The guy upstairs says he is sick and tired of us messing with "his wife" and if we do not stop he is going to call 911 and have us removed. I told them in 29 days I will have an official FBI response and the Director of the FBI to answer his complaint since he is blowing smoke in our ass now and is insane; losing his mind. We will fine them 1 million dollars for each time they create a crisis, incident, or attack; thus one million in fine for each time after the a felony kidnapping charge. So far he and they racked up almost 1 billion and counting (over 10,000 incidents). If I were him I would stop talking to us or cutting our laundry; I have pictures of that also. I also have proof it is related to the standoff with Clinton-me and then standoff with Limbaugh-Hannity.
So 1 million per incident and cited already; then 29 day deadline. So they said they wish a fight; I am directing counter terror forces to give them this fight; either they fight them as they claim or say; or get out of this investigation and raid. Now the complaint is we are playing with their laundry but they have no proof or even a picture; not one incidence and we are blowing smoke up his ass and he will call 911 to get us out. Knocking on our door and telling us to our face he is sick of us messing with his wife? Who's wife are we talking about and who is talking? They were and are being fined 1 million per terrorist incidence and face criminal charges when we build a case or figure out who was behind this. I would suggest they knock it off. Don't even try to talk to the investigators, counter terrorist units or anybody who is in the charge of this investigation and raid; they will fine you 1 million dollars and file a lawsuit on you. So when did we kidnap them? When did we invade their life? When did we try to talk to them or unite?

• When she debates these dirt bags and they abuse her or are so wrong; she gives life to them. You have two disgusting people fighting; which disgusting person is going to win or why? It is a no win situation. You cannot defeat a low life using another low life. You cannot be a victim of a low life as a low life. What you can do is distract, cause massive confusion, delay, get in the way, and piss the hell out of the winning side. In this war, you have to be proactive but the state of paralysis is everywhere? Look at my most trusted and my other half; she is a total confusion. I am rattled by upstairs so many times about how they have us on the run, we are not allowed to be happy, they can reach us, they will blow us up, and they are winning this and have smoke blown up their ass by our moaning and crying. They want a fight and the fiercest one available on this earth. It is a mental state of confusion and total absurdity; even my most trusted.
• You cannot wait until the last minute, speak about capitalism, parade good behavior, and instill this climate of being lazy; and then expect trust. Problems need fixing especially when they involve marriage and love; you cannot buy love only companionship; you cannot snap a finger and wish a problem away; time does heal; but waiting and waiting, then averting disaster at the last minute is not going to build sustainability or build trust. Instilling confusion and using it to your advantage to seek love is as cruel as a human being can get; even if they are female. Nobody wants to do business with people who wait until the last minute or give the impression of being lazy or irrational. What Ann has done is not a crime but her behavior to beg one day and stomp on the other person the next is dangerous. Honestly, it is not just Ann but she is on her best behavior. Ask the FBI how this total messes up got this way or why a state of panic is lingering by waiting until the last minute or when disaster arrives. Who wants to do business with such irrational excuses; good behavior or not?
• For three years, I have had to listen to the low life upstairs claim they are her voice and some protection ring; an inner circle. Her stupid act with Bin Hannity is upstairs and it is a circle political forces (Clinton, Catholics, Irish, Zionists, communists, unions); I get abused daily and they talk to me daily while claiming to be Ann Coulter. They are not going to fight fair and spending her life with them or drinking with them at happy hour will not fix her life. No matter what the cause or how noble the effort, it will not fix her mistakes. Her reputation adds voice and ammo to their low life one. She is so blind when she is blind sided by this idea others view her as a force of good or someone to cherish. It is only a state of confusion. You cannot execute when there is confusion. Military people do not cause confusion. Only a traitor causes confusion. She achieves nothing and accomplishes nothing; the happy bar thing was bad. I already heard she spent a lot of time in bars and mingling with single men; how exciting it was to rub elbows with them.
• Ann cannot hit rock bottom or can escape the sustainability situation. She adds one story or controversy to an already impossible situation, her reputation and life in the singles club. They claim she is the most best behaved and she is the most sexually harassed woman on this earth. (Leader of the Tea Party… yeah, nice.) I see her as stealing the credit and trying to play two sides; to cause confusion and claiming her victory. She does not understand sustainability and says it is a total disaster. My work is sustainability not disaster; however, someone close or in my life made it a disaster. Ann causes disasters and is in the middle of them. She steps in the room and confusion is everywhere. She opens her mouth and there is confusion everywhere. Then she spends her life with them and they attack us saying how she is their leader and they are her voice; confusion. At least she is well behaved. That is all she has going for herself; she is well behaved (or at least from what we know.)
• As a catfish; when she is involved or her hooks in others life; confidence, self esteem, credibility heads to the bottom. When she is not involved, it floats back up; why we do not know; she does not either and says it is a total disaster and she messed up badly. So to love her, everybody has to be miserable or become a catfish. We can test this by asking her to take a month off and on. She claims this is not her but I know she is a catfish and her fight legitimizes theirs. She is well behaved from what we or I know. She claims the fierce fighting made her confidence drop and self esteem to plummet so when she walks in and the confusion or chaos is near; we run.
• Ann is going to do this and test my love. Then she will say, “he is a threat or he doesn’t really love me… etc… “You get sick of it after 20 years and she has been here before. Keep testing and keep hashing out the insanity; the confusion will go away. Eventually, all the confusion and insanity will go away and love will arrive Ann. Love will arrive on her doorstep eventually if she can confuse and create massive insanity.
• That is just her career. Ann only recognizes she is powerful; never a problem. Her approach to love is much softer but no less total confusion and even worse; no message. It is love and it is all based on power; never a problem. The confusion is immense and like a catfish, always heads to the bottom and self confidence and esteem with it. Ann wants and asked for marriage counseling and she said she had years of repressed sexual harassment and a recurring rape dream. We got abused by this terrorist and communist assault on America and the world. They were on the move and a campaign to advance. Ann developed really thick skin to all of this which covered over many of her flaws; her battles buried a lot of other flaws. It is all about confusion and love.
• Someone has to ask Ann and confront her; to talk to her and get all of this repressed confusion to the surface. It is impossible to rationalize; even Ann refuses to and cannot; she shuts down when she tries. Ann cannot rationalize it or even discuss it because it is in a total state of confusion and she shuts down. The pain is the thick skin and a full decade of this total confusion. Her ultimate wish is for her flaws to be buried by her battles. Ask Ann what Alex is doing with you if you are a total disaster and you cannot rationalize it and fill him up with confusion? Now everything shuts down. When the terrorist get confused, they attack; Ann makes them attack. It is upstairs and been this way for almost two full years; confusion makes them attack.
• Ask her why she went to the Tea Party and did this lunch to rain on my parade; then her lunatics said she approved some initiation killing she denies to be involved with; which put them in the advantage and one up on me again? She also stole the show but at least got banned for life afterwards. Congressman Armey and I go back 23 years; why are you crashing it with your goon squad and they are on some rampage while you instill us with paralyzing confusion? Again, whose sustainability crashed and whose power levels went to the bottom? Do you see our side dining with you or court marshalling you? How about banning you for life? It was not about medical care; it was about you and the confusion you are taking advantage of. I put more fight in this day to day then all of them combined. I am yelling at my most trusted for a total mess and trying to act as if she is smarter or know what she is doing. She says all she is trying to do is stop them and wants love.
• YOU put a god damn comma where it was not necessary. Now you have to go back and find or figure out where in the 1000 pages of computer code you made a mistake. Take the comma out or else nothing will work and you will go insane. Can you do that or not? THEN STOP PRETENDING AS IF YOU ARE POWERFUL AND KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING. IF YOU WISH TO KNOW WHAT INTELLIGENCE OR IQ IS; THERE IT IS. I will give Ann credit for working hard and pouring over research; but partying as hard was a major turn off and leveled my affection for her. Her confusion and hell has not stopped. She wants me to pay to go to her dinners while she crashes my events and cause the enemy to step up their attacks. Well, they said, she approved because she said nothing or did not retaliate; just like the sexual harassment; whatever. Weak on crime? I am pressuring her and forcing her to prosecute her own rape, kidnapping, and murder plot which she was giddy and said move on. I put more fight in her murder than she did. What kind of a creature is this and is it the same low life? So this is power and this is the brains of this world? My god, who wants to do business with them; we put more fight and effort, more brains in their own murder than they do. Then we get blamed and are in jail twice for it because she made them homicidal jealous and a rapist.
• A ultimatum to the FBI and counter terrorist units is almost done; there is a 29 day deadline and we are off this case and quit; to Canada and the on with life. I am sick of my own side and sick this in our homes, in our love life, etc… 80 per cent of each day is directed towards Ann coulter and upstairs. It used to be 90 per cent directed towards upstairs and repelling their attacks and testing them to see when and if they will retreat or end this.

The reason why they are trying to get me to go away is because they are all covert. They feel Ann is part of their terrorist and spy organization; another dirt bag and low life. They feel she is secretly seducing and in love with Bin 911 Hannity or Limbaugh; however, they have a murder plot on her. If she is not covert and a undercover agent; they will kill her. The people upstairs changed her mission from watching and making sure no escape is readily available; to kill if necessary; to bombarding me with the idea they are the voice of Ann Coulter. Ann is not linked to Clinton, Kennedy, the Irish, the Zionist and Israel, and is not a covert spy or terrorist. If she is not careful, she will get traitor or be labeled a traitor who is boosting them. So their job is to drive me away from Ann now; and to carry out two murder plots. They do not know who Ann is for sure but are closing in or tried to circle her. If she fails their test; which they feel she is covert and I am breaking their silence; she must be quieted because they are super exposed. I already ID and verified the upstairs as the 911 terrorists and plotters; they remain vigilante Ann is one of their covert agents and double agents; a terrorist and a mole. Bin Hannity and Clinton is talking upstairs with Israel. We have a 110 per cent positive ID and verification; capture them dead or alive as they are surging now. It is just the insanity and criminal stupidity of a low life and dirt bag; we have to fight them to the death and they are covert. They beat us up every single day so when they are in prison; they can live by the sword also.
I can call Ann and ask her; she will say, “I pissed them off badly” and the upstairs will act as if I am kicked out of their circle of low lifers. That is who they are, a low life and we are using their attempted recruitment and kidnapping to train them; we know when they are on retreat or in serious pain. So they also retaliated on Ann with some aura she is out of control; which is my view of her also and angered her. When I asked her questions, she hide it and was ashamed to answer them; then said she was trying to do the same thing as I was (as always) and messed up badly. She did not think I would disapprove or view her gender as a liability to the same behavior or acts. She says she toyed with them as I toyed with them. She said she wanted to freak them out and telegraph how we beat them badly and will wipe them out; to see when they would go on retreat. Why she didn’t just call me and worry about our life first she will not say. It has to do with catching them because they are the most criminal and most dangerous terrorists and spies ever on US soil. We have to fight them to the death to get them out of our life and to end this kidnapping, surveillance, or the idea we cannot enjoy life or be prosperous; if they see it or get a report, they go on attack. Imagine what they would do if they found out Ann and I were married or been life partners? We found joy and they stunk because they were dead already.
Here is what Ann said. There are times when I “probe” or do a check. To play possum and see if some low life is sniffing all around my life as part of this kidnapping. I know they are there; I cannot see them or am allowed to respond, retaliate, or drag them out. So I will take trips or go to bars; only to check if the coast is clear. Ann says she paralleled this and I always told her when and if; to check in with her in case something happened. She is not allowed to flirt with men and must be on her best behavior; I am supposed to be on my wildest behavior and out of control. They will respond when they see you having fun or happy; that is not permitted as part of torture and this kidnapping; if we enjoy life the slightest; they come out. Knowing this, we draw them out and piss them off. Ann said she was slightly jealous and wanted to come along or tag along; to do the same thing as I was. I was running security for a reason; I really do not enjoy it but it is just strategy and part of a trap. So Ann would go out the same time. However, there are or were times when she did this on her own time and that got me mad at her and also a bad reputation; the worst reputation in the industry. How I saw this was she was a drunk or like the singles scene. She wanted to flirt and pick up men. Had she told me she was tagging along or called me and told me before she did it; then this would not happen. Also she was not running security; only telegraphing to our kidnappers and this terrorist plot of communists; to flip them out and freak their bony head up. So they used it against her also. We are not allowed to be happy as part of our captivity and kidnapping. If they see this, they attack and torture.
Ann said she messed up and is embarrassed now; she did not know I would react this way and she admits it was stupid and only wanted to tag along. Acting stupid, she admits she messed up and is really embarrassed so she is hiding all of it to cover over her embarrassment and the fact I reacted negatively. In her eyes, she was only tagging along; so when I said, I am going to see if the coast is clear or how many of them are on me; she got the call and logged it in her history book and diary; or did the same. She wants to know if they respond to her the same way or not. When did they know and who are they. She now says she is hurt and ashamed; trying to hide it because my reaction was very negative and very disapproving. I said to her, I know I was running security but they do not know this; so when you hang out at the bars the same time; they see something else and report it to me as you being a nymph and a cougar. She says she did not know my reaction would have been so negative; “what the hell are you doing… why don’t you just call me and tell me to meet up or… what the hell are you in all these pictures with these men and strangers… people do not know what is going on and you cannot pretend to be a man… doing security or a probe to check for a tail and surveillance.”
Ann got leveled about this. When asked if she would like to explain, she could not and said she messed up, was embarrassed, did not want to be in more trouble, and did not think it would blow up so badly on her. She claims that she only went out to share the experience and freak them out; as they were on me and I did call her to check in and tell her every minute of the day and to log what is going on. I am not mad at her if she felt left out or did not want to stay home and listen to me lounging at a bar talking to women and showing happiness to draw in the serial killer and stalker. But that is how we do it and how we draw them out; they are watching and trying to keep control over it. They are the same upstairs; that is the team or who is in charge; it is confirmed and they are dead serious terrorists. Now they are pretending to be her protection and her voice; as if she and them are tight or united. They are telling me to get lost and Ann is mad at me; have been because Ann is taken and they are our bosses. They are the low lifers and they are never invited. As if we enjoy low lifers in our face and kidnapping us? These are the low life and the dirt bags; the scum of trash who are never invited and steal everything. They will kidnap your kid if they have to and they teach their children to resist or evade capture (such as the boy upstairs who is taught to attack military and federal forces, even FBI agents). He is being taught how to commit crimes and was used as some hooker or part of their disgusting plot as molesters.
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