Dear Ann Coulter; can you read this? I never said to write at them or scold them. I never said to fall in line and kiss my ass or call me all day about how you want to have sex and then are off to a weekend trip with strangers or show up on the headlines at some private party; I said when you will stop and if you think overkill is a good work here. I never said yell. I never said write about them. I never said give a god damn speech. I said when you say you love or want to spend the rest of your life with someone; change your god damn attitude and also end the sex kitten or the hooker act. Now you are banned for life and you are writing about how you said this or that to their face? Who is their face?

You do not need be changing my attitude or pushing this so far you are now an accomplice of another boyfriend who is trying to ban your race and family. How do you keep your head up and ask what you will look like another 10 or 20 years? Family Christmas party; how, you are out drinking or doing photo ops. Now you act like you are mad or fed up? At who are you mad at and for what? You walk outside you can get hit on by men; you go shopping and a man can ask for your telephone number; now you are mad for dating, going to dinner, or calling them? You told me you never went to breakfast, had a second date, and ever held anybody’s hands; did I leave out piss me off some more and embrace men who are being investigated with a grin from ear to ear?
You grin ear to ear because you are not allowed to fail and do not take things seriously; such as family Christmases or earning the respect of the family. You got major issues and a lot of baggage on the sagginess and the cushy mushy. The glue holding it all together is drying up! The hell in your life; what is right and wrong; what is real and not real; is an endless pit; and worse you just want blind trust and ask now 140 per cent love while giving out how much? How much love do you own or claim? Can you prove this? Don’t tell me, prove it; you waited 50 years to screw it up and even admit you were unfaithful. What more do you want and do you think your feet, wrists, butt, and ears can live like this or will the reality come crashing down? Once you loose love; you have to rely on your looks and right now; even that is in question. Go find a pen pal. I have heard some really bad stuff; must I live it also? By the way, what did I say about stepping down and letting things cool over or not doing anything to worsen this? What did I say about just taking time off? How did you diffuse it? You said you were quitting and I forgave you; was that a “you lie” moment also?

Ann you lie and almost incessantly. Then you lie about lying; trying to be as honest as you can. Then you turn around and tell me you are not a problem. However, when I ask you if you are telling the truth, you tell me you were unfaithful and are hiding something; then you let that snowball roll and roll thinking do nothing or serial dating and dinners will fix your life and now our life? Are you insane and have you lost your god damn mind? It is your attitude; it is your feet, naked body, and physical features that walk faster than your life. What do you want to equalize and find harmony first? Do you know what balance and harmony is? So why do you feel guilt or are in pain? Why do you say you messed up and were so defensive about me denigrating you? They say you are arrogant, bias, and a hypocrite; you say you are a dream and my dream. What are you and what the hell is wrong with you when you say you need marriage counseling and go off on your old screw ball life and your single life? Do you want to stink up the car or just for me to change your Depends? You won’t do mine but I have to do yours. I would love to have kids, love it and dreamed of this. So this is pushing it by three bases and now it is all sex. It is all sex with you. I loved this one also when you said, who do I always go home with? I never asked you that.
I asked some very simple questions and you were very, very careful how you answered. Then you poured out one night and said there is something you were hiding; like I caught you. Should I thank you and give a speech at the family Christmas party? Who needs infidelity when they have you to screw up everything? You screw up their life and you screw up our life. Now, I dare you to put a bikini on; is it all that? Will it be or do they hype you for a BJ and you love it? So if you are guilty; would you tell me or break down and cry or live in pain and guilt? How about, “I did not intentionally try to tick you off” or “you have nothing to be jealous about?” How about one from me, F you; you get sexually harassed and groped more than any other woman I have ever seen; so who do you go home to every night again? What are you a stripper or an escort; living this life and selling it? Got rich sugar daddies now and wait for them to finance your new cool club or endeavor?
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