice will go unnoticed. Now pack your bags and go. The police do not have their satellites. I do not have a partner. I should be a millionaire and my life fixed. There should be satellites flying at this time and not a threat alert so high; people are getting nuked. There just is not enough time to debate it or discuss this anymore. It is a time for hard decisions and concise leadership; a razor's edge. Your services are no longer needed or appreciated. The fact is you coddled them and did not fire them. You got fired in the end. Maybe you need to visit a psychiatrist office a long time ago and get some hard facts and advice on life or very simple matters. If you did, maybe there would not be so much anger and you would have more friends or a best friend. Just look at the people you spent life with or keep close to you. Maybe all of you are in the same boat and had a suicide pact? You win together and loose together? Maybe you have a photo album to share. You share life and secrets. You attend the same events and spend your life preoccupied with each other or emailing each other. Let the flirt games begin or the online dating.

Take a hard look at this entire mess and this total disaster. All total lies. Look at the people you date and the abhorrent behavior. A psychiatrist or doctor could have helped you fix your life and make you better; but your problems now are not fixable. It will not and never be fixable. If you have creeping death like all of these other people who will commit on air suicide; then maybe a doctor should have been on the scene a long time ago and with the same diagnosis of clear thinking. So death and getting fired awaits all of you. Who decides if you are on this mission or not? Excuse me but how did all of this get flipped upside down or twisted in so many directions? All of you are off this mission and face criminal prosecution and much more. If someone looses everything in life or is in so much trouble; maybe professional help is exactly what they lack and need. Not more lies and more nonsense games. TV and radio is not what the doctor prescribed if you are in trouble with the law or facing a death penalty prosecution or a long list of felony charges. None of this is up for debate and all of this has been expedited to the office of hurricane and earthquakes; a written explanation is needed for a supeona; clear, concise, and to the point.

It is more true now than ever. Guilty. Degrading. Exposed. Out in the Open. Total junk. Totally crazy and mental illness. What are they selling and what is their existence about? Selling service. Taxing us to death. Too powerful to stop them. Destroyed and bleeding by destruction. Will never recover or get better, wait it out. Wants a slut but cannot afford one. A complete loser and imbecile sputtering and pretending. Total fakes. Don't have money and are desperate. Need them. Love them. Take them. Empower them. Open the door for them. Make them go home or go away. Look at them run! Look at them now! Look how fast they run! Look how superior they are! Look at them now! Happy with the ending. Ready to die. This is their story. This is their war. One retarded rival. Won't F off or go away. Move. Keep up the pressure. Don't let them get away or get ahead. Try to copy them. Wants to be friends. Does not need us. Will starve or perish. No way to win or escape now. Freedom. This is our future. Totally nuts now. Ready to die or go insane. Lost their mind. Screwed in the ass. A huge asshole. Has a business proposal and competitor. In their own world. Runaway a loser. Look what they did. Beaten to death by their own tricks and games. Total lies. Don't like us. Unified now under God and one nation. Won them. See it their way. Not far from us and getting closer. Going to win this. Too damaged. Won at their own game. Paranoid and schizophrenic. People love them. Heroes. No way out. Gravity. Stop them. Look how crazy they look. Nobody likes them. Look how poor they are.

Trying really hard. Working so much for us. Don't loose it. Wants to be friends. Loves us. Thinks we look good. They got money. This is our life. This is their nation. This is their world. Free now? Going to die? Getting richer? Almost dead and gone. Imprisoned and kidnapped. Do it back on them. Steal their pride. Win their hearts. Starve them. Hungry now? How is the homeland? Want to stay. Want to see more of them. They won. They are not dead and gone yet. When to stop. When to call it quits. Totally insane now. Trying to be honest with us. Really funny. Better now than before. More powerful now than ever. Will win this easily. Can see everything and the finish line. Got to help them. Let's share this. Let them win. Wait it out. Don't know exactly who did it or who they are. Scared of them now. Can't talk about it or what really happened. Huge loss and victory. Better sex life. Married now. Got a female partner. On their trail and six. Closing. Can make it disappear. Have no fear. Master. Yes stay. Don't quit. We need and love you. Welcomed. They know. Perfect. Can't see us either. Will get killed if they stay, brutalized. All out combat and total war now. Still cannot win this. Ready to cry. The pain is overwhelming. Brainwashing attempt. Nerves shattered. PTSD. Unity. The same now. Born again. Not a monster. Really scary. Shake your booty. Everybody is listening in. Everybody knows. Listen okay. Just keep quiet. Hooked. No joke. Look how similar we are.

If they want war then they are going to get war. If they want war in the US then they will get one hell of a fight on our soil. If they want war in their own homeland; well, we have other plans. This idea they can put their monkey paws on us and chase us off or make demands we move, leave, or love them; has gotten them in a lot of trouble. Therefore, if they want us to take them out and get rid of them; it is underway now.

The reason I am waging war on this enemy is because they put their monkey paws on me all the time. If it is not at home; if it is not at work; if it is not in public or random places; if it is not my life or my own existence; they just must put their monkey paws on me and I want to go Nagasaki on their ass. I plead guilty to this and explain why. Talking to me in my home using the communist under the radar phone; using me for experiments or spying on me 24-7; talking to me like they are my coach and managers or some in crowd in my living room having a huddle or giving out orders; this monkey ass needs to die and we need to kill this enemy or shut them down immediately. To let this go on for so long and to let this get so out of control; is total insanity and utter madness. Now it is about their homeland. Almost like a cockroach, they are born in our homes and do not know what to do. When caught in our home or in our belongings; they get exterminated. That concludes the life of a cockroach and not knowing what to do.

What happened to their homeland and the flag they fly? We do not know exactly which one of them did or why; but eventually we will get them and we will shut their monkey paw down before it wipes it's own ass. Go and get your own laptop also or open your own computer company; keep your monkey paws off mine or my life; to include everything in my private or business life. I am sick and fed up with this monkey in my life and I have come up with artsy way to get rid of them or chase them off so they go home and stop being a lousy immigrant in our life or world. I am not their human experiment and they have never been granted consent or any permission to do any of this; none. Yet they remain hidden and hide their identities like a traitor and a dangerous felon. This is a very dangerous and psychopathic enemy we have on our shores or in our life.

Who is this enemy who resides in Camelot and demands we move? Who and what they are and have become is a psychotic ball of jealousy. Their women are repugnant. Their men are in jail or total failures. They hate people who dress nice or have a wonderful family. They hate smart people or those who are all-American. They stack their leadership with artificial cloned facial reconstructive surgery spies that we have to fight or listen to. They are poor and across the boards lack any numerical merit. Now this lousy immigrant has been dealt a triumphant defeat by us and the world. Their church faces a total shut down and paralysis. Their women grow more destitute, more risky, more abusive, more sleazy, and more desperate with the passing of time. They are literally losing their soul and character as a human being; hardships of a human species known for their septic tank manners and fantasies about red carpet events where they are showcased. There is no cure for their jealousy except war; however, a false religion has brought them closer to heaven and heroism.

They have a gigantic army and we were panic and in panic mode day after day in full combat with them. The size of their army is immense and how lunatic or vulgar they are is a sight of wonder. This gigantic and huge army was growing until we had them surrounded, lured them in, and sprung the trap on them; it is no longer in growth mode or terror plot mode and diminishing by the hour. It is true we did get walloped on most days but only until they were surrounded and trapped could be play any of our cards or stack twenty five tactics on them with the fury of another Manhattan Project. They were gigantic and an immense army to go up against and we have the wounds to prove it. We were ordered to move or leave Camelot; which they feel is America or their home. That is the standing order on them; move, leave, F off, and go away quietly.

All of them will try and rob you blind or steal your life. Then they take the loot, head to Florida, meet up with their posse, and get a babe and marry so they can use her as a shield and say "leave me alone." They enjoy life and are happy; but also keep the cops and retired agents away because they control the area and politics. That is the battle of Florida and what all this seniors, tourism, real estate, drugs, and immigrants is about. It is the exact playbook both Limbaugh and Hannity used and while they sit in their mansion with their bodyguards; they will attack and do everything we describe; down to the babe and driving luxury cars around the state to flaunt it. They control the state and the electoral votes? Look at the politics of Florida and what it has become.

They call each other Americans and slap each other on the back; but that does not help the numbers or cure the raging jealousy below their skin. They do not like perfection. They do not like intelligence. They do not want to do the right thing. They are endlessly seeking power, greed, and money. They use what little God has blessed them with as a weapons, such as looks, a healthy body, or a warrior mentality. Essentially, this church and the congregation of psychopathic lunatics and labor union communists; have no respect for anybody. What will they do when they face the hardest change and challenge of their life? How will they meet the intellectual genius and the sheer thinking powers they are up against? How will they fight this or play their cards now? Jealousy and resentments is in their blood; yet they are denied and denied and denied. They are held down by the world and the realities that are real and true; but how will they fight and play their cards now? That jealousy is aimed directly at Asians, capitalists, royals, and the largest economies in the world. They are sabotaging the labor force and targeting the Asian economic growth; all in the name of nationalism and America.

Who started the drug wars in Florida or the USA? Who wants control of Florida and to squirm into the GOP? Which church is behind all of this phony marriage and female problems? Who is trying to rob us or steal this mission? Who was degraded by Vietnam or the Vietnam War? Who does Limbaugh work for or is trying to make money for? Who and what is this octopus of communists, terrorists, radicals, revolutionaries, serial killers, assassins, and a tent of total insanity? This octopuses of foes trying to buy up America and invent ruin or decline to buy our life and our soul; who are they? Who bombards us with criminals, lousy immigrants, and criminals or rapists all the time? Who went against the Italians and the core of the mafia over drugs and money? Want to know who they are and what they are up to? Want to know who is at war with us and trying to conceal their identity? Want to know exactly what they did or are up to? Want to know who got raided, shut down, and humiliated on each and every effort? Stop. Leave me alone. Go away. Loser. Psycho. Asshole. That hurts. We love you. Money. Who is that?

What is crime and communism today? Sound like a hero or a pretty face? Sound like a Valerie or another clone? Sound like power or money? Sound like a potential partner or even a wife? Sound like the police or an octopus out of control and dying? Now they have really done it and will commit suicide; this stuff will kill them when the smoke clears and when all is said and done. Who is this lady who keeps reporting to the circus of police we are the threat and threatening her when she is actually in our home and studying us like a guinea pig? Cruelty and vile criminal acts? Puppet master and some communist mole? Control? Targeting veterans and then pretending to be victims of crime or a victim? How high do they wish to fall if they will be taken down? All of their men were killed or faced a brutal death in similar showdowns or duels; how about their women? More women than a man can dream about? Now we know their strategy; peace, love, and nonviolence. We also know they are total sluts; I checked them out myself, every inch.

Who is the head of the drug wars and crime in the USA? Democrats? Catholics? The Church? The liberal legal system? A family? The evidence shows them mouthing off like crazy in our life and most vulnerable moments; but they are dead silent in public or in hiding. They unleashed and sent their psychopaths after high value targets and to stop us or the empire. The FBI and the Justice Department has also been targeted by the Kennedy Family; from the inside also. They are going to say the same thing, kill em all. Who wins? Who is happy? Who survives to tell the story? This is why there is dead silence and this communist phone; it is them on it. They are worried and they are silent; their image is suffering more and more. There is a point where death and suicide sets in. There is a point, similar to Waco, TX where exterminating them is logical. Notice how they use their looks and sex as a weapon; also love and affection. Who are these females and who is this communist octopus network of GOP and Kennedy puppets? Let's ask Newt Gingrich and a few of these Republicans such as Hannity and Limbaugh. Why is it all linked to Florida and these suspects or psychopathic communist puppet masters who play with our reality? Stop. Leave me alone. Go away. Loser. Psycho. Asshole. That hurts. We love you. Money. Who is that?

Who was or is targeting us for some marriage we could not deliver in cash terms? Taylor Swift, Teebow, and Palin were all sent by the Kennedy Family to antagonize and degrade our effort. Their family secret was revealed by Ted Kennedy before he died; they were one of the most powerful communist families in America and did some of the most awful things to other human beings while they claimed to be heroes or an in-crowd. Their women are desperate and a complete mess; but what they are trying to fight and put up as a new and refreshed image; is they are getting wealthier, more popular, more wealthy, and not desperate or out of this yet. Considering they cannibalize each other similar to the original communists who saw it differently or challenged each mother's power; we see a life concealing the total insanity. Camelot is and will always be a fantasy and total insanity; the same with their love story and how they love other people. They use their females to network and put a normal face on the total insanity; but they use sex and looks as a weapon. They are the communist and this is how they expand and take over other families. It is all a scam similar to the mafia and being "made." The leadership scam those who have to pay into it; similar to strip clubs, casinos, bars, and other joints they run. The women are vital to operations and an image of normalcy; victim-hood and freedom.

The biggest crime family and the most powerful of the crime families are? Yes, they are a big crime family and we know they are communists. They want us to fix their mess or get their hooks on the most powerful military forces on this earth? Is this some jerk off joke or just a lousy stripper talking? Yes they use their sex and looks as a weapon; but are taught to despise sex and deprive it. They know how to win and how to fool, trick, and be disingenuous. Naturally, Taylor and Teebow was casing us also; as Palin was. All of them sent by the Kennedy's to uphold the name and the scams. The house of cards are falling and the hurricane winds are building; oddly, they look better and very good in this war. That is the gate of hell and who opened the gates of hell. That family has a secret and we know all of them. It is about their church and who funds it or supplies the personnel; it is also about marriage and the females who are totally insane and desperate. It is that pile of shit that was on the internet antagonizing and degrading our effort to have a normal life; along with a slew of black women who had a little game toying with us. We are talking about human beings who are total losers and total psychopaths; more enemy foes and espionage networks. It is about money and they are the most desperate of them all. They are looking for a big score or a big jackpot; they found it finally.

We cannot and will not win wars until we find the perfect and right personnel. Instead we get hell and high water. We will not win or do this mission until the pieces fit and we get the right support, we get total insanity instead and imbeciles. They also impose the communist and enemy at every single turn; as if it was a joke and we are too. For that they have been exposed, shut down, ripped to shreds, and facing severe prosecution and disposal. Let all of this be a lesson about who exactly we live with and the kind of people we have in our life. Stop. Leave me alone. Go away. Loser. Psycho. Asshole. That hurts. We love you. Money. Who is that?

We need sanity. We do not need some church full of crazed and totally insane imbeciles who loves us, wants to save us, debates us, kidnaps us, tries to molest or rape us, and wants the world to know they saved our life. We do not want this hero worshiper in our life and we do not want the total insanity or deliverance of hell behind their gimmick. Loving us and wishing to save our life has a string attached; we have described what the scam consist of and who is behind it; the communists. They are here and they have attacked; less the subs, tanks, and planes. We have dealt them a final defeat they have yet to fully comprehend but know they are dead and it is over. We need sanity, not a church of these imbeciles or wave after wave of sorry ass foes who want to be initiated or heroes by using violence against us or to smear us.

This foe and pest trying to acquire money, fame, and power; made it very difficult to stop them, arrest them, file for damages, or describe what exactly they did and tried. However, it did not change the ending and we did take them down in a royal fashion. Next is the disposal and cleanup and they are not helping at all; worsening the crisis. I should have gotten a medal and a handsome reward for this; instead I got total insanity and hell. I got it endlessly day after day and twenty four hours, nonstop. Furthermore, if you compare the Japanese and this enemy; the Japanese care enough for their own people to surrender and face the ultimate penalty. This coward is nothing but a felon, thug, and coward who cannibalizes their own people or ruin their future. We have no gripes with the Japanese but we do have serious gripes with this church and their antics. How do you lead and become leaders on this or these terms? How do you get so powerful and so lawless?

I should be a millionaire by now if not a billionaire. However, read my complaints and the stuff I am complaining about. Read what is going on back and forth. The people in my life are so full of trouble, have so many problems, and stuck in utter hell; that is all they can deliver. Meanwhile, I am fighting them off and trying to get my sanity back or some sanity in my life. Speaking of the conditions at work, how about the conditions in my private life and returning sanity to it? They made and took every risk in front of them and with utmost anonymity to avoid arrest or retaliation; a death sentence will be imposed. Their plan was to deny it and claim mental illness or mental defect when they were the problem all along. We exposed all of this and stopped them in a royal manner, dead cold. All of that is irrelevant to the ending which should not change and be restored; without them or with them dead. They have a hell of a fight from here on.

They also targeted my personal and private life. I need sanity in my life or more sanity and none of them are able to deliver. It is one attack after the next or total insanity; so the search for more sanity has to continue but this stalker and this dialogue keeps saying things like "he is trying to make people think he is rich" or "he does not want to hear it." How many times have I told them to F off and how many times do they come back and say how much they love me or love everybody? Just F off and stop pretending they are not a threat and everybody is. That is the enemy, psycho and communist we have in our life. It has impeded life and made it very difficult for over two decades, yes twenty years plus and they still won't get lost or F off. Nothing they tried could change the outcome or the final ending; trying to stop us, getting caught, trying to ruin our life or make us quit; trying to silence us; testing their power or public trust, etc... Concealing their identity is a death wish and sentence.

The bottom line is I need more sanity in my life and have awful people in it. The bottom line is I should be a millionaire or billionaire by now. I can have my satellite warfare up and running in six months. I can have the 2013 models by the end of the year. The problem is I am a puppet in some puppet show for a bunch of losers and felons; and I am not happy or my complaints seem to get nowhere. If they can make those claims and stop spying on us or stealing everything in our life; than F off and do it. Otherwise, they will face all out war missing the submarines and tanks. The longer they wait the worse it will get and when that time comes; we will film them and trap them in their web of lies; the pressure is immense and they will blow their head off or do on-air suicide. The employers are guilty and showed reckless or gross negligence sweeping it all under the rug. They want us to quit on the basis they are tougher and full of problems and hell. The pieces and the evidence is lining up against them. The effort was impossible and failed badly; not so with ours.

They were caught in 2008. I began writing the books in 1989 and finished them in 1998. I had to wait until 2006 to begin writing them again; intended for my retirement. It is 2012 and I should be a millionaire but the attacks have damaged and done tremendous harm; I cannot move and am paralyzed. Ann is not a very good military wife or partner if it came down to it or if this is what it comes down to. She is part of the problem or the guilty. The obstacles ahead of them are impossible and suicidal; but they remain vigilante and almost cartoonist. Expect them to provide no explanation and blow their head off right before arrest; they told too many lies and will be exposed on a scale they cannot live with. We will see to it they pay damages and receive the death penalty. Those are horrible odds. When the time comes they better have a good answer and a written one for the record and the public. They have a hell of a fight in the next 100 years of their suicide, arrest, and deportation. Concealing their identity only worsens this.

The odds are worse now then ever. You also have this expedited to the office of hurricane and earthquakes; a written supeona to waive off the wrath of God. It is that much of a threat and escalated that high. Those odds are suicide and we need to be paid handsomely for this; hence, I should be a millionaire and sanity returned to my life; a normal, quiet, peaceful life. They made and took every risk in front of them and with utmost anonymity to avoid arrest or retaliation; a death sentence will be imposed. Nothing they did really changed the ending; but they were the problem all along and did everything to conceal their identity and plot. I need sanity back in my life and in 2012 this has not been restored or fixed; the problem remains in a dilapidated or run down ghetto. It is and has been all out war every single day and at all hours; just no planes, submarines, or tanks. It is full combat and trying to take each mother's head off and we know who is missing a head or will be soon. So they failed and we almost did also; how do you explain it in a clear and concise way? The key is how they kept this going and how they concealed who was actually behind it; over ten years, twenty, and then thirty years.

We are dealing with predators and rapists. When you are a minor, you tend to trust adults and trust too much. Once you reach adulthood and begin to mature, you see through this web of deception and who is actually around you or in your life. This is why I exclude everything in my life before the age of 18; as a minor I too put trust in the hands of those who deserved none and I am not going to take the blame for those who are evil or just failures in life. I no less am guilty than a child who is abused by an adult or a predator. Let's get this straight in my biography. I used the military as a way to escape and remove a lot of people I did not care for or want in my life to include females. I had my own path and mission in life and none of it had anything to do with any of them; until now. Therefore, I matured early but I had to learn what kind of a predator or friend I was sorely always complaining about. It is the charming types who never get anywhere you must be very careful with. It is the usual suspects and those who bombard us with these lousy immigrants or criminals. It is those who have a history of corruption and cannot tell the truth no matter how old they are. In their dream and recollections, I flunked everything and this is how we got here and now. We all are forced into situations we do not like or have any control over; so do not roll out any red carpet or take any credit when none is available.

Come to think of it, let the record show that a minority did this to them again and drafted them. Even worse, a minority saved the country and exposed that same word and how it is used; as a dirty word facing a red carpet dinner hosted by who else, the totally insane. Meanwhile, the global economies chug on and the biggest economies out there laugh at the numbers and punch away at their computers. Does the computer know who this minority is also? Come to think of it, does a calculus equation understand their language? That is what I think of both the Democrats and the Republicans; a circus of urban imbeciles trying to degrade or facing degrading realities. Worse it is all out combat and war now. Again, in their dream and recollections, I flunked everything and this is how we got here and now. How many drug addicts or flunkies do you know who can wipe the communist out or lead this mission as I have? Name them and show them to us. The sheer thinking ability and logical academics is overwhelming and unknown but to be perfect each and every time? Who can do that? A doctorate student or anything they have in their arsenal of lies? Clearly this was an attack and a smear campaign by kidnappers and traitors. How many people can do it in their teens and twenties? All of this was completed in my 20s and the record shows this. Is this why I was kidnapped or targeted? What is the degrading truth, reality, and evidence? What has been exposed? Who has been caught and trapped?

I must be a flunkey or a failure; everything they say I am or share my life. I must be their leader also. I must be all they say and they will not blow their brains out when or if they must face an incriminating judge or legal retaliation. One day, the truth will come out and their lies will crumble; but let them hang each other and themselves first; we get to enjoy their ridiculous evil suicide and film it as it happens. Yes a minority did all of that to them or their power. He is shoving their face in all the lies and criminal activities. Our life and the economy will chug on without them; it must be that bad. We will read about them and miss them; every second.

Dear Mr. President, understand how unrewarding, how unsatisfying, and how difficult it is to go to war with this partner and what kind of person they truly are. They are not built perfect or with the qualities we deem rewarding. It causes a lot of problems. Ann was one of the best until her web of lies spun out of control and tangled her up completely; then she was paralyzed and just swung back and forth. Her partnership has a lot to be desired and was very unsatisfactory. It was very imperfect and like always; a lot is to be desired. I make no excuses for her and have expelled her. You will realize just how difficult it is to go to war with these imbeciles and lying traitors. Until you see firsthand or for yourself; I cannot help you or will. I only cite the case with Ann Coulter and having to expel her for ruining the ending or ruining life itself. To sit here and debate it or pray is futile; you do not win wars or stop this enemy using females; no less fighting with one. This is the real deal and there is full scale combat and war going on; just no tanks, no submarines, and no weapon you fully understand. Make a mistake or a fatal one and the vultures will pick up on it.

I swore to God Annie was going to get us killed so many times through the years. It finally just erupted in anger and resentments between her and I. That is her web of deception and total phony lies. However, I have sworn and felt dead before because of Ann and her lacking partnership. I stand by these words and a formal court martial on her today. It is called a "dereliction of duties" and with these insane imbeciles; it is total chaos and confusion. You will learn shortly who the players are and the pitfalls.

Clearly Romney has made his first mistake as a President but will he renounce his links and trade in this mistake for the other side or the empire? His loyalties to his church or people in his administration should not interfere with his decisions; but it has already and it is his first mistake. How degrading will that mistake become before it clouds his thinking? Your faith cannot be stronger than your loyalties or the side of good versus evil. Even a guilty conscience is clouded in their thought and actions; but will he test these loyalties with his staff? It is not about ideas; it is about the damned and the guilty getting a victory parade. It is not a fatal mistake but it can be. I too had to learn this lesson the hard way and without any backup; if he looses control of his staff like the RNC Convention; there will be no backup for his choice in staff. Choose your cards wisely and use your instincts and intuition. It is full combat at this time less the tanks and the subs. They are everywhere and spying like mad. This is no game. This is the real deal and it is game time. There are no second guesses or going back.

How much of this will be swept underneath the rug before the true liability traps the employers and those who really do not care but only interested in ratings and profit? A traitor in their midst and they do not are or lack any judgment? What if they blow their head off or get a bunch of people hurt; what then? A total lack of care and violation of one safety standard after the next? We will see and we will make sure that bigot goes bankrupt and pays dearly for all of this time elapsed. Your money and your vote? What a great idea, who in hell thought of that? We should christen them and maybe give this genius a medal; a red carpet event.

The sad truth is praying got them nothing but hell and total disaster. So if they can just shut up and fight; we can get this over quickly and with very little imperfection. The sad truth is in war; I want to see fierce fighting and not prayer or more stupid shit. Do we need to test their stupidity, faith, fight or more of this nonsense? Allah? F off and go away. Prayer did not get Ann Coulter anywhere either; ask her. Look at what she was expelled for and why. They will F up our combat units and become a horrible addition to our take no prisoner approach. They are a bad addition to this mission and cannot think clearly. I am really fed up with the praying and war. I am really fed up with the red carpet and imbecile we have in our life. I am really fed up there are no subs or tanks to describe or finish the all out warfare this was or has become. I am really fed up with a lot of things; plus they have no math SAT score to brag about; stop acting like a genius or bragging about the red carpet event. We are dealing with total phonies and liars. Prayer has never won a war and prayer will not stop this threat or enemy. Let's not loose our mind over this. As a Christian myself, I am not that dumb to take it that far; no matter what anybody says. Maybe some people are but not me.

Will Romney put a nail in their coffin or test the loyalty of his urban imbeciles? Will he side with the church of nonsense and sell his soul as we rip them to pieces? All other candidates are irrelevant; do not focus on Obama or the Democrats at all. Will he test his own power or his loyalties? We will know after 2012. The RNC sounds like a terror plot and an inside job; just as 911 was or is. How about that hurricane and earthquake duty? How about that satellite warfare or communist invasion? How about that war on drugs? Did they report any of this; even make an effort before they were arrested or shut down? Does it sound like a plot to lock out the security forces or legitimate powers? Oh is that what they did or used 911 for; to lock out security and a rescue? God help them when and if they are finished. There may not be submarines or tanks but it is all out warfare, trust me on that. They are not going to sit there when and if challenged on that level. Or will they? I am a master of this war; do not think what they get and the information they steal can ever be used against me or to take my head off; I am not stupid. They could have chosen an easier victim or an easier military target.

INSTANT UPDATE: Hannity hung himself with the Taylor Swift and RFK dream. Then he hung himself with his bodyguards and his red carpet at the RNC. Mark Levin says that if Romney wins, it will be because of these felons and traitors; nobody else. The people trust them and the people decide. He says this at the 9:11 pm mark on ‎Friday, ‎August ‎17, ‎2012. That is entered into the record and he will need to explain when the time comes and when everybody knows the truth. The spying and the lawless espionage has not ended or is it out of our homes. Let them throw the red carpet out for each other; that is their scam and little game. Levin calls it rich and special; this is what being rich truly feels like. That is how totally insane and what kind of a urban fool we have on our hands. When they hyperventilate like Limbaugh did; film them and laugh at them as we did; it is a good laugh before they do on-the-air suicide. Yes the red carpet is being put out for them! We are debating this also. This journey is so insane and so whacked; it is funny. They also got drafted again, imagine that. This time they were kicking and screaming each and every moment. Did they man-up to the challenge, so rich and sustainable?

RED CARPET PARADE OR DINNER: So they feel the red carpet is being thrown out there for them because they are into welfare, the Kennedy Family, radical protest and peace, and do not hate? How hilarious. Yeah I see the red carpet from here; who else? Red carpet... my stomach hurts now. God help them when they blow their brains out before the public or when the lies have to stop or been stopped. All of them think it is one big party and they do not have to take anything serious; all a red carpet event and they are cared for or paid for. Even Ann is like this.

Who the F keeps blaming us or lying? Where did they get their recon from? A lot of people are watching and more than angry with what they hear or know; still not reporting any of this or denying it. They better be as innocent as they are pretending to be; also as loyal. A lot of people are watching and a lot of time is passing. A lot of damage has been done. Telling the truth and coming clean is up to them; finishing them off and ripping them to pieces is only up to us. Let's not get the roles confused or turn the tables. They are causing a gigantic stir and at a level that is hilarious or some comedic act. There is no way out either; for anybody. Where did they get all of this reconnaissance from? How did they set their coordinates? What did we run into and how in hell did we survive it? It is easy to explain and in my books. The RNC sounds and looks like a circus of terrorists trying to take each other seriously. Are they allowed to do that?

Do we get a purple heart? Do we get a combat badge? What kind of war is this? Who exactly is this SOB and MF? We know when and if someone sold their soul and chooses evil over good. We know when they are well intentioned but have been warped by reality or targeted. We have no beef with those who have not soul their sold and have a clean record of combat. We like combat and a good fight. This is not about submarines, tanks, or automatic rifles; but it feels like it or worse. This is not about drug gangs or the number of gangs on the street; but it feels like a fight to the death also. It is ten times harder to catch this enemy than anybody can understand. This is beyond full scale combat. The injuries are permanent; so we have to be extra careful and get things very right. That is why it is so messed up.

If they are trying to learn more about sustainability and mention it in their speeches; then they need to learn how to get past the office of hurricane and earthquakes; the military version. Read the introduction to my new book called, "Anti-Government Sentiments and The War on Drugs: The 1960s and the Drug Wars in America" or the actual book called, "Economic Sustainability: The Origin of Communism and The Final War on Planet Earth." They are totally guilty and totally insane. They kept information that could have saved lives in order to prevent being arrested or shut down. How selfish can this traitor get if they were caught and trapped on 911 and terror plots? What else are they hiding? A lot. They are not reporting anything yet; total silence and total protest with benevolence. In order to get through the office of hurricane and earthquakes; they must get through satellite warfare or the inventor of it; me. They almost accomplished this; it came down to the wire. You can smell the rot at the RNC and the RNC Convention already. It is creeping death and magnetic; don't let them do this to you or we will finish this war conclusively. There may not be submarines or tanks but it is all out warfare, trust me on that. They are not going to sit there when and if challenged on that level. Or will they?

Who is this pest and urban fool trying to act tough while trying to wipe us out or take our head off? We wish to rip the head off when and if the time is right and when the evidence is before them. We wish to impose the death penalty but must collect two billion first; as a debt to society. They need to shut up and pay their debt to society before dying. All else is irrelevant. This church just short circuited everything and everybody. This damned church of communists are trying to get us to not only fix them but bring them back to life now that we are their boss and they are staff. The nationalist and anti-government forces are both communist and Nazi forces; beware. They are not who they claim to be and are trapped. An urban fool facing rapid decline and trying to act tough when they are trapped, exposed, and total phonies? Who is this monkey who invaded America and is the bank or crooks, rapists, felons, molesters, and organized crime and corruption? They also hate the Vietnam War but now are in love with it. The voice of reason is nothing more than the voice of a traitor, felon, rapist, and communist traitor. Is this the memory they wish to leave behind or who they truly are; this voice of reason who does not hate and is an urban fool?

They will do a kamikaze run and come for a second, third, or until their ship is sunk; a suicide plot and a blood pact by all involved. They feel they are either serving God or us; we are the boss of this human pile of feces and some friend of this puppet master. All of them think they are hot shit and are repugnant and obese in one form or the other. A complete imbecile or psychopath who forces these lousy immigrants on us or crime. They are molesters, rapists, and everything we describe. They are facing the death penalty and severe military reprisal. They throw up one massacre after the next while trying to use violence and safety against us. The women are totally nuts and repugnant. All of them think they are hot shit and are only a lizard waiting to be evicted. They do not even report crime or whether they have been raped or victims; tough smart asses who have a death wish. Be very careful who they point the finger at or who they accuse of being crazy. They will end up in complete failure and complete lawlessness where they have to point the finger at themselves; now making it a contest among each conspirator and felon.

They are feminine and we are masculine. They have the spirit and genetics of a female and we have male dominant genes. They are dumb or good actors and we do not like their wife act or pussy act. They are some bitch and even a stupid wife; trying to act benevolent and silent. I have never seen such a dumbass and a pest. I have never seen a psychopath invite themselves into the life of others and be so lawless and then pretend to be innocent. Who is this female and who are her followers; they are the communists and they are trying to escape or escape the death penalty; Ann did catch them and twist their reality but Ann also got expelled for whom she is and whom she is not. Ann has problems with her personality and her priorities and have been expelled for endless stuff. None of them even relevant or air brain female stuff. She is not a leader and it is all total lies; but Ann has pled guilty. They are magnetized and animated by this female trait and mannerism. It is all phony and total lies. They even call it rich and privileged; special. Look how rich and special they are now! Look how lawless and psychotic they truly are and how guilty. Special is as special does.

Ann Coulter plead guilty and has been expelled. If they cannibalize and kill her; then it is between her and them. Also, she still owes for wages and work done in the worst possible conditions and circumstances; she has yet to pay that debt or come clean. Had she paid that debt I would be a CEO today and a millionaire. Instead I am on skid row and looking for a real girlfriend. If Ann wants to get the military police involved or speak on behave of a military mission; that is her problem. Everything else is irrelevant. Ann is on the record and been expelled; next is perjury. Not interested. Never was interested. Never will be even if she is being stalked or has a very good alibi. The facts prove otherwise. You can smell the rot at the RNC and the RNC Convention already. It is creeping death and magnetic; don't let them do this to you or we will finish this war conclusively. There may not be submarines or tanks but it is all out warfare, trust me on that. They are not going to sit there when and if challenged on that level. Or will they?

It is some theater of the absurd again and this time the Republicans are dead guilty. Look how much they have or will spend on security at the RNC and look at how many of these suspects slice right through. How? They are staff and we are their bosses. The nationalist and anti-government forces are both communist and Nazi forces; beware. They are not who they claim to be and are trapped. Isn't that what I just described about the communist moles and this terror plot? All the alerts are for Arabs when they slice right through and surround each other with bodyguards. How worthless and how useless are these benevolent Republicans? Do they need a rape or murder plot also; how about a conspiracy to make their church stronger? It is time to put them on the chopping block and ask them how they plead. Is this what they did to or in the USA also? Why communist forces are all over or have taken over? Debt? Bank of crooks? Corruption and crime? Where? Ann Coulter has already plead guilty but no sex. She has been expelled, who else now? All the sudden the communist have this sense of duty to keep them alive and kicking; they are dead meat and with the fury of a hurricane guillotine.

So they knew information that could have saved lives but they choose to be benevolent and crime; so they could fulfill a suicide plot and avoid arrest? They refused and rejected paying damages upwards of two billion or shutting down their business? Really? Really guilty? It can only get worse for a traitor and a lying foe. This is who we are forced to live with and what we have to put up with; lying to the public and the highest authorities. They didn't leave us alone when the right time was needed. Again, find another industry before they suffer at our hands and to the legitimate powers. This church is nothing more than criminals looking for money and freedom; totally guilty. An urban fool facing rapid decline and trying to act tough when they are trapped, exposed, and total phonies? Who is this monkey who invaded America and is the bank or crooks, rapists, felons, molesters, and organized crime and corruption? The voice of reason is nothing more than the voice of a traitor, felon, rapist, and communist traitor. Is this the memory they wish to leave behind or who they truly are; this voice of reason who does not hate and is an urban fool?

They could have put an end to this but choose to be a conspirator, criminal, communist revolutionary, a rapist, a predator, and a racketeer who has a criminal lifestyle and mental incapacity? That is really evil. How do we fight them? Luckily, they did not get anybody killed or start world war. Did we put information in their hands to make their criminal activity twice or four times as guilty? Really? Prove it. It can only get worse for them. Lying to the highest authority is an instant death wish. I am sure they have more important things to do than listen to a psycho stalker or some pussy. They would not leave us alone when and if it was mission critical; why should they be spared the same? We wish to impose the death penalty but must collect two billion first; as a debt to society. They need to shut up and pay their debt to society before dying. All else is irrelevant. This church just short circuited everything and everybody. This damned church of communists are trying to get us to not only fix them but bring them back to life now that we are their boss and they are staff. The nationalist and anti-government forces are both communist and Nazi forces; beware. They are not who they claim to be and are trapped. I truly feel sorry for them; imagine if that was you and you were the enemy and a traitor. There may not be submarines or tanks but it is all out warfare, trust me on that. They are not going to sit there when and if challenged on that level. Or will they?

All we have to do is retrace their steps; such as Limbaugh, Hannity, Rove, Powell, Bush, Levin, Clinton, and all of these communist traitors who want freedom or to be left alone now. Let them flock to the Republican Convention. We will take the heads off the Republicans soon enough and dispense justice the moment they walk past that line. They must show duty and diligence; not benevolence to a rapist, predator, and most of all criminal molester. Let the Republicans shoot themselves or each other in the foot; we will trap them too and finish this enemy pest off. If they want a vigorous debate, then focus on the important and most important matters; not psycho babble or things to exonerate each of them. That we will earthquake with fury until they pop or their head is ripped off cleanly. It can only get worse from here on. So they wish to join forces with the Republicans and share the rewards or victory? Find another industry before they suffer at our hands and to the legitimate powers. This church is nothing more than criminals looking for money and freedom; totally guilty.

Let's talk earthquakes and Republicans. Yes they can switch side or declare themselves the winner when and if they want. Nobody will notice or care. When and where do they want to start and finish? Choose the start line and we will choose the finish line. Who is worried about being exposed at a drop of a dime? Oh we are their boss now? We would love to wage war on the Republicans over this also; love it. They need to be worried about being poor or a serf; not us. Yes, fund the madhouse and let them declare us their boss. Don't report what actually happened or what will arrest them for life and a death penalty. Do the Republicans wish the death penalty enforced; yes attend the RNC in Tampa, FL. It is okay we won't mind or do anything; we are benevolent and one of them. We have warned the Republicans; step over that line and we will choose the finish line. The white boy is more evil and insane than the black boy; want to test it again? Be very careful who they point the finger at or who they accuse of being crazy. They will end up in complete failure and complete lawlessness where they have to point the finger at themselves; now making it a contest among each conspirator and felon. Be very careful who they point the finger at or who they accuse of being crazy. They will end up in complete failure and complete lawlessness where they have to point the finger at themselves; now making it a contest among each conspirator and felon. God help them when the time comes to confess before the public and explain all of these lies.

Yes we want a vigorous debate about how hard and how fast we can rip their head off, throw them out, earthquake them, torture them, kill them, or how scared they get before exploding. We want them to debate vigorously about how guilty and how much they will pay for this; scream for their life! We want to see them run for their life and poop so hard; they cannot hide or say they vigorously debated us. They will try and do anything and we will be ready when and if that time comes to make them pay for it and quadruple the fury if necessary. They are guilty and they will pay; that will never change. Debating it vigorously is the most absurd and laughable nonsense I have heard. Does anybody hear any vigorous debate about this matter or what is important?

Look at who and what they have turned into or become. They are happy and feel very comfortable with each other; so do we. Why don't they debate a hurricane or earthquake since they want a vigorous debate about nonsense. It might make them feel bolder, better, or even victorious. It comes down to Judgment Day and what they will need; in hand and for the record. Can a thief and a con-man win Judgment Day? Will the wicked and evil have their way on Judgment Day? Why waste time? I don't hear any vigorous debate on the important matters or what should be reported. Yes the media is guilty and so are the government employees with their heads on the chopping block. There may not be submarines or tanks but it is all out warfare, trust me on that. They are not going to sit there when and if challenged on that level. Or will they?

These foes and the kingdom of the communists are really trying to confuse the public or make a mess. I will make this as clear and concise as I can. There is a club out there and a lot of people who feel blessed, want to be blessed, or think they are blessed. We are biased towards those who deserve freedom and are truly blessed and happy. Some of them feel being staff, Christian, or even Republican is heaven or a ticket to a free meal. It is not and we know they are con-men and savages. We know how phony and what kind of a pussy we are fighting or waged war on. Who is this? What do they want? Will they fix anything or just run? Why waste valuable time? I don't see or hear any vigorous debate on these terms. Find another industry before they suffer at our hands and to the legitimate powers. This church is nothing more than criminals looking for money and freedom; totally guilty. An urban fool facing rapid decline and trying to act tough when they are trapped, exposed, and total phonies? Who is this monkey who invaded America and is the bank or crooks, rapists, felons, molesters, and organized crime and corruption? The voice of reason is nothing more than the voice of a traitor, felon, rapist, and communist traitor. Is this the memory they wish to leave behind or who they truly are; this voice of reason who does not hate and is an urban fool?

Secondly, there are only two clubs in this world. The club of those born rich and the club of those not born rich. When you are born rich, you must fight the bank of crooks and criminals all through your life. They will target you. They will rob you. They will sneak up and insult you anyway or anyhow they can; even tax you to death. When you are born rich, you must show a diligent, verifiable, and overt battle against a lot of clubs, people, organizations, and this foe. Who is this bank of crooks and criminals and how did they get so rich or powerful? Real estate? America? Decline of the churches or Christianity? Asian economies or so called minorities? You can smell the rot at the RNC and the RNC Convention already. It is creeping death and magnetic; don't let them do this to you or we will finish this war conclusively.

Even if you are born into this world not rich; you have a duty to fulfill. As a policeman you must abide by the goodness instilled in you. As a military personnel, you must fulfill your duties and not annoy or smear the legend of your fore bearers. You cannot jeopardize freedom or get it so wrong; it jeopardizes our future and fight. Dying is where all humans go; let's not go there. When you fight the bank of crooks and criminals, they will try everything we describe. It is easy to see their mistakes, evil, wicked nature, corrupt soul, and wizardry. In a court of law, they will have their back against the wall and be questioned on their record and mistakes. We live in a society of evil salesman. Read our report and observations; how they see it or why. When the world revolves around or is about a blind imbecile; it is all BS. They will never meet the challenge or show their face, never. Who is the bank of crooks and criminals? Who is this dumbass seeking freedom? Let them mimic the message and let us trap them again; then we will know who they are and their names. I want them to feel it deep down in their soul and in their bones when they get their head ripped off.

This club is one where heaven and hell are divided. There are the gates of hell and those who watch over the kingdom. There are guards to the kingdom that defy human powers. If you upset the heavens or the nature by which life is given and taken; you will suffer in many ways or face what is being paraded or on display. These are the people you live with today, get used to it. This is how they are. This is what is programmed in them. You must show a real and verifiable record to combat or these duties. Born rich is not good enough; nor is silence and benevolence. The bank of crooks and criminals will target you; if not tax the hell out of you and rob you blind. They have rape all over them. They won't report it or stop it. They have molestation and a mob riot all over them; they may not it out, but they feed the fires. They may even give powers to the wicked and the damned; in some act of stupidity or guilt.

In the life of a human being; you will face and meet corruption. You will sleep with the devil. All these things must be negotiated even if you wear a uniform or not. Some people get it all wrong and feel the earth surrounds their existence and being. They no less realize the problem than know if they are a problem or not. They are just wandering and blind to the real problems and the real solutions. Born rich is one thing; showing the fight and risking or facing the ultimate sacrifice is another. Police officers, military personnel, and those in the line of duty or line of fire know all too well about how the wicked and evil are. But you see the fingerprints on this; some of them are the police. That tells us the Democrats have infiltrated and are sneaking up on us. Again, either you are born rich or poor; the rest is obsolete. You can fight the bank of crooks and criminals; or be rewarded by them in their charity and power; communism. That is the gates of hell; either you are certified and ready for combat; or you are part of the problem and cannot show a resume.

Let the evil and the wicked cannibalize each other for they know no other way to death or decline; we will finish the job and rip their head off with the fury of God and the power of hurricanes. More and more of their lies, scams, slander, and nonsense will be exposed and will collapse; time will tell. All of them will be walking in the shoes of the Limbaugh and Hannity Clan. Some of them actually believe they are telling the truth or feel so sneaky; we cannot see them. Find another industry before they suffer at our hands and to the legitimate powers. Now we are their boss or their boss now? This church is nothing more than criminals looking for money and freedom; totally guilty. We wish to impose the death penalty but must collect two billion first; as a debt to society. They need to shut up and pay their debt to society before dying. All else is irrelevant. This church just short circuited everything and everybody. This damned church of communists are trying to get us to not only fix them but bring them back to life now that we are their boss and they are staff. The nationalist and anti-government forces are both communist and Nazi forces; beware. They are not who they claim to be and are trapped. I am a master of this war; do not think what they get and the information they steal can ever be used against me or to take my head off; I am not stupid. They could have chosen an easier victim or an easier military target.

Will they try a second pass or third? Yes. All of them think they are hot shit and are repugnant and obese in one form or the other. A complete imbecile or psychopath who forces these lousy immigrants on us or crime. They are molesters, rapists, and everything we describe. They are facing the death penalty and severe military reprisal. They throw up one massacre after the next while trying to use violence and safety against us. The women are totally nuts and repugnant. All of them think they are hot shit and are only a lizard waiting to be evicted. They do not even report crime or whether they have been raped or victims; tough smart asses who have a death wish. Be very careful who they point the finger at or who they accuse of being crazy. They will end up in complete failure and complete lawlessness where they have to point the finger at themselves; now making it a contest among each conspirator and felon.

We cannot and will not win wars until we find the perfect and right personnel. Instead we get hell and high water. We will not win or do this mission until the pieces fit and we get the right support, we get total insanity instead and imbeciles. They also impose the communist and enemy at every single turn; as if it was a joke and we are too. For that they have been exposed, shut down, ripped to shreds, and facing severe prosecution and disposal. Let all of this be a lesson about who exactly we live with and the kind of people we have in our life. Stop. Leave me alone. Go away. Loser. Psycho. Asshole. That hurts. We love you. Money. Who is that?

We need sanity. We do not need some church full of crazed and totally insane imbeciles who loves us, wants to save us, debates us, kidnaps us, tries to molest or rape us, and wants the world to know they saved our life. We do not want this hero worshiper in our life and we do not want the total insanity or deliverance of hell behind their gimmick. Loving us and wishing to save our life has a string attached; we have described what the scam consist of and who is behind it; the communists. They are here and they have attacked; less the subs, tanks, and planes. We have dealt them a final defeat they have yet to fully comprehend but know they are dead and it is over. We need sanity, not a church of these imbeciles or wave after wave of sorry ass foes who want to be initiated or heroes by using violence against us or to smear us.

This foe and pest trying to acquire money, fame, and power; made it very difficult to stop them, arrest them, file for damages, or describe what exactly they did and tried. However, it did not change the ending and we did take them down in a royal fashion. Next is the disposal and cleanup and they are not helping at all; worsening the crisis. I should have gotten a medal and a handsome reward for this; instead I got total insanity and hell. I got it endlessly day after day and twenty four hours, nonstop. Furthermore, if you compare the Japanese and this enemy; the Japanese care enough for their own people to surrender and face the ultimate penalty. This coward is nothing but a felon, thug, and coward who cannibalizes their own people or ruin their future. We have no gripes with the Japanese but we do have serious gripes with this church and their antics. How do you lead and become leaders on this or these terms? How do you get so powerful and so lawless?

If you were a psychopathic female or a member of some violent revolutionary group in America; how would you expand, network, steal, or clone people who have extra-ordinary genetics or physical attributes? To use the internet in your favor and to scam men, or naive females, into your trap or into your web of deception; was simplified by social media or dating sites. It looks like the espionage organizations and the foes of America have also picked up on this very useful and easy tool. All they need now is control. How do they win our hearts and minds? How can they steal our pride and drive us into death or suicide? How do they use sex and feminism as a weapon of mass destruction?

The males are even more retarded. Most face death at a young age or some brutality. However, in a fight with professionals; they think bullying and punching is how the fight will end. The fight will end when they are taken down, flipped, and things begin to break. When a limb is broken or damaged; the next level is submissions and crippling reprisals for their criminal or lawless nature. That kind of violence is the only way to deal with such a vile, evil, and pest who repeats felony after felony. They want you to leave and refuse to go away or F off completely; ignoramus who is completely blind and deaf. Their war, violence, and brutality is nothing more than a fantasy of a playground loser who in life will learn the hard way. This is also why none of them ever make it to retirement and those who do are on some welfare or public assistance. If you flip through the reports; they are blind to danger and do not have the intelligence or intuition to even wage war or accomplish brutal acts on vulnerable people. They must choose their victims very carefully and if not their image is tarnished. That is how phony our little foe and rival is; a complete pest who is totally nuts and a dumbass loser. They are willing to die but only on their terms and if they loose control.

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.