The mother fuckers think they are our parents and if we do something which upsets or criminalize them; this help they keep forcing down our throat; they cut off our internet, the upstairs goes into kidnapping and torture mode; and we have to hear Bin Limbaugh give some speech and story about how it is their money and they paid for it. They do this all the time and cut off the internet, hack our computers, vandalize, and cause thousands in damages. Then they just walk away and wander off. If you ask them to prove some parenthood, they walk away. They do not see it as a kidnapping or terror plot; they see it as teachers, parents, raising a VC with a village, wanting to help, in love with us, we do not want to go away and need them to survive, etc… building trust. How about a contract and writing this espionage and spying down on paper? How about detailing what terrorism or a terror plot is about so we can review it?
How about consulting us instead of acting like some immigrant and parent who is giddy and acts like a total fag? Then we get punished as if we are some lower existence. This is America, not the village or the homeland; why are they stacking our life and this country with it? They keep saying they are more powerful, superior, and this is their money; we are their kids and being punished. Does it require war or the military? We respect elders and parents; not want to knife them or tell them to go away or keep their hands to themselves. They say how smart we are and how they want to help or be friends; do we have a doctorate? Why do they? Stop this feeble BS about being our parents; we respect elders and parents not write about how they are total jackasses and a pain in the ass of a child molester. Wait until you loose power and how hell it will become. Wait until new prosecutors and leaders get in there. You are worse later than it is now and you rack up more charges and problems. It changes overnight and they get raided; then get this “oh my god” look as if they did not expect it. They think they are invincible and cannot be taken down; too big to fail while they hate higher existence and are lunatics and barbarians; an idiot. They got past the hyperventilation part and the coming out of the closet part; now it is totally exposed but it is their money and they are paying for this.
If you confront them, they run off or walk away; then come back and are right back at this again. They know what they are doing is wrong and they know it is total lies; they are not the slightest bit scared or wishing to stop. As a terrorist, we can knife them and they will say, “Why did you do that, we were merely building trust with you; we wanted to be your friends, lawyers, and part of our family.” They do not say how it is communism and now this, a terror and protection racket; it is them for real. Someone has taught them how to do this. It feels like some feeble immigrant who thinks he and she is our parents when we are not; but they keep trying to build trust and we cannot get rid of them or tell them to go away or stop. They keep punishing you and saying how it is their money and they paid for this; for what? I never agreed to anything. They are still trying to recruit us and build trust. They claim this is who they are and they are not the slightest bit scared. They are not honest, just not scared. They do not like higher existence but feel as if we are their kids and do not possess criminal genius or cruelty of thugs. They are behind the terrorism.

Monday, September 07, 2009 Ann says they have cameras and surveillance equipment set up and ready because they want to jerk off to Ann and I have sex and she is paranoid and does not like this; but she is avoiding me until they either give up or turn this over; who else did they strike; everybody in politics and the entertainment industry. If is their way of saying they are in charge, power, and control the lives of others. Naturally, they want to be part of it if they can. Bin Limbaugh says that everything is okay, he is here and we are safe! This guy is off his rocker! He also mentions "high resolution pictures" and Ann said they are trying to jerk off to her having sex and know about us; they have a love pad set up and ready; helpers and close friends upstairs. These are as sick mother fuckers as you are going to get. (Ann, why the hell are they introducing us to all these DC lawyers and politicians, do I look like a hooker or gay guy?) It is the damned Catholics on the conservative side also, mostly Irish and these crime families of ethnic lunacy. One minute they are fighting us, the next minute they are our best friends; we cannot get rid of them and the unions. This is their legal services.
The moment they hit me, they got all tangled up in this in the 1980s around DC-VA. What the fuck are they doing in my house, my bedroom, and watching me every god damn day. Then I report groping me at a bar, cavity searches, fags in prison, and a bunch of fags around DC showing me their gigantic pecker; also Barney Frank who looks identical to Paul, John, and Russ Triggars from High School who showed up everywhere with me and I was wondering what the hell was going on. The same with Katherine Moynihan and these labor union kids; recruit kids and follow them in life? That is low down shame and a bastard weasel. They watching me have sex also and waited for Ann and I to get together; even set up the perfect scenario and circumstance (she told me but I did not believe her; then I have been ripping her apart). They just sit there and try to make her suffer more and more; or upset and punish her.
Here is the problem with the cost of lawyers and denial of legal service. Ann is my lawyer. Right now, I do not have the money to launch a lawsuit on these people and they flaunt money in front of me if I sign up for their defection and recruitment. They snuffed all legal services around April 2008 and the FBI was called; so the Federal Authorities were notified and a full complaint was filed. I could have stopped this; we could have had them in court by now. Instead, they set up some dare where they kept telling Ann to come and claim who is hers and vice versa and she was saying go away, drop dead, and get out of our life. Every god damn day, it is the union upstairs doing the same thing and linked directly to Bin Limbaugh and Hannity; who claimed denial of legal services and obstruction of justice to the 911 plot prosecution. I think they should die but if they want to put them in jail, then that is a really good idea; them growing stronger and expanding.
Now they expect me to pay my own money and drag them into court of else they will continue this; vice versa with Ann also; she just wants them out of our life. I agree, them in it was the problem to begin with; not them acting like they were helping us or some middle man or manager. I do not have the money to drag them into court so I built a case on them online myself. Had they not done what they did; I am sure they would be behind bars right now and this standoff would be over. It is shouting back and forth; why are you in our life; why are you judging us, why do you think you are a manager, why are you hiding all of this. They keep yelling back, why you don’t do this or that; why don’t you fight or prevent this or that. We put a gun to his head, set him up, kidnapped him, and you don’t want to claim him or come to his aid; now you blame us and our money? There is a point where you can take for granted and exploit well beyond the tolerance levels of others; such as Bernie Maddoff. He told too many lies and then turned his chin up.
How do I pay for a lawyer to end the siege on Ann and why is she telling them to get out of our life so she can prosecute and take them down? Is it a trap or a hostage standoff where they will trap the both of us? The question is when and if they are going to be arrested, taken down, and surrenders; if it will require force or lethal force? We, Ann and I, will survive this if we do not rip each other apart first as they feel they are managers and bosses of ours; we are charging them of kidnapping and three pages of felonies and the FBI has been called. To me that is insane and we know who is lying. Why are they saying we are or don’t give a damn? It is one god damn wall after the other; you jump in one hoop, they erect another one; but why is neither Ann nor I getting legal service or denied this? We have to use their legal services and this is why they are in this. Ann is my lawyer; why do they have a murder plot on my lawyer and former fiancĂ©? Do you know what happened to her or me?
• A guy named Bauerly is acting erratic and we boycotted his show and any contact as he was presenting himself on the wrong side of the law; behind this tooth and dentist problem (In prison you are supposed to get dental treatment once a year); and he was fighting us or trying some made in the USA anti business plan. It was crazy and he was banned. (WBEN) He keeps coming on the radio about dentist work after someone broke my tooth and it is still not repaired. It feels like we live with some lower existence and feeble people who are needy and do not care. Now I have to use their legal service. They keep saying we are friends and family or they only want to help; then beg or we cannot get rid of them.
• It started with a ban on long distance relationships and wanting 3 to 4 kids. Ann was announcing to me she wanted to have kids and marriage first. They heard this and jerked off, thinking an orgy was underway. Bin Limbaugh keeps mentioning how much profit is involved (he is the underworld’s main tsar; the drug world is their most profitable industry besides prostitution and online fraud. His financiers are the Zionists and Catholics. They were busted and think it is a conspiracy.) Terrorism and this protection racket is their most dangerous industry.
• I have been with Ann for over 20 years, she knows I do not like… she knows I do not allow… I am sitting here saying WTF you know I do not… not allowed to… knowing you are not helping one bit… This is duress, some external factor, or some sort of pressure. She is also beating herself up over it but I know she is really smart and if I say no long distance relationship; she is on a plane that day.
• Ann came to DC to get married and meet; they intersected us and prevented the marriage and sex; foiled our marriage with some gay bash and pursuit by some fag head which was so molesting and insulting they still hide. It then got to the point of sex for money, etc… constant pressure and would not leave us alone.
• Then it turned into a terror plot because a raid was coming; and worse no sex romp or orgy fest of communists, child molesters, and pederasty Klan.
• Then things got out of hand with prison, murder plot, wearing a wire, etc… Now they wanted sex with Ann also and she was fending them off and this fierce fight; they had taken me out and said, “How do you feel about a better man or replacement while your hubby is gone?” So we get this kicking up in Ann’s life.
• Years of kidnapping and pursuit and this turns into a bizarre pay for sex of both Ann and I. Now it is to film us against our will; me and her now, not them. They know we hate their guts and want to kill them. It is avenging Billy Club Clinton and Bin terrorism. It is about sex and scandal which is now last offer, final offer, we only want to film you and watch now because you hate us so much and are disgusted with us. So they were hitting me up and probing. They were also doing the same to Ann and she messed up their head as I did also. They claim we were interested, we asked how else to get them to appear or surface?
• This was about revenge; sex, lies, and scandal in politics. That is why they prevented us from marriage, tried to steal it, then negotiated some term where they would jerk off while we had sex; one sick mother fucker and why I am mad at Ann; she is keeping away from it all. In court, they have to explain the link and the overkill stalking.
• Recruiting me failed, they had Bin Hannity who failed; the only thing left is to make some tape or high resolution picture; then say I gave it to them as friends-partners-bosses as insurance; and put the blame on Ann Coulter. This is the only way based on the story or evidence they have laid ground of before getting busted. Bin Hannity was going to have an affair and blackmail or make a tape; then it would be insurance, then they would do the cover story; just like 911 and diversions, no witnesses, etc…
• Bin Limbaugh even said on his show September 7, 2009 and previous shows “offer cash… high resolution pictures”; since we declined and busted them, they were going to force it and say “you are not going to be paid until you work for us.” So they want to pay for it and it is profit; but we are trying to arrest and put them behind bars for life; hopefully they will die and have their ears cut off before then as a sick bastard mother fucker child molester, rapist and kidnapper. The SOB keeps saying how we are partners, how much profit, how big we can get, and I get this recurring rape dream and nightmare. It is sexual violation and they admitted they also tried to rape Ann “indirectly.” However, they needed my help to seek revenge on her; of course for rescuing me! I had them for 911 and other things described in The Jason Bourne Trilogy and Terminator Trilogy. I am Ann’s guardian and she is mine; but they mistook both of us.
• They are teaching us studios, how to set up people, etc… some kind of sex and fag ring around DC-VA; linked to child molesters and caters to communist spies and clients; liberals. Bin Hannity tried to diffuse it; to lure Ann and to blackmail or quiet her up also; that blew up on him. Then he tried to offer money and steal it for revenge and then offer money afterwards. But how do you stop the 911 story and it blowing up on them? So once they were on me, Ann got on them. Then once they were on her, they pit her and me against each other for revenge. Then they needed my help to seek revenge on her but had to stop both of us; a sex tape showing up, insurance, and our protection, boss, and handlers would make a perfect story! We gave it to them as insurance or Bin Hannity was killed because he had a sex tape on her and she always wanted to be with him and he was scared of her. I was sitting there and asking why are you so stupid; in broad god damn daylight and the surveillance also.
So this is why Ann was crying so badly and why she sat there and avoided me while I blamed her and asked what the hell is going on here. I told you I outlawed all long distance relationships and you know this; why avoid me now? She would start crying and was not able to explain but kept telling me about this plot and how they were seeking revenge on her after she got on them for kidnapping me. I said, this goes back to the Bin Clintons recruiting my family in the 1980s and Bin W finishing the job. They had one mess before, now they had two messes and a 911 terror plot and international terrorism needing a massive clean up and cover up; to top it off, they mistook us as Dealta Force commanders. Ann is my guardian and I am hers; two rescues. How do you shut up two people, why pit them against each other, why seek their help to indirectly rape the other, and then offer them money to betray one another? Why do they keep saying they are managers, our promoters, bosses, and we can make so much profit with them; profit off what? We were doing something else already and had been for over 20 years! They bombard us with men and women; even little kids and hookers.
It started in the 1980s with me being in trouble; I dumped my girlfriend and got with Ann. Then Ann got in trouble going after them. Then they took me out and did all kinds of insane stuff to her. Then we went in two opposite directions and threw them off. Then they came out and surfaced. Then we got together and they freaked and scattered. Then they came back to check if it would explode on them. Then they would scatter, and then come back as their master propagandist and assassins tried to diffuse it but they too would come close, then scatter, then come back to check. Then they rolled over and realized we had everything so they did this. Now after Ann and I are together, I am ripping Ann apart daily; why? Ann tells us the story and what they had mentioned to me and asked if I wanted in or a reward. They were offering money and then said; forget the money and F you; to drop dead. They claim they are managers, our best friends, our story is heart warming, and they are there to help. Now, we cannot make it without them because they did all of this and are the only ones who can put it back or clean it up. To them it is no big deal; what is done to them is a big deal (go away, leave us alone, get out of our life, stop following us, we are not your staff, do not promote us, do not recruit our family, stop hiding and sneaking around, tell the truth, end this siege, stop brainwashing and attacking, etc…)
If I blame Ann, then I am justifying them in my life. I am not and was kidnapped. Ann is my lawyer and we could have prosecuted them quickly; they prevented legal services as she is a lawyer and I am intimate with her and have been for over 20 years. They saw it as opportunity to fulfill this deranged orgy, fantasy, and jerk off fest because they were so perverted and child molesters as we describe; always trying to make a buck off of us. So if she comes in, they are not stopped or arrested, we have sex, they will claim they are my protectors or some friend and I went to them in fear of Ann; that is BS and vice versa also. We have been together for over 20 years and I describe erratic behavior and Ann not acting how I know her. Someone or something is causing her to not be herself and mess up badly. Meanwhile, legal service is being denied and they demand I pay thousands of dollars and millions to settle this or to prosecute the 911 ring masters and sleeper spies.
This was about jobs and we were forced to pay their made in the USA legal fees which was some lower form of existence while they hated and revolted against all higher forms. We were forced to use and pay their legal fees or move on; meanwhile, the felony charges got to one, two, and then three pages long. The Republicans under Bin Bush kept calling and insisting we were “liberals” and had no idea I had been with Ann for over 20 years; meanwhile they kept saying to embrace Obama as a brother and my protection or new lawyer team; some new mission and draft for revolution and terrorism of Catholics and Zionists. Obama and his team was not pushing us away or telling the truth either; they were just sitting there waiting. Then I got death threats and it traced to the Catholics, specifically Powell and Obama and someone in the USA had sneaked the APS technology to Israel who were upstairs and claiming it now. This Jihad is about a higher form of existence and to say it is Arab or a certain religion is a lie. What it is the new cold war and the former machinery of the communist and socialists.
I initially felt it was recruitment for seminary or some priesthood and then hung out at bars, strip clubs and had a blast to drive them off and away as a weakling and a menace. I wanted to make money and get married and they kept on stressing morals, religion, racism, etc… like I had no choice to join the priesthood. It was so annoying. They keep saying I am friends with the Irish and open the door for them and some loser and lower form of existence they call the damned. We did not accuse them of flying planes into building, we accused them of recruiting, soliciting, kidnapping, and three full pages of felonies; to fill us with rage and anger; then to send us to terrorist international camp and some jihad; the ones behind that is the Zionist and Catholic and why 911; to define what their goal was and to end our legal case on them at the time. Now we find out they are still doing this upstairs and it was the unions and Irish. As we had indicated before and traces back to the 1980s; now it is denial of legal services or how we will pay to bring the 911 people and spy ring to justice when we have to use made in America union mole lawyers and this protection racket; sue their own leaders? That is like knocking on Jeffrey Calmers door and asking if he has seen a serial killer lurking around.
There is a point when three pages of felonies speaks for itself and off the charts outrage; but they claim we are promoting violence on them and they were with us all the way and both Ann and I refused to get out of the way. So long as they isolate us and meddle; they can get away with a cover up. They meddle and interfere on a level you must yell at them for and it is a kidnapping and abduction, but they just blow it off as if they are superior and are more powerful; in total control. They hang on the idea they work with us and are teaching us but it just to be a total pain in the ass and make life hell; to keep erecting walls and digging a big hole for the both of us. They hang on the idea they are in our life and part of it when they are not and some intruder and kidnapper who has been there since we were young; now they face court and the death penalty and they have that “oh my god” look as if they cannot believe it, insulted, cannot be happening, and am surprised this is happening to them.
It is lying and phony power taken to a level that is psychopathic but the events of ten years is being hidden and for a very good reason. We have called the FBI and the Director is ready to talk to them and interview them when and if they are ready and used to this raid. This is the bust of the century even if they insist they are on our side and our protectors; our parents and guiding light. It is like someone you truly hate who thinks you love them and you hate their guts; but they feel they are part of your life when they are not and you want to kill them and they think you disagree over some little stupid thing; a complete moron and idiot who keep avoiding the real problem. It is enough once kidnapped by them to drive you insane; but they seek a judgment and medicate you for life but do not address the real problem or the three pages of felonies which they expect to go away and disappear. They want us to just move on and get out of their life and leave them alone? What it is the new cold war and the former machinery of the communist and socialists. They did not fly planes into building, they have a conspiracy to fill people with hate-rage and anger and to not let up or stop it; they will institutionalize someone if it goes wrong.
Here is another facet of why they have three pages of felony charges. They cannot keep their moth like mouth shut and we scream shut up and go away all the time. Even after telling them the director of counter-intelligence is interested in other things; they refuse to say a word and ramble BS all day long; they can keep secrets and take it to the death but when it comes to shutting up; it is impossible and they say how they will not be silenced, intimidated, or threatened. We said to get out of the terrorism, espionage, and kidnapping business and you will live longer. They ignore it and pretend as if they did nothing and are just sitting there waiting for a delivery or package. They are totally quiet about 2006 to 2009; this is what is going to get them in major league trouble and they are fighting this with “we are not trying to fight you… go home… we only want to help.” If you want to catch those behind 911, begin with the upstairs people; they are the escape goat and who is supposed to take the blame. We are forced to use their services, protection racket, corruption, lawyers, political racketeering, and if we do not we are filled with hate and rage; then we get terror plots and cover-ups conspiracies. Then they either use terrorism or anti-terrorism to pretend they are the police or some higher existence when they are an insect like rodent.
After they got busted and caught; when we told them who we were and are after them; they began to build trust and a new relationship. Now it was how it is their money and they paid for this. They won’t address the situation, only how it is their money and they paid for this. They refuse to address three pages of felony charges to include terrorism, kidnapping and attempted murder. It was now “oh my god” and walking away while trying to build trust, a new relationship, and constantly talking to us but in a new manner, “you mean you do not see it either” and how they are on the same team and our best buddies. There is no way how to describe it or them. The closest is a serial killer and child molester who kidnaps and abducts people then claims how it is a heart warming story or how they turned their life around and reformed because of us and our life; we were special and touched their life. We respect parents and elders; this is a kidnapper, child molester, and some feeble ass immigrant who drives you to a homicidal rage; then wants to help by calling global terrorists to recruit us. I am fed up with this shit. The country does not even like them or wants them; totally uninvited and sneaking around as some mole, terrorist, and foreign sleeper who hates higher existence.
See the insanity now and the total lying while keeping totally quiet and secretive? When you have three felony pages of charges and say it is our money and we are paying for it; it is a severe sign of mental illness or calculated criminality or deliberate lying going on. Ever since being busted, the upstairs has tried to talk to us day and night, sit down and watch TV, drive us away and shut us up, and keep building more trust when we are trying to apprehend them and tell them to get the hell out of our life. Killing Americans and slaughtering them globally was how they build trust at this level; it is a spy ring. They do not want to leave and are uninvited so they hang on for dear life while we beat them off and away. That is how the kidnapping started. They refuse to stop. They refuse to go away. They refuse to keep their hands to themselves. They think they are our parents. They are worthless immigrants and take advantage of our kindness. They make horrible soldiers and warriors; even worse managers and leaders. They are filling people with hate and rage then saying how we hate Americans when they three pages of felony charges, three. They keep saying they are not scared and not even affected. They want us to go home or go away; they are paying for this and it is their money. Who the fucks are these lunatics on American soil and in this terror plot? Why are they in our life doing this? Why are we being denied legal services or our lawyers when they are trying to rape our legal teams and film it? Are they this good or just lunatics and terrorists who hate higher forms of existence?
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