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Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Lowering the cost of medicaid, medicare, or medical costs DOES NOT CUT OR REDUCE ANY SERVICE. If you find a product at a lower cost then it does not mean something is wrong with it. Lowering taxes or creating the conditions for economic sustainability, from the designer of it; is not a crime or will be so awful; the communist will perish. Only Democrats see the world this way and we know who the communist truly are. They antagonize economic sustainability and block global financial expansion to sacrifice control and power. Lowering crime does not mean we are shooting ours-elf in the foot, or ever did. The same applies to corruption and abuse of power. Pull that stunt in court and they will die a sudden death.
Coulter's Record and Expulsion, doing what she is supposed to or expected to? What exactly does she expect?
Do they claim to just have money, property, a job, or were born rich and might be considered royalty also? Again, anyhow you see this it comes down to a menacing mental problem.
How crazy are they? Let's ask and put them through the test. First, does the author or inventor of this know them by first name or calls them on the phone? Yes or no? Second, did they grow up with him or has he reciprocated any solicitation, friendship, or political calls? Yes or no? Third, does he work with you on a day to day basis; not as an enemy but a friendly part of his daily routine? Yes or no? Have you been at war with him or his military forces? Can you furnish the legal and verification papers to confirm you are combat proven? Yes or no? Does he call you, acknowledge you, rely on you, or have you in his daily regimen? Are there emails and letters to address you in a friendly and non-adversarial way? Did he call the military police or the FBI on you; to report your name or contact? Lastly, are you part of his friend or family? Are you guilty? Do you know Ann Coulter or her story in this? Do you realize Ann Coulter does not work here and has been expelled from this mission; everything on her desk has been removed or thrown out. The position is open and we are not taking anymore chances due to previous troublemakers. Getting trapped under ice or this mission is not how to survive it or the outcome. They were to surrender and we did not expect them to take it this far or get this totally insane.
At this time and for some time now, Ann has been building and angering people she relies on or is desperately clinging onto in a manner that is untenable. That untenable crisis in the past has only made a mess more of a mess. Look at how many psychos and lunatics we have in our life; exactly what the numbers show.
They all should know by now our forces are not running or going to run. No matter what they do or how fierce they attack, even relentless day-night continuous 24-7 brainwashing; the standing order is to put away the bayonets and prepare for a machete onslaught. If machete warfare is how this enemy wants and wishes to end this; then the authorities must be prepared. We need to prepare the front line troops and get them the equipment and personnel needed. If blood and guts is what they truly want; all of this can be prepared but it will take a little time so do not get too bold or narcissistic. We are currently in this preparation mode for machete warfare. Also, getting tangled in this mission and mess, trapped under ice now; is not how you survive it. The analysis shows we prepared for surrender; we did not expect them to ignore all warnings and blow past each checkpoint. We expected this enemy to do the right thing and respect the rights of others. They were supposed to surrender and fly the white flag; obviously not. Now it comes down to a machete warfare and our forces have to prepare for this blood bath where they will commit suicide or have to be disposed of properly. It is going to be as ugly as ugly gets, prepare and be forewarned.
Trying to outdo our books may have sounded like a good idea before but is now a sputtering outrage and fool. It never could and never will replace them. It has the look and feel of a mental problem; down to false records and constantly apologizing; whimpering and a huddle of cuddle.
Were they ever on the team or the leaders of the team, coaches? Were they in the team car when the bike broke down or did they get grease on their hands trying to get the wheel back on? Were they in the medical room when we got run over or involved in a hit-and-run? Did they help with the cramps or perform first aid when the heat and the conditions became brutal and unforgiving? Do they want to read this or have it pointed out to them to indicate just how insane and psycho they truly are? Do they just fly the team colors or show up for the games or do they actually do all of that?
This is about doing what you are supposed to be and a callous disregard. It did not get this way because people did what they were or are supposed to do. Clearly, this enemy is guilty. Is there no sanity in this species? This is a species that is geared for leisure not complex or a changing world. They lack total mental faculty and are dirt stupid but look very appealing and normal. The communist are abusing the medical developments of genetics and have always been.
If it comes down to Ann Coulter, it is about not doing what she is supposed to be. Over the course of the last five years, ten years, and even twenty years; Ann has shown a very similar footprint. Is there no sanity in this species either? I have concluded that Ann does much more harm than good in my life. It is impossible for her or them to explain. Ann has harmed this mission and jeopardizes it's future; all of them do no matter what they say. Jeopardizing their own future is one thing; jeopardizing other people is another.
Now it is not so funny anymore. Now running around with her posse and this Republican or conservative crowd; literally sacrificing all private and personal relationships, does not sound like a very good idea to begin with or has ever been. There is no excuse in the world big enough or so full of holes to make-up or fill the gigantic gap. Ann is using this entire matter for her next book and to become a strategist; yes using it like a cheap suit of armor. This has a look and feel of a serious mental problem; even dirt dumb ignorance. Everything is wrong down to the characters and players. The entire world has to be rewritten.
Is she a good military wife? In the eyes of the beholder, all of them are constantly not doing what they are supposed to, resistance, control, throwing money around, etc... There is a cowardice in all of these people that is far from annoying and unbearable. All of them bring out anger and rage; this is not how I intend on living life and I do not have any plans on being poor or dying lonely and without honor. I am sure they have other plans that do not involve me.
Even if Ann Coulter sued them or made an effort to fix her life; by the time it got anywhere, everything will be gone. She just waited too long and worked at a pace that indicates "intentional sabotage." Even if she woke up tomorrow and said it was a new day and she would not fall or repeat her mistakes; it will be too late and would not change the outcome or ending. This tells me something. This message is from the stars and powers that regulate fate.
Even if Ann Coulter promised herself and others; she will be back at it in less than two weeks. Ann's longest period or usual good behavior is only 7 days; then it is back to normal. All of them have a recidivist period of 7 days where they go and hide; then it is back at it again, at our throats with not doing the right thing or this callous disregard. This is not how you fight the communist and squirm into the life of others. The communist present a massive problem already; now it is a two headed monster.
If anybody should be mad about this, it should be me. Ann trades in her stupid life and throws it at me as if I asked for it wrapped like a Christmas present. Meanwhile, I am getting sick, I am exposed to this threat 24 hours a day, my resentments grow and grow out of proportion and control with Ann as she butchers everything and ruins everything we both worked for. Ask her and she will still tell wonderful stories and ask for a Congressional Medal. But that is not so; inside she knows she is guilty and a coward.
It is not worth arguing with her about anymore. She will take it into orbit and spin it in all kinds of directions. The bottom line is these people are a human disaster and they are racked with human flaws. They lie, cheat, and steal on a level we humans do not or cannot even comprehend. They are a walking disaster and there are physical traits that make them appear normal or not.
If you bring one of them into this mission or allow them into a system where expectations and standards must be met; don't expect much and don't expect to be a nice person. They will fill you with anger, resentments, and bring out the worst feelings imaginable. They will make you look bad and toy with everything you need for survival; intelligence, morals, self control, anger, etc... Even if they decide to resolve this it is just way too late for any of them; way too late. They are eager to stay and very eager to be staff. We just cannot live or exist without them; they are that valued.
The military police and some form of authority needs to protect this mission and the people who are constantly exposed to dangers that warrant two billion dollars in damage. The FBI and the Justice Department needs to recognize the utter mess and take swift steps to shut down and quarantine this utter pest and enemy in our life. The system of government needs to work for once and for the right people. So far all of them have screwed this up royally. That is what the evidence shows. All of them are guilty. But who eats a hurricane and earthquake for it all? Who gets the short end of the stick?
Who in this story will be the pall bearer of the wrath of God for putting us through this and making it such a gigantic problem in this mission from day one to the final ending which they clearly have ruined. You see, it does not take a judge at the office of hurricane and earthquake too much nonsense to figure out what exactly is going on and who is doing it. The orders are to shut them down, take them out, and remove or dispose of this enemy properly and legally. Do we see it? Do we see this happening? Do we get results or more smoke and mirrors? It is written and their explanation better be written and on time as expected. I am sure there are many ways, many-many; ways to declare war or wage war back on this vile evil human septic species; even if they do not even know it yet.
If Ann Coulter was not so clueless and smack the F out of Sean Hannity when and if he says, "By the way I saw your boyfriend..." or "I met your boyfriend..." maybe she would not be facing a court martial. Back and forth with those two, "take me out." As I said, there are levels of victim-hood and Ann is as pathetic as they get. Now she has people telling her to just shut the F up and go away. This mission could be much better and the history of satellite warfare, the office of hurricane and earthquake, etc... could be a lot better had it not been for Ann Coulter being in this mission all quiet and sputtering. Even I got fed up with it and her. She is going to face a formal court martial soon; but so are all of them.
Ann Coulter has wrecked her own marriage. She wrecked mine. She wrecked this mission or ending. She has filled me with endless anger and my limits of intolerable acts. Massacre? Oh, stop talking about how you are packing Ann, it sounds stupid. They beat you silly and put you in your place; packing or not. But look what we have done to them, mass suicide.
Right now I am just waiting for backup to arrive and to try and take this to the next level. Remember, this did not come with an instruction manual and a lot of data had to be analyzed and understood. Taking it to the next level is difficult.
Warning: We are not sure if they are going to kill themselves or if they have to be killed by the authorities. Whatever the case, they are ready and they have not stopped or done the right thing. It really is not my problem and they should have stayed out of our life instead of telling their neighbors to be more like them. These massacres and terror plots are not going to change the ending or help anybody; tell them to stop trying and give up while they can. We do not want to even talk to them and have complained repeatedly.
Warning: If they are antagonizing or doing a parade in your life, then you have been targeted. They are stalking and spying on you. They will antagonize every single move and step you take; even fine details of your hygiene. What you do they will do the opposite and call you a criminal, communist, liberal, and everything they truly are. If you see us doing it; then it is victory.
Warning: Ever seen a gang initiation? Well it happened. In Vietnam. It stopped at the Persian Gulf War and started up in 1993. Then it spread like wildfire after 911. The gang initiation is being done by liberals and communist puppet masters and killing is how you get your ear wet. War. The War on Drugs. The War on crime. The War on Poverty. Who does all of these wars favor? Yes, the deaf, dumb, and blind; our worst nightmare. Who do they smear or tarnish? Yes, Christians. You have been initiated in the nationalist club and they consist of two elements; communists and Nazi-communists. Welcome to their club; that was my crime and what this was all about. Now we know what they are up to and why. The shootings and massacres across the nation; all gang initiation and smears. Lovely Democrats and liberals aren't they? Ask them why they wake up with their head between their legs and why the supernovas by the office of hurricane and earthquakes go ignored? Feel a little angry and inadequate? How do you think I was made to feel 24 hours a day? 24 hours a day I had screaming and yelling at me; even in public.
Dear Stupid Communist Republican Imbecile: I highest suggest you remove the Asian financial accounts out of the hands of the liberals and Democrats before they destroy both the US economy and the blockade globally on capitalism. If you do not de-couple this enemy and blind-deaf traitor from the Asian economy; they will turn you into a frog or a measly serf. You will be turned into a serf and a poor little bitch we have on the other line; spewing nonsense about race, terror plots, massacres, health care, ready to die, don't know what to do, etc... It is a powerful plan and strategy to place the Asians and Middle Easterners in the hands of the Democrats and liberals; those in need. They will ruin it and squander it.
The communists are not the managers of economies or victors in the end. They start strong and then they cannibalize or implode. It is not sustainability, nothing but crime and lies. Meanwhile, Limbaugh and Hannity hardcore communist will sweep across your living rooms and prove you are a little bitch, raped and gagged, and a fully ripe imbecile. This is not about race. This is about the largest economies in the world and our rivals; hardcore enemies. It is getting more and more enjoyable to see you all suffer so much and so confused when deaf and blind. They will beat you the punch 10 out of 10 times because of their spy network. Their mouth is just a smoke screen; they are that demented and nuts. It is their existence that is the real test. Communism and these scams were invented to addressed threats to their existence; not mouth. Do not focus on their mouth, between their legs, or the parade of imbeciles.
Both Limbaugh and Hannity are hardcore communists. They will infiltrate your staff. They will antagonize every single move and step you take; even fine details of your hygiene. What you do they will do the opposite and call you a criminal, communist, liberal, and everything they truly are. If you fall for it and are too blind and deaf to even notice it going on; then you are a certified imbecile with the Democrats. You are nothing more than a greedy, obnoxious pest in our world. Now get your head out between your legs after this ridiculous supeona by the office of hurricane and earthquakes. By antagonizing and kidnapping targets; they win everything. Without oil we cannot win wars unless we figure out a way to cut off their food and water. This is why they antagonized my Middle East policy and plans; I need that oil to win this. They knew.
Dear Conservative Imbeciles: If you want to see the biggest asshole and mouth on the face of the planet; go to Michigan and don't come dry. You will have the best time and meet a lot of imbeciles with similar views; I think you should too. You are out of this mission; signed, sealed, and delivered. I really think you will enjoy yourself. Go and blame the imbeciles who hit the gas when the collision with reality was so close. Feel stupid and worthless yet? Good. Get the F out of my mission before I get homicidal mad again you pest. An enemy and a trashy pest on our shores and in our life makes people obnoxious and very animated. How about you?
I stopped watching cartoons a long time ago and why? Do they expect me to wake up with my head between my legs or do they know where theirs is right now? Insecure? Narcissistic? Don't care? Full of love? Jealous? Angry? Stupid? Who? Who lives their entire life with their head between their legs? Who? Me? Threat? Mentally ill? Damaged also? Take your F'in communism, wisdom, power, tricks, crime, insanity, and stupidity to another planet before I drown it or throw it in the ocean. I am really worried about your protest, show of force, chit-chat, and psychopathic tendencies. We will school them on cruelty and everything they wish to force down our throat; a gigantic bitter pill. Enjoy their existence and own product.
If this full of shit imbecile wishes and truly wants a full scale war; just let us know. We always deliver on our promise. I don't give a damn about nothing or what they have to say; it is a complete waste of their time as we have proven and verified. Keep F'in with us or do this show of force parade of imbeciles and things will gradually escalate. Forget go and the rest; let's get it on and finish this conflict on planet earth. It is just their existence and resources; we love money and we love a world without them. The less of them on planet earth, the more of us and the happier.
Don't even smile for the F'in yearbook okay; yes I did the yearbook also. Lie and cheat a bitter more; it can only get worse and faster. Do not ask for mercy or this repugnant huddle. The numbers and the record clearly shows a wide gap and how easy it is getting to get rid of them or expel them. In other words, they are getting weaker in compounded and quantifying ways; smart ass rocket scientist, huh? It is getting easier and easier to address this problem and fight back; almost dirt simple. Take that step, I dare them and want them to be an ambitious, deaf, blind, and imbecile in our trap.
I am crippled and on life support, but back up and running. My military forces are retrained and ready for anything they got and a full scale war; when and if they are ready. My new gadgets are not up and running but if I fail; then someone will be in my place and will know the mission. If this piece of shit wants to test our patriotism or our wisdom; then it is up to them; we are ready. I may be injured and nearly dead; but I like it when I am really pissed and have to fight my way out. They want full scale war; look at what I have done and how. I need to worry and need to "go home" or never ignore them? I like these terms if you must know; like it too much. Let them show me what kind of an imbecile they truly are and I will let them know what and how I think. Do it.
Power? Worry about what we have to do? So a full scale war is not out of the question; worry about the supeona and escalation, which is now expedited. Being blind, deaf, and dirt stupid is their problem; do not make it a reality in ours. This however is what happens when and if you are blind and deaf; wishing to wage war on us and the forces of good. To hell with them and the afterlife. I have analyzed the options and strategy; 10 for 10 surrender. In this war and theater, blind and deaf is a punishment; not a reward. There are traps and pitfalls everywhere as they will soon discover with delights. In this war, blind and deaf is sure death; not power. Prove to the world how dirt imbecile they truly are and what full of shit we have to live with or have in our life; prove it phony. We are not backing down from full scale war and never have; ever, time will tell.
This parade and North Korean model show of force; are we expected to comply, give in, be pliable, move, leave, be ran off a work site, or be taken over by full of shit? I think they have lost the show of force model or game; by a very big margin, and I mean catastrophic gigantic levels. We have the upper hand and can toy with their minds far better now that we trapped them and understand what they are up to. A parade of zombies full of shit or showing their muscles is psycho and lacking what they should be doing or worried about.
Don't even smile for the F'in yearbook okay; yes I did the yearbook also. Lie and cheat a bitter more; it can only get worse and faster. Again, supeonas have been issued and if they fail to explain in writing and for the record; the worst retaliation and punishments will be a reality. Is that what they really want or fantasize about when they talk and sputter? The ridiculous parade is a complete waste of time and laughable now; but piss and vinegar don't mix well with water. Ignore the supeona by the office of hurricane and earthquakes and you will be served crying like a bitch. That is one gigantic bitter pill they have to swallow and finish; enjoy it. We will watching and calling the plays.
Do they want to worry about what we are doing? How we are doing it? What we need to do or have to do? Or do they want to run out of food and drinking water? Hmmm. Do not worry about what I have to do or why; worry about what they need to do and why for the rest of their life. This has escalated into "super-sustainability" mode similar to match "super-socialism." It is not what we have to do to please them; this was about what they have to do to please us and that is to do the right thing 90% or more in their life. Score less than 90% and the rest is irrelevant; don't even talk or even try to talk or else be silenced with extreme covert prejudice. We let people full of shit get away with this all the time; all the time! Just look at the numbers.
Do they only wish to show their muscles and parade their kids for our delight? Or do they want to do this the "hard way?" We will say it again and again; we have no interest in talking to them, inviting them into our homes, and giving them drinking water or food while we are at war with them and they ignore a written supeona. It is written and it is before the office of hurricane and earthquake; will they present the written explanation and loose this honorably or face the gas chambers? They want to stay in America and ignore a written supeona by the office of hurricane and earthquakes? And they declared me schizo and mentally insane, a threat? Does totally nuts and full of shit ring like liberty? How about dying on those terms?
Are all of them full of shit and totally nuts or just some of them? Go away will they, they really bother people and are totally nuts. We know their kids are totally rotten, there is not need to parade them or keep trying to do business; give us money and keep all those strings on it. Yes we are begging for their money, begging. Parade their muscles, exceptional-ism, flaunt their wealth, pull their ridiculous Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity full of shit scam, and everything I have documented in their prosecution. If you do not show up when a supeona is issued; you will face the worst punishments, hear me full of shit? Too deaf or blind to read or abide by the laws now? Too ignorant to worry about what they have to do and stalk us so they can attack everything we have to do and all of our life force? On a scale of 1 to 10; it can't get any worse. Deny it, be our staff, commit suicide, or die on these terms? Full of shit also thinks they are us, in control, has money, etc...
Do they really expect us to teach their kids or be some daddy when we already know the parents and their kids are imbeciles that must be silenced? Their kids are rotten to the core as they are; imbeciles who lie, cheat and steal to duplicate the total package. Don't act like they do not know what we are talking about or how crazy we are; we took the time to prepare a yearbook. This places them at the scene of the crime.
If they are full of shit and feel everybody is stealing; does that make them a control freak or a dead communist we have to live with and pay for the disposal? They will stop when we stop? Full of shit wants a stalemate? Worry about your food and drinking water; that is when the raid is going down and when they will bake in the sun. Do they think they can live without water and food; even bake with no worries? Full of shit needs to learn a lesson once and for all; we can avalanche the nightmare on a given notice; test it again?
Do they know they are full of shit or only want to flaunt their muscles so they can get a job or be part of the staff? We hire staff full of shit? They have kids who are full of shit? They are angry and full of shit? We are blind or stupid to how much they are full of shit? Tricks from people who are full of shit work or are welcomed? Is full of shit that confident and that powerful? Looks like they were hidden, concealed, clandestine, snuck in, and exposed during the middle of the human race; they had a strong beginning and do not have the endurance. Do they think we are that stupid?
We live in the house of full of shit? That is their home and they are being evicted? Should we laugh, cry, be angry, or just applaud? They want to show their muscles when we measure them in so many ways, as far from full of shit as possible? Who would invite a pest or a human being full of shit and angry about this next level? We are still working on the strategy to worsen the matter? Worsen or really give them a retaliation and war of their life? Agree they are full of shit and still do not get it or got it ever? Full of shit will survive and we want to talk to full of shit? Why?
It is horrific what these imbeciles can do. Feel like one yet or a victim? Good. Stay the hell out of my life and my mission; and shut the F up. We have made and given clear instructions; there will be no arguments about this or ever again. Remember, the less of them on planet earth or America; the more happy we truly are. We have no interest in imbeciles or this parade of staff. That wandering SOB and wave after wave; that madhouse stampede; that power of being deaf and blind; that communist pussy troublemaker we know too well about and have to fight hourly; yes 24 hours 365 days and in our residence chit-chatting.
We even took the time to do a yearbook; yes all of the graduates and classmates; along with their biographies. So they were or were not at the scene of the crime? Who left fingerprints all over the place, me? Don't even smile for the F'in yearbook okay; yes I did the yearbook also. Lie and cheat a bitter more; it can only get worse and faster.
Ass a civilian, Ann needs to understand she has been terminated from a private military contract. This means she is not permitted on site or to use the name of the mission to her benefit; in an inaccurate manner. Yes she was fired again. Retirees are considered civilian or "acting under the same capacity." Continued and ongoing problems will escalate and will end up expedited. Furthermore, it may have been a good idea at the time and frew regrets; but all of them should have thought about it beforehand and prepared for the worst. You live and learn because it is too late now. We really-really do not need them and they are really-really not welcomed. Moreover, there is so much better out there. We will take the 90% and above; the rest are throw a ways, do what you want with it. If it came down to a full scale war; we go by a very select list and very reliable-dependable personnel. This was completely unacceptable and it is expedited now before a judge at the office of hurricane and earthquakes. They love them. They are full of love. They need this. It is all a bad dream or mental illness. They need to leave. They need to go home. They are ready to die. We are at war. They don't care.
Ann it is pathetic for you to stand on your record, preach about your faith, or talk more about your leadership. You go to Vegas and what is supposed to be fun and leisure; you turn into a suicide. You win the jackpot and instead of using common sense or logic; you gamble and squander it all. Then you rack up more and more debt trying to win it back until you loose your house, family, and everything you worked your entire life for. All you had to do was walk away from your table. It is the hell and traitor table. Instead, you felt you are the house or played by the house rules; you don't. It happens all the time in Vegas. You see it every single day in casinos across America. It is supposed to be joy and happiness; but becomes a nightmare when you refuse to put your chips down and walk away a winner. This is how stupid you truly are as a leader and partner. They all should be in the ground by now but you are so slow.
You have reached the limits of your sanity and lies Ann. It is time to pack up and go home, you are off this mission. I have found a replacement whom is a good fit. If you continue to tear the seams and push when you should pull; I will ask the military police to intervene. If it comes to that your record will show a "public court martial" and a total ban from any events or retaliation. You are a total mess, have been, and you are full of tricks. I am disgusted and beyond disappointed in your leadership and your entire life. Just pack up and go, don't look back. You have contributed to this mission and now can only ruin the ending as you have and are. Hit the road jack; you are a washout and a total failure. Your replacement is twice as sexy so do not try to use your sex or little tricks I know so well. You hanging out with or spending your entire life with is an indicator of why you are or have been kicked out of this mission. It comes down to the ending; not what you did but did not do or lied about.
My final reports clearly indicates a warning: 1) do not work with or for Ann Coulter 2) the farther she is the safer 3)don't expect to be paid 4) she wants everything free and on her terms 5) there are a lot of other women with a lot more to offer that is actually theirs. They don't need a man or become a bloodsucker. 6) Good thing her parents are not here; the chickens would come home to roost. 7) You continue to do what you are not supposed to be doing. Your duties have to be performed by others or absent, a total void. There is an endless list of much to be desired, endless. 8) There is more out there but it is secret at this time. This is serious and you ignored my warnings Ann. Next I will ask the military police to intervene and impose restrictions on your court martial. You cannot bring this into a mission of this caliber, it is total insanity and you have reached the end of your rope and traction.
It must be beyond the sanguine reality that some of us have bills to pay, rent to pay, children to raise, and only one life to live? If so then you are totally disconnected from reality. You had made so much contribution to a mission you swear your life on; then you ruined everything and did not even bother to think it would implode or the clock would run out. Like Vegas, you should have walked away with the most of your winnings instead of your imbecile problem. You cannot impede on a mission of this importance and not alert the military police; you ruined the ending and bitched about everything and no results ever got better. If you want to gamble and F with the military police; then do so Ann, it is in your genetic failure.
If you are such a wonderful person and addition to this mission; explain how I got evicted in 2011 and have lived in so many apartments. No, go ahead and tell me how your magnificent management and leadership led to false criminal records, eviction, a false incarceration, two Baker Acts, and read the reports of what life truly is. Remember, I am bitching and yelling because you are not doing your duty and not doing your job. I am not yelling at you for being a cheating wife or some flirtatious sex kitten or whore. This enemy should be in the ground by now. You are more than a slow poke. Your help is not really help or backup; it just tries to look good. Is it the help that hurts? Is it as phony as you? Did you make life so complex and complicated I had blacks and Ruperto Ricans in my life 24 hours a day? Did you? Do you have any regrets or feel any guilt, ever? You let the enemy trounce on our nation. You let this enemy trounce on your own troops. You seek to be some leader or legend. You offer very little and try to get as much as you can and it actually works. But you never walked away from the table before you lost it all like a house of cards. How do you explain all of this or those events if you were doing such a good job or was such a good person?
Stop complicating our life, mission, record, and finances more than they should. It is hard enough to pull off this career or life dream and so far; there is change underway but the war on the empire continues. Stop complicating our private life using imbeciles.
This enemy and pest is too desperate, too flawed, too nit-picky, and a total disaster but they do not want to leave. Furthermore, there is impact and mismanagement or violence to the life of others. For now we need to expedite the fury and wrath of God in order to determine whether they truly are at war and they truly want to die. If they like to impose decline on others; than like the wind, it can be all gone in less than 1hr. Making us a victim and trying to move the goal post or wreck our private life; failed. But this does not mean they are off the hook or can take the wind power intended to sweep them away. It means they need to hurry up and do the right thing before their worst nightmare truly is real. We need all of this expedited to a judge at the office of hurricane and earthquakes; immediately. Call them. They do not like to hear what happened to us or more about this enemy on our shores. It looks like their house got blown down in the end and that exposed everything about them. Fabricating an arrest record or false spontaneous nonsense to weaken our mission; needs to appear before a proper judge who will expedite their death sentence. This is about abuse of power. This is about corruption. Miraculously, the reports of nonsense come to an end and are terminated finally; odd. The police problems finally come to an abrupt end; odd. They will even debate and do this on the office of hurricane and earthquakes; how enlightened they truly are.
It was a host of things, not just one problem such as "jealousy." Jealousy and love go hand in hand; but in the hands of a psychopath it will become murder or rape. Clearly, we have a vile predator and a very poor one waging war and if they cannot win the war; evil will perish. They are hiding behind decline. Even in wars or daily fights; they were not taught right and not brought up properly. Hence, they need protection or protectors. In street fights it is total chaos and a melee with them; utter insanity. It is and was their upbringing. The nation of poor leaders will perish as a result of their poor parents and improper upbringing; yet they hide and use concealment. This is about corruption. It is about abuse of power and who warranted or approved it.
It is pretty obvious we do not work for the same employers. We do not report to the same people. We no less want to be involved then need be; yet we have this major problem now and it is still not going away or being addressed properly. I will say this for the 100,000th time; DO NOT COME TO MY HOME OR TALK TO ME INSIDE MY HOME. If you do then the violence factor will skyrocket. When and if a dangerous felon is detected inside a home; it usually ends up extremely violent. Do not make sure you are viewed as a victim and begin gossip and innuendos about how you are full of love and no hate. Love carries with it the snap back or the negative consequences we see in all relationships. Jealousy is boiling and full in their blood. This enemy is hiding behind decline and total disasters; yet they remain the problem. Look at their concealment tactics and how they hide, the "superior" usual suspects. This is about abuse of power, decline, corruption, and the highest offices that are clearly guilty. That is whom is playing this game with everyone. Expedite the wrath of God and bring it before a judge until they make up their mind. All they have is the mess they created before; and that does not have any traction because of the legal retaliations.
Expedite the wrath of God. I have nothing to do with Ann Coulter anymore, nothing. Limbaugh and Hannity are still a pest in our life and they claim they are not leaving. Their case is before the judges at the office of hurricane and earthquakes; I suggest they realize this and understand this. If they get caught or detected; I will ask they are dealth with fury and hellfire immediately and the retaliation and response so severe; we will call it the wrath of God. I seek the death penalty for them. They have damages to pay. They have time to serve. They owe the public a proper and honest answer. There are a list of felony and death penalty charges. So we seek the death penalty expedited; without a hearing or adieu. We will see what they can stomach or tolerate when it is all said and done; but none of it means they are off the hook; none. Do not get caught in our life and you will not have to worry about what the retaliation will be or who will impose it. Their case is before judges right now; don't play with their life as we continuously warn. If they have a death wish and want to die; then we will document it and expedite it Godspeed. Endless attacks and like a cartoon bozo, they get up and shrug off the dirt.
They want to die. We are at war. He does not care. We do not know what to do. We are the police. We are the staff. Just about all of the nonsense we have heard over the years has to be presented to a judge and somebody better have a really good answer. That nonsense and totally insane shit; is out the door crazy. We are talking bat shit crazy. He got Baker Acted. He is violent. He is a psycho. He is violent. He is this and that; has the legal system turned into a slander machine or a rumor and gossip culture? Has public service been turned into hints, innuendos, and a guessing game? All of this is nonsense and someone, particularly those who did this or have their F'in fingerprint on it; better have a real answer when it is before a judge or the office of hurricane and earthquakes. Go home. He won't leave. We have the right of way. We only want to talk. He is paranoid. He does not like authority. He is crazy. Keep it up, they will get caught eventually but must suffer in hell until then. They are full of love and respect. They are not the problem. They like or demand more police powers? We have the disrespect towards authority? Really? Did they make up all of this also or got caught very badly as we describe? Caught right? So who do we shut down and get rid of? Who does the pain for gain fall on?
But wait, how do you throw them out if they are staff and totally insane? They demand we be viewed as the criminals and they come out of this fully awake and alive? How? They see us as weak or phony? Bringing it to work is one thing. Bringing it to my home or house is another; do not expect to see a very nice person and expect violence. When criminals bring their life to the homes of others; there is and will always be violence. To say we are violent and they are full of love is pathetic. Refusal to do the right thing is just phony. They are staff and unscathed by all of this? They even admit they loss and are scared now; well, this does not make them staff. It never did. You can see fraud everywhere and the attempt to cover it up; repeatedly. They are not the problem? And we are? They are staff? And I am not? They were wrong? And I was also? The judge is going to ask the same thing; explain, just explain. Why are you unscathed? Everybody is impacted, why not them? Does this mean they do not know right from wrong or only our life is the gates of hell? Explain why my life is the gate of hell? Just explain. Nobody can see why or who we can catch or what we can do; by using or what we have? Maybe they are full of fear, an imbecile, and see everybody as a threat; since they do not embrace the truth.
This is some kind of financial model or system within a system. It is also the communists. They are underground and patrolling like sharks or the police. When and if they spot you, they will send diplomats; endless people to schmooze or probe. It is endless and can last years, even decades and upwards of two decades. They want you to bow down and surrender to their leadership and power. They will not take no for an answer. Then they will begin to reduce your power and make your compliance more liquid. Attack after attack, smear after smear; the melee and waves of attacks do not end. Essentially you are powerless and a prisoner. They will turn on you, much like a criminal gang. Now they see it as a beat up and initiation. They won't give up on you. Remember, they patrol certain "targeted groups" or "neighborhoods." The first part is to put you in the hood. So they like to fabricate criminal records, stalk us, and fill our life with nonsense or weaken our mission?
The next problem is getting this shark to leave or chasing them out of your home. It is all a scam; you are welcomed, they are so kind, they care, they put 24 hours in your captivity, they are very competitive, it is their home, etc... They are everywhere. This is a shark and as the ending not only shows and proves; they are relentless and so inferior. Nothing about them is human, pure psychopath. They want to flaunt. They want to show another side to life. All you have to do is give your soul to them or sign on the line. When they have your life; you will meet the people who actually are doing these massacres and the leaders of them; cells of terrorism, a peasant revolt, a prison break, and pure organized crime. Fear is the mainstay; from sunup to sundown. It is difficult to tell who exactly they are; racist one moment and civil rights leaders the next; it all focuses on race and caring. Call them liberals, they are the communist movement and if a B52 could have stopped or ended this decades ago; then it was way too late.
This idea I am complicating my relationship with Ann Coulter is false. This idea she is complicating the relationship with me is true. This idea her stalkers, rapist, and killer was caught or the plot against her was foiled; is true. Then they really complicated a lot of things.
Ann's problem is the record she left behind and how awful it is. Regardless, it was unaddressed by her or by them. Moreover, she is sleeping with the boss. Not only is she sleeping with the boss; she opened a door to the gates of hell; when it came time to spring a trap or close it; it was jammed. When an investigation was conducted on why the gate was jammed; it led back to Ann and coddling, toying, flirting, and introducing these imbeciles and perverts into our life. None of it was reciprocated, none. Nothing she says or does will be effective or will get through to their head. Furthermore, because the Asian economy is the largest in the world at this time; they want control or to antagonize it in the name of nationalism. Nationalism as Vietnam taught us; is a double edge sword and entry point. So what do the leaders do? Shut the good off and let the evil and wickedness prosper or grow. That is why the gate is jammed. Now it just goes back and forth, back and forth; and the gate is jammed. We are in a nose dive because of that gate and education by complete imbeciles who want to "just talk" and are ready to die.
Sleeping with the boss and taking advantage of the kindness of others was just the tipping point. It got to the point where nothing was reciprocated, everything was a total disaster, and the felony charges stacked up to the ceiling. Ann's problem is she is buried under it and lied about several things when interviewed and asked. That is her option and her decision. However, she was expelled for several things that basically surrounds sleeping with the boss, pissing him off daily, lying or being vague, and letting this enemy into his life or making hell more pronounced. Arguing with the boss about all of this was detrimental; she was given generous leeway and told not to antagonize or argue with the boss; all of these warnings go ignored as usual. When the engine light goes on or when the airbag deploys; take it serious. Not only is she distracting she is trying to serve a higher purpose; yes we need to be told what to do or listen to this junked out life, educated by imbeciles. How about some respect for Veterans who suffer or have problems? How about a little support and stopping all of this nonsense? How about being just a proper girlfriend or pretend like a normal human being?
Ann, keep in mind we do not, especially me - I do not, need more run-ins with the communist and as a girlfriend you have proven to the world you are incapable of fulfilling your duties and making sure your man is happy. You need to go back to school and learn; however, so far you have not been caught but don't try to fool everybody on the management of your personal life. There are a lot of females who recognize and pick up on all of your mistakes and it is a gigantic mess of mistakes; one after the other. You can act calm and even think it out; it is not going to change anything. So what you did or had, was not strong enough and actually increased the exposure to this enemy and worsen it.
Stop talking about it or debating them. Rip their life to pieces and see how they like it or how much they can take, touche. None of them have any comprehension of what fighting evil entails. They do not know what it takes to be in the foxhole. They do not even give second thought to exposure to evil and sick human beings. They just create more and more problems and preach more and more nonsense. The police have to fight evil. The military has to fight evil. The abuse they take at times is so severe; you cannot even tell the story. Look at her and how she manages or leads. Look at all of them. Like trees they fall and like trash, they burn. Even if they are victims themselves; nothing changes. Look at how many times the goal post changes and who does it, back and forth back and forth. It is just impossible and they coddle each other or think they have special access and privileges.
If you study and watch Ann carefully, you will notice she has other men on her mind all the time and it is really uncomfortable. Furthermore, she will flip from one guy to the next almost like she is dating them or has a special relationship. Yes they do this with us but it does not mean it has to be repeated or copied. Ann's problem with serial dating is real. Furthermore, her memory is very short. She jumps from one man to the next and when it is the case; she is animated and they are on her mind a lot; a lot. Of course there are other things and other reasons why she got kicked out and will not return to this mission ever again; let's make it clear she has no right to hold her head high and her head needs to be between her legs, what got her in trouble to begin with. Go and talk to other men and ask them if they can describe what I describe also. She thinks she does good work. She thinks she is good at this or that. She thinks she is a wonderful friend and partner. Imbecile. The worst part is I gave her 110% and she gave me nothing. It is her sick female world playing games and tricks on others; nothing is ever real and nothing is ever attached to reality. Imagine her or any of them as parents; no serious think about how miserable and what that kid must be going through.
One minute she is somber the next she is animated thinking of another man. Coddling her enemies and attackers is just part of her memory problem and the imbecile being described. There is much more woman to be desired out of an empty shell who is totally nuts. Let me also make a comment on how I wanted kids and a normal life. Ann gave me nothing I ever wanted and everything I despised; and she laughed, took advantage, and turned a blind eye in my darkest hours in so many ways. I did have a chance to have kids or start a new life; but look at just how badly she ruined the ending in her attempt to justify herself. Oddly, all of them are guilty. In the royal court a woman of this nature is not welcomed and a witch; a curse to the royals. Why not ask her if and when she knew he wanted kids and to start a new life? Ask her what she did or did not do to make dreams come true or did she only want to ruin them like her foes and make so much more of a mess trying? What about what I want and my dreams? Did it ever occur to her or did it cross her mind, ever? Conservative values? Parents and wonderful partners? What happened to doing the right thing? Abuse of power and bad parents? How about a genetic reject?
We do not see eye to eye anymore. First they move the goal post on me all the time. I can name one after the other attempts to move the goal post and cause a wedge between you and I Ann. Yes it made it almost impossible. However, when you move the goal post on them or move the goal post on me; it get's even farther. Moreover, it is impossible to be happy with you and you are too stubborn, too rich, too weak, and a little too phony for my blood. Liking you is one thing. Working with you is another. As you can see, neither has gone very well and for good reason. You do not understand the goal posts are being moved on me and you are doing nothing but making it worse and worse. Maybe it is your fate and your destiny to screw up your life; but I think I have had enough of imbeciles screwing up mine. I could go on for days on end and it would not get anywhere or fix anything. You are so disconnected from reality and in your own world; I just went and got a new girlfriend and you still seem to feel the earth rotates around you. Listen to Limbaugh and Hannity as they learn the good news. They won and they beat you up pretty badly; but then I cannot say you avoided it or prevented it. You are a very troubled human being and hell is your only comfort; enjoy it by yourself and for the rest of your life.
Not to be mean or cruel; but if I had a million dollars and all these drinking buddies or cuddle buddies; I would spend a few bucks and fix my hands. Me I am a champion or had been and I am stuck with a nothing woman who thinks she deserves everything she has in life; she actually ruins it and is so cheap and empty, she cannot see herself. What in hell do you spend your money on? Plane tickets? Dinners? Men? There are things about you which are uncomfortable or needs to be fixed; like a ghetto, nothing. No nothing ever but ruin or flaws. This is not my cup of tea at all and I despise your kind.
Nobody needs to know. This entire crisis is exactly parallel to Waco, Texas. They refuse to do the right thing. They keep saying how they do not know what to do. They present this facade of normalcy and the reality is they are lawless and have violated so many death penalty charges. When they get raided for attacking or waging war; they call 911 on the authorities or the legitimate powers. They act like they have no idea why the property is being raided or what they are doing wrong. Again, they refuse to do the right thing and with a vengeance. Instead they just want to attack and say sorry afterwards. Does anybody want to hurricane them? Am I the only one who wants to tsunami them? Is there anybody who thinks they do not deserve an earthquake? Let's ask them. Do they feel they want to die or have a death wish? Do they feel they could have ended this a long time ago and not endangered their family or community? Is doing the right thing or living a proper life, torture? Is it? Do they honestly think they are superior and the world revolves around them? Do they really think it is their home or they are in charge? Do they think the empire is an imbecile and will not strike back? Who is the biggest asshole when all is said and done? What next, hearing "baby killer" repeated on the radio?
Wow. Great. I can't believe it Ann. Are they dead yet? Well, that is your answer. You been expelled, never come back. You have been erased. Part of the problem? Only want to be part of the solution? The real Communist Party USA is part of the solution and still part of it now? Is this a F'in joke? Your ass got dominated and trounced on Ann. You exposed me to elements which for better or worse, exposed your poor, insufficient, and total wreck of leadership and management. You expect me to laugh and applaud. You were so guilty, when I asked you about seeking a medal for you; you backtracked like a little swine and piece of crap. Coddling all of your enemies, now the only person out and who lost everything was you; you are the first to go and you have to be an imbecile, totally. Oh she wants to get beat up again to erase her mistakes; she really cares and has skin in this fight. It is a web of lies and total phony. It is very hard to replace personnel at this level but an imbecile like Ann who cannot seem to get anything right or make anything right again; just refuses to go. Wow, their marriage was taken away also. Wow, they are underwater. Wow, they started a war. Wow, they are worried and cannot do the right thing. Wow, it is all so funny and too much to watch. Nobody needs to know.
What exactly is the problem? Who exactly is the problem? Just an imbecile in our life? Just an enemy whom is an imbecile? We have so much junk and so many problems; there is a total lack of leadership and the right personnel. Ann is just an example of how one mistake can lead to thousands of them. If people watch you on video and study your inability to play the deck; they will notice you are empty inside and are a swine. This was never what I signed up for and I am forced fed incessantly, junk I do not want, need, or some of the most unhealthy shit imaginable; totally nuts. You should be somber and instead you repeatedly show you are a liberal at heart and are faking it. You act somber and then break out laughing in a split second; I noticed this on Fox and other shows repeatedly and knew you were guilty. Even in death, nobody needs to know. Stop talking about it or debating them. Rip their life to pieces and see how they like it or how much they can take, imbeciles.
The evidence clearly shows we have an endless chain of imbeciles and their masterpiece is government jobs and spending. Thus, they have a special fascination with our mission and life. Furthermore, what exactly do we do with them? Let the endless surplus of imbeciles attack, do massacres, or try to silence us? Do we exterminate them? As the financial records show; I was a very budget minded, frugal, and efficient spender. I only used up $22,000 in college loans for ten full years. What they did or did not like; they added one problem on the next, one bill and one expenditure on the next; until it is bankrupt or total disaster. Then they refused to fix the debt, the problem, or the attacks. Now they repeat the same thing over and over about how they do not know what to do when we have given them clear and concise instructions. Instead, they try to play this game where they surround me or live in proximity and pass secret messages or try to brainwash me.
Their message is this is their home and they are going to take it back. Their message is they are in control and will decide who lives and who dies. We were chosen to die. They did not see their plan fully through but they instead ruined the ending. Now they are unsure because they are battling the office of hurricane and earthquakes; scared of being shut down or expelled from government jobs. Again, the masterpiece is government jobs and spending; take those two away and they crumble. One false move and it can disappear overnight; yet they turned it down to 90% where it used to be at 120% or 140%. Unleash hell on them and with impunity and the fury of God himself. They know exactly what they are doing, why, and what the right thing to do is. So do the right thing and shut up and die.
It looks like the Clintons lost badly. The females are fighting over which of them is the boss and most dominant. All of these attacks have a female fingerprint all over it. Furthermore, their leadership is lacking and we need leadership on this crucial mission. Give them the gift of earthquakes and hurricanes and see if they will come out of hiding or not. Unleash hell on them for stacking government and military officer ranks. Make sure their army of the damned is expelled and pays dearly for turning the world upside down on us. You do not mix this breed with regular society or else you will get war and much worse. They are all guilty of the same things and when the smoke clears, "why in hell did you wait so long or until things got so bad?"
It looks like Limbaugh and his forces have managed to disable my car; the repair bill is over $2,000. It looks like the exposed Ann Coulter's' poor planning and worse, her total lack of support. She could have offered to store my vehicle so that nobody could incapacitate it or make sure I had a way to get to work. Again, they create 1000s of problems and Ann Coulter is completely AWOL but wants me to not date or have a real girlfriend. She just refuses to leave or give into anybody's terms. The problems and the gigantic catastrophe is intended to expose the complete lack of support or logistics; spending and taxes or debt. We have to make the best out of a disaster or horrendous situation. Some of us have to pay rent and go to work; but it is futile to complain because this is the way they are and nothing is going to change matters.
These attacks were intended to stack or load vital strongholds with imbeciles and this sorry ass human piece of junk. They managed to pull a fine one back on Ann Coulter and she still cannot agree to why she cannot coddle them. We have a major problem with them in the officer corp, trying to run Vietnam model Wars, or trying to do security or partake on police authority. You cannot mix these people into regular society and expect good results. We have an imbecile who did and has and has no intention of otherwise. Do not let them stack government service or the officer corp for this mission; or use terror plots and violence to stack the courts either. You unleash hell with a vengeance on them, you do not coddle them. Why did they wait so long? Because this is how they are and nothing can change the way they do business or leadership.
The first problem is with the usual people. You cannot mix them in regular society or let them have the full liberties the Constitution grants. They will attack. They will pester and take you prisoner. They will circle you. They will do anything to include verbally accosting you; then call you an asshole. These people are truly junk and a trash pile. None of them understand the concept of anger or mistakes, none of them. All they do is attack, verbally accost people, call them names, and try to ruin their life or extort more money or give them a fatal disease. It is one problem after the next and it is intended so we spend money on them. Nobody wants to sit here and debate an imbecile or a terrorist; but they force us. There is a clear void in leadership and I have addressed it more than sufficiently. What to do with the imbecile now who let this occur?
The second problem in my life is Ann Coulter. Her leadership and involvement in this mission is completely lacking. Her leadership is totally lacking and insufficient. She is full of tricks, lies, and all kinds of total insanity. If you go on a mission with her or have her involved in your life, as I have; it will be exposed to the worst, cruelest, and most dangerous threats imaginable. She will never be there. She will justify her lazy spirit and insufficient support with ludicrous things such as working hard, attending VIP events, etc... It is all part of her web of lies. Even if you are tangled up with her, do not expect to be paid or be compensated for work or labor performed on her behalf. She will pester you day and night until you scream at her; then leave you high and dry. She always expects good results or the best for you; then does everything possible to make sure you have or are exposed to the worst of conditions. If you entrust her in a war; she will probably get you killed or seriously injured; an imbecile mentality. If you have to run a marathon and need water; it will not arrive. If you are in a war and need to repel attacks, she will coddle the enemy. She will do these things and much more. Furthermore, she has been fired repeatedly over the course of decades; always insisting you are wrong about her and to give her another chance. When you finally find out what she is about, how she is, what she is, or why; it is too late. Life is total hell and she has sunk her hooks in you or expended all of your valuable energy or mission critical life force. Ann cannot and does not understand anger either; she coddles our enemies while we are fighting them and in pitched battle. Again, some of us have to go to work and pay rent. Nothing I say or do will change her mind and it is just futile to even discuss. Nothing will change the way Ann is, nothing. That is one reason why this ending is so ruined, there are many more.
Of course there is more. The basic problem and the bottom line is she is a phony. Her entire support or justification is lacking or insufficient. Her gimmick is to give an appearance of hard work and justification. As a security officer she takes no preventive measures and let's in or grants access to any enemy; then she turns around and coddles them. It is part of her Christian powers. Other than an imbecile, jackass, or insufficient on just about every single category; partaking on a mission with her is dangerous and you will be alone. Again, she expects results and victory when nothing she does will make it better or deliver that essential life force. Security wise she sucks. She is growing more crazy or going crazy. Her tricks have caused her enemies to go crazy. She will also cause a disaster on our side and poison the legitimate cause and those who are mission critical. Grade or score card I would give her an F or a D; but she cannot connect the dots. None of them can. They will attack and then call you an asshole. Do not mix them up with regular society. Light them up and expel all of them. Make sure they learn and understand once and for all; people are sick of them and want them gone; I mean forever. All of them are like this, totally nuts and lacking in everything. Just like the enemy, we are stuck with Ann also and I have tried to take positive steps to counter her prevailing winds and her endless tricks. I am down to very low reserves and she expects me to use it on her endless phony or poor management skills. All of them think they are superior or have good looks to justify their total lacking spirit and life. It is all a web of lies and tricks to make others believe.
Again, they create 1000s of problems and Ann Coulter is completely AWOL but wants me to not date or have a real girlfriend. She just refuses to leave or give into anybody's terms. The problems and the gigantic catastrophe is intended to expose the complete lack of support or logistics; spending and taxes or debt. We have to make the best out of a disaster or horrendous situation. This is also what they were blaming her for or trying to sway my opinion with. Now what do we do with the imbeciles?
We have never seen rich, privileged, or wealthy people cause so much trouble. Become so deranged. Have so many flaws. Are such an imbecile. So disconnected from reality. Pretend they are superior or in control. Fight royalty or authority on such a grand scale. Tell so many lies. Become so corrupt and a total slut. Everything we describe cannot be Republican or the police; it is impossible. There must be the hand of the devil or evil at work; no less communists and con-men. It has to be a conspiracy and some terror plot. Nobody rich or born into privilege is this flawed and this stupid. Nobody who is rich or on such a high level, is this lawless. Only an imbecile can reach these levels and do it on a day to day basis. We sentence them to death and their trickery must be drowned immediately before they baptize anymore victims to their foolish criminal life. No royal or country club is this flawed or stupid. Nobody rich is this much of a traitor. No religion on earth is this phony. Yet we have this gigantic problem with a human species who is on our shores and at the gates of hell right now. Will they undo anything or keep this pressure and game in a nose dive? An imbecile does not even fully describe who they are. They are talking to people who are born into privilege and wealth; but join the military or win wars. This is no game for them to tinker with. Nobody is this stupid and flawed; completely blind.
Whatever they did or tried to do, they better hurry up and undo. Their wisdom is being tested and their intelligence is also being categorized and being gauged. This is a test of the emergency broadcast channel. I suggest they pass with flying colors because if they start a war or want a war; there is one which they really do not want to get involved in or be part of. Furthermore, people are very angry. The leaders of this world and the rock-bed of planet earth; has determined the empire will strike back and with vengeance. Calling us and trying to conduct radical communist plots inside our living room or in our private life; was the act of an imbecile. So was what followed and what is documented. They can act like they are tongue tied or silenced; it did not undo anything. They can pretend it is me who has to worry or how they do not have to undo anything; this is a war they really do not want or need, truly. Sorry is not going to save their life and trying to pretend this is their home or we are living their life; is just imbecile. In the flesh now, their options are very limited but this is how people are today and what this trash can puppet master or human feces puppet master has become. Yes we know what the communist have turned into and how they want the Kings of this world to save their narcissism and beg. Sorry, we are in no mood to listen or reply. The clock is still ticking and unless they have a time machine; sorry is not going to change the hands of time. They must undo what they did or face dire consequences.
They are all now a gigantic asshole, so what? Many of these people believe in New Age religion where everybody is reborn everyday. They call it hope and they are as lawless as a human being can become. In Ann's case, her inability to recognize or understand balance; prevents her from a healthy, rewarding, and fulfilling life. Yes work is important. Yes the church is important. Yes money is important. Yes the message and justification is important. Yet look at her now. She has achieved more than any other and yet that spirit and that blessing of God never arrived and never will. How do you come to justification or even sanctification under those terms? Get beat up even more? Place all of your work on another human being and declare yourself a winner or blessed? Give yourself the grace and the understanding that is deprived or unfulfilled? Look at these people and now look at our society; where has it gone and become. Look at these people and how they come to justification. In the end, it appears to be a good steward and it is so insane; there is no connection to reality whatsoever. Furthermore, they are so unhappy and so miserable; they are back at square one, blinded, unable to control their emotions, about to blow up or an asshole, and endlessly glory seeking. Sacrifice in the eyes of imbeciles is the only way and life in the eyes of society and reality; judges them different than how they see themselves. Does anybody want to know more about these people and what has hit our shores or been swept into our communities? What kind of human beings are we living with?
Limbaugh is trying to advertise as a made-man and deserves to head up both Florida and the Republican Party. He wants to be the Don of Florida because of the drug wars, now the prescription medication revolution. We wants to hire heavy hitters and well connected people. He needs us to fix certain things or give him confidential sources of who is hunting them and how he can kill them. That basically was his rise and then fall. This is why the blacks and the Bush family is so tied into his story and life. He also wants or tried to be connected to all circles in DC; including the Clinton's and Democrats; hence 911 and the Jewish-terrorist model. Why Afghanistan or Pakistan? Why the Middle East and oil? Limbaugh is one guilty human being and it shows; there is permanent damage to his mind and his comforts now. It will eventually overtake him like voodoo. Limbaugh also feels his income tax is a ticket, a free pass, get out of jail card, and even VIP admission. Then again all of them do. Hence they demand payment or reports of extortion. I cannot tell if Harry (Dirty Harry) Reid is his handler or if Obama is now.
Just like the Vietnam War. Only they care. There is not enough resources to fight our wars or investigate all of these attacks. The police do not have the manpower or valuable resources to waste on our life or mission. All of this is swept under the rug and a corruption or conspiracy emerges. We have to pay our own way as they have in attacking; who is the vile tax dodger now? They are so bothered and burdened by our complaints; and all the documents or charges we have filed. This is what they should have written when asked and this is what they should or have told the American public. Now the American public needs to lynch them and must understand exactly what they did and how. Someone let a psychopath and enemy into our life. That is America or the system, let a cruel vicious psychopathic enemy into the royal court, the embassy, and privilege. Hang that lousy SOB. This was about the Cold War and the left wing; the exploitation of democracy, Constitution, the evil heart, and human rights (voting, civil, evil). All of them use God but know nothing about it or us. If they look carefully enough they will see the map; and that map was written in the shadow of religion; I purposely did that but they are purposely too blind to speak or to be in our life shouting insults and criticisms.
First let's take care of some business. I was born into wealth and privilege, almost royalty and a primitive feudal system. Anymore of this dribble mouth attack, anonymous calls inside my residence, or attacks intended to make my knees buckle or hysterical; and I will hurricane and earthquake this imbecile and smart ass communist mole myself. Am I clear on that? There are plenty of warnings and concise orders for surrender and handover of material goods, tangent items which they know very well about. This conspiracy to hide or pretend they do not know what we are talking about or what is going on; will quadruple the trouble they are already in. By the numbers, it will take a gigantic tsunami to address this problem and how totally insane it has gotten or become. Expect the worst and don't make more excuses to an already disgusting situation. I was born into wealth and privilege; they had to come to America to achieve it and we are still debating the ownership of that wealth or the debts accumulated. I don't need to hear another scam or some other phony barrage to an already total mess. This attack and slander to suggest I am poor, homeless, need food stamps and welfare, etc... is how far and how false reality truly has become. Just like the Vietnam War, look at the trash they send us or force into our life. We are supposed to be pleased or show gratitude? These imbeciles place their future and trust in the hands of criminals, terrorists, and drug addicts. What a bunch we have stumbled on and discovered in our life and in our world.
Coulter and her life is the gates of hell. This is all Coulter's fault. The problem is Coulter. The problem has been Coulter. Remove Coulter and all of this crap and mess goes away; for good. Keep Coulter in this mission and we will have endless imbecile loving ridiculous messes. Life will be heaven when Coulter is gone; trust me it is written. The Coulter mission has ended; how it ends is irrelevant and unsubstantial. It is a complete waste of time. I am annoyed and bothered by how she expects me to expend valuable and needed resources, life energy, and valuable time on her idiotic and total mess created by a certified imbecile and her insatiable appetite for bald Jewish men or BFI drivers. I am in a very important and critical mission; nearly down to my last energy reserves and food supplies; what is she doing? Oh great, tell me I am imagining this and woke up in a horrible nightmare. Wait let that imbecile tell the story herself and about her people. Keep in mind, I was born into privilege and royalty; I did not come to America to achieve it or seek freedom. One year it is whites and blacks. The next year it is blacks and Asians. The next year it is whites and Asians. I am sick and tired of these imbeciles; for real and I will personally see to it they are see a tsunami or earthquake; if not do it myself. Here I am born rich and into royalty living a nightmare; verbally accosted or mistreated about being poor 24-7 for nearly twenty-three years. Worse is the slew of tickets, arrests, Baker Act, mistreatment, and lies. What is Coulter's problem? These imbeciles place their future and trust in the hands of criminals, terrorists, and drug addicts. What a bunch we have stumbled on and discovered in our life and in our world.
I have listened to both Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity give warning after warning about Ann Coulter. I ignored it and knowing who they were; shrugged off their advice and warnings. It turns out they judged her correctly and was right. She is evil and she is a complete utter hell. No man can or will be able to find any happiness or joy wish such a total bitch. In my book, it clearly shows she was expelled repeatedly over the course of twenty years and refuses to do the right thing; also her lessons are total phony and biased. We need lessons on life and advice on girls? In my book she ruins the ending with some help and is expelled for various things even she dare not speak of; nobody needs to know. Don't tell anybody okay, it is not important and does not matter anymore. She is so busy! Look how busy she is and how much she travels. I heard she is the Republican's closet adviser. I bet she even bakes cookies with Ann Romney and talks about boys. She is definitely close to the Romneys and in the inner circles of everything. It came from a very reliable and unimpeachable source; hush-hush levels. I am wasting valuable and needed resources, life energy, and valuable time on very stupid and very evil people who do not deserve to live.
Has anybody noticed when and if Ann Coulter goes on TV or opens her mouth; the world turns dark and life becomes hell? Am I the only one? Her lesson is not to trust women, women are evil, and God wants us to be miserable. Thanks Ann, we need that and your unshakeable wisdom is appreciated here along with the imbecile on the other end with the bullhorn, saggy tits, gigantic slush lazy butt, and the weapons to keep POW and brainwash them. Yes, just what I need in my life and just what the doctor ordered. Thank you. You not only missed every opportunity in front of you, you blame them? Are you serious? Things do not ripen on their own and like fruit; you do understand there is no blame when they ripen, don't you? Are you an imbecile or some form of genetic loser? Why do I always have to be the one? Even in your own book, I have to be the imbecile on your orders. Who do you blame for that? Them? You just want to snap your fingers and things will be alright or better? Are you totally nuts or just pretending to be? That must be the problem, I love imbeciles and idiots who are completely insane. Just like the Vietnam War and a trash pile puppet master; we are supposed to thank them or show gratitude?
Somebody whisper to that broad Ann Coulter to stop speaking on behalf of people such as Romney or myself when you have been expelled or fired. Imbecile. All of them are total rejects and imbeciles. Hey I am not too enthusiastic about Nero either as he watched Rome burn. We find out Ann Coulter is more of an imbecile than our enemies. She also wants us to hate women and substantiate they are inferior and cannot do a man's job. Worse, we live in her world and she has proven our worst fears. None of them even exist and they feel the world revolves around them and orders people to leave; all of them do this. Eat shit and die Ann; everybody is laughing at you and wants you to go away; even me. Don't go and blame anybody for anything; take a hard look at yourself and all the missed opportunity you squandered or screwed up royally. You expect people born rich or into privilege to put up with your lousy work? Let them do your heavy lifting or travel with you so you can get free dinners or a drinking buddy. Do place their future and trust in the hands of criminals, terrorists, and drug addicts. What a bunch we have stumbled on and discovered in our life and in our world. Again, I am wasting valuable and needed resources, life energy, and valuable time on very stupid and very evil people who do not deserve to live.
I knew this and suspected this all along, something is not right. The problem is Coulter. This is all Coulter's fault and she is lazy and silent. The problem has been Coulter. Remove Coulter and all of this crap and mess goes away; for good. Keep Coulter in this mission and we will have endless imbecile loving ridiculous messes. Coulter is the gateway of hell and she is letting them in while telling us she is keeping them out. Then she is basking in the sun of what merit she has obtained from this mission; then again, she is at the gate of hell and basking in the sun? Remove Coulter and all of them will fall off the cliff; keep Coulter and we will be stuck in chaos and hell. Notice how they describe Coulter but Coulter does not describe them; total silence and imbecile behavior. I have to listen to it and I had to decipher what was true or false and a lot went against you know who. They do not even exist; they clone us or copy our life as a thief and a mole would. Nobody needs to know, nobody, ever. Wait let that imbecile tell the story herself and about her people. Keep in mind, I was born into privilege and royalty; I did not come to America to achieve it or seek freedom. One year it is whites and blacks. The next year it is blacks and Asians. The next year it is whites and Asians. I am sick and tired of these imbeciles; for real and I will personally see to it they are see a tsunami or earthquake; if not do it myself. Here I am born rich and into royalty living a nightmare; verbally accosted or mistreated about being poor 24-7 for nearly twenty-three years. Worse is the slew of tickets, arrests, Baker Act, mistreatment, and lies.
This ridiculous idea to clone or duplicate our life is the most ridiculous and obscene thing I have ever read, observed, or had to describe. This idea of becoming the right wing, Republican, and cold war masters; to hide a genetic imbecile and communist spy, is total insanity. This idea to silence us using terror plots, violence, asshole massacres, or some POW brainwashing machine that acts like a bullhorn or radio; is stuck in chaos idiot mode. The use of serial killers and these unsolvable cold cases that lead back to them or has their fingerprints on it; is proof of a total asshole. Now they want mercy or to be forgiven? What kind of an imbecile do we have or are dealing with? The proof is Limbaugh, Hannity, and the rest of them; the wolf watching the chickens and the gates of hell at our footsteps. Even after two decades, they are still waiting for me to crawl up in that fetal position they know so well. Why do I always have to be the imbecile in all of the imbecile stories? Do I love them or want imbeciles in my life? Is that the problem? I love idiots, communists, and imbeciles? Even in your own book, I have to be the imbecile on your orders. Who do you blame for that? Them? You just want to snap your fingers and things will be alright or better? Are you totally nuts or just pretending to be?
By the way, listening to an imbecile all day and night talk to us about politics or communism is not what I call pleasant. Furthermore, listening to her or their family reaffirm or uphold this rotten pile of crap is just corrupt and needs to be Waco, TX. They even have the nerve to call 911 on us; as if we broke into their home. Then it is the back and forth when so many warnings were made to surrender, turn over the weapons, and give us a list of their victims so we can pass this on to the Pentagon for a rescue party. This pile of trash puppet master will just fall on the sword right before they are caught; meanwhile, the mess and the violence has been rampant until we could stop them. That is who we are dealing with and that is why people are reading what they are reading. This city dweller and imbecile stalking us in sub-tropic climates or retirement homes is even more ridiculous. Eventually, the loss will be so severe; their forces will cannibalize each other because they are so blind, stupid, and ignorant; they must be removed by their own side before they loose everything and have no future. Who is the asshole or has the biggest one now? Like an imbecile, the dribble mouth cannot live an honorable life and assumes the fetal position like their God orders them. They still wait for us to get in that fetal position.
Strangely when all the information is revealed and dispersed; they turn out to be complete imbeciles. Look at all of them and how many of them are here. Look how they operate and how they want others to crawl in a fetal position, a defensive position they are inbred with; to protect themselves. Listen to their mouth assume that fetal position and how annoying and always lawless they truly are. As the identity theft, scams, lies, and smoke is cleared; we get a vivid and clear picture of them; an imbecile in a fetal position bullying and trying to beat the hell out of others; extreme violence to break them. It is a lawless rampage and an abuse of power but this clearly is the biggest asshole out there and in this world. They are us and we are them? Yeah okay sure; that is really going to work. Again, I am wasting valuable and needed resources, life energy, and valuable time on very stupid and very evil people who do not deserve to live. Yes I just love to hear a dribble mouth and an imbecile inside my residence pretending to be joined at the hip. I will make sure hell is unleashed the moment I hear a whimper or a single peep; no make that a full scale earthquake. That should teach this imbecile and lawless enemy. Then when it is time to explain to her enemy what she did; she can tell them the truth and why their life is the way it turned out to be; better to lie about the entire matter than face the firing squad.
This little joke and charade with your bodyguard or travel buddies (aka cuddle buddies or drinking buddies) is a complete waste of my time and everybody's. Nobody believes you Ann and your reputation speaks for itself. Get over it and understand this. It is a reality you must cope with and work around; the bottom line is nobody believes you and the case you presented was so weak it actually had a negative impact on your life and in the end incriminated you and made you less believable. I had told you to get rid of these people and force them or compel them to talk; instead you coddled them and was their usual cuddle buddy. There is just no excuse and in your wildest fantasy; you have convinced yourself and live in this fantasy about how everybody is on your side or there to coddle you also. That is not reality. I can name several men in your life for whom you have coddled and acted like you have nothing to hide or spent your entire life with in some incapacitated or "nobody needs to know" manner. So add travel buddies and coddle buddy to your already list of email buddies, drinking buddies, dinner buddies, and wasting more of my precious life and time. Worse you spend more time of my precious time with your fruitless or pest infected whore act than I care to even worry about. Yet I have to listen to you, these imbeciles, and a slew of enemies and communist terrorists chit chat or have radical huddles in my own residence. Beginning to see a pattern of getting fired? Right on cue as usual?
No you didn't piss me off with your imbecile behavior; not the slightest and if you did, you can just make it worse and worse until I am too numb to notice. Yeah I am pissed and clearly nothing you say or do will ever change this or erase all of your stupid mistakes and two decades of jackass behavior. If you want or need the truth; I am much happier without you and I have made it crystal clear you are unfit and a filthy imbecile for even considering throwing this on my lap. You are totally insane also and your junk full of life in every bite strategy is plain stupid. It got you expelled and you seem to be okay with it all or very happy with yourself; considering you got 25% of the goals and scored so low. You even think it is effective, crude but effective. That is how insane and what kind of an imbecile you truly are. Now you bring this imbecile leadership and thinking to this mission? Is this another one of your jokes or just a way to piss people off? Like all fantasies and imbeciles, in the end you think everything will be alright and people will believe you or anything you say. You have nothing to show for your incompetence and lazy copying of whom you claim to follow and work for. Can you bring the worst out of me or do you wish to beat this enemy at this game (bringing out the worst in me) also? I would say the two of you are neck and neck right now. Your useless family needs to take a hike also; are they blind or just too stupid to notice who they are living with? Yes, we love forgiving an imbecile and we love to share life or be best friends with a complete imbecile who hates themselves and is ready to die. Why they send a sacrificial lamb all the time in some fungicidal mission is a complete mystery; one after the other. We get one act of violence after the next to silence us. Like all of these imbeciles we know about, they just assume the fetal position or start chanting crazed shit.
The joke or not of having an insatiable appetite for Jewish or BFI drivers has caused endless problems and life ending problems for you Ann. Furthermore, your disgusting reputation for having this insatiable appetite for 1) dinners 2) speeches 3) weekend get-always 4) serial dating 5) travel and cuddle buddies 6) email buddies and a singles club 7) drinking, drinking buddies, or otherwise boyfriends; is your own business. You need the money and you have a very low self-esteem. This insatiable appetite for bald Jewish men and events has literally destroyed you life and caused near obsession to cloud your thinking. As the record shows the level of your insanity and clumsy acts; maybe to get a laugh or to be laughed at; it is irrelevant, the damage is done. You even embody, live to the fullest, and capitalize on all the flaws of our enemies. You are them. Consequently, I am more than sick and fed up with the flaws of my enemy or the communists; but you are too blind to even realize this or to cope with the complaints. It is utter hell and a sheer mess by another idiot in disguise. It is one excuse after the other; until it is endless or the gates of hell. Every flaw of the enemy, you possess and embody. You even think it is funny or warming to the touch. Now they all come around trying to touch me or play your same game; how pleasing can it be? Now I have a warm psychopath and stalker where I had a cruel and disgusting one. Okay no more stupid crazed brainwashing shit or chanting; serious it is really annoying even from females who are total imbeciles.
There are written confirmations of you having relationships, ongoing dating, secret affairs, etc... with bald Jewish men. It confirms the Andrew Klavan videotape where you were observed by me weeks prior to the MRC event in 2011. Your buddies at the MRC invited your secret date or first date to the event. Klavan was seen talking to you from start to finish and copying up. You did return the favor or the come on. It is videotaped you initiating conversation with him and pointing to the back where the bar and after events were taking place. You point to it and then walk off the stage with him after asking him if he would accommodate; which he agreed. This confirms and substantiates why you are 3G: guilty, gutless, and guiltless. Celebrating with your enemies and attackers is probably the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Moreover, with victory across the boards; you threw down one risky move after the card in a backwards and almost insulting degree of stupidity. It may have seemed like a good idea at the time and even funny; however, there is a disturbing callous disregard for a human being as secretive and cruel as you are. You are unfit for this mission and your orders are to pack up whatever you wish and to leave; never to return to this mission again. A replacement will be found and needed to fix or repair all that you have ruined also.
The most damning part is nobody really needs to know. I don't need to know. You really do not have an excuse. You pleaded guilty to some of the secrets you refused to admit to but wanted to save for a "better day." You admitted to almost killing your best friend due to your mistakes or conscious mistake driven life. You hide for a week or so typically and come out as crazy or more cray than before. But who really needs to know. You are totally nuts also and your life has taken a very bad turn; this time for the worst. You can keep using excuses or even go into denial; whatever fits your bill and tab. As far as a wife or partner; you are totally insane. A logical human being would only see money and greed as a reason to even put up with your facetious and smart ass mannerism. You are a NY troublemaker of the worst kind; this side or that; us or them. Who really needs to know? It is your private life and you do whatever you want with it; even make this up or fantasize a little more. You are unfit. You are a total mess. You suck. I knew from the start something was not right with you and now it is vividly clear what it was or is.
My personal feelings are careful to judge you and based on the evidence; both missing from you and them, there is only one logical answer. Enjoy hell and the fire you refuse to put out or care enough for. Eventually you will crash and burn or kill yourself before this is over; it is in your failure genetics. As a Christian you should be ashamed and you have nothing to joke about. Your looks did not win it either; your brain was missing and borrowed mine. That is all I have to say; keep the apologies to yourself because they were half-ass. One day you will tell your side or the 3Gs and it will be too late. It has been too late and I have tried to accommodate you as everybody has; but it is to no avail and you are total hell. Even if I offer you friendship, kindness, and a warming ear; even if I do anything or everything to save your life or give you some bit of self respect; you are such a human piece of trash; your parents must be blind and failed in their job to teach you right from wrong. Regardless the story has not changed over the course of twenty years and my endless effort has finally thrown in the towel; you are nothing and will never be. Even as a secretary or just a maid; you do a poor job. As a friend, it can be good; but it always falls to some stunt, stupid smart-ass manners, or the usual total insanity of nothing but lazy thinking and work.
As the identity theft, scams, lies, and smoke is cleared; we get a vivid and clear picture of them; an imbecile in a fetal position bullying and trying to beat the hell out of others; extreme violence to break them. It is a lawless rampage and an abuse of power but this clearly is the biggest asshole out there and in this world. They are us and we are them? Yeah okay sure; that is really going to work. This ridiculous idea to clone or duplicate our life is the most ridiculous and obscene thing I have ever read, observed, or had to describe. This idea of becoming the right wing, Republican, and cold war masters; to hide a genetic imbecile and communist spy, is total insanity. This idea to silence us using terror plots, violence, asshole massacres, or some POW brainwashing machine that acts like a bullhorn or radio; is stuck in chaos idiot mode. The use of serial killers and these unsolvable cold cases that lead back to them or has their fingerprints on it; is proof of a total asshole. Now they want mercy or to be forgiven? What kind of an imbecile do we have or are dealing with? The proof is Limbaugh, Hannity, and the rest of them; the wolf watching the chickens and the gates of hell at our footsteps.
Coulter and her life is the gates of hell. This is all Coulter's fault. The problem is Coulter. The problem has been Coulter. Remove Coulter and all of this crap and mess goes away; for good. Keep Coulter in this mission and we will have endless imbecile loving ridiculous messes. Life will be heaven when Coulter is gone; trust me it is written. The Coulter mission has ended; how it ends is irrelevant and non-substantial. It is a complete waste of time. I am annoyed and bothered by how she expects me to expend valuable and needed resources, life energy, and valuable time on her idiotic and total mess created by a certified imbecile and her insatiable appetite for bald Jewish men or BFI drivers. I am in a very important and critical mission; nearly down to my last energy reserves and food supplies; what is she doing? Oh great, tell me I am imagining this and woke up in a horrible nightmare. Wait let that imbecile tell the story herself and about her people. Keep in mind, I was born into privilege and royalty; I did not come to America to achieve it or seek freedom. Here we go with the Vietnam War curse again and the trash junk force fed to privilege; back and forth, back and forth. Yes do place your future and trust in the hands of criminalizes, terrorists, and drug addicts. Expect the ending to turn out okay or things to work itself out. Santa Clause will fix it and add twenty more years to our life.
DO NOT come into our living room and home trying to have nightly communist radical huddles with us. You will regret it and hate every waking second of life if you try this again. It is going to be done back on you and your head will explode like a melon.
DO NOT try to control or talk to me inside my own residence. It has been going on for a long time and I am sick of it. You will be hating life if you do and regret every waking second of your filthy life. It is going to be done back on you and your head will explode like a melon.
DO NOT try to attack me or put violent attacks, no less shout me down; inside my own residence to suggest your legalism is farther than the courts and clandestine police powers. This idea you are the arm of the US court system and spread communism and radicalism; is pure bomb plot and terror plot material. I do not want to discuss or even hear more human trash heap puppet master tricks and stunts inside my own residence or close to my life.
Could it be they are legislating from violence and terror plots similar to the way they do the courts? Moreover, could it be they are seeking censorship much the same way they seek to quiet the second amendment and gun laws? A criminal despises a well armed public; so do the thief's world. This dribble mouth is going to spurn and justify censorship. Violence, massacres, and all of these shootings will spurn public awareness to gun control or anti-gun legislation. It is never about them; only restricting rights and self-defense. This is what they are up to and they are extremely manipulative. Right now we cannot tell who exactly they are trying to silence or censor; us or them? They are on both sides and doing the opposite while behind enemy lines. Who are they trying to censor or shut up? How powerful can a slimy homeless lizard be? How death defying can they take this or get away with? Is this called begging or bullying?
Limbaugh, Hannity, and the rest of the homeless communist poverty movement needs to explain why they keep coming to my home, calling me, or bothering me with their political or financial problems and then denying it or suggesting I need to go home or leave. If I were God or a narcissistic control freak tyrant as they are; I would unleash hell to no end or avail on their rotten, imbecile, and evil lawless ways. This dung pile puppet master is totally insane and has to go. Exterminating them like the Waco bunch is not out of the question but everybody has been there and done that with this endless troublemaker. I do not subscribe or ever did subscribe to anything of theirs. The trash heap puppet masters need not bother with us or ever, even now. We hate and the world hates them. We do not need to know more and more about them. Coming to our life and home about this and bothering us endlessly; even everything described so far is a sign of major league mental problems which need to be addressed in very violent and horrendous methods. You just do not call people or invite yourself to their home in order to tell them how angry you are or your political problems. Nobody walking this earth has the balls to even admit to this and what we describe; yet they do? This is one sick demented loser who has to be exterminated or expelled. They cannot stay here under these terms or think America will protect their rights; these are just warnings that go unheard and ignored, however, they know exactly what is going on or exactly what we are talking about.
Okay so they are manipulative, desperate, the problem, poor, stupid, total rejects, and our worst nightmare. Okay so what if they manipulate people into doing bad things or kidnap them in order to use force, use intimidation, cause ruin, slander their name, verbally accost or haze, and even much worse. Okay so what if they are repeat offenders who are so blind and so mischievous they cannot even see themselves or begin to understand the problem. Do we need to know about it and do we have to deal with it on a day to day basis? They will manipulate people into jumping off a bridge or make a couple look like enemies, so what. They will call it a death sentence; both for them and for their victims. There are plenty of warnings and written motions; they need to convey this written and verbal warning and do as it asks.
This mouthy narcissistic loser who has kept on throwing punches and now has hit the ground and been slammed in the cage so many times; is still throwing punches. However, blind-sides and cheap shots; they are trying to act as if they do not know what is going on and what we are talking about. Everybody heard them slammed repeatedly but did not know why or how it started. They see the fat ape bully imprint in the mud; repeatedly. This ridiculous stalker and a floundering blunt feels the same sensation the crowd senses the moment they have to tap out or when they are in serious and major trouble. The crowd and the other fighter is a pro; they know when someone is cut or is really hurt and in trouble. Each punch they throw means they go airborne and is slammed into the ground but they claim they are better, deserve it, don't know what is going on or what we are talking about, and continue this bully act or champion fighter scam to see how much they can get or what they can get us to do. They got the biggest asshole in this world right now and it is time to fly the white flag and surrender; how many written warnings or notifications do they need?
I am really sick and tired of this New York psychopath problem; in Florida or an octopuss all around the country; waging war on us or causing endless bickering and life problems. I am really fed up with the troublemakers on both sides doing the same thing; going into Protestant and peaceful areas and trying to set up business or do business with us. They are to be evicted and thrown out immediately or when the opportunity surpasses their constant trouble causing life. This also applies to the Italians or Democrats following us constantly or causing trouble in Protestant areas. This applies to the weird ass homeless people who are such a problem. This applies to all of them; their time is up and people are fed up with the utter nonsense or BS. They are to be thrown out and evicted by any means necessary. They want to do business with rich or privileged people and all they do is cause problem after problem.
It is hell doing business with them and it is so hard to tell when they climbed the corporate ladder. However, it is constant arguing about owing them taxes or owing them some royalty or fee; they can kiss my ass. It is time to throw them out in the street where they belong for thinking they are hot shit or some tyrant who can just walk into our life with that rotten foul mouth and talk to us or do business. It feels like some eastern horn-dog princess intent on robbing anything or anybody and we cannot do anything about it. Their mouth runs and runs like a dribble. As I said, all of them think they are hot shit and they won't shut up or just go away; a total hyper psycho. When they are Republicans they complain about manufacturing and forging competition; but others do not see it that way; get them off the Republican side quickly. People are upset and sick of this jack-homo. They are to receive earthquake and hurricane retaliation as endless as the trouble they caused.
What did they do to not only destroy our finances, debate my college research on US debt, block any recovery or rescue, and extort both physical-material gain and intellectual merits in the most manipulative and cunning ways?
1. First they bought up banks and my bank.
2. They made it very easy to obtain debts and ran special after special to lure spending.
3. They imposed fees, rules of minimum payment, and all kinds of methods to max out the debt.
4. They made it impossible to pay back any debts; even a meager college loan of $22,000 for nearly ten full years of college and research. Clearly, this indicates a budget conscious and conservative spender.
5. They not only added more and more fees, interest, and all the goodies; they manipulated each and every part of life; just to block any reform or debt crackdown. They said we could not curb our appetite and was out of control when it came to money.
6. Look at the records and the footprints. Look at the banks and what they claim or said. Look at my reports. Review my college work on debt and IMF or the world bank. Review "The Help That Hurts" on South American debt. Look at the link of this to the Jews and World War II; in any angle or bias we were made to be either communist or Nazis; it turns out this is who they are.
7. About that George W. Bush guy and what exactly he did or sanctioned. Notice while this campaign was underway; he opens a theater in the Middle East and then doubles the national debts; all of this was to block and contradict my college work. Dick Cheney even got my full scale nuclear war papers called, "US Military Fortitude." What did they leave intact and did not steal? Nothing. They even took Ann. She is so damaged she is ready for an insane asylum; even I am through with her. How about that Karl Rove and the entire crew doing their damage control and more damage on us? Yes Dick Morris and all of them; beef up debt and embezzle or loot the government.
8. All of them are liberals and left wing; ask them if it is true. Is there a conspiracy? Is there a clandestine effort? Is there secret weapons being used? Has America been attacked and can we identify who or the legitimate authority? Is it true or not what they say? Well that proves the gigantic asshole theory. Why wouldn't they report it?
Dear Ann Coulter:
I get the feeling all of you are assholes and you are the biggest one of them all Ann. You have rubbed off on me in a very negative light. Although stoic my entire life, I don't know if I am supposed to cry or be full of anger because you are such an asshole to this entire mess. All of you are assholes and even if they are the biggest asshole of them all and got screwed the most; the truth and the facts are right there. What else?
You are either full of shit or full of yourself. I really do not appreciate an asshole or a mob of assholes in my life; poor, rich, or otherwise.
You have shown a callous disregard, repeatedly. A huge asshole.
You are integral in this communist parade and mess. Some would say you are the heading the parade or training them.
You hold on tightly or loosely, true or not, to relationships you claim are false and damning. You even date these BFI drivers and you are very proud of it; which disgust others including me. Then you beg and whine like a complete loser; which is the most annoying thing I have ever experienced in my life.
The minute you walk in the room; I am filled with resentments and anger; a gigantic asshole with a big smile ear to ear. I have closed this mission and ended the book where you were expelled. There is no need for more clatter or babble. Heaven is not your style and never will be.
Understand none of this has been reported and you are at the mercy of it. That is the biggest joke of them all; all of this is under the radar and you expect a desired outcome or a good ending.
I will say this again. This must be the 20th time or more. You are unfit for this mission and we are best at SATWAR or the office of hurricane and earthquakes; without any assholes on our side or against me. Your breed and your genetics dictate your role as a gigantic asshole. Why can't you just suck and not make the water more muddy?
Do not ever mention Fox News to me again; ever. The word Fox or your videos make me upset for an entire week. I then sleep with hordes of other girls and this is not me; I am a one girl type guy. You truly F up everything.
I am sick and tired of cleaning your bathroom after you crap all over. You need to clean your own house and stop inviting all of these people over or having dinner parties. The only person to blame for that is you. Clean your own bathroom and stop forcing down this end asshole. Furthermore, I am not fond of your wagon of assholes either. I have told you to get rid of them and remove them; you ignored all warnings and worsened it. There are no trespassing signs everywhere and beware of dog signs; what you cannot read either? A bunch of total assholes who deserve each other.
There is a major surplus and a mob of assholes and all of them must go. We do not need more assholes or to hunt down one in this mission or include any of them; no thank you. It won't matter or make any difference if they are rich, poor, or Republican; get rid of them. Shut the door on this gigantic asshole and let's get the special forces ready for this showdown and new mission.
Ann, I hope you have some idea what is going on and addressed your delusions and false conscience. I refuse to work with you any longer, not many people will. Even in a war zone you live a very carefree life. Even in the most important mission in your life, the way you live life and the carefree spirit of low standards is so annoying I refuse to work with all of you anymore. Are you a klutz or some throw away species who gives only 25% and is always taking from others? I am searching for a new partner and a more sane female. You have lived a life full of lies and suspicions. Your reputation is beyond my expectations. You have lived an improper life. You have brought joy to your attackers. You have a life fit for a traitor. Again, your carefree ways are intolerable and you scored very low across the board. You weren't born rich, you are not from royalty, your family name is not worth mentioning; yet I have to point out these errors and imperfections to you as if you do not know who you are or who others are. Your cleaning lady genre has not escaped you and it is really unbearable. Your dating habits are beyond intolerable. You have used up and taken advantage of all your second chances; a repeat offender. You also continue to antagonize the situation; a delicate and dangerous standoff with a clandestine enemy; never 100 per cent, always 25 only. You were kicked out more than 5 times and squirmed back in every single time; a screw up. Your genetic code is not even understood to this day or ever will be; not of reality.
Ann, you have not only ruined the ending and parts of this book, you covered up or protected those who were guilty of the same errors. You have shown bias and bad judgment. You stir anger and resentments which will take the rest of your life to fix or even address. You feet drag and walk in the slowest ways while events around you spiraled out of control and caused more hardships on those you rely on or depend on. You have been disqualified or expelled more than five times now and are a repeat offender. The list is endless and you seem not to care or be able to address one error after the next relying on some partnership of two decades and the money you have accumulated; which is based on my work and my suffering. You just have no guilt or no conscience over the matter, none and your wild acts or lifestyle is intolerable. I think you are retarded and do not even understand a word I say or any of my complaints, insisting on your God, money has forgiven you. This is consistent with your love of men and the true or false reports of your wild and crazy life of ruin and turmoil. Show me one person who will swear on your soul, one. All I am asking for is a fair wage and payment before I move on, is that too much to ask from you? I have a total disaster and crisis in my life if you are not so blind. Blind?
You can debate who is right or not. You and them do things to suggest a suicide by cop killing or just wait to be killed; and we are in a war zone where 75% effort is needed for survival. Do you think your head is screwed on straight, really? You are not far from where they, this human septic species, I describe. We have a preponderance of jackasses who feel they are the boss and are in a war zone at this time. All of you have been disqualified for one reason or the other; but the saga continues with the jackass parade. Apparently you all have a special relationship and are lovers. You deny it. They bombard me about it, use it on me, and exploit it to the hilt. Who do I blame for that? They all claim to have opened the door and paid your way; I am not welcomed. Is that the real story? Why is this ending so ruined and unclear? I have cut you off and refuse to work with you anymore; there is nothing left. Your relationship, true or not, with savages has ruined this ending. You can debate whether or not you are part of the mob of savages or not, but you are not management. Those doors you opened all have to be shut now while you debate and open more; I am sick and worn out about you. You are not management and part of the jackass parade.
I do not know where to begin with this Ann. You are not who you claim to be. You are a very messy and sloppy person; I always feel like seconds. The way you manage life is as fit for a jackass as a train wreck. You are unfit for this mission and you bring low quality to this story, nearly wrecked the ending; still carefree and wild. It is the most annoying thing I have ever seen. You have no place in this mission and you cannot go any further. Look at everything I did, myself. Look at the quality. You are a mismatch and cannot go the distance. I need 75 not 25 idiot cleaning lady. Another thing, do not date them, do not try to email them, do not go to dinner with them, do not sleep in their homes, do not call them, do not pretend you are their sexpot or slut, do not try to talk to them or debate them. You will make my life total hell and make this ten times worse than it should be. Do not even try to pull off your carefree homo sapper act with this crazed enemy or cuddle buddy of yours; rape plot or not. You must be a jackass also because you have totally ruined the ending. We can keep going on and on with this until I run out of paper. 25% is about all you can do or will ever do. This mission is not for you. A support role or vital life line, is not for you. Critical and delicate crisis that requires utmost care and perfection; is not for your genetics or touchy toughness. Showing your legs or tits all the time is plain stupid. This mission and these complexities are far too much for a phony ass; and it goes for you also. A lot of women try to pull off this act and are very calm, cool, and collective about it; but this is a very powerful and delicate situation requiring at least 75%.
Right now and for some years now, your life is so disconnected from reality; it is a reflection of you, your standards, and your reality, absolutely none. To add more insult, you feel you are high quality and did a good job. Luckily, you did not bill me or ask for payment; it would be a rip off. I am tangled up and caught in this and I just refuse to work with you anymore. You bother me and bring out the worst memories of life and it is beyond description. If you think they are the problem; then you must not know what exactly the problem really is. There are no instructions and you show and have proven to be a callous choice if it came down to self-preservation. Other than survival and pure insanity, there is just nothing left to say. That is your legacy in SATWAR and your character to the office of hurricane and earthquakes; a pest and a very bad employee. You females are not cut out for this mission and scored only 25%; that is really low and the standards needed are 75% and above. You also have some nerves to bask in the light or my shadow; enjoy it won't you in the most selfish and repulsive way. You were honest when you said you deserve no medals; none. What you deserve it not determined and unsure. The phony act is the most annoying thing I have ever witnessed. The BFI Queen is just disgusting and the long list and history is damning.
Dear Ann Coulter: You got to be a bag of crap and ridiculous. You date people who look like trash-men or smell like BFI. It is disgusting and you are hideous. All of it is very documented and you must be feeble or so good. Your reputation must be winning. First off your life is not as healthy as you make it. Secondly, your circle of crazed stalkers and lunatics is about all you have left in life; do whatever you want. Third, I have fury in me now because of you; on both sides or every angle. Regardless, you continue to stay under the radar and insist it was not your fault when it was your fault. You were guilty also. So what do you do? You go and slut it up three times as worse and declare yourself innocent. But wait, even if your life is not as healthy and the only thing you have left in life are utterly worthless; you remain under the radar and insist it is good for your career. The wheels have fallen off and your list of men has not gone anywhere. The list you started with is now gone and you are either totally nuts or some crazed human pile of crap also. You don't even have the balls or courage to do the right thing or even to face me now because I have fury in me and you are a wanton idiot in the wind about it. Even if it were your last breath, your last day on earth; clearly you have ruined everything and are nothing but a coward and a very screwed up human being. Can we live or exist without them? Just what the world needs crazed, poor, white people who thinks they are Christians basking in the sun of American history; trying to boost the reputation of the blacks or the 1960s liberal political changes.
What is the problem with America or Americans? If you can live with yourself and if you can embrace that; then you deserve yourself, leave me out of it. All of you have ruined the ending. I will go and find something or someone who was built right and built the right way. There is something very wrong with all of you; a bunch of fools or something. Maybe it is stupidity or total insanity? Maybe you are bred to be captives and slaves; inferior? All of you seem to be okay with it and create one hell of a mess and total train wreck; look at my life and my problems. Oh trust me, you ruined the ending and made it overkill. None of you can see yourself or contain this total disaster. If God was here he would rip you all into pieces for your insignificance, lack of support, and 25% existence. You all are traitors to the cause and we have difficulties surviving on this battlefield against these odds. This mission (office of hurricane and earthquakes plus satellite warfare) suffer-red and was nearly killed by a lack of support and a bunch of losers who are totally insane or feeble. Yet they look good in the present day for some reason when we look horrible or are so banged up. Under other terms and conditions only three people would have been killed or the need for a one man job. Instead, we see 1000s dead and what should be a one man job, requires a billion people; how facetious and unexplainable these 25% people truly are. The kicker is this is an important mission and it requires 100% the best. They must deserve a medal or get the job; maybe a promotion also instead of a prison sentence. They sit and collect the rewards; attend the medal pinning only but missed the war and every battle.
Your leadership and management skills are insufficient; just barely passing the grade if that. Stay under the radar and continue to do what you do best; see where that gets you another year or if it will keep you warm. All you have left is all I do not want or to waste more time over; a human pile of trash; so enjoy every last moment and the hell you have created for my life also. Even more ridiculous is how you are so comfortable and how happy you are; goes in one ear and right out the other. That is your problem, you are an ignoramus also. You are a vile and cruel human being also who deserves no mercy or merit from me. Just so you know and realize how retarded you are; you could have played the deck in both of our favor. You still do not know how to play the deck and are an ignoramus. The people you have in your life or around you are a total wreck and hell. You play that well; straight into a train wreck. Due to your lack of actions and assistance on remaining under the radar; this long distance email buddy I totally do not need or want, I have to meet up with these people at every single intersection, stop sign, or traffic light. They are roommates and I am privy to their demands. Can we live or exist without them? Fish this job and mission. People are really getting sick and tired of having to correct errors, listen to disgusting stories, chase after a piece of human feces breathing but breaking everything, and an insignificant F'er in our world who likes to reverse everything on us or flip it upside down for kicks and giggles.
I cannot tell if you are the problem or the solution; partly all of it right now. Do not tell me you have given it 100 per cent; there is a lot to be desired. Trust me when I say you and them have ruined this ending. Heaven is not your home anymore. Your partnership is at 25%; it is missing 75% and you lack the skill, courage, leadership, or moral fortitude to continue on this mission. I cannot survive on a battlefield or face an angry mob of communist or liberals; on 25%. The investigation shows and verifies you were not only the cause, you wanted to be the full remedy and was not; what they are accused of. All of you are totally insane and too flawed for this mission; stamped to be disposed or thrown away. Do you want to know why I am angry or why you love sipping wine or dinners? If God was here he would rip you all into pieces for your insignificance, lack of support, and 25% existence. You all are traitors to the cause and we have difficulties surviving on this battlefield against these odds. This mission (office of hurricane and earthquakes plus satellite warfare) buffered and was nearly killed by a lack of support and a bunch of losers who are totally insane or feeble. Yet they look good in the present day for some reason when we look horrible or are so banged up. Under other terms and conditions only three people would have been killed or the need for a one man job. Instead, we see 1000s dead and what should be a one man job, requires a billion people; how facetious and unexplainable these 25% people truly are. The kicker is this is an important mission and it requires 100% the best. They must deserve a medal or get the job; maybe a promotion also instead of a prison sentence. They sit and collect the rewards; attend the medal pinning only but missed the war and every battle.
Ann I have said it repeatedly and over the course of the last two decades; you are part of the problem. Endless booty calls, cuddle buddies, emails to random men, dating BFI men, innuendos and rumors, 1000s of dinners, drinking like a drunken stripper, etc... There are more men in this story than the life of a street hooker. Explain that one? Your leadership and management is so lacking and so poor; our relationship has gone to hell. Feeble? Ignorant? The problem? Instead of working to reduce the problems; you decided to double to problems for both of us; doubled! You stood there and between you and them; how many people are dead? Yet you remain under the radar and so do they; in a sputtering mode of foolish wanton ridiculous begging. So this total lack, lapse, and missing link I needed; was not your delivery; you failed and miserably. Now I have to put the best face on when I reach an street intersection because you know who is there but this time I have the right of way, yes every single F'in intersection. My favorite people and whom I want to see at every single intersection; good thing we are on top of this problem and war. You failed repeatedly to merge or take this exit or that; which doubled the power zones; instead opting to slut it up or be a handy email buddy, cuddle buddy, and sexpot to not only me but all men. Pat yourself on the back Ann; I wish your parents could read this and how your life turned out. If you compare the data, it clearly verifies and indemnifies you as the problem also; feeble, unable to play the deck, and literally ridiculous. Your lack of actions got a lot of people killed, more than expected or desired; but this is all of you, lazy and ignorant. You think your looks excuses you or your flaws; all of you are retarded. It must be a disease but you seem also seem to have a vile malfunction where nothing works right and people are always angry.
Real or not Ann, everything about you makes me throw up now. That is your crime and that is your guilt; incompetence. You ruined this ending and missed one opportunity after the next. It is time for you to leave and forever; no looking back. You will go down in the history of SATWAR as a pest and comparable to Jane Fonda to the Vietnam War. Enjoy your work you have changed into a very vile human species who brings no joy or comfort. I hope there is a warm place in hell because I can assure you, you are not going to heaven. Not under these terms and the total mess you have partially imposed on this world. Everybody knows I am slightly dumb, but maybe the real problem are those who claim to love me, be my friend, or are in my life. Maybe the total mess and hell is a symptom of the people in my life or trying to be in my life? If that is the case, then I suspected and always had this anger in me about your skills, your total lack of action, thinking too much, and this annoying suspicion of being feeble which I kept to myself but was always infuriated about. I have a surplus of human crap and feeble psychopathic losers in my life. They wreck, ruin, and destroy everything and life becomes miserable. You are no exception to the rule Ann. Therefore, the people in my life or my support has led to this road and this unknown junction. If God was here he would rip you all into pieces for your insignificance, lack of support, and 25% existence. You all are traitors to the cause and we have difficulties surviving on this battlefield against these odds. This mission (office of hurricane and earthquakes plus satellite warfare) suffer-red and was nearly killed by a lack of support and a bunch of losers who are totally insane or feeble. Yet they look good in the present day for some reason when we look horrible or are so banged up.
Luckily, this enemy is blind and stupid; they cannot see themselves and are totally crazed or ignorant. They are totally insignificant and insufficient for a win; only an annoyance and bother as they ruin and make a mess of our life. So Ann, your lack of action and leadership let this enemy steam-roll over both of our life and repeatedly for almost two decades. Then you added seven more years of this trying to think things out while under the radar and nothing worked or ever did. You fought with me and went against my clear thinking. You imposed your fatal flaws on me as if God was inside you or blessed your life. The only truthful part was you are not as bad or guilty as they were; but that is not good enough and in your book of lies, it is perfection. Heaven is going to reject you or not let you in; it is deliberate and intentional; with full malice of cruelty behind your ways and means. It is the way you people and your breed is; evil and rotten. In a mission and war, you make a horrible if not insufficient partner; that is the truth of this sorry story and our biography. That is the sorry ass story to your life and now mine also. You seem to be very okay and happy with it; all of you. That is how I survived this. This is how you survived this but ruined the ending and our mission. You will go down as both a martyr and a pain in the neck; a wandering fool to the cause also. If God was here he would rip you all into pieces for your insignificance, lack of support, and 25% existence. You all are traitors to the cause and we have difficulties surviving on this battlefield against these odds. This mission (office of hurricane and earthquakes plus satellite warfare) suffered and was nearly killed by a lack of support and a bunch of losers who are totally insane or feeble. Yet they look good in the present day for some reason when we look horrible or are so banged up.
I will say it again and the buzz for the past two decades. In battle and in war, especially world war; these are not the people or the forces you want on your side if you wish to achieve decisive victory. Slaves and fools make a poor choice but we are stuck in a dilemma and we are forced to embrace ridiculous high numbers and total junk. They refuse to live smarter. They refuse to live right. They don't live properly and die or suffer. Yet you remain under the radar and so do they; in a sputtering mode of foolish wanton ridiculous begging. So this total lack, lapse, and missing link I needed; was not your delivery; you failed and miserably. Now I have to put the best face on when I reach an street intersection because you know who is there but this time I have the right of way, yes every single F'in intersection. My favorite people and whom I want to see at every single intersection; good thing we are on top of this problem and war. You failed repeatedly to merge or take this exit or that; which doubled the power zones; instead opting to slut it up or be a handy email buddy, cuddle buddy, and sexpot to not only me but all men. You just do not know how to play the deck and you bring to the table only 25% energy or survival power; that is why my life is also total hell. They killed me with -75% and you offered no solution to it other than a few books or emails. All of you take advantage of America and what we are blessed with; a savage idiot breed who thinks your hair and looks has something to do with heaven; unlike the communist who feels materialism and flaws does.
Enjoy hell with them Ann; you all deserve each other. What do you want me to do with you now Ann? What? You don't want to pay me. You can't be a decent friend or partner. You embrace hell and only have a few worthless slaves remaining. All of them are trying to kill you for waging war on them or busting them over me and my mission. Pat yourself on the back Ann; all of you have done this mission a job well F'd up and made people so angry and miserable; they cannot even think straight. Look at the total lack of leadership and management all of you have imposed or impressed on this world; all of you. Just look at it and who or how it was all corrected. We need new personnel. We need people who are not blind and a total F up or mess. We need things done right and need people to do it right; not more and more problems with unloved or ridiculous people who can barely pass the grade or test. That is the problem. It is not fully our enemies or beyond our borders; it is our support and helpers. As I said, we cannot survive on a battlefield or take on any enemy; even rescue the office of hurricane-earthquakes or Satellite warfare on 25% leadership and skill; or face traitors who reduced our power to -75% before we unfroze their homo crapius existence. So can we live without them or not? Fish this job and mission. People are really getting sick and tired of having to correct errors, listen to disgusting stories, chase after a piece of human feces breathing but breaking everything, and an insignificant F'er in our world who likes to reverse everything on us or flip it upside down for kicks and giggles.
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About Me
- My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.
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