1. Created car problems. Created privacy and living quarter problems. They were in every facet of our life and was a dictator or utilized terror and torture practices.
2. Created employment problems. They made it impossible to rejoin society or fix any of this; attempted murder. They claim to be heroes and here to rescue us; also in the cross hairs or machine gun fire.
3. Created financial problems or life long problems. They claimed they were trainers, teachers, and giving us on the job training; now we are teaching them and they are following us!
4. Forced us to be their microphone about BCCI and banking problems; to care for them. 5. Kept insisting we are on their dole. They claim we do not know who we are or how to communicate this. They are needy and flood government with pressure and scams. Now they claim I or we are the ones looking for jobs; not them.
6. Insisting they were parents, outranked any officer in charge, were well connected, hiring us, and our supervisor; military commander or sponsor.
7. Continue to leave the mess and the entire diaster in our life while claiming we are on their dole, need money, keep bothering them, and to leave or go away.
8. Is escaping or hiding a mandatory 20 year sentence in federal prison, possible death penalty charges, and using power or authority in an illegal and traitor crime spree.
9. Demand we accept them as supervisors, parents, life long friends, partners, or some relationship that requires us to be damned, weak, needy, or beg.
10. Total refusal to police any of this and the degree of corruption or illegal use of police powers.
Therefore, we seek and have to pursue the death penalty while they keep playing this game, using our grief to benefit, and cornering us with one scam after the next; pressure, intimidation, and obstruction of justice; a state of chaos and lawlessness. Meanwhile, the slander is level 10, the damage is level 10, and they keep claiming to be higher ranking, military officers at war, and some supervisor or parent; an unwanted, unneeded, and hated relationship; part of their unity and sharing issues. We have called the office of hurricane and earthquakes and demand they be terminated immediately with no questions asked; impose the death penalty and they keep skirting the matter and refuse to police this, claim anti-governed sentiments, wage war, and keep this circus burning bright for everybody to see. Now we have to be their spokesperson or propaganda.
What they are doing is using the military as the "Global Police" to control wars, terror, and violence. They are doing the same with the police on countries such as Japan, Arab Oil nations, and easy targets. To do business in America, you must go through them first or else they will attack and hold you hostage to the political system. In my situation, my entire life is shut down and there has been no relief no matter how much I complain and petition the government; a total failure to police this while pulling rank, pathologically lying, and pretending to be our wife or wife swapping. What they are doing is using the military similar to the police for racketeering, protection money, extortion, hostage plots, taking POW or prisoners; and seizing control; bad immigrants who invaded America and politics but are starving and running up debt to meltdown levels. Asians are one of the targets and Arabs are the other; two rivals and newly wealthy regions. The core are the liberals; blacks, and hungry European trash heap of junk who floated here.
1. Control the military.
2. Control the flow of guns, tanks, and ammunition.
3. Control the jobs, rank, and control.
4. Use racketeering and extortion similar to the mafia and labor unions.
5. Use the communist armies to acquire foreign aid and to attack.
6. Use propaganda to utilize the damned and doomed as rescuers and heroes.
7. Flood the government and control the courts.
8. Demand jobs, welfare, and payment.
9. Target healthy trade allies such as Arab oil nations, Japan, car manufactures, etc... similar to the labor unions.
10. Refuse to police any of this; demand subordination; use real estate and military might as a bargaining chip; and get busted and destroyed as they face now.
So this is why the government is guilty, the blacks and Irish want to help us win their case, and why they keep saying it is a conspiracy and they want a cut or in. They claim it is all protection money and a racket which they are locked out of and wish to block or lock us out of. Hence my entire life is shut down over BCCI, drug trade, and a lot of corruption and terrorism. Regardless, nothing has fixed or erased the errors and slander; more corruption and more criticism or attacks by the police, those doomed, the Irish and blacks, the Catholics, and baseless accusations of hate or anti-antisemitism. Now they claim they are on hurricane and earthquake duty and do not care because we are on their dole and payroll; either this or leave. A blockade is in order and nothing will fix our life. This means that the military and Pentagon is tainted, under siege, and 90% of the police has been taken over by rogues or communist spies. There is a deadline on all of this; 20 years mandatory, internment, hurricane and earthquake petitions, and world war three; no knock it off and stop them; whatever is necessary and stop debating about how the Constitution is in the way! This is an extortion and racketeering racket using blacks, Irish, rank, Generals, Catholic Church, Jews, New York, Terrorism, liberal plots and assaults; over the police and military - The Global Police. Their leader was the Bush family and Powell and his Generals. Their benefactors were the Democrats and liberals; the communist and damned.
The military and rank kept on attacking me... forced medicating me and running me off my own mission; then armies of McVeighs' and DC Snipers popped out and slandered my record and name; insecurity or terror. Recently, I was attacked and threatened with a lawsuit by the US Army and Walter Reed; to shut up or else pay back my early retirement; the thanks I got for all this.
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