From what I heard, they claim you are guilty of date night. What or how I saw it because nobody stepped forward except the champions; is they saw her doing her hooker act or walking down the street, they asked for a date and how much, she said $250,000 - meet me over there; and here we are and who "over there is." I heard them tell "over there" it was date night, dinner and lasting memories, friends forever crap when it sounds like a hooker-cop-bust. So is the vice squad or undercover agent guilty as they keep making her out to be or is the stalking to her home and HQ why we are almost at world war three? So nobody wants to admit they are the problem, they all want to be me or Ann, they want our mission and my life now; but they are willing to trade in half of the earth to win it? Now that is crazy madman politics and how insane this is or has gotten. So they are doomed and damned but in the media they are the heroes here to help and rescue us? Also, none of them are the problem; instead they are the police and this is their world; we are only squirrels looking for nuts? When world war three arrives, you know what I will or am going to say; why did we wait so long to plant their head where the sun don't shine and where they die? So that is the conspiracy; where their head is or has been at. Surprise, you are now in our mission and you are now the bad guy; you are also on candid camera traitor communist MF. I will appreciate it when you get the F out of my mission and clean up the mess you made; how long do we have to wait for them to die or clean it up?
All the money in the world and they are still a peasant and a serf; on the verge of a last breath. With no money at all, I have climbed the mountain and am the king of the world; a testament of royalty and true power from the heavens. Who is the liar and who is the problem now; and then?
Ann, I really am tired of the last minute confession or the change of attitude at the 11th hour. Take your twitter buddies or your CPAC and get the F out of my mission; first finish it up. If you love them so much and care for it so much; then eat it and do not waste my time or make me more sick. I am on life support already and you slice anyway; sometimes a help and sometimes a curse. So go tell your twitter buddies next time and stop wasting my time with this game and failure to police any of this or admit you are the problem. Remember who admitted they will and am going to hell with the damned. I have concluded all of you are phony, of no help, total liars, and I wish you were of more help or had some sense to you; repeat offenders and trouble makers. As much as it hurts Ann... even you; thanks. That is how greedy and untrustworthy you all are.
Every god damn F'in year I have to listen to this and Ann pleading or trying to explain; oh please Alex, I was good... honest. They call it date night and Ann calls it a singles club; I call it every year I have to sit here and get in a really foul mood. Good job Ann! Thanks partner, I hope it doesn't ruin your life or mine; but then you love them and this is why they are in my face 24-4-7. Somebody is flashing pictures of you hugging or kissing Michael Steele at last years CPAC and he stpped down quietly now; how many is that 1000?
Have you stopped them yet by having a blast or dating black men Ann? Are you close to cleaning up your life or finding happiness? I am glad one of us is having a blast and trying to hide it or be humble; so when are you going to finish up your mission; we are very close to world war now and full scale satellite warfare; no police and what left of them are horny and on single's club duty. Even the FBI said you don't even care; but they acknowledged you are my partner and this case will tear us apart and kill this enemy. No it will kill half the earth when this is done and over; trust me. Have you stopped to ask why they throw themselves at you and why you are having more fun than a woman should or as much fun as humanly possible? They even got a cruise ship of important conservatives to keep the single's club alive and to cement your bond together Ann; imagine that! You are so loved they rented the Love Boat for you and said you still do not have a ring on your finger; and you agreed with them as usual! Finish that book up... yeah, hurry okay.
If I was stuck and involved in ferocious battles of world war three; this is who I would choose for obvious reasons; total bliss and happiness. What a wonderful and blessed world we have and a wonderful career this turned out to be. Look at all the men throwing themselves at Ann and how good she is or has been on date night! There is no possible way it can be her fault; no way Ann! You police everything and you are doing an A1 job on our top secret mission. I could not have asked for more or better from anybody; why I would choose you in a heartbeat again and again! Agree? Who would you choose if you had to do this again? Why? It is a no brainier and this is such a no brainier; I have to pinch myself... such a lucky man. The people you do business with and have in your life are blessed; also so important to our mission and satellite warfare; don't you agree? Oh and the liberals said you all are the blind following the blind; clear and smooth sailing from here on babe! Any wonder why I would pick you if I had another mission or had to do this mission again? If they do it again Ann; date more black men or conservatives! That should teach them... should see it on this end.
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