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Monday, August 16, 2010


Dear Ann: just so you know, Pat Cadburied admitted on the bigot and racist radio show he was a co-conspirator with Hannity trying to get hired. Pat is afraid of getting arrested and felt you were criticizing yourself and not them. He says all of you are hated and not liked in the industry; all tainted. Pat is very afraid of how his life turned out and how he tried the US Army buddy system on you; but they could not nail you or get you in bed. They tried to be cool about this but I have given you my ultimatum; what is the most important priority in your life and how badly do you want power or fame? You have all the rope to hang youself if suicide is your goal or some mass suicide; do not pull me in closer or bring more of these people in my life; draw the line here and find a better life; fly away from the streets of fire, not start more fires while I cannot put them out and am pulling out finally. If you want to come, then say so and do not expect everything; remember, they think you are the FBI and America is a trash dump now; a total disaster. It is time you lay the friends for life act alone and walk the two way street with me if you want to stay in a two way relationship; understand? I am not going to save you; you have to save yourself and I will try to make it better for the both of us because we are in this together; that is the price of love and I have paid a big price already.

Ann, I am not chasing you or these bag lady syndromes any further; the trash dump and the human cannonball is being closed and life will move on. You either come with me or not; that is up to you to find your destiny or burn it up forever. To win they need to put themselves around the best while we complain about those who are awful. In attacking best friends or even those who are more trusted than he is; he starts a war and begins his rapid decline into hell; too greedy and always testing patients. Are we supposed to thank him for losing and utter failure or respect him as he demands around the clock? Regardless he keeps this flamboyant image and his phony life like the con man he truly is. So what they did after getting caught was go into a mode of damage control; to compound problems and to increase the workload from 15,000 pages to 20,000 pages. The erratic behavior and the quick career fall was witnessed across the world and before the eyes of millions. So to come into court with nothing and take the 5th or deny this is a far stretch of the imagination. Here are some recommendations and advice...

1. Try to do things that reinforce your marriage and your relationship with the one you love. You have every single ingredient of a conspiracy, plot, dead bodies, and maniacal lying. Things are okay but when you really piss off others; do not expect to retire on crime.
2. What do you think the end result will be if you swim in sewage? Washing off or pleading flamboyance will not help your moniker. Making them the bad guy works up to the point you say stop. Do not put horrible or an idiot around you and expect life to be easy.
3. Do you think we want your rotten kids either? Putting out fires cost money, time, effort, and is dangerous. Setting fires is no big deal? So as cannibals, you make them feel human but a total lie. Do not be the curse of the immigrant who sticks their nose in the tent for a whiff; ambition is one thing, ruin and failture is another.
4. If you surround yourself with better people; maybe you would be better off? Maybe if you had better people in your life, things would be different? This is the case with my life and my biography; slander and robbery. What more do you need to be a defendant in a case or have an arrest warrant issued?
5. Talking about is good; doing something about it makes all the difference. You have taken a do the wrong thing approach. Just make sure you are on the right side when you do something about this. So they look and feel like a loser; always cheating and never getting away with nothing. Yet they lie to their bosses and now have shut them out with wild, insane, and ludicrous PR. You look like chicken and a moniker dinner; this is why they feel human and are so hungry for this flamboyance, it is easy to exploit your grief and vulnerability. I am even worse conditioned.
6. Maybe you are a captive or prisoner; maybe you are not. You cannot use this to gain favor or make people treat you better. It comes down to you seeking a protective order or getting one on you, choose? Let them loose their life, career, and be penniless dumpster diving; it is their fate.
7. If you take extravagant trips, go to luxurious dinners and events, and have men fight for you 24 hours; that is you. At some point the reality will hit home and the impact of your actions will equalize. These people have no invitation and create hostage standoff or total disaster. They need to be forcibly removed.
8. Being everything to everyone is dangerous. If you have a death wish and wish to take on the world; then do this on better terms. Your female disposition and grandeur is off the charts; there are things about your female nature that cannot be fixed. You cannot fight every single battle and win them; pick them wisely, you have no fight. You have never been in a real fight; it is all fantasy land, oppression, slander, and mind games.
9. They all are saying the same thing about you; you express, show, and have a lack of care. You treat Alex in the same manner and expect love or some reward. This is the basis of the entire case and this cat and mouse game with those slandering you, me, and America. That is the game here; love and a total lack of care. The difference is one side is a metal trash can and the other is a fine tuned military machine. So the military and FBI is on one side; who wants to fight this out or talk about it? The silence is deaftning and clearly shows a conspiracy. So the problem of having better people around you or wait this one out; life will not rewind or reset for you.
10. If you are a fine tuned military machine then maybe I would be more compatible to your power or their power. All of you are archaic, a total mess, bouncing off each other, stepping on dead bodies, and wander aimlessly. Then your behavior and irresponsibility is hidden and it impacts my life and I am left complaining while you all say leave or go home. You saved me from this but now you are getting pulled back and dragged into it again; bringing you back on board again. The only one complaining or talking is me; I have the FBI on the other line and it is really obvious a lot of information is being hidden; even from you Ann.

So they have are using hostesses or gold diggers to drive you crazy and chase. Then when you figure out it is a scam; they hit you with this repugnant and grotesque fat lady; as a joke. So now the end of the rainbow and game led to only two women; Ann and an ape like spokesman upstairs. There are over 1000 pictures of different girls which can be presented in court as part of how they try to drive you mad or make your head explode with stupid gimmicks and dirty tricks; all they can say is "we do not know what to do... we are ready to die... we are at war." So we got Jihad Jane online and her gift at the end of the rainbow; a murder plot. I can show and prove over 1000 faces and contacts; most of them are fake and just to invent this chase; similar to a bluffer or how the sex industry operates when it lacks sanity. They are totally insane and still refuse to leave or ask why it is the way it is. They also feel the 5th and no answers will fix it; deny everything. So there is a lot of lying going on and a lot of slander.

Notice how they all act as if we are not down with the American people and this struggle; and then how the police are totally corrupt. So all of you are a total disaster but none of you want to stop or say anything. You claim to be on my side and we are in this together; now that is not the problem. We are incompatible and it is a custody case; the moment that crucial period comes; a nail is put in your coffin and mine. You are an open target and have no defense. You pretend to not notice or ignore it because you are tough and won already. You show no fight or defiance. It has been devastating to your life and mine. You claim slander and a murder plot; I have verified it as a conspiracy. Nobody is talking; you claim you are stopping them. Now you have marriage problems and you are helpless. We can keep going with this but you want or seek love, power, and opportunity. That is my lawsuit; you have to be a total jackass or a slave or else you are kicked out of the trash dump. Now you are opening the door to the doors I had just slammed and locked; you are the problem because you did nothing but saved me. No wonder it is a club of communists and a total disaster; this is how you live past your worth or value; suicide at the management level and utter failure with no brakes. Obviously they are stalkers and kidnappers who refuse to leave; can we do more damage to them and how?

All of you live on debt and you complain ferociously about jobs and opportunity; nobody wants, needs, or wants this. So if they agree with me, then I am owed 1.4 billion dollars and we can move on and find happiness in life. I have my case and it is ready for trail. Anything you do from here on is just shooting in the air or this chip on your shoulder; it is malice, pain and suffering, and a mad woman. You might punish them and even me; but I have a feeling they will whack you and make me regret ever knowing you; then blame us or say we did this. All these clues and hints lead to one and one only one conclusion; a protective order and a conspiracy. So let the overweight horny carpet kittens explain to their bosses badly they messed up everything and cannot get any love. Tell them to get back into porn where they belong because it is called management suicide; living well past your true worth and leading others to hell. Winning elections is not going to do anything to these leaders or those who put good people around them and then exploit their grief or total lies. How do we hurt them or make them feel our wrath for the 300+ felony charges filed against them? They even retaliate and try to rip our life apart, isolate us, and make us desperate or show a lack of response.

Now read about the mob and Murder Ink Ann:
Prop. 8 is on the iRush Pages; front door locks were broken over weekend; landlord trying to change locks; FBI asked to seek arrest warrants on all criminal members of this and charge of obstruction of justice.

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.