Have you seen Jan, Catherine, and Holly on the Bo Limbaugh Show? Listen to them and what they tried to say! You got to listen to Jan first, then Catherine, and oh my god, Holly! Got to on Acorn Day! Rush calls it "desegregation money" and Bo calls it "paying back those who got him elected." Today was so awesome again! http://getthehelloutofmy.blogspot.com/
This god damn dip shit has no idea why I have to have lawyers petition the Pentagon, be placed on special assignment, and carry automatic weapons now. They think we just get this idea for no reason and have to arm to the teeth for no reason or must wear armor and wait for more of this or how incredible they are. Let me guess, we are paranoid, crazy, and mentally ill; that is the reason and why we will be carrying weapons after we lock them up for life and sue them for all they have.. what a total idiot. The reason why I am asking my lawyers to put me on "full battle" status is I am under attack, ambushed, have death threats, and some predator on a spy camera. It is not because they are friends, associates, employees, staff, or looking for jobs. Why does Ann wear armor or carry a concealed also? Even starving them does not work.
(It started in 1988 at Georgetown and a few parties because of Chris Liebig. Then it led to Bush and Danish D'Zhousa. And then it got insane...)
BMW Puts New Spin on Old Trick [video]
Stealin QB In Accident: June 14, 2006 8:20 AM

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