Ann: have you noticed the steep increase of confrontations and what has been going on since 2008? They hate you that much and are still at it. Now we have a positive match. I want you to tell the FBI who Ms. Noel is and how you know her. They embezzle, their charity is a fraud, they blow up and are verbally abusive, and they called me a Gook repeatedly while lying beyond the scope of a criminal. They also impersonate Mr. Clinton and his stupid crooked accent.
ADVICE TO THE DANGEROUS SOB IN LIB-YA: Who sent the CIA into Libya? We need intelligence and planning because the rebels are going to level Tripoli if they cannot put enough pressure on the bad guys. They waited over 20 years for this. I do not think a defector will shift or change the landscape of the battle; however, Qaddafi cannot hold what he has and must attack. Laffy may have satellites so he knows where to attack or how to escape using the coast. If the rebels can get a few defectors; they can get a few extra small arms and uniforms. For now a gorilla war can drag out a long time but the allies and NATO will give our Congress full details so they can come to a bipartisan decision when and if the need arises. Nobody wants this. Nobody needs this. Let your people go. Let them have what life offers (my glorious book and teachings). Step down and go away. I mentioned the one day turd ball problem. A rubber band will always snap. You are angry. You blow up at everybody. You hide who you are and what you are up to. You play with tricks and lizards. You lie, cheat, and steal to earn a living. How can you ever be anybody or have a home? You are a charity that has no donor or life mission; but your own greed.
Do as everybody has told you. Do it for the people and stop slaughtering your own kids. Your city, your neighbors, your community can be leveled the moment the rebels decide to attack. You can finish life in an incapacitated and reduced role. If you stand your ground and fight years of unanswered problems; your problems will grow and your fears will never go away. The CIA does not have any experience overthrowing governments or understands the dynamics of political changes in this region; so they are not able to predict the political advantage when and if humanitarian aid arrives. Mr. K will ration arms and gas; so people will grow angry and confused as they are not able to trade. So control is a factor now but soon the rebels will be out of this. I do not think they will blow up or level Tripoli before they are done; but I expect booby-traps when they arrive or when ground troops are withdrawn. It will be hard to rebuild. I expect Mr. K to go in the bush if he cannot win and leave a total mess. This is going to tick off his supports to cut and run. I can teach Mr. K a thing or two about going into the bush.
Listen to your peers and listen to the voice of the future. I put a hex on you. I prayed to God and he earthquake and hurricane your measly existence. I used a Ouija Board and you are jealous. I cast a spell on you and a curse and now you suck. I did all of that and God is on my side; sue me. It helps when you sue someone to write it down or not sound delusional and disconnected with reality. Who the hell sues God or aliens? We fight aliens; go sue them? You look as white as a ghost prosecuting a meteor also. Even if prayers and curses worked; it did scare the hell out of you and you have almost given up or stopped stalking us. There was a big drop in the calls to security and it is hilarious; don't you agree? I still have not heard from your historian and what they have to say about this entire matter. It is our biography and we are not giving it to you without a fight; our life to cherish or respect. Now the rebels are knocking on the doors and on the edge of your capital; they will level your city for this and when you arm your own forces; they will love you for the blood. That is external and internal pressures while surrounded. This is why it is so difficult to place an injunction on any of them. Based on my bean counting and military intelligence, this SOB only has a handful of tanks and a garage of jets. We can cut his logistics and appendages off like water and wind. This is what I call lunacy and mental illness.
This is what they call "Gorilla Legalism" and it developed out of the 1960s. It is very difficult to detect, stop, prosecute, resist, or fight. These deadly spies and moles discredit the right wing by being idiots and fools; deadly stalkers. Meanwhile, they boost the left wing and terrorism; for liberty and the people. It is a low existence that is the ebb and tide of politics; but there are a few vivid flaws. First, we called security 10,000 times and documented it. Second, how do we know so much about them or what they are up to? How do they know us? Third, check the story. Did it occur to them to write it down, tell someone, or even consult legal advice? Fourth, if it was such a threat; why can't we block or place an injunction on this spy network and terror group? Fifth, it is not a crime to pray; even the Bible restates their fate. Sixth, we did not try to get away and stopped more people from getting hurt or robbed; not them. They boosted the left while discrediting the right; and they sound exactly like kidnappers and bank robbers. Seventh, all it takes is a sane and legal prosecutor; a decent person to ask questions; the truth will come out and is really easy. This is guerrilla legalism and the low existence of the communist war on this world. It is also a drug war and social entitlements. They are very close to a girl who gets in a bar fight and is taught a lesson until she knows when to stop; a pitbull with lipstick.
FACT: The Virginia Tech Shooter was a change when I sat down in 2006 to begin my book on Satellite Warfare. The chapter described a fictional battle with satellite support. In this chapter, a soldier was in a foxhole bunker, observing the capital, and attacked a military convoy. His support group decimated the enemy forces with a heart machine; a FLIR like technology that detected heart beats. Then he had to make the battle look conventional for anybody who had to clean up and he called in an extraction after he cleaned up the battle zone. The soldier was armed with one Glock pistol and another custom pistol; his equipment was very unique and new; never before scene. Nobody on earth could match him and it was an example of the Satellite Warfare future. Although a science fiction book, who the hell actually goes to my Alma matter and massacres high tech students? So this Asian guy was a hit man and they have problems with women or shoot women; murder them. This then led to Little Rock and the home invasion of Anne, the media rock star and actor in 2009. From there it led to McVeigh and also Major Hassan. The objective was sex, prostitution, brutal rape, clients, and blackmail or sex tapes; but the true reason is the underground. There are lawyers and prostitutes who can destroy very powerful people and do their dirty work. So this bunch is now chasing the best and the brightest and we are in their trap. (Search for the Chapter called, "The Day of Reckoning" written in early 2007 and published on my blog and
ANN: Are you telling me she is linked to McVeigh and Ayers? What the hell is going on? Is this a singles club or a terrorist club and prostitution ring; black-market? If she is linked to bombers; can you prove it because they have betrayed the most powerful and rich in America. It sounds crazy, what do they want? Also, they are homicidal when your name is mentioned. Are they corporate raiders also or only a Maddoff scam? Why is this linked to sex so much and why do I keep getting upset with you for no reason Ann? Why are they reacting to changes or trying to change in order to keep 24 hours of pressure; to expose us to danger continuously Ann? Why does iHannity, iSteele, iLimbaugh, iO'reilly, i'Ingraham, iCPAC, iYAF, and iFox; all of your cohorts keep telling me you pay clients by "hooking up" or "dinners." Are they hungry or trying to eat with you and why has these dinners been so difficult and problematic? You have to eat or do they? Well, now they tell me you want to hook up and meet them; also you pay them with sex but it takes marriage first; really? One last one; why does it lead to bombers, dangerous lawyers and prostitutes who can destroy powerful people; and even Hollywood or corrupt police officers? All of this is under one umbrella. Sex is a 501.C according to iHannity and his "investigation" on Fox news; ask ACORN. Therefore, a female is a 501.C qualification and unless you are gay or willing; you cannot and are not entitled for membership with this criminal group. We now have a new level of secrets. Ann, who is your match if not Ms. Hillary? Why are they so scared of you taking them down or getting caught? Do you want me to chew your ass out again because their minds are in the gutter.
Q: Ann, I want to know why you brag constantly in public about how late you stay out, how many men you know, and hide a lot of this? Also, do you expect me to take it or fight back? Give me a clear and concise answer; I am still waiting for it after three full years. Even I am fed up with this. How late are you staying out and why, "I got in late last night and got with..." Your orders were to go and do your thing; then not cause a confrontation. Now my life is full of retaliations. I am taking it on two sides; attacked by two enemies Ann. Now why are you staying out late or getting in late and does it involve alcohol as I had cracked down on? You keep telling me how you had as much fun as a girl can have; and that makes sure I keep the clown suit on because of you. All hell broke out in my life and these people only want to cause endless confrontations and fights. Why didn't you get rid of these people and why do they still keep the confrontations 24 hours? Why am I complaining about this? Are all of you conservatives stinking drunks who sneak into bed late and do not tell anyone? Stop tormenting these old men.
PUT A MIRROR UNDER THEIR NOSE: Ann, I know you are pissed off and upset with your stalkers and the people behind this. However, you spend too much time on it or dealing with them. They think you love them or want to hook up. We do not have to deal with it and I do not have to defend you or deal with someone like this. Now I am involved and I cannot deal with you. I know you want them to leave you and me alone; they won't trust me. Talking and Twittering or passing messages to them does not insult them; it comes back and bites. You spend so much time on this and with people you do not need to deal with or need to make a living; don't forget this. You continue to surprise me and I am fed up. You try to make it worse for them; I know this, but why do I have to spend so much time on it or why do you? You continue to hide things and tell me it is not your fault and you have to make a living. The misery factor climbs higher and we are stuck with the devil between us; trying to kill us while we cannot even catch them. It feels like a stupid fight between two girls who won't shut up. They say I spend too little time with them or this female; too much on Ann. This is why I am where I am now. We have been trying to get rid of them for over 20 years Ann; now the communists and labor unions refuse to budge and say we are in harms way and need to move. Ann, they keep saying this is crazy and you are upsetting me; your own soul.
Ann, you made me upset and pissed off; now I am all angry; you act like you are there every step of the way or a sidekick; and you do not want to be evicted or forced to sign divorce papers. You waste your time on idiots and enemies and think it won't impact our life or my opinion of you? Worse, I am forced to tell the story or be your mouthpiece. I feel ran over and you almost got me in a lot of trouble. That is a lot of problems and a lot of emotions to deal with; also why they keep telling me to leave, go away, and make fun of me at your grief and expense. I will make this simple and really easy; do not try to reform the devil and give up on these fools. I no longer need to know why you do it or whom you do it for; you spend too much time on your enemies and not enough on whom you cherish or what brings you happiness. Now you got two really huge problems and keep admiring it is a total disaster or you messed up. The quicksand is coming and quickly; why are you spending so much time on your enemies? I let you do what you want to do and wait for you to mess up; and then have to deal with the aftermath. They keep saying they do not want to hear it; from you, me, or anyone. Ann, do you think I want to hook up with a rank pig or a homeless chick? You made them thnk you want to hook up with a crooked semen scum bag; then worried like hell as they surrounded you and held you in their coffers. Do you know how disgusting and nauseating this can be or got? They also tried and planned to brutally rape you and I listened in on it.
ANN: I do not want to hear anything about Libya until or unless their is bipartisan support on the floor of the house. I have heard one riot after the next and I am sick of this; so nothing until the Congress is consulted or at least bipartisan support in the House. Obama did a very good job so far and even said "there will be no regime change." So-bama said his mission is to "save lives... and to stop violence... to stop Queer-daffy in his tracks." This is how Iraq got that way; indecision and lack of support. I think Kind-daffy may be delusional and even disconnected from reality; basing his decision on others and not his own fate or honesty. He will try to look like a victim of violence or be a martyr doe to aggression and military force. So that is the problem Ann; you spend too much and so much time with your enemies and expect a desirable outcome; ask them what their problem is? Do they spend too little time with their enemies or stalk them too much? This is why I am where I am now. All of them are homeless and they keep trying to destroy my family or make me fall in love with them. I cannot get rid of them either no matter what I do; and it has been more than 20 years of this. It is impossible to place an injunction on any of these traitors and spies; total lies. Worse, they refuse to step down and go full speed into us. Ann, I call this guerrilla legalism and they have discredited and smeared you severely. They also said you want to spend time with them and hook up with these deadly spies. You are the one to blame, asked for it, or refused to vacate and leave. This is all business and money to them; nothing personal and odds are against you, not a teammate. This sex agreement is why I am always chewing your ass out Ann; do you like it? Your stalkers think they have a chance or can get a piece of the pie also; a scam artist and low existence.
I know how much you respect Congress people and enjoy debating them; so here is your chance to clarify with them this is good for America. We should support it and we should not hesitate any further. Nobody even giggle unless or until there is bipartisan support in the Congress. I heard what you said on Fox News recently with Michael Steele and Tammy Bruce. I think Tammy knows more about what is going on in your life than you do; it is really embarrassing. You people are out of control and it really sucks. I heard what you said on that Fox show. I also heard exactly what Orally said in response to Michael Steele; it was pornographic and disgusting. You say you will shoot them; they say they will brutally rape you; it just does not end and you all are out of control. Now they are coming to me Ann; are you happy about this or what? So I was not happy about what I saw and heard; it was delusional and even incoherent. Ann, I have one question. You do not know or realize if Twitter upsets me or how you use it? They hate your remarks and you torment them? Also, who collected more information on this enemy while spending the least amount of time on them; me or you? Let's take a vote; who collected more information and has done more damage to this homeless SOB by making 20-20 vision their worst nightmare? Ask them if I ever met them or know them; but I know everything and have their dossier? How? Have I ever met Fox News or how do I know so much about them? So ask these people; how does he know you and so many secrets? Did you tell anyone or try to sue him? Why? Did you call security and document or record anything? We did.
Ann, take a look at who the directors of "Vetsville" are. Then take a look at their finances. They scream on the top of their lungs at people and claim a 501.C? They call family members who work at the White House and try to start a confrontation? They refuse to take no for an answer and if you move out or state the intent; they illegally try to evict you or scream on the top of their lungs until you call 911? Now they are linked to drug gangs and veteran motorcycle members or bombers in the 1960s?
Search names, numbers, addresses, and any detail on any person in this blog...
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Ann: have you noticed the steep increase of confrontations and what has been going on since 2008? They hate you that much and are still at it. Now we have a positive match. I want you to tell the FBI who Ms. Noel is and how you know her. They embezzle, their charity is a fraud, they blow up and are verbally abusive, and they called me a Gook repeatedly while lying beyond the scope of a criminal. They also impersonate Mr. Clinton and his stupid crooked accent.
ADVICE TO THE DANGEROUS SOB IN LIB-YA: Who sent the CIA into Libya? We need intelligence and planning because the rebels are going to level Tripoli if they cannot put enough pressure on the bad guys. They waited over 20 years for this. I do not think a defector will shift or change the landscape of the battle; however, Qaddafi cannot hold what he has and must attack. Laffy may have satellites so he knows where to attack or how to escape using the coast. If the rebels can get a few defectors; they can get a few extra small arms and uniforms. For now a gorilla war can drag out a long time but the allies and NATO will give our Congress full details so they can come to a bipartisan decision when and if the need arises. Nobody wants this. Nobody needs this. Let your people go. Let them have what life offers (my glorious book and teachings). Step down and go away. I mentioned the one day turd ball problem. A rubber band will always snap. You are angry. You blow up at everybody. You hide who you are and what you are up to. You play with tricks and lizards. You lie, cheat, and steal to earn a living. How can you ever be anybody or have a home? You are a charity that has no donor or life mission; but your own greed.
Do as everybody has told you. Do it for the people and stop slaughtering your own kids. Your city, your neighbors, your community can be leveled the moment the rebels decide to attack. You can finish life in an incapacitated and reduced role. If you stand your ground and fight years of unanswered problems; your problems will grow and your fears will never go away. The CIA does not have any experience overthrowing governments or understands the dynamics of political changes in this region; so they are not able to predict the political advantage when and if humanitarian aid arrives. Mr. K will ration arms and gas; so people will grow angry and confused as they are not able to trade. So control is a factor now but soon the rebels will be out of this. I do not think they will blow up or level Tripoli before they are done; but I expect booby-traps when they arrive or when ground troops are withdrawn. It will be hard to rebuild. I expect Mr. K to go in the bush if he cannot win and leave a total mess. This is going to tick off his supports to cut and run. I can teach Mr. K a thing or two about going into the bush.
Listen to your peers and listen to the voice of the future. I put a hex on you. I prayed to God and he earthquake and hurricane your measly existence. I used a Ouija Board and you are jealous. I cast a spell on you and a curse and now you suck. I did all of that and God is on my side; sue me. It helps when you sue someone to write it down or not sound delusional and disconnected with reality. Who the hell sues God or aliens? We fight aliens; go sue them? You look as white as a ghost prosecuting a meteor also. Even if prayers and curses worked; it did scare the hell out of you and you have almost given up or stopped stalking us. There was a big drop in the calls to security and it is hilarious; don't you agree? I still have not heard from your historian and what they have to say about this entire matter. It is our biography and we are not giving it to you without a fight; our life to cherish or respect. Now the rebels are knocking on the doors and on the edge of your capital; they will level your city for this and when you arm your own forces; they will love you for the blood. That is external and internal pressures while surrounded. This is why it is so difficult to place an injunction on any of them. Based on my bean counting and military intelligence, this SOB only has a handful of tanks and a garage of jets. We can cut his logistics and appendages off like water and wind. This is what I call lunacy and mental illness.
This is what they call "Gorilla Legalism" and it developed out of the 1960s. It is very difficult to detect, stop, prosecute, resist, or fight. These deadly spies and moles discredit the right wing by being idiots and fools; deadly stalkers. Meanwhile, they boost the left wing and terrorism; for liberty and the people. It is a low existence that is the ebb and tide of politics; but there are a few vivid flaws. First, we called security 10,000 times and documented it. Second, how do we know so much about them or what they are up to? How do they know us? Third, check the story. Did it occur to them to write it down, tell someone, or even consult legal advice? Fourth, if it was such a threat; why can't we block or place an injunction on this spy network and terror group? Fifth, it is not a crime to pray; even the Bible restates their fate. Sixth, we did not try to get away and stopped more people from getting hurt or robbed; not them. They boosted the left while discrediting the right; and they sound exactly like kidnappers and bank robbers. Seventh, all it takes is a sane and legal prosecutor; a decent person to ask questions; the truth will come out and is really easy. This is guerrilla legalism and the low existence of the communist war on this world. It is also a drug war and social entitlements. They are very close to a girl who gets in a bar fight and is taught a lesson until she knows when to stop; a pitbull with lipstick.
FACT: The Virginia Tech Shooter was a change when I sat down in 2006 to begin my book on Satellite Warfare. The chapter described a fictional battle with satellite support. In this chapter, a soldier was in a foxhole bunker, observing the capital, and attacked a military convoy. His support group decimated the enemy forces with a heart machine; a FLIR like technology that detected heart beats. Then he had to make the battle look conventional for anybody who had to clean up and he called in an extraction after he cleaned up the battle zone. The soldier was armed with one Glock pistol and another custom pistol; his equipment was very unique and new; never before scene. Nobody on earth could match him and it was an example of the Satellite Warfare future. Although a science fiction book, who the hell actually goes to my Alma matter and massacres high tech students? So this Asian guy was a hit man and they have problems with women or shoot women; murder them. This then led to Little Rock and the home invasion of Anne, the media rock star and actor in 2009. From there it led to McVeigh and also Major Hassan. The objective was sex, prostitution, brutal rape, clients, and blackmail or sex tapes; but the true reason is the underground. There are lawyers and prostitutes who can destroy very powerful people and do their dirty work. So this bunch is now chasing the best and the brightest and we are in their trap. (Search for the Chapter called, "The Day of Reckoning" written in early 2007 and published on my blog and
ANN: Are you telling me she is linked to McVeigh and Ayers? What the hell is going on? Is this a singles club or a terrorist club and prostitution ring; black-market? If she is linked to bombers; can you prove it because they have betrayed the most powerful and rich in America. It sounds crazy, what do they want? Also, they are homicidal when your name is mentioned. Are they corporate raiders also or only a Maddoff scam? Why is this linked to sex so much and why do I keep getting upset with you for no reason Ann? Why are they reacting to changes or trying to change in order to keep 24 hours of pressure; to expose us to danger continuously Ann? Why does iHannity, iSteele, iLimbaugh, iO'reilly, i'Ingraham, iCPAC, iYAF, and iFox; all of your cohorts keep telling me you pay clients by "hooking up" or "dinners." Are they hungry or trying to eat with you and why has these dinners been so difficult and problematic? You have to eat or do they? Well, now they tell me you want to hook up and meet them; also you pay them with sex but it takes marriage first; really? One last one; why does it lead to bombers, dangerous lawyers and prostitutes who can destroy powerful people; and even Hollywood or corrupt police officers? All of this is under one umbrella. Sex is a 501.C according to iHannity and his "investigation" on Fox news; ask ACORN. Therefore, a female is a 501.C qualification and unless you are gay or willing; you cannot and are not entitled for membership with this criminal group. We now have a new level of secrets. Ann, who is your match if not Ms. Hillary? Why are they so scared of you taking them down or getting caught? Do you want me to chew your ass out again because their minds are in the gutter.
Q: Ann, I want to know why you brag constantly in public about how late you stay out, how many men you know, and hide a lot of this? Also, do you expect me to take it or fight back? Give me a clear and concise answer; I am still waiting for it after three full years. Even I am fed up with this. How late are you staying out and why, "I got in late last night and got with..." Your orders were to go and do your thing; then not cause a confrontation. Now my life is full of retaliations. I am taking it on two sides; attacked by two enemies Ann. Now why are you staying out late or getting in late and does it involve alcohol as I had cracked down on? You keep telling me how you had as much fun as a girl can have; and that makes sure I keep the clown suit on because of you. All hell broke out in my life and these people only want to cause endless confrontations and fights. Why didn't you get rid of these people and why do they still keep the confrontations 24 hours? Why am I complaining about this? Are all of you conservatives stinking drunks who sneak into bed late and do not tell anyone? Stop tormenting these old men.
PUT A MIRROR UNDER THEIR NOSE: Ann, I know you are pissed off and upset with your stalkers and the people behind this. However, you spend too much time on it or dealing with them. They think you love them or want to hook up. We do not have to deal with it and I do not have to defend you or deal with someone like this. Now I am involved and I cannot deal with you. I know you want them to leave you and me alone; they won't trust me. Talking and Twittering or passing messages to them does not insult them; it comes back and bites. You spend so much time on this and with people you do not need to deal with or need to make a living; don't forget this. You continue to surprise me and I am fed up. You try to make it worse for them; I know this, but why do I have to spend so much time on it or why do you? You continue to hide things and tell me it is not your fault and you have to make a living. The misery factor climbs higher and we are stuck with the devil between us; trying to kill us while we cannot even catch them. It feels like a stupid fight between two girls who won't shut up. They say I spend too little time with them or this female; too much on Ann. This is why I am where I am now. We have been trying to get rid of them for over 20 years Ann; now the communists and labor unions refuse to budge and say we are in harms way and need to move. Ann, they keep saying this is crazy and you are upsetting me; your own soul.
Ann, you made me upset and pissed off; now I am all angry; you act like you are there every step of the way or a sidekick; and you do not want to be evicted or forced to sign divorce papers. You waste your time on idiots and enemies and think it won't impact our life or my opinion of you? Worse, I am forced to tell the story or be your mouthpiece. I feel ran over and you almost got me in a lot of trouble. That is a lot of problems and a lot of emotions to deal with; also why they keep telling me to leave, go away, and make fun of me at your grief and expense. I will make this simple and really easy; do not try to reform the devil and give up on these fools. I no longer need to know why you do it or whom you do it for; you spend too much time on your enemies and not enough on whom you cherish or what brings you happiness. Now you got two really huge problems and keep admiring it is a total disaster or you messed up. The quicksand is coming and quickly; why are you spending so much time on your enemies? I let you do what you want to do and wait for you to mess up; and then have to deal with the aftermath. They keep saying they do not want to hear it; from you, me, or anyone. Ann, do you think I want to hook up with a rank pig or a homeless chick? You made them thnk you want to hook up with a crooked semen scum bag; then worried like hell as they surrounded you and held you in their coffers. Do you know how disgusting and nauseating this can be or got? They also tried and planned to brutally rape you and I listened in on it.
ANN: I do not want to hear anything about Libya until or unless their is bipartisan support on the floor of the house. I have heard one riot after the next and I am sick of this; so nothing until the Congress is consulted or at least bipartisan support in the House. Obama did a very good job so far and even said "there will be no regime change." So-bama said his mission is to "save lives... and to stop violence... to stop Queer-daffy in his tracks." This is how Iraq got that way; indecision and lack of support. I think Kind-daffy may be delusional and even disconnected from reality; basing his decision on others and not his own fate or honesty. He will try to look like a victim of violence or be a martyr doe to aggression and military force. So that is the problem Ann; you spend too much and so much time with your enemies and expect a desirable outcome; ask them what their problem is? Do they spend too little time with their enemies or stalk them too much? This is why I am where I am now. All of them are homeless and they keep trying to destroy my family or make me fall in love with them. I cannot get rid of them either no matter what I do; and it has been more than 20 years of this. It is impossible to place an injunction on any of these traitors and spies; total lies. Worse, they refuse to step down and go full speed into us. Ann, I call this guerrilla legalism and they have discredited and smeared you severely. They also said you want to spend time with them and hook up with these deadly spies. You are the one to blame, asked for it, or refused to vacate and leave. This is all business and money to them; nothing personal and odds are against you, not a teammate. This sex agreement is why I am always chewing your ass out Ann; do you like it? Your stalkers think they have a chance or can get a piece of the pie also; a scam artist and low existence.
I know how much you respect Congress people and enjoy debating them; so here is your chance to clarify with them this is good for America. We should support it and we should not hesitate any further. Nobody even giggle unless or until there is bipartisan support in the Congress. I heard what you said on Fox News recently with Michael Steele and Tammy Bruce. I think Tammy knows more about what is going on in your life than you do; it is really embarrassing. You people are out of control and it really sucks. I heard what you said on that Fox show. I also heard exactly what Orally said in response to Michael Steele; it was pornographic and disgusting. You say you will shoot them; they say they will brutally rape you; it just does not end and you all are out of control. Now they are coming to me Ann; are you happy about this or what? So I was not happy about what I saw and heard; it was delusional and even incoherent. Ann, I have one question. You do not know or realize if Twitter upsets me or how you use it? They hate your remarks and you torment them? Also, who collected more information on this enemy while spending the least amount of time on them; me or you? Let's take a vote; who collected more information and has done more damage to this homeless SOB by making 20-20 vision their worst nightmare? Ask them if I ever met them or know them; but I know everything and have their dossier? How? Have I ever met Fox News or how do I know so much about them? So ask these people; how does he know you and so many secrets? Did you tell anyone or try to sue him? Why? Did you call security and document or record anything? We did.
Ann, take a look at who the directors of "Vetsville" are. Then take a look at their finances. They scream on the top of their lungs at people and claim a 501.C? They call family members who work at the White House and try to start a confrontation? They refuse to take no for an answer and if you move out or state the intent; they illegally try to evict you or scream on the top of their lungs until you call 911? Now they are linked to drug gangs and veteran motorcycle members or bombers in the 1960s?
ADVICE TO THE DANGEROUS SOB IN LIB-YA: Who sent the CIA into Libya? We need intelligence and planning because the rebels are going to level Tripoli if they cannot put enough pressure on the bad guys. They waited over 20 years for this. I do not think a defector will shift or change the landscape of the battle; however, Qaddafi cannot hold what he has and must attack. Laffy may have satellites so he knows where to attack or how to escape using the coast. If the rebels can get a few defectors; they can get a few extra small arms and uniforms. For now a gorilla war can drag out a long time but the allies and NATO will give our Congress full details so they can come to a bipartisan decision when and if the need arises. Nobody wants this. Nobody needs this. Let your people go. Let them have what life offers (my glorious book and teachings). Step down and go away. I mentioned the one day turd ball problem. A rubber band will always snap. You are angry. You blow up at everybody. You hide who you are and what you are up to. You play with tricks and lizards. You lie, cheat, and steal to earn a living. How can you ever be anybody or have a home? You are a charity that has no donor or life mission; but your own greed.
Do as everybody has told you. Do it for the people and stop slaughtering your own kids. Your city, your neighbors, your community can be leveled the moment the rebels decide to attack. You can finish life in an incapacitated and reduced role. If you stand your ground and fight years of unanswered problems; your problems will grow and your fears will never go away. The CIA does not have any experience overthrowing governments or understands the dynamics of political changes in this region; so they are not able to predict the political advantage when and if humanitarian aid arrives. Mr. K will ration arms and gas; so people will grow angry and confused as they are not able to trade. So control is a factor now but soon the rebels will be out of this. I do not think they will blow up or level Tripoli before they are done; but I expect booby-traps when they arrive or when ground troops are withdrawn. It will be hard to rebuild. I expect Mr. K to go in the bush if he cannot win and leave a total mess. This is going to tick off his supports to cut and run. I can teach Mr. K a thing or two about going into the bush.
Listen to your peers and listen to the voice of the future. I put a hex on you. I prayed to God and he earthquake and hurricane your measly existence. I used a Ouija Board and you are jealous. I cast a spell on you and a curse and now you suck. I did all of that and God is on my side; sue me. It helps when you sue someone to write it down or not sound delusional and disconnected with reality. Who the hell sues God or aliens? We fight aliens; go sue them? You look as white as a ghost prosecuting a meteor also. Even if prayers and curses worked; it did scare the hell out of you and you have almost given up or stopped stalking us. There was a big drop in the calls to security and it is hilarious; don't you agree? I still have not heard from your historian and what they have to say about this entire matter. It is our biography and we are not giving it to you without a fight; our life to cherish or respect. Now the rebels are knocking on the doors and on the edge of your capital; they will level your city for this and when you arm your own forces; they will love you for the blood. That is external and internal pressures while surrounded. This is why it is so difficult to place an injunction on any of them. Based on my bean counting and military intelligence, this SOB only has a handful of tanks and a garage of jets. We can cut his logistics and appendages off like water and wind. This is what I call lunacy and mental illness.
This is what they call "Gorilla Legalism" and it developed out of the 1960s. It is very difficult to detect, stop, prosecute, resist, or fight. These deadly spies and moles discredit the right wing by being idiots and fools; deadly stalkers. Meanwhile, they boost the left wing and terrorism; for liberty and the people. It is a low existence that is the ebb and tide of politics; but there are a few vivid flaws. First, we called security 10,000 times and documented it. Second, how do we know so much about them or what they are up to? How do they know us? Third, check the story. Did it occur to them to write it down, tell someone, or even consult legal advice? Fourth, if it was such a threat; why can't we block or place an injunction on this spy network and terror group? Fifth, it is not a crime to pray; even the Bible restates their fate. Sixth, we did not try to get away and stopped more people from getting hurt or robbed; not them. They boosted the left while discrediting the right; and they sound exactly like kidnappers and bank robbers. Seventh, all it takes is a sane and legal prosecutor; a decent person to ask questions; the truth will come out and is really easy. This is guerrilla legalism and the low existence of the communist war on this world. It is also a drug war and social entitlements. They are very close to a girl who gets in a bar fight and is taught a lesson until she knows when to stop; a pitbull with lipstick.
FACT: The Virginia Tech Shooter was a change when I sat down in 2006 to begin my book on Satellite Warfare. The chapter described a fictional battle with satellite support. In this chapter, a soldier was in a foxhole bunker, observing the capital, and attacked a military convoy. His support group decimated the enemy forces with a heart machine; a FLIR like technology that detected heart beats. Then he had to make the battle look conventional for anybody who had to clean up and he called in an extraction after he cleaned up the battle zone. The soldier was armed with one Glock pistol and another custom pistol; his equipment was very unique and new; never before scene. Nobody on earth could match him and it was an example of the Satellite Warfare future. Although a science fiction book, who the hell actually goes to my Alma matter and massacres high tech students? So this Asian guy was a hit man and they have problems with women or shoot women; murder them. This then led to Little Rock and the home invasion of Anne, the media rock star and actor in 2009. From there it led to McVeigh and also Major Hassan. The objective was sex, prostitution, brutal rape, clients, and blackmail or sex tapes; but the true reason is the underground. There are lawyers and prostitutes who can destroy very powerful people and do their dirty work. So this bunch is now chasing the best and the brightest and we are in their trap. (Search for the Chapter called, "The Day of Reckoning" written in early 2007 and published on my blog and
ANN: Are you telling me she is linked to McVeigh and Ayers? What the hell is going on? Is this a singles club or a terrorist club and prostitution ring; black-market? If she is linked to bombers; can you prove it because they have betrayed the most powerful and rich in America. It sounds crazy, what do they want? Also, they are homicidal when your name is mentioned. Are they corporate raiders also or only a Maddoff scam? Why is this linked to sex so much and why do I keep getting upset with you for no reason Ann? Why are they reacting to changes or trying to change in order to keep 24 hours of pressure; to expose us to danger continuously Ann? Why does iHannity, iSteele, iLimbaugh, iO'reilly, i'Ingraham, iCPAC, iYAF, and iFox; all of your cohorts keep telling me you pay clients by "hooking up" or "dinners." Are they hungry or trying to eat with you and why has these dinners been so difficult and problematic? You have to eat or do they? Well, now they tell me you want to hook up and meet them; also you pay them with sex but it takes marriage first; really? One last one; why does it lead to bombers, dangerous lawyers and prostitutes who can destroy powerful people; and even Hollywood or corrupt police officers? All of this is under one umbrella. Sex is a 501.C according to iHannity and his "investigation" on Fox news; ask ACORN. Therefore, a female is a 501.C qualification and unless you are gay or willing; you cannot and are not entitled for membership with this criminal group. We now have a new level of secrets. Ann, who is your match if not Ms. Hillary? Why are they so scared of you taking them down or getting caught? Do you want me to chew your ass out again because their minds are in the gutter.
Q: Ann, I want to know why you brag constantly in public about how late you stay out, how many men you know, and hide a lot of this? Also, do you expect me to take it or fight back? Give me a clear and concise answer; I am still waiting for it after three full years. Even I am fed up with this. How late are you staying out and why, "I got in late last night and got with..." Your orders were to go and do your thing; then not cause a confrontation. Now my life is full of retaliations. I am taking it on two sides; attacked by two enemies Ann. Now why are you staying out late or getting in late and does it involve alcohol as I had cracked down on? You keep telling me how you had as much fun as a girl can have; and that makes sure I keep the clown suit on because of you. All hell broke out in my life and these people only want to cause endless confrontations and fights. Why didn't you get rid of these people and why do they still keep the confrontations 24 hours? Why am I complaining about this? Are all of you conservatives stinking drunks who sneak into bed late and do not tell anyone? Stop tormenting these old men.
PUT A MIRROR UNDER THEIR NOSE: Ann, I know you are pissed off and upset with your stalkers and the people behind this. However, you spend too much time on it or dealing with them. They think you love them or want to hook up. We do not have to deal with it and I do not have to defend you or deal with someone like this. Now I am involved and I cannot deal with you. I know you want them to leave you and me alone; they won't trust me. Talking and Twittering or passing messages to them does not insult them; it comes back and bites. You spend so much time on this and with people you do not need to deal with or need to make a living; don't forget this. You continue to surprise me and I am fed up. You try to make it worse for them; I know this, but why do I have to spend so much time on it or why do you? You continue to hide things and tell me it is not your fault and you have to make a living. The misery factor climbs higher and we are stuck with the devil between us; trying to kill us while we cannot even catch them. It feels like a stupid fight between two girls who won't shut up. They say I spend too little time with them or this female; too much on Ann. This is why I am where I am now. We have been trying to get rid of them for over 20 years Ann; now the communists and labor unions refuse to budge and say we are in harms way and need to move. Ann, they keep saying this is crazy and you are upsetting me; your own soul.
Ann, you made me upset and pissed off; now I am all angry; you act like you are there every step of the way or a sidekick; and you do not want to be evicted or forced to sign divorce papers. You waste your time on idiots and enemies and think it won't impact our life or my opinion of you? Worse, I am forced to tell the story or be your mouthpiece. I feel ran over and you almost got me in a lot of trouble. That is a lot of problems and a lot of emotions to deal with; also why they keep telling me to leave, go away, and make fun of me at your grief and expense. I will make this simple and really easy; do not try to reform the devil and give up on these fools. I no longer need to know why you do it or whom you do it for; you spend too much time on your enemies and not enough on whom you cherish or what brings you happiness. Now you got two really huge problems and keep admiring it is a total disaster or you messed up. The quicksand is coming and quickly; why are you spending so much time on your enemies? I let you do what you want to do and wait for you to mess up; and then have to deal with the aftermath. They keep saying they do not want to hear it; from you, me, or anyone. Ann, do you think I want to hook up with a rank pig or a homeless chick? You made them thnk you want to hook up with a crooked semen scum bag; then worried like hell as they surrounded you and held you in their coffers. Do you know how disgusting and nauseating this can be or got? They also tried and planned to brutally rape you and I listened in on it.
ANN: I do not want to hear anything about Libya until or unless their is bipartisan support on the floor of the house. I have heard one riot after the next and I am sick of this; so nothing until the Congress is consulted or at least bipartisan support in the House. Obama did a very good job so far and even said "there will be no regime change." So-bama said his mission is to "save lives... and to stop violence... to stop Queer-daffy in his tracks." This is how Iraq got that way; indecision and lack of support. I think Kind-daffy may be delusional and even disconnected from reality; basing his decision on others and not his own fate or honesty. He will try to look like a victim of violence or be a martyr doe to aggression and military force. So that is the problem Ann; you spend too much and so much time with your enemies and expect a desirable outcome; ask them what their problem is? Do they spend too little time with their enemies or stalk them too much? This is why I am where I am now. All of them are homeless and they keep trying to destroy my family or make me fall in love with them. I cannot get rid of them either no matter what I do; and it has been more than 20 years of this. It is impossible to place an injunction on any of these traitors and spies; total lies. Worse, they refuse to step down and go full speed into us. Ann, I call this guerrilla legalism and they have discredited and smeared you severely. They also said you want to spend time with them and hook up with these deadly spies. You are the one to blame, asked for it, or refused to vacate and leave. This is all business and money to them; nothing personal and odds are against you, not a teammate. This sex agreement is why I am always chewing your ass out Ann; do you like it? Your stalkers think they have a chance or can get a piece of the pie also; a scam artist and low existence.
I know how much you respect Congress people and enjoy debating them; so here is your chance to clarify with them this is good for America. We should support it and we should not hesitate any further. Nobody even giggle unless or until there is bipartisan support in the Congress. I heard what you said on Fox News recently with Michael Steele and Tammy Bruce. I think Tammy knows more about what is going on in your life than you do; it is really embarrassing. You people are out of control and it really sucks. I heard what you said on that Fox show. I also heard exactly what Orally said in response to Michael Steele; it was pornographic and disgusting. You say you will shoot them; they say they will brutally rape you; it just does not end and you all are out of control. Now they are coming to me Ann; are you happy about this or what? So I was not happy about what I saw and heard; it was delusional and even incoherent. Ann, I have one question. You do not know or realize if Twitter upsets me or how you use it? They hate your remarks and you torment them? Also, who collected more information on this enemy while spending the least amount of time on them; me or you? Let's take a vote; who collected more information and has done more damage to this homeless SOB by making 20-20 vision their worst nightmare? Ask them if I ever met them or know them; but I know everything and have their dossier? How? Have I ever met Fox News or how do I know so much about them? So ask these people; how does he know you and so many secrets? Did you tell anyone or try to sue him? Why? Did you call security and document or record anything? We did.
Ann, take a look at who the directors of "Vetsville" are. Then take a look at their finances. They scream on the top of their lungs at people and claim a 501.C? They call family members who work at the White House and try to start a confrontation? They refuse to take no for an answer and if you move out or state the intent; they illegally try to evict you or scream on the top of their lungs until you call 911? Now they are linked to drug gangs and veteran motorcycle members or bombers in the 1960s?
Monday, March 28, 2011
LETTER TO THE FBI - WE HAVE A POSITIVE MATCH: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Where were the air support and also the Arab Special Forces who are supposed to assist in the planning and communications? Right now, they are a day away from the capital; therefore, the capital does not fall easily and has to have checkpoints. If the rebels surrounds the capital and seize the main highways; a long attrition is going to repeat the Iraqi crisis in the initial invasion. Therefore, you want to get those trainers in there and get that support; dig in and do not rush it. Hold the ground and get more recruits to hold that ground. The worst outcome is a lack of logistics and an attack from the rear. I do not know why the rebel forces did not come on TV and ask for more air support and even planners and communications specialists. The Allied Forces should have taken out those tanks because in the deserts of North Africa, the primary threat are tracks. Why did they let the T-tanks intercept the rebel commandos as they prepared this strategy?
Look, a siege on the capital can last up to a year; depending on how long they hold out. So I would advise nobody links elections to the end and let it wind out meticulously. I do not think they jumped on this quick enough; but they know how to take down a government. Luckily for the rebels; their strategy to hug the coast and stay within range has proven successful. I also suggest their water retreat or backup is also in place in case of a counter; to move more men and material in. They will know soon enough who and what they are facing. I am going to write the office of hurricane and earthquakes because this is not going to go bad on my watch and be another Iraq. Now get those planners in position and do not rush it for electoral points; they will be drawn into the tide of a counter offensive. I am tired of these paramilitaries who have no experience taking down or overthrowing rogue governments. Do they even know the summer season is coming and who is advantage?
Q: Ann, when are you going to tell your "managers", arranged fans, Maher, and Fox News you are with "a minority." I do not even consider you or I a minority but they do. Worse, they use this against you or try to make you feel uncomfortable. So tell them how far and how intimate you are with me please so they stop! They told me if I want this to end or stop; I had to prove to them you and I are sexually intimate or lovers. They kept saying I was a minority in the worst manner and telling me to leave or go away; while they vulture my life and acted like my buddy. Also, read this book, "Palm Beach Babylon" and tell me if you do not sense Deja Vu? The idea you date only black men is the biggest joke I have ever heard but you are with a minority and Asian for over two decades. I am not your typical human being or species. Are they total idiots or only pretending?
We know these people are former communist, rogues, labor union spies, and high risk mafia operatives. They toy with SWAT teams sent into the most difficult predicaments. They try to piss off hostage rescue teams or those who have a mission. They also try to make it appear or sound completely illegal; how we live in an evil and corrupt world and they make the decisions or are the bosses. This is how they abduct and kidnap; on the political level and global levels. This is how they scare people off and force them into retirement or a state of hysteria. This is how they play a very dangerous game that does not get anywhere and has stopped in its track. Now they do not want to leave and they continue to put their life on the line; to scare us off or open the door so they do not have to leave. The pressure on us is still ongoing and still has not stopped; what they call waging war on us and a protest. They also claim they are in a very good position and okay; we need to worry. Therefore, it was just a false alarm, a scare, we imagined it, and everything is alright again. The question is do they know they are doing it and the malice and deliberate effort which will garner a death penalty or mandatory prison? How evil can they get or become and how well can they hide this low existence at the highest positions? We know they look good, the public is catching on; but does it even matter? Right now they are on the path and headed into the worst ending possible. Can they change the story or lie their way out of it? How? I need details and the full plans. The worst part is we know what they are up to and why. The motive of kidnapping or abducting high value targets is the ability to throw out family and friends. When you have a powerful voice on your side; you can make big decisions and live through them. We describe them as stalkers and kidnappers; madmen and psychopaths. Who would know and who would even suspect they were criminal gangs, drug operatives, spies and moles, or traitors?
Ann, I know they are testing our relationship and only wish to wreak havoc. I have noticed, based on previous events and historical record, that your "managers" and YAF had used these speeches to open doors for to probe before all hell breaks out. If and when a speech goes uneventful or goes down easily; a hit or an attack follows. Unfortunately, I have no tolerance and your "managers" use this to check if the cost is clear. So the Wyoming speech will go down smooth; and then the unusual wave after wave will follow. Like usual Ann, you will put the blinders on and claim or vow how it is all business and how it has been for a long time. That is why they are going to be gone; not because you went to a speech or are independent. The moment a green light is there; that jackass thinks it is solid ground or getting better; a business partner and a door of opportunity. So they are reading and they do understand the predicament; how I feel and what my sentiments are. I hope they can recover from it because I can tell them now what my reaction and answer will be for putting me through this. Ann, your vow and continuous view how it is only business, not to worry, and how you are always faithful; is not at hand. They do it to insult and to say "leave" and all I have to say is "really... are you positive?" I hope they are 100 per cent sure and 100 per cent ready to write it down as I have and done. This is why I had to call security over 10,000 times and counting. They will deny it so you have to deal with it Ann. Like before, all of you will pass the buck on to me and I get pissed off and write how much this sucks. You tell me to take it up with them; they tell me to take it up with you; and now it gets worse and worse. How they live their life is how I will write this ending.
Ann, you work out your problems or lack of problems with your managers because each time you go to a college campus or make a speech; it is a primer for the next event and the next. It feels like you are an active participant and cajoling them into pissing me off or ripping our relationship straight down the center. Worse, my opinion of you has altered and I have taken too much. You say it is nothing. I get the short end of the stick. I feel betrayed and you claim you did nothing wrong or only wish to stop them. You are rolling in cash; your love life and nearly destroyed; and you do not even know who you are or where your life is headed. To add insult, I am in a bad period of my life and trying to get back on my feet and you gave me this idea you are a horrible teenage girl who never had a dad who had to look for a job. Now I have not made any disgruntled comments or even thought about jealousy; but while you are having such a wonderful time; I am in the trenches and going psycho on this enemy who I have to fight day and night; just so you can escape and so I can free myself from their traps. In the past, I have made a lot of complaints about this sorority life. You attend the parties while everybody else has to study or work jobs; and you just prance in as if it was no big deal and the door is always open for you Ann. It is not that; it is how you pull me into this culture and fashion show which only brings more and more problems. It has nearly ripped our relationship apart and regardless of the amassing problems; you still attend the events and brag about how late you stayed out or who caused you to stay out all night. The speeches were never a problem; what they were are probes and a wave of attacks always follows. When the smoke clears; your "managers" will send you out to another speech and we are back at each others' throat. So they are checking and testing our relationship before attacking and it is intended to wreak havoc; as Fox News had also done.
Now if I had the truth; which I am still trying to ask myself why I am going through this; things would not be so bad Ann. I know you love me to death and have been in love since the 1980s; almost inseparable or impossible to break us apart. However, I have reached my limit again. So if history repeats itself, I expect a repeat of the same or the past and am not even going to complain or make a comment. I will do what I have to and you will sit there and claim you are making so much effort and working so hard for us. The question is if it was all business and I have or had nothing to worry about; why we are here now and why I feel this way? That is the problem and that is the question; what your lawsuit or legal complaints are about. If you cannot defend yourself and make no effort to fix or help your life; to patch up our mad love for each other; then do not keep placing the weight on me. That is the problem and what has been my transformation. You have taken so much time to fix so little. You have taken for granted those around you and who you hold close to your heart; your own soul Ann. It pains me to say this but even I now do not trust you or expect anything different. Unless I threaten you or just go and do something crazy and destructive; you do not budge. Worse, this is who we are dealing with and who claims to be so close to either you or me. Go back and count how many times it happened and how I report each attack, very subtle. Ann, do they fear you or me? If they cannot keep it in their pants or wish to drag you through the mud; do they fear me or you? I told you who has circled you and who are your business partners, duking and ducking our retaliation. You are swimming with sharks and vultures; and it leads to the labor unions and moles; and they are as insane as insane allows. They think they are better even if they are angry loser who are dependent; how Catholics and Jews are.
Now I will say this for everybody to read and understand; we have been and are in mad love; planning and outmaneuvering our enemies together. It has reached a peak and a peaceful transformation in our life but outside this circle it has or was deadly. I cannot replace you. You cannot and refuse to replace me. I cannot take anymore heartache. You have, always were, and still give me the impression you are terrified of losing our relationship. I am at my wits end with this Ann; I don't even care if you love me to death or not; there has to be more peace from a female in this world and less misery. I have never seen so many problems with stalkers and so many problems in a relationship; but you still are second best and one step behind. I cannot come to any sensible conclusion about how you can be innocent and how this got this way; but I am happy for you if and when you stop dragging me into your hell and insane circle of friends. They belong in jail and they have no place in my world; one day you will have to make the ultimate decision; and I am growing more angry with the situation. When it comes to your biography and the real story; why they just dropped off the planet and why the door was shut on their faces; I am not even sure who to blame or how it got this way. Your commitment to me and our relation is eternal; but your silence and how I have to do insane things to stop you has to end because that is how this entire matter got this way for you and for me. If they are your friends; they will prove it. Do you want to swim with the sharks or seek the comfort of your own marriage planned over two decades ago? You tell them why they need to go and you tell them to stop challenging me or telling me to get out of our own life. You are their sense of pride Ann and I am taking this away or reclaiming their stupidity. They are horrible and lack professionalism; but they like to fight constantly, petty despots and an angry pig.
You are running with the devil and psychos; killing them is difficult. Stopping them has been a very arduous and difficult task. At some point the ice has to melt and this has to end. Maher just dropped off the planet. Hannity is hanging on for dear life. Limbaugh is hanging on and so is Oreilly. Gutfeld has topped them all and is plugging away now. FReeP is still plugging away and does not want it to end. I will be frank and give them some advice; when the smoke clears and when we reload; it comes down to my decision. Like all bad friends; they will tell you lies and try to manipulate it; to pit you against me again and again. You freak me out too much and I do not like it Ann; lies or not. Your lack of commitment in public and your total and 200% commitment in private floors me. These are private matters and our private life; nobody has any jurisdiction or sovereignty over our kingdom. Your body is mine and my body is our possession; one in the same and how it has been for more than 20 years. People do not understand this and they lack the knowledge or education to make any sense of it. They know you hate them and I know they hate you to death; so this game keeps playing out. The problem is you love me to death and I love you beyond what a human can give another; you are my baby and soul. What swirls and lurks around us is dangerous, deadly, and has led to horrible stories and crimes. I do not want to be a victim again or another hostage of the circumstances. We will win but the question is; how we decide to stay together or not. I am at the point where I can be set off so easily and one comment can get me over the top Ann; all of these stalkers and their insane psychoactive drug induce stalker impact on my life.
Everybody knows you have a man who has everything you want and need. There is a lot they do not know. At least I am there for you and you can brag about it; I cannot and I need your help now. So far you have failed and I am at my wits end; two circles drifting and being blown away by no fault of our own or is it? We are dealing with a Neanderthal Ann; so love and happiness is far from the caveman understanding. If you are the manager of your love life and private life; then you have nobody to blame but yourself; unless they crossed that line and a felony is obviously clear. Yes they did this to drive us mad and crazy; but failed. They did this so we would be shaken and our nerves failed. They did this to eliminate one of us at a time and destroy us for choosing to be together. They did this to win and rob us; hence the language and how they talk. At some point, you must stop giving a beggar and a robber what they want and take it to the police or help me destroy them or it. Telling me you love me day and night or acting on your best behavior is not good enough; I used to be proud and happy for you and of you; now you must live up to your words and show our friendship means everything to you. If you loose this; you will never be able to repair it, me, or us. Like your own child, hold it, cherish it, and make sure nobody has a valid reason to disrupt it Ann. If they mess with you and try to ruin it; I will promise you I will put them in their place, eventually and even years from now. I am one of those people who has a strong memory and zero tolerance. Go back and count how many times this has happened; so do not even think about being in a good mood until this is clear Ann. They had been exploiting your grief and then they were exploiting and stealing your elation; as done on this end also. They wanted both of us to think and feel we were lost and it was a losing affair; now or never. This is also why I am conducting a search for a new girl; I expect more of the same and did not appreciate it. You are the one swimming with sharks and vultures; and I tried to help you while they played this samurai game with you and now me also. I ended up with the short end of the stick while you ended up with the same problems I did not want. Welcome to the world of really screwed up and messed up people Ann. You tell me why we are ripping each other apart; and then tell them.
I know you love me to death and cry sometimes when I just say this to you; now prove it and live up to what is expected. These up and down moods make it more and more difficult. This responsible but ditzy act has ripped us apart. I heard your side and why; who did it or forced you to retaliate on their stupid ape like existence. I will never interfere with your personal development or career; but you have no sense to recognize when enough is enough; the threshold of pain. You say how you will be fine and not to worry; then end up getting knocked around by me and hurt; those ghost like mood swings. It is hard to run a marathon when being chased by a stalker and a psycho; know your limit and know mine also. We been doing this and been this way for 22 years Ann; why so many problems now? I also do not suggest you mention me and whether or not you are a Virgin in public; that is going to be a difficult sell. I am upset when I read this but am reassured; so thanks. I do not know how to make of it or react; do they? One day all of this has to come out and it has to be reported; just remember that and tell your enemies also. When it does the office of hurricane and earthquakes will have the first copies and asked to check for accuracy; to defend our mission and life with theirs. So if you want to scare them; you are. If you want them to bury themselves before they grow old; they have and will. You cannot ask for a worse nightmare and how it is unraveling. They have died and are dead in more than one way; it is up to them to decide how this ends. We called security on them over 10,000 times; they need to remember this before placing any blame and fault on the legends of human kind. The police know their downfall was their own doing and their fate. They were checking you to see if they were staying and it did not look good. Remember, you asked for my help fighting these vultures and sharks off; then you had as much fun as possible while I complained about you. Now they are probing you again and sending you a teaser; and I am more than fed up with these vultures. They are not sure of the future and are more careful now; but I will save them some time and give them some peace of mind. This is why they cannot give me or anyone a clear, vivid, and decisive answer.
Saturday, March 26, 2011

Fact: What got Ann in trouble was not what she did but what they did and how she stopped them or forced them to stop; to leave us and everybody alone. It has been and still is a bumpy road with Ann; why I keep telling her to stop and get rid of the trouble makers. She won't and refuses to; instead she calls me and I call the office of hurricane and earthquakes with my Ouija board. It has been a difficult road already and now worse with all of these angry losers in our life!

Fact: Ann was told to walk away and stop trying to toy with them, exploding their meager head, and leading them down a road of regrets. So killing the devil and stopping them from taking over is not the most simple task or an easy endeavor; show me a man who can boast or rip them in pieces and I will show you God himself.
GOT PATHETIC FEET, GOT IGNORANT BRAINS, BUT CANNOT RUN IN FEAR: someone needs to nuke them (Gay-daffy) and arm the rebels! Listen to the pipsqueak after they get nuked and act like a angry fat loser; a pest! Keep hitting them until they go away or shut up; angry loser and robber. This is no game or fantasy so knock it off. That backwoods terrorist is imitating Clinton! Sick of losing the war on terror yet?

The problem is they lack professionalism and are predators; sneaking around like a thief and to cover it up or scam others; they try to intentionally change the story. The truth is they drive business away and others do not wish to do business with these enemies; but they claim they intentionally drive others away or do not need anyone; they want their way and are the real deal. Their labor strike now is walking out on others or causing so much pain; they are winning the war on terror. People are now stinking up and standing up for their rights and their leaders. This is who is behind 911 and who we continue to complain about; calling security or documenting complaints to security so they cannot lie again or frame us. They want people to feel as if they are trapped, a hostage, or under constant duress. They falsify records, either police or business; because a robbery is underway, and expect people to not tell on them. The only unique aspect was how rude the employees were, how difficult it is to prove, how embarrassing, and how they lack professionalism and drive away business. However, they stand firm on how they intentionally do not need trouble makers or are above the truth. I describe it as constant hostility and constant fights until people go away and give up. Filled with lies; they use the police to cover up or scam victims of their robbery mentality. Now they refuse to tell the truth; keep the pressure up and try to look for a way to escape. They insist we refuse to go away or leave them alone. Tim Russert was a spy who made contact using Stuart Taylor and then denied any of this; while he insisted we targeted them or were chasing them. Now the record is so messed up; the only thing they can say is lie, cheat, and steal while living in the shadows. Then they claim we are living in the shadows and have not told the truth about what we are up to. So we are stopping them and they exposed themselves and we are on host pursuit.


Don, the person I have called the police on 3 times now; claims "it is not my fault if everybody dies." Of course not, why worry about this or why think about any kind of guilt. Who would even notice or know? If everybody dies, they are clear and free. So it is not the caucus of their stupidity; it is the calculus of their outcome or what they want. Who said they had to worry about anybody dying or everybody dying? Why in the world would O'reilly not stop someone from being killed or attacked; but not do anything? If he saw a female being raped or beat up; everybody knows they would intervene and do as the secret service are tained to do. Why or how could anybody blame them or consider it was their fault? Where did they get this idea they need to worry about people getting killed or if everybody is dead? This is how angry this pig loser is and why they refuse to leave but have the ignorance and toughness of a slug.

Dear iRush and iHannity: I would stoop to your level and call you a fat cranky pig who dares people to eff with you and then you act tough; but a psychoactive pig like you doesn't even deserve to have your braces bent by reality or the confidence of your utter failures. The truth is nothing you did or tried could throw us out, bend us enough for you to sneak a peek, or ever match the true strength you seek in being tough. You did try to throw out, fire, and evict Ann and I for no reason; not one flaw and now you have a lot of explaining but seem not able to still. Worse, we caught you for 911 and terrorism; then we knew your entire game and outmaneuvered you. Now your flaring pig like manners pretend you been with our girl; our spouses; and we are such a loser. You could not even step up your game to arm gangs and push or shove others down a road of civil war by chasing the weakest links. You are still plugging away and turning this into how uncomfortable and pressured we are; like a lipstick pipsqueak.
Now your smelly pig face and total loser life still con us into thinking you are a cocaine like pit-bull rolling in gold when all you have to your drug wars and crime wave is what you sell; losers. What else do you have besides surrender and just go away as a historical and verified loser with a penchant for body odor and wetting your pants. No matter what you try or how hard you stalk us; how determined you fight or how jackass phony you can get; you still cannot throw us out for no reason or make it look as if we are weaker and got beaten fair and square; now you cling on for dear life with your piggy mouth and your appetite for destruction. As textbook as you have taken us into reality and how worried you keep freaking us out with; you are still a total loser and we just adore losers' don't we? Do you want my number or Ann's you smelly pig? Make up your damn mind and go away. Is this why you are a petty tyrant and a homeless jackass who wants us to adore your our courage? It is not your appetite but your deranged appetite for spending as well. They make us unhappy and very disappointed.

We know who this is and what they are up to. It is that country bumpkin who is a nobody in the world walking around with a bed pan in one hand and a beggars tin can in the other and all they want to do is act as if they are the heart and soul of America when everybody wants them gone because they are too poor and really stupid. So now all they want to do is pick fights and act like a tyrant; but the bed pan and the wishful thinking of a handout is much harder now. They are really dumb and they really enjoy fighting; even with geniuses and the biggest champion; but when you ask them who they are; all we get are total lies. That is the same horny hick who is now talking to me through some Bill Clinton impersonation; did I mention the retarded brother and the mom who slept her way to fame or had illegitimate children and loves public assistance? This is who we are now battling or who is battling us now; Vietnam Vet my ass or patriotic force of change terrorist my air hump ass. So who is worse; the blacks doing this or the whites? This SOB expects a handout and expects others to help them. If you do not, they stalk and keep you as a hostage while trying to pick a fight; we know what they are up to and did but they refuse to admit, surrender, or go away; now being hunted like an animal.
Not only is jobs, oil, and our life being used for their credibility; they do not police and want money; constant demands for money with no IQ behind it. They treat others in the most condescending and crass way; abusive and expect a handout or others to help them. This enemy thinks they are in charge and others have to keep away or stay away. They fight endlessly and when charged with stalking; fight even more. They fight and cause drama; for love and to seek drama. Then there is the blame. We are dealing with an enemy who blames. That means they will starve their own kids to blame and get entitlements or line their pockets. This SOB will assimilate or do hits so they can blame or go into a hero existence. This enemy will use charities and the good will of society; not for the right reasons but for either bad decisions or to shift blame. No matter what you say and no matter how much you seek the truth; there is a trail of deceit, a trail of lies, constant or 24 hours of fighting, and nothing but blame. Now we have terrorism; for what but to blame and people are fed up and want this really bad problem to get put in their place or just go away; for good. They claim that if there was any violence; it was never directed at us and they never meant any harm or was a threat. Also, they made demands and if we did not give in; they shot or killed the person next to us; not us or ever us so we cannot charge them. So now they have to figure out how to remove or fix matters; before the end arrives.
Sunday, March 20, 2011


AVENGED: I hope that teaches that SOB a lesson about pointing a satellite at me or hitting me with microwaves on my kidneys; then hitting Ann with it to see if I knew or would worry. Not only this; they hit me with microwaves up to 6 hours a day and in public places; even my heart. Do not even think about it every again! Now they crumble and snap like a cheap rubber band or scatter. Let's see how long that SOB hangs on or survives from internal and external pressures. I gave them at least 100 or more warnings in NY to back-off and go away; leave us alone and they kept pointing that terrorist satellite at me and saying lets go to war. The relation with the US is complex now and everybody agrees; there are more of them than us; politics just makes it worse. If they make a sound or open their mouth, hit em and bomb them until they are leveled and we get all of them; that should fix the Middle East and help North Africa. Keep bombing Qaddafi and his forces until they understand this is a long and arduous campaign; run now or fight later; there is no escape or diplomacy. Keep the air forces away from our missions and operations; most vital is the training camps and vital forces. If they refuse and try to attack; one day that madman will be leveled and it will hit home. The objective is 6 months to train and send in self defense forces; that is it and all. They do not want and do not need a long term problem after being leveled.
Ann, do they know what the job market and problems will be now with the crisis in Japan? People need to learn how to live within their means and if they keep pissing others off; they will gravitate to the bottom or not survive this; but I am not complaining about this. All I am saying is they better know how to live within their means and not rely so much on others; learn basic economics.

I have heard about several cases of inmates who are being pressured to pay for their jail time and incarceration. I think this is an excellent idea. A program has to be established where inmates have a line of credit; for their needs, housing, and rehabilitation. If they fail; the debt and loan is deducted from their estate or social security. They can have a zero interest loan and get a college education; so long as they pay back the loan at age 55 or 65 to society. If they do not; then they will be forced to pay their debts back to society. Therefore, they can decide if they wish to have cable, luxuries, or can pay it back. The part about guards, clothing, and food is not a liability; however, a low cost fee can be assessed for each year (12 month period). Those bills can be accumulated through an educational or prisoner loan; it is an easy, no pressure, and way to curb a lot of this. Most if not all of them will live for the moment and complain about overcrowding; so this is a major pressure valve and can be privatized. The city and municipalities pay for the basic needs; then the rest is optional and must be paid off by age 65.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Ann, the communists and the terrorists spies continue to tell me they need jobs, they need credibility, how brilliant you are, and this depends on what you are willing to do for them, not me. They claim they own my mission and I am looking for them or want to hire them; they need to be heard and need a new mission. They need some kind of hope and this leads to the rock bottom; pure evil and trash of hamn kind. They are not interested in justice or how guilty and how evil they are; they need credibility and jobs. Now things have taken an awful turn and the world can now see them, know them, and stop them. When the tribe is starving or the cold war ended; they must have panned out to try and remove those who have them in a vulnerable position. We know they found us somehow and know more than they are saying. Somehow they are in a very elaborate trap set for an alien; not a human being. I can tell them now and in court the trap was to determine if an alien is walking on earth and to trace it; not some SOB or dumbass. Even better, the court can read my book and written statement; I will give it to... Ann, listen okay. Even Fox News is saying prove it or go away; we did; now they keep saying go away. These people are notorious for bad business, ripping people off, doing crazed stuff to boost their credibility, and then overcompensating when they get everything wrong. The communist need credibility in order to be taken care of; now the problem is policing and national security.

Bill O'reilly is guilty as sin. He is probably using radiation to poison spies or enemies; then telling the public and British there is a level of radiation that is healthy for human beings. This is false. There is no level of radiation that is healthy for human beings; what he means is it is a good way to finish off enemies and spies. Odd how spies are being poisoned and so were we. Odd how a family friend of ours (A Porsche mechanic) died at an usual age of 40 of cancer. If you put one and two together; he may have been poisoned and he used to fix my car in the early 1990s. So they were the ones who were poisoning "suspects" and using radiation to eliminate enemies; and he got busted and is trying to debate his guilt. The British reported spies from Russian dying off and some cat and mouse game of murder; why is O'reilly arguing for the communists? How or why did we catch or bust him; repeatedly and a madman. Apparently, their communist group is paranoid and they are taking anybody out; how we caught them and now they are whacked. He also claims we both are at fault and he is not at liberty to say why or how. We know why they avoid court, questions, and only seek to hide now. I have never seen communist spies or terrorists this insane before; dangerous yes, but not this level. Reality, facts, data or information, total failure, etc... is impervious to their thinking and their concerns. Tell them to prove it; it is my mission and my book; my biography. Now they began the "Ann Coulter labor union" scam again. How about that debt and NY stock market?

So after Ann confronted him; he is explaining what their motives are; they are 911 terrorists and a communist spy ring as we keep saying; pretending to be moles. Don't tell me, go tell the Brits it is their fault also; I do not want to get sucked into another scam or another one of their lies. This SOB will suck you in and keep doing this endlessly; this is O'reilly v. British Intelligence; not Alex. He is the dumbass; he does not need my intelligence or IQ. I do not want to take care of them either or give into their demands; O'reilly does not want to admit it is extortion and racketeering. Hannity says they have to train someone to replace us and we are living their American dream. Welcome to the world of the Irish and drunken fools. Who is their female pioneer and ass-stronaut? Fox, CPAC and all of these terrorist have a secret code to intervene and they do not want to reveal it or conceal it because they have serious problems, major threats, death penalty charges, fear, and mandatory prison sentences. Their goal is exactly with the communists; security in numbers or unity. They continue to feel they are guiding the right wing and I am a possible danger, threat, or problem. They are not at liberty to say why or why not; only able to do this for a period of time. All of this is to avoid justice, smash liberty, avoid the truth, avoid trial, offend, nit-pick, cop and attitude, lead to more attacks, steal more and more, add more terrorism, hide their history, and put us in a horrible position. All they say is they are ready to die, hope, or do not want to get hurt by anything; we have no rights and are a hostage. Let them snap like a rubber band; there is no job and they are not credible or ever was. The moment that hurricane and earthquakes arrives; they will snap like the twig and the pest a maniac and madman is. Oil is jobs and jobs is credibility. Who cracks and snaps like a mole? Prove to us they need to go away and are a complete idiot trying to rip us off or destroy us.

Update: I am glad for their sake there is no nuclear threat to the US or military forces who have to combat and stop this left wing threat and drug war.
Letter to the FBI: Huge murder spree – the SOB!
Can you have the FBI look into two particular suspicious deaths:
1. Russian defectors or dissidents in the UK who were poisoned with Uranium in their drinks or food.
2. My brother’s best friend and HS buddy - MN. MN is a well known and established Porsche mechanic in the DC-VA area. He worked on military officers and those who buy Porches or BMW's while working at the Pentagon. In or around 1995-2000; I began to see black trainees, a suspicious employee who had an Asian girlfriend; and needed him to fix my car due to the vandalism, chases, and crazy chases; I blame the Black Panthers but reported this to the FC FBI office in 1998 after declaring bankruptcy. MN died quickly in 2008 of cancer, unheard of for Asians. Then the cases of Russian dissidents or defectors died in the UK of a rare form of poisoning; radiation poisoning.
Oreilly was debating Ann on Fox March 17, 2010 about cases relating to this; and I could not figure out whom or what was doing it. It was the IRA and who I keep describing; can you inform the British Intelligence also; who we captured or caught and now trying to expose.
MN did not know me. I spoke to him maybe 5 times in my entire life. My brother and him grew up together and someone mistook his identity; what I keep describing also. Then weird people began to show up at his shop; one was a black "apprentice." If this is where they got the Trump apprentice idea; then they are trading services and trying to do business. I reported this to the FC FBI office and I also suspect they got targeted as MN did; I did not know these people and they are taking blind stabs; paranoid of a leak or bungled plan.
I will check in soon. We know they are poisoning people with the radioactive material and it looks like a rare form of cancer; a battle with medical problems and billing; socialized medical care. Strike down another victim and casualty of this; and yes I am upset by the entire matter; who we caught and what we know. My brother was terrified after MN died because I wrote him in 2008.
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- My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.