Just so you and the lawyers, the federal authorities, and the office of hurricane and earthquakes know this; while you play this spy game and represent the Jews, banks, and the ultra left wing; my credit is impacted, my ability to get a job, pay my bills, seek medical attention, and acquire loans is severely impacted. Anything on my record from 1998 to 2011 is going to be placed on your lap while you play this game about what you can or cannot get away with. Meanwhile your PR team and lawyers are telling us to shut up, go away, leave you alone, and to agree to anything while you skirt around and hide everything. So the 1.5 billion dollars is why I am just showing the way you make it impossible to escape or the murderous intent you stalk VIPs and high value targets. Ultimately it is the federal government who refused to police this and left one door after the other open for you all to do this or gain access while you play more and more political charade with the lives of others. Now you cry and beg or go bannana insane in our life; still trying to make friends and expand; and just leaving a total disaster from being in power, running for office, coming to America, and this political game we discovered the hard way. So I hope the office of hurricane and earthquakes rips you and your political circus in pieces and leave you poor and destitute for the remainder of your life; we still disagree and there is a huge gap while you keep trying to make us agree or sympathize for your space cadet and pioneer nonsense. You all deserve the death penalty and I will seek it as your judgement while you give one excuse after the next about how corrupt you are and how you are the police. Stacked side by side the police and the office of hurricane and earthquakes is how insane and what kind of joke you are; but this is also your breed and genetics to never leave or step down. As far as the two and three star Generals behind this; we know they are servants of political rogues and communists; just like the mafia are and the doomed or damned who keep demanding money and jobs. Again, the question is who will fix this before God, the force of nature, or the office of hurricane and earthquakes rips this enemy to pieces? Who will fix this or will they just leave it the way it is and keep the pressure on us to shut up and go away; who did not or refused to take this enemy out or got in the way so we could not? So who will take them out or make them pay for the rest of their life?
1. Cannot buy a home.
2. Cannot get a job yet. I cannot get a loan. I cannot do things normal people are allowed while they claim I need the job or money. I need them and their leaders?
3. Keep suggesting it is the invisible hand of racism. This must be racism behind all of this failure and total lies.
4. Keep suggesting money and the market is the problem or aggressor. The aggressor is going to eat a hurricane and earthquake if they do not fix this; keep trying to win!
5. Keep trying to brainwash and make Ann and I agree with the liberals, Jews, Catholics, mafia, and labor unions who infest government, military missions, business enterprises, and lots more.
Now they blame Ann; yet Ann is between my happiness and hers; why is this traitor and enemy in the middle of it? Who are they barking at or do they need a war to fix this? Maybe they need much more than world war, satellite war, hurricane and earthquake duty, and God himself to come down to earth and destroy them? Now they claim we are safe and everything is okay; they will stop. They claim their lawyers are trying to sue and take us to court while their police find problems with our life, not the damned and doomed but our life and my life? Who do I sue and who is behind all of this? Why are they still employed and allowed to wage this war or spread more lies and propaganda? The question is who let them do this and who eventually stopped them or ended their career? Odd, I have my college reports on BCCI, terrorism, liberals, and the Democrats; and here they are now. All of it was banking related and investments; a Bernie Maddoff scam.
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