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Tuesday, January 13, 2009


1/13/2009 4:06:35 PM I have told Ann and informed her she is in a ring of fire and surrounded by corruption; no less the same as myself. She was told to make it to the perimeter before the doors are locked and shut. We have to weld the doors until we can reach another level and achieve a level of goals. So once that door is shut and locked; she has to decide who she wishes her friends to be and who she will become. That was the situation she was in and the door were shut and locked on her because of a refusal to make it out or shut the gates. She was told of the surge of attacks, the near panic and counter attacks, the cyber attacks, and the full menu by the terror plotters which she could awaken badly and at a very bad time. If she is going to disrupt and be uncooperative while the terror suspects and her own kidnappers run circles in her life, then the doors have to be locked and sealed. She is gone and one of them; they have her blackmailed or trumped where her options are limited.

Ann is taking too many chances and making too many mistakes. There is a lot of pride and honor to see who can get the best of whom. Who can cause the most problems for whom? Who can attack whom and for what reason. That is the ring of fire. That is the terror plot. That is the duality. That is the insanity. Dealing with her 10,000 fans and enemies on her golden stink fest is not a pleasant experience and has not been; yet she manages to keep others focused and in their place somehow. Ann manages to push things and sour relationships while being able to keep others focused or loyal. Professional is one thing; dishonesty in relationships is another whole matter. She was given proper warning and told to take immediate actions which became a sluggish appeal and some contest with insane terrorists. If she is going to take these chances; at least fight on the side rescuing her and providing her aid and comfort.

If she abandons them she looses. If she stays, she will do so with honors and act as some mediator. She was told to come out of the house and she refused and the doors and gates were shut to prevent further damage. It is an open door policy while in a state of war. Now they are asking for ransom and in the last leg of the terror plot. She is no longer acting on their behalf. They no longer trust her. The only thing she can do or become is a bargain chip which is what this sounds like; maybe some threat or blackmail as she was describing but refused to say fully. There was some sort of impropriety. The problem with this low quality are slaves who want to subordinate us and sign us up or claim we wish to sign up for; nobody signs up for this. As slaves they no less can tell right from wrong, only blame if things go wrong for them. Ann’s problem is she keeps saying five more minutes and likes to work at the last minute or under extreme dangers; she cannot deal with the results of risk taking however.

She is tied up in some financial scheme where dependency prevents her from actions or swift action. She either owes a debt or is entangled over her head but immediate exit is not possible without some negative impact or punishment. Maybe a contract dispute or some friendship issue? She is chained and unable to run for the doors before harm occurs; she wants more fighting and more controversy. Mostly, she wants her name and reputation back on a different term. I had told her story and she did squat and minimal action; but the change was total reversal overnight for some. Right now she is too dependent on certain people who are behind the attacks but she no less cares or wishes to do anything about it. Is she whining? Is she a victim? Is she winning? Are they dumb and stupid? The gates have to be shut and she must run for the doors before it is too late or get caught behind enemy lines and locked in. You cannot tell who is doing what now because of her. They are all dependent and exploiting each other badly. There is a lot of anger and resentment. There are murder plots and kidnappings. There is a lot of insanity going on in her ring of fire and her acceptance of it.

The way Ann has been acting suggests she is too greedy and wishes to win it all using risk taking even commandoes would not rationalize. She has proven she wants to take a bullet for these people and they admire and exploit her for this. Winning it all and the approach is causing a lot of discontent on all sides but is now about pride and conviction. It is off the scale insanity when it is linked to a terror plot and ransom. It is confusion when you cannot tell who is shooting at whom or why. Sometimes to win it all you have to be quiet and surprise someone. Being confrontational and a victim is not a winning strategy, it never has. It is like Rambo in Somalia.

Ann doing shows is not a problem. Her support staff hiding her work or directing it to web sites or pawning her star influence is. If they benefit and create and open door to attack; the moat will be lifted and the doors sealed and locked shut with her in there with them to fight it out. Life moves on. She should have ran or emailed them immediately before things got worse for everyone. She should have taken steps to not be exploited and a victim. She should take steps to not earn a name like Bhutto and her corrupt husband. One email would have settled the score quickly and stopped the attacks or cyber terrorism of her protection racket. It is crystal clear she is guilty. She is not behind it or doing it; but she is keeping the door open while we are locking it and sealing it so nobody can come in or out. Ann is crazy but it is for a good cause; right now she is entangled with very bad people who strike out and plot her demise. They are the terror network we have been working on. They are behind the numerous attacks which is now a private matter to remain in her close circle of friends and decide who she can speak to or get information from.

If they test her loyalty or stupidity; then equal inflection must be put on Ann. If they exploit her voice or relation to further this terror network or strike out at the source; then Ann must be grounded. However, she is not very good at this and is accustomed to taking orders for feeling pain from those who she loves and exerts pressure on her. So when her staff exploits her voice or furthers this corruption and protection racket; Ann gets grounded. If she ignores the warnings, then measures are propagated until she grabs the horse by the head and bites it until it bleeds. If she cannot put the brakes on then she is destined for the cliff or isolation, twenty years of work and love lost due to pride and a few misfit friends. Hey a few bucks are worth it. It shows us the level of stupidity and the lack of strategic thinking involved or the poor quality described by a cop like government attitude of some right wingers. They get very little results or total destruction with too much work and effort. Welcome back to the management of the Cold War where you cannot even trust the one you sleep next to. A lot of people blamed the Caucasians for creating a massive mess of this world; she is trying the same mindset by riding two waves this time. I would suggest trying to be a normal and likeable person; but it is an act to see if it works and who it draws in. It is marked poor quality and low government standards; the era of racial division. Ann is surrounded by hate groups who like her message but hate her private life or her true identity.

Ann feels she is some sort of New Age leader and has ultimate power over everybody; who is fine on a professional level; but not a private one. This is about her staff, their protection racket, them exploiting and blackmailing her, and their incentives to make more money off her when she is gone. Now they wish to work together or do more terrorist hits and cyber attacks on us which is a serious charge on Ann Coulter and her staff. It is almost an act of war if it was not a private affair and involving those who claimed to be her friends and stalkers. So she is not a victim, she likes to swim in the sewer and have her way. She knows they can black mail her. She knows she can be culpable. She knows she can take them over the edge. She knows they are after her now.

Ann knows she cannot please all parties in this. She just wants to win at all cost and swim in the sewer again for her own pride and personal satisfaction; it is her private life and her support, her chosen helpers; not the shows or interviews. The attacks are used for opportunity to stay and not be fired as close friends who conspired her ruin and misery; unless they profited by her seduction of them. This is a fight between a spouse and her friends and sidekicks; all of whom have stalked her and tried to rape her. She loved it enough to go back to them or only want to look in their eyes and play more games with her enemies. They cyber attacks are getting so persistent now and the source is the police. There is a secret army on me and it has to do with her videos. Her videos, Lisa, and Rush not leaving the circle of fire; and he way they do this is to terrorize others or attack them in the night. These people and the other side are very forceful and demanding people and their way of business is to sneak up at night or when others sleep. The denial of service and blocking internet is just a harassment tactic by the police to get work from us while we beat them back also. They no less can produce but they do not want to be blamed for the poor quality and shabby work evident. It is the police and it has to do with those close to Ann staying and not leaving when asked; the stalker.

As her life partner, two or three deranged stalkers were enough; crying fits was enough; them attacking and constantly attacking her family or kids was enough; she being exploited and stalked by them was enough; keeping tabs and forming a terror network of corruption was enough; so causing problems for her family or loved ones is not number one on Ann’s mind at this time nor is their welfare. Ann is willing to risk everything to get everything back; but the road traveled is not on her mind. This is about her private life which is mismanaged and filled with vicious hate groups, stalkers, corruption, destructive pictures, destructive relationships, pure exploitation, and fires that burn wild and carried by the wind. Now you know Ann Coulter and her world; yet she said it was a firewall for those she loved and cared for. Someone and somebody is lying and while nobody knows, the attacks and deranged stalker or kidnapping burns cherry red.

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.