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Tuesday, November 13, 2012


I love seeing a wretched bitch and a human thug of trash curse at us to the very end. It says something about who they are and who we are. It says something about where their life is heading and where it is now. It is a blessing to have such pile of twisted wretched nothing try to take their anger out on people who see them as nothing or nobody. Admit we are blessed and we are sacred, hence the hell they live in and how they still try to keep us under watch and under constant trouble. Who wants to stuff their face in it again or tell them how proud they are to be a human being? Exactly how cursed are they and how blessed are we? All this trouble I am in, all the cursing and insults, all of this confidence and authority, all of this powerful wretched mess in our blessed life, and finally how scared I or we are supposed to be; just take a hard look and a whiff at what they despise and have condemned. They must be ten times the anger, bitterness, and jealousy when this began. This is where their condemnation and authority has gotten them, nowhere. Does it look and sound like a low life degenerate try to F with aristocrats and then being expelled from the country altogether? We are so blessed there is nothing this jackass can condemn anymore accept to be more of a wretched mess that got their life trounced on by the grace of God. God bless America then.

Yes do keep using your authority to F with our life and tell us how much trouble we are in. Keep doing that or screwing with us before you keel over. I do not know why you sorry ass people keep trying to barter your way out of this or feel bartering with us is going to make it better or tolerable. Your sorry ass has run it's limit and the only option you have is to pay the damages and consider jail. Stop trying to barter your way out or wager your way out of this. I wonder what type of a creature you are and what species has given birth to such a vile living infection such as your life. You have run your limit and you keep adding more deficits to your guiltless blame game or ignorance. It has got to be the most annoying and sickening piece of trash I have ever seen, but according to you, it is and still remains a way of life. If you indeed think this is a game, bartering, or some deadly wager nobody would ever engage in or can tolerate for very long; then I hope you know how to end this game you have created out of real human lives. Yes you are so clever, so liked, so cool, so popular; I must be miserable and fogging up the windows. Who is in trouble now? Who is not going to make it? Who is hanging on for dear life? At least we did not have to listen or experience how happy they were in their final moments on earth and how much joy this has been. For such a rotten spy ring and a family of human trash, it does not matter if you scream insults at me all day long using high tech methods; I know you spent the last moments of your miserable life in the hell you created and you had never been so angry or scared of this world as you are now. God bless the human race and may your existence suffer as we grow older, wiser, and more blessed. I think everybody knows who is the poor one and who needs to go home. We are so scared and in so much trouble now.

Do die with oppressed honor and keep this charade endless. Do refuse to police it or your abysmal existence. Do keep that mouth on full throttle, it will do your "family" tremendous good. Do continue to tell us the special material you are made of or how bulletproof you think you are. Such a strong and capable material we are in awe over. Do be the buyer and seller in our life; it's working. Messing with my woman and safety net was the last straw; have I been clear about this or do they need to cry and weep together? We know you do not know how to live honorably. Now we know in death, you don't even have the intelligence to die honorably either. It must be so cosmic material God himself made you from. Oddly, it has backfired all over you and your goofy people who think it is a game to please them of to test the powers of your gang. Do call us names and bark orders 24 hours a day. Do tell us to leave and pretend we are retarded or do not get it. Just remember, you better figure out a way to end this retarded little game of yours before it breaks your weak measly back trying to hold up the people cut in half already, yes a scarecrow they are. You all are so great and nobody can ever sound like you or do what you do. You are testing our hearts and minds. Is there anything else to your life besides lying, cheating, and stealing? Is this all you have to add to our life or insult human beings with every breath in your pathetic life? How lucky can we be and how inspirational you turned out to be. Yes do refuse to leave and scream insults to the very end using high tech methods. That is the wretched pile of mess you have become before our very eyes and how different you truly are among the blessed and those at peace. Yes do tell us how much trouble we are in and all about your authority, everybody is listening while you curse to the very end.

Who is in trouble and needs to worry? Who is the authority? This game to hide communism is pretending you seek the truth or report every side, fairness. You covered all the bases about the truth about you and the truth, reality. Scaring people to death is going to kill you or run you over, a pile of bitter regrets. It only feels like the end of the world from total disaster and sewage you are floating in. I am at peace where you belong and feel at home. God knows how long you can float around before something else happens to your clumsy stupid ass. How much trouble are we in compared to how much trouble you all are in? I do not know how much longer you people can hold out, apparently very long and your forces are at full power; we will just have to step things up or kick it up five or ten times higher. For a psychopath, crying does not even change a damn thing; but they still claim they do not have a problem, there are no problems, and they do not have a death wish. Imagine the impossible, they do not want to die now. They only want to watch their rotten family perish because of their own acts of desperation and prestige. For what you did or have done to us and the other victims who are not here; all I can say is you got everything you deserved to the very bitter miserable end of your life. May those thoughts condemn and keep you at peace as it has in our blessed life. God bless America for smacking the hell out of you, try to get up and be happy about life itself. Do people know how bitter and the life you live? Even while they haul you off like a caged animal, you scream insults and curse us all day long just to keep us upset; I think you know how happy and how blessed we truly are inside.

Anytime a nation or a powerful religion elects to hire mercenaries instead of conscription of the population; it runs the risk of attack. It leads to conflict and the ultimate collapse of the empire. We are witnessing this right now and the disconnection between powerful military budgets and political ideology. We also see this collapse on the Republican Parity side; a flux of power and money but a total lack of leadership. Internal conflicts and internecine power discharges erupts in chaos or endless brutality. The attacks and the plundering will continue so long as this exists. This is consistent with the accusation against liberals. History is not a fantasy and our past and future is not some fantasy they can hang on loosely or exploit with the European style socialism. Half of America cannot be content with being poor while it lives off the other half; yet this is their existence and who they are as a culture, class, and race of human beings. History has seen this bias before. This lack of fairness, this thirst for expansion, and this recycled translation; is exactly what drives the Europeans to desperation and seeking that freedom in America; a stranger in an ever growing strange land. It is their source of decline and what is currently at the gates of hell. We are being brutalized by the bad leadership and the bias of history, smeared by people scared of their own past. As usual, they choose to report or disclose only what is relevant to their selfish, evil, and greedy self existence.

Historians indicate religion was a mere excuse for expansion. The problem with the Christians is the grab of land and the acquisition of prestige. There is no science to it and no morals. There are two sides; one has the most to loose and the other is at peace with God. The victor is naturally the one least equipped for war and the fewer numbers. The source of intellect and science has always come under debate but never fully reported. We see this same inadequacy, expansion, narcissism, and pattern of behavior when faith conflicts with America. It is synonymous with the inquisition and it also has a central focus on the black movement or the source of this expansion. Therefore, this inquisition has exposed who they are and translated how far they are willing to take it. When the options run out, when there is no more science, and when they refuse to follow the laws that govern all free societies; only a few scarce acts of desperation remain. Making up history and a lack of fairness to fellow human beings is is one thing; however, reducing liberties at the cost of expansion or family is truly the act of a traitor. The communists and the labor unions are complaining about hooded accusers or acts of secrecy intended to condemn all oppositions? They complain about being bled as they are bleeding their enemies? Oddly, they wish to live with others under these terms and conditions.

Dear FBI and CIA (Pentagon): I do not want to nit-pick or make this worse, but did the Muslim brotherhood get caught in the USA for running or having a sex club, spy ring, or a bunch of sex crazed psychopathic losers sneaking around trying harder than hell for nothing? Do we care? Do you care which spy ring is running loose in America or why? All of them are picking a fight; however, not all of them are in the US and running a spy ring or trying to be our friends, family, or lovers. Now they all act like jilted lovers and they are not; they are barking up the legs of single men or men who have absolutely no interest in who they are or what they are up to. They sleep around with everybody and do not like this ending, how things have turned out. The truth is they initiate, are rejected, and keep coming back; again and again. They are always picking a fight and trying to show off their manhood; staff. They are angry and jealous with being married or watching single, happy, or rich people enjoy life. We have a spy ring who despises written text and despises science.

Dear Rush Limbaugh, it is not going to work. It is time for the old fashioned sales pitch. Show some big, smelly, the bomb-midwest tits! It is time you show us your family jewels. People are growing impatient and this has gone on long enough, very long and it is starting to get very hard. Everybody is watching, show some damn tits and stop acting like a goody-goody barbie. You are not fooling anybody don't even try crazy bitch. Be prepared to thrown them down and weep. You want to pick a fight, well then it is time we initiate it low life. Show us the turkey sandwich under the hood pill-grim. This should shut your smiling a-hole up; you C--T. If you think you truly have it or are in control; then it is time to show it for the audience, up close and personal. You ought to know by now I have a sharp tongue, staff. Suck it all up girlie, you are in the big leagues now. Decide if you want to be our starfish or just a foot tease.
Dear Sean Hannity, show some big, smelly, the bomb-Irish tits! It is time you show us your family jewels. My men think you are cute as a bug, real men. Next time, smile for the cameras you a-hole. Those colors don't run and that is the fine red, white and blue doing their thang. You call yourself staff? When you have some time Ann, stick a finger in them and let us know if they are done. Let freedom ring with those two bells swinging on a limb. You have nothing to loose, take the clothes off or crop a photo.
Dear Mark Leavin, show some big, smelly, the bomb-NY tits! It is time you show us your family jewels. I am getting emails everywhere from your fan club, that is their number one request. They want to know if it is ground central station or just ground zero down there. I call that patriotism, two fine sets! As American as apple pie and two fine hot dogs. Look at those men hollering and going nuts! Don't call momma, she won't understand, it's family. All you men surround a powerful single man and you forget the Achilles heal of all powerful men, tits. Let freedom ring and let's see them; it is all you have and all you got left, no option.
Dear Rest of you, shut up and enjoy the show. You get to see something nobody ever gets to see or smell; real men in real action. Big-burly men going grrrr. Let's tip our glasses, enjoy. Your own staff and for every fantasy you may have. We need to get to know them better, enough of this talk or back and forth. Bob Hope and his girls were for boys; this time it is for real men and the war on terror. How sharp is their game and how sharp is ours? What kind of a god damn staff are you? There are no free rides here, stop playing footsie and wipe that lipstick off your face brother. Pay your dues or get off the ship, stop complaining. None of this is going to work unless they pull a playboy out of their hat. Don't cry, take your clothes off, be a real man.

Dear Spy Ring or Corporate Spies: your dumbass tricks are going to cause the price of a barrel to double, sit your ass down, shut up and go away. Stop picking a fight or telling us what was not a very good idea. You have exactly 6-12 months to determine if you are going to be around when this is said and done. Stop picking more fights. Stop showing your tits, everybody wants to see Rush, Sean, and Leavin's; you're done and they are full of spit and jealousy. These bozos are steal teasing us, a bunch of phony lies. Let's see the goods gentleman, Rush first. In a perfect world, all of them would be single, dating, and monogamous. It is time to make a man out of all of you. All of them are married trying to act like hard-boozing, hell raising, ruckus torn warriors in a world that despises a choir boy with a bastard legal defense. It is time to prove themselves, up front and center gentlemen. If you want the glory, then you have to show us the guts and that stinky dollar piece you keep so tight lipped about. If you want to hang out with the big boys, you got to show the big guns. Step forward if you are a man; do it now and do not fight it. I am trying to teach you or prepare you for jail, not mar-dis-growl. So you enjoy interfering with single people, engaged people, or people you want to show your manhood off. Let's see the audacity. Let's see the confidence. Let's see the growl and always up for a fight! Show me your team spirit, show me what is under the hood! This staff sucks and is totally limp! Goon-on radio and cam is not enough, total phony. An energy drink has more calories and jolt. When you have some time Ann, stick a finger in them and let us know if they are done. Staff?

What exactly is this about? If the analysts at FBI HQ see or know where this is going, point me in the right direction. One chain reaction in my favor and my plans "react" and the path of golden bricks begin, my retirement. In less than ten years, I can become one of the wealthiest and most powerful personalities in the world, schizophrenic or mentally ill? We can rank Ann's life from top to bottom and bottom to top; her value. Her value is their loss. Where is home? Ann can become one of the wealthiest and most powerful personalities in the world, schizophrenic or mentally ill about this? I can rank them from top to bottom or bottom to top; my value and their loss. Where is home? They have come far and moved past many nations to come here for freedom; this is what they found instead. It keeps shifting on them, one minute is it private and the next it is public; private-public. Once my plane takes off, it will be flying well above their radar.

You have proven to be very early to battle, very eager for battle, and very fierce or accustomed in battle. Perhaps this is why you are also eager for terror plots, gang fights, attacking enemies, picking a fight, violence, or screwing things in life up? You have probably more to say and prove. I think you are a total mess or some form of another creature altogether. I don't see any sign of life or intelligence. I don't think it is going to work and you are going to survive this. Being so early, eager, and quick to battle; you made very false assumptions. Your emotions go up one day; down the next; and is ran over an entire month. I highly advise you get some medical treatment also, your wounds will become infected. It is very easy to see even if you are not transparent about what is going on in your life and are always trying to stick a bayonet into ours. This idea you are trying to help people less fortunate or are always helpful; has run it's course. I do not think your acts or total lies are superior. I don't think there is any consent and anybody feels you have been or are helpful. Quite the contrary, I think you see yourself and know how much trouble you are or are in. I think you are a very uneducated person and you will continue to live as one no matter what you do or say.

Furthermore, I do not think it is about solving the problems that plague America and I do not think it is about caring or what you claim to be all my fault. I don't think the schizophrenic nonsense will work and I do not think all the work, capital, heartache, pain and suffering you have caused will have it's intended cause. No matter what you do or try, it was all in vain and a complete waste of everybody's time. Sugar coating it and making up all kinds of well intentions may be important to whether or not you survive this; but it has no merits to my demand for punitive and criminal charges. Everybody knows how eager you are to dispute this and it does sound beneficial; however, when the truth comes out and when the full impact of your lies sink in, I think you will be very disappointed with the results. You are eager to tell your side or challenge the legal attacks; however, I do not think your eagerness is transparent or will ever work. How can I help? I just think it is all in vain and you are setting yourself up for something big. Coming early or eager to the fight can put you in a lot of pain or make you suffer horrendous treatment and abuse. Ask Ann, no matter what you do, do to me, or do to her; I win. I don't even have to do anything, I choose to. The problem is not how they feel or see this; it is something else, two billion worth of something else.

On ‎Thursday, ‎November ‎15, ‎2012 Hannity tries a new one. He says if I was under attack by Al Queda, it makes no sense I did not call for backup or called anybody for help. Sure about that? Why are we still talking about a hurricane or an earthquake? Why? An exact record may not be available but I am sure the people I have called or alerted know who they are. They know what is going on and not some rotten family. What they want to know is how I had God unleash mother nature on them. Well, if you read Rush Limbaugh's material, he says I use or have a "hurricane steering wheel." He is the one who started this in 2006, nobody else. In 2009 it was Hugo Chavez who added the US Navy earthquake machine. I am not denying it if they are accusing me; but I do not have a red phone actually to God or an office located in DC or any country on this earth. Do you think I would do all of this work and let you bash my name or my chances? Show me your work if you have any. What if they need a leader or a liaison, I can do it. Do you think all of us operate on a secretive or even a tele-kinetic level? Really? Even me? Do you see me writing false schizophrenic reports about any of you? Should I? Should you? Stop knocking yourself out for nothing, literally. You need to be a better person.

I am allowed to throw it out there also, God told me personally; he wants you to pay two billion and go to jail. You are a dick and a total jerk, clear? A hurricane on your ass sounds excellent to me. If you were dead and gone, do you think I would write how much I know you or love you? Do you think Ann will? If you ask a room of people, they will agree. If we take a vote if you will or should die, those suspects beyond guilty; it is indisputable. We can tell they are and were scared to the very end. Everything they do and say clearly speaks of how scared and how mentally ill I was during this nightmare. Deal with reality and maybe you can get somewhere in life. Sounds like someone pissed all over their gamesmanship and lies; two billion pay up. Hannity makes sure to shrug it off, "just wanted to throw it out there." Keep in mind, this is a one way street; there is no consent on this end. None of this had or has my consent. I think the record will show I won that one and am the only world renounced expert on this. You better go back and read the records, who started that lie and who was bragging about having it. I am not throwing it out there or bragging about steering a hurricane or frogmen earthquakes. If there is an office, I want them to read and trust me. I am trustworthy and I want you to suffer and where is why. You should try the same or give it a shot instead of acting like you do not know what is wrong.

Again, you started it not me. Why are we talking about the office of hurricane and earthquakes; who is in charge of it? I am loser. I look better, I am more articulate, I write everything down, and I am funny as hell. F you too. You did not write them, I did. If they came to my aid, then you go and throw this on their lap, not mine. I want to be their boss and their leader. Do you think I am qualified or have the merits? If this keeps up, I will never find a job or ever get hired. I am good and I can do it. If the US government wants to hire me, I got the emails to prove I am looking for one. Go and take this up with them; I am one man and my resources and liberties have been stolen. The truth is why are we still talking about this or a hurricane? The truth is you need to consider jail and pay two billion in damages; before a ruthless federal judge throws your wet ass out of a building and you fall to your death. If the Pentagon nukes your ass, you write and take it to the Pentagon, not me. If you saw a crime take place or if you are a spy ring this good; the FBI needs your help to first document it, report it, and then assist them so you can get the truth and tell the public the truth. Oh, don't bring your problems with Ann Coulter to me either, I saw what you did and how; you are a killer and a murderer; there is not an ounce of justice in your genetics. You could not stop and did not stop then either. Now look at it. You deserve a hurricane. Maybe you need to be a better person?

Look, here is the bottom line and the truth. I did all of this work, I deserve to head the office of hurricane and earthquakes (OHE). Do you think I will let you scratch my name off or take me prisoner while you do this to my life? You must be a really big idiot. You must not be very connected to reality if the truth is so blurry or vague? I have no worries and I walk through airports without any problems. Everybody knows I am funny as hell; but your ass has an impact on me. To me you look like a lonely peasant or a homeless fool trying to impress us 24-7. I like the part when I said to pick up your teeth, while you have it, and walk away with something; and "You see, I have a big mouth. That big mouth is an act but it is such a good act; it pisses them off and makes them want to pick a fight or teach me a lesson about who they are and how much they are willing to gamble." You see, I do not know why you keep administering a polygraph or call. Have you tried getting professional help or even calling the FBI and telling someone about this? Stop calling or taking this up with me; do you admit it? If you saw a crime take place or are a spy ring who has abducted God; you must get as much information as possible, call your supervisor or someone, document it, and assist the police.

You tell Michelle Malkin I am going to shut you down, teeth or not. I do not know how but I will and can feel it. I can see it on your face and in your words. Why are we still talking about this or hypothesizing what the bottom of this is? What it sounds like is the usual blame game. What it sounds like is you are too eager for a fight and too eager for battle; but you are a total mess and you want to blame anybody or anything in your radar. If what you say is true, it helps to write stuff down so the FBI or the best analysts in the world can laugh and roll on the floor as I am. Until you do this, I do not think you are going anywhere with this or ever will. You need to start dealing with reality. I just wanted to throw it out there also. Sounds like you are up to the usual, stop knocking yourself out for nothing. By the way, I don't feel sorry for you and never did; or ever well. One of us needs professional help and it might be the result of all these lies. If a hurricane or earthquake does not work, the Pentagon might consider ICBMs or even stealth nuclear bombers, does that make you feel better or more sane? You see, I win. I don't even have to do anything, it is sustainable, "to teach his own."

Dear Rush Limbaugh, your magic ninja act has taken a whole new level; I am impressed! You are the white Ninja Haru, unbelievable high wire act to defy gravity.

It is strange what the labor unions are sneaking around breaking and the eagerness or ferocity they fight the good guys. Imagine if they focused this on the Republican fight. Is this why their performance is always so low? The Republicans will never get anywhere when they have attack dogs, corporate spy rings, and this enemy on their side, make any sense now? Take a hard look how different they are and how difficult it is to remove the liberals from the Republican Party. Sounds like the labor unions have an encirclement plan and are enforcing this sanction or all discouraged attempts. Rush says it is to benefit the Democratic Party or make sure the Democratic Party always wins. How wise is it to have starving people investigate or stop their own rotten family?

In Response to Mike Gallagher on ‎Thursday, ‎November ‎15, ‎2012: What is Schizophrenia and Who Is Behind It?

The easy answer to the false schizophrenia reports is to catch the criminals and stop lying about this. Stop twist facts, withholding evidence, engaging in this low life gamesmanship, and bombard us with dependency or overwhelming pressure to embrace or play along with a beggar who does not know any other way to live but to ruin everything and anything around them. The easy answer to these false schizophrenia reports is to start taking responsibilities and to stop challenging the beliefs of other human beings in a manner that is grotesque. When someone accuses of these charges or acts; you should be scared. When there are allegations and suspicious activity nobody can explain, you need to make sure you are not making the situation even worse or to your favor. What it shows it two sides incapable or paralyzed by the other; but nobody wants to be careful about reckless power or expansion into the rights of the other. Who is this criminal and this abysmal? What can they be trusted for and how worthy are they to this final outcome? Who is obstructing and trying to be defiant, even enter their home? Ignore it. It will go away. Throwing all of this at me is starting to feel schizophrenic; even ridiculous and absurd. Somebody has showed tremendous poor judgment, time and again. Someone has shown a metastasis, a paralysis and death inside their soul and life. They show an inescapable reality or being out of touch with their future. How they see others and what they refuse to police; is not spoken.

Who wrote these false schizophrenia reports or keep telling lies? People know the mind of a murderer and the mind of a psychopath. People know the mind of a career criminal and a low life. People know when someone is taking advantage of the laws or the kindness of others. Maybe this low life is blind to all of this? Maybe they are blind to who they truly are? These false schizophrenia reports were engineered for a reason. They were utilized at vital times to have a specific intention and purpose. It has failed and it is a complete harassment of a human being who either sounds or looks totally nuts. All they had to do was test whether or not it would crumble. All they had to do was test how quickly those false and slanderous bias would go away. They failed. Instead, they tried to manipulate and twist the facts to make their case stronger and make their life a little safer. This is the same crime that got them into the same dangers. Calling people and trying to debate them about this is also an act of treachery and this low life. Any polygraph tests, any complaints, and any effort to escape; has to be brought to the FBI and written down so these slanderous or erroneous behavior can be policed. The guilty party could have come forward and ended this a long time ago? By keeping quiet or playing along, they end up the army for anything including Nazis, communists, and career criminals. How does one person tell the police or the police unions, whom are secretive; when is this matter going to be policed? How do you get the police to police fairly and accurately?

If you fail to police the matter entirely, it may bend and twist to injure the people who are telling the truth. If you do not police the matter and test whether someone can stop you or how far you can test the limits of the laws; you may injure people and you may end up paying 2 billion dollars or worse, get killed. If you leave a trace of communication, letters, phone calls, or a messenger service; back and forth and endless without any consent; it shows a failure to police the matter entirely and manipulating the facts to suit your evil, selfish, and greedy thirst for power. Only God can have mother nature or use the forces of this earth to harness your good behavior. Maybe your good behavior and the failure to police or the constant defiance; is the real problem and the real reason behind the schizophrenia reports? I call that a low life and a smart ass who deserves pain and whatever this world has in store for them. If death strikes them, then those who have to ensure their bad behavior and dirty tricks is policed; might feel a little better about this. The truth sucks doesn't it? Doesn't rejection and your true fate truly suck when you are just a nobody? We have to ignore it, it is time they ignore it and go away.

Rush Limbaugh says he is helping us secure disability pay on ‎Thursday, ‎November ‎15, ‎2012; we have not delivered the map or the solution to a low life or their homeless desperate beggar life. I have to live in squalor and take this until I deliver him, warm and beside a fireplace; how to fix or cure a low life beggar life. I have and everybody is reading it! F you and F off Rush Limbaugh and all of your labor union and low life degenerates. I did make it better. I did contribute. I did get somewhere in life or accomplish all of my life goals. I am at peace. I am not in pain or have any pressure. Are you ready for the truth and can you take all of it? Does it look as if somebody failed to police this? Who? You administer a polygraph to the FBI, take it to them. You write to the OHE or the office whom impacted your life. Instead, you throw it all on me and tell me I don't care about solving the problems this nation faces? Who failed to police this or take the steps needed?

Rush sneaks in "you are the psycho." Yes but I am warm, comfortable, happy, and will be sitting in a plush chair reading a book while my trophy wife brings me grapes. What do I care about what he thinks or feels? My life accomplishments are not fully ripe but they are sweet right now. Can your psycho ass say the same? Oh wait, I am the psycho and the crazy guy!

Correction: Two billion plus interest for so long as they continue to fail to police this or writing false schizophrenic reports; and while our life is paralyzed, unreported, and spiraling into ruin or our liberties so injured. They could have assisted and wrote down something; so the analysis can determine a price tag or a damage claim suitable to their crimes or abysmal-grotesque behavior (Legal Team). When a claim is filed or if a judgment is made; fees, interest, and other charges can also apply. They could have been more helpful and less antagonistic to the final outcome. Somebody has showed tremendous poor judgment, time and again. Someone has shown a metastasis, a paralysis and death inside their soul and life. They show an inescapable reality or being out of touch with their future. How they see others and what they refuse to police; is not spoken.

We are in seek and destroy now. We will know in the next 6 to 12 months if they will be around or if they are going under. The forecast is not good and they need to consider jail and pay the damages; end this before they endanger much more than their own life. Tell it to their F'in cellmate, not us or the public.

Dear Corporate Spy Ring and The Two or Three People At the Center of This: There is a lot of people right now trying to hobknob with powerful or influential figures even if they are in severe debts or trouble. It might lead somewhere and it might even get you an affair or two. At least I do not come to your home, even if you were having a party. Do you know what all of those debts where, take a guess. Yes real estate. Your physical appearance is a deadly trap, nobody can tell who you all are. God is not here but a federal judge would gladly hurricane you and throw your wet ass out of a building. You write to the OHE and document it if you wish to show them a septic tank or spew lies endlessly. I am not your proxy or how you administer a polygraph, sorry KT. All of you think very clearly, even your females.

Glen Beck and Rush Limbaugh on ‎Wednesday, ‎November ‎14, ‎2012 said, "Nobody died in Watergate." True. Yet when it came time for jail and when it came down to surrender to the authorities, they did die. They did pay their debt to society and nobody is debating it. Right now, a lot of time has passed and the damage amount has not been paid. It is really simple. One minute you are attacking religion. The next you are administering polygraphs and are full of jealousy and spiteful anger. What next false schizophrenic reports because God or a federal judge wants to throw your wet ass out of a building? Is this why I need to be medicated and why you keep the gamesmanship so secret?

Sean Hannity on ‎Wednesday, ‎November ‎14, ‎2012 said he was too angry to end this. Really? I thought we were and you are facing jail and damage claims; maybe I was wrong? Leavin says this is about jealousy, why this has not ended. If you have a question to ask the FBI; do not ask me. You take your issues and problems to the FBI and probe them; do not use me or my life, I am not a proxy. Ann is not either. Hannity and some lady named KT say they are administering a polygraph on us. Really? I hope they are willing to write this down immediately. Fox News is actually administering a polygraph test? They might want to report some missing information, media bias. Who is the FBI and CIA getting information from? Biased communists who tell total lies. Your physical appearance is a deadly trap, nobody can tell who you all are.

There is no doubt in my mind this enemy, corporate spy, and lethal communist spy ring thinks very clearly and is aware of what they are doing. I do not believe it is as simple as jealousy or being full of anger and spite. I think there is something deeper and more screwed up about all of you. Every single movement and action in your life speaks of desperation. There is always a small trace of that desperate dumbass in your voice. You spend 24 hours of the day as beggars; this is what I despise and find despicable. It may have begun twenty or more years ago as jealousy and spiteful anger; but you have made me despise and find despicable every single miserable aspect of your life. Why you still refuse to consider jail or consider payment of damages is just another tell-tale sign of how screwed up you truly are. You beg all your life. Just write it all down and we can discuss this or analyze it. I can send it to the best minds at the FBI and our staff. Boy do you look stupid and are in trouble now.

You knock on our doors and find you despicable begging all day and our entire life. You paralyze and shut down my life and mission; just so you can beg more as you become more desperate. You go on television and radio and beg again; before everybody until despicable and desperation cannot even describe you. Exactly who do you think you are? Whoever you think you are; it does not match the only written record on earth. Are you able to logically have a coherence on reality? Stop asking me questions or posting them about whether or not you are being investigated; you take this up with the FBI. I am not a proxy or your posterboy, understand. I will kill you if it came down to it. I am sure Ann feels the same. First I would want to torture you or make your life hell; every night you go to bed, you will know what you did and how I feel about what you did. We are not knocking on your doors and I am sick and tired of chasing your communist and corporate spies off; we run you off, you come back twice as strong or with more numbers.

Imagine if God were to hurricane you. If you were before God and did this. You do know that only God has this power and can unleash the force of nature on your ass; to kill you at will. God would say the exact same thing to you; do as you are told and end this. Instead, you blame us for this and that; even your own misery and hell. You tell us you are investigating God himself. It is insulting and if God was here, I am not sure what he would do to you or say; do you? What do you think God would say or do while you say you are after the truth and wish to investigate him? Do you think he will listen or will be kidnapped and taken hostage as you did us? You think he would not fear imposing immediate or retaliation on your endless defiance and lawless behavior; read it and ask if it is abysmal. Who is lying or is telling massive lies? Whose gamesmanship is this? Who made this total disaster and mess? One minute you are attacking religion. The next you are administering polygraphs and are full of jealousy and spiteful anger. What next false schizophrenic reports because God or a federal judge wants to throw your wet ass out of a building? Is this why I need to be medicated and why you keep the gamesmanship so secret?

Well, God is not here. What do you think a federal judge will say about this? How do you think a federal judge or the FBI can stop you and give us relief? If God is not here and God is on our side, when is your God going to save you from misery or this hell? It comes down to you being quiet and paying the damages and considering jail; it can only get worse and you can only get killed in the final outcome. Regardless of the charges on you or how much damage we demand you pay; you keep lying and pretending you are the victim or it is so unfair. This is how deep your problems are and what type of beggar you truly are. Polygraph my ass. Who is the FBI and CIA getting information from? Biased communists who tell total lies. God is not here but a federal judge would gladly hurricane you and throw your wet ass out of a building. You write to the OHE and document it if you wish to show them a septic tank or spew lies endlessly. I am not your proxy or how you administer a polygraph, sorry KT. Tell it to their F'in cellmate, not us or the public.

Mark Leavin says on Tuesday November 13, 2012, "obviously there is something they want... a product or some kind of service." He says we do not even know what they are up to. Leavin did not address the attempt to make a sex tape on Ann Coulter by continuously showing a presence or using espionage methods in my own residence without an office or court order tracing who allowed it to continue. Leavin also says it is pretty obvious this is about class warfare and a lot of jealousy is lingering. This is why nothing was written down or overtly communicated. He said they did not know but we also know they are a serial liars and more of the same coverup. If this is true, they have to show an accurate log and a process of accounting. What Leavin has not done is said all of this to each and every church in the US or the world. Who are they and who is this honky-black church, big brother to claim to be God? Leavin claims to be after the truth, when? When he violated the first law or the last one? That is communism at it's best. Mark Leavin is such a believable man. I am very amused by him but someone needs to let him know, espionage is a federal crime. Starting to sound like I was drafted and am a draft dodger in this terror plot and invasion of America?

They are so smart and so clever in crime. If espionage is an investigation, they must show how the FBI can get a court order to shut it down or make an inquiry; so far no good. At this time there is nothing to suggest illegal activity can be ruled out. There is only one written record in this world; based on two living human beings. When the FBI experts read it and analyze it; they do not tell me or have given me any indication it was replaced by a forgery yet. The scam is to lie, cheat, and steal; then replace it with either trash, junk, a low life, or a forgery. Therefore, Mark Leavin to FBI investigators: "it is pretty obvious there is a product or some kind of service they want. This is about class warfare and there are a lot of jealousy involved." They know this, I think; if not I will document it. Levin is upset because he is unable to coherently say why I did not lie and was completely honest. Exactly what is their malfunction and what would lead them to do terror plots or 911? Sex tapes? You can tell Leavin goes to bed every night and thinks out his wet dream.

Do they think their church is above the laws or God? A hierarchy or so powerful they can teach us what it feels like to be raped? Just impose their church or chimes on us? This is an insult on all religions and churches in the world; even Arab ones. Is this really about the truth? When the beginning, the middle or the ending? I am still waiting for the truth. The FBI is still waiting for the truth. My two billion dollars is still waiting for the truth. Wow, Mark Leavin can stop and has total control over his life, money, commotions, and is so well put together. How can you not believe him? Somebody needs to inform this spy ring how illegal it is to capture human beings, keep them as prisoners, treat them like animals, and then lie about it or try to debate how worthy it can be. The communists do know espionage is illegal, don't they? It is punishable by law if they get caught? They do know what a church or a belief is; don't they? How to respect the rights of human beings? If this is about 911 and God coming to your help; maybe Israel will come and save your lives, while you have one. Your physical appearance is a deadly trap, nobody can tell who you all are.

How do I prove this or my case? Do I know what they are up to and so sneaky about? Yes. It is about a sex tape. It is about the final outcomes and how they began or started this. Our life has an impact and a severe blow to their illegal nonsense. Obviously, if I have these special powers, if I see the future, if I write things in the past and it happens in the future, if Ann Coulter does not have these powers; I have some galactic or special remote viewing capability I am sharing or enabling my human capabilities. Makes sense doesn't it? Who is the voice of God in this document? Maybe it is too spiritual or sacred to actually put a finger on it and if there was; maybe I am embarrassed to admit it? Maybe there is some kind of galactic pull between Ann and I; a tale-kinetic port in time and space between us which allows us to communicate secretly or only between each other? They do not go and investigate or film every church having sex do they? It is all in the name of fun and games, for kicks and giggles right; to turn each other on? Well, let's see if we can truly turn them off and rip each sexual organ right off their filthy disgusting body. Who can prove they are lying? God is not here but a federal judge would gladly hurricane you and throw your wet ass out of a building. You write to the OHE and document it if you wish to show them a septic tank or spew lies endlessly. I am not your proxy or how you administer a polygraph, sorry KT.

If the White House has a red phone; why can't I have a 1800-GOD phone? Even if there were over 5,000 traced calls to 1800-GOD, do you really want to go there? You expect people to parade this; as with their marriage, private life, and all the sleaze you can vultures or produce; before your kingdom or demands? Something tells me you have a very serious problem. There are things you do not discuss when at a social event; politics and religion are high on the list. If I can look into the future 20 years ago and did all of this; there is a lot of evidence to suggest some form of divine intervention or special powers. No I do not want you to play scientist and study any of my special powers; I want you to die and suffer instead of this endless torment, a slow death, I am in with some low life who actually thinks they are 1800-GOD or my GOD. No I do not want you to call me your "brother" nor do I want you to call me your "juicy girlfriend." If you do that I will knock your teeth out. Just pick your teeth up and pay the 2 billion; the jail part is between you and the FBI. Is my God going to come and help me? Well, that depends on your God, doesn't it? Maybe we will get a direct confrontation from Israel when they have to plea for your lives? I think they are ready to cut your tongue out for the endless babble and nonsense you have fallen ill to.

How do I prove or disprove this? There was a show between two brothers and a sister; they got their powers from a mountain. It was aired during the 1980s. Maybe it is a special power only Ann and I have which makes our life inseparable and both of us have a sworn duty to protect each other; even if we hate each other? How in hell do I explain or prove that? Want me to prove the power of God also? Do you want me to send an earthquake to your home and life? How do I prove that? As I said and have repeatedly wrote, what would it matter? If this is true, what would it matter to the final outcome? Exactly, nothing but to a mole and an enemy traitor; everything. What would it matter to the final outcome? What would it matter if I did prove it? Scared to ask? Scared to put a gun to my head? Scared if we found out or retaliated? Yes, do it in the name of science. Do it as their last act on earth. Yes, do use us as bait again and again to lure in any rescue or anybody can can do this to. I am sure every church in the world will appreciate their espionage or search for the truth; as we document it. I think it is a death sentence for them. That is the quintessential Mark Leavin; total phony and a traitor; only when nobody is watching and they are absolutely sure. Trust me, they are deadly; this is an act and ridiculous toothless love taps. Your physical appearance is a deadly trap, nobody can tell who you all are.

Worried About Being In Our Life? As I see it, the people we caught and exposed want to be in our life and they are not even concerned about what the outcome will be. Even I am scared about what can happen to them if they refuse to make up more lies, refuse to pay the damages, and refuse to consider jail. I do not see audacity the same way they see it spying on us or sitting next to us. They should be saying this when they get up and when they go to bed at night, "he did not lie." I am a little scared what will happen if they are in our life or where it is going; the final outcome. As everybody can tell, Mark Leavin is almost as good as Rush Limbaugh; not as good almost. To do this to the people who delivered the future of this nation and the world? To do this to the people who left a hole so big in the red scare and the communist threat in America? To do this to the people who finally restored or re-established the police mission in America? It is not about a sex tape, it is now about the truth! We have a deadly communist and corporate spy ring; who frequently brutalizes us and violates our liberties; one we may end up stopping; who has a soul and is after the unvarnished truth! Nobody must find out! It is hush-hush. Leavin never once said he was God or had special church powers, never. Wow, most people who know who they are and what they are up to do not see truth seeking; they see a careful game of roulette. When you have nothing or lack any future, you wager your life and your attacks will do or say anything. Picking a fight under those terms make matters much worse. Is this why the truth seeking is a complete waste of time and resources?

They could show a little better behavior and human spirit. All we get day after day is abysmal behavior and constant made up lies. People do hurt themselves and they do harm their own family, their own church, and their own life. I am not going to revisit the family or staff nonsense; for another year. If they are truly after the truth and in our life for this reason, then it has not been delivered because my two billion in damages has not arrived. We know they are doing this so nobody believes me and nobody will like Ann or believe she was brutalized and violated because she came to my rescue and told them to stop. She can't stop them and I still can't stop them; but we are trying. It is not about a sex tape, it is now about the truth! We have a deadly communist and corporate spy ring; who frequently brutalizes us and violates our liberties; one we may end up stopping; who has a soul and is after the unvarnished truth! Nobody must find out! It is hush-hush. Starting to sound like I was drafted and am a draft dodger in this terror plot and invasion of America? One minute you are attacking religion. The next you are administering polygraphs and are full of jealousy and spiteful anger. What next false schizophrenic reports because God or a federal judge wants to throw your wet ass out of a building? Is this why I need to be medicated and why you keep the gamesmanship so secret?

Dear Investigator or Police: There should not be a stalemate. How do we break it? Each of you should be at peace and write down on a piece of paper when asked, "He did not lie. They lied about him and everything." Why don't they investigate or bother every single church on this earth or the US; similar to our special powers. It is scary but only to them and their curiosity in power and greed. Who will stop them and their search for the truth? God cannot come down to earth and stop them, how will you? All I can do or have is document it and my thoughts; do anything I can with what I have.

Dear Sean Hannity, what you need to write down is 5,000 pages of "He lied about this." When you are done with that write down, "They lied about this." I also said you were going to pay 2 billion in damages and go to jail. Everything you have said and done, is a crime. None of what I have said or done; is in question. None. Ann has confronted and debated you endlessly; even to her own demise and danger. However, when human beings are this guilty and this disconnected from reality; they make up things and they either grandstand or go into this fantasy world about gamesmanship. Even your lawyers will say the same thing, they did not lie. What they said and did was the full truth and nothing but the truth. What you will hear our lawyers say is, "it is all total lies and a web of lies; a criminal conspiracy gone bad." Then the cover up. Have we covered up anything or are we trying to prevent you from winning? God is not here and the only other people are the FBI or a federal judge. Who is lying or is telling massive lies? Whose gamesmanship is this? Who made this total disaster and mess? One minute you are attacking religion. The next you are administering polygraphs and are full of jealousy and spiteful anger. What next false schizophrenic reports because God or a federal judge wants to throw your wet ass out of a building? Is this why I need to be medicated and why you keep the gamesmanship so secret?

You need to get over the idea you will fight back, take back your nation, take back your life, or throw yourself on us and try to make it a rape or sex crime. You still do not know the outcomes? How? Everybody knows the outcome; everybody. Do you hear anybody saying I am a liar or he is all about gamesmanship? Do say how authentic and real we are. Do say how we are the best and perfect. Do claim to be family, staff, or so turned on by what you see now. The bottom line is a total failure to police yourself and tell the truth about who you are and who we are. Coming half way is nowhere and really stupid. Hannity is never out. Hannity is always in. Hannity is constantly playing this playmate or friends games. "I have been out with border patrol... I have been with the police... I have rode with them... I have attended..." Do they know who he is? Do they actually know who the hell is sitting next to them? I am surprised their unit was not attacked or bombed. I am surprised their home and wife was not violated. Again, get us all in the same room; including Ann Coulter, and let's see how long his lies can jack his macho, ego, or bullying. He always tells people who he is. Do they really know who he is or what he keeps away from them? He did the same thing with Ann Coulter; and she pins him for being her attacker and a murder plot. Do they look stupid seen with him? I look stupid don't I?

Look at the level of guilty and how long you have kept this going on and on; one attack after the next? One massacre or violence after the next. Even today you feel you are going to get away, have been wronged, or how unfair it is. Even to the tune of 2 billion dollars and completely ignoring the warnings to consider jail or end this. Do you think somebody endangered your life or ruined it? Really? Somebody did this to you? It is unfair and the result of hate or racism? Do you actually think the evidence suggests this? Do you know the FBI and any law enforcement agency is sharpening their spears and saying, we can end this now but we want to know how far they will go and how insulting this will get. To them there is not enough evidence or pressure; they can easily change the outcome in 2008 or 2012. It can crumble on you this quickly. It is true, you are suffering, you are full of spite and misery, you have nightmares, you have gone through hell and back, it is impossible for you to win, we will never agree or talk to you, and nothing you do or say will ever change our life. This is still about our life. It is not about your life. Even if you openly admit you are labor leaders and the labor unions; that is half true and still not the truth. We know who and what you truly are, even why. The only people losing their health and having nightmares each time you go to bed, is you. Everybody else is more happy than ever in their life; until you show up or open your mouth, do keep attacking us and see where it leads or what you will get. This is about who you are and who we are. You are totally ridiculous and worse, evil. You can read can you?

One minute we are lying, one minute we are not. Make up your mind what the truth is. Stop telling us there is not enough evidence or pressure for you to consider jail or paying two billion in damages. I have never seen a human being do a tight rope act, at this height. Imagine looking down and imagine how scared they are; they cannot go back and are stuck on the wire. They might want to stop trying to control us, spend their entire life and worries on stopping us, and worry about more important things such as taking care of their own people. Have you seen what has happened to these people since this began? Does anybody know how well fed and taken care of they truly are? I suggest they worry about the outcomes and not stopping us; otherwise it is going to blow up on them and they are going to look like a complete idiot or career criminal. We know how unfair it is. We know unfair it is going to get. We know how unfair all of this truly is. We know all about the race card; what it has done to our life. One day it is having us complain about welfare and public assistance. The next it is having us complain about racism or how unfair it is. It used to be constant complaints to the police. They even got us complaining about mental wards, the gamesmanship of retarded people, schizophrenia reports, and having to re-establish our own mission and military career. Did this have to end so badly or only for one side? A one way street? What kind of military leader or empty leader would watch as their own forces are annihilate? Then they come on the radio and TV and say it could be worse.

What does playing the race card on us one day and then reversing it the next do? Try it day after day; 365 days and F'in with us constantly. See how you feel and what it does to you. Now look at the final outcomes, after what Ann and I went through? Even the people we caught want to die and know they deserve to die. Does anybody believe they are not communist spies or had our best intention in mind? They are well intentioned and need no explanation? Oddly, they want to die and know how evil they are or have become; they know they deserve what they are going to get. They may be fully aware; they maybe total losers; they maybe a retard or an idiot; they maybe hypocrites or even bigots; they maybe empty inside; they maybe fully dependent; they maybe thinking every single second of this; but they know danger and they know when they did wrong and when they deserve to die. But there is just not enough evidence or pressure at this time to suggest they must put their hands up and stop. What they are policing or investigating is when or if they will get away or finally win this. Their selfish, greedy, and criminal soul wants to know if they will survive this; if their authority and power will ever end. Their lawyers want to win this with the least amount of damage. Is this a one way street and did it have to end this way? Could this be prevented? Well, you could die on us. God forbid if one of you die on us before this is done; you human piece of shit.

At last they get what they deserve. At last they turn back into a low life. At last we know our map and theirs; it is going to blow up on them badly. The fate of a low life is already known. The fate of these people is already known. Their future is very vivid. We know this outcome is about calling them and needing them, sharing life or some journey in life. Unfortunately, it has blown up on them and everybody knows what they are up to. If we have to re-establish our life and they are guilty; is it fair they are guilty of racism or illegal captivity, not us? They spend all that time and money while their people live in squalor or get nowhere; yet they want more welfare, more mental wards, more psychiatry, more gamesmanship, more retarded people, more problems with the police, more public assistance, more welfare, and more complaints about this or how unfair. Explain how I have to re-establish my own mission and military career? Explain why my value and expertise cannot make more than $10 an hour or minimum wage? More benefits? More labor union leaders? More protest and union strikes? More and more of nonsense and attacks on us. Did it have to end so badly or only for one side? A one way street? Why don't they take a look around them and leave; just move! Don't practice what you preach. Write it down. This can blow up on you. It is extremely dangerous at this level. Make sure you cover every single base, no mistakes. God is not here and the only other people are the FBI or a federal judge. Who is lying or is telling massive lies? Whose gamesmanship is this? Who made this total disaster and mess?

Norway: First off, we are not coming to their homes or calling them daily about being our family. Let's get this straight. One of us is testing the limits of the law, I wonder who that is? One of us is completely guilty and owes two billion dollars in damage. Do you think they would shoot up a campsite or kill a bunch of people, even wreck Air Force One or hijack our plane? I think they have twisted the facts to fit their selfish greedy and guilty heart. Are they everything we describe? Then add that one to the long list including Arizona, did you stage or initiate these shootings and massacre to smear our life and sustain this gamesmanship? Are we interested in your partnership or family; sensibly, did we take extreme action to get to the bottom of this or trap you while you babbled, lied, and tried anything to escape? It does improve your image but it does not change the outcomes; even if it is real and not made up. If they are staff, they are the most ridiculous staff I have ever seen; and the most criminal or totally insane.

Whatever they did or are doing, my life and all of my life aspirations are paralyzed. Meanwhile, they are on the "phone" telling us their side or how they feel, an unacceptable made up story to make us look crazy or make the things they wrote down and had on paper stick. Chanting and unable to turn the lies off does not make it true or acceptable. That is just one part of the story, there are so many parts now. How can this be anti-immigrant or anti-Catholic? How can it be hate or racism? This was never about showing respect for Vietnam Vets. This was never about black soldiers or caring for them. This was never about overwhelming the military and needing a system or the politics to make it work. This was about a long standing assault on our life and a continuous rampage in our life. This is not about soldiers, military, VA, education, NAACP, or caring for veterans and showing them respect. Now it is about CIA and military officers, the Africa Corp.

What is it about now? What they wrote down and the gamesmanship is totally disconnected from reality; totally. We do not know if the end of the cold war led to the foreclosures of operations the Democrats and blacks did not want closed. There is not enough evidence to pin it on the VA or military. It is about manipulating facts and twisting the truth. There is enough evidence on certain people and those who mismanaged the entire matter. If we are on life support, do we unplug the life support? Who is trying to share the pain and have others relive the hardship they experienced; spreading the disease. I am willing to let the VA and military off the hook; unless they are implicated by one of the suspects; they have to correct my business and mission; otherwise, it is just fair wage and labor. This began in 1998, not 1992. I am not after the VA or the military; no legal redresses. If they can get rid of Ann somehow, they win. Treachery, lies, and treason on this level is an act of civil war.

Dear Rush Limbaugh, if you keep spying on me or Ann; you are going to become so focused, in so much pain, in total panic mode, so ripped off, so disappointed, so delusional, look so stupid, and not even aware of what is going on around you. How did you pick a fight or stalk us? Hannity and Leavin, along with this family of corporate spies; are not as bad as you are. You only call the moves and describe our life, but you do not target your own life or have a rudder on your life. You might get hired and you may hire us; but the obsession will cause you to make mistakes. Everybody knows how much pain you all are in or how criminal; Rush, none of them have not outmatched me or trapped me; how could they beat the FBI? I am very close to winning, all the pieces are in place. One wrong move or one intervention and it all collapses. I hate to say it but they do not know the outcomes or how quickly things can change. You better decide how you got in our life, when you began making stuff up, and why you are suffering so much or decided not to document anything so people can catch you lying or catch you. Even the FBI cannot analyze your data; how will your lawyers? Your lawyers rely on the only truth tellers out there. Do you know where they get their information from?

You read my books and you can judge for yourself. Had I sold and collected my condo in VA, not having it siezed for $700; I would be home free. Oh the drug wars. They did stop Ann from intervening, their worst fear was financial intervention and they sang like a bird. Then they denied her protection; was confused or did not know what she was up to. However, Ann got back at them and made it ten times worse for them. It is that bad. Keep us on your radar and keep up the good work, pick a fight. Intervention and a rescue is coming; it turns that quickly. Your sanction and control of our life is coming to an abrupt end, one move is all it takes. Limbaugh, do you know how obsessed you are with what we are up to and how many mistakes you are making? You have not beaten one man; how can you beat the entire FBI? You have not outsmarted one women; she has driven you nuts, disappointed, is stubborn as a mule, drove you insane, and made you hate yourself. She even filed charges on you but you are so concerned with our life, not yours or where you are heading. You need to pay two billion and consider jail, seriously. Your spy ring buys and sells anything, even drugs. One day you are buyers, the next sellers; but you do not make anything, you expect us to. Furthermore, you all think you are America, if America grows stronger, your business is selling, if it drops, you become buyers. You leech off anything or anybody; communists. To survive you must have reckless expansion.

Rush, the retarded bag lady or the bag lady club has not gone to the FBI; however, half of her family is probably dead because they are so stupid and made so many people suffer. What do they know about love and marriage when they have that down syndrome haircut and smirk? Do we care and do people see me laughing, who is she and why is she hiding? Too hot? Stop, drop, and roll like a tootsie-roll. Do you feel better now? How about Benghazi? How about Mumbai and 911? How about each time on radio you bragged and showed gamesmanship, all made up lies. Your show is about our life and how you feel spying on us or America's future. You got to be an idiot or worse. Everybody knows you are watching and casing us and then initiating your own policies and people. You end up stealing what is ours and your replace it with junk or trash; this is how it got this way. This is how all of these people got in our life or how all of this damage; endless layer after layer. Now it is just a little more difficult and everybody knows you are doing it; our favor. It ends when we are homeless or dead, on public assistance. 911 did not replace this but it was huge and a real terror plot. It started two wars and got blacks more benefits and respects than the Irish could dream of.

Here is where their scam falls apart. When nothing is written down and nobody is in the same room; they can isolate Ann or I and claim to be staff or family. They can send one messenger after the next or keep one hostage while telling them to leave or go away; phony representatives and gamesmanship. However, the moment you put Ann and I in the same room; they crumble. The black church claims to be my staff. The Irish and Jewish church claims to be Ann's staff. Both claim racists should be imprisoned and they need us to be bait or circle us. It is an abduction and they either claim to be students, staff, family, lovers, or romantic allies. They are the communists and corporate spies; career criminals. They only have this effect and impact when and if they can isolate a target and feed them false information or this gamesmanship to make them feel better. In order to case us and take the initiative or replace their people, they have to have accuracy. They cannot be confused. Therefore, they must figure out how to not write it down while trying to remove the confusion or mixed messages. This is what the public sees right now. If they get it wrong, they will loose control and they will endanger their family.

This is how they got in our life and how the collision occurred. Put Ann and I in the same room or ask them the same questions; write it down, and they will crumble and the total lies are nothing. One intervention on either side, will force them to crumble. Now they all look like idiots, psychopaths, stalkers, hostage takers, and what is written down. That is how you clean their clocks and why I am bombarded by the blacks with minority or the Africa Corp. Meanwhile, Ann is bombarded by the whites with racism or this honkey-black church. They hate her and wish to kill her. They hate me and wish to kill me. We reciprocate and also implicate them for far more than this crap. They are not the police, they are family. Laws and liberties do not apply to family. This is where the paper trail crumbles also; they place their bets on total lies and it crumbles with evidence and pressure. Ann has the people who attacked me. I saw them attack and brutalize her also. I am mad because she is never there and I need more intimacy and a real partner in my life. Ann claims I do not have to work or do not have to worry. This is how she deals with her failure and what I do not like or want to deal with. When she told me I confronted them and knew who they were and what they did. The records are a book. It is the only written record of who they are and what they are up to.

They put pressure on me to shut up or go away; no more play along. They demand Ann talk and stop lying to them or play along; how they can survive this. This is also why Ann was removed and closure was demanded. They turned around and played that on me; ordered to leave. Ann is the problem; she is the traitor to both sides; because the suffering on my end has doubled because of her bad or stupid stunts. Again, she enjoys it too much and is a horrible leader, she does not regard safety as a concern and has little fight but is extremely selfish. They criticize me about this and throw themselves at her for it; bias and preferences. I am mad at Ann on another level. Ann coddled them and allowed them to exploit her hidden information. I drowned in this atmosphere no thanks to the stupidity of Ann. She is now damned no matter what she does or what the truth ends up as. They place their bets on what they can hide or how nobody knows who they are. So long as they can say "not enough evidence or pressure" they can impose double, triple, or even keep the suffering a death sentence; unfixable. Ann allowed them to exploit her cooperation and played along. To survive this, they need her. Without Ann, I am dead. This is why they are trying to murder her; she saw who attacked me and I saw who attacked her.

The hard part is fixing the story not written down; total lies or spin. We know who they are and what they did. Similar to the race card and the customer game; they are always the buyer or the seller by anticipating or spying on us, abduction. They can take the initiatives and play their own people, family; while ours deflate because we are kept in the dark and the truth is hidden. We miss every exit or opportunity while a forgery switches the evidence. How they fill in all of that missing information or gaps; is impossible now. This is how they spy or case us, then steal our life and replace it with junk or total lies. They feel good about what they have done, until it crumbles. The exposure they have to the public and us; is a death sentence and deadly. Ann does end up driving everybody insane; she did try to protect me, I am not mad about this. I am mad on the financial and intimacy levels; a phony partnership. I can do better even if she bends backwards and is never there. She has one violation after the other on my end; too little too late, as always. Without Ann they are dead. Murder her and they will win. Trash her life and they risk being exposed. I describe the repeated attempts and the murder plot on Ann, repeatedly.

This is about race. Black and white versus white and Asian. They are playing the race card in a false manner. Ann coddled them and allowed them to exploit her hidden information. I drowned in this atmosphere no thanks to the stupidity of Ann. She is now damned no matter what she does or what the truth ends up as. They place their bets on what they can hide or how nobody knows who they are. So long as they can say "not enough evidence or pressure" they can impose double, triple, or even keep the suffering a death sentence; unfix-able. The hard part is fixing the story not written down; total lies or spin. We know who they are and what they did. Similar to the race card and the customer game; they are always the buyer or the seller by anticipating or spying on us, abduction. They can take the initiatives and play their own people, family; while ours deflate because we are kept in the dark and the truth is hidden. We miss every exit or opportunity while a forgery switches the evidence. How they fill in all of that missing information or gaps; is impossible now. This is how they spy or case us, then steal our life and replace it with junk or total lies. They feel good about what they have done, until it crumbles. The exposure they have to the public and us; is a death sentence and deadly.

They continue to spy on us and circle us. They refuse to leave and initiate their policies or people. They continue to pick a fight and increase the suffering; keep the danger very near. Keep in mind these women want money. Ann is antagonizing them by saving all her money and offering it to me. Furthermore, they were selling tickets to get into this singles club she described; and the moment she mentioned a man, he would be on a plane and at her next event. I blame her for all the up close and personal insults no matter whose pride was civilized and victorious. It is a form of control and harassment because it lacks consent. You can play along or retaliate. They want a sex tape from Ann, why I do not know. I suspect it is a way they win, pride; getting what they want. They feel pressure exerted on Ann or I; is how they control one or the other. We cannot live like this and live under siege; the only way to determine what is going on is to get everybody in the same room. Now look at the people who did this. Look at all the eyes on them. How crazy does people suspect they are? How guilty can they get? It is one life to live. Which life is better, the victim or the criminal? Do you want to be the police or the bad guys? Who will win this one? Who will survive this and make it to retirement? Who will end up totally miserable in life and keel over on TV or radio? Who would you rather be if you had to choose? Are they totally nuts or just an idiot boss and a control freak? Who will pay for the injuries and the damages?

Obviously by now someone is saying I am totally crazy, a threat to society, etc... I set out to disprove this and obtain my true military fate again. So why all of these mental wards and Baker Acts? If it is total BS and nonsense, why or how did they get away with it? They claim there is not enough evidence or pressure at this time; is this true? Do they actually think there is scientific proof to hating a low life or a career criminal? Furthermore, do they actually think writing false schizophrenic or chanting how I have a mental illness and need to be medicated explains how they are in reverse evolution or turning back into a low life? This is similar to a science why the good guys hate the bad guys is a mental illness. This is similar to some cruel hoax why men would not watch an fat old lady with down syndrome strip. This science and these reports were generated because their crap don't smell so good when they have to face justice. This is the basis of their false mental illness reports and why it offers them glamor or gamesmanship. It does humiliate and insult by slandering my life. It does make them sophisticated or superior. It is also why they are terrified of the outcome and the final ending; also the life of Ann Coulter. Those reports and those police problems; will get them arrested. Until then I am treated like a freak on a leash or some animal caged by their total lies and gamesmanship, the race card. They did not pull the trigger, but they supplied the ammunition; and then lied or covered up so it could not be traced. If they can get rid of Ann somehow, they win. Treachery, lies, and treason on this level is an act of civil war.

They need to retire this stupid SOB. First off, they need to know when they are trapped or stepped on something. If they are in pain or feel tortured; they stepped in something. They need to write something down so they can actually see how stupid they are or how blind. Secondly, I know their power level and audacity. I know when they are wounded. I know when and if they are picking a fight and which direction it is coming from. They forget, I see everything; even the future. You see, I have a big mouth. That big mouth is an act but it is such a good act; it pisses them off and makes them want to pick a fight or teach me a lesson about who they are and how much they are willing to gamble. When I say it is time to consider jail and pay damages; I don't actually mean for them to go on seek and destroy or pick a fight; that is one dumbass. How many times did I say they do not write things down and do not know how stupid or blind they truly are? How many? Their life energy is very low, very. It is suicide to pick another fight; one fatal blow can end it or set off an avalanche. In other words, their ship is sinking and they are acting like they want to pick a fight or are at full energy levels. I am not sure who is picking a fight with whom now. I am not sure who is more inadequate or a low life. Is it our fate for theirs or is it their fate for ours?

Romney did a good job and I would gladly shake his hand. However, the entire situation feels like a beached whale. The Hurricane (San-dee of November 2012) did not ruin his chances or turn the tide on the Republicans. The truth is Obama is just bad luck for Republicans. New York is bad luck for Republicans. New Jersey is bad luck for Republicans. Look at the history of the voters; how many times have they chosen Democrat over Republican? What in hell is one hurricane going to do but to send a clear message to Democrat voters; those greedy selfish little hearts and minds; their fate as a low life has to come to an end and their true identity and fate will be known; even to us. Go tell the victims of Katrina the same thing and stop blaming Republicans for their reverse evolution; their fate is backwards and money or power makes this ten times worse. 365 days ago they did not say this or feel this way. This low life can't even pick a fight no less win one.

Blacks all over the world breath a sigh of relief Obama is in power during hurricane season. Meanwhile, white unemployment tops 50% and they know only a black man can get this done! It is the same recycled illegal ruthless spying on us. Talk about a nail biter. When do I get my two billion? I have things to do, people to meet, and places to go; do they know this? You can see the smiles on their faces or the big grin. Who turned them back into a low life and a traitor? Oops, poof and all their greedy selfish little games and treachery. We get to see four more years as they turn back into a low life and how they gravitate to their honest fate. All of their selfish greedy little lies and tricks come to an abrupt end. They are totally nuts, who can turn them off? Stop them.

I have to stop for a moment while we are in seek and destroy and ask them (communists, liberals, corporate spies, and this unwelcome foreigner in our life) do they feel anything when I break something? I am not sure what or if I broke something this time, or last; but judging by their leaders and voice; they might feel something. What hurts more; arm, leg, wrist, nose? Tell me what hurts the most? It is time to consider jail and it is time to pay the damages, don't be macho or stupid about this. Pick up your teeth, while you have it, and walk away with something. Don't wager your children, don't wager your people, don't wager your pensions, don't wager your heritage or history; leave something there for the next low life to follow. You are the bets thief and going backwards, a reverse evolution; therefore, your true fate will be known as a low life family and church in our blessed life. Who the hell would sit down at this table with Ann or I and then stay there after what they have done and what we went to the Justice Department about? Who is also dumb enough to pick another fight? Stick that in their human experiment and graduate work.

This low life can't even pick a fight no less win one. It looks like a bloodbath, truly. It could be worse and it will get worse. It is time to GTFO Air Force One before you get thrown out of my life and plane; I did not sneak on or stole the plane; but we know who did and why. A low life cannot change who they are but they can change the future and where they are going. Don't say we did not give you a chance, offer you freedom, or were not patient with your lousy trash or existence; don't ever blame anybody but yourself, ever again! 30 days ago things were different. 365 days ago they did not say this or feel this way. We can tell they are getting weaker and how weak. I know their true fate and where it heading; ask if 30 days ago they were looking for another fight. When this is done and said, they will revert back to what they are and their real fate, a low life. Our world and fate will revert back to what we were or are; until then, a lot of people look stupid. Again, I do not feel these people are Americans and their scams are illegal. They are totally nuts, who can turn them off? Stop them.

You know, recently the media has reversed their evolution to a degenerate trapped on a Jersey beach or something similar. The problems still apply with the media and the military. All they want to do is drag people's private life into the living rooms of others. It is insensitive and needs to stop! Hearing and seeing the trash talking with General David Patraeus gave me flashbacks. Please make it go away. It is disgusting and a complete harassment. I got chills up my spine and I could not control my disgust and anger. The media cannot get the facts straight, they cannot just have it this easy. This really blackens the eye of the military and the spirit of the US Army. I bet a lesbian was behind the attack or some witch. Have mercy on us will you. To trash talk him and to use him as a display model was disgusting, I could not hold my lunch. That man exemplifies power and these women have gone overboard with this trash. It makes me nauseated and embarrassed to call myself an American to see this. Like a rock that keeps rolling down a hill, you can see what our fighting men and women have done. I am embarrassed now and have nightmares just thinking about this or what they did to that man. They all should be embarrassed to go into public and hide their filthy selfish greedy little lives. The media got an easy out and it is not going to be an easy pullout.

What is odd is New York and New Jersey paved the way for the liberals and the Obama win in 2008 and 2012; they have not even had a choice to enjoy this. When it comes to liberals, it is NY-NJ. When it comes to corporate spies and raiders, it is NY-NJ. When it comes to crime and drugs, organized crime, it is all NY-NJ. When it comes to the underground movement and the freedom or liberation ideology, it is all NJ-NY trash. When it comes to minorities or urbanization; in your face outrageous behavior, it is all NY-NJ. When it comes to Latinos or illegals, it is always NY-NJ. When it comes to competition between these churches and corruption, it is all NY-NJ. All of this bad stuff and bad things in America, is all NY-NJ. Problems with the American Indians, NY-NJ. Problems with the media, NY-NJ. Problems with money, NY-NJ. When it comes to Israel or the Middle East; it is all NY-NJ. How about the blacks and Irish; NY-NJ. When it comes to the 1960s and the counter-culture movement, again it is NY-NJ. If you count the number of communist spies, real ones caught; most are NY-NJ. I can go on and on; there is a pattern here. How do we escape NY-NJ? Is it fair to say the American liberal movement is NY and NJ? How about that American labor movement or the labor unions, NY-NJ again. Doing something about it starts when they write it down, the truth. Touchee to their greedy selfish little hearts and their smaller tinie-little inny meanie. We can enjoy the process where they turn back into a low life and all of those total phony lies.

Why am I fighting an obese female who has down syndrome, looks like it, or has the IQ of a third grade child every GD minute of the day? If it is not this one, then it is some black gang member or some crazed low life. I have a life plan. I have a bunch of friends and are making plans with them. I have a business plan I been working on for over twenty years. I am the best in the world at this. Why in hell do I have so much low life trash and insane junk in my life? Why? Who did it? Who is going to reverse it? I have things to do, plans to see through, friends to be with, women who want to marry me, and Ann who I am not sure about. Why do I feel so lost and so homeless? Who did this? Who will undo it? They are totally nuts, who can turn them off? Stop them.

As I see it, some low life piece of trash got in my life, somehow and did a lot of damage. I survived the attack and Ann may not. I am still trying to help her, even if it is the most unpleasant thing I have ever done. I just want my life back, all of it. I want to get paid and move on to my life; but I need my F'in life back. It starts with GTFO Air Force One. I am on it and I do drive it. So what. There is absolutely nothing these people can accomplish, nothing. Yet they attack, lure me in, and think they got me finally. Again and again this is done; just like before. They don't want to pay because they know the outcome and know where this is heading, that is why. All of them are guilty. They know we are not and we still have to fight each and every single one of their tricks and attacks. Again, the first step begins when someone writes it down and shows transparency. After that, it can only get worse and worse for this lousy low life. Their fate and evolution is turning them back into a low life and a traitor.

The standing order is to shut them down, immediately and no excuses for this. By the time this is over, they will be rushed to the emergency room in an ambulance. They want to sit next to me and welcome themselves in my life? Excuse me? Invite yourself into my residence or my operation and mission? Excuse me? You want to put this second class citizen label on my honorable life and want to tell me to go and get a job? F your 911 insurance scam and real estate. F you if you think you will sit beside me or I will sit there and let you invite your 350lb. lardass into my home. They make such great wives. Oh look Ann Coulter has one of their lard-asses also. About their fund raising and pandering; when this is done, what they do to their own people and what they do to us; will be two different worlds. There is not enough evidence or pressure? Excuse me? Do you know how much I am worth had you not done this? A few billions? That will make a really quick friend; one selfish and looking for scraps.

Listen to their greedy little hearts and minds. They just keep going on and on and it gets worse and worse for them? Pain? They think this is pain? They haven't felt pain yet. When this is done, they can write their memoirs or a guide on how to take as much pain as a human being can stand. Yes sit next to us with that smirk. Yes make us love or hate you. Yes interfere and claim to be ed-programming us. Oh my they make such good wives to Generals (Rosie hair and down syndrome pants). Pay the two billion and be gone; don't make this worse than it is. You are holding up a lot of plans and a lot of happiness. Your lies and your attacks did nothing; but look at the pain and the suffering your people can take. Outraged? Upset at it all? F off and be gone before you all get more hurt and feel real torture. Pain?

Was this about the cold war and the impact to their friends network? This is not about soldiers, military, VA, education, NAACP, or caring for veterans and showing them respect. This is not a graduate course on Vietnam and the black movement or the 1960s; caring for veterans and spreading their disease or genetics. Have they tried to write something down besides totally insane chanting and gamesmanship? I am willing to let the VA and military off the hook; unless they are implicated by one of the suspects; they have to correct my business and mission; otherwise, it is just fair wage and labor. This began in 1998, not 1992. I am not after the VA or the military; no legal redresses.

Obviously, this was about the 1970s and 1980s when Vietnam Veterans returned home. Obviously, this was a severe and massive attack on the people whom they felt was reversing their evolution or turning them back into a low life. Obviously, they associate Vietnam with the trend in the 1980s; who was behind their suffering or hardships. Obviously, they seek suicide and they want a plane wrecked or some type of terror plot. They seek a backlash, some form of violence to send a message and to benefit their cause. This was an inside job. This was done for blacks, Jews and the Irish. Vietnam threw them into a similar disturbed state of mind. They continue to waste our time and try to scare the hell out of us, using our own life. Now it blew up on them. Nobody can turn them off now. They are totally insane. If this attack was to obtain tax dollars, then it will land them in jail. They cannot write this stuff and chant it day after day. How is their human experiment and graduate work now?

I am not embarrassed or humiliated yet; still alive and kicking. Okay, when the other side says to write something down, or check if they are totally blind, we do not mean the same coverup or made up lies, "he is schizophrenic, he has to be locked up, he needs treatment, and there is help out there." All of this was total lies. The police officers who acted or staged this careful plot; is not off the hook. The people who did this is not off the hook. They have falsely intervened, impeded, forced themselves on us, and violated every single law on the books. They manipulated our life to suit their demands or this mold; then used some medical condition to supplant a justification; a total disconnection with reality. It is not about persistence, trying, or how much they care; this was an attack to destroy our life and impose severe hardships and injuries. This was all they would write or could write and until things get right or normal again; there is 2 billion in damages missing. Feel a little stupid, guilty, and even nervous about my entire life? Feel welcomed or completely insane? The truth will set you fee. We know this is about politics, not military matters.

How crazy are they? Also, how does it lead to Rush Limbaugh and terror plots? A worthwhile and credible legal defense; however, it is completely made up and total lies. If this is their legal defense; it will not work. None of the people who wrote this or did this; want to tell the truth or stop playing the race card. If it continues, the blame and the final outcome will shift from the US government for reckless power to a corporate and communist spy ring. We have destroyed the mold and the exposed what they were up to; the police are on to them; big brother and spies. We know people are competing for budgets and funds; it is high stress and all of them are facing cuts. None of this is an acceptable lie. This la-la land and mentality; is going nowhere. They need to stop singling out people, following them to their residences, and interfering with every single aspect of their life. There is no acceptable explanation for their behavior even if they are disgruntled. The theatrics needs to stop. Feel odd and feel completely insane? Feel guilty and feel the arm of justice getting closer? Feel welcomed or overwhelmed with stress? Stop chanting and stop telling yourself it is true and things will be okay; it is not and never will be.

This veteran story is getting really annoying and embarrassing. The theatrics better stop kidnapping or manipulating an agenda to use me as some messenger or posterboy. If they do not stop saying "he needs love, reinstatement, has massive brain trauma, and is overwhelmed with stress" you will end up with brain trauma and be overwhelmed with stress because of justice. Furthermore, we know the communists are manipulating this for public funds to the blacks. This was about blacks manipulating government jobs. This idea no black soldier should come home and suffer from unemployment, stress, lack of jobs, and what they call racism; needs to stop. I am not their posterboy and they need to GTFO Air Force One and GTFO of this mission. They treat people like a retard or completely stupid. We are not black and I am not a black man. I been through this and stop telling me you are going to get me SSI or some welfare assistance. It is the agenda of a bag lady and total lies. They use this to prevent payment of 2 billion in damages; all made up lies to suit their lack of straight answers. I feel ignored and they are always there, 24-7 like a communist spy or a corporate spy ring. We know it is not the fault of the military, it is the politics or the personnel. They were kept in the dark and they showed their true colors.

I am not the way they will sue the US government or the Veterans Administration. They cannot use me as a liberal and nutcase to win their case. The truth is they need to consider jail and they need to pay the damages; not keep telling me how sorry they are and how I am black or how blacks cannot face this type of suffering or endless problems with finances. Again, if they can make something up or cover this up; it is better than what they have now or were caught for. Stop making up more and more using my life. Stop impeding on life, marriage, business, and every single aspect of life. It has now shut down and almost dead. We are not with them on this or totally crazy communists or Democrats. We are not with you on this or are total criminals. Who the hell is going to pay for one error after the next? Who do we bill for this? It is not for black veterans or how we need treatment, are overwhelmed with stress, or suffer brain trauma. Stop making this worse or making up more; stop messing with us our mind. They cannot write this stuff and keep chanting it as if it is true and cannot be disputed. How do you turn them off? They are totally nuts, who can turn them off?

It sounds like a traitor and mole. Stop saying we are with you on this, staff. All of this tinkering has to have some relief or rescue; something has to provide relief until damages, wages, and work is properly made. I am glad they feel they are listening or there for me; however, it was an attack and trying to use us as posterboys. They have manipulated, impeded, and altered the life of normal people or very high achievers who should be affluent and not homeless. Do not use that same excuse as their legal defense. They will end up with brain trauma, hallucinations, schizophrenia, and much more. We have called for backup and this massive insurgency by the left wing into the military. They were behind all of this nonsense and constant back and forth. I have not and will not file for SSI either, I am straight up fed up with this terror plot. Stop offering it or telling me about SSI benefits; how you want to help me get rent money or treatment. All you have to do is stop playing this game and be honest; not manipulate or push an agenda. We know you are dead and have to face justice. We know you want tax dollars and are pleading your case by using me to send the message. We know it is about blacks and their social problems. You want that to be your shining work and success story. The attacks and the assaults have not ended, even after two decades. It is not about the military, it is about politics. They were blind to the truth and they were kept in the dark while this got worse and worse.

This mold was created for a degenerate, low life, and a complete loser following another sick, warped, demented loser who is selfish, dishonest, and greedy. We know we are under attack and the people behind it were the Jews, Blacks, and Irish. Do not invent this mold and expect people to jump through the hoops. Either they are totally nuts or totally evil; a monster. There is a complete dumbass who has a penchant for a tremendous amount of theatrics and we know it is reckless, malicious, and intended to maximize suffering. We know it is an abuse of power and they are avoiding arrest. They lost control of this and it is now a total disaster. They wrote this paper trail already, stop chanting it until it comes true. Turning a psychopath off and shutting them down is no easy task. A guilty paper trail and gamesmanship is completely disconnected from reality or justice. None of it makes any sense. Someone has impeded on my life mission, interfered with fat itself, mismanaged a very important and valuable matter, and has tried to steal anything or everything they can. Assault does not even describe their acts or opposition. They could have played along or told the truth, why not play along? Why keep the assault continuous and persistent for decades? It is that bad, stop chanting and making up more lies.

Whatever they did or are doing, my life and all of my life aspirations are paralyzed. Meanwhile, they are on the "phone" telling us their side or how they feel, an unacceptable made up story to make us look crazy or make the things they wrote down and had on paper stick. Chanting and unable to turn the lies off does not make it true or acceptable. That is just one part of the story, there are so many parts now. How can this be anti-immigrant or anti-Catholic? How can it be hate or racism? Who is trying to share the pain and have others relive the hardship they experienced; spreading the disease. Their account and their story, what they wrote down is a total disconnect from reality. However, there is not enough evidence to pin it on the VA or military. It is about manipulating facts and twisting the truth. There is enough evidence on certain people and those who mismanaged the entire matter. If we are on life support, do we unplug the life support? We blame it on the people who are making contact or calling constantly to tell their side of the story. This is who owes two billion and faces severe punishments.

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.