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Sunday, January 25, 2009


1/22/2009 10:32:04 PM Ann, get on your knees and explain to me why a mob of Jerry Springer stalkers are jumping over chairs and heading my way or claiming to be lovers, admirers, and more than I am with you? When I say on your knees and explain; I mean dare me to say no. I have been chided, taunted, and faced six months of hooker-tic tactics for the past six months while you have begged, cried, and poured your heart out to me. I don’t care who you are or think you are or how much moollah you have and want. You want to fight with me and run with me? Is this a fucking joke? Are you fuckers weird or just acting it? Do you want me to love you or leave you? Are you daring me?

Give Ann Coulter a chance at love and marriage? By the time you sue the hell out of them; I will be with another woman and long gone. But you got your name back and you stopped them all. I do not know what to tell Ann but to move on; it is overwhelming and paralyzing. She needs to know I hung on and tried as long as I could. She hung on for six years but I let go after six months. I have medical problems (flesh eating bacteria which require surgery, skin cysts, rashes, and a host of dermatology issues. I have taken pictures of all the injuries.) Ann is not telling me she has some emergency or medical emergency; so this running around and partying or the attitude will hurt her badly; the cougar act is not how to make your partner feel good. Either she is crazy or this is crazy.

Every time I go to FReep for information on Ann or Pop Modal; I am reminded she is a tramp and a slut with pictures. Notice, the date which Pop Modal and this guy JeffersDodge came onto the scene after reading Ann’s emails and finding out she had a beau for 20 years. If they survive then I will know it was because of Ann. She is the one advertising them. Not only did they have pictures, they wrote how close friends she was. They presented themselves in a certain manner to be more convincing while acting like they had a serious intent or an academic purpose. If Ann is advertising she is my tramp or my sleaze bag; I have made it clear to her what I want and need. She need not accentuate every single word or phrase; that is a sign of a mental problem. She is advertising she is the sleaze bag of someone, but it is not me. Take it and her back!

This is linked to Rush. JeffersDodge and RonDog were sending me love letters for Ann; I told Ann I was pissed off. She is pyramiding by backstabbing each boyfriend; who is next? She dates one, and then dumps them. She does this to get back at this one, and then dumps them by pyramiding. I was mad and she was mad; so I understand that part. Punishing me twice was horrific. FReep is linked to Rush and Sean; it is the same central or network we had snared; it is a communist and terrorist group. They are dressed as conservatives. The suspects are the police. The suspects are in charge. The suspects are doing this. They destroyed Ann! Nearly annihilated her! That is why Sean Hannity was freaking out lately.

Here is power and I will say it, get on your knees. Is it fair to say if I find a woman who can act like a spouse, a girlfriend, a true union, and more; I would choose her? You must and have to start acting the role Ann, even if you despise and hate it okay. I am so done with telling a 50 yr old woman how to act like a good spouse or a good choice to marry. Yet you talk about black husbands and white single mothers? You all are so dysfunctional. I am ready to runaway from all of this the moment I find a girl who wants to also. She is going to save me from you also. Have you heard what the Jerry Springer crowd said about me or why they were jumping over chairs and acting as weird as you? I want and I need a stronger woman with more fight. I do not want someone to think they are Jesus and wishes to be crucified. I am so fed up with this dip shit act. We are commandos not dip shits.

Ann, I told you already; I am trying to get another woman so if you want to feel what real hurt is; be this hero and try to stop all of these nuts, shoot yourself. Why are you the only one trying to stop these people? Why are you letting them in my life? You are racking up points and if I had another woman now; I promise you on my life; this would end quickly. Not only this; I would play you and make you hurt so badly for just refusing to act like a decent spouse and getting all the credit for one. I gave you the credit; you went and dumped it over and over as if you are protesting. Sell me a car missing the wheels? You give me the biggest headache. It is not others or your career as you said. I am so certain, I am willing to destroy you after 20 years and make you suffer for eternity. I am confident and am trying so hard not to betray you. It is just thin ice and it will not support two people as you claim; way to thin.

I tell you I am only into marriage and family and you tell me that is you. does anybody out there or can anybody state without a doubt you are acting like a good wife, spouse, or do not need to read a book on marriage and how to be a wife? You gave me everything I wanted in life or pissed me off so badly I had to tell you to get on your knees and read a book on marriage or get therapy? Are you as sane and reality as you claim here? I am not going to marry a media prostitute and someone who cannot fight. I will find a stronger and better fighter with less looks and money. I like sophisticated fighters and the martial arts type; peace while insanity and discord. I like the types who tell me how badly they will hurt their rapists or guys who prostitute them. You are way out there. I pull you in, you wander off and I am so ready to give up.

Ann, when you are ready to tell me why I have to buy you a book on love, a book on marriage, a book on having a reputation as a tramp, a book on how to have a healthy personal life, a book on stalkers who send love notes to your spouse, and pictures of you dining and at exclusive get together; let me know when you are going to grow up and stop acting like a 50 year old woman. I have never had one problem in my life with any girl or any relationship. “Driving liberals crazy huh…” do you want to see how I drive liberals crazy? I need a woman not a “that.”

I am advising you to read books on relationships Ann. I have asked you to seek therapy for what you told me; how you feel; how scared you were I would reject you; how much you sacrificed or how hard you worked; and how you blamed your pundit life and “good and dear friends.” Do you think or describe our relationship as high quality or a healthy and positive relationship? I have taught you and you have taught me a lot about life; how do I teach you to love? I am so near to blaming you for everything and feel I have to quiz you and test you to see if you have some psychological problem or need therapy. I said I reached by boiling point and if I had a girl or a new one; I am locking all the doors; I am so fed up and sick of this. You can blame who you want, do not ask me to fight your battles anymore while you feed them.

As I said to you, get some therapy; I am sick and tired of fighting your battles while you allow the images of sticking a knife in my back. I did not say you did, I said your friends did and why; and you act like some social idiot. Dr. Phil is a great person to get therapy or help from; specifically marriage and relationships. I do not and never have needed advice or help on this; you are overwhelmed and I have helped you as much as I can tolerate from you. I have some problems with your life Ann; but I am overwhelmed with problems in my own. How much worrying do you want from me or are asking? You and these people have a half ass fight going. Meanwhile, I got a terror cell and maniacs telling me they are not phony soldiers. Why the fuck is I in this situation and dealing with half ass or maniacs?

Ann, do you want me to stay with you and denigrate you daily or move on to a healthy and positive relationship with a real woman who has fight in her? Ann falls in her place when denigrated. She is going to get denigrated on this end; she thinks she is a crucified hero. Truth is I need a woman who has fight in her. Why would you suck up or suck them Ann, they denigrate you, can you tell me why you like abuse? Can you tell me why you like abuse from me? Is this your role or are you another nut case? I need someone with fight not a half ass coward. I throw machine gun lightning kicks and have the most deadly hand to hand combat strength, but I am a commando; I do not admire this and my carpet kitten. I can act as good as or better than Ann. Stop putting half ass people near me or with me.

I am reaching the point where I cannot tolerate you, the antics, the false rap about you being a tramp, the stalking, the prostitution of your life and name, etc… there are limits on things and life and if this is your way of pleasing your spouse, then you need to buy a book on marriage and relationship. I have told you so many times, I am only into marriage and family; what you and your terror gang or associates want from me; is not going to happen okay. You all are inferior and do not know what love is. You all are dysfunctional and do not even love yourself. What the hell is wrong with you all? Marriage and love is not the territory of an idiot.

Look, if I come to you and ask you to marry me; I am going to try to present myself in a little better predicament. I would clean up my reputation. I would take some steps to make sure nobody harms my family. I would read a book on marriage or love if I had problems or some issues. 10,000 lovers and admirers is wonderful. I am so glad for you, you must be some gem. I have created a lot of others and a few women who are becoming really good or as good as you. You are going off Niagara Falls in a barrel. There really is no point in doing so but some people think so. This problem is so bad I have told you to get help and therapy and understand how I feel or the mess you created. You asked me to fight your battles and I did; then you fed and clothed the people you claimed were doing it and I just stood and looked at you with a blank stare also. I said you were terrified of upsetting me and that is not true; or hiding something because you were afraid of upsetting me, also not true.

Why in hell are you cooing LA? Most if not all of this hype and tramp reputation originated there. It is really damaging to your own marriage you do understand this? It is all false but you need to figure out if you are going to make it a legal issue before you are fighting by yourself for invaded and conquered territory. You have fought my battles honorably and loved it; I have hated every single minute of fighting yours. Mine has nothing to do with boyfriends and lovers. Mine is strictly military, security, politics, history, and the Vietnam War; not lovers, friends, and salacious prostitution of someone I have feelings for. I am close to ending this fight and moving on. I am near that ledge. I tried to tell you how I was turning on you and blaming you; I have sought others or their opinions. Your Jerry Springer cheering crowd is going to ruin your life, are you an idiot? Have you lost your mind? Why in hell would you bring a Jerry Springer rowdy crowd in our life?

You need to read a book on marriage and love; I do not have time to teach your staff, close friends, deranged fans, promoters, publicists, media work mates, etc… I have my hands full with you. The worst part is they slobber over you and I am the real source and power. You are terrified of abandonment because you have issues and problems. I have never had problems in relationships only others who make problems. I am a magnet for insane women or pieces of crap. Why, I do not know but they take advantage of my kindness and how sweet I am. They are insane.

Sometimes taking them to court or suing the hell out of them is a way to tell me you are sorry or did not wreck our marriage. RonDog and this JeffersDodge were sending me video love letters to you and rubbing it in my face. Then they began to “censor” me as I said to cut off agreements due to the stalking problems. I am the security expert and I am the pro; you are not and if you do not listen to the warnings; you will be abandoned. Your nightmare will come true. Syncro is the most evil of all; he acts nice and lures victims in. Read the way he talks and acts, a predator, to lure a victim in and it is a murder plot; there is one almost every god damn month. RonDog is the fall guy or the scape goat; the village idiot. This Jim Robinson might be the Gramps on Texas Chainsaw, “famous Robinson family of Fresno.”

Now I am convinced you need to buy books on relationships, marriage, and love and be quizzed intensively to determine if you are nuts, insane, or have some psychological problem which prevents you from a normal life. If you want a boyfriend or a husband, to keep 20 years of this, the best way is to begin by acting like one or a great one! Note a great one because you are rubbing up on greatness and the frustration is unbearable. Your clan of cave bears is not liked. If you cannot recognize or see greatness; then do not act like you are the voice of it. Do not sneak in my life with this crap; it is now too late.

Running around and doing get together, dinners, etc… will feed the fire. They are also saying how you love to visit LA and party it up or have a blast dating each of them; so make your rounds, charge them for each ten minutes, etc… it will help your private life. Let them post pictures of you at family events and get together or send your life partner love letters and how much they profess their love for you; it is how a 50 yr old woman acts and not a 20 yr old one. The pictures are going to help your case a lot and will cause you to have a life of stories to explain. A lot of stories to explain; now we have and were on this topic before a massive attack came and I gave you 30 days and it did not let up either; it got worse.

You did not have to make it worse. Nothing has changed. Read a book on marriage or how to keep a man. I have cleaned up a lot of it, a lot and fought your battles. You have fought mine vigilantly and honorably; it made you a hero. I feel like crap and your fight is like helping a drug addict gets more drugs or a terrorist makes friends. Your Jerry Springer lifestyle and get together is bonkers. The pictures are totally bonkers. You need to take a course on love and marriage or family. They are jumping over chairs to get a shot or ruin your life so they can have dinner with you. One damn mistake while you are on parole can get you a lifetime of trouble. Hey I love the hell out of Ann and spent 20 years with her, but next time she sells me a car I have not driven in 6 years; put the wheels on even if they got stolen.

It took me 2 years to even talk about this because it hurt so badly and I had a mental blockage because of the pain and trauma from 1998 to 2005. Ann is still not even ready to talk about it; she is going to need therapy and help. Once I turn on her and leave; she is literally dead; you can only take so much backstabbing and betrayal. She cannot even talk about it and cried for months. I am not joking, it took two years just to talk about it and open up. Here is a big problem, she does not talk it with me even; I know when there is a problem; and she has not recovered and is able to talk or open up after severe trauma. A human being cannot take that level of abuse and loose their intended goal. I do not know what to do, I tried and tried to help her; she won’t talk to me and there is no person on this earth besides me. Whose private life did this affect?

Listen to the Jerry Springer fans and stalkers; and then the pictures of you being prostituted just to sell books? Another one of Ann’s joke… just to win my heart which ends up pissing me off when they attack or get violent; are you serious Ann? Is this some joke like Sean and Rush or Maher and Jimmy? Or the Bob Guccione and Dinesh etc… the rage of making them hate you and chasing after the phony sex kitten? So I am going to let Ann and her Jerry Springer crowd in or in my life? Nice joke Annie! I am going to let Ann in? (Oh god damn… I did already; what the hell did I do and what the fuck have I done? How the fuck do I clean this shit up?) is this a woman begging for another chance or forgiveness, trying to apologize for the mess or all these marital problems? Is or can Dr. Phil help her?

To: library user
(Airs at 10AM ET here. Shoot. I missed it. hey air it one day after it’s taped? Wow.) Not to worry. A COMPLETE video of Ann's ENTIRE APPEARANCE on Dr. Phil will be posted (permanently) on the "AnnTV" channel at, some time later this evening -- thanks to the DILIGENT efforts of popmodal's founder, Mr. Jeffers Dodge. is the CONSERVATIVE alternative to YouTube. Check it out!

Southern California's RonDog coordinated a group effort to support Ann. About thirty members of Free Republic showed up at the studios around 7:30 am. Jim Robinson, his wife Sheila, and thier son Chris came down from Fresno to join in. Also attending were a number of the Youngs Republicans from UCLA. Ann didn't have to want for more support. Thanks to RonDog, we had her back... FREEPERS invade Dr. Phil Show to Support Ann Coulter

(Driving liberals crazy.. And having fun doing it!)

Here's some more:
RonDog and Jeffers Dodge. That's Ann Coulter in the middle...
Ann and Syncro and some other guy.
Jeffers waving to me when I arrived upstairs.
This is our Girl!
These last two were taken when I was in Video Mode, so the quality isn't very good.
But the subjects rock!

I don't know what happened but one picture came out real BIG!
Here's Ann talking with people at breakfast.
Ann enjoying a picture taken by a fan.
Ann works the crowd downstairs.
Ann with the Young Republicans...the hope for conservatism.
Outside as Ann prepares to leave.
AND....Ann with The Spirit of Allegiance
Inside the FreepMobile on the way to see Doctor Fill

(Great pics, sure looks like you all had a blast! Btw, Ann seems like she has such a good heart.)
Yes, she does.
Thanks for stopping by this thread.
And, yea we had a great time!

He seems to be a real good friend of Ann's and I'm sure his new Conservative Video site PopModal is keeping him quite busy!
82 posted on Thursday, January 22, 2009 11:15:19 AM by Syncro (Ti Ming Is Necessary)

I want to see a comprehensive recall of every elected official serving in Sacramento. If something like that took place, we’d need plenty of good people. 83 posted on Thursday, January 22, 2009 11:17:57 AM by DoughtyOne (D1: Home of the golden tag line: If we are all equal, why was 01/20/09 a profound day in history?)

(Lets say she is not shutting him down) As for Ann, she hit the ball out of the park a few times. I thought she represented herself and our views quite well. After the program, Ann joined us for an early lunch at a local restaurant. We packed the place to overflowing. Ann mingles with the attendees. She posed for lots of pictures and talked to most of the people who attended.

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.