I am sick and fed up with the abuse from Ann (victim or not). I am sick and tired of hearing the name Bin 911 Hannity, LA good time Mickey, Synchro my leggo, and how it took 8 full years to find out Ann did not even date Billary Maher and still is withholding details because she is scared I will misjudge her or he will get sued by her. For a woman her age, I would agree with her about messing up. I still did not get the real reason or real story why she disqualified herself from me nominating her for a Congressional Medal of Honor after turning their heads over, putting herself in extreme danger (with no fight any warrior spirit) and then writing some eulogy about how she lived with Ron Silver for several weeks and he worshiped her and is his immediate family. I presume she was married to him or has some super secret life to compare her mom and dad to him? Even I did not get the full story. Did I ever say yes to communists, terrorists, spies, moles, blind idiots, liars, sneaky traitors, a steamed of jackasses, and a broken love life? This is your ass, not theirs on the line; whose cute or sexy ass is this about? They are happy with us and we are too? They got all they wanted and so did we? We are happy this way and got what we wanted? This is America and we are warned? Bin Limbaugh says the Constitution does not say what they can do to us; three pages of felony charges is pretty clear but not to a blind jackass.

There is nothing in my book to suggest Ann is who she claims and this is not the first time I have grown frustrated with her and have questioned her. If you check the records; she is a horrible warrior and a captive; she refuses to fight at times and when you feel she is a coward; she pulls the heaviest and most insane stunts. Then I asked her why she was still here in 2006; calling me after I lost my speech and memory from blocking out trauma. She just pretended like she was invited and really hurt or caring. I asked her if she was the same person and why she was there; the last time I had spoken to her was not on good terms; I felt she exploited and used me to get what she wanted even if I had promised her I would protect her and make sure she was safe 20 years ago. I think I have proved and done a perfect job; but she is pushing the limits on white trash and a brat and liar. I told her, if she is this awful of a person; why don’t I find a decent person and not fight about it or with her; to find calm and peace; to finally get a woman who you do not have to hate or yell at. It is like a daily occurrence and I am made to think I am a bad person while she just goes in her room and stares at the wall as if she is giddy and repentant.

I have made all kinds of warnings to her. These dinners and drinking buddies; she says they were just what I was doing. True. The concerts and dinners from 2005 to 2007 and then the spiral to hell from 2008 to 2010 as she got divisive, speeded this disease, and caused a stampede of jackasses and deranged fans in my life; all whom she made promises to or mad through some interpersonal relationship or private friendship. They kept insisting it was secret and private and I was butting in; a total stampede. Then I was asked to do the most outrageous and insulting things; made to hear and listen to the most inflaming comments about her as she said it was total lies and continued this wild lifestyle and not what I deemed marriage material. It was a tough sell and she acknowledged I was quickly disappointed and was not enthusiastic about her or her life; she admitted she messed up. So I had to ask her about these dinners, drinking buddies, secret parties, conferences and get together of her singles club, etc… She acted insulted and upset, and then as if it was no big deal and I had to prove to her it was reckless and led to death threats, stalking, and various problems or threats on my family who do not deserve her insanity and brat attitude. I said how dare you and she finally stopped or tried to act like it was just as much good clean fun as a girl can have; I was sick and disgusted with her for even challenging this behavior.

She told me and made it sound as if it was no big deal. The next thing I know; it is a total stampede and avalanche; total lies from her or exaggerations. I told her to tell me what she is hiding now; she told me the skeleton and left out a lot; then began to piss me off so much with pictures and new stuff; more and more of this “yes I wrecked my own marriage and life; I messed up badly.” She was telling me how guys flew into town to see her, she would do shows and tell the audience she would see them that night and was going to dinner, then she broke barriers with men such as holding hands and breakfast; there was no stop to this. I finally asked her what is her goal and to seek help; she just disappeared and I said never come back. She had taken off to some party and B-day with people who have never fought or earned their ranks fighting the communists; to me she is or was a traitor to the cause. She may disagree. Sunday Sundown is the deadline on this white trash and stampede of jackasses she has going on and her private party; up for grabs. I do not appreciate talking to people who have three pages of felonies and are serial sex offenders talk to me daily or make threats upwards of 20 times a day; that tells you who and what this police and the USA has turned into. How bad the work and job they are doing; who wants to do business with them or this?
I said I banned and have zero tolerance on dead heads, engaged women, long distance relationships, and most especially women who cannot have children. She told me how she had to wait and how things got so messed up and they pressured her to marry Jewish men and this singles club of jackasses and hipsters. She admitted she messed up and her record was not how she wanted to present and was hiding things because she did not want to tick me off but assured me and promised me; then she came back and said she felt guilty and it might be feelings of infidelity but she did not act on it; she claims she toyed with and had fun with the men trying to destroy and fill her with rage. I found this true and broke a murder plot and her ring of fanatics and barbarians who she courted and got in major trouble with. Did I ever say yes to communists, terrorists, spies, moles, blind idiots, liars, sneaky traitors, a steamed of jackasses, and a broken love life? This is your ass, not theirs on the line; whose cute or sexy ass is this about? They are happy with us and we are too? They got all they wanted and so did we? We are happy this way and got what we wanted? This is America and we are warned? Bin Limbaugh says the Constitution does not say what they can do to us; three pages of felony charges is pretty clear but not to a blind jackass.
She claims she did this for me and to stop them for messing up my life; her life was irrelevant. I disproved this when I asked her about these dinners and her reputation. She says it is total lies and has all kinds of men problems and stalkers. After a 20 months of this and getting dragged through the mud, filled with rage and anger towards women, driven to the point of near insanity; Ann still claims it is an effort to rape, murder, exploit, keep her as a prisoner, and she just ignored her and cared for 3 people. I got the same scars and can say it truly hurts and is pain. These people will kill you and are lunatic terrorists; they want to see pain and suffering. They will torture you until you scream in pain and to scream stop or pass out. That is how cruel they are. They will torture you until you pass out or beat you so severely you will die; you have to ignore it and shut it out; to find a way to let the mind escape and be somewhere else. So where was Ann? So where is she now? She is really busy doing something; says she was trying to stop it and was caring for 3 people. I am disgusted with her management and total lack of fight or warrior spirit; disgusted. To let other trample on her our pounce on her as they did and to circle herself with fanatics and a stampede of jackasses who came at me while she sat there again.
So this needs to be resolved. I told her to send an email to each of these men; she says she has a law suit and some case. I last said she was lucky and is just hanging on to friendship; don’t ask too much out of this because the stress of being kidnapped and years of torture, pain, lack of care, and relying solely on Ann led me to think she was such a poor manager and did not have any warrior spirit or fight. The jury is out on that. All these rumors and what seems to be a trivial private life; she says who does she go home with every night with for the last 20 years? To her it is never real and all a debate or some adventure; never a serious approach, never. I wish I could snap my finger and get a real girlfriend and not some fantasy football relationship; I feel like a woman and some pet of a Jewish businessman. I don’t know what she is using me for as far as her political voice and bullhorn; she never explains. She tries to explain to me but usually avoids a lot more than answers. I have to fight her for the measly basics.
Ann has until this weekend and she can send out emails or call them; even hold a dinner party or go to some secret party or the Sky Bar. All these people in my life will be gone by this Sunday; all the deranged stalkers and this rage and anger, so fed up and sick of this BS and total disappointment. Half the time Ann sneaks around and has another life; I get information from men who I don’t know or care to. Ann will have an answer by Sunday, September 13, 2009; she will act selfish as usual and make it look as if I walked out on her and was not good to her. That is just what it feels like and how it goes through the years. She will invite herself right back and act as if nobody minds or she can make it up. That is just Ann. Now I have all these problems from her life and all these men. I got this damn giddy girl who I really do not appreciate and thinks is wonderful; but she tells me she is not and imperfect; how imperfect we do not know. She has a secret life; is always plotting; and is not trusted. As I said, I have to fight Ann for the basics of life.
Ask her, why are all these men in MY life and why is she? Why does she piggy back MY life and why do these men also? I never get wanted attention from the women; only her jerk off men and dates; who claim they are engaged, going to hook up, or dated and close friends. Sunday is the final deadline; there will not be anymore discussion about this; sex tape, murder plot, 911 plot, or three sick people. Sunday is the cutoff date; either Ann gets rid of these men; or she is replaced and I request a little more perfect union. I haven’t a fucking clue what the fuck she is up to or who she thinks she is. I really do not care and just fed up and sick of this or being mistreated by all of them; I am so sick and disgusted with the conservatives and hate the liberals. Neither of them knows what or who no tolerance is, Ann neither. Now she gets sad, goes in her room, is depressed and stares at the walls; why? Is she that guilty? Is she an adulterer or some scoundrel? She is hanging on to a friendship and is trying hard, very hard. She is going to loose all of my respect and I have court marshaled her; that is the ultimate insult for thinking she is Audi Murphy; a fighter and a fierce one. Audi does not bring lipstick to combat or fantasizes about being choked to death.
What the hell are all these men, some serial sex offenders, most of them my kidnappers or conspirators in this terror plot; and all emailing and calling her? Some of them she dated and keeps around as helpers. She has to choose and make this decision; I am so fed up and sick of this and her. She is hanging on to a small ounce of my friendship but she always comes back with rape, murder plot, sex tape, years of sexual harassment, a sick mom and dad, and wonderful stories of us through the years. As I said I do not recognize her and she blames others; even says it is total lies; Sunday is the cut off date; no more intellectual spirit and let’s talk. She refuses to talk to me about it and they print all this junk on her. She expects me to love her? Expects me to respect her? Ann, I want these people out of my life and you with them if needed, are you stupid and a fucking idiot; I had told you this two years ago and before that; I set the rules and you violated all of them and said; but Alex I need you and cannot live without you; how do you think I feel about this? I hate how imperfect and the mess you make; now hurry up and clean it up by Sunday.
I clean up the mess you make a bigger one and say how much you love me or how moved you can make me. You ask for my love and sympathy also. You act repentant and go in your room to stare at the walls so I am not pissed; then get giddy and trip or fall again. Make up your god damn mind by Sunday; you cannot have it all and you are going to loose what little is left of your life. I do not know if you notice but people do not get along with you and you seem odd to me also. People are really annoyed and your attitude is really annoying. I am tired of this and beating myself up or feeling guilty; you have until Sunday to make up for god damn mind and for the 1000th time; get these men out of my life and leave with the stampede of fanatics, losers, jackasses, or whoever you want; do you get it and understand? Not wait two weeks in silence and stare at the walls sad and depressed. Sunday Sundown is the deadline on this white trash and stampede of jackasses she has going on and her private party; up for grabs. These people will be gone from my life by then and during a fierce fight. She wants to go drinking with them then do so (March 2009; Maher and all these guys); I am tired of debating her and asking her why are these people in my life? I have a stampede of jackasses now?
Ann better know what a failure is and for a woman this smart; she just pisses me off and ticks me off and she pretends as if she is ticked off and pissed off? Does not have enough details and is fighting a vague clown and a joke? God damn woman… grow up will you and stop it! You impose this curse on my life and I tell you to get the hell out of my life and how I wish to find a less troubled woman or life and it gets worse and worse. You take 20 years to bond and build trust and wreck it so fast; one day, one damn day and then get all giddy and it is back to the sad farm and the week of silence. Have you ever been spanked or taught to be perfect? Not to make a mess and to do high quality work? What is the problem? You have until this Sunday and this will never be a topic or make me look bad again. All these men got to go and you have to stop dinning, get together, chatting, phone calls, dinner parties, dates, etc… Three engagements or four broken engagements to whom; Sunday is the deadline and the last stand; either you came to win or lose. At least chose.
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