Dear Ann, Red Cross Dinner:
Ann, I have to ask and inquiry minds want to know. How is your drinking buddies or former boyfriends? Are the two of you enjoying a swim or maybe a little dinner companionship on a row boat? How was the Red Cross brown bag? How does it feel to get food stamps or public assistance; needing relief and supplies? You tell me. It has been how long for me? Yes, they do not do anything for you; and you only get them in more trouble. Who is in my residence trying to make a sex tape? All I have to say is to enjoy the Red Cross care package and a little wine in your multi-million dollar apartments. What comes around goes around.
The beer must be tasting great and you must be looking sweeter by the hour. What do I care about money or traitors who are spying or corporate raiders? What do I care about a gigantic church power or espionage traitors stealing jobs for their super church and the damned? What do I care for a spy ring in my residence who are liberals, illegals, or doing this under the guise of complete career criminals or illegality? You enjoy your friends and what they have done to both you and I. Now they claim we cannot live without them or their money, traitors.
Headline, "Ann Coulter Attends Red Cross Dinner in New York." Do you want to battle an espionage ring and communist enemy or share a Red Cross dinner with them? We are in seek and destroy now; do you wish to fight or battle the enemy?
Addendum Thursday, November 01, 2012
We know this is not official and the lies revolve around staff, police, press-media, legal defense, defense lawyers, and private industry. This powerful church who we caught and know everything about, know nothings, are traitors to America. The scope of your espionage at CIA, FBI, police agencies, DoD and various defense industries; clearly indicates your willful dereliction of duties. Moreover, it is beyond a traitor when you target and kidnap private businesses or citizens so you can steal their business, life, or strip them of their rights. We know your robbery and the scope of this illegal espionage.
Furthermore, we also know the character assassination, character destruction, and the ongoing effort to terrorize those for whom your powerful church has targeted or case. They are VIPs. They are perfect and have a beautiful life. They are invaluable and expensive. You want jobs. Your powerful church is looking for money and robbery is the what you know best. It is asynchronous of your career criminal profile and what kind of a thief you low lifers truly are. We call you monkeys and degenerates. This is where all of the jobs went, into your pit of hell and your pitiful existence; no less spying and targeting private and commercial industries you wish to investigate. Your powerful church wants control of jobs and wishes to put it into your coffers of total lies and total ruin; all debts now.
Conversely, do not sit there and tell me or the American public their businesses are gone due to foreign trade or foreigners. Do not tell me this is official when this espionage, intended to obstruct, oppress, and deny us of any rights; was never official, written, or just not enough evidence to convict you. This scam about not enough evidence and pressure is another layer and another one of the millions of lies, millions. A low life and always one, you seek now to park your ass by our side or occupy our residence; on different terms. Again, none of it is official. All of you claim to be Israeli spies.
This is what a traitor looks like. All of you claim we allowed you or invited you, there was no consent ever. It had been about sex tapes, prisoners, torture, and all of your goodies-lies. Now your low-life ass is seeking pity and following us around as if you see something you like or find loving now. All the sudden, you like what you see and are our friends. Invited into every aspect of our life and with such grand exclusive access. I call it espionage and commercial espionage, all illegal and unofficial. I call it a peeping tom and a sex predator who is very turned on or think we are very turned on. Apparently, your church enjoys penning us up but now it is for the glory and for the forgiveness. Low life or not, criminal or not, espionage or not, illegals or not, poor and destitute or not; it is one lie after the next, a cascade of deceit we are unable to turn off or stop.
Yes please do forgive yourself and then invite yourself back. Turned on yet? See anything you like or wish to have? How about throw your money around and pretend we are monkeys. This spying is completely illegal and so is stalking, robbing, harassing, casing, or doing home invasions. We know it is a mob of traitors stealing from the good and then somehow, the bad always ends up with the victory. The degenerates and low life, the poor; always get the jobs and the coffers goes to this powerful church. Need we say more? It is a death sentence and shutting you all down and shutting you up; is war.
Circumvent the laws using call girls is exactly what a traitor would do or has to do. It is what a clever criminal would do also. You call it a revolutionary turn-on. Even the cover-up or the effort to be our friend and partner got you in more trouble than you can imagine. It piles up and you praise each other the worse it gets. One day it is friends, the next it is masters. Your spy ring and illegal espionage continues on and on. If it is not praise then it is total lies and deceit. If it is not calm, then the fury and determination is skillfully hidden. What in hell do we want with it or a life of crime? All of you are cop killers and we know your capture is a death sentence. Welcome to reality and the truth. All of you think you are so smart or ahead of the curve; always bothering us.
What in hell do we want with your invasion of America and stupidity? This is the home of the free and the brave; not traitors without a cause. Bias? Now it is the home of the fascist and the traitors. We do not even know if you all are communist one day and then Nazis the next. One moment you are one, the next you magically both or sitting next to us. Remotely, your following and traitors take on two forms at once or have no gaps between who you are and who we are. How is this even possible?
Even if your self-defense is a bastard, the cover-up blows up or is scheduled for shutdown. That is the reality and that is the truth. The truth will kill you and it is a death sentence, you were right. The scope of your espionage and your evil is beyond criminal or comprehension; but you repeatedly and still insist it is legal, your home, or how we must leave if we dislike what you are doing, it is your money and your life. Casing us, trying to destroy us, keeping us as prisoners, and trying to justify it has not ended or will. Ever.
Nearing an end, now you are a friendly traitor in our home and a friendly business spy whose presence is hands off. You neither want money or wish to throw your money around; do you pay the bills or can prove this? You have become our staff by squatter rights? Nobody claimed us? What kind of a fool do you think we are? Forgiven, you all have become our staff, our friends, and free of expulsion. Do you want to look over our shoulders again and this time, like what you see? Do you only want to look over our shoulder or stick your hands down our pants? All of the above has been tried and your commercial or unofficial spy ring is targeted for termination and extermination.
How many times were they told to stop and to get the hell away from us before this get's worse? How many? Blame it on the New Yorkers and their money now. We cannot live without them and need supplies and relief? Self defense? Their money? Their home? Who pays the bills here? Illegal? Leave and move? They were told long ago to consider jail and they launch an October Surprise? I want them evicted in 30 days; shut down totally. Begin and deliver the top twenty list; they want war and much more. This SOB has to be killed, totally illegal and career criminals. Who did this to them? They want to know who is big enough or wish to know more; so they can send Al Quads after us? F them and tell them to F off, get it? We will die without them? We cannot make it or survive without them? We cannot live without them or need relief and help, their help. They are coming to the rescue and was blocked? All total lies. Their police wants to know who took them out or put them in jail? What kind of insanity do we have here; they were ordered to stop, confess, pay damages, end this, and stay away from us. We are approaching total war with them now; total annihilation and war. The brink and their gamesmanship is dead! Who is worried? Who is this powerful and can shut them down? They get it and are pulling out?
Apparently this SOB has to be killed. They claim to be the police; however, this time it is about "not being able to live without each other." Furthermore, they want to know who is strong enough, well organized, rich enough, or so official to shut them down or remove them? Who can shove their face in their own lawless mess and slam them repeatedly. They are worried and want the answer. Until them, we cannot live without them, we need supplies and relief, this was self defense, they are witnesses and want the answer, and they get it or know the most now. They need to know who is powerful enough to wage war on big brother or defeat them with so little effort and attention. This story has changed now and it is still illegal and they are still totally insane; but we cannot live without them, survive without them, and are well fed and taken care of. How totally insane. I think it is a way to come to America and terrorize Americans. They do not believe or "get it" when it involves individual rights or the Bill of Rights. This is still a fight to the death and X cannot live without the other; a fight to the death. Thanks a lot for getting me in this mess Ann!
Transcript of Tuesday, October 31, 2012 - October Surprise, Big Brother, Who Cares or Gives a Damn - Rescue Please! Who Needs Who? The Problem is Big Brother and A Very Powerful Church; Get It Now? Pulling Out? Shut Down? Need Supplies and Relief?
They claim we are trying to terrorize them for no reason and doing this all in vain. They claim their actions are self defense and we are or had been "well fed and safe." We are not blacks and their playbook for minorities has to be rewritten. This church and the damned are seeking answers or waging war; they do not get it or understand. If they do, they do not want this to end. An October Surprise was launched on me months ago. We did not know who was behind it or why; ignored it and gave them repeated warnings. They ignored the warnings and this was totally illegal again. They claim they are acting in self defense, we need them, and we are well fed or doing well. Bring the top twenty list and get Big Bother know they have been shut down and expelled. This has to end. This is lawless. We need a check (2 billion) and they need to go to jail or at least consider it. I am not F'in Moliere and cannot spend my entire life writing letters to them or Big Brother. Look at what they have done. They come to America and now they get it and are pulling out. This is about who is shutting down. Who needs supplies and relief.
The October Surprise: Oh wow, it has not ended. They are now Republicans. We need them. They do not need us? This was about us being well fed, not doing well, and need supplies or relief. They are our go-to people, totally illegal. This is about a very illegal big bother. Who needs who or else they will die and get shut down? Joined at the hip again, it is completely insane or total insanity. It is about degenerates now. Who needs who now? We do not give a damn and should not worry about who is in our life, that bad. It is big brother again; a marriage of power. Total psychopath and deranged human being. They know we are sick of them and this is totally illegal. We have complained vehemently and our effort to remove them from our life or escape some trap where degenerates and the dead are seeking compliance, deeper debts and deeper involvements. We become more tangled and it is a tangled mess as they set hooks in our life and add more layers. It arrives via Glen Beck.
It has to do with employers and trust. It has to do with intrusion or illegal activity, literally spying on us or big brother. This church is extremely powerful and an extremely intrusive problem. They claim to be experts or security also. Things get worse. My life is still not whole. We are attached to them; a double existence. They are everywhere and struggling. These people do not believe in individual rights; we cannot be independent or make it on their own; this is why they manage our accounts. A manager or some powerful church who wants to be in our life, demand inclusion, or wishes marriage. It is not the labor unions anymore. It is degenerates. It is a different problem. Limbaugh said they were pulling out but the damages were never paid or even addressed. I am not F'in Moliere and cannot spend my entire life writing letters to them or Big Brother. Look at what they have done. They come to America and now they get it and are pulling out. This is about who is shutting down. Who needs supplies and relief.
1. Beck says we need them. We "cannot make it on our own." He is speaking on behalf of this powerful church and this operation. He says, "they cannot make it on their own." This is why every single turn in life is met with protest, demands, or this powerful wall; to either block us or obstruct. It is total paralysis and they are coordinating and managing our life.
2. They claim this is about money. We are refusing it. I do not want food aid, food stamps, welfare, supplies, etc... They are managing our accounts. They are the people who evict and this is about money or who is more powerful. It is about "cannot make it on his own." I continuously report people sneaking around in my life in the most illegal manner and even intrusion, in my life and constantly trying to manage our life. Asian or Caucasian, they feel we cannot live or exist on our own. It is total insanity and it is leading to one chase, pursuit, and escape or evasion methods being deployed. This is no game.
3. Beck (like all of them) says he "won't tell anyone" and to "just leave him alone." Apparently they get it now and are pulling out. This is "how they destroy people." They will go where no human being will and walk on shells when no others will. They will be our leaders and will go where the police refuse to.
This is not about what is illegal or not. Beck claims it is about giving. Illegal activity or not, this management we complain about is about giving or giving back. It has caused tremendous financial hardships and led to a two billion dollar lawsuit and Israeli spies or espionage spy rings. This kind of espionage is completely illegal, illegal activity is not welcome even if consent is given. In this case, no consent was ever given and we demand two billion. Yet they claim it is about money now and they are employers. We need them. We need each other. This is what will happen or can happen when they wander into the right wing or the Republican Party, an Osterman Weekend. They are lurking and creepy people making an intrusion in our life and they are extremely intrusive, illegal. Moliere was sentenced to death for the same opposition and complaints. It is so bad we need them. They claim they are handling the changeover; handling everything over to us. Either we need them or we die, independently. This is their October Surprise.
We know this is about their army. The message is "they are well fed and safe." It is not about individual rights or independence. It is a church. Limbaugh said this about his Caribbean forces. They see us as their Caribbean force. Limbaugh is trying to manipulate my political and complaints to "I could give a damn who is in my life right now, it is that bad." Beck said we cannot make it without them, something else in our life or sharing our life; big brother. If I was Moliere, is it a murder plot also? Beck says we are a spokesman for Romney and thus, they are welcomed and it is their money.
This now has turned into being spokesman for the right wing. They are everywhere and totally illegal. We need them, they are not being shut down or put back in the genie bottle. Now we are well fed and doing well, but it is still totally illegal. They do not get it but keep saying they will "pull out." Crazed or obsessed people? Big brother a little too persistent or intrusive? Now it is so bad, we do not give a damn who is pulling the strings or making demands. They get it and they are pulling out? Really? I am not F'in Moliere and cannot spend my entire life writing letters to them or Big Brother. Look at what they have done. They come to America and now they get it and are pulling out. This is about who is shutting down. Who needs supplies and relief.
The second October Surprise in 2012 is about big brother and how they are suppressing our lawsuit or complaints. This is about how much they know, how much we need them, how they put thoughts in our mind, how they pull strings, how those strings are attached to money, how they get it now, how they are big brother, how we cannot do anything without them, how we are dependent on their approval, how we cannot survive without them, how powerful they are or civilized, how we are well fed and doing well, how scared we are or how we are one step from the grave, how they are interviewing us and catering our needs, and how completely insane and annoying they truly are; utterly illegal. This was about how they destroy us and how they can suppress the situation or suppress any comers. Even if they trample on the rights of other Americans, they can suppress any justice or damage claims. Who will be shut down and who will destroy the other? Who will die without the other or who can wait it out? Who are the leaders and hold the strings to the money? They get it now and are pulling out.
Transcript of Tuesday, October 30, 2012 - Post Sandy or The Day After
1. Mark Levin wants to thank the first responders who came to the aid of the people in the line of fire, all of them. He said they are "done." He said people have no idea how bad this will hurt their finances or financial future.
2. Mark Levin tells us why people cannot tell who he is unless he is trapped or was caught along with Limbaugh and Hannity. Levin says people cannot read him or even knows who he is because he is "an investor." The use of money hides all of their identity. As I said, if you did not know who he was; you would never believe he was a total phony or a communist spy. He does not admit to being a communist spy, neither does Limbaugh or Hannity, he will only admit to being a buyer or an investor. I am not sure if he is more evasive than Hannity; but I have seen the two of them in action and know, beyond a doubt, they are communist spies and it is all total lies. You would think he and all of them were Ronald Reagan if you had not seen their dossier. He only sees results and profits; nothing else, totally blind.
3. Mark Levin says he knows this stuff inside out because he repeats it from us. He is convinced of it and convinced who will win, who will be kicked out, who will be fired, and who will leave. He is not either or, he is only an investor, the question mark. Our records show he is so guilty; it pisses him off. Investors do not worry about the laws or fine details; they want winners. Ahead of the curve, he feels they won already; too big to fail. He wanted me to make something of degenerates or what he called the army of the damned (armed rebellion or revolutionaries).
Transcript of Tuesday, October 30, 2012 - Post Sandy or The Day After
1. Hannity admits they did this to my father back in the 1970s and 1980s after the Vietnam War. They admit they did this to the Vietnam Generals and those behind the relocation to the DC-VA area. Who has the entire files and our dossier? Who knows all about who they are and what they are up to? Who trapped them finally and knows all about them? Did we make an effort to bring them to justice? Really?
2. Hannity admits they are losing their minds and claims we are trying to "kill him" or did this or that to them. We did this to them? They did not do this to themselves? They did not refuse to tell the truth, got busted, or refused flat out to consider jail? Who did this to who? What is this scam about? Who did this to these people? More debt? More digging? More lies? More failure? More insanity? Is this why we talk to him this way, they are our attackers and communist enemies?
3. Hannity is totally insane. He talks almost like a member of the family or some surrogate parent. Did they chase away the Protestants or the Presbyterians? This is the first time at kidnapping and they found out, learned the most, they are not eligible? Did they target them and claim a squatter "fired" them? Hannity does this to me also; does it to Ann Coulter. He is not family and he is our enemy and attacker. The disconnect in their mind is so pervasive they cite our faults or what we did to deserve this. What a deserving and such a caring person they are; and our serial killer attackers. Did we make an effort to bring them to justice or not? Truthfully? Really?
4. Hannity admits we have a perfect match. They did this to my family and father. They did this to the US Generals in Vietnam. They did this to US soldiers who came home from Vietnam. They did this to Ann Coulter; then claimed to be friends with either side and utilized phony spies or clones. We have a perfect match to the communists and radicals behind this; it goes back to the 1960s and a long entrenched communist spy ring or network. They were the attackers and see it much differently.
5. Hannity claims Hillary is going to be fired over Benghazi. Really Hannity? Biting off more than you can chew will not increase your fund raising events. Throwing your money in Florida or retirement communities, in the name of the drug wars; was abysmal. So much for their spy ring and financial superpower secret military.
6. Oliver North reveals he is an Israeli spy and is a surrogate for another Marine family at my high school, Chatman. Their mom is Arab. We or he is their handler or recruiter in Virginia? This implicates Bush and unlocks Iran. Nice people aren't they? North reveals they knew a world war was coming; but got it wrong in the 1980s. He is full of regrets. North says, "This guy just will not leave and we have to fire him."
Hannity knows their spy ring and network, all communist or Israeli spies; cannot possibly stay open after Sandy. Their financial sheets are already bankrupt and on life support; why they needed us to begin with. I wager 30 days before they are evicted or run out of supplies; even before the Republicans deliver a top twenty list. Odd part, they just did an October Surprise on me and imposed a new sanction, an eviction plot. Hannity's kids now know can read who their dad was, our attackers and getting raided because they refused to consider jail or tell the truth. They owed two billion dollars in damages. All that suffering and they still refuse to go to jail; they just wager with human trash and degenerates they care nothing for. The evidence is very clear and obvious. One more bayonet attack by this attacker? One last one before the top twenty list? Surprisingly, this is the first time his primitive mouth has not mentioned "terrorism" or "Israel." Hannity has a phony act and is not a sledge hammer to a mole or fly.
Transcript of Tuesday, October 30, 2012 - Post Sandy or The Day After, Counter-October Surprise
1. Rush said they are "pulling out now." It is too late to pull out. The virgin act is phony.
2. Rush said they "get it now." We do not agree at all. Not rank amateurs anymore?
3. Rush said they "know more than anybody else now." I totally disagree.
4. Rush said the "President cannot do anything about it." I totally disagree.
5. Rush said it is turning towards our corner or swinging towards Romney (Washington State).
6. Rush said "he has enough money now." I have no idea what in hell he is talking about.
7. Rush was hush-hush about the October Surprise and his new eviction plans. If you live by the sword, he knows they die by it; get it yet? He already knows the ending. All of them already know what their plans were, why do I have to repeat or replay them?
8. Rush also said they cannot start over in life and this is all they know how to do. They are ruined and do not know anything else but crime, corruption, terrorism, and abysmal behavior.
9. Rush says they are "not backing down" and are humbled now. Their church is in chaos and so is their finances. They are not happy at all. Rush knows about the October Surprise on me from October 1st to the 31st. The police were called about this.
All of you do not understand the rules of battle, combat, and the law. You cannot stick a bayonet in someone, run them over daily, and keep setting them up. Why? Because when they pull the knife out of their back or when they get upset; they may cut your heart out and you may not survive. Yelling at them to move on or what we have heard about not enough pressure or evidence; is going to make things ten times worse. Similar to a bull and a matador, the audience knows when the bull is hurt and how many little jabs it takes. Pulling out or shutting down your operations or plots is not going to help you now. We are in seek and destroy, it is far too late for lip service or last minute pull-outs. It was time to consider jail a long time ago and it was time to walk into an FBI office and sign the affadavits.
All we need is a signature and a check; whenever you are ready. I do not have to describe the ending, they already have it and know it because they are guilty of it. Keep in mind, they still did not remove the seal legal suits or the false-fabricated criminal charges. Not enough evidence or pressure? Not ready for jail or read to fix anything? I had no idea this church and these people were this abysmal and horrendous. Our friends and our lovers? Is this a F'in joke? Who is the dumbass here and why? Not enough evidence or pressure? Everybody know exactly what this case is about and they have the documents prepared. It has already been adjudicated behind closed doors; if you want an official one and want to petition the court, I highly suggest it.
The bayonets in me; it is too late, to pull it out or recover your weapons. I think you know if you stick a bayonet in me, it only pisses me off and I will cut your heart out, eat it, and decapitate who did it. At least I will try to bring them to justice first. He should know by now to stay away or leave us alone; but their malfunction is too extreme. They should know by now to consider jail and walk into an FBI office and sign the affadavits admitting guilt. There is just not enough evidence or pressure; this is not a total waste of our time. They really can see clear now. Who stuck a bayonet in whom? Why? Total lies? It is too late to pull out. It is too late to consider jail. There are more bayonet marks. The case sits there on a desk and the evidence only needs a signature and a check. Yes keep shutting the door on me or slamming it by throwing goodies out there. We will shut you down completely.
They continue to stick a bayonet in me and our forces. They claim they are the only people who care and rush to our aid. They place stipulations on this aid or assistance. They spy on us 24-7 illegally due to their links with Israeli spies. The military did this. The police did this. Now these companies do it. They are the wrong people and their church is evil and lawless. We demand they be shut down. They are not a rescue and demand or use illegal, cruel, and lawless methods to make us fit a mold, model, or their low standards. We find out it is a communist imprisonment and labor camp; an industrial complex for the dumbest, most radical, and totally crazy. They abuse their power and a paper trail is available.
The people who did this are now coming to our rescue, if there is any. They continue to sneak up on us for this trench warfare. We drive them back, they get slammed; then they come back again and again. This is the wrong people in our life. They are not a rescue, they are the people who did it. They claim the people who did this are on their way and coming, now Republicans who increased their coffers due to associations with Ann Coulter. We did not realize how powerful this church of communist and spies were; nor how much they penetrated. They are everywhere and integrated in every facet of society; encirclement of the good guys. They are the wrong people, the enemy.
Message from Rush Limbaugh: "They are well fed, alright and distrust the military now." Oh really, is that so. Of all the bayonets you stuck in my side, my stomach, and my arms; you want to try it again? Is that why they are in our life or this mission? It was the Catholics and the Democrats and Limbaugh said, "It is impossible to sue them now." Oh really, is that so. Tell us the obvious. This is what will happen when communist Republicans and Democrats wager and gamble with the lives of people they do not even give a damn about. I take it they enjoy being yelled at and pissing people off? Maybe? Make sure you have it in writing if it is true. I do not need a tangled mess or a massive web of deception to paralyze me or blind me. I have more than enough problems, even with Republicans. If it is true, then it will be in writing. Do they pay the F'in bills also? Wonderful. Please, step on a trip-wire or one of my boobytraps. Let me get my 44 magnum, can you all wait?
Dear Ann Coulter: Your Republicans are in my residence. I want you to address people such as Glen Beck, Neil Bortz, and all of them. You told me they are trying to spy on you, trade sex tapes, and film you. They must be very close to you. They also brought on Herman Cain and special people like Mark Steyn. If I complain, a female C--- says, "leave" and "go home" or "we don't like you." I told them to have it in writing and how fed I am with this trading sex tapes between friends, no pressure Neil said. Why is Israel trying to film you in a sex tape or sticking bayonets in me, terror or trench warfare? Sex tapes or friends invited only? They love and enjoy their women, blessed? What do I F'in care about Israel or why they are in my residence, it is completely illegal. Now it is about Israel and call girls? I did not know their church was this strong, this illegal, this clandestine, and this lawless or savage. Do they pay the bills too? Who cares if they are Republicans or Democrats; their church is this powerful and demanding?
What did I F'in tell you about this ex club or singles club Ann? Now Bortz tells me they are Israeli spies, relax. This is very healthy for you Ann, very. I enjoy mafia and Israeli spies filming me having sex or getting you in compromising situations, even raping you. Ann, I am fed up. We are in seek and destroy. This is illegal and draining my resources, piracy. Do they pay my bills or ever have? Is it on paper? Wonderful no pressure now because of you Ann. I will give you one chance on this one Ann, only one. I am not doing very well and having a very hard time in life. Why are they in my life or residence? What is this sex tape or passing illegal sex surveillance among friends, a singles club? Hot call girls and extremely expensive? There are children involved? What do they care if children are involved, the impact is tremendous.
Ann, tell me and put it in writing so they know and I do not have to guess or be in the dark. I am really pissed and fed up Ann. They should be worried about hurricanes hitting New York or New Jersey, not sex tapes. That is totally illegal, call girl ring or not. Bortz says the rules are in the way of their goals. Right. Are all of them guilty or just "no pressure?" This sex tape or trading intimate sexual between friends; why am I in the middle? This is illegal, how long is this going to go on? Bortz says it is Israel behind this, they are Israeli spies. Is this true? What did I say Ann? What did I tell you? They know this is illegal, they said "he does not even care about Israel." Wow. Go and F your own fat-ass wife. Do they know I am pissed? Do they know the impact on my own sex life or marriage? Do they? Who the F said I was an Israeli spy or a Jewish spy? Who the F did this? Is it in F'in writing? Oh throw their money around. Do all Israeli spies speak of Israel the same way North Koreans cry or worship their leaders? If so, I get it.
The FBI knows this is illegal. I sent an email about sex traps and how the mafia trade sex tapes of each other or illegal ones. How long will this keep going on Ann? What the F is their problem Ann? Why am I so F'in mad about this? I do not know who did this, they claim you did. You said it is about sex and illegal stalking or intrusion. Why am I in the middle? It is illegal, they do know this? I enjoy sharing my women or all the hordes of women I have bombarding me, yes I do. I do not enjoy sex predators in my residence or telling me I do not care about Israel. This is totally illegal and it has an impact on my sex life and marriage; friends or not. Your friends? This is wonderful, Israeli spies are now trying to film us having sex or join in; terrific. Please, do not stop at our expense or complaints. I hate to say it, but you all think Israel is North Korea and it is very uncomfortable. Weeping, shouting, pleading, and begging is not normal behavior and we Americans find it uncomfortable and illegal.
Is this why you are or have been fired Ann; a singles club? No sex tape yet? Just more bayonets in my side? Tell them, they will live much longer if they stop trying to be a smart ass with me or obtain this sex tape. Do they have any idea what kind of impact this is having on my life? F Israel and their spy network, it is totally illegal and a sex tape scam or a call girl ring. The FBI knows it is a call girl ring don't they? Also a sex tape ring? Consensual? Between friends? Trying to get a date or dinner? Your friends right? Totally illegal? You got fired for them Ann? Sex tape? So now it is about Israel and call girls? Now Jews are trying to steal sex tapes or naked pictures, wonderful. No worries. No pressure. Only one bayonet after the next. They should be worried about hurricanes hitting New York or New Jersey, not sex tapes. That is totally illegal, call girl ring or not. Bortz says the rules are in the way of their goals. Right.
Exactly who the F do these people think they are? DoD or GoD? This is what happens when we ask them to consider jail before we have to engage in seek and destroy. I guess they are no longer in this mission and do not trust the military. I have a great idea, GET YOUR F'IN ASS OUT OF OUR LIFE AND RESIDENCE! GET YOUR F'IN HANDS OFF US AND OUR MISSION. WHY THE F DON'T YOU SHUT UP AND PAY THE DAMAGES BEFORE THERE IS ENOUGH EVIDENCE AND PRESSURE. WHY DON'T YOU STOP F'IN OFF AND STOP STICKING A BAYONET IN ME, THEN SAYING SORRY! IF WE WERE AT WAR AND YOU STICK A BAYONET IN ME, MY LAST ACT WOULD BE TO DECAPITATE YOU AND CUT YOUR HEART OUT, WHILE YOU ARE ALIVE AND SMILING.
Dear Rush Limbaugh (Hurricane Steering Wheel): I am really surprised you did not make one comment about any hurricane steering wheel. I was expecting, "He lives in squalor and that is why it is so far north. He does not have enough money to get it fixed or have someone to take a look at it." That is the bottom line, I cannot fix my car. How in hell would I or could I fix a hurricane steering machine? I would have to make a new wheel or get it calibrated somehow. I think it may have gotten lost or misplaced. This is what can happen when and if you rob us or deny us what is rightfully ours. Things go unfixed. It rusts up. It cannot be oiled or be a well oiled machine. Things run down and accidents happen. I can't fix it or have a mechanic calibrate the wheel. Maybe it steam-rolled Hannity or even Levin? Let's pray. Amen. You cannot bayonet a poor man with a hurricane steering wheel. You just cannot go into the OHE and pick a fight when and if you want to; we are poor and cannot fix anything, anything. Who will pay to fix this or our equipment? Who will pay for this? This is what can happen when you tinker with our equipment.
Has he seen my car or what they did to it? How about some sympathy for my convertible? Huh? How about some love for the vandalism and all of the broken items? Good job Limbaugh, you all took out your own home. It is like a blind man driving; left is right and right is left. You want us to drive a rust bucket. You want me to fall asleep at the wheel. You want me to be humiliated because I cannot even afford to fix a hurricane steering wheel or buy a new one; a chrome one; or one with a knob. You F'er; I hope it was an out of control train and steamed over Hannity's home. That IRA terrorist may learn a thing or two. I am glorified and jubilant we got a few moose-limbs. We were hunting moose-limbs and it is okay no matter what happens. It is really scary. The more impoverished and poor I get, the more I cannot pay the rent; more less likely I can fix a hurricane steering wheel or buy a new one. It is dangerous if I cannot get it tuned, oiled, or even buy new parts. Look at my car, it just sits there looking good. Who the hell is going to pay for these fixes? You can't pen us up or put a sanction on our life. Things break and our equipment has to be fixed now. How about some love for my car and all of the vandalism or damage?
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Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Friday, October 26, 2012
They give us no choice. We asked them politely. They claim they won already and we are helpless, they have control, superior numbers, and are occupying America and our lives. This is not what freedom was invented for. This was not what America was founded for. This is not what immigration is intended for. This is not what freedom of speech or voting rights was for. They claim it is the 1960s and what America is for. They are so disconnected from reality we decided to ask nicely. Now we are all on our deathbeds. We are all trapped. We are all dead. We are all in the same boat. All of us are dying now. Solution? Exactly. Republican only or need apply. They trapped us and gave us no choice, seek and destroy. Did they win or have they won, beaten badly? Do not complain when we have filed a written, oral, and have even called every office including the hurricane-earthquake one. Yes that one. We will shut them down or seek justice our way and the best we know how, we did ask politely and were very patient. We asked for two billion in damages and with no foresight or hesitations.
Dear Republican Party USA: This is now a seek and destroy mission, do not confuse it for what it is not or any other objective. We gave them an option and asked them politely to end this. We have expectations and standards, a moral compass. Nobody turned them into criminals, savages, or animals; they are just genetic idiots and the idiot gene. They are in last place across the boards for a reason and a logical reality. Due to the penetration, the vague inconsistency, and the infiltration we detected; there has to be some concise boundaries and clear objectives. We will set the time line to five years. In five years we want these people out of our life. We want our life back and what was hijacked returned. We want our mission returned and some noticeable difference. These calls about how we are going to die, how there is not enough evidence or pressure, or how we are going to be tortured is escalating that time line and that five year cut off point. As you can see, Ann coddled them and she has been slowly removed, even fired. We will help you in your goals and objectives but there is so much corruption and lies right now; we must set the cutoff point at five years.
This is now a seek and destroy mission. If you do not deliver, we must cut off all relations and begin to migrate you into the top twenty lists of liars who need immediate termination or should consider jail. We know it is a conspiracy. We know these people are sneaking around in our life. We know they have gained both access and control. Do not make these same mistakes. You will pay dearly for them and your future will be uncertain. This little game about how we are living off the charity and kindness of others, homeless and destitute; almost black or white degenerates who embrace crime and corruption; is going to be shut down and immediacy delivered to their front steps. Look at how much of their counterfeit is in circulation. Look at how much value they killed on the Republican side. Look at the forgeries they have foisted on us. How do they expect to retire or referee this if there is so much counterfeit in our life or spying on us? Shut down their phony money and their phony operation. Now it is a not lies but a physical threat and a human being, a real life idiot.
What do we know? What do they know and refuse to be honest about? Who has to do what and why? Whose retirement is at risk or are we gambling with? Exactly whose safety is this about? We know they are sneaking around looking for money. We know they got burned badly. We know who they are and what they are up to; there is no need to run us over daily and keep demanding we act accordingly or file a proper complaint. Do not make the same mistakes this enemy has or try to seek control of something they neither understand, can stop, nor will ever fix; our life, our existence, our moral compass, our future, our reality, our property. They will be removed or have their earthly possessions violated if they do or try. These people are nothing more than animals living in a modern society, refusing to be anything other.
As you can see, we burned them badly on this also. They have been given an ultimatum, to consider jail and that rock is the pillar of our existence. If they turn their back on it and if you ignore the matter as they have, in your search for glory, power, or money; you will suffer the same fate and become the same people. We are not a rock to hide under and we are not what their greedy little hearts seek to fulfill all of their desires or open the doors they cannot or want open. They will be shut down. You will deliver in five years, with our full and 100% assistance; a very powerful and justice driven message. This means that in five years, you may suffer the same fate if you do not show immediate deliveries or results. I am sure that more people on earth will die over this or for this. It has just begun and it has to end now.
The Republican Party is not out of the radar or the line of fire. It will most likely split or beginning spitting on the core of the right wing. Nobody put them out of business; they put themselves and each other out of business. They endangered each other with their dereliction of duties or their endless career criminal lifestyle, total fantasies and total lies. They had no respect for the laws, the truth, honesty among fellow humans, or those who had the capability and the fortitude to shut them down and begin a seek and destroy mission in the most respected properties in the world. For that they will be dealt a final blow and will be full of regrets.
We know all about the broken promises and how this is a game to determine who is the best liar and who will win a web of deception and total lies. We know this. All of us are on our deathbed. If our defense forces fail and our security is not able to defeat, drive back, or meet the challenge; the communist will win and take over America. Their weapon is redistribution and the power of the vote. We want to get them on the same page and say the truth, justice, and the pursuit of happiness supersedes their blackened, greedy, measly, and vile existence. Bring us the top twenty list, assure us of the strategic hamlet to limit their access and infiltration, take every measure to curb crime, fight it, or get the wrong people out of our life; and we will deliver a victory across the board.
It is very counter-productive to everybody, most especially the Republicans and it must end now. Nobody put them out of business; they put themselves and each other out of business. They endangered each other with their dereliction of duties or their endless career criminal lifestyle, total fantasies and total lies. They had no respect for the laws, the truth, honesty among fellow humans, or those who had the capability and the fortitude to shut them down and begin a seek and destroy mission. Nobody put them out of business but we did not keep them in business either; we kept ourselves in business and in survival mode for over twenty years. Still no standards. Still not up to expectations. Still lawless and savages. Still sneaking around acting stupid and looking for money or opportunity in us or other victims. It is their retirement they gamble with. It is their family jewels they gamble with. We did not put them down or put them out of business, they did that themselves. What we did was ask them politely to consider jail if they have no title, real estate, or retirement. If you are nobody and did all of that, at least consider jail. How serious can this get? Our money and their money? Our life and our reality?
Is anybody still turned on? What are these eastern liberal women for but to be chasers? We are turned on and chasing them or were trapped in this ambush? Who said this was true? A stripper army and their stable of call girls? Can afford them? This idea they will bombard us with one call girl after the next or make our life hell; even kidnap us, has turned into a seek and destroy mission. We will need the right people and the proper personnel. The Republicans have five years to come up with that personnel and new mission. The first to go will be Ann Coulter. I do hope she and all of them recognize the problem, the severity, and fire all of their staff; then hire new ones who are verified and authenticated. They are in the line of fire. This future is reserved and for the office of hurricane and earthquakes. I am not everything their greedy heart’s desire as they wander in life transfixed by the normal and happy life of humans who have character and spirit. Whose money and whose reality? Whose world? Who put them out of business or killed them? Whose safety is at risk here?
How many times do I have to say it? How many people do they have to ask or how long do they have to keep this going? Still not enough pressure and evidence for their greedy selfish blackened ignorant hearts? Ann is not everything their greedy heart’s desire as they wander in life transfixed by the normal and happy life of humans who have character and spirit. They only seek to destroy it or benefit somehow, but their abysmal behavior and character is always one step ahead of their lacking lifestyle. Now bitter and blackened, they are nowhere near what their greedy heart desires. We will assist you to this end and understand the severity of the matter and what it will take; to save our life, to save your life, to save this country, and to preserve our future. Doing the right thing will not get you killed or worry. Telling the truth and refusing to spin it will not diminish your role in life or erase your reputation and existence. If you do the right thing, you should make it to retirement. If you do not, then you may not even have a retirement left, it has been leveled and we are in seek and destroy politics.
There is right from wrong and very strong ways to deal with this or how big this problem has become. It begins with the top twenty list and a strategic hamlet campaign; shut them down. Get them out of our life and drive them back. These constant lies, pressure tactics, and calls to inform us we are being tortured have brought them here; we are not going anywhere and the future is our sacred creation, not theirs. The cut-off point is five years and we must take a heavier and stronger stance on the entire problem, including the Republican Party who had a hand in leading us to this gigantic mess or this road we are put on now by no choice of our own. If you keep us on that road and this "safe-zone" as the communist have done; to herd us back into their oppression, dictatorship, and this horrible kidnapping; we will deal you a very similar fate and issue you the same warning. You will not get away and they have not learned this valuable lesson, still.
The best thief and the best robber are going to win this? The best enemy will be victorious? The best terrorist will carry the torch? Who exactly is disconnected from reality? What is the truth? The best liar will remain supreme over all other? The best people have already won this; it is done and over. But there is just not enough evidence and pressure at this time to suggest otherwise; deliver this victory and deliver this future. This is a seek and destroy mission now. They have spoken and the empire has spoken back. They need to take this up with their own leaders for placing them on that same road we are on. The record is there for them to read and reconstruct how we got here and what prompted them to be shut down and in such an insulting manner. It has to do with running us over hourly, daily, and having no respect for other human captives. It has to do with who they are and who we are or are not.
The Republicans need to alert their base and get their leaders prepared for this mission, to be around the proper people and staff. This is now a seek and destroy mission and people have to deliver. They have to be honest to the right people and not the wrong ones. Get the right people in our life and get the wrongs ones out. It is nothing more than a seek and destroy mission and we do not want the good people to get hurt or impacted; we want the bad guys and we want those who become more and more guilty to suffer. We want them to die a miserable death. We want them to be burned beyond recognition. Do not mess it up or do not come to their aid and comfort. Deliver what the Republicans and what America deserves and a future far better than what it is now. You have five years to deliver and we will try to assist and welcome you to this new world, a new existence and new victory on planet earth.
This did not begin as a seek and destroy mission. The Republican Party was not invented or created to be a seek and destroy party. However, we see the terms and conditions they expect us to live under and the guise of total fraud, harassment tactics, insults, sneaky tactics, running us over daily, bombardment of affordable call girls, and a total lack of respect for the laws and the rights of other human beings. We are not animals and never have been. We are turning into ones by the day. This is now a seek and destroy mission. Your future is nothing more than a seek and destroy mission. You need the right personnel and the right staff. I suggest you fire all of them and make your selections more carefully and wise. We will be grading and judging based on the merits. What they lack is the right attitude to keep them alive and it does not take very much smarts to figure that out.
How did we get here? What do we have to do? What do they have to do? Time is running out for all of us? Whose world does we live in, no standards, no truth, lawless annihilation, a total phony and communist, or no reality? All of us are on our deathbed now and these stupid games have not done a damn thing or lead anywhere but here. This did not begin as a seek and destroy mission, ever. We have heard it all and seen it all. Now it is about now enough evidence and pressure. It is about being run over daily and how we are expected to be on our best behavior or act accordingly while they refuse to consider jail or surrender to the laws. It is about a total loser and a weak phony in our life, at most feminine, trying to bombard us daily with all kinds of junk, lies, harassment, and total hell. We are not a rock to hide under and we are not what their greedy selfish measly weak and phony heart desires, never was.
They do not wish to end it. We will and swiftly to preserve the union and the future of the country. God knows what they will do or are up to in the future. God knows who else they will do this to or how long they will drag it out with the law enforcement community. God knows who else they send into our life or encircle us with; sneak around and try to look for some money or demand opportunity. It is very counter-productive to everybody, most especially the Republicans and it must end now. Nobody put them out of business; they put themselves and each other out of business. They endangered each other with their dereliction of duties or their endless career criminal lifestyle, total fantasies and total lies. They had no respect for the laws, the truth, honesty among fellow humans, or those who had the capability and the fortitude to shut them down and begin a seek and destroy mission.
You are going to piss off the powers of this universe and when you decide you wish to piss off the powers of this universe, they will tell you to "GTFO of office and get the F on the boat and sail back home where you came from before you get a nookie." Nobody likes an ending like this and with such low standards and low expectations. Nobody put them out of business but we did not keep them in business either; we kept ourselves in business and in survival mode for over twenty years. Still no standards. Still not up to expectations. Still lawless and savages. Still sneaking around acting stupid and looking for money or opportunity in us or other victims. Look at how much of their counterfeit is in circulation. Look at how much value they killed on the Republican side. Look at the forgeries they have foisted on us. How do they expect to retire or referee this if there is so much counterfeit in our life or spying on us? Shut down their phony money and their phony operation. Now it is a not lies but a physical threat and a human being, a real life idiot.
In five years, we expect a proper staff of personnel and these people out of our life. Continuation of this will result in a shutdown and in the worst manner possible. They were burned badly already and are trapped; there is no hesitation who and what we are dealing with. If nobody can live by the merits of what we need and what we do not need; then let's not waste more time and just shut them down now. Do not tell us the Republican Party is not guilty or their hands are clean; these personnel are the wrong ones and they penetrated or infiltrated. We take that very seriously and will place a deadline on this and a time line. If you have to, move your assets and holdings overseas. If you have to, move your business and operations overseas. This is long overdue and in a seek and destroy mission, there is no debate or this constant problem of not getting it right ever. Coddling these evil people and this problem has destroyed this nation; further movement in that direction or lack of actions will result in a total shut down. If we have to we will take it to another country to protect our assets; however, right now there are no assets to protect and we are not in this position. That is your mission and that is your future; do not wear it out.
Budget and Separation of Powers: Who Gets What?
1. Defense Budget - capped at 40% (add 20% for covert or classified programs) GNP yearly and has to undergo reorganization and future wars planning. We need the best and the most trusted; not this lousy American or enemy in our life. We need the right people, not always have the wrong ones. Throw them all out. We have a new mission. It is not the Middle East or ever was. Get the focus out of their hands and their monopoly. Get our military out of their pockets. We need the best and most elite force; also the most prepared and not the wrong people all the time. We have a total mess and a total disaster. The penetration and infiltration has paralyzed and murdered our own forces. We have the wrong people all over us and in our life, so intrusive it is disgusting. How do we put food on their tables under these circumstances and a state of war? We have given them a choice; they give us no choice. Bring our boys back home because they are getting a new mission. These problems have not gone away and have a life of its own. I am sure that more people on earth will die over this or for this. It has just begun and it has to end now.
2. Education - capped at 20% of GNP yearly and has to undergo more market fixes. Simply put the cost per student is three to four times what the top five academic countries spend. Until the drive for academics is in place, it will not matter how much we spend or for how long. New buses or new this and that, even school lunches; will not get the cost per student equal with other competitive nations. Again, we have given them a choice, but they refuse to give us any choice. The best thief and the biggest bully are not going to win this, understand?
3. Health care - let each state bankrupt each other if their greedy heart’s desire. Let redistribution be their worst enemy. Deliver us the top twenty list and we will deliver a winner and a loser; no matter what percent or what final option the market deems to be the best value. Eventually, it will have the force of technology and will undergo further cost-value models. These people need to suffer. We have given them a choice yet their selfish greedy little blackened hearts give us no choice. They run us over and expect us to be on our best behavior, time and gain. Tighten the belt and put more personal responsibility on the individual; not their belief system.
As I said, our goal is to create a strategic hamlet so the right people are in our life and the wrong people are not. We have to limit access to this enemy. We have to drive them into jail or ruin; even kill the ones who refuse jail altogether. All of us are on our deathbed. If our defense forces fail and our security is not able to defeat, drive back, or meet the challenge; the communist will win and take over America. Their weapon is redistribution and the power of the vote. We want to get them on the same page and say the truth, justice, and the pursuit of happiness supersedes their blackened, greedy, measly, and vile existence. Bring us the top twenty list, assure us of the strategic hamlet to limit their access and infiltration, take every measure to curb crime, fight it, or get the wrong people out of our life; and we will deliver a victory across the board. They are looking for money and are sneaking around; we want to change this reality and turn it into a win, a victory for only the right people. The best thief and the biggest bully are not going to win this, we are taken to the brink of war and we do not have a choice. They expect us to be kind and on our best behavior. That is the kind of thief and criminal we have in our life and living in America. The best liar will remain supreme over all other?
God Bless America for giving us the tools and the knowledge to do so and with such a decisive victory. To hell with the devil and if there is not enough evidence or pressure, to hell with them running us over and expecting us to be so kind. The country is too weak at this time to veer off this way or that way, it has to be restored and in the right hands; but none of these enemies have fled and refuse to go. Their weapon is redistribution, use this against them and make it fair and balance. The top twenty will show us who can and cannot be saved. It is time to fix our bayonets and sharpen the machetes. It is time to end this. People are fed up and had enough. We never get the choice of truth, justice, and restoring power to the right people or to legitimate forces. We give them a choice; consider jail or die trying to run us over time and again. They have spoken. We have the enemy at our gates and in our residence; then we have an invasion or infiltration force running us over daily and telling us total lies about not enough evidence, not enough pressure, how strong they are, and refusing any truth or honesty. We cannot have an enemy and a psychopath sneaking around America or our life this way; we cannot live or continue to live as animals condemned to hell.
It is very counter-productive to everybody, most especially the Republicans and it must end now. Nobody put them out of business; they put themselves and each other out of business. They endangered each other with their dereliction of duties or their endless career criminal lifestyle, total fantasies and total lies. They had no respect for the laws, the truth, honesty among fellow humans, or those who had the capability and the fortitude to shut them down and begin a seek and destroy mission. Nobody put them out of business but we did not keep them in business either; we kept ourselves in business and in survival mode for over twenty years. Still no standards. Still not up to expectations. Still lawless and savages. Still sneaking around acting stupid and looking for money or opportunity in us or other victims. It is their retirement they gamble with. It is their family jewels they gamble with. We did not put them down or put them out of business, they did that themselves. What we did was ask them politely to consider jail if they have no title, real estate, or retirement. If you are nobody and did all of that, at least consider jail. How serious can this get? Our money and their money? Our life and our reality?
Religion and Politics, Tax and Church: It is clear the Protestants are more generous. They are more individual. However, when it comes to percentage, the Catholics win. When it comes to crime, the Catholics are more powerful. When it comes to the bottom line and the last line of defense; the evidence is crystal clear. We are dealing with the idiot gene and total phonies, very feminine, very pretty, very unaffordable things. The Protestants do not ask anybody to pay into it. This was about wives, what husbands do, and paying into it. Oddly, I took this course at George Mason, Religion and Politics, Russian Foreign Policy, and Propaganda. Too qualified to live in their safe-zone or plantation? Wander off and get ambushed or attacked by something or someone? Describe it for the press. Was this about John Wayne and drug gangs in FL or America?
New Technology? This was a gigantic recruitment and new initiative globally, online. Also, who are the nicest people in the world when you meet them? Who do you want to talk to again and again? Who in this world dreams about sex and money all day and night; then takes this online and hits the jackpot globally? Exactly, their wives. Who steals everything and also sells everything they own, the "third" one? Race card? Communist also? Hiding from the law and terrorists? No problem, just pay your ticket next time or they will collect.
Warden or Prison: All of their reproductive support is in jail or on public assistance. Gambling online? Prostitution online? Drugs online? Yes it is in the pricey privacy of their own homes or living rooms. Yes it is consensual. Yes it is global and difficult to crackdown or trace. Even more dangerous than the communists, are the Caribbean people. They are unified and they do have a lot on common.
This was the new revival, The New Awakening. This was the heart and core of communism, decline and prison system, a Gulag. Too civilized for their jobs? No problem. Too pretty or stuck up for their jobs? No problem. Too smart or too uppity for their customers? No problem. Need some money? Who cares? This virtual or difficult to prove world is not only virtual; it is a new Las Vegas and it has a massive capital and consumer base. What did I walk into or was ambush by? The police shut them down and run them out of town, "move-leave." It is difficult online but they have an army of hackers then.
The Jersey Women and The Boss: If you look in the records, Rush Limbaugh made an open bet over the radio. I asked him a question. I said choose any state in the union and make sure his forces are in place and was well dug in. He chose New Jersey. He lost that open bet and has never mentioned the state since; nor anybody from the state. Oddly, you would think that beach is more accustomed to his personification and how he is; not the ultra-elite and ultra-professional. Powerful? Elite? Model Americans? This is about wives. This is about what their men do for a living. Now look at his life and his woman.
Women, Mind Games, Rapproachment: How did this monologue begin? It is very difficult to prove this. Are they playing with our minds and does it really work? Really? Really scary. Stupid power. How did we get hurt? Is anybody still turned on? What are these eastern liberal women for but to be chasers? We are turned on and chasing them or were trapped in this ambush? Who said this was true? A stripper army and their stable of call girls? Can afford them? How did this monologue begin? It is very difficult to prove this. Are they playing with our minds and does it really work? Really?
They will fight wars for us, whether or not they do like us. They will be forced into a draft and will be forced to fight for their life. Their lies and abysmal existence is on empty and America is not a suitable surrogate for their struggling total failure. They may have numbers and may have control. They may have the backup and the armies of the communist and mafia. They may have more heads and more vile evil than we do. We do not deny this or sit there and say there is not enough evidence or pressure. We are not buying it and do not need human trash in our life or for our missions. This idea we must die for them and fall on the sword, when and if they conduct some illegal-secret court trial; is how stupid they are. It does feel like reality for them, is it? Do they have any awareness or any mental faculty? Of all the plans they destroyed, blocked, wrecked, or ruined; only one survived, one. We are in this final and last plan now and everybody knows how we got here or what each side wants.
This is how the communist and the Democrats were brainwashing America and the world. Invent the radio and television. Use capital and the free market system to brainwash or persuade. Control the flow of information and news being reported. Control the minds and hearts of the public. Create coaches, advisors, and scams on the radio and TV to reverse the flow of the river. Teach the best students in a manner that blinds them or puts blinders on them, or trash their scholar talents. Set up offices to receive complaints or all complaints about "freedom of speech." Play the race card violently. Assign a voodoo doctor to stalk us or watch us 24 hours. Do anything and everything to kill us or bring us to the point of suicide or unnatural death. Do anything and everything to trap us and drain us of life energy or financial success. Set up a recruitment and a "body double." Set up a new or other word, another planet. Use certain groups as a human shield and deploy all kinds of decline or failure utilizing the electoral system, their voice. This is how the communist forces and radicals invade or wage war on America and the world.
A lot of people are going to die over this kind of war, a lot. Such peaceful people. What civilized and non-violent people we have all around us or in our life. Lying never killed or hurt anyone. If you look carefully, we do the opposite. Where there is action, there is reaction. Wait it all out and do not let any rescue. Have as backup a straw man or backup plan, a terrorist group. Create a war or some violent method to take over or infiltrate, to gain access. Then lie, cheat, and steal their way out. If they cannot kill their way out, then they can injure the hostage, piss them off daily, do more dirty surprises, encircle them, and wait it out or claim there is not enough pressure or evidence right now. A serial killer or a psychopath in our life. A lot of people are going to die over this and will be, a lot. I assure you, when you force people to write to the office of hurricane and earthquakes, a lot of people will die unless God himself arrives on earth. I would think there is plenty of evidence and plenty of pressure; but they have not figured out how we bet them and so badly. What other card do they have or can use; they deployed all of them so far and keep saying sorry or crazed things.
Remember, we had a plan in place. Those plans were not deployable for some reason or obstacle. Find it, destroy it, or waste more money and time? A first responder is a combination of roles. They are nasty, skirt the laws, put pressure on, set in new hooks, control "auto-dialers", will try to collect, and will even act as lawyers or a communication center. They denied and denied; but were the first to get caught and the first responders. It was fierce fighting and this is how it got out of control and how they lost control of the entire matter. At times they were crying and holding it all in, watching all the works get shot down. You can also see how they play the race card or did. We always have a plan and those plans were never deployed. Everything is falling together now but plans are still not deployable. How did this gigantic gap between what I am worth and who I am; get so large and why there is not enough evidence or pressure? Someone stole the gap between my worth and my actual value. The only way for them to stay on the land and claim it is their home; is to impose decline; the drug wars. For this, they must seek access if it is about real estate and banks. It is their investment, retirement.
They claim we lost already, "there is not enough evidence or pressure at this time." They have won and too big to fail. They run us over daily and expect us to be on our best behavior, the rulebook or playbook. What are they investigating and what are these rogue police for? Ulterior motives? Agendas? We have one plan after the other; none of them were deployed or deployable. What was or what did? The last one, seek and destroy. We are now in sought and destroy but they still claim we have lost, they have won, we are not going anywhere, move-leave-get evicted; there is "not enough evidence or pressure" yet. They are trying to sue and play the race card. They claim we deliberately, intentionally, and systematically exterminate them. They claim we ruined them and drove them to bankruptcy. That is what the 1980-2000 is all about. This is what Al Quad is all about.
This is their lawsuit and what Ann Coulter is representing. It is a case against the whites, Asians, and Republicans. They sent in investigators, spies, rogues, criminals, and all kinds of partners. They are psychopathic serial killers, total liars and career criminals. If they can piece everything together, they can write up a new scam or lie. Already we deployed one plan after the next, all ruin now except seek and destroy. That is their Achilles heel and that is how we will finish this or end this. Their lawsuit is racked with horrendous lies and abysmal behavior, how in hell do you even file a claim when you are a career criminal? Send in actors and public relations specialist, suppress the facts and truth, and abuse the laws and the courts. Keep saber rattling and keep the pressure and evidence in our face.
Do these people have the right mentality or right attitude to keep them alive? The evidence is right before them. If this idea they do not have to respect our rights; can violate our rights anytime they wish; have open access to our life and we cannot stop them, get rid of them, block them, do anything, or must suck it up; is as ridiculous as them telling us there is not enough evidence or pressure right now but if and when there is, we must follow the law or abide by their rights. How is it they can run over us day after day, all day long; and then say we must be on our best behavior? That is similar to invading our home and telling us not to shoot them. That is almost like robbing someone and telling them it is wrong to blow them away. This is almost like a war of attrition; while it lasts or can get away. Do the police want to be ran over by this human piece of trash day after day and then abide by the laws or treat them special? Do American citizens want to get attacked, day after day or even the remainder of their life, by this and have to abide by the laws when they throw their hands in the air or decide to stop? How do they come up with these rules?
The evidence is not in their favor but if and when there is enough evidence and pressure; we can consider otherwise. This is how they view us. That selfish psychopath and total loser wandering around and trying to stalk us or throw total lies to see what will stick or work. Anything alive or breathing is subject to their rules or how they see powerful human beings. We had warned, repeatedly, about penetrations in the Pentagon, CIA, and FBI by the liberals and the Democrats. Meanwhile, the leaks or the accurate account is coming from the same people on the Republican side. We had warned about the penetration or infiltration on the Republican side endlessly and a tangled web of ties and layers of who’s who. This abysmal behavior and public exposure to an animal, will not deliver any future to their greedy selfish blackened heart. How they view us and how they lack any respect for other human beings, has to do with how poor they are, how dumb they are, and how badly they will starve as a result of this. Oh they are going to stop now? Oh they decided they must leave and will leave? How kind of them. How kind of us, we have to live according to the laws when and if there is enough evidence and enough pressure to bring them to justice; yet they run us over daily and keep the home invasion-assault scam in full swing.
Can anybody see anything or everything? Can everybody tell they enjoy this game and enjoy this? Can everybody tell how difficult and how miserable their life has become? It is a yes or no, considers jail or not? If there is not enough pressure or evidence at this time; don't expect people to understand. Our knuckles are beginning to hurt and people are disgusted. It is almost second nature now. It is a standard; wake up do this and go to sleep, day after day. Still do not have the full picture, don't get it, or need to investigate us? Do not want to report the truth or what exactly happened? Ready to die and get the worst defeat of your life? The difference between us and them? We are everything their greedy heart’s desire as they wander in life transfixed by the normal and happy life of humans who have character and spirit. They only seek to destroy it or benefit somehow, but their abysmal behavior and character is always one step ahead of their lacking lifestyle. Now bitter and blackened, they are nowhere near what their greedy heart desires. The difference between us and them? They act and pretend they are the police, authority; we are. We will win this war and they will lose badly. How badly? Regrets? What did or will they die of exactly? The best thief and the best robber are going to win this? The best enemy will be victorious? The best terrorist will carry the torch? Who exactly is disconnected from reality? What is the truth? The best liar will remain supreme over all other?
Who is on seek and destroy? Who refuses to report the truth? Who is full of lies and a total bigot? Who is this lawless enemy? Broken jaw? Broken nose? Broken lip and teeth now? Is there anything left to break or are they ready to die? Not time for jail yet? Still? Is it really time for jail and time they consider jail? Is it time to be honest and a real human being? Is it time to become an American and live under the laws as God wrote them or intended them to be? Is it time they come in from the cold and end this measly game? In our residence, is not really an advantage; rapist, serial offender, repeat offender, or sex predator. What you see and hear can haunt you for life. What happens to you when you sneak into the residence of others; is not their fault. The injuries you succumb to refusing to leave or keep occupying our life, a kidnapping; is how phony you all are. Claiming to be assaulted while doing a home invasion; did not work already; a second time or second backup will fail again. Backup? Where is your backup or are they still sticking around, gone now? Yes please act like the police again and do another home invasion; then tell total lies about how we assaulted you. You are leaving a long paper trail and a lot of failure to follow your life story and who you were.
The first attempt to wage war on the office of hurricane and earthquake is an official failure. However, there is not enough evidence or pressure at this time to suggest otherwise. They remain persistent and determined and their crime spree, aging lawlessness, and damage amount continues to escalate. Who will pay and when will they be honest or accept accountability? Also, where is the end of this? Are they trying to piece it all together or conceal it so there is not enough evidence and pressure, media bias?
If we deliver the top twenty list; will the office of hurricane and earthquake level them or restore America? There is not enough evidence at this time, none. The full picture is not known or will ever be revealed. We will never get it, they will never get it. How do they report it? How do we report it? Do they even report it or how important this was? Are they too big to fail or will they be taken down, shut down, and eliminated? Will they get burned much worse than they are now? Will there be any survivors? These documents are a guide and a manual, the full picture. Steps are taken to deny and prevent abuse of power, abuse of facts, and systematic lying or deliberate attempts to sabotage the records. Read the manuals and the answers will be known or the full picture will be illuminated, transcended, and delivered similar to a blessing or religious arrival. Only they know if they will be earthquaked or hit by a hurricane; maybe lightning with strike them or they will meet God or someone watching them with anger? Then why is "we are sorry... we do not know what to do... we are going to die for this... everybody is crying?"
There is a difference when we tell them to leave and when they tell us. There is a big difference when we tell them to die and when they tell us. The big difference between us and them is very stark and has to do with how much though or effort they put into this or total failure. They spent more time with failure than actually winning. Dying prematurely is the result of people not doing the right thing. Doing the right thing has not hurt or killed anybody. Not doing the right thing and blaming, lying, or getting more burned; is death. This death was about those who did the right thing and those who completely refused to do the right thing and lied all the way to the end or was lawless, a career criminal. We know career criminals put ten times the effort and waste money on what is either impossible or illegal. Wasting their time on us is one of those fantasies and it is very upsetting; casing, stalking, one effort after the next, a selfish evil heart bastard, security in numbers, some communist phone inside our residence, 24 hours of encirclement and attacks, etc. How their selfish blackened bitter hearts see us and how we see them are two separate worlds, two planets.
None of them understand the reality. The reality is they got busted. The reality is they are as guilty as a human being can get or become. The reality is they are communists and they tried to play with fire. The reality is no matter what they do, they cannot win or take us out. The reality is that fire they play with has burned them badly and burnt them severely before. The reality is they keep dropping and rolling each time. The reality is that fire will burn them again and playing with fire is not very advisable. The reality is no matter what they say or do, nothing will change that reality. In our mind, they do not exist and we have spoken. When we speak, they must do. There is no gray area or what if. There still is not. This constant gamesmanship, stunts, tricks and lies; will get them burnt worse. They lie, cheat, and steal every single day; disconnected from reality, values, American values, America, and embody evil and communism; lawless criminals. Death is the result of not doing the right thing? Did they lie all the way to the grave or indicated they are career criminals? Who has the final answer? Is there enough pressure and enough evidence at this time?
It is clear they have put us in a very difficult situation, life, and position. We have had extreme combat to escape it or free ourselves. Now they are in a very difficult if not life ending predicament, not much left to their circle of failure and criminal life. When in life you are trapped and the end is near, do you do as told, as expected, fight your way out, or become a career criminal? We now know. They should know playing with fire will get them burned and has burned them badly. They should know playing with fire at this elevation and with kind of temperatures; will take away their fate. The fall itself will kill them. The kind of fire they play with is simply ridiculous but their followers and those in the line of fire now have the documented reports. The blame game or back at you-sticks to you; does not work at this elevation. Who in hell would toy or kidnap this powerful of a family? Who? Who in their right mind would blame or lie their way out? That evidence will clearly show who we caught and the kind of human being we were dealing with; now burnt beyond the point of recognition.
It begins with the top twenty list and creating a strategic hamlet. They will despise redistribution and trying to rob us, despise it with every bitter black heart they have born. They will despise the core values of America and despise truth, honesty, justice, and the American way; totally despise it. That is who they are and how they got here. Even if they still try to take us out or do take us out; we have spoken. Is that clear and the reality enough? Talking to us will only make us hack-happy; more likely to swing a machete. It just won't change the reality or stop them from getting burned again. It won't change anything or stop anything, not at all. It will make people more upset, angry, and demand retribution. They will know how mean, how blood-thirsty, how strong, how powerful, and how cruel we are in battle and combat. How dare them! You do not play with fire, this much, this high, and this long; and expect only a sunburn. I presume there is just not enough evidence or pressure. We will know when the burn marks or the body bags begin to arrive. Doing the right thing and telling the truth does not kill; refusing to will and does.
These debates and these paths are very important. These responses and this record is extremely important. The police know who they are up against. We know who they are. The public is scared of both sides or all sides. The bad guys appear to be winning because they refuse to consider jail and are on a rampage. Burned already and burned badly, they struggle to lift their hand up now. Here is the reality they just answered and must deal with. Here is why we ask how guilty can a human being become? How much can they lie, cheat, and steal their way out of this? How evil can they become before it all collapses? The world has never seen enemies like this or those who are burned this badly fight their way out of it. The world has never seen human beings on TV or radio; worse than the felons in jail or with life sentences. The world has never seen the power of America and the allied forces tested on this level or to this extreme. Someone or something is going to get burned badly or will not survive. The world has never seen human beings this guilty and this evil running loose or playing with their minds, all the way to the end. A complete refusal to do the right thing or pay damages. At least consider jail to prevent injury or harm to others.
That is the predicament they were in, are in, and now really are in. It is about cruelty. It is about honor in combat. It is about those who live and those who dies. It is about our existence and our future; who comes, who goes, and who stays. This is about a lot of things such as violating the rights of others and what they will do or how difficult they will make life or retaliate. Will they raise hell or unleash hell? Wither or not, will they crush their enemies or the bad guys in battle? Will the bad guys surrender or die honorably in battle? Will any side back down or know when to surrender or when enough is enough? There is just no evidence or pressure at this time to say with absolute certainty. Similar to Waco, will anybody walk away or will it all be a smoldering pileup? Nobody can recognize or identify the ashes? Play with fire on this level and the heat will be felt and the intensity will become unbearable. The heat will become so hot, nobody will survive or live. Apparently, they cannot piece it together and are not convinced. It is a tough sell. Death becomes those who lied about this or covered it up.
The question right now is very simple to understand. They refuse to consider jail and swear to the absence of evidence or pressure to convince them. Life is very lonely when there is no family. Life is lonely when there are no survivors. Life is lonely when your fate is stolen or gone. Life is very lonely when you are stuck or trapped with your enemies. Life is total hell when everything you want is stolen or there are no survivors. The walls close in and there is a blank look while the enemy smiles back and embraces you. All of it is gone now. Who will survive this and who will scrutinize the other, legally and illegally? Who will prevail and triumph? Who will loose everything, including their life, everything they worked for, their freedom, and not only their past but their entire future? Heat on the level we see here, is not survivable. That is the twist to the story and who we have exposed or are hunting down. There is no way to survive it, with certainty. Yet there is just not enough pressure or evidence at this time; still many loose ends, they still cannot piece the puzzle or the full picture together.
The difference between us and them? We are everything their greedy hearts desire as they wander in life transfixed by the normal and happy life of humans who have character and spirit. They only seek to destroy it or benefit somehow, but their abysmal behavior and character is always one step ahead of their lacking lifestyle. Now bitter and blackened, they are nowhere near what their greedy heart desires. The difference between us and them? They tell us to move and sneak up, insult, play this fantasy about how they are being hired or in love, etc... Then they set their hooks in and slowly demand we leave or move. I like to do things much simpler, easier and cheaper. When we tell them to move or leave; they might get 3 hours or less notice. When we tell them to leave they are leaving that night no questions asked. When we tell them to leave, they are not driving or calling the moving company. They can take upwards of six months, twelve months, even two years to evict, run us off, harass us, or run us out of town. It is an encirclement and it is intended to persuade us to vote for that monkey or another degenerate. All of them wander in life transfixed by the normal and happy life of humans who are real human beings. They rob, plunder, rape, loot, riot, and steal their way into our life; constantly looking in or trying to make our life deformed or empty as they are. It failed. How bad did it fail?
That is the difference when both sides says to move or leave. At most they will be running for their little measly life transfixed by the power and authority which gave them very little warning; that greedy little heart of theirs and how they see us as food or a ticket to a new life. In their case, they do not learn and it takes upwards of 20 warnings, to tell them to move or leave. Yet they scream this all day and 24 hours; sneaking around about how attractive they are and living that fantasy to the very ruined end. When we tell them to move, it is not what they do all day, night, in our window, when we go into public, or violating our rights. It is that night and what they have on their backs. It takes us a lot to get there, but it is getting there soon enough. Am I evil or do I know how to take care of business? Keep that in mind, when the time comes and they have to leave or move; it will be that night and with whatever is on their back, if that at all. If I were them, I would shut up and get the F out of my residence with the liberal accosting and verbal shouting around the clock. It does not work either and jeopardizes their own financial engines.
It is almost like an American car. Some people just despise them. Their abysmal behavior and endless search for money; is nothing more than a hijacking and siege; they are on attack. Sneaking around in our life and looking for money, with such abysmal behavior and ridiculous personality; shows how horrible they are and their life of crime. They expect others to love them and embrace them, regardless of how guilty they become. They still refuse to consider jail or the consequences and insist, in secrecy only, we got them into this or this is our fault. In actuality, we deserve and wanted to be victims in life or our life destroyed, to be kidnapped and in this position right now. They use jobs, power, and authority to shut people up or for ulterior motives and it just goes this way or that; in a myriad of lies and layers of deceit. Right before they are shut down, they decide it is time to leave but it has to be on their terms; no need to worry now. Ann is everything their greedy hearts desire as they wander in life transfixed by the normal and happy life of humans who have character and spirit. They only seek to destroy it or benefit somehow, but their abysmal behavior and character is always one step ahead of their lacking lifestyle. Now bitter and blackened, they are nowhere near what their greedy heart desires.
The murder plots were two fold. First it increases their salary and makes their profession, a lazy or easy job, look more difficult and talented. Second, it strikes fear or injury to the target. It makes them look stupid, incompentent, or paralyzes them. We see this paralysis right now and the attacks. We get the back and forth, the malice, how deliberate, and how they elminate people who threaten them or they fail to recruit. The terror plot is far more complex than just Israel, Middle East hot spot, or reversing the flow of water. Keep in mind they swim upstream. When the river works in their favor, life is not hell and they do not have to hide or pull this other planet we keep describing. They felt they won. They felt the evidence was so well hidden, nobody knew, not even us. He even tried to kill his family. They called the police on him repeatedly. They even said he was mentally ill because so many doctors wrote crazy stuff or told his family this, why would the police lie? He is emmotionally disturbed and a troubled child, mentally ill and needs medication for life. How do you explain it when the truth arrives? Not enough evidence or pressure yet? How many dead people and body count? What if we saw all of this and who did it? What is to become of us?
Everybody saw this. This was how they got busted again, and again. They felt it was clear sailing and a lover's quarrel up until the top twenty list, then all of them hit the panic button and went into the armagheddon mindset. Check the records and the timing. They try to make it look like we are drive-by's. I do hit and runs. I refuse to slow down or obey. I run yellow lights and avoid warnings. What is the truth? The truth was they almost killed me with the sleeping at the wheel attack. There are many ways to compel people to fall asleep, as I kept telling Ann long ago. I knew they were doing it but could not tell when they would strike or hit. How do they deny that? Sure a sticky pedal is easier; or a floor mat problem; however, sleeping at the wheel is totally incopetent and pushing the limits as usual. Who are you dealing with? Look at the police reports or false police reports, the paper trail. It leads to the sleeping at the wheel. Decades of attacks by the police led up to a formal report indicating death. How do you explain it when the truth arrives? Not enough evidence or pressure yet? How many dead people and body count? What if we saw all of this and who did it? What is to become of us? Does it begin to feel like I live in a bubble and wandered out of the safe zone?
Limbaugh said we were liberals day and night. He went to powerful Republicans and said we were Democrats; meanwhile, they did all of this. They still do it to this day, inside our residence. Decades of attacks and false reports, led here. It led to an investigator or someone looking at the accident scene; what happened here? Why? He was fired from so many jobs. He could never settle down or keep a residence. He living a life as a black man. He had a black wife. He was lawless and hated the cops. He argued all the time with his family and even served in prison. In prison, he was in twenty fist fights; mostly with blacks and even Hell's Angels. Look at the grades he got; a slow death and decline. He started out with straight A's and was an honor student. Then he flunked everything, college was just not for him. He could not hold a job, find a niche in life, and ended up homeless, destitute, or a gay prostitute. His body indicated this, welts, rashes, marks all over; he did not take care of himself in life and his skin indicates this, also his teeth and hair. If he traded stocks, he lost everything. If he opened up an online business; he ripped everybody off and sold junk. The new items he sold, was constantly stolen by credit card fraud. This is and was in the record, reported very early on.
Even the police made no effort to vindicate anyone. Not them. Not us. Nobody. Then even if we dispute the tickets, we got punished twice as much or more. Labor union tactics or a clever blackman scam? A clever thief and robber? An inside job? They claimed I was out of control and refused to pay taxes. After all of that and all of these attacks; blame me or us? If this was a twenty year robbery and kidnapping; they are guilty of all this and all of that. How guilty can a human being get or become? Why would someone say in public, he would hack them to death for who they are or what they have done? Would you hack them to death if they did this to you or your son? How about your daughter or wife? Could you find the strength to lift a machete and hack them to death and why? What if you are female? Could you save your life or your own family? Do you have the strength and power to survive this kind of attack or fight this amount of evil? We did and we won. But there is not enough pressure and evidence at this time; none. Only a lot of allegations. But if there is, we must follow procedures and file a formal complaint if we want to be paid. Their lawyers are unable to piece the case together, not all of it to give a proper defense. What do you suspect lurks outside of this "plantation" or safe zone? What kind of enemy or masked marauder?
What about my life aspirations? What about a girlfriend or even marriage? Did they consider this? How about my happiness or my dreams in life, maybe I wanted to start up a company or write some books. What if I wanted to become the President or rise to even higher levels? What if I was really a war hero and one of the best military personnel this world has ever laid eyes on? What if I could have gotten a movie actress or married a rich woman, became rich and had no life problems whatsoever, did they consider this? What did they consider and what did they evaluate before they step over the line and that invisible line then did it over and over for over two decades? Explain that to the world and to everything revealed, here and now. All of this for a black man? How insulting can this get or become? How is it possible the frequency and the evidence is so blatant? It feels, looks, and is reported as a set up or a fabricated crime scene, evidence is planted to look a certain way and feel a certain way. It even matches the suspects and what they were trying to do with the public.
I understand how people can be or how I can unlock their greedy hearts and abysmal desires. I have fought the worst of their kind and am now retired. It is similar to a bad car, things will only get better when and if you get rid of it. You want another brand and a better choice in life. Given the way it appears and how it ended or turned out, does anybody suspect this was a hate crime or do you suspect they just hate me and want me dead? Can we say the same for them? If so, then it makes perfect sense. Is there enough evidence or pressure to indicate this or any of this? They even had the nerve to try and evict us or run us off; after milking it for all it is worth. We have to go and we are the problem. The evidence indicates a bubble or safe zone. If and when someone wanders off that base, safe zone, or plantation; some form of negative punishment is made and the cover up is made to look like what these people are fighting such as the police, racists, getting fired, insecurity, terrorists, etc... it is also made to look and feel weak, an incompetent individual unknowingly wandered off and was eaten alive.
Something tells me these people are afraid of being parents and know they are failures at becoming parents. They are incompetent or have some idiot gene which induces tremendous fear in them. We know the idiot gene is out there and who has it. Who is scared of the idiot gene? Who is a total failure at being parents? Who is incompetent or some idiot when this is about being parents? I guess it is looking into the mirror? It is clear they have put us in a very difficult situation, life, and position. We have had extreme combat to escape it or free ourselves. Yes but then what? What do you want out of life? What do you want to look back and remember? What do you want the record to reflect? Lies? Dishonesty? Incompetence? Does doing the right thing lead to tragedy or unhappiness?
Well, all is gone now. Who will survive and who will be stuck with whom? Trust, defined by who is standing last. Who hates who. You cannot bring back fate. You cannot return time or space. You have to get in your car and drive to it or be there. One step and it can be gone. The lazy ass who refuses to get in their car or is so arrogant, they only cry, make excuses, or are a total mess; is why. Life is very lonely when there is no family. Life is lonely when there are no survivors. Life is lonely when your fate is stolen or gone. Life is very lonely when you are stuck or trapped with your enemies. Life is total hell when everything you want is stolen or there are no survivors. The walls close in and there is a blank look while the enemy smiles back and embraces you. All of it is gone now. It has been imposed back on those who took it and robbed it. But survival and even if the entire compound is burnt to the ground, walking away and cherishing what you have left; is not the reality. Why? Blame your way out of it? Who has the final answer? Is there enough pressure and enough evidence at this time?
Ann should know playing with fire will get them burned and has burned them badly. They should know playing with fire at this elevation and with kind of temperatures; will take away their fate. The fall itself will kill them. The kind of fire they play with is simply ridiculous but their followers and those in the line of fire now have the documented reports. The blame game or back at you-sticks to you; does not work at this elevation. Ann is on the edge. She has taken fate to it's limit; and at this elevation, it will fade or disappear. Nobody and I mean nobody likes these types. The yelling and screaming is back and forth. It is just endless chaos and total confusion. Looking back and looking forward is two different realities. There are a lot of problems with Ann, too much, but she is just too lazy and stubborn to realize it. It is the idiot gene we despise and see time and again. She did win the war against all of them; just nothing to return to and has to start over. Did she screw up your life too? Is a refusal to do the right thing, going to kill anybody?
Dear Ann Coulter: you are not going to begin life as a new baby or a spanking new infant. Everybody knows what you are doing and why. You cannot erase the past or your own genetics. It might make you feel better and it might make me totally sick or even more confident. People may look at me differently or report things, as an audience, that does not touch your pocketbook or rock star life. Okay we have figured this out. I am totally sick now. I struggle in life. I have plans that grow older. My car needs to be fixed and I am always having to find new benefits. How do you do it? How do you live with yourself? Do you only want to be my boss and erase evidence of chasing cocks? Am I your new dinner companion? What I always dreamed of. Are you this incompetent and this dumb? You mean to tell me you cannot figure this out or know, your existence is this bad or this stupid? Maybe this is about race and not about politics? Maybe this is about something else and not communism or the Democratic Party USA. Your reality is total insanity and you have so much lacking, including direction in life. Some people who buy American cars, will never buy one again. Some people will swear by them and others won't even waste their time.
Are they going to get it or take it back? Are they going to win? You seem to think so Ann. On your watch and on your guard; good job. I need things to go well. I need the help of the office of hurricane and earthquakes. I need my money and life back; all of it is hijacked. Thank you for all of this Ann, but... and that is a big but... you are not a new infant. The evidence indicates you won't be in my future. We know you anger them. You made that clear already. Stop milking this for all it is worth Ann. There is not enough time, evidence, or pressure. Nobody knows what is going on. They refuse to consider jail or tell the truth. How do we win this war and what must they do too win it? Trust me, they are dead serious. They have refused to consider jail or pay two billion in damages, a measly sum compared to how guilty they are. These men are in boner land, not thinking clearly. You patriots and females are the only people I know reborn weekly, it is amazing how you do it. How their selfish crazed blackened bitter hearts see us and how we see them are two separate worlds, two planets.
About this race and idiot gene. I am not sure if it is you or all women, but it is very annoying and dumb. Incompetent? Anger people? Jump in the way? Only want to meet me? Only want to say hi or talk to me? Yes more and more of the same. This is total insanity. Why are any of you calling me or jumping in front of me? Why? Repitition means... repitition is about... My problems right now are tremendous, need to read about them? I need the top twenty list and I need the cooperation of the office of hurricane and earthquakes; do you think this is helping or hurting? Why in hell are you constantly doing this, why? Stop coddling them or saying-doing the same thing; it is really counter-productive. We know and see the idiot gene. We have hell now because of the idiot gene. It is the curse of the idiot gene and church. It is the party of the idiot gene, but they look good and so do you. Who the idiot gene in America. A bunch of weirdoes running around America acting like they are running people off or an invasion force? If you do the right thing, how will life judge you?
You have won. You did win this, idiot gene or not. I see it is very feminine, very sexual, and very incompetent or totally insane. I see their men as totally insane and a butt boy, the idiot gene. Why are royals bombarded with the idiot gene or the army of the damned? More idiots and buffoons who look spectacular? Total insanity and boner muffins. Do you have the fat-slob gene or the homeless stench gene also? What does the evidence say? It says you lost the war but won the battle. It says I lost the battle and won the war. Stop milking this for all it is worth Ann. There is not enough time, evidence, or pressure. Nobody knows what is going on. They refuse to consider jail or tell the truth. How do we win this war and what must they do too win it? Trust me, they are dead serious. They have refused to consider jail or pay two billion in damages, a measly sum compared to how guilty they are. I have never seen people reborn on a weekly basis. God Bless America. These people live without reality and are total insanity; worse, they have so much lacking, including direction in life. Clearly, they panic with the truth, are disconnected from reality, wish to rob us, are totally phony, and are tongue tied. Damn slammed by earthquakes and hurricanes again and again.
Ann, your problem is very easy to understand. It is your mouth. It is your personality. It is your cruelty and lack of human characteristics. It is your flaws and how you personify them or impose them on others. You actually feel you cannot be fired. You got me and a lot of people in this mess, to no end. You think life is unfair and this is unfair. The worst part is you did and tried to piss me off, over and over, with the idea you cannot be fired or war would not be waged on you. You are some kind of a blacksheep or screwball. I will sit there all calm and quiet and then your mouth will say something so off the wall, I have to ask what the hell is wrong with you. You cannot live in one existence. You go from one existence to another, sometimes uncontrollably or not aware of it. I am seeking the death penalty for all of them; bring me their top twenty strongholds. Exactly who is mentally ill and keeps on making errors? Who is in control and knows what they are doing? Who refuses to tell the truth and wants to die? Is this or was it about doing the right thing or a refusal to?
Do your people have any direction in life or any aspirations? Do you all have a reality? Maybe you coddle them, are too guilty or full of guilty, in denial, too incompetent, too mean or full of spite, and you deny chasing cocks. You deleted all evidence of chasing cocks. Maybe you are a horrible person but you erased all of the evidence or are just too mean to change or fess up? Maybe it is more severe or more to it; how many pages do I have to write? I am a perfectionist. You are too flawed. You do not want or ever get it right, never. You act like you are a changed person and had enough of this, finally. That is how it repeats. Hey, they do it also and all day long; it has been over twenty F'in years of this. What is wrong with you all? Hmm, I am not sure and do not know. They continue to case us and spy, as guilty as they are or were. They want to F with a real minority in his ghetto world, then come and get it. We ready. Who the idiot gene in America. A bunch of weirdoes running around America acting like they are running people off or an invasion force? Who has the final answer? Is there enough pressure and enough evidence at this time?
You honestly anger people, knowingly or not. An act or pretend, even a lack of reality or for ratings. You say things that either make no sense, is coded, has to be emailed to all your friends and drinking buddies, and you seem very far from a normal person or capable of life itself. I am at odds and have given up on your stupid acts and stunts. Surely, you can figure this out. Claiming to be bitter is not a proper excuse and an act or not; it is ridiculous. We know there are major problems with you. We know there are major problems with them. We know you are all very frustrated. Here is the reality. You have severe life problems and you, them, and all of you are constantly in the way or getting in the way. Talking to people in their residence. Going on the media constantly. Breaking the laws or not even considering the rights or the peace of other people. What now reborn again? Can you not do the right thing and then do the right things later in life?
Worse, you do this with me and I have fired your repeatedly. There is something about you and who you are that is so negative you hide it or duplicate in mass quantity or repetition. The arrogance and ignorance level in this game to offend the other; whose who, is total ruin. If they do not want war, do not talk to us. Yes it does bother or anger us. War and retaliation has arrived; they refuse to consider jail. Their problems with Ann Coulter is between them and Ann Coulter. The evidence clearly indicates you will not be in my future. Stop milking this for all it is worth Ann. There is not enough time, evidence, or pressure. Nobody knows what is going on. They refuse to consider jail or tell the truth. How do we win this war and what must they do too win it? Trust me, they are dead serious. They have refused to consider jail or pay two billion in damages, a measly sum compared to how guilty they are. Is this about doing the right thing or refusing to? What is anger? How did we get here?
As usual, we get the crying, begging, and repetition while this is in total paralysis. I am trying to move on and get another female, a real human being who knows or understands the problem. Just because I am responsible for your success and am on the road to fame or wealth; does not include you or really is your business. If you want to pal around and play this game; then it can also be your problem. I am fed up with this and I have told you in at least 50 pages what your proress or problem is. In the end, your grades are so poor and your progress is horrendous. Look at all the Republicans prospering and all the people who see me as the portal to their future and their success. At most you were in the way and you paralyzed my pocketbook; you did it, they did it, all of you did it. Reality? Truth? Stubborn? Win all the time? Spoiled or a brat? Incompetent or just full of hate and spite? This is our ghetto and our world. This is our life. They want to F with a real minority in his ghetto world, then come and get it. We ready. Eventually, the survivors will ask how it got this way or how it ended this way.
There is your progress report and another page, another page. It is almost like killing someone, you are guilty and grief stricken; but so artificial and people do feel a little sorry for you. Mistakes? What mistakes are you talking about? You are very savvy and look terrific at your age. Maybe it is more severe or more to it; how many pages do I have to write? I am a perfectionist. You are too flawed. You do not want or ever get it right, never. Stop milking this for all it is worth Ann. There is not enough time, evidence, or pressure. Nobody knows what is going on. They refuse to consider jail or tell the truth. How do we win this war and what must they do too win it? Trust me, they are dead serious. They have refused to consider jail or pay two billion in damages, a measly sum compared to how guilty they are. Two billion compared to the damage they face, a meager reality. Someone, someday will ask how we got here and what they said.
All of these people are saying God Bless America and you sweep up all the candy on the floor while I starve and go through hell. To even knock on my door or explain yourself is a grand act of treachery. To delay and play this game with me also, is the ultimate act of a swine and a swindler. Finger pointing at each other and acting like a teacher; it has to end. It is time to consider jail. You tell me I have to get over it. They tell me I have to get over it. The betrayal is enormous. I am totally alone and you live life empty and act like a rock star. I do the work and you just mess everything up, sound familiar? Sound like them or the enemy? Wait until the Republicans get here? Where they at? Limbaugh-Hannity and those clowns we caught and trapped? Two billion compared to the damage they face, a meager reality. One of these days, someone will ask if Ann Coulter did the right thing or refused to; the survivors will live to tell the truth. Who has the final answer? Is there enough pressure and enough evidence at this time?
The Republicans are coming? The right wing is on the line? What, all of your forces are black or Jewish Ann. This idea your forces and buddies are doing some rescue or will be here is total insanity and more of this to no end; no F'in end whatsoever. I plan on walking away. I plan on having a nice, happy, and peaceful life with or without you. I make my own plans and do not need this or more of this. Regardless, your problems are so severe and your malfunction is so problematic; you do not seem to get it; none of you do. Goahead, do and say something completely ignorant and stupid again. Then again. Then again, what does the evidence indicate clearly and concisely? All of you are very foul human beings, very. They continue to case us and spy, as guilty as they are or were. Again, did her life revolve around doing the right thing or not? A refusal to do the right thing or tell the truth, all of these secrets? How their greedy measly blackened bitter hearts see us and how we see them are two separate worlds, two planets.
Family? Someone or something is going to get burned badly or will not survive. The world has never seen human beings this guilty and this evil running loose or playing with their minds, all the way to the end. A complete refusal to do the right thing or pay damages. At least consider jail to prevent injury or harm to others. Life is very lonely when there is no family. Life is lonely when there are no survivors. Life is lonely when your fate is stolen or gone. Life is very lonely when you are stuck or trapped with your enemies. Life is total hell when everything you want is stolen or there are no survivors. The walls close in and there is a blank look while the enemy smiles back and embraces you. All of it is gone now. Who will survive this and who will scrutinize the other, legally and illegally? Who will prevail and triumph? Who will loose everything, including their life, everything they worked for, their freedom, and not only their past but their entire future? How do you explain all of the anger if we know death is the result of not doing the right thing? How do you explain all of the secrets and unknown, if it is a refusal to tell the truth or do the right thing? Who has the final answer? Is there enough pressure and enough evidence at this time?
This total lie and scoundrel keeps declaring, "we do not know what to do... we want to die... sorry" as if there is no option and the trouble they are in is strictly with the allied forces. Does she and they know how many forces I have right now and how many are under my wing? How many are under my protection and leadership? Now add this up and do some math. If there is not enough pressure right now or not enough evidence; imagine how much explanation will be needed when people ask why the two billion was not paid and if they were so confused or trapped, why they did not consider jail. If we did or could earthquake them, even burn down their compound like the FBI typically does; imagine the act of a traitor to their own side and how much trouble they are in with our side and my forces. This is pioneer territory. This is why you cannot trust the Democrats and never could. These people are not even human beings. Imagine what their own people would like to do or say to them if they did consider jail and pay the damages. The pain and suffering caused to all sides is immense. Tune win this war they must?
We hear it each day when good news or our forces go on attack. Rush Limbaugh goes off into crazy totally whacked out mode; one of a madman and a serial killer caught but never will be taken alive the moment you ask them a logical coherent question. It is the act of a traitor, scoundrel, thief, and a selfish human piece of trash. They cannibalize their own forces. They think this homeless loser is this important and the stench is just disgusting. How much are they worth? A billion? Ten billion? One hundred billion? Ten trillion? They are worth ten trillion dollars ladies and gentlemen. That is a very big deal. My forces are so crazy right now about the level of failure before them. How can you deny it or feel so trapped. Mothers are so sick of war and we get this crazed homeless baglady? Too win this war they must? These men are in boner land, not thinking clearly. I am seeking the death penalty for all of them; bring me their top twenty strongholds. Exactly who is mentally ill and keeps on making errors? Who is in control and knows what they are doing? Who refuses to tell the truth and wants to die?
About this foreign policy problem, now I been fired and I cannot write it? We get more war from them just to elect them into office or for grandstanding and pulling strings? How evil and what a bad person. The question is how much they are worth and how much this will end up costing them. What did we lose? What did it cost us? What benefit did we get from this? Nothing. Absolutely nothing but a nightmare and a lot of cleaning up or starting over. We had to plead for our life and then we had to plead for damages or our life; hijacked and missing still. How guilty do they want to become or get? Do they know or even realize how confused the Russian are becoming? I was supposed to author the foreign policy, now look at it. I am not confused, am I? Should I step down or get attacked because I think so clearly? Two win this war they must? I am seeking the death penalty for all of them; bring me their top twenty strongholds. Exactly who is mentally ill and keeps on making errors? Who is in control and knows what they are doing? Who refuses to tell the truth and wants to die?
How do we describe or observe them? Read the evidence and the profile written years ago. I had to cap it at two billion; I hope they are worth at least two billion and not ten trillion or one hundred trillion. If we can or could earthquake and hurricane them; it is time and the time is now. If we can take away their future for the next ten, fifty, or one hundred years; inquiry minds want to know why they would not consider jail. Fire them quickly and turn them over. All of them and all of their files; every detail needed to make this right. Too much to ask for or too much suffering for them to consider? How about the loss of income, the jobs lost, and how we pleaded with them. Two billion compared to the damage they face, a meager reality. We gonna git it ohn! They better hope and pray this minority does not git a top twenty list; I am seeking the death penalty and have been. I am on hair-trigger mode now that they do not have enough evidence or pressure, the idiot gene in America. A bunch of weirdoes running around America acting like they are running people off or an invasion force?
Everybody heard it and even Romney pleaded with Obama. If they were the mafia, the mafia would cut them to pieces in less than twenty four hours. If this was a gang war, the gangs or the leaders would have an army after them tonight. Even hardcore criminals know when to surrender or stop; not these people. They can check the records for themselves and show the people who is behind this. The trouble they are in with us is only two billion and jail. The trouble with their own people, traitors to the cause and so counter-productive, total lies; was unbearable. They want to F with a real minority in his ghetto world, then come and get it. We ready. Two billion compared to the damage they face, a meager reality. We are the media now. Lat's git this ohn!
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- My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.