Yes welcome yourself in our life and see what we will do about it, again! Blacks all over the world breath a sigh of relief Obama is in power during hurricane season. Meanwhile, white unemployment tops 50% and they know only a black man can get this done! It is the same recycled illegal ruthless spying on us. It is the blind feeding the blind the same junk and total lies. When this is done, they will have their fate, a low life and we will have ours. Poof, you are a frog now.
You cannot tell if this honky is black or white. It seems they take form. Their intelligence is not admired but they feel industry allows them the ability to ride motorcycles loudly. They are Midwest and they join the military, why we do not know but we suspect it is to ride motorcycles loudly or pretend they are disciples of a motorcycle ruthless club. The honky feels every second of our life is devoted to public service, public domain. Hence, we report big dumbass bother who should not even brother. They mix genetics but it is difficult to distinguish the form this brother takes; a honky church. They feel our life is connected to theirs but they lack intelligence, what they have is no-how. We say no and they are corporate spies and big brother, how. Most if not all of them are curious about same sex stuff; same this, same that, and the same nonsense. It is well believed they are illegals; thus, layers of illegals before anybody discovers who it really is; expert camouflage. They enjoy overpowering people or the police; hence the dishonesty, bias, and camouflage. You cannot kill what you cannot see. Stop it. They created welfare and help everyone. Watch where you step or who you step on. You owe them your life. This is about my problems and very powerful problems solvers.
Corn fed and educated by bag-lady; they have powerful vision. They are America's go to soldiers and the protectors of something. They have not decided yet; pitbulls with lipstick. They need a job and every second of our life it is the public good; they have a lot of years to teach us about personnel, corporate spies, stopping the raid, and public debts. Nobody escapes and once in; there is no pulling out. It is all power between their legs and even if it is their head. They feel intrusion and privacy is for the greater good; not just their selfish inclinations and lawless existence. This honky church obviously are slaves but this motorcycle club or loud engines, industry jobs; allows them to share with us their power and what is even more valuable, life experiences and images or presentations of their genetics. Although it is a horrible stench, they do look very neat and presentable. Chaos and even anarchy is their in-crowd of begging. Remember, we have to share life with them and every single second is for the public good and to give them life; in return we get to see Midwest or eastern women doing the "chase-dance" and excitement daily. Why hurt such a cute-loving human being? We seek their approval. We dress it. We show it. We get excited also.
They still wish to climb aboard Air Force one even if many attempts to GTFO Air Force One. They are hijacking it and will wreck it, crash and burn or nothing. They are very interested in us or with us, still. Most if not all of them aspire to be firemen. Most if not all of them aspire to have a honky or black police partner. Keep in mind, Haiti is French. These french ladies are in high demand with drug Latins; super demands. Imagine a weak, gay, ignorant, nasty mean, sick, fat slob, degenerate honky as a slave; how ridiculous. They waste a lot of gas and do not ride bikes. French are smart, articulate, and have a superior diet. They already have endurance and stamina, superior warriors, even their chicks. Just do one and have the money for diapers. You can tell by their teeth and awesome legs, biggie is happy. They go to the most expensive and private colleges. French means they are smart and sophisticated, juicy filled pastries. If there are no positions as firemen or police officers; they want to create jobs; war and being soldiers for America. You see, it is about love brother. It is about your fellow American; learn it and when you are ready, we will call you and find you. It is the way to pension heaven and investing two or three cities. Too big to fail job creation. Learn the ropes brother we need more and more people.
The honky church shares a single existence and feel their dancing or football innuendos; supplant their incredible posture in life. They set up shop, typically in cities; because it is difficult to tolerate their ghetto existence or shut down the economic engines of this beggar culture. They actually got the job driving Air Force one and cannot GTFO the plane, it will wreck and they will overpower it. They feel the world is too mean to them and does not listen or is blind to their overwhelming stench. We live in a stingy-ugly world and they want new or better. It is all ewww and definitely gross; they deserve better and expect us to just do it for them. Why kill such a sexy or delicious thing? They created welfare and help everyone. Watch where you step or who you step on. You owe them your life. This is about my problems and very powerful problems solvers. The problem is Air Force One. It is about getting on their planes. It is about what we do when they are on the plane. It was about Arabs not Jews. We know all about them and the media is on to them. They cannot get anywhere because their faces and head drab is all over the TV and radio; full court press prison. Snakes are now on the plane, leave! Leave now! They are going to hijack, then wreck it.
The public good is always for the city, their pension, their club pension, or something big between their legs (such as their head). They do prefer overweight dishes they find delicious to their impeccable decision-making. They like to make noise when they get excited about our life contributing to their Midwest patriotism or public good. Thus, they cannot GTFO Air Force One or mind their own business. Each and every second of our life has to be studied and watch so they can signal a glimmer of hope and keep the honky church alive and kicking for freedom. Cities and industry allow them to expand, create debt, increase public good, and allows their pension-investment growth. But undercover, what do they have to teach and why are they in investigation mode and investment-mentoring mode? Remember, there are two things in life they despise; racism and racism. It is nothing than oppression and keeping down the honky church of so delicious. This is about blacks not whites. Nobody escapes their investigation and police partners; the pubic domain. Don't hurt what is between their legs, they are important. They love immigrants, especially illegal. They are eager to learn and are hungry. Immigrants do not act like we do or argue incessantly.
Why are they sex predators or unable to smell the stench? Why seek out disciples in their own living room, via media channels, or even orderless radio? They like our satellite capabilities; a fact finding club now. Do they want in or to have sex; first the chase and the subtle shakes and bends! It is not about them minding their own business; this is about the public good now. They are the masters of reality and the public good, control power. There is no other deadly power or evidence; only justice and no hope. We lie to them, want their money, and trick them because they look so-so good and have such a cute tight girth; uh-huh. It is all ugly and they are the only thing arrestable or resistible; it is about between the legs or standing. They have to investigate because it is always about rape or sex; either sex, lies, or videotapes. If they take off their shirt, explain the total lies. They like it big and love to beg, love it and show it off. White and black America are unshakeable. Even the police cannot shut them down, not even Congress. The US government has to pay up and give up a per cent of their salary to the honky church. Admit it. The stench is because you are only haters; that is homeless love. It is about approval, sanctification. Hey shut up this is about money and starving. Do you want to starve?
They learn court habits from their mom, she is sexy and protected by irresolvable. Daddy is a thug or in prison. This honky church despises racism and being oppressed, it is always full throttle or nothing. They feel blacks are superior; chosen for their capable standards. Hence they aspire to become a black man and share life, existence, and even fate with the black movement. It is part of engines or loudness between their legs. It is about money baby, the big leagues. They are the big leagues when it comes to public good or goods. This is why there are so many problems with them in every second of our life; one minute they are Nazis and the next a honky church totally communist and ignorant. Remember, blacks represent compassion in their church. Whites are just sex, lies, and video games. It is the blacks who are the firemen and the whites are the police. When they starve, it is the blacks who will come to the rescue, not the whites. They love each other and who they are; good, bad, or ugly. They are serious about this, it is not a meaningless date but a real marriage. Real kids and real responsibilities. If you do not like it or can meet the challenge, F off. You know you want it and you know you are all lying; caught you looking and chasing big sexy. They created welfare and help everyone. Watch where you step or who you step on. You owe them your life. This is about my problems and very powerful problems solvers.
This is about being real. It is about angering people. It is about being mean. This is about insulting life itself. This is about Americans and powerful public servants who only want to help and be there for us. This is about a marriage between whites and blacks; the real one. They rather look black than white because looking white is racist. However, they like to sneak up on only white women because they cannot get close to black ones from behind, a phi-shy and physiological barrier. It is the jungle baby and that is just how the lion hunts. It wants what it gets; the more the butter. So what exactly is their problem or situation? We know they have nothing and are asking for more welfare; but what exactly are they trying to make us say or do? Let's take a look at their problem and then their love-hate map. Can we measure their intelligence and IQ? Is it possible to even come close to how powerful and how capable they are? Can science even determine exactly how popular and how helpful their life is? When big sexy walks, big sexy talks and carries a big schtick. Ask if you would be confused if daddy is a felon and mommy is a bitch? Have faith and have compassion in your fellow Americans.
I am not sure who is more dumb or more ignorant about this. It feels like the blind leading the blind. One moment they claim it is their life and their money; the next or after the fact they are following Ann Coulter. I do not know who is more stupid; she or they? They argue back and forth, a timeline they are following, the blind leading the blind. Ann is dumb enough to go back and get up close and personal; hence, they are dumb enough to get up close and personal. It gets nowhere but they always think they can just come into our life or F with us; another bully following the blind. Ann deposed them and now she got what she wanted. Had she listened to me and not go in their face; none of them would be standing right now, none. There would be no crying, no breathing in the background, and no arguing back and forth. As for their police, they will know who their people truly are. They could not do anything and said to call them so they can get to the bottom of it. Their goal is for us to hate our family, our neighbors, Americans, and even our own partner in life. They want me to hate whites and to side with the Jews and the blacks. 911 and the plots are about Air Force One, the pilot of the nation. This problem with the police continues. These are not Americans, they are the blind following the blind. They are reverting back into a low life; reverse evolution.
Stop telling me or Ann you want to marry us or are checking us out. They think America is the same way. It is a complete violation of our life and it has impacted both of our lives very negatively. This was deliberate, it was malicious, and it was a mugging. This was about control of our life, our finances, slandering our names, and so much more. The intent was clearly to impose suffering and trying to kill us. There is nothing to suggest they want to help or there was any desired outcome. They also made up every single excuse possible to prevent prosecution and a legal settlement. We now know who they are and what they were up to. We do not have to study this or keep going on and on; how this or that can apply or if this is true or not. They are not welcomed and they do not belong in our life. Seeking total control of our life, to no end; will end up killing them. This idea we are not going to get away and they are the best, we will bow before them or die over this; is making people truly angry. I promise when this is over, all of them will become the bag lady they always were. However, until then the list of husbands diminish from their radar and they grow more desperate; thus, endless suffering on our end and their stupid political power.
They think they can just come in our life, cut a piece off here and there, and keep what they want or just take what they expect from us. They think America is the same way. I am sure they are in tremendous pain now; shaking for their life. They are doing the same thing to me as they are doing to Ann; and it is no fun and intended to incur maximum suffering and maximum injury. What will we do for them? The worst part is Ann is debating them and playing along; the consequences are unspeakable. Nothing has changed with the communists. They come in our life and think they can do whatever they want by encircling us. Now they are screaming and bleeding all over. To debate this is truly insane and useless. This spy ring actually comes in our homes, debates us in our most intimate and private parts of our life, and has no respect for any liberties. I promise when this is over, all of them will become the bag lady they always were. However, until then the list of husbands diminish from their radar and they grow more desperate; thus, endless suffering on our end and their stupid political power. They just invite themselves into our life and it is one disaster after the next, endless. When this is done and said, they will revert back to what they are and their real fate, a low life. Our world and fate will revert back to what we were or are; until then, a lot of people look stupid. I do not feel these people are Americans and their scams are illegal.
Their existence and the mainstay of their finances are two singular scams. They will do this day after day, for ten years and even twenty years until it has it's desired effect or brings down the house. It is always the customer game and the race card; interference and money. If we are the customer, then it is the race card. If they are the customer, then it is the race card. Make sure there are no more customers and they are the Third World as it should be and where they belong. This is how they are getting in or coming close for the kill. This is how they board the plane and how they pander by knocking on doors, a sales pitch. This is the uncut gold they are selling and the political cover. This is why they use sophisticated surveillance methods and want those government jobs, even if it ruins them. This is how they break in. This is their Africa Corp and rank system; the heart of their operations. When this is done and said, they will revert back to what they are and their real fate, a low life. Our world and fate will revert back to what we were or are; until then, a lot of people look stupid. Again, I do not feel these people are Americans and their scams are illegal.
This is how they do the sales pitch. This is also how they scam a target or extort money. They do not intentionally kidnap someone; it only ends up this way when it fails and fails daily and they keep trying in order to break someone down. By using violence or total chaos; they can create the pressure and the ring of fire around someone and successfully demand money or extort; it all depends on how much the target wants this to stop or how long they can keep it up. This is how they find a place and how they play the customer scam or leave no evidence. They learned it and observed it; then reproduced it to obtain their own outcome. By doing this day in and day out; the race card is the only evidence remaining and the customer is always right. It is impossible to defend or utilize a legal defense unless you do this back to them; catch them off guard. Other than finding an opening in their defense; it is impossible to chase them off, change their customer or corporate spying-stalking, or shake them off your trail. Impossible and almost every single evasion method was tried short of a hurricane or earthquake. It comes from the minds of crazy blacks and radical Irish-Jews. They call it many things but typically in a dialect called "hate" or "racism."
They are always playing the race card and scamming people with this customer plot. As Hannity puts it, he wants to see racists go to jail. He wants us to take on their plight and will do this for the next 20 years until we agree. Even in death and 2 billion in damages; they will keep playing the race card and the customer plot. It does not matter if they are on the receiving end or not; it is always about their true intentions; not the facts or the evidence against them. This customer and race scam is a robbery and a mugging; a form of trickery and kidnapping meant to target a person or an establishment. To escape it, they will claim to be the police or investigating; there is no such evidence of anything such. It is a form of biggotry when they are caught for it and posing as the investigator or authority. It is also a crime; just not racism and they are not real customers.
They are somewhat correct. I am getting so fed up with Florida and the politics; all the problems. Also, their ground intelligence says this is why all of them are leaving; no opportunity and no future. Who allowed the liberals to invade Florida and all of these criminals?
They are there to help. They match employers with big sexy. They make pay grade a warm and wet dream for everybody and will never turn someone away, never. It doesn't matter if you are disgusting obese or all teeth; they help everybody in marriage. Nobody cares or even notices they are communist, corporate spies, or even Israeli spies; why do you? If so, just leave, this is America and this is the voice of Americans. This is what we had been waiting for. This is what we like to see or like what we see. This is the ultimate wet dream. Nobody gets hurt and they end up killing their husbands; pay grade. This is no knife fight, oh no. This is about progress and we cannot turn back. History cannot time warp us all. They got guns and they are going to fly Air Force one into a wall; a wall of bodies and this honky church. Leave and move now. It is a gun fight now and they are the police; pay grade. Is it time to show the prisoners of war on the plane? This is why they are addicted to 911, it is not a knife fight; it is a war. They are not even scared of Americans, we are.
Did I mention they admire us and want to show off or offer us a gift; friendship? First they need to study us and know what we love-hate. It has to fit their mold and their operations; it's about money baby! The biggest and most warrior position is the drug wars. The drug wars make the blacks the highest grosses group out there; pay grade. That is big sexy and the sidekick honky. However, they do not waste anything and never turn anybody away. We were found guilty of walking into their clubs, talking to their female employees, and we walked into their sting; a job interview. It is our fault and they are the police; we should have known better. They only wanted to talk, that is all. They like our smooth skin and skinny calves, they want it. It's money. We have something to offer and trade with them; we need money and live in squalor, family. Remember, the plan is to hijack the plane and then wreck it; pass it on. Make sure everybody knows, don't bring a knife to this fight.
We can make them not honky or black, a little smarter and deeper; real deep. We can improve their swimming ability or winning streak! It is that good and they are this excited; so horny baby. Who in their right mind would shoot a bag lady? Who in their right mind would kill that sweet stench of a mixing pot? They love Asians and Asians love fat people. Who in their right mind would ever hurt such a sexy bitch even a stripper? They are the ultimate survivors and always welcomed on AFO (plane); the mile high club. They are American made. Big and bodacious. They were born and raised in the land of the free, leave. We cannot live with each other, obviously. They too big too fail. This is about pay grade, what is your power and pay grade? That is your control on the public good; DoD or GoD. They are slaves and prisoners whose paygrade determines how insane they truly are, big sexy.
They do not turn anybody away. They will also take all comers; good, bad, or ugly. This is not about the laws or telling the truth; this is about biggie size and who is more popular. This is the rules of the street, the real America. Remember, they are important and help everybody, not somebody. They will never-ever turn you away, that is customer service. Companies love them and want to talk to them; it is about tits and ass money. This honky church of blacks and whites obviously cannot see the line between military power and public good. They step on it. This ex or sexy bitch cannot see the line between private and public good.
This honky-black is mere lawless because they cannot see the line between Air Force One and our life; whose driving and scaring the hell out of us all. Money or public service, public good or our life. They have a college dug-in-gree from the church of God on this. Ask them, do they think they are DoD or GoD? Where do they want to draw the line on this if they are truly in control; our Congress of public good? Wreck Air Force One or fly it into something again and we will kill you. That is how grueling and guilty they truly are. Who is working and who is always complaining? Who has the ultimate decision on who works and who doesn't? Who invents or creates the list, decides because it is their money? Who works and who dies; who knows? Who wants to die now? Here are the reservations and answers. That is their plan, to wreck the plane or hit something. Get it right, they are addicted to 911.
Why do you keep testing the limits of your power and crime? Are you this corrupt? Why do you keep stepping on something or knocking things over; even if you are sneaking around? Why are you people so miserable and so fake, so full of spite? What exactly is your malfunction? Do you think you are God? What else do you want to steal or try to mug? Do you have something worthwhile to say? Is your occupation of our life, a kidnapping; leading to anything worthy or transparent? Essentially you crumble like a pile of human trash. All of you come and go like insects invading our crops. What is it about you all people do not like and hate? Why is what you love and hate so secret or has to be? Why are you so in love with yourself and why does it always lead you down a road of ruin or death; some gigantic disaster or snap-back? If we lay traps out, you set off every single one. Clever? Quiet? Sneaky? Yes the best thieves. How come everybody hates you so much, except your kind? Do you have this low of a standard and existence is this career criminal state, a reckless greed? I don't know should y'all be locked up in chains or should we just deport you? What do you think is best for us and this nation? Steal anything?
How do you ruin so much for so many? You look so normal; not a sign of reckless power. Your genetics does not show this abhorrent health you are in. You all do not look retarded or typically act like a caged animal. Why does your slave genetics or programming always polluting the water or making life unlivable or so abysmal? Then you claim people are well fed and well taken care of while you interfere and cause more and more problems. GTFO Air Force One. GTFO of our life. GTFO of America. Haven't you stolen enough? Haven't you tried to steal but have so much further? What else are you stealing? This is one country and you seem not to like it and want to change it; as you wish in me or us. You want to test the limits of your powers? You want to know what you can get away with and what exactly you can steal? I do not know if you people are just bigots, dumb, beyond sophisticated, crying like a punk, trying to screw people over, trying to F with our minds, or just a mouthy punk dumbass; but why don't you just GTFO Air Force One or GTFO of my residence. We could starve you to death, you would never reform; always reckless greed. Why are you this way? Even worse, you look normal and it is difficult to tell you apart from a soccer mom or another human being. Do you know you are a punk and a psycho who should go away?
Is that is your problem, you love hijacking planes; important ones. You actually think you are God and so sophisticated; maybe we can watch you all starve and when you are all bones and skin; make jokes about you freezing to death. I think this is your malfunction. Someone needs to hurt you badly or beat you with a stick; if not than a hurricane or earthquake. You like to F with my mind and interfere in every aspect of my life don't you? There is something about you people do not like and want to hurt badly. Are all of you this way? Something tells me you enjoy the attention too much, why? Total lies and propaganda working for you, camouflage? Admit you love the attention and free advertisement. One moment you are F'in with our life, the next you are a Third World nation. One moment your politics is corrupt as hell, state-corruption; the next you are a Third World menace who refuses to shut down. Why do you look so normal or did you steal some looks with your secret marriage? Your genetics is one thing; who you are is completely abhorrent. We know why you are a circus animal now; why those terror plots. Are you ready to break out of your skin? Really? All muggers have a motive. All terrorists have an intention. Yes we see you and yes we do not like you either. Have you ruined it for everybody yet?
Your corporate spy ring always think you are so sophisticated or so above the human race; but you exist and live like a low-life criminal in ours. Do you look like a Big Brother or Nazi or only a communist? How is your mind dealing with all your secrets now? Is your head throbbing and aching yet like a dickhead in a polo always causing trouble or trying to prove how smart all of you are? Yes the sledgehammer effect and if your state does not shut you down, it is lights out next time! Have you seen lights out up close and personal to constantly be bothering me like a total dickhead? One of us will be in anger management for the rest of our life and I think it is your twisted warped and troubled mind who now cannot stop or sleep well. How is it you get turned into a frog so quickly? One moment you are God and F'in with our life, the next you are a poor decrepit Third World nation full of losers who think they are smart-asses. How did you enjoy hijacking Air Force One? Ready to land yet or keep flying until the fuel runs out? It must be boiling underneath, the underground river. I am surprised that caged animal is so relaxed and so civilized; is it a trick of your stolen genetics? Money? Is this what robbery is about? Do you like what you see? Do you want to be us or just ruin it for everyone? What do you think is best for us and this nation? GTFO Air Force One and GTFO of our life before you steal something else.
If the Irish and Jews keep telling us they are family. If the blacks keep on telling us we are also blacks; have nothing or they love us poor people. Stop knocking on our doors with their hands out and that low life family of stingy lies we are trapped in. We know you are poor, backwards, and are all monkeys who like to trash talk. Excited too? Our dream is drifting away? If the Republicans or Democrats keep trying to lecture or act like our personal divisors in life; some desperate hope we must reach out and hug, I will go retarded on them and make them hate every single miserable second of their life. I am only treating them as they treated me. I am only saying to them what they taunted me with hourly. It is about being honest and saying know; something you secretly no knothing about. They come to America to escape oppression and this is what we get; layers of lies and layers of bad seniority. All they do is lie, cheat, and steal; and every single day they seek to confuse others because they are a confused low life trash.
How do you have a total failure in life who is reckless, confused, and seeks to confuse you by kidnapping and trying to change who you are? Now the individual is threatened. The family unit is threatened. The community is threatened. Their church is threatened. Our church is threatened. The state is threatened. They do not want to hear it or the truth; they did all of this and we keep demanding damages and for them to consider jail. Yet they throw this on us while they cover it all up; making our life theirs and demanding we fix who they are or embrace them. If you cannot beat them or understand them, you will have to join them and be the communist and corporate spies they have become. A life long criminal existence who only worth is to die; but until then, they will maximize the damage in our life and our mission. This is who they are, what we know about them, and what they seek to change or coverup. Easy? Easy people? Would we want to be in their life whatsoever; the daily stench? God is mad and he can smell the stench.
If they all keep feeling sorry for themselves and keep following us around America, boxing us in while they strip us of our liberties and our identity; we may end up blaming them for all of this and do something about it. Not all of us live like this or claim to be searching for the truth, until they are totally guilty and finally caught; a web of lies and a long criminal career. Nobody said they could stay in my residence, stay underneath my bed, stay on the military base, or stay in my business life; nobody. If I was the President I would tell them directly to GTFO of my country! F my plane, wreck it if you have to; don't hit anything either. Oh, what am I going to do about it or what will they? I have no idea, can they give me a clue or some help? Can they advise me if this is what my life has become or this road I am on? Due to their avoidance of direct confrontation and their communism or corporate spying; everybody is sick now. Then they claim they do not want to be our allies or business partners. Who ever said we are following them or spying on them? Now they claim they have more people than we do? Oh the daily stench and all the lies.
This is no cheap stingy beggar (here and there). This is a deadly panderer who has incredible powers and is extremely hard hitting when trapped or in a fight with the police. They are convinced they are the authority and are addicted to 911; a very deadly psychopath and liar. What a dead tyrant and a meaningless clown living in our world. We are out of respect and we are dead out of praise, dead out of it. Can they accept the truth now? Our liberties are far more important. Can they hug this and not our invaluable freedoms? Why should they be trucked away, deported or quarantined, even oppressed? Who is responsible for this and will pay? I still don't know who? They got us so excited and convinced. If there is enough evidence and pressure, then step forward and we will write it down on their indictment. Their dream is always running away or losing it, stupid jackass. Got security problems also? They still have not figured out they are knocking on the wrong doors and we are not buying it.
Who knocks on our doors with dirty stingy looks? If you follow people around, follow them to their home or work, follow them into their bedrooms, and then fool them into their own residence or claim to be family; they will either kill you or nuke your ass with ultimate fury and futility. You would never be able to stop the hell no matter what you made up or how gay or racist you truly were. The consequences of such would kill a normal human being. It would make them feel awful; even feel violated, tortured, invaded, beaten down, and much worse than your own evil attempts. However, in your own world or fantasies, these rules do not apply obviously and you will be rewarded and put on the shoulders of every parade. What a dead tyrant and a meaningless clown living in our world. The answers are obvious; but their game is faith accomplice; too late now. All illegal and in America. God is mad and he will cut a piece of them off each time.
What has this deadly pandering beggar done? I can see why people are suspicious of Republicans; but praising panderers or low life fools who are in the same existence? Even I do not know who to hate more; but I know the science of it. What do they know about respect and honor? I am sorry if this is insulting for everybody but I am all out of respect and we are dead out of praise, dead out of it. Can they accept the truth now? Our suffering and our life is much more important than theirs, always has been. Can they embrace that as they fall and are shut down? Why do they feel we should be trucked away, deported or quarantined, even oppressed? Who is responsible for this and will pay? I still do not know who, tell me. I too am confused by it all. This is their goal breathing over our shoulder, total chaos and fondling confusion. The answers are obvious but it requires war and severe oppression; family. All illegal and in America. God is mad, he will take away their future each and every time.
Family? All you have to do is write down how you are trying to keep the dream alive. All you have to do is write down how you wanted me or us to keep the dream alive. All you have to do is write down what you are willing to do or not do; for us and not your stingy selfish reckless heart, so full of spite now. The score-sheet is not the same; not yet. Are they excited and convinced now? Who has enough evidence and pressure, step forward and write it down for a direct confrontation. Just GTFO of my plane or let me jump out of it before you wreck it anymore; GTFO of my life and country also; my mission you are in, wrecked and smoldering of course. Or is it? Who has the answers? Who has the future and this crystal ball to change the future? Your monkey ass can dial 911 or call the police now? Are you positive the score-sheet is the same now? We got our revenge and it is over; you run the show? They feel the force of you fighting and preventing the truth; who to blame for your own life of crime? Care givers, all illegal and in America.
What is the IQ of a deadly beggar and stingy resistant psychopath interfering and causing so much trouble in our life? Did it occur to you I am way too conservative for this or too honest, why would I need any of you deadly murdering terrorists? Revenge? Oh, family! There is a problem with me being in your so called corporate spy ring and family. It is not the fact I won't leave or go away either; you can call the police? Do it, I want to see it again. It does not take a genius or an idiot to figure this out. All the shit you have done to me and then to Ann; all the suffering you caused to both Ann and I; all the lies you made up in your own fantasy or dream world; and all of the days I could not get up off the ground and you kept attacking and holding me hostage while you interfered and caused more problems; I will see to it you spend the rest of your life behind bars or burn in hell; whichever comes first and then last. Regardless, it still continues to no end. The stench has not gone away. Are they more powerful than the power of God or do they understand this defiance and treachery will kill them?
For corporate spies and such a clever criminal, you sure make a lot of mistakes; a lot. Did it occur to you I might be wearing a wire? Someone else knows and knows who you are? Who? One, two, ten... how about a million or two? Kill all of them? Target all of them simultaneously? Your corporate spy ring is very good at existing below the radar; too good. So do you know how many people will be coming when you decide to make a move? Trick us; as we trick you back? Who is happier and more comfortable now? We were among friends all along, still are! You are among friends, still are! Do you think sharing a home or renting property to me is a good idea now? Why? If the police and the world know you are this good, under the radar and can exist this way; what do you expect to happen? Everybody will move on and just forget about it? It is too late to go back, you need more and more progress? Everybody knows America has been used as a dumping ground and this crazy dream now running off; is what we are looking right at. God does not like corporate spies and their crimes will kill them; it is their own fault.
You had more than plenty of time to write down your answers or give us our life back; you just ignore any and all human rights for your utter lies and phony existence. Let me know if you are everything you had claimed or wanted to show off. Take a hard look and a good whiff what you actually created out of your own life of crime. It is very strange how you have given up your kingdom and the map of it; without the slightest flesh wound. You have surrendered all the keys to your world and this secret kingdom; but there is no retribution, why? What does that tell us about your rank and your identity? How about mine? You admit I did trick you, don't you? In the end, you got tricked so badly; it was a death sentence; explain that one. Nothing you all do, no matter how much false propaganda violence, no matter who is killed and for which sides; has prevented the truth and changed the outcome. It is total chaos and confusion of secrets. Go ahead, write this one down or attempt to make up a very sophisticated go-away. God knows if they are Nazis or communists; he knows how powerful or how difficult it is to battle this. Do they?
Your goal was to invent a mean ass terrorist and a cold headed killer. The world revolves around your meaningless life. Your goal was to abuse me or Ann until we became who you are; deadly traitors and killers. Your goal was to destroy a human being on a whole other level, so much suffering. Instead you created one smart and better General than all of you could ever become in your lifetime. I would say it blew up on you. Yet you enjoy the limelight and your work, incredible evil programmed into your soul by our life, what you could never steal or steal back. How can we be fighting a low life, danger; and also be fighting beside another one? How can this be? Who is in the dark and why? What exactly was their goal and why do you suspect I was ordered to shoot someone, do a massacre, or ordered to bomb and kill innocent people? It kinda pisses me off, wouldn't it? Just one man against all of this evil and lunatics. When did these people ever find a place in America or our life; God now can smell their stench and is angry.
A casual observer would say this started because the more I learn about you, the more I dislike; in the dark. That same observation would have to also come in the opposite direction, the corporate and communist spies really disliked me from the start and had me in the dark until an intersection occurred and they pretended to like me or were family and staff; and that was much worse than before. The evidence said to meet the commander of my own life. We are among friends and family. Who is who? You are me and I am you? How can this be... ah; Corporate and church spies pandering at our doors. I had no idea America was so full of low life trash; so dangerous and violent. I had no idea I was in the mix or middle of it; now we know. How did I get there? Or here now? Any written documents or ideas? Let's ask the FBI's best veteran investigators, how did I get stuck in a war zone or in the mix of this? Now let's ask them how Ann Coulter got in this mix or insanity also? How did they, did they parachute in? Does anybody believe they tried to make this easier or all of this effort was to help? Well, they made it all up then.
It is two sides, then an intersection, and then things start to not make any sense. I have to admit, your terror group and corporate spy ring are the most deadliest low life I have ever seen and I did not know this kind of danger existed. Maybe I do need muscle or protectors; pay into a protection racket or terrorist radical group? Nothing you all do, no matter how much false propaganda violence, no matter who is killed and for which sides; has prevented the truth and changed the outcome. It is total chaos and confusion of secrets. The evidence shows your reality is so warped, you are paving a path for the Democrats and the left wing; on our soil and our reality. Hence our liberties are disappearing and eventually this trash has to be trucked away and a place to match your low existence or lawless savagery; a better hell.
There is no way I caught the people behind 911, they are low life Arabs. Your goal was to indoctrinate me into your world of killing, torture, and terrorism; look what you made instead. You are a F'in idiot and you were dead from the start; but you still do not know it yet. Yes it is on film and on paper too. All of it. Yet the score-sheets are the same, how? I am asking for two billion in damages and I am asking you face the deadlier side of the law; the trial by survival of my world. Let me know if you are everything you had claimed or wanted to show off. Seniority? Been here longer? Teaching us how to exist with them or how powerful they are? Got them in pain or crying like a baby? Look how tough and how strong they are? Look how smart and how bullet-proof they have become? Who is in the clown suit now? Don't want to hear it or worry about this?
Look at their dark humiliated faces now. You can hear them breaking and you can smell the stench already. Look at all their faces as they run like chickens chopped off from the head. It is a magnificent view that calms the soul and makes a people warm at peace. Always at the bargaining table and eager to strike a deal; who me or you all? Oh yes, they will jump up in the air and say, "We are the daily stench and we tried to kill them, we are guilty and will do as we are told without questions." Keep dreaming. Then again, they might start barking like a dog and join the military to prove they mean business; a perfect calling for public service. What a chess player and boy are our hands tied. Who is welcoming who to the club of humiliation? The evidence is against them; no matter if they are well fed, if we are well fed; or if the evidence says they are Nazi spies; they are guilty. Guilt cannot manipulate or alter the facts. Acting black, acting white, acting like Republicans, acting like our friends or staff, acting like any selling point they can get their grimy hands on; won't matter a bit. It will interfere and cause a huge amount of problems and suffering.
These corporate spies will continue to claim we are well fed and well taken care of, among friends. They will defiantly claim they are not liberals or communists, definitely. They will even claim they will help anyone in need or whomever shows up at their door. They will act excited and alive daily with each telling lie or spy plot. But when it comes to lying, cheating, rape, murder, stealing, and a career criminal life; do not expect more. That is just who these corporate spies are and why they are in America; to be well fed and taken care of. F you too. Stay on your knees, cry to us in private, and bleed until death becomes you. God is mad. The universe is in chaos. The more defiant this human pest becomes, the more sneaky and quiet they attack. When God is mad, an earthquake will cut a part of them off and their own bloodletting will be by their own hands. God does not like this mouth or this defiance; but look at their guilty souls now.
Four More Years:
Politics in America has become a battle over seniority and reckless power. It is about layers of old lies and new lies. It is the unwanted or gutter trash trying to make a new start and claiming to be GoD or DoD altogether. Obama has four years to come up with an answer for immigration and welfare. This is the cornerstone of this church of corporate spies, this family, organized crime, and the rockbed of the Democratic Party. This was why they kidnapped us in the first place and what their demands focus on or surrounds. The magic pebble thrown into the gigantic lake is immigration. I had no answer to what they asked and if I did, I reserve the right to keep them away from it. However, it is well known this church are Nazis one moment and communists the next. If unemployment reaches 40% in certain states, they are dead and will pick up weapons because welfare and immigration is based on welfare. That is the communists, they avoid confrontation and are only about reckless power or authority. They are utter career criminals seeking opportunity in every crevice of our life. They spy on us constantly and we go the extra mile to stop them or bring them to their knees. Liberalism and this church is about gang warfare; hence, the authority. Please do disgust us more and more. Not time for jail and not time to pay damages? Time to leave or move? How does it feel to look poor and beg? How crazy are they?
Four More Years:
We know how the Democrats are winning. There are only three immigration hubs in the USA; New York, California, and Florida. All three of those states are red states. The attempt to make Virginia one of the three; failed. However, the liberals and this church of corporate and communist spies have taken over new strongholds and hubs. Virginia is one of them. Right now crime has been stopped and the financial gears behind it are broken or cannot shift into any gears. We know because the rate stopped in their supply lines. We also know their Ho Chi Minh Trail and how it feeds their revolutionary insurgency. That is the communists, they avoid confrontation and are only about reckless power or authority. They are utter career criminals seeking opportunists in every crevice of our life. They spy on us constantly and we go the extra mile to stop them or bring them to their knees. Liberalism and this church is about gang warfare; hence, the authority. Please do disgust us more and more. Not time for jail and not time to pay damages? Time to leave or move? How disconnected from reality will this get?
Four More Years:
The layers of immigration has left a wide swath of housing scams. Obama has four years to come up with the answer for the housing crisis. They claim all accounts flow through them and they manage these accounts; however, we actually know who was asking the questions and what those questions or demands surround. Their financial and retirement health depends on their diligence to contain that disaster. That is the communists, they avoid confrontation and are only about reckless power or authority. They are utter career criminals seeking importunity in every crevice of our life. They spy on us constantly and we go the extra mile to stop them or bring them to their knees. Liberalism and this church is about gang warfare; hence, the authority. Please do disgust us more and more. Not time for jail and not time to pay damages? Time to leave or move? How does it feel to look poor and beg? How far will they take it?
Four More Years:
They won't leave? They have something to teach us? It sucks when mass destruction impacts your life doesn't it? It sucks when you have a normal life and then wake up and are on public assistance or look like black people who love food stamps, doesn't it? It sucks when someone keeps saying they want to only help and you are family, doesn't it? Doesn't it suck when someone who is ruining your life refuses to leave you alone or leave, instead bully you and upset you daily? Doesn't it suck when you are highly skilled and highly intelligent and have to move because of pressure beyond your control? Disaster sucks and being on public assistance sucks doesn't it? How does it feel to be beat? I dunno, how does it? How does it feel when someone is constantly sinking you and making you drop lower in life, legal or not? How does it feel to have them in your life constantly making decisions for your family? How does it feel when this enemy interferes with your life and causes so many problems? Okay? Not moral? All is well in love and war? Now that is helping. Not time for jail and not time to pay damages? Time to leave or move? How much suffering are they behind?
Four More Years:
It sucks when so many stupid people are in your life, doesn't it? It sucks when psychopathic people are in your life, doesn't it? It sucks when someone wants to teach you about welfare and food stamps, doesn't it? It sucks when you have to work with so many stupid public servants, doesn't it? Boy does it suck when you have to manage so many stupid and psychopathic losers, doesn't it? It sucks when a political enemy says, "enough evidence and pressure" or "not enough evidence and pressure" right? It sucks when they tell you about how flooded out or rusted out their family car is or how their grandfathers loved their rust bucket? Isn't it fantastic when you read or hear it? Isn't it fantastic when nobody cares and all you hear is laughter calling your name? Isn't those strings and those puppet masters just fantastic? Isn't power magnificent and fantastic when used right or creates so much pressure and evidence? How does it feel to have them in your life constantly making decisions for your family? How does it feel when this enemy interferes with your life and causes so many problems? Okay? Not moral? All is well in love and war? Now that is helping. How does it feel to be cheated, beat, or cornered? I dunno, how does it? Now that is what helping and unity is all about. Not time for jail and not time to pay damages? Time to leave or move? Exactly how much trash are we dealing with?
I will say this once and then repeat it as endless and it will get. I do not care and it really does not matter if they are family or staff. We have no value for corruption, church power, numbers, or made up lies. If we are at war or engage in battle with them, our goal and victory is based on first capturing them, then torturing and extracting information from them, then either to bring them to justice or kill them if their existence is that problematic. If they have a problem with this or this scientific formula, then they should die on planet earth because it is and has been the formula of every justice system in the world. The truth and the outcomes are invaluable, not corruption. As I see it, it is their problem and they are the problem; not me or my forces who interfere or cause endless problems. What is wrong with them or what is wrong with us?
My flaw and politics is very transparent. My injustice is very easy to prove or document. I do not have to avoid a confrontation or sneak around acting powerful or defiant. I do not have to spy on anybody or constantly prove myself. We are not amused by any psychotic enemy comedy act; however, it is much fun to watch them suffer for being so evil. People feel this each time they go see a real Hollywood movie. All of this illegal activity has an impact on real lives and it will destroy human beings, stop and do as you are ordered. This nationalism and family crap is why we cannot tell if you are Nazis or communists; then again, why you keep asking if we are Nazis or communists also. Stop violating the laws and hiding who you are. Stop using family to conceal your nationalism and fake patriotism. God is mad. The universe is in chaos. The more defiant this human pest becomes, the more sneaky and quiet they attack. When God is mad, an earthquake will cut a part of them off and their own bloodletting will be by their own hands.
They do this for their selfish spiteful pandering hearts, not country or God. God does not like this mouth or this defiance; but look at their guilty souls now. If they feel tortured then they know the next step and where their own guilt and misguidance has led them. They had plenty of warning and were ordered to consider jail and pay damages, repeatedly and for decades. They should have, could have, and would have avoided a direct confrontation or even a secret one had they had more evidence or pressure; known the final outcome. If they were not sure, they had a chance to write it all down for an accurate analysis or armies of investigators. The more they open their mouth, the more angry God becomes. The more defiant and criminal they get, the more God cuts them down. Why spy on us if it is all in vain? Why keep saying they will leave or cannot pay? Why keep having the US government pay for their crimes or lies? Why keep telling me what they will do when it should have been done decades ago?
My life is not a prison or any plot. I had made this clear and keep saying it, in defiance. This is not a prison and we are not a prisoner to their family or politics. However, they are currently prisoners and they are beyond the scope of guilt; not enough evidence or pressure? Our liberties are not under their purse strings or under their management or businesses; they will know what warfare truly is and it is no game or fantasy about being turned on. Their propaganda, total lies, cover-up, and criminal-centric goal is focused on us dying while trying. Their message to the world is we are family and we must work together or in unison. We are not going to die trying but they will and are. Is there enough evidence or pressure to indicate this yet? Who is wasting whose time and who is being destroyed for nothing? It is all money, power, and control? God is mad and when God is mad, he does not ask for a check, any legal prosecution, or even an ounce of cowardice.
These corporate spies will continue to claim we are well fed and well taken care of, among friends. They will defiantly claim they are not liberals or communists, definitely. They will even claim they will help anyone in need or whomever shows up at their door. They will act excited and alive daily with each telling lie or spy plot. But when it comes to lying, cheating, rape, murder, stealing, and a career criminal life; do not expect more. That is just who these corporate spies are and why they are in America; to be well fed and taken care of. F you too. Stay on your knees, cry to us in private, and bleed until death becomes you. God is mad. The universe is in chaos. The more defiant this human pest becomes, the more sneaky and quiet they attack. When God is mad, an earthquake will cut a part of them off and their own bloodletting will be by their own hands. God does not like this mouth or this defiance; but look at their guilty souls now.
They interfere with our hearts and our minds. This kidnapping and corporate spying is always about how well fed and well taken care their enemies are. We are among friends and they do not turn down anyone at their doors. Yet the bombardment of women is always about how we cannot afford them and if it came down to money; they would never give us the time of day. Meanwhile, my facebook and life is crawling with ex-girlfriends and former women twice as pretty and authentic life friends. What is their stupid lies and encirclement about and why is it always aimed at our reality and intended to be debilitating and about money? God is angry and when God is angry; their true value will be tested and bled. Can they afford Ann Coulter and can she afford me? Can I afford her? What exactly are they hiding and covering up?
Total Lie #1:
The Republican Party is not the party of the whites and the Democratic Party is not the party of those not white. This is a complete and total lie. The Republican Party lacks an ideological base or leadership. They are misled and misguided by church or business leaders who feel elections are won by money, jobs, and taxes. Those same business leaders are behind the party of the damned, the army of the damned, and the this ideological missing being. In other words, the Democratic Party is the army of the Republicans and inside the Republicans are the producers or the core; encircled and held prisoner by the same big brother, the same homosexual church, the same corporate spies, and the same army of the damned. The communists, corporate spies, big brother, the church of the damned, liberals, etc... are our mortal enemies and public enemies #1. Not time for jail and not time to pay damages? Time to leave or move? How illegal is their presence?
Total Lie #2:
The hurricane, Sandy, benefited Obama more so than it did Romney. This is false. It did not benefit either and it threatens the future of the blacks and the liberals more so than any other group in the US. The long embattled issue of immigration, immigrants, the Catholic Church, the labor movement, European interference, and welfare are at the heart of the eastern liberals and their financial system, their politics. Not time for jail and not time to pay damages? Time to leave or move? How does it feel to look poor and beg? How many liberties will they sacrifice to achieve their goals?
Total Lie #3:
Democratic politics and the politics of hurricane relief. As we see from Katrina, these areas do not recover and they do not make a "comeback." What these disasters do is set a long path to economic recovery if one will ever arise. Furthermore, there are legal suits on the Federal Government and FEMA over their response or relief efforts. We can use this model and apply it to hurricane Sandy. What extent is federal relief? Where do you draw the line on what to expect? Whose responsibility is it ultimately if they build a home in the path of storms or natural disasters? Not time for jail and not time to pay damages? Time to leave or move? How many lies will they make up or how far will they keep digging?
Total Lie #4:
America is racist and power is bottom up? Under Obama, unemployment in the black community has reach all time highs. If this trend continues, it will set a precedence; a shut down of the NAACP and various left wing groups who use unemployment as evidence or proof of the existence of racism. They blame the government for a lack of relief or inappropriate response times. If under Obama the future of the liberals, blacks, and the left wing; the core of the dependency of the Democratic Party and all of these safety issues or safety nets the welfare system is based on; then the legal precedence indicates a false indicator or intense criticism for possibly defrauding the public. We know who they are and what they are up to; however, they do not want to be honest or disclose who they are or what they are up to. We warned about wagering their future away and considering jail or paying damages; at least this gets them off the hook and out of the radar. Not time for jail and not time to pay damages? Time to leave or move? How does it feel to look poor and beg? How homosexual or racist can they get if this is what they are fighting?
Total Lie #5: Has to do with jobs and taxes. We know the problem, the source, and the false outrage or this fabrication. We seen this before in the history of religion, around the 1600s. What it did was create a new evolution and religion itself. That religion was supposed to be more powerful or stronger, in moral compass. We know the lack of ideological base is what this con or career criminal is all about. It is about immigration. It is about who America is. It is about expansion and recklessly until a total disaster emerges. Power in the eyes of this church and trash; puts the wrong people in the wrong places. Now they only want to insult us and the outrage is a complete fabrication. Not time for jail and not time to pay damages? Time to leave or move? How much fight do they have in them and how much damage can they cause if this is what they are putting their body between?
I will say this once and then repeat it as endless and it will get. I do not care and it really does not matter if they are family or staff. We have no value for corruption, church power, numbers, or made up lies. If we are at war or engage in battle with them, our goal and victory is based on first capturing them, then torturing and extracting information from them, then either to bring them to justice or kill them if their existence is that problematic. If they have a problem with this or this scientific formula, then they should die on planet earth because it is and has been the formula of every justice system in the world. The truth and the outcomes are invaluable, not corruption. As I see it, it is their problem and they are the problem; not me or my forces who interfere or cause endless problems. What is wrong with them or what is wrong with us?
My flaw and politics is very transparent. My injustice is very easy to prove or document. I do not have to avoid a confrontation or sneak around acting powerful or defiant. I do not have to spy on anybody or constantly prove myself. We are not amused by any psychotic enemy comedy act; however, it is much fun to watch them suffer for being so evil. People feel this each time they go see a real Hollywood movie. All of this illegal activity has an impact on real lives and it will destroy human beings, stop and do as you are ordered. This nationalism and family crap is why we cannot tell if you are Nazis or communists; then again, why you keep asking if we are Nazis or communists also. Stop violating the laws and hiding who you are. Stop using family to conceal your nationalism and fake patriotism. God is mad. The universe is in chaos. The more defiant this human pest becomes, the more sneaky and quiet they attack. When God is mad, an earthquake will cut a part of them off and their own bloodletting will be by their own hands.
They do this for their selfish spiteful pandering hearts, not country or God. God does not like this mouth or this defiance; but look at their guilty souls now. If they feel tortured then they know the next step and where their own guilt and misguidance has led them. They had plenty of warning and were ordered to consider jail and pay damages, repeatedly and for decades. They should have, could have, and would have avoided a direct confrontation or even a secret one had they had more evidence or pressure; known the final outcome. If they were not sure, they had a chance to write it all down for an accurate analysis or armies of investigators. The more they open their mouth, the more angry God becomes. The more defiant and criminal they get, the more God cuts them down. Why spy on us if it is all in vain? Why keep saying they will leave or cannot pay? Why keep having the US government pay for their crimes or lies? Why keep telling me what they will do when it should have been done decades ago?
My life is not a prison or any plot. I had made this clear and keep saying it, in defiance. This is not a prison and we are not a prisoner to their family or politics. However, they are currently prisoners and they are beyond the scope of guilt; not enough evidence or pressure? Our liberties are not under their purse strings or under their management or businesses; they will know what warfare truly is and it is no game or fantasy about being turned on. Their propaganda, total lies, cover-up, and criminal-centric goal is focused on us dying while trying. Their message to the world is we are family and we must work together or in unison. We are not going to die trying but they will and are. Is there enough evidence or pressure to indicate this yet? Who is wasting whose time and who is being destroyed for nothing? It is all money, power, and control? God is mad and when God is mad, he does not ask for a check, any legal prosecution, or even an ounce of cowardice.
These corporate spies will continue to claim we are well fed and well taken care of, among friends. They will defiantly claim they are not liberals or communists, definitely. They will even claim they will help anyone in need or whomever shows up at their door. They will act excited and alive daily with each telling lie or spy plot. But when it comes to lying, cheating, rape, murder, stealing, and a career criminal life; do not expect more. That is just who these corporate spies are and why they are in America; to be well fed and taken care of. F you too. Stay on your knees, cry to us in private, and bleed until death becomes you. God is mad. The universe is in chaos. The more defiant this human pest becomes, the more sneaky and quiet they attack. When God is mad, an earthquake will cut a part of them off and their own bloodletting will be by their own hands. God does not like this mouth or this defiance; but look at their guilty souls now.
They interfere with our hearts and our minds. This kidnapping and corporate spying is always about how well fed and well taken care their enemies are. We are among friends and they do not turn down anyone at their doors. Yet the bombardment of women is always about how we cannot afford them and if it came down to money; they would never give us the time of day. Meanwhile, my facebook and life is crawling with ex-girlfriends and former women twice as pretty and authentic life friends. What is their stupid lies and encirclement about and why is it always aimed at our reality and intended to be debilitating and about money? God is angry and when God is angry; their true value will be tested and bled. Can they afford Ann Coulter and can she afford me? Can I afford her? What exactly are they hiding and covering up?
Limbaugh Lie #1:
Limbaugh says this is about the possibility or being open to a man loving another man. This is a total lie. If it had been about a man loving another man, then they knew clearly and could not accept the constant battles, no thank you. If this was only about homosexuals, why did they interfere when Ann Coulter came in the picture? This family is composed of homosexuals and communists; for some reason, they truly want us to believe they are welcomed and we are family. By claiming how they were lonely or exploring sexuality; they can paint over or cover up the malice and terror plots. The key is malice and a willful or deliberate attempt to injure us. It takes the things down a new road or puts a spin on the final outcome. Not time for jail and not time to pay damages? Time to leave or move? How blind can they become or lie about it?
Limbaugh Lie #2:
The "family excuse" or legal defense is totally made up. It is a complete fabrication. Hannity comes back, along with Beck, Leavin, Gallagher, Prager, and all of these conservatives and said it is about family. There is no written proof or any evidence of a family. None. They made it up to suit the lies and cover-up. They made up one story after the next; then refused to consider jail and payments of damage. All of these lies and how well intentioned or how well meaningful they acted; was a package of total lies. They made it up intentionally and it was made to cause maximum debilitation. They made it up in order to double their efforts. They made it up to increase the maliciousness. They made it up to be more and more reckless. They made it all up to add more insult. They were so selfish and lacked any respect for others; they made it up to sacrifice or destroy the only evidence that would link or could link them to terror plots. These lies put a twist to their total guilt and it even opens a door for them to put more spin on the final outcome. Not time for jail and not time to pay damages? Time to leave or move? How nationalist or communist can they become?
Limbaugh Lie #3:
The family excuse was a total lie and so was the "staff" or "inappropriate" comments, messages, suggestions, and abusive communications. First off they are not staff and there is no evidence of family or staff, none. All of this was made up to fit their plot and their coverup. There was an aura of homosexuality, psychopathic or terror methods, robbery and constant insults, and life totally hell 24-7 until they were caught and identified. After they got caught it exhausting their ability to shut us up, shut us down, anger us, insult us, or tell one lie after the next to make up an excuse. We do not deny the abusive comments, abusive language, name calling, or deliberate attempts to run them out of our residence and life while they kept claiming to be or become family. This is far from homosexuality or what we love and hate; a map of our motivational stability and happiness. These are very clever lies, subtle twists to change our reality, story, or convince us we were wrong, totally crazy, or imagined it all. Not time for jail and not time to pay damages? Time to leave or move? How does it feel to look poor and beg? Whose power has more impact on the other and who is going to suffer the most?
Limbaugh Lie #4:
They lied about everything, down to sex, friendship, family, or trying to help us. They lied about how American or patriotic they wanted to be. All of it was made up. Furthermore, they sounded the alarm. In 2008 they sounded the alarm and this is where a family and a larger problem came to the rescue. They lied about it and claimed it was family. This was made up so that they could cover the entire matter up and prevent jail or payment of damages. Their idea of settlement was a minimum wage job or repeating our words daily for years and years. Hence, we had to post and keep constant contact because they sounded the alarm and all of these corporate spies came running. Again, total lies meant to change our reality, story, or convince us we were wrong, totally crazy, or imagined it all. Not time for jail and not time to pay damages? Time to leave or move? How white and how American is the gap between us and them; exactly how cold are they inside?
I will say this once and then repeat it as endless and it will get. I do not care and it really does not matter if they are family or staff. We have no value for corruption, church power, numbers, or made up lies. If we are at war or engage in battle with them, our goal and victory is based on first capturing them, then torturing and extracting information from them, then either to bring them to justice or kill them if their existence is that problematic. If they have a problem with this or this scientific formula, then they should die on planet earth because it is and has been the formula of every justice system in the world. The truth and the outcomes are invaluable, not corruption. As I see it, it is their problem and they are the problem; not me or my forces who interfere or cause endless problems. What is wrong with them or what is wrong with us?
My flaw and politics is very transparent. My injustice is very easy to prove or document. I do not have to avoid a confrontation or sneak around acting powerful or defiant. I do not have to spy on anybody or constantly prove myself. We are not amused by any psychotic enemy comedy act; however, it is much fun to watch them suffer for being so evil. People feel this each time they go see a real Hollywood movie. All of this illegal activity has an impact on real lives and it will destroy human beings, stop and do as you are ordered. This nationalism and family crap is why we cannot tell if you are Nazis or communists; then again, why you keep asking if we are Nazis or communists also. Stop violating the laws and hiding who you are. Stop using family to conceal your nationalism and fake patriotism. God is mad. The universe is in chaos. The more defiant this human pest becomes, the more sneaky and quiet they attack. When God is mad, an earthquake will cut a part of them off and their own bloodletting will be by their own hands.
They do this for their selfish spiteful pandering hearts, not country or God. God does not like this mouth or this defiance; but look at their guilty souls now. If they feel tortured then they know the next step and where their own guilt and misguidance has led them. They had plenty of warning and were ordered to consider jail and pay damages, repeatedly and for decades. They should have, could have, and would have avoided a direct confrontation or even a secret one had they had more evidence or pressure; known the final outcome. If they were not sure, they had a chance to write it all down for an accurate analysis or armies of investigators. The more they open their mouth, the more angry God becomes. The more defiant and criminal they get, the more God cuts them down. Why spy on us if it is all in vain? Why keep saying they will leave or cannot pay? Why keep having the US government pay for their crimes or lies? Why keep telling me what they will do when it should have been done decades ago?
My life is not a prison or any plot. I had made this clear and keep saying it, in defiance. This is not a prison and we are not a prisoner to their family or politics. However, they are currently prisoners and they are beyond the scope of guilt; not enough evidence or pressure? Our liberties are not under their purse strings or under their management or businesses; they will know what warfare truly is and it is no game or fantasy about being turned on. Their propaganda, total lies, cover-up, and criminal-centric goal is focused on us dying while trying. Their message to the world is we are family and we must work together or in unison. We are not going to die trying but they will and are. Is there enough evidence or pressure to indicate this yet? Who is wasting whose time and who is being destroyed for nothing? It is all money, power, and control? God is mad and when God is mad, he does not ask for a check, any legal prosecution, or even an ounce of cowardice.
These corporate spies will continue to claim we are well fed and well taken care of, among friends. They will defiantly claim they are not liberals or communists, definitely. They will even claim they will help anyone in need or whomever shows up at their door. They will act excited and alive daily with each telling lie or spy plot. But when it comes to lying, cheating, rape, murder, stealing, and a career criminal life; do not expect more. That is just who these corporate spies are and why they are in America; to be well fed and taken care of. F you too. Stay on your knees, cry to us in private, and bleed until death becomes you. God is mad. The universe is in chaos. The more defiant this human pest becomes, the more sneaky and quiet they attack. When God is mad, an earthquake will cut a part of them off and their own bloodletting will be by their own hands. God does not like this mouth or this defiance; but look at their guilty souls now.
They interfere with our hearts and our minds. This kidnapping and corporate spying is always about how well fed and well taken care their enemies are. We are among friends and they do not turn down anyone at their doors. Yet the bombardment of women is always about how we cannot afford them and if it came down to money; they would never give us the time of day. Meanwhile, my facebook and life is crawling with ex-girlfriends and former women twice as pretty and authentic life friends. What is their stupid lies and encirclement about and why is it always aimed at our reality and intended to be debilitating and about money? God is angry and when God is angry; their true value will be tested and bled. Can they afford Ann Coulter and can she afford me? Can I afford her? What exactly are they hiding and covering up?
Mike Gallagher Lie #1:
This has to go to Scarborough. Gallagher is on a list of corporate spies. He claims he surrounds himself with conservatives and anybody not in that circle or click is not conservative. We seen this type of thinking or gang mentality all over the Republican Party and they are totally nuts. We also know the leadership of this so called core of conservatives are either totally phony or communist; the least guilty are mere corporate spies. Gallagher is in no position to be criticizing those in the media or on TV; unless you completely do not care about your job or ratings. However, associating and trumping up accolade for those totally guilty or communist; is pure gutter trash. Not time for jail and not time to pay damages? Time to leave or move? They paid their time and made the world a better place?
Mike Gallagher Lie #2:
Scarborough has also ran for office and is a former Congressmen, he is not merely trash talking for this gang mentality and what he got caught for already. So we know about Gallagher and how he operates. He uses labels and icons to attack others or jockey for position; it is total madness and they are total lunatics. All of them are involved in a conspiracy, to protect their own names but are guilty beyond the scope of the laws. All of them think we listen in or watch their shows because we agree or do not want to leave. This is their employer and mentality when they are in power or control. Yet when we ask if they pay the bills or have any written document to warrant them being under our bed, tables, or in our living room; they claim it is family. What an idiot and how dumb can a human being get? Not time for jail and not time to pay damages? Time to leave or move? How does it feel to look poor and beg? Haven't they suffered enough yet?
Sean Hannity Lie #1:
Sean Hannity talks about Republican politics as if he understands it or wrote it. He says they are addicted because they were communists and now can see clearly. They are still corporate spies however and this family; how can that be? Two existences simultaneously and two identities? Does the US know this corporate spy ring or illegal activity is going on and is ongoing? He and all of them pretend as if they know so much and understand it so well; meanwhile, we have one felony charge on them after the next and they use the excuse of being addicted, they cannot stop or retire. However, they outright refuse to consider jail or paying damages. Imagine a communist so obsessed and so totally insane; it ruins their life and gets them in so much trouble. All of them in this family or corporate spy ring, propagandize how pulverizing they are, how plugged in, how outraged, how moral or honest they are, how right wing or judicious, and how much they understand communism or the Republican Party. We know more about them than they are willing to either reveal, say, or admit to in public. Do they understand our goal is to put them behind bars and get them to pay damages of two billion dollars. How are the laws in the way of our goals? It is their money? They are paying the bills?
Sean Hannity Lie #2:
I am not addicted, I am fine. I am not the slightest bit addicted, I am only trying to put them behind bars for what they did and collect my life back, all two billion worth of suffering and total insanity. I'm just a very interesting and very funny person. A great motivator and communicator; not addicted to anything. Nobody invited them into our homes or life. Yet they prevent us from proving it or seeking damages. Does the US know this corporate spy ring or illegal activity is going on and is ongoing? Do they know this is how they accomplished 911 and other deadly attacks? If so, we would like some help and getting to the truth of the matter. Exactly how many scams to defraud the public is out there? Exactly how guilty are they and do they want to ask more questions?
Sean Hannity Lie #3:
How many times have I said this is not about family, staff, racism, welfare, immigration, minorities, nationalism, corporate spying, their home, getting felt up or turned on, and jailing people who hate their F'in guts or want them to pay damages and go to jail. Nothing they do or say is going to change this ending, our life, or this level of suffering. Also, we have made it clear we do not represent them or are their lawyers; this is no game. They all feel they are professors and GoD has made their genetics the receiver of a crystal ball. Unfortunately, they cannot see the future and they are blind; this is who and why they got in this position. It is not only Sean Hannity, it is all of them in this family, corporate spy ring, and communist mold making machine. I do not think any court will understand how "family" was an excuse or why the laws are constantly in the way of their goals. Our goal is to put them behind bars and get them to pay damages of two billion dollars. How are the laws in the way of our goals? How is it they can do this and right in front of everybody? Does the US and the police realize how many corporate or criminal spies are running loose, no less what they did in the name of this family?
Hannity keeps going on and on. He actually thinks genius and our attributes has been delivered to his life or their family of spies. I doubt after all that time and so many screw ups will the total package or genius will be throbbing in their veins or bursting from their minds. What it will look and sound like is a fool completely disconnected from reality who made this up and cannot stop making stuff up. Yet the attacks come and with fury and secrecy. On Thursday, November 08, 2012 he says he wants to see racists and anybody who does not like him to go to prison. I hate to inform him but this is not about race, it never was. It is not about homosexuals either, it never was. His mind can keep going on and on about being family and then trying to fight it out with us. It is as if an alligator, a common pig, or a rat on the street delivered this to them and they sense a moment of genius. Trying to match us on technology or warfare was also another moment of their genus homo-idiotism, not his genuflect.
I do not know if they like their liberties, but I know I do; this is why I complain about them being in my residence or spying on me while they interfere and cause a lot of suffering and tremendous problems. I know they want revenge and retaliation for the cold war or even against the police; however, there is a huge difference between the police and this family of corporate and political spies. I know I like my liberties; why don't they? We are not family and there is no written or even shred of evidence to suggest we are and ever was. I am sorry to inform him or rain on his parade and fantasies, but he sounds completely or totally nuts for a dumbass creepy Irishman whose cursed church is racked with problems or similar enemies. Let's ask them to write it down on a piece of paper and carry an ID; who is family and who will violate every single law or deny every single liberties for this family?
It is not just Hannity, they are cut from the same mold and their bastard and retard legal defense is unacceptable. All of them act as if genius has struck him and his drama has major significance in our life. They are so important and have so much worth in their words or this insanity. Does Hannity have a short term memory problem or can run into walls and just get up and brush off the dirt? We know all about those little clowns and how psychopathic they are when on attack. Hannity says this is union labor violence and tactics. We know. It is beyond absurdity and the suffering of stupidity is astronomical, endless violation of liberties. Do they know this or acknowledge it? Let's just look at the watch and say "are they done yet?" Are they still turned on or addicted to 911? This is about being raped? A monkey loving a man and acting homo? Getting your ass kicked to kingdom donkey or dokkie-doo-doo?
Did I mention he and all of these communist corporate spies actually think they are staff and if not, only want to insult or attack us? Now he says we want racists behind bars or they do? I want this human trash to die and I am not scared about a direct confirmation about this. Is that racist enough for him? Do they think they can match my racism or power? This is the typical Irish trash that premeditated and made them so 911 and addicted. Terror plots, corporate spies running loose, rape plots, murder plots, attacking people or mugging them, kidnapping people, getting the master keys to the future, changing people illegally, interfering and causing endless problems, etc... it is all total insanity and a very troubled human being who has some major league flaws and personality disorders. However, they feel like geniuses, important, loved, welcomed, and are a career criminal animal. First it was family and now Hannity says "they don't like us." Now that was genius. It is also written and verified a long-long time ago. What took so long?
First it was addicted to 911. Then it was about blacks, not Asians named Leon. Then it was about infertility or sexual relations. Then it was about drunks in politics. Now it is about family and the sober reality? Am I saying I want to jail racists? No, I am saying this is the most absurd shit I have ever heard or experienced in my life from a F'in lousy Irish piece of trash. Is that clear enough for his 911 addiction? I am not sure if Hannity or any of them know this, but they are completely disconnected from reality, just a slight bit. Anybody who reads this or knows what they are up to and doing, will realize how disconnected they are from reality, it is not an addiction. It is called fighting for your life and survival. Hannity, I hate to break the bad news but if you are in this far and it is this bad; I doubt if a moment of genius and smart-ass is going to smash time, truth, justice, and sheer warrior spirit. If you are here now I really doubt if ingenuity will all the sudden strike us down or deliver you anything but crap and trash. So what took so long or why are we so patient and civilized about this? Whose family?
Hannity and their 911 addiction has gotten him in a lot of trouble and will eventually kill him and his army of corporate and career criminal spies. It means they are a straight up retard, that is what it all means. It means they are reckless communists who was not as strong or capable as they thought; now it is jail time and time to cut a F'in check. Is that too complex to understand for a retard? Do they wish to die or get hurt? Did they even bother to keep a written record or even document anything, not a thing? Really absurd and really retarded. They must be very important and they must be full of ideas; how well they know or understand Republicans, aka "family." How long and how many times does that have to be said, written, repeated, and caught on their corporate spy ring command center before he or they understand Republicans or conservatives? By the way, we say the same things to the Democrats and the communists, even the mafia and your common street thug. We say it to monkeys. We say it to rapists, murderers, terrorists, spies, and your common sex predator and terrorists. The rest is made up, they made it all up to make them feel better about what they are up to or who they are. Is this a joke, whose family?
They know they are going to be exposed as communists and will be defecting. Mark Leavin says on Thursday, November 08, 2012 "they are way over their head." The events in New York and New Jersey is going to reinforce everything they lied about. They will sink with the ship. Their environment has turned on them and their supporters are now adversarial; they are die-hard drifting with the shifting winds and without a rudder. Leavin says Israeli spies learned this from their mentors, the corporate spies. They are deliberately interfering and causing problems while pandering or stalking human liberties. They knock on doors and have that stingy look when their hands are out; praying of course. So what are they doing wrong if "they" are getting hell about this?
Leavin still has not figured out he is knocking on the wrong doors and is a stingy pandering criminal fool; he cannot see us yet. Is he a buyer? They will be using this strong other language on each other. They will have the addiction and this disease all around them. The gap between their words and who they are is getting wider and running off. They claim to be searching for the truth, until they are totally guilty and finally caught. Does Mark Leavin want to be buried in Arlington Cemetery or want women to throw themselves at him? How about the praise and admiration on this end? Should our military shower them with gifts and run to the aid of Israel each time they drop their hats? At least they are well fed and taken care of, not freezing or suffering because of a bunch of lies or a bunch of criminals.
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Friday, November 9, 2012
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- My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.
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