The Second Presidential Debates and On Foreign Policy:
Dear Mr. Biden: I am quiet skilled in foreign policy and studied it for years. I read almost every single classic and world changing event written. Let me tell you some hard realities. If you look at my tax returns and my current employment, I work for $8 an hour. In my entire life, I have always been under siege or attacked. I have never worked for more than $16 an hour, never. Do you see me complaining or writing crazy things while a mob screams at me? Do you? Or do you see me claiming damages of 2 billion? Ask me, 2 billion or 700 billion in stimulus money? Which is more important? Blind? Biased? I have never heard of anybody accuse me of being an inbred, savage, or a college drop out; yet still make $50 an hour and bitch about how the government was willing to let them go bankrupt. Furthermore, I have very limited and small debt; I do not pass the buck and demand the public pay my debts. You see my problem and how your administration has proven your laziness or blindness to the problem.
This word labor unions and left wing liberals come up quiet frequently. Maybe before a dime of tax dollars are issued out; they need to cut their salary down to $10 an hour, which is still more than what I make. The public is sick of this, sick of it. Do we look dumb or stupid? Do we look like slaves or people who earn so much less than those who are begging for jobs? In 12 months, the debts on those loans better be looking spit shine. So what is the problem with the labor movement and their political leaders? Ryan wins. None of them can read and if they can, I do not have to repeat it over and over again. Therefore, anytime you have people following this close or this desperate; you will have a pile up and it is always the same suspects who follow too close or hit others from behind. We did not see it coming either or which direction. Their business model is totally phony and on life support.
I have studied the Middle East for years and in college. On Iran, I regret to tell Israel our military forces have or are being murdered by evil and bad politicians. We even document a vicious penetration and their leader who did it. We clearly state vividly to both the Israeli and the Democratic Party, whom for more than 60 years in the past have always been weak on Foreign Policy. I can name off a list, one after the other; where domestic policy trumped all foreign plots; meanwhile our military and allies were being murdered or slaughtered. Sorry if this is too blind for all of you but we do not need a third war when our forces are being murdered and our military is nearly decimated by spies and moles. Perhaps Israel can learn British instead of English when they speak of Iran? All the sudden, the left wing and Democrats have to have foreign policy and Middle East cures. I see it this way. Before we die, a lot of evil people will. Before the brave and the strong dies; hell will arrive. Want to vote on this or live it? let them be who they are, how about letting us or America be whom we are? Why are they so peaceful, weird, do not fit in, quiet, and so evil? Does it feel weird or feel like gross injustice? Yes.
A pound of bacon will do wonders for their heart attack. Pull a Limbaugh and Hannity while they are on life support or nearly decimated. Biden and the Democratic Party must be a military genius. I am done with it, it has been four years, no more promises. Biden did not blame the military leaders; how civilized. Do they remember the Vietnam War? Now they want the job? Do they remember my strategic hamlet where I said alert the population of a seek and destroy mission? Look how many civilizations died in this integration plan? If they do not come into the hamlets, they will starve or die. They missed the rain seasons. They missed the strategic bombing. They missed the hidden weapons; how do you bring a tank into a strategic hamlet? They missed the 24 hour drone attacks. Four years later, I said the job was only 12 months at most. What does 2014 have to do with the Pentagon or our Generals? Do they remember Vietnam? How do we fight military geniuses?
On Syria, I am not jumping head into killing more people but I think Assad should bring his case and begin answering questions honestly. If he wishes to do this and explain, I will be glad to listen but I play by very different rules. So far, I have not heard any "War Crimes" or video tape of insane behavior. When and if the freedom movements come to us and document or present their case, we will listen. Look at the total lies we are up against and the evil in the communists; read this blog and all of the documents. Too many of them or outnumbered, then fall back and let them follow me. All of my security and backup got away; but they got me, now what? Come find me and get reinforcements, they will pay and dearly. Who has who? Oh no, they will not teach me nothing, now what? Where are my men and where are my backup? Good thing they high tailed out of there while they can; it got icy vicious. Now what? Did anybody see who they were or their faces? We got mugged. Does anybody notice anything weird about them?
Our nation is on life support right now, life support. Want to vote on it? Honestly, no F you. Do they know it is on lie support? In the worst time of our history, they want us to spend our valuable patience on Iran? We do not need it and not in these dark hours. In the future, Israel will need to blame the Democrats for keeping these blinders on all over the world and letting communism tromp on our forces or attack them viciously. Our intelligence is not in the same place or have been as the Democrats claim; these pressure tactics are miniscule. Ryan wins. Again, two billion or a stimulus of 700 billion, twice? For what and for what future? Is that clear thinking and was that ever considered? Has any of that been resolved or fixed, close to it? Outrageous behavior? Presidential capabilities? Who exactly is running the country and the doctor who did surgery while the nation was on life support? How about Ann Coulter? Want to vote on that or tell the truth? Bring me the top 20 list and tell them; we will take it from there.
If nothing we do is allowed to be perfect or right; then why should we "let them be who they are" as Hannity said on Thursday, 11 October, 2012 @ 07:29:28 PM? How about our rights and our zero tolerance or hatred of weak on crime or communism? Is that the problem or are we the problem? Cars have to be vandalized and in disrepair. Homes must be vandalized or in disrepair. Computers have to be vandalized and imperfect constantly. We cannot look good or dress good, punished for trying or disfigured brutally by a mysterious voice, force, or phantom. How about our standards? How about our perfection and rights? How about doing the right thing? Hannity says to let them be who they are, how about letting us or America be whom we are? Why are they so peaceful, weird, do not fit in, quiet, and so evil? Does it feel weird or feel like gross injustice? Yes.
Is that his Catholic voice, his Irish voice, or this monster we know as the communist voice? Why can't my life, my belongings, my body, my looks, my hair and all of that be perfect or the way I like? Are they the police? Are they the government to impose these ghetto standards on us? We have to accept a fat obese slob and let them be who they are; shameless and a narcissistic creature from hell? They act like they are not even stressed or worried; nobody even knows who they are or what they are up to. Nobody is watching them or filming them. Does anybody notice anything weird about them, anything? Let them be who they are? There is a pile up now and it is always the same suspects who follow too close or hit others from behind. We did not see it coming either or which direction. Their business model is totally phony and on life support.
The police do not care. Nobody even cares about them. They do not exist and never did, ignore them. I do not call those acts, "debating" or "freedom of speech." I do not call it an interview or these sugar coated words. It was full scale combat, extreme violence, and one military force against the other. This claim there is and was no violence-brutality is a straight up lie. Those lies are intentional and deliberately used so they do not get caught or can escape the endless charges. Do they know who we are? When? When were they aware of this and when did we make it crystal clear to them? Did we ever confront them? When? We are two opposite creatures, one communist and one legitimate capitalists, and there is no violence or total calm? Was someone mugged or robbed? Who and why? No memory now and dementia? If they are the police and who they claim, go and tell the police to pay us two billion dollars in damages; do not tell us. We have lawyers and million of eyes on this, the police do not operate on this level of secrecy. They have lawyers and DA's who need instructions on what to do; they still do not have a valid answer. When and if you tell the police to pay two billion dollars, this will be over and we can move on or America can be totally sane again; their lawyers are waiting with delight because we do not have to work overtime for peanuts or free.
I have a secret to confess. How do you deter a peeping tom? How do you teach a psychopathic stalker? Here is another funny aspect of being kidnapped and spied on. You can wake them up or play loud music to scare the hell out of them. Knowing their entire political objectives; you can literally ass-rape the butt boy by verbally abusing them or luring them into a stupid-spy listening in shock mode. You can call them every name or treat them in any manner to the point an Army Sergeant rips a goof apart. They hate it even if it is in your own residence. They live on their sweet words or sugar coated world. Getting the drill sergeant ass-rape verbal abuse is lovely for this enemy and this jackass. In the beginning, they would come at you like a bull that day or the moment you stepped outside. Now they are so defeated and so verbally abused, they live up to their coward name. The moment they give us a clue, we break out the joke books on their ethnic race or political objectives. I know what they hate. I know what makes them cover their ears. Their ears are swollen by 9am daily. They are in a nervous breakdown and get 1000s of anxiety attacks daily when we do this. Ah, that explains their behavior. In the book Candide, he would hit them with a broomstick and hear them say yippee. I call it politically correct disinformation. They claim I talk to myself or scream uncontrollably. Not true at all, total lies.
Ever seen that move, "Home Alone?" It did not stop them did it? I know what to force feed them if I have a spy, stalker, and prowler in my residence. They love gay porn. They love weird hardcore stuff all day long. They love the drill seargant. Cuss at them. Tell them how pathetic they are and what kind of a butt boy; by lunchtime, they had a great day. Is it legal? Yes. Does it teach a robber, mugger, spy, stalker, or communist psychopath a lesson? No. Blast loud music up-down, up-down and it kills them inside. If they have a problem with it, then tell the police to pay two billion dollars. They need to learn how to file a claim and the proper procedure, not debate it or violate my privacy or residential dwelling home. Limbaugh blew up so many times on the air and I would bring him to sheer anger with this verbal abuse (not written) on the communist phone. Yes it is funny and yes it warps their reality and throws them in a mild psychotic tizzy. I got the verbal abuse in public or via their communist phone. I scream into that phone and do not take it into public. That is good, clean, money and money really annoys them. Ann really angers them also when she knows they are listened in. They are the best! I call it residential or breakfast disinformation. It is the magic of radio. It is the F/X of being tortured verbally in your own home. They still claim I talk to myself or scream uncontrollably. Not true at all, total lies.
First off, we know you tried to block my military career or whom I am today. I was and chosen to be in charge of allied forces. I had to and was forced to accept retirement after what I saw and being outnumbered, I did fear for my life. Clearly, you wanted to choose one of my sisters and pay her ten times what I was worth in order to subordinate the rank system. I also know which Generals we nabbed and who are communist penetrators or part of this conspiracy. They have hidden and gone into seclusion, fearing embarassment or the ultimate punishment. As everybody can see, every single chance has been made to slander or trash my grades, life, and career. Even my marriage and stability; talking to me all day long or stalking me, etc...
Second, this plot focused on my family. We do have access to the White House, all of us. We have always had since the 1960s. For some reason, you chose me. I was the lucky one and the blacksheep. That has been verified. You only bombarded me and my father with life long problems; as he told me. We know the FBI in the late 1970s called the Pentagon. We had transcripts of that call and meeting in DC. We knew they were so overwhelmed they asked for secret backup and immediate Pentagon assistance. If you look at the life of J. Edgar Hoover, he had the same plot or slander on him. Furthermore, a sexual predator displays certain traits such as shameless behavior, extreme secrecy, advanced thinking ability, and extreme narcissism. Those traits fit this problem and these people.
Thirdly, we know an effort to block my rise and command of the allied forces was definitive; my biography documents it and Ann Coulter's life. We know the Generals you tried to put in place, all communist infiltrators and Party appratchiks. We know this is about oil, banks, and technology start ups. We know this is about military power or technology. How high was the penetration? We know and they are in seclusion; only the strongest of them and the least important are out in the field in combat with us; and the entire left wing and Democratic Party. Very clever tactic and strategy of encirclement or reverse terrorism. We will kindly ask your Generals to fall on the swords, but for now there are so many lateral alerts, they cannot go anywhere but straight to hell.
Fourthly, was this a 911 call or a life and death matter? The standard operating procedure, even if you have an emergency, is to call the local police. You cannot hop-skip up the ladder and call this office when and if you want or attack it. But now that you do and have, we have a small little problem and obviously Ann Coulter has intervened or is in the middle of it all. Even the police cannot do this if they are the police or the safety net. They must use the standard operating procedure and document it. All these calls and information back and forth, is completely and totally illegal. Even if life and death was on the line, it is still illegal and under extreme secrecy. Not one was documented, what does that tell you? I do have access to the White House and can pick up the phone and call it anytime I want. This SOB will wreck up your car one minute and then take your resume to fix it the next. If it is not your laptop, your watch, your shoes, your bank account, your marriage, etc... then they come around to fix it or place ads.
Now the really good stuff and communist spies or infiltrators. Obviously they fear World War III and the end to the Cold War. We have established this. They have blocked and put in place their own Generals to prevent the inevitable. We caught them and those remain did not commit suicide or battlefield honors. When investigators go through this and the attempt to cover it up; they will notice how the liberals and the Democrats throw white supremacy plots at us and racism. The truth is they do not want to be fired and did everything possible to skirt the laws or get caught, everything. They invaded our home. They destroyed our property. Then they blamed it on us or our mental problems. Yes, how do you Baker Act someone 3 or 4 times to this kind of ending? Is this about respect or not getting caught?
There is a problem with shame and the truth. There is a problem with narcissism or standards, disobeying the laws in a gross manner. When someone does everything possible not to get caught, it says they have no respect for the laws or other human beings whatsoever. Invading someone's home and life is one thing. Blaming them or making them appear to be feeble, failures, felons, mentally ill, etc... is as low as a human rodent can possibly get. On top of that, they were acting sexy for a repugnant obese mess. Look at the PR disaster these states must face and how many people will loose their job for looking stupid and not answering directly. How is Virginia and New York going to explain 2 billion in damages? They are giving out jobs and prizes to us, charity? How in hell are the supervisors going to explain this PR disaster? How big is the audience? Exactly how many people know what they are up to or how many eyes?
This is such a big puzzle I do not know where to begin. Are they done yet or do they have more? Do they want to Baker Act us again? How to spin it? We have an example of how they want to spin this legal defense. They lied, cheated, and stole. It turned out to be a PR disaster nowhere near what they wanted. It got to 100 or 1000 times worse; meanwhile, the PR disaster also grew to a 2 billion cap. The bottom line is they did anything or everything not be get caught. The brutality and treatment of the female victim was nowhere near the treatment of the male; yet they would not and could not be fired if death and war fell on their footsteps. Should we be Baker Acted again? Should all our property be destroyed and we must be blamed for all of this? How do they explain 2 billion in damages? How? Spin it and lie? Act like the police and blame it on us? Pull a Limbaugh and Hannity? I have heard of gross malpractice and gross injustice; but this takes the cake. Do they really care? Do they have any care besides not being caught and not getting fired. If I put the office of hurricane and earthquake, what will they say and what do I document? Nothing? Something? What did I write? What was their debate answer each and every single time? Steal it? Find it? Spy on it? Sniff it out and do not miss any rocks? Dogma? How about that life of J. Edgar Hoover after death or Ann Coulter?
Was this an attack on the police or not? Limbaugh goes on the air, almost daily now, to declare him the best. Is there a tad bit of secrecy here? Does anybody feel someone may be a suspect? Limbaugh insists it is only a claim and we need to learn the proper way to file a claim for it to be valid. Really? What a joke. I also had no idea the police operated this secretly and speak through Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, or Mark Levin; never knew but now I do. How can they be the suspects, we are and if you listen closely; all we are doing is out to get them. Limbaugh continues to insist he is the best out there or how well he does this; meanwhile, we are trying to return the power to the right people, return the truth, and send in backup or reinforcements. How can we ever be the best or innocent. Look at the PR situation, how many eyes and how many people were in the audience; ask them. Was it ten? Was it one hundred? Do they care if it was a million or ten million? Now that we know the objective is not to be caught, zero brakes, extreme violence, terror plots, and not getting caught; can they same the same about me? How? I am ruined. How can they accuse me of what the real problem is? In their mind, they are living in a penal colony; why are we in prison? We can put the office of hurricane and earthquakes out there again, debate it? How about secrecy and honest responses?
Problems with the police or an attack on the police? Somebody is issuing out summons in a false or harassing manner. All the evidence says Limbaugh-Hannity; extreme secrecy. How in hell did it all lead back to the labor unions, mafia, communist, and drug felons? How about the damages? Was it $10,000? Was it $1 million? Do they care if it was $200 million? Oh wait, how could it ever reach $1 billion? Move on, it is $2 billion, just leave and go home. Is it time to Baker Act? Is it time for straight answers? Secrecy what secrecy? Deny it? Spin it all day long and make illegal communications? How did it end up with communist spies as the voice for the police if and when we are the suspects and were Baker Acted repeatedly? How did they blame home invasion and all of this on us or Republicans? How did Ann Coulter describe the life of J. Edgar Hoover? In his death, all of these allegations come out about backmail and homosexuality? What did I describe? If they did the same to J. Edgar Hoover, then clearly it is the mafia and the communists, his arch nemesis. If they did this to Ann Coulter, then they are definitively confirmed as both the mafia and the communists; all illegal immigrants and spies. If this is true about Ann Coulter, then so was the murder plots she described. That was already established to be true with witnesses.
Will they steal the office of hurricane and earthquakes? We have the final answer. They got here because of a malfunction with their hair trigger opinions or misguided life. Did this hair trigger fail them at 1000 or 1 million audience members? Exactly when did this hair trigger fail them? The beginning? The end? Still? What happened to the hair trigger we kept having to hear about and be on the end of? It would have been nice if they would have reported it or told someone, right? Worse, they turn out to be the communist and sneaking off or into our life. Do they have any right to question the accuser or can they answer one question straight and honestly? Well, it has been a very long time and they got a lot of chances to tell someone or their story. How in hell are the supervisors going to explain this? Hair trigger firing people? Hair trigger calling them crazy? Hair trigger Baker Acting? How about that eye for communist or terrorists, hair trigger? Who set off every single trip wire in the end, every single security trip wire? Us? Them? What do you suspect if we caught them with the office of hurricane or attacking it? Secrecy? Sorry? Want to die? Best? Still nothing. Does anybody suspect the stalling is aimed at stealing hurricanes and earthquakes? Would they ever use it on us if they acquired it? Would they dare if they have no brakes?
Who exactly owes 2 billion in damages and cannot get caught or refuses to be fired? Who, us? Who exactly has the problem or is full of spite? Is the guilty part still full of spite? Is this an attack on the police or is there a problem with the police? Secret still? You may want to go on the radio or TV everyday and apologize to the public instead of telling them you are the best and nobody can do what you do. You may want to tell them the truth or give an explanation to address count one to fifty. Ignoring it and ignorance to the law suggest you are secretly saying "go away" or "go home" while in our residence. If this is your debate, then you should explain and try to be honest, without severe embarassment. Blaming the police or trying to get New York and Virginia to pay for the damages is not a wise strategy. They will cut your throat before theirs is. People have worked too hard to have it stolen by thieves.
Nobody answered the obvious, what will happen if we place the office of hurricane and earthquakes in front of them? Steal it? Debate? Severe attacks? What will happen? Can we prove it or their relentless effort? I never once heard Limbaugh mention Hugo Chavez and any hurricane steering machine, never. I never even heard him explain about earthquake machines or steering devices for tornadoes; not one word about communist forces. Is that a secret also? Did anybody hear this or can present any evidence? Out of millions, was there any witness?
Dear Stacy Dash and all of her black haters: the reason why blacks should vote for the best candidate and the most honest is because it is the only game in town right now. It is not about blacks, it is about the future of America and being real enough to be meaningful parts of it. As a wise Roman emperor once told me, "To most is the least as always."
If I was the police chief and a black kid mugged one of my officers, you can expect me to shoot the kid myself, kill his entire family, and then burn down or nuke the entire village if we are in Kenya. That is a few less registered voters don't you agree? That is how serious this matter is or was. Fantasy aside, I am not the police chief and the mugger is not dead, nor is their family or village. If it was a white kid, I would deport him and make his family serve black families the rest of their life while Asians laughed and drove on their lawn. Cruel or just cruel people put in bad situations? I have zero tolerance for what has happened or why they apologize and beg on the hour using these crazy stunts and stealing the truth. Don't ever use the police to call me weak on crime or a felon ever again; it failed and got many of the cops behind the attacks on Virginia on payroll trouble or transferred.
Dear Florida Radio Host Todd Schmidt: I am so fed up and demand you are fired, all of you. You want to sit there and feed me this crazy hogwash "white supremacy" debate right at the election time and the most important election of our life. I find this very suspicious. You repeat and demand how we have to "show you and teach you" yet I do not understand why your dumbass won't get college or academic knowledge. Limbaugh does it and Hannity does it; and the problem is very easy to figure out. The only person who has to leave and cannot get the job is the dumbass who constantly debates or interviews us, demanding we tell you the answer or the truth. Now if you had this dumbass and moron in your life, imagine what life would be like? We know you all are advancing Civil Rights. We know you are messing with the way Asians and the world thinks. We know you are a total mess and feel the world revolves around an idiot. Are they in the media and in control? Do they determine what information is reported or what questions are used? Do they impact the elections with these stunts and insane interviews? Go to college for ten years and then be on our levels, not a clown we have to send a Predator Drone after.
You need to go and immediately; no more debates or instructions. No more lectures or compasses for your dumbass life. All of you incite debates or a numbness with the stupidity and it is deliberate and intentional. I suspect you may be a Nazi and a communist simultaneously; but for such an idiot, you wish to ask us, demand we tell you, lecture you, show you the way, explain ourself, or live this empty half-life as a fence sitter and pretending to be this or that. Then you tinker and mess with our belongings, claim it is your home, and then say we have to fix it or pay you to fix it? What kind of a F'in human being are you all? What kind of hoax and cruel scam are you wishing to pull on us? We cannot have narcissism of this level and stupidity of this level in such high places or exposed to the public discourse. I demand all of you are fired and deposed; disposed of immediately before the war begins. It always leads back to the media and Republicans. It is never the usual suspects or the left wing. Yet it is always communists or our foes, heavy combat with them. Do you see the Japanese calling us 24-7 or right at election time to instruct or explain white supremacy plots, so it can be debated for dumbasses unemployed? Does Florida need more white transients or down and out drug dealers?
White supremacy plots? First it was how I did not pay attention to details. Then it was nit-picking. Then it was how I could not keep up or did not have the standards you all are looking for. Then it was how I do not listen or pay attention. Now it never is about communism or moles in the Republican Party; it is never about what the problem was or total lies. We find out none of them have college education or an IQ to match ours and all of our belongings and machines are broken while they tell us we cannot do this alone, it cost money to fix things, they need money or need us to spend money on them, or more problems with white laborers who we cannot keep up with because everything is broken or a total mess. I did not know this was about college educated leaders and labor union or communist leaders and who is in control or going to win this. Thank you for telling us all about their church and how conservative they are dirt dumb. Right at election time also. What next, dress up the Klan or go on a diet? Why can't they have a normal life, do the right thing, or try to be more perfect?
All you do is panic us and worry us; then complain about jobs. You can't be normal, intelligent, prove your worth, or try to be a perfect human being; can you? That is the problem and also what those who suffer from it refuse to report. It is a widespread problem among crazy people in search of power or money. In a world of advanced degrees, high technology, and data bits; we have an idiot communist spy who only asks questions and incite us. They pretend to be business owners or Republicans. They represent labor unions, the people, interviewers, power, communist spies, terrorists, and all kinds of total insanity. What can they steal or get from us? Where will they lead us? Who is hiring them first of all and what standards do they ask or want? Do they know these are communist spies and what charges are against them at this time? They are dumb and beyond the scope of intrusive, nosy, or violating our rights. They still do not know who has to leave and who is staying? We shut down this plantation and crack house, they come right back heavier, hungrier, meaner, fiercer, and more of a savage with good intentions.
Right on cue and at election time. What in hell do we want with the labor unions, their leaders, or their hocus-pokus church? Are they really the true Republicans and conservatives? Do they run the media also? We can't keep up right and are a female, broken down on the side of the road? So here is the moment of truth. What do I care about a bunch of animals or clicks who are college drop-outs or do not have a college education or academic record to back anything up? Why am I in this total mess? An interview? A job offering? Am I being hired or being tested? How about if we just get with other world leaders and nuke them? That sounds like a much easier path than this one. Hell it sounds very peaceful and rather calmer than total insanity with a total loser and nutcase full of drama and confidence. How about telling them to go home or be deported? That is the communist and the church of labor for you. I find it very suspicious right at election time to bring up white supremacy or plots to advance whites only; especially from stupid-trashy whites. The world does not care, serious. Go and get a college education and stop dressing up as Republicans or business owners. We love their church of fixers and college drop outs.
Even Ann Coulter on the eve of destruction, is displaying extremely negative character traits. Her people are cursed. If they are not Indian killers then they are thieves and robber barons. If not some sort of evil and foul inclusion into the elite power structures; then it is slave traders, sex predators, horrible immigrants, and ungrateful patriots full of spite and ignorance. How do we cure or cope with a mob of that savage animal but to dispose it anyway and anyhow we can, for being trash in our life and making us so frustrated on why they cannot be more perfect and more intelligent. Now we have to listen to college drop outs or total failures doing this crap? Bring me the top twenty and their heads. They have no learned anything yet, except communism and kidnapping decent normal people. This human being is a total asshole and a jackass all in one ball of confusion. Look how cursed they are and how evil; even on the eve of their own destruction and finally being cornered in their own web of deception, communism. Every single time we shut down this plantation or crack house, they come back more fierce and even more apologetic. Do they have a conscience or any guilt, or is it only their reputation they worry about?
Even Ann Coulter has not learned the most important lesson of all. There are people in power or people, VIPs that cannot be betrayed. They are walking around in this world and cannot be betrayed no matter what. These people still feel they can snipe or hide behind trees and snipe, shout, or shoot at those who cannot be betrayed. They have not learned the most important lesson of all. They feel they can betray and do anything they want; to collide into the ultimate consequences and well beyond their imaginations. This is a simple lesson this savage and animal has not even learned and lie profusely about. Yet Ann Coulter as a PR or political cover has not done a sufficient job to get this message across. To waste more time and drag feet or jump through their hoops; is the worst case possible. They will betray and snipe at any target they can; to get their way or increase their revenue. It is disgusting behavior and it needs to be shut down immediately; I mean immediately, voluntary first and then swiss cheese second. Do not get stuck deeper in their bottomless pit and endless lies; you will be alone and you will be abandoned.
Ann Coulter is out there in the wilderness and exposed to the cold or savages hiding. However, as time goes on, she is displaying very negative and callous personality traits. She was victorious over her demons. She did win against her enemies. She did devote her life to very limited goals. She is a pioneer and she did accomplish many things no women can possibly while looking fabulous. However, there is a darker side to her thick skin or even numbness. She is the victim of repeated and ongoing crime. She was brutalized and nearly raped and killed. She does have a mob against her and she is facing a wild angry mob. This aside, she shows an inhuman reach and even an out of touch character to how she performs these tasks. The simple duties of life go neglected. The hopes and aspirations of normal human beings are a total mess. Things have no meaning and Ann lives off the convenience or meaningless materialism of life. She is a pioneer and her life is a total mess; especially when the reports of crime or violations which can be punished by either death or incarceration. As stupid as it sounds, Ann has pissed her life away on a plantation and a crack house. Does she know this or have notice the consequences to her own life?
Work and being a pioneer is one aspect of life, but there is another side almost inhuman and dumb. Her negatives are stacking up and multiplying but her callous disregard or time consuming endeavours violate the rules of safety ingrained into military personnel and most especially military divers. You cannot stay under too long or else permanent damage or death can result. The ocean is bottomless, do not test the depth or the bottom. Know when enough is enough; even when swimming with sharks. Apply a trained eye on her and she will be viewed in a very bad way; yet the disregard and ignorance mocks the stupidity of the entire matter. Ann is a pioneer and she is out there alone; nearly abandoned, she is incapable of understanding the simple life or the duties all women have deep in their soul and character. I will say this again, this type of character and life makes for very poor choices in life, bad partnerships, and empty homes. They make poor choices for friends and sharing life will and can be absolute hell.
There is no balance to anything but the case is in full swing, still. A snail and an idiot must be in charge or running the show. Our world has been taken over by retards and this is why things do not get anywhere. It is annoying no matter if it is a mockery or some debate she is forming among her opposition. Living by convenience or this meaningless life will lead to more hardships and more long term life problems; if not what she is trying to escape already. She needs to return to her own youth and become a real human being, if she is one. That is to say she wishes to be a real and normal human being with a normal practical life. As time passes, she appears out of touch, wacky, and holding a lot of negative character traits she cannot escape or hide. There is something very wrong with these people, to include their total disregard, callous indifferences, and total lack of meaning in life. However, they live by materialism or the quick conveniences which others view with a cold shoulder or a total lack of understanding. Their life is not warm, embracing, or full of holiday cheer; that which we grew up on and always return to. They make very poor choices for partnership and inclusion.
What is or was the ultimate lesson? What did we try to accomplish and could not or found so difficult with this enemy and communist force? What about them is so flawed and so stupid; nobody can fix them? Now that we know their eyes are wide open; they still waste our time and lie profusely, even on the eve of destruction. What happened to all that time once here? Where did that go? Look at the beginning of this and the end, where did all of that time go and why betray us now or waste our time? Only God knows that answer and I am not telling who is a real trap they will step on and regret with all their lies and guilt for the remainder of life. Even if God was here now, they would stand before him and lie profusely; even act like his friend or father. Look at their history and where it has now led them; into ruin, destruction, and the life of a measly communist punk. Look what they call it and how phony they have become; attacking college educated experts and trying to educate them to a street punk level fit for a communist mole. You got to love their church of failure, they really put on a hell of a show.
It must be really important and very serious for Ann Coulter to risk so much; then again, as with Navy divers, you do not plunge into the ocean without proper equipment or men.
You cannot stand it when and if we are happy. You have so much spite, your timing is perfect but your message is totally warped, twisted, and utter lies to fit your total mess. You cannot stand a fight where your objective is to rob or injure others but you are the only one struggling or spiteful. Even the police have to struggle, right? Your hatred is everything which puts you in your place or traps you. Do you admit to the use of the internet and how you did not realize I was working with outside forces or were penetrating your own forces before you had to declare mercy? If you knew we were using the internet to escape or meet up with a rescue online, did you try to prevent, block, obstruct, or brutalize anyone to prevent escape or further continuation of this? There is our account and then there is their account, a mere interview or debate as they were trying to help us. The record and the account told by Ann Coulter establishes the same experience and same story. They did everything including murder plots. They were dressing up as anyone, just to antagonize or herd with extreme prejudice. Brute force and violence was when all else failed but it was constant brainwashing. Did they know we were working with people on the outside or not, when? What did they do and how did they react? Mercy? We should stop crying our heart out and move on?
Let's not beat around the bush and what this is truly about, decline, public relations and voting rights. Capital from drugs, funneled into real estate, then funneled back to the banks or Florida; is huge for industry ran by hooligan. It is hooligan capitalism and it has no end or depth to the bottom. Land and real estate is a big control factor and legal merits. Although hooligans and savages; their criminal life is more able and does not have to struggle. There is no depth or bottom to this financial scam. Technology is an emerging industry. With capital, they are able to invest in internet and hardware revolutionary to hooligan capitalism. Espionage is obsolete so capital funneled to the wrong causes or "clone" companies can impact the way the police do business. As you can see, their first target is satellite warfare and Pentagon level missions. Even trying to kill us did not really go well or do anything to the ending. High maintenance or not, even their husbands know they are full of crap and disgusting.
With capital, they are able to invest in internet and hardware revolutionary to hooligan capitalism. Espionage is obsolete so capital funneled to the wrong causes or "clone" companies can impact the way the police do business. As you can see, their first target is satellite warfare and Pentagon level missions. If you listen to Limbaugh and Hannity, they are truly scared. What they have seen or been through gives them nightmares; however, imagine what they can do had they grabbed me, exploited me ably, and utilized by work to no end or this hooligan capitalism? There is no bottom to it. They know my mind has no end and is constantly inventing when they throw an obstacle or problem in front of it; thus, I make a wonderful compass.
If you listen to Limbaugh and Hannity, they are truly scared. What they have seen or been through gives them nightmares; however, imagine what they can do had they grabbed me, exploited me ably, and utilized by work to no end or this hooligan capitalism? There is no bottom to it. They know my mind has no end and is constantly inventing when they throw an obstacle or problem in front of it; thus, I make a wonderful compass. As you can see, this compass has been proven and verified. God knows what they have created and gotten from us by spying or watching 24-7. Banking irregularities are a offshoot of the Wall Street scandals. This includes the people nabbed in NYC and Florida.
As you can see, banks provide capital and give life to business owners. If they spy or engage in espionage, they can fund companies and communist causes all over the world and take in a huge profit with soft money. The internet allows them a powerful tool to acquire information and jobs. They see the internet as opportunity also; yet they are afraid it will change their prisoners or captives. The door to the internet exposes people to information and new information. Humans are their money maker or power. They do love human beings. Women are nothing more than bait or a scam to lure other human beings; it is all phony. As you can see, this compass has been proven and verified. It was a recruitment plot gone very wrong. It was an international racketeering plot using money from major economies. It is a protection racket and there is no bottom to any of this yet.
As communists, they will do anything we do but the opposite; remember this. They are high maintenance and industrialists; very irresistible with proper presentation and imagery. Making them watch porn and weird hardcore things, we know a lot about these women or how they are full of crap. They tell us everything, in an effort to be the same or share common ground. Their husbands want to bust them open or in half. Junk is always phony, even in bed. We know a lot about their sexual habits and they are very open about it. We know how many sexual partners they have on average; we know how self assured they are with their body; we know if they are heterosexual, bisexual or other; they tell us what they like or not about sex; we know about their loyalties or infidelity; we know how they feel about porn or graphic imagery; we know all about their tricks and stunts to capture the attention or money of others. They are human beings first and foremost, but other than this they have no intersection points and diverge from normality or a normal life.
Dear Bill Clinton and the Clinton Family: Get out of our life! It is not a warning, it is a promise. Listen up closely, I am sick and tired of your family mingling or proclaiming yourself our masters or protectors. We have trapped and cornered your forces and your helpers. I heard what you said about unemployment and how we wish evil or awful things on other human beings. It is false and twisting reality, the invention of a vile spin doctor. I wish you out of our life and I wish you all shut up. I do hate your guts and how you impose yourself on us; calling it white supremacy one moment and Civil Rights the next. It is as if we cannot win either or; up down or sideways. We want you out of our life and if this means destroy earth to a measly smoldering lump of cackle crap, then unemployment is meaningless to this end. You do not get it do you; it is what you do and how you do it; not what we do or how we think. You phony fat ass slob forces try to control or harass us into death. You tinker with every single aspect of our life and then attack us for just opposing you or nuking your forces.
What do you expect, swim lessons or CPR? We know you all have your own vocabulary and a dual reality, nothing is true or meaningful in it; all animals and savages. We have given your forces and your political power hell for this. You still do not get it or have learned a thing. I do not know how to be more straight-forward or honest with your family or political mischief. Due to your instructions, the people behind this will pay dearly if not with the next one hundred years of verbal abuse and oppression. Your destructive capability is immense for being animals and a disaster. I do not need a lecture on college economics. You people are totally nuts and it is not intelligence, hard work, or talent with facts. Don't give me a lecture on unemployment or finances either, I wrote the book on economic sustainability and our blessed American defense structure. It is that simple and that easy to explain, stop weaseling in our life or tinkering with anything you can. We do not like it and we will deliver you to hell even if it is frozen stiff or dead in their tracks.
America has spoken. Hell has to be unleashed or if the power of lighting and earthquakes are needed, we will see to it. Do you honestly think I think about unemployment or how I am struggling while we do this? This mess was the result of your family. Take a hard look at your wife, trying to be our mom, trying to be a major force in our life (my family), weaseling into our private affairs and trying to dignify your political career and life. It is disgusting. All of you are a total mess and a disaster now for this. Look at your life and look at what Ann Coulter has done to defeat your wife's effort to be such a force in my family's life. Yes we know it was an attack, the retaliation and the opposition has been there from the start watching and waiting. This was all your fault and you have been impeached already, what more now? Look at what Ann Coulter has done to you and your family; as result of your attacks on my family and the decision-makers of the 1960s. The level of destruction is immense and total insanity.
Do white people dream about sharecroppers or their grandfather also? Do they know what they are doing? Can we verify it? On Tuesday, October 09, 2012 Rush Limbaugh is very agitated by the Sandusky-Penn State Case. Sandusky was sentenced to 40-60 years and he was going on the media to dignify his acts as "out to get him." Limbaugh is Sandusky and they are going to hang him in the similar way. Limbaugh was gauging his performance and come back, revival and rebirth; based on Al Quad. He says he "is back.. Al Quad is no more and almost gone." Terrorism has given him a get out of jail free card and a new life; but all of it is based on 911 and Al Quad. Limbaugh is agitated and he claims we have too many problems to be worrying about him or what they are doing. Meanwhile, what they are doing or did suggest the problem is not them and the problem is the system. It is not individuality or any single point of failure or single point of accountability. Instead it is a system, a country, and a bunch of ignorant-know it all-selfish smart-asses. The problem is a bunch of haters and racist; not what our work and life is. He is agitated because the courts are hanging these clowns and so are we in the legal process or the court of public opinion. Do people know how unhappy they are making these commercials and under so much scrutiny before getting caught and shutdown? Remember, they are a friend of the court and must appeal this. This court is the death card or warfare court.
Limbaugh-Hannity along with all of them are star hunting; yes goodwill hunting as well. He is out there alone and by himself, even Romney-Ryan hates their guts. Limbaugh said he is one of the best communicators and speech givers on earth; comparing what he is doing to Sandusky on Tuesday, October 09, 2012. Thus, we cannot deny his employment, his talent, or turn our back on what they are trying to do. Limbaugh continues to claim we cannot change him, he cannot change us, and this is "who he is." He then goes on to admit there is "increasing polarity"; his work. He says by professing these people and endorsing us, the only way out or the only option they have left; they are increasing the polarity and the way people think. Limbaugh does not realize how people are laughing at them or know their story; what exactly did they do or try and how it ended. To use the media and spread communism; led to a complete disaster and them endorsing the defense forces and rescuers. When it comes to hate and what they are accused of, he claims we are the ones truly lying. They are peaceful, law abiding, and home owners. Let's not pussyfoot on who the expert is and who is on the same page as whom.
Many media outlets have commented on the clown joke they are by liking what they endorse or embracing what they endorse as a bitter-nasty pill to their suicide. Their shows are nothing more than an espionage channel with puppet strings all over; a virtual wooden dummy who repeats or ventriloquist to life itself. He is agitated and says "they just do not know what they are doing" referring to how happy they are sitting next to us or endorsing us 24-7 with their criminal acts and dangerous criminal escape. Limbaugh says they no longer knows what to do or say; hence, it is "every man for himself... not to worry." Exactly who is endorsing whom and why? Asians? How hardcore communist are they? Limbaugh says people are standing up and cheering, "if people stood up and did that everyday, there would not be a problem. We would not have to leave..." @ 01:34:57 PM. For such a big man, Limbaugh likes to pussyfoot around; even at this level. Again, when it comes to hate and what they are accused of, he claims we are the ones truly lying. They are peaceful, law abiding, and home owners. All he wants to do is pussyfoot around my big words and actions. You can only pick up those words from college or extreme academics. Similar to Sandusky, how can they go on air daily and claim to be innocent? The people they did this too are either on the line listening to their lies or right in front of them. They are so guilty, they have to look up and look way up high in order to speak now. Who is after who here and why?
Limbaugh has 100s of ads for piracy and identity theft; he claims they are very concerned about this problem, hilarious circus. Too bad they were executed on air or doing on-air suicide. This was a major step for the communist, a major one. Limbaugh wants to point out they are finally standing and how much they accomplished. He says it is intended for everybody to enjoy (cough-cough) and "there is no charge whatsoever... there is a picture of my smiling face on there for everybody." He also says we are "running from Congress"; snuck it in right after the Apple-Kindle Fire ad. Limbaugh then mentions Ann and what the communists have done for blacks. He says clearly, "white liberals have literally destroyed the black movement." Hell, I could have given him a history lesson on famine, starvation, and the farm unit resulting from communism. They may be gorgeous, sophisticated, prosperous, and live in the best homes; but they starve and their pantry is always empty. Hence, the food stamp Pres-sentation. Hannity thinks he understands or studied Reagan's cold war debt policy against communism. Limbaugh is not educated in communist history or "forced requisition" or the economic plans. Limbaugh calls the people who starve, "the rich" @ 01:50:38 PM. Limbaugh calls the oil problem "tumult" and he again pussyfoots the topic. We do it, they take the merits or medals. We says it, it becomes an echo chamber and they steal the merits or accolade.
Who are the most hardcore, sincere, and politically correct communist enemies ever to hit the shores of America? Limbaugh goes on to say we are the ones who are lying. Lying? Let's not get more polite about this even if the nation has been taken to the point of total destruction and total chaos. The gloves have been off and we know who has the broken nose and the nose job. We know who has the black eyes and trying everything possible to be happy now. Stressed? Upset? Fat slobs? Limbaugh claims his followers and people are afraid. The problem is not how scared and how threatened they feel; the problem is what they did and the criminal charges against them; count one to count one hundred and fifty. Afraid is nowhere near what they should be feeling considering what they did, what the written record says, and what they refuse to plead guilty to or are escaping. Remember, they are a friend of the court and must appeal this. This court is the death. Do we still want to hire them to get the word out and fire Ann Coulter, ask the jury. Now ask the judge. Ask the prosecutors and what evidence they have available; what has turned up? What exactly is the problem with either side? Who is lying and being nice? Asia and the history of America has been notorious for endorsing communists and this church of evil. We know this. We have reversed it and cleaned up the records in our favor and God Bless America.
Who is scarred for the rest of their life because of their crazy stunts, their crippling attacks, our defense forces, paralyzing lies, and criminal activity; on top of the extreme lying and defrauding the public? Limbaugh continues to argue what we have done to him and the left wing using Christopher Columbus. He says what he is doing is nothing more than American power or the Presidency; meanwhile, he claims someone is "running from Congress." He tries to say we made them slaves or came into the life of the left wing and changed it overnight. I will say this again and with the full force of a death sentence; I have no idea who they are, what they are up to, and this has been going on for more than two decades. I reported this to the FBI in 1998 and when they asked me "who did it" I was tongue tied and said, "I dunno, I think black people." I looked stupid repeatedly and everyday walking into their attacks, steeping in crap and all kinds of stuff, and having been tortured and beaten severely. I do know it is combat and felt the same thing; at times I was unable to get up due to getting hit so hard or having been knocked unconscious. Regardless, I carried on and led them into a trap or here now. I am a very good judge of character and I know much more than people give me credit for; yet the blame has not shifted and this war has not fully shifted. I know who they are and how dangerous or violent they truly are underneath; even the President trust me and is on the same page.
I reported persistent and controlling hacking in the past. This local guy named Schmidt says the problems I have with my laptop and printer is "white supremacy." I want to see their grades. How do they call that white supremacy and technological supremacy? Where is your math and literature grades? They can't answer a question definitely and they act like slaves; begging and pulling one fraud after the next and they call it white supremacy? What happened to teaching us Civil Rights and how much we need to love Obama-care? What happened to your encirclement if and when we drown your ass? Now you have supremacy on laptops and the computer world? You are a sick bastard with low self extreme and similar to Levin, Limbaugh, and Hannity; all you are is a labor union slave or a labor nutcase who wants to act Republican or superior while you underhand your motives and slave life. Truth is a gauge on what kind of a dict-actor and nutcase you truly are or how weak your life and white supremacy has become. Next time, use your grades and academics before you show your white supremacy or white power.
I had no idea the left wing and spiteful Americans viewed Virginia or the rest of the southern states as an educational "white supremacy" plot. I never regarded school, grades, or academics as white supremest. I never even viewed technology or doctorates in engineering as white supremacy. I now understand why they hate college and hate education. I understand why they hate smart people or target intelligence, high academic groups, and are full of spite for technology. I never could understand the Una-bomber or why it was their bugle call. The disadvantage of the entire southern states must be a symptom of this white supremest plot utilizing the educational system or to dignify stupid people. Whatever the case, I am not convinced and I do not view these people as white supremacist or superior. I think their grades speaks louder than theory or accusations. Wow, we are awful and they are so caring and such kind people as they insist on partnership or copulation.
Now I know why serial killers were all over Virginia or why there was so much spite against the state. It took a long time before we caught them or knew who exactly was behind it. What a loser and total nutcase stalking us. They are so jealous, they can feel the pain of us living happy and comfortable. They have not changed their disgusting behavior. In Florida, they are transients and known as a total pest. This stupid SOB was doing this while on active durty and in the military; also police forces. I know a few places they have no access to and cannot get near, residential. I do think you all are very mean people and are pigs. Even if you tipped the scales or broke the axle on your car, I do not see it as white supremacist traits. I see it as a very mean or nasty person who is spiteful and frustrated about their weight problem, thus nobody likes them or they use a false identity to cover this up or the problem. This assistance on how bad we drive, how blind we are, how nobody likes us, or the candy images of these crazed females; is just not enough to justify stupidity or spiteful human beings.
People are just trying to make it to retirement. We know the attacks have injured a few people already. I think you are totally nuts and a total fake, a fraud and you are in bed with the blacks to influence or ruin our life. Explain why you cannot keep your hands off others or tinker with their property? Explain why you F your own kids? Explain your lack of direction in life and being a total mess? Now I am a mess because of your white supremacy. Stop F'in with my laptops and printers; I used to have 15 high end computers and I was wondering who was destroying them or constantly ripping me off. I do not like your work, academics, or how you refuse to seek consent and permission when it comes to others property and belongings. Supremacy my ass idiot and failure. We should drown your ass and evict every single one of you just to teach you a lesson how what dumb truly feels like or how to live it. God Bless America for drowning them and exposing them as such a fraud and pest in our life; what a lie.
Imagery, artsy, and pictures of icons and heroes are big. Similar to a stripper or sex predator, they do better who they are instead of our world and the normal world. Now look how confident they have become and how they complain. Take a look how far they got with this and the real problem with a failure. This was a recruitment plot, a teacher-student standoff. One is a predator and a dumbass; the other has a normal everyday life. This is whom is online and on these dating sites. They seek power, dominance, and control; we know them as communists. This stupid SOB was doing this while on active durty and in the military; also police forces. It is true, they are high maintenance and can be self sufficient if forced to be. However, we see this plugged-in state even in the military. It is a form of elite government or elitism where spoils go to the group most powerful or deadliest. In a gang war, the most cared for or respected are the winners and control the prison. Imagery and high maintenance is a personality irresistible.
The computer attacks were futile. I used to deploy the restore function every 48 hours and had default operating systems ready on the moment. However, I do use it to measure how mean they are or how many attacks and effort levels. This is how we track them and zero. They do not do well on swim tests either. This total mess and failure is so jealous, they know if I get married to Ann Coulter or if I print my books, I will not have problems with them and they will not be in my life anymore. They are trying to block our success and progress; this means they cannot swim and are drowning with jealousy and spite. As a communist they are full of spite and utter failure. I knew it was them and I knew they are teaching us Civil Rights or brainwashing us to be nicer. They were on the dating sites and using fake or imagery to manipulate people. We have the communists trapped and still on attack mode; full of more spite and vile stunts. We also know the drug wars are about banks, capital, copy-cat or identical products, hooligan business start-ups, and long term real estate investments. Are we robbing their coffers also or dipping into their retirement? How about ours?
Innocent? Out to get them? Are the people they did this too in the same room lying or right in front of them? They handle the fallout and pressure very well but very ungraceful, total dumbass full of spite watching us turn them into a frog or a slave. Imagine the spite level having to watch or suffer from our miraculous recovery. White supremacy, what a clown and what a joke. Hannity claims they do not care but they have spent a lot of time, effort, and a lot of wasted breath on their own destruction and our rise-power. They literally handed us this victory while we literally took it out of their hands or ripped their shirt off. If thy are this guilty and this full of spite, they should get on a boat and just go home or go away, total loser. Eventually the exclusivity will deplete them. how can they go on air daily and claim to be innocent? The people they did this too are either on the line listening to their lies or right in front of them. They are so guilty, they have to look up and look way up high in order to speak now. Who is after who here and why? The people they tried to kill are in the same room and talking back, exposing their lies and why. Even that did not work or stop them.
You cannot stand it when and if we are happy. You have so much spite, your timing is perfect but your message is totally warped, twisted, and utter lies to fit your total mess. You cannot stand a fight where your objective is to rob or injure others but you are the only one struggling or spiteful. Even the police have to struggle, right? Your hatred is everything which puts you in your place or traps you. Do you admit to the use of the internet and how you did not realize I was working with outside forces or were penetrating your own forces before you had to declare mercy? If you knew we were using the internet to escape or meet up with a rescue online, did you try to prevent, block, obstruct, or brutalize anyone to prevent escape or further continuation of this? There is our account and then there is their account, a mere interview or debate as they were trying to help us. The record and the account told by Ann Coulter establishes the same experience and same story. They did everything including murder plots. They were dressing up as anyone, just to antagonize or herd with extreme prejudice. Brute force and violence was when all else failed but it was constant brainwashing. Did they know we were working with people on the outside or not, when? What did they do and how did they react? Mercy? We should stop crying our heart out and move on?
I describe 24-7 illegal surveillance or criminal mischief. I report 24-7 disruptions to hardwired or wifi signals; to impede or prevent escape or access by the outside world while this timing is focused in on me or the false feeding of information intended to change who I am or impede my natural growth and talents. I also describe panic when I go online and the mystery of who was on the other end doing this cat-mouse game to screw or tinker with every aspect of our life. It is our mind and talents they want, but the center of the earth is not our liberties whatsoever or our rights. The goal was or were blacks and the use of instruments or tools to persuade were deployed for this racial war or failure in the Democratic Party and liberal policies that have destroyed America and caused endless problems. Now they ask us to move on and stop crying our heart out, while they deny this or the blatant violation of the laws? Nit-picking and so biased, we get one frivolous charge after the next. Even if I use deception methods or cloak my signals, they remain vigilante with this "white supremacy" plot and hoax towards minorities or Asians. Cornered, they have very few options and time is running out; so are their forces being culled.
The evidence indicates they are using convictions, false convictions, and legal pressure as a weapon or to impose a dictatorship, a forceful takeover. The evidence suggests they have a lot to say and did not take the fifth as they want the public to trust. In order to win the trust of the legal or legitimate authority, they presented one case and did another. In the years that past and after more than two decades of this, we are still in a standoff and stuck in their web of lies or kidnapping plot while more lies and excuses are used in a secret or undocumented manner. The evidence suggests and confirms a conspiracy and a radical penetration by the communists. They use a web of deception, legal pressure, false convictions or legal railroading to build a foundation to build on; a dictatorship. By kidnapping and luring an unsuspecting victim or someone they targeted and met in public; they are able to put one hook in at a time and anchoring their life down until it is paralyzed. This is why we are in the second decade of this. The evidence suggest not only vigorous debate and communications but the illegal approach of covering it up or concealing it to suggest an accident or the magic of "hope and change." There is a lot of activity and fighting behind the scene as described in the early years of extreme combat. It is fair to say we caught a very insane criminal and political threat. We have a dictator who knows, understands, and is visibly aware the powers of the courts are aimed at him and their cause. They understand full well how to defeat the laws and understand clearly, how to conceal or hide from prosecution; while offering vigorous or meaningless excuses.
Nothing from their mouth has any truth or meaning, nothing. We can see the effort on a scale of one to ten, geared and tuned to win at all cost. If this means losing their life and entire future, they are prepared and crazed to it under severe failure and strain. The evidence indicates they have lost the will to live and are so brainwashed or misguided, they do not care about the laws, the rights of fellow human beings, or the consequences in the public, military, or law enforcement consequences. Reckless and suicidal is nowhere near how we describe them or what they did. Dangerous and serial killer like is how they were described in their profile when trapped or confronted. As people can see clearly, they had no brakes and took it as far as stealing Christ's suffering or the suffering of oppressed groups. Meanwhile, they used the blacks and the whites on the left and liberal failure bandwagon to mold, bend, twist, warp, and shape reality until it was so grotesque and disgusting; they did it on film over and over while their crimes were being described. This is why the atmosphere is total lies, a dictatorship and a forceful takeover bent on violations of the law and the rights of fellow human beings. This is why they were identified as tripping over a security trip wire we set and observed on September 11, 2001. At that point we said it is time for face-to-face and a campaign of retaliation and trapping this vile enemy. They won that legal battle in 2002 and like clockwork, abused the laws of the United States for this lawless property right or luxurious narcissism they claim is their home.
The evidence suggests they live on debt and are nearly defeated; on the verge of being evicted and expelled. It also shows their attempt to call 911 or help, using our life to mirror the life of a back-man and human monkey. Hence, our life was a mirror of theirs and Ann Coulter's life is a mirror of the legal case against them, which they cannot deny but appear on the surface as quiet and with no comment or feelings. We get calls around the clock and 24-7 on the communist phone or the 911 line to these dictators. All of them are guilty of count one to count one hundred and fifty; all of them. None of them are willing to say the obvious, God Bless America for their destruction, defeat, and delivering our blessed and beautiful life again without them. Although they are there and present, it is clearly obvious we live a life without their presence and our life has taken a very different parting. One they try to mimic or steal; but cannot. The evidence clearly indicates it is time for them to pay the damages and consider jail as a habitation; a form of restraint and acknowledgment of their problems. We have had previous problems with this crazed off-the-wall church before and their political goals. There is a long history of bad relations or bad behavior, skirmishes in the past. Now they are trapped and everybody know what they are up to and how they do what they do. It is power and the worst forms of abuse of power only military might can fix or dispose of properly. We offer them a human side and a soul, consider jail and paying damages for such a disgusting and fat-slob monkey life. That is the only option on the table and the world is watching.
A real religion and church? The nation is paying close attention because their future can become very rich very quickly from this demise and disposal. They have never seen combat or the enemies of America so close and so off-the-wall. Even though the appearance is absolute quiet or ignoring the truth and evidence; there is vigorous debate and illegal contact. Look at their options and how careful they play their cards, a career criminal and thief? A mole and nasty communist pest? A fat slob and monkey full of tricks to ruin our life? The evidence shows they must be exterminated and too lawless to consider jail or paying damages. This enemy on our shores must be killed and in the worst form possible. They are trying very desperately to finish what they started; however, this also means taking our form and shape in order to pass the security checkpoint or make it out alive from the core of allied security forces. They are robust and fully awake in their effort, futile and to no avail, time is running out quickly. Their political power is almost empty as they have fewer and fewer options. The lies do not work and are anchored to count one to one hundred and fifty criminal anchors. With no hate and the best kind of thinking available to mankind; the communist forces are fully defeated and demand we leave or embrace them in death. They made it about race and death; but race and death had nothing to do with anything in our life nor did an off-the-wall criminal life. That was just how they put a hook in and manipulated the encirclement pressure; a dictatorship taught by whites and blacks of Civil Rights.
This is what they are doing to the right wing and for this matter, all of America. It is a takeover and a dictatorship. They are not silent and are engaged with eyes wide open and robust. This is also why we have trapped the infiltration on the Republican and conservative side; a real right wing conspiracy intended to paint a web of lies or teach the Republicans Civil Rights in the hands of blacks and whites from the church of the devil and deep deception. It is their home does not excuse the fat-slob or monkey existence. Property rights does not make them bulletproof. Power or industrialism does not make them bulletproof, their home or not. The communist already know they cannot win in court and they know the truth is not on their side, hence, the show trials. God is not on their side and neither is the Constitution, we can test this. We have declared this over and for them to surrender while a disposal unit and backup is called. They must show a genuine side and a soul; the ability to consider laws, rights, and truthful meaning in their life. We have and have a full circle of credentials in the past; but this is why it makes no sense and we have them trapped and accuse them of underhanded attacks, on us and the country. We have successfully filmed them in action and wrote the office of hurricane and earthquakes for immediate reprisals. They still insist we must leave and refuse to do as told; what is as told? 911 and Terrorism or a violent attack?
This encirclement is fully enveloped America and is deep in the police forces, federal forces, and the military forced sworn to duty and to preserve the truth of genuine kindness and freedom. This encirclement and web of lies, in the name of a dictatorship; has to be combated with an equal or more powerful dictatorship, one genuinely kind and sincere. That is the only weapon to combat this enemy with while a disposal plan is underway. If they wish to consider jail or wish to plead their case to the public on a more genuine level; the opportunity is still there for a full disclosure and count one to count one hundred and fifty. The beginning of the end has begun and all we can say is God Bless America for delivering us freedom and genuine blessings. It is the difference between getting strangled and breathing fresh air again. It is clear they have no care for life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness; they made clear they wish to die but do not want to leave until a military force expels them or something takes their home away. Who else familiar with this theater and this kind of war wishes to say God Bless America? That is genuine and that is a true blessing. Yet this fat slob enemy is also repeating it and stealing our grace, as a thief would to say it is their home and we are their sex slaves. Look at what Ann Coulter has done to this fat slob and sexual predator. Look at what the rest of America is prepared to do. These females do not stand a chance in court or before their fellow peers; a fat slob or beast of poverty teaching us Civil Rights and communism? They are in the FBI and the US government, imagine that.
All of us are their home and are exploited and used as a kidnapped hostage-slave. You would think they should show a genuine side and a real side to make a soul aware of the rights of other human beings; but none of such. This idiot cannot keep their hands off other people. They cannot leave them alone or stop talking to them illegally. They are disconnected from reality even if they are fully awake and an ignorant fat slob. They feel scared and threatened, almost stalker like in the way they repeat or rekindle our words. Their males are violent and their politics is a baby factory of utmost inconsiderate narcissism. Mix these two together and it is a volatile mix of sexual predators and criminal predisposition. Mix other races with them, as they seek or wish; and you can get the best or the worst. We know we have the worst right now and we know their very screwed up plight to make us a convict or escape it utilizing our genuine genetic lineage. They are back at what they do best, sexual predators and rapists. They are in their sweet spot when a fat ass and in full combat with security forces who they know hate their guts and find them grotesque or so ugly we say it to their faces. How narcissistic or ignorant is this religious pest and squabble? If it is not one prisoner than it is a sex slave by some fat slob and dirge of society trying to escape the past. Who is refusing to do as told and why?
Is my life devoted to being a good husband or employee to this political pest and enemy? We have been trying to expel and get rid of the communist forces from our life for almost one hundred years. My family has fought them and tried to remove them from our life for well past a half century. I have commuted my life and work to expelling them or waging war back on them, including establishing security forces to protect our nation and our world from this threat. Isn't it odd how I need to know about their grandfather being a sharecropper? Isn't it strange why I need to know they like driving in rust buckets or people call them names all day long? Do I need to know how much they are verbally abused or what kind of names they are all called? We agree. I call them and fight them even more than the racist liberals who continue to teach us history or escape it. Do I need to know about their cute haircut or how retarded they feel; when in heat? Do I need to know about their weight problem or do I really want to be part of their bad hair, body, or clothing problem? Even my ex-partner was a victim of this and tried to expel them. I know what kind of verbal abuse they go through and how much. I would like to think I got the best of the verbal abuse scams, tee-he-hee. Also, given by background and what my life is devoted to, do I look like a momma's boy? This sexual fat slop predator wants a mummies boy and I am just not that hard yet. Do I look that dumb or that evil? Do they?
What do I care if their grandfather was a sharecropper and is very proud? In conclusion and for the public to figure out themselves, why do I need to know what they look like naked or in home porn movies? Why do I need to know what trash is like naked or in the buff, animal form? I know they are sexual predators; thus, I made them watch porn 24-7 and study the worst of the worst in order to lead them down that road. I think it is hilarious. I joke about it crazily. Why do I need to have or see endless photos of females with bad haircuts, a potato sack fashion, a rope on a dope belt, and in the buff cannibalistic? Hot teacher and MILF? Is there a competition or some challenge to see who is more powerful or more superior? Here is the bottom line, property rights does not make them bulletproof. Power or industrialism does not make them bulletproof, their home or not. The communist already know they cannot win in court and they know the truth is not on their side, hence, the show trials. God is not on their side and neither is the Constitution, we can test this. We have declared this over and for them to surrender while a disposal unit and backup is called. They must show a genuine side and a soul; the ability to consider laws, rights, and truthful meaning in their life. Is this what I have devoted my life to and what my life is about? Read it and determine who is genuine and who is the worst human being on earth and why?
I would like the history books to show my grandfather may have drafted them and verbally abused them because they were fat slobs or a failure. I would also like to point out we are not prepared to draft them or incorporate them into any of our operations; due to importance issues. Yes they are very special. However, half meanings and half-gassed about just about everything is not the standard we can accept or tolerate. We want 110% or go home a loser. I want the history books to clearly illustrate our biography and how this fat slob got in our life or gained so much power and access to do what they did and for so long. We also know they hate the draft and were very angry about it; now it is their only meal ticket. So what is important enough to take it this far?
There is no law on the book that says they can scare the hell out of the public, make the world angry and homicidal, pretend not to care or pretend they are sane, lie profusely to have their way, invade our life and work in the meanest or cruelest way possible, pal around or play with law enforcement as if it were a childhood toy, go on air and lie or scare the hell out of the nation while bringing them to the point of riot and lawlessness to evade capture, and so much more we could not even fit in one paragraph. They do one thing and one thing very well, make the world very angry and very hateful. No slobs, no crazy stunts, no lying and cheating, and no worries. We could have a happy worry free life right now; but we get this instead. Keep in mind, there are no laws to clearly say they can do that and get away with it nor invade our life and the nation. Tell these female fat slobs and rangefinder human trash to go and have their own kids. It makes people very uncomfortable just hearing this; imagine how we feel with them in our life or breathing on our backs. Nothing breaks their ignorance and they pretend as if they do not understand or understand why we are so angry with them. The males are just child molesters and predators, nothing else has to be said. This is as pure as a human animal can get in the most clandestine or secretive form. This is as sneaky as the communist can get and as demented as a monster can become without being caught. With all of these lies, countless guilt, and total deception; do they expect control and surrender from mankind? Is their any truth in them or their existence before the hour of destruction?
Dear FBI and Security Forces: Read the part on Mark Levin. He will give details of 911 and why it happened. Rush Limbaugh has been buzzing around the topic all week and I did not comment on it or even mention it. I was able to piece it based on what Mark Levin said. He was suggesting I should love him or respect him for his fight on freedom. He kept on going on and on about humanity and how injured they are, they need us and love. We cannot be this cruel and this mean of a human being; not after what they have done and why. If you want to know their motive or explanation of why the communist forces did 911; they are fed up and angry with the allies specifically America. They want to interview us and get to the problem or solve them, which means kill us with bomb or terror plots. Levin says they are going back in time to fix the problem. I don't see the problem fixed right now, do they? Is there a military manual to fix the problem, if so, find it; I know it is laying around somewhere. We are being interviewed and they do have a camera. This is not about drugs, it is about hate and the magic cure. Is there any differences between us or Ann? I need the truth to win elections. I need the truth to collect two billion in damages. How did a fat slob and a psychopathic communist spy gain access to our life and do this for so long and go unnoticed or unreported? How? Do their employers have anything to say or the remnant of their work? They wish to stay in America under these terms? With a record as we have or have seen, they seek citizenship and to become the part of America we bless and say God Bless to?
We need clear and concise answers. This needs to end before the Pentagon goes nuclear tipped. I need the truth if I will ever regain my normal life. I need the truth if this nightmare will ever end or this interview. Take a hard look at what this slob has done to our life, to our nation, to our future, and to our allied security structure. What is this slob and masterful enemy up to? What do they have to say for themselves? I think the Secret Service better have some answers considering we have access and exclusive domain in the White House. How did this happen and who let it happen? How did it continue for so long and who let it? Why in hell were they not shut down, punished, and the Pentagon alerted to go full nuclear tipped on their ass? I think the secret server needs to provide those answers and much more or else the Pentagon may have to begin going full nuclear tipped because of this pathological liar and fat slob psychopath. How did they get in our life and when. How did they remain there and do what they did? Is access to the White House or the core of allied security what they are seeking or had on their dinner plate? How about their employers or the people who turned a blind eye, what do they have to say, sorry? Rack on more charges such as stealing the suffering from Christ and his life.
We are living in the world of a slob. What will they do or say when and if we corner them and force them to explain? They needed us to fix mankind or the problem with the world; this is why they trashed my grades, I was the best they ever had as a student; a predator-professor or staff. As I said, we have them trapped badly and holding the lines while calling reinforcements and backup. Is there a manual on how to sue the communist anywhere? Does anybody have this manual or book, if so PLEASE EMAIL ME OR CONTACT ME. I also need the military FM manual on getting kidnapped or taken by communist forces, what to do or how to escape. Tell my staff to find it, it is laying around somewhere. How do I seek punitive damages or hire a lawyer if it turns out to be a terror plot? Who the F has the answer? Find them. Is there an FM manual available or in print? This is no fun and makes me feel like I am loosing my mind or going bandannas, cuckoo-koo. Ha-ha too fun. I love interviews and I love their secret espionage camera. I love it when nobody can see anything or is too dumb to know better. Is this really about race, hate, or industrialists? Any fan of my work will see right through the case and understand what the problem really was, has been, and still is. I love being taught Civil Rights by blacks but my true passion is when whites teach it and how it feels to be a black in America. No slobs. No worries. No crazy stunts or liberals. No guessing or mind games; laid back and nice.
It did have to do with the end of the cold war. It is about power, liberal and baron robbers. This was about helping the poor or the modern day serf class. They are trying very hard to go back in time and fix the world; to fix communism or correct it for mankind but first they must know what the problem is, who is behind antagonizing them, and the truth. As I said, we have them trapped badly and holding the lines while calling reinforcements and backup. Levin said George Mason was some conduit in time and conducting a research; we were part of it and the main placebo. It is a list of we did this, they did this, and missing what they did in actuality. The communist forces have a long list of grievances against modern industrialists and they are sick of it. Every single time, it feels like I am talking to a serial killer or Hannibal Lecture. I become exhausted of the total insanity or total lies; I have to turn off the communist phone or 911 phone. Read the part on Mark Levin if you want to see the difference between the evil and the allies, the powerful and the fake power, and why 911 was a time machine back to the beginning. Decline is how they win elections and in order to; they must fix the problem and illuminate the rival gang. Progress is how we win elections or win our future. What kind of a slob are we dealing with and what do they have to say for themselves? They better be able to finish what they start or we will have to.
Mark Levin is repeating what we already know and are finding out more by the hour. All of them are an idiot breed whom should be in restraints. They all lack qualities and are so insipid, they cannot even taste their own bitterness. Furthermore, they are incapable of understanding their welfare existence or why people are so upset and angry with them; constantly forcing themselves on us or the human race, claiming power or popularity. One minute they are employers, the next they are criminal felons. They are rodents. People do see them as rodents and they know we hate their guts. Why debate it? Why flock around us or buzz around in our life thinking we are crap or full of it, as they are made in our image now? This is an idiot breed who deserves to be in restraints and has no qualities we need to debate or point out to them. Now we are on the edge of world war or total insanity; this is why the founding fathers imposed the Constitution on this enemy; yet they twist reality and form-fit meaningless lies to their phony scams and existence. Call it chains around their ankles, this idiot enemy is much safer and better in restraints. However, even the restraints and mandatory actions we have taken on them is still not enough to fix this situation for make things right. God bless America. Thank God the Pentagon has the wherewithal to point nuclear tipped Minutemen at them and are sworn by allegiance to use it on this utter fool.
The liberals and the communist will say or do anything, even if it is a total lie. They stole the good heated-ness from the American Indians and the Asians. They want to appear sad and weepy, a sense of disgust with what the world has turned into. They want to produce the same effect and impact to their birth rights and savagery which did not fool the American Indians or the Asians. They are just so full of it and total lies, there is no end to this. Always describing their cause as in mourning or crying; always chanting religious slogans; always appearing sad or full of outrage, the communist are no more than the expansion of the problem than the disease itself. Yet it is their existence and a state of being an enemy to mankind we despise and disregard; unless or until we have to face it in a standoff or when world war arrives. This good bar-tend genuine circle of groups has no place for them and the capitalist cause has no place for them either. Will they fight this out or leave? How will they finish what they started and screwed up totally? They have every excuse in the book. Nobody cares if it is their home or not, they are still a dirtball in mascara and blush. In the eyes of the law they are still dirt-bags and the communist enemies of mankind, their home or not.
God bless America for teaching us this and giving us the strength or vigilance to pronounce them and defeat them simultaneously. There is nothing genuine about this native or this fool; only gold hunting or suicide. Yet they are bound to the land and their ancestors have been here since the founding of America or shed blood on this soil in the name of freedom and liberty. They are the poor and they are the communist menace we describe; it is time to shut them down and kick them out, for good. They cannot use human beings like a tool and sit there like a rodent and declare themselves genuine or whatever they can make up. America is not their home and they will have to fight it out. This is their eternal damnation and if they wish to verify it or speak the truth; it will be about time. They will need to fight this out because their criminal activity and life is outrageous and disgusting. It is time for jail or prepare to fight this one out to the last drop. Good to the last drop? How did a monkey like this enemy become so bulletproof and steal the suffering of Christ? It is their home. Stressed? Who stresses who out and why?
I had to fall into their pressure and give in until I was vindicated or until the truth began to clear up all of these lies. I do not see why they do not consider jail or paying damages; if they have so much to say and it is their home; then this idiot and dirtball can surely win their case before a federal judge and before the entire world. I have more letters exonerating me than they have so far. I have more books in my favor and I have more allied security support behind my two billion claim. If they are so eager to call or respond, why not use that opportunity to get out the message or fix their public relations? Is it their home? Are they a fat slob and a monkey idiot? Are they as stupid and dumbass as we describe? Hope and change repeated 24 hours or even being welcomed in their home-country is not enough to vindicate or exonerate count one or count one hundred and fifty. How in hell do they deny any of this when it is filmed and documented? More lies? More property rights? More of this hope and change or how everything is their home? Does this fat slop own us also and are our parents? The communist already know they cannot win in court and they know the truth is not on their side, hence, the show trials. God is not on their side and neither is the Constitution, we can test this.
We know they are dictators and we know all of these web of lies, scams, attacks, confusing propaganda, and mind scrambling is to reprogram or brainwash us. It is used to impose a dictatorship and ultimate control of government and allied security. This is how and why they are trapped in the core of allied security and have a top twenty list being created. Shut them down and shut them up; if they are eager to speak and tell their story, they ignored it and threw one lie after the next on top. Why do we have a scumbag monkey or a fast slob always ordering us around or claiming to be our parents? Their home? Their job? Their private life and marriage? How did we get here or this level of intrusiveness if it is their home? How come we did not have access to do any of this or why don't they complain about the same thing? What kind of Christian or church are these peasants and apes? I was forced to do the same thing and go through the court system, only to find out it was a set up and I was about to be railroaded by them. Look at them now, stealing the suffering of Christ, native Americans, Ann Coulter, my satellite mission, and the office of hurricane-earthquakes. What else will they steal or try? The communist already know they cannot win in court and they know the truth is not on their side, hence, the show trials. God is not on their side and neither is the Constitution, we can test this.
I think it is time the people we have trapped consider jail and consider ending this or paying damages. The world is watching in anger. The entire nation is watching with disgust. The entire law enforcement community feels the desperation and the relief the USA has delivered. They face a world that is very clear thinking. It is time to stop lying and stop trying to scam the human race or those in charge of the nation. It is time to end this and consider jail, there is no way out and nowhere to run. Getting paid for doing it is one problem, who is doing what is another; but the consequences will be more severe and much more lasting. The nation and the world is watching in anger and total disgust. Stop lying and stop running; it is time for restraints and full punishment. The only thing left is to take their life and engage in on-air suicide; which will implicate their employers and increase our coffers. The top twenty list will lead to severe economic sanctions and tremendous hardships. It will lead to their state going bankrupt or worse. Do not let this get to that degree of punishment and lying. It is time to consider jail and ending it before the world grows angrier and more joyful. Remember, we are getting stronger and we are getting richer due to this top twenty list. Now finish what they started and do the right thing.
Do they wish to go there in silence and with this criminal record on them or their leaders? This is what happens and will happen when off the wall obese white women mix with violent black men. We get a volatile mix and an off-the-wall radical communist plot or extreme violence along with extreme management failures. We get one lie after the other, almost pathological and drug induced or utter disconnect with reality. We get the weakest and the worst mix imaginable to their human experiment; not even our genetics or our genes could ever possibly civilize them or make them normal again. The damage is severe and the ship is barely able to make it back to port; one solid hit or a final blow will sink it and those who scrutinized for survival. Do not think of yourself, think of the consequences and the implications to America and those who say God Bless America for delivering this final ending and victory. A top twenty list is being produced and that is the beginning of the end. Remember, it is their home and they can do anything they want when and if it is their home.
Who is our Suspect and Fat Slob Stalker: You fat slob. Look what you done. Get out of our life you demented and psychotic fat slob, how dare you! When is this going to end and when is this flattened slob going to get the hell out of our life, stop worrying us, stop getting in the way, planting dumbass-bombs, acting kind and considerate, pretending to be native Americans or Asians, managing our accounts and love life, and acting like a psychopathic-demented complete dumbass? When? What exactly is their problem and who are they? Why are they impersonating us or stealing anything they can get their hands on? Why are they always in the way or pulling some crazy stunt? Why are there so many complaints and so many problems with this scumbag and fat slob? How about another fat-slob bomb? Another fat-slob terror plot? This fat slob cannot leave other people alone or other people's children. Why can't they leave other people alone? "We can't, we love them and they are our children, God's children." If Christ was on earth, this monkey would not only impersonate and steal Christ's identity; this off-the-wall pathological liar will steal his suffering. Almost like Limbaugh, Hannity, and Levin the religious record is written and their little congregation has been exposed and verified. Imagine stealing Christ's suffering. They have every excuse in the book. Nobody cares if it is their home or not, they are still a dirt-bag in mascara and blush. In the eyes of the law they are still dirtballs and the communist enemies of mankind, their home or not.
What do they expect? We hate their guts and see them as rodents. They bring out anger and are only good at pissing us off or making us miserable. This is what you get when a fat slob or a dumbass goes around telling people they are their parents or tinker with every aspect of their life. God is just not on their side today. They are going to hear every cuss word in the book and even violence until that thought is a far distant memory and they are forced to fall on their words like a psychopathic stalker and retard. We are not their parents or wish anything to do with their colonial-colonialist model. Such loyal subjects who are willing to die for power or the chance to be in this idiot parade they keep staging all over our life. How stupid can a dumbass enemy get? Look at where it has led and what it has turned their life into. Anybody seen parents such as this? Anybody get taught what being black is like or had white liberals teach them Civil Rights? Our parents? Excuse me? Listen to the stuff they say to Ann or the extreme derogatory comments. Parents? Are they enjoying it as they claim or are they feeling a bit uncomfortable pulling this off? Well, don't stand their with their pants around their ankle, the Sheriff is waiting to haul their ass off to jail; fun time is over. Good one, parents weeping and with wet slob undies.
It is not the stupid voice and the stupid phrases or chanting. It is not the physical attributes or the stupid impersonating. No. I hate to say it and so bluntly but this is one sorry ass and one major psychopath dumbass we are dealing with. Stuff that are very basic and very simple to understand, don't seem to be registering or undergoing some bias clause or spin tuning to meet a narcissistic bonehead loser's ego or personality. Consent and asking us in a clear and concise manner whether or not they are our parents would be nice; but then, this is one rude and scoundrel SOB communist. How many human beings in this world think they are parents to strangers or people whom hate them this much? Slap on some restraints on this idiot and let's have some fun before they die. They still do not get it and still want to teach us Civil Rights or how it feels to be black; how does it feel? What do you think the world is looking back saying while they look completely stupid, ignorant, ultra communist, and show us their true colors? Parents right? How did a fat ass loser and idiot such as this find a way into our life? How? Does anybody believe that or anything they say? Listen to Mark Levin and Rush Limbaugh explain the communist story or who our parents truly are!
The question is how this happen and how did this crazed SOB get into our life? Did we step into some web of deception or trap? Was it a stalker attending a County Fair or public event? This mother F and fat slob nutcase needs to die and quickly for all of this; nobody appreciates them and wants this kind of life where they are not accountable or lurking like a fat slob and molester. Oh great, they love us and we are their children; born from a fat slob and total loser who enjoys tormenting us and bothering us 24-7; wonderful. What next, we gave them access to the White House or made them powerful as fat slobs and total losers? Everybody does know we have exclusive access to the White House, don't they? The fat slob is trying to occupy the White House or DC. How did this happen? How did they gain access to our life? Where did this happen and how did it grow to such enormous levels? Who let it and how did it go unnoticed, almost identical to a child molester or monster. It is their home and if not hope and change, then it is their home.
The question to the Secret Versus is how a psychopathic demented dumbass fat slob gained access to our life, remained there for so long with so much reach, did what they did and left no trace or clue to access damage, brought the entire nation to a standstill, full riot, and the police on super full alert and full riot; then debate us or make fun of what they did or why we were in this position because of a fat slob in our life? How did this happen and who let it happen? How did it continue for so long and who let it? Why in hell were they not shut down, punished, and the Pentagon alerted to go full nuclear tipped on their ass? I think the secret versus needs to provide those answers and much more or else the Pentagon may have to begin going full nuclear tipped because of this pathological liar and fat slob psychopath. How did they get in our life and when. How did they remain there and do what they did? Was this the only surprise attack or are there other victims, name them and find them. How does such an evil dumbass and enemy do this; and get away with it? Listen to how we treat this dumbass and dumbass, listen to the words and the meaning. They are disconnected from reality and are pretending they do not know how angry people are with them, what is true or real in their words?
These people cannot keep their hands off of other people, they cannot keep their hands off of things belonging to others, they cannot stop lying or pretending, and they do not have a clue when it comes to individual rights and liberties. Telling others to leave or go home brings them closer to some comfort or this hope and change; one full of criminal conspiracy and nuclear tipped retaliation. Do we need to hear about Civil Rights or the absence of hate in their world when their world is a total embarrassment? They are so humiliated and so embarrassed; they try to steal the plight of American natives or Asians who have endured the same suffering by the communist forces. With very little time remaining, they try to proclaim themselves the torch bearers of World War II or a Sheppard of God lacking a full deck and a soul. Meaningless to righteous indignation or extreme bigotry; this communist seeks to hide, squirm, do crazy stunts so others will love them or see good in them, and constantly walk-drive-display themselves before us to model how civilized their way of life can be if we embrace their evil and total lack of Constitutional merits. Does the evidence presented support the fact they cannot keep their hands off others, their hands off others belongings, their lying nature, and their total lack of respect for the rights of the individual or human beings? What exactly are they and how do they see themselves if not communist enemies destroyed and falling on the sword before our very sacred kingdom? Who is this church of fat slobs and psychopaths claiming to be our parents and the guardians of America?
Guilty of hundreds of counts, they still insist we leave or embrace their Civil Rights. Yet they lecture on the meaning of the Constitution or how impaired we are while they beg and try to squirm into our life. Besides being a fat slob and a total mess, they admit to being a weasel, a bigot, and they have accepted whom and what they are; a communist fool who is before the world and deserves the anger of the allied forces and America combined. How did a fat slob stranger become our parents or get this powerful doing this? They protect something and leaving is far from what their goals are. Is this what their church or existence is truly about; denying Constitutional rights and usurping the United States in the name of lousy immigrants and endless criminal plots to make them rich or powerful? To hell with these church and this fat slob who claims to be our parents or torment us constantly about why they are there and what they are up to. Let the wrath of thunder and lightning diminish them in our time of glory and may they perish quickly from our life and our beloved nation. May God exterminate them in anyway or anyhow to make our life whole and complete.
God Bless America for this protection and future. May the world share in our anger and resentments as we witness them perish and become eternal damnation by the force of thunder and lightning. Their fate has been sealed and delivered. Be done with them and be gone quickly. Nothing they say or have said is even true; it is spoken but lacks any real meaning. All of these lies and deception, do they expect surrender or total control? Look how they loose in life and in destiny. I would think a coward and psycho like we have here would fight for their home or life. Doesn't everybody? They want war or do they think it is time for them to go to jail and pay damages? Yes and I need orders and advice on what to do or how I should do it, do bark or snipe at me all day long. It is the words and the acts of a fallen and wounded idiot who knows no suffering even in warfare and extreme combat against the victorious side. If they do not finish what they start, we will be forced to and in the most unkind manner possible. I am happy to tell the world it is their home and they can do anything they want or wish. This is why they are bulletproof and such a dirtball.
Mark Levin on Friday, October 05, 2012 shows his true colors and how communist red he really is. He becomes really desperate. He has very little time. Said it is about progress. Said it was about our humanity, we lack none. He mentions George Mason and Obama the entire show. He gives a speech on humanity and how we lack all humanity, while he is teaching the course. He must be my coach or ad-visor, some professor I desperately need in my life. He says we hate individualism and he embodies it. He said they are too rough or play too rough for us, that is our problem. This is about progress and individualism; just his and his power. This madman and dictator has not once said sorry; only what our problem is and what we need to do or should do. In no direct words does he say, "jail is too good for me." He said he is only asking us if we are racist, that was all. Nothing they did or tried is terrible or unacceptable, nothing. It was as if no laws were on the books. It was as if terror plots were not even in their vocabulary. It was all us, never him or them. What are we doing? What are they doing? What is being reported or spoken? Do they like it rough and bloody? What kind of a slob are they and how do they justify their existence or behavior?
Mark Levin wants to know what the problem is with us? He has no clue or idea. What is it to them or why would being so intrusive, getting caught for a terror plot, violating every single law ever written by ranking, etc... Fulfill his dumbass inquisitive mind that is this turbid and this much of a dumbass? Is the problem the fact they hired a bunch of college professors? Look, go and tinker with your own life and kidnap your own kids. Do not walk into society and kidnap other kids. Do not go and try to have sex with other people's kids. Do not molest or try to control other people's kids. It is a very simple rule. Who cares if we are savages. Who cares if we are communist. Who cares if we are terrorists. Who cares if we are violent. Who cares if we are homeless and destitute like them. Who cares if we are a failure or God-Jesus himself. This is why they are still there and this is why they are in so much trouble. Who cared? Who cares now? Are we racist? Are we savages? Are we dirtballs and scumbags? Explain the two billion in damages and exposing them to the world? Now we do not have a clue or even realize how angry they are? Really. We are blind, stingy, and untruthful? Is that the problem? Is that also 911, not so cut and dry?
I have the best answer of all and how to resolve this. Stop F'in with our life and our happiness; the cost for this is now still 2 billion. Nothing has changed and we have capped it; it is time for jail and it is time to turn yourself in; regardless of who and what you are. Mark Levin is a certified communist. He spewed all of this on Friday, October 05, 2012 about what they were up to and why. Questioning or interviewing us as Al Quad is known for, then trying to kill us; but we survive all of the attacks. So did Ann. Levin says it is because we are at war with society, America, and rich people. Yeah okay. Yes that is the problem. Levin is going off the wall about how they are doing this in the name of racism. They are doing this in the name of class warfare. They are doing this in the name of humanity or religion. He calls it patriotism. He calls it progress. He says they are upset with everything and want to go back to the start; to fix things and conducting tests to find the exact problem and how to fix it. This is where kidnapping us and torturing us came in. It is also was where "interviewing" us and killing us became a he-said, she-said. It sucks to lose and it sucks being this inferior. I give up. Take a hard look at what this slob has done to our life, to our nation, to our future, and to our allied security structure. What is this slob and masterful enemy up to? What do they have to say for themselves?
We do not care who and what you are; it is time for the truth and time to surrender, pay the two billion, and go to jail for life. The public will riot and they will burn your house down when and if the truth comes out, do not let it get to that level. We will expose you and you will be forced to blow your head off on air as predicted because you are so guilty and so evil. I never tried to make myself a homosexual, you did. I never tried to make myself a drug felon, you did. I never tried to make myself a communist or terrorist, you did. You did what you know best, to make other human beings in your own image. We know we have the devil and the devil is elusive; so elusive they are clueless and a dumbass. If they are and did what we say they did, it is for certain nuclear tipped minutemen missiles are aimed at them, are armed, and are ready in the blink of an eye. Do not replay the Cuban missile crisis in the name of elections or the failures in our society; you will get smoked. It is beyond my control but I only know how to retaliate on my level or to the best of my ability. Ask yourself how evil you are, do not ask other human beings how evil they are. Do not push, prod, poke, torture, or kidnap them to have your kicks or make your life a little bit more shiny and more real. You will find these words or topics on the Mark Levin Show on Friday, October 05, 2012. Yes that must be the problem.
All of you are in big and I mean really big trouble and the public will turn on your ass as we have. You are in so much trouble, your life is in danger by the public and by the government. When they get the truth and when you finally decide to end this; they will not be so kind or truthful. You will turn them into the savages you are of your own image. They will be racists. They will be hateful. They will be savages and enemies. They will seek something or someone for all of this. They will seek you all out as we have. Have some law abiding reason and rationale. Guilty is guilty. Do not blame America or the American people, it has nothing to do with them. This is about you and only you; nobody else. As Hannity said, do not trust you all and understand how you all are; you will try anything or everything to weasel out of it or spin reality. Your confidence is your life-line. Are the communist this powerful and this industrial? Are they this advanced, this genius, and this technological savvy? How confident? I hate-hate, I give up and surrender. What is crystal clear is how inadequate, how violated, how humiliated, how upset, and how uncomfortable I am because of all this. Stop. I have also ordered Ann Coulter to stop and fired her. I need the truth to win this. We do not need or want more slobs in our life trying to manage our accounts or talents. Take a hard look at what this slob has done to our life, to our nation, to our future, and to our beautiful liberties.
Where exactly are the communist in the world right now and what have we done to their confidence or power? Look what we have done to your indestructible communist confidence and total web of lies; look at it. The swamp is empty and dry. You are running on fumes. Read the reports and what you are facing at this time or the retaliations. If you know communists then you know how bad it is for them and how it is time to throw in the towel. All we need now is a top twenty list, that is all there is to it. Mark Levin is a certified communist. He spewed all of this on Friday, October 05, 2012 about what they were up to and why. Questioning or interviewing us as Al Quad is known for, then trying to kill us; but we survive all of the attacks. So did Ann. Levin says it is because we are at war with society, America, and rich people. Yeah okay, that must be it and the problem. 911 was a time machine back to the beginning. Decline is how they win elections and in order to; they must fix the problem and illuminate the rival gang. Progress is how we win elections or win our future. Either or the truth we win. Keep in mind, it is their home and they are a bulletproof fat-slob monkey.
Note, Mark Levin blames George Mason University for this. He said on Friday, October 05, 2012 during the first hour how his daughter is an alumni. What a match! They have some new course. They know what the problem is. They know exactly how to fix it. I do not trust what and how he says it, he is linked to several universities. However, he mentioned Walter Williams who is a host on Rush Limbaugh's Show. We know George Mason is in the matrix and has something to do with this. We know they switched Deans in 1996 when I got there. We know I met the Dean's son during rush week and was turned off by the fraternities. We know their professors trashed my academic record while they grew more and more tired of fighting for us or representing us. So the Asians had the cure for racism, the truth. The truth is they are in last place, the truth hurts. Does it hurt them or a communist clown? God is not on their side. God will hurl them with our wrath. Truth hurts. Truth will hurt them or kill them. Yes, but how do we win elections? How do we win our future if oppression is how we get there? Self-determinism? Force them out, fire them, or get them out of the core of allied security? Where the is military FM manual? Go and find it, it is laying around somewhere.
The truth hurts, they do not have a future and will be destroyed. We know we frustrated each and every one of them into madness. We know we kept the gates locked and knew they were unlocking, picking, or using brute force to do these home invasions. We know much more and have documented it by trapping them or luring them to this ending. Yes being the best sucks. Interviewing us is not the truth, brainwashing us and making us in their image and how evil or communist is the truth. This is how they got caught inside the core of allied security and the Minutemen are tipped, ripped, and ready to zip. This last minute "sorry, we are really sorry" or "he doesn't even care" are more of their stunts and pressure tactics. That is how the communist are. They will dress up as your wife or your mom and call you; then you will realize it is a savage and monster when it is too late. We were prepared for this and came ready for the hunt and the kill; they lost and this is how it ended. Where the hell are my backup and where the hell is the FM manuals on how to kill this enemy? I feel very odd now, almost dishonest. You fat slob. Look what you done. Get out of our life you demented and psychotic fat slob, how dare you. How did a fat slob do all this and go unnoticed? How? Employers?
Even in death they did not even have the decency to exonerate or vindicate us; thus, they are trapped inside allied security and behind enemy lying; and trying to shoot it out or lie their way out. That looks very-very bad. These are very-very evil people. When it comes to combat, we become extremely-extremely mean human beings. Trust me. We been here and done that in the 1960s. We know what we are doing and do it very well. They expect and torture us to exonerate them? Even if they are on a talent search, they must plead guilty and tell the truth. There was no excuse for what they did to Ann when they were filmed. If they want the allies to systematically eradicate them on these terms or this much guilt, then they were wide awake and kept lying or dreaming. We are not going forward and their powers will be shut down and stomped on. How is up to them. Why do they lie so much, Sheppard the poor, and seek a dictatorship while claiming their intentions speak louder than facts and truth?
This is why we despise the communist and their stupid primitive tricks. Their exit and existence is totally disgusting to our planet. They should be deported for this and much worse; instead they get behind us and beg-and beg-and beg. How is it they are in our image now? Explain that one. Defection? Going back in time? Erasing the evidence? Deny it all? Lying grotesquely? The same as us or identical? How did this happen and who let it happen? How did it continue for so long and who let it? How did they get in our life and when. How did they remain there and do what they did? Is access to the White House or the core of allied security what they are seeking or had on their dinner plate? Mark Levin confesses and says "everybody knows they are dictators." Also, he and Rush have been mentioning the Pope this week but no details and loose ends. Is this why they lie, cheat, and steal on such an off-the-wall level? Nothing is real and nothing is true; so they must impose a dictatorship? Are they bulletproof because it is their home or because they are a fat slob always in the way?
Levin also says the communist are industrialist and powerful. Yes we can read it all. No they are not lying and communists around the world can tell they are very credible or not phony. They are the bread-basket of mankind, the guardians of the poor and those in control or powerful. We are modern rivals and we have to attack them or violate the laws in order to be ourselves. If so then so do they, right? Why are we fed up and sick of this? He calmly accuses us of robbing or stealing their money or power. The road here and since this began has been rough and bloody. Do they dispute any of that or how powerful? Do they dispute any of that or just some? Look where we are and how powerful they are. Levin has a completely different story than Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity. Again, how do we eliminate or neutralize this communist threat to mankind? Kick them out of the core of allied security? How do we stop them or shut them down? Go and find the manual or the author and ask him, interview him. If he does not know, he will call 911 or escalate it. You fat slob. Look what you done. Get out of our life you demented and psychotic fat slob, how dare you.
In all fairness, I do not see the communist as powerful or industrialist; I see them unable to feed their population and willing to do anything so they can. I see them depleting their oil and resources quickly and for stupid reasons that never take fruition. They are best to copy or follow our lead. I see their CPUs and computers as inferior, perhaps their programmers are well studied or educated. I think they confuse God with mother nature or mankind; hence, the office of hurricane and earthquakes. I see them as twisting reality to suit or meet their failure, even popularity and fame. I see a lot of lying and a lot of goodwill hunting, no commendations will be issued, understand? Why are their salaries in the millions? Damages? Punitive damages and legal judgments? I see the communist as Caesar saw himself, while Rome burned. I see them as rough and bloody people; who have no respect for our rights or the truth. I think if they had the money or the luxury, they would move to warmer climates. Only the communist or a very demented and vile human being would kidnap us, debate us about it, humiliate and lie on such a level, get filmed doing it, and everything we describe including 911 and bombing plots. Is that or was that humanity or is it as numb as a gang war and people killing people? Was that the "Reset button" Hillary kept mentioning?
Rush earlier in the week made a comment about his army and why 911 had occurred. Rush Limbaugh said it was nothing but a gang war and reality. Levin says it is progress and humanity. Levin said it was an attack on industrialist and progress. We the allies, despise their power and their fame; how they influence the public and so we must oppress or limit their power and they are fed up with it and want war or 911. That is another lie, I was never jealous you bitch! Even if you looked gay and Barbie like, never. I am not underneath their bed or ever in it; listening for the latest rumor or buzz about them. Right there is the motive behind 911; how they stuck into the core of allied security to interview the people who made this a reality or did this to them. How do we call 911 or backup? How do I explain this or begin to, call Ann Coulter or ask her? The public is exposed to this and a lot of total insanity, almost extreme combat like Vietnam and the media. Even they said it is good for ratings. What is very clear is how inadequate, how violated, how humiliated, how upset, and how uncomfortable I am because of all this. Stop. I need the truth to win this.
How did I become bait? They used me for bait or wanted me to call 911; I refused and Ann worked closely with me to trap them and film them. Levin says this is not a war, it is about controlling our life. How much water we use and how we conduct our life. Controlling you and how you do it. It is all about force, of industrialists; imposing their will on other human beings. A monster nobody can control. He says they call it moving forward or progress. It does not advance the Constitution or liberties, the opposite effect. We need to cut this off because there is no end and total lies. Levin adds to Rush's gang war analysis and says it is just a class war between gangs or families. It is a process of egalitarianism. This is getting way too insane and we must put some brakes on this or them. I hate-hate now and industrialists are confusing. How can I be the author of economic sustainability or these books? Does it sound like an ape or a slob lurking in the background? Does it sound like this ape and slob is up to no good, again and again? You fat slob. Look what you done. Get out of our life you demented and psychotic fat slob, how dare you.
Mark Levin is the first to loose it and spill the beans. We cannot be this cruel and this mean of a human being; not after what they have done and why. If you want to know their motive or explanation of why the communist forces did 911; they are fed up and angry with the allies specifically America. They want to interview us and get to the problem or solve them, which means kill us with bomb or terror plots. They are trying very hard to go back in time and fix the world; to fix communism or correct it for mankind but first they must know what the problem is, who is behind antagonizing them, and the truth. As I said, we have them trapped badly and holding the lines while calling reinforcements and backup. Is there a manual on how to sue the communist anywhere? Does anybody have this manual or book, if so PLEASE -EMAIL ME OR CONTACT ME. I hate-hate and hate myself, I need the manual. Do we need advice or the communist media forces to tell us who is winning and the best way to destroy the communist forces? I find that dangerous. Remember what Limbaugh said, they were supposed to get a commendation for this goodwill hunting and total lies; for a communist dictatorship.
In response to this press release three days ago, "Keep acting and pretending as if they have no understanding of how angry others are. Keep acting and pretending as if they do not or have no understanding of their welfare life. Keep acting and lying about having no understanding or answers for why I have a welfare life beyond my military career and retirement. Both Limbaugh and Hannity do not realize how bad and how angry people are with them? They do not know how guilty or innocent we are? Why am I asking for 2 billion? We are all the same and have the same fate? They are against welfare and dependency, absolute hell or dictators? When are we going to see their quivering little communist lip? Come on, we know who they are and why Limbaugh and Hannity go on and on to no end. Show us the quivering lip and who they are. What exactly is intact and definitive? A lawyer should go through and assess the damage and listen to what they have said or how they have responded. How do we express our anger, ingratitude, disregard, and resentments?"
Stick around and tell us to leave or move. Each time will be one ally gone. We will see to this. How many of their allies are gone already because of this fat slob and mouth trying to stress us out 24-7 or barking orders like a communist dictator? Do we need more lectures on racism by a black or white liberal psychopath? Do we? Each time they piss us off will be one ally. That totals into 25 cities in less than 45 days; good job stick around you fat slob and dictator idiot. Do you want to stay or do you really want us to shut up and leave? Well choose. Keep your hands to yourself and our belongings. Ann Coulter should have predispose you for that stupid fat slob mouth and your church pallbearers disgusting attacks. Stay and fight or call and run your idiot mouth to no end? We are talking count one, two, and all the way to one hundred and fifty. Still up to the same or have not learned a damn thing? How many allies or "loyal subjects" to the crown due they have left? Stick around and see the ending. Yes do fight and fail again and again. Stressed out? Whimpering uncontrollably? Dictatorship skid-marks in their pants yet? Total lies and total deception that get heavier and more difficult to escape? Now they really need total control or a take over; give me the top twenty list when and if they do. If they do not finish what they start, we will seek advantage and finish this in the most unkind manner possible.
Are they blind? Grotesque behavior by very evil and sick people who need to leave immediately and before it is too late. It is time for jail and it is time for them to finally shut up, fall on the damn sword will you. I would think a coward and psycho like we have here would fight for their home or life. Doesn't everybody? They want war or do they think it is time for them to go to jail and pay damages? Yes and I need orders and advice on what to do or how I should do it, do bark or snipe at me all day long. It is the words and the acts of a fallen and wounded idiot who knows no suffering even in warfare and extreme combat against the victorious side. They loose like a psycho flop and a dictator who was neutered. I would think a coward and psycho like we have here would fight for their home or life. Doesn't everybody? They want war or do they think it is time for them to go to jail and pay damages? Yes and I need orders and advice on what to do or how I should do it, do bark or snipe at me all day long. It is the words and the acts of a fallen and wounded idiot who knows no suffering even in warfare and extreme combat against the victorious side. Your home, your fight moron. Right on que and right on target; better kick up that dictatorship and Pope. Better be better fat slob parents. The clock is running out, impose dictatorship or pick up a weapon; we will be there with a top twenty list and backup. Want to fight now or declare everything home?
What they have to say is fine and well, but there is a problem. The problem is they are guilty of count one, count two, count three, and all the way up to count one hundred and fifty. That is a lot of pleading guilty and a lot of criminal activity to even be investigating or considered to be in charge, leaders, or the future. What they are is dead. For them to even be talking to me or talking about Ann Coulter is almost like describing what exactly they did or why. Busted or not yet? America is not their home and they will have to fight it out. This is their eternal damnation and if they wish to verify it or speak the truth; it will be about time. They will need to fight this out because their criminal activity and life is outrageous and disgusting. It is time for jail or prepare to fight this one out to the last drop. Who is bulletproof fat slob and how do they steal the suffering of Christ or the Christ baby? It is their home.
What is the problem? We are the problem? That must be the problem, right? If the truth hurts, why aren't they screaming like a dumbass monkey? They should be suffering and barely breathing, not flying past checkpoints or the core of allied security. Look, I am sure if you are who we claim you are and you are who we know you are; and furthermore, you are who you think you are; than the Pentagon probably, with 100 per cent certainty, has Minutemen missiles pointed at your ass or even worse. I do not know exactly what size, what they call them, or details; but if you were caught doing what we say you were caught for, then I am sure 2000 or 200,000 of those minutemen are or have been targeted and armed. So don't lecture me or jerk my chain anymore than I need to be, am I clear or is that a roger? You go and take it up with them if you want details. I know how the Pentagon thinks and what is on their minds. Where are the compare and contrast results? How close are the communists to us? What is crystal clear is how inadequate, how violated, how humiliated, how upset, and how uncomfortable I am because of all this. Stop. I have also ordered Ann Coulter to stop and fired her. I need the truth to win this. When they talk about Ann Coulter, they will be reversing denial and describing exactly what they are guilty of.
I am sure if and when they launch those top secret Minutemen missiles on your ass, the media would never report it and we would sleep right through it. You go and do the Freedom of Information Act or whatever you want, I have heard enough of this crap. If you ask anybody who knows something about this, they will tell you the same; if they are who they claim they are or what is documented about them; there is a 100 per cent certainty Minutemen missiles are fueled, tipped, and super stealth ready to go Gus. When and if you are ready to go, I have prepared and trained our troops the best I could. Everybody is awake and alert now. There is no possible way they can be clobbered in their sleep by a rubber mallet. There is no such thing as a surprise attack or unsuspected consequence. Damn good way to smoke a monkey, if it positively-absolutely has to be there overnight. No we do not know what the problem truly is. Look how close they are to us, incredible. This makes me crazy and makes me demand two billion in damages. No slobs. No worries. No crazy stunts or liberals. No guessing or mind games. Take a hard look at what this slob has done to our life, to our nation, to our future, and to our allied security structure. What is this slob and masterful enemy up to? What do they have to say for themselves?
The truth hurts, why can't I feel a damn thing? Does the truth hurt these clowns? Are they for real or just a primitive monkey? I do not have much to say, it is numb and a distant memory. So zip it up and understand the fun is over, drawers around your ankle or not dumbass. I am not a dumbass but I am not a fortune teller either; but if you come to America and do what we say you did, expect to be nuked or get nuked. That is beyond my control and has to be taken up with Washington, not me dumbass. I been through that squeeze and the walls closing in on us before; done with it. Maybe the NAACP will smoke these clowns or finally take them out. Maybe the FBI will. Maybe we will shut them down and shut them up finally. Remember, I am the one who was clobbered by a rubber mallet in my sleep; they were wide awake through it all. I think it is best for America also, God Bless America for this victory and this future. They must be the same and we may be phony also. I need the truth to win this. We do not need or want more slobs in our life trying to manage our accounts or talents. Take a hard look at what this slob has done to our life, to our nation, to our future, and to our beautiful liberties.
I can see our future better now and I can see our future without these people a reality and so much happier. Damn, I am so happy after this nightmare, I just want to say God Bless America for this again and again! They suck and they loose, again and again. It is going to be the Cuban Missile Crisis all over again in South Florida; this time for the good. Drug war or not they communist took us to the brink of dumbass. Friendly fire again? Of course that is the problem. Too rough for us or play too rough? Hannity should have said they wanted to invent a vaccine or in-genius cure for racism. Hence, he need us and Ann. The truth to their inquisitive mind is the truth. I love being taught Civil Rights by blacks but my true passion is when whites teach it and how it feels to be a black in America. The magic cure for racism is the truth and it is one very gutless and ugly truth right now. That is the magic pill for hate and racism, not communism or ever was. God bless America for delivering to us this victory and our future. God is not on their side. God will hurt them with our wrath. Truth hurts. Truth will hurt them or kill them. How to win elections? How to win our future if oppression is how we get there? Self-determinism?
The answer to why Ann Coulter was fired is the following. If and had that been me, I would have disposed them on public TV. But it was not me and I cannot speak for Ann or kissing their asses. I cite a limp and feeble fatality. I hope all of them learn their lesson and kiss my ass. Good thing I am poor and don't have anything to loose or don't have much in life; I would go mafia on those dumbasses their asses before Gomez got me. Ann would rather get along with them, not me. I would try to get some ratings or squeeze them of every penny before the inevitable. I would never sacrifice my soul and happiness for money or a VIP party. Never. They would be the first to go; and had that been me in those film footage, in the worst way possible; the dumbass way. Luckily, I am not Ann and that is not me in that position, God Bless America! I feel blessed and don't have to defend myself on TV or to all my bosses. Remember, they have not zipped up their pants yet and have not had their fun; so hush. Luckily, I do not have my finger on the button or have to follow any protocol. Almost similar to the Vietnam War, the media has done it again; too liberal? In search of the truth? Did we finally turn the table on them? Friendly fire? Smoke em if you got it! Of course that is the problem. They like it rough and bloody.
Even in death they did not even have the decency to exonerate or vindicate us; thus, they are trapped inside allied security and behind enemy lying; and trying to shoot it out or lie their way out. That looks very-very bad. These are very-very evil people. When it comes to combat, we become extremely-extremely mean human beings. Trust me. We been here and done that in the 1960s. We know what we are doing and do it very well. They expect and torture us to exonerate them? Even if they are on a talent search, they must plead guilty and tell the truth. There was no excuse for what they did to Ann when they were filmed. If they want the allies to systematically eradicate them on these terms or this much guilt, then they were wide awake and kept lying or dreaming. We are not going forward and their powers will be shut down and stomped on. How is up to them. This is why we despise the communist and their stupid primitive tricks. Their exit and existence is totally disgusting to our planet. They should be deported for this and much worse; instead they get behind us and beg-and beg-and beg. You fat slob. Look what you done. Get out of our life you demented and psychotic fat slob, how dare you.
I find it almost threatening or deafening how Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin, and the rest of them try to lecture, teach us, or debate us on how best to destroy the left wing. I find it futility how nothing they say is true or has any meaning; while they seek total control and dictatorship. Nothing is real. Everything is pathological lying. It is a total web of deception and lies. Those snared or whom goes against the system are killed or exterminated. Yet they advise us and "train" us on how to fight or conduct warfare? They even pulled out four star Generals to outrank our close guardians. They kidnapped a few of them or ran them off. Furthermore, during the 1980s they pulled this same crazy stunt in South America against CIA forces and it got them killed or expelled. The region was left in tatters. This is what they are up to, dictatorship, brooding royals, industrialism, total lies or a phony life, and seeking a take over and control. Now we have to listen to their advice on how to do our job and destroy their forces? Is this a joke and is this what people are hearing or listening to; they pretending to be our parents while losing this war? What a fat slob and an idiot we have put in restraints. God bless America and let the force of thunder and lightning, God and his way of dispensing wrath; give them the fight of their life and the ultimate humiliation on the battlefield. Maybe they will leave or leave us alone since they do not respect the Constitution and any individual rights. Yes in the evil name of America and Democracy; all for one and one for all.
None of my HS friends spy on me. None of them stalk me or throw me into panic and anger. Nobody I grew up with or considers friends need to be yelled at daily or steal things from us. Nobody I grew up with are in my life 24 hours a day, nor do they use black people and white people to teach us Civil Rights. If employment is what they claim, the tax forms clearly indicate they are not an employer. Even if I became an employer, I have my own staff and old school cold warriors to hire because I know they are not up to this total insanity. Nobody I know is this intrusive and this much of a pain in the ass; successful or not, American or not, terrorist or not, police or not, retarded or not, etc... Furthermore, Ann Coulter does not have to yell at them "get away from him" or "leave him alone." Why they are in our life and wish to remain in our life, has no logic or no rationale; but we know them as communists and an enemy. Smoke them if you have them. I need the truth to save America and the world. Are my friends all slobs too? Are all of my bosses and life-lines, all slobs and apes?
We see them a certain way. They do not see themselves this way. We are their students, child, or something; and we need to study or learn from blacks and whites about Civil Rights, selfish-meaningless survival, or just total insanity of a zombie. They also feel we have forgiven them and they have been acquitted for good behavior. Who is a good fit? Who is following whom? Who is guilty? Who is the employer? Who is cornered and suffering? No suffering? No retaliation? No lying? All out and extreme combat? They wanted to know what they can get from us, so we answered but first, who are they? Friend or foe? Now they know. Therefore, I do not want to help them stay open or help them to retirement; I want them shut down immediately but the risk they are taking is astronomical and a death sentence. If you pay attention to Limbaugh-Hannity; they claim there is a lot of advantages and benefit, no matter what the penalties are. Turned the tables on them, double turned the tables on them, and triple wilderness of mirrors to make them a little more crazy. Now they are wide awake and cannot surprise us. If the truth hurts, why aren't they screaming like a dumbass monkey? They should be suffering and barely breathing, not flying past checkpoints or the core of allied security. How did a monkey like this enemy become so bulletproof and steal the suffering of Christ? It is their home.
A bird told me again the police are or were looking for me. I am not sure if they were "looking for me" or "looking at me" before or now; but if they are, I suggest they document it because those before them neglected to or forgot or are in complete silence. I am not saying whether the police are looking for me. I am not saying the police have a reason or not for looking for me. I am not saying the police are or are not looking at me. I am not saying why the police want to have a word with me or need something from me. I spent most if not all of my life in school; so I presume it has something to do with school? If the police are looking for me, if I am still a suspect, if I am on some list of troublemakers, etc... than I suggest they write this down instead of repeating the mistakes of the past. Ignorance to the law is no excuse. Silence is not how we do business. Silence or confusion is not how you win or win this. I do not like immigrants who lurk or sneak around either. No the entire Republican Party is not hot on their trail or in hot pursuit. For that matter, the entire allied forces and defense structure is hot on their footprints, no need to run or panic. They know who we are. I need the truth to win elections. I need the truth to collect two billion in damages. I need the truth if I will ever regain my normal life. I need the truth if this nightmare will ever end or this interview.
The big question is how in the world did 4 Baker Acts, 2 false police arrests, thousands in fees by the banks, one bad report financially after the next, one bad employment report after the next, two home invasions, and one harassment report after the next slip past the radar or go unnoticed? How? The only conclusion possible is mass firing and the loss of jobs; until or when this is fully detailed and honestly reported. Do we need a lecture, an appointment, or to be taught Civil Rights by blacks or whites whom feel connected to the land and are overwhelmed by failure or a lack of standards? What does it say when four Baker Acts are logged and so much problems with the police; only to this ending? Worried? Ready to die? Dare you? Is it the problem of Goodwill hunting and expecting a compensation for this? Is it the problem of pretending to not understand a welfare life, imposing it on us, or pretending they have no idea why others are so upset with them? Is it an act of war and someone telling security forces they will defend their people if it cost them their life, career, and family; or are they saying it to us? Why don't evil dig their own grave, why do we have to? We do not have to do anything. Who is making us suck the tit of a slob or keeps putting one in our life, that SOB needs serious pain and suffering.
Did it happen or is it just a lot of publicity, a lot of eyes, and a complete and total mess; a standard level we must get used to? A state of serfdom, total insanity, conspiracy, or unwelcome hostility we have to accept? We will not die in ten years due to debt or escalating debts. What will we die from? We will die if the communist forces obtain a passage out of the core of allied security. We will die overnight if the communist forces and evil in this world obtain or acquire the education to invent hurricanes and earthquakes. We will die overnight if there is a systematic conspiracy to ruin, undermine, or take over America. The enemy within is the biggest danger to our existence. Crime and violence is an escalating reality in our society and world. Kids and adults lacking any educational merits or any understanding of their fellow human beings are increasingly being produced in enormous numbers. Let them do as they wish and let them explain to their own kids; instead of using us or claiming to be after the truth. They have no respect for the truth or other human beings. Let's pretend this is the 1600s. How do we protest? How do we record how we feel and the frustration, anger, and degree of vengeance? How do we describe the deck and this table they sit at or took over? How do we shut them down and expel them in mass numbers? Can anybody tell me or show me how exactly we combat all of these mistakes or such low standards? How do we deal with someone so ignorant and so selfish? Let them dig their own graves; then ask if they get it?
You fat slob. Look what you done. Look we know the problem with the Nazis and the communists. They are connected to the land and their ancestry have been here for many hundreds of years. However, failure and standards continuously paralyze their life or make them very unattractive. They push people away and they slip into this bully or militia mentality of Nazism or communism. They do not have honor and they cannot speak so clearly as we have because America can be all things to all people; but to a pest and enemy who constantly sneaks around in our life, stalks us, or is this insane; there is just no excuse and no way out. Why there is no end to this still and why they are paralyzed by the truth or evidence; will become their coffin. It is time to consider prison or paying damages, I have said this repeatedly and left the decision up to them. If ruthless is what they want and need, then we may have a few more tricks also. It is time they take the prison and punitive damages card from the deck of fate. It is the last and final card. They choose to be serfs and to serve a master, a criminal life. We do not. We give them the best options available, nothing more or less. Their crappy immigrant model and standards has obliterated and wiped out their communities, racked with debts, crime, and psychopaths. They deserve what they get in life and we have documented it and filmed this. Smoke them if you have them.
As we have made clear and in the most powerful method available, these crappy immigrants are banned from sneaking into our life or sneaking around in our life. They come here with the notion America is for the poor, sick, and destitute. They wander around society similar to a serial killer and give this vibe of suspicion and a walking time bomb. Surely, their ancestry is linked to the land and the battles that have shed blood on our soil. Surely, they are now disaffected and disgruntled by years of failure and neglect. Hence, they feel connected to the land, serfdom, and use bullying methods or extortion plots to target "new faces" or others who wander into their web of deception. Even as police officers who pull us over at night, we are dared repeatedly by their abuse and willingness to teach us Civil Rights and ultra left wing serfdom. It is disgusting. We had mad clear not to sneak into our life, associate with us, or lurk in our life as a serial killer trying to gain our love or affections. These are crappy immigrants and all they do is sneak in. We do not care about their collection plate or what our life did to their collection plates, real estate, or meaningless life. This enemy is to be destroyed and shut down; they are banned from sneaking, lurking, or becoming serial killers. We know they are Nazis. We know they are communists. All of them sneak around in our life and are still lurking. The bottom line is they are crappy immigrants whom after centuries of failure or demise; are resorting to very criminal methods. They cannot accept we became rich. They cannot embrace our success. They cannot live with the fact we retired and they barely make it weekly.
Even as the police they are troublesome and disgruntled. Now they target the Asians. They are angry about the auto industry and what it has done to them; more and more money into nothing. They built the ground they stood on, not us. If they cannot meet the standards and sneak around society, lurk in our life in the most annoying manner; then we will take them out and shut them down handily. We are there now and we are on that edge. I will say it again, it is tie for them to go to prison or pay damages. It is not worth it and if they do not wish more suffering and more problems; then it is time to pack it up and hang it up. There is no excuses no matter how far back their ancestry goes back or how many extortion or muggings they try to pull off. We are very sure they are law abiding and only are Goodwill hunting using us as bait and trying to drum up a commendation. None of them have the capacity to understand reality or are so disconnected from the truth; communism is all they know or can embrace. We do not like Nazis or communists sneaking around in our life; never did either and we have retaliated and the empire has retaliated upon hearing this. This problem with sex offenders, rapists, pulling us over late at night or talking to us at 3am. This problem with spying on us or stalking us because they are connected to the land or their ancestry bled on this soil; is officially dead. Coming to America 200 years ago and starving in the present day; is no escape from the charges or the law; utter failures, crappy immigrants, and criminal trash. This has got to be killing them. They know we are retiring. They know wealth and success is right around the corner. They know there is no end to their failure and starvation. It now burns in their soul and changes them into an even worse enemy.
If the truth hurts, why aren't they screaming like a dumbass monkey? They should be suffering and barely breathing, not flying past checkpoints or the core of allied security. I had this mission wrapped up my sophomore year of college. However, attacking or kidnapping me, as the TV series Alias depicts; added twenty additional years and made the career of Ann Coulter. Ann is only a researcher and is there so I am focused on my primary mission or work. This nonsense and debating retards is not my cup of tea or ever was; doing the right thing is and telling the truth is. So this began in college. These police attacks began in college. This scam to use blacks or whites to teach us about Civil Rights and how screwed up or murdered America was; is what we discovered by accident. It was a mere annoyance to the core or my life; it should have never happened. But now that it did along with so much more, I want two billion and I will not stop until I get what I want. I am glad they finally backed off and realize how wrong they were or had been; also how guilty. Wait until the financial repercussions or the reality hits home. Keep in mind that even though the police or police union were indicted in this; they stand in solidarity with the communist and Democratic forces. Thus, they refuse to vindicate our record and still use it to say "leave... move... go home... he needs money... he is looking for a job... he is getting evicted... etc." It is going to blow up in their faces and it will be really humiliating and life changing, trust me. Even facing death, war, banishment, or severe repercussions; the labor unions are united with the communist forces.
Take a look at the state of police affairs or how messed up the police have become; tech us about Civil Rights and the 1960s? Teach us about hate and racism? What are they learning or have they learned anything yet to be dragging their feet and standing in solidarity? One nation and one rogue police force? What exactly is holding them hostage to this? A spirit? Drugs? A human being? Pressure? Hope and change? A mental disorder? Medication? Prison? A disease or genetic phantom? A ghost or invisible man? A terror plot? Arabs? Nazis? The mafia? A homeless man? A military leader? Satan? A dollar conspiracy? A bed called home? War? Is this what the Better Business Bureau was created for? To police the truth and doing the right thing or Democrats as they try to get rich or get ahead? How about the police and government? Where is the Better Business Bureau when it comes to trash, ghettos, Cherokee Indians, small minded things, the office of hurricanes and earthquakes, and Bernie Maddoff real estate? Home? Hope and change? Why steal the Christ baby or steal Christ's suffering in the name of American exceptionalism? What exactly is this powerful force that does this to a human being and tried it on us; yes tried to torture and brainwash us for over two decades. Is it powerful forces all around them or the flaws of mankind? Who is that flaw? The answer is embodied in their leaders, Limbaugh-Hannity and the rest of them. Is anybody in charge or on the job? Turned the tables on them, double turned the tables on them, and triple wilderness of mirrors to make them a little more crazy. Now they are wide awake and cannot surprise us.
Given how this enemy and threat has used both black people, white people, and stupid immigrants who do not have a clue to teach us their brand of Civil Rights and total insanity; we have not and never received any delivery of why four Baker Acts were used along with two false arrests or mistakes. On top of that was over $1000 in Bank fees, over $3000 in credit card fees and interest, a false eviction, fired for this job place deception 4 times and attacked repeatedly by workplace violence, two home invasions, massive vandalism, and pistols or automatic weapons drawn for no reason twice now in the worst "surprise" or shock and awe. All of that to this ending. All of that for this dialogue. All of that for hope and change. All of that still no damages paid exceeding two billion. We have lie on lie to a point where an avalanche does not do justice. We have more police reports and massacres than imaginable on top of the terror plots. These police officers think or act like lesbian feminists. Does it sound like we need experts? Does it feel like we need a ruthless bully to manage this? Wait until the media hears this! Wait until it hits the courts or goes viral on Ytube. Oh it will cause Rome to be burned down and worse. Enjoy it while they can. So how do we get rid of the people who did this, war or some secret Pentagon weapon? If so, we must figure out how to draw them in first or bait them. Work a little more and try harder, almost there. These colleges should be forced to pay back valuable tax dollars that fund scams and lies. The students are entitled to a full refund, including myself for this ordeal and Maddoff mugging.
Just a little fish, no problem? Who the hell is that guy, kill him? Feel under siege? Does it sound like someone is on the run or on the lamb? Is that why they took their damn sweet time while Limbaugh-Hannity tried everything to cover their ass? Is that why it took so long and why it has been over four years? Look at the media coverage. Look at the publicity levels. Look at how many lawyers are on this. Look at the damage a few have caused. Where is the written explanation to their supervisors? Why did it have to come to this or this ending? Why was there a need for lawyers and two billion in damages? Who is trapped and who does not know what to do and wants to die? Will they pick up a weapon and will they ever brandish it; how dare them or is this a dare? Sorry? Do I need lectures or private lessons on racism or race relations? Really? Is this about the truth or how guilty they are? Will damages ever be paid? More tickets and more fees? How gracious can I possibly get? They really took their damn time didn't they? They sure did drag their feet while so confident and so sure of themselves. Wait until the media hears this! Wait until it hits the courts or goes viral on Ytube. Oh it will cause Rome to be burned down and worse. Enjoy it while they can. They should make this a college course and a global academic standard. Look at the clear thinking and look at the mental acceleration; life is so peaceful and normal without this enemy or red menace. Is someone on the job? Are all of them totally crazy? Do they know what a real human being is or why they are living? Look how stupid they all look.
Don't tell anyone but they are a total laughing stock. They do lack some IQ. Who exactly is this and who exactly did this? One person? One hundred people? One hundred thousand people? Who? All these dents to-for these books, this mission, and what is clear and concise. Why did they side with blue collar, the labor unions, stupid immigrants, and the worst elements; not even believing a word said and then using a Baker Act on a human being with two or three times the intelligence level they have? We can compare the academic records or history of academics. We can compare their life with mine. Is the problem they lack any understanding or do not have any education? What is the problem here besides using blacks and white pretenders to teach Asians Civil Rights and Radical communism? They say ignorance is no excuse for the law, this was taking it way too far and just a tad damaging isn't it? I would say a slight personality disorder. Just a small amount of narcissism and imperfection. It was a slap on the wrist took it too far; come on, we all can be friends and get along. It does sound selfish and stingy, doesn't it? So how do we get rid of the people who did this, war or some secret Pentagon weapon? If so, we must figure out how to draw them in first or bait them. Work a little more and try harder, almost there. Should they teach this in kindergarten to 12? Maybe make it a college course, law degree, or even a doctorate major? These colleges should be forced to pay back valuable tax dollars that fund scams and lies. The students are entitled to a full refund, including myself for this ordeal and Maddoff mugging. You fat slob. Look what you done. Get out of our life you demented and psychotic fat slob, how dare you.
Who is going to defend us if we cannot? Who? Why Asians? Why the Vietnamese? Why white and Asian cold warriors and right wing? Immigrants? Minorities? Why was the Baker Act used 4 times, why did the police draw their weapons and automatic weapons twice, why was I in prison for more than two years, and why did we end up with this ending and a dialogue with communist forces about who is going to die and who is not going to survive this one? Who is homeless and who is not the bit worried? Are they truly searching for the police or the truth? What are they seeking if this is what the data and evidence is brought before a judge and lawyers? Is this what I described repeatedly, a dare and a set-up, a murder plot? Does anybody see the mirror and now the reflection we created based on their objectives and what they tried to do? Do the right thing? Tell the truth? How could it piss anybody off, they are teaching us Civil Rights and they are the police! Pres-dictators are welcome and not on our minds. Just ignore it, it was just gross injustice and no big deal; nobody even reported it or came forward. What should our report card and academic record say? F? D? A? How about those Ann Coulter books? Love those college speeches? What should their academic record say? Let's debate it or make a deal. However, don't speak too early and say it is a learning experience. Is anybody in charge or ever was? Is anybody on the job or not since we got fired and arrested? Employers? This began in 1990 and while in college right? Imagine the impact on college now. Shut them down and throw them out. Cut off all of their funding and deport them all. The church of slobs and idiots is here to stay.
I have to ask, are they fake or are we? I must know, do they want to die? I want them to tell us, do they have any money? This is what they are or will be facing, are they ready and are they prepared for this fight? Still? Who is this enemy on the TV Series Alias whom did this to Sydney and her family? Who, us? America did this? Exceptional-ism did this? The truth did this? The police did this? Hate and racism did this? Who did this? Was it hope and change? Was it the phantom, "I don't know what to do?" It must be officer and police chief, "I want to die." They are for real and we are fake? We are powerless and they are God? Why are they on the job and why do they have a pension? Wait until the media hears this! Wait until it hits the courts or goes viral on Ytube. Oh it will cause Rome to be burned down and worse. Enjoy it while they can. A madman on the loose? A killer among us or on the loose? Hysteria? Bunker mentality? Give up? It would and could be easier if they cooperated and we can get to the bottom of this, wouldn't it? Let's ask the Justice Department if they agree? How does it feel on their end? Does it feel like Ann Coulter was there too? Police officers put people in jail all the time. I have never heard of this or such disgrace. We are talking on the lamb and on the run on a level common street trash can never reach or accomplish. This is going to make terrific folklore. Oh we are crazy and need to be medicated right? We are schizophrenic and paranoid about the world we live in or other human beings?
Did the police labor union put them up to this, or was it the communists? Jail is beyond them? They have to die before disgrace? Lunatic or madman? This is over now, still over? It is done and we can sleep better now? Does it sound like we need experts? Does it sound like someone is on the run or on the lamb? Is that why they took their damn sweet time while Limbaugh-Hannity tried everything to cover their ass? Is that why it took so long and why it has been over four years? Does it sound like a murder-suicide when the police screw up or just a suicide? Sorry? Why do the police have their fingerprint all over this and why is the truth still not out or reported? How genuinely nice do I have to get before this is done? Is the police this messed up or just their politics? Who exactly is this messed up, this stupid, and this much of a F'in jackass who got it so wrong? It gets funnier and funnier the more we know about these people and what they are up to. This feels really strange doesn't it? How does it feel on the other end or the other side? Ruthless and scoundrels? It feels like Ann Coulter was there? I can clearly see the Justice Department, the Department of Defense, and the Commerce Department jumping up and down on their desks screaming, "Hope and Change... We do not know what to do... We want to die... F you we are at war." I am glad we are on the job and cracking the whip and some major league skulls. God bless America for delivering us this victory and this ending.
We are living in the world of a slob. What will they do or say when and if we corner them and force them to explain? A pattern is beginning to develop here. The Vietnamese were the most anti-communist immigrant group ever to hit the shores of America. Therefore, the communist forces impersonated them or their success to undermine them. The Germans were the most successful of the immigrant groups in America. Therefore, the communist forces impersonated them and we get these terrorist groups or extreme hate groups. The British are the most sophisticated; maybe they were impersonated as well? Naturally, there are other groups such as the Italians, French, Dutch, Irish, Filipinos, Thai, Chinese, Spanish, South Indian, Greeks, and a few other groups. Then it is used back on America to trigger security alerts or have the police chase after the wrong suspects. If some payment is not made, they use political power or start running them off or doing home invasions. They are linked to the land and past wars and the shush church of slobs and psychopathic losers is here to stay; this time as native Indian rights, teachers of racism, and utter slobs. God bless America for their restraints and God bless America for destroying them and delivering peace on earth; we will look forward to the future without a bunch of apes or slobs who violate our liberties. How did a monkey like this enemy become so bulletproof and steal the suffering of Christ? It is their home.
I will repeat my words so they do not die or leave this world with some disconnect from reality about how they had to live with animals or savages. On the contrary, the leftist legacy will be one difficult to overcome or escape the allied security forces counter-measures. Do not push it further or leave in such a disgusting and criminal manner, it will impact the future of your people and cause a tremendous problem for your siblings. What they leave behind will be restrained, imprisoned, and probably destroyed by a top twenty list; do not make the situation even worse or try another crazy stunt and lie to pave a new path or acquire a new life. This has not been resolved. I think it is time the people we have trapped consider jail and consider ending this or paying damages. The world is watching in anger. The entire nation is watching with disgust. The entire law enforcement community feels the desperation and the relief the USA has delivered. They face a world that is very clear thinking. It is time to stop lying and stop trying to scam the human race or those in charge of the nation. Obviously, this is a volatile mixture of very bad traits, characters, crazed stunts, and gene hounds. A jackass and dumbass in the kingdom of royals is not a fetched perfect match or anywhere near what they want or will ever have. We seek the death penalty for this idiot and rodent who belongs in restraints. The top twenty list will lead to severe economic sanctions and tremendous hardships. It will lead to their state going bankrupt or worse. Do not let this get to that degree of punishment and lying. It is time to consider jail and ending it before the world grows angrier and more joyful.
Remember, we are getting stronger and we are getting richer due to this top twenty list. Do they wish to go there in silence and with this criminal record on them or their leaders? Again, this is what happens and will happen when off the wall obese white women mix with violent black men. We get a volatile mix and an off-the-wall radical communist plot or extreme violence along with extreme management failures. We get one lie after the other, almost pathological and drug induced or utter disconnect with reality. We get the weakest and the worst mix imaginable to their human experiment; not even our genetics or our genes could ever possibly civilize them or make them normal again. It is time to end this and consider jail, there is no way out and nowhere to run. Getting paid for doing it is one problem, who is doing what is another; but the consequences will be more severe and much more lasting. The nation and the world is watching in anger and total disgust. Stop lying and stop running; it is time for restraints and full punishment. The only thing left is to take their life and engage in on-air suicide; which will implicate their employers and increase our coffers. The damage is severe and the ship is barely able to make it back to port; one solid hit or a final blow will sink it and those who scrutinized for survival. Do not think of yourself, think of the consequences and the implications to America and those who say God Bless America for delivering this final ending and victory. A top twenty list is being produced and that is the beginning of the end.
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Sunday, October 7, 2012
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- My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.
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