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Saturday, June 7, 2014


Because this is who you are and what you are about, welfare and getting ahead, power.  It is the basis of the cold war and why military might is so important to our survival, the ability to strike back and with impunity.  Your church is the church of the damned, a major communist threat and you use violent attacks or terror plot to unify the country or to suggest you are a hero.  You are no hero in our book and your church is racked with corruption and a history of it; while this goes on and on.  It explains many things about why the country is doomed and why you support immigration or welfare to the death.  You use these tricks and lies to cover up what is really going on.  If you survive, chances are it was due to lying, cheating, or stealing; this is the only way you know how to get ahead.  It explains why you are always giving us unwanted attention and why you are always acting tough or the way you do; you are corrupt and have a life of crime.  You are worse at war then your life of crime.  You are the church of communism, terrorism, drunks, child molesters, rapists, crime, and the mafia; the egg and disease.  Your stand is on the poor, an empire of dirt your leadership already has brought to nowhere.  So we get what we have here; you trying to get ahead using our map or mission in life, a theft and robbery; but also a terror plot you spun seeking to switch the blame.  It is what you do best, betrayal and deceit.  We were right about your women and your culture of single moms.  As I see it, you are fighting for your church to break free of these chains and claim you are suing or taking action because a conspiracy is in order against your evil church; a prison breakout.  If caught, you will get pink slips and be terminated for being a traitor immediately from government service, very risky public service personnel behind enemy lines.

Because this is how you cope with being such an oddball; bothering or pestering people, a life of crime, corruption, and extortion until you are killed or otherwise.  You also live in misery but you have come to accept who and what you are, very proud and very fake.  You fail to grasp real religion or what is written down; always thinking about it and always spinning it to fit your existence.  You fail to grasp the truth or reality but always impose it with your manipulation of reality or intervention.  Now you claim this is how you help everybody.  It is how we got here and why your church is being destroyed from the inside and the outside.  You are the church of hurricane and earthquakes, a well hidden laughingstock.  As you are being thrown out, you do things to complicate matters, such as copying us.  You still fail to understand you lost the cold war and fail to shut down the same church you know is corrupt and evil; even if there are no jobs or benefit left to fight for.  Therefore, your goal is to destroy America and you will face the might of this nation and the leadership of the cold war in extreme combat; such the case now.  This is how you ruin, sabotage, or destroy what is around you.  Is it really how tough and powerful you are?  You owe $2.5 billion for thirty years of this already; does your church want to be destroyed also?  I don’t stand with you at all, never did.  Both Ann and I are Presbyterians; the leadership of the cold war, reformed human beings.  You are the poor in America and also the underclass, the church of the poor.  Why else would you hide this and refuse to shut down immediately and face charges?

Keep lying about your single mom culture and how you are assaulting America while you keep telling us to trust you, whimp ass corrupt when reality arrives.  About your women… say it.  We know who the communist are now and who their moles are but will they admit it or will they continue to act like nothing is going on or we are too dumb to understand?  How many of them have penetrated the government and will admit it?  Maybe they have taken over and in control, we will see… soon!  Can we defeat them and drive them off, shut them down, or evict them?  Either they are stupid or they feel we are stupid and trust them dearly, which is it?

Your life of crime and kidnapping us (a hijacking) does not mean you are tough, in charge, the police, get what you want, won’t accept no for an answer, can vindicate your church, or on the same page.  Clearly, you are a traitor and behind enemy lines.  Clearly, you are using money and business to hide who you are and what you are up to.  Clearly, you think we are either stupid or blind.  We even know why your women are undersexed, sex offenders, totally crazy, and embrace your mob rule (an empire of dirt and low wages who will lead us nowhere but rock bottom).  Now it makes all the sense except to the communist and the conspiracy mongers who are a carrier and infected.  There will be hell to pay for this along with the $2.5 billion; you won’t get away!  Shut your church down or go home defeated and broken; your fate.  Do you think you are out of touch with reality or only a delusional narcissist?  The European Kings and their peasants attacking our world and our work, classic; we are just beginning and they are bred to be tough criminals but break like a twig, use secrecy to hide.

I see you have a life of crime and you are tough, not running and using the events in Iraq as your ego and gusto.  I see you have tried to trash my life and impose a barrage of threats.  Your church will be destroyed for this because you are such an oddball and inferior, the loser in this challenge you created or invented called “The Last Man Standing.”  I see you are a liter bug and trashing everything, pure animals.  There will be retaliation.  Everybody knows you are a dirt breed and a psychopath, except you.  Republicans and right wing, is this a joke I did not get?  At least you live up to the church of crime and corruption.  It is in your DNA, you can’t even control it or stop yourself; lying, cheating, and stealing is the only way you can get ahead because you are too poor and too guilty.  We have a big surprise for you, ready?

Since you are too shy and embarrassed to introduce yourself, I will take the honors of introducing you while you tell us to shut up and go away.  I call you the church of hurricane and earthquakes because your leaders think some form of being is “steering” a hurricane or the Wrath of God is following your church members.  You worship bad weather and the force of nature.

  1. You are the church of child molesters, sex offenders, and rapists.
  2. You are the church of single sex marriage and sex offenders.  Now your entire church is running from someone or something, absurd.  You are the church of labor and communism.
  3. You are the church of corruption; your history is full of church related corruption.
  4. You are the church of terrorism and crime, weak on both subjects because you are always feeding the poor and pandering to people who really do not give a damn or are with you.
  5. You are the church of the leisure and always asking for help. On your off time you like to show off or prance in front of us while we figure out ways to inflict pain and suffering for your little side show you call respect. It is in your DNA and how you are brought up, a culture of corruption and secrecy. 
  6. You are always trying to get on people’s nerves and are a pain in the ass; thinking if they “think” about you or worry; you will find love and peace.
  7. You are the church of losers.  We cannot assume all of you are blue collar or just here due to low wages; however, you are not the same and your work is very unacceptable.  Hence, you organize and form labor unions, criminal gangs, etc… to annoy us of course.  You are also the church of the drunks.  If you are not out drinking then you are taking drugs; it makes you a more clever liter bug.
  8. You are the church of undersexed women.  Most of your men are in jail or always drunk; so you spend your “leisure” giving others way too much attention or bothering people with your “we do not know what to do and are sorry” speech.
  9. You are the church of corrupt police, corrupt leaders, extortion, and pure traitor characteristics.  However, we are forced to listen to it because you refuse to introduce yourself the proper way or how other human beings interact.  You think it is some clan telepathy.  I think you are stupid and wish to do you tremendous harm.
  10. Essentially, you think you are on some other higher level, not a lower level of thought and we are on the same page.  I compare it to Colonialism or Imperialism where you impose your will.  Actually, you are asking for help and pandering but are too shy to introduce yourself or just come out and say it.  It is your culture of poverty. 

The central theme of your church and existence is trash.  You are trash.  You make plenty of it.  You can’t clean up after yourself and expect others to.  You are too good for garbage cans.  You spend most of the day thinking of leisure, not survival.  You like to parade and show off in front of us, thinking you are tough or tougher because you are a criminal and this is how you get ahead.  You would probably get killed if ever caught or did not live in this fantasy world.  You are always sneaking around and trying to think of new ways to bother people or squirm into their life because you are going nowhere in life.  Your leaders are horrible managers and get nowhere in life, such the case now.  Your church is always picking fights or challenging people, with much success I have to say because you are dangerous monkeys and will do anything for money.  As a group, your breed is very frustrated; in life, at everything and everybody.  You need special things because of these handicaps, such as schooling but your grades truly suck and so do your standards.  Your cities are collapsing and already in decline or massive debt.  Your number of unemployed, homeless, hungry, dying to come to America; continues to rise.  The more you try, the worse it gets.  The more you dick around or shoot your mouth off, the worse it gets.  You call it the plight of the poor, so proud of yourself.  We call you the church of multi-cultural-isms because most of you are bastards who do not know how to be normal or act like a man (default is a woman).  Look where your stupid life has taken us, nowhere and then look where I should be or both Ann and I should be right now!  You have no excuse in life or in death.

About your church and how clever you are with racism or racial matters.  You are always race baiting or using race to get ahead because it covers your tracks and does not make you feel like a failure; proud of others who hate your guts.  We can go on and on about your church and how corrupt you all are; standing in unity, so organized, a secret conspiracy to take over America, etc… You still don’t get it.  Worse is how you are a failure and we will never-ever get anywhere in life with you in it; yet you also follow us to your own death.  You feel it is illegal to get rid of you or stand up for our rights and liberties; meanwhile, you have nothing and the road you lead others is nowhere.  Do you want to introduce yourself or do you want to keep this guessing game on and on?  Did I mention your women are undersexed because of the quality of your men and all of these problems?  Did I mention how much you lie, cheat, and steal; just to get ahead?  Did I mention how illegal and how immoral your life has become; always bothering or in the way?  Ask yourself, what do you think you are reading and why?  You also take advantage of others, an opportunist.  You take advantage of our kindness and respect while you wreck the nation and our reality; based on your standards of nonchalant nonsense.  What do you think your problem is?  What about your history of corruption or how you imported this to America via your church, a carrier of this disease spreading like wildfire?  Soon you will have nothing but we know where your mind will be and what you will keep saying over and over; until death.  Now you expect us to introduce you and tell you what is wrong with you; but it goes in one ear and out your ass.  Why else would you expect us to lead you down the road sacred and to victory?  It is about what you want or what your church expects for evil monkeys.  Have you to this day introduced yourself, why?  We know who you are, the church of hurricane and earthquakes.

As far as your Generals and church leaders, either they are blind, stupid, and in denial; or on the verge of being exposed as totally corrupt and in a conspiracy to destroy America.  Did I mention sex scandals yet?  Why?  We know why.  Even to this day all of you act as if you are leaders and immune to all of this; we can see you know and we know who and what you are.

Just in case you are also legally blind and a predator in the justice system, I will give you some answers to your conspiracy and terror plot leaders.  You are doing this for Israel, it is called “mimicking the message” the same concept I wrote twenty years ago in my college courses on Middle East politics and Religion and Politics.  Ann Coulter is mimicking your message and causing you to see double or yourself in her life.  However, you knew and maliciously was aware she was trying to chase you off, pressure you, humiliate you, and prevent you from harming me for obvious reasons.  We had plans together beginning in 1989.  Ann has called you every name in the book and is mimicking your message while you mimic or clone me; a copy cat.  You are mimicking America only because you refuse to fight wars for us and are a communist traitor, a mole and terrorist.  You get ahead in life by stealing and using terror.  You are a predator when it comes to the law and telling lies.  You wanted me to think I had to escape poverty but as you can see now, it is you whom is one step in the grave and escaping poverty.  If we did not catch you and if you did not carry on with your unity junk, everybody would not be worried or in fear of escaping poverty now.  You tried to chase Ann off and had a murder plot on her, as she told me and as the rift now is gigantic.

You seek to utilize race in a fraudulent manner to increase the demand or need for you; a Supply and Demand formula.  You want to meek it appear as if you are an employer and we are trying to do business with you; which may be true and does have credibility.  I am not sure who lacks credibility or why but you may be scared of getting caught or being prosecuted, endless consequences and a new fate.  Who is trying to destroy the world here; us or them?  You tell us because your junk is weak.  You are weak on crime and appear to the police as the police.  Ann drives me crazy; you have not lost your mind yet?  Is it only blame calling?    If this is “death by wounds” I am not sure who is dying or who is the last man standing, use see the truth.  Ann has called you every name in the book and you continue to put ideas in her mind on how you do business, how you get ahead or become a big star or big friend.  Eventually, you will cave under the pressure but you seek to harm or injure me more, calling it caring and help.  Ann is also annoying you or is frustrating you.  It is a pressure tactic, brinkmanship.  She is better and will win, clearly; only because it is too late and war plans are always secret.  Here are a few other answers in case you are so corrupt or a legal predator; you drag your feet while this is going down.  The most disturbing part of this are your loyalties, do you have any or is it all selfish nothing, materialism and power?

  1. You are making life harder, especially for yourself.  You made life hell when Ann chased you off or stood by my side; humiliating her with mountains of lies and a web of deception you felt nobody could break.  We broke it easily.
  2. You are escaping poverty and also some form of hate and fear, reality or the truth.  Right now you are just pissing people off and making them work really hard or enslaving them with your crimes.
  3. You made it hard to prosecute you openly and made things very complex.
  4. You know and knew Ann was my lifeline, from the start to the end.  Yet you still tell lies, those I document about her personal life or your unwanted fascination with her and her sex life; molestation and very close to a rape-murder.  She vowed to kill and shoot you; I know because I told her.  You claim there is no proof and you are not satisfied or disappointed, a phony fraud.
  5. You made it difficult to escape, very difficult; even after getting caught or being chased off by Ann; which you ignored.
  6. Everybody is now in jeopardy because you want to blow up the world, a bomber and a terrorist plot.  You associate the communist revolution with the American one.  I am the American one and the police are behind me 100 per cent even if they were penetrated by your corruption.  I am not sure who the prisoner is and who the warden has to be?
  7. You are legally blind and a legal predator, a dangerous mole and psychopath. This is also why you hate America and loot it.  You are looting matters now, without a care in he world.  Ann saw what you did but she is mimicking you.
  8. I am not sure who is in danger now or who is escaping actually; who can prove what or who can win this but your deception and encryption is no longer unnoticeable or social.  You are trying to get ahead by old fashion way. 
  9. You want to sue or retaliate for the cold war and outspending you using military might; hence, the military is in disrepair, hell to pay for your loss and hatred of American power.
  10. I am not sure who is getting destroyed, who looks bad, who is trying to escape, who is ticked off more, who has a valid point, etc… it just goes on and on and on.  Maybe we are finally waging war on you, with impunity?  I am not sure who the victim is.  What are you chasing and how stupid do you feel?  Why is that?

We can go on and on about analysis of whom and what you are or how blind you think the world is.  There is authentic malice and 100 per cent evil in your mind.  There is no question of this fact, a certainty.  All of this will catch up with you but until then, you carry on with business as usual; a terror plot and kidnapping.  It is going to be hard to lie about how you do not wish to harm anybody or are peaceful, that too is a lie.  So far you have more than raped and murdered Lady Justice but you keep saying sorry and going back to it or carry on full of malicious intent.

Dear Fox News and Rush Limbaugh Criminal Forces:  I suggest you fix my credit and repair my financial health before doing business with me or putting more landlord problems with illegal kidnapping or holding hostages.  I am sure the police are ready to kill you and so am I over this.

Let me make this clear, Obama (Rush Limbaugh reading this Thursday, June 12, 2014 @ 12:36, it is 12:38) is not powerful enough to evict this or pardon you, Bush could not and Clinton could not.  Do you have anymore teammates who want to try?  You must have superior firepower or war fighting abilities to escape; do we see this or only terror plots?  Rush says it is "the ultimate trick" @ 12:40.

The joke is you are comparing your life with both Ann and me; do you know what a superior existence is and what have you done to this nation or us?  You don’t see the cold war joke or how inferior you are because everybody knows you are the enemy and a traitor, you don’t want to fight our wars and this is how you got here.  Admit this and stop denying it while everybody already knows.  You just are too scared of war and reality, why else would this keep going on and on?  The other joke is you have not paid $2.5 billion and we are not at closure yet.  Wait until people read this and professors study your inferior existence, why you give us so much attention while you are totally immoral and in love with our dependence and truth.  You only want to insult us or America by waging a war you deny or can’t stand to be caught doing?  Rush Limbaugh keeps telling us he and you all are the best; do you really expect anybody to believe this if you do not get away or get caught?  How many lives have been lost by your terror plots and violent revolution?  For what, to unseat me?  To steal my superior existence and get ahead?  To look sexy or good in tatters?  Jackass.  Yea, that sounds like the best and the smartest; one hand behind your back and eyes closed.  We have yet to see any of you be a man about this or what you have done, we could drop 100,000 nuclear bombshells on your ass; all you do is say “sorry” and are back at it.  I bet you are sorry and miserable for yourself.  Yes everybody is hateful and crazy, except for you right?  We are way too hard on you and attack you constantly for nothing… no damn reason.  The joke is you want to stay.  What a man, "leave, move, go home, we want to help, we can't care, we want money, we want to die, we do not know what to do, we are at war, don’t hate..."  You are going to get prosecuted on a level you and everybody won’t even believe and nobody will care except the damned and evil.

We are right about your inferior human breed and how flawed you truly are.  As a little bitch, you give others too much attention while you let your life go into disrepair or chaos.  The only way you know how to get ahead is to steal.  Your strategy of hate and racial equality is just another psychotic strategy to get ahead, lacking true morals but claiming to be the victim, which you want others to take care of you or accept your totally imperfect life.  Your politics and existence is nothing more than hidden theft.  As Ann Coulter has shown and I have proven, you don’t care and it is not about race or racial equality; it is about how inferior you are and how you use theft to get ahead or survive.  You may have found a home in America but reality and the truth is catching up to your inferior life and lies.  You want people to take care of you because you can shoot your mouth off and act big or retaliate. The truth is your religion is inferior or sucks and God hates your guts; but you hide it well.  You think sex is the basis of survival or female intuition.  You are dirty and financial luck removes your homeless stench.  Everybody knows you are a psycho but you do not understand because you are a traitor and completely immoral; insisting you want to help others in an unselfish manner.  In war, which you claim to dominate with humility or superior numbers, you are a little bitch who doesn’t even know how to win no less loose; so despised your bragging rights are kept secret because selfish theft is all you know how to do.  In business you sell junk and nobody wants to really do business with you or argue about your services, it never ends and is full of lies and deceit.  As a senior class or retiree, the stench or the presence of a low life follows you into old age.  You are fat, you are ugly, and you look down on others who are not.  You know less respect intelligence than try to make others feel stupid because you have no manners or civility. 

Everybody knows your breed is both an idiot and psychotic, except you.  Why else would you give others so much attention while you love yourself to death?  Why else would you be doing this or terrorism?  Why else would you steal to get ahead or tell so many lies; on radio and TV while being recorded?  Look how you gave Ann all this attention and what she did to you, remember?  You still pester and try to live with me; a total asshole also.  Now does that sound completely inferior to you yet or are you just getting started before the fun really begins?  You are here due to low wages and loose immigration policies, admit it.  We are here due to war and a superior reason and existence; admit this before you run loose or ruin more for $2.5 billion in total lies and giggles.  Your history is full of psychotic behavior and theft, admit this also.  Even as a beggar and consummate apologist, you are a psycho; in victory or in loss, war is your mental illness.  So why are you so dependent on us or dependent?  Is it your religion or your spending habits?  You love terrorism and killing Arabs, it is all you have when the smoke clears.  Do you want to deny this or do you actually think we will let you escape and cover it up?  Of course you need power and control; you are an enemy of mankind.  Tell me if you love hurricanes and earthquakes; why am I so at ease with this?  Did I mention how defiant you are and how you run your mouth all day and night, just to harass us?

As far as your immigration or plight in America, the evolution of low wages is part of your reverse evolution; which goes hand in hand with your hate or equality politics.  We can go on and I can scientifically denominate or summarize your fate but this would be way too kind because screaming and yelling at people is all you know or get; so you do what animals do, hide.  If anybody wants to know more about hurricanes and earthquakes, all they have to do is look at you; just a cumulative factor of despair and disrepair.  Oppression and theft is all you know how to do, hence you have a blank stare and blurt out random junk for others to agree.  Is it surprising you are also in a prison now and also the inevitable victim of society?  I too feel you are a victim, built to endure tremendous suffering and pain; however, you are too stupid to change this because you are truly powerless and greedy.  Living with you or having you in our life is pure hell.  No wonder you owe $2.5 billion and face arrest or the death penalty, it all makes perfect sense except to your inferior breed.  What exactly you want to teach both Ann and I, control and regulating every aspect of our life as a prisoner of war, is now known.  It is an inferior existence you keep secret and hide well.  You do this to the entire human race, not any particular minority or group.  No wonder you are also the communist forces here to invade and conduct terror investigations.

I am done with this, draw them in and nuke the F out of them.  If they decide to pay $2.5 billion in damages, then shut the F up and keep away while I try to seek their prosecution and arrest.  Any trace or sign and I will freeze you to death next winter.  I am done with this and I don’t need to hear or see anymore.  As far as making these decisions for Ann also or nit-picking; I run this and they are either going to get thrown out or the door slammed on them again.  We know they are on survival mode and we know they are communist traitors manipulating both sides.  They are too flawed and do not fit the mold or the standards, obviously.  All they do is sell more junk; of course they want our business but we don’t get a choice in the matter or have, hijacked by useless bimbos and immigrants who won’t fight our wars.  Of course we know what they are up to or doing because our war plans are always secret.  Who the hell would put their war plans right on their desk or make them eat the maps?  Yeah eat the F’in map you obese loser, you make us sick to our stomach.

If these attractive bimbos and bigots admit they are useless and worthless; then they know they are also inferior.  However, they nit-pick while we draw them in and I need them annihilated immediately; but they think we are gullible and stupid, yet they are never so gullible or stupid are they?  Can they do any wrong?  Are they capable of evil?  Can they face justice or are they just too good looking and superior for mere mortal standards?  Let’s ask their God and religion who they get this from.  Yes why are they in our life, sex life, or always trying to entice us or turn us on?  Wait until it is done back on them or we throw their asses out.  Welcome to the world of the slut and gold digger.

These shooters and suicide plotters need to either be neutralized or medicated; otherwise, my plans are to pop them like a juicy grape.  Every human being has a critical mass and this even includes the most evil or the same traitors who care or not care but want to help.  Their help is disingenuous obviously.  It is help intended to hurt, maim, or paralyze us.  It is a way to damage or molest other human beings in secret.  They have a lot to learn about the science of war; war plans are always secret.

Amnesty is the same Trojan Horse we are battling today with inferior human beings whom are totally nuts or defiant traitors.  It is how the labor unions cut their cost of operations.  It does not make these people perfect or desired.  We know you are in survival mode now, do or die.  We know you want to die.  We know who you are and what you are doing.  You are a very flimsy immigrant against other immigrants, selfish.  Similar with terrorism; we know you are terrorists and communists.  In survival mode, we want to know how low you will stoop; you have the death penalty for terrorism already; what will change this?  You have to fight our war and our war is to shut you down and throw out all of your leaders.  How does a traitor act when they are guilty as sin?  Our war plans are ours, it does not involve you at all, trust me before you help or claim to be helping.  We already know you are playing both sides as you did Ann and I.  War plans are secret and our war plans remain secret.

Do not be fooled by the Eric Cantor expulsion.  This is the epicenter, immigration.  They keep saying the same thing, “We want to help.”  However, we caught them as the communists and labor union.  Therefore, the Tea Party is nothing more than flimsy or scraggly people we caught playing both sides, they are the communists and they will be destroyed if they go against us.  Nothing has changed and our war plans against them are turning fiercer by the moment.  Defeated, caught, and now trying to survive; they cover up everything while they play two sides of a double edge sword, communist moles.  This is what they are hiding and this is approaching the fourth decade of this.  They were planning on seizing and taking over America, a revolution; now they changed the story of this revolution for survival; they only want to help and we know it is the help that hurts; that is a real bonfide traitor.  They are the Fox News and Limbaugh forces and they are right on Eric Cantor, do not be fooled or be used as a human shield; you will get hurt badly as both Ann and I escaped.  Our war plans do not involve them but they keep trying.  They are behind the crime, drugs, and mafia; also Zionism.  They don’t give a damn about you, me, or Ann; clearly.  This is how they move the goal post to a new low.

Now we know what was happening in the DC-VA area (or what happened to the Presbyterian Church and the South Vietnamese) resulting from the Vietnam War.  The communists’ forces loyal to Congress were playing both sides in the late 1970s and 1980s; how they were trying to help by destroying both sides (Ann and I).  We see how they manipulated the Catholic Church and the power of the Jewish plight.  These are the communists and they were invading America or hijacking it until the end of the cold war.  So the Vietnam War did not end and continued in the DC-VA area.  This is how they manipulate or remain in the shadows of DC politics.  This is how they use crime to impact politics.  This is how they use terrorism to exploit patriotism.  Rush Limbaugh was right, all of them are predators and it is never a fair fight, never.  They always jump their targets and beat them to death or utilize brutality to kill them.  They are still watching and manipulating matters today; to help of course.  This is what they are hiding or fear; if this got out and how long it was or had been going on, everybody will know they got set up and walked right into a cold war trap.  Now they know conclusively who won and who lost; do we really need an interview or stupid comments?  They are the communists and this is their revolution we are in battle.  Prepare to suffer innumerably and for your crimes, you will be helped accountable for your deceptions.  They are crawling all over the DC-VA area, everywhere.  Watch as they go on Fox News and these other shows.  They refuse to fight the wars of America, our war.  This is my book and this is the trap they walked into or are covering up now.  We can stop their socialism and shut them down immediately.

I am only one man taking on all of you filthy immigrants who continue to claim you only want to help.  So don’t tell me what I have done to you before you address how things got this way.  About this clandestine revolt or revolution you began; you have created the conditions which have resulted in $2.5 billion in legal damages and you claim you wish to only pay with your life or war.  You were caught for creating this condition which allowed you to kidnap or hold other human beings as hostages or oppress them, similar to the blacks.  You claim it is racism and you want to do business; however, it is actually a robbery.  All of you left wingers and your empire of dirt are scraggly, flimsy, and this way.  The bottom line is you refuse to fight the wars of America and you refuse to fight our war.  Right now you are refusing to fight my war or take the necessary steps to end my captivity.  However, you claim it is about money, rent, and jacking up prices on me while I am vulnerable or an open target.  I have given the orders to draw you in and then nuke all of you until you cease and desist; then surrender to the police and end this standoff.  I am an open target, cannot defend myself, and vulnerable because you had created the conditions of my captivity or kidnapping.  You claim it is some fantasy about sex abuse or terrorism.

Admit for the record and the death penalty now.  Your terror plot involves a protest about war and our military victory.  You refuse to fight the wars of America or for America.  You refuse to fight our wars.  Right now everybody is looking at our or my war and you all stand in unity against it proving you are the highest traitor alive.  It is very simple because this is what is in front of you and how I caught you; what this test is all about.  If you do not fight our wars and wish to throw out more terror plots, than forget being my teammate, roommate, master, captor, professor, enticing temptation, etc… just nuke all of you and let God sort this out.  Maybe the SWAT team will shoot you in the face or the eye several times and cut your head off for an example of how far we are prepared to go?  Go ask the SWAT team who is going to take you down, arrest you, or kill you; don’t even come near me or try to do business, or talk to me about taxing me.

If they try to do business with me, nuke all of them.  If they try to contact me, nuke all of them.  If they try to choose my teammates or friends, nuke all of them.  If they try to contact me in my home, annihilate all of them.  If they try to circle me or attack me, annihilate all of them.  If they demand money or tax me illegally, nuke the SOB.  If they give me more hell or landlord-tenants problems, annihilate all of them. If they try to pick a fight or bully me, nuke them with impunity.  If they try to brainwash me or fool me, nuke them with fury.  If they try to die for me or fight for our cause, use a tornado and typhoon.  If they dick around or so much shoot their mouth off, blow them away with a hurricane or a natural disaster.  If they beg for mercy or take longer, use the cold of winter to freeze them.  If they tell me to leave or go back to m home state, use a lightning bolt.  Now that is myth and that is their religion used back on them.  If they think they are tough, send a homosexual leader to pester them.  If they think they are rich or attractive, send a dirty pitbull with feces all over it.  If they try to turn me on or lead me on, send in Ann.  They are a tough nut to crack.  If they do not release me immediately or fix my mortgage problems, laugh at them and then make them laugh at each other.  Anybody else want to talk this out or try to make this about racism or sex abuse?  If so, step forward.  If they continue to blurt out they only want to help and it is their hope, starve them or deny them water.  If they try to learn satellite warfare or get employed, tickle every single one of them.  That should speed things up a little.

Man, draw them in and nuke the living F out of them, and then again for kicks.  If one of them gets up, nuke all of them again.  The SOB wants to do business with me and I am a wide open target; also financially vulnerable.  Someone’s ass has to hang for this!  I’m not sure if and Coulter wants to kill these people or destroy them in the most legal manner possible.  It looks like she just wants to go on their show, talk to them; and all kinds of things while they are in my life, all over me and shooting their mouths off or have me kidnapped.  Ann what is your objective here?  They are already totally crazy so you can’t drive them any crazier.  We are in a war with them, stop dicking around; I have major problems with my finances and a mortgage, this leaves me wide open and vulnerable.  They also want to business and won’t keep away; they want my money and for me to pay for my freedom or respect while this goes down.  When is the government going to get their act together and take these people down; the country is going to get destroyed over all of this dicking around and getting tangled up in life.  Who is to blame here, the criminals or the feeble court system?  Man, nuke their F’in asses to Kingdom dot com will you!  Nuke the shit out of all of them, then let God sort them out, that should teach them.  I have tenant-landlord problems all the time, endlessly now.  Do I need to be an open target while they take as many bites as they want out of me?

So you want to do business with us?  Really.  This is about watching or stalking us; and then taxing us illegally.  It is not about racism or hating the whites while adopting the black politics of the world.  Why in hell won’t you keep away and why do you keep trying to do business with me, rip me off, jack my bills up, or unload a bunch of lies and attacks on my life?  What is wrong with you Democrats?  You watch me and then tax the hell out of me and then try to claim it is the Republicans doing it.  You jack my utility bills up because you have access to my residence as the landlord and we get this kidnapping plot, etc… Let me guess, I have to pay you if I want respect and peace in life?  I have to pay you if I want freedom or to be released?  I have to pay your tax or you want to play a game about who has to go home?  You got some balls for such an inferior monkey.  We need all of your businesses shut down and for you to stop preying on Asian wealth or success.  We have to pay you if we want respect or freedom my ass; you will die for this because your options are now severely limited.  As far as picking my teammates and friends, let’s see how many more we have to take out or shut down.  You aren’t going anywhere; trust me on that, so just surrender to the police while you still have your head.

Whatever you did or tampered with in my car, it has been fixed.  All I need now is a new transmission and antique plates.  Also, I have a new vehicle now and it is a head turner; you can’t stop me now!  No more insurance problems either.  As far as my computers, I am not there yet but soon.  As far as my mortgage, I am trying to resolve the slander attempt.  It sounds like doing business with you or being hired clandestinely has been a very traumatic experience; for you also.  Not sure if the problems with Ann will work itself out.  So this is about respect and doing business with us so you can demand money or more money; you want my business and total control of my life, a terror plot.

Why in hell would you go to such lengths to brainwash me into believing white people are my enemies and black people are my friends or family; then radicalize me and utilize a terror plot to force or compel me to not hate you or embrace your communism?  Then you turn around and force yourself on my life by utilizing a close or union shop so that you can run every aspect of my life by kidnapping me; leaving no evidence.  We caught you and observed you doing the terror plots but you seem ahead of the police and investigators; just not me or Ann.  Now you try to pull off a cover up right in front of everybody?  Are you totally nuts?

Dear Fox News and Rush Limbaugh Forces:  You Zionists are the most corrupt and psychotic I have ever seen, far worse than the mafia or anything America can create.  However, we have you now and your options are very limited.  We know you are half communist and half traitor; however, your influence, control, and money is very powerful.  Insofar as your control of courts or purse strings, we are detaching all of them.  Choosing our teammates will get them taken out or worse.  Your hatred of the Protestants and Catholics has no part in our mission or government, secret or not.  As far as your money taking over, we call you a traitor for a reason.  Similar to the Hollywood trials and the early 1920s when your empire grew to enormous wealth; your fate and this Big Brother regulating every aspect of my life by choosing my teammates, friends, workmates, roommates, sex life, etc… will either get you killed, financially broke, or ignite a war on a level you have yet to even comprehend.  Continue to back up and ram into me or our mission in life; we know you are delusional and far worse than immoral.  As far as Dave and Ray, my current living arrangement, stop pretending to be a clone of my biological father; I know what you did to him and my siblings.  This is about hate and you are full of it.  We know you are also pulling the strings on the terror plots.  We know you are behind the assassinations in the 1960s and we know how influential your money is in the Catholic Church, whom is also corrupt.  Both of you are lovers and your money or marriage is really annoying; especially the Hollywood crowd and the California high tech problem.  You forgot there are monkey paws all over, a paper trail.  This was about your Middle East policies, using the US power as a front for communism and terrorism.  We don’t like you, it won’t work, and we know what you are up to.  You owe $2.5 billion so keep up the pressure on me or backing up and ramming me with my appointed teammates.

I know the basis of your terror plots and why you have decided to invade America or mobilize against us.  In my college thesis, I wrote the following, “Oil is the basis of our military power and this made it easier to stop communism by utilizing the Reagan Doctrine of ‘Outspending the Communists’.”  Which led me to the Middle East and studying the CIA and US policies of the past 50 years; I detected a mole due to my theater of knowledge and management of it; satellite warfare.  Therefore, you were spying on me but did not have a clue what you were reading; even to this day you imagine things not real or have a clouded memory.  From there we get one annoyance after the next, we get propaganda and environmentalism junk, we get all kinds of car problems, etc… As if you are in charge of America and the world.  Your goal was to blow up the Middle East or the world, start a nuclear holocaust to eradicate our normal happy lives.  Admit it and admit this is what you are doing now.  You also tried to penetrate the CIA so you would win the cold war knowing what I wrote was crystal clear logic (grade given by GMU Professors was a D, barely passing).  You turned out to be clueless and an idiot on the topics.  Now let’s address your high crimes and misdemeanors which are surely to garner the death penalty or worse.  It is too late to pull out or reverse history; you are guilty as sin and everybody knows it.  You are actually trying to sabotage the cold war and weaken America by proclaiming yourself to be nationalists, separatists, dictators, the police, and every single moral patriotic Christian value imaginable; it is all a web of lies and a web of deception to kill your enemies and keep your positions.  You know we need oil for war.  Your days of trashing our life and America are over.  Keep in mind you are being recorded and everything you say and do is documented.  Eventually the death penalty will be imposed; in secret or not.

The one clue you left for the investigators are monkey paws.  You left your fingerprint, which is a monkey paw; all over my life and it is a paper trail.  You then said Ann had to remove those monkey paws.  Then you said life will be easier if I do what you ask or if I cooperate while you regulated every single aspect of my life down to my sex or sexual encounters.  Those monkey paws and a damaged or broken life is evidence and clear intent of your motives.  Keep this in mind when you are prosecuted and on trial as terror plotters or behind the 911 plots.  Your goal is to call your Middle East spies home and give them a safe haven but we know more about them and your communist plot.  I do not know why they cannot read this or why they are trying to penetrate the CIA and vital defense secrets?  Furthermore, both Ann and I come from a spy catching family; either we are totally crazy or as immoral as you are.  Remember, you left those monkey paws everywhere and no matter what you do, I made sure you cannot remove them; ever.  You regulate every aspect of my life down to who I have sex with or marry; a prisoner 24-7.

TRYING TO CHOOSE MY TEAMMATES, JOBS, CAREER, ROOMMATES, AND FRIENDS:  It is not only unfair and demeaning, you do it blatantly.  I made it clear I do not need you or to be needy.  I made it clear the world is not racist or based on racism.  I made it clear I will not help you or be forced into helping you create a safe haven for Jewish spies or Middle Eastern spies even if Alaska (Chosen site) has oil and resources to make you feel powerful.  My writings clearly state oil as the premise of all warfare and the dynamics of it has changed due to my research and career in satellite warfare or computer security.  Life will not be easier if I become benevolent or if I give you what you demand, I refuse to do what you say or tolerate one incident or thousands of them.  What is more, I think you are far better at trashing your life than I am and as far as coming to my assistance, both Ann and I have proven who is better at this.  However, I have not trashed my life and that is where your problems begin.  I am not that bad at trashing your life, ask anybody; my life is written and set in stone.  Nothing you do will move it or remove it; legally that is.

TAKING CARE OF YOU OR BEING YOUR CARE GIVER:  Here we go with the communist plot and safe haven for terror experts.  Again, trying to choose my family, teammates, roommates, etc… This is the junk you are selling and in total denial while you sugar coat it or spin it to look normal, superior, logical, or just common sense.  You sell junk and you sell dead people who wish to die or will do anything on a whim.  You sell dirty work and terror, even murder.  I have asked for more hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, and tornadoes for continuously challenging me in life or every aspect of my life so I am angry or frustrated.  We know all about your search for a home or how much of a loser you really are.  This is the junk you are selling.  If you want to trash my life or force me into doing things I would rather not by suggesting life will not be hell or so hard; then prepare for war.  Deny it and try to lie to everybody as you scramble to cover it up.  This is not Club-Med for communist or terror plot spies.

You cannot tell who is fighting for whom?  Are you stupid?  Are we fighting you?  Are you fighting for us or are we trying to escape your plots?  Is this of any value to my $2.5 billion in legal damages or satellite warfare?  What about your grades and the economics of race?  Are you fighting for us or just dying?  I think you are in love with yourself and that is the core of the problems, just shut up and pull out before it escalates ten times more.

So what is your fate and what is returning to your existence, what exactly is your future?  One gay ass MF when it comes to war or being a hero; why in hell would you come to America to face the wrath and the power of superior human beings or persecuted superior religious people of morals?  We know you won’t pull-out and we know you cannot put the fires you start.  We also know you get the shit kicked out of you in a fight while you run your mouth or are knocked out by both men and women.  Human beings are not this stupid or evil; not in our world.  Wait, you want to me my master or leader?  I have my own people and my own team when it comes to war, obviously.  Do I need your war machine or terrorism?  Do I even want your terror plot while you demand a “thank you?”

Nobody said this was an official “fight.”  However, if it was a fight or even a war; the moment you go down or are taken down, I would kick the living daylights out of you for just shooting off your mouth and acting bold using my residence as a prison while making me pay rent.  Anybody who fights and leads their people into the Valley of Death as you do deserves a prize.  That is your prize for being so inferior and a taste of what your religion or beliefs are all about.  Of course you will try to cover it up and put the best spin on it, we can obviously see this.  I have never seen a gay ass loser act the way you do no less sit there with complete strangers, even your enemies, and trick them into taking care of you so you can spread communism or poverty.  Your fate is truly a slave and things are being returned and falling back into place.  We can see you are fighting this inferior fate or position also.  So yeah, get the shit kicked out of you and blurt out ridiculous stuff as you keep starting more fights and lighting more fires you cannot put out.  I think it is funny and I know how ridiculous your gay ass is, trust me.  Don’t go picking fights with people who are more superior or those who can severely hurt you!  Even if you got a taste of your own medicine, you keep turning into a frog and return to your fate as a screwy shameless homeless slave, wandering around our life; inferior and trying to understand our problems; unwanted attention and drive-by immigrant.  How dare you compare us to yourself while we kick you to death or have to fight in your Coliseums?  You need to leave immediately, pull out idiot.

By the way, who is my chick?  What have you done to her and what has she done to you?  How many times have you tried to ask her out or try to win her heart; embarrassed yourself to a point of death level.  Who has the harassment charges for being so inferior with chicks?  It must be the end of the world for you, this inferior.  Have you reported or admitted any of this yet?  So who is my chick and what did you try or what are you so scared of?  Yourself or your inferiority?  My God wait until people read or hear about the Ann Coulter story, that is how inferior you really are.  I admit we argue a lot and she pisses me off also.

Keep in mind; you are the ones who are relaying messages to me; not vice versa.  How many times have you said endlessly, “We are ready to die… we want to die… we don’t care… you need to leave…etc.”  I think worthless or useless is too flimsy of a word to describe you and fighting you don’t prove anything does it?  If so write it down so the world can read; or is this part on being family, you are my parents (living with me as Dave and Ray), you want to help, hope, it’s your home, we are damaged, we are victims of sexual abuse, etc… You also say really stupid things; does it make you feel superior or inferior?  How about now, do you feel or look inferior?  Do you think this will change and if you want to bet, will you write it down if you are so bothered?  Of course, you will change your story or try to be me (cloning and watching me carefully).

Ask Rush Limbaugh if he turned into a Prince or a frog, and why?  Ask the women at Fox News if you are a Prince or a frog; your world and ours.  Now ask what the evidence and all of this detailed written material indicate or show?  You cannot go any further and it is a long way down; if you had any shame or embarrassment; maybe you would not be so inferior?  You tell us where the end or the stopping point is; war?  Can you win war and are you going to be upfront about it?

I cannot mull over this case too much, this is what the police are paid to do.  Nobody is saying you are completely inferior or a science proven idiot.  What they are saying is regardless of what country you immigrate to, you will always be our slave and live in squalor.  Not all of you, most of you.  Furthermore, there is no scientific proof or evidence to say you are inferior or not at this time.  The prosecution is underway and there are a lot of eyes on this; trying to gather the evidence.  What I was trying to say is warfare or war at these levels typically proves on a scientific level who or what inferiority is, a complex in their own mind.  Molesting people or bullying them does not show you are superior; statistics show most of you end up working at car washes.  I mean come on, you can read.  Ching-Chong Chinaman or not; tell me you don’t have in the back of your mind the worry of this being proven, evidence surfacing, or you finally getting caught and returned back to your fate as a slave and being inferior?  We know how closely guarded you keep your war secrets and failures.  We know you are guilty.  We even stuck your face in it and you could not stop laughing, as the entire world saw also.  Today you are terrified of war or getting caught because it is the scientific proof to finally prove you are a slave and exactly how inferior you really were.  Why else would you wage war on us and then act like a complete dumbass or bitch on camera or parade this in our sacred life?  Genius?  So nobody is saying you are inferior and your fate is to be a slave; they are saying you are also covering this up and what your real identity scientifically proves in a court of law.  You are so inferior we may have to impose the death penalty or some form of punishment such as war.  Look at your behavior and look at what you are reading; tell me if you do not see the obvious either?  We could deport you to another country; the results would be the same.  We can wage war on you with totality; nobody is saying you are inferior or not.  You can read and understand what you are reading can’t you?  The police have not concluded you are inferior and the courts have not imposed punishment for exactly how inferior you are but the process has begun and most people side with me because we are not bothered by cover-ups, negotiations, lies, or more of your tricks.  If you are not inferior, leave and quit it.

Oh it is still about money or how immoral you are.  I need to shut up and move on right?  My residence, love life, and satellite warfare is a union shop remembers; I have to leave and you do not have to pay $2.5 billion in damages.  We caught you spreading communism and terrorism, surrender to the police or face innumerable consequences; you are not going any further and are proving war is needed to stop you and bring you to justice.  Your inevitable victim and church nonsense will be destroyed for this and you better knock it off quickly.  If you are bothered by this, a full report is needed and in clear English.  We know you are ashamed of America now and hate it; as you hate me and Ann, liars.

Remember, you are the one (African Leader and Labor Union leaders) who keeps dressing up similar to my dad and bothering us with unwanted attention or tricking us into something new.  You are the sworn traitor and whom we caught red handed in a secret war trap.  You are the one who is trying to be my landlord in the past and currently; to declare my residence a union shop.  You are the one who is bothering me 24-7 shouting hate filled garbage so you can tell me not to hate your ridiculous politics and policies.  The only person who is going to pay or should pay here is you; but the records indicate you are trying to make me the problem.  Ask the Duncan-White team presently who is or was trying to target my family and dress like my parents, straight out of a Hollywood Terminator movie.  Admit you are the inevitable victim and trying to spread communism to my life by trapping me.  Why else are you bothering us or kidnapping me?  Why else would you watch me closely or around the clock, similar to a prison guard; and then use a terror plot to turn the guilt or coverup your evil tracks?  What am I forced to watch every single day for the past three decades?

Dear Fox News and Limbaugh Terrorist Forces:  Your fate has already determined your hate.  You are the inevitable victim and you will and are turning into your fate, an inevitable slave; accept it and embrace it, I did not write the laws of the universe; you are definitely beating us to your fate but are going nowhere with my fate; get it yet or understand?  We can kick it up a little and put much more pressure on you, there is a point where a human being cannot lie anymore.  The price is $2.5 billion in damages and almost four decades of this nonsense.

Posted on Facebook for my High School and Childhood Friends:  “I see it in a logical way; I would not doubt it if the blacks invaded California so they can be the masters of Asians or high tech. They marched in every other state. They do that crap just to show they care or are not inferior. Tell em I said to F off and keep away or else there will be just a little trouble... tiny bit of it. Blacks hate people more than anybody else, an example is black on black crime; I have never robbed any of them or bothered them, never. What good are they and what future do they have, look at the academics and economics of race. All of them are communists unless they can stand on two feet in my world. My world is war and they are the inevitable victim of it.  I am royalty or come from it, they F with me; I will send them to hell on a first class ticket to nowhere. I suggest they end this war on my family or their racial profiling, Anti-Vietnam War protest; smoke that up won't they?  At least Asians respect the Mexicans who can cook stir fry better than any other minority (i.e. Thai people or labor union nutcases).”

Dear Fox News and Limbaugh Terrorist Forces:  Let me ask you something, let’s say we are married and in love; who the hell would go to war with you or could ever win this war with you in it no less not dead?  You get it yet, it’s a joke.

Dear Fox News and Limbaugh Terrorist Forces:  I did not know my residence was a union shop.  I did not know my love life was a union shop; I must be chasing your women or trying to sleep with them?  I did not know my mission and satellite warfare was a union shop; Pentagon approved, is this why you are following me or circling me?  I did not know these terror plots were about the “inevitable victim” among us and labor union violence; A Right To Work matter.  I did not know America was this inferior, corrupt, totally insane, a traitor, and wants to give us her “undivided attention.”  I didn’t know any of this but thank you for reminding me and telling me to leave.

I did not know my car or what car you drive proved you cared or are on the team of Asians.  It must be a minority thing?  It must be a race relation problem?  I did not know this is how you show support or your hatred; a national division.

I did not know being my landlord determined whether or not my home was a union shop and I had to pay and leave; now I know.

I did not know you were investigating and are our lawyers because my military mission is a union shop and war is a peace initiative against the labor unions, now I know.

It all proves what we already know.  Your breed and your existence is too inferior to be the police, to be our leaders, to be our spouse or comrade in war, or everything you have set out to prove to yourself; you got game man, nice shot.

Are you telling me I won’t accept your money when you throw it at me or you are telling me… extortion?  You just want a little tiny bit and then you will be gone, don’t be so selfish and stingy?

This proves and verifies what everybody already knows; you or your breed of humans are too inferior and corrupt to be the police or have a place in our new mission.  Furthermore, we could stick your face in your own crap; war is the only way past your foolish ignorance and corrupt existence.  What a religion you have or have created.  You are strong enough to survive and keep going but the pressure is enough to kill you because you have no shame and are totally nuts.  I know why you have so many problems with sex offenders and child molesters.  I know why you keep saying to yourself, “You know I love you.”  We love you enough to give you hell and if my plans fall into place; you will get hell for this and forever.  Your inferior breed is a gigantic black hole sucking us in with unwanted attention, showing off, non-consensual intervention, secrecy, and that annoying inferiority babble we all know about.  Let’s rejoice when all of you are fired, destroyed with impunity, and this breath taking brinkmanship becomes more real than your existence.  The question is when are you going to leave, isn’t it?  You will not get past me and this is as far as you are going; why even try to bring out my “secret love” for your existence?

You are a foolish, stupid, ignorant, inferior, crooked, worthless, and corrupt breed of human beings.  Your religion is a complete joke but all of you feel it is powerful and lacking hate, thus, you are the inevitable victim.  Life beats you down and everybody tries to benefit off you while you use lie after lie to suggest you are welcomed, in charge, and getting approval.  Right now you pretend to be law abiding citizens or even the ideal citizen and the truth us we hate your guts and you force yourself on us.  Rush Limbaugh describes your existence as “predators” and he said all of you are predators.  As I said, this is as far as you are going and your options will become less and smaller from here on.  You are ordered to give up and surrender but you are before a board of allied forces that are being drafted to battle you or wage war if needed; as we have.  These slogans are completely false and ignorant, yet you keep repeating it to my face or a drive-by.  We better get some results and this better get cleaned up the right way, not the illegal and “you are the problem” way.  As I said, you have for the past thirty years given us unwanted attention, tried to show off and parade your follies in secret or otherwise; thinking we were and are powerless.  It is to your demise and destruction of course and you are and were severely mistaken but not misunderstood.  How the police side with you or prosecute us is part of your corruption and manipulating the courts.  I suggest you pull out immediately before war is the only and respectable solution; this big attack you are planning is now in shambles, pull out immediately or face the ultimate consequences.  You have no options in the matter, none, a foolish, ignorant, crooked, inferior, and corrupt breed of humans.  Don’t compare yourself with us ever.  I suggest you fix my mortgage immediately and end this landlord kidnapping attempt.  Don’t go playing the Rocky theme either, you can’t fight this even if you get more totally insane.

Dear Fox News and Limbaugh Forces:  Your labor union leaders (landlords) are not going to drive me off my own site or my own life.  If needed, we will have civil war when and if the time comes.  You will face the charges and you will pay the consequences, if needed with your life.  This revolving door and trying to break our will or life will be your death sentence.  I remind you, this will be your last fight on planet earth; we know you are using the military and these terror plots to slip under the radar and blow past security measures in place to weed you out.  Why else?  You are preparing a massive attack and revolution.  Obama-Care is the spearhead of it.  I never said there is evidence on him, I said he is the spearhead, as we are.  Give up and surrender as ordered, the police are aware of this.  You cannot go any further and you will destroy this nation, our history, and everything you lay your hands on.  Show the world you can do the right thing; the consequences are already fatal and will double and quadruple.  This is as far as you can go, give up surrender to the allied defense forces.  Let’s just say this “option” will not be anymore “options.”

Heroine (from Your Dictionary Online):
1.  The definition of a heroine is a female who is noted for her courage or is the female main character in a movie or a book who everyone likes and admires.
2.  A girl or woman of outstanding courage, nobility, etc., or of heroic achievements
3.  The central female character in a novel, play, etc., with whom the reader or audience is supposed to sympathize

This problem with unwanted attention, stalking, and back and forth battles has destroyed my faith in Ann, most especially all the photo ops with men.  I hold Fox News and Limbaugh Forces directly responsible because they were doing this with me; a lot of unwanted attention and trying to show off their race politics or church policies.  There is a point where you stop ignoring them, hate their guts, and want to kill them.  Both Ann and I have superseded this threshold.  However, the unwanted attention continues and it is the same people trying to ease up and tell us they are no longer telling us to leave; only because they want to stay or cover this up by walking away guilty as sin.  Somebody has to fix all of this and someone has to put an end to this kidnapping; such as my mortgage problems.  My credit and career suffered and so did my relationship with Ann Coulter; everybody saw this but nobody is reporting it or doing a damn thing but changing their story and trying to say it was racism.  It is the same people who give way too much attention to others and those who are hated and those who claim it is racism (Jews, Blacks, and Catholics blaming the Protestants or America).  Ann was and is trying to put an end or kill this unwanted attention; but that got her in a lot of trouble wit me.  Why?  Was it a failure to report or tell the truth or too many lies already?  Maybe we need to sue the government for being toothless and aim all our war fighting capabilities or forces on the system?  Someone is dicking around and spreading this conspiracy.  We better see some results and some heads cracked; show no mercy!  Maybe the rivers need to turn red because of all this unwanted attention and constant kidnapping?


"Team" by Lorde

Wait 'til you’re announced
We’ve not yet lost all our graces
The hounds will stay in chains
Look upon Your Greatness and she'll send the call out
(Send the call out [15x])

Call all the ladies out
They’re in their finery
A hundred jewels on throats
A hundred jewels between teeth
Now bring my boys in
Their skin in craters like the moon
The moon we love like a brother, while he glows through the room

Dancin' around the lies we tell
Dancin' around big eyes as well
Even the comatose they don't dance and tell

We live in cities you'll never see on screen
Not very pretty, but we sure know how to run things
Living in ruins of a palace within my dreams
And you know, we're on each other's team

I'm kind of over getting told to throw my hands up in the air, so there
So all the cups got broke shards beneath our feet but it wasn't my fault
And everyone's competing for a love they won't receive
'Cause what this palace wants is release

We live in cities you'll never see on screen
Not very pretty, but we sure know how to run things
Living in ruins of a palace within my dreams
And you know, we're on each other's team

I’m kind of over getting told to throw my hands up in the air
So there
I’m kinda older than I was when I revelled without a care
So there

We live in cities you'll never see on screen
Not very pretty, but we sure know how to run things
Living in ruins of a palace within my dreams
And you know, we're on each other's team
We're on each other's team
And you know, we're on each other's team
We're on each other's team
And you know, and you know, and you know

"Lift Me Up" by Five Finger Death Punch

It ain't no mystery
I'm all I have left
I'm pushing back and running you over

I've been thrown down run around
Beaten 'til I hit the ground
Telling you right now that it's over

There's no room for mistakes
All the cards are in place
Say what you will but say it to my face

Better back the fuck up
Better shut the fuck up
I'll do what I want and I'll never give up

I won't be broken
I won't be tortured
I won't be beaten down
I have the answer
I take the pressure
I turn it all around

Lift me up above this
The flames and the ashes
Lift me up and help me to fly away
Lift me up above this
The broken the empty
Lift me up and help me to fly away
Lift me up

I'm gonna change history
Enlighten the world
Teach them how to see through my eyes

I'm gonna lash back check that
Fatal as a heart attack
Stomp out all the ugliest lies

You can't convince me to change
We ain't on the same page
I've had my fill now there's nothing but rage

Best get out of my way
'Cause there's nothing to say
Is that all that you got?
Because I ain't got all day

I won't be broken
I won't be tortured
I won't be beaten down
I have the answer
I take the pressure
I turn it all around

Lift me up above this
The flames and the ashes
Lift me up and help me to fly away
Lift me up above this
The broken the empty
Lift me up and help me to fly away
Lift me up

I won't be broken
I won't be tortured
I won't be beaten down
I have the answer
I take the pressure
I turn it all around

Lift me up above this
The flames and the ashes
Lift me up and help me to fly away
Lift me up above this
The broken the empty
Lift me up and help me to fly away

Lift me up to fly away
Lift me up to fly away
Lift me up

"Hail To The King" by Avenged Sevenfold

Watch your tongue or have it cut from your head
Save your life by keeping whispers unsaid
Children roam the streets, now orphans of war
Bodies hanging in the streets to adore

Royal flames will carve a path in chaos,
Bringing daylight to the night
Death is riding into town with armor,
They've come to take all your rights

Hail to the king, hail to the one
Kneel to the crown, stand in the sun
Hail to the king

The King...

Blood is spilt while holding keys to the throne
Born again, but it's too late to atone
No mercy from the edge of the blade
Dare escape and learn the price to be paid

Let the water flow with shades of red now
Arrows black out all the light (light)
Death is riding into town with armor,
They've come to grant you your rights

Hail to the king, hail to the one
Kneel to the crown, stand in the sun
Hail to the king

The King...


There's a taste of fear (hail, hail, hail)
When the henchmen call (hail, hail, hail)
Iron fist to tame the land (hail, hail, hail)
Iron fist to claim it all

Hail to the king, hail to the one
Kneel to the crown, stand in the sun

Hail to the king, hail to the one
Kneel to the crown, stand in the sun
Hail to the king!


"Pumped Up Kicks" by Foster the People

Robert's got a quick hand.
He'll look around the room, he won't tell you his plan.
He's got a rolled cigarette hanging out his mouth, he's a cowboy kid.
Yeah, he found a six shooter gun in his dad's closet hidden with a box of fun things.
I don't even know what but he's coming for you, yeah, he's coming for you.

[Chorus 2x:]
All the other kids with the pumped up kicks you better run, better run, outrun my gun.
All the other kids with the pumped up kicks you better run, better run faster than my bullet.

Daddy works a long day.
He be coming home late, he's coming home late.
And he's bringing me a dark surprise.
'Cause dinner's in the kitchen and it's packed in ice.
I've waited for a long time.
Yeah, the sleight of my hand is now a quick-pull trigger.
I reason with my cigarette
And say, "Your hair's on fire, you must've lost your wits, yeah."

[Chorus 2x:]
All the other kids with the pumped up kicks you better run, better run, outrun my gun.
All the other kids with the pumped up kicks you better run, better run faster than my bullet.

Ru-ru-run, run, run, run [4x]


[Chorus 4x:]
All the other kids with the pumped up kicks you better run, better run, outrun my gun.
All the other kids with the pumped up kicks you better run, better run faster than my bullet. 

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.