If heaven knocks, let the Brits and I know if you think you are royal or that special material that no others are? In the world of history and legends, we like to think that special gifts were with merits and a protected life is a gift and exclusive. So if it mean heaven or hell; can you tell the world or tell me what your answer is? Are you guilty as sin or have a really good explanation; her man was nearly killed and was taken hostage, self defense, improved PR and image, not cheap looking, going through unwanted attention from men that is a near death experience, looking stupid with them, escaped a murder plot and deadly stalking; and have a clear conscience. It is a choice between heaven and hell. There is a photo book, memories, and a trail of fire. All of it leads to me and I do not let anybody pass; the gate keeper. This caused tremendous short term problems and flurries and a stupor tsunami of kamikazes like bullying by upstairs and the peeping tom camera; very painful. The terrorists and communist hate royals; kidnap, torture, and kill them before. So we know the motives and the same rules applied. Are you just a cheap agent in a Bond movie or one in a million? Are you seeking love from me or not if it meant heaven or hell? Do you want marriage counseling or to date black men exclusively so your PR and photo ops help your politics? There are better ways to do things, don't you agree. I like the guillotine if you must know or want the truth.
I had just wrote a wonderful "McCarthy Plot" for you and kept asking you what the hell you were doing flying back and forth to LA after death threats from Steyn and the Jews-liberals. Is this another death threat or how you wish to say thank you or return the kindness; thanks buddy. How insulting, at the Sony Studios? My family works in the executive level and I find this the ultimate insult; glad you had your say... I held it a family event or close to my life. Thanks Ms. McCarthy and Cold Warrior... classy act. My fucking brother works for Sony in the executive department, thanks. Do you have a family member who works there because most guys would dump a girl who did this stuff or brags about Restoration Weekends while she lives a homey nun life. Let me guess, you are upset because you had to wait for me and will wait forever?

CULVER CITY, CA - APRIL 17: Ann Coulter and Jimmy J.J. Walker are seen in the gift lounge at the 8th Annual TV Land Awards at Sony Studios on April 1, 2010 in Culver City, California (Photo by Amy Graves/PictureGroup) via AP IMAGES
CULVER CITY, CA - APRIL 17: Ann Coulter and Jimmy J.J. Walker are seen in the gift lounge at the 8th Annual TV Land Awards at Sony Studios on April 1, 2010 in Culver City, California (Photo by Amy Graves/PictureGroup) via AP IMAGES
Response: I agree, you are going to hell for causing so much pain and suffering on the one person who makes life happy for you and who gave you the gift of love, life, and memories. When you make them suffer in a cruel or unnecessary manner, then pretend it was not serious or intentional; you should look at God and make your peace; do not demand forgiveness. So I agree, you may burn in hell and you said you are going to hell; so tell me if you wish me to save you from your purgatory? This was not your fault, but you could have prevented it instead of saying you will wait forever and how much you love me. Thanks buddy... i love you also. I do everything for you, try my hardest under the worst of conditions, ask no thanks, and am left with trauma by my best friend in life. God is who you need to make peace with even if you did nothing wrong or caused me to suffer much more than needed. Those Christian values and conservative leadership at work like usual; bringing peace to this world and making America stronger and stronger! Bring back the royalty; we need relief! At least you know you are in purgatory Ann and beat the devil at their own game; saved the man you love from death and misery.
To finish off your enemies, you used my love to prove how well you had managed your life while I suffered; but you proved your point and knew I would not walk away. So they exploited this and made it three times as bad and you pleaded to me how we are partners and so close; claimed how mad you were at them, and asked me to forgive you. I have not and you know, as smart as you are, no man would tolerate this or so much humility; than we shared this also because it must have been so good also on your end watching this end. What you did caused your enemies to make it three times as bad on me; meanwhile you waited forever and proved this but are going to hell. Now you know you killed your best friend of a broken heart and seek mercy. You will burn in hell in some way because of how you feel inside; but you claim it is the pain you felt that made it justified; to save me or break me free and give something back for our old life. As smart as I am; I cannot come to terms still; I must see more and you have asked for one last face to face to make it right or lay it out; every single minute of your life and detail; 1 on 1. So you hid this while mirroring my life; you knew I would never approve or forgive you; now you ask I understand and the pain and sorrow you are in; just waiting and risking all your dreams.
You are a smart lady to know what pain and suffering means and how to share it. I understand your pain is twice as mine. How you have waited your life and got it stolen and your soccer mom dreams destroyed. That is war. I do love you but I do not understand; why you have done this and call me your buddy or only reason to live on this earth. So yes, you caused more pain and suffering than your enemies may have and forever. Do you want marriage counseling or a nervous breakdown and severe depression? Do you want marriage counseling or to do photo ops about dating black men exclusively? Do you want to impress royals or save their life only? To heal you must make peace with God; then you can make peace or seek forgiveness with me; you did neither. You lived through me and relied on me to save your soul or else you would perish; you knew after 20 years I would never ever walk away and thus the pain and suffering double, tripled while I was fighting for my life and you. So now I am terrified of you and you live as if you are happy and found love and peace on earth. I worry, I am paranoid, and I have told you to cry about it and know you cannot do this; review 2008 and the "killed my best friend confessions." It got bad Ann, but thanks buddy for the memories; so are you royal material and one in a million?
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