Ann you went to the look how big my bung hole is on Oxy-homicidal hemorrhoid’s wedding so you will attend another totally fake and scam to rip people off blind and defraud the public. That is how I saw it and these college students are learning a little about the world they live in, the fight they must possess and the closeness of hell's gate. Hell is on their doorstep and if they read my work and life long career; they will have to fight harder and produce results; not screw us up or trip us up at these conferences and parties. All they are is a slave to the machine and that has to change; they need to open their eyes and have their guns blaring; ready to go on a moments notice. What these spies and infiltrators is doing is copying the mechanics of economic sustainability so they can put names on a list and pass it to revolutionary command; wonder why? Those kids need to listen to what Ann and I have to say. I was knocked out and targeted the moment I stepped foot in a job my junior year of college. So being near these groups and political facilitators is one thing; feeling their wrath is another. Do not get on their A list or else their biography will be similar to ours; a backup and a second wave now looking at the hit teams. They think we are stupid and easily fooled; or do not know security and war. Remember this, Oreilly, Limbaugh, Hannity, Ingraham, the liberals, the labor unions, the underworld and criminal politics, and the people who keep saying how America loves them or they are us; claim we are at war. Revolutionary command says we are at war; but are we or do they just wage war and do not want to get hurt? You cannot wage war and not get hurt; but the left wing and the radical labor unions must be stopped and must be kicked out; they are there to do harm and violence when we least expect it. If not, let's wage war the proper way; so we can fight back.
Lisa DePasquale and these other spies (Limbaugh and Hannity) are there for one and only one reason; warfare.
1. Stay close to the leaders. Watch where they go, who they meet, where their HQ is; freaking out yet? Finish the job or make sure victory is harder.
2. Try to turn or block them if they can; if not call in a clean up crew which was done to Ann Coulter. It is like a hunting dog, stick close and see where she and they go; then report back to revolutionary command or the human bike seat and Chlamydia honky iRush. Their philosophy is “why fall out of the coconut tree when you can shake it.”
3. To be the eyes and the ears of revolutionary command. They read my work and mistook our war as some other war or attack on the former communist forces; they were wrong. They even sent a hunting party to overthrow Cambodia and Laos; along with some other hair brain plots. Their objective is suicidal and to finish the job on the top leaders.
4. They will claim to be the police or impersonate them; never showing any credits or credentials. So they are investigating and we need to back off them. The problem is this is revolutionary command and they are waging war and attacking; invasion USA. They want to know how we are going to stop them or what we have up our sleeves.
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