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Ann! iRush kept saying how these events are bonding us to him and the communists. He even got angry about how you ruined it and how I had trashed their plot on you; to meet, woo, court, and then bond you. Now the feces upstairs says "we are not in love" and continues to meet, sit with, and do this bonding; total psychopathic. As far as the 1.4 billion law suit and the murder plots; they will do anything to win legally or make their Catholic and Jewish lawyers look powerful; win at all cost. So that is how the peeping tom camera and recording devices, sex tapes, blackmail, etc... came about or was so prevalent. Stop and do not talk to them; they are totally nuts and delusional. They even think they are married to you; likewise, I am meeting my chosen Bwitch. So we are not in love, falling for them, and the FBI says I am too good; while you say stop! See if any of that makes sense. The GOProud mega party is not going to stop this psycho or do any good; trust me Ann, it can only damage our life and be used against you later on. When we are angry, they are also. When you celebrate, they go out. When you are on attack, so are they; now we are not in love.
Ann, I do not know if you have parties in your hotel room, have parties in your apartment, have parties or invite people over to your parents, or just attend social and events with the wrong people. I have heard at least five different groups; as if it is a game and some contest. I have had to listen to men brag, listen to you and them pretend they are hooking up, listen to all kinds of bad behavior that no man would ever put up with. I have heard your side and watch men lick your face, attack you endlessly, be put on the spot and lie on a pathological level, and you playing along or telling me how it is all lies or total lies. Now I have to listen to how you go drinking, drink with these people, how rotten you all are, and live with this Scarlet Letter like stigma you have enjoyed and invented. So far they have not compiled any book or bond with you; so far they have not brought to me your head but it is clear they are trying very hard. I understand you have problems with stalkers or cult leaders; now understand I have a problem with you and your lifestyle. It feels like you are talking over me and I am talking over you; pissing our life away on some cruel, demented, idiotic maniac who refuses to leave and get the F out of our life. This is why they call them cult groups; you do not have to pick a fight with or run with 1000s of them okay. If you want to piss your life away, then do not get me in it or stuck; now I have my side and this enemy doing it to me. Ann, I have a 1.4 billion law suit; they will use this against you; trust me.
This is freaking me out. That insane ape like iRush princess upstairs said, "we are not in love" to me and I got up and left the room; she kept on trying to talk to me all day long; like usual sitting above me or pretending to be a guard. So according to that terrorist command center; we are not in love! So while you and I are fighting about your lifestyle and how it looks; they are trying really hard to deliver your head. Now I am sick of you but have stuck by your side or through all of this; I feel trampled on and get ran over by your rotten friends and business partners. The fact is you have not brought to the table anything; if they are going to deliver your head; it is wise to have theirs ready. Your redemption is being sabotaged and your life has your defenses doubled; can you see it yet? The stuff I read is just too much; moreover, you seem like you have a self destructive personality or are smug about it all. My concerns and complaints fall on deaf ears but you want me to win your case and need my help; why? Why do you need me in your life if you are going to do this or cause so many problems; it is just not you? I understand you are telling these men stop and to leave you alone; look what it did to us though. I have a problem with your lifestyle and your career; do you want to sue me or are trying to escape me also? We have been through this over and over before; we need to work together if you wish to stay together; your lifestyle is the problem. Do not expect magic if you wish to stay together okay; you have to work at it; do you realize it is counter-productive? You make me think you do not want to stay together and then jerk me back right before I am gone; I have been through these tricks before with other psycho females. Why did you do this Ann? You are ruining our case and life!
You know I love you and am always there either to protect you or be the best friend in the world. Now I complain about you and your friends, cult groups, ape like media clowns, you being ravashed by your friends, and I wonder if you are sane or lost your mind? You have a worry free life; also you are trying to love someone who gives you a lot back. That is not the problem and I wonder if it has to do with your race, religion, friends, or your career. It is not just you. It is a lot of people. It feels like you are a con man or part of a large cult group; the liberals and communists. All of you have this life that is self destructive; and you make a lot of money doing it. As a military strategist, I have analyzed your stalker problem, smear-slander problem, and evaluated your response; it is an act of self inflicted wounds similar to suicide. When you have a stalker problem; you go to parties or do as I do; take them places where they feel closter phobic, not confident, or jog it out of them. Fighting psychos, cult members, communists, and liberals do not mean you are allowed to become them or have such a good time; leisure is all you F'ers think about. Work on your family, career, and things that last a really long time okay. You have become the enemy Ann; so blind to your own lack of fight and disappointment. There is a conversion going on or one already taken place; you are them and infected due to your lifestyle. It is like STDs; who would know? Do I seem like a very sympathetic individual or a beast? Why do all of you F with a beast and get bit or loose your head? Are you a cult member or is there a problem with your dirt poor race? I want you back the way you were; not the way you are now. I am trying to get my life back also; but am in a bad situation and called the FBI for help.
When you have men fabricating relations or sexual conquest of you; you choose a man that will humiliate and degrade them; and then treat him like a king. Now here is the reality; all of this has an impact on your life and mine. This tic for tac, action-reaction, you go first, who can beat whom at lying, cult group fame, cult group admiration, and lost your mind strategy is doing tremendous damage to both sides; yours and theirs. I ask myself if you have lost your mind and concluded you are or were brainwashed; this is not the Protestant ethic either. You are supposed to choose family over menial matters such as parties, dinners, and running around with political movers and shakers. I understand you have a stalker problem; but you have to understand how far you can keep claiming a stalker problem or the lack of action/defenses to address this. You can look really stupid, bullied, weak, not tough or with some huge fight by pissing your life away on some idiot or total loser. Have you all lost your F'in mind? Why do I have to keep reminding you and treating you like my daughter? I am stuck with endless problems or worries. Your military or defenses are bone insane; yet effective. I feel like sloppy seconds or left with the weeping willow. Your life or lifestyle makes me envious and hate our relationship. Your friends or career makes me hate you or ever knowing you. All of you are cult members and some form of a con man; one trick after the other or some way to get back at each other. Now look at who the ape is and what you are doing to us. Everybody thinks you are sleeping around and you come to me or I dispel all of that; even I have this voice in my head that tells me you are unfaithful. As outgoing and flirtatious as you all are; you act in a manner that cannot be rationalized and always hidden; then you put the blame on others when all of you are con men or lost your F'in mind.
Ann, it is time you face reaity, grow up, and get smacked. If you go against me one more time and throw some outrageous misfit or irregular pundit trick; I am going to impregnate a gorgeous female or force you to start over. First it was the HomoCon party. Then it is some cruise ship with Dicky to Tel Alie. The point is you went to the wedding of someone you implicated as a stalker and conspirator in your murder plot. You have caused me severe hardships, intentionally or not in the most smug manner. I have a 1.4 billion dollar lawsuit which you claim to be a partner in while you start fires all around my life, your life, and expect me to run right into some smoldering corpse. Then you were going drinking with guys you claim were out to get you. Does this sound like someone who is worried about her life? Does this sound like someone who is worried about her lover or trying to help him? Does this sound like someone who is trying to win a 1.4 billion dollar lawsuit? Acting gullible is one thing; being gullible is another. Things used to be perfect between us and now I think you have a drinking problem or live off of the attention in a bar. I am so sick of bars now I do not even want to hear it mentioned from you ever again. The liberals and left wing keep saying I love them Ann; stop will you! They will not stop and keep the tic for tac ape crap ongoing and 24 hours; then try to overpower or suggest they kicked me out. I have even filed charges with the FBI and we are stuck with this ape crusader and enemy in our home and life. Does that make you or them happy?
Yeah, you never told me about any of this stuff or how messed up your existence is. I do love you and had a wonderful life with you; where is that wonderful person I knew? You are a wonderful person, who the F is this dirt scum or loser messing with my mind? So how embarassed do you think I am concerning myself about your murder plot or destruction; while you live a lifestyle I neither agree with if I was trying to marry you, been with you for 20 years, and trying to help you with all of these enemies. Do you think all of these men problems will just go away or your enemies will just stop on your command? Do you think going to parties and bars; drinking with guys you hate; and causing problems between you and I will win your lawsuit or fix your private or married life? Honestly, do you think a judge will see you as a person who might be in trouble, danger, or was severely hurt? You could drink yourself to death. Moreover, you have iHannity and iRush with reports of your worry free life while they try to finish me off or silence me; and get you out of the way. How do you prove to me you are serious or responsible when you trample on me and live this life that is carefree? Now you F'ers are debating Ground Zero Mosque and Sharia Law; is this a F'in joke? Am I supposed to give out a blood curling scream?
This is how you will or can redeem yourself; maybe you have a sworn secret with them but they are losing their jobs, career, and future. This enemy attacks me or us for more than 20 years and now whimper, tell me how they feel, and is a hysterical whore in my apartment all day and night; what an enemy! I took it for 20 years and never once cried, whimpered, or said a word; I grinded my teeth, bite on leather, and my eyes grew bloodshot while my blood felt like acid was in my veins. This F'in enemy sits there all day and night, "we are ready to die... we want to die... we are worried... why don't you leave... we do not like you... we are in hell... etc." I do not even think the FBI wants to keep them alive or has a damn care in the world about their safety. I want to solve this case and the FBI can decide if they wish to keep them alive; I certainly do not or really care. I have to sit here day and night and listen to them and when that is done; listen to you! You ask a General or military commander how they would feel or what they would do with an enemy like this okay. As far as you; I am not sure what is going on but I call it like I see it; I know we are supposed to love and help each other; to lean on one another for air, life, and support. Even I cannot take it or stand some of this idiotic and cock play that is so grotesque and difficult to watch. I admit you might be having too much fun criticizing and I am a funny guy; give me a god damn break will you! Work on your redemption; do not worry about my disappointment which you can really worsen and break the stick; rip the muscle and that is it; it will never be the same.
What the hell am I saying? You know I love you and try my hardest; but I am drained, injured, and need a break. It is a lot of fights, pain, being a prisoner, and combat fatigue. I love you to death but I cannot keep up while you start so many forest fires or pick so many fights; it leaves me with a very bad impression of you and your management skills; in time of need you might have unreasonable expectations. I complain about conditions between us and even if I realize we are in a ferocious fight with a communist terrorist group; looking gorgeous is difficult and females need a little slack after what you have been through. Nobody is questioning my judgment but yours is really damaged. The only people who will love or accept you is the enemies; misery loves company, right? You know how I run and how I bike; I go at a fast pace and right before the end; I give hell and peak, my adrenaline shoots up there and this F'er is trying to keep up with us both; just in case you did not notice our race strategy. Try to cross the finish line at the same time or not too far okay; hurry up. It is easy to pass them or stop them, they are the ones holding on to money, carry as much gold as possible, and running for their evil-satan life. You do know I have filed charges, am suing, and how hard it is to defend you; don't you? I am the boyfriend or partner that has to tell your story. I am starting to hate your stupid liberal whore and libertarian act; or is it an act? We know you have a dirt race and reproduce like coconuts shaking on a tree; it is really weak and sickening to dea with; everything is weak and you all have lost your F'in mind. This is why they call you all a slave or some car salesman; some inferior species who parties incessantly and loves to fight.

I have heard at least 10 different media channels comment on Opie and Anthony. Those three guys look so stupid and were so tarnished; they laughed because they knew how this enemy plays and is. I will be surprised if they are still around in 12 months; your rotten friends and crazed business partners look really bad. Instead of a blood curdling scream, they act like they are hip, cool, in total control, stupid, and so unpredictably phony! A class act and a sub species of a human being; yet they want more and more. The reality is we may not get along because we have two different lives and lifestyles; love is not written from nothing. The more you force it, the more painful it gets; all the sudden you act like a man or when the cameras are on. Why are you acting like a man? How long are you going to have a stalker problem and be invited to evey bed or party in NY or social circle to have some control of your greed and fabulous men attention. Are you saying I have to complain or write it because nobody will or I have to work for you like they do to me also? Ann, look what you have done; you have brought this subspecies into our life while they keep saying I am a terrorist, mean, or threaten them. They refuse to stop and tell the truth also; a total communist and a Nazi on automatic mode.
They call me a nigger all day long sometimes because I am a minority; then tell me I have no rights because I am a genius and they are a heathen. Look at what you have done by bringing them into our life; now they want to die and keep telling me to kill them or fight them to the death. Did I mention they are the Gestapo and the police now? How the F do I win my 1.4 billion dollar lawsuit with all of this insanity and distractions? I have to stop and yell at you daily; now only weekly and you even love me to death which is why I am doing this for us. One woman will not stop this psycho and kinked out idiot lunatic. We would have to nuke them and if you ask the Pentagon; it is better to avoid a fight because it will led to a beast of burden and war. You have to kill them; they say this around the clock because they are psycho terrorists who have siezed both your life and mine; got it? You and I have a future and what was once our wonderful perfect life; now in tatters but that is not the end and I refuse to quit or stop fighting for both of us; tone it down. They will use this against you and watch me 24 hours on a peeping tom camera, read my legal mail, and play this game of chicken. This is just how the communist spies are okay; deal with it.

This is why they call them cult groups; you do not have to pick a fight with or run with 1000s of them okay. If you want to piss your life away, then do not get me in it or stuck; now I have my side and this enemy doing it to me. At least you are loved and family; they are hated and some stranger and now you got all these insane people in my life while telling me one lie after the other about quitting or how hard you are working. It just is not there Ann; as a friend I have to say you have fallen to the curse of your enemy; you have become the enemy and the one who is destroying your own life. So maybe they will win the lawsuit and finally silence you. So maybe one of you will throw the other in Auschwitz and make a joke out of it finally; you F'ers are insane and need me to save your loser and idiot lifestyle and culture. Either we save you or you get the bag lady and crazy train to the concentration dream. So watch you and the three stooges on that gay and bwitch slapped show "Opie and Anthony" below and try to make sense of it...
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