There is a point in Ann Coulter’s life where everything she does is ruined and everything sticks; there is a point where court marshalling, firing, showing displeasure, scorning, criticism, and nobody wants to do business or even talk to you. There is a limit on both love and hate and a point where you cannot fix or repair things; being unfaithful, infidelity, and constant callousness and a lack of remorse is a good cause. There is a point where you can get beat up enough or stomped on; degraded and humiliated week after week until the nightmare is real and a reality. I don’t know if you know a woman out there who would be a terrific replacement for Ann Coulter; but if you want a grade or a score for her; there is a point where you can be so wrong and ignorant; such a loser and a pariah, such a total train wreck and disaster; everything you touch turns to crap and the party is ruined or the parade pissed on. Now I have to commit to a life of this sort of treatment and bad behavior; a total smart ass who humiliates you daily. That is love?

I don’t know if you can see it, but I think Ann Coulter is smart enough to realize what she did and relax. You come to my house or my party and wreck it up and I will make sure you regret it for the rest of your life. You can laugh at me and be unapologetic or not show an ounce of guilt; but there is a limit on cowardice also. I can fire you, tell you to get out of my life, ask who you think you are, fight you, court marshal you, or throw you in the trash dump where you belong; nobody likes puck ups and some smart ass snot who cannot do anything in a normal way. You can gift wrap this mess and even hype it up or force it on others; but there is a limit. You can even get drunk and stoned all day to make the pain in your life tolerable or act like some tinny bop among giants. Some people are so blind and so ignorant; and just so hollow, they are seeing through and beyond redemption. If you want to sell me something, give me something I want; not force down my throat what I do not want and blame some enemy or menace in your life. The worst part is how Ann calls and talks sexy or very sexually aggressive to make up.

Let me tell you a story. Congressman Dick Armey and I go back to when I was 16; can someone ask Ann Coulter not to butt in or crash this Tea Party with her pack of fanatics trying to do photo ops and screw everything up? I was actually proud of her and then I got the true story and said; never ever again. I am hoping and praying to God, a decent and much more attractive woman shows up in my life with much more to offer on the table and makes this nightmare go away and end. Hopefully the bag lady upstairs will stop pretending to be Ann Coulter (Clinton actually) and go away; one day it is this, the next it is that. We will see how intelligent or the courage of this woman named Ann Coulter; whether she has any integrity, honesty or courage; to find redemption for the pain she is in and the knowledge she screws up 60 per cent of what she touches. Albeit, I was once a faithful partner and so proud of her; then the real story got out and she laughed and made everybody crawl to her table, including me.

A sex or relationship with a cancer patient is not something you brag about; especially with young people or rock stars. One day that ovarian cancer may strike and the suffering and humility will be noxious and like the Grand Canyon. I have been there and done that. She will have all these memories of her best friend and some fantasy about why she is still so disconnected from reality and unapologetic about all of it. She is not a crazy woman, she is insane. Why the hell is she coming between me and Congressman Armey of Texas; my long colleague who hates her FReeP and her sorry ass also? Hey crash someone else’s party and do your sex kitten in someone else’s life; another person died because of her stupid decisions, blatant outrage, lack of care and compassion, and stampede of fanatics sending letter bombs about 911 and Beirut. Good job, I hope you rot in hell. I too am catching on. When you are ready, the camera will be waiting and I will be searching for a replacement and someone who can bring much more to the table and end this humiliating nightmare (she will wait until the last minute and pull some trick or jump off a building and break a hip; then summon for love and the good love; you act like a god damn plantation owner.) Now you want kids and to be known or famous about your caretaking of relationships and marriage? Can you tell when you hear the voice of God?

I honestly do not think you will survive ten more years but you do not know when to pack it up; what is your 2 or 3 year plan besides pissing off this world? Having a family and kids? Filling people with anger like the left and liberals do? Pretending as if you are faithful and attending Tea Parties organized by my long lost friend of 23 years? I don’t have any more Generals Annie who promised my dad to take care of us. I don’t even have you. Do you want a round of applause? How about a Congressional Medal? It is high time people ban you and ends your reign in terror on both sides and civilizes your career. So many people want to fire you and you have a stampede of fanatics who stalk and crash our parties and shows; now that is a show stopper to a very big audience. Can’t you tell when people are mad at you and when enough is enough or do you have a death wish and are a complete idiot and loser? Who the hell raised you and taught you about family and love? You think it is unlimited and the laws of scarcity do not apply. Now you got banned for life and court marshaled; any new bright and ingenious ideas Einstein? Still trying to get revenge and cover over everything you did?

Still got the drunk and stoned 24 hours a day attitude? Now do you understand they were not kidding when calling you a mad woman, crazy woman, or a train wreck? What the hell do you call it; a love fest or years of pent up sexual harassment? Who just got felt up and a tit giggle? Do you honestly think you have people fooled? Do you honestly think anybody feels you are genuine about love or marriage? How about life and kids? How about how to make and then keep a best friend; what I want to see is the courage, honesty, integrity and the fixing of the train wreck; not laughing and partying or dinners with strangers and secret admirers. You are banned; you must figure out if you wish to hang it up or end this your way; you will not last ten more years, even I know this. You must have a stash of men or been very busy while I crawled and was lying on the ground hurt. Oh I see the wings beneath my wings were you and I became a celebrity over night because of this none other magic white trash?

Look where you have taken us and how you are banned indefinitely now; can you even rationalize this or are you too important and busy doing shows and book tours? Since you messed up and admit this, do you have any comprehension of the actions in your life or why you feel guilt and know you are guilty of being unfaithful; you keep saying show me the crime? No you show me. You are not helping anybody and a lot of people hate you for a very good reason. One of those reasons is you having no concept of family or how to take care of people; no less impress the unions with your unimpeachable and not fired status. I have tried to fire you and ask you to leave before and you still have not changed a bit or get it. It is one excuse and cover story after the next and you say the criticism never adds up to anything. I think you know where this is heading and everybody knows how you treat others; I did not ask you to pay me; I asked for some respect and some honesty. You think your respect and honesty is God incarnate. You say you are filled with blind hate; well, welcome to the family then! About that story of you being homeless and a man coming to your bed; real or one of your lies and made up BS?

Some girl came up to me and asked if I was homeless and I said, how can you tell? She asked if I needed a cardboard box or anything. I was going to ask if I can go and live with her. (I did offer Ann a place to stay 20 years ago and always to rely on me for call when she needs something) I think she is keying in on Ann Coulter and her religion. Ann is a miracle to this world. She brings more joy and happiness to human beings and was born to be a politician and the voice of those who are trustworthy, reliable, loyal, and come from big families and know what a brother or sister is about. Ann is so unselfish, there are so many people out there who will raise their hand and say; that is also my religion; that is the joy in my heart and the happiness I feel. A miracle; and how she touches the hearts of others and can make so much money; to raise our spirits when the fight is intense or when we need a hand or that little help to put us on our way.

To leave us with the memories we cherish and the life we were put on this earth to enjoy or brag about. The lesson of course is the family unit and the importance of family values; it is clear and so obvious. Also, Ann would always run to the aid of someone in need and with uncommon valor; would act as a surrogate of the coast guard or the Army Special Forces who know what brotherhood and brothers in arms is all about. Ann Coulter fills those around her with calm and a sense of importance. To seek that high ground and to promote respect, truth, peace, love, and what we all seek or are searching for. To call her a Nazi is like calling her an enemy of mankind. I have never seen her turn someone away or put her own body between someone else in order to make their life safer or better. I have never seen a politician and a family oriented person like Ann Coulter; the fire in the belly and the desire to help or save people. It is that feeling we get from mom or dad when it is a cold night or when we are sick and cannot care for ourselves.

To be blessed and surrounded by those who provide the warmth, shelter, and to cherish them with a deep sense of appreciation; that is how I think others see her. You can enjoy this peace and the warmth of her life; to know she is reliable and trustworthy; the last line and the person to call. This is what we learn in war and survival; what the family unit is about and how to care for one another. To know Ann is to know family. If you have a complaint, she is always there to listen and not make you fear her. Some people you just cannot understand or ever experience true friendship. It is like a promise made between adults when times of hardship or survival is a blazing struggle. Ann is just a very reliable person and a perfect fit into our hearts, minds, and family. You can see the light and the spirit shine bright in her when she speaks; to hear the voice that leads and brings us to a path of enlightenment. Her business acumen is also a tremendous asset; to leave and add luxury to cost and value; you always get so much more and just a sense of efficiency and value. So fix it and fix the economy or life.
You never get that usual sensation with others; only with Ann Coulter can you truly feel the light and the true spirit. Ann is America; you either love her or not but she is America. She brings home and she makes home loving and peace. She can sell this and make it meaningful; a husbandry and see all the time. To be able to sell that is a true gift. Ann is history. She is a history we associate with our family; that feeling of safety and calm when we are with our parents and guardians. The idea of a US soldier and the uniform; to carry a baby to safety and to give life; never take it and to always be faithful to the torch and the true spirit; that is America and that is Ann. It is too bad others cannot experience it and see it like nature. So fix it and fix life and this earth, there is a point where everything sticks and what you touch is ruined; you touch my marriage or love life and it will go away and melt. You told me you feel guilty and were unfaithful; now you tell me I am born to be stomped on by you and I cannot fire, scorn, criticize, court marshal or ban you?

The most important thing to remember about Ann Coulter is when it counts. If you are in a fierce and deadly fight; she is there. If you are arrested, she is there. If you need a shoulder to lean on, she is there. There is nothing she would not do and if you knew her, she would never turn you away, never. She would drive all night and fly across the continental divide for love and romance. She would search the world until she was reunited with her family. Ann would sleep in her car if she had to. You do not have to say her name and people nod and say yes. That is America and she is the America we live in; not a nightmare but a dream; a dream we all know so well and cherish. The Tea Party was between Congressman Armey and our event; my long lost colleague of 23 years and the moment of our life; why do you have to spoil it or rain on our victory parade? Why do you have to do things like this when I got day after day, year after year, and was kidnapped and severely mistreated and abused by them?

Let me explain why I nominated Ann Coulter for a congressional medal of honor:
• If we were clearing a building and I came up to a suspicious doorway, I take off my gear and tell her to not go near it; I have to double check and think it is booby trapped. Then she is talking on the cell phone to some drinking buddy and opens the door and I am blown in the air and am bleeding seriously; my last words are “Ann, please go get help and please hurry, I am trying to hang on as long as I can, please hurry.” Ann would never run to the bars. The key to victory is a reliable partner.
• Let’s say our squad is doing a patrol and we are ambushed. Five men go down and we repel the ambush. Ann would never go after and chase ghosts in the jungle while she has five men down, never. She knows that she must place them in a safe place and out of harms way, call or go for help, and if necessary stay with them and give them first aid. She would never run off and disappear or eat dinner with them. Never. Ann is a natural leader and she knows war; a soldier’s soldier; one of the best and the best partner out there. There are never complaints and every moment is the last moment.

• Ann knows tactics and has razor sharp instincts; that sense that makes her a superior survivor and leader. To put others above her own safety or comfort. That is who you want in the field; and if you ever go down or are injured; she is right there every single moment holding your hand; not in a bar, dining with rich men, or flying in first class. She spares the luxuries so you know she is on the job. Ann Coulter is always asking for input and whether others are disappointed and can experience that sense of family or that cold northern town spirit where wood burns and simple things thrive. When parents weather the cold to keep their kids and spouse warm and safe.

• Let’s say she was a military wife. While you were away, she would pour over your safety and pour over the safety and welfare of the family. She is just committed to the full 100 per cent and knows what war is and the harsh conditions it extols on those you love. It is like your brother or sister working after school to buy you a shirt or new jeans. It is your mother or father who saves up for months to buy you toys and to sacrifice so you are comfortable and blessed with happiness and joy. That is Ann; she is that ladder to freedom. She is who you call your blood and family; who works the worst jobs to bring you joy until life offers more. She was taught this by her incredible parents and her close knit families who have seen war and rely on each other for survival. We all know this and see it in Ann; how she is a cut above the rest and is filled with stories we hold dear and true to our hearts; a real family.

I wonder if she can tell when someone is mad, if she will upset and really piss off others, if she is smart enough to tell what reality is, if she can explain or justify her actions; or is it all a total disaster, train wreck, and just stupidity and having a fun as she claims?
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