1. Acting as my landlord, abducted parents, or circumventing trespassing (Ryan the singer) laws by renting in the same building all "constitute a deliberate, malicious, and vindictive" on growing effort to intimidate, tamper, obstruct, or trump up a life that is now in suicide mode upon indictment and federal charges.
2. Failure to address or relief any of this with hindsight or in the pejorative; clearly indicates a criminal determination, malice, and near homicidal effort. It is call a "game of death" in spy lingo or terrorist-gang cultures.
3. Trying to tamper with the case or suggest continuation of this following the civil and criminal lawsuits warrants the death penalty and severe restrictions of all immediate family members or associates; no less liquidation of their assets and estates.
The following excerpt was taken from "GOD HATES JUDGES" by Ann Coulter on April 7, 2010:
"But if a group of lunatics standing outside the funeral of a fallen American serviceman with hateful signs about the deceased does not constitute intentional infliction of emotional distress, then there is no such tort recognizable in America anymore.The protesters weren't publishing their views in a magazine, announcing them on a "Morning Zoo" radio program, proclaiming them on some fringe outlet like "Countdown With Keith Olbermann" -– or even standing on a random street corner. Their protest was held outside a funeral for the specific purpose of causing pain to the deceased's loved ones. But the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals noticed that the cult's malicious signs contained words, and that words are "speech" ... which is protected by the First Amendment! (Or was it the Seventh?) Anyway, that was basically the end of the court's analysis. True, speech will often be involved in inflicting emotional distress on someone, say, for example, standing outside a funeral with signs that say "God Hates You!" Similarly, words are used in committing treason ("The Americans are over here!"), robbery ("Your money or your life!") and sexual harassment ("Have sex with me or you're fired."). Copyright law prohibits speech that uses someone else's words, and insider trading and trade-secrets laws prohibit the use of words revealing insider information or trade secrets. The fact that "speech" was involved in the Fred Phelps cult's assault on Matthew Snyder's funeral is a mundane and irrelevant fact. The question is: Did that speech constitute intentional infliction of emotional distress? Hey, look! That reasonable man over there is nodding his head "yes." If so, the First Amendment is as irrelevant as it is to a copyright law violation. Last week in Massachusetts, nine teenagers were criminally charged with cyberbullying, based in part on malicious postings about the victim on their Facebook pages. Thanks to idiot lawyers, who think it makes them sound smart to say "Black is white" and "Up is down," one of the biggest problems in society today is the refusal to draw lines. Here's a nice bright line: Holding malevolent signs outside the funeral of an American serviceman who died defending his country constitutes intentional infliction of emotional distress."
The bottom line is as follows; who has the "right of way" in a living arrangement and why? This is clearly an attempt to wage war on the legal and military authors of American history and her future:
1. This living arrangement and problem with the left wing is easily traceable and clear or present danger. How it got this way is logical and scientifically explainable. Now we are held hostage, in some full court press prison, must seek approval, and kept in a position of vulnerability and held down illegally. The quality of my work and leadership is not in dispute. We live in revolutionary times and there is a particular character that is the brunt of anger, criticism, and known to be a trouble maker. It is no time for grandstanding or for this liberal and left wing idiot to make confident demands. We live in revolutionary times and seek the right people so the wrong ones are expelled. The letters by protesters sent to legislators, "if you do not step down, you will be removed" is not a threatening letter. If it indicates direct and vivid physical force; then it is a death threat. If it is vague or symbolic; then it is only scary. However, if you send a letter and say "go to this site" or "attend this event is mandatory" then that is an order. If you turn on the radio and you hear the radio host say "I will kill your wife" and you have had an incident or it is directed at you specifically; that is not a threat it is Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity. They do not and will not say "I will kill your dog Auggie" they will say "the dog does not eat dog food anymore does he?" You can direct a response to him if he says that because it is provoking a fight and demands a degree of deterrence or self defense. If you charge him with stalking, slander, and harassment; you have to prove a long, arduous, difficult, and how you caught him. The same with accusing him of communism or terrorism; the burden of proof is on you but you cannot say "if you do not step down, I will come after you"; they are the ones pursuing or was caught stalking; so retaliation and repelling their attacks is the immediate action; this is justifiable so long as their attention is focused and threatening a loved one or victim. This is how you circumvent the laws and extort ransom because we know it is a terrorist plot and a hostage standoff.
2. If a public servant refuses to step down, is guilty, is not in good standing with the public, perceives themselves as irreplaceable or important, acts in error, blames others for perceived threats and dangers, and acts in either malicious or false manners; their relationship with law enforcement declines and can become violent; even career ending. The question is the "relationship" with law enforcement and the motive behind the threat. Is the person a liar and on a crime spree? Is the person trusted or only trying to defraud the public? Is the person trustworthy enough to weld power or command militaries; where their actions lead to widespread death and destruction? Does the person show a level head maturity and mental stability to carry a firearm or are they merely creating a facade and story to slander their opponents or those who disagree? When you are damned, act in gross error, Jewish or Catholic, without education, or not a permanent structure; you always run the risk of corrective action or reform. How you deal with it and how you practice restraint is solely up to whether or not you can hire, fire, or choose life events that are meaningful to your career. So if I or an anonymous person write you a letter and say, "If you do not leave in two weeks, I will fire you." It is wise to beef us security but not wise to pick a fight or entangle with the enemy; they will claim their attendance is mandatory and yours is unwanted. We are dealing with the enemy of mankind and America; here to do no good or improve anyone's life; only their own future. Both the State of New York and Virginia did the exact damn thing to me; but we caught the principles behind it all.
3. America was formed in the 1600s to escape the Catholic Church, corruption, persecution, and severe abuse; one such group were the Huguenots of France. Now the church terrorizes America and we are not sure what to say or do when it comes to an end. America was founded on Protestant principles and a respect for the rights of human beings; however, this is an outrage and it must end. Nobody has to call it Protestant vs. Catholic, they just need to look upstairs, at Rush and Sean, and how they treat military commanders, leaders, their superior, victims, or the focus of all this hijinx and angst against them. It began as 100 million and grew to 520 million as they see no end or escape to communism, invasion, or pure lunacy. We caught them and this is how they treat and attack the defense of this world, the origin of America, her future, the fate of this world, and Armageddon. Hey, start with the truth and end this now. So why is the freedom of religion and peaceful assembly being challenged by the Constitution? Now they wish to slander immigration, welfare policy, and everything America was created to protect and protest. They will to control and command the largest military base on this earth and have met the last shooting match on earth or the creators of it while being schooled.
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