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Friday, August 17, 2012


No more hippies, dead-heads, and this problem with women who loose it all or go bankrupt right before the finish line.

What have we learned from the communists and this intellectual show down? What have we learned from each other in this standoff? Have we learned anything? Have they? Did we loose it all in the end or did they loose everything? What have they done that is warranted and not under the table? Nothing sticks and they were exposed, all total lies by an asshole in our life.

Let's not double dip into the lunacy of The Limbaugh and The Hannity Clans. They are not helping our observations or our understanding of this foe and sorry ass immigrant predator. Even if they ratted each other out, ratted out the Democrats, ratted out their own existence or what they did; expect to see an arrest and damages upwards of two billion dollars. Therefore, this staff problem, coach and teacher problem, or close advisers; is not what we asked for ever or wanted. Who imposed it on us or feels they are doing a public service; needs to get their head taken off or a fine haircut. That is the fury level and what they have done or did to our forces. Kidnapping us or putting us in a POW camp ran by communists and traitors will have a negative effect and the retaliation cannot even be measured. Who is this sorry immigrant and predator, this asshole who is stalking us or trying to kill us and our efforts? What has The Limbaugh and Hannity Clan done to redeem themselves? They joined forces and attacked the Democrats, left wing, liberals, and mimick the message; they are the communist forces. Again, nothing sticks and they were exposed, all total lies by an asshole in our life.

Which of these immigrants hire human trash to degrade us at the workplace, in our homes, when they are authority, and has to have all out war on them before they realize what they have done or why? Which of these enemies feels an apology or begging will fix what they have done or what we are trying to get rid of them for? They have the right to stalk us and follow us around because they need to eat? Who uses our voice back on us when they are wrong 9 out of 10 times? Who is this degrading enemy who does this and what will it take before they are shut down and long gone? Laws? A complaint? Protest? Friendship? Unity? Books? War? A new government? Hurricanes and earthquakes? What will smash this measly foe and make them go away and eradicate them from or present and future? What will it take and how far will they take it? I don't like and the office of hurricane and earthquakes really does not like a bunch of assholes casing us or stalking us through life. Now it is about our foes keeping secrets and us catching them in the act or taking them down?

I have had several Veterans in their 80s who served in the Pacific campaign and have told me the same story about dropping the atomic bomb. They were scared of the fierce fighting and felt blessed the atomic bomb as dropped. They said they got the same sensation and the same feelings they had when they lived through World War II. Veterans are actually saluting and giving respect to the office of hurricane and earthquakes as a Godsend and devise intervention. When we do a matrix on this enemy and faggot, we get the same fundamental elements each time such as Catholic, labor, labor union, bigots, predators, children, lack of mental faculty, real estate, corruption, mismanagement, wild behavior or fake justification, etc... They are honest but they are delusional and rotten as a whore. They know who they are and they have accepted it; in love with their own existence. This is why they are deaf, dumb, and blind to the problem; yet seek blame in guns, hate, anti-government sentiments, etc... They cannot do the right thing, cannot live a proper life or under a system of such; and claim they are non-violent? They are totally nuts and beyond violent; psychopathic crazed. Totally crazed women or bullies? They expect mercy now? Is that a joke? More show off stunts or imbecile-mania? They did not even bother to clean anything up. They just left the mess in our house and ran. Then they sent PR, preachers, and salesman to talk it out and we get the Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin, and communist dialogues.

Maybe it is because I get attacked so much. Maybe it is because this enemy is so close or targeting me. Maybe it is because I have spent the majority if not my entire life repelling this communist traitor or absorbing the endless attacks. Maybe it is the fact I am denied a family and kids; even by my closest confidant. Maybe I have such overwhelming problems and so many of them in my private life or so much false information to fix. Maybe it is the information we get and how warped or perverse it truly is. The truth is my observations indicate who and what this enemy is and why they are doing it. If they are doing it and it is unnoticeable; then these people are far worse than they represent themselves. It is just the observation and the action-reaction I get still. It is a horrible way to live life; but look who is doing it and what we are up against, crazed imbeciles. People may think I sound crazy or won't understand; until they see firsthand and fight this utter SOB and communist traitor; the endless tricks, the endless lies, the endless attacks, etc... So all of this is strategic thinking on another plane; one based on experience and observations. The problem is they are predators. The problem is they are doing this to Asians. It is about mental problems or illness. It is about race and hate. We know all of that but who exactly is behind all of this and kidnapped us before we unleashed the wrath of God on them or turned them into a measly serf?

The problem is they are doing this to Veterans. The problem is we are not faggots or members of their church, we really do not care. The problem is they are casing us or stalking us on a level the public has never seen before. The problem is they do not wish to report any of this or remain silent; until nobody is watching or knows. Does anybody want to kill their chute and predators or just sweep it under the rug and forgive them? Who is this stupid and this much of a problem to bring us to the brink of all out war? Who is this imbecile who sits there looking at themselves in the mirror when they are being ripped to shreds and are gambling with their future? Us? What do they have to fear and why do they hide like a bunch of imbeciles being hunted down and lynched? An immigrant this poor and this much of an enemy? Who is this weak and this much of a predator or psychopath? It is over now and they must have it their way? It is over now and we must release them? It is over now and we need to move on? Who is this stupid and this much of an enemy, Catholics? Immigrants? Democrats? Which immigrant is this guilty, this phony, this stupid, and so obnoxious they stalk us until we hurricane and earthquake them? Who is this damned and this much of a imbecile in our world we must kill them or figure out a way to stop them, raid them, and dispose of them? Who? They expect mercy or to be forgiven? Oh we need to stop, not them? This little game will continue until they all are dead or sent home empty handed. What else do they have to show off?

What is strange is I am not Catholic or care for anybody like this. These shooters are Catholic. These crazed women are Catholic. These pedophiles are Catholic. Limbaugh is Catholic. Hannity is Catholic. These areas racked with crime or shot up are depressed Catholic areas. It is about immigrants and "go home." It is about Vietnam and the Kennedy Family; the 1960s. It is about capitalism and the Protestant ethic. Yet the evidence and the facts indicate I or we are the criminals in the eyes of the court; how can this be? We are reformed. We are not blind, ignorant, deaf, or too stupid to see yourself or what the problem really is. All of these anti-government sentiment is not Catholic; it is everywhere. Who is drunk and typically known for bad behavior? Who has so much problems or cause so much trouble in America? Who is this awful and this miserable; but this sneaky and corrupt? Who is this insane they force illegals on us, criminals, poor people, and communists on us? Who would give access to enemies and deny they are guilty and damned? Catholics? Jews? Democrats? Who is this corrupt they must be shut down or killed? We are far past the protest stage. Who exactly is this stupid and this much of a pest and enemy; but does not hate anyone? Who forces black people on us or screwed up this nation on a scale we cannot even describe but have to hurricane and earthquake? Catholics? Democrats? Jews? It is a little degrading to have this pest and foe in our life. The work and the steps we have to take to remove them or ensure our safety is immense.

They love the country and call it home, but wreck it and ruin it on this scale? They are as criminal and communist as you can get and they love this country and the real patriots? They feel they are the bedrock of and the heaven of America? Who is this arranged and delusional where they must be killed or raided? This is about the 1960s and their failure in America, their home? Which of the immigrants is so troubled we have to kill them before they just go home and leave us alone? Which of the decrepit immigrants would challenge authority and privilege on such a level? Catholics? Who is this rude and this much of a pest? Of all the immigrants, who is linked to organized crime and has to be deported or killed before they leave us alone or meets the wrath of God? Immigrants forcing themselves on us and too stupid to understand English? Cops blind and deaf; they are behind one false arrest after the next? Who is this butt boy and goes and hide after all that until they are killed or raided? Who is so deranged they think they are us or clones us? Who is this crazed and such an imbecile psychotic? Who is this poor across the board but thinks they are a king and a princess? Cops? They think they are the police also? They think they are the boss and the leaders? What species is this much of an idiot and a bully? How do we hurricane and earthquake them; do as much damage as we can to them before they realize it is time to give up and come clean? Is this Waco, TX where they must be exterminated or the showers of Penn State?

We are in the stage of exposing them and shutting them down or raiding their espionage network and evil. Does the Catholic Church try to shut people up if they do the right thing? Is the Pope viewed as the anti-Christ or a communist traitor? Everything has been flipped on its head and the table was turned; but it points right at the Catholics. Who suffered decline and total failure? Catholics? Who mismanages their property and gets caught in this predicament where they become psychotic and arranged; Catholics? Who is this liberal and bigots? Who is linked this closely to radicals and blacks? Who would challenge us and bombard our life with blacks and crazed minorities? Catholics? Who is this much of a problem and has to be killed? Now let's ask what the false arrest and police problems were all about? Catholics? Democrats? Imbecile families? A bunch of assholes who do not hate but spread incredible hate? This is about them not hating or how we hate their thoughtless dumbass existence? Why are they staff and why are they constantly trying to sneak up on us? How about fighting the real problem and stop being benevolent or such a coward? Who is this imbecile and such a predator; they defy all meaning of a human being? Who the hell would kidnap us and try to kill us; because they are weak and communists? Catholics? Jews? Democrats? Liberals? Lastly, who is getting raided and has to eat a hurricane and earthquake for all of this? I said who the F did this, are they dead, deaf, and dumb or just a jackass? I really do not like a bunch of assholes following me around in life trying to screw up every part of my live to include my love life. Who needs an asshole trying to cover up or sneak this past us?

The problem with this predator and pest is how desperate they are. There is a flair of narcissism and boldness to them which is beyond annoying. However, the desperation causes them to bring attention to other people when they want to rip this faggot's head off. So being a predator is one thing; desperate is another. Then the problem is how they have favors and gifts they wish to distribute. It is a trick, trust me. It always has strings or some gimmick behind it. When they got caught and trapped, they claimed casing us or my entire life was only for commerce and them wishing to do business. We had to lighten up and forgive them. As we can see that was a complete lie and liberals will do as their shameless genetics tell them. So yes they are psycho and yes war must be waged on a psychopath. I do not see any other way to stop such a demented faggot or such a pest. Unless we kill them; and that is not even assured because they vow revenge and an eye for an eye; it is impossible. They will do what we describe and complain about; and they will then sweep it under the rug or ruin everything. We gave them an option and that option falls short each time and gets shorter or worse. They will case us or me at their leisure. They will attack and ruin our life at their leisure. They will act like kids and spin a web of deceit and lies. They will spy on our life but instead of commerce, it is to scam or rob. What is their problem or why is it such a problem when they are in our life? How degrading is it or has it become to keep this foe in our life? What needs to happen and be done to get rid of and shut down this degrading foe? What level of fury is on our minds and what kind of power do we wish to see imposed or rip them up? Stick around and find out.

Until war is waged on this enemy, they will steal at their leisure, they will spy on us at their leisure, they will violate the rights of decent citizens at their leisure, they will do things with our life that will garner the death penalty. We are not even a part of their family or religion; but this is a psychopath who knows no borders or has any comprehension of what human decency is. Furthermore, they will do all of that and put the best face on it. This is probably their best talent, assimilation. This is just who we live with and until war is waged on them or they can be stopped; they will fuel the evil and vile nature we are forced to live with and combat daily. They will do all of those things at their leisure and then build a vicious cycle where it is repeated, made worse, and becomes an accepted norm. They will sweep it under the rug and cover it up regardless of who exposes them or who has waged war on them. That is who is sneaking around in our mission or has been ruining everything they can get their hands on or steal at their leisure. Now we are forced to watch them cover it up or call us daily in the most sneaky and impossible manner to retaliate. War must be declared on them and they must be raided by the forces of hurricane and earthquake if the sanity of planet earth will be preserved. I call upon the office of hurricane and earthquakes to execute this plan and reinforce my satellite warfare projects. It is degrading even if we stopped them, exposed them, ripped them up to shreds, showed their mistakes and crimes, and have to listen to an imbecile debate our life 24 hours. It is so degrading we wish the fury of hurricane and earthquakes be the equalizer. We want to laugh and smack the hell out of them afterwards also; with even more fury and power. Does that clarify to this imbecile what the problem is or will be? They want to retaliate and make threats? They won't let that happen or let it stand quietly? Really, it all has been expedited.

We know it is the Democrats. Watch as they drag their feet. Watch as they refuse to do the right thing. Watch as they try to debate and refuse to clean up their act. Watch how deranged and bizarre they truly get and how far they will go to cover it up. They are silent. They force junk down the throat of people. They are feeble and imbeciles. They act like they are innocent while they are at full scale war. All of them are demand this or that; totally damned. Now look at their spies on the Republican side. Look how they infest the Republican area. It must be about money right? It must be about race too. Look at the church and what has happened to them; all of this nonsense and waging war on other Americans; total decline and now hanging by a limb. Imbecile? Totally inferior? We are weak and they are powerful evil or psychotic? They molest and bully other human beings? What can we do to them to make them scream for mercy? So they only want to stack our military and government forces until we call the military police and explain to them what the problem is? Okay, make sure they can address it when and if the time comes; what everybody is seeing now. We also value their sweet religion and imbecile politics a lot; such kind people.

So this poor rotten fool looking for freedom still thinks they expect deliverance and freedom now? That is how nuts they truly are. The Democrats expect us to fall for their tricks and put up with the wave after wave of human trash as they pretend it is not their fault when we know they are completely blind. They do not even know what the problem is; truly is. They got money? It is their home? They want to hire us? Now they are picking a fight with the office of hurricane and earthquakes; how smart is that? After everybody knows how guilty they are and what they are up to; well, they are okay with who they are or this entire mess. Exactly. We just want to know how far they were willing to take this or could take this. They can die a measly fool before us and pretend they are normal or the same. We even know about their church and what they were up to or did. America is their wallet and little experiment? Enjoy the raid and remember who they are and what they are like before they got stopped finally. It is really degrading and they need to feel how angry we are; deep in their soul. What needs to happen and be done to get rid of and shut down this degrading foe? What level of fury is on our minds and what kind of power do we wish to see imposed or rip them up? Let's shut them up once and for all and make sure they are never a problem ever again. Who needs an asshole on a suicide mission playing secrets and sneaking up on us? Who needs this asshole stuck to their hip or part of our life and entire life since age 18 or so? Who? How do we destroy them, shut them down, and wage war back on them in a fashion they can feel and know in their bones?

We do not care if they have money or not. I was born into privilege and born rich; what value do I have now after what they have done? We don't care about how they feel or if they have money; they can go back to the slums and the hell they came from. Our objective is to shut them down and dispose of them, if this means they have to go back to where they came from, then it does. They are not Mexican either; Democrats and Republicans. They want freedom and we know what that freedom is about. Freedom is the last thing they will get so long as we are breathing and they are running loose. They did all of this and we will make sure their life is hell or worse from here on. All of this must be fixed and they must prepare for arrest and a proper trail; freedom is not in their cards. They felt a raid was underway in the 1980s and their church had to repel it. Then they decided to hire us to determine how big, bad, and what they could get away with; that is when the raid actually took place.

This was not about money. This was about an enemy granted rights and freedoms in America and fell to the decline of their genetics and damned fate. It is about rapid decline and conflicts with their Church. Money will make it better and they do not want to relent or give up any territory. They lost enough already and are ready to die. So it is not about money it is about how money will make this better and that is where they become a communist and an enemy traitor. The violence and what they did to the satellite warfare and office of hurricane and earthquakes; cannot be bought or ever repaid. Do not make that or this about money; money can only make it better when used right and used against them. One of these days our paths will cross and the fists will fly. Everybody knows I am getting real powerful and they are in my mission; this means expulsion is a drop away.

How awful are the people we live with or their church of nonsense? We know who we are living with and what they are like. We know the case against them and they pretend they are very capable at playing with our senses. A fraud and trick to misrepresent and conceal who they really are and what they did. They abuse our kindness, bother how we were brought up right, annoy our life mission or war on them; and spy on our ability to just make them go away or the pinnacle of military sustainability. That is a death sentence and it is being imposed on us. Nobody imposed anything on them except the standards they are expected to follow or live by; they imposed and did this to everybody. Keep pretending they can pull this little prank on us and make us their servants. This enemy wants freedom and they will fail at each turn. Freedom is not in their future until all of this is cleaned up and prosecuted.

We have something they do not have, given they claim to have money. We have integrity and a lot of ass whooping coming their way. So if they wish to match their money, evil, and pretend as a fraudster; then we have all the something they do not have they could possibly want or need. How does it feel kidnapping us and trying to stop this raid or put an end to their freedom movement? Wish to test it again and again? How about a full scale war and total eradication? I do not appreciate a foe and an asshole surrounding me or in my life doing this. I think everybody knows I am right and two billion will be paid before they die or commit suicide. We know their mission is a suicide mission. They did not even bother to clean anything up. They just left the mess in our house and ran. Then they sent PR, preachers, and salesman to talk it out and we get the Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin, and communist dialogues.

When and if you live in a nation that is full of blind people who are blind to the problem; they will blame evil and crime on things such as the right to own a gun. Did a raid inch up on them or were they shut down and denied freedom in the 1980s? Their awful behavior wants to use us, kidnap us, use us as bait, and sacrifice the most favorite and privileged to their vile and evil ways? I think the raid actually came long after they were shut down and when everybody knew who, what, where, and why. This is about freedom? They were so certain the coast was clear and it was not, far from it. We don't want this asshole and foe in our life, ever again or else there will be hell to pay.

When you live in a nation that has a government filled with liars, frauds, hucksters, criminals, crazed deranged imbeciles, people who create a total mess and sit there and say "sorry" all day long; you have to understand the standards are so low something must be done to force them or compel them to raise the bar. In this matter, either they are going to be arrested or they will be killed; there is no other options. Yet they fight the prosecution by digging a bigger hole and with tricks reserved for global espionage agencies. Is that fair to stock government employees with such a vile decrepit human imbecile and enemy?

Did the police let it get this way? Did Clinton? Did Bush? Did the Republicans or Democrats? Did Ann Coulter let it get this way or some point where everybody is saying, "why didn't you say something?" Yes they still violate that rule; it is time to come clean and confess. It is time to surrender and let the clean up, healing, prosecutors, and warriors dispose of this human enemy and this gigantic problem. They including Ann Coulter, let it get this way? Are they blind to the problem or are they just trying to play a game to see how long they can avoid the office of hurricane and earthquakes? We do not want this asshole and foe in our life, end of story. Stop babbling or debating it. It is not up for debate, it is a clear and present danger of the utmost levels.

We live in a very inhospitable nation at this time. They claim we let things get this way. They claim the police let things get this way. They claim the nation is evil because there are so many criminals and the police cannot do anything about it or stop this decline and rampage. This enemy and imbecile wants freedom but on their terms only.

When and if the streets are full of criminals or the standards obsolete; we have major problems. The system cannot cope or handle evil of this capacity. We know they (Democrats, liberals, and the real problem) are blind and deaf; they no less see themselves than they can see us. But they are full of greed and anger. They feel because they do not hate; we love them or they can play the racial card. It is impossible and malpractice to stock the government with this threat and enemy. Clearly, the problem is not being addressed and the government is actually making it worse and worse; in the name of Democracy. This is not democracy or what it is intended to produce. It is nowhere near what the ending is supposed to be. Yet they are too blind, too evil, and the government is full of evil and imbeciles. Did they let this get this way or just put the blinders on and ignore the real problem and the real threats?

You stock this nation with criminals or the damned; this is what you will get. Did they let this get this way? Did they let the churches rape and molest people? Did they practice any self restraint or address the real problems; or just hack and nag us about little things until dilapidation set in? How about the gigantic mess and damages of 2 billion? That indicates a gigantic problem swept under the rug for little or stupid things. Is the nation really inhospitable or has it been turned into a field hospital and medical facility where these wars are taking place? We do not want this asshole and foe in our life, end of story. Stop babbling or debating it. It is not up for debate, it is a clear and present danger of the utmost levels.

They blame us for this decline or doing nothing when this got this way? Really? It sounds like they are delusional, have a mental problem, and got this backwards. They are on the wrong side and the wrong team but they are now guilty of a criminal conspiracy. Not only did they do this and keep it hidden or unknown while they misrepresented themselves; they took active measures to destroy any chance of discovering what they did or stopping them. All under the guise they are or were staff.

We let this piece of shit decline and fall to this dying process so they did it back to us? We did not let them eat so they had to deny us the ability to eat? There is a major problem with this enemy and the damned. They must be too blind or too deaf to figure out how to do the right thing. Now they have to go to jail or be killed; they have chosen to be killed, just to avoid jail. But they are using human shields and the government is being stacked and loaded with more and more damned, criminal, conspiracy, and a very inhospitable mess. We have clobbered them for this. We have made it clear what their options are and what retaliatory measures are in the works. We have made clear their case has been escalated and before a judge at the office of hurricane and earthquakes. If they feel this sneaky and this powerful; they will be challenged on a level they have no conscience or awareness about. Begging, crawling, pooping in their pants, and the usual chanting and whimpering; is not good enough.

So that is who and what made the work climate a hostile environment and this nation an inhospitable climate. They have no intention of leaving or leaving us alone. They wish to add more and more weights to our ankles while they throw or push us in the water. We have to fight them off by doing it back. Even if we climb into the boat, they tip it over and start adding more and more weights on our ankles; that is what was reported and what the evidence indicates. So who let all of this go down? Did the Congress? Did the Supreme Court? Did the Office of the President? Did the Office of Hurricane and Earthquakes? Blame this on the office that wishes to impose the wrath of God on them? Then why not bring them to a point of full scale war and suppress or deny all chance of a future until they end this? Sound like an insult? Blame the people who disposed them or gave them hellfire? Blame the people who ripped them to pieces and shreds? Blame the people who get snuck up on and this psychopath doing all kinds of crazy shit day after day; 24 hours and endless? That is almost like blaming the right to own a gun; these people are blind and cannot see themselves or the problem. Is it the Catholics? Did they let it get this way? Is this the Jews and did they turn their back on the real problem?

What do you do when we live in a nation of criminals and have government employees who intentionally put the blinders on and let it get this way? Hurricane them? Turn them into a serf and a homeless imbecile? Make them call us a "baby killer?" How do you punish and torment an enemy on our shores who deserves to die and must commit suicide at some point on this road? We are on a road right now which they know, clearly, they will be arrested, killed, or expelled and evicted. We know this. They know this. That is their secret and felony charge. What do people want to do with a imbecile who wants full scale war? What do you do with a nation full of criminals? What do you do when the government has been taken over by evil and the wrong side? How much pain is out there? How much power is in our arsenal to make them eat everything they did? Is there any limit to the violence and the punishments on them? Is there? Yes it is a waste of time and that is the problem to begin with. Yes they have lost the will to live and must be arrested or killed. Yes they made this a very inhospitable place to live, a life to live, and much more.

Where are we headed and what exactly is the problem? It is about the right to live or life. Now they want to deny us the right to eat and claim we denied them the right to eat and let things slip to poverty or this decline? Are they perfectionist or honor students? Are they born right or royals who are born into privilege and wealth? They just want to violate the laws, violate our rights, and remain a ghost; but the real problem is the police and the government. Who let it get this way? Who is right? Why are the wrong people in power and the right ones denied or blocked? Why is the right to life and the right to opportunity not taken away and denied to this menacing problem or this enemy? Why? Why is Limbaugh and Hannity running loose and who let it get this way or allowed them the voice to even challenge their demise and destruction? We know they are not economic sustainability and communists. They will argue endless about money or how much money they have; endless, that is not the problem. We do not want this asshole and foe in our life, end of story. Stop babbling or debating it. It is not up for debate, it is a clear and present danger of the utmost levels.

Although America is the front lines and the main antagonist to the war on drugs, the origin of species attributes this catastrophic decline on criminal elements and political communism. America after the 1960s became a more divided country than any other time in her history. Furthermore, the war on drugs had serious implications on the 1960s and the political reforms that were underway. Therefore, the war on drugs impacted both sides or all sides in a manner described as "anti-government sentiments." The end of communism was the result of economic sustainability. It could not meet the test and collapsed. The War on Drugs is the antagonist to economic sustainability; invented by evil forces and released into the world until it found freedoms and liberties inside the borders of America. At home and with full rights; this enemy grew and grew until the larger society became a well armed militia of good and evil. However, the origin of the drug wars was intended directly at the heart of the engine. The engine is the conservative values that make society function, less deviant, and the family structure. Therefore, communism is the origin of species as well as the death of America. The war on drugs culminated in the destruction of an enemy within and this made it almost impossible to describe and fully understand.

There is no America or place for them to hide in or be deported to. Economic sustainability or the military version called "Satellite Warfare." The origin of our existence are embodied in those two topics and thoroughly researched until it traced back to the 1600s and the chaos of the European churches. Communism was thus a response, albeit a poor response; to the worsening of the Christian religion. Unless they think they are Asian and can struggle in an Asian society; this is the end of the road. The epicenter of the Christian church financially; has shifted along with many other manufacturing shifts, to Asia and developing economies. This shift has not been pleasant for many. Whether this rapid decline reaches the shores or penetrates the gigantic Asian economies is uncertain. This is where rapid decline, communism, and the war on drugs escalated and quantified. A blind imbecile living in our world and waging war on us or our rights? A demented and sick SOB who has to be killed and who is facing the death penalty or very serious retaliation and snap-back? Who let it get this way and who allowed it to go on for so long; Republicans? Democrats? All of them? The US government is guilty of malpractice and owes damages?

This was not about money. This was about an enemy granted rights and freedoms in America and fell to the decline of their genetics and damned fate. It is about rapid decline and conflicts with their Church. Money will make it better and they do not want to relent or give up any territory. They lost enough already and are ready to die. So it is not about money it is about how money will make this better and that is where they become a communist and an enemy traitor. The violence and what they did to the satellite warfare and office of hurricane and earthquakes; cannot be bought or ever repaid. Do not make that or this about money; money can only make it better when used right and used against them. One of these days our paths will cross and the fists will fly. Everybody knows I am getting real powerful and they are in my mission; this means expulsion is a drop away. The bottom line is how degrading this is and has been. They will pay in many ways, more ways than they realize right now. Because it is so degrading and continuous; what needs to happen and be done to get rid of and shut down this degrading foe? What level of fury is on our minds and what kind of power do we wish to see imposed or rip them up? I hope the fury of a hurricane will show our feelings and power. I hope it exposes us and our life to them so they have a more vivid picture. I hope they realize that it is too late and there is very little they can do or will do; just leave and shut up. Stalk us or call us more? They did not even bother to clean anything up. They just left the mess in our house and ran. Then they sent PR, preachers, and salesman to talk it out and we get the Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin, and communist dialogues.

How awful are the people we live with or their church of nonsense? We know who we are living with and what they are like. We know the case against them and they pretend they are very capable at playing with our senses. A fraud and trick to misrepresent and conceal who they really are and what they did. They abuse our kindness, bother how we were brought up right, annoy our life mission or war on them; and spy on our ability to just make them go away or the pinnacle of military sustainability. That is a death sentence and it is being imposed on us. Nobody imposed anything on them except the standards they are expected to follow or live by; they imposed and did this to everybody. Keep pretending they can pull this little prank on us and make us their servants. This enemy wants freedom and they will fail at each turn. Freedom is not in their future until all of this is cleaned up and prosecuted. I hope that degrading piece of shit foe learned a lesson this time; but it is too late and we live and learn. We survive and they do not. That is what this story is about and will be about. See to it before the storage of this story runs out and has to be replenished or fixed again. I will paint a vivid picture in their minds and they will understand when I am done how I see them or feel about them; dead is a good work.

Let's not double dip into the lunacy of The Limbaugh and The Hannity Clans. They are not helping our observations or our understanding of this foe and sorry ass immigrant predator. Even if they ratted each other out, ratted out the Democrats, ratted out their own existence or what they did; expect to see an arrest and damages upwards of two billion dollars. Therefore, this staff problem, coach and teacher problem, or close advisers; is not what we asked for ever or wanted. Who imposed it on us or feels they are doing a public service; needs to get their head taken off or a fine haircut. That is the fury level and what they have done or did to our forces. Kidnapping us or putting us in a POW camp ran by communists and traitors will have a negative effect and the retaliation cannot even be measured. Who is this sorry immigrant and predator, this asshole who is stalking us or trying to kill us and our efforts? What has The Limbaugh and Hannity Clan done to redeem themselves? They joined forces and attacked the Democrats, left wing, liberals, and mimics the message; they are the communist forces. Again, nothing sticks and they were exposed, all total lies by an asshole in our life.

Remember, a lot of veterans who was in the Pacific campaign compare this to the atomic bomb being dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Therefore, I do not need a lecture or some sermon on how they feel. We do not need a foe or some asshole in our life doing all of this. They can be immigrants, religious, Europeans, Africans, or Americans; what does it matter? Who lost everything will determine who they really are.

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.