1. He does not feel CPAC has duties to janitor or police any of this; only hold the feet of elected officials to the fire or make sure they perform as they promised, rhetoric and bigotry.
2. A failure to police any of this makes him qualify as a victim.
3. He claims he led people based on connections to the wrong people and they need us now; to right the wrong. He was listening to the veterans and was misguided.
4. Basically it was a speech that illustrated low standards and a ghetto mentality where ten point checks are the result of financial 2 point answers; money. You pay into it and you get promises. They hire the best or hire veterans; and they do as they please without any standards.
5. Why a second but not a 10th or 11th chance? Why police it all the sudden and throw it all on others? It is a echo chamber, madness, insanity, and stupidity doing what stupid people do best; terrorize the living. They cause more accidents or hide after it; shift the blame.
So the ease which he is asking for a second chance or to right the wrongs is shifted to another level and this failure to police or meet standards is financial or money driven. In my book, the doormen don't hunt because the doggy filthy rich or corrupt. Now a day this is becoming widespread and the core is the police; who are they and what the hell do they think causing accidents will get them? Safety caused them to police the last line of defense, office of hurricane and earthquakes, and pressure us by causing one accident after the next? Is the courts and police this corrupt or in need of termination? Now we blame the Constitution and have the sickness; the government does not work and we must eradicate the left wing, trouble makers, Constitution, government; and have become our worst enemy. Thank these rogues and spies for the valid brainwashing and corruption by the rich, poor, and real estate of exploiting America for power and greed; now using the military and violence to police who is corrupt or not.
One final note, the trouble they have caused for both Ann and I; freely reflects the inability, powerless, and bigotry of why they refuse to police any of this but ask for a second, third, fourth, etc... chance year after year. The damage and the suffering they caused does not excuse them and has discredited their cause; now our cause. Now they leave the mess for us and claim they want to right the wrongs of the country; but now what was done to our life? How about go away and let people police this free individuality and freedom crap with high standards, truth, and some respect. Let me guess, the banking system is God and they only do as God tells them? So what do I care for their God, their standards, and how they refuse to police anything but corrupt us or pressure us 24 hours by causing more accidents and telling us it is our own responsibility; not government's fault? Now the protectors of the Constitution agree with them how the Constitution does not work and Democracy corrupted and watered it down.

Asking for leniency has gotten really annoying for the rich, poor, and total insane... they come to America and nobody is guilty or the problem any longer.
The West mouthpiece for the Italians and filthy rich was lame and stupid; nothing has changed but they seek leniency. These people echo everything we say, claim our life is theirs, and next thing we know we are in some conversion or brainwashing trap. Now we are stuck and cannot get out of it and they just ask for leniency. This echo trap is their brainwashing black bag and police; to cause accidents and fly on our wings like a personal Jesus or stalker. It is the voice of stupid and mental illness phony power and leaders. Why? They face destruction and need to reform now. Take a hard look how bad they screwed up and how hard they are now fighting to stay. It is all an echo and the damned; imposing it back on those not damned or doomed. They are doing what iRush and Hannity did; steal everything and echo everything before we recovered or got stronger. Now they claim policing this is not in their list of duties or priorities.
Ann, I have a lot of problems right now; please do not cause more or make me upset with you more than necessary okay? I am glad you are alright and safer now. So there are more of us than them now? How did this suddenly occur?
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