I did not watch the third Presidential Debate and was only looking for clues or a simple yes or no. I heard the debates from the talk shows and from the teachings of almighty L. Rush Haru. I have no idea what the two candidates were talking about or where they were going with this, no less where the country is headed. However, this is what I got from the third Presidential Debates on Monday 10/22/2012 in Boca Raton, Florida:
Obama has been voted off the island and so has his people. It was a yes or no question, there was no yes or no answer. What we got was the usual, 9 out of 10 insubordination or total AWOL. We got him finally and it is verified. 80% of his people have no future presently, they are in last place across the board, they put the Republicans and everybody on their death bed. He is rambling about how much they love us, how they are the best when it came to sanctions, they want to kill in our name and are behind these string pulling, and everything we saw. They saw this, they did that, it was all total lies and cover up. The truth is they put everybody on their deathbed and all of us are now on that deathbed. Everybody in the world is scared of allied military power, not these people, they are special and they run it. They pull all the strings. There is not enough evidence or pressure to suggest otherwise. I can see their women and children crying, just not enough evidence and pressure yet. I can see them in the line of fire and why.
This clever criminal is casing us very carefully. They see the use of terrorism and how they can benefit. They got it very wrong. Nobody likes them and this is why they never get supplies, reinforcements, supplies, or the blessings of God. Look at the deliveries now. Look at who they choose for their leadership or for these deliveries. These deliveries. His forces are in my life, in the most lawless manner. His forces are the people in my residence and who is behind all of these so call sanctions; it is not, it is over 150 felony charges and it has been determined by an official judge, they are guilty as charged. We have our man. This is how they show their respect and understanding of the Republicans. Here is some advice, go and bother the Romney family, stop bothering me. Are their hands bandaged up for any reason? Does anybody think they benefited from this, at all? Double down? Full court press? When you are ordered to surrender, consider jail, pay damages, and guiltless doom; do not scaream back "We won't be taken alive, F you, There is not enough evidence or pressure yet, We are the Police, We are in Control, etc..."
They only seek followers and are sneaking around with very illegal murder plots or attacks. They claim it is an interview. So this is who they are and how they do business. We are taken to the brink by the communists, totally insane and total lies. I am glad they recognize danger. This is very typical of the black leadership and most of all the Democratic Party leadership, it is so annoying. Of all the people in the world scared of the Americans and the Vietnamese, only the blacks are not? They run the allied military. They are embedded in their residences. They are even our wives and mistresses. They are right there with the action. They do not fear the law or law enforcement, not even the military; they get jobs from them and are the best soldiers? Fire when ready or just earthquake and hurricane if we can? There is a right and a wrong way, this is the wrong way; how wrong?
For people in last place, they insult our intelligence and our existence as human beings. It is not time for jail and they do not have enough evidence or pressure at this time? If the records and his people ever can read, they will have the truth and an accurate record, it came down to a yes or no and it was never delivered; they refused to consider jail. We are not a rock to hide under, what in hell is he talking about; a rock to hide under? They do not see enough pressure or evidence at this time to consider jail or lifting up the rock to smash this? I consider that an act of war. We have spoken and Obama has spoken for his people. They claim we put them on the run and they hope we act appropriately as they claim diplomatic immunity. Fair. He claims they do not see enough evidence to decide at this time but will negotiate in the future. He won't be around for these negotiations, it is closed. It has been shut down. This is how they show their respect and understanding of the Asians. Fire when ready? Why are they in the line of fire?
Their fate is sealed. Enough is enough. Everybody is on their deathbed, fire only if we have to? They are placing their bets, that is how the world works? They were insubordinate 9 out of 10 times and we have nothing in common with any of his forces or administration, constantly chasing them out of our residence or accounts. They still do not get it. We finally got our man. Keep in mind, this is a man whose people are in last place across the board, no way of even winning. He put us on our deathbed and he put the entire Republican Party in cahoots and their deathbed. They chose no. They will not consider jail and feel their sanctions will be in place, they are the best at it, and they love us the most; totally insane and one crazed enemy of a human being. They refuse to consider jail but said if enough evidence and pressure is put on them; they will consider it and feel we must act appropriately and keep our word, what word? We are not a rock to hide under, period. The record is clear, it was an act of war and still is. This is how they show their respect and understanding of the Superpowers.
Are you filming this? Even the Republicans know they busted them. Obama and his forces are guilty. They want to protect their church and will do bad things just to protect it; but end up in last place. Way too aggressive and in no position to brag, he and his criminal forces (communist and terrorists) only wish to show off or grandstand to the Asians and now the world using a rock to hide under. We are not that rock and never was. We did not fall for any of the tricks or stupidity; we put them on their deathbed and everybody watched as they put America and the Republicans on their deathbed. I was always on it and ready for this deathbed; but I coordinated the raid and this is why they are trapped. Obama is guilty. Romney knows this and is pleading with him. He says they cannot go back and have no choice, the choice is to consider jail and be normal healthy citizens. The choice is to consider jail, finally. Closure. Obama says right now the pressure and the evidence is not there, but when and if it is, he expects us to act according to the laws. How convenient and how fitting. Now we are expected to be transparent and civilized.
This is America. This is not Communist Central USA. This is not planet zero where hell froze over. There are standards and expectations. There is reputation and respect, honesty. The choice was to live up to the words of the Constitution and the words of decency and freedom. Why they did this was to show off and brag to the Asians, new superpowers; then they claim it is love motivating them. Are they reading love or any reciprocation? Is 150 felony charges love or reciprocation? How about all of my money and life missing; someone has to go and find it or when it was hijacked. Love? Rob a bank and mug people, love? This is how they show their respect and understanding to me, to me almighty.
Who is sneaking around and talking to us in a secretive or illegal manner? Why? We want damages. We have not and will not be a follower, job offer or not and this is no interview or audition. Look at my deliveries and look at my labors in life, to me. God Bless America for this delivery and God Bless our effort to stop them from stealing or hijacking it. Imagine if this was you or your wife. Maybe we can actually work or have a normal life when they are gone? These people need to go and immediately. It starts with the top 20 list and the safe-haven strategy; delivery of everything we got. Why are they in the line of fire? When you are ordered to surrender, consider jail, pay damages, and guiltless doom; do not scaream back "We won't be taken alive, F you, There is not enough evidence or pressure yet, We are the Police, We are in Control, etc..."
I am glad they recognize danger. I am glad they are now in the line of fire and will be there. You can see their future, right now. You can see the page they are on and ours. Imagine that, they still do not have enough evidence or pressure to act civilized but when and if they do, they expect us to act according to the laws and civilized. Until then our life and our complaints remain as is. They remain in our residence as is. Our life remains suspended and upside down; political prisoners. They have 20% life source left and all debts, nothing to show for this career criminal and over one hundred and fifty felonies. Is this how they act and piss off people when in last place and on life support? They have sealed their fate and have refused to consider jail completely. Like the Waco raid, their stance is we will call off the raid on their timeline, when they feel we have had enough. I wonder what they will say if we could earthquake them? If we could hurricane all of their very stupid forces who wish to saber rattle and become a tremendous annoyance? So this is what the 1960s delivered us or to the free world, a complete menace and communist criminal; total lies.
Clearly, the onion they are selling is nothing people want or anything worth the value they wish to reveal, a scam and a rip off. They look for followers and do not want college educated or even leaders who know right from wrong. They want growth, money, power, and control. To do this, there is layer after layer of total lies or sales pitches. We have them trapped and the onion is a total disaster, ball of nothing, nonsense, and the core are hardcore communists. The core is so lawless and criminal, they only want to die and are linked to 911 as the pulling the strings to this war-mongering. They call it their home so we know this is about real estate and jobs. They hide and keep us blind so we cannot identify them or trace who is behind it. They sneak around, try to communicate secretly, and are as disgusting and criminal as a human being can become. They seek followers and produce follows; terror attacks, attacks, kidnapping, hostages; career criminals hijacking the life of innocent people walking around in life. There just is not enough evidence or pressure at this time to change this.
There is not enough pressure and not enough evidence to change their mind or stop them. There is no way they can turn back, go back, or put the brakes on now; totally trapped and guilty. Obviously, this was a failed recruitment or training program and obviously; they are trapped and refuse to consider jail. The Marines are the first to recognize the fixed bayonets and the ground war. What they are selling has nothing to do with how they sell it and the core, communism and a life of a career criminal; safety at the behest of money, power, control, businesses, and total utter insanity. When you are ordered to surrender, consider jail, pay damages, and guiltless doom; do not scaream back "We won't be taken alive, F you, There is not enough evidence or pressure yet, We are the Police, We are in Control, etc..." Did this entire national security and case get answered in the third debates? Then they need to pack and begin throwing out the life rafts.
How they package it is elusive and totally phony; but they have spoken and we have spoken; even if they sneak around in our life, casing us, stalking us, trying to make us a follower, chasing us off or out of our own life and residence; and communicate secretly or illegally. We described them as labor, the labor movement, mother communist, a homeless bum, lacking education, or just layers of total lies. They have no use for leadership, integrity, mathematics, honesty, values, God fearing core values, college education, honor students, or what we call American values. This is why the door is shut all the time and why they are always turning us away, try again. Maybe next time. It looks and feels like a job interview, it is not. We are done with the interview, pack and get a ticket on the life raft.
Dear Ann Coulter: This happened under your watch Ann. Your behavior as a captive or hostage was unbearable and obnoxious. You have no care or feel accountability is important. I get one excuse after the next and it is under your watch; which you claim is nearly perfect. It is not. It looks very stubborn and very ignorant; almost too much. Do you see quality or just a lot of quantity? How many opportunities were lost and how many attacks occurred due to those lost opportunities? How much did you aid and help them while under your watch? You cannot get it right, none of you. Even in marriage, none of you can get it right. Why? It sounds like you let them beat you to a pulp and let these attacks happen, under your own watch. You claim this, they claim that, it is under your watch. Feel sacred feminine? Feel gay or even inadequate? Feel like their children or homeless? They seek followers or making followers.
This was about women? You look like a buffoon and completely unloved; a total ignoramus and your sub war is counter-productive. Do you see them learning anything or is there not enough evidence and pressure to indicate this yet? Telling this homeless black woman to move out is not enough Ann. A White House Staff or a full time cleaning staff is not good enough Ann. You should be on your knees scrubbing the stench of this homeless baglady from our home and my life. It is repugnant and completely disgusting. The stench of this homeless woman in my life is so strong; I need help and someone who can spray it down. It is disgusting. You have no idea. I feel inadequate. I feel feminine; almost like the men they love. Demanding this homeless black woman or these bagladies to leave or move out, is not strong enough of a disinfectant. All the bones in their hands are broken; they do not learn. They will not stop. They are a machine completely on retard and lawless mode. You are on watch and on guard, how did this happen?
We know this is about Vietnam. Is this some job or about jobs? We know it is about personal responsibility. We are not communists or ever was. We do not appreciate the labor unions, liberals, communists, or Democrats pulling strings. Who is on guard? How did this happen? Whose fault was it? What is your malfunction? Why are you so imperfect and let this happen? It has to end, one way or the other. You can blame them or the criminals; it was under your watch and your grateful American patriots. Why can't you all get it right? It is just all nonsense and total insanity. Do you know where reality is? It sounds like you let them beat you to a pulp and let these attacks happen, under your own watch. Do you know where your life is at? How did these attacks go down or occur? Whose watch? Who was on guard? There is a right and a wrong way. All of you are foisting the blame on the other while this goes down on your guard. Do you expect to get the job or get fired? Don't you feel violated or cheated yet?
This is counter-productive. All of these women claim how much they love their men(s). Their man. Blaming this all on women is not healthy. Who is on guard? Do these people know how the world sees America and how difficult it is to embrace America or the criminal elements? Look at the felony charges or how many. Is it about personal responsibility or vindication; a counter-offensive? All this is doing is blaming women and electing Obama, who claims to love us or has become our partners; totally insane leadership. What is the malfunction which makes Americans so in cahoots or a total mess? Blaming it on women while these women pretend to love their men is total insanity; it is wrong. Do you realize this is hurting your life and helping these women Ann? All of you are in total secrecy mode when it comes to your sex, how lewd or crazy you are in bed, and how much you want this. All of you are totally insane now but it is counter-productive and very unhealthy, very. It used to be about you and Hillary diking it out; now it is you and all of these women who love their men. Do you want my life totally insane? I have to deliver and there is not enough evidence or pressure? For what? What delivery?
I agree, it was an easy win and you are very frustrated. However, this is America and we are warriors. We are not the stereotypical white person you appear to look like. Go buy a machete and distribute them to your followers. Drag these no good for nothing people who did this out to the killing fields. Hack them to death like they do in Africa. Do you think they will ever call or bother you again? Do you think you will look so beaten up or so coward like? Your white guy in a suit act is pathetic, these are savages, peasants, psychopaths, rapists, and animals. If you would have considered the equalization of who they are and who you are; maybe this easy win would arrive quickly or easier? Flying around the US will not make them go away. There is a right and a wrong way; is this the right way now? Do you see their hands and why all of them are bandaged up? They have not learned and they know nobody is on watch or guard. It is a conspiracy. This is very negative towards women and most especially, you Ann. You look like a buffoon and completely unloved; a total ignoramus and your sub war is counter-productive. Do you see them learning anything or is there not enough evidence and pressure to indicate this yet?
Look at the submarine war now. Diving deeper as your oxygen runs out will not make you happier. Planning my retirement while I look for a real Republican woman is not going to make the bombardment of Democrat women, crazed psycho females, and people who have no direction in life absent from mine. The white guy act is not effective. Everybody knows they do not care and look like idiots. All of you need to learn how to fight animals; the Asians have adapted to the evil world, why can't the whites? They are savages. They are lawless. They have no respect for human beings. Do you want to hire them and give them a job or freedom after this? Maybe invite them to VIP events? Have dinner with them or share your life and work with them? Oh now you want to reform them; the white guy look again and weak on crime. Don't any of them feel violated or cheated yet, almost raped?
How about that butt boy and how powerful the poor are? We do not see this in the Asian society, it is present in the American one. How about their academics? This is why we like the Presbyterians, they make the best warriors and are the best students. Can you shoot a gun? Do you F'in know how to shoot one at least? These city people are pathetic. They are a walking liability and total insanity. It was an easy victory. It is frustrating. all of them are totally crazy, total liars, utter thieves and career criminals. That is the problem. Round them up. Buy a few machetes. An stoop to their levels or become the animals they are. Take them to the battlefield; by their hair. Hack them to death and wear your best short dress. The problem is one thing, why is it always around me, in my life, circling me, or the wrong people always in my life sneaking around or secretly trying to talk or slip messages to me?
Why is it always about me? Need me to show you how to swing a blade? Can you do it one handed Ann? What is the problem now? Maybe the white guy look is not the best idea when fighting career criminals, monkeys, psychopaths, rapists, sexual predators, serial killers, terrorists, and crazed savages. Bombard our life with the wrong people and then tell us how much they resent the draft or hold us illegally for this secret trial. All of them hate war and hate the draft. How in hell do I hire or pay people to recover my life, my money, or make the people behind this pay? How? Back and forth arguing? Invite them into my life? Let them brutalize America and everybody in it? Total lies and a course on what they will say? We have hijackers, how do we get our money and life back?
All of you need to become an animal when fighting an animal; stop being a feminine, blush and mascara fudge. You need to stoop to their levels. You need blood all over your knuckles and under your nails. You drag them by their hair to the battlefield, never let them drag you to it. You do not run around hysterical or looking good, while they chase you and try to injure you; that is brassiness. That is the sign of a buffoon and fool. Using blush and the mascara makes you look good for sex and a date, not war. Do you know who you are and what reality you are in? The best suits and all this glitzy makeup is not effective on career criminals and animals. What is? You people are this feminine and this crazed or troubled? Well, your grades are not so hot either. Are they weak on crime or did all of them finally grow up? A bit feminine if you ask me. Do these females feel anything down there or everything? Don't they feel violated, raped, and had enough? What is their malfunction? Who is on guard and where is the personal responsibility? How did this happen? Every single door is open.
Ann, Bill Bennett knows what your problem is and knows you are not a whole person. He knows you are full of nonsense. The Democrats and the blacks will love you. Why they do not is confusing. You need to ease off Romney or else you will tick off Ann Romney; and to her face. Bennett said it is about the quality of the person; just more and more nonsense. I got one excuse after the next. This happened under your watch. All of this was aggravating and one delay after the next was unacceptable. You can blame them or the criminals; it was under your watch and your grateful American patriots. Why can't you all get it right? It is just all nonsense and total insanity. It is going to take much more than a White House cleaning staff to remove the stench of a homeless total loser and this career criminal from our life. It is disgusting. Now we need a search and rescue team to recover my life, money, and everything they hijacked.
You cannot let this happen and allow them to keep trying to make followers. If you do, then let me find someone who will do something about it or take this 2 billion dollar war to slice their throats. This happened on your watch and it is disgusting; the way they sell it, the completely illegal way they sell it, and how they cover it up or try to add more and more layers to bury us. Do you know where reality is? It sounds like you let them beat you to a pulp and let these attacks happen, under your own watch. Do you know where your life is at? How did these attacks go down or occur? Whose watch? Who was on guard? There is a right and a wrong way. All of you are foisting the blame on the other while this goes down on your guard. Do you expect to get the job or get fired? This is very negative towards women and most especially, you Ann. You look like a buffoon and completely unloved; a total ignoramus and your sub war is counter-productive. Do you see them learning anything or is there not enough evidence and pressure to indicate this yet?
About that mole and Republican Rush Limbaugh: what exactly is his malfunction? He is now arguing or debating us about how to run Vietnam. He wants us to surrender America over and not even fight Vietnam, why? Why is he scared for the Republic when he is the one destroying it? He says we are participating in the destruction of America? Are we or are we raiding the communists and returning the power? Is this what Romeny-Ryan and the entire Republican Party got out of it? Really? Well then why can't they tell the truth and why are they always in panic mode or worrying for the Republicans and even Ann or I? If we can earthquake or hurricane them, we will. If we can get the pressure and evidence on them; we will. We need a top twenty list and we need a strategic-hamlet plan; to fire when we are ready.
Dear Ann Coulter: nice to meet you, great books, nice talking to you, keep up the good work. You are doing a great job. You have nothing to worry about. They are correct, nobody cares if anybody dies or loses. They use us and human beings; a rock to hide under. The truth is forever lost. Good job Ann, doing a great job. I highly suggest you figure out a way to knock out the engines on their submarines and get as far away from them as you can; don't become an ignoramus or the problem. Clearly, they are out to take whomever they can down with them. The market and real life does not exist on total lies or debts. Diving deeper will only waste your oxygen, they are running out of oxygen while you go on a pleasure cruise Ann. There is not much left of the ocean to see or explore. Somebody will have to surface and their sub will be disabled. When all of them surface, they will be waring our emblems and markings. They will make the cosmetic changes and think we will not shoot or be waiting. Who kidnapped us and wants us to have fat, stupid, criminal, and retarded kids? Me?
Obama has to decide by the third debate where his people are going. What America will look like. What will be of their future and ours. He has very little time to let the world know, we have spoken. It will be very instrumental in determining whether his people survive this or not; many eyes are on them and witnesses. Will he utilize total lies or will he come to us on a different format and real leadership? It is 100 per cent true, their future is at peril and this world is in peril, more closer to home than we wish. There are no rocks to hide under anymore, none. We had to fight all of them and we know where they rolled off to or sunk. It is up to them, not us. They even hide our own money and our own life, hijacked it and refuse to return or release it. We know the problem. Level all the Democrats and liberals and these problems will clear up or go away. Leveling DC was just a warning. Did they prepare and get their forces ready for ultimate conflict and survival? We know they want war and are pulling the strings to deliver this war. They are in control of the courts.
We came to the brink of seeing DC leveled. They have the entire government in chocolate cahoots and paralysis. Nothing works and nothing works right. They break things or mess things up and demand money or action. We all witnessed it almost leveled to the ground and the brink, a very close call. We need that top twenty list and a new administration to fix all of these problems. Clearly, they do not want to consider jail and this slave, idiot, moron, career criminal, buffoon, or whatever you want to call them; is ordering or barking at us to clean it up ourselves. So we will and there is no need to cry when we do level the entire mess and their little criminal career. We already saw DC shaken and stirred to a state of dumb-dumb, will they ever escape the lawless human trash trap? If so, then do it. How guilty can a human being get before they die of their own guilt or stupidity? They claim to be ready for anything, experts in survival and preparation. We know they want war and are pulling the strings to deliver this war. They are in control of the courts.
Their future is in peril, not us. The wrong people are in our life, it is not them or about them; never was. Now it is about us, the race card, and what will happen because us won this ferocious attack. Whatever they choose will be written in history. Redistribute and we will defeat them; not fail or squander more debts. They are not Nazis or were they always one but did not know it? In denial? Who killed their future and existence? Lies or the truth? For someone who is totally insane, who sounds more real, honest, and truthful about this? A lot of people are being criticized unfairly because of this lawless human being and a web of lies. On the run now or still stuck and present? On the run now or struggling, like us? On the run now or still needy, destitute, and desperate? I hope they have a backup plan and some kind of insurance; at least we planned out our retirement and prepared for an ultimate extreme combat. The ultimate survival guide? The ultimate obstacle course and learning guide? They are correct, nobody cares if anybody dies or loses. The truth is forever lost. They care only about winning and profit.
If they admit to it and tell the truth, they will get fired or face jail time. We will win and our treasures will not be stolen or hijacked. If they keep hijacking the government or public office; war will be the only solution. Either or they will be expulsions or some severe consequence, they ignore and refuse to consider jail. What did they know? When did they know it? They care about control, winning, and jobs; not the truth. How did they get here? If they keep quiet, stay on the run, and do delay tactics, the crushing pressure will kill them. The raid will kill them eventually. They will enjoy and live free momentarily, albeit scared to death and near a heart-attack. If the truth is hidden, a search and rescue team will be sent and they will be trapped. They are guilty of using this debt to destroy other groups in conflict with these career criminals, an eviction racketeering scandal. The government has to disable the engines of their submarines and separate them from the total lies and the debt wiping out or evicting all of these homeowners.
They are correct, nobody cares if anybody dies or loses. The truth is forever lost. They care only about winning and profit. Did they know about these security failures or this plot to attack and hijack us or the government? To hide the truth? They will be expelled, humiliated, told to leave, fired, get what they deserve, become dismantled, loose their rights and powers, loose their privileges, live as savages again, become inferior, and go back to the planet or world they exist in. What would they do or say if we trapped them, fought them to the edge, trapped them and put crushing pressure on them; will it cure them or make them honest, decent, and law abiding citizens? Can we actually civilize them ever without war? A total lie and a web of deception to seek control and oppression? The engines on their submarines will be knocked out and they have very little oxygen remaining; we will wait on the surface and it will be very ugly, very.
How much more guilty and unified do they want to become? We saw DC almost leveled and shaken to a state of vegetation or racketeering. We know the problem. Level all the Democrats and liberals and these problems will clear up or go away. Leveling DC was just a warning. How much more guilty can this human trash get or become; they have our life completely paralyzed and are verbally harassing us in our own residence. They have the courts short circuited or in a state of flux. They have our money tied up or lost; we have to go and recover or find it; hijacked a lot of things or hid it from us. It comes down to ten, twenty, and thirty years from now. Where will they be and what will become of them? How gutless and how guilty do they want to become? History is not on their side, never was. The evidence is not on their side, all total lies. The ultimate survival course and ultimate combat? Ignore it. Don't worry about the truth. It is just the usual attack. How does it feel? What will they do and say? Can we teach the course and study this fact-finding mission? Can we predict it and model it?
Clearly, this is about feeding and caring for people who did this. Clearly, this is about jobs or money for those who did this. Clearly, this is about forgiving and vindicating those behind this. However, there is a very big problem and a very large bill. Why do you suspect they want Vietnam and are fighting this hard this time? Good intentions? Looking good? The reace card? Public opinion and propaganda? Looking good? Showing how crazy they are? Why do they want us this time or the bad guys want to be around us again? A gang war? We are in the third decade of this and it is not clear-cut what exactly they want from us. No less a refusal to write it or communicate it normally, they sneak around, act secretly, and lurk in our life. Are they deliberate or merely delusional? Are they truly crazy and totally insane or just lawless? There is the evidence and the proof. Who did this and who is the main thrust; the chest of medals? Who is the truth or the force of this world? The devil? The communists? America? Who is deliberate and forgiven? If it is this good, then it won't kill them. If it is this bad, it will kill us. They are addicted to talking to people inside their residence or this game of death.
They rob the hell out of people and expect hospitality or understanding; absolutely lawless and always telling people to leave or playing the race card. You cannot take them for their word. These are very impoverished whites and blacks who enjoy tormenting others or starting a lot of trouble, a lot. They have nothing to do with the American Indians, a phony claim. It is about who they want to be and who we are, let them be or let us live? We describe them as angry, hostile, independent, and extremely confused or flawed; incapable of embracing the truth or any criticism about who they are and how lawless they have become. Their goal is growth, jobs, and mafia overlap in operations. The problem is how lawless, how they lack any respect for others, and how they only want to chase people off or disgust them. We know them as organized criminals or career criminals, the communists. This lawless, this control seeking, and this problematic; they order others around or bully them. They seek individualism but do not respect it either. They do not understand respect or southern hospitality; they expect something.
They are always sneaking around, even online, pretending as if they are in control, superior and telling others to leave. If not this, then it is about how others are trying to talk to a fat slob or some phony fat loser. Who wants to go through this kind of experience with a total slob or a fat loser; a complete communist and psychopath? Nobody likes them but this pest and communist enemy wants us as their best friend and to parade their message or terror plot; all based on radical 1960s liberalism and failure. That is how insane they are. If they get caught, how much we hate them and how much America hates them will be reality and the truth they hide. If they are honest, jail is the least of their worries. Unloved and isolated, they struggle with the crushing pressures. They are so cultured, so elite, so warm by the fireplace, so well put together, look so good on a bike, never faltering or struggling, etc... They had been doing this online, stalking us online, stalking us in business and even romance, and has become a big nuisance between my mission and Ann Coulter. This is just the way the communist are, the Democrats are, and how they see the world or other people. They are hostile, angry, and use a web of lies to pull this off and it has blown up on them and the empire is now in seek and destroy mode.
Has anybody wondered or asked why this "quarrel" between Catholic men and boys never confuses the Protestants or the other sides? It is always Catholic men and boys, as if one grabs the hand of the other and leads them down a road they dislike. In high school, females did this and ended up angry or upset with boys. What it sounds like is the dating habits or high school. What it sounds like is the circle or isolation where a few guys or a few boys become animated and bullies when they see each other or even us. Yet it never happens to the Presbyterians, Lutherans, or the Protestants. It always happens to Catholic boys and men. Is it some exploration or some courtship gone bad? Is it their sexual predator lifestyle or how they prey on others, exploit them or so ignorant they become a retard? Is it that jackass being animated the moment we walk in the room or the all out slug fest while they try to act sexy with us? Or is it just a process of firing, hire-fire and all kinds of ridiculous stunts or lies? Is it their culture and how sensitive they are which leads to this homo lifestyle?
How many of their forces are still standing, in hiding, on the run, are ready to attack, wish to talk to us, want to embrace us, or is still intact for a head count? We will know after the top twenty list. Of the invasion forces or the cells-strongholds they began with, we will know who gave up, who is still there, and who keeps calling or said we want to talk to them. This isn't our home or is this their home? Are they sure they do not want to consider jail and all of their forces are still there? This has not gone south badly? It is not less than zero? They are freezing in hell now? If these attacks on Ann and I are a web of lies and total lies about how we want to talk to a fat slob and loser communist; then the attacks on America fall into the same web of lies. Who will pay for this, whoever is still standing? No exit strategy? Sounds familiar and even left wing.
It is so romantic, have they tried writing a letter? Did we? Can we seek and destroy them if they do this? Do we need to file a proper complaint and wait our turn? Why attack us and say we wish to fight with them or talk to them, need their help? Superior beings? Understand? Don't hate us? We are a total mess? What is it? If this church claims to be racist and Nazis; do you suspect they would play that card against us? Does it mean this church are not communist or does it mean they are communists as we verified and traced their leaders? Why play the race card? They twisted this in so many ways, they just left it and decided to cover it up and not kill us. Who will pay for this or will they pay for this, all of it? Lonely now? Who is alone? Pay for it. No exit strategy? Still? This is our intelligentsia? Holy crap, we are doomed. What do you think they would say if we did use a hurricane or earthquake on them? We can listen in and find out. Let's ask the Pentagon and do a model of the possibilities.
What goes on in the mind of this tortured soul, if we could earthquake them or level them? Would they fear us or come after us? Would they come in our residence or make a buffoon of themselves? Would they accept responsibility for the security lapse? Can they act normal or go on TV without freaking out or laughing? We need to panel a fact finding commission. We need teachers and scholars on this. We need to take college courses and learn what the communists would do if we could earthquake them. Are they retarded or just so full of spite and vinegar; they would masturbate full of anger? Stick a finger up the wind and see if anybody notices? Imagine them on the internet playing with other people's mind and then all the sudden, their house blew away or they see a wall of water through the window. Isn't that annoying or cruel, just for playing with other people's mind or life?
Would they ever get this right? We must find the answers and be open to any possibility we find, I am very interested in this and knowing. If and when they call, can we record them or understand their mental thoughts, "how could you... you have some nerves mister... I thought you cared about us... etc." Let's ask them to write a book or do research on this topic; what would they say or do if attacked by the son of God? Would they feel guilty or do they feel any guilt? How do they feel, great? Powerful? Intelligent? Confused? A little hungry? Obese and out of place? We need to know. Come on, we are waiting patiently. God, that is so annoying it sounds ridiculous on a bike. Would they freak out on TV or radio, do a Limbaugh? "That SOB sunk my battleship... Don't you want my body... What is the matter... What's your F'in problem... You better stop... You don't scare me... You didn't get me yet, I still have one arm... Come here baby, I want some of that, whatever you're having... I was so wrong, so-so wrong... You missed me... We are inferior, sorry, etc..." I wonder what they would say? Would they play with our mind? Will they break down and cry on air? Imagine the possibilities if we knew or could find out? Imagine the students we can teach and all the hope in this world.
We must find the answer to this new mission. We must sneak into their camps and listen like thieves, try to observe them naturally and decipher their ultra secret and super-secrets. Will they blame it on the Navy or the SEALs? Will Rush Limbaugh conceal his response, do a magic negro ad? Will Sean Hannity worry and go hysterical on TV? We must find out gentleman and try to record them au naturale. They are so hush-hush nobody must know. "I don't care anymore, this is my life... I never said I was a victim of circumstances... You can speak your mind, but not on my time... Then they tell you, you can't speak to someone else... Either way it's okay, it up to themselves... I don't need you to worry for me because it is alright... I don't want you to tell me it's time to come home... Go ahead with your own life leave me alone... I still belong, don't get me wrong, you can speak your mind, but not on my time... I don't care anymore, this is my life... go ahead with your own life, leave me alone... Can you tell me if this is my life." (- Billy Joel Lyrics -) "Welcome to my scary life... mistreated, misunderstood... always estimated, just look around... pretty, pretty please, don't you ever feel, you are less than perfect, to me... These voices, in your head, they like you instead... look at all the hatred..." (- Pink Lyrics -)
Should people bow or kneel before this dictator and complete psychopath? This is the work of a fat slob, not a Republican or such a well put together political pest. It is our kidnappers and a communist mole, a spy and psychopath. Out of 2,000 matches or attempts, 1925 were disgusting and repugnant; utter trash. Mr. and Mrs. Piggy the communist is our teachers or professors. Similar to the labor unions and the Democratic Party, this communist pretends we need them, think about them constantly, want their money or business, or are trying to talk to them constantly because we refuse to leave or they invade our home. Ask if any of this is true, they will try to conceal it now because it implicates them in 911. This communist stalker is completely disconnected from reality, completely and it is done deliberately and with the spite to seriously injure or harm. This is a very dangerous terrorist female. This is the way they are. This is just the way the communist are, the Democrats are, and how they see the world or other people. They are hostile, angry, and use a web of lies to pull this off and it has blown up on them and the empire is now in seek and destroy mode. Online they are ridiculous and powerless. Hence, they stalked us on there and were trying to set their hooks in or attack with this reach.
Nobody likes them or wants to talk to them; but they play these games to suggest their narcissism is real and people are dying to talk to them. To listen to what they say and they love minorities. It is a ridiculous fat slob who is full of spite and is a communist terrorist. They claim we are too poor or struggling with them too much to win this or ever get our message across. We need to worry and we need to consider jail; total lies, slander, smears, or how many laws they violate. Why fight it if winning is impossible, join them. A lot of people are being unfairly criticized and their lives have been ruined because of this web of deception and lies. It is time to take away their future and their freedoms. They have voted and chosen non-compliance. They refuse to consider jail or paying damages. The government is completely feeble and wants complete chaos. They too want to mess with the minds of the public and call them mentally ill; even seek unfair judgments. The evidence clearly indicates and proves this. If anybody can find a bigger piece of trash than we have, let the FBI and the world know. They pretend we are trying to talk to them with this web of lies and recruitment failure.
It sounds like a drug ring or terror plot to infiltrate. They use illegal or communist tactics, go on TV and radio to beat us to the punch, they make their money and launder the money to cover their tracks, we get stuck with the bill and no profits. Their ratings and rank increase even without any expertise or college academics or good grades. This is our intelligentsia? Holy crap, we are doomed. I do not like this web of total lies and constant theft. Stealing from us and placing a label of "patriotism" or "national security"; their intentions do not have to be revealed or explained because their cause is worthy; we know what their cause is worth and what ours is worth now. Hence, I had to post my writing and work just in order to prevent it from being stolen or claimed by this squatter who broke every single law in the books and then debated us about it because they felt they were forgiven or we were no big deal. If that debt is used to evict or to cause malice, keep their submarine engines running while they hide or are on the run; the government is guilty. Any government who did this is guilty of liability.
The two billion is an appropriate amount to include the liquidation and total closure of their business and industry. Why does the world suspect all of my work had to be posted? Attention seeking? A crazy stunt? Wishing to help them out or give them a hand? Walking around with a bulls-eye on my back? I say pay up and then go straight to hell or jail; whichever comes first. The problem is how lawless, how they lack any respect for others, and how they only want to chase people off or disgust them. We know them as organized criminals or career criminals, the communists. This lawless, this control seeking, and this problematic; they order others around or bully them. They seek individualism but do not respect it either. They expect something from other human beings but have a lot to be desired and are career criminals. What do you think they would say if we did use a hurricane or earthquake on them? Leave? Hired? Welcome? Would they call us and what would be on their mind? Romance and funny stories?
They rob the hell out of people and expect hospitality or understanding; absolutely lawless and always telling people to leave or playing the race card. Limbaugh says we cannot break the laws and have to file a claim the proper way regardless of how lawless and how evil they are, we must follow the laws and not wander off. Even if it kills us, they now only want to cover it up and steal; God Bless America. We are political prisoners and they will do all the work and sneak in interviews, a phone, and some liberation or radical army with a terror plot; use violent attacks to distract and open doors. I think it is long past time for them to go to jail, suicide, and to end this total disaster before it get's worse. As we see clearly and the evidence shows, it will require force and even military intervention to throw them out. Bringing them to justice, a gigantic organization and crime syndicate, is one thing. They do not understand respect or southern hospitality; they expect something.
Are we still political prisoners? Then why is their liberation and escape team on us or stalking us still? A guardian angel? A serial killer? Staff and helpers? They must be the bank and holding our money safely? Yeah right. It is so romantic when they say they want to die, want us to leave or go home, and are ready to die. It is just so delicious. We did exploit their failure or being their political prisoner stuck in their maze or racketeering-protection trap. Busted and totally insane, they still will not consider jail or paying damages; it is so romantic and so delicious. Organized crime and violent secretive syndicates are populating Florida telling people to leave or how they only want to help. We know they are the wrong people in our life and they are never welcomed, but this is their fraud or scam.
It is a slew of bad people who want to chase others out of the state while populating it with sympathizers or giving jobs and money to the wrong people. They way to do this redistribution is control. Demanding damages or having them launder the money elsewhere, the usual disappearance act; is just too much to excuse anybody. Do they really feel happy, loved, special, and not evil? Not evil and peaceful? I hope they thought out their retirement and have a plan when they are caught or taken down. Talking to us endlessly using secret methods or dirty tricks, stalking us or sneaking around, using fat slob scare tactics, and being such a pathetic loser; is just gizmo-cidal. How lawless can a human become? How much do you want to gross out someone? This is about total lies and debts. A total lie and a web of deception to seek control and oppression? The engines on their submarines will be knocked out and they have very little oxygen remaining; we will wait on the surface and it will be very ugly, very.
Why does the world suspect all of my work had to be posted? Attention seeking? A crazy stunt? Wishing to help them out or give them a hand? Walking around with a bulls-eye on my back? I say pay up and then go straight to hell or jail; whichever comes first. But then they are the banks of terrorists and communists; we get paid on delivery and they are willing to change a little. It was so delicious and romantic how they slowly died or the motivational appeals; parents, staff, helpers, want to die, do not know what to do, want to leave or go home, ready to die, shut up, get out of their way, etc... Busted and totally insane, they still will not consider jail or paying damages; it is so romantic and so delicious. Remember, debts and total lies is not how a market system exists. Their future is in peril and the engines on their submarines are gone; they have very little oxygen left.
There are certain states linked up and groups who must be shut down, straight from the top on down. Shut them down. They have shown their cards and who they are. Organized crime and violent secretive syndicates are populating Florida telling people to leave or how they only want to help. We know they are the wrong people in our life and they are never welcomed, but this is their fraud or scam. All of them, including the Democrats and liberals want to chase others out of the state while populating it with sympathizers or giving jobs and money to the wrong people. This is the control they seek and what they are up to. It is about money. It is about jobs. It is about marriage and children. They do not understand respect or southern hospitality; they expect something.
This organized criminal syndicate cause is evil and total lies, hence, the secrets keep the value. However, our cause is worth far more than a ridiculous fool or some dumbass ape we cannot expel from our life. When you compare our cause and your cause, it will show your IQ or what your real problem is. When has communism or evil ever challenged our worth or our meaning? How about on this level and our intelligence; our own life mission? My cause is worth much more than 2 billion. My cause is worth much more than any of these narcissistic ignoramus who are completely insane or on the run. Our cause has come up with a lot of reasons and a lot of worth to why the beginning often end has already begun. The evidence is very clear about how they are serial killers and Al Quad. The evidence is even more clear about how they exploit and use the sacred virtue of those who destroy those lies before they betray them in death.
Our cause versus their cause? Who is the political prisoner and who keeps playing the race card? Look how our cause and theirs equalize or take on the same worth, using our expertise or decades of schooling. It sounds like a drug ring or terror plot to infiltrate. They use illegal or communist tactics, go on TV and radio to beat us to the punch, they make their money and launder the money to cover their tracks, we get stuck with the bill and no profits. Their ratings and rank increase even without any expertise or college academics or good grades. This is our intelligentsia? Again, organized crime and violent secretive syndicates are populating Florida telling people to leave or how they only want to help. We know they are the wrong people in our life and they are never welcomed, but this is their fraud or scam. They want to chase others out of the state while populating it with sympathizers or giving jobs and money to the wrong people. They way to do this redistribution is control.
How many times were they called and how alert are they to detail? They know damn well who they have or who is on the line; knew it all along. How is life going for them and exactly what kind of crushing force are they up against? What did or does the evidence say? Is this about the future of their church, royal bloodlines, and communism or the extermination of royal lineage? Is it about a dumbass or someone superior and a real human being? We now know who the existentialist are and who Opie Dies were, the communists. Their mission is the poor and control; the labor movement and severe aestheticism. Obviously, they have a lot of PR problems right now and the police do appear to be playing with other people's minds or tinkering with their life, the usual MO of this psychopath or infiltration unit. Suspicious and even evidence of impropriety, they choose not to kill us but instead cover it up. The disease and playing mind games is so severe, nobody knows who is who.
Opie Dies is a synonym for communist mole, which is a branch of Al Quad. They seek out and target royal blood because it threatens the secrets they are holding right now and being crushed by. It is a death sentence. The empire has sentenced them to death for this guilt and they are not giving up or accepting jail because it will end their quest for World War III. Communism is the extermination or cleansing of this royal lineage; to favor the poor and their caregivers. Are we back to the period of Rome under Constantine, unified by one man or are we expelling them? The movie "DaVinci Code" will explain what they are after and why they kidnapped both Ann and I. This was about religion and the church power, not Al Quad. Do they really do bad things for all the right reasons, the Opie Dies or communists we caught and trapped? Will they step over that line to protect the church, again and again?
The reports they wrote are still being used as a guide and a police APB. All of this total lies and a complete lack of merit because the wrong people are in our life; but how do we get rid of them or bring them to justice? How do we stop them? Why are they the police? What do they want from us and will they ever tell us or the world in an honest way? When will the reports show the truth and not a coverup? When will the laws of the land be honored and executed properly or accurately? When will we be vindicated and the record correct, with extreme prejudice and rewards? Do you really think this will kill them, really? Do you really think they wish to die or want to die now? Do you think they are really mentally ill or merely lawless? Do you really think they outsmarted or beat anybody? If it is good for them, then why would it kill them? If it is good for us, then why would it kill us? Wrong people doing bad things? The answers and history is right there, in black and white. That is reality. That is America. That is the main thrust in this world. Would a coward hide like this? Could a coward hide this way? Why would a coward even hide, the laws, it will kill them, they are scared? They want to be cared for and they want money. They learned and know how to steal it from the owners. Find the victorious side and the survivors. We were so wrong.
What will kill them or this devil and this evil? Do you see them asking why our reports are so inaccurate or mentally ill? Protect them? Make them a prisoner or a robot follower? Torture them too or teach them by learning and doing? Let's start this off with putting in a Republican fighter and start the top twenty-strategic hamlet. We will know and they will tell us in a clear, concise, and written format instead of sneak around in our lives and fill America with total lies and lawless crime. It may be good for elections and bank debts, but is it good for us and America? Is it good for them and this ending? What does the evidence say? Is it deliberate or is it only humiliation? How would or could they become forgiven if trapped? How? How exactly did they slip away or escape this one, right at the last minute and with all those eyes looking? How? Not reporting it? Ignoring it? Letting the public decide or an election? False or erroneous judgments? Screaming and shouting at us in our residence? Pleading with us around the clock? Keeping bad people and the wrong people near us or in our life, close and with a reach? Oh here we go again; here we go with 911 and the beginning. We are so wrong.
Look at them laughing uncontrollably and pretending to be our life and as great as we are. What a perfect and model life while slugging it out or in extreme combat. How? A drop of blood here and there? Didn't clean it up good enough or left a mistake? DNA? Clearly, this is about feeding and caring for people who did this. Clearly, this is about jobs or money for those who did this. Clearly, this is about forgiving and vindicating those behind this. However, there is a very big problem and a very large bill. There is a lot of stupid data and clear and concise data now. Can they tell which is which? Can they? What if it is in front of them? Will they read it? Why are they laughing uncontrollably? Why are they so full of spite and total lies? Why are they having a heart attack on the radio or TV? How did the 911 terrorist slip through our net and at the last minute? Police cover? Arab cover? This was the old world. Now let's enter the new world. Just take a good hard look at how big and ridiculous their underwear is to be doing this or welcoming themselves to our residence, when they feel like it. Intrusive or just a slob?
What does the new world say? What does the evidence say loud and clear? Is it Communist cover? Financial cover? Religious cover? Cruel acts or intentions? Ah, political cover. How about massive brain hemorrhage? How did that happen? Who did that to them? How mean can we get or become? How mean are they really or how guilty? Explain that one. Is it going to kill them or us? Who will this kill? Why did it kill them? With all of these problems and all of these lies, how can they possibly be worth $50 an hour or receive $100,000 in salary by the tax payers? How? How is it we are worth so much less on paper and on our resume? How? Labor unions? Debt? Narcissism? Total lies? Now explain this one and why those tax dollars are going where? Delusional? Defrauding the public? A web of lies to loot the government? How guilty do they get and will a massive hemorrhage kill them or public humiliation? Who loves the communists and liberals now? There are two planets and two worlds here and now.
Most nations who are cold warriors will shout "God Bless America." However, when they begin to get to know this political and financial parasite called Democratic liberals, they will see the utter narcissism and a lawless shank. They compare themselves to American Indians who ponced owned America. They compare themselves to Latinos who once owned America. They compare themselves to the British who also owned America. They compare themselves to the history of people who once owned what we call America. However, when it comes to loving Americans; even Americans have difficulty once they realize who their fellow man truly is or has become.
The question is whether or not there is any end to this or is it a permanent state of war we are powerless to? I want them to consider jail before we begin the top twenty list or even worse, write to the office of hurricane and earthquakes. Who are they and why do we have to tell them who we are? How do we do that? Any guesses why they keep showing up and acting welcomed now after two decades of this? Why set a trap, we know who will show up. Don't we? Why even debate them or let them tell more lies? Why forgive them, money, health, escape, won't kill us but will cover it up or try to change? I think the verdict is already in and there are a lot of witnesses.
Are they trying to play with our minds? Does anybody suspect they are tinkering with our minds using public office or powerful key positions. Does anybody suspect the wrong people in our life is messing with our life or using the media and television to toy with our life? Let's ask them and demand they tell the courts if this is what they intended or had in mind? If you look at the court documents, these same people are calling us crazy, hostile, or mentally ill. The reports they wrote and the judgments they made, were totally erroneous and still are. We have so much difficulty running them off or torturing them with crushing pressure or worse, for contacting us in a secret manner. I have never met a liberal who was not a narcissist or completely repugnant. How dare them sit there and call us their children or order us around as if we even know them by name. What kind of a egomaniac would go around and call complete strangers their kids, family, or some total lie in order to control them or interact with them in daily life? Then again, have we ever met them? What is the truth here and how did they get in our life and do so much damage? When is it going to end for us all?
A good fit? A mutual benefit? A sales pitch or endless amounts of it? Cruel and unusual punishments? All we get to hear is a total psychopath. All we get to smell is that sweaty, homeless, and chubby words you don't want to know. So yes, whomever was managing our accounts or tried; really messed up and made things so complex and miserable, it is taking years to clear up or bring back to simplicity. My life mission, my goals in life, my resume is very simple and not the least complex. Look how complex it is now; mirrors here, teaching us by living their neurotic narcissist, and now trying to wake the Republicans up or ask them to stop endorsing or parading these clowns all over the media, TV, radio, and the right wing. That is how narcissist and how repugnant they truly are. You would think this would end by now, it hasn't and is nowhere near it. This SOB is completely psychopathic and is a career criminal. This MF can act nice or angry all day, they are going to pay dearly for this. Pay up and consider jail you moron. Tell me that hostile, fat, stupid liberal is not a Nazi. Has the world seen anybody so narcissistic and retarded? Yes make us pay for your sins or your mistakes. We must be your wife or pocketbook, so inferior and retarded. Make us welcome a person who wears a gigantic underwear and is as rude as a human can get. Look at the size of that underwear and how ridiculous they look at the beach or on a bike. Nice?
Is nobody not convinced or completely unaware of who they are or what they are up to? Is anybody fooled why they seek access or try to weasel into our life? Is there anybody unclear or confused about what we must do or what this nation is prepared to do to defeat, stop, and dispose of the liberals? Now tell the people who we caught and have trapped. Go and tell the Democrats why they are retarded or even better, ask them if they understand when people call them retarded? If you look at the court documents, these same people are calling us crazy, hostile, or mentally ill. The reports they wrote and the judgments they made, were totally erroneous and still are. Bring us the top twenty list and we will demand they consider jail; they only want to fight and pick fights. Are they trying to play with our minds? Does anybody suspect they are tinkering with our minds using public office or powerful key positions. Does anybody suspect the wrong people in our life is messing with our life or using the media and television to toy with our life? Let's ask them and demand they tell the courts if this is what they intended or had in mind? Any guesses why they keep showing up and acting welcomed now after two decades of this? Why set a trap, we know who will show up. Don't we? Why even debate them or let them tell more lies? Why forgive them, money, health, escape, won't kill us but will cover it up or try to change?
Want to know what the real problem is, was, and will be? The Republicans and the right wing have the wrong people in key strategic positions. This means they can identify, block, or drain the accounts of vital or crucial offensive deployments against the communists. It is a total disaster and they will, if war broke out or if the communist attacked; would be a slaughter. As I said, I am not exactly sure if it is one single problem or just many layers of the wrong people attracted to the strong or right forces. It is a total disaster. I compare it to Hannibal Lecture as the head of the homicide division or teaching the topic. This is what new students or stupid people have done to our world and our nation. Even worse is their promotions, sales pitch constantly, and trying to profit endlessly. None of this has been a blessing to our life or America. It will kill the courts, our rights, and American power. How about shutting these people down in the worst possible way to make it crystal clear how we feel about them or who everybody sees them as? Let's teach them a lesson and do it the worst way we can or know how, ready? That narcissistic skank would never do that to minorities, would they? Now you go up to a judge, call the police, or go before an audience and tell this story or how lawless this SOB enemy is. And they are in our life right now; feeling good, feeling unshaken, feeling audacious, and not the least worried.
PR problems right now and the police do appear to be playing with other people's minds or tinkering with their life, the usual MO of this psychopath or infiltration unit. Suspicious and even evidence of impropriety, they choose not to kill us but instead cover it up. Do not think the problem is solely unity or the Democratic Party. Don't think commerce is a blessing or legal rights is a blessing to our life. There is an absolute refusal to consider jail while this hair trigger to falsely arrest or blame; has put a black eye on the police. If we call them retarded, they do not understand and we get one challenge and game of death after the next. If you look at their strategy, they will defeat you. You are in a drug war and to win it, they need access.
There is nothing stopping them at this time and they have infiltrated; thus, the wrong people are in your life. If you do not create the strategic-hamlet; our rights will die. I have never seen authority go into battle with fear in their eyes, a buffoon, jackass, or tortured idiot; all of them have fear in their eyes. Don't think communism is solely a Democratic Party problem, it is a widespread phony plague. They are career criminals and totally insane, totally. Can anybody guess why it is so difficult to fight them or get rid of them? Tell me that hostile, fat, stupid liberal is not a Nazi. These people need to consider a new profession or trade that can support their problems before they jack our debts and the federal budget to the atmosphere. Look at the crime rate and how big their problems truly are. We should see their salaries shrink or disappear, do we?
Of all the groups in America, the liberals are known to have overlapping features about their culture and personality. They like to lie, cheat, and steal in addition to the vast problems or personality issues they have with each other, the traditional family unit, being a mismatch or the wrong people, or opportunism. Explain what they are doing in Florida if not opportunism and negativity for all the beachfront properties? Is it to retire or is it in search of a better life? All of that beach and beachfront property, all of those retirees and military personnel; you would expect them to be a little higher quality and not such a criminal menace. City people come down to Florida and call the ocean Vegas while they transplant a cultural mismatch of the beach? Organized crime and violent secretive syndicates are populating Florida telling people to leave or how they only want to help. We know they are the wrong people in our life and they are never welcomed, but this is their fraud or scam.
Organized crime want to chase others out of the state while populating it with sympathizers or giving jobs and money to the wrong people. They way to do this redistribution is control. The eastern liberals to be the most confused political group in America, unable to handle the truth about who they are. They are disgusting people but do we need to see them at the beach daily? The bottom line is who really wants to fork over all that money to see disgusting liberals at the beach or in their life? Are they trying to rob us or just mess with our minds? Obese, opportunists, and always snapping at us or full of spite. They are so damn intrusive, desperate, ignorant, out of place, and problematic, we cannot even retire rich or enjoy retirement or getting rich. What happened to high quality Americans we can afford? Again, My cause is worth much more than 2 billion. My cause is worth much more than any of these narcissistic ignoramus who are completely insane or on the run.
By the way, Dear Rush Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin, and the rest of them: Thank God the CIA has satellite feed and CNN. Not like me who has the radio. We know why the communist want a monopoly of the media. It is about information and the control of it. It is about entering the residence of people and harassing or tormenting them with total lies. Do you remember when I had an online business to make ends meat? You would sit there and watch me become successful for a little while and then when I got healthy; this hostile, secretive, and sneaky SOB would then come around and put their hooks into me. Do you remember this? The filthy lies about how I ripped you off on eBay. The filthy lies about your credit card or getting things free. All this media monopoly is really getting them deeper; thank god for satellite feed or the internet. They are addicted to talking to people inside their residence or this game of death.
So can we prove they are penetrating and at our workplace? The constant daily psychopath I had to put up with to drain all of my accounts or give you freebies, do you remember? Even if I sold you a brand new disk drive, I ripped you off. If I sold you a used Apple computer worth $3000 new for $30, I ripped you off. Do you remember all of these problems online or the endless job postings or bombardment of dating profiles utterly fake? Hope? Stick and carrot? Trying to help? Want the best for us? Sellers or buyers? Tough communists and even tougher businessmen? This MF can act nice or angry all day, they are going to pay dearly for this. Pay up and consider jail you moron. Their money and their jobs mean nothing to us, nothing. Are you ready to run yet or do you want us to run? If the media does not have the truth or a monopoly, then who does? Opportunism?
Is desperation on their minds now? Is panic and death? Is the oxygen running out? Scared of drowning and public harassment? What is on their minds and what are they hiding or canceling, a cover-up? This is about dying and trying to kill us, now they have chosen to cover it up. It was a game of death or a death sentence. It has blown up. How totally fake and what kind of a career criminal are you all? Buyers? Are you buyers or am I? How about the purchases I made, how many times did I get ripped off in the past twenty years? 100? 1000? How many times did you try to rip me off when I purchased someone used or when you approached me? When I got fed up, it became endless computer hacking and destroying one computer after the next, do you remember? Odd how I got fed up and when we punched you back, crap kept flying out of you and you buckled so badly; fear was in all of your eyes. Again, their money and their jobs mean nothing to us. Tell me that hostile, fat, stupid liberal is not a Nazi. Has the world seen anybody so narcissistic and retarded? Yes make us pay for your sins or your mistakes. We must be your wife or pocketbook, so inferior and retarded.
Are they trying to play with our minds? Does anybody suspect they are tinkering with our minds using public office or powerful key positions. Does anybody suspect the wrong people in our life is messing with our life or using the media and television to toy with our life? Let's ask them and demand they tell the courts if this is what they intended or had in mind. What else is on their minds? Equal pay? Tired of waiting in line or a delivery that will never arrive? This is their home? Ready to die? Are the police? Do not know what to do? Want to die? Clearly, a fight and a slug fight is what you all want, need, and have been asking for. Do they remember any of this or what they did? Then it was where my debit cards or purchasing cards were linked to, bank accounts. Please do sneak around in our life, talk to us secretly, deny and try to cover it up, refuse to pay damages, and throw out more total lies. In a slug fest, you claim to look comfortable and have such a better life; superior. Your forces are being wiped out and you look so fabulous and full of lies. Has the world seen anybody so narcissistic and retarded? Yes make us pay for your sins or your mistakes. We must be your wife or pocketbook, so inferior and retarded.
The wrong people can be magnetized or attracted to superior or strong forces. The wrong people know how to make attractive a sales pitch. People are watching you die. The police are watching you die. Doctors and psychiatrists are watching you die. Rather than kill us for exposing you, you have decided to abort, fall back, and cover it up. You tell them lies and fill your life with more deception; and this is why you are dying and nobody can help you. Your communist forces are dying and nobody can help them. It is a fight to the death; not tough businessmen or staff assistants as you claim. What you did was invent a new Vietnam, a new nightmare, a new fight to the death. Sellers or buyers? Tough communists and even tougher businessmen? Ready for the truth or another heart attack? Hostile and angry people sneaking around full of spite? Unable to understand why we call you retarded? This MF can act nice or angry all day, they are going to pay dearly for this. Pay up and consider jail you moron. That narcissistic spank would never do that to minorities, would they? Do they believe in God or are they God?
Here is the truth. You owe two billion in damages. You will have to serve jail time. Everybody now is watching you die and get worse. Your cancer has taken over your brain. You are so weak and can be put in panic mode so easily; pressure tactics or humiliated, it is a death sentence. Behind enemy lines? No cover or camouflage? Lies do not work or give you safety? Gutless and guilty of one hundred and fifty felony charges? Any guesses why they keep showing up and acting welcomed now after two decades of this? In order to survive this, you must come clean and be prepared to consider major jail time. Can you live with this or being caught for 911? Yes? No? Scared we have insurance and evidence on you? Filmed you? Scared it is another trap to lure and expose who you are? Sellers or buyers? Tough communists and even tougher businessmen? Even the communists call us retarded daily, hourly, and even today; no college needed. These people need to consider a new profession or trade that can support their problems before they jack our debts and the federal budget to the atmosphere. Look at the crime rate and how big their problems truly are. We should see their salaries shrink or disappear, do we?
Do you suspect 911 is all about narcissistic skanks? Do you suspect 911 is about firemen and police officers? Do you suspect they are hijackers and in our life for an ulterior motive or even sneaking around full of hostility? Then explain this case and the life of Ann Coulter? You don't suspect this is what the 911 terrorists would do, would they? Are they trying to play with our minds? Does anybody suspect they are tinkering with our minds using public office or powerful key positions. Does anybody suspect the wrong people in our life is messing with our life or using the media and television to toy with our life? Let's ask them and demand they tell the courts if this is what they intended or had in mind? Let's ask Limbaugh, Hannity, Fox, the liberals, even the Catholics and Democrats; is this on their minds or not? Any guesses why they keep showing up and acting welcomed now after two decades of this? Equal pay or simply lawless and career criminals full of tricks and total lies?
So how did we get here? How did it get this way? How does something very simple get so complex and how do they explain all the errors or total lies? So they can't kill us now and they must let us go and feel very embarrassed or humiliated by the public attention. Die? Leave? Go home? Not welcomed? Truth? Do we need more traps? Do we need to know more total lies? Why even debate them or let them tell more lies? Why forgive them, money, health, escape, won't kill us but will cover it up or try to change? Why are the wrong people in our life or why are we encircled by them, unable to escape, or have judgments and reports stating we are mentally ill? Who was mentally ill to begin with and a total retard or looks like a complete retard right now? Who? Money? Lies? Communists? Us? Them? Racists? Oppressors? Career criminals do. Government infiltrators do. Communist plots do.
These people in our life have very simple minds and are bred or trained to do a single task. That task is to spend our money or try and get us to spend as much money as possible on them. Naturally, it is a game of betrayal and that game has not ended. They are total retards and have very few life aspirations. It is very frustrating to fend off or always chase off such an annoyance. The entire 1960s crowd is in total cahoots and we know why. God bless America, can they say the same if and when the top twenty list or the strategic hamlets take effect? Can they look at the office of hurricane and earthquakes and say God Bless America? Crazy or just total lies and playing with our minds? A web of deception or a web of lies finally blown up to smithereens, in their face? Read what they write now and what millions of people know is the truth. Now they cannot win, it is all forgiven and over? No big deal to worry about?
It has to end. It has to be shut down. These people must pay. Those behind this must go to jail and pay a debt to society. Our mission to hunt them down and trap them proved to be more than 100 per cent surprising and successful. Now what? Gun rights? Jobs? Forgiven? How about considering jail and some resolution to this end that does not revolve around their narcissism or repugnant life? Oh now they want equal pay for equal work; what equal work? That narcissistic skank would never do that to minorities, would they? They do fight our wars. They do work for less. There was or used to be a demand for employers and employees for them. What the hell do we do with this lawless skunk who is full of spite and is totally insane? The police and this secretive sect of this church seems to be implicated. We know they have major PR problems and a lot of eyes are on the evidence; was there a coverup? Did it all blow up on them or were they just playing with our minds and tinkering with our life for shits and giggles?
All of them are communist at the core and now radicalized hardcore. They will step over the line and do very bad things to protect their religion, again and again. We observe them as serial killers and psychopathic murderers. Do they truly think God is on their side or is it all in their head? This human piece of crap is the most sympathetic of them all? Who are the true caregivers? Who are they and why do we have to tell them who we are? How do we do that? Let's not worry. It is forgiven now. It was all a mistake. We will survive this and are lucky, others were not so lucky. We are survivors and should be recognized. It is not over yet and the hard part has yet to come. Escaping a psychopathic serial killer is not the end of the nightmare but they seem to be bragging about their bonus, pay, homes, fireplace, radio station, position in the Republican Party, Democratic Party power, and taking the fight to these people. Take it back? How they cope with the PR problem is yet unknown.
Your cause is evil and total lies, hence, the secrets keep the value. However, our cause is worth far more than a ridiculous fool or some dumbass ape we cannot expel from our life. When you compare our cause and your cause, it will show your IQ or what your real problem is. When has communism or evil ever challenged our worth or our meaning? How about on this level and our intelligence; our own life mission? The movie "DaVinci Code" will explain what they are after and why it ended this way. It will unlock this entire case. They want to exterminate the bloodline and the royals. The evidence is very clear about how they are serial killers and Al Quad. The evidence is even more clear about how they exploit and use the sacred virtue of those who destroy those lies before they betray them in death.
My cause is worth much more than 2 billion. My cause is worth much more than any of these narcissistic ignoramus who are completely insane or on the run. Our cause has come up with a lot of reasons and a lot of worth to why the beginning often end has already begun. They know damn well who they have or who is on the line; knew it all along. How is life going for them and exactly what kind of crushing force are they up against? What did or does the evidence say? Are we back to the period of Rome under Constantine, unified by one man or are we expelling them? What do you think they would say if we did use a hurricane or earthquake on them? Leave? Hired? Welcome? Would they call us and what would be on their mind? Romance and funny stories?
Opie Dies is a synonym for communist mole, which is a branch of Al Quad. They seek out and target royal blood because it threatens the secrets they are holding right now and being crushed by. It is a death sentence. The empire has sentenced them to death for this guilt and they are not giving up or accepting jail because it will end their quest for World War III. Communism is the extermination or cleansing of this royal lineage; to favor the poor and their caregivers. What they are after and why they kidnapped both Ann and I? This was about religion and the church power, not Al Quad. This is about the future of their church, atonement, control, and a web of total lies.
The problem is easy to understand but they do not want to take a good hard look at how crusty their underwear is or how gigantic it looks to us. It is huge. Yet they use it to welcome themselves and it is really annoying and really brings out the worst in others. Instead they play the race card or the money game. You can hear them bragging about how their life is going or how they are friends of the office of hurricane and earthquakes. This dumbass will even brag about being fired by them; imagine that or if they could talk, what would they say? So how is their life going and how do they enjoy it so far as a career criminal on the run?
Nobody likes them but this pest and communist enemy wants us as their best friend and to parade their message or terror plot; all based on radical 1960s liberalism and failure. That is how insane they are. If they get caught, how much we hate them and how much America hates them will be reality and the truth they hide. If they are honest, jail is the least of their worries. Unloved and isolated, they struggle with the crushing pressures. They claim we are too poor or struggling with them too much to win this or ever get our message across. We need to worry and we need to consider jail; total lies, slander, smears, or how many laws they violate. Why fight it if winning is impossible, join them.
Dear Communist and Liberal Forces USA: Do you think we know what torments or weakens an opportunist? How about a terrorist who cannot win or ever? These people look ridiculous, even on a bike. Do you think they are prone to accidents or are clumsy for any reason? This just proves what kind of a dumb C--- they truly are. They know if they enter our residence or do not play the coward sneaking around, we can blow their head off and say "go ahead punk, make my day." Instead this dumb C is now saying how stupid they are, how they should have shut up, they should have never done this, how wrong they are, etc... and they don't even realize they just destoryed three generations of their own family. That is the inconsiderate and dumb C--- things we get all day long and bombarded with.
Remote Surveillance or Home Invasion: This is also why they know remote surveillance prevents us from taking action for coming in our residence or taking action on them. So let the dumb C--- watch with eyes wide open as generation after generation of their own stalker family is violated and destroyed by their massive lard thinking and stupidity. They know where we are going to stick it and how hard we stick it to them. Use the remote communist and liberal surveillance to mess with our minds, we expected them and know they are hunting. So far, our record is not bad and soon it will be perfect. Now if that is not a dumb C--- behind a microphone or some remote surveillance; trying to berate, harass, or brainwash us; then I must also be a really dumb C---. They claim they have rights also? How dare them.
Consider Jail and Not Suicide: Oh yes, do make that claim. Oh yes, they are scared and they cannot shut their dumb C--- mouth if their family or generations of it depended on it. It would have been as easy as entering our residence and then hearing "go ahead, make my day dumb C---." That easy. But no, we have to have the communist listen in, every political operative listen in, and play this game with the secret or remove remote surveillance as they case us, stalk us, and see if we can escape. It feels like hitting a fly with a gigantic sledge hammer and almost as fun. Do we hear them saying this or any transcripts of what kind of an idiot they truly are or how much they regret the current situation? Not a word. The evidence is right there and why. If it came down to it, everybody knows how we would choose and what option we would rather have, making them pay as much as we can and pain unlike they can ever dish out; sledge hammer baby. It was hammer time and now still hammer time.
They Watch Us Closely Around The World: They are doomed, but also a very stupid dumb C--- who cannot keep their mouth shut or go away. For someone so clumsy and accident prone to be doing this, is probably why and how it got so ridiculous and so deadly. Yet they act determined and we know they are a total dumb c--- at heart. Maybe if they grew some balls it would help them or improve their situation of sneaking around full of spite. Yes I bet they will come right through my door as usual with me sitting there waiting, what a mean talker they are. Just pay the damn 2 billion and be gone for good. We already know they are too scared to walk through that front door and been there; so they use remote surveillance or sneaky ways to circumvent the laws. We can work with that and we can adapt to generations of them gone. We can go remote with them also or mess with their minds.
Talk To Us Inside Our Residence - Media Monopoly: They like publicity and ratings. This torments them because they are opportunists first, terrorists second, and communists third. It is torture for the both of us but do not loose sight of the ending or the opportunity. I think everybody knows how close or similar to the use of the media and accosting people in their own homes. I think we know why there are so many problems with the media or a monopoly by the communists and liberals. It is about mind control, persuasion, brainwashing, total lies, propaganda, a web of lies, and a few more things we know all about now. Thank God the CIA is on top of it and has satellite feed, they are impregnable. Good job guys.
Dear Rush Limbaugh-Sean Hannity and the Communist Forces Inside My Residence Doing Surveillance: What happened to "Oh my God, I am such a dumb C---, I should have kept my mouth shut but I do not know how and I hate myself. I got everybody killed, even my own family. I am so stupid and so evil, I deserve to die? We are sorry and we know we are messing with the wrong people." How about repeating that over and over until it becomes reality? Luckily, whoever is doing the brainwashing, had been, and is inside my residence or stalking me remotely using surveillance or spying methods; did not walk through my front door. Otherwise, that punkass would have made my day. But since that option is not available, I have a better idea. We know why you use surveillance or these stalking methods to case us or spy in on our life; don't we?
Dear California and the Democratic Party USA: Let me tell you what will happen and how this will go down. Right now, Silicon Valley is making money and continues to grow. The market is idea to move to California and link up with other high tech firms, collaboration. Eventually, computers will peak or level off and that is when California or bust will really get a dose of reality. There is nothing wrong with making your money or learning the skills and trade of high tech industry. However, when the politics are so out of whack and when the cost of living is so spiked to the ceiling; it will collapse. Do not think the Asians are this stupid or the people who run these high tech companies (mostly Caucasians). They will seek out tax breaks. You know they want and need the Asian accounts. You know their banks will fail. I will say this over and over, why keep showing up and pretending as if we do not know or did not trap them? If we set another trap, they will show up. They will antagonize and debate us; upwards of one hundred and fifty felony charges.
This is about control and failure; buyers and sellers of total lies. Shareholders and stock values will eventually put scrutinizing pressure on the politics or the fundraising event. The state cannot build a computer to understand why they will face this difficulty process as people age. When firemen and police officers make more than scientists or eighth-year college candidates, you know something is very wrong. The only hope for the hot potatoes or failure, are the Asians or high tech companies. They do fight our wars. They do work for less. There was or used to be a demand for employers and employees for them. What the hell do we do with this lawless skank who is full of spite and is totally insane? All of them are communist at the core and now radicalized hardcore. When people find out where the money goes or to whom, they will demand relocation. Reality will hit and hard eventually, but for now the market is good for growth, discovery, and collaboration. Things are normal now and their phony lies protect them. Soon they will become real and more desperate. You must run, they are after you. They will find you, this animal clan. Do you know what it feels like or how they are? They will come in the night as always. There is nowhere to hide. Soon the communists and the Nazis will arrive on their doorsteps as they did on ours. Full of spite and hatred, they will neatly sneak around or try to communicate what they want and need.
When more companies establish in the high tech industry; they will seek financial advantages. They will seek the right people to be in their life. Nobody is fooled about the wrong people in their life, but everybody wants the right people or the strong forces. My advice is to live within their means. It will not be long until people realize the wrong people are in their life and why. It won't be long until they realize who exactly is the problem or why they are this way. Wait until the reality of those pensions or all of those jobs hit the lack of savings and the finality of collapse. It comes down to saving for your retirement and relocating to an area where you can do commerce free of the Democratic Party USA. Hell they are in our residence pretending to be Republicans and boy are they full of spite for some odd reason. We know them as communist liberals. How stupid are whites and Asians to this problem or parasitic political psychopath? Any guesses why they keep showing up and acting welcomed now after two decades of this? Who did what?
They do fight our wars. They do work for less. There was or used to be a demand for employers and employees for them. What the hell do we do with this lawless skank who is full of spite and is totally insane? All of them are communist at the core and now radicalized hardcore. That narcissistic skunk would never do that to minorities, would they? Remember, they blame the Asians for competition or the above problems. They had a plot on us and a show trial to humiliate and suggest we are the problem or cannot get along with others. We cannot get along with them. But to disprove this, they dress up as clowns and we know they are communists full of spite. Take a look how lawless they truly are. They are nothing more than an utter parasite and total mess when it comes to politics and financial matters, most especially economic sustainability. You must run, they are after you. They will find you, this animal clan. Do you know what it feels like or how they are? They will come in the night as always. There is nowhere to hide.
Do you suspect this is why they are full of spite and the wrong people in our life? Do you suspect this is what they are up to in my residence or circling me previously? Who did what? Who is behind all of this? Who keeps on showing up and telling us total lies to each trap? Each trap. How many witnesses saw this? If they are not behind 911, how did we set a trap for one and how did they end up showing up to each trap and then debate us? Explain it and all of it, every single detail. Things are normal now and their phony lies protect them. Soon they will become real and more desperate. Soon the communists and the Nazis will arrive on their doorsteps as they did on ours. Full of spite and hatred, they will sneak around or try to communicate what they want and need. They are the Red Dragon and becoming more real, a metamorphosis. We do have Hannibal Lecture on the other line. Is he God and the truth or merely the devil? How can God be slayed? They are your parents and if you wish to survive or escape, you must slay the dragon.
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Monday, October 22, 2012
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- My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.
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