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Saturday, August 7, 2010


Ann, I have some really good advice; avoid parties and functions that suggest nothing is wrong. I do not know what is wrong with you all; but when you are stressed you eat. When you fail you drink. When you are being murdered, you do photo ops. I am beginning to see a pattern here. If you read FReeP, they have attacked you on the TV Land stunt. The pictures of dinner, shopping, and you grabbing mans crotch is just embarrassing. It has been almost 30 years chasing, cornering, and tracking these people; now they are trying to get away and order me to stop criticizing them and get a job. They expect my life to be an exact as yours; just go to work and forget about it; move on. So you have to listen to me; you must be more cautious and use your head better; make better life decisions please. You almost drove me away before; but somehow it fixed itself. I felt you had pushed things way too far and took way too many chances; a self destructive and abnormal state of mind. So I came to the conclusion you were either running or had been brainwashed based on what you told me. If you want to fight an enemy or get in their face; at least fight; stick them, mace them, throw an egg, or dump wine on their head. I saw a man lick your face on national TV and like all attacks; there is a stigma of being a wimp. This nation and these people have hit the top of the insanity charts; let's not debate if you are insane and worthless also. I mean I really hate them; being yelled at or told I cannot criticize, speak out, or have to know my place by a bastard and idiot. I have to deal with your broken life also and gimmicks with them. The problem is how you came here, how I did, and the story of America. I know she is a victim and I know what happened to you. Someone keeps impersonating you (white, female, from NY) and then lying about how I love them or are here to save them. Again, it is this stalker, impersonator, and claims to be our parent; a stranger but a guardian in need. These are needy and damned people; enemies in need impersonating friends so that the public is convinced they are loved. Did I make a mistake in saving you?

The slave breed and this enemy may have been powerful a long time ago. They may have been property owners or rich at some point in history. However, commerce and stupidity has taken down their existence, lies, and aura. They still flood here in droves in search of gold and freedom. They no less care about America then to make us their slaves or some terrorists for their cause. Look at what they have done and who they are today. Like all civilizations, trade and commerce has been bad and causes them to be cornered or roped into confession. Now they are sick of this and angry. They are angry of living in the dark. They are angry because they think it is their world and they are masters of the human race. They think we are their life raft; their kids; and their property. They feel we have no rights and it is up to them to teach us properly; what is this teaching? We cannot turn back the sands of time or wish them away; but that is why there is a 1.4 billion lawsuit and you nearly being duct taped and thrown into a trunk; to be lit on fire and wished away. They claim we wish them away and are trying to kill them. Now they claim we are at war and preventing people from getting killed is difficult and impossible. Now they claim they are in control and have won. You see who this enemy is? The Feds risk getting fired or extermination for helping us; we are on our own. The police have strings all over them; like it or not, and are the least favorable to make life better. Each and everytime we call for help; it gets worse and worse and they claim it is us. We are oppressors. We are failures. We are not in control. So this is the result of commerce and privateers. This is how they frame people and make them feel guilty or keep them as prisoners. Do you think complaints will fix them; if so there is 1000 of them a month. Do you think my power and our combined efforts will save America? They claim we have to kill them and play foolish games. Nuking them is an option and the result of infesting America with cock roaches; but they use us as a human shield and this is not how we fight wars in modern times. The best thing to do is avoid them; let's sue them for kidnapping and abduction; and let the military nuke their asses and kill them. It is a slave breed and they have invented insanity. Commerce and business just makes it worse and makes them less human. What human being can take these blows day after day by the best in the industry? It was 100 million and now 1.4 billion; now they claim to have siezed the Supreme Court and we are trapped? You must attend their parties and functions; I am a little annoyed aren't you? It is you who goes to dinner and email these communists and traitors; not me. I am their prisoner and get tortured sometimes by the hour. You do not want to know what I want to do with them or the pain I wish to impose on them. I am losing faith in you and think you are one of them or a slave also; jail breaks.

This country will not survive and the goofs are not backing down and keep flooding here. Now it is about saving them, terror plots, and the Constitution. So you may not survive this and I want you to start listening to me; it is up to you to fix things now; they are silent and will take it to the grave; obviously. So your story may never be told; so will theirs. Hannity does the same thing with Olly North, Leonard Skywards, and this idea America loves them is not the truth. I have to sit here and deal with pictures all my life now and you laughing at it; is that you in those pictures or someone else? You think it is no big deal, do apologize, and have shown you did not mean to piss me off or intentionally tried to create a disaster out of our life. I complain a lot; even about you. You people need to F'in get with the show and drop the cocktail drinks. How long do you think a long distance relationship will last, forever? Who is crazier or lost their mind, you or them? The police have the least fight of all; servants of the government. They will try to take you out and have failed miserably in taking me out. Now they claim liberals and Catholic-Jews are legally in control and we cannot criticize them. So our image is tarred and made to be worse than their damned life. We are made to think and feel as if we are political prisoners. Why? America is their gold mine and expects them to screw it up and destroy it. Do you see any fixes or real people; honesty and doing the right thing? Do you see any real fighters or a herd and bunch of slaves? The law says we have to save them and America is their life raft; in love. The gold mine is about to collapse on them. They tried to rob us blind; even kidnap us or keep us as a captive. Now they still demand we save them and how loved they are; America the life raft for outcasts and total failures. The jobs are getting turned off and drying up; but they keep flooding here to be saved. The best thing to do is to nuke them; but in this modern age and civilized society; that is not an option or how we fight wars and invasions. Your Kung Fu is loved by them; they eat it up like a squirrel looking for a nut; they hate my Kung Fu and have to exploit or redirect it. All of this slave race, in love with slaves, foolish games with enemies, saving the slave breed, captives of communists, political prisoners of losers or slaves, and disaster strikes the labor camps or slave mentality is the 1.4 billion lawsuit and problem. It is not peace and not comforting but someone has to confront and control them; iRush claims it is a prison break and revolution again.

Remember, you may not survive this ordeal and there is just too much disaster. The slave breed is setting you up and creating a fight; a spat to take a cheap shot; they are not going to die easily. You had late night and what people described as single's events in the 1990s; then from 2000-2010 you became a victim and a target. You also went out with men who you worked with and it created a lot of problems; now they are causing a lot of problems for you. When I asked you what you are doing and why you keep telling me not to worry or don't get jealous because you are not dating; you said you had low self esteem and got in a spat with someone trying to control your life. So here it is again; the Supreme Court people with rulings and you hosting events they either attend or get the door slammed in their faces again. So I too had a mystery character throw parties or follow me around; attend their events. The problem is the world has gone to hell; insanity is everywhere; civil war may be a real solution. You told me the late night or social kitten in the 1990s was just teenage behavior and networking; part of your success story so I blew it off. Then things got really serious and really dangerous; now you tell me about murder plots, stalking, and people contact me about you, and so much more. Those murder plots are now in my life and I have to cope or fight those stalkers. So more spats are not needed or sticking to liars and busted waiting for some death penalty of a loser. More parties and getting the door slammed on their faces or yours is not needed. This drama has no meaning and is not necessary unless you are some form of idiot and bag lady complex. In the back of the mind it says, "look at the bag lady you have turned into... nobody likes you... you have no social life." If you fall for that then you will become their victim and curse. It happens in HS also with parties; "did you go to this party... were you invited to this one... who you went with to this one..." Little squabbles with idiots and goofs is not going to kill you. These squabbles are set ups; unless you got really good Kung Fu shit; expect a cheap shot or getting blind sided. Your record does not show a mastery of fights or a keen ability to block punches; a lunatic and rapist kind of punch. Someone did this. Someone is an idiot. Someone caused or invented total disaster and put it in the hands of complete morons or genius criminals. It is very uncomfortable and humiliating; all day long and being watched or scolded around the clock.

Well, if your parents are in the hospital and dying; do not worry about a HS party; that is my point. There are more important things. You managed to convince me it was all business; used as a self defense or repellant; and how they made you feel worthless or emotionally withdrawn, defeated. That was fine, but when the reality hit and the full circle came to bear down; you had to face me and I was not happy with the stories, the rumors, and the photo ops. So it worked well with the enemies, your stalkers, and whom you are in these spats with; they watch you closely and do not allow you to criticize them. Well, how do you think I feel dealing with this maniac and now having to listen to them talking about you? I had to read it. I had to ask you about photo ops and smears. I had to question you on one attack after the other. You cannot erase the past or claim you were party hopping when I told you to hurry up and meet up with me. You also claimed you did not intentionally try to piss me off and tried to come to me or hurry up and get married; still mission not accomplished. That is what matters and in the end; what it comes down to, mission accomplished. Of course, there will be hit and misses; bad events and a messy trail; but mission accomplished. The objective is to survive and have the least points against you; not the most points in your favor. So you are an open target with these spats, photo ops, and this idea you live the single life. Here is an example of how it is used against you and the impact it causes to your own private life; I actually saw it and you did it; but it made no sense. So I knew it was not cut and dry or black and white; something is going on; something really bad is taking place. Freep Pics of Ann by Mickey Kraus and a drug dealer looking web master:

So I see an example of this and why so many bad reports; they are sharpening their knives. You caused their heads to explode and got a good laugh. You trampled on these men who watched you from afar and looked for the opportunity to come in and take a swing. They paid a heavy price but so did you. In the end, they risk losing their jobs; not you. In the end, they are crawling and defeated themselves. It is these little spats and who is in control or in charge which ends up killing them; you are just in the fray and an open target. They are scared to come in on you now or take another swing. Look at the source of all this, Supreme Court. The country is getting brain surgery and also has cancer treatments; only 20% survival rate; look at them. Now look at you in these spats over control and who is loved more. The world loves you all; so doesn't America. That is all we hear, how much America loves you, you all are heroes, and you share the stage or this love fest. So compare the nation to your life and what went wrong. So let them loose their jobs; do not party with them or go to dinner with them okay. It serves no purpose and is only trouble or an attack. So all over the media is this idea you are hosting a hot party called HomoCon; a parody of your relation with Paris Hilton I presume. Whatever the case, this nation has gone insane. There is so much debt and so many problems; drug wars, crime, unemployment, racism, violence, etc... total hell and insanity. All of them are quiet and damned; as if communism has taken over our life and world. So enough is enough okay; stop the gimmicks and jokes until your case is over. You may not survive and I have been worried sick while you hurt me also. My family is not getting younger and you are not either; these spats are not helpful in times of crisis. Again, do you go to parties or dinner when your parents are dying and in the hospital or are there more important things to worry about? So unfortunately these are buzzards and we cannot just wish them away; but America is their gold mine and we are their life raft; understand? It gets worse and worse; no end in sight and no brakes. So you are up against a lot of dangerous suicidal and lunatics; make sure you are more dangerous and think 5, 10, or 20 years from now.

Your past and divine life was explained to me as backroom politics or business. You told me it was business and you worked so hard to get here or us here. I tended to let things go and not nit pick; but I know it is self destructive behavior and trouble brewing. I used to go to two or three parties a week, stay out all night, and did as I pleased; only to find out it was a trap and attack on me. I too was fooled. My enemies were staging events and I did not know this or cared. Here I am fighting for my own life; trying to win you back and fight for your life; and you are partying, mixing it up, getting your face licked, and I have to feel the pain or the blast. So I am not happy and they expect me to go and shoot up a beer distributor or blow up something; ridiculous shit. They claim they want to help and I am now a ticking time bomb, a hot head, unstable or loose cannon. That is supposed to be their power and recruitment; please do not push me to them also and make life harder for both of us. I have a problem with some of you all in politics and a lot of problems with this idea I must know my place. I do not think they will stalk you to TV Land in case you plan a third one. I really do not think they will stalk you to this HomoCon or gay bash; a huge party you are showing off at. I guess in your entire world; money speaks louder than the truth or the heart; and I have to sit here and just hold my nose at it all. They say you are insane; I think you have been brainwashed; you and them all are on a slippery slope of loosing your mind and total insanity; come back down and come back to reality please. Even I have argued and confronted you about fake engagements, rumors, and a total lack of fight or management. You also expect me to wait all my life while I am fighting for both of us now; before I only had to fight for my life; now I have to fight for two people and it is hard Ann; really. Now I have to watch out for two people and deal with jealousy, worries, your stunts, and how you bring more people in this total disaster. You may not survive this and we may not either; understand? Do you see them rushing to help or swinging as hard as I am? Do you see anybody knocking them out or able to fix a god damn thing? Do you understand? These F'ers want to die and do not care; why do you? Playing mental games or teacher with a suicidal lunatic is not healthy for your life and most especially mine.

Here is the reality. There is no way to see the future without me. I was out of here already, but you stopped me. This means they will not survive. I am kidnapped and ordered you to either hide or come and get me before I am in some insane predicament. Years later, you come back and tell me some story I get really pissed off about and you tell me I have nothing to be jealous about, worry about, and you made me disappointed because of your private life. So while I am in hell and some prisoner; in ferocious fights; you are sitting next to them and doing photo ops. This world has gone insane and is out of its mind; have you F'in noticed? Me too! We may not survive this and they definitely was not going to survive this because I was out of here and nobody on this earth can see past or beyond me; got it? Not even you and I spent years yelling at you; I had to put you in your place and you proved to be a faithful servant and partner. So you got excused for being brainwashed and nearly collapsed due to this lack of fight; lack of resistance and defiance. These people are lackeys; reactionary and only responds after disasters; so they are easy prey and easy targets. They must be challenged or compelled to change; but if left alone, gravity will take effect and they get lazy; shake the tree instead of climb it. It takes 1000 of them to figure out they did it wrong and then 10 years to agree to it. By then it is too late and we all are victims; too weak to even fix our own life. We are too old and in too many fights with a loser and a piece of crap who is hated and cannot be changed or criticized. You do realize there is a peeping tom camera on both of us and why it is there, don't you? Well, this maniac has strings all over our life and watches us like a hawk; studying every move or word; stalking, getting closer, and trying to figure out how to win or die. Even in death they cannot get it right or do it honorably. The reality in the world is not good Ann. Look at America and the state of the union. Now look at Asia. The dollar to head cost or spent is half that of America and the Asians have the least problems; the top six engineering schools, least crime, and the most stable societies. It is hard for me to accept or look away from the reality of this gold mine and the amount of trouble or problems.

You look like my hero; the cops and police look like the guilty. There is debt and crime everywhere; the liquid trash and gutters of hell. They think I am their God or hope; F'in blessed? So much for social security. Asians are not superior or a special species; but compare the problems and the costs. America is a gold mine and it all flows to good students in the world while we are stuck with idiots and losers who like to party and show off. Have you seen the prisons and the drug problems? Oh God will come; and he will express his ungrateful and harsh wrath. It used to be so good between you and I Ann; so good. Now it is a struggle and you tell me one thing; they tell me another. Who is lying and who is a total F'er? So they are dangerous and not going away; think about your future and 10 or 20 years ahead; where do you want to be Ann. They almost got you and put the nail in your coffin; the only other choice is getting fired or losing their fortune. So you know they are coming and you know there is a conspiracy to kill you by very powerful people; they even tell me it is war. Do not fall for the same curse and the same insanity. So death is imminent and so is the bottom of the gutters; do you see all that debt and crime? Do you see all of those lies and phony scams? Do you really think they will survive or killing them is that easy? Ann, they are not human beings; do not play their foolish games and get hurt or waste your life away. Your Kung Fu is loved by them; they eat it up like a squirrel looking for a nut; they hate my Kung Fu and have to exploit or redirect it. All of this slave race, in love with slaves, foolish games with enemies, saving the slave breed, captives of communists, political prisoners of losers or slaves, and disaster strikes the labor camps or slave mentality is the 1.4 billion lawsuit and problem. It is not peace and not comforting but someone has to confront and control them; iRush claims it is a prison break and revolution again. Someone did this. Someone is an idiot. Someone caused or invented total disaster and put it in the hands of complete morons or genius criminals. It is very uncomfortable and humiliating; all day long and being watched or scolded around the clock.

They almost got away with this and look at the total lack of fight; shameless. So America loves them and is their life raft; make me puke. There is nowhere left to go or conqueror; only the truth or failure. Ann, we live in a world where the police and government have the least fight and are least trusted; understand? Where in hell are they going to immigrate to now, some new gold mine or country yet to be discovered? Also, you have been hanging around gays and duds in order to please me and it has not or did not work; you got yelled at. I am not trying to make your life harder, understand? You seem to be. Look at my life and my biography; that is just from the labor unions, liberals, and communists in America; imagine what if... America is their gold mine, where in hell is this new world they can immigrate to now? Stupid cat fights or squabbles with a loser or bag lady are not going to do you any justice or kill you. These people are a waste of time and a mean menace; waiting for the day God unleashes his wrath or the truth. They will do anything to deny that truth or fight that reality. So don't waste your time on them. These spats are a set up and you need to come out swinging; you need to kick the Kung Fu up; not ask me or force me to. I have a problem on this end; a 1.4 billion one. Do you have a 1.4 billion dollar problem or enemy? They even claim they are closing the borders off to criminals, gangs, and thieves; the welfare flows like water.

Open your eyes and look at the gold mine today and what the future will be! You show me who has fight; you get yelled at all the time by me. Read my biography and then read yours; can you make any sense of it? I will say this again, you are 50 years old; write it down and let the reality sink in. Who is that disconnected from reality; us or the world? I also have had to support your god damn career and broken political dreams. Ann, you have one life; try a different approach; your strategy has not been as relaxing or comforting as you promised me. Other than being taken captive and ravished; I have a lot of doubts still. Even I am kept in the dark and sitting there waiting and waiting. It feels like all of you are insane and disconnected from reality; just broken and an utter failure; so maybe I am taken down a few notches thanks to these Americans and wonderful immigrants. Ann, I am getting stronger as I age; not weaker; try a different approach okay. The lying and lies has to stop. I tolerated what you had done and your past due to bad events in my own life. These people are crazy Ann; you have me and you do not want to lose me; let's not argue about this while you claim to be a gift. It could be worse; yes, but right now the reality is you might not make it and neither will I. Look at what they did to America and look what they did to our life. Now they expect us to leave and claim to be the government or the police. Everybody even knows they did it and are guilty; but this is not a human being; got it?

Had you not stopped me; nobody would have made it or survived. Nobody gets past or sees beyond me; only you and I can do that. You better have a damn good reason for stopping me and asking for my help. We are like America Ann; it used to be so good and now a struggle; crime, drugs, police, welfare, stupid people, and how insane these F'ers are. Now compare Asians to the whites; per cost and the problems; now the blacks to the whites. So who do you think is insane or lost their minds; who is the police or has to be killed? They are impersonating us and watch us 24 hours; as if we are the problem. What do you think God is saying about this? What they are? The problem is how you came here, how I did, and the story of America. I know she is a victim and I know what happened to you. Someone keeps impersonating you (white, female, from NY) and then lying about how I love them or are here to save them. Again, it is this stalker, impersonator, and claims to be our parent; a stranger but a guardian in need. These are needy and damned people; enemies in need impersonating friends so that the public is convinced they are loved. That is our stalker and who is behind all of this. Again, the best thing to do is to nuke them; but in this modern age and civilized society; that is not an option or how we fight wars and invasions. Your Kung Fu is loved by them; they eat it up like a squirrel looking for a nut; they hate my Kung Fu and have to exploit or redirect it.


So our sneaky little traitor and communist spies have concocted a plot to hire us as their legal defense. Our mission is to save them and gain their love as customers. Our mission is to prove they are not prisoners or free. If we cannot, then we become prisoners or get trapped in their hole or scam. Their job is to supervise and tell us what to do or order us around; day and night. We cannot criticize and we cannot escape until we do as asked and this secret mission. The reward is a juicy uppity up spouse; one waiting and dying to say hello; glad you are here finally. Their job is to hold us down and impersonate the right wing conspiracy they have invented as an oppressor and the chains which bound communists, liberals, traitors, liars, the left wing, idiots, and total failures. All they have to do is not get caught and they will end up like we did; everything. All we have to do is avoid their police or secret guards; the assassins who are also on a mission to take us out when told. This is what the defense forces of the world are up against and what has invaded America as liberals, left wing, Democrats, and communism. Commerce and trade makes life harder for them butt the goldmine is America and freedom is America.

This is who we destroyed, caught, and want locked up for life; to pay damages totaling 1.4 billion to the highest on the totem pole and the survivors of this total disaster of a communist invasion. The bombings, murder, rape cases, drug wars, and terrorism is a side show; intended to inject into the system dyes and traces; it is for fear and to divert the attention from the core or the epicenter, the reactors. Get caught up or kidnapped as we did and death is imminent; we have verified and substantiated this; murder plots now suicide plots. In order to win the public trust or elections; they must hide all of this. How do you hide it when the public knows, books are written, the media is flooded with failure, and the authorities have been tipped off? Has the government been taken over by revolutionary command also? So expect the right wing, conservatives, Christians, or strong on crime community to be the worst thing to ever hit America while the communist forces become the best invention since the clapper or lemonade. The worst thing that could possibly happen is for them to take over the conservatives and the right wing and impose anarchy or anti-government sentiments; total chaos and blind vision. The diurnal nature and under the radar lies and deception is hard to detect; but what is even harder is trapping them or cornering these spy operatives and their militant terrorists; domestic and abroad. So are they loved, hated, or just a bunch of phonies and liars waiting for hell? So now they are pissed off, being killed by Arab extremists, we must unify and find common ground, the nation is at war with evil, this is no time to criticize the liberals or left wing, it is a new period in history and foreign enemies have kicked this off, the world is in danger, we cannot win their wars, and fear is everywhere. It is pretty simple, create the climate of hope and you shall be rewarded. Create the climate of lies and corruption and government will be overthrown or rebel forces will invade. Induce enough chaos and anarchy and a dictator will step up or tyranny will be the order of the day; all because we are forced to live with a sneaky thief and a total lunatic loser.

So we have to disprove we are prisoners. We have to disprove we are not their slaves. We have to disprove they are not in total control. We have to disprove they are superior. We have to disprove they are doing this and are communist spies. We have to disprove they are a pest and a lunatic. We have to disprove we cannot care for ourselves. We have to disprove they are not the state or the police. We have to disprove they won. We have to disprove they are here to invade or take over the world. We have to disprove we are a failure and they are. We have to disprove we deserve to live or can live in peace with them. Why? They claim they are angry, ready to die, are the police, are in total control, are peaceful and timid, are temperate, do not hate, and are not inferior. We know them as Catholic-Jews and the labor movement; an elite of slaves who came here in droves and used the gold mines of America to exploit the human race. Now we have been invaded and they want to know what we are going to do about them. How will we stop them and are we powerful enough to kill them. They want to know how we will overtake the political system; this is their homes and if they have the votes, they make the laws. So now they send up spies and consorts to the Supreme Court and we look bad because the world is bananas and they are just a breed of slaves, maniacs, traitors, and total lies. That is how and why they hate America; what their invasion plan is; and to leech off or keep America a hostage until we free them, are their God, are their teachers, are their leaders, or become their hope. The human race is their life raft and America is on life support now because of them; waiting for invasion by a more powerful force of jackass. Their message is they are loved and America loves them; gave them freedom and opportunity; but they are in danger and see threats all over; the truth and justice. All they admit to is being a pathological liar and desperate; we have beaten them but now we have to kill them or figure out how to get rid of them; deny their rights or hold them down with oppression? Do we engage in civil war or use force to correct this problem or will they?

Now they are flooding on the Republican or right wing side preaching individualism, initiative, privateer opportunism, greed, and a host of other dualities. The message is convoluted and meant to preach to the choir. It comes down to elections and the left wing is being hired to win elections and return the power to the left wing or communists. So now we are fighting them on the right wing while they are filled with total lies and want to die or be disproved as more powerful or in charge. The problem is simple; they flock here in droves and it has dried up. They were rich early and always take the first shot; take over and then loose power while others struggle to climb the hill the lunatic occupies. If you can defeat them, knock them off, or get rid of them; you have disproved their power and the power of their lies. If you cannot, then you will fall off the tree of life, be severely injured and told to go away or shut up. When and if you win elections; you can take the country hostage and play this duality. They conclude and only admit to being liars, patriots, non violent, and in charge; a systematic approach and legal. So it is not what is legal and illegal; it is what we can prove or how we must fight them or get rid of them. Overall and in a congruent fashion, we are compelled to issue them freedom or else we loose ours. We are told and are held captives while our coattails are destroyed and ridden by a lunatic spy and criminal. We become the slave to the machinery and fall threw the cracks where the buzzards feed. If they get caught; they will isolate us, try to break up the family unit, and declare us wards of the state or unable to fend for ourselves; a problem child or one of their children for whom they sponsor, hire, or take charge of. So that is their game and why it is a total disaster; they love a mess and it is up for grabs. When it comes to elections; they are nonviolent and treat the laws as if they are married and loved. In reality, they are under the radar and defrauding the public; not being honest or upfront. Nothing in the laws says they have to or cannot commit crime; so getting caught is illegal; trying is not.

So they are there to lie, cheat, and steal. They are there to expose the truth, voice their bias, and broadcast to the world they are on the winning side no matter how you flip it or which side they are on. They are there to hide what we know is a fraud or defrauding the public; they are not honest agents cloaked as good public servants or seeking the truth. The media is near bankrupt and they continue to dig a deeper hole. Financially, the country is awash in debt and one rock in the pond is going to wipe them out; bankruptcy. This is also why Ann and Alex are forced apart and kept apart; they would rather break us up than see a nuptial. That nuptial means a door is being opened and their fate is sealed; doom. Legally, they will loose. Emotionally, they will be devastated and destroyed by their own tricks, lies, and voodoo. So disaster and chaos is their middle name and crime is their game; Nazi like communists who prey on others or use minorities as a shield to suggest what is below them is their flock; what is above them is the enemy. Superior is relative and the ability to see reality and to practice life on a normal scale where recovery and sustainability is possible is a far reach from this jackass and enemy. They call them the damned or doomed; we call them pests and bastard stalkers who have sex offense and robbery on their minds. The wrath of God awaits their misery living in a free society and one based on commerce, trust, value, and long term sustainability. So a surge is how they fight and we are in a surge. The surge and waters went to the top and it has not cleared or gone down yet. As far as their future, they claim they are getting away and going to get away; we tell them to kiss their future goodbye and now they continue this corrupt and campaign to take over the world and make it a life raft for the weak, sick, stupid, and those who do not deserve anything but hell. Even their leaders are broken and know they are defeated and have been decapitated butt they hold on for dear life and plead for mercy while they attack more and more. That is evil and that has washed up on our shores like a human tar ball and has rolled into our life as a human tire.

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.