UPDATE: So I know the bad guys are reading this and I will warning them clearly. If you keep me hear and try to get your max miles or keep the pain and suffering up daily; I will make sure you understand how scrumptious you are to a black man in prison and how big of a pain in the ass you can have it your way. My goal is to take your spy ring and terror plot out; you keep this ongoing and refuse to refund my rent, my medical problems, and just keep the daily insanity of us wishing to mate with you or the pain and suffering of over 20 years and I promise to speak to the BOP and feds about how you make an excellent prison bitch and how forceful you can truly be as a sex offender and peeping tom. So if that is not a threat, then I do not know what is, do not get arrested; you have a way of trying to make others surrender and we have a way of breaking your bread in two and ripping you a new hole in your head. Every single day and each time I increase it by one million is a signature to how your prison life will be. Also, my medical complications must be worth it and our happiness and peace of mind must be worth the wrath and war path; really brite you F'in lunatic and moron; all to win and inflict as much pain and suffering as humanly possible when wrong and defeated; nice future and life coming your way. I have a judgment and protection order; so I dare those celebrities to invite themselves in our iffy life in the future and get a royal smack; I do not mind explaining why. You better surrender honorably or vow not to be captured alive okay you F'in honky coon tard? Leave her alone and let her screw up her life... I will deal with Ann myself.

The worst part of this is how they see themselves; how they see or view us; this constant and ongoing effort to mate with us; and the sensation of a a complete jackass and total insult of a coon ass Irishman or Catholic. Per Diem we have to do as they say or wish; the worst and most rotten on this earth who is scared of the Vietnamese or wish to clone the genetics of the most powerful, smartest, and royals. The Vietnamese fought every superpower; and so did the Americans and Presbyterian; so this was a total and complete insult by a cockroach and sucker; the ultimate coon MF; and here they are laying in wait for us. It is humiliating and a complete insult by a trash ridden ^%^%*(*&(*(_)_). Who are they? The Jews, The Democrats, rotten immigrants, union labor, bullies, coon ass police unions, dippy academics, and a host of forceful sex offenders. They keep impersonating us, interceding, trying to get closer, steal our voice, speak when uninvited, and play this game of defiance and superiority. What a effin commie and a total moronic lunatic; who is offended now? Super or phony soldiers?
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