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Tuesday, October 16, 2012


The Second Debates - Romney versus Obama:

When people are guilty of 150 felony charges and refuse to go to jail, that is a lot of dead people walking around. It also defines the real problem. That is a gigantic slug fest and slugging it out. As a leader, I would tell my people not to fear the future and tell them this evil world is not going to ruin us, make us fall, break us up, or make us hide and shiver. Oh I have seen a lot in life and write about what I know and what I have seen. I did not hear what a leader is supposed to say to their people and how he will not stupid people, people who do not want to do the right thing, lazy people, or failures who will not do as expected. I do not think when and if I tell any of them or all of them how retarded they are, they understand.

Those skill sets are so far from where I am, where America is, and what actually threatens our future. I would say Romney scored higher than Obama, there was much to be desired from my angle however, scoring higher and not letting good decent Americans who have stood up and fought for our future die or go to ruin; says something about a leader. If their people waged war on other groups; they need to tell them to surrender immediately and not hide under a rock; to obey the laws and not circumvent it or tell lies we all know about. I do not think Romney or Obama in telling people they are retarded, get anywhere. They do not understand. Clearly someone is playing with my senses or enjoys playing with my mind. I do not appreciate that one bit.

I remember a time when I was very privileged and royalty. I have been kidnapped or taken hostage. I did have my life turned upside down and into total lies. I have been robbed and violated more than any other human being on this earth; that is extreme combat when you cannot see or know your attackers. I too have been bait and I was forced to take the fall for people who saw me as a rock to hide under. I will not let this evil world impact or have detrimental effect on people I cherish or look up to. Furthermore, I too watched as my own people were forced to surrender when surrounded, trapped, and fighting an enemy who did not back down and was fierce. We know them as the communist and it takes much more than they are to fight them or to even win. So I cannot speak for them or my own people. But I know from history they paid the ultimate price, they tried not to let innocent civilians get hurt, and when it could not be avoided they provided assistance anyhow they could.

Even our own side cannot deliver. I can recall a time when I was so defeated and so weakened; I shined like a star. I pay no tribute or sympathy for those who clearly refuse to go to jail for guilt levels unheard of. You cannot be leader or the leader of the world when you are a rock felons and evil hide under. Romney scored much higher when it is a slug fest. Romney knows this enemy will not back down or stop easily, exactly how difficult it is to stop them or bring them to justice. Romney knows as leader when you are against or defending your own life against the communists; you need help and you need the support of a decent nation. They have had to fight their own ethnicity and their own people under the worst of conditions. I asked them to stay down while we cleared the room, they did. I asked this enemy to halt and surrender; to consider jail and doing the right thing. They have spoken.

We need these urgent deliveries, not people tinkering with our mind. You need the right people around you and the right stuff. I personally felt it was time for jail; this enemy and this enemy is guilty of 150 counts. We cannot have this threat and this kind of human species in our life or in or life, even by superior numbers. As a leader, I know what I would do and what I would say; to plead to the opposite side so that innocent people have an escape and help they need; my strategic-hamlet strategy. If and when the enemy has you surrounded, tanks wall to wall, and not enough seats at the dinner table for any side; I would do and say as expected and side with the superior or victorious side. They do not understand. Clearly someone is playing with my senses or enjoys playing with my mind. I do not appreciate that one bit.

Whose angry and hostile? Who is sneaking around? Who is total lies? Yes, but who are these people sneaking around, lurking in our life, acting so secretly and smelly, talking to us secretly, playing with our mind, oppressing us or trying, condemning great and powerful people, is dirt stupid or repugnant, wants money, and is up to no good? They are the wrong people in our lives. Our enemies and the people who did this have not gone away. They will. The other option is jail. We encourage them to choose jail. Good Americans who have fought the communists, the fascists, the Nazis, madmen, the mafia, career criminals, con-men and liars, and your run of the mill bad humans; cannot be neglected or sacrificed.

This other species is a very unique dent in our life. Once the labor unions get to them; the river reverses. Romney wins but Obama in the past four years does not understand when someone says his people are retarded. Romney got his people ready for war. Obama was more a rock they could hide under. I was supposed to be a rock to hide under, but no more. That rock now smashes the people who did this and that rock is rolling all over them. Hiding behind it and trying to move it or get rid of it; is not the answer and never was. I did not say Obama is guilty, I only said he was bait and a rock people can hide behind. Romney wins again. Even if we are fighting the communists, the problem remains ignorance and stubbornest. This is why the deliveries are missing and why it got so complex.

Some people live on two planets. America is not a two planet world. America is not messing with the minds of this world or so evil and lawless, spite has to be nuked. There are two planets and two worlds here; one is totally fake and lies, the other may be too repressive or just not good enough. Whatever the case, the ignorance has not died and they will put up a very fierce and determined battle. I understand. I am not playing with anybody's senses or giving them a sales pitch they cannot stand or tolerate if the truth ever came out. I am not a rock for others to hide under and never was. I am another kind of rock they will never understand. Trapped in the core of allied security, they cannot fall back or stop now; there are no brakes.

What does America need? What do we need to survive this ordeal? How will our life ever be normal again? How do we go from the wrong people in our life to the right people? Like always, God bless, yes God bless America for delivering such a blessed future and appreciating our sacredness. It is and was a very close call; too close I understand. My strategic-hamlet policy and top twenty list will bring us closer to the right path, a right future, and commerce immediately. I encourage the leaders who understand can see the future can be brighter for all of us. Do not confuse my duties or mission with the President, mine is very simple and not complex at all. The President is there to make sure they are safe and in time of comfort. I am not going to shatter and have never been shattered when sneaky, angry, secretive, hostile, and inadequate people wage war on our world and our country. These urgent deliveries need to begin arriving, we cannot live like animals or with animals. We have made this crystal clear and what the problem is.

If you do not create the strategic-hamlet, America will die. If you look at their strategy, they will defeat you. You are in a drug war and to win it, they need access. They have it and the wrong people are in your life. If you do not create the strategic-hamlet; gun rights will die. I have never seen any Commander or General go into battle with fear in their eyes, a buffoon, jackass, or tortured idiot; all of them have fear in their eyes. I raise my voice and their leadership goes into this "turn the ship over" mentality. Their ears are bleeding all over. I only have to think it, it is subliminal and they will repeat, "we are going to die, we do not know what to do, we are sorry, etc..." all day long. The drug wars has done massive damage and it will wipe out your future and your kids future. It is their home and they said, come and get it. Go and get it. Does America really have a problem with hostile people who sneak around or rob you in a secret manner? Really, never heard of it. Do you think if you called them a retard, they would understand? Really, never heard of it. Are they in your house too?

They are playing with the minds of people and rodents. Let them vote and let them suffer. When I say deploy the strategic-hamlet or it is time for jail, I mean it and am dead serious. The degree they fight, the level of insanity, how hardcore communist they are, how dependent and how disconnected from reality, their dreams and aspirations, where they are headed now or been, what they say or do; given it is too big to fail, will kill America. It will kill the future. It nearly killed us but it did not because of so many eyes and some ignorant plea to cover it all up. The Americans do not stand a chance with the increase or quadrupling of these problems. The signature on my life is identical. Doing it right is one thing. Doing it wrong and not stopping is hell. We are prisoners of hell now. That is their domestic war plans. The empire has struck back and they are on the run. Hit so hard and tortured by crushing pressure, they wear a diaper.

Sneaking around or walking carefully on ice; angry and hostile; and getting everything wrong or breaking so many laws; became a death sentence. These wars in the Middle East are nothing more than a trap you cannot see. When you see who is doing it, then you will see the trap. You are being lured in. Can you feel it? It is do or die time and I say do. Those are very long terms positions and bets, no way out. Ass 911 terrorists, that will hang them; imagine those moves. The drug war itself is enough to see the next few movements and the next ten years. The creation of prisoners or felons is enough to see the next few decades of politics. Do you think they are going to stop or just go away? Really? Say it like you mean it, God Bless America.

These people have no chance whatsoever. Commerce is not the problem. People lack a spirit for commerce. It is hard to tell if they lack a fight or if it is an Ann Coulter syndrome. It is clear this enemy and political nemesis has penetrated and taken over parts of the government and defense forces. On paper I see something that involves the wrong people attracted to the right forces or the strong forces. On paper I see the wrong people in our life or the wrong people in jobs which are reserved for a different kind of human being or a different species altogether. Even if we are fighting the communists, the problem remains ignorance and stubbornness. This is why the deliveries are missing and why it got so complex.

These problems happen for a reason and the science behind why they happen is very logical. It has to do with leisure and blocking out reality or the truth; it has to do with hostile people sneaking around or acting very secretly while trying to communicate with other human beings. So long as this enemy is sneaking around or lurking in our life, America will be taken to the brink of destruction and Americans will have no chance whatsoever. Therefore, the fight or the preventive measures are inadequate but in addition to the prevention methods; the personnel are the wrong personnel. We do not see life on the same page and nobody enjoys getting kidnapped, tortured, beaten up, and becoming a rock to hide under for a psychopath. It is two separate worlds. It is two separate realities. It is two entirely different worlds.

We too like things perfect and with minimal problems; it is impossible with the wrong people in our life. This applies for companies. This applies for the police force. This applies to the Pentagon or the FBI. It applies no matter if 1 million females are paraded in our life or if there are one hundred and fifty felony charges. It indicates the wrong people and a career criminal who will do anything to not get caught. Of course they want money and of course it is for the love of money. However, they claim they are superior and we are the strong forces which allow them to consort the meanest SOB and the most retarded monkey this world has ever seen. Abducting or keeping us as prisoners has made their life unlivable or miserable.

They will raid your bank account. They will raid your business. They will raid your family and residence. They will raid whatever and whomever you love. They stand no chance. You will blame them for flaws and discrepancies. It is not a blameless endeavor. It is about the wrong people who are in our life and our inability or religion unable to dispose of them or change our reality. Therefore, we are living through the replay of Vietnam battles, in America; and it will be a determined slug fest between those who must leave and those who must not. The first step is the top twenty list and confronting them; a long list of complaints and problems.

They have been ordered to surrender and told it is time for jail before an unstoppable slug fest begins. The pressure will crush them. They are condemned for the rest of life. They are guilty of one hundred and fifty felony charges; that says a lot about who they are and what exactly can happen. The last time we had a slug fest, crap flew out of them nonstop. This time there will not be any breaks, bonuses, or back and forth. It is time to consider jail for the one hundred and fifty guilty felony charges. It is up to them if they stay, are truly sorry, or only want to call us retard or fill our life with total lies. That failed.

It is counterproductive when they argue or attack us. They will not survive this and that is the final or bottom line. It is up to them if they stay or not, it is not up to them how or what they must do. The communist will not stop, they refuse jail, and we have already slugged it out with them. They are too fierce for America and are called retarded constantly. Nobody in their right mind will argue this or even call us retarded. They will do the right thing and not try to pull a stalemate.

Even in the end. Even to this end. Even if we have fought the communist ferociously and to no end. Even if these women are still single or virgins. Some of these people have severe problems which makes it difficult for them to be normal human beings or live life on a standard level simple and not complex. The problem has to do with extreme ignorance and a degree of stubbornness. Even in the core of this, the problem with ignorance and stubbornness causes these deliveries to get lost or go missing. Therefore, the doom of America is about doomed people who are troubled on one end and not able to do a job that meets expectations. It goes back and forth to no end until it ends up in a slug fest or lawlessness.

This ignorance and slob like feature causes them to become parents outside of their own family or create fantasies that revolve around money or how hard they work. It is a shame because America used to be so close to a real human being; yet the complaints or the complaining never end. Instead it is about book sales, jobs, whose lying about whom, delays, murder plots, not a good mother, how turned on others are, or how fun masturbation and monologues can be. These people are very troubled and flawed, yet they seek to tackle life and proclaim themselves superior lacking any scientific proof except their existence. If you tell them they are retarded, stubborn, or ignorant; it will become what you read. It will become your anger. It will become your nightmare. It will become your own reality and life.

If you tell these police officers they are retarded or ask them if they know what they have done, do you think they will understand? Is a retard capable of understanding? Do you really think they understand why we are the way we are or how ruthless they have become? Do retarded people understand we need the right people in our life and we have the wrong people in it? Do they? There are a lot of documents and written material, do they read? We know these false promises, missing deliveries, and fancy stunts are nothing more than attacks. These are urgent and critical deliveries, not empty promises or more disappointments. I am not really concerned about attacks or empty promises, I need urgent deliveries.

It is time to consider jail instead of a slug fest to break this ruthless attempt at failure. Does no have any meaning? Deliver me the top twenty list and deploy the strategic-hamlet campaign. I have commercial interests and all of it is totally paralyzed while we get harassed or violated all day long by crazed communists. Will they or do they understand when or if it is time for jail? We know these false promises, missing deliveries, and fancy stunts are nothing more than attacks. Treating people right or doing the right thing won't kill them. Even if we are fighting the communists, the problem remains ignorance and stubbornness. This is why the deliveries are missing and why it got so complex.

There are problems wit the firemen. There are problems with the police. There are problems with all of these government employees and employers. If you call them retarded, they will pull a Limbaugh-Hannity and call you retarded. Treating people right or doing the right thing won't kill them. It will go back and forth to no end. One side is psychopathic, sneaking around and hostile; the other is a complete and total liar with all kinds of promises. The wrong people in our life will do this and kill America or us; now they only wish to cover it up.

The last time we had a slug fest, crap flew out of them nonstop. This time there will not be any breaks, bonuses, or back and forth. It is time to consider jail for the one hundred and fifty guilty felony charges.

Crowly says it is a death ticket or a full sentence.
Rush Limbaugh says Al Quad is on the run.
Clinton says she will take responsible for these attacks and a lack of security.
Obama says he only wants to investigate Al Quad and get to he bottom of this.
Sean Hannity says to let them be who they are.
Mark Levin says this is about his daughter.
Bush and Powell are in hiding. Their military leaders will go into hiding or disappear from obscurity soon; typical Democratic behavior.

Do we live in two worlds or are these people just messing with our minds? Put your faith on whom you get your information from? How about that liberal media? Biased? Where are these urgent deliveries? Are they lost or do we need to send our search and rescue party? Did they take them out also? Did they field their own people? Evil has arrived to our shores, to our residences, to our lives. It only barks back and bites out of control. Forgiven? Debt? Bankruptcy? The bank? Crime? They will seek us out. They will stalk us. They will watch and wound us. Then they will call with empty promises or one crazy call after the net. Then they will say sorry, it was both our faults, we all should have known better. Treating people right or doing the right thing won't kill them.

They are more angry now than ever. Jail is out of the question. Narcissism is another world entirely. They are hostile. They are neatly sneaking around. They are in hiding. They must go and it has been long overdue and one warning after the next. This is all that matters to them or their existence. They are not forgiven and they are also out of money. They are out of fuel. The voters are in danger. America will not survive this unless we take immediate steps. Nobody is sorry on either side. They will seek us out. They will stalk us. They will watch and wound us. Then they will call with empty promises or one crazy call after the net. Then they will say sorry, it was both our faults, we all should have known better.

We will get it all day long, all our accounts drained, and then how sorry they are or how they want to die. The wrong people in our life and they cannot do anything right. If we tell them they are retarded, they make us look like we are retarded. If we tell them it is time for jail, they turn into the police or corruption. If we tell them to do it right or the right thing, we end up with the flu and a slug fest. It is two completely different worlds and two entirely human creatures. Neither side is truly sorry, nobody. We know these false promises, missing deliveries, and fancy stunts are nothing more than attacks. These are urgent and critical deliveries, not empty promises or more disappointments. I am not really concerned about attacks or empty promises, I need urgent deliveries.

Okay let them. It will be a slug fest to the end. Even our own defense forces are plagued with severe ignorance and severe stubbornest; as the case with Ann Coulter and a total failure to deliver or constant bickering back and forth. What exactly is important?

Okay who is going through my Pentagon bank account now and doing illegal or unauthorized transactions? This is the only one that was "impenetrable." Until last week. Also, it has always been too little money, always short one month after the next, etc... when it comes to money or finances. My mission was very simple and very easy. All the sudden the god damn Pentagon is either toying with my money or making this more and more complex. Hey knock it off will you, we got the communist cornered and we know who they are. Meanwhile, they drain my account, my banks, my life, drag me from my elements, attack my private life, attack my career, attack all of my accounts, and nothing is left.

Who the hell owes two billion? Why always a stupid bank harassment or illegal transaction-fee right when I am low on my cell phone minutes? Right on cue and on time to make it a totally complex mess or a secret protest by the same crazed ethnic groups, government employees, or the wrong people around us. I never had an illegal or fee problem on my Pentagon Federal Account. Do you suspect it is my "evil black wife" again or my Pentagon integrated woman problem? Do you suspect the ID theft is more clever than stealing a card or stealing a social security? Is this how the ransom or money is supposed to be "transferred" into the 911 terrorists or their leaders?Now it is official and no evidence. I cannot handle that god damn sharecropper! Catch her if I can or want it bad enough?

I think the overwhelming question is not how did these people come into our life but what they did to a very simple and predetermined life? If we break down different ethnic-cities or groups and judge them on their ability to fight World War II and Vietnam; the Nazis and the communist; we will see a few groups lacking in every category. They are attracted to the weak forces for the wrong reasons and attractive to the strong forces for all the wrong reasons also. Even in the case of Ann Coulter, it is hard to tell if it is her origin or such a vague clarity; as a group, or whether females are trained to have no commercial interest and like robots bother the world. What exactly are women attracted to and why, strong or weak forces? This list the FBI keeps of the good and the bad guys; who is Ann Coulter?

It would be nice to have a human being. It would be nice if they can or have fought the Nazis and the communists. It would be nice if their ethnic group were not in our radar all the time or in our life. Therefore, the wrong people being in our life is the culmination of the beginning and the ending points. If we analyze different ethnic groups and see how successful they are or their ability to fight evil forces in this world; we come up with a short list of favorites. Again, the wrong people can be attracted to the right forces. Hence, females are inclined to favor that short list if they are not robots and real human beings. Then again, so are communists and thieves. Being so weak or so vague, I think the question for Ann is logical; are we as a group of those specific ethnic-cities too logical for her or is she trying to prove something that has become very annoying?

My mission was very simple and very easy to understand. Why or how it got so complex, so full of lies, and so impacting to National Security, has a price tag so big; they would rather kill us than cover it up. Regardless, they choose to cover it up and not kill us which was their original plan. As you can see, it is draining my accounts. It is causing bankruptcy. It is causing evictions. It is causing massive bills and charges, a very negative life story. It is causing a lot of pain and suffering.

"Everytime he is in town we get together and go out to dinner." What a great thing to say and record for the record, a total lie or not. What else do you do when these men are in town or when Ann Coulter is in town? That definitely will enhance her life and will definitely get her lip to quiver. But wait, there is more and more. There is so much Ann is tongue tied also. The bottom line and the final result is the delivery. There is nobody to blame when it is a boomerang, the person who said it or threw it. Did I mention the pictures and the VIP events? Did I mention how they are in my residence or all over me, in my life telling me to move or leave, again? How many residences has it been? Cheapen me up a little? Make me affordable again? No gains or no deliveries? Why?

Why no violence in the ending? Why cover it up? Why allow them to live? Why run or hide now? Why not step down? Why not consider jail? Why not stop exploiting or using up our opportunity or jobs? These resources are intended for specific people and the right people, not the wrong ones. Why try to be in our life or be around us? What exactly is making me so poor? Is it the enemies? Or is it the lack of deliveries? We know these people wish to slug it out. The rule to a slug fest is when the delivery of a caviar plate is in front of me, there will be one hell of a slug fest in public. The evidence does suggest what is making me poor, Ann Coulter and a lack of commercial interest. Do we see this same problem with government employees? Yes. Does Ann really have a great relationship with her parents? Really? Can they vouch for it? I guess they are too busy flying around the US pretending to be California Senators? It used to be a very casual and easy relationship with Ann. My mission used to be very easy and casual. Now it is so complex, difficult to understand, and hunting communists and terrorists have turned into total insanity or total lies. Of course we know they are on the run, we put them in this position.

The problem is easy to understand. The problem does have to do with the role of the police or government. The problem are failures or the wrong type of people. The problem is the people around us. The problem is integration, jobs, or opportunity that puts the wrong people around us. The problem is how they want to lie or leisure while they drain our cash reserves. The problem is taking their damn sweet time when it is a slug fest. The problem is pulling us from our elements. The problem is the more I am involved with Ann Coulter, the more they drain my cash reserves, all of them. The problem is rather than killing or murdering Ann, they have chosen to cover it up now or throw total lies out there; even ignore it. The problem is repetition of sorry or insincere acts. When we have the wealth and resources of America, the wrong people will come and the wrong people will be in our life. Install and enforce the safe-hamlet approach while the top twenty is delivered. Guilty is not even used anymore but guilt is not what they feel or wish of this ending.

The main problem is Ann Coulter cannot deliver. What she delivers is completely wrong or the wrong people. The problem is Ann Coulter. Even if I make it crystal clear to her and she picks up the phone; the answers are unacceptable. The checklist and the her grades go down and slip because she only wants to leisure or make them happy with her VIP events. She is unable to deliver and my cash reserves get drained, almost to the point of life support. Therefore, there are a lot of negatives against Ann Coulter and there has been; but the main problem is she cannot deliver and it is not menopause. Instead of killer her they wish to only delay or escape, take advantage of her more while she is sticking around, then telling me inside my residence or through protests around me; to leave or move. I do need the right people and the right women around me; but look at what they did by integration, home invasion, waging war on us, communist bombardment, trials and tribulation on our life, a show-trial, re-education camp, or total lies. Rather than killing us they choose to cover it up and it can and will be painful, very painful. Why are the wrong people in my life now? Still?

So they want to slug this out to the end? Everything was delivered on time and as expected; except Ann Coulter. She is constantly arguing and throwing a wrench in the deliveries; this time it is about her dating life or personal life. I do have commercial interests and am trying to go into business for myself, it helps to have a partner who can deliver or has similar goals. Based on my documents and the evidence I have, they are 911 terrorists and far much worse, much worse. Who the F wants that in their life? Does having them in my life improve it or wreck it? Exactly. Why are they in my life? Ann's fault? Clock ran out? Too little too late? Why am I firing Ann Coulter? How long has it been? Why are they in my life? More events? More VIP parties? More and more while I get "move-leave-go home" screamed at me in my residence? The police have been called about the neighbors too. Enough yet? More? Four more years of this? The only logical reason why Ann Coulter can get fired, is if they are in my life and she failed. They are still in my life. She wasted a lot of time and my patience. Does Ann Coulter realize or know how many opportunities I have had to slug it out or make that killer blow on the communist forces? Does she? Now look at her total mess.

What is the real problem? I do not appreciate these fake Republicans doing this, I do not appreciate the fake KKK, I do not appreciate the effort to turn my life into a black man, I do not appreciate the kidnapping or taking me from my element, I do not appreciate modeling me while molding me to be the husband of a repugnant black woman I cannot even identify or press charges on. I really do not have any patience for this or the terror plots and trying to kill me. I do not appreciate the home invasions or the workplace invasions. When I say I want them out of my life and my life mission to hunt them down or corner them is very simple and easy to understand; I do not mean 5 years or 10 years later. It has been two decades of hard work; so Ann better consider this and appreciate it. Now they are in my residence, trying to film her having sex, talking to me as if I am their buddy or still a hostage kidnapped by demented communist moles. If they are hijackers and too big to fail, do we need a nuclear missile to stop them or space warfare? What is it going to take to get rid of them or get them out of our life, what? Me? Ann Coulter? Actual and real Americans?

What is the real problem? Ann better take some serious steps and major actions, maybe move away. I am so fed up and have told her so many times to get them out of my life and stop coddling them. Nobody even sees me being nice to Ann about it now, fed up. I give her one ultimatum after the next and then conclude, I don't care and do not need an excuse. The evidence is not in her favor. When I say now, I mean now, not next year or two years from now. It is on her now and the clock has ran out. I do not like communists. I do not like terrorists. I have no patience for any of this. Who has the truth or the answers? Did the entire FBI loose their minds also? The only logical reason why Ann Coulter can get fired, is if they are in my life and she failed. So they do know the truth, my plan was long done ago and I was supposed to be in another country right now eating caviar and writing this. Again, in order to slug this out, the plate of caviar has to be delivered; who is to blame? Ann Coulter? A lack of commercial interests? Welfare? Who?

So F them on trying to scare me and making me so annoyed or so ready to slug this out on another level. I will gladly take a plane ticket, finishing them off, and the luxuries of a king even if I am the commander of allied forces. Yes I am enjoying the scare tactics and the total lies in my life. Even better the people behind it, in my residence. They want to slug this out, then it will be on my terms. I should be nuking them with a plate full of caviar served to me daily, not complaining. I did not move to NY-Canada to visit them, my plan was to slug it out with them on my terms. They got lucky let's say. So keep the scare tactics and keep the fire burning; when I get the plate of caviar in front of me, we will slug it out. First we will begin with a top twenty list. After will we see how many problems remain with another top twenty list.

Dear Ann Coulter: Do you want to explain to me why your buddy Matt Dudge is now contacting me? He is doing so thru some host named Ferguson/Cunningham from Ohio. I will make this crystal clear to you once and for all, I did not send an RSVP or have ever mentioned Dudge or any of these people, never. Someone keeps yelling "leave-move" or "it's our home, we want to die" in my window, from neighbor homes, and I have called the police on them or about this. I have notified the landlord and made it clear, there is no RSVP for any of them. They need to take this up with you, not me. I am not "leaving" my owning life or "going home" when in my own residence. Would you like to explain to me somehow why Matt Dudge is now contacting me? This is your mess Ann and now it is coming to me; what did I say about being fired? The women look like chubby repugnant squishy females who are nuns and crazed; totally not up to expectations or sane. Can I make it in life without them? Who is imitating whom? Who is getting ran over and over sneaking or lurking in our life? Trying to make us desperate, starve, or have sex with them, even marriage; is totally disgusting. They should die for this. Now the pressure is immense and they scream leave or go home around the clock; life is getting so miserable and there is no end to our counter-measures.

What did I say about the wrong people in my life? What? Knock it off. It is so complex. A lot of the deliveries are lost or totally gone. Do you know this? Hey I have problems myself, you do know that don't you Ann? At least some of these women are not out to embassy me or make me complain my entire life. Who is showing off to their fanatics and base? Who is so phony they are a problem? Did I mention the money matter? No aspirations for commerce or business, none. There are ways to have an income and not work so hard or have so many problems. It just has gotten to the point where enough is enough and firing you makes more sense. Now it is the white guilt and complaints or blaming; enough is enough. Somebody needs to go through the documents and tell me what the problem is. If Ann and I were as close as brother and sisters, how did this happen? Why are the same people in my life and is that the result of my fault or Ann's?

What does the evidence say? Are they out of my life yet? Did bringing them into my life improve her life if it was a murder plot? Take it up with Ann, do I know these people? How? This game, in through the out door; is going to be shut down. They want to slug it out and this caviar plate did not get delivered. What do you suspect is the problem with the whites and the blacks? How is it this red menace lacks so much commerce and wants to slug it out? How come Ann Coulter is unable to deliver? No caviar plate. No private life or semblance of reality. No this and no that, all total insanity. Why? What do you suspect is the problem with black or white FBI agents and police officers? What do you suspect is the problem with the US government? It is a love-hate relationship. Yet they want to slug it out and the deliveries are all lost, some recovered and tracked, but still not delivered.

Is my door a revolving door? Does it look like I am agitated or trying to hug them? Did I call him? Did I invite them in my home? How did all of this happen? Now read below about the quiet, sneaky, prowler, sex predator, way too intrusive, and oddball below. Does he want money also? Does he feel inadequate or weird? I blame all of this on you; you need to control these people, they are on attack. Stop telling me to leave or go home, how you are going to die. You do not sit at the table of the Commander of Allies Forces unless invited or I come to you for help and otherwise. Who the hell keeps on doing these drive-by's? It is making me feel weird and annoyed. Why am I experiencing this and have so much problems nipping it in the bud if the police tell me to call me about who is doing the drive-by? Who the hell are they? When do I get to collect 2 billion in damages? They claim I must leave or move because they are getting ran over. The pressure is crushing them and they must figure a way to imitate or block this pressure, sneak further in and change their ID. They are raging mad and hostile still.

Want to know why Ann Coulter is in trouble? I will give you an example of why. She coddles these communists. She even told me each one and who is a communist. Meanwhile, nobody has told me why they are in my life, why? Why is Rush Limbaugh in my life? Have I met him or do I know him? How? Why is Sean Hannity in my life? Have I met him or do I know him? How? How about Mark Levin? How about four years, from 2008 to 2012? We are supposed to be hunting communists and cornering who was behind my attempted murder, kidnapping, ruining my life, recruiting me, the 911 terror plot, and so much more. Who did it? This is not about Ann coddling these people or bringing them into my life? Then how did it happen? I told her to get them out of my life, NOW! If she has to kill them, then do so, NOW! They are in my F'in residence and throwing crap and all kinds of total lies at me. Our job is to hunt communists and savage felons, not lover-boys.

How did that happen? When they get to court about how I accuse them of absurd lies or hallucination; explain to me how in the world it got this way? I am beyond pissed off now. It if finger pointing back and forth; murder plot, sleepy behavior, boyfriends, engaged to this guy or that one, dinner dates, going home with this total loser or that, hitting on married men or doing it on TV, etc... All kinds of back and forth. Do they know how close I used to be with Ann, almost a blood sister. Imagine being born into this world with only one person on your side; that is who I was to Ann and who she was to me. Now I won't even talk to her. So why or how did they get in my life? Blame Ann Coulter? Blame me? We are supposed to be hunting down the people behind this, not coddle F'in and cluster F'in. So go and ask Hannity or Limbaugh. Go and ask all of them. Our life and our mission, as the commander of allied forces, is very simple and straight forward. It is to hunt the communists or rogue terrorists, it is to study them, it is to expose them, and if possible trap them or prosecute them with no injuries, attacks, wounds, or the least injury possible.

There are truthful facts and truthful evidence that is very damaging to Ann's story and her claim she is not a disappointment. Well, do I even like her or think she is too flawed? I do not like flawed people and how they embrace it or repeat failure. Furthermore, the evidence I saw supports what they told me or accused Ann of. She said they had a murder plot on her. She said they were attacking or holding her hostage, secretly blinking or messaging me. I took this very serious and boy what I saw opened my eyes, they were sitting right next to her and so near, it was scary if they would strike or do her in. There are a lot of guilty people and a lot of close quarter combat, unfortunately all of them are coddling each other and hiding it while going to VIP events or blowing each others horn. Stop making this so complex. Stop making this so layered or full of total lies. Our life and our mission, as the commander of allied forces, is very simple and straight forward. It is to hunt the communists or rogue terrorists, it is to study them, it is to expose them, and if possible trap them or prosecute them with no injuries, attacks, wounds, or the least injury possible.

I want these F'ers out of my life, end of story. I will say it for the 10,000th time. Ann is fired. What do they not hear or understand? Ann says they kidnapped me and are the communists we have or been trying to hunt 24-7. The evidence indicates this 150%. The witnesses all concur and concluded they are the suspects we have spent our entire life hunting, our entire life. They are cornered. WTF is Ann doing now? Shut up and get them out of my god damn life. Stop hanging out with them or going to events with them. What I saw Ann do went totally against what she said or denied doing. Arrogant and almost ignorant, she just refused any explanation or felt it was so below her. How about just getting them the F out of my life? Why is that so bad or difficult? Did goo-ing on them or going to events; even flying on planes help or hurt this? Exactly. I do not like communists and have zero tolerance to guilty felons on the loose; also 911 terrorists. Are they in my life anymore? Ann is gone. It should end here. Are they in my residence? Why? How? Did the entire FBI loose their minds too?

Yelling at someone for the same mistakes is a very bad sign of a problem or a bad character. I had to yell at Ann, to no avail at times. I got sick of it. I got sick of the party lifestyle or the boyfriends, total lies or not. Her benign lack of action, was the last straw, along with the parties, drinking, VIP events, and buying them things or making them so confident. Now they won't leave and tell me to leave, go away, or move; the pressure on them is crushing; just not from Coulter. She likes to coddle them and so much, she was fired. There is a limit to all of this and also a budget. There is a time line and a threshold. She offered no plan or timeline. She offered no assistance while she expected me to bend over backwards and for that, the only memories that last are the ones that are a joke or a waste of time. It is a broken record year after year and her life is a total mess. Does anybody see me coddle them or attend events with them there? I said I will swing at them or throw a drink if they are ever at the same event. Do you see me at dinners or VIP events? Does anybody? How did I get to the point of coddling communists and guilty felons? How? I am F'in furious and beyond outrage about the entire matter.

Does anybody notice how guilty and how much total lies they are defrauding the public? Are they blind or just very stupid? I concur. Now they know how I feel. Maybe she finally took some action to clean it up or retaliate but it was so lackluster and had it been me, I would be in jail. That is weak and that to me is a pussy; acting like a slut did not help it or the ending either. Again, how did these clowns and a total waste of time get in my life, ask Ann Coulter or blame her. They blame each other and the evidence does not favor Ann. I have seen all I need to for a final conclusion. There is a side to Ann I never got to see, what will happen when everything is on her side or when the chips fall in her favor? Does she have any brakes? Would I like her? Sure she used to be a nobody, but what will time, fame, fortune, and a gigantic audience do to her or do to her insufficiency. Her grade is a C maybe a D. Deny it? Use her brain? Trying to get in the WH or go to dinners and VIP events; it must have gotten to her head. I will say it again, GET THEM THE F OUT OF MY LIFE, OR ELSE YOU WILL BE FIRED AND MUCH WORSE ANN! WHEN I SAY GET THEM OUT OF MY LIFE AND RESIDENCE, I MEAN F'IN NOW! DO YOU WANT WAR WITH ME OR DO YOU WANT TO UPSET ME?

God damn, do they want our entire defense forces to be murdered and slaughtered. Look at how insane and how they keep going, almost Terminator. Do they realize nobody was supposed to live or survive this, do they? So F them too, it has been a very long and difficult path hunting the communists, trapping them, and then trying to report what they did or what they are up to. If nothing bothers them and nobody sees anything wrong with this enemy and these so-called Republicans, then F them too. I made that very clear to Ann Coulter and apparently she still does not get it and is up to the usual nothing or nowhere. What does it take to stop the Terminator or these communists? Does it take a space war or just a few nuclear wars?

The 1960s was straight out of the playbook of the communists. Although they blame each other, it was to capture South America and Asia. They have failed on Asia and bombarded America with South America. Both the mafia and the communist have the same exact playbook, yet they blame each other and deny it all, sworn to silence. The drug wars was straight out of the communist handbook and revolutionary communism but it is kept very secret and very black. As I said, the primary culprit of why or who murdered our defenses and military units; are the communists. Jail is beyond their style and they have no brakes, no end to this. Governments cannot shut them down or unplug their media, geared for one reason, crime and revolution. Of course they live comfortably and wish to sit beside us. However, tied to the land by serfdom and squatting, they despise the banks. For the most part, America is crime free and normal; until these people arrived.

In order to break the mafia or communist; you must go up a layer to their church and religion. It is the organizing body sitting at the table or the arm of forgiveness and lies. It is the corrupt wing of degenerates. You cannot defeat one or the other; they are the same and they hedge their investments to loot and rob every single government of the world. They are the last man standing but are cornered and trapped. The females are trained for communism and the males are taught to be a Nazi mafia. To break their church or shut this down, you must focus on the two party system and where the strongholds are. Considering it is the mafia and communists, why does it trace to Virginia and New York? Who is picking a fight with whom and who is the criminal here? Who is on a mission and guilty of harassment or chasing off whom? Who is this intruder and radical black movement, us? We are not fighting for them but they have so many puppet strings and hooks in; picking a fight? Now we have their ID. Deploy the strategic hamlet strategy and the top twenty list immediately. It is time for jail and an end to this.

God bless America for protecting our rights and our future; by giving us this understanding and blessing us with a delivery to our future, happiness, and our generosity. God bless America for combating the communist forces and eradicating them planet earth. God bless America for ripping this human piece of crap to pieces and making them fall before our feet. God bless America, in truth or death, for delivering us this future and blessing our life with such happy blessings. The communist have nowhere to go but to hell and they pick up the phone and call us when and if they are uncomfortable with their cell or prison. Look how shameless and how evil they are. Look what kind of a bigot and how facetious their message is. Look how twisted and how trapped they all feel in our blessed world and faithful country. These people know it is a lie and they are willing and deliberate to repeat that lie over and over, then invent new ones. Nobody cares, it is our home. Who is the one-stop shop? The degenerates feel under siege and their academics cannot sustain the needs. There is desperation on that side of the fence.

America has been faithful to us and we owe here a tremendous debt. America has been faithful to our future and we will deliver the parade, the prize, and the victory. They still refuse jail against our wisdom. They still refuse to be normal human beings or turn themselves in. They still pick up that phone, go into public, use the commerce of America or the world; to attack us and to encourage their bad behavior and psychopathic serial killer lifestyle. Look at the level they live and hide at; we must be wrong and we must be mentally ill or needed the Baker Act. We are so powerless without them, look at them now and looking in from the outside. They lie, cheat, and steal just to sneak in. Too big too fail and a full court press? Yes, double coverage now until the end. All of them got rich, exploited, kept quiet, and robbed the right wing because of their butcher business and meat market.

Is this about jobs or their home? They see us as children and their slaves, who do the work while they sit at the table. We warned them about those New Yorkers and all the illegal immigrants in Florida. Now they are attacking retirees, vacationers, and all kinds of financially stable American citizens. We warned about what the retail industry can do or the labor movement to paradise. They did the same thing to Virginia because of the jobs and growth. They are sneaking around and prowling around looking for money in FL also, in that quiet secretive and belittling way. They pretend they do not want to talk to anyone, then they turn around in secret and try to get in our face. It feels like a prowler, a thief, and a sexual predator is stalking us; a Limbaugh-Hannity neighbor. If they are scumbags and corrupt, how would they tell us to shut up or violate our rights? They are not the police and they sneak around or prowl in our life almost identical to a sex predator or stalker. How do you demand money or tell someone to give you money, then tell them to shut up without getting caught?

Too big, too phony, too ghost, too sneaky, too trashy, too much, too ignorant, too crazy, too lawless, and too superior for jail right? This racketeering or protection scam revolves around the mafia and the communists. Either you side with one or the other; no options. Worse is the babble mouths in our life who use the communist phone to confirm what we discovered, they are of the same leadership and all communist forces or infiltrators. Do we still look great and reject their sorry loser ass? Do sit next to us and do make us pay fees, royalties, or a percentage. This butcher has all the girls and meat we could want, need, or handle. I am talking about $50 an hour and all the giggles a dumbass can handle. This was their biggest adventure into the heart of allied security and pocketbooks. All of them got rich, exploited, kept quiet, and robbed the right wing because of their butcher business and meat market. The communist want technology.

Is this about jobs or their home? They see us as children and their slaves, who do the work while they sit at the table. We warned them about those New Yorkers and all the illegal immigrants in Florida. Now they are attacking retirees, vacationers, and all kinds of financially stable American citizens. We warned about what the retail industry can do or the labor movement to paradise. They did the same thing to Virginia because of the jobs and growth. They are sneaking around and prowling around looking for money in FL also, in that quiet secretive and belittling way. They pretend they do not want to talk to anyone, then they turn around in secret and try to get in our face. It feels like a prowler, a thief, and a sexual predator is stalking us; a Limbaugh-Hannity neighbor. If they are scumbags and corrupt, how would they tell us to shut up or violate our rights? They are not the police and they sneak around or prowl in our life almost identical to a sex predator or stalker. How do you demand money or tell someone to give you money, then tell them to shut up without getting caught?

They have to sit beside us and they have to be included; or we die. How do we value them? Can we measure how they see themselves or their worth? Say two billion for only one or two pieces of trash? How do we value our life? Can we say two billion also? One fighter jet cost more. I have never seen the communists so humiliated or nuked, never. Worse, by the allied commander who keeps asking them if it is time for jail. They still wish to occupy our life and sit next to us, share our seat on the throne of glory in defeat and victory. For a fee we can sit next to them and they can stalk us until our lives have no semblance of normalcy? I have never heard of anyone getting nuked or humiliated so badly, then busted and refusing jail or to be caught. What an attractive and good matured female in love with our life. Hence, God Bless America for delivery hell to this squatter in our life and giving us the fredom and the integrity to make phony a phonier. They are so disconnected from fate and self-determination; it is inevitable. All of this is a female culture. War and allied forces are not a female culture; it is sustainable business.

They are so determined to avoid jail it rings of the trinity. If God himself could see them or could lecture them; what would he say? A religious boner? Christ wanted to rape them all? They are family and sit at our dinner table? How big is their lie it cannot fail and will never go away or be escape. How big is this phony and fraud to hit American shores? How about their leadership and control over global destiny? God himself came down for the parade and the victory; the fallen angel. Does anybody feel guilty or have any sympathy for their forces, I really do think it is time for jail even if they are too big to fail and in a full court press. Can they even say God Bless America for this; share our joy, delight, and incredible fortune? Now we have squatters, golf courses, white guilt, real estate, and anti-government feelings because of land tax. Must we suffer for them or with them? Must we become the sacrifice or the scrutinizing crucifixion in victory and in defeat? Only God knows. All of them were violated by a cigar yet they still do not get it.

Although our nation now stinks and is full of trash, we know the truth and what makes them click, it is a time bomb. Clearly, they are unified and cannot make it in America; yet we cannot either. All they do is try and turn us on or blow in our ear sweet nothing, then try to kill us. Did they fill the military with squatters or die-hard loyalists? That explains it, stacking our chain of command and troops in preparation to deliver a defeat and victory to the arch nemesis. We have broken them. They are not ready for jail or to pay any damages, not a drop. They want to stay and claim they love America now, which means they are more phony than ever. Why does our life sound as if a buffoon and a monkey sat there or occupied the post? Who is or was managing our accounts? What were they up to? We now have the sacred answers and the truth; God Bless America for this and the delivery to our sacred life and future. We are truly blessed and we truly have something to celebrate or be happy for; they are just quiet and lurking in our life for $50 an hour.

The FBI knows my last assignment put me through therapy. The military knows and was there with a support system; their fault or not. What is therapy going to do when your so numb and have such thick skin? Happiness? One lucky devil? Retirement? Glory? You do not go around and brag about scars or how numb you have become; instead you try fulfill life dreams and live every minute. The people behind this tried to strip me off all medals. Why they mugged us or did this is only one side of the story. The final result and the final promotion, was all in our favor. They did and will pay dearly in the end and it can only get worse. On their death bed, they claim their horny women are not a dead boner. Their women carry the torch for their fallen; hence, this religious nonsense and cross dresser problem. Mixing and integrating is not the best for America or her future. If we do, they will attack or kidnap it. They will destroy any life and steal any oxygen. They are doing it to all of America, the communists. It is crime. They do this to the war and are murderers. The question is who will complain? Who will fight their leaders and go against their Party? Who is big enough to take them down or humiliate them or their business operations? Is it time for them to consider jail?

As we can see clearly with the Limbaugh-Hannity forces, they are real sexual predators and have a rapist mentality. They find attention or scrutiny as foreplay. Slamming them or ripping them to pieces is a form of rape and foreplay, thus, they become increasingly addicted to the superior power. They enjoy the game of surrender and the chase; however, laying on their backs and copulating is the final act of victory and acceptance. If this was a military conflict and B52s bombed them day and night; they would ask for a date or beg to be taken to dinner. Similarly, federal prisoners commonly chide or fantasize about female FBI agents who investigate and study their life. It is a strange existence with this criminal and psychopath. This game is inside their mind. Yes, that is the hardcore American values we know so well, sneaking around and prowling in our lives to the tune of 2 billion and one hundred and fifty felony counts. Inventing one sexual predator alert after the next. Even worse, denying it and lying about whose fault it was or what this was about. That is the good home American values we seek to bring out of them. Look how sneaky and how quiet this powerful condemnation truly is or has gotten. Wow.

I have set a lot of trip wires. They will step on one or trip over it again and again. You will also notice how many they have set off and how far or deep they are. Who wants to breed with whom and why? Their Queen? Their daughter? Ever met an Asian whom cannot make it in the high tech industry or does not have the credentials? Ever met an Asian whom is fired from high tech jobs in preference of blacks or females? That is what the records say. The second ranked computer science major in the state of Virginia has to be careful because high tech is a slippery slope or a trapdoor? Now they find out it is a trap and a sting, he is the allied commander until the right one can be found. They are trapped and caught aren't they? Pay up. Are they really superior or only a web of deception? People are pissed off with quiet, pudgy, hostile, psychopaths sneaking around on the internet or secretly talking to them as neighbors. One minute they are hostile, they next they only want to help. It is that quiet, sneaky, stupid, and hostile thief again tripping all of the trip wires. Now they do not want to come out of hiding or end this.

We see this worsen with Ann Coulter as well. The mental fixation to our life nearly pops the vein in their forehead, yet they put extreme stress on their life just to take a swing, and then another, and then another with each miss. Their mental stability worsens as reality becomes closer; so does their sexual prowess and loving rapist mentality. In death or old age, most human beings become more religious. Not this criminal and psychopath, they become more criminal and more spiteful. They become more vocal in private and quiet in public. They hide the scars and shed the evidence. Their objectives revolves around normalcy or the American Dream. They wish to be seen around the fireplace. They want to be viewed as the best or very capable. They want to be on the winning side or with winners around them. They impersonate and steal everything to ensure they do not loose their place. All total lies and phony, they are able to shed the communist uniform or change identity faster than the police can keep up.

Bound to bad behavior and running from the law, they feel female agents find interest and admire their raw animal behavior. They see thorough understanding and that much attention as foreplay. The act of copulation and fantasy comes in acceptance and surrender, not punishment or jail. Hence, if left open; it is a fantasy. If we kill them or jail them, capture them alive; it is no longer a sexual foreplay or fantasy, it is now reality and a real war. Additionally, it is wise to keep them away from kids or family members. We already have tremendous difficulty defending our own life and nearly lost it. Thus, the problem of keeping them away from kids is immense. Chasing them off or convincing them we are not their children or related is a tremendous task, even if it comes down to killing them. As reality and an end becomes closer, they become more sexual and lewd. As surrender becomes real, they shed their clothing and disguise. This is their survival instinct and how raw animalism exists in a normal world.

The problem here is very easy to understand. The problem is labor, the labor unions, and hte Democratic Party. The problem are government appointments and cronies who gain brownie points for kissing up or kissing the feet of the communist leaders and the mafia. It is focused on three parts of our life and abduction. They want to kidnap a nearly perfect candidate and train him to her liking. Thus, the constant problems or trashing in college and the persistence to enrolling in law school to work on the overwhelming bombardment of total ruin or disaster they are facing. The second part is molding, indoctrination, and brainwashing us to their party line. They are sneaking up by using employment and trapping us in an office or precarious situation where they can call in and yell or scream at us. It is a form of shock treatment. There are three phases we can identify in their operation; public, private, and very personal. The intrusion or obtrusiveness, now over two decades, is tremendous. The question is what will stop them and what will end this? Two billion in damages? Ann Coulter? The commander of allied forces? Filming them? A top twenty list? What? Jobs? Trying to make us desperate, starve, or have sex with them, even marriage; is totally disgusting. They should die for this. Now the pressure is immense and they scream leave or go home around the clock; life is getting so miserable and there is no end to our counter-measures.

Look at the record and observations. We describe severe to extreme combat. It is a flow of in-out; we drive them off or chase them off, they come back in a day or two. Review the video and understand who we have or what we have done to them; how do they go before the cameras or the public? How? We take the fight to them and they come to our residence. We take the fight to them and they respond, as if they are hiding behind curtain one, two, and even three. Do we know this or did we already? Yes. Yet nothing we do can put the brakes on. They have a single objective and so do we now. It is a murder plot, however, the public only has a one sided story; no explanation or documents from this evil communist mole, traitor, psychopath, serial killer, and infiltration-cell. Typically, they commit suicide, swallow a pill, or fall on the sword; have they? Have they done as we expect or the reverse, total insanity and criminal rampage? Is that the whites or the blacks of the communist forces? Who exactly is this ape and turd we keep stepping on and complaining about? They claim I must leave or move because they are getting ran over. The pressure is crushing them and they must figure a way to imitate or block this pressure, sneak further in and change their ID. They are raging mad and hostile still.

Yet we cannot bombard or change the mentality of this animal and serial killer-terrorist. If we put a gun to their head, it would not help or make a difference. This may be the result of two decades and some deranged bonding or inability to walk away defeated and humiliated. Consider the self-defeating message of seniority. They have now met the commander of allied forces, even their seniority and serf-like connection to the land cannot defeat the allied defenses. They pay or contract out work, but it is still futile. If the academics of new immigrants proves they are lousy rodents and not being honest, they will be fired and evicted. However, we are on life support and debts now. This was about one and only one thing; the race card. It was not about anything else. Asian cars and Asian economies can be a trap door for their race card. The Asian economies are a door to the minority world. The people behind it were the blacks and the Democratic Party, the communists. They claimed it was at first a gift and training, free, and a favor among friends. They did this for us and our future; hence, Ann was paid well. They owe two billion, pay up.

When the investigators review the records; from high school and then see the rapid downhill decline, they will notice one firing after the next as the stool pigeon vetting fails and we disappoint because we excel well beyond their expertise. It starts and begins by probing us. Are we trash, dirt bags, or cold warriors. Who are we? Do we have any protection or do they get a call? If the coast is clear and they are told to lay off, then we are protected, danger is present. If not, they will come in and make a probe, do the abduction and demand money or begin bombarding us with fees and charges. After the police attacks come the trashing of academics. How hard will they work when told to do a task? If it is perfect, can they trash it and get a response or the right emotion? In this case, they were ignored and it was not certain what was going on. Detrimental to the females was a sense of "sexual offering." It was not about sex or related; it is an attack. After college and ignoring this; they do use GPA to insult but the credentials pile up and stack up in our favor; the hiring-firing has to equalize or get this back on the plantation.

As the record and evidence clearly indicates; those three waves came in the early 1990s. First was an attack on a government position and the beginning of satellite warfare. Next was an attack on schooling or leading us down a path for legal work and corruption. Next was a string of hire-fire by Democratic, Civil Rights, Mafia, Communist, and all sorts of terrorist related cohorts. The two billion in damages did not crop up overnight and this did not get the way it did overnight. It took careful planning, counter-measures, analysis, and thought. How many eyes on it and the degree of pressure would kill a typical human being or retard. The level of war or the commander of allied forces, is a indicator of their mindset. Why the hire-fire constancy? Is it consistent and indicates a parity in analysis or a web of lies? Deception? Falsification? Why with the skill sets presented, is there hire-fire and extreme poverty while undercover? We wander off their plantation so to speak and are so gifted and talented; they panic. They are offended. We head into Republican territory or leave them in the dust; even beat them at their own game of firing. It is about subtle curve balls, the race card and Democratic communists. Soft not hard maneuvers because breaking the ice is worse than breaking the person.

They will and do throw one curve ball after the next to suggest labor or the labor unions are superior at menial labor and we are unqualified. They are superior. Even with college, they cannot be touch and do the firing. That is the blacks and that is the Democrats; the labor unions. The same applies with the police attacks. The objective is an artificial hardship resembling blacks and the political message of the left wing, communists, and Democrats. They claim it is the result of frustration and we refuse to leave, an occupation. However, this has been disproved. They claim it was due to threats or mental illness; this was a total fabrication. Using the Baker Act repeatedly reinforced their claims. Using arrests or calls to the police, one attack after the next; indicates trouble or serious problems. All of these are textbook methods by a very clever criminal and someone who knows how to murder or conduct terror plots to cover up every lead. Most people will say they are trying to hit us as hard as possible to see how much change falls out of our pockets. Furthermore, they are shutting down safety nets and pulling us away from our elements. Now, they are miserable and must vacate. Spying on us is hell. Squirming in our life has blown up in their face. Yanking us away will cause long term treatment and severe isolation to their life. They are upset they must move or must vacate; the end is approaching.

The Democrats and the blacks can manipulate our records, weak on crime stance, soften our punches, or keep on clay-modeling a stool pigeon as they hire-fire and use brainwashing methods such as stalking and verbally accosting someone in public, on the radio, surveillance, home arrest, or some form of internment. They brag about internment of Asians and brag about how communist they are; super anti-Nazi, even if they are mafia related or tied into the underground crime syndicates. By hiring and using these scare tactics, pressure tactics, and various brainwashing methods; they can keep the cycle of brainwashing, home invasion, brainwashing, indoctrination, and bombardment alive and test or gauge if it is working. Therefore, this hire-fire cycle is immense. It indicates trouble or mismatch. The mismatch is when they want a stool pigeon to pamper their Civil Rights leaders or dirt stupid trash. They try it over and over, down to threats of punching us or relieving the pressure on them. They want a retard and stool pigeon but they get a varsity athlete and honor student they must trash or lower to their levels. Otherwise, no retard and no stool pigeon for the Democrats and labor unions; also known as the communist infiltration.

How about the ending and escape, with millions of watchers and on-lookers. How do they play the race card and final hand? They mug us. We have the four years of Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, along with a few helpers. None of them have college or academic credentials to be sitting next to us or doing this level. None of them. It was an apprenticeship and communist network of moles, the labor unions or immigrant channel. If they open the can of worms, then they must plead guilty to all the charges or conspiracy. Yet we have traced it and where it ends; Limbaugh-Hannity-Levin-Fox and their communication networks. It is the labor unions and the communist infiltrators, not necessarily evil or Catholic loyalties. We see Ann Coulter acting as a lawyer, wife, and partner while confronting them and questioning them about this. She leads them down a maze they cannot possibly escape or get out; oddly, so does the commander of the allied forces. Then he delivers the final blow, satellite warfare. Clearly, they wish to keep this sustainable or rolling, even if the wheels have fallen off both sides from being shot out. There is a very good reason why we are shooting out their tires and no reasons why they are shooting out ours or have been; that is the web of lies. This was about escape and the tires prove it.

Almost like a predator or a very secretive psychopath sneaking around in our life, they seek to pull us away from our elements. Lure him away from home. Attack him where and when nobody knows who he is. Hide when he calls the police. Deny it when they are on to them. Bombard him with lies or ways to coddle their efforts. Look for weakness and attack it. Look for distress and exploit it. Verbally abuse them any chance possible. Try to make them small or belittle them, as if the movement is better than he or too big to fight. Go into his home and show him no fear. Harass and annoy him any chance possible. Talk to him when nobody is looking and disappear when they are or when detection is risky. Make feel crazy or look crazy, then mentally unstable. Try to explain or apologize if he presses charges. Try to offer an olive branch, a job, or excuses to soften the matter if they retaliate. Walk carefully, destroying him is much worse than all the work put into kidnapping him. The first part is taking a victim away from their elements and checking to see if the cost is clear. Therefore, the police are the first attackers and the financial system or banks become the second. Without those two safety nets, most human beings are out of their elements or have to move away from their elements such as their family. Who actually likes a fat, pudgy, hostile, ultra-secret, stalker lurking in their life and hiding when the police are called?

Race is their key focus and pampering these black stool pigeons they use as radical militant officers or planners. In retaliation, they launched a wave of attacks. At close friends. At family friends of Presbyterian background. At close FBI family friends. Those they were scared of at the Pentagon or CIA, they impersonated or mimicked. This made it very difficult to tell if it was training, some apprenticeship, or a communist and terrorist mole-cell recruitment. It turned out to be a very clever way to hide all of it. It was extremely difficult to tell the difference until we could trap them in the core and begin the analysis and reconstruction model. If they were cold warriors, they would know the password, know the escape hatch, and know how to get a rescue. This was about one and only one thing; the race card. It was not about anything else. Asian cars and Asian economies can be a trap door for their race card. The Asian economies are a door to the minority world. The people behind it were the blacks and the Democratic Party, the communists.

What we have on film without any doubt indicates they are 150% hardcore communist and 911 terrorists; of the worst kind. Even in the conclusion, they use the message of "leave" or "go home" as their platform. It is an endorsement, not an attack on who they are. The entire criminal conspiracy and over one hundred and fifty felony charges surround a web of lies and a web of deception. It is a recruitment and an indoctrination; but they still cannot produce the stool pigeon they wish; yet they refuse to lay off, end this, leave us alone, stop stalking, stop stealing our life, stop lying, stop hiding, surrender, answer honestly-concisely, or get the hell out of our residence-life. They feel it is a marriage or some form of permanent love relationship, a deranged stalker. We cannot finalize the looks or identity of the female, it various from blacks to white models or Asians of very poor-destitute backgrounds. It is their church and their congregation; how they stand for unity, communism, labor unions, increasing the collection plate, and a cult like mentality of this imposter and very dangerous serial killer. They are on the verge of death, bankruptcy, and total annihilation.

I have set a lot of trip wires. They will step on one or trip over it again and again. You will also notice how many they have set off and how far or deep they are. Who wants to breed with whom and why? Their Queen? Their daughter? Ever met an Asian whom cannot make it in the high tech industry or does not have the credentials? Ever met an Asian whom is fired from high tech jobs in preference of blacks or females? That is what the records say. The second ranked computer science major in the state of Virginia has to be careful because high tech is a slippery slope or a trapdoor? Now they find out it is a trap and a sting, he is the allied commander until the right one can be found. They are trapped and caught aren't they? Pay up. Are they really superior or only a web of deception? People are pissed off with quiet, pudgy, hostile, psychopaths sneaking around on the internet or secretly talking to them as neighbors. One minute they are hostile, they next they only want to help. It is that quiet, sneaky, stupid, and hostile thief again tripping all of the trip wires. Now they do not want to come out of hiding or end this.

Who is this female prowler in our residence, claiming we are threatening her or we must leave-move? Why does she feel a connection or even bond if it has been over twenty years? Why is she Rush Limbaugh's and Sean Hannity's partner? Is she our mom? Is she family? How do we know her and why do we describe her in a different way than she does? We call her a sexual predator or molester, a stalker. We call her a 911 terrorists. Why keep doing this and keep arguing it, who is she and why is she getting so angry when we call her names, chase her off, throw her in a tizzy, make fun of her bunions, make fun of her hair and weight, etc... If it is a lie then why hide? Why keep flirting with us or pretend we want sex or to rape her? She claims they are going to die or want to die; let's take one step first and consider jail, turn herself in. Did I marry her when drunk? Is she holding my long lost kid I have never met? Did I buy her a drink or wink at her one day years ago? Why is she so intrusive, so disruptive and feel she is sitting by the fireplace with us, one happy family?

Limbaugh said the exact think but with some girl named Catherine. Why is she Baker Acting us or want us as a puppet or crony? Right now I do not have anything, my car is a rust bucket, my shoes have fallen apart; I look like her dream date and some down-and-out football payer. Am I poor and stinky, her dream of some disfigured, beaten up, and desolate horn dog?Why are they always somewhere else, in a remote location? A communist phone now, before it was the internet and refusing to show their face or ID. Does it always have to be about chasing child molesters or sexual predators? Who us or them? Why is it always a one way interview if they want money or looking for some mullah? Why not act normal and let us have a normal life; secrecy, sneaking around quiet, robbing people or mugging them, pretending to be a family or make believe wife, getting mad when bunions are mentioned or obese fat asses, and never there or showing us their ID. Don't talk to us or don't talk to them? Who is pretending to be quiet and happy; then is a total psychopath and serial killer? Who keeps calling 911 or calling this office, for over twenty years now. Leave and throw them out, evict them and fire them?

Somebody needs to go through the documents and tell me what the problem is. If Ann and I were as close as brother and sisters, how did this happen? Why are the same people in my life and is that the result of my fault or Ann's? What does the evidence say? Are they out of my life yet? Did bringing them into my life improve her life if it was a murder plot? Take it up with Ann, do I know these people? How? Based on my documents and the evidence I have, they are 911 terrorists and far much worse, much worse. Who the F wants that in their life? Does having them in my life improve it or wreck it? Exactly. Why are they in my life? Ann's fault? Clock ran out? Too little too late? Why am I firing Ann Coulter? How long has it been? Why are they in my life? More events? More VIP parties? More and more while I get "move-leave-go home" screamed at me in my residence? The police have been called about the neighbors too. Enough yet? More? Four more years of this? The only logical reason why Ann Coulter can get fired, is if they are in my life and she failed. They are still in my life. She wasted a lot of time and my patience. Does Ann Coulter realize or know how many opportunities I have had to slug it out or make that killer blow on the communist forces? Does she? Now look at her total mess.

I do not appreciate these fake Republicans doing this, I do not appreciate the fake KKK, I do not appreciate the effort to turn my life into a black man, I do not appreciate the kidnapping or taking me from my element, I do not appreciate modeling me while molding me to be the husband of a repugnant black woman I cannot even identify or press charges on. I really do not have any patience for this or the terror plots and trying to kill me. I do not appreciate the home invasions or the workplace invasions. When I say I want them out of my life and my life mission to hunt them down or corner them is very simple and easy to understand; I do not mean 5 years or 10 years later. It has been two decades of hard work; so Ann better consider this and appreciate it. Now they are in my residence, trying to film her having sex, talking to me as if I am their buddy or still a hostage kidnapped by demented communist moles. If they are hijackers and too big to fail, do we need a nuclear missile to stop them or space warfare? What is it going to take to get rid of them or get them out of our life, what? Me? Ann Coulter? Actual and real Americans?

What is the real problem? Ann better take some serious steps and major actions, maybe move away. I am so fed up and have told her so many times to get them out of my life and stop coddling them. Nobody even sees me being nice to Ann about it now, fed up. I give her one ultimatum after the next and then conclude, I don't care and do not need an excuse. The evidence is not in her favor. When I say now, I mean now, not next year or two years from now. It is on her now and the clock has ran out. I do not like communists. I do not like terrorists. I have no patience for any of this. Who has the truth or the answers? Did the entire FBI loose their minds also? The only logical reason why Ann Coulter can get fired, is if they are in my life and she failed. So they do know the truth, my plan was long done ago and I was supposed to be in another country right now eating caviar and writing this.

So F them on trying to scare me and making me so annoyed or so ready to slug this out on another level. I will gladly take a plane ticket, finishing them off, and the luxuries of a king even if I am the commander of allied forces. Yes I am enjoying the scare tactics and the total lies in my life. Even better the people behind it, in my residence. They want to slug this out, then it will be on my terms. I should be nuking them with a plate full of caviar served to me daily, not complaining. I did not move to NY-Canada to visit them, my plan was to slug it out with them on my terms. They got lucky let's say. So keep the scare tactics and keep the fire burning; when I get the plate of caviar in front of me, we will slug it out. First we will begin with a top twenty list. After will we see how many problems remain with another top twenty list.

God damn, do they want our entire defense forces to be murdered and slaughtered. Look at how insane and how they keep going, almost Terminator. Do they realize nobody was supposed to live or survive this, do they? So F them too, it has been a very long and difficult path hunting the communists, trapping them, and then trying to report what they did or what they are up to. If nothing bothers them and nobody sees anything wrong with this enemy and these so-called Republicans, then F them too. I made that very clear to Ann Coulter and apparently she still does not get it and is up to the usual nothing or nowhere. What does it take to stop the Terminator or these communists? Does it take a space war or just a few nuclear wars?

What do I think of the law that is forcing a homeowner to live with a nasty-mean squatter? For such a troubled group, this church of nonsense is so inadequate and cannot make it in America. They are constantly in trouble with the law. They always loose their freedom. They no less want the good behavior or good grades of other students and citizens to surpass their ability to ruin everything. Furthermore, when it comes to allies, ties, and business; they are the oddball. If good relations between other groups begin to push them out; the church of nonsense cannot keep their image of unity or good behavior. These big economies all over the world do focus on two primary races, Asian and white. The assassins or stinkers they send after us are intended to frustrate that relation, normalcy, and growth. They want a better reputation but without our reputation being weaker, they are too inadequate. That is what we are observing and noticed about their church of non-thinkers.

Even their males are females but extreme violence is how they combat the squishy, half-ass, failure which keeps them quiet or in hiding. The communists will do anything so they do not leave, move, or have to go to jail. We mean anything. They are not go-getters and their church is full of nonsense. Crime is all the go-getter of a demented psychopath, stalker, and this human trash. They are full of tricks and lies. That is not genius and it is not embracing. Imagine two decades with a serial killer moron on the loose; that is whom we have. With so much on immigration, their place at the table gets smaller and so do their animal like demeanor. I think it used to be in our face daily or 24-7. I think it is now in their face 24-7. I think their mind is in a very disturbed state, mentally unstable; where each day passes and drains them of vital tools. The wind blows against them and staying in the race is getting harder; winning it is just impossible now. They claimed we put the best face on everything; even if we were defeated or suffered embarrassment in the Vietnam War. To evict them we need the military or SWAT units. This is why there are so many re-locations, problems with housing, calls to the police, total secrecy, denial, etc...

Superior? Winning? Got us on the run now? All of that money, all of that power, all of that talent, all of that hope; and we get this ending? We get Joe desperate begging the commander of the allied forces about going to jail or 2 billion in damages? Has there been a normal day, let's take a look at the data. Do we have a normal life or can live one? They make all kinds of claims from being undefinable, too rough, far tougher, and a superior human machine of warfare and business. Nobody pays any attention or cares but in the mind of a sick demented psychopath, every detail works to their benefit and choice. They make up some crazy stuff. With no education or real connection to reality, they use sane people or actions against them to tame the beast or idiot. Taming the beast and capturing it has not been easy or pleasant. Even if they won, the judges would have disqualified them in a very prejudiced way. They do not want to leave the town that flourishes; total criminal or not. This game of being abandoned is stronger when they stalk and become a poor-ass squatter. If they cannot make it in America and cannot grow; where do they have babies for robbing others? Their objective is to mug and rob others isn't it?

Is this really their home? Are they really Americans? Are they really forgiven? Are they suffering? Is this really their home? Are they this hungry or eager to breed? Are they this desired and loved? What exactly is their problem or their message to the world? Anger with America? Anger with rejection? Anger with us? Asians are a meal ticket or new ticket? They have what we need or want? What exactly is their message and their objective to teach us nothing and bring us to the brink of destruction? Are we as welcomed in their camp or their ghetto as they keep brainwashing or etching into our mind? Who is not welcomed on a trash heap, how many were not on the VIP list? Then what exactly is the problem with these law abiding and hard working Americans we know as the communist or human trash? They want us to let them be whom they are because they are born in America or tied to the land and our leg? They are the ball and chain on our legs for over two decades? Do we owe them something, how much? Tell us. How much do they owe us? So will they fall for us or get a proper lynching? Look how they prostitute us or these human beings, if for anything, their collection plate. Too big to fail or going into overtime now? Wake on crime? Only God knows and the jury waits.

They have always been welcomed and finally are totally welcomed. I am glad and gloating we are finally stripping htem of their medals and finally giving them a piece of hell; even if they fought honorably for this natsun. I am glad they wanted the job, the loan, and to buy America and use capitalism back on us. Let them fight for the country and then we can throw the files in front of them and strip their medals away, traitor. An impenetrable ignoramus who is allergic to the truth and the word freedom. What they touch turns into evil or ruin. Yet they insist they belong and we should leave or let them be whom they are. They feel the walls closing in. They feel the pressure of being exposed. They know hiding and being quiet is not the best way to survive or win this. Rip their medal off and hopefully their shirt comes with it. So confident when they are born in the USA; aren't those communists? Oh so confident and so welcomed. Let them be who they are. We are jealous. Let them do their thing and jump through the hoops. It's a grand slam and three pointer. They are working aren't they? They put food on the table aren't they? What is the problem? It is just the usual labor union "out to get them."

Who won Vietnam and why? We know that mouth did not and it became a comedy routine even they could not stop laughing at. We are so turned on by Limbaugh, Hannity and especially Levin when he condemns them or fights for us. Those horrible children and daughters. Why are these people so war like and icy vicious in combat? Why are they the best? We love to hear this from Viet Cong forces or radio traitors and communists. History does repeat itself. This church and the damned really turn us on, really. Should we cry for them or this trail of tears? Boo-hoo. Imagine that, we cried for the Viet Cong born in America. All of them were verified as Viet Cong. Let's be reasonable about this, we can work it out? I think it is time for jail. I think it is time for damages and payment for these attacks. America is not guilty to the people or blacks. Limbaugh-Hannity-Levin are beyond evil and guilty of one hundred and fifty counts; not one or two. Limbaugh-Hannity-Levin pave the path and are the point men. Yes their mouth against the allied forces stealth bombers. I wonder who will win that one or who will refuse jail or babble; it does really turn us on. Hope or just a blatant refusal to go to jail? All confidence and no meat?

We were also very turned on by Bush, Powell, Rove, Lutz, Morris, and the rest of this. Yet the public is so turned on by them and they look so good; but we do not and suffer. Boo-hoo. The lawsuit by the Viet Cong has been annihilated and on the brink of destruction or their ultimate destruction, they continue to bring the nation closer to the brink with more lies. Have they written to the office of hurricane and earthquakes; told their side or plead the truth? It was the race card and racism. Is that why we won or lost? For the police they are very nosy and very secretive. They are brutal and will torture captured enemies; even come to our residence. So did they find any legal merits in why we bomb them or have during the cold war? How do they stop World War III? We are World War III and they kidnapped the allied commander, jackass. Stop blocking his rise or leadership. We like go-getters, not phony buffoons who like to remain silent and condemn us or send us love taps during their trial. It helps to not have an IQ of a monkey and speak precisely. What do I think of their religion or how they need us?

We have to have their female Ferrari's, must. No not one or two, try 200,000 of the youngest meat you can ever get at a butcher shop. There is no need to look or go to a competitor. Do they use females as a weapon? They know how to use very young girls, gays, and all kinds of unique delights to soften the punch or fight this need for them to go away or undergo eviction. Similar to a business model, others cannot have a fair chance or a normal day. Their objective is to impede both business and a normal day; then send out the models, blonde squad, or the most high priced hookers on the planet to fight or aversion or hatred to a rotten belittled quiet idiot fool we wish to drag into the battlefield. Yet they utilize the radicals to move this chess board to their advantage. Yes they are communist, fascist, and extremely psychopathic; but they want a seat at the dinner table at any cost. If we dragged them to the brink of nuclear war, they will be the same felon and communist animal we describe, almost impregnable at this size or the ratio of us to them. If we have the money, they have the ultimate dream. They have to sit beside us and they have to be included; or we die.

Push them and they will come back trying to prove they are not the truth or a pathetic idiot fool. Extreme crime and extreme babbling is their existence. All of that are tricks to make us absurd or insecure. Superior? Winning? Got us on the run now? All of that money, all of that power, all of that talent, all of that hope; and we get this ending? We get Joe desperate begging the commander of the allied forces about going to jail or 2 billion in damages? Has there been a normal day, let's take a look at the data. Do we have a normal life or can live one? Their genetics is of a female and so is their entire existence. How they fight. How they persuade. How they lie, cheat, and steal, everything. Even their males are females but extreme violence is how they combat the squishy, half-ass, failure which keeps them quiet or in hiding. Again, if we have the money then they have the ultimate dream. No need to seek out a competitor, they come to us. We describe the people in Ann Coulter's life as squatters.

The goal is disconnected from reality and has to do with their genetics and collection plate. It has to do with their inability to survive in America or get a seat at the dinner table. They cannot sit at the highest or most powerful thrones. We describe the people in Ann Coulter's life as squatters. If you look at the scams to abduct Ann Coulter or listen to Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, it is a seat at the throne. At first they mistook as the mafia. Then they mistook us as Delta. They mistook us for everything, yet a throne is what they seek, access-inclusion. I could be the devil, it would not matter, inclusion. They use Ann Coulter to defraud others. They use or kidnap me to defraud their way in life. Are they strong? Do we open the doors for them? Are they really wishing to hire us? Are we as turned on by their most expensive women as they claim? Are they all of those claims or just a total lie? Of course they refuse jail. They despise this ending and wrote a separate script about how mean we are and how their heart is broken now. How rude. They are dead in my book, dead meat. I never saw them as a one-stop shop, never.

They really like to steal and bother others. They really enjoy throwing the mind of normal people into a disturbed state. They like throwing egg on the faces of the most respected or the forces they will have a showdown with. Should we integrate them or allow more access? How about their church and oppressive political leaders? We are turned on by their girls? Even their males are females but extreme violence is how they combat the squishy, half-ass, failure which keeps them quiet or in hiding. Extreme crime and extreme babbling is their existence. All of that are tricks to make us absurd or insecure. Superior? Winning? Got us on the run now? All of that money, all of that power, all of that talent, all of that hope; and we get this ending? Again, Push them and they will come back trying to prove they are not the truth or a pathetic idiot fool. Has there been a normal day, let's take a look at the data. Do we have a normal life or can live one? Their genetics is of a female and so is their entire existence. How they fight. How they persuade. How they lie, cheat, and steal, everything.

Have you ever seen a pudgy, fat, retarded, and very secretive -quiet person try to talk or communicate? How about condemning you? That is who is behind this. Their message is they are everywhere, in hiding, ready to strike, and watching closely. We cannot stop them and they can be our neighbor, at work, or there when least expected; a fear tactic. They want the appearance of quiet, powerful, condemning, and sneaking around or ultra-secret; want to join or be so confident like them? It has been going on for some time now and they are unhappy and hostile people. They look at the Asians and the decent whites and they see their history and culture taken away from them. They see Europe as a very small kid at the dinner table. They wonder why they cannot make it in America or why their dinner plate is so make believe. I think it is their penchant to steal and take the normalcy out of life. I think it is their academic records and how lazy they are condemning others for working $8 an hour jobs when they refuse to work for $50 an hour.

What do you suspect is the problem with the whites and the blacks? How is it this red menace lacks so much commerce and wants to slug it out? How come Ann Coulter is unable to deliver? No caviar plate. No private life or semblance of reality. No this and no that, all total insanity. Why? What do you suspect is the problem with black or white FBI agents and police officers? What do you suspect is the problem with the US government? It is a love-hate relationship. Yet they want to slug it out and the deliveries are all lost, some recovered and tracked, but still not delivered. They also want the easy way out of this. They still demand everything they tried to get from us or rob. They wnt it to go away but on their terms and it will never based on what they did and on their terms. Therefore, this disconnect with reality is severe and their condition worsens; on life support now. While they were a jackass and an idiot, we worked hard and we were diligent in our thinking ability or academics. While they grandstand or pull these stunts, we did not get to enjoy life. To this day we do not have any semblance of normalcy, is that fair? We blame them and they blame us. They love to steal and victimize human beings. It turns out we had the communists all along sneaking in or using us as bait. They cannot make it in America and now it will be really difficult.

This SOB is a retard. Do not try to talk to people. Sit down and learn to communicate. Write something down and pass letters around. Do not act scatter-brained, ditzy or like a dumb stripper. Communicate to others and stop hiding how communist and how "sweet good looking" you are. Nobody cares about your butt tuck. Nobody cares about your car. Nobody cares about your grace or how superior you can act. Learn how to communicate and be more honest and upfront. They walk into public or out the door and it is a disaster. They work in jobs or corporations, it will be total disaster. Their looks do have something to do with it but not all; stop playing the looks game or condemnation game. Stop playing the race game also. We are sick and tired of this and my armies are growing very angry. Scary world isn't it? Playing God is not as rewarding as they thought, is it? The women look like chubby repugnant squishy females who are nuns and crazed; totally not up to expectations or sane. Can I make it in life without them? Who is imitating whom? Who is getting ran over and over sneaking or lurking in our life?

What happens when a lunatic, a psychopath, and a dangerous retard enters our life or is allowed access to it? So stop sitting in your room and looking in the mirror, get a life and a job. They do not want to go to jail and feel they are too special, too smart, too superior, and the laws do not apply to them. Stop encircling us and stalking us. They violate the laws and see other human beings as puppets. Why are they getting calls now off the hook? They cannot stop it? It is too loud? If these people want to pull the wool over the eyes of the world, let them rot. If their people sit there and encourage them to pull the wool over the eyes of our defense forces and prosecution; let them rot in hell also. People are sick and fed up with being used as a puppet, no less attacked daily and living under siege. Hey, but they are too big to fail now. Too big, too phony, too ghost, too sneaky, too trashy, too much, too ignorant, too crazy, too lawless, and too superior for jail right? Nobody cares, it is our home.

This is what we call an impenetrable ignoramus who is allergic to the truth and the word freedom. What they touch turns into evil or ruin. Yet they insist they belong and we should leave or let them be whom they are today or the next; a phony psychopathic nutcase. Worse is how they expand into good communities and business districts; now worse than ever. I too do not like or want retards doing this either but using icons, imagery, and condemnation to cover up the tracks of a retard is hellacious idiot pot. As I said, there is and will never be any debate until I see credentials. I want to see grades. I want to see college and schools. I do not need to know about theory, suspicions, how they feel, or crazy pot. I need to know they are not a whore and not a stripper in disguise. I need to know they are not a mascara retard who wants to be raped by a "fellow quiet one." It helps to be a go-getter. It helps to be a champion. It helps if they do not act retarded or annoy us too much. It helps to speak concisely and clearly. Otherwise, we throw them on the heap of feeble, narcissistic, and under 30 crowd.

They continue to use these women to increase their collection plate or genetic trash. Scary world isn't it? Playing God is not as rewarding as they thought, is it? We know it is an act and we know the scam. I look out into the world and I see dumb people who cannot communicate. I see homeless people who do not communicate or want to pass messages to us. Maybe a community program to teach them how to communicate will eliminate the retard among us? I like their hair also. Stop showing your boobs to poor people retard; it falls apart quickly. Bring me your grades and academic history and we will show you our goods. Instead we get idiot times two; Limbaugh-Hannity. Hannity and these females continue to say let them be. We need to let them be who they are, so superior. They go on attack the very next day. Begin the strategic hamlet campaign and let's shut them down. Too big, too phony, too ghost, too sneaky, too trashy, too much, too ignorant, too crazy, too lawless, and too superior for jail right?

I have a question for Hannity. If these people are so law abiding, such good people, so peaceful, and so hard working; why do you suspect they are being evicted or have to eat a hurricane? Exactly. If Hannity on ‎Friday, ‎October ‎12, ‎2012 repeats a lie and tried or keeps on trying to make it an insult or a total lie; how can that have meaning? Than why in hell say it? Then on the communist phone we get more bullying, "What do you expect us to do?" I honestly think it is time for jail, these people belong in jail. If it is not sex crimes or predatory behavior, then it is mugging people and open robbery. They even tried to slug it out with us and when that did not work, they sent in the sexiest bitches the zoo could produce to make it appear they were condemning us. Nobody cares, it is our home. They have to sit beside us and they have to be included; or we die. To this day, we have not had a normal day in life. We never knew their church or hope had all of these strings attached or was this troubled.

Why repeat the lie if they know it is a total lie? Do not instruct or tell us enough is enough; stop. This means they know what they are doing and are sane. Hannity and these females continue to say let them be. We need to let them be who they are, so superior. Not only are they cannibals, they prostitute their kids for the collection plate and in a manner that is beyond disgusting. They are forgiven and have money! We need the office of hurricane and earthquakes on this immediately. This SOB has not and does not get it. We need a top twenty list immediately. They know it is a lie and they will repeat it and then invent a new one. That is Limbaugh-Hannity-Levin and those Ann Coulter exposed as total frauds and phony born in America trash, we call them squatters. They cannot and will not make it in America. Yet this loser and utter buffoon has to sit beside us and they have to be included; or we die.

It is actually a plot to force them into ruin, draft them into the military, and marry their lackey wife who is a wanderer in our life. It is a plot to inscript them into the right wing for being poor or failures. Do they look good and are they forgiven because have money? Suffering or well fed? I will say it again and write it again; we know they are reading it. The police need to send an alert out to them also, it is time for jail and to turn themselves in. Do not call us while this is going down. Do not debate or talk to us while this is going down. Not only are they cannibals, they prostitute their kids for the collection plate and in a manner that is beyond disgusting. Do they read or are too retarded? Do they think it is time for jail or are they faking it? Now is not the time to pretend or act like us; not the time. Stealing must end immediately. What does a retard want with a genius or why would they hang out with geniuses? Lecture us and give us bad looks? Make us feel inadequate or weird? When you compare the numbers, all of this senseless nonsense and pressure tactics, capped at 2 billion; will come up against a top 20 list.

Listen to the debate or the excuses of the 700 billion again. Panic? Loving and kind? The right thing to do? Pain and suffering? Narcissism? Look at the debt already 700 billion and another 700 billion; all to waste and keep this retard looking good or condemning us. Look at it now and how many eyes are one them. I think jail or some camp is where they belong. This is a total psychopath and a serial killer, dead serious. Look at the ending and the totality of a drunken asshole. Is it time to Baker Act? Is it time to medicate this fool? Is it time to deliver their wish to die? Waiting and delaying will make it tend times worse. Do not hesitate and bring us the top twenty list; this church and these idiots have gone berserk; it is time to shut them down and with the wrath of America. Do not instruct or tell us enough is enough; stop. This means they know what they are doing and are sane.

People are sick of it and sick of them; babbling endlessly and on the Republican side also. Love tapping us like a retard or homeless tool so they do not look like a psychopath or sex predator; tricks of decent, honest, and hard working human beings? Well then the evidence and the logic is self explanatory. When and if you toy with the commander of allied forces; the result and the consequences are devastating. The wrath and the power you will face; is far beyond what a loose cannon can babble more about. The damages and the consequences are totality; thus, these people are totally nuts and have to be put down one way or the other. If this takes a hurricane, then so. Who needs whom to break them out of jail? Scary world isn't it? Playing God is not as rewarding as they thought, is it? What does a retard want with a genius or why would they hang out with geniuses? Lecture us and give us bad looks? Make us feel inadequate or weird?

We will call them if and when hell freezes over. Stop bombarding me with gorgeous models or internet sluts. We know they have a huge or big inventory. Do we still look great and reject their sorry loser ass? If this takes an earthquake or tsunami, then so. Stop telling us how superior or how gorgeous they are, thus how much we need to spend on this little stupid bitch. Playing us as the gay or the J. Edgar Hoover does not justify their life or what we have to do to them or why. Get me this top 20 list immediately and without any impedance; it is time to shut them down from sea to shining sea. Why are the walls closing in? Why do they feel cornered? Why do they feel scared or feel like the police are after them? Why do they feel odd, they do not fit in, or the world is out to get them? We do not know.

What is with the bombardment of silent, crazed like, weirdos who try to insult and insult more? These women are totally nuts. Do not call us, we will call you. It helps to be a go-getter. It helps to be a champion. It helps if they do not act retarded or annoy us too much. It helps to speak concisely and clearly. Otherwise, we throw them on the heap of feeble, narcissistic, and under 30 crowd. They continue to use these women to increase their collection plate or genetic trash. Scary world isn't it? Playing God is not as rewarding as they thought, is it? Why is a retard and such an evil human species, empty inside and whom belongs in jail or dead calling us? We know they are ugly and totally flawed. We know they want to be left alone and to be whom they are. We know it is a protection scam and they are communist puppet masters. It is about their academic records, nobody likes a retard; barbie or gorgeous. Sex industry females fascinate the worst crowds; very few can sneak in the good ones.

We know they feel in control spying on us, capturing us or using us as hostages, we know they are very secretive and it is time to shut them down and in the worst manner possible. Slam that fool on their head repeatedly until they can read and write normally. Obviously and clearly, they can neither read or write. Stop encircling us and stalking us. They violate the laws and see other human beings as puppets. Why are they getting calls now off the hook? They cannot stop it? It is too loud? Why are the walls closing in? Why do they feel cornered? Why do they feel scared or feel like the police are after them? Why do they feel odd, they do not fit in, or the world is out to get them? We do not know. Get the strategic hamlet campaign burning red and let's shut them down. Nobody cares, it is our home.

The Golden Rule that has gotten this idiot killed, repeatedly; is the opposite message or mixed message. They are confused as trash. They do not know if they belong among the strong, brave, and superior. They are mute and speak with puppet masters or illegally. The Golden Rule violated repeatedly and what has gotten them killed is picking up that phone to our office and calling indiscriminately or to send the opposite message. When and if they are cornered, they send out the opposite message. If they are black, they send out white. If they are white, they send out black. Furthermore, they are very gutless and ugly people. Freedom might change things; but the impact to the world is astronomical. Ann Coulter exposed as total frauds and phony born in America trash, we call them squatters. They cannot and will not make it in America. Yet this loser and utter buffoon has to sit beside us and they have to be included; or we die.

Without any restraints, they use a body, a gigantic and secretive body of fools to do what they do. They violate the laws and see other human beings as puppets. We do not like or want the labor unions calling us, or use us as puppets. We do not like or want communist spies to call us, or use us as a puppet, tinkering with every aspect of our life. What happens when a lunatic, a psychopath, and a dangerous retard enters our life or is allowed access to it? It helps to be a go-getter. It helps to be a champion. It helps if they do not act retarded or annoy us too much. It helps to speak concisely and clearly. Otherwise, we throw them on the heap of feeble, narcissistic, and under 30 crowd. The royalty saw them as gooks and did not embrace their church of the damned; nor their daughter stupid report card. Do they even work or talk? Too big to fail or always rejected by royals?

They feel people can be told or made to say and do as they wish, as bullies and puppet masters. Thus, they vet, interview, and claim to debate us. It is none of those claims. They are puppet masters. They are trying to block, obstruct, and call the most powerful offices; even the office of the allied commander. We have sent out equal or greater messages to smash theirs and remove these hooks. We have sent house hunting parties to not capture but kill this enemy. Do not pick up that phone and dial our number. Do not use retards to condemn us or speak to us in a condescending and degrading manner. Do not drive us off or use a mob of savages to gross us out or make us disgusted. We are not puppets and we are not a robot they can program. How wise was it to wage war on the Indians? How wise was it to wage war on the Vietnamese or the Pentagon? Now they got a judgment and are being taxed to death, squatters and nearly homeless. They enjoy stealing and causing trouble. How wise was it to wage war on the British if freedom is the objective?

Endlessly, we are here now and the evidence against them is so damning; they do not want to be caught and do not think jail is appropriate still. Stop encircling us and stalking us. They violate the laws and see other human beings as puppets. Why are they getting calls now off the hook? They cannot stop it? It is too loud? We do not like or want the labor unions calling us, or use us as puppets. We do not like or want communist spies to call us, or use us as a puppet, tinkering with every aspect of our life. We need the top twenty list immediately. It helps to be a go-getter. It helps to be a champion. It helps if they do not act retarded or annoy us too much. It helps to speak concisely and clearly. Otherwise, we throw them on the heap of feeble, narcissistic, and under 30 crowd. This was actually a plot to force them into ruin, draft them into the military, and marry their lackey wife who is a wanderer in our life. It is a plot to inscription them into the right wing for being poor, immigrants, our slaves, a new plantation, or failures.

The message they send out is the opposite when trapped and cornered. They see themselves as God and in control. They are retarded and make us feel very weird; however, they are too cool for the truth or too superior. Call us we will smash it. Come in our residence and we will nuke you. Mug us and your entire family will become the message. Do not break the golden rule and call us or use us as a puppet, especially an ugly, stupid, mean, asshole, and dangerous felon. We have no need for them in our life and we have given them a hell of a fight. Before the brave, free, and strong die; hell will be delivered and it will hit them harder than a squirt gun. They will feel imprisoned and trapped. What can we verify? What is true? Is it all smoke and mirrors of a psychopath? Why keep calling us in private with these ridiculous private shows? We are a verification arm and authentication wing of sustainability. We like and enjoy go-getters; good, bad, or ugly looking. We like smart people who are precise in their speech and not "confusing."

It helps to be a go-getter. It helps to be a champion. It helps if they do not act retarded or annoy us too much. It helps to speak concisely and clearly. Otherwise, we throw them on the heap of feeble, narcissistic, and under 30 crowd. Are they too superior and too stupid for the truth? Even now are they just too ignorant and special for jail now? Who is the puppet here and who has failed miserably but still try to tinker and toy with our life? We come to you, you do not come to us. Violate that rule and debate us or try to talk to us and you will get this ending or count one to count one hundred and fifty. They are guilty and they still call us; as if they are in control and the body is too superior to entertain this ending and the truth. We need the top twenty list immediately; this SOB has not learned a god damn thing.

I am not lying when I say this FEMA wench who "talks through the walls" will do anything to enter our residence and either talk to us, get made fun of, try and anger us, be called bunion foot, or pretend she is being raped or violated; will do anything to be our servant and pick up the poop for our pets while we are on vacation or on our yacht. That is not a reality right now but FEMA wench will do anything for this future or the chance to get near us and scream insults. If it meant all her finger nails are yanked to the sky or she poops in her pants, the chance to trim our hedges or any slight of light to sit by us so they can get in a shot; is probably why they are where they are. We will give them a burial similar to OBL, in the ocean. All of them claim they do not care, trust me they do and they love being humiliated and made fun of. They do care about being called FEMA wench.

FEMA wench and all of them do care if we are rich or poor. They do care how much we make fun of them or lock them out. They do care if we chase a squatter out of our residence or life. They do care about trimming our hedges in order to get close and do bad things to us. They do care if we deport them. They do care how we view them and how the public knows them. They do care if they have to pick cigs off the ground or at bus terminals. They do care if they are winners of the bag-lady pageant. They do care how many nails get broken or pulled out. However, all they want to do is get close and do bad things to us. To keep their sanity now they shun Ann Coulter and have to turn off the radio and TV; they go crazy when they hear about themselves. Coming in our residence or talking to us, as a surveillance team of communist spies, did not help. They used to go ape crap when made fun about their bunion feet or weight problem; now they claim they do not care. Call me Gladys now, the bag lady.

Oh they care. It means we win. It means we chased them off and out of our home or life. It means we slammed the door on them once and for all and with every vegetable thrown at them. It means they were nothing more than a common thief and felon, a repeat offender. It means they are a true bag lady in disguise. Oh it means everything to them to be doing this or in our residence. What they did and why they are here now, they care but they hide the sniffles and tears. They care when and if we laugh in their face. They do this to get their last shots in or swing as wildly as they can before hearing the flushing sounds. For a communist enemy and psychopath to be trapped at this level or this long, poop in their diaper has gone stale. They do care how we film them or what angle we record this "angel in disguise." They will use models and the most expensive meat; to hide the trash pile they cannot cope with or getting buried by. This kind of criminal has a very negative and damaging impact on the normal lives of human beings.

Oh the communists care enough to keep calling and on these terms. They care when the door is slammed on them or when they get slammed into the ground by the police. It is just so quiet and so civilized when it goes down. Oh they care far more than we do, far more. As I said, it is and has been time for jail and they are cornered or trapped. They care enough to shut up or go away with nothing but a total waste of time and utter failure. They will care when we obtain ultimate happiness in life and they discover or fall over hell. They like hell enough to shut up and leave us alone or be chased out of our life. It goes by the rule of the rich, when rich do we care about a goofy chubby bag lady who wants to scratch us, breath on us, blow us up, disfigure us, make us ugly and gross, or throw her gross underwear at our most prized possessions? All of that and they try to kill us too, how rude. In the end, they care. In the end, even the worst criminals care. If not, they begin to care around the 15 year mark in jail or around the 33 year mark when they are ugly, weird, and finally shut up.

Shut this church up and shut their operation down immediately. Shut up about their Church of fascists and communist dictators. We do not need to know how horny and orgy they are. We do not want to know how slutty or expensive their women are. We do not need endless calls and demands for money by the church of idiots, crooks, criminals, and mafia communists. We know all about their women and how they throw us one curve ball after the next. We know all about their hardships or stupidity. We know all about their sexual predator problems, daddy, or all of the problems they get when they show their ass off. Clearly we do not need them and have no compassion for endless calls or when and if they wish to die. This is about their grades, not their looks and how slutty they are. How many warnings and times do we have to live through? Is good behavior beyond their politics and existence? Deliver the full scale strategic hamlet campaign and make it clear it is time for jail. What happens when a lunatic, a psychopath, and a dangerous retard enters our life or is allowed access to it?

Stop operating on such secrecy. Stop using the instrument of the US or their church. This is not about how animal and how rough they play; nor how tough they feel. This is not about how ugly they feel or how grotesque they truly are and accept it. You do not call us, we call you. You do not kidnap people and "talk" to them in this manner. When and if you go into public, be on your best behavior; not this phony idiot. When you go to school or do business afterwards, be on your best behavior; not this phony F'er we have to put down and dispose of now. If it is not time for jail and not time to pay retribution for what they did or tried; then America is forced to eliminate them and in the worst ways possible. Is this their message to the world? Remember, this is the same message we issued to the Nazis and the communists; is this their message? Too big too fail and a full court press? Yes, double coverage now until the end. Too big, too phony, too ghost, too sneaky, too trashy, too much, too ignorant, too crazy, too lawless, and too superior for jail right?

We have to eliminate this communist threat because they do not know how to act in public. Limbaugh and Hannity says we are wrong. The media says Ann Coulter is wrong. Who is wrong? When you are in public and this flawed, ignorant, and ignore the rights of other human beings; you will be killed. I do not care if you are a sexual predator or a child molester. I do not care if you are a serial killer or rapist. I do not care if you are God or the Pope. You will be killed if your behavior is as described. We cannot have a threat and an enemy like such running around America telling us we are wrong or impersonating us. We cannot have them on the Republican side or claiming to be beyond the scope of God himself or beyond the decency of the human species. They still do not get it and they will never get this right. It has been documented and time for jail. Deliver the full scale strategic hamlet campaign and make it clear it is time for jail.

If these people want to pull the wool over the eyes of the world, let them rot. If their people sit there and encourage them to pull the wool over the eyes of our defense forces and prosecution; let them rot in hell also. People are sick and fed up with being used as a puppet, no less attacked daily and living under siege. Hey, but they are too big to fail now. When it comes to business, privacy, making friends, sex or crazed heterosexual sex predators, when it comes to rape or stalking, when it comes to foul or bizarre behavior, and when it comes to the golden rule of money; they better be on their best behavior and not come to this end or this standoff, their forces will get killed by military forces because we do not like or want communists in our life. What happens when a lunatic, a psychopath, and a dangerous retard enters our life or is allowed access to it? How do they look?

Who is this about? So do we still look great and reject their sorry loser ass? Now there are three choices. They want the jobs. This racketeering or protection scam revolves around the mafia and the communists. Either you side with one or the other; no options. Worse is the babble mouths in our life who use the communist phone to confirm what we discovered, they are of the same leadership and all communist forces or infiltrators. This is what happens when the church of serfdom weasels their way into the corridors of power. They have no experience managing or never have been from royal circles. Their loyalties are always to the people or lies of communism. They will keep telling us how much they love us and in the dark, sneak a little further or steal something else.

Is that too much to ask for them or is it too far beyond them? It is time for jail. Is this their message to the world and the same message of World War II? Clearly, they are hardwired wrong; too stupid or too deranged to understand. They cannot read and they cannot speak; they just use icons to condemn others or belittle them. Unfortunately, we know they are communist and not Nazis; the church of hope and total losers. God bless America for protecting our rights and our future; by giving us this understanding and blessing us with a delivery to our future, happiness, and our generosity. Too big too fail and a full court press? Yes, double coverage now until the end. Too big, too phony, too ghost, too sneaky, too trashy, too much, too ignorant, too crazy, too lawless, and too superior for jail right? How do we get rid of a porch communist or radio host in our residence or interviewing us in our residence? That is the two billion dollar question. Nobody cares, it is our home.

Is this really their home? Are they really Americans? Are they really forgiven? Are they suffering? Is this really their home? Are they this hungry or eager to breed? Are they this desired and loved? What exactly is their problem or their message to the world? Anger with America? Anger with rejection? Anger with us? Asians are a meal ticket or new ticket? They have what we need or want? What exactly is their message and their objective to teach us nothing and bring us to the brink of destruction? Are we as welcomed in their camp or their ghetto as they keep brainwashing or etching into our mind? Who is not welcomed on a trash heap, how many were not on the VIP list? Then what exactly is the problem with these law abiding and hard working Americans we know as the communist or human trash? They want us to let them be whom they are because they are born in America or tied to the land and our leg? They are the ball and chain on our legs for over two decades? Do we owe them something, how much? Tell us. How much do they owe us? So will they fall for us or get a proper lynching? Look how they prostitute us or these human beings, if for anything, their collection plate. Too big to fail or going into overtime now? Wake on crime? Only God knows and the jury waits.

We are so turned on by Limbaugh, Hannity and especially Levin when he condemns them or fights for us. Those horrible children and daughters. Why are these people so war like and icy vicious in combat? Why are they the best? We love to hear this from Viet Cong forces or radio traitors and communists. History does repeat itself. This church and the damned really turn us on, really. Should we cry for them or this trail of tears? Boo-hoo. Imagine that, we cried for the Viet Cong born in America. All of them were verified as Viet Cong. Let's be reasonable about this, we can work it out? I think it is time for jail. I think it is time for damages and payment for these attacks. America is not guilty to the people or blacks. Limbaugh-Hannity-Levin are beyond evil and guilty of one hundred and fifty counts; not one or two. Limbaugh-Hannity-Levin pave the path and are the point men.

Yes their mouth against the allied forces stealth bombers. I wonder who will win that one or who will refuse jail or babble; it does really turn us on. Hope or just a blatant refusal to go to jail? All confidence and no meat? They will feel imprisoned and trapped. What can we verify? What is true? Is it all smoke and mirrors of a psychopath? Why keep calling us in private with these ridiculous private shows? We are a verification arm and authentication wing of sustainability. We like and enjoy go-getters; good, bad, or ugly looking. We like smart people who are precise in their speech and not "confusing." We were also very turned on by Bush, Powell, Rove, Lutz, Morris, and the rest of this. Yet the public is so turned on by them and they look so good; but we do not and suffer. Boo-hoo. Who won Vietnam and why? We know that mouth did not and it became a comedy routine even they could not stop laughing at. We shut that crack house down but they won't leave and claim it is their home. We threw their Viet Cong forces into the ghetto and turned them into spiteful liars, even to their own people. Total fraud and a total phony.

How wise was it to wage war on the Indians? How wise was it to wage war on the Vietnamese or the Pentagon? Now they got a judgment and are being taxed to death, squatters and nearly homeless. They enjoy stealing and causing trouble. How wise was it to wage war on the British if freedom is the objective? The lawsuit by the Viet Cong has been annihilated and on the brink of destruction or their ultimate destruction, they continue to bring the nation closer to the brink with more lies. Have they written to the office of hurricane and earthquakes; told their side or plead the truth? It was the race card and racism. Is that why we won or lost? For the police they are very nosy and very secretive. They are brutal and will torture captured enemies; even come to our residence. So did they find any legal merits in why we bomb them or have during the cold war? How do they stop World War III? We are World War III and they kidnapped the allied commander, jackass. Stop blocking his rise or leadership. Now there are three choices, not two choices and trapped. They want the contract and need the jobs. Pressure tactics by the wrong people in our life? How? Why so complex and all total lies?

The 1960s was straight out of the playbook of the communists. Although they blame each other, it was to capture South America and Asia. They have failed on Asia and bombarded America with South America. Both the mafia and the communist have the same exact playbook, yet they blame each other and deny it all, sworn to silence. The drug wars was straight out of the communist handbook and revolutionary communism but it is kept very secret and very black. As I said, the primary culprit of why or who murdered our defenses and military units; are the communists. Jail is beyond their style and they have no brakes, no end to this. Governments cannot shut them down or unplug their media, geared for one reason, crime and revolution. Of course they live comfortably and wish to sit beside us. However, tied to the land by serfdom and squatting, they despise the banks. For the most part, America is crime free and normal; until these people arrived. It is a plot to in-script them into the right wing for being poor, immigrants, our slaves, a new plantation, or failures.

In order to break the mafia or communist; you must go up a layer to their church and religion. It is the organizing body sitting at the table or the arm of forgiveness and lies. It is the corrupt wing of degenerates. You cannot defeat one or the other; they are the same and they hedge their investments to loot and rob every single government of the world. They are the last man standing but are cornered and trapped. The females are trained for communism and the males are taught to be a Nazi mafia. To break their church or shut this down, you must focus on the two party system and where the strongholds are. Considering it is the mafia and communists, why does it trace to Virginia and New York? Who is picking a fight with whom and who is the criminal here? Who is on a mission and guilty of harassment or chasing off whom? Who is this intruder and radical black movement, us? We are not fighting for them but they have so many puppet strings and hooks in; picking a fight? Now we have their ID. Deploy the strategic hamlet strategy and the top twenty list immediately. It is time for jail and an end to this.

Ann Coulter exposed this mess as total frauds and phony born in America trash, we call them squatters. Look at their history and life now. They claim to love America? Can they have a normal life or not get busted? We dream about their females or girls? How about "ladies?" They cannot and will not make it in America. Yet this loser and utter buffoon has to sit beside us and they have to be included; or we die. Nobody had any idea who the communist were and how much phony or trouble this church of nonsense was about. They hide it and act normal; but look at the disconnection to reality or how they love to steal or are incapable of a normal life. Even jail is beyond the scope of their narcissism or criminal life. If you have the money, then they had the dream fro the sinner. They cry now. They are heartbroken. They want to know why we are so mean. I think it is time to end this and it is time for jail; serious jail. They have to be included and have to sit beside or with us; a church of phony, nonsense, and total psychopaths.

As we can see clearly with the Limbaugh-Hannity forces, they are real sexual predators and have a rapist mentality. They find attention or scrutiny as foreplay. Slamming them or ripping them to pieces is a form of rape and foreplay, thus, they become increasingly addicted to the superior power. They enjoy the game of surrender and the chase; however, laying on their backs and copulating is the final act of victory and acceptance. If this was a military conflict and B52s bombed them day and night; they would ask for a date or beg to be taken to dinner. Similarly, federal prisoners commonly chide or fantasize about female FBI agents who investigate and study their life. It is a strange existence with this criminal and psychopath. This game is inside their mind. Yes, that is the hardcore American values we know so well, sneaking around and prowling in our lives to the tune of 2 billion and one hundred and fifty felony counts. Inventing one sexual predator alert after the next. Even worse, denying it and lying about whose fault it was or what this was about. That is the good home American values we seek to bring out of them. Look how sneaky and how quiet this powerful condemnation truly is or has gotten. Wow.

We see this worsen with Ann Coulter as well. The mental fixation to our life nearly pops the vein in their forehead, yet they put extreme stress on their life just to take a swing, and then another, and then another with each miss. Their mental stability worsens as reality becomes closer; so does their sexual prowess and loving rapist mentality. In death or old age, most human beings become more religious. Not this criminal and psychopath, they become more criminal and more spiteful. They become more vocal in private and quiet in public. They hide the scars and shed the evidence. Their objectives revolves around normalcy or the American Dream. They wish to be seen around the fireplace. They want to be viewed as the best or very capable. They want to be on the winning side or with winners around them. They impersonate and steal everything to ensure they do not loose their place. All total lies and phony, they are able to shed the communist uniform or change identity faster than the police can keep up.

Is this about jobs or their home? They see us as children and their slaves, who do the work while they sit at the table. We warned them about those New Yorkers and all the illegal immigrants in Florida. Now they are attacking retirees, vacationers, and all kinds of financially stable American citizens. We warned about what the retail industry can do or the labor movement to paradise. They did the same thing to Virginia because of the jobs and growth. They are sneaking around and prowling around looking for money in FL also, in that quiet secretive and belittling way. They pretend they do not want to talk to anyone, then they turn around in secret and try to get in our face. It feels like a prowler, a thief, and a sexual predator is stalking us; a Limbaugh-Hannity neighbor. If they are scumbags and corrupt, how would they tell us to shut up or violate our rights? They are not the police and they sneak around or prowl in our life almost identical to a sex predator or stalker. How do you demand money or tell someone to give you money, then tell them to shut up without getting caught? Wrong people in our life or have been? Still? How?

Bound to bad behavior and running from the law, they feel female agents find interest and admire their raw animal behavior. They see thorough understanding and that much attention as foreplay. The act of copulation and fantasy comes in acceptance and surrender, not punishment or jail. Hence, if left open; it is a fantasy. If we kill them or jail them, capture them alive; it is no longer a sexual foreplay or fantasy, it is now reality and a real war. Additionally, it is wise to keep them away from kids or family members. We already have tremendous difficulty defending our own life and nearly lost it. Thus, the problem of keeping them away from kids is immense. Chasing them off or convincing them we are not their children or related is a tremendous task, even if it comes down to killing them. As reality and an end becomes closer, they become more sexual and lewd. As surrender becomes real, they shed their clothing and disguise. This is their survival instinct and how raw cannibalism exists in a normal world.

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.