Dear Ann, Red Cross Dinner:
Ann, I have to ask and inquiry minds want to know. How is your drinking buddies or former boyfriends? Are the two of you enjoying a swim or maybe a little dinner companionship on a row boat? How was the Red Cross brown bag? How does it feel to get food stamps or public assistance; needing relief and supplies? You tell me. It has been how long for me? Yes, they do not do anything for you; and you only get them in more trouble. Who is in my residence trying to make a sex tape? All I have to say is to enjoy the Red Cross care package and a little wine in your multi-million dollar apartments. What comes around goes around.
The beer must be tasting great and you must be looking sweeter by the hour. What do I care about money or traitors who are spying or corporate raiders? What do I care about a gigantic church power or espionage traitors stealing jobs for their super church and the damned? What do I care for a spy ring in my residence who are liberals, illegals, or doing this under the guise of complete career criminals or illegality? You enjoy your friends and what they have done to both you and I. Now they claim we cannot live without them or their money, traitors.
Headline, "Ann Coulter Attends Red Cross Dinner in New York." Do you want to battle an espionage ring and communist enemy or share a Red Cross dinner with them? We are in seek and destroy now; do you wish to fight or battle the enemy?
Addendum Thursday, November 01, 2012
We know this is not official and the lies revolve around staff, police, press-media, legal defense, defense lawyers, and private industry. This powerful church who we caught and know everything about, know nothings, are traitors to America. The scope of your espionage at CIA, FBI, police agencies, DoD and various defense industries; clearly indicates your willful dereliction of duties. Moreover, it is beyond a traitor when you target and kidnap private businesses or citizens so you can steal their business, life, or strip them of their rights. We know your robbery and the scope of this illegal espionage.
Furthermore, we also know the character assassination, character destruction, and the ongoing effort to terrorize those for whom your powerful church has targeted or case. They are VIPs. They are perfect and have a beautiful life. They are invaluable and expensive. You want jobs. Your powerful church is looking for money and robbery is the what you know best. It is asynchronous of your career criminal profile and what kind of a thief you low lifers truly are. We call you monkeys and degenerates. This is where all of the jobs went, into your pit of hell and your pitiful existence; no less spying and targeting private and commercial industries you wish to investigate. Your powerful church wants control of jobs and wishes to put it into your coffers of total lies and total ruin; all debts now.
Conversely, do not sit there and tell me or the American public their businesses are gone due to foreign trade or foreigners. Do not tell me this is official when this espionage, intended to obstruct, oppress, and deny us of any rights; was never official, written, or just not enough evidence to convict you. This scam about not enough evidence and pressure is another layer and another one of the millions of lies, millions. A low life and always one, you seek now to park your ass by our side or occupy our residence; on different terms. Again, none of it is official. All of you claim to be Israeli spies.
This is what a traitor looks like. All of you claim we allowed you or invited you, there was no consent ever. It had been about sex tapes, prisoners, torture, and all of your goodies-lies. Now your low-life ass is seeking pity and following us around as if you see something you like or find loving now. All the sudden, you like what you see and are our friends. Invited into every aspect of our life and with such grand exclusive access. I call it espionage and commercial espionage, all illegal and unofficial. I call it a peeping tom and a sex predator who is very turned on or think we are very turned on. Apparently, your church enjoys penning us up but now it is for the glory and for the forgiveness. Low life or not, criminal or not, espionage or not, illegals or not, poor and destitute or not; it is one lie after the next, a cascade of deceit we are unable to turn off or stop.
Yes please do forgive yourself and then invite yourself back. Turned on yet? See anything you like or wish to have? How about throw your money around and pretend we are monkeys. This spying is completely illegal and so is stalking, robbing, harassing, casing, or doing home invasions. We know it is a mob of traitors stealing from the good and then somehow, the bad always ends up with the victory. The degenerates and low life, the poor; always get the jobs and the coffers goes to this powerful church. Need we say more? It is a death sentence and shutting you all down and shutting you up; is war.
Circumvent the laws using call girls is exactly what a traitor would do or has to do. It is what a clever criminal would do also. You call it a revolutionary turn-on. Even the cover-up or the effort to be our friend and partner got you in more trouble than you can imagine. It piles up and you praise each other the worse it gets. One day it is friends, the next it is masters. Your spy ring and illegal espionage continues on and on. If it is not praise then it is total lies and deceit. If it is not calm, then the fury and determination is skillfully hidden. What in hell do we want with it or a life of crime? All of you are cop killers and we know your capture is a death sentence. Welcome to reality and the truth. All of you think you are so smart or ahead of the curve; always bothering us.
What in hell do we want with your invasion of America and stupidity? This is the home of the free and the brave; not traitors without a cause. Bias? Now it is the home of the fascist and the traitors. We do not even know if you all are communist one day and then Nazis the next. One moment you are one, the next you magically both or sitting next to us. Remotely, your following and traitors take on two forms at once or have no gaps between who you are and who we are. How is this even possible?
Even if your self-defense is a bastard, the cover-up blows up or is scheduled for shutdown. That is the reality and that is the truth. The truth will kill you and it is a death sentence, you were right. The scope of your espionage and your evil is beyond criminal or comprehension; but you repeatedly and still insist it is legal, your home, or how we must leave if we dislike what you are doing, it is your money and your life. Casing us, trying to destroy us, keeping us as prisoners, and trying to justify it has not ended or will. Ever.
Nearing an end, now you are a friendly traitor in our home and a friendly business spy whose presence is hands off. You neither want money or wish to throw your money around; do you pay the bills or can prove this? You have become our staff by squatter rights? Nobody claimed us? What kind of a fool do you think we are? Forgiven, you all have become our staff, our friends, and free of expulsion. Do you want to look over our shoulders again and this time, like what you see? Do you only want to look over our shoulder or stick your hands down our pants? All of the above has been tried and your commercial or unofficial spy ring is targeted for termination and extermination.
How many times were they told to stop and to get the hell away from us before this get's worse? How many? Blame it on the New Yorkers and their money now. We cannot live without them and need supplies and relief? Self defense? Their money? Their home? Who pays the bills here? Illegal? Leave and move? They were told long ago to consider jail and they launch an October Surprise? I want them evicted in 30 days; shut down totally. Begin and deliver the top twenty list; they want war and much more. This SOB has to be killed, totally illegal and career criminals. Who did this to them? They want to know who is big enough or wish to know more; so they can send Al Quads after us? F them and tell them to F off, get it? We will die without them? We cannot make it or survive without them? We cannot live without them or need relief and help, their help. They are coming to the rescue and was blocked? All total lies. Their police wants to know who took them out or put them in jail? What kind of insanity do we have here; they were ordered to stop, confess, pay damages, end this, and stay away from us. We are approaching total war with them now; total annihilation and war. The brink and their gamesmanship is dead! Who is worried? Who is this powerful and can shut them down? They get it and are pulling out?
Apparently this SOB has to be killed. They claim to be the police; however, this time it is about "not being able to live without each other." Furthermore, they want to know who is strong enough, well organized, rich enough, or so official to shut them down or remove them? Who can shove their face in their own lawless mess and slam them repeatedly. They are worried and want the answer. Until them, we cannot live without them, we need supplies and relief, this was self defense, they are witnesses and want the answer, and they get it or know the most now. They need to know who is powerful enough to wage war on big brother or defeat them with so little effort and attention. This story has changed now and it is still illegal and they are still totally insane; but we cannot live without them, survive without them, and are well fed and taken care of. How totally insane. I think it is a way to come to America and terrorize Americans. They do not believe or "get it" when it involves individual rights or the Bill of Rights. This is still a fight to the death and X cannot live without the other; a fight to the death. Thanks a lot for getting me in this mess Ann!
Transcript of Tuesday, October 31, 2012 - October Surprise, Big Brother, Who Cares or Gives a Damn - Rescue Please! Who Needs Who? The Problem is Big Brother and A Very Powerful Church; Get It Now? Pulling Out? Shut Down? Need Supplies and Relief?
They claim we are trying to terrorize them for no reason and doing this all in vain. They claim their actions are self defense and we are or had been "well fed and safe." We are not blacks and their playbook for minorities has to be rewritten. This church and the damned are seeking answers or waging war; they do not get it or understand. If they do, they do not want this to end. An October Surprise was launched on me months ago. We did not know who was behind it or why; ignored it and gave them repeated warnings. They ignored the warnings and this was totally illegal again. They claim they are acting in self defense, we need them, and we are well fed or doing well. Bring the top twenty list and get Big Bother know they have been shut down and expelled. This has to end. This is lawless. We need a check (2 billion) and they need to go to jail or at least consider it. I am not F'in Moliere and cannot spend my entire life writing letters to them or Big Brother. Look at what they have done. They come to America and now they get it and are pulling out. This is about who is shutting down. Who needs supplies and relief.
The October Surprise: Oh wow, it has not ended. They are now Republicans. We need them. They do not need us? This was about us being well fed, not doing well, and need supplies or relief. They are our go-to people, totally illegal. This is about a very illegal big bother. Who needs who or else they will die and get shut down? Joined at the hip again, it is completely insane or total insanity. It is about degenerates now. Who needs who now? We do not give a damn and should not worry about who is in our life, that bad. It is big brother again; a marriage of power. Total psychopath and deranged human being. They know we are sick of them and this is totally illegal. We have complained vehemently and our effort to remove them from our life or escape some trap where degenerates and the dead are seeking compliance, deeper debts and deeper involvements. We become more tangled and it is a tangled mess as they set hooks in our life and add more layers. It arrives via Glen Beck.
It has to do with employers and trust. It has to do with intrusion or illegal activity, literally spying on us or big brother. This church is extremely powerful and an extremely intrusive problem. They claim to be experts or security also. Things get worse. My life is still not whole. We are attached to them; a double existence. They are everywhere and struggling. These people do not believe in individual rights; we cannot be independent or make it on their own; this is why they manage our accounts. A manager or some powerful church who wants to be in our life, demand inclusion, or wishes marriage. It is not the labor unions anymore. It is degenerates. It is a different problem. Limbaugh said they were pulling out but the damages were never paid or even addressed. I am not F'in Moliere and cannot spend my entire life writing letters to them or Big Brother. Look at what they have done. They come to America and now they get it and are pulling out. This is about who is shutting down. Who needs supplies and relief.
1. Beck says we need them. We "cannot make it on our own." He is speaking on behalf of this powerful church and this operation. He says, "they cannot make it on their own." This is why every single turn in life is met with protest, demands, or this powerful wall; to either block us or obstruct. It is total paralysis and they are coordinating and managing our life.
2. They claim this is about money. We are refusing it. I do not want food aid, food stamps, welfare, supplies, etc... They are managing our accounts. They are the people who evict and this is about money or who is more powerful. It is about "cannot make it on his own." I continuously report people sneaking around in my life in the most illegal manner and even intrusion, in my life and constantly trying to manage our life. Asian or Caucasian, they feel we cannot live or exist on our own. It is total insanity and it is leading to one chase, pursuit, and escape or evasion methods being deployed. This is no game.
3. Beck (like all of them) says he "won't tell anyone" and to "just leave him alone." Apparently they get it now and are pulling out. This is "how they destroy people." They will go where no human being will and walk on shells when no others will. They will be our leaders and will go where the police refuse to.
This is not about what is illegal or not. Beck claims it is about giving. Illegal activity or not, this management we complain about is about giving or giving back. It has caused tremendous financial hardships and led to a two billion dollar lawsuit and Israeli spies or espionage spy rings. This kind of espionage is completely illegal, illegal activity is not welcome even if consent is given. In this case, no consent was ever given and we demand two billion. Yet they claim it is about money now and they are employers. We need them. We need each other. This is what will happen or can happen when they wander into the right wing or the Republican Party, an Osterman Weekend. They are lurking and creepy people making an intrusion in our life and they are extremely intrusive, illegal. Moliere was sentenced to death for the same opposition and complaints. It is so bad we need them. They claim they are handling the changeover; handling everything over to us. Either we need them or we die, independently. This is their October Surprise.
We know this is about their army. The message is "they are well fed and safe." It is not about individual rights or independence. It is a church. Limbaugh said this about his Caribbean forces. They see us as their Caribbean force. Limbaugh is trying to manipulate my political and complaints to "I could give a damn who is in my life right now, it is that bad." Beck said we cannot make it without them, something else in our life or sharing our life; big brother. If I was Moliere, is it a murder plot also? Beck says we are a spokesman for Romney and thus, they are welcomed and it is their money.
This now has turned into being spokesman for the right wing. They are everywhere and totally illegal. We need them, they are not being shut down or put back in the genie bottle. Now we are well fed and doing well, but it is still totally illegal. They do not get it but keep saying they will "pull out." Crazed or obsessed people? Big brother a little too persistent or intrusive? Now it is so bad, we do not give a damn who is pulling the strings or making demands. They get it and they are pulling out? Really? I am not F'in Moliere and cannot spend my entire life writing letters to them or Big Brother. Look at what they have done. They come to America and now they get it and are pulling out. This is about who is shutting down. Who needs supplies and relief.
The second October Surprise in 2012 is about big brother and how they are suppressing our lawsuit or complaints. This is about how much they know, how much we need them, how they put thoughts in our mind, how they pull strings, how those strings are attached to money, how they get it now, how they are big brother, how we cannot do anything without them, how we are dependent on their approval, how we cannot survive without them, how powerful they are or civilized, how we are well fed and doing well, how scared we are or how we are one step from the grave, how they are interviewing us and catering our needs, and how completely insane and annoying they truly are; utterly illegal. This was about how they destroy us and how they can suppress the situation or suppress any comers. Even if they trample on the rights of other Americans, they can suppress any justice or damage claims. Who will be shut down and who will destroy the other? Who will die without the other or who can wait it out? Who are the leaders and hold the strings to the money? They get it now and are pulling out.
Transcript of Tuesday, October 30, 2012 - Post Sandy or The Day After
1. Mark Levin wants to thank the first responders who came to the aid of the people in the line of fire, all of them. He said they are "done." He said people have no idea how bad this will hurt their finances or financial future.
2. Mark Levin tells us why people cannot tell who he is unless he is trapped or was caught along with Limbaugh and Hannity. Levin says people cannot read him or even knows who he is because he is "an investor." The use of money hides all of their identity. As I said, if you did not know who he was; you would never believe he was a total phony or a communist spy. He does not admit to being a communist spy, neither does Limbaugh or Hannity, he will only admit to being a buyer or an investor. I am not sure if he is more evasive than Hannity; but I have seen the two of them in action and know, beyond a doubt, they are communist spies and it is all total lies. You would think he and all of them were Ronald Reagan if you had not seen their dossier. He only sees results and profits; nothing else, totally blind.
3. Mark Levin says he knows this stuff inside out because he repeats it from us. He is convinced of it and convinced who will win, who will be kicked out, who will be fired, and who will leave. He is not either or, he is only an investor, the question mark. Our records show he is so guilty; it pisses him off. Investors do not worry about the laws or fine details; they want winners. Ahead of the curve, he feels they won already; too big to fail. He wanted me to make something of degenerates or what he called the army of the damned (armed rebellion or revolutionaries).
Transcript of Tuesday, October 30, 2012 - Post Sandy or The Day After
1. Hannity admits they did this to my father back in the 1970s and 1980s after the Vietnam War. They admit they did this to the Vietnam Generals and those behind the relocation to the DC-VA area. Who has the entire files and our dossier? Who knows all about who they are and what they are up to? Who trapped them finally and knows all about them? Did we make an effort to bring them to justice? Really?
2. Hannity admits they are losing their minds and claims we are trying to "kill him" or did this or that to them. We did this to them? They did not do this to themselves? They did not refuse to tell the truth, got busted, or refused flat out to consider jail? Who did this to who? What is this scam about? Who did this to these people? More debt? More digging? More lies? More failure? More insanity? Is this why we talk to him this way, they are our attackers and communist enemies?
3. Hannity is totally insane. He talks almost like a member of the family or some surrogate parent. Did they chase away the Protestants or the Presbyterians? This is the first time at kidnapping and they found out, learned the most, they are not eligible? Did they target them and claim a squatter "fired" them? Hannity does this to me also; does it to Ann Coulter. He is not family and he is our enemy and attacker. The disconnect in their mind is so pervasive they cite our faults or what we did to deserve this. What a deserving and such a caring person they are; and our serial killer attackers. Did we make an effort to bring them to justice or not? Truthfully? Really?
4. Hannity admits we have a perfect match. They did this to my family and father. They did this to the US Generals in Vietnam. They did this to US soldiers who came home from Vietnam. They did this to Ann Coulter; then claimed to be friends with either side and utilized phony spies or clones. We have a perfect match to the communists and radicals behind this; it goes back to the 1960s and a long entrenched communist spy ring or network. They were the attackers and see it much differently.
5. Hannity claims Hillary is going to be fired over Benghazi. Really Hannity? Biting off more than you can chew will not increase your fund raising events. Throwing your money in Florida or retirement communities, in the name of the drug wars; was abysmal. So much for their spy ring and financial superpower secret military.
6. Oliver North reveals he is an Israeli spy and is a surrogate for another Marine family at my high school, Chatman. Their mom is Arab. We or he is their handler or recruiter in Virginia? This implicates Bush and unlocks Iran. Nice people aren't they? North reveals they knew a world war was coming; but got it wrong in the 1980s. He is full of regrets. North says, "This guy just will not leave and we have to fire him."
Hannity knows their spy ring and network, all communist or Israeli spies; cannot possibly stay open after Sandy. Their financial sheets are already bankrupt and on life support; why they needed us to begin with. I wager 30 days before they are evicted or run out of supplies; even before the Republicans deliver a top twenty list. Odd part, they just did an October Surprise on me and imposed a new sanction, an eviction plot. Hannity's kids now know can read who their dad was, our attackers and getting raided because they refused to consider jail or tell the truth. They owed two billion dollars in damages. All that suffering and they still refuse to go to jail; they just wager with human trash and degenerates they care nothing for. The evidence is very clear and obvious. One more bayonet attack by this attacker? One last one before the top twenty list? Surprisingly, this is the first time his primitive mouth has not mentioned "terrorism" or "Israel." Hannity has a phony act and is not a sledge hammer to a mole or fly.
Transcript of Tuesday, October 30, 2012 - Post Sandy or The Day After, Counter-October Surprise
1. Rush said they are "pulling out now." It is too late to pull out. The virgin act is phony.
2. Rush said they "get it now." We do not agree at all. Not rank amateurs anymore?
3. Rush said they "know more than anybody else now." I totally disagree.
4. Rush said the "President cannot do anything about it." I totally disagree.
5. Rush said it is turning towards our corner or swinging towards Romney (Washington State).
6. Rush said "he has enough money now." I have no idea what in hell he is talking about.
7. Rush was hush-hush about the October Surprise and his new eviction plans. If you live by the sword, he knows they die by it; get it yet? He already knows the ending. All of them already know what their plans were, why do I have to repeat or replay them?
8. Rush also said they cannot start over in life and this is all they know how to do. They are ruined and do not know anything else but crime, corruption, terrorism, and abysmal behavior.
9. Rush says they are "not backing down" and are humbled now. Their church is in chaos and so is their finances. They are not happy at all. Rush knows about the October Surprise on me from October 1st to the 31st. The police were called about this.
All of you do not understand the rules of battle, combat, and the law. You cannot stick a bayonet in someone, run them over daily, and keep setting them up. Why? Because when they pull the knife out of their back or when they get upset; they may cut your heart out and you may not survive. Yelling at them to move on or what we have heard about not enough pressure or evidence; is going to make things ten times worse. Similar to a bull and a matador, the audience knows when the bull is hurt and how many little jabs it takes. Pulling out or shutting down your operations or plots is not going to help you now. We are in seek and destroy, it is far too late for lip service or last minute pull-outs. It was time to consider jail a long time ago and it was time to walk into an FBI office and sign the affadavits.
All we need is a signature and a check; whenever you are ready. I do not have to describe the ending, they already have it and know it because they are guilty of it. Keep in mind, they still did not remove the seal legal suits or the false-fabricated criminal charges. Not enough evidence or pressure? Not ready for jail or read to fix anything? I had no idea this church and these people were this abysmal and horrendous. Our friends and our lovers? Is this a F'in joke? Who is the dumbass here and why? Not enough evidence or pressure? Everybody know exactly what this case is about and they have the documents prepared. It has already been adjudicated behind closed doors; if you want an official one and want to petition the court, I highly suggest it.
The bayonets in me; it is too late, to pull it out or recover your weapons. I think you know if you stick a bayonet in me, it only pisses me off and I will cut your heart out, eat it, and decapitate who did it. At least I will try to bring them to justice first. He should know by now to stay away or leave us alone; but their malfunction is too extreme. They should know by now to consider jail and walk into an FBI office and sign the affadavits admitting guilt. There is just not enough evidence or pressure; this is not a total waste of our time. They really can see clear now. Who stuck a bayonet in whom? Why? Total lies? It is too late to pull out. It is too late to consider jail. There are more bayonet marks. The case sits there on a desk and the evidence only needs a signature and a check. Yes keep shutting the door on me or slamming it by throwing goodies out there. We will shut you down completely.
They continue to stick a bayonet in me and our forces. They claim they are the only people who care and rush to our aid. They place stipulations on this aid or assistance. They spy on us 24-7 illegally due to their links with Israeli spies. The military did this. The police did this. Now these companies do it. They are the wrong people and their church is evil and lawless. We demand they be shut down. They are not a rescue and demand or use illegal, cruel, and lawless methods to make us fit a mold, model, or their low standards. We find out it is a communist imprisonment and labor camp; an industrial complex for the dumbest, most radical, and totally crazy. They abuse their power and a paper trail is available.
The people who did this are now coming to our rescue, if there is any. They continue to sneak up on us for this trench warfare. We drive them back, they get slammed; then they come back again and again. This is the wrong people in our life. They are not a rescue, they are the people who did it. They claim the people who did this are on their way and coming, now Republicans who increased their coffers due to associations with Ann Coulter. We did not realize how powerful this church of communist and spies were; nor how much they penetrated. They are everywhere and integrated in every facet of society; encirclement of the good guys. They are the wrong people, the enemy.
Message from Rush Limbaugh: "They are well fed, alright and distrust the military now." Oh really, is that so. Of all the bayonets you stuck in my side, my stomach, and my arms; you want to try it again? Is that why they are in our life or this mission? It was the Catholics and the Democrats and Limbaugh said, "It is impossible to sue them now." Oh really, is that so. Tell us the obvious. This is what will happen when communist Republicans and Democrats wager and gamble with the lives of people they do not even give a damn about. I take it they enjoy being yelled at and pissing people off? Maybe? Make sure you have it in writing if it is true. I do not need a tangled mess or a massive web of deception to paralyze me or blind me. I have more than enough problems, even with Republicans. If it is true, then it will be in writing. Do they pay the F'in bills also? Wonderful. Please, step on a trip-wire or one of my boobytraps. Let me get my 44 magnum, can you all wait?
Dear Ann Coulter: Your Republicans are in my residence. I want you to address people such as Glen Beck, Neil Bortz, and all of them. You told me they are trying to spy on you, trade sex tapes, and film you. They must be very close to you. They also brought on Herman Cain and special people like Mark Steyn. If I complain, a female C--- says, "leave" and "go home" or "we don't like you." I told them to have it in writing and how fed I am with this trading sex tapes between friends, no pressure Neil said. Why is Israel trying to film you in a sex tape or sticking bayonets in me, terror or trench warfare? Sex tapes or friends invited only? They love and enjoy their women, blessed? What do I F'in care about Israel or why they are in my residence, it is completely illegal. Now it is about Israel and call girls? I did not know their church was this strong, this illegal, this clandestine, and this lawless or savage. Do they pay the bills too? Who cares if they are Republicans or Democrats; their church is this powerful and demanding?
What did I F'in tell you about this ex club or singles club Ann? Now Bortz tells me they are Israeli spies, relax. This is very healthy for you Ann, very. I enjoy mafia and Israeli spies filming me having sex or getting you in compromising situations, even raping you. Ann, I am fed up. We are in seek and destroy. This is illegal and draining my resources, piracy. Do they pay my bills or ever have? Is it on paper? Wonderful no pressure now because of you Ann. I will give you one chance on this one Ann, only one. I am not doing very well and having a very hard time in life. Why are they in my life or residence? What is this sex tape or passing illegal sex surveillance among friends, a singles club? Hot call girls and extremely expensive? There are children involved? What do they care if children are involved, the impact is tremendous.
Ann, tell me and put it in writing so they know and I do not have to guess or be in the dark. I am really pissed and fed up Ann. They should be worried about hurricanes hitting New York or New Jersey, not sex tapes. That is totally illegal, call girl ring or not. Bortz says the rules are in the way of their goals. Right. Are all of them guilty or just "no pressure?" This sex tape or trading intimate sexual between friends; why am I in the middle? This is illegal, how long is this going to go on? Bortz says it is Israel behind this, they are Israeli spies. Is this true? What did I say Ann? What did I tell you? They know this is illegal, they said "he does not even care about Israel." Wow. Go and F your own fat-ass wife. Do they know I am pissed? Do they know the impact on my own sex life or marriage? Do they? Who the F said I was an Israeli spy or a Jewish spy? Who the F did this? Is it in F'in writing? Oh throw their money around. Do all Israeli spies speak of Israel the same way North Koreans cry or worship their leaders? If so, I get it.
The FBI knows this is illegal. I sent an email about sex traps and how the mafia trade sex tapes of each other or illegal ones. How long will this keep going on Ann? What the F is their problem Ann? Why am I so F'in mad about this? I do not know who did this, they claim you did. You said it is about sex and illegal stalking or intrusion. Why am I in the middle? It is illegal, they do know this? I enjoy sharing my women or all the hordes of women I have bombarding me, yes I do. I do not enjoy sex predators in my residence or telling me I do not care about Israel. This is totally illegal and it has an impact on my sex life and marriage; friends or not. Your friends? This is wonderful, Israeli spies are now trying to film us having sex or join in; terrific. Please, do not stop at our expense or complaints. I hate to say it, but you all think Israel is North Korea and it is very uncomfortable. Weeping, shouting, pleading, and begging is not normal behavior and we Americans find it uncomfortable and illegal.
Is this why you are or have been fired Ann; a singles club? No sex tape yet? Just more bayonets in my side? Tell them, they will live much longer if they stop trying to be a smart ass with me or obtain this sex tape. Do they have any idea what kind of impact this is having on my life? F Israel and their spy network, it is totally illegal and a sex tape scam or a call girl ring. The FBI knows it is a call girl ring don't they? Also a sex tape ring? Consensual? Between friends? Trying to get a date or dinner? Your friends right? Totally illegal? You got fired for them Ann? Sex tape? So now it is about Israel and call girls? Now Jews are trying to steal sex tapes or naked pictures, wonderful. No worries. No pressure. Only one bayonet after the next. They should be worried about hurricanes hitting New York or New Jersey, not sex tapes. That is totally illegal, call girl ring or not. Bortz says the rules are in the way of their goals. Right.
Exactly who the F do these people think they are? DoD or GoD? This is what happens when we ask them to consider jail before we have to engage in seek and destroy. I guess they are no longer in this mission and do not trust the military. I have a great idea, GET YOUR F'IN ASS OUT OF OUR LIFE AND RESIDENCE! GET YOUR F'IN HANDS OFF US AND OUR MISSION. WHY THE F DON'T YOU SHUT UP AND PAY THE DAMAGES BEFORE THERE IS ENOUGH EVIDENCE AND PRESSURE. WHY DON'T YOU STOP F'IN OFF AND STOP STICKING A BAYONET IN ME, THEN SAYING SORRY! IF WE WERE AT WAR AND YOU STICK A BAYONET IN ME, MY LAST ACT WOULD BE TO DECAPITATE YOU AND CUT YOUR HEART OUT, WHILE YOU ARE ALIVE AND SMILING.
Dear Rush Limbaugh (Hurricane Steering Wheel): I am really surprised you did not make one comment about any hurricane steering wheel. I was expecting, "He lives in squalor and that is why it is so far north. He does not have enough money to get it fixed or have someone to take a look at it." That is the bottom line, I cannot fix my car. How in hell would I or could I fix a hurricane steering machine? I would have to make a new wheel or get it calibrated somehow. I think it may have gotten lost or misplaced. This is what can happen when and if you rob us or deny us what is rightfully ours. Things go unfixed. It rusts up. It cannot be oiled or be a well oiled machine. Things run down and accidents happen. I can't fix it or have a mechanic calibrate the wheel. Maybe it steam-rolled Hannity or even Levin? Let's pray. Amen. You cannot bayonet a poor man with a hurricane steering wheel. You just cannot go into the OHE and pick a fight when and if you want to; we are poor and cannot fix anything, anything. Who will pay to fix this or our equipment? Who will pay for this? This is what can happen when you tinker with our equipment.
Has he seen my car or what they did to it? How about some sympathy for my convertible? Huh? How about some love for the vandalism and all of the broken items? Good job Limbaugh, you all took out your own home. It is like a blind man driving; left is right and right is left. You want us to drive a rust bucket. You want me to fall asleep at the wheel. You want me to be humiliated because I cannot even afford to fix a hurricane steering wheel or buy a new one; a chrome one; or one with a knob. You F'er; I hope it was an out of control train and steamed over Hannity's home. That IRA terrorist may learn a thing or two. I am glorified and jubilant we got a few moose-limbs. We were hunting moose-limbs and it is okay no matter what happens. It is really scary. The more impoverished and poor I get, the more I cannot pay the rent; more less likely I can fix a hurricane steering wheel or buy a new one. It is dangerous if I cannot get it tuned, oiled, or even buy new parts. Look at my car, it just sits there looking good. Who the hell is going to pay for these fixes? You can't pen us up or put a sanction on our life. Things break and our equipment has to be fixed now. How about some love for my car and all of the vandalism or damage?
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Tuesday, October 30, 2012
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- My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.
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