What say Brutus to Caesar? How art thou? What say Ceasar to Brutus? How doth thou broker a peace deal heretofore? Brutus to Ceasar in phony dialect, I don't know you tell me? Ceasar to Brutus back in phony dialect, consider jail and pay two billion? Ceasar to Brutus, I win also? Brutus to Ceasar, you win always, you art Ceasar! Ceasar to Brutus, talking about it won't kill you, will it? Brutus to Ceasar, not yet. Ceasar to Brutus, if not yet then when does Ceasar know? Brutus to Ceasar, this is why they call me Brutus and they call you Ceasar. Ceasar to Brutus, I am Ceasar and I bequeath until you, none of my own. Although a smitten of pride, you give me far less joy than a common whore. You indeed are nothing but a hateful, degenerate pig, get out of my face before my grace destroys you! All of you. Brutus to Ceasar, the FBI won't save you fool, only I can. Ceasar to Brutus, how do I know this? Brutus to Ceasar, you don't, this is why they call me Brutus!
The next day Brutus says, you want a Jewish ass? Caesar says back, I got one here now. Brutus, stumped scratches his head, you do where, show me? Ceasar pointing behind Brutus, you hate it? Brutus growing angry and very nasty, what is there to hate, I am Brutus. Ceasar growing angry and very nasty, how much? Brutus to Ceasar, is anybody looking? Ceasar to Brutus, what does Ceasar care if Brutus is worried? Brutus to Ceasar, what says you wife? Ceasar to Brutus, she says I. Brutus to Ceasar, then follow me to the meeting room and I shall introduce you, make sure your guards do not follow. Ceasar to Brutus, my gaurds never need to follow me when my pride is on my best accommodations. Brutus then takes Ceasar to the meeting house, where he reaches for a weapon hidden from Ceasar. Ceasar says to Brutus, drop it, now! Brutus in a passion and shock, withdraws the weapon and looks deeply into the eyes of Ceasar. Who are you? Ceasar says back, I am Ceasar, who are you?
A trance fills the room. Brutus then begins a dance and takes off his clothes. Brutus says, you see, I am Brutus, I have nothing to hide. Ceasar then sits there hypnotized by the dance of Brutus, Ceasar reaches for Brutus' neck. Brutus then reacts with cat like instinct and lays on his back by the stage, Brutus is ready now. He then closes his eyes and lays down on his sword. Ceasar then screams out loud, I ART CEASAR! In this moment, Ceasar's wife walks in and they both disappear while Brutus is in a daze and talking to an empty room.
The curtain then draws on Brutus and the audience is staring deeply into Brutus' eyes, shocked, Brutus says, what the hell are you looking at? Have you no shame but to look at a naked man pleasing himself? Caesar then comes back in with his wife and takes a bow. How art thou now? Brutus says in deep anger, I am Brutus. Ceasar says back, and I am Ceasar. Brutus to Ceasar, there are more of us than you Ceasar. Ceasar to Brutus, are you sure? How many of you does it take to beat Ceasar? Brutus to Ceasar, so far all! Brutus then puts his clothes back on and searches for his wallet; Brutus notices someone took his money while he was naked and in a trance. Brutus in a rage screams, where is my money and he notices Ceasar and his wife are not there, he is all alone with the audience. Brutus then in a civilized but a burning rage screams out to the audience, who took my money while I was naked?
On Friday November 23, 2012 Mark Leavin says that instead of paying the damages or considering jail, they have a much better idea. They will become my army. I will sit atop their empire of lies so I can manage how they lie, cheat, and steal their way into the future; full speed ahead. Even better is the offer, for a handsome cost, of your own corporate spy ring willing and able to do my dirty work. What has this world turned into? He claims it is a fair trade or some equivalent value. It must be a cold day in hell and I must be a primitive dinosaur. What value do I have for an army of low life degenerates who from sunup to sundown only knows how to beg and pander? It must be a very cold day in hell. Leavin likes the dialogue with Brutus and helped write some of it. What worth do I have for a murderous secret army? What in hell would someone buy a communist revolutionary army for? Drugs? Mafia protection? Espionage? Robbery? CIA operations? Private security or black ops? Land disputes? Revolution? Smuggling and clandestine activities? Murder or assassinations? Revenge or payback? Parties or VIP events? The image or glamour? What in hell would a rich or otherwise well connected broker do with an army of homeless, felons, or psychopaths? What else and what option do they have in life? Looks or no looks, there is always a presence of trouble and problems. They always go out of their way to make me feel like a prisoner, a slave, and very uncomfortable; then said we were the same. This management of my life or "run-ins" went out of their way to wreck or ruin my life, currently total paralysis.
Rain dances or hurricane dances, they still do not understand the concept of need not apply. Why? Instead they seek fondling rights for child molesters and rapists. Clearly, nobody trusts this pig, their race, or their politics and commerce. Pandering does not make this better or make it true. The futility and danger in this exercise is their search for home and an identity. Based on what they claim or are hiding, they are close to this map and this national identity. However, they are embarking on the life of powerful warriors and anti-communists to provide or by some charitable pandering rights, a reincarnation or rebirth. To seek this rebirth or reincarnation, they killed the identity of whom they used to provide this new identity and search for home; safety and security. As we can see, it is an exercise in futility and danger because they were turned into a rotten pig and food and vegetables fit for a pig was thrown at them daily and they more than gladly consumed it and wanted more. They have no identity and the only identity they had was to conceal a deadly terror plot and communist invasion or kidnapping to seek a new identity or future; a war they know will erode and destroy the empire. They know war and constant conflict will destroy our life and it will destroy the empire. They know this back and forth; will destroy commerce, the fate of aristocrats, and even marriages; yet they claim to be the identity or our identity, no less fate. No, thank you.
No thank you. What is their born identity? Do the Hollywood movies tell them what this identity is or was? Their money? They can do whatever they want with it? How did this end up or become their money? I thought this was about me being a traitor, being fired, being a threat, being schizophrenic or mentally ill, having financial problems, having a criminal record, don't have any money, don't have a life, don't have what it takes, are inferior or not good enough, can never follow rules, cannot get things to work, always in their face, cannot embrace flaws or think my shit don't smell, cannot do as told, is defiant or has tremendous character flaws, lives in squalor, cannot get a job or needs to work on his resume; and a sanction by the labor unions and communists? All along I thought it was about one man against all of them or even their spy rings, experience, experts in invasion or conquest, corporate spying, defeating their terror plot or trapping them, interrogating and roughing them up a little for what they had or did. How was I so wrong and so in the dark? Well, keep searching the earth and keep immigrating until they find their born identity; move. The only identity this fool and this total loser has is fondling people and telling them utter lies about needing each other. My nerves must be frayed to need such a guilty permanence.
We won't even give you the time of day and you are on the end of all kinds of jokes. You act like a what historians describe as foreign invaders, strangers in a strange land, and you cannot seem to grasp the concept of liberties or justice. Everything we do is an insult, yet everything you do is to help. I presume conquering us now is in a mending process where your rancor is a complete wreck; but you try, very hard at best, to bother me or do things which can bring matters to a more neutral consternation. Boy are the historians going to be rolling on the floor when they read of your tribulations; however, to the fallen who experienced first hand your brutality and awkwardness in our life, I cannot believe you would try such a crappy stupid gesture after centuries of glorious history in America. The British must have sent to America some rotten pottery with your mom in it for you to relive or replay these battles of conquer in history and the expulsion or removal of your tiny ass from our blessed life. I am glad trash of your kind will have a final resting place in the Middle East instead of our backyard or living room. You seem unaffected by the wit of your stench and your disposition to look and appear kind. At least we know where all of those former conquerors and felons went. What you really should do is join a motorcycle gang instead of finding new ways to bother us 24-7, play with our mind 24-7, piss us off 24-7, and looking like a complete utter low life pandering for food or treasures. Do you honestly think people trust you or want to do business with any of you? Do people even trust your race or your bleached beliefs?
One of us is lying and totally guilty. Now it is about being proud of me or America? I am a traitor to America? This is about who America is or her identity? This is about America and her future? I thought this was about taking their asses down and throwing them in jail; even better impose the death penalty. They are dead and they do face the death penalty; stop playing stupid games. This keystone cop act is just like their race and nobody trust this lousy rat. What happened to the feel-good love and praise? We know all about the land of milk and honey. We know all about why they come here. We know all about who and what America is; they need not apply. Why would this scum bag and low life keep applying or tricking us? Nobody trusts their race or wants to do business with such a religious wretch. In four long and arduous years of picking your (Limbaugh and Hannity) mind and trying to tease your intercourse into telling the truth, you made only one statement worthy of legal standards, "find comprise... not good for the union... a little redundant... we beg to be accepted... we beg to be forgiven... we beg for all kinds of accommodations... we end up losing." This is not enough to get such a lazy life into heaven, try harder or go home. You do know where home is don't you? Do you want me to bend over backwards also? How about improving my customer service for what you are doing or trying? The only identity this fool and this total loser will be and has been fondling people and telling them utter lies about needing each other.
Another problem the historians will be able to key on is how much you all suck when it comes to management or leadership. You are power hungry thieves and robbers. You suck balls when and if it comes to leadership, wars, and management of everything from resources to jobs. Yet you sit here and put us under your spotlight while you make us live your ill-forgotten plight of total decline, lies, and treachery. No wonder your church and your communities are in a total blink. From bottom up you pander day and night and know of no other way to live. Your leaders are near psychopaths or sex predators. Your females, well I will let Ann Coulter address your females. Does anybody hear give me jobs or give me death? Do they hear give me money or give me death? What do they hear with a complete injustice? Your ability to wage war and strategies is beyond the scope of a cow. At most you muscle fart until death but in your eyes it is war or some act of spontaneous rebellion. Did I mention your family unit and baby factory? I wonder why you all even have kids. It bewilders me just how lost and how shallow and empty your lives truly are; did your dictator teach you this way of life or did you find this reality while on some drug induced period of your life? All you have done in our life, well it is very clear what you have done but not very clear how you have done it. I compare you to a black plague that has horribly set on our nation. If this is what they call reckless power, then a moron and idiot is far beyond your definition. How long have you or your people lived in this condition? Even in defeat you beg. There is no evidence whatsoever your church or your people can live among us, none. How you consider yourself a human or expect to garner the protections of the law; even live life among other human beings, is so far from reality. We truly need a way or a plan to expel and deport your kind; clearly, you are going nowhere and no more. You have rewritten human existence and the laws of nature; even this did not stop your defeat or disgusting death.
Keep in mind, war is swift. Look at what you have done to justice. Maybe in your measly, small, and totally lacking world; you think and feel you are powerful. Maybe in a smelly, no good, and comedic way you find comfort in each other. How you apply those rules of science and mathematics to your life is one foreign entirely. How you apply this science and mathematics to our life is just retarded or idiotic. I personally think in one final act of idiotism or even jackass mobility you may even cause starvation or famine. How your people have made it through all of those centuries without starving each other or bothering each other to death; and how you plan on making it to more and bigger challenges this world has, has to be one of the biggest mysteries of mankind. We know it is about expansion and we know it is about security in numbers or outnumbering the good, a mob. I do wish history to report your blatant discharge of a jackass in ours and to view your acts as transparently as you have hidden them. I honestly do not think you will get it, ever get it, or will even get it right. However, your last stand and your last battle has been written and recorded by whom you think is your joke and your assessment. People do odd things to fix their embarrassments; your people and your kind are so off the charts crazy or worthless, it sickens people to talk about you or your kind. Even if you have imposed shame and harassment to my life; well, people know what or who is trembling. You need to learn a little more about life and how to die honorably since you certainly did not live it well. Like a baby factory, all of you keep going on and on, endless. In 6-12 months we will know if you are going anywhere or anymore. After that we expect you done and gone; plane ticket in hand. You need to consider jail and pay the damages before this turns even more worse, if there is any end to this.
Just this week and not even recorded, Mark Leavin says he is going to retaliate legally and fight back, use discovery on us. The only problem is you are guilty fool. You cannot hide behind the laws when you were pulling a hoax on the court and lying to protect your methods and the identities of a hateful pig and a low life. That is almost as bad as using a terror plot to become the firemen-policemen or conspiring to defraud someone by robbing them blindly. They want to be exterminated instead of paying the damages and considering jail.
Dennis Prager says his spy ring loves us and wants to hug us. F with us and we will do much worse on the Nazis-Communist act we have so much skill-confidence and know how to remove their teeth. Keep gambling your life away or turning us off. Pull the stupid weak-lazy shit we know is embedded in communism and we will go far beyond rain dances or earthquake rituals. We got rights too and no thank you one time goes in one ear and out the next. I am not sure who is worse; however, all of them are the same spy ring, communists. They hear no evil and see no evil. Immigration, it is so unfair. All of them are so loving and so nice; no hate or totally understand. Odd how they ended up the shining star out of all this toxic mess or total disaster. We are warriors and built like one; not a female or a hateful pig. We know the true fate of a low life. They never instigate or pick a fight, never. They built Europe and then immigrate. He is another pig who refused to do as told, defiance and part of this revolutionary mob. I can throw pig food and vegetables in fron to you and you will eat it readily like a common hateful pig. Is he attending the gathering and dinner in Florida for World War II Vets? Prager knows what 911 is about and sees no evil or hears it, playing dumb. He is distributing the passports to Israel for this spy ring and is fund raising their safe passage. Now he wants me to throw respect and adoration at them? They have not stopped lying but they have learned something.
Let' say you have an ice cream business and you work 24 hours a day. Then ants and all kinds of insects begin to show up in the products. You have two options, admit fault or retire? There is some form of mismanagement and some kind of problem. Now the question is why they ban Ann Coulter? Is it because of what the information is or who it is coming from? What is the source and why does it get worse and worse? I don't let them into my residence, why would I ever let them fondle me? I would rip your monkey face off with kung fu before anybody could go homo on me. This is not going to get anywhere, I promise. Don't even waste anymore pig time, fruit and vegetables will fly in your face; as it flies at us. Now it is about the rights of sex offenders? They are the authority on this? Boy do they have the firemen-policemen fooled and confused on rape, rapists never get away ever. This church and these clowns need to stop reading sexy female romance novels, it is filling their minds up with husbandry and all kinds of weird fondling rights they are kept away from. There has to be some limit to this insanity. Also, they need to realize our rain dance and hurricane dance is a need not apply situation; they look stupid on a bike already. Go eat some cheese and stop pretending to be native Americans. Nobody trusts their race, their power, their media, or their trade-commerce. Maybe fruit and vegetables thrown in their face will show it is a fed up certified pig; re-incarnation. You are also a hateful rat. Pandering is a dog and all of you spend a lot of time on all fours in search of this rebirth or birth of a nation. What is this map and the born identity they keep screaming back or kidnapped us about? Can a pig understand no thank you or common courtesy?
On November 22, 2012 Glen Beck is throwing hints and allegations to determine if I am asleep or not. He is actually trying to make fun of me knowing the degree I have made fun of him. He seems to be blaming me for all that has happened. "Nobody is ever behind your business going out of business... we are very proud of (him or her)" and acts almost like a jilted lover or a demented liar. Then he says that by answering these questions or responding to them, he is sending the threatening or harassing letters; or I am. Something like that. The guy is either a friendly loving spy or a total psychopathic communist; adding a new layer or twist to what they are doing. If somebody said to pay damages and consider jail, don't argue. "Look you, I am telling you now, we have a limited amount of time, nobody is going to tell the truth and I mean this media. We can hire (100s) more journalists... we have six. I am begging you... pleading with you... we can get back in their face." Either he is a total psychopathic communist or is Casper the friendly ghost. If you listen to Glen Beck on Thursday, November 22, 2012; he actually argues about us making fun of him or reacting negatively to what he is doing. It is almost like yelling no at him and he is yelling no back. Does that clearly describe it? As he is being yelled at or told to surrender, he is pretending to be a business owner and Casper the friendly ghost. This is about being forced to shut down or close down. Does anybody trust their race or are they all this totally nuts? They also think we are inferior and cannot meet the challenges, all of them.
This guy and their media is a fed up certified pig. Everybody knows they are a rat. They must be broadcasting this all around earth or holding prisoners everywhere, corruption. I think it is an international spy ring and a privatized criminal organization. Apparently he or they are very proud of us. They admire or like what they see now; not angry as hell or full of jealousy and spite. He says he is proud of me and has the capital or not much time to do this; he needs my (our) help to tell the truth or get this out. "I am begging you... pleading with you." It has to do with how proud he is of us! It is how strong or how powerful he begs and pleads! Nobody is ever behind our failure, nobody! I have heard their European socialism back after back, day after day; and then recycled into all kinds of products or goods. It is time to recall the layers of lies and deception. An MRI should show which area of his brain is responsible for all of this and why; it regulates their natural existence. Somebody is going to notice and realize what he and they are doing. They know not to trust their race. He should know better than to recycle his race and sell it when nobody trust them. What he should do is join a motorcycle gang instead of finding new ways to bother us 24-7, play with our mind 24-7, piss us off 24-7, and looking like a complete utter low life pandering for food or treasures.
Do you honestly think people trust you or want to do business with your race? Do people even trust your race or your bleached beliefs? It is harassment and 24-7 to bother us or keep us prisoners. Now he is saying people are pulling their ads from his show, wow! He should be lucky if they make it out alive after what their spy ring has done. Now this is not an effort to shut down but an effort to keep it open, to throw people off. What kind of a fed up certified pig are you F'ers? You win by ratting out others. Do you fondle kids also or act like your own government? How did this end up or become their money? I thought this was about me being a traitor, being fired, being a threat, being schizophrenic or mentally ill, having financial problems, having a criminal record, don't have any money, don't have a life, don't have what it takes, are inferior or not good enough, can never follow rules, cannot get things to work, always in their face, cannot embrace flaws or think my shit don't smell, cannot do as told, is defiant or has tremendous character flaws, lives in squalor, cannot get a job or needs to work on his resume; and a sanction by the labor unions and communists? All along I thought it was about one man against all of them or even their spy rings, experience, experts in invasion or conquest, corporate spying, defeating their terror plot or trapping them, interrogator and roughing them up a little for what they had or did. How was I so wrong and so in the dark? No thank you?
Beck says this is God talking and there is a plan for his people, they will find it and they will act on it when and if it arrives. It is called pay two billion and consider jail; that is God talking. He needs to listen to the voice of God and not nonsense between his ears. Oddly, I thought this was about me being a traitor, being fired, being a threat, being schizophrenic or mentally ill, having financial problems, having a criminal record, don't have any money, don't have a life, don't have what it takes, are inferior or not good enough, can never follow rules, cannot get things to work, always in their face, cannot embrace flaws or think my shit don't smell, cannot do as told, is defiant or has tremendous character flaws, lives in squalor, cannot get a job or needs to work on his resume; and a sanction by the labor unions and communists? All along I thought it was about one man against all of them or even their spy rings, experience, experts in invasion or conquest, corporate spying, defeating their terror plot or trapping them, interrogating and roughing them up a little for what they had or have done; and then asking them to pay for two billion in damages and consider jail. Nobody is this dumb and this criminal, nobody. Nobody in this world is this guilty or this corrupt. Hey I draw the line when it comes to inviting themselves into my residence or apartment; carry it further and I will rip your monkey face off if any of you think it is going to get anywhere. It is and has been a complete waste of my time also listening to you do mime or act artsy. Rapists never get away with their crimes, never. Who is this hateful pig kidding and fooling? Maybe if I go and buy food fit for a pig and throw it at them, they will finally know they are a fed up certified pig? In their reincarnation, they were still a fed up pandering pig no matter what they did. Limbaugh and Hannity is the piggiest of them all, the worst of the labor unions.
This spy ring and communist enemy knows who they are and how dangerous this world truly is. They are right, we both have one life to live, only one. One of us is a total zombie without any character or identity. Now it is about being proud of me or America? I am a traitor to America? This is about who America is or her identity? This is about America and her future? I thought this was about taking their asses down and throwing them in jail; even better impose the death penalty. They are dead and they do face the death penalty; stop playing stupid games. This keystone cop act is just like their race and nobody trust this lousy rat. What happened to the feel-good love and praise? We know all about the land of milk and honey. We know all about why they come here. We know all about who and what America is; they need not apply. Regardless, they have a media pass now and they feel our life and liberties are a bud they can write or some open book they speak in, such as this recorded document. They feel this provokes they are now insiders and their voice is being heard or recorded as the future or America. This is why nobody trust these people or their race. Who in hell would do business or even open that door and let them in? What is also true is they have figured out a way to become a ghost, become a terrorist, seek a new identity for the labor unions, kidnap people and violate their liberties far beyond the capabilities of the mafia, and remain hidden in the bushes until armed rebellion or conflict is on them or discharges.
In 1998 they kept playing the race card on me and when the FBI asked me who was behind it or when I wrote the report, I put "labor unions." I cited the principle actors as a horde or mob of black radicals. It is not. The principle are the Irish and this is their form of heroism. The goal is jobs. The ending is war using Israel as a proxy. The final goal is communism and corruption. At this time, these attacks were to produce a cartography or map so they can plan, plot, and map their route. However, they are trapped and need my help or anybody's help with this map. This is about INFRASTRUCTURE. They are bombing it so a new infrastructure is built, rebuilding America. They feel the final war on earth is over Israel, their resting place or identity. Keep in mind, these immigrants fight the wars for Europe, America, and then Vietnam. Thus, the center piece of their identity was World War II. Their goal was not to win the cold war, to use elections and settle for control. Their church and workers, staff; are in some very serious trouble. Israel has taken our identity and has taken on our "fate." The labor unions are the staff and they set the pieces up, what you are looking at. In other words, a switch has been made and they cannot keep the pressure or evidence of this stolen identity or switch for much longer. They felt Ann was going to end it but Ann tricked them again, and then again; as I did but they keep attacking. Israel has taken on my identity and plight; thus the errors.
I believe their security and legal case against all of us has failed. The security of the labor unions, communists, and this political mess is precarious and eroding. The map being worked on has a final pilgrimage to Israel, now that the Soviet Union has collapsed. If their war fails in the US, they will withdraw and pullout, not to the Soviet Union, but Israel. This is their final war and resting place. At this time they are in dire straits, homeless and undergoing collapse or bankruptcy. Limbaugh indicated this was an "exchange of information" with the bosses of communism or labor unions, a spy ring. It is about security and moving, not us but them. This final war they see and are working on; is to prepare their final assault. If a pullout or a peace negotiation is needed; they must seek extradition to Israel. This map is to secure a home in America and this civil war or revolution I have described and was used to kill my own friends and security partners; the Vietnam War, the peace movement. They used me as bait and a hostage and this is how Ann Coulter got trapped or brutalized. They are reversing everything, "we can do it back on them." There is some dance or encirclement here in Florida and it is the same lousy workers in NY, NJ, and all over the place; a mass protest each time I go into public. These cold cases are "under question" or "not enough pressure and evidence" for them to conclude. It is a probe into the firemen-policemen and security, to see if anybody is on to them.
They think our life and my life is an open book. They have a media pass and can come and go as they wish. It is not and has never been. They think it is only talk and they are a friendly enemy or presence. The worst part is we know they are communists. Know it and with absolute certainty. However, they keep denying it and saying they are friends or staff. Our families have fought and tried to stop the communists for nearly an entire century. Here they are trying to trick us, motivate us, and play this Casper the friendly ghost scam on us. They have figured out a way to usurp and skirt all the laws in America and even trick America and her defenses into surrender or playing along. To think they are doing this for talks an giggles is as stupid as their ending now. Each time they are caught or trapped, a new layer and new rebirth; a game called the Tower of Communism. They are just so cool and everybody listens to them, such Americans and such an important, powerful mission they have. Busted? Why is this always Catholic vs. Protestant? Why is it always the race card? Nobody trusts their religion and nobody trusts their race, it is that simple. Who in hell would trust the media? We must assume the identity of the communist is no thank you but it does not and never stops with common courtesy.
Knowing what kind of a pig we have and are dealing with, they will transform the Republican Party and even the conservative movement into a penal colony. My crystal ball says they will spy on me and others for Israel, corporations, and even a communist spy ring; be in my residence to wheel and deal, even act like a 2 billion dollar toxic spill big brother. Happy Thanksgiving and Indians? If one church ever fell in NY, armies of these drunks vow to expand into Canada, we know that already. Although recognized as Indian killers, this immigrant and church has not settled in one native country, Israel (no jobs). Oddly, they feel this crisis of jobs and expansion is about natives or killing Indians, it is not. It is a terror plot and a commie nationalist church movement. We expect Israel, possibly Tel Avis, to be attacked by sky scrappers and condos until it is sprawling with New Yorkers. I see in the future of construction jobs and immigration to the Middle East. I believe this to be their next economic move or master plan.
This spiritual revival and identity, a new church of parents, teachers, and mentors; has viewed the cold war and possibly the Vietnam War as British oppression. A gathering not in NYC but Israel, immigrants all over the world with passports and first class plane tickets. This has always been about jobs, not land disputes or religious persecution. It is about a pig in an aristocratic life. There is a lot of pain. This is how it works. They want to expand and tell their story, not write it down because it has to be up close and personal. It is about a wet pig and their true fate, not race. This is not about race, positive. I suspect a lot of blacks are planning to immigrate to Israel the moment war breaks out or possible civil war; for now the only settlements are Jewish; it is a gigantic civil rights and human rights voting movement; the winds are pointing in this direction. This is about fixing a nation and the problems the nation faces. This is the Africa Corp they are speaking of drafting Delta Force; capable and ready when you are sir! We see this trend in major cities in the US and even Catholic nations; this is about the fate of a pig and their pilgrimage to America.
Virginia, New York and Florida Sanctions: Ever since I moved to New York and then Florida, these people have found every way possible to screw up my life or try and get my money. Sanctions? Now they tell me or say, "Aren't you sick of Florida yet?" I won't say what they did but I am glad they have been earthquakes and learned their lesson. They are in so much pain, they have stopped emailing me, responding to ads, and trying to manage my life. God-damn I was hoping they get hurt ten times more than this. This is it? Ann, exactly how hurt did they get? Do they want to keep this harassment and pressure when they are in so much pain? Now I have to move and find a new life because of their disruption or limiting my liberties. They just refuse to stay away and want to manage my life. If they are hurt, does that speak for their sanctions or government benefits? This lousy immigrant is always ruining business, sanctions? Their lousy, sexy, stupid immigrant church comes to America and already, sanctions; wonderful and great people we have in our life. My entire life is paralyzed and I cannot enjoy my happiness, sanctions? I can't go anywhere or even visit friends, sanctions? At least I am happy and see my aristocratic life around the corner. God bless America and to hell with traitors and liars. They sure do like the mean's shower room. In a way, I am glad all of these people were so patient. Maybe these people and this plight of the workers will destroy their life and everything they love.
What is the high tech phone or communist phone? Imagine a mom with a baby in a crib and a camera and mic in Animal Farm, "we are sorry... we want to die... we do not know what to do... leave... move... go home." Straight from Toys R Us, baby surveillance products and now impoverished terrorist plot monitoring system to keep political prisoners and targets of a criminal low life.
Dear Ann Coulter: Ann, I have rock-star hordes of labor union females who are telling me her vagina is hurting and she wants me to stop. It is a minority romance story. She is saying she is not trying to get in our way, this is about safety, and it is so unfair now, three way. She either wants you or me to stop and her imaginary vagina is very hurt now and beat up; tenderized meat. She wants to die and says you either beat her up or destroyed her baby machine; it is black and blue, internal bleeding; but does not hate me; just letting me by and letting me leave. Get "the staff", it is time for pain time. Would you like to address her vagina, how it is hurt or tenderized meat now; how the minority marriage is beat up or not in the way now, and only wants either you or me to leave or move? I do not know what the safety issue is about or why it happens at an intersection (stop sign, red light, right turn, or vehicle traffic) but it has to do with being mean, safety, being anal, and not a complete bitch about this. Is she waiting for you or me? Is she expressing concern for this baby factory or reproductive freedom? This is about safety and they want to be punished in bed. Get a plug or ask her to plug it up and call an ambulance for her, immediately. They got their mind on blood and the home strip. They claim it was about their safety and now they need an ambulance and plane ticket.
Whoever put together this staff should be taken out in the fields and buried; don't throw it on me. This is about marrying immigrants or minorities; a baby factory. They love your money Ann, want it badly. It is dirty and so naughty, no hate. However, the pain makes them flirt in a different position. This is not done yet but it hurts and they can take it because it is about money now. They or she needs us more than ever Ann. They have not pulled out, it is so sad. You need to plug this flirtation up Ann. They are still excited, not turned off, and now a homo-erect-us. This is still about sex and now it is about how either you or I have to stop because the happy trail got mauled or beaten up badly. I personally think they went poo-poo and are too embarrassed to address how full of crap this has been or is getting. All that hate slamming into each other. It is a nightmare, PTSD. The Wiccan is now wigging; it is between her legs and she is bleeding or not in the mood. Turn it off or blow it away, please. I honestly thought this would be the end of the whacked out immigrants or corporate spies, apparently not. It is a very big and hard decision now; do they let this bleed, take the pain, or just suck it up at once? Maybe they will destroy your life and everything you love Ann; coddle them and be patient.
Ann I think they are totally insane and threatening are not in the mood for a baby; it is bleeding really badly and it is either your fault or about safety now. It has not been mean and still no baby factory. That is serious power and very important decisions happening; talk to them Ann. The sex is happening at any "intersection" or run-ins; more infidelity. I really do not want to get involved in female reproduction or romance novels in cars or traffic intersections. They claim they are not fake and are really hot about this. All of them are full of sex, not hate; and they devour and love money; you could strangle them during hard interrogation or slam them; there is no bottom to this. They love students, children, and romance; money is it. It does not matter if this is about terror plots, it is a baby factory and minority romance. The staff turns them on; so painful and no more heart, only hate, blood and money. No labor, but an ambulance has been turned on; they need this more than ever. If you let them come and let them immigrate, they will marry you; they feel minorities and immigrants are the bomb. However, it hurts and they will be there to the very end; blood, sweat, strip, and tears.
Neil Bortz does not want to be impacted by this orgy in the mend's shower or the brawl taking place. Part of this brawl surrounds my residence and why these characters are also in the mean's shower. Ann used to be in there all the time; now it is just this spy ring still trying to manage our life.
Neil Bortz says on Tuesday, November 20, 2012 although the secret is out and he is part of this spy ring, he knows how bad it is and is sick and tired of losing. How dumb it was and how horrible this got for them. He sees the Twinkies and the department store nonsense and only wants to get back to work. Therefore, Bortz says he is tired or fed up with his own guilt or this spy ring. However, the problem is two people, a man and a woman who was out there on their own while a mob circled them and they had to fight for each other. In other words, we would have been brutalized more had it not been for our partnership and how we won this. Bortz, Beck, Gallagher and all of these construction linked immigrants left us high and dry. Then they refused to help the FBI identify who did it or the identity of those who did this. The problem is they see no evil and hear no evil and he is right; the labor unions are dinosaurs. This spy ring and this big brother problem; is in conflict with the laws, the government, and everything written about human civilization. People always get what they deserve in life; one way or the other. Rush and the labor unions use of native Americans is totally insane and total lies; as always. Hence, it is the flagship of Middle East policy. Go back and read Limbaugh claiming to be native Americans and conflicts over land; then listen to his Jewish policies.
Bortz also mentions his wife who is half indigenous. When have native Americans ever imposed a Tariz? When have they ever gone on strike or complained about pay and wages? How many native Americans do you know rob banks, rape women, and bomb national treasures? The American Indians have been reluctant to work jobs that pollute their streams, takes their lands, or has them fighting each other. Until the 1980s, they became more accepting to American values and business. Today, they know education, iPods, computers, cell phones, and cars do have value in their life and can improve it; but they are not the natives who are complaining about jobs or being born in America. If this is an insult to their Casinos, then they got the last word. A lot of atrocities were done to both sides; however, their ending was happier and they are much more at peace. When have you seen an American Indian attack an Asian or his wife? How about filming an Asian and his wife have sex? Do you see a native witch in our life 24-7 trying to drive us crazy or give us an erection? Verbally accosting or harassing people to change their minds or mold them into a low life? Don't speak on their behave, take it to them and write to them, not me. Take it to the FBI and write it down, as I have. Don't speak on my behave or Ann. Do you see Asians and natives at war in Alaska? How about Hawaii? How about California? How about here? Do you see a rain dance or hear the folklore of mother nature?
They display their medals and heritage, as I do. Do you see natives on the corner spreading their legs and telling me crazy nonsense every single day or hour? Do you see them raping children and trying to fondle the most powerful warriors on this earth? American Indians like and respect freedom. They don't brainwash people tinker with their freedom of thought. I don't get calls in my residence from a native spy ring. They will not spy on whites or others just to win or get ahead. They are reluctant to lie, cheat, and steal; but if it comes down to a fight, they do have a reputation in war. Hence, the military names and the history of battles on both sides. American Indians today are better than they have been in the 200 year history of America, they are not complaining or guilty. In the end, people get what they deserve. We can also compare and contrast Canada and the history of native Americans in a Protestant nation. Native Americans do not think they are God and they do not spy on others. Native Americans were not behind the Alaska spill or the BP spill. They do not go around and protest by saying crazy things or protesting for the sake of being naked. You can throw them into the wilderness of America and they will do fine; they do not pander or beg for socialized Medellin or welfare.
This is the American wilderness. One moment they want laws, the next they want to see faces being ripped off. They speak about laws and then violate every single one, are we supposed to be scared of them or do they expect to beg, plead, and try to gain for the rest of their existence? Pay the damages and consider jail, it is that simple. Afterwards, shut up and go away; it is that easy. Stop being a low life in the world of aristocrats and warriors. Is this about fear or legal extortion? Accept losing. What you face and the forces you will face; are beyond your comprehension, understanding, and low IQ. You are far past the scope of our kindness or the tolerances of the laws. The danger level is mentally insane.
If this is a terror plot, then we are at war and under attack! A death sentence is in order. This map to another world, not there yet; is not complete and they are very unsure, very questionable. They know someone knows and both the FBI and Pentagon placed their defenses or strategies on their key strongholds. If they can probe and get them out of hiding, map the defenses; they will have a clear shot to the capital and the pot of gold. Until then, the goodies-ranch has to be sold and buyers-sellers are needed until this map is finished. They know dangers and pitfalls are along the way, even guard posts; do they have the merit, credentials, or power to overtake the defense or overpower the guards? We will ask the FBI and write about this. Now they are going to comment on the goodies-ranch or the goodies-train, how they use or exploit low life people to achieve their ends, come to America, build a new world, make our life "harder", or a new world, their world vision:
On Tuesday, 20 November, 2012 @ 12:20:16 PM Rush Limbaugh sees this entire analysis and keys in, "find comprise... not good for the union... a little redundant... we beg to be accepted... we beg to be forgiven... we beg for all kinds of accommodations... we end up losing." He goes off about regrets or mistakes they made. He is still talking about paying the damages and considering jail, write to and ask the FBI if their spy ring or terror plot is being investigated or if a wire had been used to set up all of the pieces; a final showdown they are not aware of on planet earth and her galaxies. I am getting really fed up with being kidnapped, taken hostage, and used as a proxy to determine if anybody is on to them or knows what they are up to. They know somebody is watching and somebody knows; begin the official investigation and call their political warlords. Offer the FBI some jobs, some land, or a new life or vision of America if they cooperate. They might go along and they might talk to you about this inquiry. If it is not a terror plot and only a corporate spy ring, they will understand and will write you back. Ask the FBI how to reform communists and low life immigrants who are part of a labor camp or labor union. If they tell you to "go home" or "die like a pig" then do it; that is dumb. If the price is right, they might make a bid or an offer for part of your empire; it is worth a shot and it is an option you have not considered or left out. You already know what I will say and what you will get; try a new idea. Do you want me to repeat what I have in mind or my response? Then do not ask and do as you are told; I admit they are paying for this spy ring and terror plot; but I pay the rent and bills, I have liberties also.
1. Racism and the good old days? The FBI will say Delta Force, terrorism, and the Africa Corp, this is about friends and family; staff and the goodies-train. It is their home, nobody can evict them, take their land, or tell them to immigrate.
2. Making threats, schizophrenia, and too scared for reality? "This guy Limbaugh is behind it, the root of it, he started it... @ 12:42:39 PM but when the audience kicked in they could not hold their audience." Now we know how those false police, abuse of power, or treason got this way, very questionable. Keep in mind, there is not enough evidence or pressure currently. It is undergoing transformation, change, hope, and clearing up or less confusing. There was a total disconnection with reality and it was total lies; it has to be won back and arrested; trapped, threatened, and made to be honest. Those police reports are questionable and instigation.
3. Competition? "Competition... able to sweep it under the rug... media... now they do not have their 70 shares... no power or funk... anger over what has happened... beat themselves up everyday over what has happened... they make no bones about it anymore... they have convinced themselves they still have the power... a deep resentment of each other... they were Gods, in their own minds... I have lost... I have lost the war... they keep going on even though they know they have lost... where is the diversity?" There is only one dominant way of thinking? Why is my competition paying for this or trying to map the safe passage around the security forces and the core of American defenses? Are they experts on this or security?
Caller @12:50:09 PM says he is confused and needs the power of Limbaugh. "Reduce taxes... the only problem is if you reduce taxes you have to pay for it." I am not screaming about religious persecution or using religion to abuse power. Taxes and immigration does not implicate religion or immigration and birth rates. Taxing the low life or the criminals, even communists is impossible; they are illegal. Screaming and yelling "go home" at me or us when we go into public or at home will not make this come true or lower the taxes; neither will it raise it. It is time to pull the plug, they are trying to pick people's mind and not really worried about the real problems of America or the total mess we are in; they just do not care and have no value for the truth. Hence, we get abuse of power and all of these false or totally insane reports. None of us are on the same page but they wish to fall and decline unified and as a spy ring.
4. Save the nation? "Save the nation... very complex... kick the can... with a band aid... it is not even close... irresponsibility... we are on a path of financial collapse... we cannot pay for no matter what we do, etc... cannot solve the problem... disposable income to live." Ready to die and do not know what to do, guilty? "Attack capitalism, have real pain... cannot live... not that painful, jobs... is Rush helping you out... created this circumstance... lay offs continue... won the election and angry as hell... still not satisfied... unjust and unfair, on the march." Okay time to unplug this again, rambling on and on for nothing. Notice Rush Limbaugh did not even mention welfare or food stamps; famine. Famine is the cornerstone of communist policy and errors; not power or saving the nation. Every single road leads to famine; not mob violence, riots, or revolution; famine. I thought it is their money, their home, nobody can evict them, nobody can tell them to immigrate, and this is about religion?
5. Terror plot? Is this also a terror plot or a way to save the nation? Dennis Prager says it is family and their money; just destroy them. Let's ask Rush Limbaugh if this map and saving the nation is a terror plot? "I don't care where... create depression and expect it to be painless... the only people who pays is the Republicans... if we fix it... silly and kicking the can down... worse and worse, we delay the inevitable... spending cuts... yep less money." Rush is this a terror plot or saving the country @ 01:23:59 PM? Can he or the spy ring identify or give clues to the people behind the terror plot? What is inevitable? Do you have their plans or a map, documents? Who is their leader? Who are they? What do they look like and what do they want?
This map, this plot, a war plan or attack, and these solutions; surround schizophrenia and mental illness reports. It is up to them to write it down and if they are being investigated, then they have a right to know or seek answers. The first step is to write it down and to let the best analysts in the world review their work and then our biography. There is no need to duplicate it or invent a mold, put a mirror to it until it is dead. If the capability is there, the danger levels will ultimize or go on full charge. Limbaugh is very proud of his work, very. What exactly are they using Ann Coulter and I for? Family. Friends. Spy ring. Communism. Terror plot. Saving the nation. Competition. Media. Power. Beat themselves up daily. Lost the war. Keep going on and on. Only one dominant way of thinking. Paying for this. Real pain. Famine. Immigration. Mob violence. Land disputes and mob violence. Taxes. Eviction or oppression. This is about immigration and selling humans or commodity, money. It is not about religion and politics.
This was not about college, marrying, a singles club, sex, friends and partners, struggling immigrants, a better life or new world, strippers, a goodies-ranch, welfare, food stamps, schizophrenic reports, mental illness, breaking the laws, illegal surveillance or espionage, family, jobs, landlords, car problems, adultry or prostitution, brokering deals, etc... it is about someone who is completely and totally insane, a madman and a complete terrorist in our life; what we describe the fate of a low life. How did it get this way and how was so much violence or brutality strategically positioned or in place on this map of life and map of America? Rush Limbaugh keys in @ 2:06:35 PM, "What about those labor unions (communists)... it is about fighting back... filed a complaint... now I am confused myself... breakdown of big money... labor unions trying to stop..." More of the total insanity and the hints and allegations of what this is not about. Is it a terror plot and a kidnapping? Who got beat up and has to go home or leave, inevitable? WTF, a terror plot means we are at war and under attack!
Rush says, "They are doing it to me also... taking it from one group and giving this to another... what is that." Rush knows it is a death sentence, he knows it is a terror plot, he knows they are ready to die, he knows they do not care, Rush knows it is all total lies, he knows it is not going to work, and he knows they do not know what to do. "They may be entitled to some benefits, however, there is a lack of information... how they operate." Rush is against government benefits or any assistance; it is their money and their home. He also says, "If you are a new immigrant and you just got beat up... nobody is going to say it [sniff-sniff]... refusing to admit a denial of reality and pandering." Total junk and the same trash or trash talking about what they have to offer and what they can do for us; a favor and a blessing for our blessed life. No matter how long or what the clock says, who got kidnapped, beat up, and has to go home or leave, inevitable? Why? Accept losing.
Again, it is a low life living in the aristocratic world progressing towards decline and this is their map. Is it a terror plot and if so, can he identify them or who is behind it? It is inevitable and they should be destroyed; stop wasting time and delaying. Rush has to be unplugged and stopped, totally nuts. He looks like Dr. Evil and I look like some bad experiment went wrong, embarrassing. He ends it with the inevitable, how fed up he is and how we, "should be able to do it back to them." Rush and this spy ring claims we owe him an apology and must do as they want. He has not disclosed what exactly he will do; but Ann says it is a murder plot and a rape plot using her as a conduit or a instrument of pain. Did that go very wrong and is a bad experiment, embarrassing? They say no. It can only get worse and as far as the eye can see, with interest. More and more barking like a four legged dog; just an embarrassment, not a death sentence. Accept losing. What you face and the forces you will face; are beyond your comprehension, understanding, and low IQ. You are far past the scope of our kindness or the tolerances of the laws. The danger level is mentally insane.
You know, why do you people have to make it so hard? You claim to be Christians, even conservatives. You claim to be powerful, even God. You claim to be Republicans and even Americans. Do you have a soul? Do you have a life? Do you write down any of this for everybody to see and hear? Why do you have to be so phony or beg so much? Why are you all this way or exist in this trapped reality all of your life? All of you are angry, jealous, and full of spite; miserable. Look at you now. Your septic tank and trash thinks the world is still revolving around your stupidity or looks. You think people are throwing themselves at you and you speak for minorities or native Americans. Even white pundits make fun of you and say you are completely nuts. Greed, evil, and your common criminal lifestyle is all you know or how you live? One minute you are staff, the next you are family, the next you are labor unions thugs, and then you turn back into corporate raiders or communist spies. You start things you could never end or do honorably. You have kids and expect magical powers to take care of them. Are you truly a witch or just a traitor? I wish you and your spy ring, your terror plotters, and your labor union communism would just shut up. Are you expecting the British to shower you with gifts and money or evict your terrorist ass? Do you want to pander and beg, "find comprise... not good for the union... a little redundant... we beg to be accepted... we beg to be forgiven... we beg for all kinds of accommodations... we end up losing." Or do you want to evict us, tell us to leave, and tell us to shut up and go away? Do I need to know it 24-7 inside my own residence also? You act like a mom, even parents; with a baby in a crib and a camera and mic we see in Animal Farm, "we are sorry... we want to die... we do not know what to do... leave... move... go home." Is this where you learned this, baby surveillance products? Accept losing will you.
Everybody sees what you have become; the true fate of a lousy ass immigrant. Is there more you can screw up or bombard us with? This is the American wilderness. One moment you want laws, the next you want to see faces being ripped off, bullying unlike it has ever been described. You speak about laws and then violate every single one, are we supposed to be scared of you or do you expect to beg, plead, and try to gain acceptance for the rest of your damned immigrant existence? Pay the damages and consider jail, it is that simple. Afterwards, shut up and go away; it is that easy. Stop being a low life in the world of aristocrats and warriors. Why do you try to make me feel at home or have a place in your world, when I do not and always had a place in this world, why? Why are you the source and the cause of my decline and poverty today? Just pay the two billion and consider jail before worse things happen to you. Even today, you do not recognize you are a low life living in an aristocratic life or my blessed world. Every single day you are a total psychopath and worse, a pandering annoyance. If you are not pandering, then you are trying to brutalize either Ann or I. Are we supposed to be scared of you or just sit here and take it? You are not going to get your way with us and you have literally placed a death sentence on your own existence and future. You must be trash and you must be the junk of this world, do you want war also before we have to leave or apologize for upsetting you? I have to apologize? Ann has to also? I have to leave and she does also? How did you get this formula and this science? How did you manage to steal all of this? Right now I am trying to get you to pay damages and consider jail. You better hope it is over then; if you have the future and comfort you claim I am locked out of. They better hope this ends with paying damages and considering jail.
Glen Beck says on Tuesday, November 20, 2012 @ approx. 10:15:59 AM This is about how people do business, how they barter or what they barter with, and greed or power. "He is a good man... They are setting up the pieces... if you feel as strongly for Israel as I do, then call me." Ann tells me is unable to tell wrong from right and will watch people sleeping or poke them in a bothersome manner while they sleep. He does not know the limits of right and wrong because he is a communist or defected from there. Beck then says, "he is not a total loser... wants to win so bad... the Chinese guy singing... everybody feels weird... terrorists... crazies... revolutionary armed forces." Beck sees himself as a teacher, therefore, nothing he does can be criticized because his allegiance to Israel trumps all others. Beck sees this and says, "He is not the enemy." Nobody said Beck is the enemy or not, this is a descriptive observation of what he is doing wrong or so unaware; Ann has to call him a child fondler or a rotten family. Although confronted on this they insist they are "parents" and they request access. Parents? What happened to teachers and being so proud of who they are? Now they are "requesting open door policy." If the bank turns you down because of credit reports, do not alter it or fix it using false documents. If someone says "no thank you" or "not interested"; there is no need to rack up more damages like a psychopathic spy ring. It feels like a classroom and a teacher proof-reading their work; D try again; still flawed, what is wrong now; lacking standards still or illegal, etc... There is not enough evidence and pressure but many options to make this sale; I am not using low life people to achieve my ends or as staff. All of us are immigrants and this is about using a low life to achieve our ends.
Do not ask what will happen when you use liberal-conservative low life people to achieve your ends. Ask the FBI about a friends network or how this spy ring is doing business; not me or Ann. Look, you have to write to the FBI and the FBI will obtain a court order and a federal judge to consider his "family, parenthood, or open door policy." Beck then says, "this is what is being taught in your schools and you can have an impact, you can win." We have a winner! Glen Beck has convinced himself he is some kind of a parent relationship in this and this grants him special privileges or an open door policy; a rotten family. They want to take charge and do this on their own, they do not need the government. It is not a mugging or robbery, it is family. He also says we are participants and join in or call in frequently; they want our inclusion and they want to talk. This is about love and you cannot write down love or a teacher of it. Notice how these labor union leaders and communists share the same espionage ring-methods; then they typically rally, organize, or keep the conservatives prisoner in their own residence. There are no meanies and no hate, only truth telling. So they are doing what the public wants and expects, meeting standards and expectations. If you want to "track anyone" through life or study them like big brother; don't use us or prisoners of war for this goal, then claim to be teachers or some parent labor union. How many law enforcement agencies or spy rings do you know "track" people? How many do this and then claim self defense? Now it is a clearly obvious but wild story about "Israel has the right to defend their people." If you repeat the right to breath air or pursue happiness, it might come true. Changing the way they do business does not make it right.
On Monday, November 19, 2012 Mark Leavin has been pouring admiration over Israel all day. @ or around 10:45:38 PM he picks up a transmission about wearing a wire and begins to hypothesize. He says if the US government has launched an investigation on them and if I am wearing a wire or others have been; they will end up losing everything. Rush has been second guessing himself and Mark Leavin is showing signs he can cannot the dots. Leavin has the nerve to hint if there are people wearing a wire, then everything they have done is know and the US government can instigate matters. So long as people know what they are doing or have been up to, clear evidence and can prove it; instigation is dead. I will say this, I am not the only person who knows, not the only person who saw them do this, not the only person who caught them, and not the only person who is fighting them. It is up to them to move the chess board and to figure out when this sinful instigation and evil murder will end. Until them, I see them alive and kicking; still lying, cheating, stealing, communists, deadly terrorists, and living a death sentence. If someone knows and if you been had by a wire or methods you do not understand; then you are far worse than powerless. Maybe God is testing you? Maybe God is testing your people, your civilization, and your existence on earth? Want to help? You will need a rescue soon, stranded; trust me on this. How powerful of a religion and God do we need to fix this problem or these people? Leavin has not even changed the way he does business, he only conceals it. This is about immigrants. All of us are immigrants and this is about using a low life to achieve our ends.
Clearly this is a suicide mission by the communist spy ring and there are layers and layers of cover. I guess he needs to ask how I know or knew they were communists? How and why am I so certain about this? The instigation is now extremely fragile, we will know when they are done, finished, or had enough; truly dead. If the office of hurricane and earthquakes gets this evidence somehow, they might be off the hook. If the Pentagon, then there will be a military conflict and war, ICBMs will be used against them and they will not get any sympathy, none. The world will be witness to their ultimate guilt and crime against humanity. We will know if they see evil, hear evil, or exist in any other form on earth than what we see and know right now. You better hope and pray the government does not know and I am not wearing a wire or have been. I truly hope the schizophrenic or chemical torture scams do not give them a heart attack in the end. I am asking you pay the two billion and consider jail; work it out with the FBI, not me. The first step is to tell someone or write it down so you can become a better person; the first step and sign of real living human being. Want to help me determine how far we will need to take this? How far do you think the Pentagon and earth forces will take this? If these people end up loosing all their money and land; we will have a record of why or how they saw no evil or hear none either. I am trying to get them to pay damages and consider jail. They better hope it ends there; and if they have a future and the comforts they claim to be doing this or dragging this on so long. We all deserve what we get in the end, remember that.
This is a story of failure and ambition. Much of it touches on Vietnam and the battles against the communist and labor union forces who feel an program of extermination is underway, a sense of unfairness or injustice. Again, you all started it not me. Why are we now talking about the office of hurricane and earthquakes; who is in charge of it? I am you total loser. I look better, I am more articulate, I write everything down, and I am funny as hell. I am blessed and had it not been for your spy ring and terror plot, would be a married aristocrat now. You wrote nothing down and are playing a mind game with us and the entire world. If someone came to my aid and saved my life, from you all; then you go and throw this on their lap, not mine. Kids all over the world now go to bed dreaming about my life and heading the office of hurricane and earthquake or OHE. I want to be their boss and their leader. Do you think I am qualified or have the merits? Do I have what it takes or look good enough? The more you go on and become more evil, the less I will never find a job or ever recover. I am good at this and I can do it. I am the nicest guy on earth and people love me, even you wish to shower me with praise and gifts fit for a prince. You probably never had a sex dream about another man until now. In my life, you all could not leave me alone for one waking second of my life; do you expect something secret? Next time write it down and I will save us a lot of heartache or suffering.
Keep in mind, you all have taken the first strike. After the first strike, your terror plot keeps instigating more and more on everybody; it will not end your self destruction or transformation. You learning your true fate and what your life journey is; a low life in a blessed world. You do know you are undergoing self destruction and why, don't you? You can read em and weep, I don't care. If the US government wants to hire me, I am ferocious. I can prove it. It all depends on you idiots. Go ask the FBI if they tricked you badly. Go ask the Pentagon if they know what you did or are up to. Write to the OHE and take this up with them; I am one man and my resources and liberties have been stolen. The truth why are you worried about this or a hurricane? The truth is you need to consider jail and pay two billion in damages; before a real ruthless federal judge throws your wet ass out of a building, rips your face right off, bites your ear until it bleeds, and you fall to your death like a sack of potatoes. Let the sack of money fall on me, I deserve it remember. What reward I claim is mine, all mine; every dollar bill. Your goodies ranch will probably be gone by then; deported to escape the people who are recording you. I personally think you are totally insane and have lost your mind completely to be doing this or doing this to both Ann and I. My crime is I helped you reach this transformation by becoming what you are; defiant, angry, resistant, bulldog, ingenious, inescapable, and so much better. You never gave me a minute of peace in my life for the past twenty years; yet you ask for it so easily or beg every living second without comfort. You won't get it from me either and will die a really creepy old fart. In my lifetime, you just never would leave me alone, go away, leave us alone, or give this up, ever.
But hey, if you saw a crime take place or if you are a spy ring who is this good at what you do; then the FBI needs your help to first document it, report it, and then assist them so you can get the truth or tell the public how stupid you truly are. It is a test of your mortal being and time on earth. How much longer? Next time, don't bring your problems with Ann Coulter to me either; I know what you did and how. You are a ruthless killer and a murderer; there is not an ounce of justice in your genetics. You could not stop and did not stop then either. Now look at it. You deserve what you get in the end; but before then; be a better person, pay the damages, and consider jail. I am going to beat you to a pulp over this new position or the leader of OHE, if and when it is hiring. So far so good, I am winning and in the lead. I have the resume and the written goods; nobody walks the line the way I do and it is verified. In my lifetime, this enemy would not leave me alone for one waking moment and they could have easily wrote it down and spared us the endless suffering and all the brutality to mold and shape us into who we are not. Maybe we should start civilization over again, this time without a few enemies? Maybe this is the final opus and last straw? They came to America because they were poor and hate their own country. They did this to me and Ann because they hate America and they love poor people. They want to be in our life for reasons that stem from one made up lie to the next; however, it has to do with a low life and blessed people. How strong of a religion and how powerful of a God would they like to see and feel? To fix this total mess and disaster, how strong of a God do we need?
Okay, let's say the people behind this like poor people and they are in search of power. I think we have unlocked the mystery behind the communists, the mafia, and immigration. First off, they hate us or any sign of normal life; however, they claim to be staff. Secondly, they hate America and violate so many liberties; hence, they want to immigrate here, live in squalor, and always want to be staff. Third, they hate capitalism or companies; however, they are constantly organizing and trying to do business with or antagonize the life of other people and it results in complexity or total disaster. Fourth, when you immigrate and look for the kindness of others; do not put the blame on your own bitterness or lack of a fate. Fifth, this baby factory, reproductive rights, and immigration or welfare based upon total mismanagement and one form of fraud after the next; is nothing more than a grand ambition into failure and nation self destruction. They may have built the material world with their labors, heroism, and even helpfulness; there is some truth to this. But then, so did the communists and look at them and their future. Should they immigrate or go and search for opportunity? In the history of my people, we never had famine; ever. I enter the military and already, famine hits. I go to college and immediately, famine paralyzes my life; poverty.
It is really strange and even suspicious why they always immigrate to America to perform miracles or look over the poor, no less educate blessed people about living in squalor. Perhaps if they do turn into a low life, they will go home and leave us alone while we make our world a lot better? Odd how they come from poverty and have to be a hero in our life; as if their life is lacking one or a wretched mess. This is a classic case of the same troubled people, two worlds far apart, and instigation by one world on the other until something or someone stops them dead in their tracks. If these people end up loosing all their money and land; we will have a record of why or how they saw no evil or hear none either. It is always about immigration, a college education in squalor, labor unions, construction or migrant workers. Obviously, they have taken the first strike and they have now unlocked the world they live in and the prison they have created. I suggest they learn to respect the rights of others and learn how to or when to stop their own self destruction. People need to know your arrogance and narcissistic evil. If you were a UFC fighter, you would take a cheap shot, an overwhelming first strike, and then keep instigating to the very end so the pressure is unrelenting or inescapable. You know how to play this game very well and we can see clearly where your people are going and also your fate as a low life. I am not sure if I like conservatism now that I have met these conservatives. However, how strong of a religion do we need to get to the bottom of this and to put a stop to all of this abysmal behavior and insanity? Are all Europeans socialist and will immigration bring them to America so they can create a new form of famine or impoverishment?
On Monday, 19 November, 2012 @ around 07:15:33 PM, Hannity harps on about us moving on; stop harping about this. Sean Hannity is not going to add to what Rush has provided. However, he brings on Lieberman and they talk about brokering a peace deal with Arabs and securing oil money for real estate or goodies; even flight school in Florida. None of it makes any sense. Lieberman recycles old news and said if it came down to it, us or them; they now know the answer. However, they were investigating this and cornered us with a gun to our head to determine if anybody knew, if anybody can call and answer, and now the Jews have to take this internationally because so much of their money in the US has left or is moving. Hannity has nothing to offer or add to this but he knows it is not the full story. He or someone is saying it was a terror plot and everybody knows. They know at the center of this are the Jews. They view marketing and advertisement the same way they see propaganda. If this is a war then they are marketing it, not us. We buy into it. The topic hops, skips, and jumps to one subject to the next as they debate or try to argue this out; to change our mind while they place pressure, fear, and suggestions of trouble or investigation; the authority. Hannity calls this demonizing; the staple of how they stick around. This is the goodies ranch, nice only and lots of cash; no violence or meanies.
Essentially, the goodies ranch is chasing us but with rejection; they want to suggest if it came down to us or them; it would be us. This is the standoff right now, us or them? It is nothing new and has not added anything to Rush's model and what we already knew. Lieberman is going on and on how Israeli and Jewish spies have US military arms and they have a right to protect their people. This is why they are testing espionage at this level and the capabilities of Delta Force and the Africa Corp. Lieberman says he hopes the American public will back the Jews up militarily and in any war; us or them, domestic or international. Lieberman says these terror plots put Israel and the Jews-NY in the line of fire and they have the most risk. He then goes on and on about how we messed up the definition of terrorism, it is the use of violence in any circumstances. Lieberman says by pouring over us, our mission, and trying to cut off all funding so they can prostitute our life; they can steal military-police satellites or technology I have been or am working on. They want to be paid, a form of extortion or mugging. They are into arms sales and secrets also; a one stop pawn shop. They actually feel this is the way business is done; even if it is about terror plots, crime, murder, or espionage. They have a long list of clients and still do not know who we are, Delta Force? They still want us to be clients and can manage the client list, VIP list, or conflict of interests; international politics and influence. It is all hard work and powerful brokers, money.
This was about stealing secrets or robbing others; secrets, power, deceit, lies, fraud and trickery. As they see it, by funding it, it is their money and if I do not like it; leave or move, shut up because they are deadly. We will be hunted down and pursued by serial killers and assassins, even terrorists. Their ultimate goal is to obtain or attack, military or otherwise, Delta Force and the Office of Hurricane and Earthquakes (OHE). Now it is a total disaster and they are aware of what is going on; they are not angry, jealous, or upset with how this ended. It is just their money and they can do what they want. However, the goodies ranch is how they make clients change their mind and submit to the most sexy bitch walking this earth, also the most insane. There is nothing illegal about this yet. It is their money, it is their body, it is their consent, it is their life, it is their property, it is their home. Nothing we do or say will ever change this or this stalemate; however, they are staff, goodies and this is how they do business. Like it or not, leave. Therefore, this was about spying and communism also but it is getting more difficult to market or sell it when people have needs and financial problems. One of the labor unions biggest clients were the communists; a very beneficial marriage and immigrants. Communism is their most powerful clients and the most capable. We can see this communist and immigration problem extends far past one group or organization.
The goodies ranch is for clients. We have no money and are only a homeless black guy, cuckoo, live in squalor, are a total fake and phony, and really annoying. They gave us many chances before finalizing their decision. The goodies ranch is for privileged, high rollers, and not mentally ill people. Unless we can appear differently or appeal their decisions; the goodies and the happiness of life is not for us or restricted. The singles club, the country club, the superior mentoring and this tutor system, is off limits. They want to be paid and they are demanding money; in collections now. We are just like liberals, we invite ourselves, we do not even pay tax, and freeload. They do not like my type or how defiant I am. They wasted all of this time and expected more, very disappointed. We have been jerking their chains and now it cannot be paid, like a strip club or some cheap hooker up the creek. As far as American Indians or stealing land, conflict over land; it is just too crazy and insane to even dip into. The bottom line is we stuck our nose in this and created so many problems. They were giving us a chance an opportunity for a new life, not squalor. We will die with nothing and need to leave immediately; or face a war wagon. Hannity ends this by saying they have a huge problem now, "a huge problem." Negotiations are still going strong; stop and moving on @ 07:52:36 PM.
The first strike and instigating more and more does not make it come true. Hannity did not mention this and neither did Lima-bean. If this keeps up they will need a bail out or a rescue. We are talking way out there on the ledge and really thin ice here; a deadly high wire act. The goodies ranch is the places they had terror plots; how they do business. This is why I describe an invasion in Virginia and why 1979 felt like heaven compared to 2001. The area became totally crazy and I did not like them bringing the goodies ranch, based on NY or FL to the DC area. Oddly, the goodies ranch was heavily financed and even in financial turmoil; the power of clients or the goodies they sold, did not shut down and crime double or tripled. When times get bad, the goodies ranch is hopping. They felt I was scouting out an office or a new location; so they wanted to drop in and say hello; hence, the trail of tears. Almost like a rock band on the road; they left a mark and made history; staff and family. Have I ever been to LA? Have I ever been to WA? All of this is based on immigrants. They want oil money and Asian clients; willing to broker a deal or settle for peace now. No violence or meanies, am I clear FBI? No bullying and no meanness or violence!
On Monday, November 19, 2012 Rush Limbaugh says "his nation is gone." He also says the exchange of information has gone very bad and wrong, it was not supposed to be this way. Then he says he has not been able to piece it together; if there is a correlation between kidnapping blessed people and the ultimate impact to their low life existence. "You won't find any of my fingerprints on any of this at all... I would never run... is Rush Limbaugh's country gone, yeah but what can they do? People prefer socialism." Even to this day, they feel being big brother in my life or Ann's life is good for their health and prosperity. They also feel we have to move or leave due to squalor; what brought them to America. They are unable to connect the dots and only want me to leave, live in squalor, or move. They also claim their looks, superior sensuality, and dynamic labor union powers caused many nations to kidnap them. Hence, they want both Ann and I to trumpet this call to arms; a false legal claim similar to the slave movement. Meanwhile the people who truly did this or led them on this path; can't stop them or fight worth squat. They claim this is how they measure the power of a mortal human being. It is a test to determine if we still love them or fantasize about another life, corruption. We are too weak to act on it and need them; for a price of goodies. They use sex, lies, popularity, harassment, false evidence, and pressure to extort or to determine our power and capability in this life.
Rush and all of the people behind this, who are behind all of these attacks; still cannot connect the dots or the correlation between our blessed life and why they scream insults and are full of hell to the very bitter end. This is the worst thing to happen to their life and they cannot connect the dots? They demand we move and leave otherwise I will be living in squalor the rest of my life? Whose life is hell and headed straight to the bottom? Those purse strings are being severed, quickly and you have also been severed from my life and Ann's life. I keep telling you I wrote to the office of hurricane and earthquakes. I also wrote to the FBI and they may know all about your activities or how far you will take this. You have a cursed life. You do not recognize our life is blessed, respect it. Your abysmal behavior proves you are a peasant causing trouble or trying to get us in trouble while in an aristocratic life. Does that explain who you are or why you cannot change who you are? You have no power or ability to live an honorable life, a wretched mess. Look at the mess they got their people into and now they need to tell them how in hell they will ever get them out of it. Talk about bad leadership and bad decisions, I would say a total scam. Limbaugh says Florida is where you go to pick up goodies; hence, they travel here for a pickup.
On Monday, November 19, 2012 Limbaugh describes the "Goodies Scam." He says he is selling freedom, why is it illegal? It celebrates capitalism, not extortion. He says to "sell freedom" there must be "guard-rails" and we antagonize those "guard-rails." This is not about spy rings or illegal espionage; it is not an obstacle and they do not interfere with our fun; quite the opposite they enjoy corrupting us and we become closer or family when freedom is sold. None of it worked or has, everybody is now scared. He says we are trying to make him "provide the answers" and the objective was to "scare people" so they give him or provide the answers. This was his goal, a form of polygraph and mugging. All they need is a little help, not quieting, and they will provide the hard work to get it done. Limbaugh claims he did not impede on or try to obstruct my police-military satellite operations; not at all, we refused to hire them and give this little help. They wanted to be the boss and we waited so long to spit out the answer and when we did; everything was a total wretched disaster. He claims it was our fault and I waited too long; or it was Ann's fault for dealing and delaying. Limbaugh says they were ready, hot, and willing from the get go; we were late bloomers.
Now we know why it has a new face, Asian money. He wants Ann and I to either fix it or pay into it; to depose him and be this goodie-scam so we can lure or market Asian money and this dream called my life. He is selling my own life as a marketing scam for goodies. Now I have all of his goodies around me or trying to sell their goodies scam; freedom. Limbaugh's plan was to inject stimulus money or sell off parts of it so it can be funded by wealthy industrialists in other countries, oil money and Arab money is one goodie-scam. Asian money is another goodie-scam. That was an ingenious idea to sell goodies to Asians like Toyotas. Maybe they will build a goodies plant and hire some of these gorgeous high end hookers he parades in our life. How can the police or any force out there fight two or three nations? I had no idea I was on this level of aristocratic blessing to be on top of all this. I must be very powerful and very blessed now. They are measuring the strongest identical twin they can find. They claim this is how they measure the power of a mortal human being. It is a test to determine if we still love them or fantasize about another life, corruption. We are too weak to act on it and need them; for a price of goodies. They use sex, lies, popularity, harassment, false evidence, and pressure to extort or to determine our power and capability in this life.
This is about the little guy in the big guys world. We can now see where Limbaugh's particular style of Orientalism comes from. They enjoy intellect and low key people who look irresistible. They like skinny, sexy legs, and bronzed skin with nice teeth; biker material. Also they want long flowing hair and styles. He likes to see the struggle of immigrants rise to the top, he froths at the mouth watching the weaker force learn hand fighting styles, he sees people who live in squalor or is a third world rise to become superpowers. Their hands are deadly and they train breaking coconuts. They climb better than animals. Limbaugh's Orientalist comes from his admiration of movies such as "Enter the Dragon Thug." They see themselves in our life. They see their future and how this can be 10-20 years from now. They learn from pictures and images. It is gold and it is goodies just waiting to be picked up. They like to see people live in squalor and then driving in lustful luxurious vehicles. Let's bow our heads and let's pray to this new relevation. We are mortals and we are all in the same boat.
I can see the thrust into the technology goodies and surveillance. The technology goodies got very dangerous. It was deadly. I think they are too dumb and stupid to manage high tech and the academic requirements; too evil and sex predators. This is how they proposed expansion or internationalization of crime, corruption, and labor union violence; but they are indistinguishable from the communists, who have a military and force the police could never take on, "too big to fail" and with unlimited resources in military and weapons. Limbaugh is using Santa Clause again, repeating it. In his eyes they are very poor, live in squalor, and are the goodies of the human race. If you want to live in squalor and do not embrace freedom; then you cannot enjoy freedom or these goodies. He does not view himself as a dictator or tyrant, a merchant of death. This stuff has blown up on him and he still has not come up with anything for the next 6 to 12 months; he claims I am figuring this out for him; they are waiting for the answer and freedom, still. We have been advised and warned, not threats or a crime.
This war on terror has lined their pockets and expanded them to enormous size. Limbaugh says the back-side was his image or they were seen as destroying freedom, not expanding it or growing it. There are no more jobs and the goodies pile up and get cheaper and cheaper 01:10:16 PM @ Monday, November 19, 2012. He is speaking as if it is over and they are ready to die. Limbaugh just said they are very bitter now, everybody. This will end when they consider jail and paying 2 billion in damages. He speaks as if all of this is over but the evidence indicates it is ongoing or still continuous. Limbaugh now says I am happy about his country gone and he is not happy, very bitter. Limbaugh says they enjoy dressing up as "Santa Clause" and "spreading goodies" or "buying votes like Toyota cars." Limbaugh has not mentioned immigration or the plight of the labor unions; how famine and poverty drove them to the US, they are the goodies we love to savor. The sweetness and the honey in our mouths now. It was damn fine goodies for sure; arrestable. Give us goodies or give us death!
They are full of anger, jealousy, and now bitterness. They do not want to wait another 200 years for goodies or this freedom. We are here and now because of those long and sexy legs; a birth. I have a first hand account of how desperate his goodies are in Florida. I am sure the FBI-Florida knows all about these goodies and how desperate times have become. There is some truth in being here and now and the bricks or the bodies that led here, today. There is some truth to them building America or being the path to freedom. There is some truth to them giving life and being full of patriotism, their home. Limbaugh just said "judgment" has led to a bitter ending. Limbaugh waited ten minutes and said "people have been warned" what else is there to say. This means he is threatening us. He and they are still making threats and vowing to see them through. Limbaugh says @ 01:29:43 PM this is all they have for labor unions and the communists. Limbaugh speaks in a way to suggest desperation, frustration, and even misunderstanding, "They have reached the pinnacle of their career and this scares people." Either I do not understand or he refuses to understand me? I think he should consider jail and pay two billion, with interest and fees. Those goodies will spoil if those goodies begin to goody-goody each other or do not get a new Santa Clause.
Oh now @ 01:35:37 PM Limbaugh is saying it is still about immigration and goodies. He said, "This is the gateway for immigration." Now I see his oil money, strippers, and all these sexy ladies. This is still about goodies and immigration; where to pick them up. Limbaugh just said it is a form of redistribution and it makes it complex for the police to trace it. Limbaugh just said this is how they "boast," a big boat. They are "advertising benefits... displayed... might also serve as impediments... but not intended and clearly states their entitlements." Limbaugh says this is why they are losing now. However, if people want benefits, "we have the benefits for you right here." A caller says he is full of freedom, liberty, and goodies. "You cream this guy... we love freedom... we love you like family... I almost cried talking to you once... I did this because of my level of comfort... people today are stupid... get George Bush off your mind... he is gone and he was comforting." Oh hell, now they are arguing about the Bush Family. "I am the maor of Real-Ville, last week I was the most uplift leader... we can overcome this, we can be saved by events." This is where we must pull the plug and end this.
To summarize and recap. Limbaugh says the people in NY offers goodies and treats in FL. We need to get our hands into it and stop fighting. However, he says NY and FL is not separated and FL has to be sold off, the goodies are now out there on their own, no financial machinery of any criminal enterprise or spy ring to keep the two states joined at the hip. Limbaugh says we want in on the game and came to these states for this; hence, we have to leave and move unless we want to live in squalor. We are them and they are us? WTF? It is a life looking back at the other; a low life criminal in a blessed aristocrat one? Well Limbaugh, Hannity, Leavin, and the rest of them got these people into this mess; they should know how in hell they are going to get out of it. This was a litmus test, a form of polygraph and vetting, even if it is totally illegal. This is how they measure the power of a mortal human being, a kidnapping, corruption, and a death sentence. They will know when it is over or when it ends if we are more than mortals; not a human being.
If there empire is as big as they say, then the empire should be back in the next 6 to 12 months. Bad leadership? Bad decisions? Just pay the damages, move on, and consider jail. If you do not know whether you are being investigated, then you take it up with the FBI and not me. Your people probably stole it the old fashion way; that is a lot of old fashion work now. Spying on other human beings is a form of insult. Parading women or objects of their love-hate can be viewed as harassment. Coming into their life unwelcome or talking to them in their residence is insulting if your objective is to upset them or make them listen. It is funnier when you think about it and it is happening isn't it? It is almost like a mind infection; when will it drive you crazy? How much can you take? Limbaugh is now telling me he is selling goodies and freedom; nothing illegal. He is not there to impede on our liberties or our life, never.
What is this drug war and the "goodies scam?" Now you sound more like the mafia then a spy ring. In a perfect world, we all look good and are rich; but this is not a perfect world, is it? Your pandering barbie and ken act is unlike anything I have seen from the liberals; it is more annoying than blacks teaching us how to be poor, angry, and criminals. It is one gigantic toxic spill. We know you are just a commodity bought and sold; we know you have looks or no respect for any other human being. We will know in 6 to 12 months if you are ready for jail and ready to pay the damages we filed legitimately with the FBI. I keep telling you I wrote to the office of hurricane and earthquakes. I also wrote to the FBI and they may know all about your activities or how far you will take this. You have a cursed life. You do not recognize our life is blessed, respect it. Your abysmal behavior proves you are a peasant causing trouble or trying to get us in trouble while in an aristocratic life. Does that explain who you are or why you cannot change who you are? You have no power or ability to live an honorable life, a wretched mess. Look at the mess they got their people into and now they need to tell them how in hell they will ever get them out of it. Talk about bad leadership and bad decisions, I would say a total scam.
I cannot believe you peasants are still in our life trying to argue or change our mind, still. Do you understand we have a blessed life? Do you understand you are in an aristocratic life acting like a complete idiot? Yes we know and everybody knows everything they did and touch is screwed up. Yes we know Ann told Elizabeth to leave her hubby alone. Yes we know about the Africa Corp and how Delta Force now has the capability or power. They do look like witches. They act like something much worse than a common long nosed witch. Just pay the damages and consider jail. We do not know them and they make no effort to get to know us. They just include themselves and sink hooks into what they see and like. It does not matter which side these people are on. The minute they get involved, they either are control freaks, think they are in charge, and begin to ruin everything. We can now see the murder plot and charges; also why Ann said to leave her husband alone or got them to say the same thing. They should consider two billion in damages, settle this before this gets worse, take this up with the FBI, and consider jail.
Typically, they try to manage matters or our life and no matter what they do, it ends up a disaster or a total mess. So they take the first strike and end up with the last defeat or spend the rest of their life condemned to a hell they created. Which side they are on and what they claim is irrelevant; they live in their own world and feel the earth revolves around them or always tinkering with the lives of others. Ask them how they enjoy the remainder of their life, heaven or hell? This is how they choose to live and die. They have no honor and are condemned by their greedy, jealous, selfish, blackened, and defiant screw everything up life. The trickery has hit the ceiling and if anybody is stupid enough to believe you people; then they must be a total fart.
Obviously, this is about immigration. Clearly this is about living in squalor, a baby factory, and coming to America as either goodies or trash. The apex of their power and leadership was the 1960s. They feel after Vietnam, it disappeared or went bad; the Gods grew angry. Their goodies and our desires for them was a tease and a chase; although we dreamed of their power and leadership seen only in the 1960s. They wish to relive this or bring back the dream, to keep the goodies alive and not a tease. It comes down to jobs, gold, money, and real estate; tangible goodies. This is what they are reliving or rewriting; to find the source of the problems and the people behind their downfall and all of these goodies gone bad. This is about the goodies of the communist, left wing, and the slave movement; the legacy hit the apex in the 1960s and this is when it took a very nasty and horrible turn. They are losing astronomical ground by the hour. Their goodies grow fat and old, their labor is worthless and so is their power; but in our life it takes on four times the size and strength.
Do you have a book of lies and insults for invading the life of others? Do you also have a book of lies and insults for invading countries? What in hell has your poverty and immigration got us in? Am I supposed to immigrate or move because of poverty or embrace your wretched miserable mess of a life? I think you enjoy being poor and making up all this, honestly. I think you want to be a baby factory to stress people out or make them feel bad about success and who they are. I think your baby factory is taking our life and our future down a road that reveals what kind of a creature or crater you truly are. Should we open up our borders to all the poor, wretched, and screw ups in this world? Help yourself. Help your history. Help your own nation. Stop making excuses for your poverty and baby factory. Oh and the people who allowed this or are supposed to be on guard; they see no evil, hear no evil, and must be a baby factory sending their failure all over the world. Our life is creeping towards disaster because of immigration. Your damn poverty and endless lies have caused tremendous torment, anguish, and suffering to the enemies of your false or broken history. So I know what this "leave" or "go home" is all about. Why in hell are you teaching me poverty? Furthermore, it does not matter which side you are on, which religion you profess, or which nation your baby factory ends up in; nothing you say or do makes any sense, a total wretched mess. Even worse is the more illegals you can immigrate, the more votes and the higher your political and social class. What a vile crater you have become in our world.
All of you hate your own heritage, you hate your country, you hate everything but you do not see evil, you do not hear evil, and you make more excuses and form these fantasies for escaping poverty. What kind of creature are you to seek pity in ours? Poverty is not an excuse. Poverty indicates a very serious problem with your life, the people who manage your life, and your birthrate. Look how you welcome yourself in our life and beg, lie, cheat, and steal. It is embarrassing and shameful hearing about you. No wonder you embrace communism and your Republicanism is so horrific. Then you ask us why you starve and how you can escape poverty? What in hell is screaming "move" or "leave" at me going to do, immigrate you wretched mess and total disaster. That is the best thing for us all. Now you have turned up the channel on your insanity or total mess and it is the most annoying crap I have ever witnessed in my life. I do not see a way you will ever escape poverty now, ever. Leave Ann alone also you F'in communist psycho. Your numbing welfare and poverty is numbing our life and we are not of the peasant or this pile of cheap trash you just throw at other people. You F up our life also and you just keep going on and on, endless. You all are a baby factory of psychopaths sending your radical and anger to other countries that have or live normal lives. No wonder you expect jobs or kidnapped us, you want to expand and become a baby factory again. This is about immigration and communism. That is what is behind all of this crime or the drug wars. Just like a baby factory, the more trash you can immigrate, the better off and the higher your social class.
Rush, your big brother and spy ring crap has people ready for war. What does it matter if you are Republican? What does it matter if you know Ann Coulter? What does it matter if you are liberals or conservative? What does it matter if you are family or friends? When I tell you to consider jail and pay the damages; I do not mean going on radio and telling the public you do not know if you will die tomorrow or if the FBI is investigating you. I don't care if you are soldiers of Allah or soldiers of some bearded clam soldier. It find it very confusing, very difficult to stop or complain about, and I find it paralyzing to my life and my private life. I don't even give a F if you look like a witch or are a total fag. I don't like you all spying on me and telling me what my problem is 24 hours of the day and treating me like a political prisoner. I do not like constant media stunts or stories to indicate I am in trouble or by total lies, I am under the gun now. There are laws against extortion. There are laws against blackmail. There are laws that allow us to use a hurricane or earthquake on your ass. I think throwing your spy ring wet ass out of a high rise building is ingenious. Maybe we can bring back the ice age and display you all as a circus act, proof of primitive life. I am not amused by your spy ring or how much in love or hate you saw us. Now you like what you see. Now you are worse than ever and we know you F up anything you touch or try to manage. What does it matter who you are when it comes to considering jail and paying two billion in damages? You do know I am entitled to interest and fees, don't you? I also do not need to know every hour you do not know what to do and are ready to die. What do I care if you are ready to die or not? Why don't you call the FBI and do this to them; see if they like it. Let me hear what they have to say about it or what they intend on doing to your spy ring in crying and weeping mode.
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Monday, November 19, 2012
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- My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.
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