These are the terms you live by. It is up to you if you want the death penalty
or not. It is up to you to decide if you
want to stay in America
under these terms. You owe $2.5 billion
in legal damages at this time. If you
decide to wreck our life a little more, and then understand that lightning you
hear is the fury of my anger giving you a warning. If you want to keep trying to get me fired or
make me work harder for less pay, then you know the terms. If you want to make me in your image,
terrified and desperate, than understand the box is and will get smaller for
you very quickly. Your money, your
leadership, your approval, your friendship, your parenthood, LIVING WITH ME, your
not so welcomed presence in our life and all of your endless attacks; will hear
the thunder of my fury and the wrath of God simultaneously. It is a warning you can read about using
Google, don’t play dumb or use ignorance as an excuse. Using this sonic undetectable phone or
communication device, I am not sure about yet.
Thousands of calls yearly and sometimes all day long with this sonic
phone or public “drive-by” where you explain yourself and how you feel; is what
I described in the 1990s to the FBI and a private lawyer. These are the terms you live by, decide if
you will pay, die, disappear, or turn yourself in to the police. They have been waiting and might get sued due
to your illegal actions or criminal conspiracy.
It is a blame game also. The clock
is ticking and I have asked for more hurricanes and more earthquakes; ten times
more than previously. My suggestion is
shut up and stop dicking around; also “calling” and making it look as if I have
a mental illness or begging for your welfare or sexual relation. I will kill you for just looking at me,
remember this! I will tell the Special
Forces to kill you for just looking at me or Ann. Now you understand the terms and so do the
public, the police, and everybody underground.
I’ll shut your F’in city down, so just shut up and go away okay. Crying like a bitch on TV ignorant and full
of remorse pisses me off!
I don’t think living underground or hiding like a coward is going to solve this. Furthermore, I do not think living with us or harassing us into persuasion is going to get you anywhere. I am confident American Special Forces, including Delta Force, have killed many of you and will end up killing many more of you regardless of your nationality or costume. You are near us and you do have a reach; however, if the Special Forces are tracking your movements and whereabouts, ready to kill you on a drop of a dime; than it has already happened and you are hiding this because it is embarrassing. You won’t accept defeat and claim your money is our God; but the problem is you have been expelled and the little box you live in already is getting much smaller. I don’t think living underground will matter. I personally want that sonic phone you are using and the people behind it or on the other line, undetectable with industry equipment. As far as your welfare and leadership; no thanks, we should have known. For you to stay inAmerica
under these terms, regardless of your nationality, is total insanity. I have asked for as many hurricanes and
earthquakes as possible; total expulsion.
So I do not know how you are going to ever recover or get your
citizenship rights back. Being in such
proximity was not worst mistake you ever made, so was living with us. Your only chance of survival is the police
and you want them to bend over backwards for you? You people have some nerve; it is pleasing to
watch and read; even if you want to use us marketing strategy. Oh no obstruction of justice there either.
I don’t think living underground or hiding like a coward is going to solve this. Furthermore, I do not think living with us or harassing us into persuasion is going to get you anywhere. I am confident American Special Forces, including Delta Force, have killed many of you and will end up killing many more of you regardless of your nationality or costume. You are near us and you do have a reach; however, if the Special Forces are tracking your movements and whereabouts, ready to kill you on a drop of a dime; than it has already happened and you are hiding this because it is embarrassing. You won’t accept defeat and claim your money is our God; but the problem is you have been expelled and the little box you live in already is getting much smaller. I don’t think living underground will matter. I personally want that sonic phone you are using and the people behind it or on the other line, undetectable with industry equipment. As far as your welfare and leadership; no thanks, we should have known. For you to stay in
I have the local police on the phone and ready to talk to Dave White or the landlord. Are you going to deny it if and when the police talk to you? You claim you are compliant and will cooperate if arrested; but will you deny it or talk to the police? Do not talk to me and keep away; I have filed federal charges. I want you all arrested and thrown in jail while I try to collect $2.5 billion. Will you deny it or place the burden on the victims and police. Again, you keep telling me to leave; talk to the police and tell them your problems or why you do not owe $2.5 billion facing arrest. Why are you even talking to me or involving yourself in our life? Why am I kidnapped or feel abducted? Why don’t you cooperate with the police and stop bothering me or vandalizing my life. Turn yourself in, don’t fight it or the police. I do not need to know how you feel, how desperate you are, if you are family, how terrified you are, if you want me to leave, etc… or whether or not you are trying to get me fired. Okay, you want money. Can you talk to the police about this or not? Why not sit down with the police and start from the beginning? Maybe your problems will go away and things will get better? Are you refusing to be defeated and still think this is about money or corruption? How about terrorism? It makes you look really bad. On our side?
Good job folks, let this happen to VIPs or the most important people in the entire world! Why don’t we just let it work itself out? How about another three decades; what about a harassing winter? Yeah, go make this right and “talk” to them. I am getting bored killing them or worse. Look at their minds and their legal complaint. Now look at ours, who allowed this to go down? Well, go and make this right. Go after their pension and pay grades. I will not live with this SOB or put up with one minuter of this; more hurricanes and more earthquakes please! Now who to sue? Who owes $2.4 billion and allowed this to go down in front of everybody in the world? Can the FBI have a word with them or are they too scared also? It is time some jobs are lost and some heads roll! Let the rivers flow with blood until this ends and I have closure. That is the wrath of God, feeble isn’t it? Oh they want to talk now?
Who allowed a terrorist to live with me? Yes we want their money and yes we need welfare. Yes they are here illegally but need money and want money. Put the trust in the blacks and Irish, wonderful. Put the truth and authority in the hands of total crazies. Do we need to sue the police also? I need their money? I won’t leave or move? I have options? It has been three decades and they still say they want to get me drunk or high, a drug dealer. I have to listen to this all day long? If anybody finds out the police were behind this or turned their back while this fight went down; to blame me for assaulting them; I am going after their pension as they went after mine. Thirty years of this shit and they are in the other room and also F’in with my car. Who allowed Ann to be attacked or separated us when she is my online lifeline because the police have to be sued also? Do you see why we need as many hurricanes and earthquakes as possible; throw everything we have at them. Now do they sue the police or
Nobody trusts the government, that is how much and the extent of harm already done! How about restoring this and showing some kick ass force; kill them! Butcher them for all of this harm and legal retaliation. They are here illegally and looting everything!
Keep in mind, those crimes occurred before they were retired and they obstructed justice in order to prevent retaliation, harm or any legal damage. Therefore, their pension and financial retirement is severely threatened! Keep this in mind when they tell everybody how much they want to stay or fight for their country.
Let’s talk about Ann Coulter because what happened to her is very similar to what happened to me. The difference is she came to my rescue and you hijacked her life and had a murder plot or rape case which she wanted me to break or rip to pieces. Let’s talk about what they can be arrested for right now, in a drop of a dime. Someone has outlawed the truth and made crime a staple of life.
- Federal prosecutors call this criminal conspiracy “obstruction of justice.” You do not have the right to claim the Fifth Amendment.
- Conspiracies, especially “high crimes and misdemeanors” are not governed by the Fifth Amendment.
- Slander is when you are not doing what you are supposed to do, duty and clearly stated in your employment duties; especially when it leads to the destruction or disruption of the reputation of others.
- We are not going to bend over backwards so you can have an indictment on your desk. You are loosing three of your most precious states weekly and your rust belt is expanding very fast. None of it will come back, use your silence wisely as it gets worse and the looting continues.
- Looting or provoking it is illegal; so is paralyzing the rescue.
- Fox News and Limbaugh terrorist forces could have ended this earlier; however, they wanted Ann to keep fighting them. She is reactionary and her life is not normal; it should be normal when I showed up. I had to cap it at $2.5 billion, how criminal is that? Why doesn’t she have a normal life? Why isn’t mine? Can we correlate it and ask who is doing it? Ann was forced to do this. I was forced to do this. We are reactionary. I was forced to date or lured into it also. I was forced to endure this or lured into it. They made it clear, they are trying to get me fired and they are desperate. Fighting us made them less terrified, not more.
- What does their government employment for and what are their duties or have they sold it and playing this game with us while the looting and crime is endless? Is it weak on crime or something more serious, such as survival, kill or be killed?
Let’s talk about hijacking the
life of Ann Coulter, or trying; and then pretending to be her messenger while
she passed secret messages indicating she had been abducted or is in harms
way. Not only did you hijack her life or
tried; I filed charges already in 1998 and have a witness, a lawyer from Virginia . We discussed the case in detail back
then. Then we can talk about the
misjudgments and using the media to obstruct justice or delaying the outcomes
in a willful and malicious manner.
People were injured and this delay was intended to kill them. All of you can be arrested for this the
moment Ann Coulter filed a police report; with her representative, confidant,
partner, etc… We have asked for as many hurricanes and earthquakes as possible
to break this hijacking or kidnapping plot; furthermore, I have asked every
police force around the world to throw everything at you, oppressed or homeless
it will not manners. I don’t care if
your leaders explode or go insane; I’m here to break you, all of you. Don’t tell me you did not hijack my life and
then try to be my messenger also; the FBI has copies. Our goal was very simple; to stop the
looting, end the hijacking, kick your messenger scam to the curb, end the
violence, and kill you if we had a little extra time afterwards.
Ann ordered you to cease and
desist. You twisted this as the
messenger and made it appear as if she was your tactician and teacher. You also tried to have her arrested,
demonology. All the while, she was
loosing what she worked her entire life for, this seat right now. Read this and then see it from the receiving
end or the damned world of hell. All of
these false judgments or erroneous judgments were based on desperation, a
terrified mentality, and not reporting what you all should be reporting. Hence the looting grew bigger and bigger
while we were made to look wasteful, deliberate, intentional, assaulting,
illegal, or dragging our feet. I would
kill you right now if the chance came up but this is what you are seeking and I
am not a co-conspirator. I am me. When you hijacked our life, which right now
is provable; you gave away your identity which had been unknown
previously. You got it all wrong. You continue to insist you are better at
everything in my life while your confidence in Ann grows to an enormous
error. If you think people are this
stupid, then you are really delusional and totally insane. You expect us to bend over backwards or work
for minimum wage, eighty hours a week sometimes; just to arrest you. Wrong.
I have asked for as much hurricanes and earthquakes as possible because
you are such a dumbass. Who is delaying
or dragging their feet really when the smoke and mirrors clear? It even sounds like you hijacked us or
kidnapped us in order to force yourself on us or be this messenger for us. Our goal was very simple; to stop the
looting, end the hijacking, kick your messenger scam to the curb, end the
violence, and kill you if we had a little extra time afterwards.
Bad mouthing or criticizing us is
one thing; breathing down our neck 24-7 is another. Using rental property or living arrangements
for this messenger scam while you spied or monitored us like a mafia
organization robbing a bank; is another.
I have accepted Ann’s explanation, it is reactionary. Reactionary means that if all things were
normal and right; she would not be acting this way and she would not be dating
these men or doing these photo ops. It
was a glass house you formed and a house of cards that fell fast. However, all of you are stuck in it as it collapses
a criminal scam.
Let’s talk more about why Ann is
acting this way or reactionary, forced to prove or compel you all to do what
you are supposed to do. Ann has passed
me secret messages and talked to me about this.
I am not her enemy and even if she was guilty of something; it was under
these false pretenses that forced her to do this. It would not be this way. Her goal is to expose you all. Your goal is to quiet her or chase her; for
support and for continuation. What Ann
is doing causes mental grief and psychological panic; tremendous levels. I don’t like it and similar to the
Constitution, there are limits to freedom; I made clear what “steer clear of
entanglements” was intended for. She was
forced to date or disprove these misjudgments because the people are totally
disconnected from reality and a dead MF.
There arrest can be immediate and within 24 hours; hard as steel like
me. If things were normal, her biography
would appear normal and she would have a normal life; but with whom? Of all the people out there, is there a name
that comes to mind and why? Of all the
government jobs reserved for a VIP, is there any position out there fitting for
her partner? What is the price tag on
it? How do you get the training or
education for it? Can the accused
explain it either? Ann is acting this
way because her life was hijacked and she has malicious intentions. Those malicious intentions are reactionary;
what they want but won’t say because this is their demands from me or my
kidnapping. I passed it to Ann and she
executed it.
Now let’s talk about
terrorism. We need an expert on
this. We need someone in the fight or on
the front lines. We need someone who is
not only well knowledgeable but clever, deceptive, and under the radar. We need someone who can outsmart them and
then destroy them unlike they have ever been.
I know the President will not protect these people and is more adamant
about killing them than we are. I know
the President will not allow any of this looting to go down, throwing massive
hurricanes and earthquakes at them and using special powers only an orb can
muster. That bitch doesn’t bark! I know for a fact the nation is safe and if
war is to arrive; all of their hair will fall out at the same time! I am telling you, the President is a dog that
hunts in his sleep. If he ever gets word
of this or finds out what is going on, he will wave a magic wand or place us on
a magic carpet to our kingdom. You see
what is on the line; an end to all of this looting and an end to their politics,
policies, or pay grades. Arrest can be
swift, how swift is up to him. Death can
be swift, how swift is up to the President; he is the only person who can make
these decisions, no one else. That is
how much trouble they are truly in and it should send shivers and terror up
their spineless neck. It is reactionary
also and he is not delaying or dragging his feet while terrorism plagues our
nation. We just can’t see it and we do
not get to listen in behind closed doors; it is how important men operate
similar to Congress. So she, Ann
Coulter, was forced to date or ruin her life; it is what they want. Ann knows how to talk, let her speak for me
or about me if they dare. Who exactly is
their legal retaliation or violence (media attacks) aimed at or towards?
Now let’s talk about how their
lawyers are waiting and ready for this arrest, compliant but not
cooperative. It is another false
judgment and a really dumbass move. They
don’t have all of the data and the curtains are closed; as all prosecutors
never disclose their ducks or ducklings.
This is how malicious it is. This
is what the death sentence entails. This
is the disease or the cancer spreading.
It will kill them and in the most painful way possible; we have assured
this. You see, when you are put in a war
you did not start or are forced to fight; the will and the means are not easily
broken by words. A little water will
help. A little heat will panic
them. A little brinksmanship compels
them to this end. A little intimidation
is not bad so long as it is the police.
Our goal was very simple; to stop the looting, end the hijacking, kick
your messenger scam to the curb, end the violence, and kill you if we had a
little extra time afterwards. It is
worth $2.5 billion and your life; use your words well and remember, everybody
is watching and everybody knows. We need
more hurricanes and more earthquakes; this will prove who is delaying, dragging
their feet, or in a criminal conspiracy; it is not coming back and it will be a
new rust belt; very rusty. It is a death
sentence and people are not doing what they are supposed to; why? Are they desperate and terrified or are they ready
to die and have gone insane? Their
leaders grow closer to superior evolution where they will demand the truth and
speak the truth, its funny; we are already there. Remember, that house of cards will collapse
and when it does; send it home and back where it came from, it’s crap.
Odd how the Irish, blacks, and
Jews are showing up all the sudden for the ending isn’t it? Odd how they are or want to be the answer to
all this looting; the head of the cold war; oppress them? None of them can be trusted and they have no
self control; just terrified and desperate.
Like any city in a looting spree, they will pretend to be victims and
unify as one whole group. Odd how we
have to count on their leaders, do you think either Republican or Democrat can
see them; even if they are on our side?
Do you think the media will report the truth or do they even care about
the truth? This is their chance of a
lifetime to defeat terrorism and communism; expel the Catholic Church from our
life and holding America
hostage. Oh, I am being blamed for
dicking around and shooting off my mouth, delays?
Tell this guy Dave White and the landlord I threw their family out each time he sat behind a door and mumbled “move” or “leave.” If he or they are man enough, then they can tell their family who threw them out and why. But the faggot don’t hunt, he just sits there and barks on SSI disability. Thanks but no thank you for the SSI disability welfare offer in NY, inPalm
Beach , in Tampa ,
where I am now, and this Dave White guy.
Oh I admire him so much and want to follow in his footsteps; what a
loser and a little faggot who can’t even look in the mirror. What a coward and what a pathetic life they
have. What an offer they have. What great teachers. What a great life they have produced for
us. Go home to your rust belt and keep
your head up your ass about it. The box
you and your leaders live in is getting smaller; but your head is already too
big. What an insult, I am looking for
their welfare and help; pathetic immigrants who think they are superior at all
aspects of my life. They don’t even know
how to get lost or take a hike; too tough, only wants to get us high, only
wants to buy us a beer, and only wants to be friends; yeah okay. What a Trojan Horse this terrorist was. Tell your F’in family I threw their ass out
on your behalf because you were such a little bitch and a criminal all your
life; while you screamed “move… leave.”
What a defense! What a faggot
little victim. Yeah, American Indians;
welcome to America
you little bitch, now shut up before we throw more of your family out! The SOB thinks he is the VA and was behind my
retirement; while he is trying to demand money for welfare or this SSI
offer. It is time to eradicate their
benefits and make sure none of them make it to retirement; that is what I am
living with.
________________________________________________________________________Tell this guy Dave White and the landlord I threw their family out each time he sat behind a door and mumbled “move” or “leave.” If he or they are man enough, then they can tell their family who threw them out and why. But the faggot don’t hunt, he just sits there and barks on SSI disability. Thanks but no thank you for the SSI disability welfare offer in NY, in
Oh yeah, keep showing your face or showing up. Keep shooting off your mouth. Do that until you are the most oppressed and inferior group on earth. Yes keep coming to
I am still not interested! If they are better than me at everything in life, than why have they been silenced? Also, what does getting me fired, or trying, to have to do with being better at life or being more superior at everything in life? Am I supposed to embrace their leadership or their underground power, even if they are the communists? It is my life. It is my mission. It is my car and girl. Who the hell do they think they are? Why have they been silenced and why are they terrified and desperate, a total failure? Are we supposed to believe this trick? I am less convinced now then ever, they are a lesser breed and a total failure; trash people, maybe a drunken asshole. Why would everybody hate them or want to oppress them, no less kill them? What does their race have to do with getting me fired or trying to?
Okay, so Fox News and Limbaugh Terror forces are desperate and terrified. They admit they are or were trying to get us fired, cause financial problems or disrupt our life. They admit they were harassing every aspect of our life for more than three decades. They admit it is still going on and they want money or want us to get high, step over the line in the sand. They claim they have nothing to hide and are the landlord and living with me; while I pay rent. They also are demanding money, extortion. They admit they are terrorist or behind the 911 plots. They claim I have to move or leave now. Where do we go with this beyond hurricane and earthquakes, $2.5 billion in legal damages? Now they claim they have nothing to hide, really?
I am well aware of the situation and am aware Ann is trying to fight them or arrest them. However, it is not an open end; eventually, she will not get an ear and will get a wall or cold shoulder due to the endless continuation. I am communicating with the FBI presently to seek arrest and $2.5 billion in legal damages for more than three decades of this. Apparently, living with me correlates with vehicle problems or trying to get me fired from my job; both male and female. I have no intention with living with them, none; however, I am forced to rent from them presently. The FBI knows I am trying to escape or end this on my terms, not theirs.
I think a shakedown in the
The moral of the story is these are media people and they are all fakes, they lie, and you will never get the truth from them. Do not expect any of them to be up front or transparent; they are not friends, they only seek to keep each other quiet. Hurry up and get my $2.5 billion will you; I am not happy with my situation! That is the shortest path between two distances, stop dicking around. Do not trust the American media, which is the ultimate lesson! They know how to package it and hide everything. It is the same lesson of the Vietnam War. Of course Drudge is one of them, why else.
Here we go with the Donald
Sterling and Los Angeles
“friends.” My sex life has never been
lacking or too far off track, FYI Ann. She does whatever she wants, I do
whatever I want; it works out the way I want:
Let me get this straight, you stay out until 4am daily so you can meet up with me when I am at work; to show you are partying and want to talk, drunk or not, and I have to do anything or everything to avoid you? Furthermore, you have been “surprising” me with chemical agents and all kinds of little tricks which you lay around so I can pick up? But wait, you are also trying to get me fired; or have been for the past three decades? But wait, there is more good news. You want to tell me now you are better. After three decades of this you are better than I am at everything I do in life? Let me guess, you also think you are superior and you are some loving, no hate, unity kind of family, sort of Nazi and dictator? But wait there is more; you only want to get me high! Don’t forget that one or why you are pursuing me or trying to make contact, have a dialog or conversation. Oh there is more, you are staying out until 4am daily, drunk off your ass, to tell me you are “terrified” and “desperate” and I have to listen or help you? You can’t F off or take a hike; you are this terrified and desperate? Furthermore, nobody has any rights and nobody can do anything in life because you are both desperate and terrified? Well shit, let’s see if we can piss you off unlike you have ever been; then let’s see if we can jack the shit out of how terrified and desperate you really are! Remember, Rush Limbaugh says we have a steering wheel and can direct hurricanes to your front door! You know what that means don’t you? Exactly, go put on your bathing suit and don’t ever let me catch you going to bed without your bathing suit. You think just because you are desperate and terrified I have to go through this or listen to you all hours of the day? You think you can go drinking and wait for me to show up so you can pass messages to me about what you are doing or why; just so you can try and get me fired? It is the rain season and soon the cold winter will arrive; not a very good time to be bothering us or shooting off your drunkard mouth. Nobody can be free and nobody can have their own life simply because you, the epitome of all scumbags and useless immigrants (Blacks and Irish, add a few others such as Southern Baptists and the 1960s hippies) are desperate and terrified? I didn’t know our existence is based on how you feel or if you are desperate and terrified. Now I do. Are you going to F’in pay the $2.5 billion or are we going to have to throw hurricanes and earthquakes at you until you had enough? Oh your bag of tricks and your pressure tactics right? You want money and you want an answer also?
Dear Fox News and Limbaugh
Terrorist Forces: Is your name on any of
my vehicle titles? Do you have a lien or
a legal claim on any of my vehicles?
Exactly. Shut the F up about what
I need to fix next or what you expect from me, understand? You tell this guy Dave White and the
landlord, never touch my vehicles. Since
the police are on the other end, add another charge to your desperate and
terrified existence! You seem to have a
problem with the rights of others or their property. Don’t touch my keys and don’t ever lower my
windows for any reason. Unless your name
is on the title, don’t touch anything or talk about it with me. As I said, you are under arrest for the
charges listed. If you F with us while
the arrest procedure is underway; we will either kill you or throw a hurricane
and earthquake at you; for kicks and giggles of course! My stuff comes back and never goes away;
yours is completely phony and a complete waste of time!
If I cannot live my life because you are desperate and terrified; than let me make things clear. I am out of justice. I am hard to kill. I was marked for death. You are under siege. You are above the law. You got a fire down below. Let’s see how desperate and terrified you get and let’s see if we can take you to your ultimate limit, if you have one. I think you will keel over and die when we get there, we will see! Yes back at you with atomic force and nuclear in your fat face. I know your weakness and I know what you fear; stop watching me because I will feed you false information (how and why you did 911 and these terrorist attacks on the nation). You actually think I am your leader or don’t hate you; don’t you? You think you can take advantage of our life and our moral bearings, think again! You are trapped, don’t make us take our fury on you, you will regret it and it will never come back, but I will. You cannot be reborn.
________________________________________________________________________If I cannot live my life because you are desperate and terrified; than let me make things clear. I am out of justice. I am hard to kill. I was marked for death. You are under siege. You are above the law. You got a fire down below. Let’s see how desperate and terrified you get and let’s see if we can take you to your ultimate limit, if you have one. I think you will keel over and die when we get there, we will see! Yes back at you with atomic force and nuclear in your fat face. I know your weakness and I know what you fear; stop watching me because I will feed you false information (how and why you did 911 and these terrorist attacks on the nation). You actually think I am your leader or don’t hate you; don’t you? You think you can take advantage of our life and our moral bearings, think again! You are trapped, don’t make us take our fury on you, you will regret it and it will never come back, but I will. You cannot be reborn.
Just admit the obvious, you are an inferior breed who is both feeble and inferior; therefore, you are full of corruption and are incapable of doing the right thing. So you keep apologizing while on attack or trying to destroy us but you would rather keep us as pets or a prisoner. You use lies and deceit to unify the human race and advance your financial corruption, instrumented to keep your terrorist organization alive or your real estate swindles. About the only thing you are good for or from which we can assess any value; is war and killing. Similar to a slave, your qualifications are limited and better suited for labor or menial tasks. Your immigration is built on building an empire of political power while providing welfare to cope with the up and down problems in your search for a home and safe haven. Now you know we can destroy you and now you have lost the cold war; your options are even more limited and oppressed. You are a ticking time bomb while your narcissism tells you mixed messages about how special and how important you feel; until reality hits. Your objective here is only to destroy us because the offer to pay $2.5 billion has been out there for more than eight years. This has gone on for more than thirty years; so that defines your intention and your evil will. You are not looking for an end at all, are you? The evidence clearly proves this and you know if you F with us or harass the matter, retaliation will be swift and we will probably kill you in your own bed. Your history and search for freedom is a sordid affair and also a financial wreck! Do you really think we are this stupid!
I agree with history. Each and every time this ignoramus is involved; death and destruction follow. If they are involved in politics, we feel under siege while they run amuck as the inevitable victim. It is hard for me to believe they are peaceful or came in peace; but we get what we are looking at now. We don’t get any choice in the matter while they manipulate our reality and pretend they are God. It does not matter what they are involved in or why, it leads to death or destruction; total chaos. This also applies to war and terrorism! Now we have to listen to what they can do for us, whose side they are on, or how we have to move, pay up, or leave. What do they chant all day and night? What else, “We don’t know what to do. We are family. We are your lifeline. We are the rescue. We are politics or the beltway crowd. We want to die or are ready to die. Hope. Why don’t you just leave?” I had to document every stupid thing they said, how disgusting.
In order to rescue me or free me from this terror plot, the police and our forces have to support the blacks and Irish? We have to do business with the Jews? Furthermore, in order to fight terrorism we have to embrace or let in the Jews? All of it is a Trojan Course strategic initiative to cripple the oil needed for war in the
Are we to believe you are not a threat because you are on TV or “nonviolent protesters”; or are we supposed to believe I am the problem and the threat because I had owned guns, served in the military, am an expert in war, and can defeat or destroy you with force? You do the math and look at this terror plot or repeated manipulation of the media using propaganda. Your underground is behind all of these violent attacks, condemnation, and red-herring tactics. Just because you want peace, are hated and despised, refuse to go away, refuse to surface or survey my life more carefully; am I to believe you can be trusted or come in peace?
Yeah really odd, I am retired from the Army and still fighting the cold war for
You F’in females, especially the New York crowd, cause one more accident or pull out in front of me one more time; and I will make sure we throw all of you out of your own homes. You F’in NY’ers think you are so tough in FL due to your life or crime or fantasies; now your females are jacking the insurance with your auto scams and pain clinics. Heed this warning, you cause me to run into your car one more time and we will retaliate on a scale your super scumbag kids can only cry about. I don’t give a F about your life of crime or how much you need me; no less how capable you are in crime. I made it clear how your leaders are under arrest for terrorism, so don’t act cool or how “happening” you are on your cell phones before you get into an accident or jump in front of others. You circle me or try to ride with me or near me anymore and we will throw every single one of you out in less than 30 days; you stupid bitches nobody cares about your insurance rates or your life of crime stealing. To us you are a measly starving immigrant looking for a nut to suck on. Now, you are under arrest; you F with us, we kill you; it is that simple. If you have not figured that out yet, then we will just kill you; end of story. I really don’t give a F how you play it; but the bottom line is we kill you when and if you F with us. I don’t give a F about your insurance scams or how you only want to help by hitting me or attacking me! You are so happening...
Dear Fox News and Limbaugh Terrorist Forces: We really do not care or want to know whose side you are on or which side you are on, really. If you can’t do the right thing and only want to harass the political scene, then just say so. However, if you F with us while being arrested and prosecuted; you will die. We caught you and the charges are immense. If you can’t do the right thing, then get the hell out of the industry. We do not need to know whose side you are on, what you can do for us, or how loyal and in the fight your Tea Party movement is. If you can’t do the right thing, take a hike. As I said, you are under arrest and a prosecution is underway. Tamper with it or impose more corrupting back logs and we will kill you to expedite the judicial process. It is up to you whether or not you want a fair trial or to die; not us, however, you are a co-conspirator in your own death and destruction. We don’t need to know how loyal you are or whose side you are on; a total pest and nutcase. We want to do you harm and destroy all of your efforts, so if you can’t do the right thing; than die. You are running for your life, that is politics; I am not running or ever had any intention of this.
Odd, the Ann Coulter dating record just comes to a complete end in 2014. Why? Is it because we killed all of them and they are not around to tell their story anymore? All you had to do was tell the truth and turn yourself in, none of this would have happened. Now it is too late, but this is what can happen when you are a phony and a scumbag. The fact we hate your guts and want you dead proves nothing but you all claim you are superior, in charge; you want us to leave, etc. A real smart plan you have and an even better road map in life. So was Ann your intended target or was I? You needed me to find this target; and used Ann to find this target as I reported, but was it either Ann or I also? This is how I know who and what you are, a serial killer.
Bad things are happening to you and we will never see it your way because we are trying to kill you and in the worst possible way we can. It is that simple. So don’t F with me or play stupid while you are being arrested and shut down, asshole! How does it feel? Are you stupid or do you ever shut up? Unlike you, I refuse to take the Fifth and I have nothing to hide. The reason bad thing happen to you is because we are trying to kill you and you are a co-conspirator! Dumbass, what do you think is going on?
Okay, I don’t like to be rude and I have been through a lot already; but let me make this really clear. You are under arrest and going through a prosecution process. If you F with me, start some shit, or try anything to escape or make my life hell; we will kill you. No we will kill all of you and possibly water board you on TV and for the public to “Eww and Ahh” about. If you shoot your mouth off or so much squeal like a pig, you are a dead MF. Am I clear you SOB and crazed terrorist loser or do I have to speak some special language only a retard and idiot can hear? The bottom line is if you try anything during your trial, you will be killed; the death penalty. Am I clear how God feels about you or how I see things? Maybe you think we are trying to kill all of you or you want us to kill all of you, guilty or not? That is war and that is what you started, get over it. If we cannot kill you, then I will ask for a hurricane or an earthquake to cripple your political chances; am I clear there also or are you still trying diplomatic tactics and pressure tactics? It is time to surrender and pay the $2.5 billion but the ball is in your court, isn't it? A yes or no is fine, no need to cry or shoot your mouth off all night.
Dear Fox News and Rush Limbaugh Terror Forces: All of you are N’s. What makes you think you have self restraint or self control? The truth? Reality? What did we bust you for if not terrorism and this lack of self restraint or moral fortitude? Do you really think Obama or any of his cabinet members have any restraint either? This is like telling the world you are telling the truth and to believe in you. We have been there and done that. My confidence in Obama is as low as you all, rock bottom. As a N you all think I am black also and I am not sure if that is an insult or some method to give you self-gratification. Whatever the case we busted you for something, you tell us what that something is if not terrorism. Yes it is circumstantial right now but you N’s have no self restraint, clearly. Even today you have none and in the heat of battle I have to remind you what a monkey is and how far you exceed that benchmark. All of you are N’s and your politics is oozing with this lack of self restraint. We will prosecute you, bring you to trial, and have zero tolerance for you; if you want to change that formula than prepare to die. That is what a N really is.
About those
We haven’t gotten you yet and you are still alive? Are you kidding me? We missed and you do not see the police knocking on your door? Is this some joke? You still have access to our life and can show up or verbally accost us anytime you feel the need? God damn they are a wily one. We have not even killed them yet, back to the lab! Their message is we are not even close to killing them and we have not gotten them yet, wonderful. They are so powerful man; I don’t even know what to do!
Hey ask Michelle Wei if she thinks she is black or associates herself with blacks. I sure as hell do not and I am really annoyed by the whites who impose this and the blacks who embrace it. Remember, the closest thing to a N is a homeless Irish; ask Fox News who teaches this black power and white trash doctorate degree. Do you see them playing tennis with me or being invited over to my home? Exactly. Tell her to read my biography and ask her how she would feel or what she would do? Now tell them, the communists and this immigrant enemy of junk. That is the heart of
You know what, it is really odd how you liberals are in a state reserved for retirement or retirees; you think you own it and you think you run it. Furthermore, some of you are nothing more than slobs. Some of you from the Northeast think you are special or the shit; struggling or living around people who have gone through life already. Others don’t even speak English and they also think they run the state. But hey, look around because there is a lot of this junk going on and a lot of efforts to just throw your rotten working class no good trouble maker ass out of the US no less the state known for retirement. Did I mention your standards and how dirty some of you are? Whoever they are, they are linked to the Limbaugh terrorist forces and also Fox News, probably NY dirtbags leeching off those secure in life. Yes worry me also.
Did I hear you push on me alcohol? Drinking and drugs makes you more scary and fierce warriors? It pisses us off more? Excuse me? You become a radical and terrorist? Cut off your beer supply or the number of drunks in our society and there is going to be hell to pay? What? Beer ranks up there more than national security or law and order? Okay, now your Irish-N ass is going to really get a beating for this! I expect you to pay all of the $2.5 billion in legal damages, with or without beer factories; drunk ass political bitch! We would rather give you more beer and then wage war on you! Now we know your transformation and why you are a communist mole. How much force or power does it take to break your forces like a crappy twig? You want to show us or parade how powerful and what your superior survival skills can do to our life? You are a class act aren’t you, so filthy at everything you do. Admit you are a communist and a mole; even on the Republican and right wing side.
Well shit why don’t your Irish ass take a F’in bow while you are on TV. We know your leaders and people are so desperate and oppressed; you want us to adopt all the N’s too! Take a bow… great work you got there! Did I mention your labor union or blue collar disaster also? Oh by the way, I don’t need to know or hear your N-Irish ass daily how I need to move or leave. I will bury you and defeat you on a legal and strategic level; so if war is what you want or are looking for, then it is war and the impunity of God waiting for your N ass. If you so much blurt out or tell me how I need to move one more time, it has been thirty years now; I will see to it all of your leaders are water boarded in public and for the world to know. This is no joke and you face charges for terrorism and much worse. So piss us off and play this game while the arrest process finishes; the wrath of God is just waiting for you with a hair trigger. Shut your N mouth and stop acting like a little N princess bitch! Yes, I am really interested and you are that entire woman too!
What I want to know is if keep away, stay away or go away so out of the question, illegal, and so impossible; we have to chase you down like animals or retaliate on such a level the Wrath of God and nuclear warfare is just a small scale war with us? Are you so deranged and communist that you can’t let go and have to keep us as your pets or some captive of your failure and political integration? In the past thirty years, you have to show your face or say something at least once a day; as if it is an addiction we cannot go without. Why? Do we even like you and do you think we are not fed up or sick to our stomach of your constant encroachment, drive-by, or showing up to say how on top of my life you are? Your failure in the 1960s has mixed and played this shell-game with society by placing a psychopath and pest in the lives of just about every person who hates your guts, and for good reason. Now I have to be reminded every single day, sometimes every hour; you are there and you are going nowhere? Stay the hell away from military bases or else the retaliation and the wrath of your objectives will be so severe, nuclear war does not even compare or match up to the degree of anger and resentments you have racked up or have against you. Furthermore, running your mouth, shooting your mouth off, and this defiant “match you each move in life” is nothing more than a way to piss people off with more of your failure and culture of imbecile. Can you do anything for yourself? Do we really need you around for some safety net or as racial repellent politics? Every single God damn day, sometimes on the hour; do you think people consider this political imprisonment or some form of house arrest by political criminals and terrorists trying to have their way or trying to get away with a terror plot? Then it was the embarrassments when you sneak into a work site or act like you are a customer; do you have to keep coming around to piss people off or make them feel weak and vulnerable? Keep away and stay away, is that too illegal or out of the question for your black and Irish politics? If we catch you around a military base or in our life again; we will retaliate with a wrath unlike God can command; meanwhile, the prosecution and damage claims will stand and continue. We want you arrested and put to death. We want your church and all your leaders shut down, with impunity. So keep coming around, refuse to keep away or stay away, shoot off your mouth some more, piss me off and make me feel weak and vulnerable (like a little child); the degree of retaliation will be far more than the wrath of God or nuclear warfare. You think way too small and you live is a little tiny box we know all about now. If your state has to be destroyed to eradicate you and save the state, then it will. I really do not need your input or to know how you feel daily; punk ass little political bitch! Pay the damn $2.5 billion and go away will you.
The indictment should clearly state how you manipulated or exploited the cloud of war, crime, terrorism, and authority to either subjugate or destroy anybody who disliked you, disagreed with you, refused to help you, or wanted nothing to do with your flawed evil church. It should state how you are a Trojan Course and sucked everybody into your failure by tangling them or using Civil Rights Laws to paralyze their life, jobs, business, or community. It should state how you tried to teach people or radicalize them, a form of nationalism and unity, in order to garner support or increase your business tactics. To achieve those goals you were willing to violate any or all laws to seek your objectives, claiming your good intentions and how the ends justify the means. What and how you are doing this is to seek the unity of the nation so your criminal bearings have a chance in life or have a future. Right now you are trapped and need a rescue; it is the system that oppresses you. You also claim there is some form of friendship or relationship, which is totally false. The same applies with the police and government employees. The highest offices and the highest forms of power had to be deployed just to stop your robbery or kidnapping attempts, a bungled hijacking and terror plot.
How are we going to throw all of you out, not just one or two of you trouble makers? How are you going to get yourself out of this and how am I going to escape your endless plight or problems? I am your professor-teacher and I am going to teach you because I created the problem for you? What the F and who the F do you think you are? You are the underclass and your church and plight in
Why are you so stupid and such a trouble-maker? Why are you so… and such a… and why can’t you just go away if you can’t get anywhere in life? What do I think about labor or the American working class? Some of us have a life and are willing to wage war back or worse! No wonder you are the underclass and the poor in
No, this is what you get when you dick around with our life, shoot your mouth off, force us to listen to your junk, force your junk on us, etc… This is what you get in the industry you claim to dominate or own. This is what you get when you wage war on others or terrorize their military mission. This is what can happen when you try to shut down a military mission or try to steal it. This is what you get for being political operatives trying to force your Professorship on college stupids or the best students. This is what can happen when you rewrite the fate of this world and live life the way you do. This is what you get for constantly being a SOB or a pest in our life. Do I need to say more or keep yelling at you or have you had enough? There is no recovery for this as my life is trying to seek the right ones as we speak, none of it was fixed. Do keep wasting our time or making more of a mess; than refusing to clean it up or telling me it is my responsibility. I will make sure your state is returned to the Dark Ages and your church never walks the line of faith again. Never-ever tell anybody you did not have a choice or was forced into this, never. You are a pest in our community and keep integrating or getting us tangled up with your Catholic or Jewish church; hated and despised for all the right reasons. Stay out of Asian also before there is trouble there. Have you learned anything about
Who exactly are Fox News and Rush Limbaugh Terrorist Forces? What exactly do they want or keep on trying? Are they just coaxing people, influencing them; or going far beyond the legal limits of what is legal, permitted, or terrorizing their life? Is it voluntary or is it abduction, hijacking, or even kidnapping in the open for anybody to see? How underground and secret are the communists and what do they want or the objectives they seek? How far and how long will they go or keep this pressure at its maximum? How many times have they been hit by a hurricane or earthquake, F5 levels? How much more do they have or can take before arrest, shutdown, and final prosecutions? Do they have the $2.5 billion ready to exchange and have their lawyers prepared their death march into the criminal world, prepared for the worst outcomes? Are they ready and prepared to wage war on
In the past, you would call in as
a customer or pretend to be a legitimate work site. If you want to “communicate” as you are now
or doing at this time; then I am just going to ask for a tremendous hurricane
or earthquake to be a depository of each time you make these demands. Take responsibility for your own life and
stop making demands or using these dirty underhanded tricks to look for a
reason to fire me. Then tell me how I am
not worried. Every single job so far has
been based on this same formula of yours, a don’t fit in or leave scenario-trap
where you hire me and generate complaints.
I know and you know the Irish and blacks are behind it, the 1960s crowd;
the Catholics and radicals. So if you
want to coax me into doing stuff for you and demanding I do as you say or
extend my gratitude to your communist and underground efforts; than I am all
for as many hurricane and earthquakes we can throw at you. The door is open and we know why you are
contacting me, making demands, communicating, or even in my life. I can make
you poorer than you are poor now. I can
take your life from barely normal or secret to the far extremes of your grief. If you want to F with my life, every aspect
of my career, every single aspect of my private life; then protecting my rights
with retaliation or legitimate means is not beyond my scope of powers or
rights. Clean up for yourself and
understand hiring me does not mean I am not allowed to say no or F off to your customer
demands or needs. You are the enemy, not
a customer of ours. Your life is full of
drugs, alcohol, and unemployment; the underclass of America and the trash nobody
wants. We are waiting for that demand or
that same mistake you always make because the police are so slow and the
investigators are tangled up in red tape or politics. You F’in immigrants come here, look for war,
and then find what you are looking for; a world of trouble. Meanwhile, you expect others to bend over
backwards because you are a total mess or so inferior and stupid.
You haven’t thought twice about
this yet, not once. At most, you quit it
for a week or go on vacation; then it is right back where we started. It has been more than three decades of this
and fighting your poor underclass political machinery. Well, I have asked for as many hurricane and
earthquakes as needed because we have you trapped and I have ordered for your
arrest, prosecution, and payment of $2.5 billion dollars to my career and
military mission. If you radicals and
communist came to look for a war, then you found it. Now either quit or finish it up but half-ass
yourself away or keep away or else I will ask for more hurricanes and
earthquakes to eradicate you and throw your sorry whimpering ass out. I hope you understand English also because
ignorance is no escape or escape from reality.
You F’in drunk or stoned Irish and blacks are the worst trash America
has seen; no other group is such junk; but you think it is superior. This idea you are going to teach me or the
Vietnamese, even Asians as a whole; how tough you are or how powerful your
politics is in America (desperate for jobs and searching for a new home); then
you found hell and far worse than you will ever imagine. You want war and civil war, then you came to
the right place and the right people.
You want to teach me about your politics and reality, let me show you
mine. You want to show me the belly of
your beast, let me show you mine. You
will surrender to the police as ordered and if you make one more demand; then
you already know the routine or what to expect, the door is wide open for you
to make the same mistakes over and over.
Then after all the shouting and fighting, I am going to jail you, force
you to pay legal damages, and make sure you are shunned or treated like an
underclass. So think about coming to my
work sites or making one more demand about how I have to help the poor or your
plight in America ,
we will wage war on your ass with impunity!
Right now it is just our secret, between you and me. It is just between us but is vastly expanding
and people will demand answers because it is their ass on the line, not yours
"Buzzcut Season" by Lorde
I remember when your head caught flame
It kissed your scalp and caressed your brain
(I remember when your head caught flame)
Well you laughed, baby it's okay
It's buzzcut season anyway
(Well you laughed, baby it's okay)
Explosions on TV
And all the girls with heads inside a dream
So now we live beside the pool
Where everything is good
We ride the bus with the knees pulled in
People should see how we're living
(We ride the bus with the knees pulled in)
Shut my eyes to the song that plays
Sometimes this has a hot, sweet taste
(Shut my eyes to the song that plays)
The men up on the news
They try to tell us all that we will lose
But it's so easy in this blue
Where everything is good
And I'll never go home again
(Place the call, feel it start)
Favorite friend
(And nothing's wrong but nothing's true)
I live in a hologram with you
Where all the things that we do for fun
(And I'll breathe, and it goes)
Play along
(Make believe, it's hyper real)
But I live in a hologram with you
Cola with the burnt-out taste
I'm the one you tell your fears to
There'll never be enough of us
Explosions on TV
And all the girls with heads inside a dream
So now we live beside the pool
Where everything is good
And I'll never go home again
(Place the call, feel it start)
Favorite friend
(And nothing's wrong but nothing's true)
I live in a hologram with you
Where all the things that we do for fun
(And I'll breathe, and it goes)
Play along
(Make believe, it's hyper real)
But I live in a hologram with you
"Bravado" by Lorde
All my life
I've been fighting a war
I can't talk to you or your friends
It's not only you
My heart jumps around when I'm alluded to
This will not do
'Cause I was raised up
To be admired to be noticed
But when you're withdrawn it's the closest thing
To assault when all eyes are on you
This will not do
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
I'm faking glory
Lick my lips toss my hair
And turn the smile on
And the story's brand-new
But I can take it from here
I'll find my own bravado
It's a switch flipped
It's a pill tipped back, it's a moon eclipsed, whoa
And I can tell you that when the lights come on I'll be
ready for this
It's in your bloodstream
A collision of atoms that happens before your eyes
It's a marathon run or a mountain you scale without thinking
of size
I was frightened of every little thing that I thought was
out to get me down
To trip me up and laugh at me
But I learnt not to want
The quiet of the room with no one around to find me out
I want the applause, the approval, the things that make me
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
It's a switch flipped
It's a pill tipped back, it's a moon eclipsed, whoa
And I can tell you that when the lights come on I'll be
ready for this
It's in your blood stream
A collision of atoms that happens before your eyes
It's a marathon run or a mountain you scale without thinking
of size
I was frightened of every little thing that I thought was
out to get me down
To trip me up and laugh at me
But I learnt not to want
The quiet of the room with no one around to find me out
I want the applause, the approval, the things that make me
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
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