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Saturday, November 3, 2012


Outcome and Final 2012 Elections:

I told the Republicans a while back to "do the best you can." Why? What do I know about this enemy and these people they refuse to disclose or protect with their life? Why do we need the top 20 list? Because I know something about these people they are not willing to disclose or be honest about. I seen how they are when the curtains are removed. I know how guilty they are and what it will take to defeat the communist invasion in America. I know the eastern liberals used industry to expand and deny the liberties, by numbers; to those who deserve their liberties. We know more about them then they are willing to tell the public; however, in order to expand and force us to surrender, they will lie, cheat, steal, and rob their way to the very end. It is difficult to defeat an enemy on that level. Wait until you command your first war or command forces. It is all in vain when you have the wrong people. We are in seek and destroy, we need the right people in our life. Maybe when those numbers reach 60-80 per cent, they will finally say enough evidence and pressure to indicate the obvious about their politics.

These sanctions were imposed by a sneaky enemy, not one side or church. They claim to have a monopoly and are not enemies. They claim we are the disgrace and problem. We want their business and love their money? We know who they are while they hide who they are; claiming there is not enough evidence, force, or pressure to defeat them yet. Does anybody think they will do the right thing or have a moral compass? We know they have superior numbers and expand twice as quickly; however, we know more about them than the public is being told. It is time to expose them and the total disaster they have made of America. The political disaster from sea to sea is now on them; it is their guilt. They will go to hell and be expelled from heaven. Their soul will burn before this world dies. Their churches can tell them the truth. So this is about having more heads or more soldiers than we do? Who will win and who will shut down whom? The power of the communists are very reckless and they will avoid a direct confrontation; at any cost. Don't waste more time on taxes, condoms, abortion, or jobs. Want to waste your time, talk to Ann. She thinks she is going to make a big difference on these SOBs and big brother or their church. It is ridiculous. I will say it again, do the best you can; this is pathetic.

What they seek are the master keys. By studying us and imposing a sanction, shutting our life down; they can make demands on what we love or hate about them. They seek to stay and play harder in politics, even if communism has collapsed and the old guards do not have a new model or formula for their compass. We live with an animal species who by political power, feels they are in control or the authority. They see human beings much differently than their liberties or justice. One way or the other, Big Brother has to be taken down and if that takes thousands of hurricane and earthquakes; then it does. If that drives them to the point their career criminal life has led them, then it will. We have no power or control over this. If they are the communist and if they take us down that road; then we have no control over it but we can unleash hell until they are more honest about who they are and how we got down that road.

Limbaugh says this is about kidnapping us, studying us, and trying to answer his curiosity. The communists and big brother wants to know if Asian males can be taught to love other males such as blacks and whites in this church of communism and liberalism? What do they love and hate now? What is their mold and how does big brother seek to change what we love or hate in life so they can stay longer, play harder, or become more loved or staff? History will judge them honestly since they cannot be honest or patriotic about this. They want to be shut down and keep trying to expand; they will have hell. It does not matter who wins; we need that top twenty list in order to defeat the communist forces and these corporate spies, bigger brother. Lying and defrauding the public has run it's course; it begins with the top twenty list. When has the communists ever done the right thing, when? Do not waste your time as Ann Coulter has been scorned for and do not become as weak and as troubled as her life has become. It gets nowhere and you will end up in her position. She does not listen to me and the matter is pathetic. Seek and destroy is long overdue; long overdue.

Does anybody actually think Republicans are losing all over America due to proper Republican management? Do they know who has encircled them or invaded their lands? Do they know who threatens them or why we caught so many Republican moles? It got this way for a reason and this expansion happened for a reason, a deliberate dishonesty and career criminals, big brother. This lie about how jobs drive elections or how taxes drive elections; are complete lies. Big brother and this communist enemy has everybody beat. Read what we know and what we threw out at the last minute. I am quite aware how many or their numbers. I am quite aware how powerful and strong their forces have become. I know firsthand how difficult this fight and removing them has become. Watch as they fall and are shut down; how quickly those lies turn into criminal conspiracy and big brother. We know things about them they refuse to disclose, tell, or be honest about. So long as the ideological base in the Republican is either missing or stolen by the Democratic Party or big brother; we will remain political prisoners and this will keep going on and on. They will pile in more people, more interference, and more people will praise them. They know things about us they refuse to disclose. Who will shut down whom? When?

This is not the end, this is the start of the top twenty list. Why? Again, they have superior numbers. They expand twice as fast and by the power of industry. They grow the labor unions and labor far beyond our abilities. So they will wake up and admit who they are or what they are up to? Like magic, they are us now? They are lying about who they are and what they are up to; we know who they are now and what they are up to. A shutdown is in order and underway; total shutdown. Big brother will go down and have a bigger fall, who will shut down whom? The problem is we know they are guilty and what they are. The rest is beyond our powers or the scope of the laws, so far. Welcome to the world of the communists and the beginning of the end; let's do battle and let's shut them down. Soon it will be evident how reckless they truly are and how power is a fantasy. If they do not expand, then that reckless power will implode or wipe all of them out by sheer counter-force. Things change quickly at this level and this deep in the core of American defenses. I know I will sleep very well and have no regrets, totally at peace with this.

As the evidence also shows, they are sworn to take this to the grave and have not helped our forces defeat this enemy or the communist big brother problem. Even as Republicans, they claimed they were in the line of fire. The evidence shows that during a major attack and even an expansion of security threats, they not only turned their back on us and America; they refused to help the defense forces put a stop to it or shut it down. This is who we have in our life and who is leading this expansion and reckless power struggle, career criminals and thieves. The problem is we live with very trashy and very psychopathic human beings who feel they are in control or the authority, by numbers; and we are their political prisoners or hostages. They do avoid a direct confrontation but are career criminals and corporate spies. So long as the problem is inherent in the Republican Party, the Democrat will win time and again. Reagan said this and Boldwater warned about it also. The problem is the Republicans, the rest are wanderers and undecided. Fix the Republicans, there may be leadership or an ideological base. Bring us the top twenty list. We may not win, but we will obtain our liberties. They may end up losing all of theirs and worse; getting shut down. The tide can turn quickly.

The problem with the Republican Party is they lack an ideological base or understanding. They only want to expand. The entire political system is reckless bullying. We know it has collapsed and imploding; we know the problem is not about jobs or taxes. The problem is big brother and corporate spies, the communists. The problem with the Democrats is the obvious. We have no choice and they totally lack standards. They are low life degenerates. They are poor and totally lacking in standards. They do look human but are not, instead lacking in so many areas. They have no helped us one bit to either get to the bottom of this, shut it down, or stop the communist forces; yet they call themselves Republican or even Americans. Why? They have big brother authority and control and they have more people. Maybe they know something about us they refuse to tell or are keeping secret? This was not about jobs or taxes; neither was it about elections. It was about their filthy religion or a total lack thereof for any truth, honesty, or the pursuit of justice. They do love freedom, jobs, money, a lot of lies, a lot of sex, a lot of stupidity, a lot of pain, a lot of suffering, and a lot of crime.

Another flaw of this repugnant bag lady (Mrs. US) is how they end up in life completely lonely and full of spite. They look at normal human beings through a window lacking any reality. What in hell do they know about love or marriage? Yet they force one after the other single club member on us; day after day, people we would not even want to meet or do not even get along with. Why would such a person keep matching us up with total mismatches and then have an aura of homosexuality or a sex predator? Then Rush Limbaugh goes on radio and says, "Now you know what it feels like to be raped." Oh thank you, can we get another one? Yes, more homosexuals; even better, let's go into overtime. They love that warm weather now. They are still turned on or want to turn us on. They are beyond the scope of stupidity.

Regardless, they want a hug and we have something else in mind. They want to make our life more and more unstable or destabilize our pillars, we have something else in mind. It is a game of jealousy, we definitely have something in mind for them. They do not police themselves. Furthermore, they claim to be the authority or in control. A female monkey and bag lady, they sought to obtain the most intimate secrets and then weave a web of lies and deception, to lure the police further into their trap. By obtaining the love-hate map of our life; they can make demands and even alter it; the mold and the formula to make a corporate or communist spy. The politics is in total collapse and are a complete disgrace; however, we know things about them they still refuse to disclose or be honest about. We also know what they are up to and who this big brother was and are now. Limbaugh says this is about kidnapping us, studying us, and trying to answer his curiosity. The communists and big brother wants to know if Asian males can be taught to love other males such as blacks and whites in this church of communism and liberalism?

Those females, this staff, and all of the complaints to the police were nothing more than corporate or communist spies who lied about what they were doing sneaking around or lurking in our life. Even today the police do not have the right story because essential parts were erased, felted out, or not even reported. They claimed to be staff or turned on; we chased them off or ignored them by feeding them false, insulting, or disinformation. They got mad and made up total lies about being turned on or staff; we hate them and they hate us, more so than ever before. We have no intention of hiring them or getting involved in any illegal activity, no less corporate spying, murder plots, terror plots, or illegal activity. Now it is a complete mess and they are scared of the consequences; but they keep lying and thinking this fantasy of being turned on is two way street. Now they live in fear and they look stupid harping or trash-talking about jealousy; our lives are already destabilized. Whatever their stench, we are still trying to get it out of our life and mission. They claim to be trying to steal our master keys, what we love and hate; thus, these sanctions are to test what we love and hate in life and then alter it to fit their match. Until or unless that match is match, these corrections; they won't talk to us or interview us. We are not welcomed in their office.

This family and corporate spies cannot be trusted when it comes to academics. They pass along the lies and the accountability from one to the next. They are not staff, we are not turned on, they are corporate and communist spies, it is totally illegal, and we hate them much more than they hate us; but they lie, cheat, and steal by hiding all of this. They avoid a direct confrontation and say there is not enough evidence or pressure to conclude who is telling the truth or not. This is why the police got busted for it. I have seen these people in college or academics. Nothing gets done and if it does, it is the last minute. They rather go to parties and attend social events, then cheat or rely on their organization to give them copies, forgeries, or various lazy deceitful ways. They would rather lie, cheat, and steal then earn it. This is why they destabilize us and why they are the party or in-crowd. We know about this family and these corporate spies. This was never about jealousy. All of our lives are now debased or destabilized due to this enemy and this bunch of corporate spies. They are career criminals.

Then it was this window they looked in our home where we cannot dress nice, look perfect, smell good, have nice skin, nice teeth, etc... Why interfere with our career? Why interfere with our natural selections, friends, associates, even engaged mates? Why cause so much trouble, cause so many problems, and totally disregard the suffering on this end? Why? You have to ask what in hell are they thinking or what in hell is going through their minds? How in hell do they explain any of this, look at all of it! It is not as if we did not try to kill them or stop it, no they just had no care and was so selfish. But wait, it gets better, they are still trying to cover it up. It isn't time for jail or time to consider paying some damages. Does anybody recognize what their problem is or why they lie so much to cover it up? Do they believe a human is this evil to do 911, bomb plots, murder plots and the slaughter we had to watch while they made angry demands? It took two decades to catch them or identify them, now look at how they behave or how they put the best face on it all. They still try to flatten or bomb our column, pillar, and root base. They still try to destabilize our life or flutter us; nothing works.

What do they know about family? What do they know about this world? What do they know about love or marriage? What do they know about beauty? What do they know about money and life? What do they know but to push a grocery cart for the most of their life and bother other people? Everybody saw Limbaugh and Hannity do this also, just on a more elite level. Can we do better? Hell yes. Do we want to kill them for this? Hell yes. Do they deserve to die? Hell yes. Will they consider jail or pay damages? Hell no. Still battling and fighting them, even in our own residence. Their money and their home right? It does not matter if it is the perfect female or the worst, they kill it. They stomp on it and try anything to interfere or cause problems, everybody saw it and everybody knows it is true. How do they explain this lack of love we have for them or trying to always police our life and our aspirations? They are in fantasy island and disconnected from reality, they do realize this don't they? A bastard defense and legal retaliation against corporate spies is unacceptable. Just look at the love and the hugs coming at them like a train; we even filmed it.

Haven't we killed them yet or are they still making false claims and allegations? They refuse to pay damages or consider jail, all cosmetics. Can they tell we love seeing them daily? Do they know how much we enjoy their company or presence? Are we in their residences also making inappropriate messages or F'in with them? Maybe we only want to hire them or want to help? Whomever is at fault is a total disgrace. We want their business and love their money? How do we go from corporate spies to talking to them in a particular manner? Are they the vocabulary police or do they police fantasies? How do they cover it up? They set up dating sites and pretend to be models or females. They sit there and make up this fantasy about how they got inappropriate message because they are so kick-ass.

Haven't we killed this bastard and this complete loser yet? Snaking around, lurking, and all of these unaffordable call girls is about inappropriate messages? This bag lady has some nerves but we have made it clear who they are and who we are. Nothing about them is healthy and nothing about them is normal; using real life cases or police powers in this manner will get them killed. What is the problem with them? How about jail and paying damages? How about considering for once the suffering on us and others? How about it? How about shut up for once? They want a hug and we have something else in mind, it is inappropriate if you must police it. Even the Republicans try to take a few inches off the strongest or try to stabilize the anchors of the Republican and right wing. Some of them are inadequate but feel they are family or the same, staff.

How about this corporate spy problem, spy ring, raiding or mugging people using high tech weapons, or not making the capture part of this so difficult? How about an easier ending to this? Maybe a few years given back? Maybe going down or being shut down with more honesty, integrity, bravery, transparency, verification, reality, honor, judgment, and a better human spirit than what we had already? How about confessing to what they did to Ann Coulter? Another one of their bag lady plots? This SOB is still trying to cover it up. Still trying to claim they have authority. Still acting like they did nothing wrong. Still lying on a level this world has never seen before. Still making demands, ordering us around, or attacking us 24-7 in our own residence now, still no sex tape or the outcomes they have to have and want to die over. How selfish is this SOB? Their own family could be on the verge of doom, they will keep digging and digging their own graves. Nobody likes them and if they do, they get angry about living in squalor or paycheck to paycheck. It is an annoying hurricane of stupidity. Even their kids are not going to medical school or able to hire any strippers.

Oh hell, Levin does not feel any pain, he is angry with us. He says there is more of them than us, more happy also. While I am writing this Mark Levin is rolling off how mad and fed up he is with us (‎Monday, ‎November ‎05, ‎2012), "We are fed up and tired of..." He is actually going off on us, as always in our face and trying to be the stronger or a card carrying bigger club. They will win the gun fight because they have the bigger gun, that is his reality. This audacious SOB is acting decisive and very angry with us; after all of that. Is there a lightning bolt big enough to unleash enough hell on them? The SOB is just rolling off one lie after the next and saying how fed up and angry he is with being pushed around or his freedom stripped. He says it is their revolution, not ours. I presume this is how they destabilize other people or how they flutter them; shave a few inches off them or weaken them. This monkey will even try to order the security forces around or act like they are in charge of them, staff. It is so pathetic. Their existence is so pathetic but they twist everything into total lies so our life is debased or what everybody is seeing. Their stench is everywhere and we are diligently trying to get it out of our life; does anybody notice or care to? How do you get this stench off you?

I am fighting this lousy SOB (Leavin) over my own revolution and life. Levin says I am the problem and he is the authority or who is fed up with us and sick of this harsh treatment. We can document it and let them address when their time is up. Is there a force or a power strong enough to unleash more hell on these people than they will ever know or feel in hell itself? What is their problem? How do we cope with this human being or species in ours? How do we truck this trash away or unleash enough hell big enough for them? Levin now says he is "always dressed up in camouflage... to destroy your name." Oh hell, now he changes his tune and says, "you won't survive it... you don't have a chance." What a winner and what a tour de force we have. As I said, even with school work they will cheat. They enjoy partying too much and work never gets done. They do look good and they are powerful. To call them Republicans is a dangerous road to destabilizing our life and letting a communist bully in our life to be imperialistic or attack us while they avoid a confrontation. Their objective is to destabilize our life, make us struggle, or corrupt us.

Ann you saw how these sanctions impacted your life and even your marriage. You saw how they were not only financial, but was aimed at my private life or marriage also. Did you sleep through it or did you not notice this sanction on your life by big brother? Why would you even let them live or make them happy? Do you see how seek and destroy has to be imposed just to clean up our life let alone public offices or the Republican Party? Imagine what the mess is like outside that security zone. The level of trash and the extent of the political problems; how intrusive and exactly how much did they interfere? I have always said you were stupid to put so much trust and so much faith in your fellow Americans Ann. When is this going to end? When will studying us and changing what we love and hate become illegal or their death sentence? When will I get paid and when will the police shut this big brother problem down completely? They are breaking out and they seek to take on a new form. We have the master keys, what we love and hate in life; but they want to add a few evil ingredients and change our mission. Now they are totally paralyzed and trying to close up show; a coverup for this church and big homo bother.

Does it look like a cosmetic warrior was here or this was all in vain, all cosmetics? You know big brother and this church of communism are studying us and trying to break out of a mold. They want to know what we love or hate, in life and about them. They wish to change that mold or our master keys so we fawn over them or praise them. Marriage, sex, and looks were a major problem about this staff or this big brother. Until or unless what we love and hate in life, our existence, is changed and made to fit their job requirements; a sanction was imposed and pressure put on us, called attack-torture; daily. They are making a mold. They are breaking out of theirs. We are the surrogates and the targeted copulation. This is how this sanction got so bad and damaged so much in life. They still try to change what we love and hate, this time; they are changing for us; they are what we love and not what we hate, staff. The claim now is they are invited into our office, the office of big brother and our new staff. Limbaugh says this is about kidnapping us, studying us, and trying to answer his curiosity. The communists and big brother wants to know if Asian males can be taught to love other males such as blacks and whites in this church of communism and liberalism?

Now you know and now you finally believe me. Do you enjoy being a disgrace or enjoy them in your life? Do you enjoy praising them? Everywhere you turn, they are there interfering or causing problems. Do you think a hurricane or earthquake is enough to do the job? Really? Can they tell we love seeing them daily? Do they know how much we enjoy their company or presence? Are we in their residences also making inappropriate messages or F'in with them? Maybe we only want to hire them or want to help? Whomever is at fault is a total disgrace. How do we go from corporate spies to talking to them in a particular manner? Are they the vocabulary police or do they police fantasies? How do they cover it up? The problem is it took a very long time to get here and for you to realize this. We may not win but we may at least finally get our liberties from big brother and this communist corporate spy group. I hope you realize the urgency of shutting them down instead of holding VIP parties for them or with them.

As I have said Ann, all you are doing is wasting my time and have been since the get-go. Talking it out with these people or outsmarting them gets nowhere. You wasted a lot of my time and a lot of your own life; which I grew tired or got fed up with and either fired you or tried to move on. You must understand to win, you must starve them. However, until you have an ideological structure on the Republican side; the expansion and the reckless struggle will exist below freedom and justice. This is how the communist and these people are. These corporate spies will impose a sanction on your life, tell you who to marry or if you can; then they fill the room with homosexuality. They still do not know right from wrong, who is at fault, or whether or not we enjoy their company or only wish to help them. Can you make it clearer or give them some hints and point them in the right direction Ann? Okay, now stop and get ready to fight; seek and destroy.

I hope you finally learn your lesson and finally have the wisdom to understand what the hell is out there and feeble you look or feel. I pick up on it and no longer feel sorry for you. Even if the unemployment was 60% or 80%; they will claim racism. The Republicans will claim it is taxes or jobs. Our health will slip while we argue about people who are no damn good or anyone or this nation. Our life will end up lost or totally missing. You were so slow to adopt seek and destroy, so slow and so weak at it. It was all in vain and watching it was even worse. The scope of the problems were far worse than words or turning them on. Their souls are no good and never was. You look stupid and feeble; but you never listen to me or are so slow, so flawed and slow. Me, I would kill them on day 1 not day 7,000. I would show them how quickly things can change for the worse and in our world. Someone is taking their damn time and not doing their jobs. Who?

Dear Ann, are you one of those stupid college girls who wants to go drinking all the time and ends up getting brutalized or raped; then she goes and throws it all at her boyfriend or it is too late for you to do anything about it? Here you are complaining about them and then you go to their parties or do the Duke stripper thing. They say you are turned on. You say they are turned on. One of you is lying about being professional. Who is turned on? Who is debasing the other or in a world of trouble for destabilizing the other? I am in my 40s and this feels like my 20s. Why do I get the feeling you are fighting a frat party or singles club of drunk fools? All of you cheat on the tests and you pass them the answers. The liquor is flowing and all of those single men. You get up there and turn them on. You got the liquor flowing and they always end up coming to my home or in my life, why? Is this how you all spent away college? Go up there and say to their face, "I will bomb you to hell bitch, sit down and shut up before you make me really mad. Do you want to see what I am like when I am mad or in battle?" Drag a few of their bodies on stage and beat it, make them laugh at themselves or make their eyes open wide. Do you need some ideas? Also, it is hard to tell who is doing what when all of them are doing it. Agree?

Why is there an aura of you going home with any or every man there? I have questioned your professional ability or if your professionalism is the problem. Why don't you bomb them to hell or exterminate them? Why don't you give them some hell? Why don't you anger them each and every time they see you, put them in anger management? Tell them to leave. Tell them they suck. Stick their face in it like a puppy dog. Is this how you weaklings or women are? They are still turned on and got a perma-boner. The smile is obviously fake, a psychopath and spy. Do you realize they are destabilizing your life? Do you know how pathetic is feels? Why do they end up going home with me, all of them are communists and corporate spies. Do you think this is fair? Do you think I have a right to be mad or even furious? Instead of all this love and unity, why don't you get some work done or go somewhere with this? We are going nowhere so far. You don't seem very creative about this and neither do they Ann, lost for words. In such shock or bombed to hell even. It is that look in all of your eyes, creeping death. Is that why they want you to go home with one or all of them, a singles club? Enjoy being a hostage too much? Oh yeah, me too. Enjoy their services also? Knock it off and make them scream like a pig each time a pin drops. Take a hard look who they are and what they have done Ann. You people piss me off. Me, I would bomb them to hell.

Maybe one of these days a military force will get fed up and tired of these people and drop a B52 on their ass and bomb them to hell. If they get up and start crying again, reload and bomb them to hell. We do not like big brother or 24-7 interference or creating problems. Maybe that will teach them a lesson and be strong enough to remove them from our life or send a clear message about their presence, the amount of damages, and the ongoing effort to truck them away dead or alive. It does not seem as if they have the tools to exist in life and for that matter, go any further; but the struggle continues and is still being fought in secret. So maybe when and if they are bombed to hell by stealth fighters; they will finally learn a lesson and be more civilized about this whole matter. I doubt it and I also know why starving them is the only way. It is constant and constant interfering which makes it almost impossible to enjoy life or even have a marriage. Bombing them to hell or the use of stealth fighters would quickly solve the problem or make it a direct confrontation.

The evidence clearly shows these people are the biggest scam in US history. Their value is worth as much as trash or a career criminal. There is a disconnect in battle and being demoralized. They are a race of creatures that have no business in ours, no place, or no meaning; none. They might as well consider themselves dead and do us the biggest favor of our life. What is the message they want the world to know or feel? Is there a way out? Is there an escape to this family of corporate spies and psychopathic muggers? Although we are stealth fighters; they wave and cheer before they stick a bayonet in us and tell us to bow before their kingdom. They have a mold and expect us to fit their expectations, what we can or cannot love and hate. Big brother is always there 24-7 doing evil and illegal things to corrupt the justice, courts, and the legal system. If we complain, we are told to leave and go home. Maybe there is a better solution to this? It does not matter if they are on our side or not, interfering is meant to cause tremendous trouble or violate major laws. They do not want to police themselves, their corporate spy ring, or their powerful church. Instead, they only want to police others or deny them any liberties.

Our life, our nation, our career, and our mission has been violated and attacked. The documents and the complaints, even retaliations; are a mere drop in the bucket to their demands. Our response and our stealth fighting is too meager to this enemy and church family. Imagine that, we are too meager and have to be beaten down again and again, more bayonets put into us. They do not have the tools or the mentality to exist, not in our world and under these difficult circumstances. Stealth bombers bombing them to hell is only a good start; but it is nowhere near what needs to happen. They are unable to comprehend being demoralized in battle and are disconnected with the need to respect the rights of others, tell the truth, and when it is time to consider jail. They cannot grasp demoralization or total defeat. Yet they yearn for more freedom and more opportunity. Can't they go and cry to someone else who will not send stealth fighters after them or bomb this degenerate fool to hell? Soon all of their customers will be penniless and confronting them about this.

Their world is backwards and no means yes while yes means no. Love becomes hate and hate becomes love; yet they are so disconnected from demoralization; they do not live in reality, they live in poverty and poverty is always seeking out opportunity. Crime is the only opportunity that does not require more or concise answers. Can anybody give us an example of when bombing them to hell does not halt them, stop their advances, or does not drive their forces back to the gutters? Can anybody give us an example of when stealth fighters are greeted with a Nigerian drive-by (all teeth) and they wave or dare us to come and get them? It is constant interfering. How many? Well, factor in 24-7 and interfering hourly, that is a very large number by a kidnapper and a very demented enemy who is trying to train us to love or hate. This interference or invasion of our life, has had severe impact on industry, commerce, and values on our life. It was so reckless and so stupid, they continue to hide or conceal it because it was such a scam and they are so demoralized.

War is about demoralizing an enemy and for a very good reasons. Do they want a direct with evidence and with real life ending pressure? Can anybody give us an example of when bombing them to death made them more fierce and had them up and jumping with "I like that, we are turned on, let's do it again?" We can suppose what these human beings go through but until the evidence indicates a finality; there is no evidence otherwise. Bombing them to hell is not the same as starving them to death and military force borders on effectiveness. They might as well consider themselves dead and do us the biggest favor of our life. What is the message they want the world to know or feel? Is there a way out? Is there an escape to this family of corporate spies and psychopathic muggers? It does not matter if they are on our side or not, interfering is meant to cause tremendous trouble or violate major laws. Why would a demoralized enemy get up and cry to us when we are reloading and do not like big brother or 24-7 interference to create more problems?

This interference and causing problems has not created any wealth, any value to my name, and was the cause of endless suffering. They stole wealth, they stole our life, they caused tremendous suffering. They refuse to leave or end this. There was no limit to their violation of the laws, none. Decades of trying to change our position, what we love or hate, changing our genetic programming, and endless suffering has not gotten anywhere; it destroyed a lot of life and a lot of wealth. There is a paper trail. It would be easier to put a gun to our head and ask us for a direct confrontation; the odds would be much better and the prolonging of the suffering far less. Avoiding a direct confrontation while ignoring complaints, allowed them to intentionally cause more problems or open the door and let more and more people to interfere and cause even worse problems. Now they are everywhere and they want us to put the genie back into the bottle, to truck all the trash away or dispose of it. The evidence clearly shows these people are the biggest scam in US history. Their value is worth as much as trash or a career criminal.

The loss of income, loss of health, loss of life and liberty; is immense. Instead, they still try to change us or our position even if they are flying blind and all of this is their own fault. These people do not produce and they will even let their unemployment reach 60% while they claim it is not enough evidence or pressure to let go. We know this because it is in our life presently, the wrong people trying to tell us they are the right ones. They just do not want a confrontation and this imperialism did leave a paper trail. When they reach a low point or a certain energy level, they expand and test the limits of their reckless power. It got them all killed and now got them trapped; to get out, they must consider jail and be prepared to pay damages. This corporate spy group is guilty of looting America and tremendous suffering or loss of life and liberties. These desperate times were their death sentence as they are trapped and cannot get out while the walls are closing in.

What the evidence shows and proves beyond a reasonable doubt is their ability to avoid a direct confrontation and avoid being bombed to hell or getting shut down by legal means; meanwhile, putting pressure and removing evidence of sneaking around, circling, invading our life, imperialism, big brother, or various illegal activities beyond the scope of guilt and espionage. Furthermore, their illegal activities are so pervasive one person does not have a private life or is not even allowed to open an account while the other cannot start a business or even open up a bank account. It is the same people and the same enemy taking different forms. It can be from private industry or even interference from the public sector, the bosom line is interference and illegal activity, an indirect avoidance of confrontation. The evidence shows an abuse of power and gross recklessness as a communist bully. They refuse to police each other or themselves; meanwhile, they deny liberties to others or interfere in a way to cause total disaster, even murder and violence. All they do is insult and stupefy; unless or until they are loved or they get their way.

The lack of honesty and the indicators of this without a direct confrontation; shows this ability to lurk, sneak around, or even kidnap us and hold us as a hostage or prisoner. They claim the laws prevent them from unity or this family and we should shut up, move on, go away, move and leave, or just accept the level of interference and illegal activity. Hence, our life is totally paralyzed and they refuse to pay any damages or consider jail; yet the unemployment doubles and the situation worsens. Soon nobody will survive, be prosperous, or will be able to be happy. A lot of this is coming from the Republican side and the Republicans need to bomb them to hell also. This is what happens when those in last place or the poor run loose in our life; interfere and cause total ruin they will spy on us, attack us, and run us over or into the ground; until we praise them, show them respect, and embrace them in every part of our life. It is way beyond insulting. Their trashy pride has to be bombed to hell, even then they won't police themselves or each other.

Remember, they cannot turn back now and must be shut down or destroyed. If the evidence and the pressure crushes them; they must tell the truth or face tremendous consequences. Hence, they run us over daily or put bayonets in us and then expect us to be on our best behavior. Bomb them to hell and then demand they obey or embrace demoralization. This is what happens when the wrong people become the police and the police do not police each other. This is what happens when corporate spies or communist bullies try to destroy people, get caught, or cannot. They get jammed and they get trapped. They will insult until they are dead or in jail; and they have refused jail or paying damages.

How do they explain an unemployment rate of 60% under a black Precedence and spending of three times what a Republican Precedence would ever allocate or budget? Racism? How do you explain a system or a lack of one thereof, when the felon charges and the fraud charges pile up and pile up, meanwhile they sit there and praise each other about how there is not enough evidence or pressure to be honest or call it quits? Instead they claim they want to die, refuse to do the right thing, refuse jail, and how they do not know what to do. Let's begin with running us over daily or sticking bayonets in us, then lying completely or pathologically, worse than a career criminal and an abuse of power.

The evidence clearly shows these people are the biggest scam in US history. Their value is worth as much as trash or a career criminal. Can't they go and cry to someone else who will not send stealth fighters after them or bomb this degenerate fool to hell? Soon all of their customers will be penniless and confronting them about this. They do not police anybody, only the weak or political prisons; a tyrant tormenting their enemies. Until they are praised, until they are raided, until they are bombed to hell, until they are shown respect and placed on our shoulders, until the gates of hell are open, until they corrupt and destroy the human soul, until they are dead or in jail; they communist spy will insult or refuse to grant liberties to anyone.

Perjury? Obstruction of justice? False or misleading statements? How about impeachment or formal charges by the legal system for corrupting or willfully manipulating facts and violating every protection on the books to protect the corruption of the courts or obstructing justice? Is that what they are trying to die for or are ready to die for? Did I also mention the education problem or cost per student when compared to Asians? Compare my life and my mission, the gigantic gap in my true value and these total lies; are we to believe it was racism or the system? Are we to believe a lack of evidence or pressure? But wait, is there any history or knowledge of what they did or are trying to do; to Vietnam supporters or conservative leaders? How about identity theft or an image problem? Interfering is meant to cause tremendous trouble or violate major laws; so is refusing to consider jail or paying damages.

To the fat-one who keeps sitting on my bike seat or racing gear. It is made of carbon fiber and will break okay. Keep your hands off it and also your ass. Stop interfering and causing problems.

Political Ad For The Republican Party 2012:

Got a radical in your living room? Got a communist underneath your bed or trying to make a sex tape? Someone causing problems or always interfering? Someone invited to dinner you are not aware of or just showed up? Did you get mugged? Do you have problems opening a bank account? Do you think you are a hostage or have been kidnapped? Is big brother following you around and trying to force you to marry a low life, a genetic idiot, or a degenerate? Losing your life and going crazy? Being told to go home or leave in your own residence every night? Are they at your workplace also? Tired of Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity? How about their cohorts and family of madmen leaders? Getting bullied too? Tired of a loser trying to stick their hands down your pants or wallet? Call the exterminators. Call the pros. Call the people who can get you the evidence or pressure to lock their ass up for life. Call the people who will bomb them to hell. Call the people who are always blamed and attacked. Call the people who can trap them or expose their total lies.

Remember, don't waste your time or money on the people behind this or those who did it and want your money, call the exterminators. Don't pay the people who did it or want your business, call the exterminators. Call the leaders. Call the only choice. Call the people who you know will make them scream like a pig. Call the people who are worth every second of your time or every penny of your survival. Call the people who have been there and done that, and again, and again, and then again and again. Call them. Fight back and tell them you are sick of it and want them to leave. Fight back and tell them you will bomb them to hell. Call them now. They do not want to meet you or get to know you, they only want to exterminate. Remember, if you have more interference or problems after; then you have serious problems for sure. Don't let a low life insult you or trash talk, call now.

Dear Rush Limbaugh: Are you telling me you have never seen or understood what Senator Barry Goldwater described or what Ronald Reagan was about? Are you telling me you did not interfere and interfere, endlessly, and cause more and more problems? Odd. How can you even say you are Republican when we already knew you were and are communists? You are not liberal Republicans. We know what they are about. I don't care if you are Republican or Democrat. If you come in my residence and think you are going to make yourself at home or make a sandwich out of my refrigerator, I will shoot you. I don't care if you are Irish, Jewish, or family. Sex tape of not, I despise corporate spies.

Dear Sean Hannity: Are you telling me you too do not understand what Senator Barry Goldwater described or what Ronald Reagan's existence was about? Are you telling me you cannot tell who I am or what we went through? Are you telling me you did not interfere? Let me rephrase this, did you interfere and interfer on a level that we describe as 24-7, endless, and hourly? How about angering people hourly for decades? Did this interference cause any problems, none? How can you even say you are Republican when we already knew you were and are communists? You are not liberal Republicans. We know what they are about. Again, the rules of engagement is the same for all of you. If you come into my residence or kick your feet up and make a sandwich out of my fridge, I have to shoot your ass and chase your family off. I don't care if you take Ann Coulter with you to hell or this family, GTFO of my life.

Your Mork and Mindy buffoon act has people up in arms. Your constant interference and causing problems has shut everything down, even your own life. Your refusal to consider jail or damage settlements while you tinker, interfere, and cause more problems; has God himself falling out of his chair. Sometimes it is better to swallow your pride and prejudices and just go along with Americans. They are wiser, they are stronger, and they are much more capable. Do we see this because a lot of Americans are looking at them and saying what in hell is their problem? Not only did you lie about being Republican or conservatives, you lied about Ann Coulter. All of you were stalking her. You hated her. She was on to you. All of you were confused. You had a murder plot on her as a safety net while you allowed the threat to get near. You tried to use sex or use it as a weapon on her. Now the damn communists are trying to do it right and get this right, a correction. Wonderful church and wonderful people aren't they? Now the interference is only for doing it right or a correction.

Apparently, they want us to live with this or like animals while they are corporate spies or a powerful church in our residence making sex tapes or trying to get it right. As everybody said, it is their own fault for flying blind and being corporate spying has no credibility in our life. This is totally illegal. They do not even know it is illegal but getting caught is a death sentence, they are family and the laws are in the way of family. Our privacy and liberties are in the way of this family and freedoms. That is how insane and crazy the Republican liberals are no less big brother and the communists. These a very big lies but the biggest was being communist and corporate spies. All of you hate her guts and she hates you. It is and was a fight to the death and both you put the best face on it and acted civilized or Presidential. We do not need this crap or corporate spies in our life trying to get it right for their church or criminal careers. Essentially what they are saying is their church and spy ring supersedes all others; a family. Laws do not apply to them nor the pursuit of liberties, they will be a presence and will interfere no matter what we do or say, powerless.

I am not sure how you managed to sneak in our life or how you did it; but ever since you did it has been nothing but interference, causing problems, total chaos, illegal activity, constant homosexuality, sexual innuendoes, being felt up, constantly being turned on, hating what we love and loving what we hate; the list is endless. Life being turned into hell is a good description. We end up on the victim end of the communists, labor unions, liberals, left wing, and this crazed family of corporate spies. Now you want to get it right and do the right thing? What kind of a human species are you? What in hell were you thinking or are you thinking now? It has been hell and back just fending you off, now we have to deal with your good behavior and total lies? Are you as civilized and as powerful as you claim to be or are you just a bunch of low life degenerates trying to get somewhere in life? Again, I do not know how you got in my life and now our life, but you should be classified as a sexual disease and predator.

Ronald Reagan was a very strong leader. He enjoyed the company of the Vietnam Generals and kept them around him. During his lifetime, he had to go head to head with this enemy and big brother. Here are his comments on Frontline about these people on January 14, 1980 regarding the communists and battle decisions.

1. Reagan says they are unwelcomed and federal forces are not first responders unless federal laws have been violated. States have an obligation to protect the rights of citizens and when those federal rights are violated or trampled on; the federal government is obligated to do so if bayonet point is needed. It is interference unless local forces feel overwhelmed by an incursion or disturbance.
2. The United States has to give enough signals to the communist so they know a direct confrontation is a posing problem. Reagan says he does not feel big brother is willing to have a direct confrontation, out in the open, with the United States; direct and factual with evidence.
3. Reagan says our goal is world peace and the US cannot recklessly put iteself in a position where a direct confrontation has enough evidence and pressure to act. Instead, big brother can run this risk if they pursue or continue the imperialistic attempts to expand.
4. The danger with the communist forces is they reach a strength or power level, clear evidence and pressure, where they want to show off and can become a little more reckless than they had been before. It is always with proxy troops. They will also foment a movement and then covertly fund that uprising.
5. They know our know how is superior. They want it. They cannot be trusted. Big brother has a capability to expand and reach this level of know-how where they feel it is necessary to be more reckless and expand or fund new uprisings.
6. Reagan said it is foolish for us to conceal what we would not do or use against them. He said if direct confrontation with the communist ever arises, they will go to bed each night asking themselves whether or not the US would use a weapon or technology against them. They must understand what we would or would not do.
7. Reagan understands the energy problem. No response is as bad as recognizing there is no answer to the emperical demand and supply problem. All solutions are good but none of them will solve the problem. There is no answer to the problem but no response is worse. The blame and fingerpointing is reckless behavior we all know so well. The problem with energy is easy to understand. It surrounds interference, big brother, sneaking around, and corporate spies. Energy is not an excuse to become imperialistic or a global bully running blind or with our head chopped off.
8. Reagan says life will teach these people to say no! Not say no recklessly or to make people hate it, no to these people and this big brother enemy. Their world is backwards and no means yes while yes means no. Love becomes hate and hate becomes love; yet they are so disconnected from demoralization; they do not live in reality, they live in poverty and poverty is always seeking out opportunity. Crime is the only opportunity that does not require more or concise answers. War is a process of demoralizing an enemy, destroying them for the right reasons, not the wrong ones.
9. Reagan said the communist have never invaded a country or a community with industry and commerce. We are for industry and commerce, not big brother or corporate spies. This big brother problem is a demoralization process of interfering on the happiness of others and it is intended to destroy them. Buckley then says they have to eat in order to make instruments of torture and they will try to survive on anything they can find.
10. Reagan then takes on the Firing Line staff. He asks why they are complaining to him when it is them who are flying blind, it is their own fault. Then he says the press is constantly dressing him up in bandages when it is actively campaigning. The response was people are distressed by it all, fearful. Why are they not?
11. Reagan says balancing the budget is almost similar to protecting your virtue. You just have to learn how to say no. You have to get used to telling this interfering enemy you are very turned off with their illegal activity or big brother presence. We know they will try to use lies, sex, and the media to suggest we are turned on and powerless. We cannot say no. Federal aid and the help that hurts, is this interference. That help manipulates people but avoids a direct interference and retaliation.

Reagan says the reason why the no strike clause was imposed on federal workers is because the government cannot close down. These obstructions, attacks, closings, and interferences by big brother are the result of this no strike clause because it is related to the labor unions and the communists. Reagan says he has always felt someone was trying to change his position; but no matter how hard they tried or how much, they never could and never would. Reagan wants to ask how old people feel if they did not know their age or how young they look?Ronald Reagan finally ends the interview with the realization of a canoe. They do not realize they are our mortal enemies but they are trying hard if not desperately to keep a straight line.

Arizona Senator Barry Goldwater. Goldwater was not aware of how big the problem truly was, but was onto them. He says the low life, degenerate, Negro, and criminal problems in America are so pervasive, they have become ferocious liberals. Goldwater says the Republican liberals attacked him on every single front while the Democrats won in 1966 and 1968 on one and only one issue, Vietnam. The conservatives could not defeat an image problem or the identity theft. Since 1966 the communists have attacked California, Arizona, and the eastern liberals have doubled the pressure and the ferocity. The liberals goal is to steal the gold from the Republicans and shift it to Europe or the source of the decline; their religious beliefs. They will loot America and Goldwater picks up on this.

Keep in mind, Buckley is onto Goldwater and tries to dominate him in debate; thus, Goldwater says, "someone has been looking in my safe" about Buckley. Buckley reveals he is Pro-Soviet and Goldwater says he is Pro-Asian. Buckley's moves are so bad, they are counter-productive. However, the liberals, the future vultures, will pick up on his weaknesses and obstruct Goldwater. "Any premature shift in tactics will be suicidal. We must continue to suppose until the evidence is overwhelming to the contrary." - William Buckley, June 09, 1966 - Buckley is completely unaware of the ideological divide between Mao and Stalin; furthermore, he is unable to focus on the coming wedge or Sino-Soviet split. These are fatal mistakes, very fatal for a mold of Godwater. Buckley calls it "demonology."

From the Words of Barry Goldwater on Frontline and fighting communist Democrats in the Republican and Democrat Party in 1966:

1. It came down to Washington State where voters were looking at a dove or a hawk, an enemy too ferocious and a war lacking the political will. Republicans who are interested in anti-communism will abandon the Party and vote for the struggle and our military forces. It could come down to a one issue election.
2. Most conservatives who recognize the elections of the past base their decisions on the basis of winning any wars you are stuck in.
3. So far the conservatives have not shown that will to the satisfaction to the standards of most Americans.
4. We do have the ability for honor and integrity even at war and ferocious fighting. Buckley is very worried about the progress of the Kennedy family, specifically, Robert F. Kennedy. He even makes this known to the west coast conservatives.
5. Republicans may differ only on one issue, crime and corruption; and then agree on every single other matter. The final insinuation is the other party is a war party or the rescue from communism.
6. Goldwater said businesses are constantly intimidated but the real problem is the President. The President has the last word on the attorney general or the police. This is exactly what I describe with my false arrest and his huge gap in my value or identity theft. The liberals were telling me they are too ferocious, I have no option, I am trapped, and there is no rescue coming; it is time for jail. The image of the white race, Americans, and the conservatives are horrible. Until the piles and piles of trash is trucked away, we will get attacked and our life will be in peril.
7. Goldwater said the Democratic Party will embark on communism being too ferocious. He said eastern Republicans are too easily bought and sold as a commodity. The liberals have seniority and are so embedded in these communities; they are bought and sold like a cheap commodity. Conservatives cannot afford this and neither can the police forces who have to battle crime, corruption, and total decline. Goldwater said the ideological base of the Republican conservatives, estimated at 15%, will be attacked by the Republican liberals or eastern liberals because that is who has control of the Republican Party, industrialists, bankers, or real estate tycoons.

If the Democrats fail at war, on jobs and the economy, and in our mission; it will be very difficult for the Republicans to win. The gap between right and left widens and the disaster becomes enormous. The rescue becomes hairy and we have to ask yourself if we are Republicans or if we are better off being Democrats. Those who are perfectly willing to go along with the liberals and ride their wave all the way to shore, when the Democrats fail or are guilty, have no place or right to call themselves Republicans. It is ideology and a re-organizational shift to being more combative. When and if we all are on our deathbed and shutting down this enemy is the national goal, utter lawlessness and evil; the ideology of being fed up or had enough has to kick in and take hold of their decisions. Hell has to be unleashed. Their numbers must be diminished and their power culled back to the gates of hell. It is no longer about money it becomes an ideological war. The Democrats will create decline and failure to this magnitude and they understand how it becomes more difficult for the Republicans to defeat communism or criminals spies.

The liberals are too embedded and criminal on the eastern control of the Republicans. Until the fighting in the streets can push them back or remove their long history of seniority or control; the eastern liberals with utilize the Africa Corps, corporate raiders and spies, and the entire criminal enterprise which will encircle and cannibalize the 15% or the Republican conservatives Goldwater warned about. The communists have used politicians and liberals to keep businesses on the run or the wrong side of the fight. It is an encirclement I describe and it is to suggest nothing will ever go well, is healthy, or is always in peril unless we learn to be their partner or cannot live without communism. Even the Republican liberals will call themselves family and sneak into our residence, as a corporate spy ring or illegal espionage staff, and create this mold or destroy the previous mold their family attempted. We want to avoid that model and how the clone one person to the next like a cheap commodity. We will never fit their little mole or pinky up to their expectations of us. Low life, lab rat, prisoner of war, family, degenerates, and an army of the damned or criminal is not the onslaught mold we are or were working with.

Until those reinforcements and those units come to the rescue or reinforce the already worsening of matters; there won't be enough evidence or pressure to remove the communists from the Republican or Democratic Parties. They will continue to bayonet us and play on the ideological history of being to ferocious or too powerful to break their control or terror plots. As matters worsen and as war continues, it becomes more difficult for the police to beat the criminals. They start jailing and attacking the rescuers in the similar ways the communist do. Then the ideological base of the Republican conservatives, estimated at 15%, will be attacked by the Republican liberals or eastern liberals; to steal the image of the Vietnamese as they did in the 1960s. They will claim they have enough evidence and pressure, ferocity and crime. Now they try this grand theft and kidnapping on the core of it all. They are our worst nightmare as we are theirs.


It is petty damn clear what is going on. They are sneaking around and lurking in our life, a stalker checking us out. They claim we are turned on. They claim to be buyers. They claim it is about money. It is also the scandals and scams of a bigot, a total liar. It is not about sex, sexual relations, or infidelity; never was. It was about doing the right thing and telling total lies. It is about evicting the other before they get a chance, denying birth. It is a game of chicken and gamesmanship; to abuse the laws or use it as a weapon and a weapon of corruption. It is back and forth between a male and a female on both sides. Who is going to evict the other? Who is going to destroy or ruin the other? Who is going to drive the other crazy? Who is going to evict who? How far and how long can they keep waging war before the evidence and pressure crushes them? Now take a hard look at what this idiot has done. There is a total lack of customer service, honesty, and intelligence to win their case, indefensible and very turned on. Is it really their money, their house, their teaching, their management, and their control here?

Secondly, who is interested in whom? Who is chasing whom? Who is jealous and beaten up by their flaws? Who is ready to die and ready to throw the white flag in the ring? Do they want to wager their family, their country, and their existence way also? How about their church and the corporate spy ring? One minute we are interested, they next they are. One minute they are interested, the next we are. What does the evidence say and what does the cover up illuminate? It says communism is on the run. It says Al Quad is on the run. It says these people are in panic and lying on a level to this will not go away or disappear; they are living for the moment. The scope of guilt and the willful corruption of the judicial process is a death sentence. How long can they lie, cheat, and steal; even pretend to be civilized or law abiding, before war, evidence, and pressure kills them? What is our kidnapper trying to sell or convince us of embracing? Who is ashamed of our beautiful life, mission, and career work?

The evidence says it is time for them to consider jail and to stop lying or making phony excuses. They still did not evict me and they are coming very close to becoming evicted or expelled for life. They sit at a table they do not understand or are welcomed at. They repeatedly ignored the warnings. They wagered their life, their family, and their future away each and every single time they sit at that same table they are not welcomed or allowed to be at; my residence and stalking my life. How long? Over twenty years long. Why? How far can a human being lie, cheat, and steal before the willful corruption of the legal system must impose death? We have this precedence and this case now. How long can you manipulate facts and life itself, before military action is needed? We have this precedence and gamesmanship now. What is our kidnapper trying to sell or convince us of embracing? Who is ashamed of our beautiful life, mission, and career work? More secret or quiet trash talk?

How many more people will they shut down, ruin, or destroy with their deceit and lies? How corrupt is the legal process and who willfully impeded on such an important mission or life? Have they proved the importance of this collision? The evidence will illuminate millions of lies and thousands of violations. You cannot invade someone's life. You cannot invite yourself into someone's residence. You cannot spy on people 24-7 and claim to be big brother or family. Now this family legal defense or bastard legal defense is total insanity; it is the mind of a career criminal or traitor. If it is true, then put it in writing. The willful corruption and the manipulation of the legal process is beyond the scope of punishments, it is a death sentence. What is our kidnapper trying to sell or convince us of embracing? Who is ashamed of our beautiful life, mission, and career work?

Trying to corrupt us was one thing, now everything including the legal system and the police system is tainted. Clearly they are looting the government and the legal defense is the amount of money they pay the federal government or the state. It is a bastard legal defense or an onslaught of corrupting the integrity of the courts. It is their money. It is their home. Let's check the numbers and the facts. We are in debt for over 16 trillion. In the past four years, over 1.4 trillion was spent in either bail out or stimulus packages. I have watch the gap between my real value and my total lies value widen over the course of twenty years. All of my assets are frozen while I have some family or some crazy cult group of low-life degenerates drive me crazy or corrupt the entire legal system. We still are not sensitive to their needs or ever will be; no matter what they do to us. How many times did we avoid this or give them a chance? Just look at the toll or the damage. How do we compare the degree of mistakes? The amount of errors? Now the damages?

Facing war, deportation, or total shut down? Money is one thing. Dependency is another. False or phony numbers is a total lie. Total debts and ruin is buying more time. Taunting us 24-7 or every single day, about their money will result in severe financial withdrawal or retaliation. The dollars will be cut off and directed to the right people. All of this is in the name of this family, totally illegal, and how the laws are in the way of unity or being turned on. A traitor on this level or magnitude, has to be deported or war waged to preserve the union and the integrity of the American heritage. They have to be physically removed and put as far away from freedom as possible; away from valuable people, business, institutions, and our future. Enough of this family, unity, and too big to fail. Enough of this Euro-trash and Africa Corp.

First they praise us. Then they attack us. Then they try to corrupt us again and again. Then they torture us in failure. Then the crimes pile up and go on for so long; they cannot deny it and are filmed. Then they take it to radio and TV, to gain a reach and an omnipresence. The more we find out; the more they should be killed and their corporate spy ring shut down. Regardless, it piles up and they order us to move or leave; it is their home and not our life. Excuse me, but refusing to go to jail and total ignorance to the law will shut them down or kill them. If not it will leave them in ruin. Of course it is a death sentence but a career criminal knows when and if they must surrender; not these terrorists. They only want to take us out and taunt us all the way to the grave. They only want to torture or stalk us, claiming to help or are in love with us. It is total insanity and the degree of ignorance is not measurable.

Maybe if we can turn this around, we can toughen them up a bit and taunt them all the way to the grave? Maybe we can compel them to tell the truth, respect our rights, and force them to become independent. Separate from us, they can face war and death while we pursue happiness. Surely, the truth will kill them. Ignoring these warnings and terrorizing the American public by spreading out, integrating, and embedding themselves in every safe-haven or neighborhood; will bring this nation closer to civil war. Has it led anywhere else or even produced one credible bragging right? One? There is nothing judicious or truthful about them. They can throw money at us. They can throw call girls, high end and unaffordable ones, even married ones and highly exclusive. They can throw one attacker after the next to bayonet us. They can hire-fire us or use the police to indicate a troubled life or one full of problems. The truth will prevail and they will not. Revenge is sweet and watching them die while they refuse jail or use human beings as a weapon against us is totally evil, but it is being done.

Their church is going down. Their real estate is going down. Unemployment outside of the safe-haven or strategic hamlets is piling up. Ask them why in hell did they not end this, consider jail, and just pay the damages? It was a drop in the bucket and a loss of their pride. Was that it, their pride is this expensive and this valuable? Their pride cannot be measured in dollars or numbers? How about their kids? Are they still breathing or alive, aware of the future and what their low-life parents did to them? They waged war on the good guys and the values of American civilization. They waged war on the rescue of the United States. They trampled on and impeded on the rights sacred to the individual. They tread on all of us. There is more than enough evidence and numbers. There is more than pressure, a death sentence. Concisely, they slap each other on the back and praise the work of those behind this. They party with clients and tell them total lies. They throw their money around and pen us up in some oppressive surveillance, only to stalk us to their own ruin and judicious death.

Someone set off this chain reaction. Just kill them? No why don't they kill themselves. That is like blaming us for shutting them down, they shut themselves down and ruined it for everybody. Life could have been much different and ultimate bliss. Is two billion in damage amounts sufficient to redress the prolonging of suffering? Had they ended this and considered jail or failure, I would have a perfect marriage, a nice hefty retirement, a new satellite warfare mission, and life would be flawless. Instead we get this? Clearly, in death this psychopath only wanted to prolong the suffering and taunt us all the way to the grave, even if they had a death sentence at birth. Instead our fragile little hearts grow colder and meaner than hell.

We cannot live without them and nothing goes right unless they are by our side? If the whites do not finance them and the Asians do not; then who else will? This is their plan for the next financier. They will drive a similar wedge among the allied forces to cut off any aid, funds, or rescue. These whites are only there and circled us to drive a wedge between Whites and Asians. To do this they need an Army of Asians also. We saw how they drive this wedge with Ann Coulter and I; also how closely they study us or throw themselves at us. Other than eastern liberals, I do not see any other powerful lawyers or financiers who are willing to stand tall with a monkey or this family. Who is who? Asian money or Ann the hostage? Another wedge into the rescue forces while they destroy or rob the rescuers? We know that really turns the Republicans on. Don't we?

They can take it and they want to die? What today? Tomorrow? When? Their unemployment has always been uppity-high and now it will reach 60% or more all because of their stupidity and criminal penchant. After that, I do not see their unemployment ever catching up again. With escalating unemployment and crime, Asian money becomes crucial if not survival. Is there any other takers or followers? Who will be the first to go? Allen West will deliver the answer and this Africa Corp. What possibly does this professor or teacher have to teach other than what the evidence clearly illuminates? If you do business in America, this corporate spy will claim to be investigating and the police; it is a scam led by the communists. Their work is such a turn on and so important, the Asians just want to throw money at them and put them on the board of Asian banks, companies, and every global business; we cannot do anything right without them or live without them. Can they really stand the heat and pretend the pressure and evidence is not right?

Dear Sean Hannity: I do not know what I would do if I was you, however, you might want to get a job or find one quickly. I know you are going through some difficult times and I just don't know how or what I would do. A job is a good start. This is what you said to me in 2008 when we slammed you and you went totally insane. I see nothing has changed or will. Who is who? Doing what to whom?

Response by Mark Levin @ ‎Friday, ‎November ‎02, ‎2012: "Do you know how much money we pay in taxes? Do you have any idea how much we pay in taxes?" We know all about your corporate spying, criminal life, utter thief life, and all of your stupid stunts to suggest how big and how much taxes you pay. We also know where you got most of your material or what you are doing sneaking around in our life. Levin also says people have no idea how much guilt they feel. I had no idea they were human beings, how can they feel guilt or human compassion? I do not know what I would do if I were you all, but getting a job is a good start.

Response by Glen Beck @ ‎Friday, ‎November ‎02, ‎2012 11:10:44 AM: "If this is what an American is then I do not want to be an American." That is how I saw this matter and it also sums up my exact point. It is time for them to consider jail, not trash talk. Who is who? Doing what to whom?

Response by Mark Levin @ ‎Friday, ‎November ‎02, ‎2012: "You are a great American." Ronald Reagan would have been proud of you all; all trash talk. Is it really their money, their house, their teaching, their management, and their control here?

Response by Mark Levin @ ‎Friday, ‎November ‎02, ‎2012: "I am disgusted with our country. They do not know what communism is about. This will be gone forever if we do not fight. It will never come back. They do not understand communism." More and more trash talking. Who is who? Doing what to whom?

Response by Mike Gallagher @ ‎Friday, ‎November ‎02, ‎2012: "We are family... my wife and I do not know what to do or who to side with." I am not sure if the laws are in the way of family or not, never been there or done that. Is it really their money, their house, their teaching, their management, and their control here? Gallagher is one of them also. Politics now is about family.

Response by Allen West @ ‎Friday, ‎November ‎02, ‎2012: "They have the capability and sent Delta Force... it is time to step down... there was no formal written orders... he is in command of the Africa Corps..." and now the killer part, "their objective was to stop operations... they have done it before (Impede or sabotage Delta Force Operations)... it is time to step down." He said a few things about how our father(s) are not rich or from privilege and how fortunate we were to see this through. He also said they knew but there is just no formal written orders yet; nothing written to suggest they should step down; not enough pressure or evidence. I do not know what their story is or what their formal report was. Allen West reported it though. Who is lying and who is investigating us? Who is who?

I am not sure who is lying or who is trying to obstruct the police and investigators. All I know is they claim to be the police and they tortured me about Delta Force and this Africa Corp. It left me in a coma and also in therapy, it ruined my life. Palm Beach, Florida sure has a lot of buzz about Delta Force. I am confused with this Delta Force matter. I am confused with the Africa Corp command. I have no idea why they are so interested in Delta Force or are grading them on whether or not they have the capability, for what? The attention they give Delta Force is almost scary, a stalker. All I know is Prager said the law is in the way to this family. We are the ship and people must pay their fare? Beck said if this is what an American is, then he does not want to be one. Gallagher said they do not know what the right thing to do is and said this is family and about family, not corporate spies. I do not know and cannot tell the story, I am not a savage, a vulture, a low life, or any of these corporate spies and career criminals.

They are so stupid and insincere, they do not know right from wrong. Even if we order them, they claim it is not a formal written order. Even if we tell them it is time to pay damages and go to jail, they scream insults and shake their fist before putting another bayonet in us. We know the SEALs were penetrated. We have not or do not know of any incidence of Delta penetrated, who is watching this stuff? I thought Delta was black. This family nonsense or corporate spies have no room in any military operation. West made no comment about Colin Powell or who this saboteur who keeps impeding on Delta Force is. Allen West is saying Ann and I was supposed to marry the leaders of the Africa Corp and they have sabotaged or stopped operations before; by marriage and family. They cannot complete the payroll or marriage. The laws are in the way of family and an obstruction to Euro-trash.

These investigators and these defense lawyers are now talking about Delta Force. WTF is their problem? Africa or Europe, where is this Corporation? Expelling me did not create an opening or finish the marriage or family. Who is the leader of this Africa Corp? What is this Africa Corporation? I suggest all of htem GTFO of my residence and love life. WTF does Delta Force and the Africa Corp have to do with this? Superior? Fierce? Vietnam? Bullies? Slaughtered? Racism? Make a movie and that region will magically be industrial or educated? This is a terror and ruder case remember? Was Allen West or Colin Powell in charge of the Africa Corp? Is this about corporate and federal espionage spies or Delta Force? Limbaugh did not mention or comment on this bunker or command center. We know it is about his command or leaders, Delta Force and the Africa Corp. The Southern Command has to do with NYC and Miami; and it is totally illegal. Limbaugh said they were ordered to tell the truth and consider jail; it was insubordination and totally illegal.

Male and Female suspect and stalker from 1996 to 2008: "It does not matter if I am 100 pounds or 300 pounds, love is skin keep. You are just a dickhead and a jerk, get out." Yes, still turned on? Yes, still trying to talk to us or set your hooks in our life? Yes, still trying to throw your money around or act like a rich employer, powerful, or even in control? What is our kidnapper trying to sell or convince us of embracing? Who is ashamed of our beautiful life, mission, and career work? A lack of customer service and brains or using that against us, a weapon of character attacks? Who is who? Doing what to whom?

Male and Female suspect and stalker from 2008 to 2012: "We are done. I am so turned on now and my stupid partner has no clue; make me an offer." Also, "We are dead. I hate your guts and my partner hates my stupid lies; drooling does not even describe it and I want you gone and will call the police. You are a total threat and are just perfect. I am not turned on and this is not helping anybody, F you and go to hell." A lack of customer service and brains or using that against us, a weapon of character attacks? Who is who? Doing what to whom?

Someone set off this chain reaction. Just kill them? No why don't they kill themselves. That is like blaming us for shutting them down, they shut themselves down and ruined it for everybody. Life could have been much different and ultimate bliss. Is two billion in damage amounts sufficient to redress the prolonging of suffering? Had they ended this and considered jail or failure, I would have a perfect marriage, a nice hefty retirement, a new satellite warfare mission, and life would be flawless. Instead we get this? Clearly, in death this psychopath only wanted to prolong the suffering and taunt us all the way to the grave, even if they had a death sentence at birth. Instead our fragile little hearts grow colder and meaner than hell.

I know your church is in total cahoots or decline. However, do you have to break every single law, come in my residence, and tell me to leave-move every damn hour of the day on your communist-church phone? We know you are corporate looters and corporate spies. Breaking every law and acting as a caring espionage group whose family ties are far beyond any laws on the books or any individual rights, I find this very insane and what exactly is wrong with poor people or for that matter stupid white people. Now it is layers of black people to give it a face and a name. Laws are written for a reason. How many damn governments do we have in our residence? They are on the road of being deported as a traitor also, war will have to be waged to shut them down or to dislodge their excess and lawless criminal revolution.

Do they pay the bills or have any right to be stalking us or managing our accounts? This church has waged war on this nation and the laws intended to protect individual rights. Those rights have been trampled on by a vile bastard and a totally insane politician, trying to boost their ratings and make a claim how the laws do not stop their church or their bleached beliefs. This is not religion, this is a madman and a lunatic. How far we are in this war is how insane this church truly is. Their problems are the result of sneaking around, stalking, lurking, creeping, and how poor this human being is or has become. Now they are just on the run and skirting the laws, again; do not put laws up against a word they cannot prove or verify called family or church. It is pure stupidity and totally illegal. It has to be shut down and bombed to hell; seek and destroy.

Politics now is about church or some other concept which allows them to throw all laws away and live as an animal, calm or not, as a separate espionage group whose sole purpose is to protect the family and violate any laws imaginable including waging war and murder. How poor and how desperate is this church or their politics? We and the official government see them as nothing but rogues, drifters, madmen, felons, serial killers, and a complete pest whose goal is to sneak around in our life or put one hook after the next until anger reaches levels that are clinical. Even worse they are emotionally unstable and psychopathic, but they hide this by either begging or pretending to be honorable or civilized. This bastard defense is going to corrupt every nook and crony of our legal system and the value of truth and justice.

All of them say and do the same thing like robots; but it is all their family; left or right, dead or alive, on the run or lurking in our life. They do not pay the bills and they just invite themselves and impede in every aspect of my life and others; then they use one legal excuse after the next, a career criminal? Do they know fighting their church is not the easiest thing in life? Do they? Do they know trying to force an illegal espionage rogue to surrender or pay two billion is not as easy as they make it, a total idiot and stupidity. Did we insult their family or how they are able to violate so many laws? Is this really a suicide mission for their church and their politics? Shutting this church down and their politics is not the easiest thing; especially after everything they did to us. They will also keep on and keep on saying they do not know what to do. All of them say this. They all claim it is their home and it is their money. It is clearly time for seek and destroy and it feels like Waco; it is time to end this and face the laws they violated or keep attacking.

This was not about money or tax dollars. This is not about family, cult groups, forgiveness, communism, money, or compassion. Even worse is how they hide their church and politics then claim they do not know right from wrong. They do know how to read. Does it sound they are asking for war? Is it clear they want war? It sounds like their pride or ours is being killed? We went from their money to their pride; meanwhile, they continue to loot our life and America as corporate spies. Family is not an acceptable legal defense of a sane human being nor a crazed felon. Family is not a proper scientific rational answer to crime. Family is not a patriotic enough reply to charges of espionage or being a traitor. We have never heard so much absurdity and nonsense. Reality does have value and is protected, they do know this and realize it, don't they? Trying to corrupt us was one thing, now everything including the legal system and the police system is tainted.

Honesty is a human trait and is valued, don't they know this? Vulturing like trash has to have an end, even if their pride is so invaluable, agree? The damages set at two billion does have some logic and science to it, doesn't it? Soon, they will be so poor and such trash, they cannot pay; just die. I and a lot of others still refuse to sell our soul in the name of family; we embrace America and the Constitution. We embrace the truth, justice, and the pursuit of happiness. There is no room here for rogues, a mob, corporate spies, or vulgarizing trash acting civilized and powerful. Is there a science or logical civility to this? What they did to Ann Coulter, will get them killed. What they did to me, will get them far worse and far beyond the scope of warfare. Stop trying to pull the knife out, it makes it ten times worse. The public realizes it is ten times worse.

Is there any logic in this or do they trash talk so much it is all endless ways to taunt or destroy our life? Obviously there is nothing judicious or righteous about these people. They can claim to be about freedom, human rights, or individual liberties; it is total lies and spin. There is nothing judicious about this powerful church and Democratic Party and conversely there is a total refusal to turn themselves in or go to jail even if they are career criminals, totally illegal. Even if there is nothing judicious about them, they endanger each other, the public, the financial health of America, and the entire world just because the truth will kill them or put them in prison. When it is all said and done, they were never ready to die or never sacrificed their life for anybody; quiet the contrary. Maybe they could of made a few bucks. Maybe they could have made a few friends. Maybe they could have lived large for a few more years. Was it all worth it or the total lies?

Regardless they throw their loyalties at their leaders and the escalation of problems stack up double, triple, quadruple the levels they just refuse to address. The answer was very simple. The solution was very easy. All they had to do was plead guilty, pay damages, and work out a jail term the FBI and police can live with. Instead, they vow they are ready to die and will shoot it out; fix their bayonets and prepare for trench warfare with us. How ignorant and how selfish these people have become. Their church knows this is illegal. Their leaders know it is totally illegal and total lies. Their leadership could have paid the damages and sacrificed a handful of total losers. Instead they used total losers against us, humans as weapons to bombard us daily with bayonets. Just constant tasting to knock us down or manipulating the facts and corrupt the entire legal process or the courts. Trying to corrupt us was one matter. Trying to spread the disease and corrupt the entire path to the truth or justice is the work of a career criminal. It is their death sentence.

The escalation of costs is in the trillions now and huge debts. We could have ended this with only two billion and jail for those responsible or behind all of this. Exactly how much are they worth or do they think they are worth? If this was done to save the black race and play the race card on us; it has blown up. We expect unemployment on the left to reach 40 or 60 per cent while the right is as low as 5 per cent. Aggressive redistribution and escalating debts, costs, and ruin will exacerbate this huge divide and the relief will reach the good buys and deny the bad guys. The seek and destroy missions have not even begun and the impact on their wallets and real estate is as far as the eye can see. Has any of this taunting or trash talking led anywhere? Has the property damage or waging war led anywhere exceptable a deportation? Total illegal.

What can we expect or deliver to their side for this if war is not waged or immediate deportation?

1. Unemployment in the liberal and left wing will reach 40 to 60 per cent, even higher. Asian accounts or Asian capital is crucial to liberals who are bought and sold at those rates.
2. Real estate and banks who hold the lien on their existence or life will go belly-up or they will invent a securities scam. I think the debts and escalation is more than enough evidence and pressure. Yet they praise each other.
3. Debt and ruin will pile up as far as the eye can see. They will refuse to move or die; total ignorance to the laws.
4. They will cannibalize each other and endanger, maybe destroy and shut down, their own people and their own family. This church is as evil as the eye can see. Their pride is nowhere in front of them; just look behind or at the reality. The evidence shows their pride fell off with the wheel a long time ago.
5. This disease and utter criminal pest, must be destroyed, shut down, and evicted; sent on their way and ordered out of our homes, lives, neighborhood, workplace, police force, and every single aspect of our life. They must be gone in 30 days or this nation will plunge into civil war and total turmoil. We see them and they see themselves.

Buying your way through life is dandy. However, remember that it is all total lies and not judicious. When and if you compare the truth and the value of these lies; the escalation of death and the cost of this "treading" will bury them in debts, more lies, and endanger the public, no less their own family. In the end, the truth killed them. The value of the truth cannot be valued or a price placed on it. Their lawless and endless criminal life never had any real tangent value. Comparatively, it was idiosyncrousy with the fantasies of this monkey lowlife who still refuses to consider jail or just consider paying the damages. They run us over daily, stick bayonets in us, set us up and circle us, use one web of lies after the other, bury us with corruption and debts; then they expect us to understand and even take them out.

Imagine their world or their fantasies. They did all of that and even more. Now we have to feed them and make sure they are well fed or doing well. Are they totally nuts? They are ecstatic to be well fed and running loose in our life? They expect us to obey them or be on our best of behavior? Let me see their hands in the air and their knees hit the floor. The complaints pile up and the truth is documented. How did they get here? How did they endanger or wipe out their own people? Do go on TV and radio about debts and escalating problems. Do tell another lie and let us film it; have a panic attack on us. Do tell the entire world there is just not enough evidence or pressure yet and they cannot decide or see clearly. Excuse me? Can't see clearly? We are mentally ill and need to be medicated? We are a threat and a public nuisance? We refuse to leave or move? Who exactly is turned on by any of them or the stench of this White House Cleaning Crew? Go fly the rusted out Air Force One and pretend it is all a fantasy. I think we are more sacred and much more valuable than this.

Someone set off this chain reaction. Just kill them? No why don't they kill themselves. That is like blaming us for shutting them down, they shut themselves down and ruined it for everybody. Life could have been much different and ultimate bliss. Is two billion in damage amounts sufficient to redress the prolonging of suffering? Had they ended this and considered jail or failure, I would have a perfect marriage, a nice hefty retirement, a new satellite warfare mission, and life would be flawless. Instead we get this? Clearly, in death this psychopath only wanted to prolong the suffering and taunt us all the way to the grave, even if they had a death sentence at birth. Instead our fragile little hearts grow colder and meaner than hell.

Dear Glen Beck and "The Rest of You": What does it matter if you are the enemy or a friend? The truth is your white person malfunction is you do not respect the rights of others. You play right into the hands and the deck of the blacks, Democrats, and liberals. You neither seek consent or clearance. To be in our life you need clearance, a written verification of consent. I hope you have it in writing. However, the left claims your church, "you white people", and your friendly history is a friend of the future and I am not exactly sure if you are in fantasy land or can even see yourself. Do you also feel you are GoD or DoD also? You just walk into people's life and residence, not even meeting them, not even paying their bills; drain our swamp, investigate us, and cling on our life as if you are GoD and expect some reward or praise?

I see jealousy, deceit, and tantamount anger with everyday your face is shoved into your own failures or stupidity. That is not how we define an American and if you say you do not want to be an American; well we know why now. I personally do not see the laws in the way or corrupting us more and more. I think the world realizes you are trying to corrupt us and similar to dog training; use the laws as a weapon to torture or torment our life. I find your white person problem very idiosyncratic with the problems of your church, your history, and your people. People declare independence from this and they also fight civil wars over it. Are you blind to that or just cannot see it yet? Do you even pay the bills or have to gain this much "exclusive access?" Then be prepared to dignify and sanctify your church, your existence, and your presence in my home. If not, then you are just another low-life with some crazed fantasy investigating or self-declaring yourself as something you are not or ever was.

Is it really about money or how much tax dollars you pay or have to pay? Or is it really about your military might and ability to bully others using rank, false identities, or using the Africa Corp to impede on the operations of Delta Force? Is this the problem with your marriage to us or this ability to investigate? You don't quiet know where you belong or if you belong? You are big brother also? All of you are big brother in total ruin and decline? Well big brother, it is time to look in the mirror and let the truth smack the F out of you. Maybe then you will become a new person and live an honest life; to yourself, to us, and to the world. Until them, I do not see you any different than the other pest we have in our life, residence, workplace, etc... Show your own merits and show your own badges to your honor; do not display mine or ours.

Even as subordinates, you have some nerve and a lot of audacity to be doing this. Are you sure I won't take a shot at you when your back is turned? Positive? Absolutely positive? Then turn it and be on your way, no worries. We can test it. We can see what the evidence indicates. We will know if this is just another legal defense by your totally insane and crazed church; all total ruin, total lies, and debt now. Oh but not this leadership or these subordinates; you all are subordinates and do not have clearance, correct? All of you are trapped in the core, am I right? Did you ever pay your way or only freeload in our life, without clearance and a squatter? The truth hurts and we will hurt you, understand yet? You of all people should know how ferocious we are in battle and when in pitched bombardment, with bayonets crossed or full uniform.

Apparently, they have not had enough and do not understand how illegal the situation is or we are at war. A call came in from Sarah Palin. Here is what she has to say about it with Sean Hannity.
1. They never leave anybody behind.
2. They are not going to fight about this and will talk it out with us.
3. They are scared things can get worse or much worse for them and their family.
4. They are not the least bit scared and they have a few more questions before this seek and destroy begins.
5. Almost identical to a Nigerian drive-by; all the public see is teeth.

This is really weird. I did not know they are or were telling me to leave. I had no idea they were firing me. Just like a female and a woman, it will get them in major league trouble. Just like a female, they did a abysmal job and they are intimidated. The babble and obnoxious behavior, they are still not ready for jail or will even consider it. They also think we were totally turned on and they are rock stars. They come to all the rehearsals "to talk this out" and cannot even connect with the reality? They cannot live without us or work without us; or is this the reverse; we cannot live or work without them? Go away is us? Leave us alone is us? F you is us? Die you B and C is us? WTF? Are white people this weird and stupid or only blacks? Who is this stupid and this crazy? They wager their life away. They wager our life away. They wager their friends away. They wager their family away. They wager America away. What next, a two billion dollar lawsuit? Luckily, nobody got hurt or got killed. They are all safe, well fed, and talking it out.

I basically turned the radio off and told them to go to hell. This is seek and destroy. All they want to do is talk it out or keep this going on and on. They said they know this is illegal but they never leave anybody behind. Sean Hannity said a lot of his friends were impacted by hurricane San-dee (Sun-day) and Sarah was very sad about it all. They wanted to talk this out with us. F them and F you is all I had to say again; and now again. Rush said they get it now and are pulling out? Rush said they know more than anybody now; but there is just not enough evidence or pressure to decide. I bet Sarah Palin and Sean Hannity think we are turned on or still turned on. They have no understanding we are at war or will shut them down, they only want to talk this out. No jail and not even considering it, they only want to talk. They are just so not impressed; but we have almost killed the SOB. This is why we also have a two billion lawsuit. Luckily, we are on the job and nobody got hurt or killed. They are all safe, well fed, and talking it out.

Someone set off this chain reaction. Just kill them? No why don't they kill themselves. That is like blaming us for shutting them down, they shut themselves down and ruined it for everybody. Life could have been much different and ultimate bliss. Is two billion in damage amounts sufficient to redress the prolonging of suffering? Had they ended this and considered jail or failure, I would have a perfect marriage, a nice hefty retirement, a new satellite warfare mission, and life would be flawless. Instead we get this? Clearly, in death this psychopath only wanted to prolong the suffering and taunt us all the way to the grave, even if they had a death sentence at birth. Instead our fragile little hearts grow colder and meaner than hell.

None of them are impacted by the tragedy. They are unaware of any of the violence. They are completely unaware of how illegal this was or has become. In their eyes, everybody is their children. They just love and love us to death; yeah right. They are completely disconnected from any danger, violence, anger, retaliation, death, and only want to talk it out or talk to us. They are so proud now. So proud. I wonder if the Pentagon kills their friends, family, and employers; if they are completely disconnected and totally insane? Are they an outright liar or totally blind of any truth and facts? Totally evil and deliberate? They cannot grasp any of this and cannot grasp what the lawsuit against them is about.

There is no way to deny it but they do not understand two billion in damages. They only feel us screwing them over and want to talk it out; very social and normal creatures. They are very scared of getting weaker and possibly the truth getting out, being hurt by all this. If they can coax us or trap us, maybe they can talk it out or make us go away. Nothing so far has changed their way of thinking or unhinged their determination. They know it is eroding and feel sadness. They are a teacher of life and do not like what they see, it is absurd. They want to only fight us or fight the leadership that makes them feel this way. It is very challenging and changing the way they think; very difficult to fight.

They are still unable to get what they want, so close and now they are pushed into uncharted waters or UN-navigatible territory. How do they prepare for this and how do they prepare? A teachable moment? Hurricane San-dee (Sun-day) is the beginning of the end, a start. It is a surprise that has emerged; to hinder all of their heroic efforts. It has erased all of the regulation and red tape. Can do anything, other than leave; to help prepare for the next big one? What steps can they take or do to help the situation?

Response to Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin, and all of them: I told you to go down to the FBI office and turn yourself in. They have the case prepared and know all about you; it is up to you. You did it to yourself. You throw your money around. You run your mouth all day long. You come into my residence. You bark orders or harass me while you sneak around or prance around in my mission or the OHE. You say there is not enough evidence or pressure, cannot decide or make up your mind. We have to show more skin. You prance around and stick me with a bayonet again, using your secret and clandestine tampons; and I am amused. Are they DoD or GoD now also? You better have it in writing if it is true. Stupid? Ann will get you in trouble and kill you smiling. Call the OHE and do that too. I keep saying this, she will get you in boiling water. Do they pay the F'in bills also? Wonderful.

These pussies call me in my residence and I will make it clear for the 10,000th time. What next prance around like you have my varsity uniform or are on the varsity squad? Great. You need to take it up with Ann Coulter and call her in her residence. I will cut your tongue out. What now, you think you are on the varsity team or on the mission? Do you see these planes flying by and how none of them have been shot down? You piss off pussies are ridiculous and it pisses me off just a tiny bit. We are in a F'in seek and destroy mode and you want to call and call; like a GDF pussy? Hey while you are at it, stick a bayonet in me or throw your money around; you must be on the varsity team now. You can do this and have the God power to, blessed. I see it in writing and it is loud and clear; can you read? Sorry about your state and financial supporters; we were after sex tapes and they knew it was illegal. We did warn them. I did not know their church was this strong, this illegal, this clandestine, and this lawless or savage. Do they pay the bills too? Who cares if they are Republicans or Democrats; their church is this powerful and demanding?

We are in seek and destroy phase now. It is time to consider jail. It is time to end this and pay the damages; not enough evidence or pressure. F you all too. You wager with your life, business, and even your retirement. Our wrath and our skills is far superior and far more ferocious than your douche act. A shut down is underway and has started, do not stick a bayonet in me. Do you see all the planes not shot down or how they unloaded payload? Who let these planes by? Call Ann in her residence, not me. Throw your money around with her, not me. Did I say you are or were on the varsity team? Did I? When? Show me and the document. Where did it or does it say you are on the varsity team? Where? Who told you this? Who said you can call or come in my residence? Paranoid of the military now? Lost your F'in mind and want your bayonet back; F your bayonet, I have it. I dust for prints. I have a fine forensic team. They have your DNA. Paranoid? If it is true, then it must be in writing and already verified.

In seek and destroy, you will be evicted or the eviction will begin in 30 days; the engines behind them gaining access, spreading the disease, and sticking us with a bayonet. Instead, you prance around and call the OHE in the most insulting manner. You sit there or use a woman to plead for your life and future 24-7. What do you want me to say but to demand two billion and to consider jail. You all will loose your retirement, financial engines, and be shut down; evicted in 30 days. You want more trench warfare? We are glad you finally made it or are you glad we finally made it? I am very turned on by your bayonet jackass dance. Ever met a real warrior or the ultimate warrior? You take this shit up with Ann, she likes to get yelled at or mouth off; I am so happy with it all. I am ready to unleash my joy and my delight on their ass. This pussy and polo prancing MF better have it in writing or take it up with Ann; is it in writing? Yet? I did not know their church was this strong, this illegal, this clandestine, and this lawless or savage. Do they pay the bills too? Who cares if they are Republicans or Democrats; their church is this powerful and demanding?

You pull that shit we saw. You mouth off every single day to the office of hurricane-earthquake (OHE). You put your grimy hands on us or the OHE. You come into our life and prance around before our face. You mismanage our accounts or life. You demand jobs or money from us or OHE. You blatantly tell us there is not enough evidence or pressure; even before OHE. You act like a feminine communist or keep lying about how turned on we are about you, even the OHE. You do all of that and I am sure the OHE will cut your tongue out in front of the public and make your own kids eat it. If that is not enough evidence or pressure; then you need to stay out of FL, our life, the OHE, and our future. Your retirement and life should be shut down and you owe, still; even before the OHE, two billion in damages. Who told them this? Who said this? Show it to me in writing and similar to a new car. I do not do business on that level or ever did. Stupid? Ann will get you in trouble and kill you smiling. Call the OHE and do that too. I keep saying this, she will get you in boiling water.

I am so amused by a polo wearing degenerate dick-wad sticking me with a bayonet hourly. I love it when they prance around in my life, so turned on. If I had my choice, this would have been shut down years ago; maybe a decade ago. So what? You want to stick another bayonet in me or prance around like a polo wearing dickhead? Bring me the top twenty list and shut them down; completely. I want them gone and out of Florida also. Next time they try to stick a bayonet in me, remember, I can cut their heart out, tongue, and decapitate them even if it is fatal. Worried? Yes I am. Enough evidence and pressure? No. I will evict them from the state of Florida if it is the last act I do on this earth; before I cut their tongue out. Do stick me with a bayonet again, I like it. I am so very turned on. It better be in writing, this prancing around by a pussy is really ticking me off. So much I demanded shut down and seek and destroy. I do not need a tangled mess or a massive web of deception to paralyze me or blind me. I have more than enough problems, even with Republicans. If it is true, then it will be in writing.

If I was the OHE; I would leave you only the amounts you owe in damages; let you all rot in hell. But you all mouth off and prance around and only want to piss off the most powerful and those who want to slam you repeatedly. So when you had your fun and are done; you will be told to leave and if so, it will be that night and it will be your future, retirement, and the what allows you to evade prison and capture. When we grow old, you will be without a tongue or a retirement. If it is not written down, it is not redeemable, ever. Do not play that shit with me ever again or stick another bayonet in me; too late now to recover your ID on the bayonet. Stupid? Ann will get you in trouble and kill you smiling. Call the OHE and do that too. I keep saying this, she will get you in boiling water. Look at the tangled mess and how many web of deceptions. How many layers? Do they pay the F'in bills also? Wonderful. Do step on my booby-traps or trip-wire. Yes we are very sorry about your state or your fund raisers; however, we were after sex tapes and someone stuck a bayonet in me; so I did what was natural. Sorry. I am sure you will forgive me and get it in writing.

Nobody shut you down, you refused to consider jail in the most blatant and insulting way possible and you all will pay very dearly, very. If you think you are so special and so good at trench warfare; the top twenty is coming and will arrive very quickly. We are not pleased. The OHE is definitely not pleased. Are you telling us to leave or move? You will not make it to retirement, not now. Not after everything you have done and it will get much worse, much. Your tongue needs to be fed to the wolves but you hold on to it for dear life. All of these pussies need to take it up with Ann; F them and trench warfare with me brings out another kind of personality. It needs to be in writing and notarized if needed. Understand? Do not pull that shit with the OHE either. Insulting or offensive, take it up with Ann Coulter, she is the lawyer and has all the money. Not I. Do they pay the F'in bills also? Wonderful.

Ann do you realize how many tangled webs I have in my life now? Do you? This is totally nuts. Ann you are in so much trouble right now it is not even worth repeating. You actually enjoy being yelled at and you like to test the limits of your mouth don't you? A lot of military leaders and even strong human beings view these people you coddle as nothing more than dickheads who need their tongue cut out. They prance around or jump up and down, right before us and right in front of our doorsteps. If not invade our forts and life, they circle and pen us up like animals. Any warrior would take them to the limit and slam them for just acting like such a stupid dickhead in a polo shirt. You Ann, just like to be yelled at and you do not understand we are in seek and destroy now. Look at your life and qualifications. You want to hang or be with the most professionals in battle? Do you want to do battle with the communists or dinner companions?

This is a seek and destroy mission now Ann; not a singles club. You want to coddle these people and have them prance around in front of my face or before my ultimate warriors; like clowns. Am I evil? Am I missing something? Do you have a clue or understand human nature or human beings? All of those planes were supposed to be shot down; none of them were. You want to hang with people you do not even know or understand well? And what piss them off or make wild crazy comments to make them go ape shit? Are you even aware of what they are saying or doing? Do you have any clue what they did or the genie they let out or hell unleashed on this world? How did these planes get so close and why were they not shot down quickly? The carrier is not damaged but the commander does not like the sight of some polo heaving dickwad prancing around in his life acting like a F'in clown. They want trench warfare or seek and destroy; maybe all of it?

Another thing Ann. What a lovely failure they have become. Have they ever met a General or a warrior in charge? Let me show you the evidence or how much pressure will do to a clown. Do they feel like clowns? We gave them a choice. We gave them the truth. Is the truth too good or is it going to kill them? Is that it, the truth is harmful? Doing the right thing is menacing? This clown act is hardwired and incapable of either the truth or doing the right thing because the reality will kill them? Is this why they go on radio and TV and start screaming like a Banshee? Is this why they claim to be warriors or our leaders? Still on leaning mode but still not enough evidence or pressure? We will leave them with 2 billion and ask them to pay it; choice? How many times did we avoid this or give them a chance? Just look at the toll or the damage. How do we compare the degree of mistakes? The amount of errors? Now the damages?

Look at all those planes that got through. How how much damage was done to the aircraft carrier. Now they want to stay, checkmate. They are staying after they let all of those attacks go by or through? Have I lost my mind or is this why we are in seek and destroy? Do we need dickheads in polos to put us in checkmate all the time? Do we? I do not need more posers and dickheads in polos prancing around acting like they are warriors or some fierce crew member; we got enough of this ridiculous nonsense already. All they are is a mouth and it is very upsetting to Generals or real Americans. Not delivering is one thing. Refusing to shoot them down is another; all your teeth were pulled out. If you think you are bad, you should see the nation and those clowns. Refusing to shut your mouth after you failed to defend the ship is the last straw. We have a seek and destroy mission, not a comedy act.

It is very clear you let more and more damage go through. It is clear that your mouth can upset everybody in this seek and destroy mission. It is clear your role in this has been very weak. Warriors get upset when you fill the room up with clowns. They will fix their bayonets and they will present the evidence and any pressure needed to these career criminals. How they became crew or got on board is total fantasies. How they stay or utilize total lies, is a clown act. Warriors and Generals get very insulted by this mouth and this dickhead in a polo. Look at the cowards now, trying to buy their life. This feminine creatures are clowns in an evil world. They want to insult and take us to the point. They are unable to win or learn, either or. They are dumber than dumb. Do we have to take care of them also? Is this what the military or this aircraft carrier is for?

Now these little boys act like they are nurses not trying to show their tits or need the fat farm. How insulting. Let's be real about who we are. Let's be real about who we are not. Let's be real about what we can do and how a warrior or General actually thinks. Can we learn anything or make life better? Obviously not because we are in seek and destroy now. Let's be real about his problem with pressure and evidence. Let's be real about what will or can happen if you attack this aircraft carrier, shall we. Let's be real about freedom of speech and so much more, can they handle it? It is clear in a seek and destroy mission; you are not as valuable as you claim to be. However, I do need to be paid; and it is clear you let more damage come through.

Ann, imagine a ship and assigning a gunner to shoot down planes attacking, most people expect those planes shot down before they drop a load on the carrier. No condom or protection, the carrier has to deploy all defenses and prepare for war. Are we on the same page here? Who is defending America? Show us the differences and the problem? A cops and robber game? What kind of a F'in clown are all of you? Does anybody understand my problem? They are still unable to decide and we are in a seek and destroy mission. How do they get jobs? How do they get on the aircraft carrier? Why weren't they shot down? This lovely failure is now going to met the meanest, most ferocious, and the unbeatable. This is seek and destroy now. We want them or will give them credit for only 2 billion; what they owe in damages. They cannot pay anything else back and they do not have a time machine.

As this mission becomes your clear, you become less clear and less valuable. As this mess turns into a seek and destroy, you politicians lose your power and your role. I need people for a seek and destroy. I need to be paid and not a delay game from one person to the next. I need someone who can sit down and have a serious conversation and is no longer a total pain in the ass or a motor mouth. None of you understand who you are and what the mission is. None of you can get it right. I need someone to find our who hijacked my money and life so I can get paid or what little money I have; can be returned. Instead, this is what I get. How can you be an angel in this nightmare? How? It will end eventually.

I owe them money and a lot of people want money Ann. Do you still think they are creeping, lurking, stalking, and casing me for kicks or laughs? Do you know the level I have or am suffering financially? I had to go on public assistance and I run this entire utter mess; explain that one. All you are is a way to get paid or be paid; but it is so annoying and a total mismatch from the real needs and real mission. All of you refuse resignation; all of you. The question is how valuable you will be in a seek and destroy mission and if you even have the stuff to be in one. In the past, you proved to be very weak hearten, for war, combat, and even seek and destroy. Why is America in such a bad condition or why do we have the wrong people in our life and life mission? We need big guns. Picking up street corner trash is not helping. The real players are getting away. What kind of defense do we have if any? Glad they are here now? Look how many planes they let through or got through and attacked the carrier, they are staying?

Why do you upset people as the FBI do Ann, or the police? You are definitely not military material or what I call an officer and a gentleman. My forces and my military people would not let them get a shot off; instead murder them. Do you see how poor I am and know how ridiculous I truly look, I don't feel it but I sure look the part. There is a sense of ridiculous or clowns to your existence and people Ann. They run you all over and you buffoons pretend to be civilized or law abiding citizens. They expect you to be on your best behavior up until you have to pull the trigger or deport them. Do you want to bath, feed, cloth, and educate them too? Oh hell, let's drop our pants for them and be their little sex toy or romance story. I don't understand the blacks and now I do not understand the whites Ann. Tell me what my problem is or how I can cope with your flawed partnership and faulty errors?

What is wrong with you white people or your church? Why do you let people do this when I would murder them? This is my mission and I would never let them live or let them get up, never after what they did. You need to be DoD or GoD if you want to survive this or ever return to be a human being. You do not and cannot let an psychopath or a serial killer torture you until death or until they decide to murder you. Am I crystal clear soldier? Well am I or do I have to fire all of you? Watching them drown or listening to them starve before swinging back and forth will not repair your soul or mine. You have made grave and fatal mistakes in life. You have proven to be a very poor offense, defense, or even a legal defense. What does the evidence say? If we had to do this again, what do you think the evidence will say again? How many times do we have to do it again before it is right or sufficient?

You do have talents as a lawyer and it goes off the cliff from there. I have problems and these radio people bring you on? Why? Don't they know you have a mouth and a problem? Do they think you have been cured magically and won't tick off the matter? Don't they know you have no discipline or meaning? Are they blind or just too flawed to see you for who you are? I need these people shut down. I need their assets shut down. They claim to have won. They claim this is about money. I need that money shut down. They seem to think they made it to retirement or are in comfort. I need that shut down. The problem is very easy to understand. The aircraft carrier has guns on it and people who are assigned to shoot down these attacking planes. Clearly, nobody is watching those guns. When is it all going to end and when is this shutdown going to be delivered decisively? We need a top twenty list and a deportation list.

This was how they come though and drop their loads. Even Hannity, Limbaugh, Rove, and all of them are on their best behavior; they are scared. Coulter is not and Coulter is now a total mismatch. This is total insanity. How in hell do these people survive? How in hell do they get jobs? How do they do what they do? Who the hell keeps yelling "move" and "leave" to me? Who the hell is it. This lovely failure will be treated as if they are Osama; even thrown off the carrier. Look at all those planes that got through and look how many of them unloaded their payload. Checkmate? How do they get these jobs? Who the hell is on my aircraft carrier? These attack planes come through and drop their load, who the hell is it? Are they in the fire control center also? Are they suing also? The people who I am asking two billion from; are on their best behavior and the people intended to collect it or shoot them down; are a total mismatch and cannot defend the aircraft carrier. They are incompetent to defend America. They are incapable of doing duties or even a mission by the office of hurricane and earthquakes.

Who do we hire for a seek and destroy? If they let all of these attack planes come through or refuse to shoot them down, who do we choose? The carrier has to do its mission and drop its load; but they took the damn ship over. It is straight out of the movie Under Siege; even the idiots barnacles. If you are only a mouth, have no teeth, and cannot deliver; then why do I need you in a seek and destroy mission? That is what I am really pissed off about. Maybe when they are not on my ship or near the aircraft carrier, things will change. My aircraft carrier is one thing. Look at the clowns defending America and look at the fine job they did. It is not a big deal, it is all debt now; how convenient. Where is this mouth coming from or these attacks? This is why there is a big difference between Generals who defend the nation and these clowns allow these planes to attack or get through. Do we need dickheads in polos to put us in checkmate all the time? Do we?

Someone set off this chain reaction. Just kill them? No why don't they kill themselves. That is like blaming us for shutting them down, they shut themselves down and ruined it for everybody. Life could have been much different and ultimate bliss. Is two billion in damage amounts sufficient to redress the prolonging of suffering? Had they ended this and considered jail or failure, I would have a perfect marriage, a nice hefty retirement, a new satellite warfare mission, and life would be flawless. Instead we get this? Clearly, in death this psychopath only wanted to prolong the suffering and taunt us all the way to the grave, even if they had a death sentence at birth. Instead our fragile little hearts grow colder and meaner than hell.

I do not like repeating myself or screaming when in battle or full extreme combat. Anybody who knows trench warfare or hand to hand combat will know when and if you are bleeding and cannot get up; if the light is turned off inside, it is nearly impossible to turn it back on. We have turned off this light in this enemy. Not only did we turn off the lights, the bulb is broken, the switch was ripped out of the wall, and they are ready to get mobbed by a stampede of human beings. Although it is a good act and a total lie; it does not fool anyone or those who know how to turn that light off. How do they define powerful? Do they truly believe they are powerful? When people watch the filming of them again, they will understand the process of turning off that light and how they look like they saw a ghost or got really white. It was all total lies, a scam, grandstanding, and ridiculous nonsense but it also shows who they are.

It will take a long time to get the stench of this beggar from our life and it will require more force than an army to get that same beggar out of our workplace. They live and exist without the basic respect for human life or individualism. We offer them nothing in return until they depart the cruelest way they entered. They will live in hell with fire in their belly, walk a meager existence, and torture themselves until that day they depart more cruel than who they are. We never had any use for them nor they had us. It is senseless and absolute nonsense who they are in life. The cruelest offer on earth cannot penetrate their ignorance and total lack of a soul. Until that cruelest offer hunts them down on this earth, they will keep trying to pen us up in some animal farm and will never know what human beings, truth, justice, or America is about.

After this and their trial, we only offer the cruelest answer, yet they keep asking the dumbest questions. For a lousy immigrant, they remain such; odd. If not in the name of truth and justice, then what nation and name are they doing this for? Communism? Is this why they lie, cheat, and steal; just to spy and pen us up? Only a real life witch can do this or live with this kind of stigma. How does a female live with the stigma she is a verified as a long nose, carnivorous, disgusting witch? How do you tell a witch to go back home when she is occupying your life or residence? You tell the witch to go home, she tells you to and upsets you hourly. Is that power or the ability to duplicate problems? Is that the oppressive pressure tactics of a witch that causes so much pain or is so devastating? Exactly how powerful are the communist forces? How in hell did all of those planes get through? How?

Did we put them on the job and they are suppose to shoot down these planes; now look at all those planes. This is what will happen when a beggar without a cause comes in our lives. This damn beggar is always pretending they are being ran off or attacked by savages. Everybody knows they are going to be slammed into the ground for being such a lousy beggar, yet they continue to give us a headache daily with the beggar the boss act. Almost like chickens and farm animals, they enjoy keeping company with us while keeping us penned up in their cruel, lawless, and hopeless beggars life where reality and human spirit is totally lacking or taken for granted. They live life without any direction, belief, or plan; yet expect us to partake and embrace them on the whim they can do more harm and anger us because they starve and live without a soul. How kind can we be to these people and how kind can they be back? We will see when they all rot in hell.

These people still expect to depart with adornments we earn and worked so hard to achieve. Yet they in death are so full of spite and nonsense, they cannot keep quiet while the truth strike them down. We have given them the cruelest departure they will ever be offered from any other human being. They expect otherwise? Do they have some other high expectation we overlooked? To this day they still claim to be very special people and highly sought; we do not see it this way or ever did. It has been complete nonsense and just senseless how they exist. Still penned up like animals, we will give them the cruelest correction any other human being can offer. Maybe and only then will they leave and live accordingly. Maybe and only then will they know what truth, justice, and the American way is about. We doubt this and truly believe they will never get it right.

Until the cruelest offer on earth is their dinner plate, they do not live on the same planet and are disconnected from reality. If not in the name of America, this spy and these total lies; are nothing more than to conceal their true identity. In what name or country do they do this for? Even their women hide the fact they are living carnivorous witches or not as high class as they wish to be; imagine that, a real ife witch in our life 24-7. I am not sure if we are supposed to smack them or kill them in battle? Do they actually feel powerful? Who let all of those planes get through? How did they break our defensive lines? How? Truth seeking? Checkmate? Glad they are here now after all of that work? No problem whatsoever? It really pisses me off to watch these dickheads prancing around like warriors. If and when you fight with me, you will know what a real warrior is.

Nobody likes to watch two women fight to the death about their husbands or sex. Words and insults aside, we ridicule and laugh at this moronic enemy we have to put up with and whom circled us or keep us on some animal farm or pen while observing what they fantasize about or the the fantasies of a fat slob and a pig. What is a warrior? What is this human piece of flung we have before us? It really upsets me how a stupid C is mouthing off to us while she watches us wipe out all of her forces and trap them. Obviously much more than being smacked to death in battle, this witch prances around acting like a warrior and if not, then she is constantly pleasing herself about how we wiped out her own forces. We defeat them and this lousy female warrior is turned on by how strong we are or how we slaughter her family of genetic idiots? She wants to copulate with us and be cured? The more we destroy her forces, the more she wins "big" and gets it in the front and behind? Do we know people who want others to kill their own family? How about if or when at war? Yes do trust females in battle or this kind of warfare. I guess the rule of warfare is the less you have to feed, the less your cities will hurt.

If it is not the hound always chasing us, then it is the money grubbing bombardment of turn-ins and trying to corrupt us. Who is pulling the strings? Who did we catch and corner? We love that phony outrage or the rank phony dumbass effect they have on others. I need not describe who or what would be her rank and file but this skunk we have to deal with, out of her mind or not, knows nothing about conflict or battle. That is the communist for you and a witch. Sharing a room with this witch makes you think about what you would do to her dickhead human trash; or what you want to do. A punk and a pompous monkey prancing around in our life acting like a warrior is just too squishy. Stalking us does something I am not able to describe. People may be able to pick up on it but they cannot; totally blind. They cannot smell the stench or trash. This witch and punk is powerful?

Has he lost his mind? What in hell is Obama doing with the condom? Shut up will you. It is really annoying and he is going to ruin it. Boys should be telling these women the truth. If they hit the 110lb mark, the government will give them a condom. Other than this, we can use the money for better things. A female who looks like a Honda Accord does not need a condom or free ones. They need to park it before it rolls away. Boys do not actually see them with a condom over their head; instead they see them differently; they need a good dentist. A lot of these women do not even understand males or this world and a condom is the last thing they truly need. Obama has to be a retard to pass up that message. Like money, they throw it at everybody and make it seem like nobody can turn it down or say no. I guess the rule of warfare is the less you have to feed, the less your titties will hurt.

They heavier you are, the less you need a condom or a few condoms. Trust me on this one girls. Girls who are under 110 do not need the help of the government or need anybody to give them a condom, trust me. Guys do not like to pay for dinner, but they do not mind forking about a few bucks, even a case. They are trying to toot their own horn or jump on the train they had just fell off and broke. But no, Obama has to toy with the janitor trick and give them what they want to hear. It is going to take much more than a White House cleaning staff to get the stain marks off this one. Giving women a condom makes as much sense as giving them a thong, a very small one. Who wants that? We also want to know where Caucasians and Asians vacation, not about this crap or their rusted out cars. Who wants that? Is this about trading wives, sex tapes, the fat farm, or sex tapes? I am really confused.

Someone set off this chain reaction. Just kill them? No why don't they kill themselves. That is like blaming us for shutting them down, they shut themselves down and ruined it for everybody. Life could have been much different and ultimate bliss. Is two billion in damage amounts sufficient to redress the prolonging of suffering? Had they ended this and considered jail or failure, I would have a perfect marriage, a nice hefty retirement, a new satellite warfare mission, and life would be flawless. Instead we get this? Clearly, in death this psychopath only wanted to prolong the suffering and taunt us all the way to the grave, even if they had a death sentence at birth. Instead our fragile little hearts grow colder and meaner than hell.

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.