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Sunday, February 13, 2011


Yes, growth, power, greed, money, and communism - ALL OF IT MADE US SICK AND FIGHT EACH OTHER!

FACT: what Ann went through for the past three years is the same hell I went through for 22 years. The attack is comparable to buying a brand new car and dumping 10 gallons of oil inside it. Try it and that is one event and one attack; what it feels like. Now magnify this for 22 years; Ann got only three years until they caught on to her; blindsided them and now too damaged to recover also. So why won't they admit it or turn themselves in when the evidence is right there in black and white; a paper trial as well? I made sure I got a paper trial and tested each lead; to set up the pieces. Now I have to deal with this and an alcoholic partner who cannot stand to be by herself and needs men in her life 24-7; but wants me to know she is faithful and loyal; a good choice to spend the rest of my life with. These F'ers are nuts and do not police anything; I get one excuse after the next and have yelled at Ann repeatedly for the same thing; they claim we or she set them up. Who in their god damn right mind would do this to a military leader of this caliber and strength? Who? Who then would double, triple, and think they could break them similar to Maximus the General; America? Liberals? Catholics? Jews? Democrats? How about the damned and the doomed who flood here and are never the problem; but now stupid as heck and hostile psycho angry? They claim it is their home now and they run their household with an iron fist. Ann must now deal with the Red Eye Boys and decide if she will produce an alcohol anonymous certification; be a loner and not depend on men similar to these trophy hunting prostitutes the mafia uses to steal inheritance and fortunes. Wait until they meet them online also!

So the blacks are out of this; decide if you wish to side with the racists and white supremist groups also; just a repeat of World War II and the propaganda by the labor unions. Fox News ruined Ann. CPAC ruined Ann. Now I also am guilty and ruined Ann; but for the right reasons, ask her if she is guilty and gets any results? The only way to remove this enemy now since there is no police or nobody wants to police this; is to cut out Ann and move on; too damaged also. The stupid girl needs men around her and is an alcoholic; one trick after the next. So the tic-for-tac ends up on my lap; all of it and so many crank calls, thanks Ann. Ann will then say, "Alex I did not do it and had nothing to do with this." It is like a snowball rolling down a hill; she starts one, they start one; and then we run when two of them are coming at us, not one. Ann had to get an HIV test and prove this. Then she was told to seek counseling and is back at it again. Now it is clear alcohol and her lifestyle is the problem; a cultural idiot. Only alcoholics impact their families this way; or crazed horny preachers. So what will it be Ann; roll the dice against the odds again; or stay down and fix yourself before you are too damaged? It is not the flu, trust me. They did the same to me and kept "pricking me"; but I was refused medical help by the US Army. In the middle of combat and ferocious battle; I am refused medical help. Why? They also said I had to be medicated; so didn't the people who arrested me in 2002; are they sure about this or wish to go to court? Can they provide documents immediately if we launch discovery or is this just an intimidation and obstruction of tactic scam? Okay so do discovery on them now and ask if they are guilty? This is how they break people and destroy them; too damaged to recover; unable to rejoin society. We seek the death penalty. If civil war breaks out; I will drown them in the summers and come winter; they will regret every second of life. So I have this covered and am sending in ground forces. They must be forced out. Any regrets doing this to the wrong people?

CIVIL OR WORLD WAR: The fact you argue with me about this and rub my face in it Ann; will require you to check in, seek treatment, and remove the stigma of the alcoholic. If you refuse to hire a personal assistant and plead to me while surrounding you with rapists, murderers, and horny traitors who will do anything humanly possible to ruin or kill you; then do not come knocking on my door. You did not get or have a desirable outcome and for once; you may want to police it or pressure them to fire this MF. As far as Fox and those we caught and know are feeding us lies, toxic information, and false information; they will never work in this industry again; I promise. My resume is with the Pentagon and they know I get results 100% of the time. As far as CPAC and Fox News just a Jewish and Catholic loudspeaker for treasure hunters and drunks; Ann led them down that road and they will never work in this industry again; unless the mandatory 20 year sentence, internment, or fixing our biography. The only other option is civil war and this war they did on us, the police, the government and made sure the Constitution did not recover or survive. They will never work in this industry again; trust me. So keep refusing to police it or fix it while ruining Ann and making her hate herself as done to me; civil war and world war is not far away and cloning satellite warfare was the worst mistake of their miserable SOB life. Once you take that step and did it; do it again, and then cranked called; it was the final star in the sky. Whenever they are ready to police this; I will write to the office of hurricane and earthquakes and retract the level 10 state of siege we had to impose. I suggest they stop the attacks and just go into hiding; leave. I suggest they cap and sink the echo chamber or the "let's see if he can get out of this one" insanity. Stop F'in with my car also. Stop cloning the satellite warfare program or stealing it; get the F out of it also; immediately.

READ ON: Let me make this crystal clear; we are not and I am not interested in any wandering fool or military jackass who feels I am here to be their servant or be shown the ropes by some Harley crowd or merchandiser who is a skill mechanic. I no less care about their cars, products, or similar interests than I do having every single car I own vandalized, wrecked, or more insurance nonsense. I am working with Governors and industry leaders to lock out this band of treasure hunters and horde of infestation; to boycott all their products and American products for the retaliation of 1998 to 2011; no American products until this traitor and enemy is captured, killed, or broken; a mandatory 20 year sentence.

ANN: look at what you have done and how you are now; as far as my complaints; I know Fox News is the problem and who keeps challenging me with one problem after the next. Let's see how they get out of this or if they will; I want them gone one way or the other and petitioning for their expulsion and ban in the military. I am not privy to your constant excuse making or catching you lie to me one after the next; while you violate our trust and relationship. I am done with this Ann and how you fail to police any of this and emboldened these women who were and are behind this total insanity. If civil war erupts; I have a resume with the Pentagon and will either drown or freeze them by petition and diplomacy. This idea they can stalk and keep pressuring a loner with their magnificent sorority, frat lifestyle, and alcoholic infested religious zeal is who is behind this. It was the French, the Catholics, and the New York liberals who keep saying "they" are mentally ill and need help. Due to the problems, there will not be any American products or wandering fools in my mission from here on; to be enforced and imposed until this is fixed and done right.

Now I am made to be a nurse or some companion for a jackass and F'in loser while my cars are toiled with and vandalized; a total boycott and ban on any future American products to teach this traitor a lesson. As for you Ann; I suggest you reconsider the up all night and partying at these CPAC and conservative events; even hire a personal assistant before your marriage is the joke it is and will become. You can blame who you want; open your eyes, because none of it is policed and the only liar right now is you. Unless you deport or rid 65% of the population; you will be a liar and a mentally ill female who just cannot get your way and have emboldened this come to America and sell real estate treasure hunt; do not police anything until total failure, hurricanes and earthquakes, or civil war. I am fed up Ann, of you, of Fox News, of CPAC, and all of this treasure hunting and slave mentality. Even you are the same and menacing; even you are a liar and was caught making one excuse after the next. So why do you refuse to hire a personal assistant and depend on the company of those you complain about? Who is feeding me false and toxins for the past 22 years? Who is now pissing me off daily and weekly? You? Them? Everybody? Who? At least this dumb-ass was destroyed and faces either drowning or flood if they make a move or the wrong one. I suggest they stop and end this; accept the 20 year mandatory sentence or the death penalty before civil war erupts; the black movement is not fixable and neither is the labor movement.

I don't like the surround me and feed me poison, alcohol (American Indian trick to take land) and drugs, throw frat or sorority parties to kick me out of college, wreck my marriage and cars, and feed me lies and false information while waiting for me to go crazy because of a stalker and some demented companion who is a traitor and trying to recruit me or be my commanding officer. Now the homeless trap is escaped. The mental institution trap is escaped. The brainwashing trap is escaped. The steal all of my property and life while extorting is escaped. The stupid female wife and cupid match-maker web site is escaped. The political prisoner in my own home is escaped. The leader of the drug wars and blacks is escaped. Finally, there is nothing left to the graduating class of 1960s or this high school problem with the Democrats and liberals in DC-VA. We also turned off the lousy immigrants flooding to America and a whole lot more; now the military is against me and telling me to leave or pay back any rewards, danger pay, combat pay, and I must accept the outcome? I am a loner; not their business partner, The One, The Pope, a new preacher in the gay stable, a teacher, a companion, or have anything to do with being their nurse, companion, or growth. They keep trying to be friends and crank calling us to force us into this or down this road; surrounded me and how these bad outcomes got this way; stalking. Now they refuse to step down, close up shop, or stop bothering and challenging us; but we have to rescue them and they echo anything we say or do; even leave or shut up. Either intern them or impose a mandatory 20 year sentence before we have civil war. If civil war arrives; I will drown them in the summers and freeze them in the winters; my petition has been submitted. I am a military leader and strategist; not their employee or companion in life; a loner. Leave me and my family alone before that outcome is real and needed.

Knock off the games and the "bother the loner" lawsuit for 1.5 billion dollars. Obviously, the police want money and are here in America to ruin us or destroy the nation. Obviously, the blacks have or will and make a valuable tool. Obviously, we are trapped and so are a lot of people. Obviously, a civil war is needed to remove and push this enemy back and down. Obviously, the office of hurricane and earthquakes has been called and has not responded. Obviously, Ann is toying or playing a game with the Queen Bee, the killer nest. Obviously, she or it has to be destroyed; now melting but claim "they" are mentally ill and need help. Obviously, the police know and see Ann jumping in front of cars thinking this will stop them. Obviously, we learned all of this by logging what they did to us or tried unsuccessfully; now it is their time. Obviously, there is a problem with the police and money; total corruption. Obviously, wars and the Pentagon is being attacked and taken over. Obviously we nail this SOB and destroyed them; they claim I am powerless to more or can break this gridlock; too damaged to recover or rejoin society. They are trying to damage Ann in a similar way; put us in the hospital. Obviously a mandatory 20 year detention, forced incarceration, or internment will not stop the communist and terrorists. Obviously, firing them and pressuring them with legal suits is not enough. Obviously, this traitor and lousy immigrant is here to challenge us and seeks only treasure or gold. Now the communists have been assured a mutually assured destruction and the trump cards are flowing like a tsunami. Still not the right result because they wrong people have surrounded the most powerful or caused one accident after the next. They are surrounding us and trying anything to stop or destroy us. They are also using blacks and now gay priests to sell this civil war and crime.

Ann: like every year... put together a presentation and let me know the bad news. I am fed up and you did not answer the real question, do you want to help me get a dishwashing job or not? All you had to do was give your speech and leave; I would have said, "that was the best speech you ever gave." Instead, we are at it again and again because you are an alcoholic and this is the impact of people like you on their family. Knock off the Ms. Nixon, Ms. Reagan, or Betty Ford clinic crap because Lohan, Hilton, and other girls are following suit. I will say this again, I am not interested and never was in some party girl, sorority girl, or this game you keep playing with me also. I refuse to go further and play this anymore. CPAC has ruined your life and this reality better sink in before you are attending all night parties or conservative love boats; did I mention the men who call me about how you do not have a ring on your finger? Now do you want to roll the dice or work harder at this? This is insane and you have gone mad along with them; but winning. So do you wish to help me or not; I do not need to know who took you out to dinner last night, how much fun you had, and all night parties or your social life; understand idiot? Stop telling me you hate yourself, how hard you work, and how you have low self esteem because of all this. What do you think happened to me and what I am going through; now I am stuck with how many insane females?

The more you play this game, the more they will throw up more challenges. I have to sell my car now. I have to get a job washing dishes. And you keep trying to make them put up more challenges; look at the end result. It has not stopped them. It has not gotten rid of them. It is not killing them and they are beating like a heart attack; kill it. This enemy does not deserve to live Ann and soon; you will be ruined and trying desperately to be happy or fix it. I have been there and this has been 22 years of this. I have had to fight these attacks before. Do you want to work at the ring on your finger or not; if not then take it off and leave it be; this is not good for you or I. Those around you have done everything they can to destroy you and they will not leave; I asked for 20 years mandatory and the imposition of hurricane and earthquake office judgments. They are smug and push onwards not policing anything and even more now. Other than civil or world war; this lousy immigrant and criminal fugitive will not step down or go away; trust me. I have been at this for 22 years with them; kill it. Do you want to loose more Ann? Do you want to gamble with me also? All you had to do was go and give a dumb speech and just get out of there; not stick around or brag about the Red Eye Boys. Fox News has been doing this with Oreilly, Hannity, Red Eye, and you had your face licked and I will say this again; they did everything humanly possible to ruin you and sneak off; save their own skin. So lets save our own skin; that is the game now with no police and mega lawsuits just waiting. They are dead and going out with a bang; bang, happy now? I am tired of it Ann, from you or from them. I want you all out of my mission and this cleaned up immediately; but all of you are retarded and it is very evident. All you do is apologize or tell me how sad and depressing this is; policing any of it. None of that is helpful or going to fix any of this, none. What will fix it? What will restore my life and end the pain and suffering? What is needed here besides the death penalty and 20 years mandatory sentence? Ann, you are losing and you will ruin us both; understand this and how you are, all of you.

We put these people in some vehicle to race around a track and next thing you know; they do not police anything and are a victim. Yet we have to sit here and complain about war and how I have to boycott certain cars now or need a dish washing job while my partner dances the night away with Fox boys.

Ann I never knew neither Fox News staff or you were the problem and the both of you enjoy staying out all nite, going to social bashes, and live the ultimate sorority and fraternity lifestyle. However, you can either police it and clear the record once and for all; make sure those behind is are fired and gone; or admit we are a mismatch and this is not what I want. You can blame Fox or they can blame you; or you all can hug and kiss while acting as if you are extra careful about flu season. I have to sell my car now and am sick of the vandalism or toying with my engine crap. I had to dump my hobby and interest restoring vehicles thanks to this MF. They still feel I am a business partner or have some relationship with you and I. Due to the lack of security and all this corruption; I have to wash dishes and live their life while you all party your ass off with my superior mission. All of you are welcome... thanks. I love the part where the military attacked me and said I have to pay back any money for doing their job or saving this world; then how my medical benefits are cut off after ferocious battle; good job these people are doing. I am no longer homeless and being accused of a mental illness; just trying to wash dishes so I can pay for gas and commuting.

If you do not mind also, can I ask you if you can maybe help me get a job as a dishwasher while I get my stuff straight. I have a lot of problems and it appears this blockade is still being enforced by muscle car enthusiasts; so I am selling my restored convertible Trans Am to say I really do not like this, any working relationship, and am really not interested in any kind of chit-chat. Your private life, problems with Fox News, attending all night bashes at CPAC or after parties; and an atmosphere of total insanity and not policing anything is what is now making me sick. How about helping me get a part time job washing dishes while you are at these dinners and all night parties with influential conservative leaders Ann? What do you say...? This is why I wish to line them up on a wall and ask if they will finally write down everything they did or not. You look stupid now also! We all looks stupid because of this MF and enemy.

I am not and was never interested in any party girl, sorority girl, or have any interest policing this up or being in the middle of any female who is living her dream at age 50 or 20. I have asked you to focus on what is causing you and I to be so sick and to argue so much; however, you ignore my warnings and claim mysterious flu like symptoms by people who echo anything you do and say; then rub my face in it to spite me and make me sick or worried. I will say this again, they are not policing it and will not; what does that tell you? Exactly, dig in and prepare for more ferocity; I have to contact the office of hurricane and earthquakes and give their fixed position and new satellite warfare units; the echo chamber is copying satellite warfare also. About this rank and trying to hang on while being terminated; the evidence explains itself. I am glad things are good for you and this is what you wanted; are you done yet and can I leave? I am in the middle of all this and have severe financial problems; no police or security at all, surrounded by insane people who do not want to leave and echo back anything we say or do. There is no policing going on... understand, none... reason and logic is not going to work okay.

So how about it and putting an end to the alcoholic lifestyle? You can go on Red Eye with your "boys" and this media singles' club and tell me what all this sworn secrecy is all about and how many times I will complain about not hearing about these bashes or you being taken out. It is not what I want and we are growing apart; I asked you to stop and to help me with your recovery and speedy rise. Now look at what all of you are doing and done; pointing fingers back and forth again. What I want to know is if you lied to me or have; as a way to do anything so I would not leave or end our friendship. Again, if you are in or on your sick bed; how would you feel dealing with it? Why is it different with me and can you at least help me find a part time dish washing job while I try to force them to police this and unlock everything they have done. They did this to my car and I am fed up with it; I am selling my pride and joy; just tired of the constant meddling and dialogue with some invisible buddy or roommate. I want them to line up on the wall or start writing everything they did down and prepare for surrender; otherwise the hurricane and earthquake duty will be dead. I am glad you are having a blast and spending all night partying; can you help me get a dish washing position so I can fix my life and sell my one true love left, my car? Thanks buddy I hope it was a great weekend and you were surrounded by so many party seeking allies.

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.