Yes we know you are and have been trying to coax
people into doing work for you, helping you, or buying your junk. We know this already. We also know you are irresponsible and a
coward who cannot accept responsibility for your own life or crimes; you call
it hope and being weak on crime. We also
know your wrath is based on how caring and nice you are, always trying to help
or just being too nosy and intrusive.
You are a scared little phony who wants to know who is strong enough,
powerful enough, or smart enough to stop you and stop the communist movement in
America . We know all of that and moving or leaving is
your problem, not my problem. If you
have a problem with all of this, then you move.
If you think I am going to worry about you, for you, or with you; than
you are totally insane and delusional.
Add this to your indictment and F off; take a bath will you, your total
mess really stink! We know and I have
made this clear before, this is about hate and the 1960s; also communism. (Thank Dave White in the back or the landlord for
explaining this to me in 2014; in my own residence and while I pay good
rent! Add that to the refund!)
If you can do all that such as ruin my credit score or finances and do this in front of us; than if we can respond or retaliate with hurricane force power or even a tornado; then that is how really low you are on the totem pole and how they view you. Furthermore, you are not going to investigate or pretend, in your fantasy world; when you are this low on the totem pole and in this much trouble. How are you going to fight this one? How are you going to win this one? Yeah okay, you are going to interrogate us and get us to talk or tell you who knows about you and who can wipe you out? Are you insane or just playing crazy? Don’t ask me how you are going to stay inAmerica
as a criminal or terrorists; I am not sympathetic or ever was really. That is how much trouble you are in and what
your civil war and terror plots got you.
You are not the investigator and we are not going to put up with one
more minute of this. Furthermore, just
know your place and go there before there is more trouble before your arrest,
prosecution, and imprisonment. This is
what you are protecting and placing your life on the line for. You want to know who is powerful enough to
fight both the Jews and Catholics. I
don’t know who, who? Are you done
investigating yet or just an inevitable broken victim?
Everybody knows so each time you lie and play this game of yours as a caring but scared little bitch waging war on us; your confidence will probably get a hurricane or tornado; a wrath of God you fear even more than the laws or the police. If you are all that as you claim, then here is your chance to show how real you truly are. Keep shooting off your mouth, you will probably get your state ripped to pieces or flattened, that is what people think about you and how low on the totem pole you truly are.
If you can do all that such as ruin my credit score or finances and do this in front of us; than if we can respond or retaliate with hurricane force power or even a tornado; then that is how really low you are on the totem pole and how they view you. Furthermore, you are not going to investigate or pretend, in your fantasy world; when you are this low on the totem pole and in this much trouble. How are you going to fight this one? How are you going to win this one? Yeah okay, you are going to interrogate us and get us to talk or tell you who knows about you and who can wipe you out? Are you insane or just playing crazy? Don’t ask me how you are going to stay in
Everybody knows so each time you lie and play this game of yours as a caring but scared little bitch waging war on us; your confidence will probably get a hurricane or tornado; a wrath of God you fear even more than the laws or the police. If you are all that as you claim, then here is your chance to show how real you truly are. Keep shooting off your mouth, you will probably get your state ripped to pieces or flattened, that is what people think about you and how low on the totem pole you truly are.
Okay, why in hell would I worry for you, about you, or with you? We are complete opposites down to the core. Our social class is completely different. You can see and you can read what is in front of you; so don’t walk by me and say “he isn’t even worried” or “why isn’t he worried” when you see what is in front of you. I think you are just trying to increase the demand for scumbags or your politics; however, there is no shortage of supplies on your dumbass. Things will be okay my ass; you see how we fight this civil war and how we win hearts and minds don’t you?
Answer: How are you going to fight this or this one? Try a terror plot or reverse the blame as always. Put us into ruin or panic; maybe piss us off 24-7. Even better, take it to the public and get media attention; you know how much they hate that one. As I said, you need to surrender to the police; you don’t fight this one or keep trying. Find out yourself and the hard way but just keep away and stop dicking around or shooting off your mouth, it is really annoying and disruptive.
Everybody knows you are contacting us to throw off investigators, admit it. Why else would you do that after getting caught? We are giving you the chance to help investigators or turn yourself in, admit it? Keep this in mind when you are finally broken, when you have no more pain left inside, when your funds are cut off, and when all of this has finally caught up with you. We know it is about immigration and your church; also welfare and dependency. What else would it be about, the 1960s?
When your terror plotters are arrested, ask them why there are so many shootings near military bases, in
The reason why you should not or cannot be near military bases is not how you move or what you do; it is how we move or what we do. It is paralysis. You prevent the military from deploying, and then lie about it. You give people freedom and prevent them from calling the police, but you clog the streets and circle military bases. We know you live on the fringe and our life is shut down or bled slowly. Meanwhile, you call them criminals and mentally ill. How do you see yourself? Exactly.
Let’s discuss why you should not be near either a military base or vulnerable children thoroughly. Rush Limbaugh has been very frank and gracious to explain your thinking or why you try to do the opposite or say the opposite; it has no meaning as junk. Limbaugh has said all of you are “predators” and are “hardcore” because being real means you are “beyond guilty.” He also said “everybody knows it” but we have not seen any proof of this yet. There are a few very important reasons why you need to keep away from military bases and vulnerable children.
1. Your attempts to generate complaints is
nothing more than a clandestine legal war.
You do this in the open and right on TV or radio, lie beyond the scale
of measure.
2. By keeping yourself near military bases or
vulnerable children, your dangerous behavior and verbal assaults try to
paralyze or trip people up; confuse them to make mistakes. You actually think it is a sport and a method
to “double team” human beings. You want
to terrorize them, cause tremendous grief, or make them look like either
failures or incompetent.
3. Your competent methods are underground;
similar to crime, and very difficult to flush out. You use NY or the financial strings of NY to
expand, penetrate, or seize control. This
is how you get near and by not caring you walk around on a long leash. In other words, the immigration and politics
of NY did not oppress you enough, weak on crime.
4. Besides giving others way too much attention
and being way too dependent, your encirclement strategy is nothing more than a
Trojan Horse to break down the will and standards of others.
5. I would say you are totally crazy and live on
the fringe. Therefore, you are willing
to take huge risks and then you have to take even bigger risks to cover it up
or escape. People see you as ignorant
but you hide it well and use this to seek control or take prisoners.
6. Obviously you always want kids. You use kids and race mixing for ulterior
motives or political objectives, to frustrate others. Yet you need stolen DNA or purchased people,
until you are ran off, ran over, or made to ran away. Not only will you do all this and hide it;
you will lie blatantly to make others look crazy or the problem; part of your
complaint generation cycle.
7. Lastly is your politics or political
participation; protection. Not only is
it deceitful but it is totally corrupt.
You feel humans are orphans; do you actually think that is a legal
defense or any judge will keep a straight face if you used it? You think you are the parents of total
strangers and those who hate your guts.
If nobody kills you, then you feel it is proof you are right or God.
8. There are a lot more and a lot of reasons
such as your fortitude, persistence, the false scale, how you win or try to,
how long it goes on, etc… As I said, the
closest thing we get to Black politics is Irish politics; but this was and is
never about oppressing you. You want to
stay so you tell people to leave. You
want to work so you… You want others to love you or show respect, so you…
endless.I think it is obviously clear you need to be as far away from a military base as possible instead of doing this encirclement, city dweller, or generating complaints thing. Not only are you dangerous to a military base, but you need to stay away from children especially if you can use them as propaganda or some benefit. It is not the problem with how you live on the fringe or how rotten corrupt; it is a few other matters. Of course you will never heed those warnings and you will try to get closer, we know that already.
Busted again in the early to mid
weeks of June 2014 trying to trash things, make life hell, pushing drugs and
alcohol, and making unwanted contact or dialogue. Retaliation and counter-offensive deployed;
objective is to shut down their funding and eradicate their organizational
base. Secondary objective is to drive
them away from government service and trap them in the private sector prior to
arrest and prosecution. They want to be
treated as VIPs and want us to kiss their feet also!
________________________________________________________________________Are they the same type of crazies or lunatics we hear about on the news? It seems as if every time I turn on the TV, I see another gun toting criminal trying to be fighting something, someone, or running from the police.
If they are totally insane and don’t even care or respect the rights of other human beings; I suggest their leadership take them out before their funding is cut or forcibly removed. Trust me, it won’t come back. Furthermore, they already have the death penalty for existing charges, so the lip service and their way of massaging getting busted, trashing our life; is not very smart. All we have to do is figure out a way to cut their funding and they all will be on their knees begging. As I said, it was already time to surrender to the police, stop hiding in the underground or behind criminal elements. As we said and have proven, they are completely worthless and totally insane; but also in charge of something. Without any objective, all they are doing is trying to anger us and tick off the entire world; and make the police look feeble. That is the impact of being weak on crime or criminals.
Dear Fox News and Rush Limbaugh Radical Terror Street-Crew Forces: Here is the problem and here is why you are in so much trouble or facing the cut-off of your funding. Do Asians look black? Do Asians look Irish? Do Asians look Catholic? Do Asians have similar problems or are going through the similar problems you all are? Do we need to know about your problems, life problems, or how superior you feel? Does it look like we want to be your friend after three decades of this? Does it appear to you we are providing sanctuary or actually trying to hang you, the hangman? The Irish are the closest thing we will ever get to being blacks, although some actually think they are black. Moreover, blacks duplicate or emulate the Irish and Jews; therefore, your unity is based on an oppressed group or a group always living on the fringe because you are hated or scare people with your demands of friendship. I don’t think I am close or the closest thing you will get to Catholic either. I am not black. I am not Irish. I’m not even Catholic or a radical. So F your unity and F your politics or political demands (by the way, take a hike; both Ann and I hate your guts). F your problems and F your dream of having a good looking Asian to represent you or become your US diplomat, deployment; stop hitting on or bothering good looking perfect people, it is really F’in annoying. We are not your diplomatic team and you cannot ride our coattails. Ann is not Catholic either, stop turning this into your disaster or your church problem. Do you really think we care about your problems or even want to listen to any of you or be taught what your needs are? Really? Lastly, the only person going home, moving, or leaving is you. You are the one facing a shutdown or getting your funding cutoff. Remember, Irish and Jewish are the closest thing you will get to blacks; my life can do without your hiring needs or what kind of car you drive, really. Do I honestly look and sound Irish, Black, or Catholic to any of you? I also got rid of all the drunks and junkies decades ago.
Review the OJ Simpson Case and compare it to the terror plot; that is what they are trying to do. Furthermore, it is linked to both
Fox News and Limbaugh Terrorist Forces know I won everything with Ann and Ann won everything with me; no not a few things, everything. Than how come the police do not know or are saying anything about it? Why is Fox News demanding proof before they release us or allow us to have our liberties? They have some nerves… some nerves. Furthermore, they continue to throw a wrench in operations and every aspect of life. When it comes to private matters such as dating, love, marriage, and even career aspects; I suggest you try the traditional time tested methods. Where you learned this and who you think you are is so far beyond the scope of reality, you keep on blurting out you want to die and go on TV with a face of guilt and fright. Oddly, it keeps going on and on while you also blurt out “sorry” and really stupid things to make your church sound a little bit more normal and liked. We treat you just the same way we treat manure but you persist on and on. Ann is sending you a message as you keep sending me; as it has to do with manure and what is in your mind. You want to hide what is in your mind but your art form was to try and destroy or kill us, now damaged severely because you are looking for servants to work free, slavery. Don’t even try to show off or impress us with your blacks, they are worse failures than you all are, the bottom of the totem pole. Do you even know what is at the top of the totem pole or are you trying to climb it? You continue to try and damage our life, as we speak, to shut us up and escape and we cannot escape your deadly trap. The way you are doing this to people is chilling because it is very real and totally fake. Your politics is the politics of destruction, to impose communism.
I knew your church was corrupt but the world did not know it was this totally insane. What an asshole and a dumbass. It was also an ingenious stroke of strategy to abduct or try to rape and murder, no less mess with the private life of our best female warrior in the cold war. Let me say this again, our best female warrior who is very familiar with another cold war warrior who will probably rip all of you to shreds or leave you with nightmares and indescribable grief. I won’t mention what your ingenious stroke of luck did to him either. Now I have to listen to some ditsy bitch talk about showing off at football camp while she tells me to leave, move, or shut up. As I said, we will eventually figure out a way to cut off your public funding and wage a public aped up campaign to cut off all of your private funds. The funds will go to me of course; compare your choices and whose team you decide to be on because you are really ticking us off. $2.5 billion and arrest is not as bad as what we can do to you or how we fight this war on the church of totally insane communist assholes. Imagine a world where we can cut your funding based on the number of charges you rack up such as terrorism, kidnapping, attempted rape, attempted murder, etc… and put an end to your church of total lies. You probably did a photo op with Christ and pissed him off also. Now you are really going to see war so stop telling me you come in peace and only want to be friends or help. Who the hell messes with our best female warrior? You have lost your coconuts for sure (Fox News 6/15/2014 9:43:13 AM called me a comedian, the nerve of them!) I am not saying I have the power to pull all of their funds, I am saying I can threaten to as soon as I figure a new way!
Wait until we figure out a new way to cut their funding. On the chopping block are the people behind all of this or those who sought to benefit, one shot only. When an organization faces cannibal forces from within and is also being attacked from the outside; they will play the only card they have, victim. Hence, any enemy or precarious “other” force of communism will try to take advantage of our kindness or manipulate us, a game of trickery and deceit. Hence, they kept on saying how they “knew us so well and are on the same page” because they are going through the same war (Vietnam Syndrome). How wrong can they be? Eventually, their funding and other sources of funding will be cut off and for good reason. They want us to leave or move but they only want to stay or continue this. That is their backbone and why they hang on for dear life.
Just read below… it explains everything; or the 1960s. We don’t need to oppress them, we need to wage war back on them with impunity!
How are your photo ops with us going? Feel a little turmoil or confusion yet? Are you an oddball or do we know who you are, look at the photos and images of your religion?
Their church is not shutting down, they want to do business with the Asians and oil cartels; how convenient, all because they are corrupt and do not hate. Look at their current and past immigration policies, church of the poor?
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