Summary: Ann, I am sick of feeling weak or envious. I do not care if it is just business or how hard you work for us; I do not like your lifestyle and refuse to accept it or your constant excuses. It is like the same song on the radio; how long do you expect to play it when nobody likes it; they only want to make money on it. If you wish to peddle it than do so without my disgust; stop making me feel guilt or worried to death. Do you think you will be saved in the end or become miserable? It does not matter if she and they lost their life or spouses; they cannot walk away or turn down a party; it is devastating if they do not attend. Now it is a cruise and Homo party’s husband hunting. Ann you are insane. Your reputation is you never turn down an event and you never turn down men or money; I have had to fight this and I am sick now because of you, this murder plot, and your lies or excuses. I told you to walk away and you had to make life harder. I will be taking down this web site or blog soon; there are no tricks or gimmicks there Ann. Keep fighting and keep trying to prove yourself to them; don't try with me. If you are inferior and do not hate or whatever; knock yourself out. You are 50 and I expect you to prove yourself by the time you are 80; keep at it. You are not down with the struggle and not with them; not on board. If that was not enough, Ann Coulter is seeking love and marriage while being attacked by millions of people; if that is not the most ridiculous crisis; she claims she is winning and not scared. She is tough and can take it. They say shame on you; criticism and head games.
Female Ann is too stupid to notice and too stupid to get herself out of dangerous situations or life ending crisis; she did nothing wrong. Ann claims she is here to make my life happy and better; but the evidence against her is huge. Ann says she is forgiven and will go to hell; beat her first though and win. iRush says she has a chip on her shoulder and he was trying to kill her, rape her, or murder her; make her leave and send her home dead. Ann has a man and makes him happy is a sight to see; it is ridiculous; while under attacked by millions and during war; nothing is normal or can be explained. Try this under better terms or after the 1.4 billion law suit; I dare her to cry her brains out; act big and bold; tell me how she was always there to make he happy. So erase your life and your foolish mistakes before another female does. Try to find me when I am pissed off and very unhappy; frail, moved on, and wrinkly 70. I want to retire happy and at peace; not in anger management or listening to broken Ann all day. Ann, you spent more than a decade with your husband's attackers and this enemy. There is a climate of doubt and fear. Everybody can see the grave they dug for themselves. You are the source of a lot of pain and suffering; but better off. There is a gap between you and I that is neglected. You tried to cry your way out; you inspired them to upstairs. You begged your way out; so did she and they. Now the gap got bigger. There is no way you can possibly hide the hurt, pain, and wounds; to wish it away or escape. That is tragedy and it never turns out with a happy ending; you survive.
Spending this much time with both of our attacks has really F'd your life up with both sides; you now have no control or weakened. The question is how you wish to survive; on good terms, bad terms, or by yourself; to just go away and have peace. You can finish you life broken and by yourself insisting you are happy and the most feared pundit. You do not have a plan or else the huge gap would be fixable. This time with the enemy inspired them and won their trust and admiration; now they work 24 hours to figure out how to end this with a win or on top. They are dead; what happiness do you have with them or making your life harder? Your message is not to leave; your message is not to tinker or order others around; you have a very pathological ending to this. It is not leave, go home, we are not inferior, and we do not hate; it is we are hated; we are survivors; we suffer; we fight to the death also. So the way it ends shows how similar our goals in life are and how bad some humans get to get there or to win in life. You will not be able to cry, beg, or act like an ass; you have done too much and too little. You act as if you are normal and are not worried; infallible. So you inspire them and they just read and follow each septic step. That does not make others love you or stay; understand? So you do not want to leave or say leave but the gap gets bigger and worse because of the lack of action and stress. So you are trying to win my heart and they are trying to make me their prisoner or family; similar.
This is war and you F'ers suck at war with communist and serial killers. You kill your own leaders and your own rescue. You kill your spouses and drive them insane or into anger management. There is a limit, threshold, age restriction, and tolerance level to white lies, scams, lying or excuses; how many escape holds can you get in and how many can you escape? Meanwhile, nothing works and the business is neglected while our life is turned into more crap. It used to be daily, then weekly; "Alex, I did not do anything wrong... there was no sex" to the political slut or never turn down an event, men, or money cocktail hostess wine and single act. It is beyond annoying. It has led to your own ruin and many others. This led to Alex going crazy and Ann has not let up; still hitting him harder!! They say Ann is insane and she has a chip on her shoulder (iRush's exact words and why he wants to kill her or her murder plot). They are there to do justice or serve it so to speak; to put her in her place. They claim they are her husband or are engaged to her; in love. Now read my story about them and this terrorist plot revolution. I thought we had a grip on this damn thing and Ann's insanity or poo-puff political career; no not yet. She is still duping it out with us. So nobody wins and nobody can be happy until someone leaves steps down, or gets killed; Ann is not backing down ever. You should see the females she is fighting and who is on me; this end of it. So the formula and their religion is when in need; send a female and it will go to hell. Why? The sexy-b lasts until they are 60, 70, and 80 and is forever.
Females are religion and this is their religion and relation with God; knock you out. They will torment her until she dies and she will go to their parties and events so she can fall in love; her fighting spirit. Now there is nothing on either sides but death; give them death and they will love you and be your slave. I am on the move and I cannot sit here and write five pages about how unhappy I am with Ann Coulter; so there is a pattern and she is clearly a liability and an idiot; how do you forgive her or love this woman? It is mind boggling and she claims she is there to help, be loved and love back, is waiting, has done nothing wrong, and makes me happier. She is a source of idiotism; if they take her as hostage or ransom; but they are scared as hell of her. So am I and my anger grows more and more because she is such a liability and such a loser. You better get to work and start the clean up Ann; and do not come looking for me when you are old and beat up. Ann you might want to address the huge gap between you and I; crying does not make it better or go away; wishing it away will not snap it back together or make the huge gap better. If your plane crashed or your boat sunk; your story will be lost; this murder plot you cannot fix either or stop. In the end, you may survive broken and defeated because the gap you created and ignored; worry now or later when nobody is loved and war is imminent. You cannot wish things away or cry your way out of a crisis.
This roadrunner act; I cannot be raped, tricked into sex, drugged, beaten to death, robbed, or murdered is getting old and crusty; but they are vigilante and invent new scams by the day and you are the roadrunner; beep-beep. They have not achieved your murder or disposal yet; but you have nothing or have achieved very little yourself. You have made more enemies and continue to cut a swath into hell while maniacs circle you because they are death and serial killers. They are communist death squads, Catholic-Jews, power brokers, drug lords, and the police; want to fight them? Would you like to test your combat and skills; how about your killer instincts? Your management is insane and this moral victory you seek gets worse and worse. You claim you did nothing wrong; however, when asked about the political slut act; you tell me "I was there physically but not really there." Well golly, I am not really here either. The Salami’s were not really there but they did get an invitation. So you want to be there and the problem is management; you cannot get people to join, fight, or keep them. Why? Hmm, because you did nothing wrong? You are just there and an observer? You are just an American seeking freedom and want to be left alone? You see the problem with business and wars now? You cannot keep or hold relationships and you lack all sense or have become a form of idiot. If you carry the political slut act and biography to age 60, you will die alone and broken; whether you did or did not do anything wrong. Understand, that is the reality and the truth. All you have to do is look at the debt, bankruptcy, failure, violence, drugs, and prison cells. These people are the egg of all this. They came to America and invented insanity and all these problems. Ask Ann how and why, "I did not do anything wrong and I was just there; just leave me alone." This is not a stupid enemy and they have studied every miniscule detail of her life and kept her as a captive. They know her weakness and know her failures. They know she is stubborn and the cause of a lot of pain and suffering. Ask me if she is making my life happy and she is quiet; she even says she is having the time of her life and treated like a queen. She is just a sex and love slave; and cannot make any decisions while she plots her escape. So she calls me, her true "love" so she claims and who she is making happy or life better for.
The evidence after I have studied every detail she has given me and those accused (Limbaugh, Hannity, Rove, Fox, liberals, media, communist USA, labor unions, FReeP, CPAC, YAF, etc...) says she is out for herself and to live life on the edge. Life is a beach and a party; and it is ridiculous and meaningless. She will not be remembered for dinners, dates, ugly fat men, drinking buddies, etc... but I will. Nobody can provide the evidence or lack of evidence except Ann. What does she have that a 30 year old new start in life does not? While your forces and troops are suffering; you are prancing around on extravagant trips and staged publicity stunts; having the time of your life and acting like a Queen. That is what people remember and that is what sticks. What evidence is there to outweigh or rule out the negatives and the repeat of them over and over? They know she is cruel, the cause of pain and suffering, and will never say a word or talk; an idiot in disguise. They know the public hates her and she is easily shamed; criticized. Why give them ammo? Why fuel my anger with her? Now she is the whipping boy for two sides and they know her weakness and studied her well; attacks on me are brute force and blatant; not subtle and invisible. But she remains below the surface and is easy to knock out. I have put a stop on my attacks; she has not and is now taking it on all sides. In the end, people remember what is negative; she is the cause or source of pain and suffering and the worse it gets, the worse it is to fight out of; broken and defeated. So how did she do this? She took advantage of their bribes and persuasions while stifling mine happiness with her; thinking I will be there for her and forgive her; a swine who will go to hell. Her excuse, danger and a murder plot; business advantage and day to day routines. The problem is the massive negatives have no value to my happiness and does not do anything to help; a source of ape like pain and suffering to say she was not down with the struggle and is a traitor. She is fighting this and so are they. They will not survive; will she? They emphasize the real relation with her and how she is not a friend; she has a chip on her shoulder. Ann could have had a happy relation and marriage two years ago; since then she has done nothing; she appeases two sides and is too weak. She is too weak to love or be the source of happiness; but so am I but they feed her more rope and her greed overcomes her. Her reputation kicks in; never turn down an event and never turn down an enemy, money, or men. Ask her if she is willing to tell me the truth and she will take your head off.
Even I am shut out and the pressure is on her attackers to take her out; pamper her or take her out; silence her. If you fail to silence her; Alex will get you and he is a killer; the best killer instinct and in massive fights; seasoned and unbeatable. You can put a peeping tom camera on him; it does not matter. You can vandalize or hack into his computer 24 hours; nothing works. So is Ann really there to make my life happy and better or did she just screw up everything and is out of control and viewed as an idiot on two sides? Love is defined by happiness; every day it was proving herself, then weekly, than now it is monthly, soon it will be yearly. So Ann is trying to see what she can get away with and what is that fatal blow she cannot prevent; a swine and mistake prone. They are rotten to the core, she is not and trying to fit in; messed up and this is the end result. Like this enemy and weasel watching both of us every waking moment; they have to create and think of something; figure out how to attack and silence the matter. The trail is huge and so far nothing has worked. What works is Ann and how stupid she is; the cause of pain and suffering and her weakness and greed. So shame on her, she is not there to make life happy for anybody and is a swine fooling everybody so she can stop them and get what she can out of it. Ask Ann, what about Alex? "Oh, Alex does not mind and never complains; he doesn't care or ever says anything bad about me." So in her mind, she is loved and America loves her also! Why is there a source of pain and a stubborn appeal? Hannity even says what the reality is; she is prancing around as if she owns the world and making fun of them or retaliating; scared shitless of her; but she neglects her personal life and who she truly loves; she is not with the struggle and wants help or love. Are they all delusional or just copying each other? All of them are corrupt and some of them got caught and cannot escape; that is the scam and bust. Ann has a history of being fired. Ann has a history of pissing off Alex; then going to her room for three days and back at it pissing off the human race. In the end, she wants to get married and to be loved because she is not helpful or there but not really there. I hold Ann accountable for my misery and she holds this enemy; starving them or strangling them is not enough. Dying is not enough and she invents drama for this danger. Worse it is a book and our biography.
So Ann is correct when she smiles and says it is a total disaster, she messed up, and is in pain; she is honest but that is as far as this pundit will go; do not even try second base or a date. If you want to know more, go to the speeches, buy her books, and for god sakes do not listen to a liberal. All of them are like this, all of them. If you want to single one out; here she is. I am a little upset with her and it is frustrating to be a business partner or on her side; she has a lot of problems and is constantly saying she did nothing wrong. Until she dies, turns 60, or looses her hair; she will say this to me and others; then celebrate by going to dinners, dating black men, and have me write about her. Show me a man who can turn her down or walk away from this doll? Her mission in life is to be there but she is not really there because she did nothing wrong and got set up badly. Read what is written about me and how my decline occurred. Now read who did it, why, and what we learned about them. They claim they are the American people, do not know what to do, want to die, are ready to die, we are at war, and to leave or go home. Now listen to my trustworthy partner Ann. How much further or more can insanity get? Show me someone or people who can go further into insanity than here now; show me. It is before the FBI and federal attorneys now and my work is ready to be taken to market; I cannot even get a rent refund or file a police report. I am being told to know my place in society while Ann says she did nothing wrong and is not a political slut; she just wants to be there and attend important events; have the time of her life. So she is conscious and knows what she did and is doing; it is a form of suicide. It is the result of a broken heart and years of making ill fated decisions or squabbles with lunatics (i.e. raped, child out of wed lock, ostracized). In the end, she accepts her fate; insanity. That is my wonderful partner and love of my life; Ann. Do you want to feel sorry for her or smack her around a few times until reality sinks in? Now look at this enemy and who is the communists or terrorists; they show youth and vibrancy; killer instinct and never quit.
The bad news Ann is if you hit 60 with this, you will surely die broken and alone. They may not throw you out and you may claim to have done nothing wrong; but things will move on and change for the worse. Your problem keeping partners, sex partners, and your private life of friends is beyond insanity; it is a heartbreaking story of tragedy. In reality, your female value is low to none; if we introduce you as "Miss Nobody" looking for a partner; your business will go belly up. I have done everything short of smacking you or throwing you out because that is being done to me; as your retaliation and your kidnappers. The people, who buy you ice cream, take you out or stage events in your name after they fail at killing you or raping you. Your porn value at 50 is twice that of a 20 or 30 year old; moreover, at 60 your sex is worth dying for; continue to the political slut routine and play along. Even better, ask to arrange the 1st Anniversary of the iRush wedding and baby shower! So Ann loves this and loves being degraded and stomped on; it is her business. She needs a partner desperately and her sexy 60s is coming! It is so hard to be your partner; you suck and you let them beat you up to a pulp; and then you go on TV and act sexy or happy about it while you tell me you are working hard and doing everything you can. To no end you claim to have a plan and have nothing to offer; even I cannot keep or prop you up. You are a disaster. Now iRush is creaming you with her marriage; kids; and traveling everywhere. That is how you fight; by getting killed and making others worry sick. You keep telling me you know what you are doing and to stay vigilante; yeah okay. You think your victory is silent and have nothing to show for it; nothing. Why would anybody get behind any of you or get their life trashed and ripped up? Oh you did not do that and you are on duty and working hard? We have seized the communists’ global stratagem. They are America and that is America; a death squad. Just look at the drug wars and the truth through communist eyes and prison cells. So iRush calls it a prison break or a revolution. I do not like liars or business partners who lie to me; nobody does. I know Ann and how stubborn she is; short of smacking her, spanking her, or insanity; she is unregulated and unstoppable. Unfortunately, some people get very close to insanity and it is very difficult to tell the difference. She won due to a murder plot or some rape and kidnapping. Beyond this she is on her own and a complete nuisance; trying to political slut on new people; all of them are and that is the culture of corruption. The only difference is she is acting single when she was not; and then caught these serial killers with their pants down because they mistook her as a terrorist and spy leader; a teacher better than they were. They feared and loathed her; so they plotted against her and got a big surprise.
Ann you are insane and I know why people hate you. You get in the most foolish fights; then piss your life away; squander it. You portray this image of power and good behavior; and I have done everything I can while you stomp all over me. You claim you are not intentionally trying to piss me off and then you turn around and intentionally piss me off and say stop. I am convinced you should and need to be smacked. You are out of control and feel you answer to nobody. You expect people to sit there and be by your side while you lay down terms they do not like or agree to. Watch these videos of the Salami family. You need to find Mr. Salami because that is who your match is. I cannot stand them and I would scream at someone like this just for trying to be my friend or partner. You have pushed me to my limits and feel nothing inside. You think love is something you do not have to manage or care for; it is there like a bank or blank check. Here is an example of your insanity and how you piss your life away; it makes me feel powerless and like the dinners, fund raisers, and all the excuses you have given me; nothing is ever certain or powerful enough to say you did something wrong. So it is like a game with you now. I ask you if you went to the Rush Limbaugh wedding and you said no. Then I am embarrassed while you say how fabulous it was with your rapist and stalker Hannity. I feel regret you have become my friend and you have so much hate or anger inside; you do an insane stunt over tiny reasons or for drama. Okay, you do not want to leave and nobody does. You want to be liked and also loved. It is annoying Ann and brings no joy. I do not like being with a weak woman or loose cannon who gets yelled at by political enemies or who you love. None of you can smell yourself and all of you are a human cannonball shot into the enemy fort. All of you seek love or some benefit; a gold search. You have everything a woman dreams of; you need insanity and hell. Looking pretty is your best trait and also your dishonor. Two months is your record for good behavior. Have you read my psychological report or read how they trashed my life? I am the biggest criminal and made to look like a loser or totally dysfunctional. You are running from everybody and have no fight. These people are insane and serial killers. So Ann's surprise is over and she is a sitting duck; but she claims she has a plan and knows what she is doing; she just needs to be excused, forgiven, and just forget it is a total disaster. I get scamed or hurt twice; once from the bad guys and once from Ann who has to reproduce it or create insanity. That is going to make Alex super happy and make him feel Ann is helpful. Ann creates the second wave of pain.
Ann, you need to find a man who has similar problems or a similar lifestyle; we are not compatible. No matter what you say or do; we fight about your lifestyle. It does not matter what the reason or your motives; it is too many problems. You say it is for me and it is not; it is for you only. We are partners and I have never once supported your lifestyle and continue to boycott it. You have not given me any answers; only crying and forcing it on me as if it is a gift. You claim things are okay between us and we get along well. My conclusion is you are insane and need to get lost; either by force or by people forcing you out. I regret you used me or my situation to your benefit and had me come to your rescue while you exchanged it for something better than what you had; like switching bodies. You are not the best thing that has ever happened to me; but not the worst either. Waiting for you is like a trick and a game. You are like a Trojan horse and you do this to everybody; even me. I am sick and disgusted by just listening to and watching the Salami’s; you remind me of them. Rush Limbaugh makes me sick to my stomach; your name appears next to his and you attend all of his events and vice versa. I have done everything and waste 24 hours on your case; you always disappoint. Ann, politics has changed you from the person I loved to a person I despise and fear. I will be honest with you; I do not like you, your political circle, your stunts and tricks, and the predicament I or you are in. I am doing this to survive; I am in deep-deep trouble; so are you. Your behavior will not be excused and you will not survive the ordeal; I am sorry to inform you of this. You are a dreamer and too stupid; find someone who can tolerate and likes your lifestyle. You are advertising you date black men and the ugliest or fat men exclusively and that is you okay. I was disgusted with you and still am. We do not get along Ann; also you are too greedy and selfish for my tastes. You are very talented but we do not get along and our life has split in two directions. I do this for the wrong reasons and hate it. I am with you for the wrong reasons but hate you deep down. What makes it work is you hate yourself; a faithful servant. You are in love and I am able to devastate you and destroy you; you fear destruction of your heart but know I will not for no reason. So you keep the excuses and ask what you did wrong all the time; why am I complaining. There is nothing normal about you; it is insanity and dreams fueling this. A dream that things will be okay or work itself out because you did nothing wrong or I have no reason to walk away; why leave you? That is how your kind is no matter how much you are yelled at; it is not admired. You love being with power or powerful people; addicted.
Ann, we do not get along no matter how much marriage counseling you get. Your career and life has changed you into whom and what I hate. It is the curse of you suck and sucks to be you going around. No matter what you do or say, it is deep resentment and disappointment. Like your brethrens and slave mentality cohorts; you sit there silent and become detached from reality; insisting love for me or my love for you is a cushion to your insanity. If your parents were alive; they would have hated you reading this. You fight like a worm, squiggling and sit on a hook. You use people so you can win fights. You make me wait my entire life by being my friend while I am fighting for my life. You insist things will turn out alright no matter what. You have never been through hardship or know what disaster is; no less the impact of war and tragedy. In your world, it is all fun and giggles and men, even me, are there always for you. I have had to put up with your private life and all of these other men; baggage that I would never ever excuse. Somehow and for whatever reason; you managed to circumvent or go around this. You have no fight and need to be smacked; but you jump the moment you are insulted. Then you run to me and I somehow make it okay. Of all the people I have met; you have the least problems and are compatible; but you drag it out and it gets annoying or builds; a trick to push the limits. You expect me to be suspicious and on my toes with you; never sleep with both eyes shut. Things can flip on a dime and you cannot do anything about it. To you that is love and happiness; what all humans seek or will find. That is not danger, that is love to you slaves, "I wonder if Alex will mind... I wonder if I will get in any trouble... I wonder if he will leave me... oh it will be okay; men love me and people throw themselves at me." You keep me and others in the dark; insisting how I must trust you and reminding me of the past; when things were right and when we were younger. You feel I have no worries with or as your partner; so trusted and so loved. The problem is your lifestyle, the program you are in (Republicans, YAF, CPAC, conservatives) and it is clearly a problem. You keep claiming it is just business and how things get done; accept it. You want me to worry sick about you and to help you make life better; so you refuse to end this or stop. You want me to worry and feel stuck or trapped; by love. I have asked you to walk away and you refuse; "not now, I am so close Alex, just a little bit more okay, I promise to quit. If I win than we win Alex!" This is why or how you get invited to all of these secret parties and events; if you win they win also. Now it is if you win, then we win together; a sidekick. You collect while I create; you are addicted Ann and also dysfunctional. Things have gotten not only dangerous but might end a total disaster. I have told you to prepare for total disaster and you keep dating blacks, fat losers, or go on Red Eye for this single's club. I am upset and you admit you messed up.
You are an idiot and even if you claim it is not your fault; eventually you will be stuck with the reality or truth; you are stupid and a greedy attention whore. You cannot walk away or turn down a party, event, or opportunity. You always have to be there and attend all of it; perfect attendance and lifestyle of the powerful. There is no point to it and there is no meaning or reason in your stupor; just insanity. You cannot walk away from what you love; you love it all and lie about how you do not; you love it and repeat it at tremendous cost or danger. You are addicted to power and stupid spats; as if I am proud or humans applaud you. You are addicted to this magnificent status; at a tremendous cost and pain. You are hated by who you have fallen in love with and are powerless to change who and what breaks you down each time; bad characteristics and a personality disorder. You are good at destroying the enemy or catching them; very good. That is not love and that is not why you will be loved; a convenience. Others struggle and cannot go as far as you have; but you are so smart and well connected. The impetus is your looks, talents, and my work; my role has performed a miracle and I feel horrible. I feel you and them stomp on me and give me no choices. I feel both of you hide and sneak around behind my back; make me unhappy with the situational predicament. I do not think you are dangerous; I think they are. You are just too comfortable and take advantage of our friendship. You do not care and so long as I stay with you; you accept anything, even infidelity. That shows how open your mind is and how committed you are to failure. You want to win at all cost and this is not about making others happy. You use work as if it is a saving grace; materialism. I am beginning to notice and figure you out; a character flaw and dislikes. Your game is more positives than negatives; more safety lines than dangers; more wins than losses; I am the safety net and how you expect to be happy. I compare you to a genius and you hide the entire matter very well. I am certain you are insane and a madwoman if I did not show up or were here. It is getting worse and you cannot stop the decline; you tried and shifted the blame. You asked me what you did wrong; prove it and did not tell me all the details; scared or felt it was irrelevant. Ann, even I hate you and I have no reason to as you claim and explain it. You call it love and a happy marriage; liberation and taking the pressure off you. You are insane and almost got killed; at least be a fighter or have some fight. Your career took off nearly getting raped and murdered! You are F'in insane anyhow you see it and going to be more hated or used to it. I am scared of having kids with you. I am scared of the thought of you being a mom or more of you all. You are an experiment that went wrong I think; I don't know.
Everybody has seen this over and over; I always make okay and you screw up everything; your life and my life and you think you are actually great and doing good work. You are an insane woman, lack reality, have no compassion or care but for only yourself. It is a shame you found a man who can make things so good for you or wash away all that you have screwed up or lost; it is a shame and disgrace I have made you a winner. It makes me sick to my stomach sometimes and has. So you look at the Salami’s and you ask what is wrong with them; because that is why I am always yelling at you; but you seem to survive each round and end up a winner. I am at odds and amazed with you also; almost like you have 9 lives and can squirm out of anything. The truth is you have no fight. You see people run at you; you run. You see a man lick you face, you try to lick his or close your eyes. There is insanity in you and it makes me disgusted; I complain a lot. You claim you love me and I make your life happy. I do not think you are great; I think you know this very well; but offer me the key to my freedom and I am forced to stay with you or tolerate this. No wonder you owe the Salami and Limbaugh's so much; no wonder you are so close to this communist spy ring and terrorist plot. They create the problems and tragedy; you give it back to me and make me stay with you but my feelings for you are almost as bad. There is not much difference between you all; not much. You are the human cannonball; shot in a trash can or over their fort. You emerge from liquid trash and want a hug or a kiss as if I am not able to smell you or where you have been. So you do not want to leave and want things to be good with us; to be loved and cherished. I have been miserable with you; you claim it is not you; positive? Are you 100 per cent sure or lying? All of you are always suppressing information and apologizing. I do not think you sneak around but honestly I sometimes pray you are. Are you insane or not? I did not expect this from you Ann; my guards were caught down and even you make me suffer. The problem is you all suck okay, sorry. Even as a genius, you suck. None of you want to leave and lie like crazy; total insanity. The human race cannot win and cannot be at peace; hell on earth with your breed. You have and still cause a lot of problems with us; even if I try to avoid it and do not wish it on you. All of you are weak, insane, and desperate, think you are the police, and feel powerful. This is not about your looks okay.
If I complain; you make it 10 times worse. If I suspect you are sneaking around or doing something wrong; you make it 10 times worse and apologize incessantly about how you are not intentionally doing it. That is the problem; you cannot do it right and do not want to please the person you claim to love. You expect unreasonable or an infallible relationship with me when even you know I hate you and you must tone it down; no defense. So you lack some common sense and expect others to figure it out or get things right; all of you are like this. So you protect your political career and life like it is your baby; but when it comes to who and what you love; in your world it is infallible because you are insane. It is not easy being your man and I have told you this before but you keep this sustainable. I feel like a prisoner of love also. I feel like I cannot leave you but reject you and want to smack you so reality and danger is understood. You even tell me about a murder plot on you and the people who did this to me. Your life is a disgrace. You do it again and again; walk out of the cave; cry about it; and then walk back in while trying to escape it. Stop walking in the cave idiot. Most sane people will say this is a terrifying ordeal but you have no fight and no understanding of danger; none of you do until you are arrested or dead. You act like a slave girl and after decades in liquid trash; you are so used to it and want me to embrace or hug you? Are you F'in stupid or just a god damn idiot? You have convinced me you are a genius and work hard; how did you convince me to love you also? Ask these people; how the F did you do this? I think you are F'in insane and need to be smacked. Am I imagining shit or have I lost my mind also? Why are you trying to cause me to go insane like you? You have one F'in life and you seem not to even care and calmly tell me you are trying to stop them. You suck. Let the reality sink in; you have bad blood with me also. Are you saying you are greater or a champion; or are you begging for forgiveness all the time; for me to love and make you happy? You MF knock it off will you? Are you just a collector of greatness and just want to be there on your terms? It seems like you want to be there really badly but when the truth hits you; you run. It has been like this and why you are so lazy with love and marriage; you are running. You actually do it on purpose; people know you do it on purpose, consciously to be hated or despised. So you need insanity and hell so you become a victim and are loved by your enemies; so go to them and stay; do not come back. You want hell and you need it for your lies. I am fed up and sick of this; but you claim you did nothing wrong and are not to blame. Do I trust you? No not really do you?
Ann, I do not know who is more insane; you or them. You, a female, is going to be the human cannonball, and stop the entire communist forces by wasting your life away while I am a captive and you are celebrating your own murder plot and prancing off impersonating them? Either I have lost my mind; or all of you need to be smacked very hard. You god damn slaves are out of control. It is this women problems they keep on emphasizing and all thee females Bin Hannity and Uncle Tom racist bigot Limbaugh keep sending my way in waves like dive bombers. Clearly, it is time to consider smacking the F out of you women. Sexy diva and insane; bone downright whacked and messing with the minds of others or playing a bro-manqué type of fag game to just drive others insane. All of you got your men nearly killed. All of you got your armies killed for sure. You know what is coming next; do you need to be reminded about your place on a battlefield? The F'in Taliban is not chasing you and the F'in Arabs could not give a shit about you okay. I personally am sick of hearing reports about how you are insane, if you are insane, and how much of an army you have raised. The reality and the simple fact is the insane chick act has to end or the insane chick is going to get smacked. You tell me you are not insane. People are getting killed by insane MF. All of you are total fags and idiots; more dopey loser than champion warrior. Every word out of your mouth is about Arabs and how they treat women. Your men are slaves. Now it is photo ops with black men, dinners with stalkers, and cocktails with communists or terrorists. Okay, these divas are nuts and insane; they need to be smacked. Take a hard close look at what you have told me, what I was told, and what I am complaining about. You have lived, breathed, and done everything to become liquid trash and now you just want everybody; even myself, to take you at face value. At least take a bath; that is all I am saying. Let me give you a hug and jump all over it. Remember, they are ready to die and death is waiting for them. Go and join them; celebrate and then write a book. These are death squads and the communist police. You are fighting the same people who unleashed death squads in South America so they can start a human rights watch and legal propaganda campaign in America; so do not expect to be pampered or liked.
Even when you are on life support and being saved; you F'in genetic rejects bitch and whine; simply, you have no fight and your Kung Fu sucks. In war, you will get yourself killed but all of you wife swap and you sit there and claim how you do not want to get hurt and we are your F'in children or soldiers; your hope. Do a fat ass loser and a gorilla looking bastard ass get the reality across well? Have you noticed it is your religion? Have you noticed how your NY minute is just total lies and you want to be some Sheena queen of the jungle laxative? It is time to smack some of your human rights and fat bottom loser who only wants to shake the coconut tree not climb it into hell. Now I have women impersonating you upstairs like Clinton on hick roids’. If you are a man, than fight like one and stop making me sit next to you or sick to my stomach. If you want to act like a female and insane chick; STFU about the Taliban and how you are fighting them; they are copying and impersonating your success story. You don't have a damn fight in you and cannot raise your leg to pee; no less kick; tornado kick; scissor kick; or perform highly skilled tasks. Yet your entire lazy communist, labor union, liberal, and left wing stink sinks in a filthy Don's Jon of liquid trash sex or orgy. I have to listen to it day and night. I have to fight for an insane chick. Ann, knock it off; next to put you in your place. As far as these other insane chicks you are leader of; have you noticed they are all widows? Have you noticed the future of their kids? Have you noticed some stark differences about why they get bad grades, smell awful, or dance like a loser who drinks themselves to death? That is called the human bike seat and a worthless idiot; no education, insane rants, psychopathic anger, and the constant use of this "I am loved" and "America loves me" bro-manse fueled total failure. Do not act like liquid trash and expect to be loved okay. Each time I spray you off, it is back to the Don's Jon and holding your ankles. I am fed up with this liquid trash problem. My god, let's celebrate the stink and give me another hug; the Don's Jon is full of gold. Do you have any idea what the problem is? Do you know why it caused me more problems in the short term; a second, third, and fourth stampede. These people are insane and serial killers. So Ann's surprise is over and she is a sitting duck; but she claims she has a plan and knows what she is doing; she just needs to be excused, forgiven, and just forget it is a total disaster. I get scamed or hurt twice; once from the bad guys and once from Ann who has to reproduce it or create insanity. That is going to make Alex super happy and make him feel Ann is helpful. Ann creates the second wave of pain.
Ann, I am going to say it again and it is going to be the last time. You lied to me about this iRush wedding; I have a tendency not to believe you anymore. You seem to have a problem and do not get along with me because as a woman you do not know your place. A lot of people have or are commenting about your behavior and you want to know something; you are almost like a rotten kid who pushes things to far. I have to deal with this and trying to try to talk you down off the ledge each and every time. Meanwhile you tell me some story which now I tend not to believe or pay attention to because you "PuNkEd" me so many times. It is like a moving joke now and the photo ops and the stuff printed on Wikipedia is just plain embarrassing. I hardly order you around and you seem to be brainwashed; but you need to know your god damn place okay. You get beat up. You go to dinner and complain about it. You try to hold on to our relationship but piss me off constantly. You seem to have a self destructive personality and lack some sense. In all honesty, it is really annoying. It is getting annoying and I am starting to have big doubts about whether or not we get along. I usually do not breathe down people's back and expect above average; it is constant yelling when it comes to you. It feels like in a relationship or with a man; you do not know your place or are such a huge liability; it sucks. It is like driving with a motor mouth while lost or on vacation; turn here, take a left, I think we are lost, I know for sure now we are lost, sorry I did not do it on purpose and try to piss you off, I don't mind if we drive off a cliff just do not turn around. So I am glad you know your own kind and can do this to them back; but now you have a serious issue. Do not tell me you had problems with your self esteem and needed help. It is all rape and sex fueled; layers of stupidity and lazy appeals; total lies. My money is made and I will find me the most awesome woman on this earth; I promise you okay. So stop keeping me and stop pleading or begging. They have you beat and got you worried and in total fear now. They will kill you because they have no choice in this; it is you or them. Do you want to keep them or dump them? They are dumping you. I have a 1.4 billion dollar lawsuit; I do not need to worry or defend your single life. The problem is I cannot take my products to market; they are stealing it all. You slander yourself.
Do you realize what you have done and how they get this from you? You just throw it out there as if you were on crack or some illegal narcotic; just to trip them up. You are on a different page and listening to a different drummer; so our lives have taken a turn; life changes. You seem not to notice or care; things change and you make excuses or have emotional problems. I see you F'ers as slaves and a bunch of liars, freaks, untrustworthy, and pushy. You even fight me to stay with you and I turn around and ask if you are a liability, sneaky, or know your place. I get so nervous about how you have no sense and cry or hurt so badly; as if you screwed up your life and plead for forgiveness or are apologetic. Then you get nasty and sick of apologizing; hostile about the topic. Not all of you women are like this but a lot of you women are and it is annoying. Is this the horny-hick syndrome or the fag in disguise act? Is the Taliban after you also? Stop complaining and knock off the insane loser or madwoman act; do you want to be smacked. Do they want to kill their armies or the retarded autistic child they breast fed while sticking their heads in tents or sniffing to smell the delicious gold mines? Maybe freedom is too complex and they need to get better grades? Now I love you and it has been good so far but I have told you to change your tactics and change your human cannonball act; it is getting really bothersome, annoying, and you enjoy it way too much. Even during your own murder case; all you can think about is leisure and making friends with Catholic-Jews while they take jabs at me? Now you want me to trust you after lying and me asking you if you want to be smacked like them. Now I have to deal with your impersonator 24 hours telling me to leave and how they are your protectors while you tell me about murder plots and them stalking you? Do you want to be my victim or must I manage every single part of your life because you and they have no sense and try to destroy the human soul? Look at me… they still try to destroy me and claim I have no sense. All day and night I have to listen to your impersonator and torture or taunting in my own residence.
Here is the truth and reality. You act almost like the iRush; cocktails, parties, irresponsible, train wreck, etc... and they acknowledge you for being their champion. You seem to be the head mistress to their unusual and broken life. Now you spring this god forsaken surprise on them and both of you are chasing each other around; they claim you love them, you claim you hate them; they claim you are friends, you claim they are trying to kill everybody and you. Can we end the bickering and arguing and kill them please? The insane chick act is getting old and very belittling. You lack fight and want to just have fun or get slow and lazy; a leisure or comfy way of seeing things when it is not going well. I even point out how stupid they dance. Who the F invented this and has injected into my life and veins? Now I am in a freaking terror plot or have rodents shaking my hands while telling me to leave. I have had to ask if you know how to fight or defend yourself. You get your face licked on TV and come to me about how you are tearing it up; know your place yet? I don't want to sound too mean or have someone say the Taliban is chasing them; but you F'ers are a slave breed and need to have your clocks cleaned by a full award winning military. I am talking about putting you in your gay and damned place. One minute you are insane. The next minute you are not insane. Have you read what they wrote about me in court or the charges filed against me? Have you seen my grades? Have you looked at my financial records and bank statements? Oh yes, Ann can prove she is the source of happiness and wants to be helpful; seeking love or wants love. They do it once and then she is the second wave. Now they claim she is putting the nail in the coffin and I am disgusted with both of them. Ann claims she and I are loved.
Ann, I have reports of you with other men; you tell me it is not true. One of you is going to get the shit smacked out of you and the most likely Ann is your gay ass friends or you; can you live with that reality? Love sucks doesn't it; at least you are not some pudgy goof who thinks she is in control of me or my mom. So decide if you wish to drive me crazy or make my life insane okay; I have enough of this right now; no need for you to be there also. This idea you are the human cannonball is worse than making lemonade out of lemons. All we do is shoot you over their fort and sit back and have a beer? At least fight if you are going to have a blast with them or tell me it is all lies; not get your face licked. So I am annoyed by the liquid trash and your liquid trash act; do not ask for a hug and stop the sexy events okay. I cannot make Ann leave and iRush is still tormenting her with kids, marriage, and this fantasy lover's quarrel. Ann is just losing all support and has made too many enemies' but like a little kid; she wants to be saved like all women and these men. That is slave mentality; that is left wing thought; that is a total and complete loser. To celebrate or make up; she takes out JJ. There is genius in her! iRush warns me about Ann and says this lady has a chip on her shoulder; really? When I got there I observed her getting beat up to a pulp and reaching out to me; and then sticking a knife in my back and then claiming I imagined the pain. She said stop but not to her enemies, only who she loves because she is a total disaster and disappoints.
So I feel trapped and stuck with jackasses. I have them calling me 24 hours just to harass and bully me. I have total losers who think they are my mom or some powerful figure with full access and who watches me every F'in day; a total idiot communist and an insane chick barking for war and how we are at war with the left wing, morons, bastards, and some religion. Have you heard the F'er answer one question? How about 100 of them? Here is an example of it and the uninvited to parties problem or peeping tom problem. I have never seen such a worthless species or cow dung; yet they waste nothing and turn this cow dung into a cheap skate bomber and terrorist. I also bet they are all illegal and came here with some insane poodle story; so now they are prancing around F'in with royals and the most powerful on earth. It is all about money and profit; sex and image; stupid psycho-boy loser total failure. Honestly, I cannot tell if it is a man, women, or an it; some god damn alien with super natural or tit like capability; suck on it and we die. The stories of these women are the most absurd and strange you will ever hear; and then listen to the documented ones about bio-terrorism or bacteria spores. They used to hide the super fat with one or two super gorgeous women; I was wondering who was doing it or why. Again, Ann, I do not know who is more insane; you ore them. You, a female, is going to be the human cannonball, and stop the entire communist forces by wasting your life away while I am a captive and you are celebrating your own murder plot and prancing off impersonating them? Either I have lost my mind; or all of you need to be smacked very hard. Maybe freedom and stupidity do not go hand in hand with this slave breed. I am sure the Taliban is trying to kill them and I am sure they are oppressed or seeking freedom; do we need to hear more of this? These people are destroyed and they cannot come to the reality of whom and what they are. Look at their leaders sneaking around and busted; totally in a stupor and daze; but they are confident and they got total lies or game. They got style and wit; the only problem is they are the joke and now have a 1.4 billion lawsuit for being such a menace and uneducated loser. All they have is hate and no answers; only superiority and overwhelming people. You cannot tell one from the other; and they are in love or have some special relationship; organized jackass stampede.
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About Me

- My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.
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